Heart of Malice (Alice Worth Book 1)

Kindle Edition
26 Jun
The first time Moses Murphy’s granddaughter killed on his orders, she was six years old. For twenty years, she was a prisoner of an organized crime syndicate, forced to use her magic to make Moses the most powerful and feared man on the East Coast. To escape his cruelty, she faked her own death and started a new life as Alice Worth. As a private investigator specializing in cases involving the supernatural, Alice walks a precarious line between atoning for the sins of her grandfather’s cabal and keeping her true identity hidden. Hired to investigate the disappearance of a mysterious object of power, Alice enlists the help of Malcolm, a ghost running from a past as nightmarish as her own. It soon becomes clear the missing object was taken by someone with a dangerous secret and an unknown agenda. When her client is kidnapped, Alice must find her and the object of power before a vengeful killer destroys the city and slaughters thousands—starting with Alice.

Reviews (197)

Taking a risk has its rewards.

***4.5 Stars*** I received a friend request on Goodreads the other day, and while I was checking out her profile I came across a book that caught my eye. Now the cover, while not perfect, was very eye-catching. A strong woman with determination in her eyes has a flash of green fire wrapped around her. The background looks a little dark and gloomy which makes the green fire POP. Now, I won’t say that a cover will make or break a book, but if my attention is grabbed and the blurb is interesting, I’m more than willing to look a little closer. Hmmm…a new author? Hmmm…it’s on NetGalley? Hmmm…a strong heroine, an Alpha shapeshifting werewolf hero, a ghost for a sidekick and a mission that is a race against time? SOLD TO THE SASSY READER, who can’t resist stepping into a world full of magic, lust and adventure. So, I took a risk on a new author and I’m so bloody glad I did. There is NOTHING better than finding a fantastic new paranormal series. Lisa Edmonds has started a series that grabbed and held my attention. What made it even more amazing is that I didn’t suffer the dreaded boring, dull, snooze-worthy, introduction to a new world. I have been known to struggle with stories that tell me all about the magic, rules, characters and world. Heart of Malice successfully shows me the new world as it’s experienced. With a little info here…and a little info there, I wasn’t bombarded all at once and I got to see it all live and in action. SUCCESS!! Now, it turns out our new author happens to be a brainiac (in the best possible way). She actually teaches both writing and literature courses. I hope she teaches as she writes because it gives me hope for authors of the future. Alice is not one to take risks when it comes to her privacy and letting people in. We meet Alice as she hunts down a demon. Things don’t exactly go to plan but at least she’s alive and ready to fight another day. Alice is a private investigator who also happens to be a mage. She uses her powers to help people, while also trying to avoid run-ins with SPEMA (Supernatural and Paranormal Entity Management Agency). Unfortunately, her altercation with the demon brought her face to face with two agents of SPEMA, and that is NOT what Alice wants or needs. We are lead to understand pretty quickly that Alice likes to keep on the down low and bring as little attention to herself as she can. With a little sweet talking…of the abrupt and straightforward kind, Alice manages to avoid being taken in. From the introduction, we work out that Alice has strong abilities that she seems to want to hide. What follows is learning more about Alice, why she is keeping secrets and how she comes to meet her partner in crime, Malcolm the ghost. We also meet Charles the manipulative vampire who wants to suck her blood, and her new client Natalie, who I really hope to see in future stories as well. Alice has a few more ‘friends’ but I think they’re more acquaintances. Their dedication to Charles (their boss), makes any loyalty to Alice non-existent. My favourite additional character is Sean. Oh, my lordy. I loved meeting the strong, sexy, Alpha Werewolf who started out as a one-night thing, that turned into something more. Seriously, this guy won my heart from the very start. He is growly, possessive, understanding and sweet…just the way I like them. There is a time in the story where his loyalty and feelings for Alice are questioned but I never doubted him. Well, paranormal romance lovers, I can confirm that I have found a WINNER! Alice Worth is one cool character and I can’t wait to see what adventure she’s up to next. My fingers are crossed that Sean stays in her life, Charles backs the hell off and Malcolm gets to hang around a bit more before he heads to the afterlife.


Alice Worth is a Paranormal PI, and a mage of talent, one whose past is behind her, right where she wants it to be. When she gets a new client, she finds herself dealing with a ghost, an untrained magic wielded, and both the vampires and werewolves in town… and her past isn’t staying precisely where she would like it to be! This is a great Urban Fantasy. Alice is a character of mystery, with a past that makes the reader sympathise with the choices she makes. The side characters are almost as interesting as she is, and make for a much more intriguing book. There’s plenty of action, a mystery or two, as well as magical mayhem… and while the book did clear the case by the end, there are a few loose ends that might just make their way into subsequent books. Though it does feature a mystery, I will qualify that with the point that this is quite a bit grittier than your average cosy paranormal mystery, so be warned. And enjoyable and magical read for urban fantasy and paranormal mystery fans.

solid, tropey, steamy UF with magic user PI hiding away from powerful magic family

I did not have high expectations of this one based on the over-preponderance of magic hands women on the cover of UF and PR these days, and also because I am sometimes prejudiced against small publishers (despite being published by a small press myself) but someone on a reader group recommended it-- and so I am now hooked. Magic user in hiding from evil magic people? Triangle-ish love interests with vampire and shifter? Spurns help and must do everything by herself? Can withstand extensive trauma and still keep chugging along? All males seem to love her? Check, check, and check with all these standard tropes....but.....Alice Worth the seemingly mid-level air/earth magic PI takes those well worn tropes and doesn't do anything crazy like spin them around in twisty ways, just does a gosh darn good old-fashioned job of creating a readable story with them. It's solid. No surprises, yet the journey along that well-trod path is fun. Alice is running away from a horrific past wherein she was forced to use her powers for ill. All of a sudden she has a ghost friend and is hit on by a shifter....just as she is caught up in a seemingly simple case brought to her by a young woman in regards to stolen books from a dead grandmother's library that ends up being about hidden blood mages and suppressed powers. Alice investigates, and stubbornly is pulled along into friendship by her two new friends: the helpful ghost and the hot shifter. Alot of the romantic tension is brought along (and there is absolutely some steam here folks) by Alice resisting getting close to anyone or allowing them to help her and the sexy shifter trying to negotiate his overwhelming urge to protect without stepping on her free will. Good, solid emotional stuff. I went ahead and bought the next in the series instantly at the end, and not because of cliffhangers, folks, the story wraps up nicely in the first book, but because the story also introduced all kinds of potential conflicts and other baddies. Excellent UF/PR for folks who like magic, shifters, and ye olde vampire high courts.

Great start to a new Urban Fantasy series

I've been searching for a new series to read. Something that can hold my attention but I swear, my kindle is filled with so many samples of books that are just lacking in quality and depth. Then came this novel! Lisa Edmonds series starts off in a pretty modern world mixed in with your typical supernatural beings. The catch that locks you in is how she describes magic in this world. Our main character, Alice, is a mage with an affinity of two types of elements. This is not uncommon for mages. But as the story goes on we realize there is so much more to Alice than meets the eye. Alice is a sort of mystical P.I. She helps solve cases for people that need a bit of unusual help. She is thoroughly skilled with her spells which hints from time to time about her sordid and dark past. Alice finds a ghost thrust upon her in which she makes the best situation possible out of it: a mutual friendship. A type of companion that can help her with her cases and magic. Malcolm is an interesting character who also has a past and perhaps some connection to Alice. Ghosts don't get assigned to humans willy-nilly. There's usually a reason behind it. This tidbit is not uncovered in the first novel which leaves some speculation for the future. Our m/c and her ghostly companion take on a case for a young lady and soon find themselves buried in intrigue, mystery, and maybe a little in over their heads! It was a great plot, a typical recipe that spells success for most urban fantasy novels. Along the way Alice uncovers more mysteries about herself, a particularly cold and determined Agent by the name of Agent Lake, a werewolf who tends to be a little overprotective and attached to Alice even though he's only recently met her. Not to mention a vampire leader with whom she treads carefully with as vampires are not ones to be crossed with! Alice, Malcolm, and Sean work on this case that seemed almost simple but you soon learn that nothing is simple with Alice. I am looking forward to more adventures and finding out more about all of these distinct characters. What I did not particularly like was how Alice had her guard up for a reason. She's on the run and for very good reasons. Her grandfather would rather kill her than set her free. But when it came to Sean, she was almost TOO trusting. But Lisa Edmonds tries to justify this by expressing through Alice how alone she has been for so long. So the moment she lets her guard down... If you are looking for a fun and mysterious novel packed with urban fantasy elements, and lots of danger, you will want to read this. If you are a fan of the Alex Craft novels or Kate Daniel novels then I think you may like this.

A tough, intelligent heroine who can self-rescue but is smart enough to have backup when necessary

It's not often I give a 5-star rating to a book, but this one is stellar for its genre, especially for being on the Kindle Unlimited shelf. I always like a tough, intelligent heroine who can self-rescue but is smart enough to have backup when necessary, and we have that here with Alice. She gets knocked down, but she gets up again. While she does end up with a romantic interest, he does not take over her position as the lead or cause her to suddenly become a moron because of hormones. The mystery itself is a good one, keeps your interest throughout, and is resolved in the single book. There is foreshadowing of the continuing story and challenges to come, but no gotcha cliffhanger. Editing is good, nothing to interrupt the flow. worldbuilding and character development is also very good. All in all a very good story that keeps you engaged and caring for what's going to happen next. I look forward to reading the next book(s) in the series.

A debut novel that stuns with its imagination and craft

Because I read and review many books, I receive many unsolicited requests from new writers to review their first novels. I decline such requests as a matter of policy – if word were to get around that I respond positively to such requests, I’d be buried in them -- but even if it weren’t my policy, in the usual case first novels from indie writers have quite a lot wrong with them, and I can’t bring myself to write an insincere favorable review. (I can’t bring myself to hurt a fledgling novelist with a strongly negative one. I’m a writer too. We were all virgins once.) So it’s better for all concerned if I pass them by. Lisa Edmonds DID NOT request this review. “Heart of Malice” simply bowled me over. It’s been a very long time since a first novel in the urban-fantasy subgenre impressed me as this one did. Urban fantasy is a field badly marred by repetition. Everyone makes use of the same motifs: vampires, werewolves, magic, ghosts, the occasional demon or zombie. Very few bring anything new to those old ideas. “Heart of Malice” is exceptional in that regard...but not in that one alone. Yes, we have the all-too-familiar “tough chick / loner” protagonist who dislikes to be helped and distrusts by default. Yes, we have the obligatory romantic thread. But Miss Edmonds’s handling of those seemingly mandatory elements – at least, they appear to be mandatory in books from FEMALE urban-fantasy novelists – was surprisingly fresh, well founded, and not overdone. Indeed, the backstory – the injection of which I must also compliment; it’s seldom done as well as I’ve seen it here – was among the brightest of the novel’s gems. It gave me a sense that Miss Edmonds had put serious imaginative work into her world, its institutions, and the tensions among them. The fundamental elements of a good story were present: a strong, adequately complex plot, excellent characterization, and a clean narrative style, There was no obvious theme, though as this is undoubtedly the first book of a series, that element might yet develop as we follow Alice Worth through her adventures. A word of warning: The story arc must have Alice facing down her murderous grandfather at some point. Moreover, as that aspect of the character is her formative primary, the series must end after that showdown is over. The world can be reused, but the Alice Worth-as-protagonist story arc should come to an unambiguous end. Too many urban-fantasy novelists can’t seem to grasp that critical point when the story arc is COMPLETE and must be put to rest. If Miss Edmonds avoids that pitfall, she’ll have impressed me an order of magnitude more. Five well-earned stars, and I hope the sequel is available soon.


This book was awesome and fast paced. Action and more action. Poor Alice gets caught over and over in the foibles of others as she’s untangles a mystery. Love the mystery. Subtle foreshadowing and I didn’t guess the bad guy(s?). Don’t want to put any spoilers bc who likes that before they read the book. Just poor manners that. Anyways an epic read and I can’t wait to read the next one.


Absolutely adore the characters, fully fleshed out and kick butt. Finished in less than a day, can't wait to move onto the next.

great read

I have given many reviews but most of them have not been favorable. Except for a slight disjointed hiccup (seemed to skip ahead in the plot without any buildup) at the beginning this was an enjoyable read. The rest of the book’s plot was great and flowed nicely. I really liked the characters and thought the storyline was great. I have already moved on to book 2. If you know me, if I don’t like the first book I do not read the second. I hope this review helps anyone who might be thinking about reading this book. I would recommend the first one at least


I am really happy about stumbling across this delightful book. The world building is really good and the cast of characters are well thought out and well written. This is definitely a series I plan to dive into.

Taking a risk has its rewards.

***4.5 Stars*** I received a friend request on Goodreads the other day, and while I was checking out her profile I came across a book that caught my eye. Now the cover, while not perfect, was very eye-catching. A strong woman with determination in her eyes has a flash of green fire wrapped around her. The background looks a little dark and gloomy which makes the green fire POP. Now, I won’t say that a cover will make or break a book, but if my attention is grabbed and the blurb is interesting, I’m more than willing to look a little closer. Hmmm…a new author? Hmmm…it’s on NetGalley? Hmmm…a strong heroine, an Alpha shapeshifting werewolf hero, a ghost for a sidekick and a mission that is a race against time? SOLD TO THE SASSY READER, who can’t resist stepping into a world full of magic, lust and adventure. So, I took a risk on a new author and I’m so bloody glad I did. There is NOTHING better than finding a fantastic new paranormal series. Lisa Edmonds has started a series that grabbed and held my attention. What made it even more amazing is that I didn’t suffer the dreaded boring, dull, snooze-worthy, introduction to a new world. I have been known to struggle with stories that tell me all about the magic, rules, characters and world. Heart of Malice successfully shows me the new world as it’s experienced. With a little info here…and a little info there, I wasn’t bombarded all at once and I got to see it all live and in action. SUCCESS!! Now, it turns out our new author happens to be a brainiac (in the best possible way). She actually teaches both writing and literature courses. I hope she teaches as she writes because it gives me hope for authors of the future. Alice is not one to take risks when it comes to her privacy and letting people in. We meet Alice as she hunts down a demon. Things don’t exactly go to plan but at least she’s alive and ready to fight another day. Alice is a private investigator who also happens to be a mage. She uses her powers to help people, while also trying to avoid run-ins with SPEMA (Supernatural and Paranormal Entity Management Agency). Unfortunately, her altercation with the demon brought her face to face with two agents of SPEMA, and that is NOT what Alice wants or needs. We are lead to understand pretty quickly that Alice likes to keep on the down low and bring as little attention to herself as she can. With a little sweet talking…of the abrupt and straightforward kind, Alice manages to avoid being taken in. From the introduction, we work out that Alice has strong abilities that she seems to want to hide. What follows is learning more about Alice, why she is keeping secrets and how she comes to meet her partner in crime, Malcolm the ghost. We also meet Charles the manipulative vampire who wants to suck her blood, and her new client Natalie, who I really hope to see in future stories as well. Alice has a few more ‘friends’ but I think they’re more acquaintances. Their dedication to Charles (their boss), makes any loyalty to Alice non-existent. My favourite additional character is Sean. Oh, my lordy. I loved meeting the strong, sexy, Alpha Werewolf who started out as a one-night thing, that turned into something more. Seriously, this guy won my heart from the very start. He is growly, possessive, understanding and sweet…just the way I like them. There is a time in the story where his loyalty and feelings for Alice are questioned but I never doubted him. Well, paranormal romance lovers, I can confirm that I have found a WINNER! Alice Worth is one cool character and I can’t wait to see what adventure she’s up to next. My fingers are crossed that Sean stays in her life, Charles backs the hell off and Malcolm gets to hang around a bit more before he heads to the afterlife.


Alice Worth is a Paranormal PI, and a mage of talent, one whose past is behind her, right where she wants it to be. When she gets a new client, she finds herself dealing with a ghost, an untrained magic wielded, and both the vampires and werewolves in town… and her past isn’t staying precisely where she would like it to be! This is a great Urban Fantasy. Alice is a character of mystery, with a past that makes the reader sympathise with the choices she makes. The side characters are almost as interesting as she is, and make for a much more intriguing book. There’s plenty of action, a mystery or two, as well as magical mayhem… and while the book did clear the case by the end, there are a few loose ends that might just make their way into subsequent books. Though it does feature a mystery, I will qualify that with the point that this is quite a bit grittier than your average cosy paranormal mystery, so be warned. And enjoyable and magical read for urban fantasy and paranormal mystery fans.

solid, tropey, steamy UF with magic user PI hiding away from powerful magic family

I did not have high expectations of this one based on the over-preponderance of magic hands women on the cover of UF and PR these days, and also because I am sometimes prejudiced against small publishers (despite being published by a small press myself) but someone on a reader group recommended it-- and so I am now hooked. Magic user in hiding from evil magic people? Triangle-ish love interests with vampire and shifter? Spurns help and must do everything by herself? Can withstand extensive trauma and still keep chugging along? All males seem to love her? Check, check, and check with all these standard tropes....but.....Alice Worth the seemingly mid-level air/earth magic PI takes those well worn tropes and doesn't do anything crazy like spin them around in twisty ways, just does a gosh darn good old-fashioned job of creating a readable story with them. It's solid. No surprises, yet the journey along that well-trod path is fun. Alice is running away from a horrific past wherein she was forced to use her powers for ill. All of a sudden she has a ghost friend and is hit on by a shifter....just as she is caught up in a seemingly simple case brought to her by a young woman in regards to stolen books from a dead grandmother's library that ends up being about hidden blood mages and suppressed powers. Alice investigates, and stubbornly is pulled along into friendship by her two new friends: the helpful ghost and the hot shifter. Alot of the romantic tension is brought along (and there is absolutely some steam here folks) by Alice resisting getting close to anyone or allowing them to help her and the sexy shifter trying to negotiate his overwhelming urge to protect without stepping on her free will. Good, solid emotional stuff. I went ahead and bought the next in the series instantly at the end, and not because of cliffhangers, folks, the story wraps up nicely in the first book, but because the story also introduced all kinds of potential conflicts and other baddies. Excellent UF/PR for folks who like magic, shifters, and ye olde vampire high courts.

Great start to a new Urban Fantasy series

I've been searching for a new series to read. Something that can hold my attention but I swear, my kindle is filled with so many samples of books that are just lacking in quality and depth. Then came this novel! Lisa Edmonds series starts off in a pretty modern world mixed in with your typical supernatural beings. The catch that locks you in is how she describes magic in this world. Our main character, Alice, is a mage with an affinity of two types of elements. This is not uncommon for mages. But as the story goes on we realize there is so much more to Alice than meets the eye. Alice is a sort of mystical P.I. She helps solve cases for people that need a bit of unusual help. She is thoroughly skilled with her spells which hints from time to time about her sordid and dark past. Alice finds a ghost thrust upon her in which she makes the best situation possible out of it: a mutual friendship. A type of companion that can help her with her cases and magic. Malcolm is an interesting character who also has a past and perhaps some connection to Alice. Ghosts don't get assigned to humans willy-nilly. There's usually a reason behind it. This tidbit is not uncovered in the first novel which leaves some speculation for the future. Our m/c and her ghostly companion take on a case for a young lady and soon find themselves buried in intrigue, mystery, and maybe a little in over their heads! It was a great plot, a typical recipe that spells success for most urban fantasy novels. Along the way Alice uncovers more mysteries about herself, a particularly cold and determined Agent by the name of Agent Lake, a werewolf who tends to be a little overprotective and attached to Alice even though he's only recently met her. Not to mention a vampire leader with whom she treads carefully with as vampires are not ones to be crossed with! Alice, Malcolm, and Sean work on this case that seemed almost simple but you soon learn that nothing is simple with Alice. I am looking forward to more adventures and finding out more about all of these distinct characters. What I did not particularly like was how Alice had her guard up for a reason. She's on the run and for very good reasons. Her grandfather would rather kill her than set her free. But when it came to Sean, she was almost TOO trusting. But Lisa Edmonds tries to justify this by expressing through Alice how alone she has been for so long. So the moment she lets her guard down... If you are looking for a fun and mysterious novel packed with urban fantasy elements, and lots of danger, you will want to read this. If you are a fan of the Alex Craft novels or Kate Daniel novels then I think you may like this.

A tough, intelligent heroine who can self-rescue but is smart enough to have backup when necessary

It's not often I give a 5-star rating to a book, but this one is stellar for its genre, especially for being on the Kindle Unlimited shelf. I always like a tough, intelligent heroine who can self-rescue but is smart enough to have backup when necessary, and we have that here with Alice. She gets knocked down, but she gets up again. While she does end up with a romantic interest, he does not take over her position as the lead or cause her to suddenly become a moron because of hormones. The mystery itself is a good one, keeps your interest throughout, and is resolved in the single book. There is foreshadowing of the continuing story and challenges to come, but no gotcha cliffhanger. Editing is good, nothing to interrupt the flow. worldbuilding and character development is also very good. All in all a very good story that keeps you engaged and caring for what's going to happen next. I look forward to reading the next book(s) in the series.

A debut novel that stuns with its imagination and craft

Because I read and review many books, I receive many unsolicited requests from new writers to review their first novels. I decline such requests as a matter of policy – if word were to get around that I respond positively to such requests, I’d be buried in them -- but even if it weren’t my policy, in the usual case first novels from indie writers have quite a lot wrong with them, and I can’t bring myself to write an insincere favorable review. (I can’t bring myself to hurt a fledgling novelist with a strongly negative one. I’m a writer too. We were all virgins once.) So it’s better for all concerned if I pass them by. Lisa Edmonds DID NOT request this review. “Heart of Malice” simply bowled me over. It’s been a very long time since a first novel in the urban-fantasy subgenre impressed me as this one did. Urban fantasy is a field badly marred by repetition. Everyone makes use of the same motifs: vampires, werewolves, magic, ghosts, the occasional demon or zombie. Very few bring anything new to those old ideas. “Heart of Malice” is exceptional in that regard...but not in that one alone. Yes, we have the all-too-familiar “tough chick / loner” protagonist who dislikes to be helped and distrusts by default. Yes, we have the obligatory romantic thread. But Miss Edmonds’s handling of those seemingly mandatory elements – at least, they appear to be mandatory in books from FEMALE urban-fantasy novelists – was surprisingly fresh, well founded, and not overdone. Indeed, the backstory – the injection of which I must also compliment; it’s seldom done as well as I’ve seen it here – was among the brightest of the novel’s gems. It gave me a sense that Miss Edmonds had put serious imaginative work into her world, its institutions, and the tensions among them. The fundamental elements of a good story were present: a strong, adequately complex plot, excellent characterization, and a clean narrative style, There was no obvious theme, though as this is undoubtedly the first book of a series, that element might yet develop as we follow Alice Worth through her adventures. A word of warning: The story arc must have Alice facing down her murderous grandfather at some point. Moreover, as that aspect of the character is her formative primary, the series must end after that showdown is over. The world can be reused, but the Alice Worth-as-protagonist story arc should come to an unambiguous end. Too many urban-fantasy novelists can’t seem to grasp that critical point when the story arc is COMPLETE and must be put to rest. If Miss Edmonds avoids that pitfall, she’ll have impressed me an order of magnitude more. Five well-earned stars, and I hope the sequel is available soon.


This book was awesome and fast paced. Action and more action. Poor Alice gets caught over and over in the foibles of others as she’s untangles a mystery. Love the mystery. Subtle foreshadowing and I didn’t guess the bad guy(s?). Don’t want to put any spoilers bc who likes that before they read the book. Just poor manners that. Anyways an epic read and I can’t wait to read the next one.


Absolutely adore the characters, fully fleshed out and kick butt. Finished in less than a day, can't wait to move onto the next.

great read

I have given many reviews but most of them have not been favorable. Except for a slight disjointed hiccup (seemed to skip ahead in the plot without any buildup) at the beginning this was an enjoyable read. The rest of the book’s plot was great and flowed nicely. I really liked the characters and thought the storyline was great. I have already moved on to book 2. If you know me, if I don’t like the first book I do not read the second. I hope this review helps anyone who might be thinking about reading this book. I would recommend the first one at least


I am really happy about stumbling across this delightful book. The world building is really good and the cast of characters are well thought out and well written. This is definitely a series I plan to dive into.

A great introduction to an interesting world

Heart of Malice was a great introduction to the interesting and inventive world of Alice Worth and her many monstrous acquaintances. As the first in a series of many, it does a great job of showing the breadth of diversity that we can expect from the series, with a wealth of supernatural races, a slew of organizations (legitimate and otherwise) built around them, and a cast of charming characters that range from sugary sweet to chillingly ambiguous. Malcolm is easily my favorite part of the story. Move aside Casper; there's a new friendly ghost in town!

not my cuppa but interesting

2.5 The writing wasn’t for me. It took a long time to get through anything and the mystery she had to solve seemed like a thick piece of disappointment for the character, a lot of dead ends, confusion, and dubious leads. I think I set myself up by expecting something else, and none of this was bad, but it certainly had me backtracking. I think this book was less romance and more mystery-mouse-catour (I can’t spell lmao) with a bunch of lingering mystery for our girl’s past and current situation. I think those bits were really cool and the author could make some moments REALLY intense! I liked the sex. I did not, however, like her just jumping with Sean. My “be safe” brain was not about that life and I kept waiting for him to be bad (another set up of myself) but it was all-around up and down. Instead of trying to guess where things were going, I should’ve just read things and kept my opinions to myself. I’m reading the next book cause it’s not bad. Im curious and there’s something there.

Pretty good

Alice was ok. Worth reading book 2. Some annoying things but not bad for a new author new series gamble.

I'm hooked...on to the next one!

Heart of Malice is the first book in the Alice Worth series. Alice is a Mage Private Investigator who we first meet when she tracks down a man suspected of causing the disappearance of several women. Her capture doesn't go quite as planned, but she's able to give the victims’ families some closure. Soon after she takes on what appears to be a simple case of finding some missing books, but she quickly realizes that there's a lot more going on. I really enjoyed this book--enough so that I'm buying the next book in the series. I liked Alice, she's tough and smart, but because she's hiding from her estranged family, she's reluctant to open herself up to people who are willing to help her. I also liked Sean, he's persistent to a fault and I wished Alice would have opened up to him a little more--but I am hopeful that will come in future books. I liked what a fighter Alice is, she gets into some tough situations, but she's no damsel in distress. I liked the book enough to read it in a day and it left me wanting to continue her story. I'm looking forward to the next book!

Great start to a series!

I really enjoyed this new series! This book starts off with just the right amount of action! Alice is a magical PI and is hired to help a normal woman figure out why she is so sick and who stole from her. Things get complicated quickly and there are some great plot twists along the way! This was a book I had a hard time putting down. I also found myself trying to figure out what the next twist would be, only to find out I was completely wrong! I bought the box set, so I am excited to read what comes next!


This was a really good read. World and the characters feel real. I’m looking forward to starting the next book.

A delightful read all the through

I haven't read the first installment of this series, but that didn't stop me from enjoying this wonderful sequel. My sympathies for Stella and the situation with her grandmother were all too real, which made her falling for Lucas such a balm for both their souls. I do wish we knew more about Lucas's relationship with his family, especially his older brother, but that's not the focus of this book. The relationship between Lucas and Stella hit my sweet spot for relationship building and hot sex. So few books get it right, but his one does. The paranormal part of the book weaved through the relationship building seamlessly. And, I'd like to say, I got a kick out of Mr. Pritt. I know I'm not supposed to like him, but the scene with the ghost and the bookshelf and blender was delightful. I hope he's in the next book.

Absolutely loved it!

It's a good PI story. Has everything you need, magic, a werewolf, a vampire. Our PI is running from her past. I am getting the next book now!

loved it!

Wow! Lisa Edmonds is a new author to me, but I can tell you I will be devouring everything she has written. Just an amazing book that had everything you need in a good story.

Promise but flawed

Mixed feelings about this book. In terms of enjoyment I would give it a 4 but quality is 3. Manly because of show not tell and not in the typical way. its implied through out that are main girl is strong and very competent. And yet everything that happens tends to undermine it. Seriously simple mistakes almost get her killed 3 times in only half way through the book. She spends the majority of the book seriously week and needing help. But of course the whole time she insists that she is fine but... well she kind of needs help. And even at the end when she gets the opportunity to fight the villain she isn't the one to save the day. She can barely fight off the villain and almost dies. It kind off feels like a story that she is powerful. A stong female can make mistakes and can need to be saved but if it's through out the story and if she never one displays her true skills it sort of feels like a fake hero. SO what drives the plot for me? I surprisingly liked the romance. The guy was an Alpha without being annoying thought it was not without his problems he is almost too perfect still there are enough hurdles to help. There is another serious contender but that comes to another problem it almost seems like every man in the story might have a thing for her. Serious every man. And I get it cause Alice is tough yet very vulnerable and needs help. She is a strong woman and yet clearly in trouble and running for someone. That appeals to a lot of men but I just don't think that was what the author was going for. I still want to read the next book. It is my fav genre right now. It was enjoyable enough.


Different, but in a good way. Alice Worth is a survivor of twenty years in a cabal run by her grandfather. What was done to her by him and the things he had her do with her magic did many things, but learning to trust anyone is not one of them. Good story. Alice is a believable character and I find her quite interesting. Her friend, Malcom, a mage ghost brings an interesting perspective to the story. Now if she can find a way to resolve her issues with a vampire lord, and alpha werewolf and the magical equivalent of the FBI her life might get back on track. Until then, on to the second book in the series. Definitely recommend the book.

I loved this book

Really enjoyed this book. The premise, all the twists and turns, and the quality of the writing. Looking forward to the rest of the series!

Awesome read

This book has it all and is so well written. I was hooked by the end of the first few pages!! Alice is so believable and likable, or at the very least you want to be her! There were so many twist and turns that made it a spell binding read.

Excellent UF with a kick ass heroine

The mystery was interesting, the pacing was good, there is plenty of actin and the balance between action, investigation and character interaction was just right. All the characters were good and I particularly like sidekick ghost Malcolm and how quickly he and Alice form a seemless partnership. I am interested in finding out more about the seeds planted at the beginning about how/why he is back and bound to Alice. Mysterious vampire Charles is another good character and someone else I am looking forward to finding out more about, including his interest in Alice cause I am convinced there is something more than romantic interest at play. At least I am hoping so anyway because I do not want what promises to be and awesome UF series ruined by a stupid love triangle. One of the things I enjoyed so much about this was while there is some romance (Yay. Loving protective alpha wolf Sean and his patience and persistence – being clear he is interested in a relationship but respecting Alice’s decisions and not being all stalkery and controlling) Really looking forward to the next one. Recommend for fans of Ilona Andrews.

Werewolf! Vampire! Mage?!!!!!

Jump from one to the other!! Exciting! Readable!! Oh so well written! Can’t put down!!! I recommend you don’t pick up if you intend to go to sleep!!!!!

Edge of your seat!

I could not put this book down! I love the characters and the action. Alice is one tough cookie and I look forward to reading more!

Phenomenal Book.

I couldn’t put it down. Spent my day off reading it and I have to say it’s been one of the best days off I’ve had. This is a must read book.

Fantastic Urban Fantasy Debut

I picked up the Alice Worth series thinking maybe I would find a new author but knowing how much I expect from a UF heroine, especially one with romantic overtones. This series delivers. Let's talk about Alice. She's got a huge history that she's running from for very good reasons. She's a tough survivor who is influenced by that past trauma for better or for worse. I think her trauma explains very well the decisions she makes in life and romance. She's a heroine with lots of strength and a little bit of hope which makes all the difference. Sean is my werewolf boyfriend. Seriously, he's the best. Charles brings all kinds of intrigue. And as a ghost PI partner, Malcolm is a great sidekick. The magic is well thought out, and the world building is solid with potential to keep growing with every book in the series. Highly recommend.

Exactly what I look for in urban fantasy

Snark, sexy undercurrents, a shady past - this story has it all! Edmonds does a fantastic job with the world building and unique magical elements. I am late to this series, but can't wait to get through the rest!

A fresh new take that was sorely needed!

This is such an exciting first installment in a new series! It has a new take on urban fantasy, which I REALLY needed. It also does what I fell ilona Andrews did such a great job of, which is offering us a taste of the characters horrible past but only a taste. This way I am clammoring for more and I'm now invested I want to know all about Alice, I want to know how she got accrued so much damage, and I also love that again like Kate Daniels our heroine isn't a 100% good guy. Maybe more so here that Kate but still I feel the characters regret. Plus since she has been the bad guy she isn't incredibly holier-than-thou and she doesn't walk into a situation and take on a your horrible person or 100% attitude, which is a problem I am running into a lot with action heroines. Now this isnt to say she doesn't have morals in fact the main character does and we get a taste of how she has come to her own kind of code in this current world due to Her being the bad guy. I can't wait for more!

😊 This is a pretty awesome start to the series & I can't wait ...

A new author who knows her craft...YAY!😊 This is a pretty awesome start to the series & I can't wait for more! The author seriously knows how to edit out any extra bits that would bog down the story so it's very clean & pretty much a joy to read. The main character is kickarse but vulnerable ...her reactions are believable to what we know of her history. I think I am totally team Sean! He is sweet...an Alpha but not a douche & his desire for the main character appears as genuine as her attraction & ease (for her lol) at letting him in. Charles I want to like, but his willingness to take advantage of Alice when she has barely recovered from a freaking coma is far too calculated & shows that her well being & desires come a far 2nd to his own. So...yeah it's totally believable in a vampire, but makes him less likable as a person. After everything Alice has survived she damn well deserves someone who will put her needs & wants 1st! I like Malcom...everyone could use a ghostly BFF lol Also that Special Agent Lake dude...what is his game? Sooo can't wait to find out! Gimme more please!


Wow! What a ride! I listened to the audio version of this and absolutely recommend doing that if audiobooks are your thing. I seriously loved this world Edmonds has created, as well as the interesting cast of characters we got to meet. I loved how strong and confident Alice is, but also the complex interactions with Malcolm, Sean, and even the creepy Charles. This solves one big mystery while leaving bread crumbs for what is still to come. Highly recommend if you're looking to escape real life for a short while and want to enter a thrilling paranormal world. Cannot wait to start the next book!

I want the next novel!

It's a very good thing when I finish a book and instantly want the second one. Heart of Malice gave me that desire. Lisa Edmonds first foray into the genre is exceptional. I instantly liked the main character, Alice Worth. She's well-drawn and I felt I understood what her reactions would be to a given situation. That's not to say she's without surprises, but she's written in such a way that I felt I knew her like I should. Edmonds gives us just enough info in small bits to put together Alice's past, and it's not shared with anyone else. I felt like I was in on a very personal secret, and that made me feel connected much more to her. The other characters are awesome, and Malcolm was a particular favorite (I won't spoil who he is). This book is a great mix of the day-to-day (private investigative work) and the magical (mages, ghosts, the list goes on). When I read a book, I tend to visualize it all in my head, like a movie, and this one was easy to process in this way. It'd make a great miniseries. I can't wait for the next chapter in Alice's story.

Fascinating characters

Good variety of characters and story line keeps you guessing about who’s who, which ones are the good guys and bad.

Too vulnerable

You were writing well until you had her hand in the kasten box and you wrote her not wanting revenge. What the hell is wrong with you !!! You could have wrote that she required binding with her and she would have incredible power when she needed it , like putting charles in his place!! I hope book 2 doesn't keep her being miss wussy depending on sean the werewolf to hold her hand. Show some more backbone when you write!!


Found another good one, compelling enough to read straight through to the end. Mages and werewolves and vampires pretty standard. Solid plot.

Worth a look

Kept me entertained, hard to put down. Love it. Buying the next book to see what happens next I cannot wait.

Really good

Great MC with a buried past, well written it and characters that will leave you wanting more! Not a cliffhanger, though.

Hooked from the first page

I finished this book at an extremely late (or early) hour because I couldn't put it down. I haven't been hooked on a book that quickly in years. Action packed from the start with bits of comic relief, I was sucked in from the first chapter. What an excellent introduction to Alice Worth and an awe inspiring peek into the author's mind. I used to read several books a month, and now I remember how much I love it. I can't wait to read the rest of this series.

The time shifts are difficult to follow in the audio version

The Kindle copy has the time shifts to Alice remembering her past life in Italics. There are no clues in the audio version so all of a sudden the story doesn't make sense, and then, it shifts back to the present day.

So much potential!

One of those imperfect books you know can lead to a amazing series. Glad I followed the recommendations given by liked minded readers in UF groups.

Great read

Heart of Malice is an awesome book. Alice has a past that she's running from. But she helps people that could get her into trouble. Love the other characters.

Loved this book

I really enjoyed this book and am so excited to find a new series. Alice is a wonderful character, strong but with many insecurities due to her past. We learn about her past in more detail as the story continues. The other major characters Sean and Malcolm the ghost are also well developed. The story line of this book is also good, interesting and the magic this world has is also fun to learn about. Well worth reading.

Absolutely fabulous, funny, poignant and fast paced!

A great mystery with characters who take hold of you right away. I cannot wait to learn more about every single one of them. The mystery aspect was excellent, completed and yet with the promise of more to unfold. The romance was SO good, I am rooting for them!

Great novel and introduction to a new series

Ah! How have I missed out on these books! I saw a friend’s review on book 3 and was like Mmn what is this?? One click and three days later I’ve read book 1. I really enjoyed this book. Alice is a kick ass heroine who has some really bad stuff in her past that she has run away from. We all know that’s going to come back at some point! I enjoyed her side kick Malcolm! And then of course the swoon worthy wolf! Gotta love a good wolf! Sean was alpha but with a real understanding to reign in the alpha dominant bull dust! Anyway if you like magic, mystery and wolves then read this book!!!!

An excellent first book for an urban fantasy series

This book is a little jewel. I love urban fantasy, and there is no shortage of it on the market, but the truth it that most indie production is terrible. Lisa Edmonds proves here she can write an excellent urban fantasy, with an entertaining plot, a nice pace, believable characters and good prose. If I can reproach the novel anything, it is that it sometimes tries too hard to hit the checklist of what a urban fantasy is: a badass, loner P.I. heroine with a traumatic past and dark secrets, the Vampire Master with ulterior motives, the alpha werewolf love interest, the supernatural sidekick. I would have appreciated more if she had tried to give her world-building a more individual flavour. Even with these little shortcomings, it remains one of the best urban fantasy I have read in months. 4.5 stars.

Holy wow!

So I am amazed I didn't hear of this book before now as it was released at the end of June. I loved it. The characters are facinatiin. The pace is great. No one is too perfect. Alice is rebuliding her life after finally fleeing her grandfather. I ,Ike that the story doesn't start out with her life under her grandfather's control as it would have been a depressing way to start. You get glimpses of things over time. I enjoy that is geared toward adult readers and not just teens. I can not possible say enough without revealing too many spoilers. I am saddened by the fact that the projected release for book two is not until Spring of 2018. Looking forward to more.

Loved it! Would read it again

This was a great book. Looking forward to reading it again; it was that enjoyable. I’m getting the rest in the series.

Heart of Malice

A great read that grabs you from the first page to the last. Its a fast past read with epic scenes, the scenes are written so well that I can picture them in my minds eye. This is a real page turner with twists and turns the keeps you enthralled with this read. I definitely recommend this captivating read. Its a must read. Shauna Joesten

One heck of a paranormal thriller!

Alice has made a new life since escaping her grandfathers cabal. Faking her own death, plastic surgery, suppressing her massive mage magic, and keeping to herself for several years. A private investigator, she takes on a client that is inheriting her grandmothers estate. A ghost mage is sent to haunt her and they form an alliance and friendship. A chance encounter results in a relationship, and Sean becomes an associate that helps her with the investigation. A powerful vampire wishes to have her blood, but her freedom depends on no one finding out what she is through her blood. Too many people are now looking her way. A powerful fire mage, the paranormal agent, Charles the vampire. Deception, lies, magic, and one heck of a thriller. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC from Netgalley.


Solid world-building, strong characters, and excellent writing. The right amount of characters and ‘types’ of magic to make a tight story and not bury a reader in irrelevant details. Includes mages (earth air water fire blood), werewolves (cats are mentioned but not present), vampires, and an offhand mention of unicorns and fae that seemed to indicate they were not around. The romance gets fairly graphic. No noticeable proofreading issues. I will get the next novel in the series. Best recommendation I can make.

That is always a good sign. This first book in a new series ...

I dove in and kept on reading. That is always a good sign. This first book in a new series kept my attention the whole time. It is like a (cozy) mystery with paranormals and ... ok... a lot of blood. Alice is a MPI (magical PI or Mage PI?) and works hard to disguise her tragic past. She is a powerful mage and at a very young age her horrible grandfather killed her parents and forced Alice to do horrible things. She escaped and has been in hiding ever since. There are two handsome men in her life: werewolf alpha Sean (mmm) and cold calculating Charles the vampire. I vote for Sean! I totally enjoyed this book and look forward to the next due in May.

Well written

Although this book is well written, the heroine is not up to par with the illusion of who she is. Supposedly she is a high level mage, but the reality is she gets her **s handed to her by all levels. She has one scene in the beginning where she does something kind of cool but was it advanced? Throughout the rest of the book, everyone from beginners to high level mages destroy her. She spends the majority of the book hurt. I personally like heroines who can hold their own... Not just talk and think they are something special. With that said, the writing style is good. It is not written in the middle grade mentality so many books these days are. It would have been an excellent book if Alice was actually half of what she thought she was.

Hooked on Alice Worth Series....

I am new to this genre; however, this book made me fall in love with it. Mages, vampires, ghosts and werewolves all playing a roll in a book I could not put down. Alice has a past that may catch up with her at anytime, yet she is surviving and trying to lay low in the new life she has created for herself as a private investigator. A crime story with a supernatural element to it, love it!! Super excited to see what case comes across Alice's desk in the next book. Also, who would have known a 300 hundred year old vampire, Charles, would make me fall in love with the classic man's man. Charles, the refined bad "boy" who is no boy. I will try to wait patiently for Book 2. ;)

A strong female role.

I almost didn’t read this because of the first review. Don’t listen to him. The first review must not of read the book because the ghost wasn’t her boyfriend. So an uninformed review should be removed. I enjoyed the storyline and how it developed. She’s a very strong female role, and courageous. She has a lot of unresolved feelings from her history and childhood. I am mediately bought the second book after reading the first. So excellent!

Great start!!

I give 5 stars to a story that grabs me from early in book and compels me to keep reading no matter what I'm supposed to be doing! The first book in what looks to be an excellent new series certainly accomplished this. I fell in love with Alice from the beginning. Although her suspicious and closed nature can be a mite frustrating at times , it definitely makes sense given her background and horrors she survived. It actually makes it believable. So much happens in this story regarding magical action, yet author really fleshed out the characters also. You truly care what happens to them. I highly recommend this book for Urban Fantasy lovers who love strong yet believable heroines. Hell I immediately purchased second installment due out next month-I can hardly wait!

Unusually tasty

Some books are a light snack, like popcorn or chips and dips. Others have some heft to them... tea sandwiches, steak nachos. Other books are entrees or desserts. The Alice Worth Series is steak nachos with signature margarita chasers. Zesty, spicy, hot chased by cold that quenches and refreshes. I like Alice. She has reasons for her behavior and a personal code that is unbreakable. I admire her. She is the type of woman I could be friends with and enjoy a kick ass girls night out. And her taste in fellas isn't shabby either. Someday I hope she gets to experience an ice cream date, she deserves it.

Well written, enjoyable novel

I enjoyed this novel quite a bit for its fresh perspective. The ability to combine elements and make them your bitch was unique. I also enjoyed the ghost side kick who added to the storyline, giving the book a new dimension as it dealt with a non corporeal entity, who was quite frankly likeable. I will be reading the next book in this series and I encourage all readers of this genre to give this author a try. By the way, if the author reads these reviews, I am truly crushing on Lake. I need to read more about him in your next book.

Wow. This book. Just. Wow.

A main character with a danger-filled past, she is overly stoic, smart and tenacious. No lengthy descriptions written about her ethereal beauty, thank all gods of writing. As a person, her character felt real. She is careful, not trusting and has had serious trauma. She is not sweet but is tough as nails. She is a good, somewhat hardened person who doesn't have a naive bone in her body. This is urban fantasy for grown ups, folks. Filled with adventure, some great backstory and a mystery that isn't overly simplistic. This book feels as though it was written by an author who has great respect for her readers. And it was extremely well written.

Start of the next great Urban Fantasy series?

Great start to a series. First book sets up numerous future story lines while introducing a powerful - but vulnerable - heroine in Alice Worth and interesting support characters. Think of a clone between Kate Daniels and Mercy Thompson and Eve Dallas - Kate's power, Mercy's single-mindedness, Eve's horrific background - and you have a reasonable facsimile of Alice Worth, even to an alpha werewolf being interested in her. The author's writing style is easy to read yet full of richness; not even remotely sophomoric. The action scenes were unique and exciting, only to be expected with Alice's very different powers. Could be the next great urban fantasy series.

Interesting new world

This captured my imagination from the beginning. Alice is a strong female Mage who has survived a terrible childhood. Sean is a fabulous Alpha wolf, just my kind of hero. This didn't get 5 stars because I found Alice's belief in Carlie's lies too contrived and annoying. It didn't add up. I agreed with her self assessment at the end with Sean. Malcolm was a delight as the side kick. Looking forward to the next book.

I liked this book.

I liked this book. I found it interesting, I liked that we did not get the MC background right away but was shared throughout the story. It was a little confusing at first but made the book more enjoyable, it was like i was the PI getting clues to her background. The mystery was okay. What I really liked is the MC used magic a lot, as I have no doubt we all would if we had it.

The Alice Worth Series is Incredible A MUST READ for any Paranormal and Romance Fan!

The Alice Worth Series is Incredible A MUST READ for any Paranormal and Romance Fan! If you Read Charlaine Harris,Yasmine Galenorn,Kelley Armstrong,Kim Harrison ,Clara Coulson Then Lisa Edmonds Alice Worth is a Must Read Series.....Magic, Vampires, Werewolves and everything that goes bump in the Night. An incredible Paranormal Romance Series.....Follow Alice on Her Adventures and Cases as a Paranormal PI. Just incredible a MUST READ!!!!

Worth it?

Alice Worth, I like her name and I like her. I feel bad about her earlier life, but stuff happens. You can’t choose your relatives. But she has chosen a new path, and holds true to it in the most trying circumstances. Not sure about her love interests, but I love Malcom. A very unlikely sidekick!

great read!

Wow...great read!! Loved it!! Great story. Awesome characters!! Already preordered the second book..Can't wait to see what happens next!!!! I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves this genre!! Hope this will be a long running series!!! Don't know what else I can say other than get this book and see for yourself. Gotta go , so many more books to choose from!! Hope I find another great book like this one. I will definitely be keeping this book in my library and waiting for the next one to come out!!!

Loved it a great start

We have a strong and very brave MC in Alice. She fights for what's right while trying to stay undetected which is very hard. With her ghost sidekick and her suitors everything is nothing but entertaining. It was a great first book and I can't wait to read the next one.

No head injury?

How many times can a character be knocked unconscious and not be as punching as a retired second rate prize fighter?


Alice is unique in regards to her past, powers and personality. She is a strong woman who is still afraid of something, which is downplayed in many other books. While I enjoyed this book, I was a bit bored with Sean and Charles, typical werewolf and vampire. Strong, fast, intelligent, protective, and whatnot. The book isn't drawn out and Lisa doesn't over explain anything, which can easily happen. I am not an author but I know that it isn't simple to create an entirely new and exciting world that would draw people in but this book does just that.

A good book

This was recommended to me and so I picked it up and was so pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it. Definitely suggest giving it a read.

Heart of Malice

This is a new author for me. I was really impressed. I liked the story, the characters and the plot hangs together. Magic and supes were believable. The main character is really fragile, but trying to maintain, and doing a decent job of it. She has had to deal with some serious abuse and nastiness. She is in hiding and trying to move forward. Well written!

Very interesting

I was immersed in this story - paranormal romance with lots of interesting characters. I really enjoyed ALICE, I liked Sean, and I adored the resident ghost. The characters are well written and engaging This is a really interesting and entertaining story. I will definitely be searching out more from this author.

Amazing first book in a series

I have a confession to make. I work with Lisa. So, when it was announced that she had published a novel I knew I would read it. I also knew I would be heartbroken if I did not like it. But, lucky for me I Loved It! Alice is such a strong, well developed, powerful character. I loved the dynamic between Alice and all of the supporting characters. This is a great book with a driving, incredible story. Read it. You won’t be sorry.

Ok but much the same as heaps of books of this type.

I had to check that I had not read this before as it all felt so familiar. Nope, it is just very similar to a number of books of this style. Fairly weak world building but interesting back story to the heroine which explains a lot of her character flaws. Storyline flows nicely and a nice mix of shifters, mages, and vamps. Noting new here but a nice simple read for an afternoon at the beach.

Thoroughly enjoyable

This was a good start to what promises to be an interesting series. There's a suggestion of a love triangle, but thankfully it had yet to materialize.


I love this series. This book is amazing, as are all the other ones in the series. I really can’t understand why they're not more popular. A lot of Urban Fantasy these days feels superfluous and poorly written. Not these books. They remind me of Ilona Andrews’ and Chloe Neill’s books.


What a great first book. There is plenty of action, magic, vampires, werewolves and evil to make an intriguing tale, My only disappointment is that there is only one book in this series so far and I have to wait for the rest. Lisa Edmonds is an excellent story teller. The relationships between the characters and their actions are well thought out and easy to believe. I enjoyed this book thoroughly and am eagerly awaiting the next one.


What else can I say. I don't normally slip outside the comfort zone of my favorite authors, but this book was well worth the excursion. The author has created a tantalizing world, full of interesting characters just waiting for the reader to discover. The story kept me engaged, and when I reached the end, I frantically searched for the next book, only to realize it wasn't available yet. I would recommend this book to everyone!

Breath of fresh freaking air

My soul has been in an never ending drought for almost the entire year because I couldn't find ONE great UF/PNR book. And BAM, here you are, you glorious creature. Kick-ass heroine (check) Twisted ass background that has made you da baddest MPI ever (check) HOT WEREWOLF (CHECK) Cute, likable, and freaking USEFUL sidekick (check) And so, so, so many other checks I love you. Thank you for writing this specifically for me.

Well written exciting adventure

This is a good book that got 4 stars because it follows a pattern of others: Emma Adams, McKenzie Hunter, so on. A strong protagonist, hiding her true strengths, solving problems. But I read from start to end without a pause.

Oh my god, this book was so good

This book was so good. The main character Alice had such a powerful backstory. Lots of great characters - mages, shifters and vampires. I rarely write reviews, I read a ton of books, but this one was great. My main disappointment was finishing the book and seeing the sequel wasn't out yet, seriously I was really bummed! I hope it is out soon. If you like urban paranormal, this is a great one.

This was a good story.

It was a little slow in the middle, but the last was really good. World building is a little weak. Wished she had developed the Charles character earlier in the book. Overall, a satisfying read. Look forward to the next in the series.

Yay!! No crazy amount of horrible typos

I may have rated this a star better than normal. The editing was decent. No stopping to figure out what they're saying. I will earn for those that care, this book has a couple of sex scenes. I pretty much skimmed them. There are blood mages, death and violence, but no rape. There's magic cabals, ghosts, and elemental magic too. The world seems fairly interesting. I will read the next one.

As one who normally does not enjoy books in this genre

As one who normally does not enjoy books in this genre, I was surprised how quickly I was comfortable in the author's world. Her characters were well written and came alive. By the end of the book, I felt as though I knew them quite well. I will look forward to seeing what happens in their lives as the series plays on. Very well written debut novel, I look forward to reading many more.

If you like Patricia Briggs or Anne Bishop you will love this book!

This book is awesome! I bought it as a book filler to read while waiting for more Patricia Briggs or Anne Bishop and I found a new series I absolutely LOVE! strong heroine who has had a tough life but is witty and can handle herself with a few tricks. LOVE LOVE LOVE! A thrilling mystery to solve accompanied by a little romance, and a lot of sassy kick ass awesomeness! GREAT READ!

So very good!

I'm always on the look out for a new Urban Fantasy series to replace all of my favorite series that are ending and I found one! I would definitely rate Alice near the top of my favorites. She's a kick ass heroine with loads of flaws. An utter bad ass with a heart. I can't wait to find out what happens with Malcolm and her grandfather. I can't wait for the second book!

Nice book until the author used a tired old plot device for no reason

I got 76% of the way through the book and thought it was pretty good. The plot was working for me, the pacing was good, the magical background was interesting, etc. It is said THROUGHOUT THE BOOK that the protagonist TRUSTS NO ONE. So exactly why is she trusting the vampire, Charles, with the information he gave her so that she would stop dating Sean? SHE'S SUPPOSED TO TRUST NO ONE! I would have immediately found the information suspect, because yanno, SHE TRUSTS NO ONE! And vampires don't give away information like that for free unless there is an advantage to giving away that kind of information for free! This is when I stopped reading the book. I can't stand stupid trite "plot twists" like this one, and so far into the book too! Arrgggghhh! I almost wish I could get my money back! It really honks me off!!

Great read

Totally enjoyed this book! The heroine is a badass.I would love to read about her early years with her grandfather's cabal.

Surprising and fun!

I was expecting something campy based on the cover but was pleasantly surprised with the depth of characters and world building. Off to book 2!

Amazing read.....I stayed up way too late reading it.

Alice is horribly damaged by her grandfather's cruelty. Using her magic she escapes and starts a new life as a private investigator specializing in magical cases. A happenstance gains her a mage ghost as a partner and an alpha werewolf as a love interest. Learning to trust and her developing relationship skills as well as an innate ability to find trouble have me anxious for the next book.

Wonderfully balanced

In a genre overflowing with strong, kick arse heroines who deal with vampires, werewolves and ghosts (oh my) I think this is a fabulous beginning to a series that I intend to follow with great interest. It’s hard to find a uniques way of dealing with these paranormal parameters, but I believe this is what you’ll find in Alice and her story.

A well built world

It was pretty great, a lot going on, very well paced and enjoyable

Great story, kick-ass heroine

Can't wait for the next in book in the Alice Worth series. I always love a strong, smart, and brave heroine with a tragic last who fights for the little guy. This book has a mystery, romance, tragedy, action and adventure happening along with a very interesting plot. Lisa Edmonds keeps the plot moving and keeps the reader engaged right up to the last page!

Great book!

Loved this book! I gravitate towards books with strong female characters, and Heart of Malice did not disappoint. Alice Worth (the MC) is the perfect blend of strength and vulnerability. I really enjoyed her interactions with Sean, Charles and Malcolm, and I'm looking forward to seeing where her adventures lead her in the next book.

Don't bother, this book had potential but...

The book started out good, i really liked the idea of a heroine that escaped her past and her mafia like family but... it seemed to me that she was getting her ass kicked ALL THE TIME, and being saved by her boyfriend, ghost, client and so on and this got old really fast! The book went on and on about her amazing powers that we never got to see! And finally the behavior of Alice towards Sean was really childish, even with her past and not trusting anyone she could at least hear him out. In the end i found that the most interesting character in the book was agent Lake as opposed to Alice that annoyed me. Won't be continuing with the next book!

This series is just what I was looking for.

If you like Rachel Morgan and Anita Blake, you're going to love Alice Worth. She's a strong, sassy heroine who gets the job done. Looking forward to the next book.


I really liked this story, it grabbed me from page 1. Poor Alice has had a crazy life, and the crazy just doesn't stop. I have my fingers crossed for Alice and Sean.

The start of something great!

Wow, what a great ride Heart of Malice is! I'm a fan of this genre and it's wonderful to see an author do it such justice. Alice Worth is my new hero--strong, smart, funny and a lot of heart. The depth of characters here guarantees an unforgettable series. I plan to pre-order book 2 as soon as it's available!

Alice is kind of broken but still has heart and soul.

Fun, fast read. Alice has a terrible past that leaves her paranoid, yet she still cares for others and reaches out to help, which can get her into trouble she doesn't need. Interesting characters, a satisfying conclusion for the first book in the series.


I adore this story! I’m not all that familiar with the genre of fantasy & this was a fantastic book to get a feel of this side of literature. Edmonds is a brilliant writer & I’m looking forward to picking up the rest of her series.

A good one...

I enjoyed this book very much. The h was a little to stubborn for my liking but towards the end she got better. I would recommend this to anyone who loves the supernatural world.

First in series

Alice works as a PI hiding her power from a magical mafia. Nothing particularly original here, but well written with interesting characters.

Must Read!

This is a gripping book that pulls you in with a gritty heroine and a strong hero. Lisa pulled you in to the story with magic, humor and action. I've added it to my collection and I'm waiting impatiently for the next book. I will definitely buy any book that Lisa writes.

Super series start!

I really enjoyed this story, especially the world building. I can't wait to find out more about the gifts and limitations of all the beings that live in Alice's world, and I look forward to the development of her romance with the alpha too! Great story, when is book 2 coming out?

with a great plot line and character development

Wow! This author's style reminds me of Ilona Andrews and Patricia Briggs. Strong female protagonist, lots of suspense and mystery, with a great plot line and character development. I couldn't put it down. I can't wait for the next one, this author is now on my must buy list.

Great escape!

Excellent urban fantasy. Strong female protagonist, good mystery and just a little sex. Werewolves and vampires present but thankfully more time spent on character development then panting over them.

Must read.

So good! I loved this book and I cannot wait to read what Alice does next. The author does a great job building a world that touches ours, but offers so much more for the reader to dive into and explore, proving she, too, is equipped with magic.

Liked this a lot!

I liked this story a lot... the background of the characters is intriguing and should make for a great story line to continue the series. It reminds me a little of Kate Daniels' storyline which I also like. Look forward to the next installment!

A Fantastic Novel!!

A fun and exciting read!

Engrossing and entertaining read

This is a fantastic book that I was so engrossed in I lost more than a little sleep reading it. I really like Alice who is smart, strong and selfless. A great female lead. I can't wait for the next book!

Surprisingly good read

I actually skipped over this recommendation a few times & accidentally purchased it but am glad I did! It was fast paced, filled with all the elements of mysterious characters and motives. Will definitely add this series to my "to read library!

Wonderfully written

Wonderful new series. Very well written and no large gaps. The other reviews sum up the story well. Lisa created a well thought out world and the backstory was given at just the right pace. Can't wait for the next book!


I am so glad I took a punt on a new author - this book was well worth it! Very well written, engaging characters, and grammar and punctuation that had clearly been checked. I can't wait for the next in the series!


Writing pulled you into story from the beginning. I appreciate that main character did not have tortured soul with long internal monologues.


LOVED this book!!! Devoured it in one delicious Sunday afternoon and can't wait for new ones to follow. So well written with believable characters, smooth dialogue, great plot, and just everything this seasoned reader looks for in this genre. Excellent.


This book is exciting and interesting great characters. If this is your first book girl you keep it up if they are all like this I'll get them. Thanks for a great reading experience.

Alice Worth, mage

Lisa Edmonds has created a fascinating world full of magic. Well-written, plenty of action, distinctive characters and clever conversation make this a must-read!

... have gotten fro dealing with Amazon were of the best as I expected

All products I have gotten fro dealing with Amazon were of the best as I expected.


I liked the book and look forward to the rest of the story. Well put together and good characters. Recommend

Good series

I really enjoyed the series and like the author!

Slow Going

I really wanted to like this book, the reviews I read made me want to read it, but it started out ok and then the main character turned into such a whiner, I couldn't finish it.


I found it very disappointing. For someone supposedly so strong in magic she was repeatedly beaten by everyone and constantly needed saving. Won't be buying anymore. The author has been added to my growing list of 'authors not to buy'.

Awesome read

Awesome read. I can't wait for the next in the series. If you liked this book this authors amazon page has links to several other authors I have not heard of before with similarly excellent books.

New Urban Fantasty is excellent

Loved Alice and can't wait to read more. I'm A Dresden Files fan and this new series doesn't disappoint if folks like that gritty urban magical world. Alice is savvy and sass without being brittle and inflexible.

An Urban Fantasy PI tale - so good

A Mage on the run. A sexy fella. And nasty doings make this urban fantasy PI tale worth a read. Terrific story, compelling characters, great climax.

Heart of Malice

I really liked this book. I read it in 6 hours. I like the characters and constant action. I am waiting for the next book in the series.

Great Start

One of the better new books I have read in awhile. Engaging character with an interesting back story. I look forward to more books coming out.


Really, really good! Loved it! Excellent writing, great characters, and a very well balanced story! Loved the short story from Sean's POV as well. Can't wait for the next!!

Excellent book

This was a great book and I am eagerly awaiting the next book in the series. Can't wait to see what happens with the wolf, vampire, and mage.

Good book. A different shade of magic

Good book. A different shade of magic. Not enough vampires or werewolves to distract from the main story. I'm looking forward to the next installment.

Great start

The book was recommended and was a really great. Hard to put down and go to work. Killer to wait so long for the next book. Must read.

Good read, story and keeps you interested in the book till the end

Loved the storyline and the characters. So glad I didn't listen to the negative posts. I will be waiting for the next Alice Worth novel.

Solid urban fantasy

Looking forward to hearing more about Alice. Good world building and well written with all the elements of a good urban fantasy tale.

A good way to spend a summer day!

Kept me turning pages fast although this is not usually my genre! Nice characterization and great action. I will come back.

Good read

First book I have read by this author. I liked it , liked the characters. I will continue to read series.

This is a keeper

I love adding someone new to my list of "must read" authors! I can't wait for more. Definitely worth reading.

Five Stars

Great new voice in urban fantasy. I look forward to the next in this series- rather impatiently actually.


Excellent story, great writing, loved it! Reminds me of Kate Daniels, but a little different. I couldn't put it down.

Five Stars

characters tick story tick pace tick humour tick mystery tick - this one's got it all. More please.

great book and want to read the next one asap

First time I have read this author, great book and want to read the next one asap

Five Stars

Loved the book....kept me guessing! Can't wait for the next in the series.

Three Stars

It felt like a poor mans Anita's Blake

Five Stars

One of the most enjoyable book I read in while.

Read it again and again

Alice is one of my favorite book heroines. One of my favorite things about her is that I *don't* always feel sympathetic towards her. She screws up, she gets knocked around, she makes bad decisions, but ultimately I want her to triumph. And, because this is a novel, she does, and she picks up interesting folks along the way. Her beau is dreamy, as fantasy beaus are; her sidekick is awesome, because sidekicks are; yet nothing feels trite or trope-y. This is a great start to an amazing series and I appreciate the way that the book ties up its story while also beginning to lead you into the next story.


Be warned, this is the start of a highly addictive series which just keeps getting better. Well worth a try.

Three Stars

Enjoyed the book.

Five Stars

This book was good! Throughly enjoyed the ride.

Five Stars

Very good book! Great characters!

Five Stars

Looking forward to book 2.

Fantastic series!

Great, immersive urban fantasy series. I'm a big fan of this genre and have read all of the super popular authors, so it's refreshing to come across a new author that I enjoy so much.

Five Stars

Page turner.

Wow! This was a page turner!

I really enjoyed this book. It was action packed, and sometimes frustrating, but kept me wanting more. Its a dark story though, especially the bits with Alice's past sprinkled in, but I'm honestly excited to read more in this series now.

Book eight cannot be the end of the series

Really good series. But if book 8 is the end… WTF?! I mean they did not finish anything. There has to be at least one more book to conclude the series. But everywhere I look there is nothing anywhere that says there’s going to be another book. So if you don’t mind the series ending very unresolved it’s a great read. But understand with that great read comes a very unsatisfying unresolved unfinished ending.

Werewolf, Vampire, Woman Love Triangle

Gah. Yet another love triangle between werewolf, vampire, and woman. Yuck! Why not state that in the description of the book? Then I simply wouldn't read it and end up nauseated.

Fun escape

This book is a fun quick read to just escape into. Looking forward to reading more on her adventures and if she can stay hidden.

Revisiting my original review from a couple years ago. It's even better.

I started this series a few years ago and have since upgraded Lisa Edmonds story building ability to top tier level. I loved this book when it first came out but had no idea how good the story would build. Somewhere along the way when I decided this i forgot to come back and let the readers know. I'm on book 8 now and it just keeps getting better. Also, I can't believe this series is still available on Kindle Unlimited, of which I will always be a member of. Without KU I might never have found Lisa Edmonds.

Favorite Book Series

This series is too good & has quickly become one of my all time favorites. I re read at least every other month. The plot is strong & quick, the main characters are badass especially the FL, I love her so much & how the author wrote such a strong woman that already knows how to use her powers & what she wants!

Really good but one issue

I really liked this book. I'm going to read the next one. The only thing I didn't care for is that the author keeps insisting that Alice is a high level mage/bad ass but she spends a lot of time injured and reliant on someone else, sometimes several someones.

Very Strong Storyline

I enjoyed this story very much and will definitely start reading the next book in the series as soon as I finish writing this review. The heroine is a good blend of broken and strong, and the glimpses of her back story ate very intriguing. I also liked the two main male characters, but can't make up my mind about which one she should end up with. I have no patience for cheesy, unrealistic dialogue in urban fantasy novels, so I was very grateful that this author didn't use it. I also really appreciated that the main characters aren't too young. The female is on the cusp of 30, and the males are in their early 40s or, in the case if the vamp, ageless. I will definitely give this series a chance to keep my interest. On to the second book....

Imaginative and a good read

Good stories with lots of action, and good character development.

Amazing book

I love this book. I love Alice and all her sharp edges. I love the characters and how well-developed they are. This book is jam packed which is one of my favorite things. There’s only enough down time to work on character relationships, otherwise it’s action packed and kept me impressed with the creativity.

A great start to an action packed series...

4.5 Stars... New author and series for me, and I absolutely loved it... Alice Worth is smart, fierce, and loyal... A survivor through and through... Her defense mechanisms are securely in place, but a certain werewolf may have a chance at knocking them down... Action packed with a strong overarching storyline that I look forward to dissecting further... A great first read in this series; i want more:)

Great mystery novel with a hint of romance, vampires, werewolves and mages.

Alice Worth is a mage, a rather powerful one too. As a child, her grandfather took advantage of that fact and, after killing her parents, forced her to do his dirty work. It was a work that included so much evil that she eventually faked her own death to escape. Now, her new life as Alice is much more peaceful, and as a PI she now uses her powers to do good. But when a routine case turns sinister, Alice must take care not to expose herself while at the same time helping her client find the truth. The first chapter of this book really turned me off and I just sighed and felt like I made a mistake to agree to reading it. I felt like it was cliché and I found lots of mistakes and things that didn’t quite make sense. But… even if I was so close to quitting there and then, I decided to read the next chapter too. And I’m so glad that I did. The second chapter was nothing like the first one and luckily the whole book continued in the same way as the second chapter. After chapter two I felt intrigued and I wanted to keep reading. The story had a nice pace and the writing was suddenly solid and the characters well developed. So, if you decide to pick this book up, don’t get discouraged after chapter one, keep on reading. I like how the tension in this book continued throughout the whole thing, it was never boring or slow. New things always happened and the main plot was very well developed and interesting. There are werewolves, vampires and magic in this book, and I suppose it might be seen as cliché and all that, but for someone like me, who hasn’t read much in this genre, it was great. It isn’t the best book I’ve read, but it’s definitely a book worth reading. The only thing I don’t really like is the sex scenes in this book. I usually don’t like reading sex scenes no matter what, but the ones in this book felt cliché and just over the top. I can’t really put my finger on what it is about them, but it felt fake. Forced. The cover isn’t really my “cup of tea” either, but the inside is way better than the outside. So, if you like to read mystery novels with a hint of romance, with vampires, werewolves and mages, then read this one. You won’t regret it. Four stars for this one.

Decent series, good read

I'm 3 books in now so I've lost my exact feelings on this book-but I'm enjoying the series with a few reservations. Pros-well written, good editing, strong MC, interesting side characters, good world building, nice air of mystery and slow revealing of powers, and has the occasional LOL moment too. Cons-Specifically in book 1 I was thinking that the MC was taking a ridiculous amount of damage for the case she was working on and that her compensation needed to be in the millions to make up for it. I questioned the MC's willingness to take home a one night stand when she had a good reason to be a lot more cautious than that. Also wondered why she took the vampires warnings about the wolf completely to heart without any questions later. In the series in general, crazy amount of damage continues, MC's powers seem to come and go, and the woman has sustained so many head injuries by book 3 that you would think she would just install metal plates all over her head and be done with it. She consumes vampire blood many times and that fixes her ills but she doesn't seem to gain any particular powers (hearing, vision, smell, speed etc), although she does get the negative side effect of being more attracted to the vampire whose blood she has taken. She has several on-again, off-again times with her boyfriend and honestly I was thinking it would be more fun if she just dated around since BF literally comes with a whole pack of problems to deal with and she has enough of her own issues to work through. I could use more descriptions of the guys in her life, not details about muscles but just basic hair and eye color and general physical descriptions and accents or vocal quality...sometimes we get this but many times we don't. I was startled in book 2 to read that Lake had blue eyes and blond hair for instance. I get pretty sick of all the UF MC's having to come from an abusive background and then getting long descriptions of abuse or torture to show how tough our MC is to have survived it all, but at least it goes with the world building here and doesn't seem like it's just thrown in. Overall a good UF series and definitely worth picking up if you like the genre (especially if you get it free on KU).

Great Characters!

Loved Alice's character. She's punchy but vulnerable and watching her grow through the book was believable. Fabulous side characters like Malcom, Charles and Lake, they really enhanced the storyline and I hope they get books of their own. Great story!

Heart of Malice Review

I received this book from net galley for an honest review. Thank you!! This novel was better than I expected it to be. I enjoyed the characters and I liked the idea behind they story. The story was told in first person point of view and she is a bada$$ type of character. Alice Worth is an alias. She escaped from her grandfather who used and abused her for her magical abilities as well as made her an assassin. Now, Alice runs a private investigation company that deals with all types of problems, including the supernatural. She tries to live her life and keep the SPEMA off her back and not leave blood anywhere that could show how powerful her abilities are and give away her identity. She has deep trust issues and relies on no one but herself. She meets Malcolm, a ghost that is somehow bound to her. He was killed and was a mage that still has his abilities. He becomes very helpful and useful to Alice in her investigations. When Alice takes on a new client, she gets into much more than she signed a contract for. Many things were hidden from Alice's client by her family and the backlash led to some interesting and unsuspecting discoveries. Alice also gets help from an alpha werewolf named Sean. Sean wants more from Alice after their initial meeting and things heat up between them in more ways than one. However, Alice is afraid of letting someone close to her. After all, putting your trust in others can get to you to be betrayed. I also like how the author incorporated some flashbacks of Alice's past, though we never learn her true name. Sean and Alice work together to help her client. However, when Sean is accused if something, Alice feels betrayed and it hurts her deeply. The person who accused Sean has ulterior motives and wants Alice. When Alice learns the truth, she is angry. Alice's client is kidnapped and then she is targeted. Sinister things are ahead and some will do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals. Will Alice be able to save her client and solve the mystery surrounding her client? I am looking forward to the next book in the series!!

Non stop from the beginning but ends in cliffhanger

This book starts out fast! As in once you open your kindle, don’t plan on getting any sleep. From the very beginning this story is constantly in motion. There is no down time, no moment that you might think you can close it and take a break. Alice has a past that she has gone to great lengths to keep hidden. As a powerful mage she is a prize to those who would use her for their own gain. Running her own private investigation business, she takes on a case of a young woman who thinks she’s being poisoned by someone in her family. Man, once Alice steps into it all kinds of magical mysteries erupt. Along the way is a whole cast of characters that I gave the side eye to because I didn’t trust anyone. But then again, neither did Alice. However, when Sean enters the scene, I begged Alice to set aside her distrustful nature and give him a chance. And she does. To a point. That point being very limited initially but gaining in strength as the story progresses. Alice is one tough heroine who has learned to take care of herself and refuses to lean on anyone. Sean is an alpha hero who just wants to protect her and keep her. However, if he wants her, he’s got to let her have her independence. It’s a fine balancing act for him. I absolutely loved both of these characters. Usually the tough heroine can get on my nerves but I totally understood where Alice was emotionally. There was one part where I had to grit my teeth because she wasn’t thinking clearly at all. This ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, which I detest, and a happy for now regarding Sean and Alice. I loved the story and the writing is incredible, but dang I hate it when an author does a cliffhanger. I definitely would read more from this author but I hope future books will be wrapped up and not left open ended. ARC provided by NetGalley Heroine POV Safe from other women drama No apparent triggers

a cracking read, ages since I read a new fantasy story that's gripped me like this

Heart of Malice, Alice Worth Book 1, Lisa Edmonds Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews Genre: Romance, Sci-fi and fantasy What a cracking read this is, and it seems to be Lisa's debut book! I love when I find an author who can write books like this, with so many multi layers of plots, with interesting and varied characters that it keeps me gripped to the end. There are so many paranormal reads out right now, and it seems 90% are one plot romances; those where its a meets b, and there's just one plot making - or preventing - that happening. Clearly that's what many readers want, they sell really well, but some of us want that bit more. A story where it isn't obvious which way its going from the first chapter, and Heart of Malice delivers that. There's a clear and solid story-line in this first book that wraps up, but there is so much more going on in tandem with that, that its easy to see its going to make a fabulous and gripping series. My favourite Fantasy authors are Patricia Briggs, Jeanine Frost, Kelley Armstrong, Kim Harrison, Rachelle Mead, Debbie Reynolds and of course Sookie's creator Charmaine Harris. Those reads are what I love, ones where the world settings are clear, the plots multi layered and always imaginative, and there's so much more going on underneath the main plot in each book. I read and reread them finding more each time I devour the content. They kind of build up an over-arcing story-line, while delivering individual ones, and the Alice Worth series feels that way. Clearly Alice has a gruesome and terrifying history, she's escaped for now but the dangers are ever present. We get glimpses of her past from her memories and nightmares. Then there's the world as it is, where supernaturals are open and out, mixing with humans, but as ever there are some vigilant, at times over vigilant, official organisations policing them. We've ghosts, shifters, vampires, mages, in the supernatural types, SPEMA and SPERA gov orgs and I'm sure more will come out in future reads. Alice is a Mage PI, working alone, always trying to keep her head down, avoid any hint of her past being exposed. That means she tends to be very self contained, doesn't have freinds, and when Malcolm the ghost comes into her life he's kind of the first person I feel she really talks to. She's careful with him too though, but his help in this current investigation is invaluable as it gets ever more complex and brings her into real danger. Natalie, her client was a great girl, and I felt a real rapport between her and Malcolm. Will anything come of that in later books? Who knows... Then Alpha wolf shifter Sean comes in. Alice meets him in a bar, and he tries to persuade her they can be more than just a one night stand. The chemistry they have is incredible, but is he really trustworthy? Its far too soon for Alice to let down her defences, however beguiling and persuasive he seems, and she keeps him at arms length. Except for those scorching times when he's not ;-) And what about Vampire Charles, over 200 years old, suave, good looking, perfect charm and manners, very well respected by the Vampire Alliance, and full of his own vampire intrigues...what's his interest in Alice? He's held back so far, keeping her in a kind of loose acquaintance field which suits her. She trusts him, just a little bit, a very, very little bit, but she isn't letting her defences down for a pretty face and a few vampire wiles. She's wary as to what his end game is, vampires aren't known for altruism...He's never yet hinted at wanting more from her but it feels like there's an unspoken text whenever they meet. Of course we can't forget Agent Lake either, comes into the book early and turns up again at the end. I get the feeling he's got an interest in Alice, but why? What sort? What does he want from her? Its a cracking read, ages since I read a new fantasy story that's gripped me like this, that I so enjoyed. Its up there with my favourite reads and I hope Lisa is hard at work with the next book. Stars: five, a fabulous read, fast paced, solid plots great characters, and will join my favourites. ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers

4 Secrets and Mayhem Filled Stars

Heart of Malice is the first installment into the Alice Worth series by Lisa Edmond. Having read a few of other peoples reviews, I was a little shocked how this story felt to drag throughout to its completion. If I’m remembering correctly, I believe it was the first 18% that seemed to flow seamlessly. Afterwards, the story became more disjointed. There wasn’t nearly enough emphasis on the suspense or mystery, it was lightly covered but I didn’t get more than a glancing impression. The way the story eventually built it was more of an all or nothing atmosphere. Which is a bit of a let down, you expect a decent build-up. Alice Worth is an interesting character to say the least. When it comes to our MC maybe a little less suspense is warranted? I get the general impression into the nature of her true power. I feel there was too few flashbacks into her previous life, and the lack of a name to put to her previous identity is mildly upsetting with the massive gap that leaves her development. Malcolm’s presence made the MC come across as way more personable. I get you’re supposed to feel for her struggle and courage, but there’s a certain point you reach where the frosty exterior lends you to disliking her overall persona. I hope we see more growth from her in the future. Her relationships with Sean, Natalie, and Malcolm give me a rising certainty that she’ll build a new family for herself. There are at least two minor antagonists this installment forces us to consider for the future, apart from the obvious big-bad Mr. Moses himself. I look forward to seeing what their connections morph into in the future. In whether they will develop stronger bonds of enmity or bridge any alliances amongst themselves.

Mages, Werewolves, and Vampires...

I'm too lazy to back track to do for reviews because I flew through the 6 books available on audio without coming up for breath. But I had to put down some words for a series I enjoyed this much. This was a good debut and the series gets better as it goes along. I like that the author doesn't spend chapters explaining everything... you get to know the world as you read the story. If you are into fantasy then you know the general terminology and concepts already. One of my on-going concerns is in regards to the main character, Alice. Why does this chick get knocked out so much? 🤣 It's ridiculous. Every other chapter she either gets knocked out or passes out. After the first book she gets knocked out or passes out at least twice per book. It's like her anti-superpower. As a whole, I give this series 4 Stars. It could have been higher but I dont particularly like when my protagonist has or gains "All" the magic/superpowers there is to have. At some point they are too powerful for it to be exciting. Fans of Illona Daniels and Patricia Brigss should enjoy this.

A paranormal MUST-READ!!

Rated 4.5! Alice Worth is an M.P.I. (Mage Private Investigator). She took on the job to make a living and to continue to put her supernatural gifts to good use. Everything is going as usual, or something similar to it when Alice finds herself in a sticky situation. She finds out a ghost, Malcolm, has been bound to her, and he is a very powerful one at that. Alice needs to keep an eye on him, so she makes Malcolm her partner. Alice must work against the clock for her new client, but little does she know what is in store for her or her new co-worker Malcolm. Malcolm saves her butt more than once, and a friendship even develops between them. Still, Alice must not let down her guard. Her latest case may be dangerous, but not near as much as the man Alice is hiding from, her grandfather, Moses. No matter what, Alice must always watch her back or she may find herself in his clutches once again... and this time she won't survive. HEART OF MALICE is a very interesting paranormal read! I love all the different directions that the story went while still circling a very important one. I could not put HEART OF MALICE down. Alice and her antics constantly had me on edge. Poor Malcolm! He had no idea what he was getting into when he became bound to Alice. I love her client, Natalie, and hope to see much more of her. I also hope to learn more about Malcolm, the ghost, Sean, the werewolf boyfriend and even Agent Lake. It may just be me, but I definitely think there is more to Agent Lake's interest in Alice than there appears!

WOW just flipping WOW

Heart of Malice (Alice Worth Book 1) Kindle Edition by Lisa Edmonds I received a complimentary copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review and can't be happier to have done so. Wow, just plain wow! Ms. Edmonds created such a unique character that you can't help but be drawn into her world. A world of Cabals, Mafia like magical organizations that use whatever mean necessary, from torture to near death experiences to force Mages to do their dirty and I do mean dirty work. Alice Worth, a new identity and we never learn her real name, has fled across the country to escape her grandfather. That man is beyond evil, far beyond a sociopathic sadist. He was willing to use another blood mage to strip Alice's body of flesh and force an even more painful healing spell to force her to do evil. He has done this since she was eight years old and accidentally killed her parents with fire and blood magic while her grandfather watched. Since then, she withstood torture while she planned an escape. Changing her name to Alice Worth and going through massive plastic surgery, she changes herself, to escape what `she had done, she tries to right the wrongs of other as a an MPI, a Maj Private Investigator. She gets caught up in a family full of `secrets that nearly leads to her death but not before meeting the alpha werewolf of the major pack of the city and becoming his lover. Something `\she has never allowed herself before. She allowed herself more than a one night `stand, allowed herself a connection. And never having had anything resembling a real relationship, she doesn't know she is falling love with the him until it is too late and as has tied them together. There is the `stereotypical vampire involved, but he is no Lestat or Jean-Claude. He at times is icy cold and other's burning hot. Told entirely in Alice'`s voice, and from her point of view, we fall into her sorrow and root for her to find some kind of happiness. The mystery `she is involved in is more of a MacGuffin to give us insight into Alice'`s horrible past and her hope for the future. The MacGuffin is an object o pure evil power that will show us the true purity of Alice'`s soul. I can't recommend this book enough. So original, `so deep and so powerful, the Book Nerd places it at the top of her new favorite character, `story and world. This book is deeply approved by the Book Nerd It reaches the highest score possible, a 5 out of 5. I would go higher if I could. Truly put this on one your to be read pile and get to it as quickly as possible. https://www.amazon.com/Heart-Malice-Alice-Worth-Book-ebook/dp/B071QZ6K3N/

Not perfect but I really enjoyed it.

this new series about Mage Private Investigator, or MPI, Alice Worth. The magic takes center stage in her latest case, which starts out as a search for missing books from her client's library. And I loved seeing Alice use her magic! That green glowy thing on the book's cover? That's her cold fire whip, conjured using her earth magic. She's also adept at air magic (and blood magic, but no one likes to talk about that.) As if her magic weren't cool enough, she also has a new ghost sidekick with magic of his own. I loved Malcolm! The afterlife in Alice's world seems a little bit like the one in Beetlejuice with long lines and lots of beurocracy. Alice knows why she's being haunted but neither she nor Malcolm know why he was the ghost assigned to her. I wish they would have made some effort to find out by the end of the book, but I'm willing to wait for answers. I have a few other, not exactly issues but things I wonder about, like "Why did we never see another member of the werewolf pack when their alpha played such a big role in the story?" and "Why didn't Alice ever go back to her office after chapter one?" but I enjoyed the book so much that I'm trying not to hold them against it. The only thing that bothered me is that I didn't love the way the mystery wrapped up. I did love most of the supporting characters though, like the mysterious federal agent who keeps crossing paths with Alice. I definitely want to read more in this world and see where it all goes.

4 stars

If you are a Kate Daniels series fan, you’ll like this series. They are extremely similar minus the ridiculously long slow burn KD has (thankfully). It was pretty slow to start in my opinion, but I’ve heard the series gets even better so I’m definitely going to keep reading.

A Wonderful New Voice in Urban Fantasy

Alice Worth is a mage in hiding. Having escaped her grandfather’s powerful cabel after years of abuse, Alice is now a PI who takes on private cases while keeping a very low profile. When a young lady comes to her to help discover whose trying to kill her, Alice suddenly finds her world turned upside down as she acquires a ghostly sidekick, a werewolf boyfriend, and a vampire who wants more than friendship. I picked up this story on a whim and am so glad I did. This classic UF tale offers readers the basics; a strong heroine whose dark past keeps her alone and always on the defensive, interesting magical powers, easy to follow modern world building, and an action-packed mystery fueled storyline with multiple plotlines designed to expand the world and main arc. Alice is the type of heroine I enjoy in UF. She’s stubborn, weary, fights for the underdog regardless of her own safety, and loves far too easy for all the betrayal she has suffered. There is a vulnerability to her that appeals to the fighter in all of us. Engaging narrative (though repetitive at times) and bold writing effortlessly incorporate Alice’s backstory into the main conflict as it reveals. The romance is more developed then one might see in UF though I had no issues there. I look forward to reading more of this world in the future. I hope Edmunds reveals more of Alice’s past and the events that shaped who she is today. Grade: B

Derivative, but entertaining at first!

Alice Worth is a super powerful mage private eye (MPI) with a super traumatic past and origins, all of which she must keep under wraps while she pretends to be nothing more than a mid level mage nobody solving mysteries for her clients. Just call her Kate Daniels, right? Except it’s her grandfather that’s the problem. He’s the leader of a major cabal and he kept her prisoner her whole life up until 5 yrs ago. If he ever finds out she’s alive, he’ll stop at nothing to get her back because she’s the most powerfullest mage ever. When a client comes to Alice for help with a stolen book, it turns out to be much more than just a book and it’s going to take everything Alice has to save everyone. And big surprise: it turns out that every man in Alice’s life is seemingly in love with her despite her constant hostility towards them all (or at least they are until the author wants to stir up some drama). She’s got an alpha werewolf falling all over himself to help her and a Jean Claude/Mircea wannabe always scheming to make her his. It’s a good thing these men are all waiting for Alice to fall into their arms, because the supposedly badass mage is CONSTANTLY losing consciousness and becoming injured and helpless for various reasons. Like way too many UF heroines, Alice is a martyr, and in this case the author takes every opportunity she can to have Alice always falling apart, or having near death experiences, and/or getting injured in the effort to save everyone’s lives. Clearly, our girl Alice is VERY selfless and just needs a big strong man to save her from herself. Of course, none of this really fits with the author’s constant attempts to characterize this woman as a highly talented/powerful mage, a loner, and strategic thinker, but whatever. The woman is basically the definition of “dependent” and has to be constantly taken care of by all her love interests because she’s like a baby or a pet that can’t feed itself. It’s hard to believe she was able to survive 5 whole years on her own. I think the most annoying thing about all this is the author still has Alice protesting ad nauseam that she never needs anyone’s help and that she must never reveal any of her secrets. I’ll admit, I didn’t think this first book was too bad; it might read like a knock-off of better UF series, but I liked all those series! The plot developments/characters get more derivative and stupid (and as a result boring) as the series progresses though, and the shallowness of the characterizations really got to me. Considering this woman can basically do ANYTHING with her magic and the fact that she’s always better at everything than everyone else (or at least until the author needs her to fall into her man’s arms) it makes no sense that her grandfather was able to keep her prisoner for so long (just like it makes no sense that the cabals would be able to keep other high powered mages/nulls as prisoners). I couldn’t even finish book 4, and after reading the reviews of book 5 and 6 I’m thinking that might be a good thing (looks like the author got bored but refused to end the series and just started changing it into a different series under the same name).

A PI's job is never done.

Alice Worth spent most of her life under the control of a psychopathic grandfather. Years after she escaped from her life of torture and pain, she's doing what she can to atone for the sins she committed under his orders. As a Magical Private Investigator, Alice solves crimes of both a magical and mundane nature. Although she prefers the magical cases, she's not quite prepared for what she's signed on for this time. The monsters that go bump in the night are real. Demons, vampires, shifters, and mages are out in the open. While the majority of the world is accepting of them grudgingly or not, others outright despise those that they don't trust or understand. Armed with her new ghost side-kick Malcolm, an Alpha werewolf, an interfering vampire, and a recently unbound mage; Alice is drawn into a world of blood magic and crazy, dangerous mages. She'll have to draw on her knowledge of magic good and bad to survive the case. Trying to keep away from Special Agent Trent Lake from SPEMA (Supernatural and Paranormal Entity Management Agency) and keep her identity hidden from those that would try to use her is becoming a second job. Other than the interesting world that Alice lives in, I think the characters are the biggest draw. The side characters are intriguing enough to be memorable. The main characters are enigmatic in a way that you want to know more about them and how they'll fit together in the long run. Alice was a fun character to follow. For someone so damaged by her upbringing, she really does want to do good. I'm going to enjoy seeing more of Sean and his interactions with Alice. (view spoiler) I have a feeling I'm going to have a love-hate relationship with Charles. While he does some things that I applaud he also does some reprehensible things that I'm having a hard time forgiving. I adore Malcolm and hope to see a lot more of him in upcoming books in the series. Although the book isn't action packed the mystery of the case and the ensuing danger was more than enough to keep me engaged from start to finish. I truly enjoyed Heart of Malice and I'm going to get started on Heart of Fire immediately.


I read a couple of other reviews before I started this book. I agree with most. It was refreshing. I have had a hard time getting into new books lately. This book caught my interest and I enjoyed the interaction between the characters. I do think it was a little odd how quickly she opened up to people in this book given her past. It was good and I will read the next one.

really good but a bit heavy on the romance for me

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review This is actually one of the first new urban fantasy series in awhile that I've really enjoyed. I think the world-building and the magic system is very interesting and all the characters were really great too. Alice has trouble letting people get close to her, but it's clear that she still really cares about them and wants to help. It's actually pretty funny because she's all brooding over in the corner like ~I work alone!!!~ and then she ends up adopting literally every supernatural creature in need that crosses her path like Batman scooping up Robins. The only part I wasn't crazy about was the strong romance angle. I picked this up in the first place because there is literally no indication of romance in the summary, but of course I could never be that lucky. While I did find Sean kind of annoying with all his ~I'm an alpha~ nonsense and there were a couple awkward sex scenes to skip, overall it wasn't too bad and I appreciate that Alice at least always stood up for herself whenever he tried to boss her around.

Awesome story.....

Heart of Malice (Alice Worth Book 1) By Lisa Edmonds 5 out of 5 stars I loved reading the book Heart of Malice (Alice Worth Book 1) by Lisa Edmonds. It is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and didn’t let me go until the final page. The story includes magic, shifters, mages, mystery, and danger. The book is written in such a way that I felt like I was right there with the characters. I loved reading about Alice. She is a PI of the Supernatural. Alice is intelligent, strong, and fiercely independent. She doesn’t like to rely on anyone but herself. The story finds her and Malcolm, a ghost with a past just like herself, on a mission to find an object of power. What happens next has Alice looking for someone with a dangerous secret and an unknown agenda. Will Alice find the object of power? How much danger is Alice in? What does her future hold? Read this book to find out. This story has both an amazing plot and unforgettable characters. The author does a wonderful job in world building and I loved reading the story of what has happened in the past to both Alice and Malcolm. Other characters are introduced and some of them are friendly and helpful while others have their plans and will do anything to make sure their agenda comes to pass. This is an exciting and entertaining story that you will not want to miss out on. I highly recommend reading it.

great story

I enjoyed this paranormal-fantasy story. This is a well developed story that brings fantasy to a new level. I was pulled in right from the beginning and kept engaged to the end. I had no problems connecting with the characters. Alice has a past and magic has been part of that. Now that she has run from that past, she starts a life over again. She is a private investigator that takes on cases of the supernatural. She is hired to find a mysterious object that has some special powers. The story takes on survival of power and life. There is so much going on in this story that you will not want to miss it. Find out what happens as Alice as she walks a thin line between the present and the past. I highly recommend this book.

Intriguing paranormal urban fantasy.

4 Stars Heart of Malice is the first book in the Alice Worth series by Lisa Edmonds. This is my first read from Ms. Edmonds, so I was quite intrigued by what her story would reveal. I love all things fantasy and paranormal- so this book captured my attention immediately. This is a really great start to the series- it’s a cleverly crafted paranormal urban fantasy- with a paranormal private investigator and her ghostly partner, magic, danger, sinister forces, hidden agendas, secrets, intrigue, and mystery. Ms. Edmonds proves to be a talented storyteller with stellar world building skills which really brought this story to life. Weaving a story encompassing such a multitude of supernatural elements and characters really gave my imagination a workout- in a great way. I am really looking forward to exploring the rest of this series and seeing what comes next! Thank you, Lisa Edmonds!

Heart of Malice by Lisa Edmonds a four-star read with heart

Heart of Malice by Lisa Edmonds a four-star read with heart. This is the first novel in the Alice Worth series and shows great promise for the series, this has some very well done world building as it encompasses a variety of different characters and they each have their own personal quirks, that make them so much more. Alice the main character is nicely done, she is hiding from a scary past, but while hiding she is also trying to atone for things that were beyond her control, as we all know guilt doesn’t always follow the correct rules. Alice was believable as a private investigator, she had a real awareness to her, I am hopeful for the rest of this series as we have met some great characters that I am sure we will only fall harder in love with the more we get to know them.

Magical Problem-solving

Alice Worth is an Earth and Air Mage who works as a Private Investigator. She has escaped from her grandfather's Cabel and after fleeing, has plastic surgery to change her appearance and taken a new name. For unknown reasons, Malcolm, a ghost has been given an order to haunt Alice. Alice has an appointment to meet with a new client and she puts Malcolm into her earring to conceal him at the meeting. The client wants her to find out who has stolen some books from her and her deceased grandmother's house. She and Malcolm arrive at the client's house and discover that the grandmother was a high ranking Blood Mage and that her granddaughter, Natalie is also an untrained Mage with no knowledge of what her grandmother was nor that she is a Mage as well. Alice is injured trying to enter the grandmother's library and once she and Malcolm release the wards around the library, Nancy's Magic is also released as wild magic. In the search for a mentor for Natalie, Alice meets Sean, an alpha werewolf who she starts seeing. Her Vampire friend Charles finally agrees to help hunt for a mentor; however, while searching for the thief, she and Natalie are kidnapped. Malcolm, Sean and Charles are all on the hunt for them, but the Mage that has them has their magic contained. Will they be rescued in time and what other things can happen? Great book.

Surprisingly good

I enjoyed a previous series of the author and started this one. It's very very good I would recommend it to anyone.

Good read

Heart of Malice is the first book in the Alice Worth series. And, I have to say that the series is off to a great start! The first chapter starts out with action which sucks you right into the story. I liked the unique way the ghost is portrayed in chapter two. I also found the interaction between the ghost and Alice amusing. Alice sort of reminds me of Jessica Jones. Something I’m wondering about is how the author decided on what is in the Supernatural and Paranormal Entity Registration Act. I’d be interested to know what went into that process. It’s a good detail that adds a more realistic feel to the story. All of that rambling to say, this is a good read. The only thing I wish had been different is that Alice demonstrated more of her power. And, maybe that changes in subsequent books as the character grows. I’ll have to read and see.

Awesome start to a new series

Alice Walker is a Mage PI, or MPI for short. And that's not her real name. She is really a very powerful blood Mage on the run from her grandfather, the psychopathic head of a criminal cabal who used 'Alice' to exact revenge on his enemies. She's a loner trusting no one, trying to stay under the radar until a new client and a friendly ghost overturn her life. I loved this, with overtones of Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Underworld and a nod to Devon Monk's Allie Beckstrom this has ghosts and werewolves and vampires and cabals and elemental magic. This was an awesome start to a new series, loved the world and the characters. I can feel a love triangle in the offing, or a quadrangle? Can't wait for the next book, sign me up. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Truly enjoyed

Heart of Malice is a great debut for Lisa Edmonds. The storyline was pretty creative and so full of action that you can't really be bored with the story. I think it's pretty funny that one of my favorite characters is a ghost! Malcolm the ghost had me quite entertained throughout this book. I loved Sean, the werewolf. He was a great Hero. He was protective but not overbearing. He genuinely just wanted to spend time with Alice and help her. Alice was a harder character for me. She is hiding a past and has never been able to trust, so I get why she was so standoffish, but I did want to shake her a few times. I was intrigued by her powers. Overall, this was an entertaining story and I look forward to the next one. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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