Harvest of Gold: (Book 2)

Kindle Edition
14 Jun
An arranged marriage. A man whose heart is closed to love. A king whose life hangs in the balance. A nation on the brink of annihilation.  Harvest of Gold (Book 2)

The scribe Sarah married Darius, and at times she feels as if she has married the Persian aristocracy, too. There is another point she did not count on in her marriage--Sarah has grown to love her husband. Sarah has wealth, property, honor, and power, but her husband's love still seems unattainable.
Although his mother was an Israelite, Darius remains skeptical that his Jewish wife is the right choice for him, particularly when she conspires with her cousin Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Ordered to assist in the effort, the couple begins a journey to the homeland of his mother's people. Will the road filled with danger, conflict, and surprising memories, help Darius to see the hand of God at work in his life--and even in his marriage?

Reviews (217)

A bit forced, but still some good content

I loved Harvest of Rubies, so I had high hopes for Harvest of Gold. The excerpt at the end of Rubies tempered my expectations a little - a kung fu fighter in ancient Persia, really? - and I feel that kind of sums up the feeling I had throughout Harvest of Gold. Background: Rubies used the familiar romance novel plot of marriage-then-love as a background on which to build a much more meaningful story with deep theological applications that even I, as a never-married woman tired of the "Christian romance" genre, was really ministered to by. Gold also used a familiar background, this time of secret-kept-too-long-strains-marriage, on which to build a continuation of Rubies' storyline. But this time the theology felt less central to the story, and things seemed too visibly orchestrated / overly convenient for me to enjoy it as much - for instance, the timing of all the things that happen to allow the main character to keep on deceiving her husband when she knows she needs to tell him what's going on. Bottom line: Because of the point in the marriage relationship at which Rubies ends, I would still recommend reading this book; however, if you're content to leave them where they are at the end of Rubies, then read Pearl in the Sand instead of this book. It, like Rubies, is a much deeper book that ministered to me (though not as much as Rubies since my own past, sins, and lies I tend to believe line up more with the character from Rubies than from Pearl).

Worth the Wait

It isn't often that I read a book in which the hero is an endearing jerk for much of the story. Tessa Afshar created such a nuanced, well crafted, realistic character in Darius. I read Harvest of Rubies (still my favorite of the two) and I thought then that Darius needed to have some of the wind knocked out of his aristocratic, arrogant sail. In this book, we understand the reasons for his internal conflict and we watch him receive healing as he comes in contact with his mother's God. It is a wonderful story, replete with Biblical characters as we walk through the book of Nehemiah. I received much encouragement from the story of this great man of faith. Tessa Afshar can't write fast enough. I eagerly await her next novel.

Excellently written and in-depth historical novel

There was a focus on struggles and restoration and I enjoyed all the multiple storylines in this novel: the plot against the king, Sarah and Darius' relationship, and the rebuilding of the wall as in the book of Nehemiah. The author did a good job at using the material in the book of Nehemiah and writing a story with that as a plotline. This novel has a beautiful ending, which is more than I expected, given how deep the struggles seemed to run earlier in the novel. With the parallel of the rebuilding of the wall and restoring Jerusalem, the author does a good job at telling the story of Sarah and Darius' relationship. God is the one who provides healing for all, and this story truly shows the miraculous nature of this.


This book continues Darius and Sarah lives in Persia and then in Jerusalem, Damascus, then Jerusalem again with Nehemiah and the building of Jerusalem’s walls. Second and last book in this series. You really need to read both books in order to appreciate all the problems and resolutions in this book. Loved the ending.

Another excellent book from Tessa Afshar!

Harvest of Gold is the second book in Tessa Afshar's Harvest series. This book is set around the event of Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. In it we continue to follow the story of Darius, Sarah, and of course, Nehemiah. Unlike Harvest of Rubies, we get to read the story from the point of view of all 3 main characters, something I immensely enjoyed. While I also liked reading the previous one from Sarah's view point, this one I felt had a little more depth. I liked knowing what was going on with each of them and what they were thinking. If Harvest of Rubies is Sarah's book, then this one is Darius'. We get to know and understand him better. Honestly, he isn't a very likeable character, at first. He is hard, bitter, and I didn't care for how he treated Sarah. As I continued reading, I still had a hard time caring for him, though I did like him a little more. I finally fell in love with him about halfway through the book, when we start to understand what drives him. Darius has a very high moral standard, so when Sarah doesn't tell him something important, he once again withdraws from her. I really wanted him to stand up and get it together, but that wasn't part of his character, yet. Even though I was rather apathetic toward him, I still enjoyed his journey. I was looking forward to seeing him redeemed and Ms. Afshar did an excellent job. Sarah was her usual self; spunky, sassy, and bold. I still adored her and her heart. There was one point when I wanted to shake her, but that just made her more real to me. I have to really care about characters for them to frustrate me that much. I believe the main spiritual themes of this book are forgiveness and surrender. Darius must learn both. He has spent most of his life refusing to feel or let others too close, but with Sarah in his life, breaking down his walls, he's struggling to maintain his distance. This alone makes him lash out at her when she makes a mistake. He lays all the blame at her feet and shuts down even further. He must learn to forgive, something that only truly works with the Father's help. He also must learn to surrender, which is a battle he fights through most of the book. I appreciated his struggle with both themes. Ms. Afshar doesn't try to gloss over either, but rather portrays both as the difficult issues they are. Sarah must also learn to surrender, both to God and to Darius. She has been taking care of herself for so long, that she has a hard time trusting Darius to make decisions regarding her well-being. The same is true of her trust in God. When she faces a trial, she asks, "where are You, God?" as we all do at some time or another. She doesn't understand why God would allow the circumstance and she struggles to surrender to Him, to trust that He knows best. I really enjoyed the secondary characters, Lysander, Roxanna, and Pari! While they really are secondary and we don't know them well, I fell in love with each of them. I wish Lysander and Roxanna would get their own book, but I believe Ms. Afshar plans to leave their story up to her readers' imaginations. The descriptions were so vivid! I often felt as though I was actually there, traveling with them, or viewing the city of Jerusalem for the first time. Ms. Afshar really brings history to life in all of her books and this one is no exception! Her stories draw you in and refuse to let go until the end, even the occasional frustrating character can't take away from her masterful writing. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Biblical fiction!

Just as good as Harvest of Rubies

I loved Tessa Afshar's Harvest of Rubies and was so excited to read more of Sarah and Darius' story. I'm happy to say that Harvest of Gold was every bit as good as Harvest of Rubies. I love Tessa Afshar's writing. I find it to be engaging, well-paced, emotional and inspirational. Her books never fail to move me to tears, and Harvest of Gold was no exception. Darius and Sarah are married, but he has not told her that he loves her. In fact, he is hot and cold with her, pushing her away much of the time, then letting his true feelings show at other times. I hated that for Sarah: I wanted her to feel loved and accepted by her husband. Much of Sarah's struggle was based on feeling God's love in the absence of her husband's love. I felt that Harvest of Gold was just as much Darius' story as it was Sarah's. Darius changes a lot during this book, and his journey to faith as well as his acceptance of his difficult childhood provided for a lot of character growth. The emphasis on parenting in Harvest of Gold really touched my heart. Now that I am a parent, I find myself drawn to characters going through trying parenting experiences. I enjoyed reading about the rebuilding of Jerusalem. It made the book feel very authentic, and while I know that Afshar writes fiction, knowing that her books are based on Biblical events makes them feel slightly educational (and I like that). I highly recommend Tessa Afshar's books. She consistently writes outstanding Christian fiction, and I have given her books as gifts and recommended them many times.

Fully satisfied!!

I had this book pre-ordered as soon I finished "Harvest of Rubies," and the day it was supposed to arrive, I checked my door seven times to see if UPS had dropped it off yet. It was well worth the wait, and, just like the first book, I've already reread it and it has already changed my life. (I promise I don't say that lightly.) There's plenty of mystery, humor, chemistry, history, and spiritual insight. I have never read a novel about Nehemiah, and it was so fascinating to enter and explore that world and time. The author takes more time to delve into Darius's history and character, and I loved seeing the journey of his relationship with Sarah, with all its pitfalls and victories. Sarah, aside from one foolish decision, was such an inspiration to me in my own marriage. The morning after finishing the book, at least four times I found myself saying something to my husband and then thinking, "Sarah would never have responded like that to Darius." Her love and respect and honor for him, even when he was not treating her well, have been so convicting and encouraging to me. (and I have a great husband!) It's probably impacted me more than most of the marriage books I've read and seminars I've been to! And of course, this book is packed with all kinds of spiritual insights and deep quotes (have I ever wanted to highlight a novel before?). It amazes me how Tessa Afshar can blend excellent fiction, witty dialogue, engaging characters, historical facts, and spiritual truths so well! I absolutely cannot wait for her next book!!

Type faster...

I can honestly say that Tessa Afshar does her research. She is meticulous. Reading her books always make me dive into my bible and hunt out the stories that she writes about. The covers of her books are gorgeous!! Ok, into the book. Harvest of Rubies was the first book in the tale of Sarah and Darius, if you have not read it yet, I highly suggest you do so before reading Harvest of Gold, because it puts you in place to begin this book. Sarah and Darius really struggle to find their footing in this book and only through the grace of God, are they able to do so. Nehemiah, Sarah's cousin, plays a huge role in this book. He leaves his life of opalescence behind to follow God's lead. Being the Kings cupbarer, I guess you could say he led a large life, so long as you didn't drind a poisoned cup. :) It was amazing to see him keep his calm while rebuilding the walls and to bring enthusiams to the people to keep them encourage. Sometimes it took drastic measures but, they got the job done. Can't wait to read more of her books!

Review: Harvest of Gold

[Warning: May include some spoilers for the first book in the series, Harvest of Rubies.] I have been eagerly awaiting this release since I finished Harvest of Rubies last year! The continuing saga of Sarah and Darius has drawn me back several times, despite my [quite large] stack of "new" to be read books. I've read at least part of Rubies four or five times in the last year. Gold picks up quite soon after Rubies ended. The mystery and intrigue with a backdrop of rebuilding Jerusalem were all quite interesting, but at the heart of it Gold continues the love story begun in Rubies. My heart still ached for Sarah as she loved Darius but he was unwilling or unable to allow himself to truly love her back. Through their trials as they want to start a family. As he tries to decide if he can really trust her after that trust was thoroughly destroyed on their wedding day. As Darius struggles with his new post while trying to understand the people of his mother and his wife. I devoured the preview ecopy I received and did not even contemplate canceling my preorder of the paper version. I have not had a chance to reread it yet, but you can bet I will. Most of characters are fictional, but a few are not, including the prophet [and the cousin to fictional Sarah] Nehemiah. Most of it is filled with supposition and "fill-in-the-blanks" but those things are based on Tessa's meticulous research and are well-grounded. I was both happy and sad to see the saga of Sarah and Darius come to an end, but I am very much looking forward to her next release based on the story of Ruth [I've been asking for SOMEONE to write this for several years now :D]. Sadly, it won't come out for a while. In the meantime, I'll have to find time in my reading schedule to read Rubies and Gold again - back-to-back this time. Overall rating: 9.25 out of 10 stars Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an ecopy in exchange for my honest review.


The story of Sarah and Darius continue. Sarah loves her husband and told him so but Darius refuse to say the word. His deeds, thoughts - she was his only wife (which was not the case those days) -were full of love but he did not recognise love. So despite Darius rejections of love Sarah keep on saying to him that she loves him. When she neglects to mention something very important to her husband he was furious and stays away from her for a very long time. Then a miracle happens with Sarah and him with a very beautiful ending. It was also very interesting to read about Nehemiah and the building of the walls. I simply love this author's books and buy them as soon as it is released, even without first reading a summary of the book - it is always excellent. Very few books have the depth of this author's books. You will enjoy it

A bit forced, but still some good content

I loved Harvest of Rubies, so I had high hopes for Harvest of Gold. The excerpt at the end of Rubies tempered my expectations a little - a kung fu fighter in ancient Persia, really? - and I feel that kind of sums up the feeling I had throughout Harvest of Gold. Background: Rubies used the familiar romance novel plot of marriage-then-love as a background on which to build a much more meaningful story with deep theological applications that even I, as a never-married woman tired of the "Christian romance" genre, was really ministered to by. Gold also used a familiar background, this time of secret-kept-too-long-strains-marriage, on which to build a continuation of Rubies' storyline. But this time the theology felt less central to the story, and things seemed too visibly orchestrated / overly convenient for me to enjoy it as much - for instance, the timing of all the things that happen to allow the main character to keep on deceiving her husband when she knows she needs to tell him what's going on. Bottom line: Because of the point in the marriage relationship at which Rubies ends, I would still recommend reading this book; however, if you're content to leave them where they are at the end of Rubies, then read Pearl in the Sand instead of this book. It, like Rubies, is a much deeper book that ministered to me (though not as much as Rubies since my own past, sins, and lies I tend to believe line up more with the character from Rubies than from Pearl).

Worth the Wait

It isn't often that I read a book in which the hero is an endearing jerk for much of the story. Tessa Afshar created such a nuanced, well crafted, realistic character in Darius. I read Harvest of Rubies (still my favorite of the two) and I thought then that Darius needed to have some of the wind knocked out of his aristocratic, arrogant sail. In this book, we understand the reasons for his internal conflict and we watch him receive healing as he comes in contact with his mother's God. It is a wonderful story, replete with Biblical characters as we walk through the book of Nehemiah. I received much encouragement from the story of this great man of faith. Tessa Afshar can't write fast enough. I eagerly await her next novel.

Excellently written and in-depth historical novel

There was a focus on struggles and restoration and I enjoyed all the multiple storylines in this novel: the plot against the king, Sarah and Darius' relationship, and the rebuilding of the wall as in the book of Nehemiah. The author did a good job at using the material in the book of Nehemiah and writing a story with that as a plotline. This novel has a beautiful ending, which is more than I expected, given how deep the struggles seemed to run earlier in the novel. With the parallel of the rebuilding of the wall and restoring Jerusalem, the author does a good job at telling the story of Sarah and Darius' relationship. God is the one who provides healing for all, and this story truly shows the miraculous nature of this.


This book continues Darius and Sarah lives in Persia and then in Jerusalem, Damascus, then Jerusalem again with Nehemiah and the building of Jerusalem’s walls. Second and last book in this series. You really need to read both books in order to appreciate all the problems and resolutions in this book. Loved the ending.

Another excellent book from Tessa Afshar!

Harvest of Gold is the second book in Tessa Afshar's Harvest series. This book is set around the event of Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. In it we continue to follow the story of Darius, Sarah, and of course, Nehemiah. Unlike Harvest of Rubies, we get to read the story from the point of view of all 3 main characters, something I immensely enjoyed. While I also liked reading the previous one from Sarah's view point, this one I felt had a little more depth. I liked knowing what was going on with each of them and what they were thinking. If Harvest of Rubies is Sarah's book, then this one is Darius'. We get to know and understand him better. Honestly, he isn't a very likeable character, at first. He is hard, bitter, and I didn't care for how he treated Sarah. As I continued reading, I still had a hard time caring for him, though I did like him a little more. I finally fell in love with him about halfway through the book, when we start to understand what drives him. Darius has a very high moral standard, so when Sarah doesn't tell him something important, he once again withdraws from her. I really wanted him to stand up and get it together, but that wasn't part of his character, yet. Even though I was rather apathetic toward him, I still enjoyed his journey. I was looking forward to seeing him redeemed and Ms. Afshar did an excellent job. Sarah was her usual self; spunky, sassy, and bold. I still adored her and her heart. There was one point when I wanted to shake her, but that just made her more real to me. I have to really care about characters for them to frustrate me that much. I believe the main spiritual themes of this book are forgiveness and surrender. Darius must learn both. He has spent most of his life refusing to feel or let others too close, but with Sarah in his life, breaking down his walls, he's struggling to maintain his distance. This alone makes him lash out at her when she makes a mistake. He lays all the blame at her feet and shuts down even further. He must learn to forgive, something that only truly works with the Father's help. He also must learn to surrender, which is a battle he fights through most of the book. I appreciated his struggle with both themes. Ms. Afshar doesn't try to gloss over either, but rather portrays both as the difficult issues they are. Sarah must also learn to surrender, both to God and to Darius. She has been taking care of herself for so long, that she has a hard time trusting Darius to make decisions regarding her well-being. The same is true of her trust in God. When she faces a trial, she asks, "where are You, God?" as we all do at some time or another. She doesn't understand why God would allow the circumstance and she struggles to surrender to Him, to trust that He knows best. I really enjoyed the secondary characters, Lysander, Roxanna, and Pari! While they really are secondary and we don't know them well, I fell in love with each of them. I wish Lysander and Roxanna would get their own book, but I believe Ms. Afshar plans to leave their story up to her readers' imaginations. The descriptions were so vivid! I often felt as though I was actually there, traveling with them, or viewing the city of Jerusalem for the first time. Ms. Afshar really brings history to life in all of her books and this one is no exception! Her stories draw you in and refuse to let go until the end, even the occasional frustrating character can't take away from her masterful writing. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Biblical fiction!

Just as good as Harvest of Rubies

I loved Tessa Afshar's Harvest of Rubies and was so excited to read more of Sarah and Darius' story. I'm happy to say that Harvest of Gold was every bit as good as Harvest of Rubies. I love Tessa Afshar's writing. I find it to be engaging, well-paced, emotional and inspirational. Her books never fail to move me to tears, and Harvest of Gold was no exception. Darius and Sarah are married, but he has not told her that he loves her. In fact, he is hot and cold with her, pushing her away much of the time, then letting his true feelings show at other times. I hated that for Sarah: I wanted her to feel loved and accepted by her husband. Much of Sarah's struggle was based on feeling God's love in the absence of her husband's love. I felt that Harvest of Gold was just as much Darius' story as it was Sarah's. Darius changes a lot during this book, and his journey to faith as well as his acceptance of his difficult childhood provided for a lot of character growth. The emphasis on parenting in Harvest of Gold really touched my heart. Now that I am a parent, I find myself drawn to characters going through trying parenting experiences. I enjoyed reading about the rebuilding of Jerusalem. It made the book feel very authentic, and while I know that Afshar writes fiction, knowing that her books are based on Biblical events makes them feel slightly educational (and I like that). I highly recommend Tessa Afshar's books. She consistently writes outstanding Christian fiction, and I have given her books as gifts and recommended them many times.

Fully satisfied!!

I had this book pre-ordered as soon I finished "Harvest of Rubies," and the day it was supposed to arrive, I checked my door seven times to see if UPS had dropped it off yet. It was well worth the wait, and, just like the first book, I've already reread it and it has already changed my life. (I promise I don't say that lightly.) There's plenty of mystery, humor, chemistry, history, and spiritual insight. I have never read a novel about Nehemiah, and it was so fascinating to enter and explore that world and time. The author takes more time to delve into Darius's history and character, and I loved seeing the journey of his relationship with Sarah, with all its pitfalls and victories. Sarah, aside from one foolish decision, was such an inspiration to me in my own marriage. The morning after finishing the book, at least four times I found myself saying something to my husband and then thinking, "Sarah would never have responded like that to Darius." Her love and respect and honor for him, even when he was not treating her well, have been so convicting and encouraging to me. (and I have a great husband!) It's probably impacted me more than most of the marriage books I've read and seminars I've been to! And of course, this book is packed with all kinds of spiritual insights and deep quotes (have I ever wanted to highlight a novel before?). It amazes me how Tessa Afshar can blend excellent fiction, witty dialogue, engaging characters, historical facts, and spiritual truths so well! I absolutely cannot wait for her next book!!

Type faster...

I can honestly say that Tessa Afshar does her research. She is meticulous. Reading her books always make me dive into my bible and hunt out the stories that she writes about. The covers of her books are gorgeous!! Ok, into the book. Harvest of Rubies was the first book in the tale of Sarah and Darius, if you have not read it yet, I highly suggest you do so before reading Harvest of Gold, because it puts you in place to begin this book. Sarah and Darius really struggle to find their footing in this book and only through the grace of God, are they able to do so. Nehemiah, Sarah's cousin, plays a huge role in this book. He leaves his life of opalescence behind to follow God's lead. Being the Kings cupbarer, I guess you could say he led a large life, so long as you didn't drind a poisoned cup. :) It was amazing to see him keep his calm while rebuilding the walls and to bring enthusiams to the people to keep them encourage. Sometimes it took drastic measures but, they got the job done. Can't wait to read more of her books!

Review: Harvest of Gold

[Warning: May include some spoilers for the first book in the series, Harvest of Rubies.] I have been eagerly awaiting this release since I finished Harvest of Rubies last year! The continuing saga of Sarah and Darius has drawn me back several times, despite my [quite large] stack of "new" to be read books. I've read at least part of Rubies four or five times in the last year. Gold picks up quite soon after Rubies ended. The mystery and intrigue with a backdrop of rebuilding Jerusalem were all quite interesting, but at the heart of it Gold continues the love story begun in Rubies. My heart still ached for Sarah as she loved Darius but he was unwilling or unable to allow himself to truly love her back. Through their trials as they want to start a family. As he tries to decide if he can really trust her after that trust was thoroughly destroyed on their wedding day. As Darius struggles with his new post while trying to understand the people of his mother and his wife. I devoured the preview ecopy I received and did not even contemplate canceling my preorder of the paper version. I have not had a chance to reread it yet, but you can bet I will. Most of characters are fictional, but a few are not, including the prophet [and the cousin to fictional Sarah] Nehemiah. Most of it is filled with supposition and "fill-in-the-blanks" but those things are based on Tessa's meticulous research and are well-grounded. I was both happy and sad to see the saga of Sarah and Darius come to an end, but I am very much looking forward to her next release based on the story of Ruth [I've been asking for SOMEONE to write this for several years now :D]. Sadly, it won't come out for a while. In the meantime, I'll have to find time in my reading schedule to read Rubies and Gold again - back-to-back this time. Overall rating: 9.25 out of 10 stars Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an ecopy in exchange for my honest review.


The story of Sarah and Darius continue. Sarah loves her husband and told him so but Darius refuse to say the word. His deeds, thoughts - she was his only wife (which was not the case those days) -were full of love but he did not recognise love. So despite Darius rejections of love Sarah keep on saying to him that she loves him. When she neglects to mention something very important to her husband he was furious and stays away from her for a very long time. Then a miracle happens with Sarah and him with a very beautiful ending. It was also very interesting to read about Nehemiah and the building of the walls. I simply love this author's books and buy them as soon as it is released, even without first reading a summary of the book - it is always excellent. Very few books have the depth of this author's books. You will enjoy it

Bible truths come alive!

I read the Bible alongside the book. So much of the Biblical account made sense. Tessa Afshar seems to try to keep her novels as accurate to Scripture as possible. While the characters may not all be real, how they respond to God's dealings is based in reality. I love reading books from this author! Her writing makes Scripture come alive!

A must-read!

This book! I can't say enough good about it! and be sure to read the next one (sequel): Harvest of Gold. Tessa Afshar is my absolutely favorite author! I recommend every book she has written! She takes women from the Bible and "extends" their stories, without changing anything that is in scripture. She takes what (little) we know and writes a beautiful "what if" story about each character. I can't imagine the research that goes into every book. Fascinating, Endearing. Good to the last drop!! :)

What a really great book!

I haven't read a book this good in a while. My goodness, I was transported to Ancient Persia, Jerusalem, Damascus.... The characters were so well developed. This is my first time reading a Tessa Afshar novel. It certainly won't be my last! 😀

A wonderful story that will build your spirit up and enlarge your heart :)

I loved this book. It's so /real./ Harvest of Gold is full of real people. Not over polished, not over imagined, not over perfect. So many books create characters that don't feel relatable. I felt very connected to many of the books characters, like they were people I could really know and would connect with. Sarah might be presented in the Persian court... but she also felt like a girlfriend I could have over for tea and share my heart sincerely with. But even more importantly, this book makes the Bible real. I don't so much mean in the Biblical historical fiction way (although that's certainly true) - but in the sense that these real people are really living out a life with God. This is fiction, but it's anchored in truth in a way that can't help but move you. Darius and Nehemiah have a powerful conversation that will unveil almost anyone's own heart and cause you to reflect on why you live and respond as you do. I appreciate Tessa Afshar very much and look forward to her subsequent works!

A must read

Both my husband and myself loved the book. Tessa writings are based on the Word of God. She makes the people in that period come alive. It's hard to put the book down, she has you on the edge of your seat just wanting to hear more about what's going to happen. I get a lot out of what's going on in my relationship to the Lord. It makes me stop and think of my own walk with the Lord. I believe it helps me have a closer walk with God. A deeper trust and faith in Him. We have read all of Tessa's books starting with A Pearl in the Sand. Each one was just as good as the other. We've never been disappointed in any of her books. We can't wait until her next book comes out. That's how it was with all of her books. My daughter Colleen knows Tessa personally, and I keep asking when is her next book coming out. There's suspense, romance, and a great message in our walk with the Lord. We're waiting with great anticipation for her next book.

Blown Away Again!

I am again blown away at the writing of a true artist and storyteller. I have learned so much from Ms. Afshar's books. I know she doesn't want them to replace reading the Bible - and they don't by any means - but they are a great way to bring the Bible stories to life and to help put yourself in that era of time as well. Things I don't really think about while reading the Bible are easier to imagine from her books. And then when I go back and re-read the stories from her books back in the Bible, I am just amazed at how much she had gleaned from the reading (well, I know she is a scholar as well so that helps:) that I had missed originally. I hope she writes hundreds of more books! This book is a story of romance, mystery, and the greatness of God. It took off from Sarah and Darius' marriage, so you would want to read this one second, just FYI!

Review is Harvest of Gold

Excellent read, could hardly put it down. It was an excellent follow up to Harvest of Rubies I really like how Tessa mixes historical facts with fiction. I would recommend the book to anyone that likes a bit of romance with biblical history of what may have happened.

Building Up Spiritual Walls

Ms. Afshar did an amazing job sweeping me into the story line not only for the romantic story line, which was beautiful but also for the historical events taking place! Full of turmoil and hope; war and reconciliation with God. Having read Ms. Afshar's first book in this series, Harvest of Rubies, then Harvest of Gold, I have to say the second was my favorite!! I cried quite a few times as I completely identified with both of the characters Darius and Sarah. The story takes place during the time of Nehemiah building up Jerusalem's broken down walls, which becomes a symbol for what is happening within the characters marriage as well as what has been happening in my own walk with God. I could relate to Darius for the walls he had built up long ago and had a difficult time tearing down. Dependence has never been a strong point of mine and yet we see his heart becoming softened to Sarah's God. Sarah, who could not entrust herself to anyone because she relied on her smarts and what she could do for others rather than being loved for herself. It was only the grace of God that allowed these two hurting people to come together to show what true love is. I recommend this to everyone who wants to laugh and cry and be amazed at the wonderful God we serve! Thank you, Ms Afshar for this unique and beautiful tale! I'm off to start reading "A Pearl in the Sand"!!

A wonderful continuation

So I loved Harvest of Rubies the first part of this book that begins Sarah and Darius's story and I just as equally adore this book. It's a wonderful story that deals with fears, shows how much God loves us as His children and the fact that even in our unfaithfulness He is faithful. He protects us even when we think it impossible.

Beautiful story of victory

Well researched, historically accurate fiction. A novel continuing the story woven in Harvest of Rubies, this tale is a blend of adventure, intrigue, romance, and restoration. The Jewish resettling of Jerusalem was a difficult and hard won task, Tessa Afshar writes with beauty & detail, and tells of our God’s loving hand over His children. Biblical references throughout make this Historic Fiction a must read for anyone who loves a good story of victory.

I agree with you Tessa

I agree with the author when she said the two main characters were like old friends after having their story covered in two books. I enjoyed their story very much! Aghast is very thoural and makes her people come alive in the page!

Another wonderful book from Tessa Afshar

Another wonderful book from Tessa Afshar! This was a sequel to the Harvest of Rubies, and I really liked the way that the relationship between the two main protagonists developed. At the same time the author dealt with some difficult questions plaguing us all at times, and she does it very well. Great storytelling set in biblical times. Thank you, Tessa.

Great book

I love this book especially how the biblical truths were applied. One example is Darius asking Nehemiah was he afraid with all the threats. His reply was, " Nehemiah rubbed his chest. “Of course I am. But this is not about my feelings. It concerns the will of God. They can destroy my name, but what can they do to the Lord? They imagine they can discourage me by spreading rumors and trashing my reputation. They want me to stop the work at any cost. And that, I will never do." There will always be opposition to you when you are called by God for a task . Nehemiah wasn't worried about himself and he knew God would give him everything he needed no matter what comes at him. Great example of what God can do if we keep our eyes on Him.

Great Biblical based historical novel

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it is a love story set in a time I had read about in the Bible. I will go back and re-read books of Ezra and Nehemiah with a renewed understanding. A well written book I had a hard time putting down.


If you are planning to read this book ,it is best to read harvest of rubies first to get to know a little of what all happened in the beginning.every book I have read of Tessa brings tears to my eyes ,It speaks to me on my current situations.entertaining,romance even spirtual aspects.I plan on reading again

Enjoyable Read

Loved this two book series (Harvest of Rubies). The characters are so engaging, I could hardly put the book down.

So very enjoyable

Tessa Afshar has a gift of which she takes full advantage. Her ability to tell a love story that is completely and totally captivating and engaging is unparalleled. This is true of every one of her books that I have read (multiple). What makes her unique and so enjoyable is that her stories take place in the context of historical biblical times that are somewhat embellished (poetic license), but totally based in fact and legend. This author's books are informative, insightful, and are not to be missed (yes, even by men). Reading her storytelling is analogous to the the handcrafted weaving of a fine tapestry.


I had a hard time put this book down. I started with Harvest of Rubies. I only wished there was more to read. I have read all of her books and wished she had more in the making. Perhaps she does. She glorifies God through her writing. Praise be to Him.

Bible comes alive.

I love how the author brings the Old Testament Bible stories to life for me, with events and characters I’ve read about all my life.

Harvest of Gold: (Book 2)- Absolutely Wonderful Book

I was excited to finally be able to read this book after Harvest of Rubies, because Darius angered me deeply in the first book, being a nasty, self-ish, and rude towards Sarah and treating her like trash. I am glad this book followed, because it told the readers why Darius behaved the way he did all along, and allowed us to understand his mental and emotional conflicts. Tessa Afshar is wonderful at telling long past biblical stories in such romantic, passionate detail, that has a reader chained to the book, wanting more, feeling exactly what the characters are living with every inch of their body and mind. This book, as all others' of Afshar, is absolutely wonderful and inspiring, having reminded me that one should never give up hope, to always trust in God, to observe and analyze people before we judge them, since they might have reasons for their behaviour and attitude, and to help wherever we can. I recommend this book to anyone who likes a good read!!

Tessa Afshar had done it again

Loved the book. This book is a continuation of Sarah and Darius, a couple whom I love to death. I love her use history and description made the pages come to life. Also how she showed God loves and how God can heal broken hearts even when we put walls up. His love can penetrate any wall we put up. loved his book well done Tessa. Let GOD continue to use you to glorify Him. I am not going to spend time telling you the plot of the book however if have ever read Tessa's books you know she has a keen eye for history and detail and if you haven't, as an avid reader, she doesn't disappoint. All her books are excellent.

Excellent in every way

It is very rare that I would give a book five stars, but Harvest of Gold (and Harvest of Rubies before it) have earned it with no reservations. It is very well written, the characters come alive and it is very faithful to the scriptures (not being so is a fault that I find in much Biblical fiction.) Through her characters' trials and spiritual journeys, Ms. Afshar reveals a lot of scriptural truth, while maintaining a gripping story line. I couldn't put it down, and my only disappointment was when I finished it and there was no more. I eagerly look forward to any future books she writes.

Definitely Golden

I love historical fiction, and Tessa Afshar's HARVEST OF GOLD did not disappoint. Afshar knows how to weave her intricate research into the story so as to define and enhance but not bury. I felt as though I were right there in the midst of the action. Set in the Persian Empire, Afshar wrote this romance for the inspirational market, but it will appeal to a wide range of readers as she presents well-rounded characters and provides interesting insight into the customs and daily life of the ancient Near East. I received a free copy of the novel from the publisher; however, I wrote this review from a Kindle copy I purchased myself.

So Thankful!

Wow!! Is how I would start out my review. This follow up to Harvest of Rubies can also be a stand alone. Tessa's writing skills and her ability to show God in all circumstances....big and small...keep me coming back to her books. She brings a time long past into vivid color. You can almost smell the cooking and you can definetly feel the longings, hurts, fears and joys of her characters. You will not be disappointed in any of her books...so pick one to start...I guarantee you will be back for ALL the rest! The Last think I would say is that I'm so thankful for people like Tessa Afshar that share their gifts with the rest of us. That allow God to use their gifts to show us He is always in our midst, no matter the circumstance and brings us closer to His Holy Spirit. I'm thankful for these books that can take me places I'll never go and have adventures right in my own home...while still guarding my heart from those things my mind does not need to dwell on. With these kind of books...it always comes back to the Lord working in our lives for our good and His Glory! THANK YOU TESSA!!

A great read

Once again a story that keeps ones attention riveted throughout the book. The lesson of learning to stand firm despite what our eyes see or our ears hear when we know God gas given us a mandate was so powerfully encouraging. To see broken hearts restored and healed as His love enfolds them once again showcases His grace and mercy.

Was not expecting to love this book as much as I did

Was not expecting to love this book as much as I did! I was expecting a slow moving, boring book but after giving it a chance, I was pleasantly surprised. This book is interesting, with dynamic characters and an exciting plot line. I also loved the squeal!


Ms. Afshar again has penned an inspiring story, continuing the tale of Sarah, and her aristocratic husband, Darius. I never tire of her Biblically correct tales.

Incredible story from Nehemiah

I start reading Tessa Afshar's books and get nothing else done because I can't put the books down. Her incredible research into the time period of the story shows through in each page and every paragraph. But it is her talented storytelling that captures my attention. Her characters come alive and caused me to grab my Bible to reread the Bible's account of Nehemiah returning to rebuild the walls. One of my favorite parts of Afshar's books are the descriptions of the settings in which her stories take place. I highly recommend this book!

Hard to put down.

I loved the characters. I couldn't wait to see what happened next. Worthy reading. The struggles, battles and then the restoration. This book kept my attention.

A Single Book Can Change Your Heart; Harvest of Gold Could be That Book

A beautifully written story that transports you to ancient Persia, portraying the glamor of royal society and the hardships of the times. Sentences such as, "A few golden leaves had escaped the attentions of the army of gardeners, and brightened the palace grounds with their colorful death," read like jewels scattered throughout an intricately woven plot that alone keeps you turning pages. I'm a fan of Ms. Afshar's works and believe this one could be her finest. A moving read capable of changing your heart.

Not as good as Harvest of Rubies

Having just finished Harvest of Gold, I have to tell you that I was a little disappointed. While it was good and did have some solid biblical truths in it. It just felt lacking overall. I was not as engaged, and esp. towards the end did a lot of skim reading. If you are looking for a really great biblical fiction book about Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall, I highly recommend Lynn Austin's first book in The Restoration Chronicles, Return to Me (Book 1). All that said, will I read another book by Tessa Afshar? Yes, absolutely! My favorite by her is still Pearl in the Sand, excellent!

A wonderful read for the soul

Not a dull chapter in the book! This is a book that will entertain a variety of personalities! Sit down and enjoy!

Harvest of Gold

What an excellent story of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Darius surprised me in the end. In fact, the spiritual aspect at the completion was an elation that I certainly did not expect. It was a wonderful and powerful end and truly romantic.

Amazing author

Very much enjoyed your latest book Harvest of Gold. Both the Harvest of Rubies and Harvest of Gold have become a part of my favorite book series/duo's. This summer I'm compelled to read them both again, lol. I've shared them with my book club as well. I have found that usually with authors they tend to write specific types of books. Some mystery, comedy, deep biblical thought etc. So, if I'm interested in one kind I'll go to the author that I enjoy for such a book. On the other hand I feel that these books contain all of the above which makes them so hard to put down. The first(Harvest of Rubies)made me laugh so hard that I cried, the mysteries in both were very well thought out and kept me on the edge of my seat until it was solved and I LOVE the biblical references which gave me chills as I remembered the Lord's presence. Even the relationship was very realistic and touching. Couldn't wait for Harvest of Gold and now that I'm done. I can't wait for your next one, lol. Really enjoy this author. I know that what I read is going to contain a bit of everything. Would also recommend Pearl in the Sand.

Five Stars: Excellent sequel to Harvest of Rubies

Tessa is an amazing writer that brings the Bible to life. Highly recommend! Even the book jacket speaks for itself, from where Sarah started and how she develops. Tessa creates such three dimensional characters, you feel like you know them and regret when the story ends. We go on quite a ride with Sarah and Darius, delving into understanding his character better due to his childhood. An excellent sequel that brings to light the story of Nehemiah's journey and success through his faith. Well researched, stimulating your own journey of faith.

Inspiring fictional account based on Nehemiah and Ezra

I enjoyed this romantic account of Darius and Sarah's lives as they joyrneyed to Jerusalem with Nehemiah to rebuild the city walls. The exciting and dangerous encounters on their journey made this book hard to put down.

Another great book.

I have read harvest of rubies just before this one, harvest of gold. These are also the first books I have read by Tessa Afshar. She is a very good writer. I look forward to reading more of her books. I like the amount of biblical references that are made in these two books and I also like the way that they are explained and interpreted into the story. I like how Ms Afshar and other Christian authors are making stories out of the stories in the Bible. It brings the Bible and God to life, makes God more real. Alive. I'd recommend this book to any one. Great read.

harvest of gold

I really love this author's work. Ibought this book before it was released, and right after I read thefirst book. I NEVER do this. I was absorbed by the story enough to refer back to my Bible. I loved integration of factual events into the story. The hero's upbringing and its effect on his character and decisions is on point. The peek into Jewish culture and Persian aristocracy was excellent. The first book stirred more emotion but this one had me more absorbed.

God's love conquers all

Christian fiction is made even better with the inclusion of biblical characters and accurate dates from the Bible. Nehemiah and a small group of survivors rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in only 52 days. An impossible task made possible with God. The marriage of Sarah and Darius and the journey they travel to reach God's best for their family made the history lesson enjoyable and memorable. Tessa Afshar had written several other historical fictions that bring the stories of the Bible to life.

Tessa Afshar is an Extaordinary Writer!!

Tessa brings us forward in this wonderful story wrapped around the life and times of the Prophet Nehemiah! I await her next book with great anticipation. Ms. Afshar has a great ability to take Biblical history and bring the characters of those times and the life and ways of that time period to life. If you have not read any of her books. I suggest you start with Pearl in the Sand, and then go to the Harvest books (Harvest of Rubies and Harvest of God). You will not be disappointed!!

Terrific Sequel to Harvest of Rubies

Once again, I found myself immersed in the lives of Sarah, Darius, their friends and family, and their world. So many of their situations, their passions, tribulations, and questions of faith still ring true. No matter that the setting was hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. Tessa Afshar has adeptly brought together the never-changing aspects of human nature and the unwavering love of God for His children in a powerful reminder that through Him, nothing is impossible. Even the non-religious reader will find encouragement in the stories of perseverance and faith contained in Harvest of Gold. For me, there were many relatable moments of lost faith or lack of trust. And in the end, as in real life, the bottom line remains that God is bigger than all of our shortcomings and love overcomes all else. Thanks to Tessa Afshar for her work on this novel. Excellent job!

loved it, loved it loved it

Wow....The author is a genius....loved the sequels, I will definitely read them again...and am now buying the other of her books.....God bless her...please write more. I love the fact that the books are all researched and no detail in it involving anything mentioned in the bible about the given story.....nehemiah in this case....has been altered for the sake of a story. Loved the characters too...I already miss sarah and darius. ...haha....you don't think they are actually real

Definitely a Golden Harvest

Biblical fiction is one of my favorite genre's to read and enjoy. Since she started writing with A Pearl in the Sand, Tessa Afshar has quickly become one of my favorite authors in this genre. The research she does is meticulous; it's also refreshing to read a story about side characters in an interesting phase of history. Harvest of Rubies was the first book in the tale of Sarah and Darius, if you have not read it yet, I highly suggest you do so BEFORE reading Harvest of Gold, because it sets the necessary backdrop for both the characters as well as the setting for the story. Sarah and Darius are amazing characters, at the end of Harvest of Rubies some things were resolved, but it's only in Harvest of Gold that both characters come out truly healed and whole. How this happens you will have to read for yourself. I can promise however that you will fall in love with the characters and the depth of this story. If you enjoy biblical fiction, or just plain historical fiction, you will enjoy this series. It talks about God, and the impact he has in each of our lives. It also explains a sideways view of Nehemiah and the work he had to do to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Reading this book has made me want to go back and re-read the Biblical accounts, something that always happens when I read a great book. Because of her level of writing, the complete immersion that her story uses to guide a reader in, I found it hard to place this book down, and you will too. I am giving this book 5/5 nuggets of gold for what was truly a well done book. Thank you Tessa and I look forward to reading more from you, perhaps not about Sarah and Darius, but about other stories. To others reading this, if you haven't checked them out, read A Pearl in the Sand (a story about Rahab that is unrelated to this novel) and also read Harvest of Rubies (which is related to this title). Enjoy this masterpiece of a novel.

Wonderful Sequel to Harvest of Rubies

Harvest of Gold continues with the story of Sarah and her husband Darius, a member of the Persian aristocracy. Darius and Sarah have entered into a tentative truce within their troubled marriage. While Sarah has come to trust the God of Israel, Darius has run away from his mother's God. Both have built up walls within their relationship rooted in the trauma of childhood. Will Darius come to love Sarah? Will their marriage survive betrayal of trust? Join Darius and Sarah as the journey with Nehemiah to Jerusalem, and where walls must be built and torn down to allow God to bring healing.

Harvest of Gold is Golden!

Tessa Afshar continues to fulfill the promise she made with her two previous books (Pearl in the Sand and Harvest of Rubies) in Harvest of Gold; the promise to keep the reader intrigued with colorful characters, interesting plot lines and beautiful history. The underlying themes of faithfulness and devotion always draw me into her writing. As with the first two books, I read into the night, wanting more of my heroine and her fantastic wit and her resolve. Enjoyed this book immensely! Buy it! You'll love it!

Women of the Bible were strong & smart!

Nice to read of the intellect of women who lived in such a male oriented time.

Great read

I liked it a lot. It is an easy read.

Loved it!

Tessa Afshar is a gifted storyteller and this story is a good one. You will get pulled in and have a hard time putting it down.

Love it.

Bible characters can often seem stiff and unreal. Even though I realize this is fiction, I still love a good clean romantic story.

Vivid and Amazing

Tessa's writing pulls me into her books like few authors can. My description of the perfect book would be one that makes a person laugh, cry, think, and learn. Tessa definitely has this down! It was extremely hard to put this book down. Leaving the world of Sarah and Darius was hard and the colors there were so bright and vivid that the 'real world' was gray and dull in comparison (maybe because I ended up reading through the night).

Great read!

Tessa brings us another great read, she works her mystery and pros about Biblical characters that truly draw you into the story. I have a hard time putting the book down. You don't have to be a Bible buff to enjoy and get into her books, she just has that way about her writing. There are a lot of details about the people, places and times that are so interesting, I really wanted the story to continue! Thank you Tessar and thank you Amazon!

Harvest of Gold is a Gem

So glad I had a day off today. I immersed myself in this sequel to Rubies by Tessa Afshar. It is an amazing read. Characters drawn with insight and so real I feel like I know them well. I have been anxious to read of Sarah's continued exploits. Although especially appealing to Bible readers, this story will grip anyone who enjoys stories of overcoming the odds or romance or court intrigue.

Enjoyed this series!

Tessa Afshar is a great author who writes wonderful books. Her books are well researched and gives you a good perspective of places in ancient bible times. I'm so glad that I bought Harvest of Rubies and Harvest of Gold, together. This way I could read them back to back without having a lag period...yay! Harvest of Gold is an engaging and inspiring story.

Best ever

This book will make you weep with happiness and emotion. One of the best I have read. I recommend it very highly. Now onto the next one by this wonderful author!

She is my favorite Biblical / historical fiction writer

Tessa Afshar's extraordinay writing skills and knowledge of her topic ....brings her stories to life. She is my favorite Biblical / historical fiction writer. I encourage everyone to read all of her books...they will change you!!

Love love love!!

Biblical history deeply woven with a realistic yet beautiful love story entwined with redemption. Perfection!:) Will read every thing this author writes!

Nice Sequel - Door open for other books?

Spinoff opportunities abound in this story. Thank you for the lovely read. I look forward to more of your works.

Finishes the story of Darius and Sarah

I really enjoyed Harvest of Rubies. I enjoyed the adventures of the characters throughout this book. However, it is told from Sarah, Darius and Nehemiah's perspectives, I stead of just Sarah's. I found myself wanting more of her story at times, but appreciated the story of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.

Skip the detailed introduction and just read the story...you'll figure it out as you go

It took me a long time time read the first in this series...something about all of the introductions at the beginning of the story put me off. Once I decided to skip all of the preliminaries and actually read the book, I found it well written and very enjoyable. I even went out and bought her other 2 books to continue the story. I liked the historical framework of the plot.

Better than part 1

This story is about a young couple who enter into an unequally yoked marriage that matures into a sacred and deep union. The chemistry between Darius and Sarah is lovely; I liked this book more than the first one. I would absolutely read a third part if it was about the same characters…Lysander and Roxanne anyone?!

Oh...I was so disappointed!!!

I absolutely LOVED the first book in this series and was so looking forward to book two. I was so disappointed. I thought Ms Afshar took her quirky, spunky, intelligent heroine, Sarah, and reduced her to an unsure wife whose only desire was for her moody husband to love her! Sarah had a few moments where she seemed like her old self, but there weren't many. And Darius...I actually liked him in book one. I didn't in this book. I thought he was often just cruel. By the time he finally got better, I was too frustrated w/ him to change my opinion. I also didn't think the storyline was very original either. I have read the book of Nehemiah. It is a great book of the bible. I felt like that was what I was reading a lot of the time, instead of an original work of fiction. I often found myself simply skimming pages because I already knew the story!!! I had such high hopes. Oh well, I guess I'm in the minority w/ all these great reviews. I just disagree w/ them.

Cousin Nehemiah - Darius' friend or competition?

Harvest of Gold continues the story of Sarah and Darius as they struggle to trust each other and God! Helped me to see what a mess we make when we are sure that we know best. The love that develops between Sarah and Darius kept me in suspense wondering if they were ever going to trust each other. The story line carries you into Jerusalem, adding Nehemiah, the king's cup bearer, and his influence on Sarah and Darius. YOU WILL ENJOY IT!


Awesome book! Pay attention when you read it. It will take you through self activation/clearing. Read Harvest of Rubies first. Steller books! Good Job (again) Tessa!

Harvest of Gold does not disappoint.

Harvest of Gold does not disappoint. Tessa uses romance, adventure and humor with a generous helping of spiritual understanding to weave an engaging story. She transports us back thousands of years to visit places and characters of which we have read in the Word of God, thus creating an instant rapport between us and them. She is an inspired and inspiring author and it has been my great pleasure to make her acquaintance.

Harvest of God was just as good or perhaps even a bit better than Harvest of ...

Harvest of God was just as good or perhaps even a bit better than Harvest of Rubies. I love the way Tessa has cleanly woven a love story into the history of the time. I especially enjoyed getting to know Nehemiah better in this novel. Very well done Biblical Fiction!

Great writer!!

I just love reading Tessa Afshar's books. She's a really good writer even though she needs a little polishing, for instance, she inserts modern-day language into her books that I find distracting, But her writing is still very interesting to read and a down-to-earth look at what life was like and how people of this period may have responded. Fun way to hear messages of Christian faith.

Ancient history--quite believeable

Read the first book--Harvest of Rubies and couldn't wait to get my hands on book number 2, though I feel completely certain you don't need to read them as a series. It was refreshing to have a book written in such an ancient time period and acknowledge people were people like us then too. Lovely story--wish there was another!

Amazing story!

I highlighted so many things in this book. Nehemiah was an incredible man of God. Sarah is amazing as a wife.... "I should have trusted you with my life/ for it is yours/ not my own" An inspiration to me with an unbelieving husband. Thank you for this book! Hope there is another coming/ maybe about lysander and roxanna!

Great read - Biblical insight

I LOVED this book - but for richest experience, read Harvest of Rubies first, as this is a continuation of this book, even though it can stand alone - reading the Rubies book first will enrich the story for you. Not only the story of a woman of long ago, it also mirrors relationships today and teaches us that Christ is our REAL husband. I can't wait for her next novel...!!!

Golden Harvest

Tessa Afshar has again proven herself to be a stellar author. Harvest of Gold, a sequel to the outstanding Harvest of Rubies, wholly/holy satiated this avid fan. For anyone interested in reading a great romance between a very complex couple against the dramatic historical setting of Nehemiah's rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls, this riveting novel is for you. The author's attention to historical and biblical details is inspiring while the modernity of dialogue keeps the story moving with humor and anticipation. Reading all three of Afshar's books is a golden harvest for anyone.

Encouraging Read!!!

This book is full of excitement, espionage, love, faithfulness, and encouragement. The story of Nehemiah is very well told in this Novel and Tessa does a great job weaving a love story in the middle of it. I was very encouraged listening to Nehemiah lead his people and telling them not to worry about their enemy, for God is on their side. Darius and Sarah's story is full of conflict, tenderness and fun. I can definitely relate to some of their conversations and situations. This is my second book I've read from Tessa's collection and I can't wait to read the next one!


Love this author and all her books. Can't wait for the next release!

a must read--better than Harvest of Rubies

Really enjoyed this book, better than Harvest of Rubies. I almost didn't read it because of the reviews. If you read the first book, definitely read this.

Five Stars

Very good.

Delightful and Inspirational

So amazing to find such insight and wisdom that applies to everyday life. Easy read. The presence of Jewish history, Jewish names, and places like Damascus and Jerusalem increase this book's allure for anyone who loves the Jews as I do. Unable to put it down. A great read!

Couldn't put it down! !!

Loved this!! Couldn't put it down, which says alot, because most books end up boring me to death; but not this one. I just wish Tessa made more books on this specific story.

Series continues...

It's encouraging when a series continues and is still a good read. Harvest of Gold is almost as good as its predecessor...maybe not as much historical fact, but still a solid strength in realism of setting and time. I enjoy Tessa Afshar's style and pace, and would definitely recommend this book.

Four Stars

Very good biblical fiction. She brings the bible alive.

A Great Read!

Once you start reading this book, it's impossible to put it down. You want to discover what happens next. I also like the love story element that transpired between Darius and Sarah. The author mentioned that this is no substitute for the book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament. However, after reading this book, it gives me a new and profound understanding how Nehemiah overcame the odds in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. I won't have second thoughts in giving this novel a five-star rating. I fell in love with the story and most of all with the characters. I'm looking forward to another masterpiece from this author.

Tessa does it again!

I treasure nothing in a story, whether it be literary or cinematic, more than character growth. Tessa has woven the historical biblical account into a beautiful story of how God works to change us the way we could never change of our own accord. Beautiful sequel to Harvest of Rubies. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey of Sarah and Darius.


What a great read! The story was so well written. I was afraid it would become too complicated to follow with too many characters, but it was just right. I will definetly read more from this author.

Excellent Insights adding Color to Nehemiah

A well written colourful and insightful story that also lights up the Nehemiah story. It tells of how a graceful wife can bring change to a husband ignorant of real values in life. It also shows the godly people skills of Nehemiah yet uncompromising his love for what God loves. Behind all this God is at work. A good story.

Great read I so enjoyed this book. This is book 2, Reading book 1 first wll enhance your enjoyment. Gems of enlightenment sc

Read the book of Nehemiah for the main story then read Harvest of Rubies folloed by thi one....Harvest of Gold. INSPIRING.

Awesome Read!!

I loved the first book and so glad the story continued for Darius and Sarah. This book has romance, danger, healing and so hard to put down. I highly recommend it.

Five Stars

This is great biblical story.


Tessa does a wonderful job depicting a real and deep love story between Sarah and Darius, using common relationship issues that are relevant n our relationships today; but also describes the Lord's love and His desire to have an everlasting relationship with us. I have read Harvest of Rubies and Pearl in the Sand as well and have been overjoyed with both the stories and the biblical content as well. Books that make you look at yourself and your relationship with God in a non-judgmental but loving way in order to offer growth instead of guilt are rare and welcome in my home. I would recommend this book.

Great read

Great read and the book was in great shape will pass it on to friends and family

Love Conquers All

In this story of Nehemiah's charge by God of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem lies the display of Our Creator's power of drawing even the most unwavering leaders to become true believers of the One True God. Romance involving Darius of Persia and a female scribe is interwoven in this beautifully tender saga.

Harvest of Gold

Captivating & with thought provoking historical detail. As great a sequel as any could be. I Recommend this to everyone.

a glimpse into a different world.....

The book is full of historical biblical facts amid a personal story! The story of Sarah, a Jewish scribe and her Persian husband. Together they discover God, his goodness and the true meaning of family! It is a great journey! Go for it!

Love her books.

Love her books. I am submerged into the time and culture. A truly enjoyable spiritual book that brings a beautiful picture of Nehemiah and rebuilding the wall.

Biblical romance

A must read!!! I have recommended this book (and the follow-up) to ALL my friends and they have found it just as inspirational as I did. It is more than a romance - it is an adventure. The wonderful application of the Bible in my life was excellent. Wonderful!


Must read both books in the order written by author! Enjoyable and well written!! I had a hard time putting it down.

The Battles of Life

Well written and a timely read as not only is my study group reading Nehemiah but it is Lent. This book really brought to life the book of Nehemiah. Plus, God really used the characters to remind me of some battles I'd experienced and dig a bit deeper, do some more work in me. I cried a lot. What better recommendation for a book!

Worth your time!

Artful story telling. Authentic characters and attention to historical detail. I've read her other books. If you like historical fiction set in Biblical times this series fits the bill.


I really enjoyed reading the Havest of God it spoke to my heart I couldn't put the book down until I had finished reading it. Love it


i was so excited when i received my book in the mail, and it was worth the wait. Tessa brings the Bible to life and increases your desire to read the Word of God throughout the book. Its interesting to read how the two main characters; darius and sarah grow in maturity, and learn to trust one another. I hope we see more of lysander and roxanna in the futur ;-). Its a great book, i would encourage everyone to read both books in the series.

Write more

If this author doesn't crank out some more books, she is missing an opportunity to bless us all. Rich with struggle. Wish she had not rushed to the finish so much. There was so much room for more.

Second book was second best

I enjoyed Harvest of Rubies a little more than this one. Nevertheless, I'm glad she wrote this second book and I'm glad I read it. Tessa says some wonderful things about living a Christian life ttc are worth pondering.


I have read both books Harvest of a Rubies and Harvest of a gold.......I'm so spiritually lifted by Darius and this faith he finally found and the love Sarah had longed for from the beginning of their journey. Her faith was united once again with The Lord and the wise Nehemiah let God work thru him to accomplish more than one miracle.


Loved this book! It is a great read, just like the first book of the two! This author is wonderful at drawing you into the characters and their feelings!

Real Life Romance, Disappointment & Love

After reading Harvest of Rubies, I couldn't wait to read Harvest of Gold. I was NOT disappointed! It was hard to put the book down. What a journey! Re-building the wall of Jerusalem & Nehemiah's journey came to life in an awesome way, with it's rich characters! These books inspire you to read the Bible with new & fresh eyes. The lesson I learned: God never gives up on people! A definite must read!!!

I really enjoyed this book series

I really enjoyed this book series. It wasn't my favorite of all of her books, but it was well done and an enjoyable read.

Absolutely beautiful.

My goodness, this was just such a pleasure to read! Ms. Afshar has written another sincerely wonderful book that delves deep beyond the surface of a typical romance and puts God right at the heart of it all. These characters are real and flawed, and redemption is the theme at work here. Her attention to historical detail is fascinating-- it makes me want to learn more about the customs and people of the Persian empire! Is it too much to hope for a third in the series? ;)


Enthralling book, I could not put it down.

Amazing read. I could not put it away once ...

Amazing read. I could not put it away once I started. A captivating book. It was like watching a movie. Truly did not want it to end.


I love reading about people in the Bible. I love reading the Bible! But it is also nice to put"flesh" on them to better appreciate them. One day we will meet them and we can spend eternity listening to their stories and how God was with them.

Loved it.

Well written. Portrays what real life must have been like.

Wonderful read

Captivating historical novel about Boaz and Ruth

Obedience, redemption and forgiveness beautifully portrayed.

The perfect follow up to the first book. Nehemiah came to life as a vivid flesh and blood man. Israel's redemption was exceptionally portrayed. A wonderful picture of God's amazing love for us.

Love this

Absolutely loved this book! The second one was even better than Harvest of Rubies, and I loved that one as well. Tessa Afshar is a wonderful storyteller. Loved how she weaved the whole book together. Eagerly awaiting the next novel :)

good book

I am always looking for books that flesh out the Bible or history in a way that makes me feel like I am there, Ms Afshar's books do just that.. Enjoyed the storylines and the lack of OVERT sexuality.


The Lord has a way to use such writings to teach and give you more clarity into what He is conveying in scripture. Thank you for this work it will give me a new strength to be the woman God has called me to be through trials and to learn that loves grows stronger with trust and transparency. Above all I am resolved to believe that no matter what with God on my side all things are possible!

Love the harvest series

I have loved all her books so far. I suggest reading them all and the audible version is good too.

Tessa Afshar has a wonderful writing talent and adds so much history and the ...

Tessa Afshar has a wonderful writing talent and adds so much history and the culture of the times to her writings


My review would echo the three star review by LauraSF. I felt exactly the same way upon reading this book. Good story, but lacking some of the depth of the first. I will certainly read anything further this author puts out.

Loved the 1st

Loved the 1st, loved the second...it's not only about the characters, but about the love of God for His people, His care and the desire He has for us to fulfill His destiny. Beautiful.

Wonderful story using Biblical background and references

This gift for my Granddaughter. She loves these stories

Thoroughly enjoyed this book!

Much to learn in this book. The comparison of the heart to the ravaged walls of Jerusalem spoke to me. A talented author with insight who helped me see a new and different perspective.

A roller coaster ride

I loved this second book in the series. The story took me on a roller coaster of adventure and emotions.

Great read

Love this story and all the interesting characters

Incedible details

My favourite book of Tessa is still Pearl in the Sand One of my all time favourite this was a beautiful love story of love between a man and a woman but also the love of God for us. Definitely a page turner

Captivating Read

It’s a love story that was designed by God to show his agape love for not just one man but those who sound him and his wife as well. I love the evolution of some of the characters and the way Tessa captured the essence of that era but infusing nuisances of modern times.. I definitely recommend this book as an excellent read.


So good! Not only does Tessa Afshar tell a story that is engaging and pulls you in until the last word, but she also deftly weaves deep and meaningful life lessons and imagery all through it. Everything a story should be: exciting, suspenseful, romantic, thoughtful, leaving you hanging out for more but at the same time pondering deep truths and examining your own life.

Loved this book

Loved this book. Tessa Afshar is a writing genius. You will not be disappointed if you read this. Read Harvest of Rubies FIRST however. That one is even better.

the next books are just a wonderful. This one tells of Rehab

Keep on reading; the next books are just a wonderful. This one tells of Rehab. who saved the Hebrew spies and ended up a Hebrew.


Afshar captures the feelings of the characters in a way that self evaluation is inevitable. The description of the various settings involves all the senses in a way that brings you there. The plot is woven through these elements so that this novel is beautiful and you are enriched by reading it.

A Good Harvest

I enjoyed this conclusion to Sarah and Darius' story which was started in Harvest of Rubies. Afshar writes so your interest is captivated from the first page. Looking forward to reading her other books.

A great book

A nice story written with words full of hope and wisdom. I really enjoyed it and I appreciated the godly perspective.

Inspiring, and like the reaserch

This continues the story with Sarah & Darius. It was an enjoyable, and encourgaing read. You grow to love and care about the characters. There is adventure, romance, humour. Really enjoyed it.

A great love story

Well written. A great love story.

Five Stars

Unforgettable book! Heart changing!

Great book

It held my interest and I didn't want to put it down. Well written and I plan to read all of her books!


I absolutely loved both books (Harvest of Rubies and Harvest of Gold). I don't remember ever crying when I read a book before. Absolutely beautiful. Couldn't put it down. I only wished the intimate moments between Sarah and Darius would have been a little more elaborated on. After all, this is a love story. Other than that, I absolutely LOVED the books!

I loved this book

I loved this book. Excellent, well written, awesome plot and character development, but I recommend you read book 1 first.

Five Stars

Excellent Book, as was the first one she wrote.

Very talented writer! I will read this again and ...

Very talented writer! I will read this again and again! Content speaks into life's decisions, responses, and helpful lessons in both!!! How important are our responses in relationships. The eyes of hearts are receiving acceptance or rejection, in this book is the experience of healing of minds and hearts when the response towards our relations nurture and not pull down!!!! The message of this book is profoundly eternal!!!!

A love story rooted in troubled times

I really like the way Tessa develops very realistic fictional characters around historic people and events. We feel the tension of the murder plot and the hunt for the culprit (somewhat naive), the challenge of rebuilding Jerusalem's walls in spite of discouragement and hostile neighbours, and the strained marriage due to incompatible religious beliefs and Darius' inability to love on account of childhood deprivation. The historic detail is accurate, the language polished, the drama unfailingly decent, and the religious element not overdone. The book is written from an unashamedly female perspective, as one might expect, and is thus a valid challenge for husbands!

Five Stars

Christmas gift....


This story had it all: historical relevance, a beautiful love story between a man and a woman, and the never-ending story of God's unwavering love for His people.

humor and great characters. What more could you ask for

A veritable tapestry of biblical history, spiritual insight, poetic license, humor and great characters. What more could you ask for?

Five Stars

It was fantastic. It held my attention from the very beginning to the end

Loved, loved, loved this book

Second book in the series, The characters are appealing and the setting is worth exploring - the ancient Persian Empire and its connection with reestablishing the Hebrews in Jerusalem.

Another wonderful novel.

Another absolutely wonderful book by Tessa. She is such a wonderful writer. So much Bible history and understanding of what it might have been like back then. Kudos to Tessa,

Love this sequel to Harvest of Rubies

Great follow up to Harvest of Rubies. Tessa Afshar is an amazing writer. Love all the characters. I think someone should take both books and make a movie

outstanding literary genius

Tessa Afshar, she is a genius in her literary proclaims and presentations of the bible during ancient history. I look forward to more.

great biblical fiction

All of Tessa afshars books are great and this one is no exception. Though the story is set in biblical times its characters share the same spiritual issues we all encounter such as unforgiveness and fear. This book will cause you to seek a closer walk with our Father.

fabulous Biblical setting

Having recently visited Israel, it was wonderful to take me back to the time of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall. Tessa makes it possible for me to picture myself right along side them!

Five Stars

I loved this series! Read this for our book club and now have discovered another author I enjoy reading!

High Rating for Author

I have and will read any of her books. Anyone in search of history would enjoy this and any other books she has or will write.


Nice sequel to Harvest of Rubies - love the love story along with some bible facts thrown in. This is fiction tho. Tessa is an excellent writer and I look forward to her future novels!

Five Stars

Throughly enjoyed this book. I loved the historical Old Testaments characters come to life in living color.

Another Great Story

Tessa Afshar has another winner here. I love to read her novels and I recommend them to all my friends who want to read good literature.

Harvest of Gold

It took me a bit to get into the story, but I think it was because I had read Harvest of Rubies when it first came out and I had forgotten the story line. Once I had gotten into it, I couldn't put it down! Tessa has become one of my favorite authors!! Looking forward to her next book!

continued pleasure

Once again Tessa Afshar succeeds in bringing new life to Biblical characters and stories. Her research and attention to detail are outstanding. Her characters are well developed. Dialogue is believable and not contrived. Like her previous 2 books, Harvest of Gold is a great read for everyone not just Christians or women.

Reflective and life changing

Love Mesu Andrews can't wait for the next book. Have read all her books will definitely re-read this book thank you

good story

Good Story to Read. BOOK HASN'T LOADED PROPERLY MISSING PAGES. frustrating. at least 50 or so sections missing.


I choose this book because it reminded me of the book Esther in the bible. I simply love Esther and after reading this fantastic novel I understand Esther even better.Harvest of Gold is the most wonderful romantic story of somebody how really fight for the love of his life. I will recommend this book to all loving a romantic story full of nerve wrecking incidents. with a wonderful ending.

The beauty of this story unfolds in layers- the historical ...

The beauty of this story unfolds in layers- the historical, Biblical aspect was also fascinating. Hoping there will be another 'chapter' in Darius and Sarah's life in another book

Great book

Great book. Tessa Afshar is a great author.

Five Stars

I loved this book. The writer is an excellent writer.

Great author!

I have read this author's other 3 books. This one did not disappoint! Author's Iranian background helps in historical authenticity.

Tessa does it again!

One of my favorite Christian writers! I can't put her books down. They are so well written, believable, and follow the events of the times.

Awesome narrative!

From the times, the places, the characters all were coming to live through writer's words. Overall a great way to immerse yourself in the restoration of more than just crumbled walls.

A joy read

I bought Harvest of Gold to read on vacation. Made the mistake of starting now and couldn't put it down. It pulled me back to time and place I could share with the characters. Very enjoyable reading.

never a disappointment

I can't begin to tell how the words in this book go beyond just a story. These words touch the hurting wounded parts of the soul. Through Tessa's gift, God heals the broken hearted. Can't wait to see how the Lord through the next book! Blessings Tessa for sharing with us all!

As with all of Tessa Afshar's books the Harvest series ...

As with all of Tessa Afshar's books the Harvest series just touches the soul and places many thoughts and musings in perspective.

Awsomee book

Tessa Afshar has a deep spiritual understanding and knowledge of scripture. This book is so inspiring.

great sequel.

i loved the book! it was an awesome read. i love Tessa Afshar's writing. i will be re-reading this book as i have re-read harvest of rubies many times.

Bringing well-known stories to life.

Tessa Afshar's research into the life and times of Nehemiah gave the book an authenticity, and 'filled in the gaps' for me. By taking a fictitious character and placing her in a familiar (to many of us) historical setting, the author was able to bring new insight into the politics and social mores of the time of Nehemiah.

Harvest of Gold

Very good, it was in great condition and a very good book.Tessa Afshar is a very good writer, keeps it interesting.

Another great read by Tessa!

It is amazing to read about someone coming to God even in a fiction book. I found myself smiling as God reached into Darius' heart. I believe this is the third book of Tessa' s that I have read. I enjoyed it as much if not more than the others.

Very Engaging

A wonderful read. Satisfying to the heart is being privy to Darius' conversion, and the open change in his love for his wife.

This was a nice sequel. I liked the characters

This was a nice sequel . I liked the characters. I was drawn in by the story and felt the authenticity of the background and culture she painted. It resonated with the scriptures as well.

Harvest of Gold

I really enjoyed it. It reminds me of bible principles and reinforces them. I love bible historical fiction because of this.

Harvest of gold

I loved the characters and the inspirational parts of the book. The way Darius finally came to the Lord. The way he could finally LOVE completely.

Three for three!

Tessa's latest book is a treasure! As a working mom, I rarely find time to sit and read. Tessa's books are an exception - once I start, my family knows not to bother me until I finish :-) Her characters are well-written, great story line. She proves that with romance books, it's better to leave something to the imagination! Can't wait for the next book ...

Harvest of Gold

Just loved this book, even better than the previous one, which I also loved. Adventure, god, romance and great characters. I did already recommended to few friends.

Great love story

Excellent research behind historical fiction based on Biblical a counts of Nehemiah. I enjoyed the love story and getting to know how people lived many years ago.

Intriguing novel

Captivating novel based on historical fact.

Great book!

Can't wait for Afshar to write something else! I've read all her books -- she is an amazing storyteller. She brings the Bible to life!

another winner

Book Two carries on the tale begun in Book 1. You don't have to read Book 1 first, but I certainly would recommend it.

Great read!!!

Our Book Club read this book recently. I couldn't put it down. Very well written. I really enjoy this author.

A fabulous read!

I love historical fiction and this story was well worth the read. I bought another novel and will be looking for more from this amazing young author!

Great Sequel

This is just as good as the first one. It was uplifting and encouraging. I hope there is another book.

I really enjoyed this story

I really enjoyed this story. I love feeling emerged in the biblical times as it really helps me thoughtfully consider the events in the Bible and appreciate customs etc. God is good and His way prevails.


Great book, couldn't put it down

Wonderful read!

I couldn't put this book down! I love the way the author weaves a story. I've ordered every book in the series and haven't been disappointed!

A novel incorporating the biblical story of Nehemiah.

A novel based on biblical facts with some poetic license. I couldn't put it down. As a stand alone novel it is a must read, but also made the biblical period on which it is set come alive. I look forward to more Tessa Afshar books.

Love It!

Tessa always writes with historical accuracy. Her characters are believable and as the reader you feel that you are in the scene with them. I love bible times historical fiction and "Harvest of Gold" is at the top of my favorite books list.


Loved this book!!! Upon the first line I was transported into the biblical times and reluctantly released at the end if the last chapter!!!

Harvest of Gold

What a great book! Tessa Afshar is an excellent author. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a great read from Old Testament times!

Five Stars

Amazing! Tessa you are gifted to bring life through the pages! Thank you!

Great book

I love historical biblical fiction. The characters were great as well as the story line. It was the kind of book that you didn't want to put down.


I love the adventures of Sarah and Darius, and how inspirational the novel is! Tessa Aghast is a terrific storyteller.

Another Tessa Afshar favorite!

I have read all of Tessa Afshar's books. This one is another awesome choice!

A Very Good Read

A sweet, compelling story of a man's journey to faith. I enjoyed reading the story began in Harvest of Rubies and feel that Ms. Afshar did a credible job of bringing her characters to life. The Scripture references and analogies are simple yet profound. I would recommend this to both believers and non-believers alike.

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