Reviews (173)
Solid rock n roll novel.
Damn, this is a great book. At least that’s what words I mouthed immediately after completely the last page of the book. What an amazing memoir from BC drummer Steve Gorman. I have not been this satisfied with a rock band related novel since reading Anthony Kiedis’s autobiography “Scar Tissue”. Once finished, I don’t normally go back and reread books. But this Steve Gorman memoir is a book I could possibly revisit once again. Highly recommend.
Great Intimate Rock and Roll Tale
Detailed history of The Black Crowes from someone who was there from the beginning, original drummer Steve Gorman. Details the Brothers Robinson songwriting methods and madness and evolution of each Crowes record. When I say "madness", the brothers' infighting was the stuff of legend and never really stopped over the course of 25 years. I must say that I came away with a lowered opinion of Chris Robinson but I also don't quite know that Gorman needed to bash him quite as much as he did. When you go as far as to call someone an addict and a narcissist that pretty much guarantees that the two will never speak again. That said, it can't be denied that Chris was at the very creative core of the Crowes' impressive 25 year body of work. And of course brother and guitarist Rich Robinson was just as heavily involved in the songwriting. Goes into detail about Jimmy Page's short tour with the Crowes which unfortunately was aborted due to Page's back problems. Page had ultimate respect for the band or he would not have been there and I don't know what better review you can get than that.
Hard rock life
This is another usual treat for my husband - details about behind the scenes drama of rock and roll.
Great book. I’d like to hear Chris Robinson’s version. I’m sure his version is much different. Gorman sounds like a whiny little boy
This was MY early to mid 90's! Thanks so much, for such wonderful insights. Grab this book!
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I first saw TBC on JAN 23rd 1991. The second time I saw them, was JAN 24th 1991, in Portland, ME opening for ZZ Top. Me and a buddy were really into them, right off. But, honestly we went to the first show, with no plans to go to the 2nd one, to see ZZ Top! The Crowes opened, on just a sliver of stage, as that's all ZZ Top would give them. The Crowes blew the roof off, and while we enjoyed the highly produced ZZ Top show, the whole time we're both thinking about The Crowes, and how intimate and electric that show was. We bought tickets to the 2nd show the next day. And, it was a repeat of the same amazing vibe, and maybe they rocked even harder the 2nd night. We were hooked. So, it took some patience to wait to see the High as the Moon, Southern Harmony & Musical Companion show. But, what a great album we had to listen to while we waited. We knew the whole thing had undergone a rapid growth period. With Marc Ford and Ed Harsch onboard, the depth and richness, the elevation they brought with them, OMG! Now, we had a fully formed powerhouse, instead of this raw live wire thing. I finally saw them again on APR10th 1993. It was magical. By far one of the best live shows, I've ever seen! It was, perfect. It had it all, everything you could possibly want and a ton more, you didn't know you wanted. For me, that was their peak in my eyes. I went to handful of shows afterwards. They were getting further and further away from the good times. They were floundering. It's all in the book! Chris is exactly who I'd always imagined he was. No surprises at all. Rich, OTOH, I had him all wrong. And I never would have known, had this book never existed. It's a page turner and I was just a bit bummed, that there wasn't another books worth of stuff to go. I'd read it all! Thank you, Steve Gorman, what a great trip down memory lane.
"Some folks real, some just jive."
If anyone in The Black Crowes could be said to be an actual person rather than a collective of mythic tropes assembled into a persona, it would be our dude Steve Gorman and so who better to tell the tangled and contentious tale of this band? And the legacy of the band deserves such a recounting indeed. It's heartening to read, with his perspective, the things they did right - and long-time fans already know much of what they did wrong. But there are some jawdropping revelations all the same. The focus on the band: everyone's strengths, weaknesses, eccentricities, flaws and foibles, is appreciated and goes a long way toward pulling the focus off of the Robinsons, for once. They're always there, of course, hovering in the background like the chaos demons they are, but TBC was a BAND and please let's not ever forget that. The emotional turmoil of what Steve goes through is poignant, I could feel myself just as affected by his telling. And if you've ever been in a codependent relationship then you can recognize all the signs big as life. But there's as much humor as heartache, and so many amazing moments, that ultimately the book is not a downer at all. It celebrates their accomplishments. It is a testament to how much a person can endure and still manage to emerge into a good place - if you *want* to change. And they made some great music...music which endures and will always bring you to a place of fulfillment when you listen. Hard to Handle goes a long way towards explaining why that was possible, even in the face of everything which was impossible about the people involved. If you truly love the Crowes, then you should absolutely read this book. And having read it, I'm going to be sitting under that giant magnolia tree by the gentle creek, humming "Wiser Time" and remembering that nothing gold can stay, but oh wasn't it glorious for that brief moment in the sun? Yes it was.
Hard To Stomach
GREAT book. I Enjoyed every page. I wish it could have been up to date with the Black Crowes going out on tour with the only original members being the Robinson brothers in 2020. If you read this book that would come as no suprise.....the bottom line is money. They'll get there payday. ( I have tickets to one show as of now) But the Robinson brothers aren't the Black Crowes....as this book explains they were a band. We will see if they pull it off. I especially found the story of Jimmy Page leaving the 1999 tour because of back problems. To find out that Rich Robinson was the reason for that show not happening pisses me off. I had tickets to the Madison Square Garden show and it was canceled. What a show it would have been. The Who and Jimmy Page and the Black Crowes!! I've seen the Black Crowes 4 times through the years. I seen Rich solo twice, Magpie Salute, As the Crow Flies, and CRB two times. Rich came off as smug, unappreciative and like he didn't want to be there. He never smiled and after a person was talking he stopped playing and said "I'll leave....I don't care"... and he had the look that he really didn't care. I've met Chris twice on "Meet and Greets" and he was the exact opposite. Very nice and seemed genuinely happy to hang With the fans. This book shows the many sides of the brothers. With the reunion tour about to start I'm fairly certain Steve Gorman's phone won't be ringing for one more tour. I wonder if they'll ever talk again after this book. The Rock N Roll Hall of Fame will be a possibility soon. That'll be interesting. It'll show if the Robinson brothers have any class because they should have at least 8 of the 17 members. Overall, great book Steve!!!
Engaging throughout...great story from the drummer of one of the last great rock bands!
There's something symbolic about experiencing life in a band from the drummer's point of view...the center of of it all. I was amazed to read that Mr. Gorman had virtually zero experience playing the drums AT ALL before becoming a big-time drummer with the Black Crowes within a couple of years! The funniest part of the book is the recounting of the verbal exchange between Steve and Chris Robinson after Steve's first ever gig...hilarious! (Sorry, you'll just have to read it for yourself lol!) Marc Ford was of course a great guitarist and one of the most notable band members in the history of the Crowes, of course, but I was pleased to read nothing but words of praise for my man Luther Dickinson (huge fan of his here) who served as lead guitarist for the BC for just a short time...thank you, Steve! One other thing...some may wonder how a drummer can be so integral in a band's sound as Steve himself indicates in his book, but make no mistake, I know it's true...particularly with him...from first-hand experience. Back in '09 when I was in the front row at a Crowe's concert, the way they played Talks To Angels was absolutely memorizing. I had played that tune numerous times around that time in a cover band (with a very skilled drummer, mind you), but the way the Crowes just flowed and swung with that song in concert was just miles above how it felt in my own band, and of course that was mostly due to Mr. Gorman! No wonder the band had a heck of a time trying to find a replacement for him when he temporarily left the band in the early 2000's! Highly recommended for all BC and rock fans!!
Should be called "Chris Was Hard For Me To Handle"
I don't usually read these kinds of "tell all" books but was compelled by my love for the music and their live delivery of it. I’m a massive fan, particularly of the 2005 - 2010 multiple night runs at the Fillmore in San Francisco. That was some of the best live music I’ve ever seen. The band also created some original music in this period that I found quite good. Their first two albums are what most folks think of with the Crowes and are just plain epic. They have been somehow improving those classics over time, making them jammier and more soulful. I bought this book because I love the band and wanted to know more about their backstory and how their music came to be. Unfortunately Gorman and his co-author don’t speak much to the creation of the music or the meaning of the lyrics, and they barely mention the late 2000s when they were being somewhat reborn as a band, which for me was a golden era. Luther Dickinson on guitar, Adam McDougall on keys,..it was a phenomenal lineup back then. The book kind of stops when Gorman got tired of preforming with them, which is a shame. To me this book’s over-arching theme is “Chris is a jerk”. If you took out references to Chris being difficult it would be half the length, and probably a lot better read. I just got tired of it pager after page, chaprter after chapter, to where I mistrusted Gorman‘s take on things and ultimately saw him as jealous of Chris’s fame, popularity, and ability to take charge of a live performance and make it something special. Chris Robinson is one of the best front men of all time and with his brother Rich created what we know of the Crowes. Gorman did not, and I suppose that was too big of a big shadow to perform next to.. I’m sure there were plenty of issues over the years. I was in a band for eight years so know how much you have to put up with to get to the end result. But to write a book about this band that focuses on just that is disappointing and just plain depressing. When I finished the book I was actually relieved, and promptly threw it away and bought two concert tickets for next summer to see Chris and Rich do their thing. For that Gorman deserves a thanks, although he’s probably too bitter to receive it.
What a great ride this must have been. The Black Crowes finale.
This book is a page turner that leaves you feeling like you've heard everything there is to know about The Black Crowes, and then some from one of its original members - Steve Gorman - the drummer. If you didn't know anything about the Robinson brothers (singer, guitarist), who were also founding members of this band, then this is a rude awakening. The inside scene and it's relationships are not pretty, and at times uglier than you would ever suspect or anticipated. There are also really incredible stories of fulfillment, of playing and becoming friends with rock legends, of making music together with people that matter, and of having a kick ass manager that out play the music industry big-wigs. Steve tells it all, while providing closure to what could have been one of the greatest rock bands of all time. Steve's inside tip to Page is hilarious, yet extremely effective (I've practiced it myself). One final note that I must mention is a lost album called 'Band'. Steve gives a lot of love to the making of this recording, and the era in which it was made. This was later released as a double CD titled 'Lost Crowes'. The first CD of the set is what I believe is essentially the 'Band' album, of which are 10 of the best Black Crowes music you'll ever hear. 1997 was a good year for them, and it's captured well in those songs. The album that never came to pass until 2006 will give you goose-bumps. If you're a fan, a musician, or were growing up in the late 80's, and early 90's in the Midwest, buy this book!
Solid rock n roll novel.
Damn, this is a great book. At least that’s what words I mouthed immediately after completely the last page of the book. What an amazing memoir from BC drummer Steve Gorman. I have not been this satisfied with a rock band related novel since reading Anthony Kiedis’s autobiography “Scar Tissue”. Once finished, I don’t normally go back and reread books. But this Steve Gorman memoir is a book I could possibly revisit once again. Highly recommend.
Great Intimate Rock and Roll Tale
Detailed history of The Black Crowes from someone who was there from the beginning, original drummer Steve Gorman. Details the Brothers Robinson songwriting methods and madness and evolution of each Crowes record. When I say "madness", the brothers' infighting was the stuff of legend and never really stopped over the course of 25 years. I must say that I came away with a lowered opinion of Chris Robinson but I also don't quite know that Gorman needed to bash him quite as much as he did. When you go as far as to call someone an addict and a narcissist that pretty much guarantees that the two will never speak again. That said, it can't be denied that Chris was at the very creative core of the Crowes' impressive 25 year body of work. And of course brother and guitarist Rich Robinson was just as heavily involved in the songwriting. Goes into detail about Jimmy Page's short tour with the Crowes which unfortunately was aborted due to Page's back problems. Page had ultimate respect for the band or he would not have been there and I don't know what better review you can get than that.
Hard rock life
This is another usual treat for my husband - details about behind the scenes drama of rock and roll.
Great book. I’d like to hear Chris Robinson’s version. I’m sure his version is much different. Gorman sounds like a whiny little boy
This was MY early to mid 90's! Thanks so much, for such wonderful insights. Grab this book!
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I first saw TBC on JAN 23rd 1991. The second time I saw them, was JAN 24th 1991, in Portland, ME opening for ZZ Top. Me and a buddy were really into them, right off. But, honestly we went to the first show, with no plans to go to the 2nd one, to see ZZ Top! The Crowes opened, on just a sliver of stage, as that's all ZZ Top would give them. The Crowes blew the roof off, and while we enjoyed the highly produced ZZ Top show, the whole time we're both thinking about The Crowes, and how intimate and electric that show was. We bought tickets to the 2nd show the next day. And, it was a repeat of the same amazing vibe, and maybe they rocked even harder the 2nd night. We were hooked. So, it took some patience to wait to see the High as the Moon, Southern Harmony & Musical Companion show. But, what a great album we had to listen to while we waited. We knew the whole thing had undergone a rapid growth period. With Marc Ford and Ed Harsch onboard, the depth and richness, the elevation they brought with them, OMG! Now, we had a fully formed powerhouse, instead of this raw live wire thing. I finally saw them again on APR10th 1993. It was magical. By far one of the best live shows, I've ever seen! It was, perfect. It had it all, everything you could possibly want and a ton more, you didn't know you wanted. For me, that was their peak in my eyes. I went to handful of shows afterwards. They were getting further and further away from the good times. They were floundering. It's all in the book! Chris is exactly who I'd always imagined he was. No surprises at all. Rich, OTOH, I had him all wrong. And I never would have known, had this book never existed. It's a page turner and I was just a bit bummed, that there wasn't another books worth of stuff to go. I'd read it all! Thank you, Steve Gorman, what a great trip down memory lane.
"Some folks real, some just jive."
If anyone in The Black Crowes could be said to be an actual person rather than a collective of mythic tropes assembled into a persona, it would be our dude Steve Gorman and so who better to tell the tangled and contentious tale of this band? And the legacy of the band deserves such a recounting indeed. It's heartening to read, with his perspective, the things they did right - and long-time fans already know much of what they did wrong. But there are some jawdropping revelations all the same. The focus on the band: everyone's strengths, weaknesses, eccentricities, flaws and foibles, is appreciated and goes a long way toward pulling the focus off of the Robinsons, for once. They're always there, of course, hovering in the background like the chaos demons they are, but TBC was a BAND and please let's not ever forget that. The emotional turmoil of what Steve goes through is poignant, I could feel myself just as affected by his telling. And if you've ever been in a codependent relationship then you can recognize all the signs big as life. But there's as much humor as heartache, and so many amazing moments, that ultimately the book is not a downer at all. It celebrates their accomplishments. It is a testament to how much a person can endure and still manage to emerge into a good place - if you *want* to change. And they made some great music...music which endures and will always bring you to a place of fulfillment when you listen. Hard to Handle goes a long way towards explaining why that was possible, even in the face of everything which was impossible about the people involved. If you truly love the Crowes, then you should absolutely read this book. And having read it, I'm going to be sitting under that giant magnolia tree by the gentle creek, humming "Wiser Time" and remembering that nothing gold can stay, but oh wasn't it glorious for that brief moment in the sun? Yes it was.
Hard To Stomach
GREAT book. I Enjoyed every page. I wish it could have been up to date with the Black Crowes going out on tour with the only original members being the Robinson brothers in 2020. If you read this book that would come as no suprise.....the bottom line is money. They'll get there payday. ( I have tickets to one show as of now) But the Robinson brothers aren't the Black Crowes....as this book explains they were a band. We will see if they pull it off. I especially found the story of Jimmy Page leaving the 1999 tour because of back problems. To find out that Rich Robinson was the reason for that show not happening pisses me off. I had tickets to the Madison Square Garden show and it was canceled. What a show it would have been. The Who and Jimmy Page and the Black Crowes!! I've seen the Black Crowes 4 times through the years. I seen Rich solo twice, Magpie Salute, As the Crow Flies, and CRB two times. Rich came off as smug, unappreciative and like he didn't want to be there. He never smiled and after a person was talking he stopped playing and said "I'll leave....I don't care"... and he had the look that he really didn't care. I've met Chris twice on "Meet and Greets" and he was the exact opposite. Very nice and seemed genuinely happy to hang With the fans. This book shows the many sides of the brothers. With the reunion tour about to start I'm fairly certain Steve Gorman's phone won't be ringing for one more tour. I wonder if they'll ever talk again after this book. The Rock N Roll Hall of Fame will be a possibility soon. That'll be interesting. It'll show if the Robinson brothers have any class because they should have at least 8 of the 17 members. Overall, great book Steve!!!
Engaging throughout...great story from the drummer of one of the last great rock bands!
There's something symbolic about experiencing life in a band from the drummer's point of view...the center of of it all. I was amazed to read that Mr. Gorman had virtually zero experience playing the drums AT ALL before becoming a big-time drummer with the Black Crowes within a couple of years! The funniest part of the book is the recounting of the verbal exchange between Steve and Chris Robinson after Steve's first ever gig...hilarious! (Sorry, you'll just have to read it for yourself lol!) Marc Ford was of course a great guitarist and one of the most notable band members in the history of the Crowes, of course, but I was pleased to read nothing but words of praise for my man Luther Dickinson (huge fan of his here) who served as lead guitarist for the BC for just a short time...thank you, Steve! One other thing...some may wonder how a drummer can be so integral in a band's sound as Steve himself indicates in his book, but make no mistake, I know it's true...particularly with him...from first-hand experience. Back in '09 when I was in the front row at a Crowe's concert, the way they played Talks To Angels was absolutely memorizing. I had played that tune numerous times around that time in a cover band (with a very skilled drummer, mind you), but the way the Crowes just flowed and swung with that song in concert was just miles above how it felt in my own band, and of course that was mostly due to Mr. Gorman! No wonder the band had a heck of a time trying to find a replacement for him when he temporarily left the band in the early 2000's! Highly recommended for all BC and rock fans!!
Should be called "Chris Was Hard For Me To Handle"
I don't usually read these kinds of "tell all" books but was compelled by my love for the music and their live delivery of it. I’m a massive fan, particularly of the 2005 - 2010 multiple night runs at the Fillmore in San Francisco. That was some of the best live music I’ve ever seen. The band also created some original music in this period that I found quite good. Their first two albums are what most folks think of with the Crowes and are just plain epic. They have been somehow improving those classics over time, making them jammier and more soulful. I bought this book because I love the band and wanted to know more about their backstory and how their music came to be. Unfortunately Gorman and his co-author don’t speak much to the creation of the music or the meaning of the lyrics, and they barely mention the late 2000s when they were being somewhat reborn as a band, which for me was a golden era. Luther Dickinson on guitar, Adam McDougall on keys,..it was a phenomenal lineup back then. The book kind of stops when Gorman got tired of preforming with them, which is a shame. To me this book’s over-arching theme is “Chris is a jerk”. If you took out references to Chris being difficult it would be half the length, and probably a lot better read. I just got tired of it pager after page, chaprter after chapter, to where I mistrusted Gorman‘s take on things and ultimately saw him as jealous of Chris’s fame, popularity, and ability to take charge of a live performance and make it something special. Chris Robinson is one of the best front men of all time and with his brother Rich created what we know of the Crowes. Gorman did not, and I suppose that was too big of a big shadow to perform next to.. I’m sure there were plenty of issues over the years. I was in a band for eight years so know how much you have to put up with to get to the end result. But to write a book about this band that focuses on just that is disappointing and just plain depressing. When I finished the book I was actually relieved, and promptly threw it away and bought two concert tickets for next summer to see Chris and Rich do their thing. For that Gorman deserves a thanks, although he’s probably too bitter to receive it.
What a great ride this must have been. The Black Crowes finale.
This book is a page turner that leaves you feeling like you've heard everything there is to know about The Black Crowes, and then some from one of its original members - Steve Gorman - the drummer. If you didn't know anything about the Robinson brothers (singer, guitarist), who were also founding members of this band, then this is a rude awakening. The inside scene and it's relationships are not pretty, and at times uglier than you would ever suspect or anticipated. There are also really incredible stories of fulfillment, of playing and becoming friends with rock legends, of making music together with people that matter, and of having a kick ass manager that out play the music industry big-wigs. Steve tells it all, while providing closure to what could have been one of the greatest rock bands of all time. Steve's inside tip to Page is hilarious, yet extremely effective (I've practiced it myself). One final note that I must mention is a lost album called 'Band'. Steve gives a lot of love to the making of this recording, and the era in which it was made. This was later released as a double CD titled 'Lost Crowes'. The first CD of the set is what I believe is essentially the 'Band' album, of which are 10 of the best Black Crowes music you'll ever hear. 1997 was a good year for them, and it's captured well in those songs. The album that never came to pass until 2006 will give you goose-bumps. If you're a fan, a musician, or were growing up in the late 80's, and early 90's in the Midwest, buy this book!
Very significant piece of rock history
I couldn’t put the book down. Took me 2 days to finish it.
If this book was twice as long I would have kept reading all in one sitting.
Loved it
Loved it!
As a long time fan of The Black Crowes I was really looking forward to this book. Steve Gorman laid everything out in detail, though I think he could have written a bit more. But, I hope they'll reunite in the very near future and have a tour again to celebrate the music of my favourite album "The Southern harmony and The Musical Companion". And, thanks again for all the music that you've presented the world with.
Story of the Black Crowes.
I found this book to be an easy read. Mr. Gorman shares his recollection from the drummers throne of a successful rock band. The Black Crowes to me were a later edition southern rock band. They could have fit in with a number of 60s bands. They were a very popular band with known infighting. As the author readily admits, this book is his view and the Robinson brothers likely have differing views on the lifetime of the band. The story is one of euphoric success, a connection through their music and some luck with contracts and producers. The manager was a central character. As is common in many bands the real drama was in the dynamics. The Black Crowes are famous for the famous sibling fights. They are another band that basically self-destructed for similar reasons that others did. Personality clashes and money. This book is sad in some respects, but also entertaining in a candid kind of way. There is some humor and I enjoyed the book.
A must read for Black Crowes Fans!
I really enjoyed this book. Steve paints a great picture of the origins of The Black Crowes and his relationship with Chris and Rich Robinson. He also doesn't shy away from describing the crazy antics of the brothers and their messed up relationship with each other. I read the whole thing in a few days and never once was bored. I really enjoyed the way he talks about spending time with Robert Plant and Jimmy Page (separately). It gave me a whole new appreciation for Plant and Page and you can tell that Steve was so grateful to have been able to spend time and play with two of his musical heroes. What I'm waiting to see now is if there is any blow-back from this book by either of the Robinson brothers. The way Jimmy Page was disrespected by Rich and how Chris bad mouthed Howard Stern were tough to read. Finally, 99% of the book is about The Black Crowes and not Steve's personal life. He touches on a few things about his wife and family but it's mostly about his story with the band and members of the extended team. Get the book and enjoy!
Incredible & Insightful
I bought this book based on the Author's insightful interview on a Video Podcast hosted by John DeChristopher..I was NOT disappointed!!! He had me smiling from the first page...! Any musician that has toured with a Group will recognize how hysterical some of the situations the Group became involved with and how disappointed it was to read how some life changing career opportunities were fretted away with just a final NO...This Book will be a future re-read as it is so well written by the Author that it is so very hard to put down. This Book should be a staple in every Touring Musicians Library. Get it ! You will not be disappointed..! Hopefully there will be a follow-up to this opus as the Author's Story continues to evolve...Bravo Steve! WELL DONE!!! "Los"
Enjoyed It
It’s only rock and roll but I like it. This the 8th or 9th book on bands I’ve read. It’s a good read and I still love the Black Crowe’s.
A very cathartic read for Black Crowes fans...
I was in college when the Black Crowes were popular, and saw them many times in concert, and in fact in person, on several occasions. Their music was then, and still is now some of my most favorite! Steve was genuine and kind to fans and was just cool to talk to. Its interesting to read about what went on during these “breaks” over the years, especially after they got together with Jimmy Page. It seemed like that would be a high point in their career to something even better, and you can totally tell from Steve’s point of view that he was extremely disappointed (and pissed, rightly so IMO) about how it all shook out, in case anyone was ever wondering WHY a great collaboration suddenly went nowhere. This is NOT an endless Robinson brother bashing either however, as he admiringly points out that when they worked, they WORKED, and did work well together when they weren't involved with their own egos and sibling rivalry. As a long time fan of the band I really loved reading about all of it, and finally finding out why they just couldn't keep it together.
Must read for any Crowes - or music fan
Steve Gorman pulls no punches in his literary beat down of the brothers Robinson. I mostly knew that Chris is a dangerously insane, drug addicted crazy person. The biggest revelation was how much of a miserable expletive Rich is. Perpetually in a foul mood and jealous of his limelight stealing brother, some of the moves Rich pulled according to Steve should be forever enshrined in rock folklore for their sheer stupidity and arrogance. Several stories of Chris going into drug induced rages, he was a ticking time bomb ready to go off at any time. Steve was admittedly a borderline alcoholic for most of his career but conveniently passes over any instances of his bad behavior. Biggest issue I have with the book is lack of Marc Ford. He's barely mentioned save for 2 stories, one involving him joining the band and one from when he was kicked out. Granted Steve said he wasn't that close with Marc, but he's more like a footnote in the book.
Glad I read it
First off, I'm not really a Black Crowes fan. I don't like or dislike them. I'm more of a metal head, they just weren't my thing. After reading this I realize they had some good, even really good songs, I'm just not going to go out and get them. I'm not even sure how I even knew about this book. I'm a drummer, so maybe there was a review on Modern Drummer. I just know I went to Amazon, saw all good reviews, and got it. I'm glad I did. It was a really good story and being from the New York area I could relate to a lot of places and events, even though that's just a small part of it. I know it's only one side of the story, and Steve acknowledges that, but being a drummer around the same age, growing up on Monty Python and SCTV, and enjoying power naps anywhere and anytime, I'm going to accept what he says as true.
Couldn't put it down.
I loved the Black Crowds for years. Went to tons of shows, had hours of bootlegs, bought every album, they made great music. It was really fun to read the behind the scenes stories of some of my favorite fan moments and memories. I could hear the music in my head as I read. I really liked reading about the personalities of all the men in my favorite band. The Southern Harmony lineup was unbeatable. The book was also incredibly easy to read and follow and is written like a conversation with a dude in a band, I really enjoyed the pacing and descriptive nature of his words. Thanks Steve!
What happened to one of the greatest rock n roll bands of my era?
I finished this book in a few days, very hard to put down! As I have been a fan of The Black Crowes since the early 90's, one show was all it took and I was hooked. I saw them just about every time they came through my area. Toads Place in New Haven was one. Undeniably one of the best rock bands of my era. We all always heard about the tension behind the band, but their music always had my ear instead. I was saddened when I heard the band split and was most likely final. What the hell happened? Steve Gorman's book answers that tenfold! Now when you read about a band, written by one member, you tend to think it's biased. This didn't seem like he swayed in that direction at all, because you realize while reading it, he seems like a straight shooter. And mostly also that he truly loved playing and making music with this band aside the chaos. Hat's off to Steve, hell of a run man.
Not a Black Crowes fan? it absolutely doesn't matter. This book is just a damned good read.
If you're not a Black Crowes fan, or don't know anything about the band, it absolutely doesn't matter; this book is just a damned good read. "Hard to Handle: The life and death of The Black Crowes" is a compelling, but often heartbreaking story about a rock and roll band that skyrockets to the top of the business, despite the fact that they don't really align with what's popular...only to squander and self sabotage their opportunities to stay on top, again and again. I can't recommend this book highly enough. Steve Gorman is an articulate, irreverent, hilarious, natural born storyteller with an impeccable memory. Anyone that's met him in person for more than 5 minutes will tell you that. He's also arguably the most underrated rock drummer of the past three decades, with a highly unconventional musical background, even by non-traditional standards. And of course, if you do like the Crowes, this book will probably blow your mind a couple of dozen times. :-)
Hard to Handle: The Life and Death of The Black Crowes, by Steve Gorman and Steven Hyden, is an incredible behind the scenes look at the greatest live band in rock n’ roll history. Gorman takes us through a first person perspective of what life was like navigating the ups and downs of performing in TBC. From learning to play together live to the ease of coming up with tremendous rock songs Gorman takes you on the stage, as well as in the recording studio. He doesn’t pull punches and tells it How it was (from his perspective) dealing with bandmates as well as the dealings the band had with other big time artists at the time (Aerosmith, Plant, Page, Oasis, etc.,). This book will have you laughing and feeling terrible in the matter of a few pages. His love for the band and especially the fans of the band bleeds through the pages consistently. I can’t recommend this book enough, even if you’re not a die hard fan of TBC.
A Breezy, Entertaining Read!
Other than the radio hits, I wasn’t really familiar with The Black Crowes. But when I heard a plug for this book on WPDH (my local classic rock station), it sounded like a intriguing read. Luckily, my hunch was right. Not only were the stories entertaining, but Gorman and his co-writer tell them in a breezy, hilarious manner for maximum impact. Yeah, The Robinson Brothers—especially Chris—are the villains in Gorman’s view, but he doesn’t spare himself, fully owning what he calls his “co-depency.” Along the way, the narrative is decorated with entertaining guest stars: Jimmy Page, Joe Perry, John Kalodner, and Robert Plant among others. No, it’s not a full-blown seriously researched piece like, say, TO THE LIMIT by Marc Eliot. But—as Pete Pardo of Sea of Tranquility notes—the best rock bios should make you want to hear the music. And HARD TO HANDLE does just that. —Bill Fleck, author of GIMME A SHOW: 50 YEARS ON THE ROCK & ROLLERCOASTER
Well written and engaging.
Not a big BC fan but a review piqued my interest. Well written and engaging. Amazing such dysfunctional brothers were able to keep them together so long!
From a Crowe That Was There. They're An American Band!
Black Crowes drummer and author, Steve Gorman, puts you inside the storm. Another one of the better autobiographies documenting the rise, decline, and resurrection, of one of America's best rock bands--the Black Crowes. I love how Gorman gets into they dynamics and psychology of this volatile band, their missteps, their triumphs, their fist fights, the ego trips, the work with Jimmy Page, and years in small clubs, bars, and then graduating to stadiums. Gorman's accounts of the Robinson brothers (Chris and Rich) are worth the price of admission. Their fights, arguments and stunts are legendary. Gorman was there, and now, so are you. Very well-written, detailed, and engaging. It's hard to put this one down.
Really Great Book
Having been a musician of same age in Atlanta at same time as the rise of The Black Crowe’s this book by Steve Gorman (the nice guy of the Crowe’s) it’s a great read. I started bought it for Kindle but Kindle Fire was not charged and found that I read hours of it on my phone without caring or noticing. That’s how enthralled I was. I didn’t want to stop reading. Gorman doesn’t come off as Bragher or stuck up and I was so glad. He told the truth as he witnessed it and as he remembers it. And I can guarantee he remembers much more than anyone else who was involved with the Black Crowe’s because he was at least conscious. It’s a great story and it’s real. I do feel as if the Robinson Brothers were untreated Bi Polar mixed with huge Egos and it just snow balled. Steve Gorman tells a great story.
What A Great Read
I am a big fan of this band, this is a great read. Steve Gorman is a good narrator and seems to put a fair spin on events as he saw them. I read this book in three days, I could hardly put it down. Made me nostalgic for some of the great albums these guys made.
Perfect for anyone who loves good rock n' roll and good story-telling
Steve Gorman is an excellent raconteur, and he served as the drummer for one of the greatest rock and roll bands to emerge out of the last 30 years. So of course, there are some great stories that he shares in these memoirs. Reading this book really rekindled my love for the music of the Black Crowes, and I found myself pulling out my old CDs to listen to as I read this book. He shares some great insights to witnessing the unique relationship between the Robinson brothers, as well as bringing light to some stories that were only alluded to in news reports of the past...like what really led to Marc Ford's departure from the Crowes, and why exactly did that tour with Jimmy Page end prematurely? If you love The Black Crowes, and if you love great story-telling, this book is perfect for you.
Great book
Great book
Fantastic read! Couldn't put the book down...
This is, hands down, the best rock biography I have yet to read, and I've read a LOT of them. Not because I'm a huge fan of the band, but because it was written so well and flows perfectly. I couldn't put the book down. It's just a great read for anyone, fan or not. Steve Gorman and Steven Hyden did a great job to recreate the energy and excitement of forming a succesful band, and the struggles and victories involved. There's no filler, and Steve is a straight shooter. It placed me right there, next to him, as his journey started and ended with the band. I still enjoy the extended projects Steve and the brothers have pursued, but there will never be another band like the Crowes. Kudos to steve! I highly recommend this book.
Excellent Rock n' Roll Document
Steve Gorman was the drummer for The Black Crowes from their debut in 1990 through their surprise disbanding in 2015, but this memoir serves to show how through good times and bad he was more often than not the glue that held the whole thing together. This is a first-hand glimpse into the behind-the-scenes life of a working rock band, who experienced staggering highs and devastating lows and while certainly a treat for long-time fans it also serves as an excellent chronicle for fans of music in general. From start to finish, Gorman is extremely candid and brutally honest, even when it might not suit him best. The Black Crowes' story is a compelling one and this proves to be one of the all-time great rock books. Don't hesitate to pick up a copy - you won't be disappointed.
Best audiobook ever!!
All time favorite audiobook!! Saw the band several times in their prime. Ed was by far the most approachable, after that, Steve for sure. I always liked his matter of fact honesty. I live in Costa Rica now semi-retired w/ a skate team and have always been fascinated by team dynamics (lifelong student of the game). I read a ton of business books and also quite a bit of audio. You always want one read by the author but this one is tops them all by far!! So many emotions come thru in the audio, pure passion!! This could easily be a business, psychology, or personal growth book. At least that’s part of what this reader got out of it. Just like a great Crowes show, sad when it’s over and also blown away because it properly rocked!!
Well written, GREAT read!
I am typically not a book reader but could not wait for this to come out. I just finished the book and it was more like sitting in a bar and listening to Steve tell this story first hand. I am sad the conversation has ended with my completion of the last chapter... I have been a Black Crowes fan for years and my appreciation for this band has increased significantly after reading this. Thanks for putting up with the hard work, turmoil, and challenges to make such great music. I cannot imagine the time it took to put your story together and I am appreciative that you did. This is an fantastic read for fans of the Black Crowes, music in general, or anyone looking for a captivating read!
Hard to put down!!!!!!!!
The Black Crowes has been one of my favorite bands, I appreciate their music. I can not imagine working with a sibling no matter how well we may interact with each other. I have been a die hard fan also of" old Aerosmith' when I read what he had written about touring with them at the beginning of their careers I said Amen Brother!!!! That is another story! I loved this book!!!!!!!!
What's not to like?
As a long time die-hard Black Crowes fan I have to say this was a real joy. Steve's humor, honesty, and excellent story telling make this hard to stop reading. I only wish he'd spent more time talking about their 07-13 years a bit more in depth, really just glazed over it shortly, and I get why...must have been hard to be in that band at that point (meaning more so than usual hehe), but there were some brilliant records done at that time and incredible 3+ hour shows I'll never forget. I played every single Crowes record while reading this and am reminded again why they're one of the best kept secrets in the history of rock. As genuine as it gets, warts and all. Thanks Steve!
Wow! Just a Great read for Black Crowes fans
I've always loved The Black Crowes. In their later years things seems sporadic with music releases and I knew something was up. Now I know, what a shame. Such a great band and it figures is comes down to personalities causing the repeated rifts until the final one broke the band apart for good. Some great things are not always meant to last. I really wish they were still making music but once you read this you'll know why they don't and likely never will again. Steve did a great job putting you right there through all of it. Just a great read, really enjoyed it. If you're a Black Crowes fan it's well worth it. Thanks Steve!
We All Loved The Black Crowes - Now It's Time To Hear The Real Stories
Incredible read. Steve Gorman killed it. And if I had to guess, would guess he left out at least 90% of the stories that could have been included. Every horrible thing we ever heard about the Robinson brothers? It's in here and much worse than what we heard back in the 90's. Steve tells his side of the story from a factual, non-judgmental standpoint. The only anger ever picked up on in his writing is that the brothers sabotaged the band. There is SO MUCH to digest in the book that I'm not going to give any of it away. It's worth the $20+ and more for the hard copy. Highly recommend the read!
Honest and fascinating
Totally honest behind the scenes look at how the band formed and what tore them apart.
Great book! Well written, fun to read, probably 92% accurate
Love Steve. Great book. Clearly his perspective but seems pretty much dead on from what all of us Amoricans know following the roller-coaster drama of the Black Crowes and Robinson bros.
You MUST read this book!
If you love The Black Crowes like I do, you MUST read this book! MUST! I'm not even done with it yet, but I LOVE it because it answers SO many questions I have had over the years about hows and whys of this great America rock 'n' roll band. It's an insiders look from the very beginning to the bitter end. The egos, the brothers bickering at each other and all the fowl-up bleeps and blunders! It's all here and all REAL. The only thing we don't know is what the brothers thought when they read it. Do yourself a favor and check it out. You will NOT be disappointed! And I still love The Black Crowes...music anyway! LOL!
I will go see The Black Crowes
The death certificate issued by Mr Gorman on The Black Crowes is invalid. It is invalid because it is undeserved. The Robinson brothers are only human and they are allowed to screw up and make bad decisions just like the rest of us. This book made me laugh out loud. As a lifelong Sting fan I really enjoyed the story of Ed poking fun at Sting. I will go to see the Black Crowes twice next summer without shame because there’s no time left for it. I’m 55ys old and I only became a Crowes fan a few years ago so it’s all new to me and I don’t care.
A Brilliant & Highly Entertaining Book!
The rave reviews for this book are not hype. This book is simply incredible. Open it up to any page and you will be hooked. Then go to the top and take it all in. Steve Gorman deserves much praise for his wonderful drumming in this band for so many years. And now I applaud him for telling the story of one of the most exciting rock bands that there has ever been. It’s sad that Chris & Rich Robinson have so little respect for the music they made together and the legacy the Black Crowes made AS A BAND. Please do yourself a big favor and buy this book.
Best rock n roll biography I’ve read in years
I’m a huge rock n roll fan, and long time Black Crowe’s fan. I’ve been there from the first couple of blockbuster records and followed...sometimes been confused by...but ultimately enjoyed all their albums. I’ve been to numerous shows, from the 90s through their last hurrah. This was by far the best rock biography I’ve ever read. For hardcore fans, it explains a lot about the musical decisions, personnel decisions, and the infamous “hiatus”. For casual fans, it’s a hell of a good rock n roll memoir. It’s hard to put down, I downloaded it exactly at midnight on its release date, and finished it by the end of the day.
Great tell ALL!!
What a read! I've been a Crowes fan since day one and I loved reading how they came to be and how they crashed and burned. I still love Chris even though he's painted to be quite a jerk. And I have a feeling Steve Gorman was right on track with his description. Just reading it prompted me to listen to each album so I can listen to the track while he's discussing the process of creating it. I even gave the later albums I never got into a renewed chance after reading Steve talk about them. Loved all the little details.
Rock n' Roll
What a book! A page turner fer sure. I'm honestly surprised that one brother never killed the other. I saw the Crowes in 09.' Excellent show. I guess my fav. part of the book was the bands interactions with the Stones on the Voodoo Lounge tour. I learned a lot about Rich and Chris. Love the Crowes? Love the 70s' R n' R life style set in the 90's? This book is for you. Thanks Steve...
Great rock biography
This is a great book. Starts fast and keeps you interested. Very well written. Not a huge Black Crowes fan, just would be considered casual, but that said, Gorman really takes you back and gives an idea what it was like from his prospective. Have read a lot of rock biographies, and this one is near the top of the list. Give it a try, you will not regret it.
WOW!!! What a read. I'd give it 10 stars if I could.
I am a huge Black Crowes Fan. Steve's book was amazing. I did not want to put the book down. I'm so bummed that I am finished. I am a drummer and grew up and still reside in the suburbs of Atlanta. I have always admired Steve's drumming. Fantastic. He has lived my fantasy life. The stories....so many....especially Jimmy Page and the friendship they had/have. Again..WOW! We have been blessed with so much great music from the Crowes but I am super sad about what could have/should have been. Oh well. I am super happy for Steve is in a good place. Thank you Steve I enjoyed the ride!
Awesome Read
I liked the Crowes but wasn't a fanatic. But this book is a fantastic behind the scenes glimpse of the band that is a must-read for any rock and roll fan. It captures the good times and the bad of being in a band from start to (should have been) finish. Steve's cheery attitude towards that whole period of his life is infectious and you'll catch yourself smiling along when the rock and roll fan becomes friends with a few of his childhood idols. It's one of the few rock books that deserves a second read.
The Rockinest Band
Black Crowes is the one band Ive seen live most times. I was right there with them as they rose in fame and status. Every time they showed up in New Orleans I was there. So it is bitter sweet to have all the sugar and glitter stripped away to reveal the ugly skeleton inside. I would have wished to discover one big happy family and all great times. Southern Harmony will always be the greatest rock album of all time- hands down.
There goes 24 hours...
If you’re a hardcore fan like myself, you’re going to lose 24 hrs completely immersed. It feels like you’re right there during all of it. If you’re a casual listener, Steve’s narrative and insight of what went down is so compelling, dark, traumatic and joyful at the same time, you’re probably going to start combing through their back catalogue immediately. My personal recommendation is to go through the concerts, interviews, and clips on YouTube as you read the book. It provides such great visual context, and there’s so much Crowes history (Garden and Black) on YouTube. It heightened the reading experience.
Read this book!
Really appreciate that this was written. I’m an Atlanta native and big Crowes fan so I was skeptical. Gorman brings the reader into the process of being in a successful band, even the ugly stuff. The Robinson boys can get ugly. Their reputation in Atlanta, apparently, is well deserved.
whoa nellie
what a wild ride this is....well told and written by the drummer of the crowes...liked that he moved forward quickly in the book about his early years...so the reader could get the band formation without skippin chapters...he was unapologetic as hell callin folks out...and showed compassion for his former bandmates as well....comin to a conclusion that the whole was better than the parts
As a long time crow fan I was very disappointed reading this book. I get Steve is upset because he was pushed out of the band but every chapter he is complaining about how bad it was being in the band and that the brothers are insufferable to be around. I mean every chapter. Shouldn't he be happy not to deal with them any longer? Sounds to me he is upset about missing out on all the money the new tour will generate. Book should be titled "Hard not to be Bored by this Book"
Killer book
Best rock and roll book I’ve read in a long time. Been a TBC fan for many years, went to over 20 shows, and was so intrigued to learn about the stuff going on behind the scenes when I was actually there. Had no idea of most of it, even though I knew of dysfunction, because they freaking ROCKED OUT every. single. time. I saw them. Should Steve ever see this...man, thank you. For years of entertainment and now this, hours of the same in a different form of art. Killer book.
Couldn’t put book down and just like that, I enjoyed it!
I’m a big fan of the band and of the authors ability to tell a story. So even being busy, I couldn’t put this book down. Ultimately I read it in a few days. In the end, knowing there were issues within the band, now I have a better picture of events and characteristics that lead to the end. I hated it when they broke up and still do. But now, it’s very understandable. Great stories are told from Steve’s view, making it easy to put the pieces together. I laughed out loud several times, much enjoyed the read.
Incredible read
Being a lifelong Crowes fan since the get go, this book was a non stop read. Steve is super honest and points out that this is just how he saw it, not a vendetta against the brothers. It kills you at times because you can feel Steve wanting it to work out and get back to making great music, but alas that is not the case. A must read for any fan.
Great Story
I could not put down this book. I am sure there are always two sides to a story. As a Black Crowes fan, the infighting is well known but the accounts presented were eye opening.
Couldn’t put it down. Finished it in 1 day.
As a huge Black Crowes fan, purchasing this book was a no brainer. Steve Gorman gives first hand accounts of all the highs and lows of being in this great band. I loved the journey he took me on from the humbling beginning to the inevitable ending. Although it does verify a lot of things we have heard about members in the band. Those revelations will never chip away at the love I have for all those great songs and the band that created them. If you’re a Crowes fan, this is a must read.
Well Written
What a well written and great behind the scenes book!
"Hard to Handle' is hard to put down!
I felt like I was there in the band. Steve Gorman does a great job of telling the band's story from the drummer's point of view. This was one of my favorite Bands in 1990 and my favorite Book in 2020. This is the first book of this type that I have ever read!
Best music memoir!
If you enjoy reading about rock 'n' roll, this book is honestly one of the best! And, the good news is . . . . you do not have to be a fan of The Black Crowes to enjoy this highly entertaining read. But you might come away from it interested in the music, after all. Great job, Mr. Gorman!
A Must Read!
This is essential reading for any musician. Finished it in two days. Yes, it's THAT good. Thank you Steve for telling your tale.
Great read
Killer book must read
Fun and entertaining book
Steve completely nailed it here. He wastes no time getting to the stories and drama that make this book so excellent. I was sad to get to the end of the book just as it’s sad The Black Crowes will cease to exist (even as they announce their “reunion tour”). The Jimmy Page stories were very fun to read about. It took me two and a half nights (after getting home from work) to read. I couldn’t wait to get home and read more.
Amazing Story
There are other truths out there I'm sure, but this is Steve Gorman's and he told it simply, honestly and unapollogetically and I appreciate it. I expected some great inside stories about a great band and Gorman delivered. If you want to know what it's like to tour and record with a bunch of talented head cases then you should check this out--a totally enjoyable read.
A MUST read for any Crowes fan
All those years of following The Crowes and the mystique that was The Black Crowes comes to fruition in this book. Steve and Steven pull you in immediately with the first two chapters. The band that had it all at their finger tips MULTIPLE TIMES and the sad way they blew it time and time again. Gorman is a hilariously poignant story teller apparantly with the memory of an elephant. This is the closure on a band that sort of went away quietly. Sad ending to such an amazing story. Well done Steve!!
You know the ending, but now the stories are told for the first time
Great book, it's a well written page turner that sadly confirmed a lot of my fears behind the scenes. I'm one of those die hards who thought 96-97 was the best era of the band and I treasured all of the shows after the hiatus. It's maddening to fans how Chris couldn't get out of his own way, I mean how do you say no to Howard Stern's 60th birthday party, so I can only imagine how hard it was for you Steve, the other guys in TBC. And for Neal Casal too.
It’s a roller coaster of fun without a Disney ending.
This is such a fun read, especially for anyone that has played in a band. The highs and lows, the disfunction and the easy days are addictive.
Great book
I really enjoyed reading this book. It’s very well written by Steve and Steven...you feel all the joy and pain of 23 years or so of a band. I knew the Black Crowes mainly just from radio but now have a better appreciation of just how big they were based on all the stories in the book. And there are so many of those stories, told so well, about not only the band but all the great bands they toured with or interacted with.
Great stories from a guy that had the clearest and least angry head in the band
Lots of great rock and roll stories with just the details you want to hear about. Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, ZZ Top, Kate Hudson, and of course, the many members of the band. This book was super fun to read and is very well put together (props to Steve Hyden for that, I imagine). I loved reading this the whole time and looked forward to getting back to it at the end of every day. Little sad it's all over now - both the book and the band.
Amazing Writing Style/Voice ... Good Read Even for the Not So Hard TBC Fan Base ...
This book is amazing for a die hard TBC fan. But because the writing style and voice of Steve Gorman this book goes well beyond entertaining. It's filled with fun facts and dealing with total insanity. A definite behind-the-scenes look of one member's opinion. I don't really doubt any of it. It's just a must-read for any fan and a great read for any music fan.
One of the best rock bios ever!
If your a Black Crowes fan or just a rock fan, this book is a must read. Steve Gorman and Steve Hyden take you on the journey through the rise and fall of a great band and an insight of the two lunatic Robinson brothers who can even screw up a once in a lifetime opportunity with Jimmy Page! After you read this book, you will not want to shell out the $110 to see the 2020 Crowes cover band that is going on tour.
Because I know Steve, I believe his words and was disappointed in what I read on Chris/Rich!
Have known the band since the early days and it was a great behind the scenes read from Steve! So much I was unaware of but brought a lot to light once I saw and read the specifics. Hurtful to know how Chris did those who hung in there and helped make them who they were through all the years!
Fun Ride
What an adventure! It's seldom I come across books that I literally have a difficult time putting down, but this was one. I felt like I was immersed in the experiences right along side Mr. Gorman. I most admired the humility and respect throughout the book. Thanks for taking us along for the ride. Highly recommended!
A Great Read!!!
I found this book to be a fascinating and enjoyable read about The Crowes. Steve did an excellent job on the book. You will be intrigued with each page. It was great to hear about the personalities of all the other rock stars the Black Crowes interacted with along the way. It is just a fantastic tale about this band. You will be “reading and seeing things for the first time.”
Great read about one of the last great pure American rock bands.
I tore through this book in 2 days. I know it's only one guy's side of the whole story, but there is no doubt in my mind that Steve Gorman's account of the Black Crowes' storied career is honest and authentic. This book brought back tremendous nostalgia from a band that put on the best live shows that I have ever seen, hands down. This book also makes me furious about the selfishness, greed, and immaturity that ultimately led to the band's collapse.
Amazing no hold barred look into one of my favorite bands
I always loved the Crowes and wondered if they were really this hippie peace and love band or a hard rocking band. This book gives real insight on what the individual members were really about. Also, a great look back to a time in music where bands could form and rocket to fame and fortune by playing bars as opposed to the internet. Thanks for sharing these stories. I wish more bands would do the same.
A must read for Black Crowes fans and any rock and roll fan or aspiring musician
This is an honest biography that tells the story of The Black Crowes rise and fall from a member there from the beginning to the end.It doesn’t go into detail about groupies and all of that nonsense,but the inner workings of a band and the pitfalls of the music business.And for anyone who was disappointed when the tour with Jimmy Page was canceled mid way thru,the real truth behind that is explained here as well.
Great Book
I couldn’t put it down. It really showed who the Robinson brothers truly are. Being a drummer myself, I can picture everything he’s saying being true as if I was going through it myself.
The Best Book You’ll Ever Read is this Black Crowes memoir Hard To Handle.
Beautiful Amazing Fabulous book that will blow You away! A MUST read for Any Black Crowes faithful soul of the keeper of their music which lives deep in one’s bone marrow. This band was, remains, & shall Always be the embodiment of my very existence & carries me into another dimension of life & endless pleasure trips of an unknown place only the Heart beats to Truly. Their music is my oxygen & the Very Love of My Life. 💘
More than I could handle!!
Wonderful and very insightful book. This book is by far the best read I've had in such a long time. If you are a Crowes fan then this book is for you! I got the pleasure in seeing them live in 2013. The Tedeschi Trucks Band opened up for them. What a great show. But like I said, this book is a must read for any Black Crowes fan. Hell... any music fan would love this. Brutal honesty!
Wild Ride Told By A Great Storyteller
Anyone who is familiar with Steve Gorman from his podcast and radio show knows he has the rare ability to tell stories of extremes while keeping himself firmly grounded. That skill is on full display across the pages of Hard to Handle. For anyone who is a fan of the Black Crowes, music in general, or is intrigued by the twists and turns friendships can take I highly recommend this book. You'll love it!
Fun and dark, disturbing memoir
That was fun! I knew several people from the book including Steve back then around Atlanta, an entertaining rock memoir. Sad that The Brothers Robinson took the road they did and all dirt revealed in this really good book...you may never look at The Crows the same again. Four stars of fun and dark pasts revealed.
A great read if you’re a fan of rock and roll. An amazing read if you’re a Black Crowes fan. This is the first book I’ve ever written a kindle review about, that’s how much I enjoyed it.
Perfect pandemic read...
After plowing through a 400 page Jordan Peterson journey (12 Rules For Life... great book but not a weekend read), Gorman’s book about the Crowe’s was a great pivot...I honestly couldn’t put it down. Felt the same turning the final page of this book as I did about the band...was sorry it was over.
Good Read
Good read whether you are a fan or not. Couldn't put it down.
great read; actual book in rough shape
The good: This book is fantastic; it sucks you in and doesn't stop moving. It's definitely a page-turner. The bad: Actual quality of the physical book was subpar, which is not in line with how it was described by the seller. The binding was unglued and the book seems like it was left in the rain/left in a bucket of water as you can tell it was wet, then dried out. Disappointing but obviously still legible.
Light your candle
Perfect title and a prescient hit for the band. Fans knew some shade of this was going on behind the scenes, Hard to Handle gives a peak around the curtain and You have to ask what could have been if not for all the self sabotage.
a Band set on self destruct
Great read. Sad and honest look at a band that couldn’t get out of their own way. The book is well written, my only issue would be no talk of the later records. I’d love to know how it was recording “before the frost..” at levons helms studio live. I love that record.
Kind of makes me hate my favorite band
As a fan of The Black Crowes since the release of SYMM I always knew the Brothers Robinson were jerks, but I had no idea how bad they actually were. Beyond describing the dysfunction of a great band, this book is also packed with a ton of fun anecdotes from the road and the studio. A quick entertaining read.
Great two day read
Great book, by a great drummer who I never get tired of watching. He definitely had the swing, and the power. I know he won't play with the crowe's again, but wouldn't it be great if they asked...
Great book amazing band
From the first time I saw them at Great Woods and had no idea who they were to the Tedesci Trucks tour they never disappointed. Thanks for the story
A Must-Read!
I liked their first album and then lost interest in The Black Crowes. It doesn't matter if you're a fan or not -- this is the best rock and roll biography ever. Read it.
Couldn’t Put it Down!
Loved this on several levels. Even found myself tearing up a few times. Saw them with Tedeschi Trucks in Holmdel, NJ summer of 2013. They absolutely tore it up. What a great f****** show! Really hope they get that back again. In the meantime I’m looking forward to checking out Trigger Hippy in Jersey City in a few weeks.
Great story
I couldn't put this book down . Loved it well told .
Huge Crowes Fan...not a huge fan of this book
I love the Black Crowes however I think Steve Gorman is every bit as full of himself as he says Chris Robinson is and he's no where near as talented. Chris and Rich may have been a powder keg but it was that tension and passion that created their timeless rock music. Could Steve have created it with another band? I think he was lucky to be their drummer. He was along for the ride. I'd rather read Chris's book.
Hard to Handle BUT easy to read & enjoy!!
Huge Crowes fan...was leery to read thinking it might bring me down but alas...the book was phenomenal. I’m not a big reader but I couldn’t put this one down and I’ve come to appreciate how sharp Steve Gorman is. Very well done and anxiously awaiting their tour in summer 2020....just a shame Steve won’t be taking part.
Can't wait to finish it!
I just got the book yesterday and had a hard time putting it down. It is fascinating to read about my favorite band from an insider. Steve Gorman is great story teller. He seems to be even handed - not saying everything was good or bad. He doesn't seem to make one guy (guess which one) sound like a complete jerk.
Dysfunctional Family
Purchased this book for a friend as a gift as he is a huge fan of the band
Fantastic Read
Thus book is amazing and impossible to put down. The Black Crowes were one of the best bands in their prime. Their story is filled with great and sad moments. Gorman tells the story with great love for the music and the band.
Great book
Really well written and I read this in two days crazy fast read I couldn’t put it down.
Painfully true
Gorman pulls no punches, even when it concerns himself. There will be NO REUNION of the Black Crows, unfortunately.
Good read
This book was really good, I couldn't put it down, every chapter was great. What a story. Steve really tells it like it is, and he should be proud that he wrote this!
His words
This book brought back so many amazing memories of my wild youth. I've seen the Black Crows 11 times beginning in 1990 until 2015. To read Steve's words from his point of view was enlightening. To pull back the curtain during those years allowed me to see how human our stars really are. Thank you Steve for writing this book.
The Architect, The Lumber, The Foundation...Mr Gorman's Memoir
If you're a Crowes fan, get it. Written in a well-paced, entertaining style. Offers good insight into the interpersonal dynamics within and around the band through the years. Plenty of good stories, my personal favorite anecdotes involving Jimmy Page. Started the book the night I received it, finished it by noon the next day; couldn't put it down!
Captivating read.
This was a great book. I enjoyed it from the first page to the last.
An awesome read!
I really enjoyed this book. It was amazing to hear all the “behind the scenes” stuff that went on. I recommend that everyone reads it!
Great read !
Wow! What a great read! From start to finish it was entertaining. It made you laugh, get pissed off, feel bad for some and grateful for others. Fan of the band or not, this is a great read about rock ‘n roll and the trials and tribulations that come with the lifestyle.
Look into life of Crowes
Loved the book. Couldn’t put it down. Recommend it to anyone who wants a look into life from start to breakup of a great band. Steve gives his heartfelt, funny, sad, and fun life with the Black Crowes. He should be treated as equal.
Hard to Handle: Everything I expected.
Steve, you done good. As much as I love the band, I always wanted to punch Chris in the face. Arrogance does make a great front man. Passion in the moment does. I can see why it was hard to let go so many times. Happy you didn't. Thanks for keeping time! Deep pocket Steve! Thanks.
God, I love this band.
Thanks, Steve for sharing so much of yourself and the Black Crowes. It's an amazing story. Good thing music lives forever.
Perfectly written.
Hands down - the best rock bio I've had the pleasure of reading! Steve doesn't hold back and gives it to you straight. It's a fascinating story - but it really leaves you shaking your head at times. Those Robinson brothers are quite the pieces of work. Well done, Mr. Gorman!
Buy It Now
This book is phenomenal. Couldn’t put it down. Entertaining, raw, happy, sad, hilarious and when it was done I was in shock a bit. Very well written and will go down as A Hall Of Fame Rock n roll memoir. If you are reading this review, just do yourself a favor and click Buy Now 💥🎶
Execellent read
I am a long time Black Crowes fan... I loved the book. I couldnt put it down until it was finished!. Great stories and insightful and real commentary from the center of all of the chaos. I am reading it the second time around.
Steve Gorman is an excellent storyteller
Great read. I would like an unabridged version, I know Steve has a lot more great stories to share. For fans of the band, it is a great inside view into the what brought the band together as well as tore them apart.
Packs a punch—God bless Gorman
Steve Gorman seems like the kind of cat I’d enjoy a cuppa Joe wit, and he’s a terrific, you-are-there guide to the True Adventures of the Black Crowes. I’m about three-quarters through, and even though he warns us aplenty, I feel like I’m witnessing a slow-motion train wreck. A tale well-told.
Entertaining read
While this is a good book on The Black Crowes, to me it appears a bit one sided. Read for the entertainment of reading and expect some bias from Mr. Gorman.
My favorite band in my whole life (and I’m gettin’ old!)
Been waiting for this book for a while. I really appreciate your candor and honesty, Steve. While I will always love the Black Crowes, I could see there was trouble. It was kind of obvious. But it was magic! You have such a way with words Steve. Thanks for taking the time. I loved the ride.
An absorbing, satisfying read...
As self-critical as it is unmerciful to his bandmates, this is a great read. Gorman spins a great yarn, and there's a ton of great rock and roll stories in this book. A must-read for any Crowes diehard, and a should-read for fans of any musical bio. Lots to digest and appreciate, well-written and engaging.
An honest account of a great but flawed band.
Got this a few days early and I must say if you love the Crowes it's like being there with them from day to day! Gorman keeps it real and vivid. I hope one day the Robinson brothers can put away their differences and bring back this great band to us one more time.
Absolutely amazing memoir!
This book blew my mind. I am not one to read (anything) but I read this book cover to cover, and my jaw dropped almost every page. My only - and only complaint - was the whole 900 page draft wasn’t released since this was such an amazing book!
Couldn't put it down!
Been a Crowes fan since the early days, as well as a fan of CRB, Magpie Salute, & Trigger Hippy. This book is Steve Gormans take on the life and times of the Black Crowes, very well written. I read the book in 2 days, which is very fast for me.
If you love music, then you love the Black Crowes. This is a fantastic look at what its like to form a band with damaged people. And not being able to separate yourself from the destruction, even after identifying and witnessing it time and time again.
Really good book about a great rock band
Great insight about starting as a band, reaching the top, meeting their heroes, and blowing it about every 4 years. The Jimmy Page chapters are outstanding. Well done Steve Gorman.
Man, that's a wild ride
I've seen the Crowes dozens of times. This book was extremely eye-opening and really changed some of my perceptions of the bad. Glad I didnt buy tickets to the new SYMM tour.
Great book
Awesome book, incredible read. Keeps your interest with humor and action. I love it. I bought it for my boyfriend who is a huge Black Crowes fan, he isn’t much of a reader normally but can’t put the book down.
Music Bio With ❤️
Quick delivery of the best music bio I’ve read in forever. Hard-hitting Gorman knows how to tell the stories of the road and the music biz with the crazy Robinson Bros. A true page turner with heart and soul.
Very well written
Awesome book. I like maybe 5 Black Crow songs , but the story here is great, one of the best rock books ive read.
If you are a Black Crowes fan or just a fan of rock n roll this book is a must read.
If you are a Black Crowes fan this book is a MUST read! I wasn’t sure what to expect from him as a storyteller and author, I have to say he knocked this one out of the park. Fantastic read from brother Steve!
A great read!
The book is a great read. Steve does an awesome job telling his stories and giving us all a look at what life was really like in the Black Crowes. As a diehard fan, it was eye opening.
Great read
Must read for any Crowes fan or music fan in general. Everyone knows about the Robinson brothers fights but this behind the scene look really delivers.
Great insight to a great band! Too bad they shot themselves in The foot a few too many times.
Great book with internal info of one of the last true great rock bands. I went into this book loving the music and now I just want to give Steve a hug. Read on to find out why!
Great seller!
The Black Crowes was and still is one of my all time favorites. I hated it when they called it quits but when I saw them on their last tour I had a feeling it would be their last.
Hard to put down
A good behind the scenes story of a great American band by someone who was there for the whole ride.
Steve's view point, but it's a good one
Loved it, it's still one person's view point how it all went down. Love Steve, still amazed he never played but just a few times before setting out on his adventure.
Some good stuff
GORMAN FOR STRENGTH. This book fleshes our what any and all of us know as Crowes fans. I have never read a book in 24 hours but this one broke the mold. You won’t be disappointed.
Black Crowes
Great read! Gorman doesn’t hold back and takes his share the blames too. What a great band in the middle of a weird musical time.
One of the most underrated bands story told!
Fantastic inside look. I believe this is a very accurate account of the Crowes. Can't put it down. Such a joy.
Couldn't put it down
As a long time Black Crowes fan, I have been wanting an inside look at the band for YEARS. Steve is the perfect member to put this together, and he does not disappoint!
Fair minded retrospect of a tumultuous bands long run
Cheers to Steve Gorman, powerhouse drummer and driving force behind arguably one of the best American bands of all time, for writing an honest and insightful tome on his tenure in the black crowes.
I read a lot of rock and rock memoirs, biographies and autobiographies. This one is excellent. I'm not even the biggest Black Crowes fan, but this is a great book.
Didn’t want it to end...
Such a fun read. Loved every minute. I’m sincerely hoping this is another one of Angelus’ strategies to drum up controversy before a re-do on the 25th anniversary tour. Wouldn’t that be the perfect ending?
One of the best rock memoirs I’ve read. If you have any interest in the Black Crowes or the 90s rock music scene then buy this book. A fun, humorous and entertaining read.
excellent read
Crowes fan since 1993 and loved this book so much. I wish I didn’t read just so I could read it again for the first time!
Great Read
Steve Gorman did a great job detailing his time in The Black Crowes.
Unbelievable read- highly recommend for anyone who is a fan of music and the music industry. Congrats to Steve for writing a great book.
Everything I Could Hope For
The book was amazing, and even for a non fan it would have been great. As a fan, I couldn’t have appreciated your blunt honesty any more.
Holy crap, I loved this book from start to finish. Steve was always my favorite member of the band and also one of my favorite drummers.
Steve Gorman’s story is a great one. It’s interesting, funny and informative and it’s a great, entertaining read for fans of The Black Crowes. Highly recommend.
Great Read!
This book was awesome. Could not put it down. Read it in three days. Easy to read and enjoyable from cover to cover. Get it!
Painfully honest, hilarious, thought-provoking, horrifying, triumphant...Hard to Handle has all of this and more. Steve Gorman is a gifted writer who took us with him on his journey. Bravo!
They really messed up a good thing.
I really enjoyed reading this book. Couldn't stop. Read over a weekend. Great stories in every chapter. It would make a really cool movie.
Inside scoop !!
A great job by Steve Gorman, taking you right into the fire that was the Black Crowes. A must read for any music lover or Musician
eye opening
wow ... steve really unloaded in this book ... great read. thanks steve :-)
Hard To Handle Or Stop Reading!
Steven Gorman honesty throughout the book should serve as a guideline to the “new era” artist! A worthy read!!
This book confirmed my suspicion...
...that Jimmy Page and Robert Plant are two of the coolest dudes on the planet. Also, that Steve Gorman is best air drummer gone pro. Great book!
Highly recommend! The best rock bio I’ve ever read!
An amazing book about my favorite rock band. I’m sure the brother’s have put out a hit on him by now because he pulls no punches. You’ll love it!
Great Book!
A must listen if you are a Black Crowes fan or even just a rock and roll fan. Greatly entertaining
Great insight into the ups and downs of being in a successful rock band
Superb insight into the inner workings of a rock n roll band, highly recommended for all music fans and anyone who ever wanted to be in a band!! I
Great rock n roll ride with The Black Crowes!
My book arrived with a printing flaw and damaged pages. The content of the book is an amazing ride with The Black Crowes!!! I couldn't put it down.
Awesome look inside of the lives of professional musicians.
Hard To Handle was a great read about The Black Crowes. It was at times humorous, sad, and inspiring.