Habits for a Healthy Marriage: A Handbook for Catholic Couples

Kindle Edition
25 Aug

Drawing on his forty years as a marriage and family psychiatrist, Dr. Fitzgibbons presents a book that can bring selfknowledge and healing to struggling marriages. It will help couples to identify and resolve the major emotional conflicts that weaken their relationships and hurt their marriage. It is very timely because of the epidemics of selfishness, anger, pornography and infidelity in marriage today.

This work is unique because it draws upon the field of positive psychology, which focuses on growth in virtues by the spouses. It is the first book on strengthening marriages by a mental health professional that incorporates the luminous writing of St. John Paul II on marriage and empirically proven forgiveness therapy.

The book demonstrates the benefits from a commitment to a mission of personal growth in acknowledging one’s fault, receiving and giving forgiveness and cultivating virtues. This healing process is both fulfilling and demanding. Whether you are newly engaged, recently married, or married for many years, the conflict-resolving strategies described in this book—the habits of a healthy marriage—can help you to protect your relationship from the emotional storms that often lead to quarrelling and mistrust, and sometimes to separation and divorce.

Reviews (2)

Best book on marriage on the market today

Dr. Fitzgibbons lays out very succinctly the problem of anger many couples unknowingly face in marriage. Anger destroys marriage. As a canon lawyer who has reviewed hundreds of marriage cases, I can confidently state misdirected anger against one’s spouse is the most prevalent reason for divorce. In examining the source of spousal anger, often beginning in childhood, Dr Fitzgibbons then accurately shows how anger toward a parent is all too frequently misdirected toward a spouse. By encouraging individuals to identify and understand their source of anger, they can begin to work more effectively on problem resolution within their marriage. Although Dr Fitzgibbons writes through the lens of Pope John Paul II’s theology of the human body, anyone who inherently believes in human dignity and self worth can easily access the wisdom and sage advice found within this book. All married couples Christian or not will benefit from a reading of Dr Fitzgibbon’s excellent book.

Great book even for single people dating

I think this book helps one prepare for marriage by showing you what you may unintentionally bring to a marriage that could damage the marriage. Also, helps for any relationship. Radical idea to me who was raised in the ME generation and taught to look out for number one, to make yourself happy first -- that actually, NO -- instead think of the other person and practice understanding and forgiveness. That in a holy marriage -- you actually are responsible for your spouse's happiness ...Mind Blown!

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