Growing Up with a Bucket Full of Happiness: Three Rules for a Happier Life

Kindle Edition
31 Jul
". . . The work lays out three rules for readers--children as well as adults--to find happiness in their lives. All three revolve around the author's concept of people having buckets they can either fill for themselves or others.. . Opportunities to fill buckets abound. As McCloud points out, every instance of simple kindness helps to fill buckets. . . An inviting guide for children (and their parents) to cultivating happiness and helping others." - Kirkus Reviews Through the simple concept of an invisible mental and emotional bucket, Growing Up with a Bucket Full of Happiness gives a very real and profound understanding of why people act as they do. This book teaches the "bucketfilling" language by examining a number of difficult subjects with colorfully-illustrated chapters, thought-provoking questions, and relevant real-life situations. Readers of all ages will learn and experience, through daily practice, the value of kindness, understanding, resiliency, and courage in a world that isn't always kind.

Reviews (102)

Great Book!

My principal reads a page a day during her morning announcements. They have great messages that kids can related to. I bought one for myself to share with my own children.

Good Book for kids and parents to read together

This book is a great reminder for kids and adults to be kind. To always be aware of what they say and do to others. Teaches them to be a bucket filler, not a bucket dipper. A good reminder for everyone.

Healthy and positive book for kids

I highly recommend this book for kids. I think adults can learn from it as well! There are some lessons in this book that are not typically taught but are vital for individuals. The lessons learned will carry into adulthood.

Helped my kids grow emotionally

I love this book and think it'd be great for all people to read and have an idea of. Helps to deal with bullying, negative nellies and chose good friends. My 8 year old daughter refers to the bucket over and over when describing her friendships. It's a simple read - I read it to my 5 year old to help her gain more control over her emotions and the pouting with "that hurt my feelings!" has slowed down. We all want to feel appreciated and to learn you need to give it to get it early in life is a Great Life Lesson.

Great book, applicable across many ages

I have used this book with my own children and with clients. Although primarily used with 10-13 year olds, the concepts can be simplified or expanded upon for any age. This was a great find!

Great for Kids & Parents

Parents: Get this book! Read it with your child and talk to them about it. Talk about how it applies at home, at school, with friends, with adults, with animals... so important! I use this for school counseling as a supplemental/homework for students and parents. I have the student read a chapter each with WITH their parent(s) and have them talk about what they read. This is a great way to teach parents the language that is being used at school and also helps instill some of the messages in the book.

Great book for kids and adults alike

Great book for kids and adults alike. Especially those that introduce you to the book should probably reread it as they seem to have forgotten the book's premise. I believe it helps my children understand that what they say or do to others matters to the way other feel but also how they view themselves.

Good product

Good product

Great book and wonderful way to help children (and adults) ...

Got this for my 4 y/o grand daughter and she really seems to understand the concept and how to apply it. Great book and wonderful way to help children (and adults) understand what is really important in life and in relationships with other people.


I'm a k-5 PE teacher who also has the Health curriculum, my school has adopted the BUCKET FILLING program by Tim Roth and it's working wonderfully to create a cohesive, empathetic culture. All of the books are great but this one rocks!! Just sent this to staff and friends in education... Dave and I are reading it to 1-5th , we are on pg 25 and its inspired a huge language change for myself when dealing with conflicts and tons of conversations with not only our students but Dave and I and my family and friends this one is reverberating like and bassoon!!!

Great Book!

My principal reads a page a day during her morning announcements. They have great messages that kids can related to. I bought one for myself to share with my own children.

Good Book for kids and parents to read together

This book is a great reminder for kids and adults to be kind. To always be aware of what they say and do to others. Teaches them to be a bucket filler, not a bucket dipper. A good reminder for everyone.

Healthy and positive book for kids

I highly recommend this book for kids. I think adults can learn from it as well! There are some lessons in this book that are not typically taught but are vital for individuals. The lessons learned will carry into adulthood.

Helped my kids grow emotionally

I love this book and think it'd be great for all people to read and have an idea of. Helps to deal with bullying, negative nellies and chose good friends. My 8 year old daughter refers to the bucket over and over when describing her friendships. It's a simple read - I read it to my 5 year old to help her gain more control over her emotions and the pouting with "that hurt my feelings!" has slowed down. We all want to feel appreciated and to learn you need to give it to get it early in life is a Great Life Lesson.

Great book, applicable across many ages

I have used this book with my own children and with clients. Although primarily used with 10-13 year olds, the concepts can be simplified or expanded upon for any age. This was a great find!

Great for Kids & Parents

Parents: Get this book! Read it with your child and talk to them about it. Talk about how it applies at home, at school, with friends, with adults, with animals... so important! I use this for school counseling as a supplemental/homework for students and parents. I have the student read a chapter each with WITH their parent(s) and have them talk about what they read. This is a great way to teach parents the language that is being used at school and also helps instill some of the messages in the book.

Great book for kids and adults alike

Great book for kids and adults alike. Especially those that introduce you to the book should probably reread it as they seem to have forgotten the book's premise. I believe it helps my children understand that what they say or do to others matters to the way other feel but also how they view themselves.

Good product

Good product

Great book and wonderful way to help children (and adults) ...

Got this for my 4 y/o grand daughter and she really seems to understand the concept and how to apply it. Great book and wonderful way to help children (and adults) understand what is really important in life and in relationships with other people.


I'm a k-5 PE teacher who also has the Health curriculum, my school has adopted the BUCKET FILLING program by Tim Roth and it's working wonderfully to create a cohesive, empathetic culture. All of the books are great but this one rocks!! Just sent this to staff and friends in education... Dave and I are reading it to 1-5th , we are on pg 25 and its inspired a huge language change for myself when dealing with conflicts and tons of conversations with not only our students but Dave and I and my family and friends this one is reverberating like and bassoon!!!

Everyone Needs to Read This!

This book is a must read for all parents, teachers, children, teens...everyone. We need to understand that this kind of love and kindness is the only thing that is going to heal our world, one person at a time. You will learn how to help yourself and those closest to you be the best they can be in a really positive way. My friend's school district adopted this program (books at early and middle school years as well as adult) and it has been a really positive addition to their school programs. Imagine if each one of us became concerned about filling each other's buckets with kind words and deeds on a daily basis?

Excellent Book

Excellent book! Very adult and kids MUST read it every single day!

Good food for thought about how to treat other people with the respect you would like to receive in return.

I bought this book for my grandson. He was born with no use of his right hand and arm and wears a brace on his right leg. He has his feelings hurt when other kids won't accept him or treat him differently. I noticed that he has started being a little mean to other people and saying things that hurt their feelings - probably in response to the way they treat him. I thought this book might help him think about the way he treats other people and that, if I can get him to change that attitude, it might help him get along better with the other kids. I haven't had a chance to read any of it to him yet so don't know what the results will be, but the ideas are right on!

Lessons for a Lifetime

Wonderful book. Used real life situations that my grandson could relate to. Life lessons dealing with kindness, bullying, consequences, coping, accepting discipline, respect, etc. that can be applied every day.

Very nice for older kids.

I have had the book "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" for years, and love it, but was so glad to find this one to add to my collection! As a clinical social worker working with kids and families I discuss the concept of bucket-filling quite often. This book is much more appropriate for older kids, i.e Intermediate or Middle School age.

Great for teaching children to be kind to others

I purchased the book to teach children to be helpful to others and to teach them to have a positive outlook in life. I believe that if children grow up thinking positive, it will be so much easier for them to face life's challenges throughout their lives.

Great concept

I like this book and so do my children. We also have the thinner version for younger children. We read both often. I always notice an increase in "bucket filling" behavior and words after we have read these books. I enjoy them myself.


Love these series of books and recommend them


My son loved this book and I love the great examples and the concept.

Great way to think about how what you say and ...

Great way to think about how what you say and do affects others. Good visualization. Also helped me not allow others to "dip in my bucket" and upset me.


Great book, able to teach kids kindness and empathy!

Super book for all ages!

I started using buckets for each of my students this year. This was the book that I read before introducing filling buckets in the classroom. Love it. Great for kids and adults.

Great teaching lessons for children

Great teaching lessons for children. We often ask our children if they are filling buckets with regard to their behavior.

Super Information!

This chapter book is very informative and explains concepts on a level young people can understand. It is such a "rich" book with many good concepts to "unpack!"

Growing up with a Bucket Full of Happiness.

It came in great shape. I would order again.😀

Five Stars

Nice little book. Reading it to my students to encourage them to be kind to each other.

great for older kids

this is a greaet book for older kids to help them learn and recognize positive and negative behavior. It goes along great with the journal!

This book is great.

There are so many kids bullying one another in classrooms these days. This book gives a child the steps on how to be happy and confident and kind.

Children want to learn this!

Pefect as a read aloud by chapter to 4th grade and up!

You are going to LOVE this book.

I love when my students say, "are you a bucket filler, or a bucket dipper." I'm using this in my classroom for character development.

Bucket full of happiness

Great advice for both children and adults. I wish everyone would read this and maybe we would have nicer people in the world.

Great concept.

Gave this to my 9 yr old grandson who was struggling as the middle child. He was able to read through it on his own, comprehend it and implement it in his life. Great concept.

Great series

Using this in our preschool. This is a great series and really is easy to work with. Lots of free resources can be found for teachers.

Buy this book!

This is a great book for both children and adults. I read this to my class and we had a great discussion about it.

Five Stars

Love all the bucket books. This really helps teach kids of all ages empathy.

Great book for children in foster care

This book has been an absolute joy for our 11 year old foster daughter to read. She totally 'gets' the idea of having a bucket which needs to be filled, have a lid and not to be dipped into too much. She is taking it to school, to her Mum and just wants everyone to understand how important these concepts are.

Excellent Read for Small Group Guidance

I knew what I was getting in this book! Two years ago, I'd purchased three (3) of these with my own personal funds; the students that I'd shared this book with were so intrigued that they felt it was a must read for all of their peers! Growing Up with a ....... has made an excellent Small Group/ "Book Club" for my uprising middle school girls! They anticipate coming for more and I can see a sense of self -awareness and empowerment as we maneuvered through the pages! The book itself was an excellent price on Amazon. However, just when I thought I would double my order so that I might gift each girl with their own personal copy, I noticed that the savings and then some, were absorbed in shipping cost. That leads me to strongly consider purchasing locally before ordering with Amazon again.

Five Stars

Very good book for kids to learn to be kind


great product and price

Great book

Great instructions on how to help our kids be more thoughtful in their words. Great way to work with kids or grandkids!


I bought this for my 12 yo girl and we read it together at bed time. We both felt this book was written with younger audience in mind. It is not bad, not great, just OK. The messages are simple, but repetitive, hence, the book does not keep the reader engaged and interested.

Great book collection! Good for older readers.

Great book! Would recommend for age 10 and up.

Five Stars

Nice way to explain the concept

Awesome tool to help see you are in charge of your feelings and how you influence those around you

reading with my 8 year old daughter - she loves it and we make a point to "bucket fill" in our day and talk about it later over dinner. AWESOME tool to help kids see they are in charge of the good feelings they have and that they influence others around them..

Tweens friendly

THis book is good for expanding the bucket-filling concept to the older kids. The terminology and explanations are perfect for 6th grade up.

Five Stars


Five Stars

whole series is awesome

Five Stars

All was good.

Five Stars

Great book!

Great for adults and kids

I bought this book for my kids and they grasped the idea of bucket filling immediately. I have read a lot of books on happiness for adults, but none of them drove home the point like this one. I highly recommend this book for children and adults.

Three Stars

didn't love it

Quite instructive

This book was very instructive about the finer points of filling buckets. Especially helpful were the pointers on using your "bucket lid" as a defense against those who would deplete your bucket or the buckets of others.

Love it.

Have you filled someone's bucket today or at least helped fill it? I love this concept, and it's very simple for young children to internalize. Check out all the Fill the Bucket resources and find what's best for you.

Best boundaries book for kids

Great book! Easy to comprehend and to read! I would recommend for every child!

Great for Kids

This is a great book for kids! And, it's also great for the parents reading it to the kids. I would highly recommend this book!!!

very efficient service

Great Book and it was nicely wrapped My autistic son loves this book and we set up behavior mods charts imitation the main idea of this book.

Excellent resource book

This is an excellent resource book to accompany the book - "Have You Filled Your Bucket". It teaches the how-to's of filling one's bucket with happiness.

Great book for older kids

This is a great companion to the original Have you filled a Bucket today book. Fun to use with kids too old for the original book. Great concept.

Good principles, but too repetitive and boring.

This book says the same thing over and over again. I'm determined to finish reading it with my child, but it is very boring. The principles are good, but instead if saying the same thing over and over they could have provided some real world examples and just said less, had fewer pages. Repetition is not a good way of teaching if its so boring you quit listening.

Four Stars

Great book for intermediate classes.

Three Stars

Truly meant for an early grades student. Not high school.

Five Stars

Not for second grade though too old

Great book!

My grandson is 10 he was familiar with this book already! He received for Christmas gift! I don't think is has started reading yet!

Growing up witha bucket full of Happiness

I haven't read the book as yet. I have looked at it and the book looks like it will be a good book to help with sibling rivalry. I have purchased the book for my great grandchildren to give to them for Christmas.The serve was great.

better set for older students

I bought other buscket filler books and thought this might be a good one too. I teach fifth grade and found this book to be better for oldr students.

Growing up with a bucket full of happiness three rules for a happier

This book was bought with the intention of donating it to my grandkids school. I haven't read it yet nor have I donated it.

Review from Books That Heal Kids

I'm an elementary school counselor and I have used the bucket filling books with students for years. They are truly awesome and are really uplifting to students. I was so excited to see Carol McCloud's new book - Growing Up With A Bucket Full of Happiness. It is everything I hoped it would be! I also love that it is geared towards the older students - 3rd grade and up. It is a chapter book and written perfectly with wonderful illustrations for the reader to look at. This is not a long book - it's just right. Carol introduces new concepts to students like: *Group Bucket Filling *How To Avoid Dipping *Accidental Dipping *Thoughtless Dipping *Selective Dipping *Group Dipping *Dipping on Television *Long-Handled Dipping *Use Your Lid *Use Your Lid for Others *Advanced Bucket Fillers *When A Lid Doesn't Work All of this new language is exactly what the older kids need. I highly recommend teachers, parents, school librarians, and school counselors to buy this INVALUABLE resource.

Good Guide for Kids

This book is for older children in upper elementary and middle school. It delves deeper into the concept of bucket filling and dipping. It talks about things like bullying, accidental or thoughtless bucket dipping, and when having an empty bucket isn't your fault. It discusses ways for kids to keep their buckets full and avoid things that will empty their buckets (like cheating and cyberbullying). It also talks about developing talents, working hard, and standing up for others. I love the concept of an invisible bucket that everyone carries with them. It's a great lesson for kids of all ages to learn. This book helps kids understand the basic concepts of kindness and honesty and how they will help increase their happiness.

Not just for kids

Even if you are already a grownup, this book can help "clarify your thinking." Just as Carol McCloud's earlier books give children a vocabulary to describe experiences and their feelings, "Growing Up" puts into concrete words many of the things we adults wish someone had explained to us long before we learned them the hard way. Yet this book is not preachy. It is clear and matter of fact, yet filled with warmth, and it gives readers tools to incorporate the practice of happiness into their daily lives.

Fantastic helpful easy to follow enjoyable

Really the best book helping kids to manage friendships and relationships- really recommend this my daughter is 8 and she has really enjoyed it


These books in this :Bucket Filling" project are WONDERFUL and the message they convey is VITAL for all the human race!!!

It helps children understand

Very good


Very helpful for my work we’dith children.

Fill my Bucket

Great book that helps with personal, social and emotional well being of children .Very good book. Very worth while b.Good buy!

Lovely book!

Only halfway through this book and both my son and I are thoroughly enjoying it! Lovely concept and really makes sense to little ones. Would highly recommend.

What a brilliant philosophy

Love this book. It is a fabulous resource for schools and would make a really good whole school behaviour policy

Loved it

Love this book. Perfect for my 9 year old


lovely story to reinforce out emotional lit in class.The children enjoyed it and the story helped put things into a context.

easy to work with for all

simple and lovely, easy to work with for all ages

Five Stars

great resource as a girl guide leader

growing up with a bucket

This book was more wordy then I expected.

Perfect for parents to follow

I loved this book as a resource to use with the other books. It goes more in depth then the little kid ones.

Great self-help book written for your child to read

Thought this might be a bit cheesy, but it is just right. My 8 year old loves it and can't put it down. She has been struggling with low self-esteem and this book is certainly helping her make sense of friendships and 'playground politics'. We have already adopted the language in our household of 'filling your bucket' i.e. being kind to others and being careful not to 'bucket dip' i.e. not being mean. We are reading the final rule about using the lid and protecting your happiness. A lovely concept that my daughter has really embraced, making her less anxious about her friendships and building her self belief.

Fair approach

Fair approach

A must have...

This is one of those book every child as well as adult should a perspective on why people behave the way they behave

A helpful book

I bought this book to help a child I mentor (age6) to learn how to interact well with his peers. It is a little bit wordy but he got the idea.

Would like to receive notice more fantastic books.

Great books. I use them in my social skills group.

Five Stars

Good book

Authors attempt at selling the same thing over and over

Instead of purchasing this book purchase, [ASIN:0978507517 Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids]]

Buy It

The 'Fill a Bucket' is an easy and wonderful way to help teach children about kindness, consideration and theirs and other's emotions. It is almost 'contagious' when we are asked to explain what are you filling your sister/brother's buckets or are you dipping? I cannot recommend this highly enough.

Very useful!

A really useful book. I loved the concept.

Five Stars

as promised

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