Great Leads: The Six Easiest Ways to Start Any Sales Message

Kindle Edition
10 Oct
Marketing research shows that 80% of an ad’s or sales letter’s success comes from the headline and lead. Every marketer worth the name can tell you how important the headline is. But far too many of those same marketers ignore the critical importance of the lead. In Great Leads: The Six Easiest Ways to Start Any Sales Message marketing genius Michael Masterson and master copywriter John Forde break through that ignorance to provide a clear, concise, and easy-to-follow guide to writing successful leads. But this is not a simple “How To” book on leads. Great Leads goes far deeper. Michael and John examine crucial aspects o writing powerful, successful leads and show how this process starts long before one word is put on paper. Great Leads was originally conceived as a book about sales letter leads. But in the planning stages, it quickly morphed into a far broader, far more useful examination of how to write effective leads for any type of direct response ad. This book is not the best book of its kind about how to write successful leads. It is the only book of its kind.

Reviews (161)

Stop reading the reviews and buy already

I’ve read this book dozens of times. Even bought the Kindle version so I can read it when I don’t have the physical copy. There is so much great stuff in this book it blows my mind. If you buy this book and it doesn’t deliver on everything I’ve said and more, send me an email and I’ll buy your copy from you.

Can't figure out why your letters feel weak?

If you've been following the AIDA, AIDCA, or emotional marketing formulas... And yet you still don't feel your message has strength and persuasion, then get this book. It's the next thing to master after having a catchy headline. The book tells you how to transition from the headline to the first sentence, then to the paragraph. You'll learn different types of prospects. Let's you choose how to custom fit your messages based on that too. The book teaches you to create that "hook". I wish the authors could have shared more examples. Really makes a good swipe file for amateurs like me.

Write great leads and take 'em to the bank

One of the best copywriting books I've read to date. This is a must. Between your headline, and offer, the type of lead you write matters just as much. As Todd Brown put it, the rule of 3... your headline, lead and offer are the three most important components of your sales message. This short, but amazing book will teach you to write awesome leads.

You wanna write great copy, read this book

This is among one of the greatest books about copywriting and the difference between words on a page and copy that moves you to act I’ve ever read.

Must have book for every copywriter

Read it. Read it again and again. Keep it next to your desk. Use the concepts in every piece you write.

Elevate Your Copy Game...

Clear. Concise. And ABOVE ALL? Actionable. This is a resource that you should have on hand if you do sales oriented copywriting. Excellent work.

Excellent Book!

Great book! Really enjoyed reading it , You have to read it twice to get maximum results ✅ Thanks for sharing this valuable book 📚

I love it!

This book is powerful! I will definitely refer back to this book as I write Copy. I am grateful to Mr. Masterson.

This book was an eye opener to new strategies that helps improve conversion

I like the sales letter structure and the lead types were presented in this book.. also the book is very informative and it has a lot of useful information. This one of the books that took me a little bit to finish..


This book has saved me so much time. I've been trying to find easier ways of applying Gene Schwartz's principles in Breakthrough Advertising and this book helps immensely.

Stop reading the reviews and buy already

I’ve read this book dozens of times. Even bought the Kindle version so I can read it when I don’t have the physical copy. There is so much great stuff in this book it blows my mind. If you buy this book and it doesn’t deliver on everything I’ve said and more, send me an email and I’ll buy your copy from you.

Can't figure out why your letters feel weak?

If you've been following the AIDA, AIDCA, or emotional marketing formulas... And yet you still don't feel your message has strength and persuasion, then get this book. It's the next thing to master after having a catchy headline. The book tells you how to transition from the headline to the first sentence, then to the paragraph. You'll learn different types of prospects. Let's you choose how to custom fit your messages based on that too. The book teaches you to create that "hook". I wish the authors could have shared more examples. Really makes a good swipe file for amateurs like me.

Write great leads and take 'em to the bank

One of the best copywriting books I've read to date. This is a must. Between your headline, and offer, the type of lead you write matters just as much. As Todd Brown put it, the rule of 3... your headline, lead and offer are the three most important components of your sales message. This short, but amazing book will teach you to write awesome leads.

You wanna write great copy, read this book

This is among one of the greatest books about copywriting and the difference between words on a page and copy that moves you to act I’ve ever read.

Must have book for every copywriter

Read it. Read it again and again. Keep it next to your desk. Use the concepts in every piece you write.

Elevate Your Copy Game...

Clear. Concise. And ABOVE ALL? Actionable. This is a resource that you should have on hand if you do sales oriented copywriting. Excellent work.

Excellent Book!

Great book! Really enjoyed reading it , You have to read it twice to get maximum results ✅ Thanks for sharing this valuable book 📚

I love it!

This book is powerful! I will definitely refer back to this book as I write Copy. I am grateful to Mr. Masterson.

This book was an eye opener to new strategies that helps improve conversion

I like the sales letter structure and the lead types were presented in this book.. also the book is very informative and it has a lot of useful information. This one of the books that took me a little bit to finish..


This book has saved me so much time. I've been trying to find easier ways of applying Gene Schwartz's principles in Breakthrough Advertising and this book helps immensely.

Having trouble starting your sales message? Read this book

This book is simply the best guide I've ever found on how to get your prospect's attention and lead him or her into your sales message. I bought it for myself, have re-read it several times, and bought several copies for friends. It builds nicely on Schwartz' classic "Breakthrough Advertising", by giving concrete strategies depending on "market sophistication". If you have any interest in writing copy - get this book.

Simple but powerful

This was awesome. Super easy to understand, and step-by-step so it’s easy to implement what you’ve learned. I do believe this will change the way I write copy.

If you liked Breakthrough Advertising...

..this incredible resource will add another level of clarity and application to Schwartz. Phenomenal. Simply Phenomenal.

A Simple Summary Of Sales Message Magic

An easy and concise read to summarize the most effective lead approaches to success and BIG money. Excellent examples of each approach. While most examples demonstrate print media, they can easily adapt to digital.

Good one.

Great for learning copywriting for ads.

Why had I never heard about this book before?

This book was recommended to me by a friend. All I can say is WOW and THANK YOU. Super book if you're looking to learn about sales copy to boost conversion, sales, etc... right now. I took the advice and applied it same day. Like the title says, this is about "Great Leads" as in the begging of your sales message. Great stuff!

Smart- Very Smart

If you really digest the information in this book and put it to use you can’t help but be a better persuasive writer- my recommendation- do yourself a favor and read it at least twice- lots of million dollar nuggets you’ll miss on the first read

Great Leads is a great read

Great leads defines and breaks down the leads that have done millions in sales. Can’t wait to start applying this knowledge to my copy.

Essential reading for any copywriter

I'd been hired to write copy for a business owner who is himself a talented copywriter, and he recommended this book to me. I used some of the examples in this book as jumping-off points for hooks that became some of our highest-converting ad copy. So thanks!

essential reading for any copywriter

Epic breakdown of the 6 types of copy leads and when plus how to use each one. Off the proverbial chain.

The book explains 6 different types of ads with examples ...

The book explains 6 different types of ads with examples and when, how and why you should use each one of them. Very exciting stuff!

one of the best books on copywriting

a great mixture between strategy and tactics. full of examples. if you want to make more money buy it now


If there was one book you had to read for copywriting them this is it! It gets to the points, has outstanding home-run examples, and sets you up to succeed in this industry.

Surpassed expectations

Readable comprehensive explanations of effective leads. The authors put everything into a framework for working copywriters.

Great advice

This book was great. No messing around and fluff, just good advice about how to write leads for your sales messages. They suggest that you read it a few times to have it really sink in, and I think I'll need to do that, sometimes you can read something and then forget about it, but this book is worth remembering.

Smart book

Must read for any marketer

A must for anyone who seriously wants to grab interest in their copy!

Very easy to read and right on the nose of what a great lead is and isn't made of. Just read this book, read it again and again, while mixing in your own imaginative fuel and you can make interest grabbing leads every time.

Powerful copy writing!

Awesome step by step instructions on superb copy writing. Love the directness of this book. I've never seen it broken down into these six categories before. A definite must read if you in any way plan on or currently use copy writing to sell.

Have you ever gone so far as to do more to look like?

Want to learn everything there is about writing headlines, and then not know what to do at the end? Order this book. It says to re-read it a few times. I guess I have to do that. But really, this book is freakin smart.

Must read

Great. Must read

Excellent book!

Great book. Very helpful in writing my sales letters!

Ecellent book

easy read. great concepts. deep insight. highly recommended. this is the first Michael Masterson book I have read, and it inspires me to buy others!

A Must-Have On Every Copywriter's Bookshelf

Michael Masterson and John Forde cut right to the chase in this no-nonsense, story-textbook guide to the most beneficial (and lucrative) part of the sales letter - the lead. Full of things you can implement RIGHT NOW to boost your projects. It's a roadmap that answers the question, "How can I become a six-figure copywriter, and go to the top of the heap?" Read, digest, memorize and implement the examples and instructions, and you'll be on top of the heap quicker than you could ever imagine. It's like the keys to the (copywriting) Kingdom.

This Book Leads One in the Right Direction

This is a fascinating book on how write great lead-ins for sales copy. It is very useful for anyone wanting to sell something. It provides solid information for what moves the reader to a buyer. Highly recommended, well-worth the money to buy it.

Probably best to wait a bit if you're a novice or ...

Not sure if this book would have had the same effect on me had it been my first or second read about copywriting. Probably best to wait a bit if you're a novice or you might not grasp the nuances of it's awesomeness. That is no fault of the book or authors, though. This book is truly fantastic! It has some of the most valuable, clear, fascinating, and truly entertaining information of any book or course on copy I've seen. Even for great books on copy, it's unusual that I feel sad the book ends the way I do with a great novel. And, you can read it in a day and apply everything for massive betterment of your copy right away. It's a totally cool book. The "Star Wars" of copyrighting books, in my view.

El mejor libro para aprender a vender en internet,periodico o cualquier tipo de redaccion

El mejor libro de leads, cartas de ventas y titulares qie puedas encoktrar si estas empezando en el mundo de internet y quieres aprender a vender este es tu libro, olvidate de los tecnicismos sobre metodos de pago redes sociales, si lo que quieres es vender este es tu libro para empezar, despues sigue con otros libros mas pero este es el inicio el mejor inicio la verdad muy recomendable

One Of The Best Books I've Read About Copy Writing

I read a lot of books about copy writing. They all talk about head lines action words etc. This book is they only one that I've read that goes beyond head lines and action words. Without the right lead your ad is going no where. Mr. Masterson and Mr. Forde show you how to chose the right lead and how to use it. No copy writer should be with out this book in their library.

Good explanations. Helped me write solid copy for an ...

Straight to the point. Good explanations. Helped me write solid copy for an ad.

Timeless Principles

I first bought the kindle version of this book but it was suboptimal so I ordered the print version, which took a long time to arrive. The wait was worth it. The book is a great primer on the psychology behind what makes copywriting great. The examples are dated but the principles are timeless.

The missing link revealed!

Finally! A book that focuses on exactly what it promises and best of all it delivers to the max! From the first sentence to the last this book is revealing money making secrets that can bring in the profits!

Great read

This book was brought to me in a copywriting workshop as a great book to read to better understand the power of the leads and also how they can (they should, actually) guide the entire sales letter copy. I liked the examples each lead type has and also the tips and hints you can take in each chapter. If you're looking for a structure to be able to craft your own sales letters, you won't find it as this is more theoretical, although with very good examples. You will be able to think about which lead type you should use in each situation, but you still need to know how to craft great copy and this book is not about the copy but about the lead to present your copy. I would recommend this book for anyone wanting to become a great direct response copywriter.

Love. Top Focused Copy Help I've Received

This is the best copy book I've read. By focusing on one aspect of copy. The lead, it made how to write copy a lot less confusing. Most importantly, I've always wanted a psychic awareness of knowing when a piece of copy will do well. This book has given me that and has boosted my confidence in writing copy tenfold. Thank you for this book. I know I will read it again and again.

The Secrets To Writing Great Copy

Wow, I am amazed how much the author gives out for free to its readers. Truly grateful for the wisdom constructed on each chapter of the book. Whether a seasoned copywriter or novice this book will be life changing.

Pleasantly Surprised...

I was skeptical on how much value a $9 book written by a proclaimed Agora copywriter would offer. Knowing ahead of time that Agora copywriters are world-class and have extremely high conversion rates, I was expecting "Great Leads" to be exactly that - a lead generation book designed to get me into some sort of funnel to spend a ton of money on a more "advanced writing system". Throughout the whole book I was waiting for the death blow - "to learn more, opt-in here or buy this course", but it never came (After all, that is what writing great copy is all about!). This entire book is packed with tactical strategies to take your copy to a much higher level without a single sales pitch or back-end offer. IMHO, it is not for the beginner. First learn how to write B-Level copy (killer headlines, features, benefits, bullets, etc...) then use this to beef it up to A-Level work. More than just a tactical "how to", Great Leads provides some of the best swipe lead ins and breaks them down. Discover how just a few words and techniques make the difference between a flat line response and explosive, high-converting response. The book is worth the price alone just for the swipes and analysis. And, we are not talking ancient copy that was mailed decades ago. I am on some of Agora's lists and immediately recognized a few of the offers broken down in the book, they still arrive in my Inbox and mailbox. Quite frankly, I'm surprised that the secrets of the highest paid copywriters in the industry are revealed here so cheap. Take advantage and get your hands on a copy immediately. One tweak alone from this book will more than offset your cost and time to read it.

Don’t read this and miss out

Please read this. This was my first book as a new copywriter and I am glad it was. It opened my eyes to archetypes of persuasion (ie 6 fundamental ways to persuade) and I consider this information as necessary foundation work in order to be good at what I am going to do in the future.

Great book

They do a great job of communicating some powerful marketing insights/nuances, and provide a framework for selecting and crafting the best sales hook for your unique situation. Highly recommended.

Good read

Keep It Stupid Simple. The writer explained everything that you need to know. I will use these leads in my business

Crazy awesome. Both in the flow

Crazy awesome. Both in the flow.. it's super swift to get sucked in and read the full book in a hurry. Plus, the examples in there really, really illustrate each point. Highly recommend it, I already re-read some parts and need to make a habit of re-reading this every 4 months or so.

I have been wrong this whole time

This book has made me realize that my writing is horrible. I can fix it by applying things from this book!

Great tips on writing strong sales letter ss

In just a few chapters you'll learn what it takes to create powerful and persuasive sales letters! Wonderful book by a master !

Your dad passed on Amazon... This is how you could catch the next big crypto wave.

I’ve never sat down and thought about the lead of a advertisement or story. What a journey this book is! I heard a interview once with Perry Belcher and he said read anything by Mike Masterson. Thanks Perry, you were spot on!


This book was recommended to me by a very good copy writer colleague of mine and I am glad I have read it. Clearly lays out the lead types and how to attack them. Love it!! I’ll be reading more of your books!

Awesome book

One of the best books for headline and lead types. Very focused narrative. Can’t wait to implement them. Might need to read again

Interesting read

Interesting book that would benefit from having a summary at the end of the book that can help to come back quicker to the main types of leads.

Solid read on advertising copy

I was recommended this book by my copywriting group. Wow, it didn’t disappoint. Read this, and then read it again. Keep reading until you fully understand each lead type.

Buy this book today

When I wanted to scale my advertising, a friend with an advertising agency recommended this book. He said this is the system they used to scale the advertising for their clients. I was not disappointed. I’m confident this book will turn my business in to a million $$ business.

Great book for all of you who have a website ...

I was put off by the cover for a few long months. The title did not click for me either. Oh boy little that I know I was mising out... Great book for all of you who have a website or simply communicates with prospects. This book should be included in all MBA marketing curriculums. This is how confident I am that you will in fact find this book a must have. I kept reading it from start to finish. I have Kindle version and will buy a hard copy to insure that I have it on my best reads shelf. If you want to increase your ROI from all of your sources do not look for something else - read this book and share your opinion. Thank you Michael Masterton for your hard work.

Useful and informative

This book is a great one to add to your Copywriting Arsenal. Packed with lots of great examples and tips. Highly recommend.

Good book

Throughly enjoyed this book and it helped set a framework when writing my own copy by analyzing the six types of leads. Was a good guide to learn basics in rewriting my content so that it converts better.

Fantastic and to the point

Great book on copywriting that is inspiring me to stop reading and start writing! Love it, absolutely a five stars book

How to you can contact many new contacts.

Using old skills in these modern times to build your business.

Excellent. Way better than I thought it would be

Excellent. Way better than I thought it would be. I was expecting a rehash of the same-old, same-old. Instead, what you'll get is some pretty deep psychology on writing salesletters. For example: Whether your prospect has awareness of your product, has awareness of his need for a product like yours, your whether your prospect only has awareness of his problem but not awareness that a solution exists-- determines how you should start your salesletter. Great work, here. A must-have for your copywriting library.

Possibly the only book you need to write effective Leads

Packed with useful information from the first page to the last.

extremely helpful

extremely helpful, especially with the given examples. It's always helpful to have important points about leads driven home lime it was in this book. Thanks.


I thought this was a great resource for any writer. Michael Masterson could have broken down the 6 leads a little better, but all in all, this was a great book!

Beat Writer's block forever

It's as simple as that. Before reading this book, I always wondered how I was ever going to be able to start/write a full sales letter/other forms of copy...I don't anymore!

Real good book

Real good book.

Inspired Read

I have read most copywriting books ever written. All of them were good. And each built upon the knowledge gained from the previous books read. This book however, is different. This book actually does reveal secrets of sales copy. Like the the criminal offender gets his real education in crime from others inside prison - this book reveals those tried and tested little secrets the best copywriters use all the time. This book reveals the "ploys" used by canny copywriters to get readers to respond. More to the point, it shows with great clarity, how to really tap into the raw emotions of most prospects. In fact, this book should have been titled: How To Easily and Legally Manipulate Anyone To Willingly Buy Your Product or Service. I'd recommend it to everyone. Ummm... perhaps not. Because then the tactics revealed would lose their strength.

Five Stars

One of my favorite advertising/copywriting books!

Five Stars


Five Stars

Need help with your copy writing? It starts with the Lead and should start with this book.

Incredibly deep but easy to read

Great book on the psychology (and writing) of leads. Extremely well written and easy to read but so deep you can re-read it again and again and pull more information from it. Loved it!

Great read

Easy read and very clear directions. Highly recommended for people that want to understand how to write copy and apply its principals effectively.

This book has a lot of ideas.

I am an artist. I used the ideas in this book in my email contacts and blogs

A Must Read For Any Serious Marketer!

This book is one of those books that I'll read at least once a year... Forever! The insights are never-ending, once you start reading you can't stop... Its simply a must have for any marketer, business owner &/or entrepreneurs library.

If you are looking to improve your writing, then you know to do

It is a good book

This is an essential guide for anyone who is in the direct response copywriting industry.

This book is the copywriter's equivalent of getting the girl/guy to go out with you. After the opening line most of us are stumped as to 'what next' to keep the conversation alive. This book is about the next step after the headline ... the most difficult part in my estimation ... the second paragraph. For anyone who is a direct response copywriter, this needs to become a well-worn friend. Go to it.

Great Leads: The Six Easiest Ways to Start Any Sales Message

Practical little book that I already have started to use. Good structure and nice reading. A very good book for beginners.

Great book

Really enjoyed learning about copywriting in this book. I started using the 6 lead archetypes and it made my writing a lot better.

Every Junior Copywriter Needs to Read This

This concept of identifying your consumer's level of awareness before writing copy is fundamental. Can't believe I'd never heard of this or considered it before. Highly recommend this text, great expansion on Eugene Schwartz's concept in Breakthrough Advertising.

Do Not Read This Book Unless...'re looking for a brilliant... brilliant... brilliant take on a seemingly simple copywriting concept. The truth is I was skeptical (very skeptical) about buying this book. Mainly because my bookshelf is stacked a mile high with every book ever written on direct response copywriting. I've read them all. I've highlighted the key points. I've re-read them. I've even purchased several expensive courses from the likes of Clayton Makepeace... Gary Halbert... and Dan Kennedy. And this book ranks up their as one of my favorites. Forde and Masterson do a wonderful job of making the complex sound easy, especially when they tackle a subject Eugene Schwartz made popular in his book Breakthrough Advertising. I guess what it boils down to is this: If you want an easy to read book on direct response copywriting, that'll give you a FRESH perspective on leads, then pony up a few dollars, and grab this baby NOW! Wesley Murph [...]

A must read for marketing professionals

This books can be read in one day and you can continue to re-read as often as your need to. I got alot out of it the first time I read it and now when I reread, I learn something that I did not notice the first time around. Organized and easy to absorb.

Worth the day spent reading ...

I have read about every copywriting book that's worth a read--at least I thought so. This book was recommended on a Facebook group and after reading the other reviews, I decided to take the plunge and I wasn't disappointed. Many of the ideas share in this book could be found in Schwartz Breakthrough Advertising, but this book goes into more details and shows examples of how different leads can be applied to different market awareness situation. The experience of the authors play a huge role also in the value of the advice that they share. They are actively involved in testing and evaluating copy so they are not just theorists. As a copywriting coach, I'll definitely recommend this volume to my students.

This book give me very powerful idea for copywriting!

My copywriting mentor taught me this book. I think "the six easiest ways" and "five levels of awareness" are very useful for me. It's very easy but very valuable! Thank you for giving me this book, Mr. Michael Masterson!

Absolutely Fantastic!

I feel like I've been given a tour behind the magicians curtain! Solid advise and great examples. The thing I most appreciate is the 6 archetypes. This makes the advice that much easier to understand and put into practice. If you're a copywriter or even just a freelancer or business owner who wants to use words to get more sales, don't even think about it. Get this book. This was easily the best $9 I've spent all year.

Mandatory Reading for All Marketers

This book will be a game changer if you're a serious marketer. While you may have heard some of this before, this book puts it all into perspective and has caused me to revamp my entire marketing funnel. I bet it will do the same for you.

Excellent book for one of the most critical parts of copywriting.

When I first saw this book , I actually got confused at the title, I thought it was referring to lead generation. it covers all the foundational leads for copy and is written in an interesting to read manner. Highly recommended.

Must Read!

If you're looking to learn more about the architecture of persuasion this is a great book to help you understand the key opening elements of successful DR sales. Before I found this gem I'd read dozens of books on copywriting but was still not able to put it all together. This book really helped me begin with the end in mind. I would say everything from Michael Masterson this is a must read for every copywriter. His Architecture of Persuasion is a great read as well. Highly recommend


Michael Masterson puts together some very easy to understand lessons on how to reach people and have them react to what ever he writes about. Thank you

Pay the consequence for not studying...this soon to be classic!

As a beginner in copy writing it is essential to have guidance of this magnitude. No fluff. Practical and essential knowledge that can only come from people with experience of a career of writing copy. It will become a classic so get it now.

best book on copywriting I've read

A must read to understand the foundations of copywriting. it's the modern version of Breakthrough Advertising even the gurus as Dan Kennedy recommends it!

Anybody interested in copywriting for the web or print needs this book.

I've taken a lot of copywriting training over the last few years and usually it's all "more of the same." There is a lot of science behind copywriting and it's a world where everyone is constantly ripping each other off. That's why I think this is one of the most important copywriting books. It's truthfully a unique set of ideas and applications of copywriting. These are concepts that I didn't understand before, even though I've taken a lot of copywriting training. It's so cheap too—good copywriting training isn't cheap... Ever. If you have even the slightest interest in copy and internet marketing you have to lock yourself in a room and read this book.

The ONE book master copywriters DONT want you to read

If you had a secret, cash producing machine ... A personal magical ATM full of crisp Benjamin's ... Would you share it ? That's what I thought - NO WAY! This book does exactly that. I can only assume the authors have lost their minds to give away so many insider tactics. People buy with the heart , and justify with the head. The lead types developed in this book show you exactly how to get your prospects "heart light" to shine , so they will be ready for your offer. Read it - and then read it AGAIN - if you want to level up your copy writing skills , this book shows you how .

Made me realise how crucial it is to craft the ...

Made me realise how crucial it is to craft the right marketing message to the awareness of your target market.

Not sure what took so long to read it, but really glad I did.

I had seen this book recommended by several people within a couple of weeks so knew I needed to check it out and am very glad that I did. The book does an excellent job of covering the different types of prospects you will encounter and what type of sales copy is required to turn them into a customer. The book is full of examples from many successful advertisements. I bookmarked and highlighted a lot of pages and this is a book I will certainly use as reference for many years.

loved this book.


Good stuff

Great book, it's helped me out a lot starting out just about any content I want to write.

Can't read it just once

This book does a great job of explaining the importance of knowing how much your customer knows about you/your product before you write anything. You have to understand how much your prospects know about your product, and how they feel about what they know. I strongly suggest that you copy the headlines and leads discussed in the book so you can get a feel for the difference between the headlines. You're not going to get a feel for the difference between the leads/headlines if you just read the book and put it down. It's definitely a book you have to read twice. But you also have to put pen to paper if you want to ingrain these leads into your head.

Don't start another sales letter without reading this book first.

Every copywriter should read this book. Don't start another sales letter without reading this book first.

This is a great book for a budding copywriter

This is a great book for a budding copywriter. I have found a great deal of useful information so far and I'm only halfway through.

This book is a must!

Excellent book to have! Definalty, not a one read book. Great to have around for a reference! It seems we always forget the simple things!

a copywriting gem

if you are a copywriter you will not be disappointed to discover the six lead types that Masterson and Forde present in this book. as they rightfully point out, if you were to master just these six you would be more than adequately prepared to handle just about any copywriting assignment that involves putting together a sales letter. the six lead types tie in nicely with the market awareness notions spelled out by Eugene Schwartz in his classic on Breakthrough Advertising. in short this is a great introduction to the ideas of the AWAI school of copywriting with which Masterson and Forde are intimately associated. i am looking forward to reading some of their other titles.

It's a MUST-READ... MUST-HAVE... MUST-USE resource for copywriters and direct marketers

One of the best tutorials on how to find out what to say to prospects... how to dissect what makes a sales message work... and how to tie both crucial elements together to craft direct response advertising that sells. This is a resource you MUST refer to again and again as you put a sales promotion together.

Clear tips for better sales letters

While many examples were a little "hype-y" for my taste, the concepts are still solid and helpful. All in all, worth the read.

Don't write your next ad copy until you read this book

I believe this book has the power to transform your ads and headlines into everything you want them to be.

Five Stars

good book!

A good read with good examples

The shortened version of Michael Masterson's Accelerated Program For Six Figure Copywriting. A good read with good examples.

loved it

its a must read for any copywriter or advertiser or business owner. I highly advise that you buy this book.

Learned a few things. If I had to grade it, it's a solid B

It's more like a collection of articles than a book, per se. I learned a few things, and anytime that happens, the book gets 4 stars. But it lacked depth. So no 5 stars

I wish I read this 5 years ago

I've been writing copy for 4-5 years. I've sold 7 figures online in my own business. Freelanced and started a few other companies. I've been coached by an a-list copy coach, done dozens of copy logic sessions and paid for copy crits... ... And yet, this is the best book on the subject of copywriting I've ever read. Maybe not for a pure beginner. For those people I always stear them towards John Carlton's and Dan Kennedy's courses to get their holistic basics. But this book was some-odd 100+ pages of light bulbs going off. You ever see a control just dominate? And think I could write something like that for my biz /client? I have. Swiped and failed. Now I know why. I was applying one type of lead for a certain audience to a different situation. I was going indirect when I should have been direct. Or I was mixing lead types. Revealing a secret too soon. Etc. I can now see exactly where, why and how to avoid these things. Also, what I really loved most about this book was it was short and instructional. High impact, rubber meets the road type of advice that you'll immediately connect to your copywriting. You should definitely read this book. As for me, I'm now going to cybetstalk the authors for everything else they've ever put out, re-read this book and write another sales letter.

Five Stars

Super useful and helpful information every online marketer needs to have.

Nestled in my library - just right.

If you're a copywriter, this belongs in your library.

Super old-school

Would have loved to see examples that aren't rooted in '50s print advertising.

Fans of Gene M. Schwartz

I remember when I was looking for something to read in order to make my copy better, so I could maybe, somehow, leverage my sales through my advertising. I still don't remember how I came upon this book, but before purchasing it, in my mind I knew that I needed to dive myself into what I now know, is the basis of my whole business: that writing great copy is the only chance I got so I can offer my products, by following simple but still, sophisticated rules on writing that without a doubt, if you're to sell anything by using only copy, then you're forced to dominate the most important skill there is to market whatever you're selling: how to write a great lead, so your reader fells compelled to read trough the rest of your ad. That's it. I learnt a great deal of techniques and principles by reading this book, Thanks to it, now I ALMOST knew what to do. And here's why I gave 3 stars: while the title of the book, being itself a GREAT LEAD, lacks in profoundness as to explain WHY a lead, that is, the first 300-500 words in your ad, are to pull your reader into the rest of your ad. The offer a great deal of examples, but not so as to WHY those examples work and that's what I wanted to learn, but I didn't. At least not the the extent that I expected. However, I DID learn that there was a man called GENE M. SCHWARTZ, whom the authors talk about in a very respectful way and discovered that actually, they wrote this book as if it was in honor to him, and so I digged dipper to find out why. Turns out that Mr Gene Schwartz is the greatest copywriter of all times. In his book, Breakthrough Advertising, Mr. Schwartz lays out the foundation as to WHY and HOW people buy thing, by only reading a piece of copy. His book, written in 1966 and it's second edition was released in 2004, they're sold out and if you're lucky enough to find a copy, it'll be for sale at the very least for $ 900 dollars for the former and $ 200 - $ 500 for the latter, if they're available, which I doubt it, and you know what: I searched hard for weeks to find just one copy somewhere in Texas and when I reached the seller, he wouldn't sell it for less than $ 400 dollars and I thought why such I high price, and so I bought it JUST TO SEE if it was as good as the authors assured. Well: it does. I've read Mr. Schwartz book 4 times now, slowly, carefully, making notes and every time I read it, I find new nuggets of gold, literally, gold, and I don't regret it. Quite the contrary. Mr. Schwartz has taught me the most important skill I could ever learn to present my products the way my prospect expects me to. And that's what the authors of Great Leads taught me: that Mr. Gene Schwartz masterpiece is what you ought to study, if what you look for is to engage your reader through your piece of copy to make him purchase. Mr. Masterson has good ideas but if there's one thing that I learnt from him, that'd be that the origin of ALL copywriting, starts with Breakthorugh Advertising, from Gene M. Shcwartz. Get your copy, if you can,

Helpful guide

I appreciate this book for providing exactly what it to write great leads. It was easy to read and packed full of examples to help readers work through their process of drafting leads.

Worth the small investment only if

you want to read a book with tons of great ideas about how to maximise your copy. The reason for 4 stars is that I feel it takes a bit of time to give me something new. but the 2nd half of the book especially was an addictive read. What I did love was that while many of the ideas I was aware of, and try to use when writing, the writer classified them, broke them all down with some awesome examples of what works and why it works. I now feel I have a much better understanding of WHY each of the Ideas/leads discussed work so well. This book is a must for any copywriter wanting to improve.

Five Stars

Loved it

Very informative and readily easy to use exercises that I can employ

The information was quite easy to understand the only way you could lose is to do nothing with the information. Even for people like me who are kinestheticly incclined can derive value from the ideas and tips set forth in this book.

It is a good book and great for helpingto generate knowedge about leads

Nothing negative about the book. Helpful information about lead generation

Great book on writing leads and headlines

If you like Eugene Schwartz, and 'Breakthrough Advertising' you'll love this book. I believe it's based on a thorough study of the complex techniques of Gene Schwartz -- that sold hundreds of millions of dollars of products and services. The difference is: this book, 'Great Leads' -- makes the complex techniques easy to comprehend and understand, so that you can immediately begin to use them in your writing. Great job!

Não leia esse livro

Se você trabalha (ou quer trabalhar) com copywriting e não leu esse livro, obrigado. Também não li da primeira vez que tive contato. Inclusive, comprei o livro cerca de 6 meses depois de começar a estudar copywriting, mas por algum motivo não li. Talvez me faltasse o entendimento do quão importante e profundas eram as lições? Talvez eu não soubesse que todo o conteúdo seria extremamente prático e aplicável, logo após a leitura? Talvez eu simplesmente não achasse que valia o tempo? Não lembro o que pensei, mas estava errado e agora eu sei. Ao não ler, favoreci todos os outros copywriters. Então, se você leva copywriting a sério, mas está em dúvida sobre ler esse livro, não leia. A concorrência agradece.


Bicho, a alma de qualquer carta de vendas e/ou escrita persuasiva é a ATENÇÃO cativada no primeiro segundo. Por quê? Porque vivemos em um mundo hiper-acelerado que no dia a dia seus possíveis clientes têm 1bilhão de distrações por minuto. Se você não o prende com um início INSTIGANTE e EXCELENTE, você tá fu... E isso pode acarretar desde baixas taxas de abertura de e-mail até poucos eventos de checkout e pageview porque, mano... ninguém sequer chegou a dar atenção até o final E é aí que esse livro dá a virada no seu game, porque ele te dá tanto exemplos quanto os 6 modelos ESSENCIAIS pra qualquer que seja o seu nicho, basta adaptar É como se não existisse outro tipo de lead fora desses 6, porque o resto é derivado e/ou uma combinação deles. É absolutamente todo o que você precisa. Tá na duvida? Cuida e compra logo e DEVORA que tu sai na frente de 99% dos seus concorrentes em 30minutos de leitura.

Livro excelente! Copywriting puro e bem explicado.

Livro excelente! Copywriting puro e bem explicado. Leitura fácil e fluida. Recomendo sem dúvida alguma! Vale cada centavo do investimento.

Ponto de partida para copywriters

Você tem em suas mãos a oportunidade de aprender de forma direta e aplicável as principais técnicas para escrever leads de Sucesso. Leitura rápida, fácil e inteligente. Verdadeira masterpiece. Não perca um segundo mais até finalizar esta leitura.

Livro sensacional

Logo nas primeiras páginas ja mudou minha forma de escrever. Livro sensacional.

Best book I read in copywriting

I finished this book in 2 days and I am already re-reading the highlights and studying it again. Such a fantastic resource. It goes right to the point without any unnecessarily details and gives so many examples. I got tons of ideas already on how I can improve mt sales pages. I also identified so many flaws that I cannot wait to address. Definitely the best books I have read in marketing and copywriting. You wont regret getting it.

100% pure value

While I hoped for more online advantages and links to real ads, the info in this book will save you time and provide you with info that you may have not discovered. We came across this book by chance. Like most successes in my life, they were never specifically planned for,except at a deep subconscious level and that's where you will find your success.

O melhor livro de Copy que há

É possível dizer que todos os outros livros de Copy (ao menos todos os que já li) são baseados nos fundamentos trazidos nessa obra. Um livro que entrega efetivamente uma transformação.

Exactly as the title describes

I really enjoyed the breaking sales letters down into these six approaches and the classification into direct and indirect along with the scale for determining where the prospect is in their level of knowledge of the product or service. Wonderful insight.

Great way to grab more attention!!

Clear ways to improve your leads with specific examples to learn from. It was easy and enjoyable to read to boot!!


Para qualquer pessoa interessada em aprender a escrever leads que aumentam as vendas. Muito bem escrito. Um Show. Não leia apenas, devore esse livro.

Love the book

Amazing book. Will most definitely use what I’ve learned here. I have fallen in love with these guys work. Lifelong student.


Livro obrigatório para todo copywriter. Simplesmente único. Recomendo a leitura e o estudo dessa obra.

Really good

Simple, direct, teaches a lot. A book thats shows how easy It is to write, just Follow the rules and do it


Very helpful, showed me a different way about copywriting

A base para conteúdos de copy vendidos em cursos

Conteúdo bem completo. A base da copy realmente.

Five Stars

Great Book, worth every penny!

Very revealing guide building on Eugene Schwartz ideas

I was a fool. It has taken be more than 5 years to read this excellent copywriting book after buying it. I'm struggling to justify it to myself. I read widely, not just copywriting or even marketing books but that's no real excuse. The title perhaps undersells it and, back in July 2013, the book didn't have all these glowing reviews. I buy a lot of books and kindle books can quickly drop outside of my eyesight unlike a physical book which nags away, demanding to be read. Still, I don't think I have an acceptable excuse. This is a must read book and, if you're interested in copywriting, I hope you don't make a similar mistake. The book builds on ideas of Eugene Schwartz about buyer sophistication and how well they understand the problem, solution and specific product. The more they know, the more direct you can be in the copy. The contents is powerful. It gives you a direction for your sales message (letter, video etc ) and once you have that direction clear, you can start building your ideas. The book uses proven examples of successful copy to demonstrate the techniques and then goes on to give you guidance on how to develop each one. It isn't a step by step guide. This is advanced copywriting and I'd suggest its scope is beyond most business owners and marketing advisors and even many copywriters. To use the book, you have to go on and develop the rest of the sales message on your own. My only concern is about overexposure which is likely to reduce the impact of the indirect approaches. I'm on a number of the Agora email lists, partly because I'm interested in financial investments and partly because I'm interested in the copywriting. My attention tends to depend on which hat I'm wearing and as an investor, too often I feel "Here we go again!" Wearing a copywriting hat, this book will be useful to review those messages to identify which lead or leads are used. This book is very highly recommended to ambitious copywriters. Earlier I described it as a must read book but I'd like to revise that statement; it is a must read regularly book because the more these ideas are ingrained in your brain, the easier it will be to write great copy. Paul Similar is a business coach who helps business owners who are stuck, get unstuck.


In some ways the most advanced copywriting product I've ever owned. Opened my eyes to more than what the book promised; I learned strategies copywriters use that they wouldn't want the public to know about. From what I can tell, much of it is aimed at hard-core direct mail marketing...this is an area where the stakes are high due to the high cost of getting the marketing message to each prospect, and this is reflected in the very hard-core nature of some of the tactics shown. I intend to write copy in the "softer" email marketing environment but the indirect leads can be adapted to this purpose. It's a valuable book worth way more than they charge. For knowledge of this kind greedy marketers might ask you for high hundreds or thousands of dollars but then provide you with a lot less clarity since good marketers are frequently not good teachers.

It was suggested to me by a fellow copywriter and in retrospect I'm surprised it had not been recommended to me before

If you are an aspiring copywriter or you need to hire a copywriter for your business... read this book! It was suggested to me by a fellow copywriter and in retrospect I'm surprised it had not been recommended to me before. Much of the information contained in this book can be found presented in different ways in other books or courses on copywriting. If you are a seasoned pro you will likely have used several of the techniques presented in this book. However... What's unique is the way it is presented. Personally, I'll never approach a copywriting project the same way again. The information presented here will change your thought process on creating great leads.

excellent simplification of a complex topic

If you're a copywriter with aspirations to improve your skills, to move away from hype and hot air in your copy, you'll find 6 alternative methods in this book to get you thinking. I found myself mentally applying the ideas presented to my own business and juggling with ideas for client copy too. With a little practice of the techniques presented, I'm confident that this will significantly add to the quality, depth and variety of copies I write.


Masterson is one of the founding members of AWAI so what he doesn't know about how to structure a sales letter isn't worth knowing. Great leads will show you six different ways to lead/hook your prospective client into your offer. Recommended!

This is very good

Rarely do books stand up to the claims, especially marketing books, but this does and I thought it impressive.

Five Stars

One of the best books I've read on the subject

GREAT BOOK ! Recommended

I havent Finished it yet but I can see that it is so informative and so beneficial for those who want to learn more about ads and those who are struggling with ad copy

Awesome foundation of writing winning headlines

I great compilation of the science and core principles of writing winning headlines and subhead leads! Definitely a reference guide that will routinely refer to.

Simple yet amazing!

Anyone interested in marketing ought to read this book. The author wanted to teach about leads and thus focused solely on it. But you might want to read about the whole marketing process. But as far as the topic the book chose, it was amazing.

great contains, easy to understand

great contains, easy to understand, and a lot of golden nugget, make sure you have your pens and paper to write it all, you will not remember all with just read them. love it!

Great Leads. The six easiest ways to start any sales message

This book was very informative about doing new leads I enjoyed this book a great deal. I recommend this book to any one starting out in copy writing.

Conteúdo que transforma.

Literatura muito didática e esclarecedora! Excelente! O livro aborda questões inerentes a produção de textos de vendas e estabelece uma lógica de entendimento.

Ótimo livro !

Um livro bem didático sobre tipos de “copy”, com bastante exemplos de anúncios publicitários para identificarmos, na prática, cada tipo de escrita.

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