God's Generals The Martyrs (Volume 6)

Kindle Edition
10 Oct
They Paid the Ultimate Price

In his sixth God's Generals volume, Roberts Liardon chronicles some of the great martyrs for the faith—and some of the lesser-known ones. Their inspirational testimony, acts of courage, and even seasons of doubt both encourage and point awareness toward the persecuted church of the twenty-first century.

The book includes profiles on...

  • Apostle Paul and Stephen the Faithful (c. 100 AD)
  • Polycarp of Smyrna, Justin Martyr, and Ignatius of Antioch (c. 100-175 AD)
  • Perpetua, Blandina, and Irenaeus and Fabian (c. 175-350 AD)
  • William Tyndale, John Wyclyffe, Patrick Hamilton, and John Hus (c. 1300-1530)
  • Anne Askew, John Foxe, Hugh Latimer, and Thomas Cranmer (c. 1530-1560)
  • Martyrs from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer, John and Betty Stam, and Jim Elliot (c. 1900-1950)
  • Wang Zhiming, Gaspar Makil, and Archbishop Oscar Romero (c. 1950-1990)
  • Martyrs from the twenty-first century, in regions such as the Philippines, Iraq, Libya, and Syria

Reviews (16)

Great addition to the series

Great addition to the series, encouraging to me being a follower of Christ. I highly recommend everyone reads this along with the rest of the series.


Have all the God's Generals now.

Sincere love to the Lord Jesus

Really I liked the compassion of those who layed their lives as martyrs becasue of their uncompromising faith in the Lord Jesus.



Love God'sGenerals Books

Excellent read.


It’s An amazing Book!

EXCELLENT BOOK! Whittaker House advertised in my book

EXCELLENT BOOK! Whittaker House advertised in my book, Torchbearers.

so good.

Made me cry in the first chapter. Shared a section as part of a sermon at church, so good.

Five Stars

all good

Martyrs of the World

Upon receiving this book , I picked it up several times to start reading it. I would read a few chapters and then as I cried I put it down. Each story, each person in this book did what many of us may not be able to do. They stood up for their faith in the face of certain death and were killed because they would not denounce God. The term martyr to me means standing up for your faith without fear , no matter the cost. I have read in the past about people that have been martyrs but I guess I just forgot that it is still going on today. Can you imagine going to a foreign land where Christians are hated? In this book are many stories of people who stood up, spread the Word of God and paid the ultimate price. Just a few pages in, I read a story of a pastor and his twelve year old son who were taken because they were Christians. They told the father to denounce being a Christian and return to Islam. He refused and had to watch in agony as his son was tortured. In the end they were crucified along with several others. It was such a hard story to read, but it happens all over the world. Throughout the book is historical names and more recent ones that have stood up for their beliefs. They have chosen to be missionaries and to spread the love of Jesus to all the nations. I was fascinated by all the stories and learned a lot about other countries. I loved when the author said we can pray for those who are in countries that are unsafe for Christians. At the end of the book the author gives insight to "the persecuted church and what the saints are enduring in different regions of the world." He also includes several organizations that need help . I encourage you to read this book slowly and take in all the information. I didn't realize all the people who had given their life while doing God's work. They are true martyrs and I will keep this book close by to remind me of their true faith. I pray that I too may always stand strong and not be afraid to say I am a Christian. "Jesus told us that a servant is not greater than his master. And that there would be those who would suffer for His name's sake." I received this book from Book Fun.org and the option to leave my honest opinion of it was up to me.

Great addition to the series

Great addition to the series, encouraging to me being a follower of Christ. I highly recommend everyone reads this along with the rest of the series.


Have all the God's Generals now.

Sincere love to the Lord Jesus

Really I liked the compassion of those who layed their lives as martyrs becasue of their uncompromising faith in the Lord Jesus.

Love God'sGenerals Books

Excellent read.


It’s An amazing Book!

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