God and Donald Trump

Kindle Edition
06 Nov

Over 100 5- Star Reviews!
Featured on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC

"One way to get President Donald Trump to stop and talk at the World Economic Forum: wield a book about him. On his way into the World Economic Forum, Trump stopped and talked for about ten seconds to one delegate who was brandishing a copy of “God and Donald Trump” by Stephen E. Strang. He then proceeded to hold the book aloft in his left hand." - Associated Press

With pundits asking, “How did he win?” this book explores whether there was a supernatural element involved. Christian leaders prophesied before the election that God had raised up Donald Trump to lead the nation through a time of crisis. But could this billionaire reality-TV star actually convince the voters he was for real? If so, what is God doing now not only in Donald’s Trump’s life, but also in the nation?
Trump is an enigma, a brash self-promoter, casino owner, and man of the world. Yet he is also a devoted husband and father who has surrounded himself with men and women of faith and has made religion a key component of his image.

God and Donald Trump is a powerful first-person account of one of the most contentious elections in American history, with exclusive interviews and insightful commentary from the men and women who were there.  

Reviews (182)

An Excellent and Informative Book

God and Donald Trump is a very worthwhile book. The author, Stephen Strang, shows that many years prior to Trump’s election Christians were praying for wisdom about our next election and were acquainted with him. Some were certain God’s plan was for Donald Trump to be our next president. Trump met with a variety of Christian groups years before the election and even more so during the election. He sought and valued Christian support and input. The book describes the part Catholics, charismatics and evangelicals played in helping elect Trump. They united behind him realizing the other choice would be a disaster. Chapters on Surprising Early Supporters and on Ethnic Issues are particularly interesting. A section titled Trump the Man explores his family’s traditional background as well as Trumps beliefs and priorities. The final section gives surprising information about Trump, his supporters and his faith. The book also includes a detailed list of sources and an index. The facts in this book are well supported. Scripture says God sets up kings and removes kings. (Daniel 2:21) I did not think of this nor know what was going on behind the scenes among charismatics and evangelicals and in the heavenly realms. The book helped me realize that God actually chose Trump to be president. This is an awesome thought. We must pray for him and support him and vote for him again in 2020.

Yes, I believe that the Lord put Trump in office

Sometimes the Lord works in strange ways. If a people pray for his help and abide by his guidance, then he will act to help them. This is the resounding lesson of the Old Testament. Millions of people were praying for a recovery from the Obama days, and for a president who would put America back on the track of honesty and common sense. But, we must not relax. The Deep State - that is, the corrupt - will not rest trying to take this country down.

Donald Trump or God?

This may be the grossest misinterpretation of God yet. This should be called Donald Trump or God? If you truly believe that man is godly, and that a benevolent God raised him up to be the leader of this country—your understanding of God is delusional, self-serving, and rooted in hypocrisy.

I loved this book

I loved this book. I realized Donald Trump was not a flawless candidate when I voted for him. But who is? I do believe having a business man was better then another politician. He knows most of the people in New York having been a democrat in the past. And growing up in New York. I also believe he was successful in his life, raised his children well, And has changed as he grew older and realized just how corrupt our country is. I believe he has had a HEART CHANGE ALSO. That is the most important reason millions of Christians voted for this man. This book tells his life story and just how God can change a persons life. In the Bible God chose many man that were not flawless to lead. I truly believe God wanted this man in office to bring our country back to him and our Christians values honored once again.

Extremely Enlightening

I am one of those people of faith in God who were extremely grateful that we, as a nation, had an actual choice that wasn't just another politician. I am so grateful for this book that has enlightened me, on a much deeper level, as to what was going on behind the scenes not only from a political point of view, but from a spiritual point of view. I voted for Donald Trump and I am so glad I did. I highly recommend this book. It gives the whole picture not just an opinion.

very informative

If you want to know the positive side of our president and the truth then read this book. I learned alot. these are the things the network news avoids telling us. It affirms my decision that he is human and not perfect but he is the right man for the job. I am now reading his next book 'Trump aftershock.'

Very informational

The book provided a lot of information that I do not believe people know or understand about Donald Trump. It provides a background into his religious beliefs and the lengths he went to in order to have God on his side for this election. Trump knows he doesn’t “win things” all by himself, he knows his Lord is right beside him always in the things he does. This is good to know.

A book about the the the incredible rise and election of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency and the influence of GOD in that election!

Well researched and executed book on the Spiritual ramifications of the DONALD TRUMP election despite the resistance of the Swamp (75% to 85% )current body of Washington DC elected officials (both democrips and never Trumper rebloodlicans) and the entirety of MAINSTREAM MEDIA including TV, print, digital, social media, FBI, DOJ, fighting against his election and setting up his impeachment if he was elected.

God and Donald Trump

A poor read. Very little meat to this book. Not a lot of factual information to back the authors claims about divine intervention relative to this past election. While I believe that there was, the author did not do enough digging to substantiate and buttress his claims.

Do not buy. Trust me.

The worst thing I ever received.

An Excellent and Informative Book

God and Donald Trump is a very worthwhile book. The author, Stephen Strang, shows that many years prior to Trump’s election Christians were praying for wisdom about our next election and were acquainted with him. Some were certain God’s plan was for Donald Trump to be our next president. Trump met with a variety of Christian groups years before the election and even more so during the election. He sought and valued Christian support and input. The book describes the part Catholics, charismatics and evangelicals played in helping elect Trump. They united behind him realizing the other choice would be a disaster. Chapters on Surprising Early Supporters and on Ethnic Issues are particularly interesting. A section titled Trump the Man explores his family’s traditional background as well as Trumps beliefs and priorities. The final section gives surprising information about Trump, his supporters and his faith. The book also includes a detailed list of sources and an index. The facts in this book are well supported. Scripture says God sets up kings and removes kings. (Daniel 2:21) I did not think of this nor know what was going on behind the scenes among charismatics and evangelicals and in the heavenly realms. The book helped me realize that God actually chose Trump to be president. This is an awesome thought. We must pray for him and support him and vote for him again in 2020.

Yes, I believe that the Lord put Trump in office

Sometimes the Lord works in strange ways. If a people pray for his help and abide by his guidance, then he will act to help them. This is the resounding lesson of the Old Testament. Millions of people were praying for a recovery from the Obama days, and for a president who would put America back on the track of honesty and common sense. But, we must not relax. The Deep State - that is, the corrupt - will not rest trying to take this country down.

Donald Trump or God?

This may be the grossest misinterpretation of God yet. This should be called Donald Trump or God? If you truly believe that man is godly, and that a benevolent God raised him up to be the leader of this country—your understanding of God is delusional, self-serving, and rooted in hypocrisy.

I loved this book

I loved this book. I realized Donald Trump was not a flawless candidate when I voted for him. But who is? I do believe having a business man was better then another politician. He knows most of the people in New York having been a democrat in the past. And growing up in New York. I also believe he was successful in his life, raised his children well, And has changed as he grew older and realized just how corrupt our country is. I believe he has had a HEART CHANGE ALSO. That is the most important reason millions of Christians voted for this man. This book tells his life story and just how God can change a persons life. In the Bible God chose many man that were not flawless to lead. I truly believe God wanted this man in office to bring our country back to him and our Christians values honored once again.

Extremely Enlightening

I am one of those people of faith in God who were extremely grateful that we, as a nation, had an actual choice that wasn't just another politician. I am so grateful for this book that has enlightened me, on a much deeper level, as to what was going on behind the scenes not only from a political point of view, but from a spiritual point of view. I voted for Donald Trump and I am so glad I did. I highly recommend this book. It gives the whole picture not just an opinion.

very informative

If you want to know the positive side of our president and the truth then read this book. I learned alot. these are the things the network news avoids telling us. It affirms my decision that he is human and not perfect but he is the right man for the job. I am now reading his next book 'Trump aftershock.'

Very informational

The book provided a lot of information that I do not believe people know or understand about Donald Trump. It provides a background into his religious beliefs and the lengths he went to in order to have God on his side for this election. Trump knows he doesn’t “win things” all by himself, he knows his Lord is right beside him always in the things he does. This is good to know.

A book about the the the incredible rise and election of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency and the influence of GOD in that election!

Well researched and executed book on the Spiritual ramifications of the DONALD TRUMP election despite the resistance of the Swamp (75% to 85% )current body of Washington DC elected officials (both democrips and never Trumper rebloodlicans) and the entirety of MAINSTREAM MEDIA including TV, print, digital, social media, FBI, DOJ, fighting against his election and setting up his impeachment if he was elected.

God and Donald Trump

A poor read. Very little meat to this book. Not a lot of factual information to back the authors claims about divine intervention relative to this past election. While I believe that there was, the author did not do enough digging to substantiate and buttress his claims.

Do not buy. Trust me.

The worst thing I ever received.

“Casper the ghost” comic books were better researched than this book.

Ridiculous premise and far reaching conclusions while ignoring reality. Manipulating God’s word in order to heap praise on a self-absorbed, narcissistic, egotist, is the very example of the Author breaking the first commandment, writing about a conceited little man who’s breaking the Second commandment, in a book that’s text abuses the third commandment. This book has all the reasoning of a child explaining why Santa is the best.

Is Trump that savvy or was there more?

If you’re a “Trumpster” you would enjoy this book regardless if you’re a Christian. The behind the scenes campaign people that endorsed and assisted Trump is quite interesting. More Christians made it to the polls and voted than in the past for many years. Why? Was it simply Middle America was done, ABC, (anybody but Clinton)? Or, America is fearful of losing our rights and Trump recognized who and where he needs to strongly send his campaign warriors? How did a non politician overcome the odds, take South Carolina from Cruz and position himself to beat Hillary? Was Hillary so arrogant she took America’s voice for granted? Trump is a brilliant man that will not hold back with little regard for PC, divorced twice, and likes a pretty face. How does that personality get the Christian endorsement? Is President Trump that smart and savvy or was there more?

The voting power of the Christian community

This book may be best enjoyed by the Christian reader. The book is not so much about President Trump, per se, or his spiritual condition. The book is written about how the Christian community came to support Donald Trump and united around him and voted him into office. Very interesting behind the scenes story. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Interesting book !

The book shows the role that American Christian community played in the election of Donald Trump , it exposes a view that was never covered by the various main stream media organizations.And now after he reduced unemployment and grew the US economy, relocated the US embassy to Jerusalem and his recognition of the Golan as Israeli territory,his defeat of ISIS, the appointment of conservative Christians to the US Supreme Court and his steadfast support of Justice Kavanaugh through the appointment process. It is clear that Donald Trump is really working hard to keep his election promises to the American people.The Christians in the USA made a wise choice supporting him.

Incredible! Where did this come from!

I ordered a different book several weeks ago and forgot about it. Then I remembered I had ordered a book but could not remember the title. I found that this book was the only book I had not read. I liked the title and said I will listen a little bit to see if I had an interest! I started Yesterday and finished today. I could not stop. My wife had to rescue me last night to come to bed. I was an early fan of President Trump. I wanted a business man as president 20 years ago. I supported Romney because he was. Then Romney threw in the towel the first derogatory comments were made against him. He quit on us. He should have won in landslide but he was badly beaten by the worst human being that ever became president. Then politically incorrect Trump comes along and he mirrors who I am, outspoken and unrepentant. This author answered all of my questions as to why Trump is our answer to our prayers and why the left are so violently anti Trump. May God bless President Trump and Strang.


It is amazing so many things had to happen for Donald Trump to become president. If you have any doubt of why he was elected, then you need to read this book. I knew we needed a completely different type of person to head this country. We have been in a downward spiral since 1988. I, for one, am proud to back Donald Trump and pray for him and our country.

Very well written and researched

God and Donald Trump is a very interesting read. I never knew the drive and spiritual work put into getting President Trump elected. They say faith without works is dead. These people who heard from God put their faith to work by praying and fasting. They also proclaimed what they heard without fear of reprisal. I hope and pray that this drive continues during Mr. Trumps presidency and his next election. I pray that God sees our lives as trying to be humble and prayerful, trusting Him to give us another 4 yrs of President Trump. May we continue to be faithful.

Delusional and Flawed to the extreme

I am utterly flabbergasted by how deeply delusional these 5 star reviewers are. The author goes to great lengths to disguise this work of fiction as a political biography. His far reaching interpretations of how Trump was elected through a series of “miracles” is absurd. Was Hitler’s unexpected and meteoric rise to power also the will of God? The vast majority of German citizens certainly thought so at the time. In my eyes (of a moderate Christian), Trump embodies the very antithesis of what Christ stood for. Christ stood for the poor, downtrodden, humble, those suffering and disinherited from their homelands. Not only is Trump not sympathetic to those groups, he is actively hostile and openly mocks them. Trump is nothing more than a narcissticic egomaniac that’s had a lot of fortunate circumstances surround his life. His values can be summed up by his own words: “The beauty of me is that I’m very rich.” What can be more Godly than that?

I loved this book.

This book helps you see the President's heart. I believe, despite his ripping rhetoric, his heart is in the right place. He really wants to do what is right for the country and right before God. He is not seeking political power and prestige like certain individuals on the other side.

Amazing book!

Knowing what was going on in the background during the 2016 election was very eye opening! The media do not portray this president’s heart for our country.

The Donald Trump you will never hear about unless you read this book...

I didn't vote for Trump I voted against Hillary and am I glad I listened to my spirit! God blessed America again!

Trump bashing is disgusting and embarrassing for so-Called adult educated people!!

This book exposes the truth about liberal media wanting to hide the truth

God and Donald Trump

Although repetitious at times, each time a point is being made in the context in which it is repeated. New informative insight is abundant. The picture of our president from different perspectives is reassuring. I wonder if this November 3 rd will again show America all is in God's hands and purposes.

Part of God's plan.

We know God uses the most unlikely people to accomplish His purpose here on earth at times. This book gives insight and behind the scenes look at how this presidency came about. My hope is that Americans will turn to God and study to show thyself approved and be open to receiving His will for America.


This book is recommended for anyone, no one can dispute that Mr Donald J Trump becoming the 45th President of The USA is a unique and incredible event of a lifetime. This book will tell you why.

As a practising Kiwi Christian I have gained a better insight into current American politics and the spiritual perspective ...

As a practising Kiwi Christian I have gained a better insight into current American politics and the spiritual perspective that surrounds it.

I would actually give it 3 and a half stars ...

I would actually give it 3 and a half stars. It is written with an evangelical point of view, but does present many none- partisan facts. I try to read various people's point of view. Only this way can we broaden our outlook.

God and Donald Trump


Great read!

My neighbor ordered Stephen E. Strang's book, "God and Donald Trump". I have completed it. She's still working on it. I could hardly put it down. It was amazing to see the number of people involved, and all the miracles that put the president in place. The meetings, phone calls, prayer sessions, all the pastors : just everything it took to make it happen. Thanks to Stephen Strang for giving us the book. It is truly a Five Star Book. I am looking forward to reading one of his other books. From Mrs. Gail Keller and Ms. Reis-El Bara in Florida

Got this for my wife for Christmas. She said she really likes it, more than she expected.

Got this for my wife for Christmas. She said she really likes it, more than she expected. She's a very devout catholic, and she thinks this is a really good book on tape.

Amazing book that goes through how the Evangelicals rallied around this man

I absolutely loved this book. Although there are certain parts I am more skeptical of, this book did a fantastic job of going through the events leading up to the election and right after the election while also giving some background information. Its very interesting to see who the first evangelical leaders were who came out to support the now seated president! Its also incredible how the evangelicals as a whole rallied around this man and got him elected! Great book! Also fairly easy and short read. Would definitely recommend!!!

A must read!!!!

Everyone should read this book! It opens ones mind and heart to the man that is President of the United States....President Donald Trump!

Inspiring book on President Trump

I found the book fascinating on how the writer tells the story on President Trump’s path to the White House and how you could see God’s anointing hand in it. Donald J Trump was raised up to be the right man to be President for these times.

Good Book

I liked this book about President Trump. It was not what I thought it might be but I liked it very much. I'm glad that I bought it and read it.

The true Man behind the Presidency

I would highly recommend this book to anyone; especially to anyone who does not like him. The media is making him out to be such a horrible person and if you would read this book you will see all the things he has done. Christians he has our best interest at heart.

Way read

This is an awesome book. Not taking either side in politics just flat out information why we have Donald Trump for A president!! God almighty put him there


I was so moved reading this book. It would be so nice if history would repeat itself. God bless America. Make America great again.

A Must Read

Excellent reading! You can truly see God's intervention in not only in President Trump's campaign , but also through his whole life. I learned lots about his personal life I didn't know. God bless him for his caring and giving heart.

Read this book

Great read I think everyone should read this book might open some minds to who he is. I do belive he was put in by God to.


Great book every one should read and get on board to help make America Great Again

i thought it was good

it was a good book. I do love reading the 1 star reviews they are funny. none of them say they bought it!

God's power

Great book. Recommend it highly before the upcoming election.


This is a great story and a mind changer. This information should be read by all voters.

Great book - well written

This book gives you a whole new insight and understanding about our great President Donald Trump.

This president has been selected by God

"Go up and down the streets of Jerusalem, look around and consider, search through her squares. If you can find but one person who deals honestly and seeks the truth, I will forgive this city.

Very interesting book, easy reading.

This book was so interesting, I read it in a couple of days. It gets into the details of what happens in the daily goings on in the White House, and things that happened during President Trump’s campaign. I’m a Trump fan, and learned more about our president.

New Information

Received new information about President that the media will now give out.


How the evangelicals got Trump elected. As an evangelical, I recognized a unber of names.



LOVED this book!

LOVED this book!

God is blessing Trump

Fantastic easy to follow book. Work recommend it for getting a better understanding of our President.

Very good book

Really enjoyed reading about his life.

Great book

Amazing book. Enjoyed it immensely.

I am encouraged and hopeful after reading book

Glad Strang undertook this project. God's hand is the biggest part of this story and the most untold one. It has been an amazing thing to watch and still is as God brings us thru each battle in this war. The book has been very informative which will add to my prayer life.

Great read

Great read

That we have an honest compassionate President who has not been treated fairly!!!

I like how the evangelicals were convinced that he was a truthful Godly man & they believed in his honesty. He also does what he says he will do! He is strong & unapologetic...I like that in a man. He is a Christian who lives by faith! What he is not, is a lying politician who tells you what he will do, then does the opposite!

Gift well received

I purchased 2 books as gifts. Items were shipped on time without being damaged. One person receiving this book was pleasantly surprised. No other feed back until they finish reading this book.

Great gift

Great gift



Interesting read.

Interesting perspective. I read it quickly and enjoyed it very much.

Great and inlighten.

Great read

Read this if you want to know why Christians voted for Trump.

Enjoying this book.

Good quality book

Wrapped well. Great condition. Has been a nice read so far.

Very good book

I have enjoyed reading this book. Good price also.

Excellent book

Excellent book

A must read.

Couldn't put it down.

Purchase the book...a great reference tool!

Wonderful book, well written. I could hardly put it down

God and Donald Trump by Steven Strang

I believe God has given us strong men to lead a wonderful and truly blessed nation such as ours. This is a great edition that adds to our legacy. Five stars and easily understood.

"Good read!

"Found this book to be very interesting!"


Everyone should read this book! Even if you don't like Trump

Good read for believers

Best book for Christians as God had his hand in this Presidency

The Authority and Power of God

Great read! So many things I did not know, never mentioned, never revealed in mainstream media who are so aggressive in destroying a man whose main purpose is to save our country from becoming a socialist country. I truly believe no weapon or weapons formed against President Trump will prosper for God put him there at the White House to do His purpose and will for America. His being elected made me see how the Democrats true agendas for the people of this country are not to benefit the U.S. citizens. The leftists are full of hate, rebellious and self-centered, that's why they are called the leftists. They always create chaos to put fear on people. It must be their way or the highway. Very sad where they will end up when everything is said and done. I was a Democrat before, thank goodness I saw the right path and my eyes were open and transformed!

Where our Country is headed

Am reading "God & Donald Trump" Amazing !!

good product

excellent condition,its for a gift


trump is a god!

Great book!

This is a great book and I would highly recommend it.

Good read

Good read


Still reading

Not Factual

This book is nothing more than propaganda. Anyone who is a Christian knows that Trump is not one. At the National Prayer Breakfast each year I've watched Trump not be able to say the Lords Prayer. Not only does he not know it.. he doesn't even try to pretend he knows it. Trump doesn't hold ANY of the values that Christians live by. He has used religion to get ahead. Did God have a hand in Trump becoming President? Yes he did... as Christians we believe that God has a plan for all of our lives. God brings joy, love and happiness, but he also brings pain and sorrow. The pain and sorrow is brought upon us to make us see things we might be ignoring... such as a corrupt government. So yes I thank God for having a part in Trump becoming the president. Because of him the corrupt people who have the power in our country are finally being exposed. Trump is also being exposed for lying to the American people and for using God for his own gain.

Five Stars

Very pleased


Truth is important

Listening and reading along 🎧📚📖🎶

Good to listen and read along worth the book

Five Stars

liked the book


Written from a Pentecostal perspective this shares the Many people of faith who were in pray for Trump when they concluded that while he may not represent all this is good in humanity he was better than the alternative. While probably not able to convince a Never Trump person this is an insightful look into events of the 2016 Presidential Election. Later it profiles his children then returns to examining the political climate of the United States. Insightful. 2020?

Utter nonsense

Pure drivel.

Received in a timely manner. Learned a few things ...

Received in a timely manner. Learned a few things that I did not know. However it's not compelling enough to want you to not put the book down

Five Stars

Book came in excellent condition and was as described.Excited to read this book.

Five Stars

was a gift and she was very happy with it

he loved it

I bought as a gift, he loved it



Must read

Understand how prayer played the most important role.

Wonderfully fascinating

This book proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that God truly does work in mysterious ways! Highly recommend that everyone read it.

God and Donsld Trump

Good viewpoints. A man for the time. With all the negativity it is about time a book was written with a positive message.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

Five Stars

Good book

Trump was meant to be.

Purchased two copies, one for brother, the second for nephew.

Highly recommend this book

Amazing book that is written well and fact-full

Reflection material for the 2016 election.

Really interesting take on the spiritual side of the election. There is no way to confirm the presentation but it does give you something to reflect on and that is good.

The right man for America now

We really liked this book. God works in mysterious ways, no doubt about it.

Great book!!

Thank God for Donald Trump! Every American voter should read this easy to read book. I didn't want to put it down.

Five Stars

I bought it for my sister and she loves it

Five Stars

great book!

Never judge a man by his cover

The last will be first and the first will be last

A book worth reading

This book has all kinds information in it. This is one of the better books I have read this year. I can highly recommend it. Reading this book gave me insight about Donald Trump I never knew. I believe Donald Trump is choosen by God for such a time as we are living in. He has the strength to turn this country back to God and give the country back to us a Christian nation.

Five Stars

Awesome book

The title of the book says it all!

I love Donald Trump and this book validated my faith in him. He is a true Christian doing God's will.

Five Stars

Eexcellent book. I have sent several as Christmas presents.

Five Stars

great read

Five Stars

Great book

Five Stars

Great book!

Four Stars

Bought this as a Christmas present for my father.

Five Stars

Great book in presenting that God is involved in all the affairs of men. Enjoyable, fascinating, quick read!

but that is exactly what I love about him

I needed to read this book! What I have decided to believe is that Trump is NOT a godly man, but he IS God's man! I'm surprised myself at some of the things that come out of his mouth, but that is exactly what I love about him. MSM can't filter his tweets! He has heard the majority of Americans and he really does speak for Conservative Christians like me.

Two Stars

My husband is reading the book now and he is enjoying it tremendously.

There is Hope for America!

There is Hope for America! It shows that God still loves our country by placing Trump in the White House. America still has destiny.

God Bless America!

Everyone should read this book! It is amazing to see God's hand in this election! Prayers were answered!!

President Trump and Christian influence

In sight about President Trump, the Christian influence on the president and election. Liked the book

... law who told me several times how much he liked the book

I gave it to my son in law who told me several times how much he liked the book. He wanted all of his children to also read it.

Four Stars

I never received this book_I ordered and thought I paid.THANKS,Bobby

Book Gift Well Received

Bought for a gift and very happy with the book

reading it now and enjoying it very much. Enjoying ...

reading it now and enjoying it very much. Enjoying the interviews Stephen had with so many others. The book isn't totally about President Trump but about others opinions even those that are critical also about the many prophecies that were made before the election.

but my wife stated it would be nice if it was also offered in Large Print

Interesting book, but my wife stated it would be nice if it was also offered in Large Print. She found the print to be small and hard for her to read for an extended period of time.

Very insightful book. Pray for our president! I ...

Very insightful book. Pray for our president! I was able to listen to the audio book while on a 26 hour drive. Didn't take up the entire drive, but it really helped me stay up while it was playing because of how interesting it was.


Outstanding - couldn't put it down!

Rah-Rah Propaganda for the Trump Faithful

In the conclusion to this book, the author puts into words the growing sense of unease that I had been experiencing throughout my read—unease that might have been ameliorated had Strang instead led with the matter in the introduction. He says that “my aim in taking on this project has not been to write Donald Trump’s spiritual biography—that would have been a fairly short book.” In a way, this is a fair assessment. The book, after all, is not “Donald Trump and God” but “God and Donald Trump.” And yet, I find myself with the curious impression that the central figure in the book is, in fact, Donald Trump and not God. Much is made in describing the campaign of the “miracles” that occurred to enable Trump to be elected, and yet most of these seem to be much more easily explained as the vagaries of the political process, and the cronyism that Strang praises as Trump’s rewards for loyalty. When I picked up this book, I was hoping to find a compelling argument that, despite my perception, Trump genuinely had the well-being of the Christian church in America in mind and was not simply using them (even as they used him). Perhaps others might find something of that in this book, but I did not. And because of this, I judge that the book failed to be useful: it could not convince me that the situation was at all more altruistic than I believed. Despite some occasional nods to “unity” of the country sprinkled here and there, Strang seems oddly eager to demonize any who have not picked up the mantle of Trump. Obama and Hillary Clinton are repeatedly depicted as disciples of Saul Alinksy, about whom the author has nothing good to say, but a link that Strang fails to substantiate. With some hypocrisy, Strang makes sure to further denigrate Obama for one time using a vulgar term to describe Trump to friends, while failing to make mention of Trump’s using a similar term to describe “undesirable” countries in a Senatorial meeting. Obama and Clinton, and even George H. W. Bush, are tied to globalism, a theme that Strang decries as “demonic” and promises to expand upon later in the book but after only a few more short mentions drops entirely about halfway through the book. Meanwhile, even conservatives and libertarians whose consciences lead them away from Trump receive swipes from Strang; they are called “self-righteous” and “whiny, sniffling, negative cowards.” It becomes quickly clear that Strang has little but contempt for those who disagree with him and does not feel any call to attempt to be persuasive in his arguments. Although Strang extensively endnotes his book (about 25 pages of endnotes for slightly less than 200 pages of text), many items that really deserve some factual backup are glossed over without reference at all. These include dire (if vague) predictions of what would have happened if Mrs. Clinton had won the presidency and a suggestion that the FBI had wiretapped Trump’s property in order to undermine his presidential bid. Meanwhile, several other items are cited as personal communication with the author, rendering them unverifiable and denying any opportunity to explore the information in deeper context. Some of the author’s choices for illustrations either have not aged well or seem poorly considered from the start. He notes that “Trump was being surrounded by increasingly good people. As a billionaire builder and businessman, he knows how to pick great managers, and he knows how to delegate.” Yet this flies in the face of the impressive turnover rate in Trump’s cabinet, and the president’s seeming insistence on ignoring advice from his managers to insist on his own way—not to mention how several of his supposed “great managers” have turned on him as his presidency has continued. In a list of what is ostensibly intended as respectable news outlets, he bizarrely chooses to include Infowars, widely hailed as a “conspiracy” site dispensing easily debunked false reports and conspiracy theories, famous for, among other things, harassing parents of Sandy Hook victims to confess that they are actors and that the shooting was a hoax (a line which host Alex Jones eventually rescinded, claiming a “form of psychosis” caused by all of the “media and corporations lying so much”). In discussing “evangelical leaders” supporting Trump, Strang includes Jerry Falwell, Jr., who in recent days has received attention for emphasizing that he has “never been a minister” and is not among the “ones who keep [Liberty University] strong spiritually”; who told a pastor trying to counsel people who were offended by Trump to “grow a pair” and who derided a Southern Baptist leader who dared to speak up for compassion for refugees at the US border for not ever having “made a payroll” and for being “nothing but an employee - a bureaucrat.” The author also makes extensive note of Paula White-Cain as one of Trump’s “spiritual advisors.” White-Cain is strongly associated with the unbiblical “prosperity gospel” and has been charged by several theologians and church leaders with heresy for her views. Strang devotes nearly an entire chapter to discussing Trump’s charity work—a gesture that falls flat in the light of more recent news that the Trump Foundation illegally used charitable donations for political activities, which earned Trump a multimillion-dollar fine. He further quotes Trump writing that “left-wing critics” say that “we need a president who can make up the rules as he goes along. If he can’t get Congress to do something, he needs to rule by executive order…. I say that’s complete nonsense.” This is the same president who shut down the government for over a month demanding money for a border wall, at a cost of billions of dollars to the US economy, and later, upon being unable to get Congress to approve the funds, simply declared a national emergency and reappropriated funds from the military (which he was promising to rebuild) in order to finance the project. Strang repeatedly suggests that the negative perception of Trump is due to liberal media bias, but at the same time, he lauds the president’s savvy of using Twitter to circumvent the media to get his message out. He makes much of the idea that people who are close to Trump see a sincere, mature, thoughtful man (“There was a humility about the Republican nominee we don’t see in the liberal media sound bites”). It makes one wonder, though, if Trump is so easily able to get his message out around any media distortion, why this thoughtful man resorts to playground insults and name-calling even in that Twitter feed, with what appear to be angry rants and repeated outbursts. I could go on at further length about the contradictions and questionable logic in this book, but I trust that my point is clear. I was raised as a PK in a conservative, Evangelical home, and still cherish many of those values, but even with the help of this book I cannot fathom how those values are compatible with the unwavering support of Trump. This book fails to be persuasive, and instead it is frequently inconsistent or even hypocritical. And that, in the end, is its biggest failing: instead of being a book that attempts to be neutrally informative, it instead comes across as a piece designed only to bolster the views of the “faithful” and reassure doubters that everything is fine.

also where he would like to take the direction of the country

The book really tells the world more about where Donald Trump is coming from and where he has been, also where he would like to take the direction of the country. It's a great book, you can read it in a couple of days! Very insightful. The only thing I didn't like about it was when I was done reading it.

Still scratching your head as to how Trump became 45?

Most excellent read on the run up to election night from a Spiritual aspect.

This book was inspiring, giving details about how God ...

This book was inspiring, giving details about how God worked in many situations to give us a president who truly strives to preserve our Constitutional rights...the essence of America, a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles...our system of laws, treatment of citizens, etc.

Five Stars

Amazing read!

President Trump is a Man Of God

People assume he is not a Christian but this book goes in depth concerning his conversion

Only God Could Have ....

There’s only one plausible explanation for what happened in November, 2016. This book delivers the facts, figures, political reasons, and must importantly ... the spiritual account of how and why what happened ... was an act of God.

Five Stars

My husband has read the book and highly recommends it.

After finally convincing my husband to read it he said he felt a lot better about this Presidency than he did earlier

I was already aware of some of the facts mentioned in the book and found it all very interesting and encouraging. After finally convincing my husband to read it he said he felt a lot better about this Presidency than he did earlier. An excellent read!

This book shows how dangerous this nation was sliding into the cesspool of no return when God stepped in.

Very well written and very informative

Five Stars

I was very inspired by this CD. It tells how our beloved president has grown spiritually.

Five Stars


Five Stars

great book!

says it is a wonderful read and she enjoyed it so much

I gave this as a gift to a friend at Christmas. She, says it is a wonderful read and she enjoyed it so much! You will too! Anything with God in it is great and Trump is a man of God! Enjoy!

Five Stars

I believe everyone should read this book!!!

Five Stars

Fascinating and insightful

Five Stars

This is an excellent book.


Excellent. This book is a "must read" for anyone who is uncertain about Trump...

God is using Donald Trump to get America's attention

Excellent book that tells a lot more about Donald Trump's character and that he was called by God to fulfill part of God's plan. His personality and character are bringing out a spiritual battle of an extent America has not seen before.

Amazing information about what went on behind the scenes between ...

Amazing information about what went on behind the scenes between the religious leaders and between the leaders and Donald Trump during the presidential primaries and the presidential election Cuts through all the biased media info of who Donald Trump is and gives a positive view of Donald Trump the man and Donald Trump the leader

unbiased presentation of Donald Trump's life and the circumstances and amazing journey that brought him to the White House as ...

Very factual, unbiased presentation of Donald Trump's life and the circumstances and amazing journey that brought him to the White House as President of the USA at this time. I'm glad I read it and would recommend it to others.

Loved the perspective

Very informative book. I read it over a weekend - couldn't put it down. Loved the perspective.

Good Read

good read !

Five Stars

Good book

Conspiracy laden garbage

*to be fair I could not finish this book, and here is why: Well I’m doing something I very rarely do, I’m tossing aside a book I’ve started and not finishing it. The book in question is Stephen Strang’s “God and Donald Trump.” And no, my decision to drop this book cold has nothing to do with God or Donald Trump, but everything to do with author Strang. In less than 10 pages the author throw out no less than five different conspiracy theories, and invoked multiple antisemitic/racist tropes and dogwhistles. I could have probably withstood these things - I mean I did decide to read a book by a Conservative evangelical Christian author that is about God and President Trump - but when he repeats the ugly unfounded right-wing conspiracy theory that George Soros was a Nazi collaborator I was done. To find George Soros and his billions spent in service of left-wing, even ‘radical’ left-wing, appalling is fair, especially from your Conservative evangelical perspective. But calling Soros a Nazi collaborator is beyond the pale. For those who don’t know (which includes many on the Right who by default believe Soros is Satan sent), George Soros is a Hungarian-born Jew who survived the Second World War in Nazi-occupied Hungary. Soros was 9-14 years old during the Nazi occupation. The conspiracy theory of right-wing groups that Soros was a collaborator of the Nazis has been debunked many times over. There is no excuse for continuing to perpetuate such an ugly, and frankly antisemitic, smear as Strang does. This is why I have decided I cannot give this author any more of my attention.

Five Stars

Inspiring, encouraging to read this book in hopes for America's future

A must Read.

Loved it. Highly Recommend.


Must Read. Spiritual view on how President Trump won. Amazing book


While getting my taxes done I couldn't help but notice about five PEOPLE in the waiting room reading this book. So I ordered it and love that it is all about the prayer warrior aspects OF the election told in a story format and how president TRUMP s election struggles were overturned by the believers who want God put back into our country! !fascinating and a quick paced read!!!

Five Stars

Understanding the President requires investigating the man and the God he serves.

Four Stars

I like the truth about everyone

How God works and moves

Awesome book. I thought I knew a lot but there is so much more to know in this book. This book is a must to read, you will not regret it. Highly recommend God and Donald Trump!

Five Stars

great read

Loved it! Haven't finished it yet

Loved it! Haven't finished it yet, but love it so far.

Some nuggets I have not found anywhere else.

Some chapters were excellent, and others seemed the election had not happened yet and they were building a case for Donald.

Five Stars

my anti Trump friend loved it!!!!!

Five Stars

Great book. Very interesting.

Donald Trump Book

Very interesting. This was a requested gift for my husband.

An incredible look at the most controversial presidential election and ...

An incredible look at the most controversial presidential election and is a must-read for everyone who voted (regardless or which candidate).

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I truly believe that President Trump is an annointed leader, one chosen by God to stear this nation back to its Judaic/Christian teachings. May God bless and protect President Trump.

Loved this book

Loved this book. Very interesting. Gives you an insight of our President. He is an admirable man. The book kept my interest through out the entire book.

Five Stars

This is a very convincing book. I was not an early follower of Trump but I am now.

Great read!

I, too, believe God had a hand in Trump’s election the way God raised up Winston Churchill, Margarett Thatcher, Pope John-Paul, Ronald Reagan, and now Donald Trump! I watched a video of a Florida Fireman named Mark Taylor on YouTube made back in 2011 where he said God told him Donald Trump would be President! I firmly believed Mark’s prophesying so I had no doubt from that time forward that Mr Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt candidate for President in the history of the United States, in a landslide!

Same as above

I loved everything about this book, especially because the author confirmed my own feelings and opinions. Wonderful to see how President Trump continues to stress the importance of belief and reliance on God as citizens of this great and promised and chosen land of America!

Truly is a book listed by facts and not just opinions - an eye opener

Truly is a book listed by facts and not just opinions - an eye opener

Foul-mouthed womanizer is not a man of God

Being a Conservative Republican is great, but don't try to pass this disgusting man off as a man of God or someone who cares about Christian values. Separating children from parents is not what Jesus would do.

Of it was endorsed by Pat Robertson of it's good enough for me - couldn't put it down

Of it was endorsed by Pat Robertson of it's good enough for me - couldn't put it down. Very clear; and thank you for writing it Mr. Strang.

Five Stars

What an eye opener. I know he needed to be pres .

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