Go to Sleep (I Miss You): Cartoons from the Fog of New Parenthood

Kindle Edition
24 Feb

An irresistable and hilarious collection of New York Times bestselling author Lucy Knisley's cartoons about new motherhood.

Lucy Knisley is one of the great memoirists of the graphic novel format. Following the completion of her pregnancy memoir Kid Gloves (and the birth of her baby), Lucy embarked on a new project: documenting new motherhood in short, spontaneous little cartoons, which she posted on her Instagram, and which quickly gained her a huge cult following among other moms.

The best of those wildly popular little cartoons are collected in this adorable gift book, Go to Sleep (I Miss You), a perfect read for expecting parents, new parents, and anyone who loves funny, relatable comics storytelling.

Reviews (27)


I first saw some of these comics when the artist posted them on Instagram. I was pregnant with my daughter at the time and related to the comics as she developed. This book came out at a perfect time after the birth of my son. I hope she makes another one about the toddler years!


Perfect. Finished it in one sitting while my babe was asleep- kept me from missing her too much!

Relatable, quick read

The author does say that these are just random sketches done during the newborn days that she turned into a book. So while there’s no narrative, there are lots of really relatable parenting moments. It fit well with the fog of new motherhood when life feels like a bunch of little events and chunks of time anyway.

So good!

I saw the comic on the cover and thought, that is how I feel ALL the time! I LOVED this book and now follow her on Instagram. There are so many parts of motherhood that I didn’t realize were so universal. I identified with basically every comic she drew. Loved this and would recommend for any parent!

Relatable and fun to read

This was recommended to me by an old friend who also recently had a baby. It was a fun quick read to flip through which is good because I don’t have much free time with a newborn. Lots of funny moments and me going “yup that’s me too”. I’m glad to have this and support the author/artist.

Great book

What a great book! I gave birth this past year, so all of the amazing and challenging experiences illustrated in this book had me laughing out loud and nodding my head. Highly recommend.


I loved it! It was so relatable. I kept sending pictures of the pages to my husband while I read. I can just see the author quickly making each age in between baby naps.

Pretty good

Compared to her other books I felt like it needed a little bit more but I think this is a good book and that if you are a new parent you should totally read it.

This is a small graphic novel/comic format

Love all of Lucy Knisley’s book! If you are a new parent who understands the fun in parenting, this is a nice, quick read for you!

I love it!

Amazingly accurate. The love. The exhaustion. The love. It is such a hard season, yet so prescious. I love this book!


I first saw some of these comics when the artist posted them on Instagram. I was pregnant with my daughter at the time and related to the comics as she developed. This book came out at a perfect time after the birth of my son. I hope she makes another one about the toddler years!


Perfect. Finished it in one sitting while my babe was asleep- kept me from missing her too much!

Relatable, quick read

The author does say that these are just random sketches done during the newborn days that she turned into a book. So while there’s no narrative, there are lots of really relatable parenting moments. It fit well with the fog of new motherhood when life feels like a bunch of little events and chunks of time anyway.

So good!

I saw the comic on the cover and thought, that is how I feel ALL the time! I LOVED this book and now follow her on Instagram. There are so many parts of motherhood that I didn’t realize were so universal. I identified with basically every comic she drew. Loved this and would recommend for any parent!

Relatable and fun to read

This was recommended to me by an old friend who also recently had a baby. It was a fun quick read to flip through which is good because I don’t have much free time with a newborn. Lots of funny moments and me going “yup that’s me too”. I’m glad to have this and support the author/artist.

Great book

What a great book! I gave birth this past year, so all of the amazing and challenging experiences illustrated in this book had me laughing out loud and nodding my head. Highly recommend.


I loved it! It was so relatable. I kept sending pictures of the pages to my husband while I read. I can just see the author quickly making each age in between baby naps.

Pretty good

Compared to her other books I felt like it needed a little bit more but I think this is a good book and that if you are a new parent you should totally read it.

This is a small graphic novel/comic format

Love all of Lucy Knisley’s book! If you are a new parent who understands the fun in parenting, this is a nice, quick read for you!

I love it!

Amazingly accurate. The love. The exhaustion. The love. It is such a hard season, yet so prescious. I love this book!

Did someone write a book about us?

So funny and so relatable. My husband and I both loved it.

Great read

Cutest book ever!

so cute

So cute omg if u have kids u can relate or a great gift if u know someone having a baby. So funny


Good humor that I think all new moms can relate to.

Cute but not what I wanted

I had ordered this book after reading the author's other book"Kid Gloves : nine months of careful chaos." Which I really enjoyed. While this was book was a cute look into the good, the bad and the ulgly of being a new parent I was hoping it would have more in depth stories and experiences. This book is more single page illustrations of a single moment or thought. Still gave me a chuckle or two but definitely not what I was expecting/hoping for


Sigo a la artista en redes sociales y decidí comprar el libro como regalo para una amiga que acababa de dar a luz. ¡Le ha encantado! Vale totalmente la pena.

A Gem of a book

A gem, completely captures those fleeting moments of the baby days. Her drawings are amazing and she has a gift in illustrating the tiny moments.

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