Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

Paperback – May 1, 2013
30 Apr
Eric Worre
Over twenty years ago at a company convention, Eric Worre had an aha moment that changed his life forever. At that event he made the decision to Go Pro and become a Network Marketing expert. Since that time, he has focused on developing the skills to do just that. In doing so, Eric has touched and been touched by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Now he shares his wisdom in a guide that will ignite your passion for this profession and help you make the decision to Go Pro and create the life of your dreams. In this definitive guidebook, you will learn to:-Find prospects -Invite them to your product or opportunity -Present your product -Follow up with your prospects -Help them become customers or distributors -Help them get started right -Grow your team by promoting events -And much, much more. Eric's wish is for you to make the decision to become a Network Marketing Professional. For you to truly Go Pro. Because it is a stone-cold fact that Network Marketing is a better way. Now let's go tell the world.

Reviews (163)

Recommend this book!

Om goodness, love this book. I'm in network marketing business and it's so right on to the world and life of entrepreneurs. I loaned it out and she loved it so much she kept it and bought a new one for me!

Go From Newbie To PRO

Eric Worre's

There is a better way and Eric Worre helps you achieve it!

I am a network marketer and I have been a disaster up until now. I rushed my prospects or really did not qualify my clients before introducing them to my product. I did not take advantage of all the training available and just let myself loose. Well, a few years later I have learned so much more and I am able to appreciate what Mr. Worre is trying to tell Network Marketers about being professional realizing they are in business and that passion and love for what you are doing can be very real and a bonus in achieving what you want from Network Marketing. Generally we all want that acknowledgement, strong supportive downline and upline, great income and being able to give back. It is simple but it is not easy, Mr. Worre "can show you a better way"--try him out..

Great read!

I would recommend this book to all network marketers. The lessons in this book are practical. It shows you little changes that can take your business to the next level.


Hello Fellow Reading Friends! I'm just curious, are you looking for a Better Way? And are you striving to find out the answers on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? It does not matter if you are in direct sales, multi level marketing, or Network Marketing, there is a better way to Explode your team and your Business - Go Pro! Eric's book, Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional, is Honest and Simplistic. Get your copy and order a bunch more for your team. Be the leader for your team that you have always wanted and give them the gift of how to Go Pro!

Why I Love this Book.

I love this book . Everything I need to know is in one place. It's laid out in such a way that anybody can understand the "steps" to take in their NWM business. I underline and bracket things in my books, even highlight with a bright yellow highlighter. When I don't take the time to read the book again, I will flip through the pages and read the highlighted areas and it usually gives me what I am looking for, because it's all there. I ask people to read this book when they join with me in this business and let me know they are ready to do this to be successful. The book showed me that we take something that is a simple business idea and work really hard to make it hard. Not anymore, thank you Eric Worre.

Love the book!!!

A must for network marketers!!! Quick delivery too!!!

Eric Worre and Go Pro changed my life!

I have read Go Pro and I listen to the audio all the time. Eric is a caring business man willing to help us achieve what we were meant to do and be. Go Pro has taught me things I needed to know 2 years ago, but it also taught me that if I screwed it up that its ok, it can be fixed! I am a stay at home mom with no network marketing experience that is succeeding because of this book. I HIGHLY recommend reading it at least once!



It's not a pyramid scheme; a great education on Network Marketing!

Eric Worre does a phenomenal job of explaining what Network Marketing is and is not. From de-mystifying it as a "get rich quick" scheme and showing it as an actual business model that you have to work hard at to removing the demonized mantra "is that one of those pyramid schemes", Eric educates the reader. Whether you are looking to get in to network marketing as a business owner, product consumer, or both this book is worth your time. If your not interested in network marketing this book is still worth your time as you don't want to sound like the uneducated knucklehead at the water cooler when discussing this centuries emerging way of doing business. A must read!

Chapter 9 on properly setting new distributor expectations is priceless!

The book is short and to the point. Chapter 9 on how to properly set new distributor expectations, which ultimately leads to proper duplication is priceless. IF you're new to network marketing, the entire book is priceless. Chapter 9 just stuck out to me the most because that's where I had made my mistake in a prior venture. The only knock on a star was because there's no table of contents.

Best book in Network Marketing on Mindset

I've always gotten tremendous value from Eric Worre's website. When I saw the launch of this book I immediately purchased several copies. Not only is this a great book for a brand new person entering the profession of Network Marketing, it is an amazing resource for even the veterans to reinforce their belief. This book actually completely changed my mindset and moved me from Amateur to Professional. This boom helped me make the decision to rejoin a company that I had previously resigned from because I was looking for success originally in the wrong places. This book set me free. If I could give it more stars I would. Congrats Eric for writing I would say the definitive book in the industry. Thank you.

Go Pro-7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

This is the best book I ever read for explaining what it really takes to learn the skills of network marketing. There is no fluf just straight solid information that can be taken right from the book to start building a business in a professional way. Eric Worre speaks from years and years of experience having earned millions of dollars a year through these skills he has finally put down on paper. I highly recomend this book to anyone who is interested in building a solid MLM business that will last.

So Grateful and Proud of My Mentor

Like so many who have been introduced to Network Marketing without professional mentoring, I never was really successful at it. For over 35 years, I've known that Network Marketing is the better way, but until I started my most recent venture and my sponsor introduced me to Eric Worre, I just didn't have the tools to make it work. In less than a minute, I was reading my Kindle copy of Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional. I have ordered 10 copies to have on hand for my associates. Even paying shipping charges to Israel of half the investment in the books themselves, it's one of the best investments I've ever made in my future. Eric's style is clear, down-to-earth, authentic, and sincere. He has more than matched my small investment, and I'm so grateful that my sponsor introduced me to him.

for 10 years and this is the best instructional guide that I have in my library for ...

If you are a network marketing professional or want to be, this is an imperative read. Over and over and over. It is my bible for all things about my business. I have been in network marketing, the same company Arbonne, for 10 years and this is the best instructional guide that I have in my library for verbiage, how to, and why. LOVE IT!!


good for anyone in the mlm market - non company specific - very uplifting and motivating

A great guide with great examples

This book does give you some backstory but with a purpose. Nothing better than showing by example and GoPro is the best at it. It gives all the steps needed to become a pro and shows examples lived by the author of how the steps should be taken. It really is a great companion book for your own Network Marketing System. But trust me on this one, don't abandon your company's system, make it stronger with this book.

Thinking About Network Marketing? This Is The Book For You!

This is definitely a book to read if you are thinking about getting into network marketing. I have been trying to get going with network marketing for a while and after reading this book I am more confident than ever that I can get the ball rolling. I do believe network marketing is the future. I read this book and instantly flipped back to the beginning and read it again to make sure I absorbed every piece of info.

It's a profession! Learning your craft in anything requires ...

It's a profession! Learning your craft in anything requires process application! Thank you Eric for this comprehensive straight forward guide!

Erick Worre-Network Marketing Guru,Teacher and Friend

The main lesson which I learn from Erick's teaching materials is : Network Marketing isn't perfect -It's just Better.25 years of his experience ,he is sharing with us everyday in NMP short video lessons,and NOW in this amazing Book. 7 steps to becoming a Network Marketing Professional : shows us the way ,how to survive in this world with skills which we have to learn to not only find and correctly invite right people to our business but to help them also survive and help teach others to do so.We all know in any profession knowledge and experience is worth a lot of time and money, that's why is so critical to master all 7 skills .It's so important for everyone (doesn't matter which company you represent and if you call yourself associate,member or a partner) to know right from the beginning how to find prospects,invite and present to see what you have to offer,fallow up and help others to become a distributor or a customer . I know I would do everything to become best of myself in this profession because I have a great teacher and mentor . Go Pro because it's proven we have a better way.

Not Perfect, but Better

This was the first book I read when I started in Network Marketing a year ago. I read it, made the same mistakes Worre said not to do, bult a small business. I made about $700 my first month and after about 3 months of work consistently made $50-$100 a month. Then I stopped working the business for about a year. The $50-$100 kept coming in (because of the type of business, very few customers drop out once they become customers). I wanted to re-commit to the business, so I started listening to the audio book. I started seeing what I was doing wrong. Eric would occasional weigh in with comments like "m ost distributors do this. Don't do that!" kind of advice that spoke directly to me. I started listening about two weeks or so ago. In that time I picked up a bunch of customers, a new team member and I went from begging people to do presentations to having 3 presentations/week (so 6 so far, one new associate, one person doing his due diligence, and more presentations scheduled). Obviously, a lot of that change came from my own experience. But this book (along with others, but this was the best for me) helped me make sense of my experience. Of course the book isn't perfect. It could certainly benefit by showing how social media can fit in to your tool kit-- and this is something that Worre does go into outside of his book. Also his online trainings and videos fill in a lot of the gaps, such has his "blitz" strategies that I've seen other people use to go right to the top of our organization in a very short time. But Eric's motto is "not perfect, but better". So far, I haven't met perfect. But I also haven't met better than Worre. Get the book, but don't stop here. It's only a piece of the puzzle.

Tailor to your needs.

I thought the book was great. For the people that thought that it was for the camera. May god bless you. The book gives steps but you have to tailor it to yourself when implementing the steps. MLM is not a pyramid scheme, well most are not. How is damn near every job out there??? Store/ business owner -> manager -> assistant managers -> leads -> then all the low level pawns that make the big wig the money. Does the CEO show you how to do his job? If anything, this industry of NM helps you become a better you! Good day to you all.

Great Book For Direct Sales

I have a direct sales company and this book has helped me and my husband boost our companies. I highly recommend this book to those who are looking to boost their companies through network marketing

GoPRO or GoHome;)

I LOVE this book!! It is a MUST READ for anyone who is seriously considering Network Marketing as a Profession. I immediately read it overnight, took notes, and put it into practice the very next day with new prospects, and it worked. The TIPS are very easy to understand and follow, which have given me more confidence and an extra building block to becoming a professional in this misunderstood Industry. I will be reading it again to get more gold nuggets out of it and apply them immediately. I am definitely a New Fan!! Thank you kindly, Eric Worre:) Sincerely, Mena 707-396-3290

Essential for Serious Networkers

This is a must for anybody entering or considering the network marketing field. Network marketing is a very legitimate industry, and this book will give you the basic skills needed to get started. Topics include identifying prospects, presenting your opportunity, and my favorite, inviting prospects to learn more about your product or opportunity. This last one is my favorite topic because it goes into such depth, and gives specific scripts which you can adapt for your personality and style. Very valuable information in order to get started, or just for a refresher.The author also provides a glimpse into the kind of lifestyle you could have, given some time and hard work. Descriptions of some of his endeavors are included, which helped to propel me into action during a slump. This should be on the bookshelf of any serious network marketer.

Don’t buy Save your time and money

This book will start from advertising. Where is the respect for your audience? You sold me this book why you want me so bad to go on your website. Bc you want to sell me more. The same way like “Rich dad poor dad” does. They don’t respect people they write for. They believe if you buy this book you will buy more. I personally bought this book for few box Bc of social proof. So like always social proof doesn’t work.

Network Marketing's ANSWER to the HOW!

STOP READING MY REVIEW!! BUY THIS BOOK!!! Send it to your down-line, your up-line! Send it to your friends who are not in network marketing! Give it to your children when they go off to college! This book is written by a Professional Network Marketer, but it is in no way limited to network marketing. I have applied Eric's lessons to my LIFE. It has changed my life in a profound way. Eric has taught me to open myself up to the world and my life is fuller and happier. I am more successful professionally but also I am more successful personally. These are powerful words. The lessons will effect the way you live your life. This book will change the way you live. Eric Worre is a dynamic speaker. He is a dynamic seller. He is a dynamic teacher! He is a dynamic writer! FINALLY!! The answers that you need in order to understand the business of network marketing. Eric tells his story and teaches you with HIS scripts, HIS mistakes and HIS KNOWLEDGE!! I have read every book on MLM's and Network Marketing out there. This is THE ONLY BOOK that you need. It is pure brilliance and we are so lucky to have a leader and a mentor in Eric Worre!!

Highly recommend!

What a great book for anyone getting started in network marketing! I love that it's positive and motivating, and yet gives me what I need to know in order to move forward with my business. This is an absolute must for anyone started out, or maybe for those who have been stalled for awhile in their business and needs that extra umph to get them moving in the right direction. I would highly recommend it!!

Go Pro hits the MLM "spot"!

I have read countless books on selling and self-improvement - but GO PRO is the first book I've read that feels as though it was written specifically for me. GO PRO is so much more than a "how to do it" book for those seeking a career in MLM. It outfits the reader with solid reasons why MLM is the best way to succeed in a changing economy and business world. It addresses the reasons why some do not succeed in MLM and how to overcome these obstacles successfully. Not only have I purchased the print copy (so I can highlight important passages), but I also bought the kindle copy (so I can read it in the dark before going to sleep), and the audio version for repeated listening (while driving in my car). I've purchased a copy for everyone in my down-line and plan to make it required reading (or listening) for anyone who wants to work out of my club. MLM is not for the faint of heart. It's an extremely challenging, but rewarding, career. In GO PRO, Eric Worre outfits us with the tools we need to achieve great things in MLM. This book is "MLM 101". Highly recommended!


QED is a math term used at the end of a proof. Look it up online to find the long, Latin version. It is the perfect statement for the ending of this book. I am a student of Networking and I have followed Eric for a long time. I consider him a friend, a mentor and a coach. This book is for anyone willing to look for the path to his or her success. It may not be in MLM or even online marketing. This book does have a formula that works for everyone in any endeavor. Its style is friendly and revealing. It is not pedantic nor does it include a detailed list of steps either. Only you can do that for you by the way. Looking for your answer in a book is failure guaranteed. [The answer is in you.] This book provides the structure and the perfect place to begin your search OR to rethink the path you are on and begin again for the first time. There are many great books in this genre. Everyone will point to this as required reading. Why? It is the proof to how network marketing can work for anyone. QED .... Quite Easily Done!

A Must Have if You're Serious About Your Future

Since beginning my network marketing career in 2009, I've always searched for mentors and leaders to enhance my business and shorten my learning curve. Since finding Network Marketing Pro and watching Eric Worre's videos, it's been a blessing to find a man who cares not only for his team, his business, but the entire industry of network marketing. A man who could've taken his well-deserved financial freedom and rode off into the sunset, Eric has chosen to do all he can to ensure others see the industry for the true profession that it is. Eric's book is an example of what he teaches...it's not about you, it's about what duplicates. Written so that all newcomers in the industry can benefit immediately and to help the experienced representatives remember the fundamentals and finally to help entire teams stay focused and on track. In his first book, Eric has hit a walk-off homerun! See what the crowd is cheering about! Get your copy and copies for your team and future team members. Eric's book will help you and your team realize, it's a stone cold fact, we have a better way. Decide to go pro and get everyone on your team a copy! Thanks, Eric! Bryan Balch


This book was required for my training. I own a LOT of books and of all, Go Pro clearly explains how to be a professional. One of the challenges I faced, but couldn't figure out (regardless of all the books I've read) is HOW to effectively help people and empower them to duplicate my success. Going forward, This book is required for our training and also because of the value in the content; a gift I will be giving to all of my team members.

Go Pro

This book was recommended to me by a friend who is very successful in network marketing. I have to say I am SO glad I decided to purchase/read it. It's a great book for someone starting out in network marketing. It really changed the way I thought about network marketing and how I was running my business!

A simple read but super powerful message

A friend introduced me to Eric Worre a year ago and since that time my admiration and respect for Eric has grown tremendously. I received an advance copy of Go Pro - 7 Steps and have read it several times. My husband and I work our Network Marketing business together and we will definitely make this a must read for all new distributors. We have also given copies of the book to prospects that have never been exposed to Network Marketing and their feedback has been hugely positive. One of the things I appreciate most about the book is that depending on the challenges or issues a person may be experiencing in their business he/she can repeatedly go back to a specific section of the book and read and gain specific insight on how to overcome their challenges. Thank you Eric for being a great leader and mentor.

This Book is a Network Marketer MUST READ!!!

If you're in the MLM industry, this is definitely the book for you! It really helps you step up your game and simply give you the confidence to move forward even though many around you will have doubts about your success and the industry itself. It explains why this industry is great to be in and all the things you will face from your peers and your own mind. It simply helps you focus on what's most important and that's Going Pro in your new profession! Thank you Eric Worre for making me feel great about my decision to help my family and other achieve financial freedom!!

Great Books

This is a great book, from one of my favorite distributors in the industry. It was well organized, easy to read and it had some really good tips. Eric has a great writing style that is entertaining and easy to follow. I gave it a four of five stars because I felt that it could have a little more meat to it. I would still highly recommend it to others. I learned some helpful things in the book that I can apply in my MLM Business.

Go Pro so you Know...

Looking to cut the 9-5 drudgery of wage based work, Go Pro is the Key to getting started in Network Marketing the effective and Positive way. Contact me for my experience...

Go Pro? Required reading for everyone in MLM.

Eric has done an excellent job with this book and all of the great content on his website. I also just recently purchased his $300 course and I will be attending his upcoming live events. And yes, I'm looking forward to hiring him to help train my top Leaders at a fun location in the very near future. So I've pretty much gone all-in with Eric. As I have and will for any great trainer. With this book and all of Eric's other resources, Eric has shaved off a massive amount of time it takes to train others, especially those new to Network Marketing. This book provides an excellent foundation to build belief in the industry as a real profession and why one should truly "Go Pro".

Perfect read for Beachbody Coaches

I am a Beachbody coach aka network marketer. Aside from that I am a fitness guru, with that being said it just didn't matter how much I knew or how I looked people just don't care. They ask for help, want to change, but do not want to pay a dime or put in any effort.This book opened my eyes to the mistakes I was making and I am eager to implement the steps from this book and see if it can change some things. It is a quick read also.

Really Made me Think

I have tried Network Marketing a number of times in the past and never gotten any sustainable results. After reading this book I realize most of my life I have been an amateur at best, but with the help of Eric's teaching and my current Network Marketing team training/support I am working towards becoming a PRO! This is a great beginners book to learn the basics and also a good refresher for more seasoned professionals.

Review of Go Pro

This is the first time I have written a review of anything. Here goes. 1) The cost of the book well within our budget 2) The outline was very easy to follow 3) The author has a gift to lead people from the first baby step to the last stepping out on our "own", but we aren't out on our own because there is a TEAM within Network Work Marketing businesses 4) Bringing people to this stage is very important because we are building teams and we want the best for each individual 5) I would recommend this book to everyone who wishes to change their financial setting especially to older teens who really aren't sure what they wish to work at and to everyone who is not satisfied as to where they are in life. Get ready for some self-improvement!!! Thank you for allowing me to comment. Irene Hutchins

Go Pro is the Profesional tool you need to change your mindset and elevate your business.

The title doesn't lie. By following the 7 Steps you will elevate yourself far above the average. I was "in" network marketing, a dabbler. Then I heard Eric Worre teach about the network marketing PROFESSION. I couldn't take notes fast enough. My mindset made a big shift that day and now I am proud to consider myself a Network Marketing Professional bringing value to relationships instead of simply chasing sales. When your attitude is elevated, the success of your business will follow. If you have prospects undecided about network marketing, share this book, 160 pages of easy reading. It's a great third-party tool to help them decide if network marketing is a good choice for them. If you have team members who are faltering, share this book to give them tools they need to refocus and recommit to their business. Go Pro is destined to shift thinking and become a new classic.

This is an amazing book for anyone in MLM’s

This is an amazing book for anyone in MLM’s

Love the Information

Love this book!!! I have many pages marked to go back and review. Being new to Network Marketing and wanting to be successful this book has given me some good pointers and helped me see i was doing some things wrong. I refuse to just throw in the towel so this has helped me. I also ordered another book that I am excited to get as well to help me be successful.

THE Bible for network marketers

Eric Worre is THE master of training in the network marketing industry. His book (and seminars) have enabled me to have success that I wouldn't have had otherwise. He presents how to be a true professional in this fast-growing industry instead of being a "hobby-ist". Thank you Eric!

Good read

It was a good read. Although some of the stuff in it sounds kind of cheesy (like some of the scripting that is covered for approaching new prospects---although he does say to make it your own and not to necessarily go word for word from the book), overall it is a "must read" if you're going to make it in the MLM business. Gives some good advice and insight that you wouldn't otherwise think of on your own.

Great Book

Great Book you need this book if your thinking about becoming a Network Marketing

Go Pro, 7 Steps To Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

I watch Network Marketing Pro video clips everyday and was excited when Eric announced his book. I read through it the first day, have gone back, highlighted and marked specific paragraphs. Simple, clear & step by step directions to follow on the seven main skills needed by Network Marketing beginners or seasoned professionals. Thank you, Eric for a better road map!

The Best book ever

This book Go Pro that Eric Worre has written is a must have for any person who has a business or is new to having a business for the expert or for the newest person in your team or orginsaton there are 7 steps that eric will teach you and your team here are the 7 steps :- 1) Finding Prospects 2) Inviting Prospects to Understand Your Product or Opportunity 3) Presenting Your Product or Opportunity to Your Prospects 4) Following Up With Your Prospects 5) Helping Your Prospects Become Customers or Distributors 6) Helping Your New Distributor Get Started Right 7) Promoting Events Eric has so much experience with this and helping you and your team and your orgination to succeeded if you do nothing else this year buy this book and know that you will be morer successuful then ever after reading it. Marion Crist

I feel like this is the only book for prospects to read.

Hands down, the best book. Give these books immediately to your new distributor, along with the product bundle. They will read, love and do exactly what you're doing because you will be successful following a system that makes so much sense. Very duplicatable and affordable for your new distributors to buy and hand down to their new distributors, and so on and so forth. Please read it as many times as you could. What I got out of it is being a whole lot smarter with your time than just running around, "showing the plan" like it's 1959. Thank you, Eric Worre. I will be at the top real soon.

Here are the anwers I was looking for!

After three years of struggle and asking around for answers, I got them all here. For the first time I see possibilities for myself how to create a duplicating organisation. The company I was in, uses all kind of methods which I can't apply because of our own small business in which we work about 50-60 hours / 7 days a week. Last year I changed to another company , and again nobody could teach me a system I was able to use. I bought the Home Study Course, the Go-Pro 7-steps book and read it a couple of times, I listen to the audio's everyday and learn so much! This is something I can do, it feels good, it makes sense and the most wonderfull thing until now: Everybody I asked to take a look, they do! NOBODY sais NO! The Follow Up wonderfull. How to close, great. The beginning is there! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Eric is the Vince Lombardi of NWM

This book and Eric's events have taken my confidence to a whole new level. Go Pro is the most comprehensive, solid compilation of the basics to help you win in NWM. And mastering the basics is what it's all about. Thank you Eric for helping take me to the next level in this profession. I will always be grateful. Bottom line: this book is a MUST read, MUST study and a MUST master, if you plan on making this profession profitable for you and you family.

Turned my View Around

We all know that Network Marketing businesses have a bad rap. Some of them deserve it, others don't. This book completely turned my thinking around on Network Marketing. Simple to understand and a great easy read. I recommend this to anyone wanting to own their own business or get involved with Network Marketing.

Fantastic Reading

Learned why MLM isn't a Pyramid. Taping into the New Economy.

Network Marketing made simple

I'm so excited about this book! I've been studying Eric's material for sometime now and as a result both I and my business have grown. Eric's drive and passion to see Network Marketing recognised as a profession opens the door to so many people who would have otherwise never considered Network Marketing as a viable career path. Eric has taken the complexity out the equation and broken the art of being a professional Network Marketer down into seven simple, learnable core skills. Practice and apply these core skills and you can't help but succeed. Thank you Eric for your vision, drive and passion. There truly is a better way!

Excellent book ~ even while reading the book , my business imploded !

I loved this book and would highly recommend it . This book is for anyone looking to take their business up a notch. It had practical advice I used in the first week~ month and I am happy to say ~ the approach worked . Anyone wanting to grow there Sales business , should get this book ! Stay blessed and GO PRO !



Best help you'll ever get in MLM

Eric Worre in general is a master trainer and mentor. I get his daily video clips that rea perfect, short yet direct tips and motivation that hit the mark efficiently. This book is a bible for anyone in ANY MLM/relationship marleting business. After 30 years of sales experience, I would recommend this book to any salespeople as well. The advice and methods Eric uses to teach you how to be the best at what you do is amazing. He shows us how to change the way we think about approaching the invitation and how to make our invitation the best it can be. This is a book that could be read over and over again and still you won;t have gleaned everything he is teaching. Experienced or novice, BUY THIS BOOK!!!!

I absolutely love this book by Eric Worre

I absolutely love this book by Eric Worre! He is a straight forward author with simple yet amazing and helpful steps to becoming a professional networker. I have underlined and highlighted almost every sentence in this book and can't wait to read it again! I have already recommended this book to many friends! In my business we'd laugh and say wouldn't it be nice to get paid to refer this book to our friends! Thank you so much for writing this book!

Not all MLM businesses fall into this category with how ...

Not all MLM businesses fall into this category with how this book is laid out but the objections on how people think and act - do. I'm about half way through the book and the deeper I get into the book, the more that I find that will help me with my own MLM business. Very helpful!!

Best education

Being new to the networking industry this is and was the ultimate material of epic insight and education for me. No other author was able to capture my attention in such a fashion! It is straightforward down to the point and valuable info about this awesome profession. Eric Worre's humor is undefeated! A must read for every serious network marketer!

One of the best network marketing books I have ever read

One of the best network marketing books I have ever read! Simple, straight to the point with great language examples.

Go buy Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

Clear and concise, it brings the reader what they need to know to build their network marketing business. Almost as good as attending an Eric Worre seminar. If you don't learn some great skills from this book then you are either a Network Marketing master already (and you'll still pick up some useful tips, I bet) or Network Marketing is not for you. But how would you know that if you don't try? Go ahead - try it.

The Book that Got Me MOVING!

There are books that you may put down after reading and say, "well that was a good read... what's next?" WELL... This ISN'T one of those books! I'm wrapping up the last few pages today and I liked it so much, I had to order the Kindle Version so I could read it again from my Kindle as my physical Copy may be passed on to another who's serious about their business! Great Read - Very Informational and more than that... it WILL get you MOVING!

The Better Way - Do You Want This Better Way?

Experience... anytime you look for a job, a career, a path to success... the first thing you encounter is the issue of... "what is your experience in this field"? Eric speaks from the authority of experience. From his early days in Network Marketing through his experiences, failures and lessons learned, Eric shares the path to becoming a PRO in Network Marketing. Could you learn 7 steps - YES, SIMPLE STEPS - to become a professional, to excel, to guide, to lead others to prosperity, to happiness, to a better way? Yes. Could you teach those 7 simple steps to everyone who wants the same incredible life as you? Yes. This book will change your life. And the lives of everyone you encounter. Thank you Eric for being willing to share what you have learned. Let's all get on this path with Eric Worre, a Leading Network Marketing Professional - it's a better way!

The best book of the year!

Simple to the point, quick, easy reading, which gives specific examples of how to improve your relationship marketing! Key concepts are outlined and a great reference guide. Network marketing made simple day-to-day activities to improve your game. Thanks from the bottom of my heart! We all network in life it is all a matter of learning how to go Professional, whether you are successful or amateur! Life is all about learning to be a skilled negotiator! Master one of life's necessary skills and the art of becoming a better people person, skills that will serve you well in life, and the more you are a success in life. This book will change your life!

Simple, Practical

I consider myself a very good reader, and I can guarantee you this besides the Waves and Mark Yarnell books there's no other material like this one. You can find motivation and other stuff in the Waves, but not a practical guide to become yourself a pro.. His ideas on prospecting, presenting and inviting, and helping new distributors to leave the gate are way ahead of the pack. If you are looking for simplicity and yet profound knowledge this is your book.

Wonderful Advice

This was a quick read but really changed my outlook on how to treat my direct marketing. I've followed some suggestions already and have seen an increase in my sales.

Very Educational and A Great Read!

Awesome book that really explains the basics you need to know to gain success in your Network Marketing business. I highly recommend this to all Network Marketers ranging from the newbie just starting out to the well versed professional. This is one of those books you will keep referring back to throughout your Network Marketing career!

Excellent down-to-earth info

Excellent down-to-earth info. I resisted reading this for a few years but when I did... I should NOT have waited. Chock full of useful info and a quick read. :-)

Not Perfect, but Better

This was the first book I read when I started in Network Marketing a year ago. I read it, made the same mistakes Worre said not to do, bult a small business. I made about $700 my first month and after about 3 months of work consistently made $50-$100 a month. Then I stopped working the business for about a year. The $50-$100 kept coming in (because of the type of business, very few customers drop out once they become customers). I wanted to re-commit to the business, so I started listening to the audio book. I started seeing what I was doing wrong. Eric would occasional weigh in with comments like "m ost distributors do this. Don't do that!" kind of advice that spoke directly to me. I started listening about two weeks or so ago. In that time I picked up a bunch of customers, a new team member and I went from begging people to do presentations to having 3 presentations/week (so 6 so far, one new associate, one person doing his due diligence, and more presentations scheduled). Obviously, a lot of that change came from my own experience. But this book (along with others, but this was the best for me) helped me make sense of my experience. Of course the book isn't perfect. It could certainly benefit by showing how social media can fit in to your tool kit-- and this is something that Worre does go into outside of his book. Also his online trainings and videos fill in a lot of the gaps, such has his "blitz" strategies that I've seen other people use to go right to the top of our organization in a very short time. But Eric's motto is "not perfect, but better". So far, I haven't met perfect. But I also haven't met better than Worre. Get the book, but don't stop here. It's only a piece of the puzzle.

Tailor to your needs.

I thought the book was great. For the people that thought that it was for the camera. May god bless you. The book gives steps but you have to tailor it to yourself when implementing the steps. MLM is not a pyramid scheme, well most are not. How is damn near every job out there??? Store/ business owner -> manager -> assistant managers -> leads -> then all the low level pawns that make the big wig the money. Does the CEO show you how to do his job? If anything, this industry of NM helps you become a better you! Good day to you all.

Great Book For Direct Sales

I have a direct sales company and this book has helped me and my husband boost our companies. I highly recommend this book to those who are looking to boost their companies through network marketing

GoPRO or GoHome;)

I LOVE this book!! It is a MUST READ for anyone who is seriously considering Network Marketing as a Profession. I immediately read it overnight, took notes, and put it into practice the very next day with new prospects, and it worked. The TIPS are very easy to understand and follow, which have given me more confidence and an extra building block to becoming a professional in this misunderstood Industry. I will be reading it again to get more gold nuggets out of it and apply them immediately. I am definitely a New Fan!! Thank you kindly, Eric Worre:) Sincerely, Mena 707-396-3290

Essential for Serious Networkers

This is a must for anybody entering or considering the network marketing field. Network marketing is a very legitimate industry, and this book will give you the basic skills needed to get started. Topics include identifying prospects, presenting your opportunity, and my favorite, inviting prospects to learn more about your product or opportunity. This last one is my favorite topic because it goes into such depth, and gives specific scripts which you can adapt for your personality and style. Very valuable information in order to get started, or just for a refresher.The author also provides a glimpse into the kind of lifestyle you could have, given some time and hard work. Descriptions of some of his endeavors are included, which helped to propel me into action during a slump. This should be on the bookshelf of any serious network marketer.

Don’t buy Save your time and money

This book will start from advertising. Where is the respect for your audience? You sold me this book why you want me so bad to go on your website. Bc you want to sell me more. The same way like “Rich dad poor dad” does. They don’t respect people they write for. They believe if you buy this book you will buy more. I personally bought this book for few box Bc of social proof. So like always social proof doesn’t work.

Network Marketing's ANSWER to the HOW!

STOP READING MY REVIEW!! BUY THIS BOOK!!! Send it to your down-line, your up-line! Send it to your friends who are not in network marketing! Give it to your children when they go off to college! This book is written by a Professional Network Marketer, but it is in no way limited to network marketing. I have applied Eric's lessons to my LIFE. It has changed my life in a profound way. Eric has taught me to open myself up to the world and my life is fuller and happier. I am more successful professionally but also I am more successful personally. These are powerful words. The lessons will effect the way you live your life. This book will change the way you live. Eric Worre is a dynamic speaker. He is a dynamic seller. He is a dynamic teacher! He is a dynamic writer! FINALLY!! The answers that you need in order to understand the business of network marketing. Eric tells his story and teaches you with HIS scripts, HIS mistakes and HIS KNOWLEDGE!! I have read every book on MLM's and Network Marketing out there. This is THE ONLY BOOK that you need. It is pure brilliance and we are so lucky to have a leader and a mentor in Eric Worre!!

Highly recommend!

What a great book for anyone getting started in network marketing! I love that it's positive and motivating, and yet gives me what I need to know in order to move forward with my business. This is an absolute must for anyone started out, or maybe for those who have been stalled for awhile in their business and needs that extra umph to get them moving in the right direction. I would highly recommend it!!

Go Pro hits the MLM "spot"!

I have read countless books on selling and self-improvement - but GO PRO is the first book I've read that feels as though it was written specifically for me. GO PRO is so much more than a "how to do it" book for those seeking a career in MLM. It outfits the reader with solid reasons why MLM is the best way to succeed in a changing economy and business world. It addresses the reasons why some do not succeed in MLM and how to overcome these obstacles successfully. Not only have I purchased the print copy (so I can highlight important passages), but I also bought the kindle copy (so I can read it in the dark before going to sleep), and the audio version for repeated listening (while driving in my car). I've purchased a copy for everyone in my down-line and plan to make it required reading (or listening) for anyone who wants to work out of my club. MLM is not for the faint of heart. It's an extremely challenging, but rewarding, career. In GO PRO, Eric Worre outfits us with the tools we need to achieve great things in MLM. This book is "MLM 101". Highly recommended!


QED is a math term used at the end of a proof. Look it up online to find the long, Latin version. It is the perfect statement for the ending of this book. I am a student of Networking and I have followed Eric for a long time. I consider him a friend, a mentor and a coach. This book is for anyone willing to look for the path to his or her success. It may not be in MLM or even online marketing. This book does have a formula that works for everyone in any endeavor. Its style is friendly and revealing. It is not pedantic nor does it include a detailed list of steps either. Only you can do that for you by the way. Looking for your answer in a book is failure guaranteed. [The answer is in you.] This book provides the structure and the perfect place to begin your search OR to rethink the path you are on and begin again for the first time. There are many great books in this genre. Everyone will point to this as required reading. Why? It is the proof to how network marketing can work for anyone. QED .... Quite Easily Done!

The New Revolution Whose Time Has Come

I joined my first Network Marketing Company over 23 years ago and although I had some success things faded and I really became disgruntled with the entire Industry. Years had passed and I realized that I still had the burning desire to do something special when it came to creating financial wealth for myself and to also make a huge impact in the lives of others.. And Network marketing always seemed to be what I was called to do. being skeptical in my search for the right opportunity I quickly found out that it had nothing to do with NWM it was the available training, mentoring, and personal development which caused someone to fail and or succeed. In watching and listening to my now mentors and those from different companies everything seemed to point back to Mr Eric Worre,, and in doing research I knew why and soon made the quick decision to GO PRO,, because if you are going to learn to become successful in any industry you find those who are successful and learn from them,, BUUUUUT when you have the opportunity to learn from your teachers teacher,, DUH IT IS A NO BRAINER,, I could not wait for this book to be released and it has not disappointed me. To me this will become more of a NWM Bible than even "Your First Year In Network Marketing" has become. I am going to use this in my daily training blueprint as well as once my organization begins to grow this will be mandatory reading... The new NWM Team Member Orientation will include 1) a memory jogger, 2) a game plan 3) Go Pro ((-: I can't wait to personally speak to Eric and Thank Him For All He Has Provided and Is Providing our Industry Going Pro Marquis Jones

One of the best books on this profession simply written!

I really like this book, it's an easy read, easy to understand with old school principles and quick to get through. 1 thing I really like in particular is how Eric explains how we all need from 4-6 exposure's on average for a prospect to make up their mind on deciding to do this business or not which I believe and understand now, in the past if I talked to someone once or twice and they didn't decide to do it I would assume that's it and I would never talk to them again about it, it's all about education and understanding which totally makes sense. Great book Eric and thanks for FINALLY writing it, I already read it once and I am currently reading it again for the second time so that I can understand it even better and ingrain everything into my brain, great book and definitely a must have for all network marketers or potential network marketers, good job!

middle of road rating, of "ok"

A few bits of worthwhile info, but otherwise didn't take a lot away from it. Might be worthwhile if you are just starting out, but it isn't a book I'd recommend right off to someone. I had read it awhile back, and forgot most of it already.

Game Changer in Viewing Network Marketing

Eric Worre has re-invented the world of network marketing. We all have had people beg us to sell stuff and become RICH in 30 days, and we all have been burned by this lazy, immature method of networking. Eric gives a compelling case as to why the way of network marketing isnt just better, but why its HEAD AND SHOULDERS a better way to make any type of income. He gives clear, steps, in how to run your business. Follow it, you will get results. If you do not get results, you only have yourself to look at. If you do nothing, you get nothing. Quite simple really! I am one of thousands of people who have Eric to thank for making money in the network marketing business. If I had not read this book, I would have never touched this industry with a 10 foot pole. It was too cheesy, filled with greasy car salesmen type people who prostitute themselves for a buck. Not anymore. Finally people can reclaim this industry thanks to Eric!! Network Marketing is Tres Chic.. and the new millionare's club to some of us!!! Thanks Eric!


I have known and been "tutored" by Eric for nearly three years, having attended several of his live events. Being with him "up close and personal" only confirms his integrity, depth of knowledge, and commitment to those who have chosen networking as their profession. His vast experience has produced incredible wisdom, and his personal concern for everyone who chooses to become something more than he is will become evident once you dive into the depths of this volume. I read the advance copy and immediately placed a bulk order. Some of the material I had gathered from other times and places, but to have them all gathered together systematically is invaluable. This truly, as many have stated, will become the sourcebook for those starting out, and those who may have wandered away and need guidance to get back on track. These are universal principles, and they are not difficult to master. Read, read and re-read, until they become part of your thinking. Then, you will begin to act accordingly. Don't hesitate. Eric is a world class trainer and thinker.

Business Genius

I almost gave up in network marketing, because I just didn't seem to have the code. I joined a business, people gave me pats on the back and told me to go do it. Do What? I tried, but with no skill, no natural ability and being totally clueless, I didn't have much success. I took Eric's seminar and it gave me hope. The book is a great follow up. If you are new in network marketing or old but want to really build a business, Eric unlocks the secret to making money. The book is a must for anyone entering the network marketing arena. For the first time I'm having fun while making money. Eric is great at helping others build and learn. He is a genuine person and the book will help you understand and develop the skills needed to build and grow a successful business.

GoPro will help you build long term sustainable business and income!

Ordered kindle version of GoPro and anyone that desires to become a Professional in Network Marketing will get a wealth of proven strategies on how to build a successful long term business in our industry. Too many people over the years join a network marketing company with no direction or support and then fail miserably blaming it on the upline, company or industry, because they never took the time to learn how to be a true professional versus a "get rich quick junkie". Having mentored with Eric Worre for almost 20 years, he truly knows how to train brand new distributors how to build a team the right way! As he suggests in chapter 2 considering yourself more like a consultant or coach, building long term relationships is what this business is really all about for those that want true long term residual income. Using tools and systems makes it possible for anyone no matter what their back ground or previous experience you can create massive duplication. This business can be an emotional roller coaster and building into events which Eric is a master at teaching will help you and your team stay focused and personally develop along the way. And one of the best words of wisdom in his book that he attributes learning from Jim Rohn is learning, understanding and applying the Law of Associations. Our industry is the best business in the world where you can network and mastermind with like-minded people that are more then willing to help coach and mentor you, helping you reach your desired goals! Having read most of the books written on the network marketing industry, this book is well worth your time studying and mastering it, you will become a Professional. Mark Eldridge, Author of How to Position Yourself as The Obvious Expert

I am not an acquaintance of Eric's.

I am a long time Network Marketer and have read almost all of the books about building a strong Network Marketing business that have ever been written. I feel Eric's "Go Pro" book is in the top 3 of all those I've read. It's short, concise and has many many golden nuggets of information contained within it to help anyone create a large successful business in Network Marketing. Eric "takes the gloves off" and tells it like it is! I want to emphasize I do not know Eric...never had even heard his name before, when I ordered this book from amazon. This review is most sincere. This book is a MUST READ, for the brand new person embarking on a Network Marketing career or for the more seasoned Network Marketer who's still struggling. L. Brunz Colorado

One of the Top Network Marketing Books Ever!

I have followed Eric Worre for about 5 years since he started on twitter and You Tube. He consistently provides on topic, up to date and useful information on the profession. I was lucky to get my hands on a pre-release version and WOW! Eric provides a how to manual on what to do right in the profession. After reading this, you won't have any reason to stand in the shadows of your company. I wish this was available when I started back in 1987. It is so good, I ordered more copies for my downline and even bought the kindle version for myself. I would rate this among the top books to read if you are in the profession. You won't be disappointed.

Go Pro or Don't Go At All!

Wow! Eric Worre really lays it out straight --- in a way that is so easy to understand and more importantly, implement. I have gained so much confidence in reading AND putting into action some of Eric's tips. I never thought about Networking until I joined my company and since reading Go Pro, I've made up my mind that I'm in this for the long haul. Eric is definitely "THE" Pro and I'm growing because of this book right here!

Go Pro Is A Must Read!

This book is amazing! I have had the privilege of listening to Eric speak at a Mastery session in which he gave some great information about the industry, but the book takes it a step further. There are a lot of books that have been written about Network Marketing, but Eric's is a turn key approach. If you do what he says in his book success is assured. I have purchased a whole bunch of the books, and each new member of our team will get one. I think this is a must read for all Network Marketers with the idea of becoming a Network Marketing Professional. I think that is key and Eric has "hit the nail on the head", "Going Pro" has to happen to become successful in the industry. Thanks Eric for taking the time to write this book.

A Must Have for Network Marketer Professionals

Eric Worre's book is a great addition to the library on network marketing and takes us a big step closer to being recognized as the next evolution of the free enterprise system, where anyone who is willing to work, likes people, and is open to learning the skills of a new profession can be successful. What I liked best about Go Pro is its savvy busting of a number of myths and platitudes we hear in NM circles. Worre's approach is one of true respect for the prospect and real appreciation for the responsibility we have to our industry and to our customers and associates. His vast experience shows as he takes you through the whole process of building your organization. He delineates the skills required with clarity and depth in an easy to read format which bears to be reread and referred to often. I found his scripts to be particularly useful and effective. They are easily customized to your personal style while retaining their core effectiveness. I am recommending this book to all my associates and prospects.

Wow moment with each chapter

AMAAAAAAAAAAAAZing is all that comes to mind when I hear the name Eric Worre. So it's only natural to feel the same about any book written by him. The was my first read by him and made me seek his addition social media channels. Yes, it was that good. When I read this, I was feeling a little frustrated since I have been in direct sales for a little over a year and hadn't seen the results I wanted. I knew I could do this but lacked the knowledge and skills. This book starts with simply identifying where you are on the entrepreneur ladder. Each chapter gives you a breakdown ( outline) for what you should say in things like finding prospects, inviting prospects, presenting your product and opportunity, following up,promoting events, and helping a new distributor. Not only does he tell you what you should say, he gives you the what you shouldn't say and the why you shouldn't. This helped to see the whole picture when trying to apply these techniques to my business. It takes a lot to grab my attention and keep my attention when reading, this book did. Each page was like a "wow moment". If you are new to internet marketing, direct sales, any small business, or if you are feeling a little lost on what to do, this is a must read.

Amazing Book for the Network Marketer Who Aspirs to be PROFESSIONAL

Eric Worre is a phenomenal teacher. His GoPro books and conferences are nothing short of superb! Great for your MLM practice and recommended highly for everyone on your team!!

MLM is truly the way

Eric Worre has long been the inspiration for the masses in this tremendous, but often maligned industry. Now he has put his passion into words and as a result this book will soon evolve into the staple for everyone in this industry. He breaks down activity and a pattern of success into simple steps that when followed with discipline give the average person a road map to propel them to great things. I highly recommend this book for newbies as well as seasoned veterans. Self development is the key to success in the MLM industry and this book is a must read!! As Eric says.."We must show that we have a better way" Go Pro certainly satisfies his motto!!

Impactful book

I should start by saying I have yet to read a single word from this book. My review is of the impact its had on people so far. I bought this for a friend/downline about a month ago. He thanked me about a week after receiving it saying that he's almost done with it, and really liked it because it gave him an "ah ha" moment. I later found out he trained on one of the topics touched on in the book, and people loved it. He loved the book, the power of his word of mouth marketing caused a couple other of my friends to buy the book too. Like I said, I never read the book, but trust Mr Worre enough to blindly buy it for a friend for his bday. It's catching on so fast within my organization, that I really look forward to reading it myself! Great job, Mr Worre! Hope you see this.

Great book!

I think this book is a must if you are in marketing. I found the book straight forward and easy to understand. He tells you exactly what you need to do to survive in the multi level marketing world. It is a book I will be purchasing again to give as gifts to people on my team.

Just another MLM book. I was in one once ...

Just another MLM book. I was in one once and this took me back to the same teachings (no bueno.) Just one massive advertisement for the business.

Awesome advice even if you aren't a network marketer

Though I am not a MLM (multi level marketer) the advice in this book is worth every penny and more. As salespeople we are taught thousands of strategies, some bordering on fraud and immoral. The approach he takes is empathy. "I know how you feel. I was nervous too." etc. Also, he fires you up to move quickly. Don't make the first contact and wait weeks. A day or two max. Then again in another day or two. Don't let the prospect cool down. You'll just be forgotten. I haven't yet finished the book but whenever I pick it up to read when I have a few seconds, I also grab a highlighter. But it seems I am highlighting more than I am not.. It's that full of good stuff.

Easy to read. Solid, basic elements. Good for people starting out in the field.

As a network marketing professional of the health/fitness industry, Worre does capture the main basic points of the things I learned within the first year by working in the field. The book is less than 150 pages long in about a 14-16 print font. It's a very easy read and he makes it easy to follow his advice. However, the book would be more advantageous if it presented more advanced concepts to people who already have experience in the field. I would recommend this to anyone who has very little/no experience doing network marketing or is just looking for a refresher.

IF you want to be a Professional, get this book

You owe it to yourself to check out Eric's website for his (almost) daily video updates. This book is an outgrowth of the workshops Eric has hosted over the years - Recruiting Mastery. He knows what it is like to be a newbie and scared, but also how to be a success. His guidance is practical and insightful and points to the things you must DO to succeed in the network marketing arena. Although I am not in his company, I consider him to be one of my mentors.

Happy I read this bood

Great information

Can't wait to apply the principles I learn from this ...

Can't wait to apply the principles I learn from this book! It holds so many valuable nuggets for me to apply to my own business with doTERRA essential oils.

A Must Read Book for Network Marketing Professionals

This is an excellent book for those who want to move forward into the network marketing industry. It is a profession, requiring skills, knowledge, and hard work. Eric shares his perspective of how you become an effective professional in this industry. It's an easy read. There are some rather obvious content in it, but there are many useful and compelling nuggets of knowledge within.

Great Advice for the Newbie!!!

I have tried network marketing in the past, but still consider myself a newbie, because I didn't fully understand how to be, what Eric calls, a pro. I was definitely a poser, and even that may be giving me too much credit. I have recently started another network marketing business, and this book was highly recommended to me. I purchased it in CD form so I could listen to it in my car. Having listened to it (in total or in part) more than 20 times, I learn something new each time, and have begun using the strategies in my business. I find Eric's teaching informative and entertaining, and look forward to going pro in my business.

Eric Worre Shows All of us a Better way

Eric who is an absolut veteran in network marketing puts all his knowledge into this book. He explains in detail the seven steps necessary to become a successful network marketer. This is a MUST READ for everybody in our profession. No matter how experienced, if you're in this since many years or just getting started. A wonderful tool for everybody to follow. As somebody else said before - the bible for every network marketer. Thank you Eric for putting your passion into this book and helping all of us to go on a better way!


I have been an Eric Worre fan since I was introduced to NMP online over a year ago. I am a new Network Marketing Professional, and Eric's straight-forward, simplified approach is always engaging and intelligence-packed. I received an advance copy through his special offer and have recommended the book since reading that version to the entire team as well as cross-line to me! Looking forward to December's live event as well! Bravo Eric...it was worth the wait and then some! Regards and Thank you! Sandy Cerami


Mr. Eric Worre, I'm honored to write this review. Upon entering the world of Network Marketing, it was my understanding that my success was directly related to how well my upline could teach me what she knew. However, when she left the business and I stayed, for me and my family, I soon learned that I needed to learn the skills necessary to build this business. I found another mentor within my company (Mr. Chenault) and he lives by your book. This book and your recruiting mastery, has by far, been one of the best industry tools. I've purchased them in multiples and give them away as gifts to new team members and even some seasoned ones. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have this book to help build my belief, not just in the industry but in my personal ability. Thank you for what you've done for the industry and highlighting people who are still in the trenches building.

Read this book!

I highly recommend this book. Whether you are looking at joining the Network Marketing profession, or are building a Network Marketing business, this is a MUST READ book. Eric has observed the ultra successful Network Marketing professionals over his career (including his own), and has been able to capture their secrets to success in this book. Eric possesses the unique skill of being able to communicate to others what he has learned and observed over the years that drive top earners to success. Buy this book and share it with others. This content has changed my life and I am grateful to Eric for sharing his knowledge.

This is an awesome book. Every network marketer should read this book

This is an awesome book. Every network marketer should read this book. I have applied some of the techniques and it has made me more confident in what I'm doing and with talking to prospects. This is one of the books I give to all of my new coaches to get them started on the right foot.

This is the best book I have found related to Network Marketing

This is the best book I have found related to Network Marketing. Well-written, clear, to the point, and instructive. Anyone who is, or desires to become, a professional in the Network Marketing industry should definitely have this book in their library. It explains the 7 key skills in a step by step fashion. I'm starting my 3rd read/study of it today.

Enlightened & Inspired

This book makes it clear why Network Marketing is a superior way to make money, especially in these times,and it clearly states the skills necessary to do so. Word-by-word instruction is so nice to see, as that is what a lot of people struggle with. I very much enjoyed this book and think it is a must for any Network Marketer.

If you're in network marketing, or even CONSIDERING it, buy this.

I read it cover-to-cover in about 2.5 hours, it's an easy read. Eric is an actual PRO in network marketing and his advise is simple.

We Have a Better Way

Eric Worre is AMAZING! His book along with the audio is addicting. This book has completely changed me. I have most definitely decided to become a Network Marketing professional because of Eric. I will be reading this book over and over until I commit it to memory. Thanks Eric we definitely have a better way & it's time we told the world!



Quality and price


Great book for those in Network Marketing

I have this book, both in Kindle version and hard copy version. Have only finished about half of it, but really like it and think it is an awesome book about how to be successful in network marketing. Especially like that it is honest, not smoke up your ass information. Eric knows his stuff and knows how to write about it in an engaging way. If you are into network marketing, I believe that this is a must have tool.

Good buy

Great info for success! I highly recommend it

Number 1 book to read for Network Marketing

Eric Worre has done it again. This book was an easy read, like holding a conversation with the man himself. I have been following Mr. Worre for a few years now and have learn more from him than my actual uplink. So it was a no brainer to buy when I heard that his book was being release. Read it in one day. I would recommend this to anyone just starting in the profession of Network Marketing.

Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

If you are even considering getting into Network Marketing, you owe it to yourself to read this book so you will KNOW what you're getting into and how to make it work if you do. Especially for people with little or no sales experience.

Just WOW! I am now a "Student of Worre" and I'm GOING PRO!!!

I was a three-time-loser with Network Marketing. I knew the overall concept was good as long as you had a great product line and great compensation plan. But, I just didn't know how to put it all together. I've read this book 3 times. It's all beat up, dog-eared, high-lighted, and underlined and it's only a couple weeks old. LOL! I actually have a plan this now! Eric is sincere and full of knowledge. I'm a Worre student for life. Duplicate this and rock your business. VERY glad I bought it!


This was a good book to read as a novice in this industry. After being in the industry for about 8 months, I find this industry is not right for me. The good thing is that I understand more about selling and that will help me in the future, the tactics are well laid out and even if you do not join a MLM this is a good book for general information. Everything is not for everybody and this book lays it all out for the reader.

Worth it!

I saw Eric spread a few months ago and finally got around to buying his book, I love it. I run a small business so it’s great to work on self development and Eric’s energy is definitely felt in his written word as well.

Eye Opening!

LOVE this book. Originally I listened to the audio but the info was so good that I wanted it in print too. I've been in network marketing on and off in the past and have found a company and product I love and believe in. This book is on the suggested reading list for us and it has helped click everything into place. Now I just have to get out of my own way! Haha. Highly suggest it for new and seasoned network marketers.

Fantastic Book!

I have been a network marketer for over five years and I wish that this book came into my life when I first started. I suggest that you add it to your network marketing library immediately!

The Most Have for Network Marketers New and Experienced!

Eric Worre does it again! Just when you think there may not be more to learn or add to your aresnal..BOOM.. Beyond the Webinars, Audio Training, Seminars and more and all he already does to teach us how to implement just wonderful tools into whatever program or business we are in. This is the one true network marketing, sales, Entrepreneur, small business must have do all tell all, reach your goals and beyond book! I will be recommending it to all I know new and experienced.

Go Pro

I downloaded this onto my Kindle App on my iPad because I did not want to wait for the book to come! The great thing about downloading it is that I can have it with me all the time...my iPad travels everywhere with me. I will be buying the book for the leaders on my team so that we are all duplicating and teaching the same message. It was good to know that I was doing somethings right BUT the KEY things that I am struggling with a lightbulb went off because I saw how wrong I was doing them. Looking forward to implementing what I learned!

My GO PRO Book Review

The Go Pro Network Marketing Professional Book is the best I have ever read, studied or seen. Over the last six years I have searched for guidance in the Network Marketing Profession and have found very little, down to earth, actual instruction on the profession. Eric goes beyond just writing, he has been in the trenches and knows what he is talking about. Eric Worre is the best, in my personal experience, at instructing, connecting and really making a connection with everyone. If you are thinking about, in pursuit of or already working in the profession, you and everyone you know should read this book over and over until it becomes a part of you. It works and the instruction will build your confidence and make you a professional. Load up and use this book as one of your main training tools. It will drive you and everyone in your group to the next level.

Why wait?!

Best book I’ve read on Multi-Marketing, but what makes it even better is the ability to apply the tools from this book into your everyday life. This is a fantastic book and a must buy!

Game Changer

This book has been a long time in the making. A lifetime. A very successful one, I might add. Eric Worre has distilled his vast experience, knowledge and understanding of Network Marketing and consolidated it into 160 pages of incredibly valuable insight. Read along with Eric as he shares his story with you, and how some of his early mistakes along with lessons from great mentors like Jim Rohn and Harvey Mackay helped him find what he calls "A Better Way." Eric has built several organizations that have propelled him to seven figure earnings in each one, and by the end of the book you realize that this is the formula to do it. These concepts have helped me in my Network Marketing Business as well as in my professional life in Sales and Marketing Management. Read this book, implement the process, share this book with your team and watch how your business grows and prospers!

Just what I needed!

I began selling in my first Network Marketing business ever almost two years ago. I didn't understand really what I needed to do to succeed. I failed my way up the ladder, which is great, but not easily duplicated! I came across this book since I have an MBA in Human Resources, I figured I needed to figure out how to become a Professional Network Marketer to be able to help others! Since reading this book and The Slight Edge, I feel prepared and ready to take the world by storm!! Thank you Eric for creating this for those of us who just needed some insight into how it works!


This is a multiple must read for anyone that is even slightly entrepreneurial. We have purchased multiple copies of this book and given them to our new business partners. It has made a big difference in our business and all of our team members businesses. This is a book that everyone should read.

The Must Have Bible for Network Marketing

There are very few books that I have read that have prompted me to think about writing a review, let alone actually write a review. I was blessed to be told about this book upon my entry into the Network Marketing industry. I cannot explain how much this book has helped me to better understand what networking is, how relationship marketing works, and how to effectively communicate and do this as a business. It is well written, well thought out and is a must have for network marketing. I have now read several other books relating to network marketing/relationship marketing and let me tell you that there is nothing out there that can touch this book! Do yourself a favor and spend the whopping $10.00 for this book and never look back.

Highly Recommended

Great book. Excellent tips an format. If you are looking into getting into Networking Marketing, or to learn new tactics and strategies of Network Marketing, this is the book for you.

Eye Opening

This book was recommended to me by my SVP Jennifer Dowd as the best book on networkmarketing she had ever read. I have to agree. I believe that using the 7 steps in this book and following the mentorship of my leaders I will become the professional network marketer that I desire to become. Buy this book, read it and Go Pro.

A MUST-HAVE for ANYONE who is SERIOUS about their MLM BIZ!

As an MLM leader, I literally INGESTED this book when I first read it! My original copy is ratted, tatted, highlighted, folded & accompanies me EVERYWHERE I GO! It's a must-read for ALL of our new representatives and we teach the follow-up system to a "T"! This is a system that anyone can use, it is super simple, duplicatable and it works.

Network marketing has gotten a bad reputation - some well-deserved

Network marketing will be the future of business. This is a must. Network marketing has gotten a bad reputation - some well-deserved. After 50 years, there are network marketing companies that provide value to their members and a few do have good compensation plans. GO PRO is a great read.


Eric makes the profession of network marketing professional with excellence. He puts his heart and soul into Go Pro so that someone new in the business will have guide that will lead to their success. It wiil also benefit those who have been in the business a while. It is a stone cold fact this will be a great book.


I love this book!! Things were explained in such a way that it was so easy to put it into action right away. I now listen to Eric's youtube videos. I should have purchased this book along time ago.

LOVE this book and am going to recommend it to ...

LOVE this book and am going to recommend it to EVERYONE that teams up with me in my Network Marketing business. These strategies are going to change everything in the best way possible-thanks Eric!

Make this your FIRST PD book!

This should be your first book if you are starting a NWM business. And go ahead an buy 10 to give away as welcome gifts for your team. Eric Worre is leading the pack in terms of tightening up the reputation and professionalism of the industry.

Very helpful book.

I have not yet had time to read the entire book but I have read excerpts from it. So far I can say very positive things about this book.

Book Revieiw of "The Czar" on Eric Worre's Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

In 1965 I made my first of many attempts to make Network Marketing pay off for me and our family. In November 2012 I resolved that after all the business success I have enjoyed, one thing still haunted me and that was: That I have failed miserably at trying to be a network marketer of any degree and that I intended to fix it. It has been said that "When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Will Appear"! Was I ever-ready as just, such a student and later in November, I first heard of a man named Eric Worre. Up until then, I never knew that such a person existed. Oh what at difference it would have been had I had the years of experience and Mr. Worre's sage advice that have been gathered and placed in these so "easy-to-follow" directions about what matters the most and what works the best to make the profession of Network Marketing work for others. Eric has winnowed the chaff away and Diamond Deposits of useable strategies are what remains in his book, "GO PRO - 7 STEPS TO BECOMING A NETWORK MARKETING PROFESSIONAL"! There is to be found Step after Logical Step of simple, take-you-by-the-hand instruction and directions regarding all the 'How-To" in What to do, What to Say, How to do and How to say it; When to do it and When to say it and Why it all works. For me, the proof lies in the pudding as I now apply these principles and RESOLVE MY "UNFINISHED BUSINESS" IN THE PROFESSION OF NETWORK MARKETING. It's already beginning to pay off for me. I personally have appointed Mr. Worre as my private mentor through his teaching and training methods as embodied so usefully in his book. I have since ordered a cache of 40 other copies of "GO PRO" for the Inner Circle I am attracting and developing for our Network Marketing Business. I express my congratulations to Eric and highly recommend his his writing, witt and skills to all. As Eric tells it: "It's a stone-cold fact that Network Marketing Pro leads all to a better way. Now let's go tell the world. Today, in this Amazon Book Review, I have the opportunity to do just that: "TELL THE WHOLE-WIDE WORLD!" If you are at all like me, as many are, who still have unfinished business in the Network Marketing Profession, purchase your own copy and "GET ON WITH SUCCESS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!" I am John Earl "The Czar" Carpenter

The Bible of the Network Marketing Industry

Absolutely the best book I have ever read about Network Marketing. As a veteran of the industry, I have read dozens of books about our unique business. Eric Worre's "Go Pro" is far and above the best. Easy to read, and truly accessible to any reading level, it gets right to the heart of what it takes to be a professional in network marketing. It is clear that Eric has paid the price to be where he is today, and he speaks from his own experience. No hype and no fluff. It was so refreshing to read a book that treats our industry as the profession it really is. I would recommend this book to EVERYONE in the networking industry from beginners to veterans as well as ttraditional business people as an eye opener to the future of business and the world economy. I have personally purchased 10 more of these books to pass out to the leaders in my organization, and I expect them to duplicate this by doing the same for their leaders. Along with his Network Marketing Pro website, Eric Worre is truly a godsend to the industry.

One of the Best Books on Network Marketing

Regardless of the opportunity, following the words of this very readable book will make you money. I only wish I could carry out all the good ideas and strategies in this book. Alas, I lack some of the inherent abilities involved to be a great network marketer, but that doesn't mean I'm not making money because of Eric's ideas. Everytime I re-read this book I learn something new, and just maybe, eventually I will reach the peak where my main goals reside because of it.

One of the best books on networking marketing you'll ever find!

This is a must have book for every network marketer!! I have found this book to be very encouraging and extremely practical. Eric provides scripts and tips for approaching people with the product or opportunity as well as how to work with people once they are enrolled. It's a valuable supplement to any training program your team may already have in place. It has become my "go to" book for my team along with the plan we use. With this book I have been enrolling new people every week. Before this, I might get one or 2 enrollments every other month. Eric, thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is a stone cold fact that we have a better way!

Go Pro Book

simple, easy steps every network marketer should be doing

Very helpful to focusing on growingbyou business the right way.

I'm reading this book and it's very good. On point. Also, I bought one that was a little worn, but that only was the outside and not by much. The book seemed to never actually been opened (just like new). Wow

My review of Eric Worre's new book, Go Pro

For anyone seriously considering becoming a Network Marketing Professional (and any marketer in general) and succeeding in this profession, this book is a definate must. Eric Worre is a true network marketing professional and I highly recommend this book for anyone considering starting in this industry and doing it the "right" way right from the beginning :) Network marketing is the key to success! Thank you Eric for putting out such an awesome book!! Joan Harrington

Stone Cold Facts

Whether you are a veteran of the Relationship Marketing industry or just starting your business, this book is golden. Written in an easy style that is still able to convey important and useful information, it is crammed with tips and lessons meant to move the reader in the direction of Networking Marketing MASTERY. Eric Worre is a Pro in his own right and more than able to duplicate his efforts for the reader. It has a vaunted place on my bookshelf, right next to The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson.

Best I have read to get your network marketing going!

I truly enjoyed this book. Mr. Worre really broke it down to how to start off in introducing your products. He also talks about what to expect in your first year of networking because it is not an easy road. I was really struggling with running my at home but now I am doing better and know how to overcome obstacles when they are thrown my way! This is a must read if you are serious about becoming Pro in this field. If you are serious about running a business from home then I can show you that. Let me show you how to invest $370 to start your own business and turn it into $3,000 in 30 days or less!! This business is part time from home using a cell phone and a computer. if taken SERIOUSLY, you can retire in a year. Lets stop building someone else's dreams and start building your own. Send me an email at evegreen55@gmail.com. SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY! GOD BLESS!

Guess what...

I have been in network marketing since 1992, today my groups move over several millions in products per year, I have seen many books and trainers, some of them are very good, many not good, GUESS WHAT! This is the BOMB!! It is the most practical network marketing book written in a long time! Without doubt I believe that if somebody gets a hold of this book will be inspired and educated, and if you put this info into CONSISTENT action, you will have success. IT IS JUST $12! The information is worth $$$$! This is not a book trying to sell you other stuff to have the complete information, this is THE BOOK! Those $12 could become a six figure for you in 12 months or less! I got an early copy of the book, I studied, and I am getting ready to set up a series of trainings were the main text book for my participants will be this amazing work.. Get it now! Get The hard copy and if you have a Kindle or an Ipad, get the Kindle version too! (I did both).. George Ruiz P.S. This book is an amazing "gift" for your new associates to go from posers or amateurs to PRO...

The greatest step by step manual on "Making it" as a Network Marketing Professional

I remember last year when a fellow network marketer handed me Eric's book to peruse. I had no idea who he was, i knew only what I had learned from my company amd system (Which in and of itself was pretty amazing) and I remember reading the first chapter. It was evident, though I knew not who he was that this guy knew what he was talking about. Not only that but the information was presented in a straight forward no nonsense fashion. With progression and an easy to follow formula. Anyone and i do mean anyone, who is considering joining this profession, needs to start with this book and use it as the blueprint to their success. Eric is a proven network marketing genious and an incredible mentor. More importantly he has creatwd a movement that will forever change how network marketing is viewed, elevating its professionals, and changing the negative stigmas and prejudgements on our way of life as a whole. He is right, "We do have a better way" and we are on the mission to tell the world. If you are already a leader make sure that this becomes the introduction to your team. It has done wonders for me amd will do the same for you

Go Pro says it all from the Master Professional himself, Eric Worre!

I have been a fan of Eric Worre and his network marketing advice for years. Eric has a gift of teaching success principles in network marketing that will help you get the results you desire. Whether you are new to network marketing or have been involved for years, the information in Eric's book will take your business to the next level. Eric has been called the mentor to the mentors for very good reason. He is a professional in the truest sense of the word and if you will simply follow his advice, you will have success. I can't say enough about how invaluable Eric is to the network marketing field. This book will be a must have for everyone involved and is already an instant classic!

What to say that hasn't already been said?

This is a great book about network marketing. Yes, NM is a business. Yes, it needs to be treated as a business. Yes, successful NM's work their business with a definitive plan and take action steps on a consistent basis. I recommend this book for people who want to grow their downline. I think that just by nature, if you got your downline to actually read this book, they would be more successful. Unfortunately, most people don't read anymore, and certainly not for personal development. This book is on my highly recommended list for all of my new recruits.

Book Review: Go Pro - 7 Steps

It's May 1st and I have to tell you I'm so excited to review this book by Eric Worre. Today is the official launch of Eric's book, "Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional" I was honored to receive a special advance copy of the book. I know that my review really can't do this book justice, but I'm going to give it my best. Eric is a 25 plus year veteran of Network Marketing and has enjoyed many successes over the years. He has built sales organizations over 500,000 distributors in over 60 countries. Eric was a co-founder and president of his own company TPN-The Peoples Network and a seven-figure-a-year network marketing professional. He has gone on to become a trainer and motivational speaker and has shared the stage with many of the greatest speakers like Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, Stephen Covey, Les Brown, David Bach, Robert Kiyosaki and many others. We have had several chances to hear Eric speak and train over the years. His Go Pro Recruiting Mastery Event and Insanity Boot Camp training were amazing experiences and I would recommend them to anyone who wants more from their Network Marketing business. The Go Pro, 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional book is a fast and easy read and will help any home based business entrepreneur understand what they need to learn and do to become more successful, to "Go Pro" if you will. The first part of the book outlines what network marketing is, how it's better and how the job landscape has changed over the years. Eric points out that the world is moving towards a "performance based" economy where people are not only paid for their time, but for what they produce. The days of "clocking in" and getting paid for 8 hours is moving towards a base plus commission type of job, where you get paid based on how you produce during your working hours. Eric explains why a Network Marketing business is the best way to earn based on production. As Eric says in the book, "The truth is that Network Marketing isn't perfect. It's just better". The next part of the book describes Going Pro, meaning how to quit being a Poser or an Amateur and decide to become a Professional. Doing this will reflect positively on yourself, our industry / profession and your peers. Becoming a professional is as easy as deciding to do the right things. In the later chapters Eric explains the steps and processes how to do just that, Become a Network Marketing Professional. Chapter 3 talks about learning the skills needed for success. This is an educational process and will take time to master this skillset. Learn about the 3 primary elements of your network marketing business (hint, you are one of those elements). Chapters 4 through 10 go into detail the steps that will take you from amateur to professional. Finding Prospects Inviting prospects to understand your product or opportunity Presenting your product or opportunity (This is one of my favorite chapters) Following up Helping your prospects become customers or distributors Helping your new distributor get started right Promoting events. Attending event is crucial to your success and your distributors. The last 2 chapters explain that it takes time to develop your skill set. Just like graduating from college takes time, so does learning the skills of success in your network marketing business will take time. It's all worth it to those who desire to succeed in their business. I've enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend this to anyone who wants to get a better understanding of and have more confidence in their home based business. Whether someone is just getting started or they have been involved with a company for a while, you will benefit greatly from reading this book. From the very beginning in my own business I have sought out information through books, audio, events and training to learn as much as I could about our profession. Eric Worre's book, Go Pro-7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional is sure to become one of the best sellers in the Network Marketing / MLM / Home Business profession!

Useful information

This book was filled with useful information and helpful tips on how to be a network marketing specialist. My way of network marketing doesn't follow the typical MLM format so some of the tips in this book were not relevant to my style of marketing, but it was still good to read and shows you how others do business. It was a fairly easy read as well. Everyone has their own style they follow and its good to get tips from the pro's.

Go pro 7 steps

Superb book,easy read,very concise,the seller highly recommended this book to me because it would enable me to go forward in my new endeavor,step by step,the author very professional,shares his personal story,all the hardships he went through,and how he made his way to the top. I sincerely recommend this book to anyone who is interested to becoming a network marketing professional,step by step to reach his goals in a very simple way,guiding the reader and encouraging beginners to go forward and reach their way to success.

THE BEST BOOK I have ever read on Network marketing

This is, by far, THE BEST BOOK I have ever read on Network marketing, and how to do it right! Eric Worre shares step by step, easy to follow instructions on what it takes to build a successful Network Marketing business. This is NOT fluff! This is REAL, in the trenches, how-to information that when implemented, can take your business to the next level! I highly recommend this book to anyone who is serious about Network Marketing / Direct Sales!

Inspiring and Educational

This Book is something I have long waited for. Eric Worre is an incredibly knowledgeable leader in the network marketing world. I have spent hundreds of dollars to learn from this man and EVERY CENT HAS BEEN MORE THAN WORTH IT! It's amazing how cheap he has made this book but it is obvious the reason for the price being so affordable is because he simply wants to help many people reach the better way of life he often speaks about. This book is sure to help anyone on any level of experience take their business to new levels. I have encouraged my entire team to invest in this book and have gone as far as buying many of copies to give away because I know of how great the results will be. If your a leader this is something you surely want your entire team to read. If your a beginner and desire to have a team then this is a MUST READ AND MUST HAVE! Do yourself a favor and others and order as many of these books as possible! Thank you Eric Worre for producing this book and helping me and my team develop in Professional Network Marketers!!

Pro Want-to-be's

Having read this book through and now going through slower, for memory sake, I can tell you that if you desire to be a Multi Level Marketing Professional, YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK. It will teach you things that will lead you to promotion after promotion. YOU WILL become a Professional who does more than make large sums of money, you will help others reach the level of Professional as well. Jeff

Eric Worre Nailed It!

All, This book needs to be a part of your business. If you are serious about your business you need to read it. I have read a lot of things about MLM but Eric truly pulled out all the stops. He addresses some of the major things that stop us from the things we need to be doing everyday to become a pro. Network Marketing may not be perfect but it is a better way! Thank you Eric for all you are doing for the profession!

The Author's presentation of the subject matter [Network Marketing Professional] ...

The Author's presentation of the subject matter [Network Marketing Professional] was very well written for all to understand. I have read the book, and presently taking pad and pencil notes for my enlightenment. Anyone interested or involved in the field of NM, should buy this book and peruse it until it's well dog eared. I have learned quite a bit about "Presenting The Products or Opportunity to Prospects" among the many subjects outlined... since I started reading this book. Thanks Mr. Eric Ware for the time, you have taken to put this information together.

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