German Men Sit Down to Pee and Other Insights into German Culture

Paperback – June 2, 2016
01 Jun
Welcome to Germany, a country where you should always wait at the red man, show up on time for your wedding, and be extremely suspicious if anyone offers you a doughnut. ‘German men sit down to pee’ is a tongue-in-cheek guidebook to German culture that highlights the rules Germans consciously and unconsciously follow, while trying to make a little sense of it all along the way. Why, for example, mowing your lawn on a Sunday will mean getting an earful from your neighbour, but lie naked in the middle of a public park and nobody will bat an eyelid. Ideal for anyone visiting or moving to Germany, ‘German Men Sit Down to Pee’ offers a collection of insights into German culture while at the same time highlighting rules and cultural norms that those visiting Germany will not only find humorous but useful for avoiding any cultural faux-pas.

Reviews (108)

I loved this book

Having recently visited Germany almost everything I read in this book I personally experienced. I really wish I had read this book before I went to Germany but I’m happy I read it now too. There were some things in Germany I didn’t quite understand and I was fascinated with. Then reading this book I learned why it is done in Germany. For example when I stayed in Berlin there were so many restaurants that featured asparagus on the menu. I was curious why asparagus was such a hit. While reading this book I learned of how important it is in German culture in the summer months. I also learned about the bike lanes where I almost died in Germany haha. Great read for anyone who plans to visit Germany or has already been.

Funny and oh so true!

It looks like any other stereotype printed on paper, yet, it's actually full of wisdom and pretty close to the truth. I bought this book because I was sick and tired of our male American guests, peeing everywhere around in my beautifully remodeled new bath. I placed this book near the toilet and I hope they'll get the hint!

Pretty accurate

As an immigrant from Germany who spent her childhood in Germany, I enjoyed reminiscing about some of the facets of German culture. I even learned a few things. One factual correction: Reunification Day on October 3rd celebrates the official start of the reunited Germany. The Berlin wall fell nearly a year earlier, on November 8th, 1989. Also, the country had been divided for 40 years, not 30.

Don't let the title fool you.

I bought this as a joke for one of my co-workers who was moving to Germany. Was surprised when I read it that there's actually helpful information on how to fit in in Germany. Everything from the birthday boy/girl buys the drinks to Germans applaud by rapping their knuckles on a table instead of clapping (unless there really is nothing to rap your knuckles on.)

Good intro to german culture

An easy, quick, and enjoyable read. I wish it showed the german culture more than just telling about it. I also could have done without some of the PG-13 material, but admittedly that's a personal preference. Just pointing it out for others who might share those concerns.

Educational & witty. Fun to read!

Not only was book was very well-written and a quick read, but it was HILARIOUS! As someone who recently started working for a German-owned company, I wanted to get to know the culture and people....this was a great introduction. And if I’m lucky enough to go to Germany one day, I’ll re-read the book again!


Both funny and informative. Doesn't read like a travel guide. Actually used the information when I was in Germany.

I think it will help my friends transition more easily to German life

I bought this book as a gift for friends who are soon relocating to Germany, but took the time to read through it myself first. As a non-German, I can’t know how accurate this book is, but I did find it highly entertaining and informative. Some pieces of information were familiar, but many were not. I think it will help my friends transition more easily to German life.

Important facts about visiting Germany

The book was informative and entertaining. I am glad I purchased this book!

Must read before spending any time in Germany!

Great book. It doesn't take long to read and the Kindle price is right. Would highly recommend before any trip.

I loved this book

Having recently visited Germany almost everything I read in this book I personally experienced. I really wish I had read this book before I went to Germany but I’m happy I read it now too. There were some things in Germany I didn’t quite understand and I was fascinated with. Then reading this book I learned why it is done in Germany. For example when I stayed in Berlin there were so many restaurants that featured asparagus on the menu. I was curious why asparagus was such a hit. While reading this book I learned of how important it is in German culture in the summer months. I also learned about the bike lanes where I almost died in Germany haha. Great read for anyone who plans to visit Germany or has already been.

Funny and oh so true!

It looks like any other stereotype printed on paper, yet, it's actually full of wisdom and pretty close to the truth. I bought this book because I was sick and tired of our male American guests, peeing everywhere around in my beautifully remodeled new bath. I placed this book near the toilet and I hope they'll get the hint!

Pretty accurate

As an immigrant from Germany who spent her childhood in Germany, I enjoyed reminiscing about some of the facets of German culture. I even learned a few things. One factual correction: Reunification Day on October 3rd celebrates the official start of the reunited Germany. The Berlin wall fell nearly a year earlier, on November 8th, 1989. Also, the country had been divided for 40 years, not 30.

Don't let the title fool you.

I bought this as a joke for one of my co-workers who was moving to Germany. Was surprised when I read it that there's actually helpful information on how to fit in in Germany. Everything from the birthday boy/girl buys the drinks to Germans applaud by rapping their knuckles on a table instead of clapping (unless there really is nothing to rap your knuckles on.)

Good intro to german culture

An easy, quick, and enjoyable read. I wish it showed the german culture more than just telling about it. I also could have done without some of the PG-13 material, but admittedly that's a personal preference. Just pointing it out for others who might share those concerns.

Educational & witty. Fun to read!

Not only was book was very well-written and a quick read, but it was HILARIOUS! As someone who recently started working for a German-owned company, I wanted to get to know the culture and people....this was a great introduction. And if I’m lucky enough to go to Germany one day, I’ll re-read the book again!


Both funny and informative. Doesn't read like a travel guide. Actually used the information when I was in Germany.

I think it will help my friends transition more easily to German life

I bought this book as a gift for friends who are soon relocating to Germany, but took the time to read through it myself first. As a non-German, I can’t know how accurate this book is, but I did find it highly entertaining and informative. Some pieces of information were familiar, but many were not. I think it will help my friends transition more easily to German life.

Important facts about visiting Germany

The book was informative and entertaining. I am glad I purchased this book!

Must read before spending any time in Germany!

Great book. It doesn't take long to read and the Kindle price is right. Would highly recommend before any trip.

Fun read

Purchased as a gift for someone who had been to Germany several times. He loved it and annoyed us by randomly reading aloud as he came to funny or interesting parts.

Funny and quite accurate!

I bought this as something fun to read before my trip to Germany. My boyfriend is German and we were heading over to visit his friends and family. I laughed so much while reading this because it was for the most part accurate. Enjoyable quick read!!

Easy read and a great gift

Excellent read and right on point. I purchased another to enlighten someone else on my incredible background.

fun book to reading

fun book to reading. Very simple, i read it in one day. [more like couple hours, if you read it non stop

Learning and Laughs

After my husband spent a year living in Germany, this is the book we get for anyone we know spending some time over there. It's a delightful insight into the quirks of another culture that we love and cherish. You laugh because things may sound ridiculous, but you laugh harder when you've made that exact same faux pas and lived to tell the tale!

Fun, quick read

This is ok. Fun quick read, would recommend to a friend, but I personally won't hold onto it or read it again.

Fun facts

Bought this as a gift for a friend..., funny and perfect for some bathroom reading

Highlighted everything

It's not like I had plans for visiting Germany or anything. I just enjoyed it regardless of my level of previous interest to Germany. I showed some excerpts to my German friend and we both had quite a good laugh!

Funny and informative

Funny and informative. I read it a few times before spending 10 weeks in Germany. I found most of it to be very true. .

Good read

My daughter liked this more than I thought she would. Planning a trip to Germany and this helps to fill in some of the culture gaps.

Short and sweet

This was an easy and informative read! It didn’t provide a lot of in depth information but was a good quick guide to Germany and German culture.

Funny and insightful

Must read before embarking on Germany tour. Stuff you might not know but should be aware of about German psyche.

Gift to Relative, who loved reading it.

Gave interesting info on German life, and consequently my own family heritage. Well written

Informative and interesting reading

Informative , humorous , and fun way to gain insight into the customs and quirks of German culture! Well written and easy to read.

Funny (and TRUE) book!

Hilarious! Many customs I experienced while in Berlin for my first visit. I bought the book AFTER I returned home and had such a great laugh reading these morsels of wisdom!

funny book but true ;-)

Soooo funny - and so true in many aspects ;-) I'm German and sometimes I laughed out loud especially when I recognized similarities to myself

Quick fun read.

Good information for the first timer to Germany. Humorous and fun read. Better information than some travel guides tend to offer.

Great little tidbits of info

Fun gift for friend transferring to Germany for a few months.

Easy read, straight to the point

It gave good perspective and clear differences in culture. Great straight to the point information. Enjoyed reading it too. Well deserved 5 stars

Highly recommend

Great insights! Humorous, well written. Will help with any travel to Germany. Guaranteed! A must read for anyone planning a trip to Germany.

Very amuaingz for a brit who keeps end in gup in Berlin

8 don't know how trues this all is, but it sure tries to convey the spirit of what krauts are all about...

Funny often times very true

Funny book with way too many truths

Funny and true

Good written, funny and true!

Five Stars

Accurate and funny.

It's an excellent book! Provides many insights into German culture and ...

It's an excellent book! Provides many insights into German culture and very fun to read. Highly recommend to anyone)

Five Stars

Very informative! And I'm seeing it holds true. :)


Great info and funny book!

Five Stars

Very entertaining insights on Germans. I am German and found it to be very humorous.

Five Stars

Good gift for my brother

Fun read

Fun read

Five Stars


Five Stars

It was on time and how it was described.

Four Stars

fun and quick read! Many chuckles.

One Star

Not very informative for mr.


Very disappointed. Other similar books, while perhaps a few years older, are more interesting and humorous. And, while more recently published, this effort adds little that is new and is often overly brief. Most of the content likely can be found for free with a little searching on the web.

A nice, funny and useful piece of reading

If there’s one country that seems to be the favourite target of several stereotypes, it’s definitely Germany. While some of them are by all means exaggerated, several of them are, in fact, true, to my view at least! And “German Man Sit Down to Pee...” is definitely quite a collection of them! I’ve experienced myself some of them in the 2 years since I've moved to Germany and I’ll just some up now my “top 10” insights which proved to be perfectly right! 1. Germans DO seem to have every insurance policy available out there 2. Work time is for work (and ALMOST nothing else) 3. You DO have to bring cake on your birthday/thesis presentation/first day in the office/last day in the office 4. Having a hobby is important (and has to be taken as seriously as possible) 5. Germans do “go Dutch when paying in a restaurant” (one of the best inventions ever, although I never heard of it being called “Dutch” before). 6. The sit down when you pee part: I had no clue of this particular one, but after asking around (oh, yes, I did that!!) it turned out to be generally true, at least in what concerns the situation at home. 7. Recycle: they day I moved in my first shared flat (with Germans) and found the different garbage containers: for paper, aluminium waste, biodegradable, plastic and glass (white, green and brown!!) came, in fact, with the great feeling of finally doing the right thing. 8. Cycling is very “in” around here! 9. Nazi jokes are to be avoided: sometimes, over a beer or two, this topic might have come up a few times, but, indeed it was NEVER a topic for jokes. 10. There is an “asparagus season”! At least in Bavaria! While I’ve read many exaggeration on this topic, this book seems to be quite accurate. Surprisingly enough, however, most of the Germans I’ve met are not so keen on punctuality, quite a few of them have a thing for crossing the street on red light and most of the people I’ve come across are really (really) polite and nice in their speech even upon disapproval. However, I really enjoyed the reading: funny, easy to follow, well researched! As a newcomer to Germany, it is interesting to compare the authors’ experiences, views and conclusions with my own! It is definitely a useful and pleasant read. I highly recommend it to anyone planning on coming/moving to Germany!

Excellent, funny read with many uncommon insights

So funny and a great tool for Ausländer who want to get better acquainted with Germany... I'm an American expat living in Germany so I've read a lot of these kinds of books/essays/etc over the years and this is probably the best one yet. Many regurgitate the same old cliches about Germans being punctual and not crossing the street when the light is red, but German Men Sit Down to Pee has really unique insights--even the title is something that I used to laugh at an old boyfriend for but never realized it was a cultural phenomenon. It's well-written overall, a pleasant, easy read, and has lots of good-to-know anecdotes about bureaucracy, the "administrative police" that give tickets for civil offences, and other subjects that inevitably surprise people that move here from other countries. Great purchase/gift for any newbie to Germany, and also just a funny little guide for anyone who's interested in German culture. I'll be giving it to students and longer-term visitors for sure.

Really helpful

I would have loved this before visiting Germany. Reading this book beforehand would have saved me an elbow to the ribcage from a bicyclists as I was inadvertently strolling on a bike lane. And don't jaywalk, holy cow...

Such a fun and useful book!

This book is entertaining and useful. I asked my German Flight Attendant about soe of the things in the book and he agreed with all of them. Awesome - Read it if you are going to Germany!

Decent Short Guide to German Culture

I received a free copy of this ebook in exchange for the possibility that I might leave an honest review. This is a quick, fairly informative read about German culture. The sections are short, so it's easy to get up to speed in the topic of one's choice in two minutes or less. There were a couple veers into vulgarity (starting with the cover), which bothered me; YMMV. Sometimes the humor fogged explanations of subjects I really wanted to know more about. For example, discussing a tradition of breaking porcelain before a wedding night, the book then says "after everybody has worked their way through the couple's fine china, etc." (I would quote, but the publisher has apparently set the copy limit to two words since I can't so much as copy a complete sentence.) Seriously? Frugal, practical Germans break every porcelain dish in the house? Or do they in fact limit it to a token plate or two, the ones that didn't move at the last garage sale? The book also claims that German breads are jawbreakers. (Again, I paraphrase.) I bake whole grain bread and while it thankfully never approaches the toilet-papery texture of white bread, it's not at all hard unless it's been left out to dry. Are they calling German breads hard because they're whole grain, or because they are actually hard enough to make chewing painful? Are they meant to be dipped before eating? I'll have to find out somewhere else. So, if you're headed to Germany for a short trip, this book may help prepare you for a certain amount of culture shock. If you are looking for a thorough introduction to all things German, there must be more developed titles out there. I wanted to know more about almost every subject.

Best Title Ever!

Not only do German men sit down to pee, some toilets come with voice-activated reminders for the user to squat when they tinkle. I've loved almost everything about Germans ever since I worked a couple of winter seasons in the Everglades. They always came across as much more authentic and a bit crazy and quirky compared to the Italian and French visitors. I wish I would have read this book before my Oktoberfest trip a couple of years ago, but I still appreciate being able to learn more about their culture. The book is quite in-depth in its short passages that cover a wealth of topics. The only drawback was the formatting. I prefer indented paragraphs with no extra spacing between. I came away from the read with lots of great new trivia in my head I can now impress (or torture) people with. It would be great to see an even longer book on this subject with even more anecdotes about specific people to help drive different points home.

A Quick, Comical German Cultural Handbook

A funny, insightful glimpse into the quirkier parts of German culture. "German Men Sit Down To Pee..." serves as a practical guide for expats, visitors, and even native Germans. Having been an expat in southwestern Germany for a little over a year now, I've witnessed many of the eccentricities firsthand. After finishing the book, I've now got plenty to look out for. The authors skillfully blend lesser known history and culture in this quick, easy guidebook to all things deeply Deutsch. Whether you're planning a visit, are already in Germany, or just want a few laughs at the expense of our Teutonic brethren, the book is a must read.

ok book

not as detailed as I would have liked, ok book though

Quick, useful read

As a student planning to move to Germany, I'm glad I read this book before I make the jump! "German Men Sit Down To Pee" is a cheeky, insightful look into some of what makes Germans Germans. It offers a good selection of universal, well-researched topics, but remains succinct enough to serve as a reference book. While of course it can't capture the nuance of an entire culture, and I would have appreciated a breakdown of the different mannerisms of different regions, there is enough detail included for the foreigner to not make a fool of themselves - and it helps the reader gain a deeper appreciation of German culture all the while.

The author is humorous and and informative

This was a easy read and very informative. The author is humorous and and informative. A really great book, makes me love Germany and her people even more. I highly recommend.

Joke Ridden Survival Manual!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. And it answered so many questions that have arisen after living 2 years in Germany! I surely appreciate the German culture even more now that I understand the reason behind certain ideals, beliefs and actions. I plan to reread this book my times, and I believe it is a perfect gift for anyone interested in the German culture!! Or even anthropology on a whole! It's a survival manual as well as a joke and fact ridden gift for a friend interested in German culture

Laugh and Learn

This is a fun but genuinely helpful book that gives newcomers, expats, and visitors to Deutschland good, accurate information and insight about German customs--all while making you chuckle. A pretty fast read, I wish this had been around before I moved to Germany! I had worried that it would just be like reading a few blog posts or top tens on the Internet, but it wasn't. Although some of the information is familiar to me after over 3 years of living here as an expat, I still managed to learn something. The author provides historical and cultural references within his anecdotes, so while the book reads fast and primarily entertains, you *do* walk away feeling like you've learned something. That's important, and I think this book made the grade.

Reading and living

I read this book a few months later after I arrived to Germany for my studies. Through the lecture I understood many things that were going around me and I had no idea why were like that. Moreover, I decided to try some new stuff that I learned (yes, including the more beer, movies and food). The reading was veryengaging and I loved the humor of the book. If you are moving to Germany or just interested in German culture, I definetely recommend this book.

Good balance between informative and entertaining

Even if you already know something (or a lot) about German customs, you will learn more by reading this book.

Great Book!

German Men Sit Down to Pee was an amusing and easy read. I recently returned from spending six months living, studying, and working in Berlin and I wish I had read this before I went there. It explains so much that I didn't know at first. This is a must have book if you or someone you know is studying abroad in Germany!!!

A mirror of German cultrue

I've read the book with lots of joy and with a mirror, realizing important hints e.g. at work. You show me a new wellknown country. This book is 'a must have' and a great and funny help for people coming to Germany.

Really fun and well written book!

This is such a fun read. Well written and consistently humourous throughout. It's definitely worth reading, if you can. I've recommended it to a few people including some Germans and I'm pretty sure they will enjoy it just as much as I did.

This book has finally pigeonholed them for me and helped me understand my neighbours better.

After living over a year in Germany with my Australian husband I still stumble often in my life over German Alltag quirks. This book has finally pigeonholed them for me and helped me understand my neighbours better.

I had a great time reading it even though some of it might ...

I had a great time reading it even though some of it might be a bit outdated. ;) My Aussie friend found it to be quite accurate on the other hand...

Definitely recommend

Very funny book about German culture. I have been learning German for about 6 months now. I am soaking up anything German related and this book hooked me so much that I finished it in a day. It was fascinating. I definitely recommend.

Funny cause it's true!

Fantastic e-book. If only Hitler had read this the world might have been a better place! Brilliantly written, witty and got a few belly laughs. Worth a gamble!

Drink a beer and read the book!

Very smart and funny book about Germans and their habits. If you want to get to know Germans, even if you are German, it's a must-read!


Not insightful to German culture, almost a dooming description. Far better reads out there.

Dont waste your money.

Worst book ever written. Author has the writing skill of a middle schooler.

Typisch engl. Aufforderung zum Klischeedenken (Frage. Was ist Fräulein ?Nazi-britisch-darling ?

Dieses Buch vermischt einiges. Alles in allem ist es keine - erst recht nicht humorvolle - Hilfe oder Erkenntnis, typisches Landesspezifisches oder Verhalten der Deutschen anderen zu erklären... Genauso wie man heute nicht mehr mit der Sauerkrautoper kommen kann. Vieles ist gar nicht (oder nicht mehr) deutsch oder hat ganz andere Hintergründe. Alle deutschen Bundesländer haben sowieso ihre eigenen Merkmale , in jeder Hinsicht. Fräulein - mit Verlaub - gibt es schon lange nicht mehr; sie existieren vornehmlich bei den Briten, die heute noch Grusel-Nazifilme senden via TV. Und was da über flirten geschrieben steht, kann man gar nicht mehr genau unterscheiden, von welcher Nation der "Beobachter" wohl spricht, bei der Migrantenzahl in Deutschland. Als wir in London lebten fiel UNS auf, wie höchst uncharmant der englische Mann ist! Pinkeln im Stehen versucht man auch in Holland den Männern abzugewöhnen, weil Frauen nun mal nicht im Stehen pinkeln und keine versiffte Toilette haben möchten (im privaten Haus oder bei nur einer vorhandenen). So einfach ist es eben nicht ein humorvolles Buch zu schreiben, vieles ist einfach an den Haaren herbeigezogen. Hat nichts mit "den Deutschen" zu tun sondern allenfalls mit der Sprache, die der Autor eben nicht einordnen oder übersetzen kann, weil man nicht alles übersetzen kann, man muss es leben. Nun - die relativ einfache Sprache dieses "Buches" muss man trotzdem LESEN KÖNNEN als Deutsche/r. Diejenigen, die das alles sooo lustig finden, können dies offenbar nicht. Wenn man diese Texte richtig liest, liest man viel Hass und Schmäh. Eben die typische britische Sicht auf Deutsche! Eigenartige Erklärungen, aus den Fingern gesogen und völlig falsch interpretiert, bis auf einige wenige Ausnahmen. Die "Erklärung über die Weißwurst ist auch falsch oder unvollständig (lassen Sie doch einfach die Erklärung, wenn Sie's nicht wissen) In fast jedem Absatz steckt ein tiefer boshafter hasserfüllter Nadelstich. Wie gesagt, dazu muss man LESEN , um es ganz klar zu erkennen. Dabei scheinen die lustigen deutschen Leser (wahrscheinlich die jungen Jahrgänge) noch nicht einmal zu erkennen, dass es eine Schuld gibt und SCHULDEN) (dept) Es ist ganz und gar nicht dasselbe, wie der Schreiber behauptet. Noch fataler ist die Erklärung dazu. Schuld und Schulden existiert seitdem es die deutsche Sprache gibt und hat nichts mit Nachkriegszeiten (wieder nur ein antideutsches Gedankengut von einem Briten). Als ein anderes anderes Beispiel (was in den 50igern Peter Frankenfeld bereits in seinem Repertoire hatte als witzige Ausführung und unendliche Erweiterung ,aus der Interna der Post im 19. Jahrhundert) möchte ich den Postsack erwähnen. (Darüber konnten natürlich alle lachen) Aber es ist eben nicht der "Postangestelltensack" - obszön postmen's sack"- sondern ein Postsack, von dem die Rede ist. Die ganze bürokratische damalige Erklärung eines Postsackes (in dem die Post geliefert wird- auch heute) ist eben zu UNSEREM Witz geworden, aber es war niemals von einem Postangestelltensack die Rede. "Vatertag" ist eine Verballhornung von dem eigentlichen christlichen Feiertag "Christi Himmelfahrt". An diesem Tag sind Gottesdienste in den Kirchen. Der Leser soll doch bitte nicht glauben, dass normale gestandene Männer diesen Tag zum sinnlosen Besäufnis nutzen. So wie Schreiber von den Deutschen oder "dem Deutschen" drauf los reden, merken viele deutsche Leser wohl nicht, wie tatsächlich boshaft und überhaupt völlig irrelevant diese Buch ist. Menschen, die dieses "Werk" lesen und wörtlich nehmen(und sie nehmen es wörtlich; das sollen sie ja, kann man nur bedauern. Abschließend sei gesagt, dass man das ganze Material wirklich aufmerksam lesen sollte, um sich am Ende (trotz immer wieder eingebrachten Relativierungen, die den (deutschen) Leser versöhnlich stimmen soll) dessen bewusst zu sein, dass von Humor eigentlich- wenn überhaupt - nur sehr selten die Rede ist.

Insightful and humorous. A great read in small bite size observations.

This is a book that would have helped me enormously when I first worked in Germany over 30 years ago. There is plenty of humour in the book. Some of the observations are a bit tongue in cheek but if you are at all interested in German culture, read it!

easy to read

Lovely book, easy to read

Good product

Good product

Entertaining .

My family are German and this book brought back many fond memories and chuckles. I love going to Germany and this book describes my family down to a T. A very good book for important traditions.

Very funny and informative!

A very enjoyable read - I learnt a huge amount about German culture and had fun doing it. Well written, concise and witty!

Very funny book. Very tongue in cheek

Very funny book . Very tongue in cheek! It gives you an insight into German culture and yes they really do have a sense of humour!

HILARIOUS and accurate!

I bought this book as I wanted to learn more about German culture and habits. I have moved to Germany to study and I also happen to have a German boyfriend, so this books seemed like a good read for me. I found it absolutely hilarious! My boyfriend and I read it together and laughed so hard at some of the book's insights! I think the authors did a good job and I love it how funnily the book is written. Strongly recommendable!

Super Geschenkidee

Ich habe dieses Buch nun schon mehrmals verschenkt, an Amis oder Israelis, die beide mit Deutschen zu tun haben. Ich selbst habe mir einiges hiervon durchgelesen und es ist wirklich sooo viel Wahres dabei. Oft (vielleicht zu oft?!) konnte ich mich selbst wieder erkennen (Ja, ich bin Deutsche). Sehr lustig geschrieben, ein ganz tolles Geschenk für alle Deutschland Interessierten :)

Funny but low material quality

Nice booklet to improve your world of prejudice. Funnily written. Paper and print quality quite low.

As a German, I can confirm the accuracy of this book

I was looking for a gift for a fellow student here in Germany who's from India. This book was the perfect choice: Not only is it very much on point, but it's also hilariously entertaining. Highly recommended.

Must buy

Where do I start! This book made me cry from laughter. Many traditions that were helpful to know (as I’m marrying a German, I’m Canadian). The book arrives very fast! I’ve lent this book out to a few people already and they all love it. It’s a good way to know some things about Germans. And honestly asked my fiancé about some of the weird ones and he confirmed that they were indeed true!! So pleased


SO FUNNY!!!! Definitely worth purchasing if you are new to Germany and need a lil further explaining of the peculiar things you experience daily. I absolutely adored the story-telling and was actually laughing out loud while reading on the plane ride home to California! I recommend 100%

Lustig und oft zutreffend beobachtet

Manchmal habe ich mich über die beschriebenen Bräuche gewundert, aber da diese oft regional geprägt sind, muss man auch als Deutsche nicht alle kennen. Viel Spaß hatte ich bei der Beschreibung des Büroalltags, treffend beschrieben! Man merkt, dass der Autor Deutschland und die Deutschen kennt und einige Zeit hier gelebt hat.

funny and true

Habe dieses Buch meinem amerikanischen Freund geschenkt und er war sehr begeistert. Auch Ich habe das Buch ein wenig durchgeblättert und musste bei manchen Absätzen laut lachen, weil es durchaus akkurat geschrieben wurde. Sehr lustig und auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert!

A must read to avoid any cultural faux pas!

A wonderful book. It explains you all the basic rules of German culture and of day-to-day life. Humourous way of writing is what makes it more interesting. A must read if you are going to Germany for a long term stay.


Hat einen Australier sehr amüsiert. War ein kleines Weihnachtsgeschenk.

Livro divertido sobre a cultura alemã

Eis aqui um livro divertido e prático sobre a cultura alemã. Vale para conhecer mais sobre outro povo, o que pensam, por que motivo têm outros costumes. Sempre é bom romper barreiras culturais e conhecer outras pessoas, não ficar bitolado!

Für alle meine Freunde im Ausland

Prima Lektüre für ALLE, die sich fragen, warum wir so sind wie wir sind. Lustig geschrieben und so treffend!

Tolles Geschenk

Habe es also Geschenk für einen Amerikaner bestellt und er hatte echt Spaß daran🤪

Mehr als eine Klolektüre!

Ich muss zugeben, bei dem Titel hatte ich keine großen Erwartungen. "German Men Sit Down To Pee & Other Insights Into German Culture" ist aber viel mehr als eine einfache, lustige Geschenkidee. Das Buch lebt von kuriosen Beobachtungen und Beschreibungen der deutschen Kultur und hält dem deutschen Leser so den Spiegel vors Gesicht. Durch seine humorvolle Schreibweise muss man sich aber nicht beschämt fühlen, sondern muss sogar lachen, wenn man sich erwischt fühlt.


Cute and funny book at the same time I learned load of things. Strongly recommend for everyone willing to live in germany for a. certain period.

Sono Highlights sul comportamento anche utili

Vedendo la copertina mi aspettavo un libro umoristico, da ridere sulle manie dei mei connazionali. Ma è un libro serio utile per chivuol stare un periodo in Germania.

Sooo accurate : )

This book is sooo good.It's so funny and every thing is true(I'm german) dat german train announcement dou. Definitely recommend it.

Very good

Loved it

Lack of Printing Quality

Bad quality printing specially for the cover. Summarize the Germans in funny way explanation.

Not much info

it does have some interesting things, but I feel like a lot of these are stereotypical or exaggerated.

Sehr empfehlenswert

War ein Geschenk. Kam unglaublich gut. Habe selbst reingelesen und es für zutreffend empfunden. Sehr zu empfehlen!

Read to understand Germans

A good book to understand Germans. Can be improved by introducing German engineering and perfection. Good book, enjoyed reading. Thanks

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