Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators, and Mavericks Do to Win at Life (Bulletproof Book 4)

Kindle Edition
03 Dec

The bestselling author of Head Strong and The Bulletproof Diet answers the question, “How can I kick more ass at life?” by culling the wisdom of world-class thought leaders, maverick scientists, and disruptive entrepreneurs to provide proven techniques for becoming happier, healthier, and smarter.

When Dave Asprey started his Bulletproof Radio podcast more than five years ago, he sought out influencers in an array of disciplines, from biochemists toiling in unknown laboratories to business leaders changing the world to mediation masters discovering inner peace. His guests were some of the top performing humans in the world, people who had changed their areas of study or even pioneered entirely new fields. Dave wanted to know: What did they have in common? What mattered most to them? What made them so successful—and what made them tick? At the end of each interview, Dave asked the same question: “What are your top three recommendations for people who want to perform better at being human?”

After performing a statistical analysis of the answers, he found that the wisdom gleaned from these highly successful people could be distilled into three main objectives: finding ways to become smarter, faster, and happier. Game Changers is the culmination of Dave’s years-long immersion in these conversations, offering 46 science-backed, high performance “laws” that are a virtual playbook for how to get better at life.

With anecdotes from game changers like Dr. Daniel Amen, Gabby Bernstein, Dr. David Perlmutter, Arianna Huffington, Esther Perel, and Tim Ferris as well as examples from Dave’s own life, Game Changers offers readers practical advice they can put into action to reap immediate rewards. From taming fear and anxiety to making better decisions, establishing high-performance habits, and practicing gratitude and mindfulness, Dave brings together the wisdom of today’s game-changers to help everyone kick more ass at life.

Reviews (185)

A compilation of thoughtful recommendations for better performance.

I admire Dave Asprey’s journey as a writer—starting with The Bulletproof Diet, then Head Strong, and now shifting gears towards a more holistic piece, Game Changers. I've just finished reading it and, in fact, was my favorite one. That’s why I am happy to share some thoughts before you commit to the book itself. It's written in a more conversational tone—taking a closer look at life purpose, happiness, and spirituality. He by no means forgets to include worthwhile advices on physical and mental performances. Simply put, the book is a compilation of powerful recommendations he distilled from over 450 conversations/interviews with accomplished guests. This is quite an intimate book, representing essential values Asprey has assimilated throughout his experiences. Although I haven’t listened to more than 100 of his interviews, I could feel that the present book was carefully written—he took the time and energy to document something precious. Asprey divides the book into 3 main parts—smarter, faster, happier—where each part is broken down into chapters filled with a total of 46 “laws”. One of the highlights is that at the end of each “law” we find a honest/feasible action plan to implement the advice, as well as recommended readings and podcast episodes for further research. Before sharing thoughts about the content itself, I just wanted to mention I could draw a direct comparison between Tim Ferris’s Tools of Titans and Game Changers. They both compiled hundreds of interviews into a book, and even though Tim Ferris and Dave Asprey have similar interests such as high-performance, health, business, spiritualism, science, happiness, and self-improvement, there are differences on how the information is laid out throughout the chapters. Ferris summarizes key takeaways from each interviewee, one-by-one. Asprey, however, distills the information in a broader and more interconnected perspective after running his “statistical analysis”. That said, Tools of Titans and Game Changers complement each other positively. Now let me share with you some pieces of advice I took note to further reflect and explore as I get the chance to read the book again—but on a slower pace next. The “laws” are in order of appearance. [Law 1] To focus on what matters most by saying “no” more often. Knowing what matters the most brings clarity, making it easy to take decisions and focus our attention and energy exclusively. As a regression, I could connect this “law” with another valuable book called “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown. [Law 3] Words are powerful. We should be mindful by choosing truthful words to build trust and break free from our own limitations. Asprey explains how certain words can be detrimental to us. He suggests us to pay attention to often used words that make us weak—sharing also techniques to avoid them. [Law 8] Asprey encourages us to access altered states by taking advantage of valuable tools we have these days, ranging from silent meditation retreats all the way to trusted ayahuasca experiences in the Amazon. [Law 10] We must learn to confront our irrational fear of criticism and failure. Negative emotions are rooted in fear, while positive ones are rooted in trust. When we manage to spend more time in the positive states, a sense of comfort surrounds us. Asprey shares tips on how to dissolve expectations and attachments that may be holding us back. [Law 12] Passion and purpose are key to happiness. Finding the things we care about and devote time and energy will certainly pay off in the long run. As Asprey puts: “Every idea that doesn’t work is simply a stepping-stone to a bigger success. Success comes when you are still curious and still learning.” [Law 20] Striving for quality sleep is better than more sleep. Fascinating studies are presented to help us sleep thoroughly. I enjoyed reading about wild animals patterns, that they prefer sleeping on the hard ground with their heads slightly uphill. It seems that maintaining our heads slightly above our hearts while sleeping may be a good idea to avoid the increase of pressure in the brain due to the blood flow circulation under the effects of gravity. Reading about sleep made me think about an important and personally favorite book called “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker. [Law 22] Learning to move our bodies the right way is a must for long-term health. I sincerely appreciate this point because we often forget to prioritize this aspect due to high demands we face at work. Going back to the basics and getting the right posture and movement patterns will certainly improve the quality of our lives. Asprey shares good recommendations and I’ve used some of them—after listening to his podcasts—in tandem with my favorite ones. GMB is formed by a small but knowledgeable group of experts in physical therapy, gymnastics, martial arts, and human movement that have been developing courses and tutorials to help us move with more autonomy. Both of GMB’s training programs, the Elements and the Vitamin, have helped me immensely with rock climbing performance. In terms of books, my favorite book calls “The Practice of Natural Movement” by Erwan Le Corre. It’s a gem! [Law 25] This is a profound topic on meaningful food consumption. I was touched by Cynthia Garcia’s story on how she overcame her struggles through a combination of dietary changes with psychological and spiritual work. The message here is that emotional eating is sadly entrenched in our culture that we aren’t aware of the effects. We learn tips that signal excess of emotional eating. [Law 26] Here we find the solution to the previous “law”—which is about eating real food, about paying attention to what our relatives at generations ago used to eat, about eating genuinely according to our true nature and needs. This topic stands alone as a concise diet guide. [Law 33] Striving for happier habits improves our creativity, productivity, relationships, and even the odds to earn more money. But besides that, one of his interviewees, Vishen Lakhiani, got my attention. He says we should focus on “end goals” described as: [1] the things we want to experience in life, [2] ways in which we want to grow a as human being, and [3] ways in which we want to contribute to the world. [Law 35] Seeking out social interaction through a supportive community brings positive impacts in many aspects. Dr. Zak explains the role of oxytocin, a hormone released during social bounding. It’s intriguing to know how this hormone works—on a feedback loop—amplifying empathy throughout human connections. [Law 39] Here we learn about the importance of proper breathing. Wim Hof is a pioneer of extremely cold temperature exposure through breathing techniques. Even though I've taken cold showers 2 times a week since 2016 and learned to prefer lukewarm showers over hot ones on the other days, I've been delaying to test Hof's exercises since I first heard about his breathing techniques. [Law 41] One of my favorite excerpts of the book is as follows: “Spend more time outdoors. See trees. Smell plants. Taste real food. Sweat in the sun. Shiver when it’s cold. Give your nervous system a taste of the environment it evolved in so you can reap the returns as your biology changes to increase your performance.” [Law 45] The power of forgiveness can’t be beat. Asprey encourages us to forgive with the same intensity we bring our mission in life in order to access new levels of energy and happiness. This “law” was probably my favorite one—insights that I hope to carry for life. I hope this review helps you. Even if you have listened to most of Asprey's interviews, this book is a convenient piece to revisit the information in a well-documented version. Game Changers has the potential to impact our lives positively in many forms. After all, it’s about taking the time to discover our own priorities, then finding the right action plan at the end of each “law” to create better habits or boost our performances over time. Take good care, Haical

One Big Advertisement

My wife bought this book for herself and I started to read it because it got good reviews and I like self-help/self-improvement books. The whole thing seems like one big advertisement pushing the Bulletproof brand. Starting off the advertising assault, the "Praise For Game Changers" on the back cover consists of all other self-improvement authors. Best-selling authors pushing each other's books to sell to the same customers. No reviews from scientists, newspapers, or any source that does not have a product they are also trying to push to the same target audience. Throughout the book, the book mentions the things that lots of successful people do. But the successful people mentioned are mostly people who run companies that sell self-improvement products. Like Brendon Burchard, founder of High Performance Academy, and Tony Stubblebine, founder of (those two are in the first few pages). There seems to be few references to influential people that aren't trying to also push their own products to the same target audience that Dave Asprey is. It seems like these self-improvement CEOs/authors are mostly the "Game Changers" the book references. Don't get me wrong, starting a company that grosses millions is impressive, regardless of what the company sells (self-improvement in most of these cases). But I'd like to see a little bit more diverse sample size of "Game Changers." The way this book does reference other successful people is almost in a laughable way sometimes. "Steve Jobs credited LSD with contributing to his success with Apple." This definitely feels like Asprey has an argument he personally wants to use and is using sparse facts to sell it, rather than drawing facts from data. I feel like Steve Jobs would rank LSD use very, very low as a contributor to his success (if he would mention it at all). The biggest put-off about this book though, was the constant referneces to his own and others products. The recommended reading/listening that is listed throughout the book is almost entirely, if not entirely, from his podcast or are products that people he interviews on his podcast sell. It would be nice if there was some recommended reading/listening from others (and I would feel like these sections existed for more than just advertising). As a disclaimer, I did not finish this book. There is probably some really good information in it. But when reading it I got the feeling that I was the product. That the propose of this book was primarily to get me into the Bulletproof brand so that I could improve myself, rather than simply improve myself.

300 page promotion for products of his brand, "self-help" entrepreneurs, and scam artist doctors

I'm very disappointed in this book as I had high hopes due to all the good reviews. I assume most of the 5-star reviews are due to his podcast following buying the book and leaving 5 stars. My problem isn't in the recommendation of LSD and mushrooms. In fact, that was one of the more interesting topics in the book and there definitely valuable information in this book However, in order to find the value, you have to sort through countless pages of him endorsing quack doctors and "entrepreneurs" who haven't achieved anything other than coming up with a great story for themselves and selling some kind of "self-improvement" product. This book mostly reads like one big infomercial. When I read high praises of this book, I was expecting a culmination of what Dave found when talking to people like NAVY seals, Olympic athletes, fortune 500 CEOs, leading physicists, and doctors who had made real discoveries. And yes, there are some people in this book worthy of reading about. But what you (mostly) get is a bunch of endorsements for random people selling random products and fraud doctors who have become rich selling things with literally 0 scientific evidence to support their claims.

A Biohacker must-have!

I preordered this book in September, and was able to read ALL of it today :). I had the opportunity to meet Dave Asprey in Chicago for a biohacker meet-up, and this man definitely practices what he preaches. He was one of the nicest, most genuine guys I’ve met. He truly cares about helping others live their best life. The information in this book is priceless, and is a must read for anyone wanting to make their life more kick ass! I became a fan after reading the Bulletproof Diet. I suffered a spinal cord injury from a back surgery, and his information has helped me manage the effects of that surgery to the point I no longer take medication, and I feel better than I ever have — minus the partial paralysis lol. You won’t regret buying this book...

Life changing

This book absolutely changed my mindset. It condenses the best advice from tons of experts. When you see all the recommended books you realize that what you’re getting in one book is really the summary of 20+ other books, saving you tons of time. I read it on the kindle. It does ask you to write stuff down which you can’t do on the kindle. So if that bothers you then I would get a physical copy of the book.

Definitely a game changer this book is next level. Dave Asprey is the truth

Awesome book. I’ve been listening to Dave asprey podcast for years dude is a beast. I’ve also read his book head strong and the bulletproof diet. Two good books. This book is so good on so many levels. It breaks down the everyday routines of people. What they do. What they eat. How much they value sleep and recovery time. I listen to Dave religiously and I’ve applied a lot of his diet and brain hacks with remarkable results. I highly recommend this book to anyone. I left so much from mediation to yoga to mentors. It’s well written book also. Dave is becoming quite the writer and it laid out good to.

All About Money

I couldn't get through this book because I was so turned off by how many recommendations there were for products. This book seemed more like Asprey's personal endorsement guide rather than insight on skill set. It's an interesting book and I enjoyed the parts about bio hacking. I just wish I got more from this book and not a list of stuff to buy.


Game Changers by Dave Asprey is a book you will read once and want to read over again just to relive the feeling. It is a book you will reference for a lifetime and want to share with everyone you meet. If Elon Musk is Tony Stark, then Dave Asprey is Dr. Strange. Dave looks forward in time and gives you a jump start on improving multiple facets of your life (nutrition, breathing, sleep, sex, psychological, spiritual, tech, etc). This is a new compilation unlike the books you've read before; Dave uncovers the practices elite performers use in their personal lives to get an edge on the competition. There are "46 laws" which are very straightforward and eye opening, you will find yourself using them immediately. When you hold this book it will feel like a treasure chest.

Not good book

Terrible-advocates the use of psychedelic drugs!!!i shouldn’t have to pay for return postage!!!!!

Love this book

It's a treat to read vignettes of many of the best BPR podcast episodes highlighted as Game Changer laws. "Game Changers" is filled from cover to cover with distilled wisdom from 500+ interviews that Dave Asprey has conducted with top health and leadership professionals. There's an incredible amount of on-point information that makes you think and reconsider your premises, and get excited to try new approaches. A note about BPR: of all the podcast shows I've listened to, I keep coming back to Dave Asprey's Bulletproof Radio. He consistently has interesting guests, and just as important, his interview style keeps the topics flowing and gets the most out of the hour with these very busy people. Dave has exceptional interview skills, and his voice is musical (or, thanks to his interview of Dr. Stephen Porges - possibly the best episode IMHO - we could say Dave has excellent vocal prosody). His vocal tone and inflection are easy on the ears, far more so than many otherwise-excellent podcast hosts. This may sound minor but it's much more important than many of us realize: monotonic, 'bottomed out' vocal presentations put us in fight or flight mode, definitely not a receptive learning state. (I've found that they spike my adrenaline so I actively avoid them.) Thank you Dave for all the work you have done on your voice and interview style and the content, it truly shows. I've listened to around 3/4 of all the BPR episodes, and the information I've gleaned has made a huge difference in many areas of my life. Thank you, and thank you again. Following the book's release, Dave has changed his end-of-podcast focus to longevity. I'm loving the new questions and how they're getting folks to think forward. It's fun to imagine the ways the answers will be shaping the next book.

A compilation of thoughtful recommendations for better performance.

I admire Dave Asprey’s journey as a writer—starting with The Bulletproof Diet, then Head Strong, and now shifting gears towards a more holistic piece, Game Changers. I've just finished reading it and, in fact, was my favorite one. That’s why I am happy to share some thoughts before you commit to the book itself. It's written in a more conversational tone—taking a closer look at life purpose, happiness, and spirituality. He by no means forgets to include worthwhile advices on physical and mental performances. Simply put, the book is a compilation of powerful recommendations he distilled from over 450 conversations/interviews with accomplished guests. This is quite an intimate book, representing essential values Asprey has assimilated throughout his experiences. Although I haven’t listened to more than 100 of his interviews, I could feel that the present book was carefully written—he took the time and energy to document something precious. Asprey divides the book into 3 main parts—smarter, faster, happier—where each part is broken down into chapters filled with a total of 46 “laws”. One of the highlights is that at the end of each “law” we find a honest/feasible action plan to implement the advice, as well as recommended readings and podcast episodes for further research. Before sharing thoughts about the content itself, I just wanted to mention I could draw a direct comparison between Tim Ferris’s Tools of Titans and Game Changers. They both compiled hundreds of interviews into a book, and even though Tim Ferris and Dave Asprey have similar interests such as high-performance, health, business, spiritualism, science, happiness, and self-improvement, there are differences on how the information is laid out throughout the chapters. Ferris summarizes key takeaways from each interviewee, one-by-one. Asprey, however, distills the information in a broader and more interconnected perspective after running his “statistical analysis”. That said, Tools of Titans and Game Changers complement each other positively. Now let me share with you some pieces of advice I took note to further reflect and explore as I get the chance to read the book again—but on a slower pace next. The “laws” are in order of appearance. [Law 1] To focus on what matters most by saying “no” more often. Knowing what matters the most brings clarity, making it easy to take decisions and focus our attention and energy exclusively. As a regression, I could connect this “law” with another valuable book called “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown. [Law 3] Words are powerful. We should be mindful by choosing truthful words to build trust and break free from our own limitations. Asprey explains how certain words can be detrimental to us. He suggests us to pay attention to often used words that make us weak—sharing also techniques to avoid them. [Law 8] Asprey encourages us to access altered states by taking advantage of valuable tools we have these days, ranging from silent meditation retreats all the way to trusted ayahuasca experiences in the Amazon. [Law 10] We must learn to confront our irrational fear of criticism and failure. Negative emotions are rooted in fear, while positive ones are rooted in trust. When we manage to spend more time in the positive states, a sense of comfort surrounds us. Asprey shares tips on how to dissolve expectations and attachments that may be holding us back. [Law 12] Passion and purpose are key to happiness. Finding the things we care about and devote time and energy will certainly pay off in the long run. As Asprey puts: “Every idea that doesn’t work is simply a stepping-stone to a bigger success. Success comes when you are still curious and still learning.” [Law 20] Striving for quality sleep is better than more sleep. Fascinating studies are presented to help us sleep thoroughly. I enjoyed reading about wild animals patterns, that they prefer sleeping on the hard ground with their heads slightly uphill. It seems that maintaining our heads slightly above our hearts while sleeping may be a good idea to avoid the increase of pressure in the brain due to the blood flow circulation under the effects of gravity. Reading about sleep made me think about an important and personally favorite book called “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker. [Law 22] Learning to move our bodies the right way is a must for long-term health. I sincerely appreciate this point because we often forget to prioritize this aspect due to high demands we face at work. Going back to the basics and getting the right posture and movement patterns will certainly improve the quality of our lives. Asprey shares good recommendations and I’ve used some of them—after listening to his podcasts—in tandem with my favorite ones. GMB is formed by a small but knowledgeable group of experts in physical therapy, gymnastics, martial arts, and human movement that have been developing courses and tutorials to help us move with more autonomy. Both of GMB’s training programs, the Elements and the Vitamin, have helped me immensely with rock climbing performance. In terms of books, my favorite book calls “The Practice of Natural Movement” by Erwan Le Corre. It’s a gem! [Law 25] This is a profound topic on meaningful food consumption. I was touched by Cynthia Garcia’s story on how she overcame her struggles through a combination of dietary changes with psychological and spiritual work. The message here is that emotional eating is sadly entrenched in our culture that we aren’t aware of the effects. We learn tips that signal excess of emotional eating. [Law 26] Here we find the solution to the previous “law”—which is about eating real food, about paying attention to what our relatives at generations ago used to eat, about eating genuinely according to our true nature and needs. This topic stands alone as a concise diet guide. [Law 33] Striving for happier habits improves our creativity, productivity, relationships, and even the odds to earn more money. But besides that, one of his interviewees, Vishen Lakhiani, got my attention. He says we should focus on “end goals” described as: [1] the things we want to experience in life, [2] ways in which we want to grow a as human being, and [3] ways in which we want to contribute to the world. [Law 35] Seeking out social interaction through a supportive community brings positive impacts in many aspects. Dr. Zak explains the role of oxytocin, a hormone released during social bounding. It’s intriguing to know how this hormone works—on a feedback loop—amplifying empathy throughout human connections. [Law 39] Here we learn about the importance of proper breathing. Wim Hof is a pioneer of extremely cold temperature exposure through breathing techniques. Even though I've taken cold showers 2 times a week since 2016 and learned to prefer lukewarm showers over hot ones on the other days, I've been delaying to test Hof's exercises since I first heard about his breathing techniques. [Law 41] One of my favorite excerpts of the book is as follows: “Spend more time outdoors. See trees. Smell plants. Taste real food. Sweat in the sun. Shiver when it’s cold. Give your nervous system a taste of the environment it evolved in so you can reap the returns as your biology changes to increase your performance.” [Law 45] The power of forgiveness can’t be beat. Asprey encourages us to forgive with the same intensity we bring our mission in life in order to access new levels of energy and happiness. This “law” was probably my favorite one—insights that I hope to carry for life. I hope this review helps you. Even if you have listened to most of Asprey's interviews, this book is a convenient piece to revisit the information in a well-documented version. Game Changers has the potential to impact our lives positively in many forms. After all, it’s about taking the time to discover our own priorities, then finding the right action plan at the end of each “law” to create better habits or boost our performances over time. Take good care, Haical

One Big Advertisement

My wife bought this book for herself and I started to read it because it got good reviews and I like self-help/self-improvement books. The whole thing seems like one big advertisement pushing the Bulletproof brand. Starting off the advertising assault, the "Praise For Game Changers" on the back cover consists of all other self-improvement authors. Best-selling authors pushing each other's books to sell to the same customers. No reviews from scientists, newspapers, or any source that does not have a product they are also trying to push to the same target audience. Throughout the book, the book mentions the things that lots of successful people do. But the successful people mentioned are mostly people who run companies that sell self-improvement products. Like Brendon Burchard, founder of High Performance Academy, and Tony Stubblebine, founder of (those two are in the first few pages). There seems to be few references to influential people that aren't trying to also push their own products to the same target audience that Dave Asprey is. It seems like these self-improvement CEOs/authors are mostly the "Game Changers" the book references. Don't get me wrong, starting a company that grosses millions is impressive, regardless of what the company sells (self-improvement in most of these cases). But I'd like to see a little bit more diverse sample size of "Game Changers." The way this book does reference other successful people is almost in a laughable way sometimes. "Steve Jobs credited LSD with contributing to his success with Apple." This definitely feels like Asprey has an argument he personally wants to use and is using sparse facts to sell it, rather than drawing facts from data. I feel like Steve Jobs would rank LSD use very, very low as a contributor to his success (if he would mention it at all). The biggest put-off about this book though, was the constant referneces to his own and others products. The recommended reading/listening that is listed throughout the book is almost entirely, if not entirely, from his podcast or are products that people he interviews on his podcast sell. It would be nice if there was some recommended reading/listening from others (and I would feel like these sections existed for more than just advertising). As a disclaimer, I did not finish this book. There is probably some really good information in it. But when reading it I got the feeling that I was the product. That the propose of this book was primarily to get me into the Bulletproof brand so that I could improve myself, rather than simply improve myself.

300 page promotion for products of his brand, "self-help" entrepreneurs, and scam artist doctors

I'm very disappointed in this book as I had high hopes due to all the good reviews. I assume most of the 5-star reviews are due to his podcast following buying the book and leaving 5 stars. My problem isn't in the recommendation of LSD and mushrooms. In fact, that was one of the more interesting topics in the book and there definitely valuable information in this book However, in order to find the value, you have to sort through countless pages of him endorsing quack doctors and "entrepreneurs" who haven't achieved anything other than coming up with a great story for themselves and selling some kind of "self-improvement" product. This book mostly reads like one big infomercial. When I read high praises of this book, I was expecting a culmination of what Dave found when talking to people like NAVY seals, Olympic athletes, fortune 500 CEOs, leading physicists, and doctors who had made real discoveries. And yes, there are some people in this book worthy of reading about. But what you (mostly) get is a bunch of endorsements for random people selling random products and fraud doctors who have become rich selling things with literally 0 scientific evidence to support their claims.

A Biohacker must-have!

I preordered this book in September, and was able to read ALL of it today :). I had the opportunity to meet Dave Asprey in Chicago for a biohacker meet-up, and this man definitely practices what he preaches. He was one of the nicest, most genuine guys I’ve met. He truly cares about helping others live their best life. The information in this book is priceless, and is a must read for anyone wanting to make their life more kick ass! I became a fan after reading the Bulletproof Diet. I suffered a spinal cord injury from a back surgery, and his information has helped me manage the effects of that surgery to the point I no longer take medication, and I feel better than I ever have — minus the partial paralysis lol. You won’t regret buying this book...

Life changing

This book absolutely changed my mindset. It condenses the best advice from tons of experts. When you see all the recommended books you realize that what you’re getting in one book is really the summary of 20+ other books, saving you tons of time. I read it on the kindle. It does ask you to write stuff down which you can’t do on the kindle. So if that bothers you then I would get a physical copy of the book.

Definitely a game changer this book is next level. Dave Asprey is the truth

Awesome book. I’ve been listening to Dave asprey podcast for years dude is a beast. I’ve also read his book head strong and the bulletproof diet. Two good books. This book is so good on so many levels. It breaks down the everyday routines of people. What they do. What they eat. How much they value sleep and recovery time. I listen to Dave religiously and I’ve applied a lot of his diet and brain hacks with remarkable results. I highly recommend this book to anyone. I left so much from mediation to yoga to mentors. It’s well written book also. Dave is becoming quite the writer and it laid out good to.

All About Money

I couldn't get through this book because I was so turned off by how many recommendations there were for products. This book seemed more like Asprey's personal endorsement guide rather than insight on skill set. It's an interesting book and I enjoyed the parts about bio hacking. I just wish I got more from this book and not a list of stuff to buy.


Game Changers by Dave Asprey is a book you will read once and want to read over again just to relive the feeling. It is a book you will reference for a lifetime and want to share with everyone you meet. If Elon Musk is Tony Stark, then Dave Asprey is Dr. Strange. Dave looks forward in time and gives you a jump start on improving multiple facets of your life (nutrition, breathing, sleep, sex, psychological, spiritual, tech, etc). This is a new compilation unlike the books you've read before; Dave uncovers the practices elite performers use in their personal lives to get an edge on the competition. There are "46 laws" which are very straightforward and eye opening, you will find yourself using them immediately. When you hold this book it will feel like a treasure chest.

Not good book

Terrible-advocates the use of psychedelic drugs!!!i shouldn’t have to pay for return postage!!!!!

Love this book

It's a treat to read vignettes of many of the best BPR podcast episodes highlighted as Game Changer laws. "Game Changers" is filled from cover to cover with distilled wisdom from 500+ interviews that Dave Asprey has conducted with top health and leadership professionals. There's an incredible amount of on-point information that makes you think and reconsider your premises, and get excited to try new approaches. A note about BPR: of all the podcast shows I've listened to, I keep coming back to Dave Asprey's Bulletproof Radio. He consistently has interesting guests, and just as important, his interview style keeps the topics flowing and gets the most out of the hour with these very busy people. Dave has exceptional interview skills, and his voice is musical (or, thanks to his interview of Dr. Stephen Porges - possibly the best episode IMHO - we could say Dave has excellent vocal prosody). His vocal tone and inflection are easy on the ears, far more so than many otherwise-excellent podcast hosts. This may sound minor but it's much more important than many of us realize: monotonic, 'bottomed out' vocal presentations put us in fight or flight mode, definitely not a receptive learning state. (I've found that they spike my adrenaline so I actively avoid them.) Thank you Dave for all the work you have done on your voice and interview style and the content, it truly shows. I've listened to around 3/4 of all the BPR episodes, and the information I've gleaned has made a huge difference in many areas of my life. Thank you, and thank you again. Following the book's release, Dave has changed his end-of-podcast focus to longevity. I'm loving the new questions and how they're getting folks to think forward. It's fun to imagine the ways the answers will be shaping the next book.

I couldn't make it past the author's weird sex notions

I was looking for practical advice. What I got was a mix of pseudoscience, Eastern mysticism, the author's masturbatory practices, and the suggestion that I micro-dose LSD for improved brain function. That's as far as I could stomach it. No thanks!


Not for the average human in my opinion! Author comes off quite arrogant and suggests taking psychoactive drugs to improve oneself. Very strange and just sounds unhealthy to me.


I'm a big Dave Asprey fan, loved Head Strong and have seen most of his blog episodes. But this book was tough to read, it felt too much like Dave continually talking about himself paraphrasing other people. Personally I would rather have seen it presented in question/answer format so we can hear from the various subject experts. Anyway, I appreciate the work Dave does and hope he continues to bring interesting and usable info to the rest of us.

Biohacking and beyond

Very interesting and at times amusing. He takes biohacking to the 10th degree. I was happy I got it with audible made for easier reading. He got so many people to offer ideas, I really enjoyed it

Amazing Insights, but I Wanted More Practicality

Dave, I hope you're reading this because I'm only writing this since you claim to appreciate these. This book was fantastic and for anyone reading this, just freaking buy it (for high ROI in my opinion). I really loved that you gave me room to write my own thoughts down and also the wide range of knowledge (any book that connects science and spirituality is a good one). I read it in 2 weeks and I've already lent it to a cousin of mine. The only thing I wish you had more of was practical tips. You had plenty, but a lot of the gadgets that you mentioned were just out of my price range (I may be in the minority though). There's nothing wrong with that; however I wish that there was more interactive/easily applicable stuff in the book (whether by thought exercises, quick energy boosting hacks, etc). The example I think of (I'm sure if I heard it on your podcast or The Model Health Show) is a hack for physical endurance: if you swish some sugar in your mouth when you're hitting a wall, then (given that you haven't already loaded up with carbs) the brain sends a signal to the muscles to use up every last bit of energy because more is on the way.

Bio hacking in a nutshell

It’s always intriguing to read or listen to anything presented by the father of bio hacking, Dave Asprey. And this book is no different, it is a summary of some of the most important interviews he conducted with experts in different fields on his podcast Bulletproof Radio. The range of topics are pretty diverse: from the science behind “willpower muscle”, to the “codes” we insert into our supercomputer brain, to neuroplasticity, meta moments, stem cell, minimalism, a super weird chapter on LSD, the 4th state of water after liquid solid and vapour, the importance of recovery, “mindfulness masturbation”, the science behind shamanic medicine, a very useful fear-happiness spectrum, to human zoology (yes that exists). The book also analyses fluid intelligence and how to raise our memory capability by 40% using scientifically-proven methods, altered state using breathing meditation, the fact that “porn is the high-fructose corn syrup of sex”, why celebrating failures is a great bio hacking tool, why violent criminals have very high level of trace metals in their blood, a simple breathing technique to connect the left and right hemisphere of the brain, all the way to an interview with a dominatrix on BDSM as a flow-state-generating bio hacking tool. Fun! It’s weird, it’s nuts, but it works, and scientifically proven. I guarantee that your reading experience won’t be a dull one, and you might just learn one or two new tools to hack your life with immediate effect.

Invaluable Info- A Great Read!

As a longtime fan of Dave Asprey and listener to the Bulletproof Radio podcast I cannot recommend this book enough! It eloquently and concisely compiles key lessons from the entirety of the BP Radio catalog into easily retained and understood laws to live by whether you are struggling with sleep, focus, relationships, diet, memory, weight-loss, business, love or sex, its all here and is told from a place of deep gratitude, the thing I appreciate most about Mr Asprey and the content he produces, see what I did there?

Actionable ideas based on science!

This is a very good book, full of actionable advice and ideas based on actual scientific research. Although I don't agree with everything the author recommends, I found so much that is very usable. The author gives suggestions for having your best life, focusing on your mind, body, and spirit. I recommend this book. Please mark if you find my review helpful. Thank you so much!

This Book is Life Changing!

I cannot say enough about this book! My 13 year old son has been going through leukemia treatment for 3 1/2 years. In the past year, he's relapsed three times. I am a single, widowed mom of six sons. I am also a fitness trainer. Over the past year, I have been completely overwhelmed in every way possible. I literally felt like I might be dying when I started reading this book. The stress had taken a tremendous toll on my mind and body, and I'm normally a super positive person. This book has inspired me in so many ways, and has helped me to wake up and continue fighting. Life is an amazing journey, and we cannot allow our circumstances to weigh us down. My son is now on a heavy proteolytic enzyme, probiotic, cannabis oil protocol. He is a different child! Listen to Dave and the people he interviews. Everything will not apply to everyone, but there is SO much amazing information. I have recommended this book to everyone who will listen! Thank you Dave!!!

This is a purposeful misdirection, topic is on drugs and how they helped top executives.

I thought it was fine as self-help books for business. Nope, the focus is on how drugs has helped these top executives. The focus is on the drugs not the self-help part. It needs to be better labeled so we know what we're getting. It may be a good book, I don't know because after a few pages and a little investigation, I just asked Amazon to return it for a refund. It was not my intention to buy a book about how drugs such as LSD helped these top executives. I even read the look inside preview and didn't see this.

Peddling pseudoscience, and constant pitching of his podcasts.

This author shamelessly self promotes his work. At first it is subtle, such as when he mentions his endeavors on his first book, and calls it out by title, on the first page. But this continues throughout the book when he calls out his company by name and associated events, for example. His company, Bulletproof, is overtly repeated, to brand it with the ideas in the book. Moreover, his recommended listening section at the end of chapters, invariably promotes his podcasts. This is an absurd commercial eco-system the author is creating. However, he goes further by also ungracefully name dropping other individuals’ work, which comes off as an advertisement. I had to stop reading when the author was promoting hallucigens to expand the brain. I am not an avid alcohol drinker, I don’t smoke cigarettes, and I am surely not going to take drugs. What is very treacherous, is that he calls drugs a technology of sorts. In short, this is a peddler of pseudoscience that is here to promote his podcasts, and other branded items.

Excellent book! Highly recommended!

This book was well written and researched. I can't see how anyone wouldn't find this book to be invaluable. Dave includes recommended reading, listening to podcasts and actions to take throughout the book to recap what you've learned. I consider this book to be almost like a bible in the sense that after you read it once, you'll want to reread it and keep it nearby to guide you as you move towards greatness. He also drop some names of products he uses that I am very glad I learned about. Overall, Dave really is remarkable in his abilities and what he has done not only with this book but in his life as well. I highly recommend reading this book if you want to be extraordinary!

Dave my long time cyber inspiration, I cherish this work!!

Hanging with Dave in cyber space for the past five years, has changed my game!!! But alas I am a information thrill seeker, and much of the inspiring information has been forgotten in the wake of new information. Dave deserves his popularity prestige and recognition! Those who work to help others succeed, find success. I could not wait for this epic work. Knowing the care attention and intention of Dave’s approach, I’m excited to have in my hands of the vast most pertinent information streamlined into a step by step approach to change my game. And with dedication and sincerity I am meticulously going through the book and actually doing something about this compilation of wisdom. Thank you Dave from the depths of my soul!

Hundreds of hours of learning condensed in one book!

This latest book from Dave Asprey is my favorite, mainly for the compact, organized, insights that fall under the headings of smarter, faster and happier. Hundreds of hours of interviews with the worlds brightest, most successful people are condensed into 46 laws. What I like the best about this book is the overall theme is that the daily practice of gratitude will improve your quality of life significantly, and it’s free. There are a multitude of ideas, references, and protocols but as he repeatedly says throughout the book, take or discard whatever works for you, we are all different. All his interviews and suggestions are referenced and actionable. Truly a compilation of some of the brightest minds out there, in my opinion. This was definitely the best book I’ve read this year. Thanks Dave Asprey for compiling all this incredibly informative, beneficial information!

Heal your chronic illness

I healed my body of chronic Lyme disease last year. I read a lot about health. This book is one of the top 3 books about health I’ve ever read. So many great insights and tips on so many aspects of life. And wonderful recommendations for other books and podcasts for more in-depth information. Dave Asprey is a visionary. I believe his impact on the world will be greater than Steve Jobs. Just an incredible guy and so generous to share all of his knowledge. I value his opinion so much I even joined his life coach training course and hope to be certified in a few months. I can’t say enough good things about his company his books his podcasts and his website. Thank you for all you do for those of us who really need your help

Game Changers: A book worthy of its title.

Wow! The amount of work and passion that went into it is astounding. From the beginning, you can start to apply the laws that get you thinking smarter, tools to make you really change the game of how you show up in the world. Dave did it again, and Love how joyful and witty not to mention humble he comes across. He shares his passion for learning and constant improvement through a combination of all of the best habits from the best in the world. I've been following him for almost a year now and let me just say: My life will never be the same. Thank you Dave, first Bulletproof and now Game Changers. I read it during my 2-hour commute and that's one of the most exciting parts of my day because of the lessons I look forward to learning! Again, thank you!

Must have on your book shelf!!

I started reading this after I got it from the library, but only after a few chapters in I knew I needed to buy it. I found myself highlighting certain quotes and taking notes. It is a great reference tool as well as older BulletProf podcasts are mentioned and I am able to go deeper into certain topics that peek my interest more. I've been following Dave for a few years now, and I greatly appreciate that he puts so much time and energy into the research of how to live a healthier life. I truly am a believer in living a very long and vital life!! #customerforlife Thank you Dave Asprey, please keep up the amazing work!!

Couldn’t get into it

I like Dave from hearing him on podcasts and reading some of his blog stuff, but I couldn’t really get into this book. The problem is that I went in already willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and just focus on learning tips and tricks or finding some new ideas to try, but too much of the early part of the book is just a rehash of Dave’s life story and why the reader should buy into his theories. If you already believe in the concept or at least are open minded about trying some of the tips and tricks, it feels like you’re just wasting time.

Just a letter

Dear David! My name is Edit Szabo. I was following you now for quite some time. Reading you, listening to your podcast, taking your courses. I was also talked about you in my book Yoga for Trauma (Swedish). I was sitting today and reading your last book and I come to the part about sex. I am a survivor of sexual abuse and I was afraid to read your opinions. And I suddenly started to cry! You touched and helped me over a face in my journey that I so needed. I can not tell right now what it was but I think it was your respect for the woman body and her sexuality. I hope someday I can meet you and maybe also work with you! My deepest thanks! You talk to us, for a deep level Dave! Thank you!

Fantastic Book! Packed With so Much Info, It Will be my Annual Referral for Years to Come

First I would like to state that I have read all of Daves books, including The Better Baby Book most recently. I have been trying to find a way to get my wife more into keto and “real” health conscious dieting before we have a baby. I really like Daves writing style and his way of analyzing specific topics. His computer hacking background gives him a unique way of looking at things and I really like that he is very into Chemistry/Biology as well as statistical data analysis. Like many other people, I was extremely skeptical about the keto diet; specifically bulletproof coffee. Until, one of my friends got me to try it and it changed coffee forever for me. This led me to later giving Dave Asprey’s second book a try, The Bulletproof Diet. After reading the book I thought I’d give the diet a try, leading me further down the rabbit hole and completely altering my life forever. I have been mostly sticking to The Bulletproof diet for over two years now and feel great. After reading Dave’s third book, Head Strong, I really got into it; getting good quality meat and cooking easy bulletproof meals daily to keep more variety in my diet. Dave Asprey writes fantastic book’s that are loaded with great information, using statistical data to back all of his statements. Many double-blind studies are used to back up much of his research; yet some theories have not advanced yet (requiring lots of funding for the studies), but much evidence is still there. Since I started my Bulletproof journey; I have been a firm believer in trying it for myself and forming my own opinion. Based on price and my physical/mental return on the product, I form my own opinion. It is nice to have a reliable guide on this journey, such as Dave, to point me in the right direction. I can then try things out for myself and see what works for me personally. I recently finished Daves latest book Game Changers and I must say this is the most informational dense books I have ever read. I will refer back to this book annually for the rest of my life, just because the information in it is so beneficial and vast. Yet again, we see Dave’s statistical analysis at work; taking his information gathered from 500 Podcast interviews and analyzing it statistically to organize the given information from most beneficial to least. Also, incorporating the Return on ones investment (ROI), which is very important when getting into more advanced and expensive biohacking tactics. It is hard to find someone that is reliable in the nutrition/health realm, but I have come to really rely on The Bulletproof articles to get my information. Dave and The Bulletproof team have put out so much free and useful information online. This also shows that the company has their customers best interest in mind, not just trying to rob them as much as possible before they realize the products are useless, like many other health producing companies. My most recent purchase, which I just started reading yesterday is The Longevity Paradox: How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age; by Steven R. Gundry, MD. It is a little wild and out there, having a completely different understanding of how we humans came to be, but I have a feeling I am going to get a lot out of this book as well. Like many of these theories; the extreme funding may not be there for double-blind human studies, but the evidence is there with little advertisement. With all that being said, I am really looking forward to gaining more super powers from Dave’s next book coming out later this year; Super Human. Thank you

Absolute Cliff Notes on upgrading ones self - priceless !

It took me a long time to finish this book and I am so glad I worked on it methodically. it is not to be sat down and devoured in a weekend although for a wellness geek like myself it is compelling to open each chapter like a gift under the christmas tree. If you are to get one wellness book this is it ! When I had 15 minutes i sat down and read one law ( it has 46) - and really digested it and thought about how I could apply it to my daily life . I treated it like a textbook highlighting underlining so I can refer back to it . Thank you Dave for continuing to deliver at the top notch quality on whatever you attempt to. My community is not happy as you are showing your followers that we do not need to give up and we can set the bar high for ourselves and others. BRAVO ! can’t wait for the next book you are releasing !

A must read and incredible wealth of information

I would like to personally thank Dave Asprey for all that he does, and this book is like the Cliff's notes to all the best hacks tricks and advice from all his work, research, interviews, etc. to date. And it's also very concise with references to so many of the resources you can turn to if you want/need more information. I really appreciate Dave's approach to getting the information across in a very efficient delivery and giving the reader the resources to read further or do more research. Keep up the great work Dave. Look forward to you next book.

Great biohacking book!

I’m a Dave Asprey fan. I’ve read almost all his books, listen to his podcast and buy his products, because I believe and have experienced what his knowledge in fitness, nutrition, spiritualism and overall health does. This book is by no means a let-down. It’s a refined version of his previous books and a summary of some of his episodes on Bulletproof Radio. In this book, Dave goes over all the holistic elements to be healthy and become a better version of yourself. If you’re a biohacker, you’ll love this book!

One of my favorite books of all time...

Not much else I can say... it really combined all the elements necessary to live a healthy, conscious, and purpose driven life with so many references and research on some of the latest tools for people to live optimally. This is far more than a book on success and leadership... it is a manual for living life and is a beginning point to many greater things.

Deeply Grateful For All Your Hard Work!!!

Dave Asprey does it again! He can portray loud and cristal clear his purpose and beliefs behind why he does what he does. If you’ve read all his books like I have you can see he’s just passionate about leaving a footprint in this world as someone who really cares about people and wants to empower them to be able to manifest in the world as their highest self. It’s one of the books I’ve enjoyed reading the most to this date. Loved the whole book but the especially the chapter 6 “Sex Is An Altered State”. Loved the book being decided into three parts; Smarter, Faster, Happier. The las part “Happier” is beautiful and reminds us how being grateful is just something we can’t live without, and I’d go as far as calling gratefulness a vital nutrient to our health. He also touches on how crucial meditation is and the impact it has on our biology backed by science of course, duh is Asprey! I just want to encourage anyone considering to read this masterpiece to go ahead and read it! After reading Head Strong and Game Changers I can feel the cause, belief and purpose of Asprey loud and clear and his disciplined actions give us a consistent, congruent product. Can’t wait to meet you and have a deep conversation. In admiration to you and your purpose, Carlos R.

Dave thanks for freely giving us what you did not have at the start of your journey.

Thanks again Dave! I especially love the way you can edit all the technical data for the average person. Not everyone who is a computer design / AI background can do that. I have benefited greatly from your books and podcast. I thank you for sharing all of this so freely.

The bible on how to live a better life.

Here's my daily gratitude (Law 44). I've read this book as well as Headstrong which I'd recommend for anyone looking to fix their health, lifestyle, or performance in any aspect of life. I first became aware of DA when I went through some health problems this past summer with mold, tick, and mercury toxicity. My brain and body was falling apart at 45 years old. Not to mention, I was failing with my performance at work and relationships with my wife and kids. I started following the podcast, changed my diet, and read the books, especially Gamechangers. Honestly, I can report that every rule listed in this book can make, and has made a difference in my life. Over the past 9 months, I've made marked improvements to the way I feel as well as my work performance and relationships. Dave has put in some painstakenly, long hours into compiling a tremendous amount of statistical data to give you 46 laws that are consistent with all of the high performers that come on the show. It is well worth your time to read. In fact, I still, and will continue to refer back to parts of the book that I want to work on. As a health care practitioner, I have a new outlook and words of advice for my patients: "If you fix and feel good yourself, you will perform better and treat others better as well."

Incredible, actionable information

Dave Asprey is amazing. The proof is in the pudding (hopefully a Bulletproof version) that what he is doing is working. Much like Tim Ferriss, Dave studies high performers and gleans the best strategies and advice. He used the information from guests on his podcast Bulletproof radio to compile the 46 laws categorized under the broad domains of Smarter, Faster, and Happier. This book provides profiles of high performers, great stories, and of course lots of references to scientific research. For each law, Dave provides action items that make it easy to take the knowledge you just learned and put it into practice. For me, this is the most valuable component of Game Changers. What good is having all the knowledge if you don't actually use it to improve your life? I have already implemented several of Dave's suggestions including a daily meditation and gratitude practice, steps to improve sleep, and many others are on my list for 2019. While reading several other books, I finished Game Changers in about two weeks. It's that good. If you are looking to improve work life, personal life, overall performance, regardless of what challenges you want to overcome, this book will have some answers for you. Change isn't easy. The good news is that Dave has done a big chunk of the work for you. He's summarized the techniques and skills that high performers use to achieve great things. The question now turns back to you. Are you willing to take the small step to get this book, read it, and take action? I hope you do.

Another great book from the Bulletproof Coffee guy

If you haven't read any of Dave Asprey's blogs or books then you're in for a real treat. His last book was very detailed and parts of it were amazingly technical for the big nerds who really want to dive deep. This book was less technical and more accessible for most readers. Its packed with anecdotes from top performers in the world about how they achieve and maintain an edge. So many great ideas collected from people most of us could never get access to - let alone get them to open up about what leads them to their game changing performances.


Thank you. This review is not going to give justice to the book but I will try. Dave Asprey has a gift for discovering the truth in the world. A real signal in this world of noise. This is the most actionable book I know for anyone seeking to upgrade every aspect of their lives. Everybody in the world deserves to read this book and I hope to help that happen. Dave, thank you for having such a positive impact in my life. I truly, deeply appreciate everything that you are doing and look forward to the day I can personally express that. Sending you all the love.

Easy to read, full of great information with supporting notes to the podcasts

Not sure if Dave A will make it to 180, but this book should. He writes in a very conversational style. It is not dumbed down, but maintains a pleasant readability. And some of Dave's humor comes through, too. He puts in lists of the podcasts so if you want to go back and listen to the particular person of note, its is easy to do.

I can’t give review

I bought the book as a gift .

Great tool to improve your life!

Spectacular ! Best book ever!


You truly do yourself a disservice not reading this book. Even if you're already a high performer, it would take a profound level of stubbornness and close minded thinking to not absorb at least one thing to greatly improve your life or the life of someone else by utilizing the mountains of distilled knowledge held within these pages. See, I initially wanted to say "you can't read this book without learning something." which may possibly be a true exception to the weasel words. It's not just a good read, it's a tool you can use and revisit over and over to fashion your life into something incredible, as each and every law points you in the direction of more listening and reading to delve deeper into aspects that especially pertain to you, or that don't pertain to you at all but are intriguing. Thanks Dave for this and everything you and your team do.

Amazing resource. A must read!

I don’t agree with many of Dave’s ideas specifically about nutrition but he did an amazing job on this book. Very entertaining and informative. A must read. I am pretty sure I will use many of the tips and referrrals he put out on this book. I will keep this one close for future reference. I already highlighted and took notes all over this book. Great job Dave. I never miss his podcast either. Again, I am not a big fun of his diet or his coffe but I am a big fan of the information and interviews he provides in his podcasts.

Total yawn

If your new to self help maybe this book has information you can use. If you have previously read anything on the subject this book is a yawn at best. Rehashed stuff from others (all of which have books 1000% better). Good thing this was cheap.

Great consolidation of information

I purchases the audio version and downloaded the pdf worksheet that I am using for the 2nd read. This is a great consolidation of the BP podcasts.

Informative and Inspiring

It’s 2:45 AM. Read through in one setting. Now time to express Gratitude, Meditate and get some needed quality sleep. To bad only reality in Now. Want to enjoy and reflect this enriching read. Namaste and Shalom.

Changing the Game, once again! 🐮☕️

You could always listen to the 450+ hours of Dave Asprey’s fantastic Bulletproof podcasts, or you can enjoy all it’s collected wisdom here in a fraction of the time. Hacks for your health, mindset and longevity and more here - can’t take enough notes while reading it! Asprey and his offerings are not only highly entertaining, but a boon to those individuals who are looking for new ways to thrive in all aspects of life. Highly recommended!

Great Tricks and Tips

So good. Many great tips, tricks, and great advice. I listened to the audio book first...had to buy the physical book because it was so good. Highlighted the second time I read it.

Dave Asprey Is The Man!

Every book Dave Asprey writes is better than the last. This is an amazing book to get your head in the right space for upping your game in the easiest most efficient way possible. I think a person just had a four of Dave's books, you could just stop right there; it's all the information that you need for peak performance in every area of your life!

Welcome to the world of biohacking!

If you have any problems with your health or you're just interesting in biohacking, this book is for you. Dave Asprey brought together all the knowledge from his interviews for Bulletproof radio, it brings together all of the things you need for the better life. However there are a lot of biohacks and things you can integrate and they're just shortly described, if not the book would had 1000 pages. If you want to know more about them you have to do your own detaitaled research. However it's a great starting point.

Worth every penny!

This book is definitely worth the time to read. Dave's podcast's are simply the best that I have heard. He asks what most people are thinking. He's the Oprah of the Podcast world. He's taken the top Game Changers and put them in this book. Towards the end of each chapter he lists the original podcast so that you can go back and listen again. On a personal note, I was able to meet Dave at the BulletProof Cafe in Santa Monica. Although it was brief, I can tell you that he is one sincere and nice guy. Thank you Dave !

So well thought out and focus on ensuring you take the Ction to change your game.

I love that my work is not finished. With suggested podcast to listen too and books to read I'm going to have to learn Qik to be able to read them all asap. Thanks Dave your making an ever lasting change to people's lives.

Life Changing

Dave Asprey has changed my life for the better. I have now put my health first and have been much more aware of my environmental surroundings as well as what I put into my body on a daily basis. I make more conscious choices in just about every aspect of my life because of the eye opening advice from Dave Asprey and all the game changers he has interviewed. This book will inspire you to better yourself and I have encouraged my friends and family to read it. I even shipped it to others and bought it for them! That’s how much I love this book! Thank you Dave I truly appreciate your work

Grab the reins of your life and start steering!

Dave Asprey has given humankind a phenomenal gift with his latest book, Game Changers. Any one of the "laws" by themselves could provide one with huge gains and benefits, but as usual, Dave takes it to the limit and offers 46 of them to keep you busy for a lifetime, even if you live to 180 as Dave is aiming for! Dig deeper into any law with the recommended readings and associated resources. A must-read for anyone who wants to improve their life and something you will reference for years and years to come.

Life changing book..

I haven’t read this book yet but I have it to my brother for Christmas. He has called me multiple times thanking me for this book and said it changed his life. He said it was very relatable and easy to read. I’m going to buy one for myself and start reading!! Love Dave Aspreys podcast!

Great Book and Bio Hacks

Dave' does such a great job with all kinds of techniques and tactics to bio-hack yourself. I suggest all you can read by him.

Thank you for your work Dave!

Dave's work has greatly improved many facets of my life--he is a profound thinker. If you do just a few of the many things that Dave shares from his research you will benefit.

Informative and well written

I have listened to the Bulletproof Radio podcast for years but this is the book I have read authored by Dave Asprey. The book read very much like hearing Dave speak on the podcast. Game Changers is very informative and reminded me of interesting ideas from the podcast. Like the Dave says in the book, we are all different so not every idea will be applied in my life; but there many i am looking into (some i have already applied). I would recommend this book.

Re: Loads of useful information

Loved all of Dave offers in the book. Easy read. Includes action items and further listening, reading and tools to help his readers set and achieve any goal they choose.

Awesome Book

I liked how so much information has been put into one book. I love Dave Asprey and have been listening to his podcasts for several years. At 59 years old, I have normalized my HA1C levels, eat organic as much as possible and check my blood sugar/ketone levels periodically to keep track. I would say remaining healthy for as long as possible is my hobby now. Thank you Dave for your interest in the same subject and for bringing the great cutting edge minds alive to your podcasts...

All you need to succeed in life!

Dave. My deepest gratitude to you. I’ve read all of Dave Asprey’s books & this was the most enjoyable read. So much content into one book with just a relaxing flow. For Bulletproof fans this will be more great content in a different format. For someone just stumbling across this you need this book! Someone reccomended The Bulletproof Diet to me & reading it changed my life. It can do the same for you.

Life Changing.

This book is incredible. I purchased on a whim while trying to learn about nootropics but what I received was information I didn't know I was looking for. Many things I had already been practicing came clear as this information gave me an understanding of why what I did worked, as well as a wealth of ideas and knowledge to push me forward in endless directions. The day I finished reading it was the same day I started reading it again. Dave Asprey, you are freak and I applaud you and thank you for taking the time to write this powerful book.

Be ready for growth!

Dave does a fabulous job of demonstrating what it is to be a transforming human. In this book, he takes the principles that he has both self-hacked and learned from others, and presents them in a way that you can apply right now, from where you are. All that’s needed is your willingness to embrace your own potential. I’ve made a new friend in Dave, and this book shows me many of the reasons that I appreciate him so much.

Game Changing/Life Changing

I'm kinder, stronger, smarter, more productive, and spend more time in the moment because of Dave Asprey. This is a great reference book for the best from the best. I appreciate your nerdiness and desire to share your journey and all the treasures along the way. Thanks Dave!

Why not... a game changer? Live more abundantly, hack knowledge and seek the best data. Although there are several chapters I skipped (I won't list them but you'll have your own based on your own values) I still valued most of the advice. My worldview and Dave's differs greatly but I still can learn much. His passion inspires me to do more.

Thank you!

Thank you Dave. I’m 61 years old and found this book very inspirational. I liked it so much that I purchased additional books and the audiobook. Have one book to my daughter and another to a friend. Keep it going Dave. I’m planning to live at least double my current age. Have lots to do!

Dave continues to change my life!

I love this book!! I was hesitant at first bc I thought it might be similar or repetitive information from his 1st book (which also changed my life), but it’s not. All new Information and helpful information!! My favorite part are the summaries at the end of each chapter bc it makes it easy for me to reference back. I also love the references to the podcast show and books from other authors.

Great book to help with longevity and vitality

A fascinating book that will surely ruffle some feathers. If you're looking for a guide to help with longevity and vitality, this book is fantastic. Some of the author's suggestions are completely out of the box, but….

Biohacking at it's Finest

Amazing book by Dave Asprey! So much value!

Diet change

Author is hard to follow at times. Tried his method for weight loss . Didn't work for me. I saw him on Steve Harvey show; that's why I bought the book.

Always Informative

I continue to learn from this pioneer. Thankful for people like him. This book may help me be a better person if I implement its teachings.

Good information

Good information. Dave Asprey is a little edgy and sometimes pushes products too hard but he really makes you think about what is possible.

Makes a great New Years present for anyone ready for positive change.

I bought this book as a Christmas present to myself and am now using it as my New Years guide to upping my game. I’m taking it in small bites and have aways to go but look forward to my daily session and have already made significant changes in my routine. Thank you, Dave Asprey, for your continued commitment to raising awareness of all the tools available to us to inhance human growth and proformance.

Love the laws you love. Forgrt the rest

Gratitude wins. Team and community matter. Thanks Dave for sharing your life and the wisdom of your mentors with your tribe!

Easily in my Top 3 books I love!

So grateful for this guy! I totally geek out on all things personal development, healing and selflove! As a transformational life coach and RTT (rapid transformation) hypnotherapist, I’ve suggested this book to several of my clients. I have the Audiobook and the hard copy as I use it for reference. Well structured, well researched and a super fun read!!

If you want to change your life - be open to thinking differently

Bold, open, honest!! Yes he discusses nootropics but also says you can get the same effect with holotropic breathing. Have an open mind when you read this. Actually if you didn’t have an open mind why would you. Dave is great and I thank him profusely!!!

Love it!!!

I've listened to all of Dave's podcast episodes (been listening for years). It was so great to have all the best insights filtered down and compiled in this book. I'm savoring every page!

Simply the Best!

This is one of the best books I have ever read. I'm literally underlying almost everything. I'm also compiling a list of other books / podcasts Dave mentions to read next. I want the pages of this book to go on forever, lol. It is well researched and well written. It is genuine, honest, enjoyable and entertaining. Thanks Dave! I hope you do live to a 180 and inspire others for many years to come!

Truly a game changer

Kind obsessed with this Dave’s podcast so after hearing his incessant plugs - I decided to buy the book. :). Dave has some of the most interesting and innovative minds of our time on his show and this book allows us to get the highlights of what they do to change the game. I highly recommend that everyone read this book!

Improve your life !!

Love Dave Asprey and his book great biohackinf ideas and ideas for more passion in your life !! Thank you for all the work and research you do to make us feel and live and love better (why not too) lol !!

This is actually a reference book!

This book along with Dave's other books have been simply inspiring to live your best life. I have this book both on audio and in hard copy. I love listening to all the podcasts that are referenced in the book and recommended readings will take me to age 180 :) The combination of science and psychology and life enhancements are invaluable. I have a business, Wall Street background so the science that I am learning is incredible. I just want to learn more about how to live your best life!!


Foljs do not want to admit that most Americans eat unhealthy. Hopefully this movie will change your dietary habits.

The material will resonate with everyone.

This is an incredible book. It’s a must read for any person in general, any parent, anyone in a relationship, and anyone just trying to live their best life!

Dave Asprey Delivers!

I have both Kindle and hardcover. Dave Asprey always delivers in his books. Game Changers gives action items in each chapter to improve your life and “kick more ass!” It’s prompted me to go back and listen to some amazing podcasts, which Dave so graciously has available at no charge. Can’t wait for his next book!

Buy it

I LOVE THIS BOOK! something for everyone in here. I bounce around on the chapters as I feel I need to. Love love love. Cannot stress that enough

read only the first couple laws. paid for itself

I love the breakdown of this book. I've only read the beginning so far and its already having a power effect on my life. Probably one of my favorite books of last year.

An incredible and organized read with the top insights and action steps all in one place.

I absolutely love Dave's new book, it is a little bible for strategies and actions to live a life of meaning, connection and in top health. It is easy to read through and very entertaining. Thank-you so much Dave for all your work in bringing forward the best and most common game changers amongst all your interviews!

A must read!!!

I'm a huge Dave Asprey fan as I listen to Bulletproof Radio and have read his other books - Bulletproof and Head Strong. Game Changers is a must read!! I have it on Audible and bought the hard copy for reference. I've listed to it about three times :) :) :) The information in it will change your life...even if you pick only a few of the suggestions.

Fantastic read! Life changing!

This book is absolutely fantastic! So much great advice for a better life! Dave Asprey is an absolute genius, we’re so lucky he shares all his knowledge.

The best of some great innovators in one place.

A must have book. Asprey has done it again. Informative and well done

The game-changing book that will transform your health

This book is the game changer for your health and lifestyle in 2019.

It is a Game Changer

Halfway thru Game Changers and it is becoming my most gifted book. Dave @bulletproofexec et al provide laws that allow us to architect our lives towards health and wellness. Appreciate the format and referenced podcast following each law.

Love this audio - Good Hacks!

Dave Asprey is my go to when it comes to biohacks. If you listen to his podcast or have read any of his other books, you will be fully satisfied with this read. If you're new to his work, put on your seat-belt because your in for a full ride of hacks/advice you can use to improve your life and is for sure a Game Changer!

i dont have to suffer anymore; I can hack my body and take charge of ,y health!

I just loved the concise info in the book. The list of recommendations were very helpful along with the bulletproof episodes made it easier to access the speakers expertise! Easy and simple to read! Loved it!

Great hacks for achievers!

This is an amazing compilation of hacks, wisdom, and habits from some of the best achievers today! Worth every penny!

Very good.

Very clear and easy to understand. He did a very thorough research. David

Think Out of the Box

I am a fan, very entertaining read. Dave is frank and to the point, holding very little back from the audience.

Game changer s

Great book about techniques to improve your over all well being. Suggestion s like gratitude, meditation, knowledge, introspection, therapy to un blcok unnecessary pain caused by childhood traumas and create old belief systems that no longer serve you . So that your brain can function at it’s full capacity. He interviewed 400 successful people and what they all had in common.

Gold Mine of Information

I am sure I am not alone when I say I wish I had read this book earlier in life. This will be required reading for my 3 sons once they learn to read. Thank you Dave for all you do from the podcast to the blog to the coffee to the books. You are truly making the world a better place.

So disappointed!

Really has some good pieces, but he uses vulgar language several times and has a whole chapter on sex. In my opinion, none of that belongs in this book! Completely ruined what could have been a great book!

This book WILL change your life!!!

I first heard Dave’s podcast a few years ago. I was excited about his knowledge in helping people better their lives. He made sense and truly cared. I’ve been drinking bulletproof coffee every since and alway look forward to listening to his podcasts and learning more on how to improve my life. All of his books are amazing and Headstrong it another great one.


Excellent source of game changing suggestions

Fastest Life Change From a Book Ever

By the end of the first chapter, I had quick applicable action steps that allowed me turn some significant problems in my life on it's head. I no longer spend anytime in my life doing things that drained me, even something I had previously limited to myself beleivieng "had to be me". Game changing.

The best!

The BEST book! I bought it for both my kids too. Amazing! Thanks Dave Asprey!

Life changing

This book is awesome. I listed in audible but bought a hard copy because of how valuable its content is


Dave Asprey is probably one of the most efficient researchers and communicators I've ever read. The value I've gained from his book, bulletproof diet, headstrong, and now game changers, in addition to the bulletproof radio podcast, is beyond what I could have imagined. to the author Dave, thanks a million for GIVING of your knowledge and time, it inspires me to do the same!

Dave did the heavy lifting. Time to apply it!

Priceless information for anyone who wants to level up. Dave has distilled troves of valuable wisdom into an action packed volume. He's done his job, and now the world needs to fish!

A True Game Changer! by Bela6492

Dave's new book, "Game Changers" has helped me to gain control over my mind and body which has greatly improved my overall happiness with my life and by extension, my family's health and happiness as well. Read this book and win at life!

A must read for health hackers!

This is a great book full of ideas, education, tips, tricks and hacks to lead a better life, live longer, and be healthier. Well worth the time to read!

There’s a topic in here for everyone.

Love Dave. Love Bulletptoof coffee. Love his Bulletproof podcast. Love the book. I’m almost finished reading it and I had every intention of sharing it with others but I want to read it again first.

Great Read

Great read. Nice bite sized chunks of advice to take. Don’t need to read all at once or even in order.

Everything you need for an awesome me!

Everything you ever wanted to know about hacking your life but we’re too busy to take into your heart and mind. Pretty awesome recepie for an upgraded life and a better me! Summarizes the 500 podcasts and advise given in a very easy to understand manner, and enables you to work whatever you want to focus on at this moment.

Recommended if you’re into self development

Awesome book. Lots of tips and book references to upgrade my self improvement journey.

His best book yet

Everything you wish Tools of Titans had been. Simply Dave’s best book to date.

Perfect gift for someone who needs an edge on life!

Wow, just wow! What a book! So glad I have it! Tons of info! What a game changer!!

Epic book!

Dave does it again with his newest masterpiece. It’s a great summation of the BEST OF THE BEST of hundreds and hundreds of hours of experts‘ top secrets, strategies and tactics brilliantly boiled down into it’s essence. BRAVO DAVE!

Interesting Read

I enjoy motivational insightful books, this was an easy read.

The real deal! Be a game changer and read this book!

Dave Asprey has changed my life more than any other personal development teacher on the planet. Love this man this book and his work!


Very informative. Covers so many upgrades and hacks to formulate your own version of your best life, and self. I’m introduced to a range of successful people and their missions without having to listen to each and every podcast.

fabulous ideas to practice for reaching the next level of happiness

I liked how Asprey synthesized and distilled the best ideas of leaders from various realms. Game Changers details the importance of gratitude and balance for a healthy and happy life. I'm a believer after practicing.

Improve everything from your thyroid function to your ability to forgive

I can see myself revisiting this book over and over again. Dave enlists experts in every area of life to share things you can do right now and over the long-term to do everything you want to do, a little better every day. It's a whole-life look at changing the trajectory of your life -- physically, mentally, emotionally.

amazing information

a great book for anyone interested in improving health and protuberance.

I love this guy!

Glad I bought this book .... I love this guy!

Practically can change your life!

Base on real life’s work, experiences, and experiments. Wisdoms from true game changers and lives greatest heros. The tools and tips are easy and practicals. Will implement the tips TODAY.

Good reading

Good book

I'm grateful you shared

The book made me angry at first because it made me see myself in a way that I've hidden from. I'll read it again as I do all Dave's books.

Bio hack

Using this now improved me 100% it does work if you use disapline to enjoy your self and do it now

Great! One of my Favorites

One of my favorite books from Dave! So much good information. I love how after each law he gave relevant podcasts / recommended readings/ and exercises.

Changed my game

Some interesting reading that I have had for a while. Learned a lot of mind altering stuff.

Best overall book yet!

Highly recommend if you are looking to live your best life possible!

Awesome book!

I regularly listen to the Bulletproof podcast so a lot of this information was not new to me but having it consolidated into this precise format makes it easier for me to revisit and enhance my ability to practice what I’ve learned here. Thanks Dave!

A lot to learned

Very interesting book

Great Resource Book

Dave, Thank you for taking the time to gather so much important and progressive health information and summarizing your findings in an easy to digest fashion. Love your podcast, and Game Changers did not disappoint!

Very insightful

Love it

A Wealth of Information

I've been following Dave's podcast, blog and work for almost 5 years and I found a wealth of information I previously did not find in any of his other work. Thanks again Dave for doing so much research to help us become better human beings!

Grateful for this wealth of knowledge!

This book allows you to consume so much knowledge and offers experiential tips when you choose to take action. The amount of time Dave has saved us all is phenomenal and I'm beyond appreciative! I know I'll be coming back to this book again and again. Thank you!

I’m just sayin’

I like the podcasts better.

This book is a “Game Changer.” 😉

As a fan of Dave’s Bulletproof podcast, I took a chance on Game Changers - love the way it’s structured with helpful tips, action items, podcast and book reccomondations that allow you to dive further into subject matter that challenges you to be a better person.

Game Changers Delivers!

Thanks to Dave Asprey for this wealth of knowledge! It has been totally breakthrough for me. Highly recommend this book. Very high rate of return!

All of it!!!!!!!

This is one of the best books ever!!!!!!! If you have ever asked “ How can I feel better, do better or be better?” Please read this book . I’m addicted to bulletproof coffee and use Dave’s supplements . Thank you for your help in making me feel healthier. Please keep sharing your knowledge .

The introduction alone will change your life.

I've read his other books, and I've seen him speak live, so I'm already primed to consume his work. But I don't just consume content from anyone. There's a reason. His conviction to his craft is palpable. He's done the research. Read it. It will change your life.

Excellent book!

Thank you, Dave for this helpful book. It's a generous gift, a true guide for anyone who wants to become the best they can. Practical advice covering the full spectrum of human life. To be read and re-read then passed on to the next generation.... Adriana

Direct and easy to understand

Just started but great so far. Loved his other books too.

Knowledge from the best of the best!

This book outdoes all others please read Dave Asprey Thank you😇!

Informative and resonating

Well covered materials. Spiritual, balanced, healthy, precise, some proven scientific factors. There are guidelines and actions that can be used to achieve the discussed results.

Worth the read

Even if you have listened to every podcast episode, you will benefit from Game Changers. It structures and ties episodes together, helping me apply the lessons. The laws are just the right amount of detail to trigger the deep lesson.

Great insights and hacks to improve your life.

Worth reading!

Great book find

Great book find

Life changer!

Reading this with my husband and it’s empowering! Great book thank you Dave!

Great book to live by

Dave spent hours and hours interviewing the best minds in the world in his Bulletproof radio. This book summarizes his interviews in clusters. It's a great guide to improve your overall mind/body and happiness level. Highly recommend it!


Knowledge that will give you a different perspective on a number of areas that can impact your life


I couldn't put this book down. This is a handbook for life. Thank you Dave for this inspiring work and your podcast, I have learned so much from you and your guests! I'm starting "Head Strong" now!

a reference book for a lifetime

This book is the holy grail of high performance. Excellent cross references to other game changers and their contributions to the betterment of humankind. A must read for anyone on a mission to become better at everything.

Great compilation of the best biohacks

I've been following Bulletproof for a while, and this book is my favorite so far. It gives a great overview of what biohacks / other techniques offer the highest ROI.

Love it!

Great book. Chocked full of great stuff

My all time favorite life hacker resource!

I’ve now purchased 25+ copies of this book. Employees, friends, and family have all been gifted this book and I refer to it often. Weekly, if not daily. Dave is a disruptive genius and I appreciate his efforts to hack most anything.

Best practical tips that can definitely change your life!

The greatest thing about this book is that it gives you action items for you to put into practice what you’ve just learned!

Valuable Read For The New Year

Dave Asprey’s approach in this latest novel kept me wanting more and more. The logical flow and progression really allowed me to retain the incredible philosophies at play. Game Changer “Laws” #10 and #44 are incredibly powerful.

This is a MUST-Buy book!

If you're a high performer or changing into one, this book is a must! Years of interviews with the world's most motivated people distilled into an easy to read book of 46 laws. Thank you Dave!

Dave Asprey’s Best Book Yet!!!

Amazing book!! A true game changer! He has ignited truly transformational, game changing behaviors that has allowed me to redefine my purpose and passion! Buy one for all of your loved ones!!!

Must have!

Life changing info!


It was ok nothing new a compilation of seceral books

Lot of biohacking tips! Worth reading

Well written, really enjoyable, not boring, with lot of scientific proved tips to apply for a healthy and long live!

Love it!

Great book! Already implemented adding coconut oil and other hacks and seeing results!

Be a Game Changer!

Love reading Dave Aspreys books! One of my favorite laws is law #38!

Get younger and smarter!!!

Loved every detail!!

Full of Information

packed with biohacking information

Because Knowledge is power

Thank you for all of the work you put into all that you do and for keeping myself and the public educated and inspired


Excellent read !! Dave Asprey has truly inspired me to become much more health conscious Biohacking is my passion now !

Best book to get smarter, faster, and happier

Fantastic book that will change the way you live your life. Unlike most books, Dave gives you exact actions you can do today.

nutrition and life style

Excellent, detailed book about nutrition and life style

Really a game changer book

An inspired book


Another ingenious and incredible work by the most forward-thinking health expert in the country.

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