From Niggas to Gods, Part One

Paperback – December 1, 1993
30 Nov
...a message to the Black Youth.This is a compilation of individual essays written during the summer-fall of 1992. The essays are designed to inspire thought within the Black Mind. These writings are primarily targeted toward the Black Youth of this day, of which I am a part of. I am not a Master of these teachings, but these teachings I wish to Master.They say that my generation is not intelligent enough to read a book. I say that They are wrong. It is just that They are not writing about anything of interest that is relevant to our lives!And when They do write something, they have to write in the perfect King's English to impress their Harvard Professors! Here we are with a book in one hand, and a dictionary in the other, trying to understand what in the hell the author is talking about!If you have got something to say, just say it! We are not impressed by your 27-letter words, or your Shakespearian style of writing. The Black Youth of today don't give a damn about Shakespeare!!! This ain't no damn poetry contest! Wear are dealing with the life, blood, and salvation of our entire Black Nation!If you want to reach the People, you have to embrace us where we are, and then take us where we need to go. So, these writings are from my generation and for my generation with respect and love.If no one will teach, love and guide us, then we will teach love and guide ourselves.Peace.

Reviews (74)

If you like aggressive authors then you'll like this book

Tried to read this book several times. Dnt want to feel like I wasted my money. This book was recommended by a friend but I felt like the author was yelling at me. The author remonds me of a old DMX song. (The message may be good but it's so aggressive and loud, that it's hard to comprehend). I will probably GIFT it for one of the young adults in my family, this holiday season. They may feel differently about it. The writing style is geared towards a younger generation.

Find the you that may be drowning or comatose by the prevailing European narrative..!!

Does anyone know who Andre Akil is? I can not find a bio or any information indicating that he exist...great and inspiring work though. The work communicates well and imho will leave the reader with a renewed sense of self that acknowledges the whole of what it means to be black, righteous, awake and driven with God directed purpose!

A must read

This is an interesting book. The information provided in this book puts things in a different perspective. There are some parts of this book that made me take a step back really evaluate my surroundings. I would not recommend this book for children under the age of 15 or 16 because of some of the harsh language.

Black empowerment

Every black man, and woman should read this book. My only regret is not having access to this book in my teenage years. Better late then never


I bought this book for my college aged daughter. She is an aspiring journalist and another student encouraged her to read it. She loved the book!

Must read!

Good book. Page turner.

Four Stars

The book cover was scratched.

Good read

This book was a good read. You can tell it was written by actually men. Spoke very harsh at times.

Language is not quality but very raw read

Very raw reading but seems very geared to inmates

Read black folks!

Great book! And, great addition to my library. This is a must read for the black community, looking forward to Vol 2!

If you like aggressive authors then you'll like this book

Tried to read this book several times. Dnt want to feel like I wasted my money. This book was recommended by a friend but I felt like the author was yelling at me. The author remonds me of a old DMX song. (The message may be good but it's so aggressive and loud, that it's hard to comprehend). I will probably GIFT it for one of the young adults in my family, this holiday season. They may feel differently about it. The writing style is geared towards a younger generation.

Find the you that may be drowning or comatose by the prevailing European narrative..!!

Does anyone know who Andre Akil is? I can not find a bio or any information indicating that he exist...great and inspiring work though. The work communicates well and imho will leave the reader with a renewed sense of self that acknowledges the whole of what it means to be black, righteous, awake and driven with God directed purpose!

A must read

This is an interesting book. The information provided in this book puts things in a different perspective. There are some parts of this book that made me take a step back really evaluate my surroundings. I would not recommend this book for children under the age of 15 or 16 because of some of the harsh language.

Black empowerment

Every black man, and woman should read this book. My only regret is not having access to this book in my teenage years. Better late then never


I bought this book for my college aged daughter. She is an aspiring journalist and another student encouraged her to read it. She loved the book!

Must read!

Good book. Page turner.

Four Stars

The book cover was scratched.

Good read

This book was a good read. You can tell it was written by actually men. Spoke very harsh at times.

Language is not quality but very raw read

Very raw reading but seems very geared to inmates

Read black folks!

Great book! And, great addition to my library. This is a must read for the black community, looking forward to Vol 2!

Wake up

Must read


This is one of the most degrading & derogatory books I've ever attempted to read. I was thinking I was purchasing a book of insightful knowledge. The author seems to hate the black race, or support the destruction of it. This book makes me think of genocide. I would give this one no rating.


Man worth every penny!!

Go hard or go home

An all time Favorite book

Entire book is pivotal


Wake message part 2

This 8is a book I give the youth which I hope to create a check valve as well as a wake up call to self destruction. Hopefully to restore the of the Knowledge of self. Peace from the God Shah King

My introduction.

Man... this book broke me down. And made a better man out of a foolish young man.

Five Stars

This book was purchased for a friend and they loved it.


Thank you for the book



Self education

Great book. New on your journey? This it's a great start.

I love it!

Best book hands down!

Five Stars

The best book I ever read!


Could not locate this book ANYWHERE but here. Product arrived sooner than I expected! Would definitely do business with your shop again!

Must get...

A great read.

Five Stars

Delivered on time and it's a good book

Five Stars

Per my son this is a very good book.

Great seller

Great item! Arrived on time

Four Stars

Beautiful book

definitely needed

worth the read!

Five Stars

Great read!

Five Stars

Excellent book changed my perspective on a lot regarding life.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Good read

Five Stars

A book all black people need to read

Five Stars

Happy with purchase although it took too long for me to receive it.


This is a great book to read and its a very easy book to read. Even a fifth grader can read this book. This book is a book that can uplift the young black male and female in the united states and abroad.

Five Stars

Amazing book

5 stars If you want to know the truth seek this book!!!

It had a powerful impact on me.I received a lot of knowledge and it's changing the way I now look at myself.Very Great Book!!!

Good Book

Initially, I was going to give this one star, because I thought it was a stupid, silly bunch of rants. However, after giving it more time, and 'correlating' it with other ideas I was gathering, this book, in my opinion, is insightful...

Five Stars

Goid read

This book was cool in 98 but now that im 40 it doesn't ...

A whole lot of rhetoric and babbling. Lotta white bashing. We need to be responsible for us and only us. I read this book in 98 and bought again recently to see how my opinions have changed. This book was cool in 98 but now that im 40 it doesn't hold the same weight.

Three Stars

Still reading

Three Stars

It's definitely a interesting read. Ruff around the edges but thought provoked

great book for black youth and up

The books was very thought provoking and i want everyone in my family to read it i think that all people of color should read this book the author gives it to you raw and thats the way i think you have to get people attention sometimes im in the process of reading vol two and its all coming together


This book was a must read for me so I purchased it!

This Book Is A "Rebirth" For The Lost And Deceived.

Wow! (This Book Left Me Breathless) And Searching For More To Read...So I Ordered Part 2. (Escaping Niggativity And Becoming God). Bro. Akil's Clear And Direct Approach Was Easy To Feel And Understand. His Insight On The Past, Present, And Future Makes The Reader Grasp Every Word As Though His Life Depended On It (And It Do). Its Clear In His Writings That He Has Deep Studies In Some Of The Ancient Masters That Have Taught (The Mystery System, Mathematics, Science, History, Astronomy, ext)... Although He Uses An Overkill With The Word Nigga...Its Necessary Because That Is How We As Black Youth Talk...He Did Not Write This Book In A Shakespearian Way. He Wrote It So The Reader That Reads It, Know It Was For Them By One Of Them... As Bro. Akil's Puts It "If No One Will Teach, Love, And Guide Us, Then We Will Teach, Love, And Guide Our Selve -- If My House Was To Burn Down Today...I Will Make Sure That "From Niggas to Gods" Pt. 1 and 2, Be The First Books I Retrieve Upon My Escape...Because It Has Most Definetly Helped Me To Burn Down The Niggativity And Escape Back Into The Likeness Of God. Sometimes The Truth Hurts....But It's All Good In The End. Peace. And May The Blessing Of Truth Be Upon You After Reading "From Niggas To God"

Bold Medicine

I initially read this book 5 years changed my life-it changed my entire thought process, I see nothing but beauty in ALL black people, even those of us still lost. I can see clearly now, and this book prompted me to seek further to educate my self and my family. I just re-read it last week, it's like a tentanus shot, it's a bit painful, but necessary to protect you against the rabid dogbite in the ass that this ill structured society is content to give you. I have passed this book on to the most die-hard gangsta brothers and the most die hard corporate brothers then sat back and listened to the conversations and experienced the change. Beautiful. Akil states firmly that he is still a student of these works, his humble yet hardcore approach is just the jumpstart that is needed for our children, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters...if you are a person of color, you should read this book, with an open mind and willing heart. I'm on my second reading of "From Niggas To Gods Part 2" and I'm picking up a third book directed towards me..a black sista. The beautiful thing is, I'm no longer afraid to make a diffrence in my community, I am an activist and an advocate for social change within the black community... with less leaders and more workers (Read "The Mis-Education of the Negro by "Carter G. Woodson") we will put ourselves back together. My 15 year old son is currently reading this book, and I see him smiling and contemplating, he asks pertinent questions and it is THE FIRST BOOK I have ever witnessed him pick up voluntarily...and that, my people, is a future "worker for the cause". This book is a must have for every book shelf...hell put it on your coffee table and just get the conversation started...

The truth hurts..........

I think every black person should read this book! Although it is geared toward the Black youth! It provides insight into our existence today as a people! Many adults still carry some of these attributes of negativity. I do not get the slightest impression of reverse racism since it still exists today. And in Black folks homes we don't teach racism to our children! Do you think for a moment the white militia is not racist? For those of you don't believe that just remember the Black Man who was dragged to his death by White men in this new millennia! His name was James Byrd Jr. in Jasper Texas. And then, to add injury to insult! Two white teenagers desecrated his grave! And if you didn't hear about it, then goggle it. Be mindful of our racism, our historical truth hurts ever so painfully. Wishing racism away won't make it so! I love the writer of this book. He hits us to the core of our very being with poignant purpose and in deity style. For those of you who disagree! You can't handle the truth! Now take off those rose colored glasses! I highly recommend "From Niggas to Gods"! I'm reading part II............The Layde

�Sometimes the truth hurts�

Akil really shakes up the reader with strong thoughts and strong language. For example inside the table of contents Akil labeled one of his chapters "God the gangsta", "It ain't the white man's fault" and "light, Bright and damn near white".It's one thing to state your opinion and disagree, but when you disrespect and slander the being some call God, it's wrong. I wouldn't recommend that just any one should read this collection of essays, because as I read along I noticed that Akil made sure he had a good argument, and a good point, he did so in a shocking way. He kind of reminded me of a modern day Adolof Hitler in his ability to grab people's attention and their emotions with rhetoric. And also he could be compared to Jay Severen in that he is blunt and doesn't care if he offends people. Some students just react emotionally without thinking through to a logical conclusion.. As I read into the final essays of the book, Akil became a leader to me, a powerful and convincing person of ideas who got me to listen and look beyond his shocking first statements. How to describe Akil and his ideas? Let me make a list: stimulating, provocative, edifying, entertaining, and counterintuitive, and maybe even iconoclastic.


Very interesting book = the author kept my attention throughout the whole book I even had to laugh at the way he writes to his audience. This book is a must read for African Americans you will look at things differently and learn alot about this world that we live in. Don't be blind make sure you add this to your book list.

Black Culture

A must read.


Every black man and woman no matter how young or old should read this. Akil dropped some heavy knowledge. I now have the perfect birthday gift for all my family & friends.

This book is a good read if you don't take all of it seriously

First let me say I'm not black. Just one of the whitest Puerto Ricans around. At first I thought Akil's in your face, blunt style of writing was funny and entertaining. Then as I got to reading the book more I found that he had some good points intellectualization instead of memorization. What I didn't like about the book was when he said you don't need college. You can just open up a book and read it and study and you'll understand it. Well this man has obviously never tried to that with a Calculus book. Also I did not like the end where he confirms my suspicions and starts touting the Nation of Islam and praising Elijah Muhammad. He didn't need to do that. He was doing just fine on his own. Still I would recommend this book if you have a thick skin and racist statements don't bother you.

okay...if you are a nigga

there are 2 destructive mentalities that are prevelant and also extremely popular amongst black men in america today. one of them is this new hip hop mentality of hustling coke, thugging out, having lots of sex and arguing that school/education/white collar jobs are for the birds. the second mentality is that hustling coke, being a thug, and having lots of sex is BAD for you, but it is also a product of years of oppression and white racism as is an education and working a white collar job (AKA being an uncle tom)...I will let your own practical reasoning complete my point for you. I read this book when I was a teenager and very militant. I've outgrown this mentality and most of the people that will read it will too. I recommend it just to get a better understanding of the different schools of thought that exist within our community, but If you plan on being a productive citizen, have a good job, have a wife and some kids one day - or how should i put it - BE AN UNCLE TOM, then stay away from the mentality in this book.

Derogatory word

Well the book is alright I guess since it is trying to inspire confidence in oneself(that's why I gave it the one star), but there's one problem with it, he's trying to build are confidence while at the same time calling us ignorant by using the n-word, which whites use to call us beast, ugly and dumb.

Reverse Racism is not the answer

Referring to "nice white people" as demons who are just trying to hold the "black man" down is not an answer to racism. Akil is a hypocrite because he is just as racist as the people he is accusing of being racist. Stereotyping all white people as being oppressive to other races because white people don't want to see African Americans succeed is ludicrous. Akil writes with hatred towards white people and blames white people for all of his shortcomings. His message is a horrible one to expose to young, influential adolescents because he is passing on a message of hate. He gives the impression that a black person not accomplishing his/her goals occurs only because white people will not allow black people to succeed. Maybe he should try passing along the message that people need to be responsible for their actions, and any person that genuinely strives to accomplish a goal can accomplish it. Also, he writes on the back cover of his book that learning to read challenging material, such as work by Shakespeare, is a waste of time. This is the exact opposite of what he claims his goal is. Educating young people of all races is an equalizer. If Akil had studied more Shakespeare, then maybe his book wouldn't be riddled with grammatical errors.

A must read

Very well written, i love the 'In your face' teachings very well done.

Five Stars


Great purchase!

I absolutely loved this book! Glad I purchased!

Open ups your mind

Great book 📚 love ❤️ it

Five Stars

Brilliant product, very happy with the purchase, arrived quickly, Thank you! A++

Great read!

Thought provoking. Great read. Sugar coat is off.

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