From Babylon to Timbuktu: A History of the Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrews

Paperback – April 1, 1988
31 Mar
El Hagahn
This carefully reserched book is a significant addition to this vital foeld of knowledge. It sets forth, in fascinating detail, the history, from earliset recorded times, of the black races of the Middle East and Africa.

Reviews (400)

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Complete rip off.

This item is a poor excuse for scholarship. I ordered it hoping to learn some important and interesting aspects of African history, and what I got was an absurd excuse for logical thought and academic research. I don't know how this was even published. The author presents a barely researched case for African history based from the get-go on a very literal and specific interpretation of the Bible. The writing is poor, the research is poor, and the overall case is poor. The author seemed to start with a conclusion and hope his weak narrative and research supported it. This book isn't worth reading all the way through and I am working now to get a refund.

Great Information on the History of the Hebrew Israelites.

A great book that explains the history of the Israelites (so called Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans) before they came to the Americas from the west coast of Africa in 1619 (the Southern kingdom so called Blacks, Haitians, and Jamaicans/West Indians) and how they (the Northern kingdom so called Native Americans Hispanics, Peurto Ricans and Mexicans) made it to the Americas before the Europeans who conquered and enslaved them in the 1400's

Great read

Great knowledge

Five Stars

I found this book to be an amazing read.

Detail information

Wow what I love about this book,is the research that was put into collecting this info. The dates and ancient historical location,mention., the detail monitoring of the movement of a people is awesome. I will definitely recommend this book,for anyone who is searching for the truth of a race of people,it's a must have book.

History in the making

I haven’t finished reading this book as of yet. But what I have read is very interesting and informative.

Good read

Reminded me of a book I would buy for a college level class. Very informative about the ancient Hebrew Israelites. Left me a little confused when history and ancestry overlap. Overall, great fast read book that I will read again as well as share with the next generation of the12 chosen tribes of Israel.

Two Stars

This is not a history book: it is religion.

excellent and very informative I wonder why isn't this shared ...

excellent and very informative I wonder why isn't this shared in the schools as a part of History in history classes it is sad that this world hide the truth from black americans I highly recommend this book to every black American whose ancestors came here during the transatlantic slave trade good read and good history book It sheds light on a lot of stuff


This book is great on geaneology,the history of the movement of people was informative

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Four Stars

I am overwhelmed by the information contained in the books that I have recently been introduced too. This book is a very good read. I did not here about a lot of this in school.

excellent study book!

I have literally purchased this book twice and have had my mom and others purchase it. So much undeniable truth and detail.


It gives me a greater perspective on what is omitted from history and why they do it.

Black history prior to slavery

This book does a wonderful job explaining black history and the migration of blacks prior to the transatlantic slave trade.

You will be enlightened

Per the author, this book is “intended as a supplement to existing literature on African and Black Hebrew history.” If you are not looking for such, this will not be the book for you. This may be why some reviewers find the book to be a disappointment. What makes this book great is that it is detailed-oriented, factual, and intends to drive points home for the reader. Even more, it sparks your curiosity on the subject matter, as intended. Many of us have been brainwashed and forced into believing historical occurrences that are false and biased so I can understand why some individuals find this book challenging to accept, believe, and understand; however, that’s what makes the book great –it encourages you to research and to come to an educated conclusion. I have been enlightened by this book; however, it is repetitive in some areas. It is not written as most of our “modern” books, following certain standards of writing and, therefore, can be considered challenging to read, but after I finished it I was happy that I did read it because my world has become even larger. Yet, that does not discredit the author or the book itself. This is not your typical book and as it is a supplement, be equipped with a search engine, history books, the bible, and more. I promise that you will see most of the points and historical accounts provided are indeed true.


The book does a great job of shining the light on the truth of history. This creates awareness in the mind of the reader.

Five Stars


Knowledge Is Power

This book is a great reference to show and help prove who are the original Jews. Great stuff by Mr Windsor even some of it is not accurate.

The undeniable truth.

If you are searching for the truth which has been severely subverted. This is a key Historically correct reading.

Great Read!

This book has been phenomenal. Everyone should read this to get a better understanding of the world and who you truly are.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Five Stars

Good historical information. A must have!


It's a good read just don't like the fact that the writer has to keep stating the word black after Hebrew when it's common knowledge that Hebrews are of color, he never states the "white Jews " because it's been white washed for so many years we just believe it.

A lot of information

This book is packed with information backed with dates. So much truth in one little book. Easy to read written in easy reading and eye opening facts. I recommend this book to anyone seeking the truth.


The truth will set you free. There is so much information in this book that has been kept from a lot of people. As a result, it has been easier for the so-called dominant culture (there is no such thing as "race") to tell lies about other cultures or keep the information hidden. For example, there currently is a university in Timbuktu (Sankore Masjid) that has been in existence since building started in 1325 and was completed in 1433. It was able to house 25,000 students and had between 400,000 - 700,000 manuscripts (but Africans were all savages, according to the Western world with Tarzan leading and saving them). There are now over 700,000 manuscripts

All African American need to read this book

Really good book! It tell us about who we are and where we came from.

Untold History

A book that challenges untold history concerning slavery and biblical teachings.

Great Book

Very informative and very interesting. I would consider college students and young children to read

Must read for black people

Made me search for more love book

Good book (Recommended)

Good book, every knowledging stuff.


Good read, very educational!

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

The Truth Shall Make You Free

This book supports long-standing evidence of hidden or lost historical truths. Perspective is everything. Maybe it’s time for a new perspective for you?

Love it

Excellent read and a research tool

Five Stars

No problems! Just what I ordered!

Great Read

Excellent book understanding cultural background of the true israelites

Five Stars

If you consider yourself to be black or African american you NEED to own this book!


Very informative read.

Good history lesson

Great read

African study tool.

Must read .



Glad I read this

Really interesting book to read.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

thumbs up

didn't finish reading yet


iT'S okay. Not the best font, a little disappointed with the print, makes it look cheap but will make do.

Great Book!

I had to order this book a couple of times for family members. I have read this book twice.

Four Stars

Interesting history.

Must read

It had a lot of information that I didn't know really like the book

Great Book

The book came fast and was the same as advertised.

Five Stars

learned a lot about how things where and look at how things are still today.

Great book

Learned about my history that was never taught in school

Five Stars

great information, a must read

Excellent book. Yields great insight into ancient Black history

Excellent book. Yields great insight into ancient Black history; the history of the lives of Black people who lived in Africa's "middle east," and other parts of Africa.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.


Awesome book.

Good history


A must read.

Haven't finished yet but on da way! Family says it's a must read.

All I can say is WOW. The historical is ...

All I can say is WOW. The historical is so over whelming I had to read it twice. A must read.

Buy this book only if...

If you want to know the truth about who we (melananted people) are, buy this book!!!

Explains a lot!

Love the detailed information contained in this book! Explains a lot!

Love imagery

Eye opening

from babylon

great book i will be reading this book again shortly after i get finish reading a few other books that i have on order. but i will be reading this book and i also recommend this book for anybody that has an open mind and want to know how and where this world took place. just my 2 cents.

So prices were reasonable and some weren’t

For better physical and mental growth of my person

An Easy and Informative Read

Book arrived in good time. It is an very inoformative read.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Great Read! Please Purchase

A must read! Very thoughtful well researched perfect for piecing together history and fact checking. Lots of food for thought

Less scientific than exspected

Albeit interesting, and an easy read, it is not exactly what I expected. The direction the author takes is mostly supported with biblicle references, more than a secular/scientific academic approach .

Thanks for the history.

I love the book very much.

Five Stars

easy reading

Well worth the purchase

Filled with true history, references knowledge a must-read

Five Stars

Difficulty read but a must have in your library

From Babylon to Timbuktu a most read!

A very eye opening truth! I recommend this book for all who are interested in finding out the truth of what really happened in history.

Interesting historical read

Excellent read


So much wow! Glad I purchased

Very insightful

This work should be picked up by Oxford or Harvard university

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Good condition

Ready to do some research.

The Truth

Between regular school and Sunday school, we should have been taught these truths. Racism has been upheld and perpetuated by down-playing and ignoring this information.


Great book


Truth good read

Four Stars

a good book to read and share with friends and family.


Informative and very interesting, hreat read.

Five Stars

So far so good no complaints, love you guys services!

This book is pretty good. There are a lot of truths to ...

This book is pretty good. There are a lot of truths to the history of civilization and how it ties in with the Bible.

True history

Good simple read and informative

Every Christian need this book

Great book to read from start to finish. I learn a lot about the Hebrew Israelite. I needed tht more than ever

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

600bc Location of Hebrew Israelites.

I found out some things I didn't know.

Reading is fundamental

Meat all day

Five Stars

good reading

Solid product


This book is amazing, and has given me clarity to whom I ...

This book is amazing, and has given me clarity to whom I am and come from. I love this boom. This is one of those to definitely go and buy. You definitely learn a lot...

This book is amazing factual and a must read

This book is amazing factual and a must read.... this is the history that should be spoken about in school aside from black slavery

A great history book

A great history book. The author uses solid research to enhance the reader's understanding of kingdoms that were ruled by people of color. Every historian and those who are interested in the history of the Black races should read this book.

Great black history read

I’ve learned a few more things thanks to this book and the amazing writer Rudolph Windsor. I love how he tells his readers how the Arabic slave trade went down. My prayer is that my people wake up out of there sleep and get back to our ancestors roots which celebrate the true Hebrew iseralites.

Five Stars

This book makes one question the validity of our history.

Great book

Great book. Hubby loves it.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Great historical information

Everyone should buy this book and read it. Great historical information. Changed my life!

Five Stars

Book of wisdom...

all people must give this read

All black people must give this a read. Not only black people but all people.


Good read


This was a great book with enlightening facts. A must read for all.

Five Stars

Everyone should read this book..

Five Stars

This is what we need to know.

We black people are the true Hewbrew

The author nail it on

Awesome Read

Great read, Great Information💯🙏🏾

Awesome book that will open your eyes to what is ...

Awesome book that will open your eyes to what is NOT being taught in schools. Eyes Wide Open! Very informative with unsolicited historical facts and research that supports facts and not just opinions; which I really appreciate! I recommend this for anyone who wants to see history and are open to a new Worldview. Mind Changing!

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.


Amazing. ... so much hidden but verified information.

A must read

Still reading, lots of great information

received books

books were received as scheduled for delivery; the packaging was real nice; the books are a great addition to my hebrew library and spiritual improvement of the history of my people. I am seeking more understanding of the hebrew's history and spirituality.

Black history at its' best!

WOW. Buy it. Read it.

Great to use in bible study.

lots of helpful information. well written. Great value.

My Collection

I like the book

Its an eye-opener, a world of knowledge. It ...

Its an eye-opener, a world of knowledge. It helps to make life make sense. I asked God questions about the "black race" and I found the answers in this book. Its one of my favorites so far.

as described

as described

Four Stars

Interesting read.

As Described

Like the product very much, as described, very clean. Will purchase again from buyer.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Four Stars

Easy to read

Five Stars


Most have


Great condition!

This arrived in great condition

Great book

Great book, I recommend this book to others

best xmas gift

this guy i’m dating was excited about his book and couldn’t wait to dig in

Five Stars

I love this book, it tell the history Hebrew Israelites(so called African Americans) before slave trade.

Didn't have any problems

Didn't have any problems

Get this my sister's & brothers and read it

Five Stars!!!!!

Five Stars

I love this book! It has very knowledgeable information about blacks and their history.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Truth about people places and time

It’s a great book

Five Stars

Good Reading of Where the people come from and the things they went through in life

Five Stars

Excellent book.

Five Stars

A must have

It should be available in the schools.

This is very informative for a history class.

Five Stars

very good book to read.glad I ordered it. I most def. love this book.

A Must Have

Amazing book!

A must have

Great Book


Using it everyday great book


If tou want to find out about history

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Five Stars

The person I brought it for said it was great.

One of the best books when you come into the truth

One of the best books when you come into the truth. Well sourced and written. Great addition to my library.

Five Stars

I love this Great Read

Five Stars


Five Stars

Very informative book

Four Stars

Great book.

Five Stars

Great read!

Must read.

So inspiring and educational.

good knowledge

i have always wanted to read this book for sometime now and finally can say i am very glad i purchase this book. this book gives an indept chronological perspective on the geneaology of mankind to the world and their development over the centuries. and the first without a doubt is the blackman. mr. windsor has done his work with this book.

Great history

Very educational history...

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Five Stars

I am very glad that I read this book. I learned so much !

Five Stars

A must read book

Five Stars

Great book full of facts about when Africa was the center of the universe.

Hear O Israel! A must read

Short, sweet and to the point..... lots of information about the true Israelites of the Bible. I love how he uses precepts from the Bible...very edifying.

Good book

Liked everything about the book. A lot of good and important info inside. Would recommend to anyone. Good read.

Much needed info on the black race

This book has such great info on the black race to educate you on who they are and where they came from. This is more than what American history books say about the so called Afro-American.

Very informative and factual

Not just a book of opinions. It has facts and a great tool for those seeking the TRUTH.Great factual book that I would recommend to others if it ever goes on sale.

this book prove we are and still the true Hebrews ...

this book prove we are and still the true Hebrews the bible king james speaks about and the only bible that tells the true who the convenant belong to

wow, information is eye opening.

wow, information is eye opening.

A must read book!

This is a very good book to read. Rudolph Windsor is a great authour and I look forward to purchase any other books out available by him.

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Five Stars

I love it. Thank you very much...

Five Stars

Great read and very informative! Thanks!

Three Stars

Speculation but interesting enough.

Five Stars

Good read. Interesting facts.

Great book

Very informative. A lot of information. I will have to re read the book again in order to completely digest everything but a good book.

Great Book

All that I expected



Four Stars

Great book.

Untold History Book.

Untold History.

Read more about history

Alot of history

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.

Five Stars



I like everything about this book !!

Five Stars


A great book with bible references to back up the claims.

So amazing! The authors style of writing is different, a bit fast, but its a great little book. Keep a bible near, there are many references.


Very good thanks.

Five Stars

Excellent book by all standard , thank you

Five Stars

good book

Great book

The book is. Great ref. To read

wonderful book

This is a must have for anyone and everyone who is interested in discovering a very supressed world history. I found this book to be wonderfully written and referenced. This knowledge in this book is worthy of sharing.

Five Stars

The truth is a wonderful thing

There's some holes

The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This book is excellent!!

This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print). This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal! I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...

Great book

Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel

Loved It!

Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.

Add it

I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.

Excellent book. 🔯

Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses

An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.

Five Stars

Stephen Darby Ministries

Heard this on Stephen Darby ministries on YouTube. Check him out. Great pastor. He recommended this book. So I got it. Gotta know our history

5 for the time and effort

Credit for the effort!! All over the place but it's more history and truth than anyone has tried to do.


It contains the history that is apart of the GREATEST kept secret know to man!

Great Buy

I got my book before the delivery date . I started reading that day.So far so good,im loving it.

I loved the book

Very interesting history. I loved the book.

From Babylon to Timbuktu

This is the first book I've read from Rudolph Windsor. I must say that he has really done his research and his book has given me new understanding of the history of the various black peoples of the world.

Everyone needs a copy

Somuch history

Four Stars


Great Historical Source

The historical aspect.

I love this book

I love this book. Its short and to the point, no hypothetical maybe this maybe that, but we can't be sure non-sense. The facts and evidence are laid out a mostly orderly manner. IT MUST HAVE FOR YOUR PERSONAL LIBRARY.

Five Stars

Excellent book.

Loved it

Historic Book!

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