Fortune Cookie Leadership: Wisdom for Leadership, Sales & Life

Kindle Edition
06 Oct
As a sales leader, I look for weekly inspiration. However, I struggled to find powerful motivators to share with my team. My mom carried in her mind a pocketful of one-liners. She would pull one out and masterfully speak into a situation. I began to write down her wisdom tidbits and share during my sales meetings. My daughter called me a “fortune cookie” and the book was born!
Within its pages are fifty-two (52) “fortune cookie” lines for your sales meetings, your leadership and your life. Read the book cover to cover or select the chapter and topic that connects with you. Fortune Cookie Leadership is intended to be a desktop resource when you need that little bit of wisdom for your leadership, sales and life.

Reviews (37)

Her "quick hits' serve as excellent rules to live by - Highly Recommended

This book is a homerun!! From the minute I picked it up I could not put it down - the pearls of wisdom are perfectly targeted for anyone looking to succeed in their lives! Not only for Sales but leadership in general. Definitely getting copies for my kids and family/friends! Her "quick hits' serve as excellent rules to live by - Highly Recommended!!!

What a wonderful book. Cindy and I just finished reading it

What a wonderful book. Cindy and I just finished reading it. We spent our first Thanksgiving in California with your family. What wonderful, loving people. I think the first time I met you is when you were selling candy or Girl Scout cookies , and you sold me a LOT. Cindy could not believe I bought that much. As Cindy got to know you she understood why. We always knew you were going to go on to great things in sales and marketing.....and you have. Congratulations ! Your book was powerful to me not only in the world of business, but also, how you conduct your life personally with your family and friends. I spent my career in sales, marketing, management etc. so, I related to almost everything in your book. And , yes, listening skills (the first 3 days of my training class ) was the best thing I got our of the whole class. That and to ask questions to develop the customers needs.

This book offers a fun way to fine tune your presentation or perhaps that ...

This book offers a fun way to fine tune your presentation or perhaps that difficult conversation. Pick a chapter. Whether you want to remind yourself of the basic tools you already know in chapter “It’s All About the Fundamentals” or allowing yourself the time it takes to sort out a solution, “Don’t Force It”, or, more profoundly ,“Courage Is Not the Absence of Fear” that can be an inspiration when you may be feeling fearful as you approach a challenging situation. Each chapter is short and succinct, where you can find a bit of a boost or encouragement to help you along. Easy to read; Easy to carry; Treat yourself to this little gem.

Entertaining and Wise

A thought provoking, light read that will give you clarity in many aspects of our life. Author shares her personal experience with the purpose of helping others, personally and professionally.

Sales leaders, sales people, parents and human beings - check out "Fortune Cookie Leadership" - lots of great tips for life.

Check out "Fortune Cookie Leadership" - its a quick, easy and fun read that underscores the fundamentals for sales leaders, sales people, parents and human beings. Katey Dallosto has written a delightful book full of helpful insights for life and work. It is peppered with a great balance of humor and humility. I've shared it with sales leaders and friends. It's a great read.

Great Read!

This is a great read. It is both inspirational and funny! It is light-hearted but very much on point.

wonderful book

Great book. Great for quick reference and easy to read.

It was a fun, insightful read

Katey is such a sincere and enthusiastic writer - you can her her voice (and the voice of her mom) coming thru each page. Every chapter takes a tidbit of wisdom captured in a short, memorable phrases. Katey unpacks those with short stories from her life as a young girl, student, young adult, and up to present day. Some of these nuggets are straight from her mom's words of wisdom, but Katey thoughtfully sprinkles in perspectives from many other influential people in her life's journey to add more color to each truism she shares. The subtitle captures the flow of the book well as Katey explores context for these truths thru applications in business, relationships, and personal leadership. It was a fun, insightful read!

Excellent (and fun to read) resource for Sales Managers

This book is an excellent tool for sales managers looking to provide that anecdote, that piece of focus, that inspirational quote to take their team into the coming week of grinding out sales calls and doing the "above and beyond" that it takes to succeed in today's competitive world. Surprisingly vulnerable and touching, this book is a funny, honest and smart look at some inspirational thoughts & quotes the author, Katey Dallasto, has picked up from her family, from her sales experiences and relationships, and from LIFE. You would be well served to get this book and use it as a tool to prep for your sales meetings. It's pretty much wisdom/Inspiration in book form... ready for YOU to use & succeed with. Get it. Read it. Use it. You'll be glad you did.

Great Sales Tips to Push You to the Next Level!

Fortune Cookie Leadership really hit home for me! Katey shares the leadership & sales wisdom she's learned over the years through very funny and personal stories that everyone can relate to. Her stories range from tough love to true tear jerkers! I used some of the tips in the book for an interview & it definitely made the difference & I got the job! Thank you Katey- Great Read!

Her "quick hits' serve as excellent rules to live by - Highly Recommended

This book is a homerun!! From the minute I picked it up I could not put it down - the pearls of wisdom are perfectly targeted for anyone looking to succeed in their lives! Not only for Sales but leadership in general. Definitely getting copies for my kids and family/friends! Her "quick hits' serve as excellent rules to live by - Highly Recommended!!!

What a wonderful book. Cindy and I just finished reading it

What a wonderful book. Cindy and I just finished reading it. We spent our first Thanksgiving in California with your family. What wonderful, loving people. I think the first time I met you is when you were selling candy or Girl Scout cookies , and you sold me a LOT. Cindy could not believe I bought that much. As Cindy got to know you she understood why. We always knew you were going to go on to great things in sales and marketing.....and you have. Congratulations ! Your book was powerful to me not only in the world of business, but also, how you conduct your life personally with your family and friends. I spent my career in sales, marketing, management etc. so, I related to almost everything in your book. And , yes, listening skills (the first 3 days of my training class ) was the best thing I got our of the whole class. That and to ask questions to develop the customers needs.

This book offers a fun way to fine tune your presentation or perhaps that ...

This book offers a fun way to fine tune your presentation or perhaps that difficult conversation. Pick a chapter. Whether you want to remind yourself of the basic tools you already know in chapter “It’s All About the Fundamentals” or allowing yourself the time it takes to sort out a solution, “Don’t Force It”, or, more profoundly ,“Courage Is Not the Absence of Fear” that can be an inspiration when you may be feeling fearful as you approach a challenging situation. Each chapter is short and succinct, where you can find a bit of a boost or encouragement to help you along. Easy to read; Easy to carry; Treat yourself to this little gem.

Entertaining and Wise

A thought provoking, light read that will give you clarity in many aspects of our life. Author shares her personal experience with the purpose of helping others, personally and professionally.

Sales leaders, sales people, parents and human beings - check out "Fortune Cookie Leadership" - lots of great tips for life.

Check out "Fortune Cookie Leadership" - its a quick, easy and fun read that underscores the fundamentals for sales leaders, sales people, parents and human beings. Katey Dallosto has written a delightful book full of helpful insights for life and work. It is peppered with a great balance of humor and humility. I've shared it with sales leaders and friends. It's a great read.

Great Read!

This is a great read. It is both inspirational and funny! It is light-hearted but very much on point.

wonderful book

Great book. Great for quick reference and easy to read.

It was a fun, insightful read

Katey is such a sincere and enthusiastic writer - you can her her voice (and the voice of her mom) coming thru each page. Every chapter takes a tidbit of wisdom captured in a short, memorable phrases. Katey unpacks those with short stories from her life as a young girl, student, young adult, and up to present day. Some of these nuggets are straight from her mom's words of wisdom, but Katey thoughtfully sprinkles in perspectives from many other influential people in her life's journey to add more color to each truism she shares. The subtitle captures the flow of the book well as Katey explores context for these truths thru applications in business, relationships, and personal leadership. It was a fun, insightful read!

Excellent (and fun to read) resource for Sales Managers

This book is an excellent tool for sales managers looking to provide that anecdote, that piece of focus, that inspirational quote to take their team into the coming week of grinding out sales calls and doing the "above and beyond" that it takes to succeed in today's competitive world. Surprisingly vulnerable and touching, this book is a funny, honest and smart look at some inspirational thoughts & quotes the author, Katey Dallasto, has picked up from her family, from her sales experiences and relationships, and from LIFE. You would be well served to get this book and use it as a tool to prep for your sales meetings. It's pretty much wisdom/Inspiration in book form... ready for YOU to use & succeed with. Get it. Read it. Use it. You'll be glad you did.

Great Sales Tips to Push You to the Next Level!

Fortune Cookie Leadership really hit home for me! Katey shares the leadership & sales wisdom she's learned over the years through very funny and personal stories that everyone can relate to. Her stories range from tough love to true tear jerkers! I used some of the tips in the book for an interview & it definitely made the difference & I got the job! Thank you Katey- Great Read!

Wisdom for Today’s Leaders

This DIY to leadership is presented in those short pithy sayings that the generations before used but still resonate deeply in today’s modern life of work, school, play and relationships. This book goes beyond “leadership”and standard motivational handbooks to return the reader to the simple and clear common sense that somewhere along the way got lost in the middle of last century. Listening to our elders, in this case the author’s wise Mother, proves to be the recipe to getting a grasp of our home life, workplace and how to make the most of these relationships. Katey Dallosto speaks directly to the reader today with the wisdom of the “greatest generation” with these little sayings that are truly worth a fortune!

Sales or Education: Effective Leadership Advice!

Whether you're a salesperson or educator, the stories and wisdom shared by Katey Dallosto in “Fortune Cookie Leadership” apply to the realities of your everyday experience. As a veteran teacher, I was amazed at the vital relevant connections Dallosto makes between the work of a high-powered profitable salesperson and that of a successful contemporary educator charged with inspiring, and challenging inner city students. While reading this salesperson’s resource guide, I found abundant parallels between the business world and the daily business of education. Whether leading, training, or team-building, every morsel of encouragement, wisdom, and personal humor the author shares relates directly back to real-life demands. Teachers face challenges akin to those found in the business world when developing relationships with students, building rapport with teams of fellow educators in PLC’s, SLC’s, and engaging in countless mentoring situations. Effective leadership and ultimate success in both sales and education include buy-in. Getting young learners to invest in themselves and their future is what I sell, and I now realize that Katey faces similar trials and employs powerful strategies in her professional world. “Fortune Cookie Leadership” is a thoroughly empowering read in which Dallosto serves as the ultimate storyteller for those seeking to effectively produce and achieve at the next level!

Huge helper for sales leaders

Katey has done all sales leader a favor by planning your next 52 sales meetings! Not only does she give us a subject, she gives us pages and pages of stories and supporting material to drive the point home. Timeless lessons that we all need to be reminded of on a regular basis.

A Daily Dose of Insight

I received this book as a gift and was amazed at the author's insight with leadership and life. She gives credit at times to her Mother which is so endearing and loving. Katey is a "natural" in nspiring others and showing how living life in a positive way can influence us all. Kudos, Katey! I'm taking my time in reading it, chapter by chapter, and applying it to my life. How could I not?

I wanted to hate this book

To be honest, I wanted to NOT like this book! I couldn't imagine that reading a book about fortune cookies would be a good use of my time! My bad! But, once I started reading it I was hooked. Katey does an excellent job of breaking down complex leadership issues into small and easily understood concepts. She does it in an enjoyable way too. So, after having read the book, I can whole heartedly recommend the book to you! Buy it and read it...I'm sure that you'll be glad that you did.

Fortune Cookie Leadership Delivers!

Katey hits the nail on the head with this one! Her "to the point" style, coupled with real life stories, takes this book to the top for me. I've, actually, read it twice now, and have gotten a new nugget each time. It is a great book for anyone in Sales or even someone who just wants to "up" their life skills. Fortune Cookie Leadership can be used for personal development, as well as used in a group forum to take your entire team to the next level! Each chapter is its own life skill. Congratulazione Katey!

The author reminds us that in an age of great technology and all things digital

The author reminds us that in an age of great technology and all things digital, the time-tested, tried and true lessons of leadership - and life! - still apply and can most certainly contribute to our growth, success, and happiness!

The perfect way to start each day!

This book is perfectly titled. Just like the nuggets of life you read when you finish your meal, this book is full of perfect little nuggets each time it’s opened. Being in sales takes a constant stream of reminders, positive affirmations, and pick-me-ups. Katey captures those perfectly in her book, and it doesn’t matter which page it’s opened to...every piece of advice can be used equally well. This is a terrific gift for those around you, as you will be thanked for passing on these daily small reminders. My husband and I are starting each morning with a cup of coffee and one page. It sets the stage to go and make it a great day! Thank you Katey!!

A Must Read For Leaders and Emerging Leaders

Fortune Cookie Leadership: Wisdom for Leadership, Sales and Life is a must read for business and community leaders. Katey's wisdom from her family's sayings over her lifetime, and the transparency of her story telling is priceless. Buy this book today and then order more to give to family and friends.

and to enjoy life's road trip along the way

Fortune Cookie Leadership, written by my dear cousin, Katey Dallosto, will inspire readers to reach for their goals, no matter how small. Katey brings enthusiasm, energy, excitement and passion to life's goals in each chapter, and she reminds us that it takes effort, energy and support to make positive things happen. She reminds us to be true role models to others in all that we do; to celebrate life's opportunities, even the smallest of victories; and to enjoy life's road trip along the way. This book is a wonderful tribute to Katey's mother, Ann Dallosto, whom our family adored. Katey, as our family would say, "Cheers" to a book well written. Love you!

you will feel like Katey is sitting directly across from you infusing you ...

An Invitation to be Motivated … There is one word to describe Katey Dallosto … INSPIRING!!! In her book, “Fortune Cookie Leadership”, Katey provides 52 quotes/stories on life, management and sales. While reading the book, you will feel like Katey is sitting directly across from you infusing you with her wit and wisdom. The messages within the book are timeless and you will find yourself referencing back over the chapters. A truly great read!!!

It'll crack you up, make you think and remind you of your purpose.

Simply insightful and delightful, Fortune Cookie Leadership provides quick quips for motivation and the contemplation of daily scenarios. Katey Dallosto's style and perception touched me as it reinforced my own lessons learned while growing up and provides fodder for growing forward.....This book, filled with little nuggets of wisdom, is highly recommended for anyone in a leadership position.

Funny & inspirational tidbits for life & leadership!

This book is the perfect addition to your desk, bookshelf, bedside table...wherever you like to keep a motivational resource handy. Katey's voice shines through in this personal book that gives readers relatable examples and a spark of inspiration for a meeting or just a day at the office! I laughed, reflected, learned some new perspectives and came away with a book I can turn to for work & life wisdom!

Great book to have on hand

I bought this book and left it on my desk. When my computer is frozen or I just can’t seem to focus for long periods of time, I pick it up and read a quick chapter. I’ve chuckled, gleamed wisdom, and put it back down feeling refreshed. I’ll leave an update when I’m done but so far I’m loving it!

Quick read with valuable nuggets of info for all types of leaders!

Fortune Cookie has the ability to connect with all types of leaders and individuals pursuing leadership roles in life and in their professional careers. You will find yourself engaged quickly into each chapter and taking mental notes as well as writing down tips. The author has the ability to connect her life experiences with the everyday life experiences of the reader. Highly recommended!

A Must Have on Hand

From beginning to end you will find helpful and must do's in your life. Start from the beginning or pick specific chapters to your need at the moment. Katey's enthusiasm for positive action and change are felt throughout and will inspire you. Whether you need encouragement now or just a refresher this is a must read and must have book on hand! I needed this refresher as I start back into teaching! It's now my go to during breaks to get refocused and energized! Thanks Katey!

Each chapter was better than the previous

This book is quite touching. Each chapter was better than the previous. I read it in one sitting. I laughed, cried, gained wisdom and inspiration from the Katey's transparency and knowledge.

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