Follow Your Detour: Let Go of Your Pain, Conquer Your Fear & Find the Real You

Paperback – March 11, 2019
10 Mar

Life's dead ends can lead you on beautiful detours!

Are you feeling stuck amidst the pain and confusion of an unexpected loss in your life?

Or, is there a stirring in your heart telling you to take a risk and make a change, but the uncertainty is holding you back?

Either way, it's time to push past your heartache and/or fear of the unknown towards a path filled with opportunities to discover new dreams and a new you!

Life rarely goes according to plan. Lindsay McKenzie learned this the hard way, as her perfect plans for her life came crashing down. In Follow Your Detour she shares the pain she experienced through the loss of a loved one, the loss of her greatest dream and desire of her heart, and consequently, the loss of her identity. But, choosing to follow her detour led her on a life changing adventure, in which she found her true identity and happiness.

Her uplifting and engaging book will help you see the world of possibilities that lie ahead of you, even in the darkness of your pain and fear. Lindsay's heartfelt and relatable story telling will have you crying, then laughing, and unable to put the book down. 

Follow Your Detour will...

  • Support you in finding the strength to let go of the emotions that are holding you back, rise up, and discover hope in your dead end.
  • Teach you how to navigate the surprises that life can throw your way. 
  • Show you the power of submitting your plans to God.
  • Help you gain the courage to push forward in faith instead of sitting around and waiting for answers or just hoping it all goes away.
  • Equip you with a mindset that will give you the patience and persistence to keep moving forward, despite not having all the answers or a map with clear directions. 

Through the retelling of her unique detour, Lindsay will inspire you to embrace and follow your own detour—your new path of personal growth that will allow you to uncover purpose and peace. A path that will take you on the most transformational journey of your life.

Follow Your Detour will also teach you to find the beauty in the journey, and you'll learn to slow down and strop rushing towards the destination.

Your detour stands before you and is waiting to lead you to your promising future.

What's stopping you from taking the first step towards turning your brokenness into your greatest blessing?

Embrace your detour and follow it!

Go find the real you.

Are you ready? Scroll to the top and click the "buy now" button. 

Reviews (11)

A Story We All Can Find Ourselves In

I thought I was reading a story about Lindsay but every single part of it suggested I was possibly reading about myself. A wonderfully written story of sadness and triumph that continually asked me about myself and what I think and where I am heading. This book is for everyone as we have all been here or are still here fighting our way through in some shape or form of our own. Lindsay's belief and strength in her faith comes through clearly but the book is written for everyone no matter what your belief or source of faith may be her messages and tips apply to us all. Very worthy of my time.

A brave story for those feeling like life isn't going right

Life is hard. You want something your whole life and when the time comes for you to have it...nothing. That's how Lindsay McKenzie starts this book--sharing her dream of becoming a mother and the infertility she met instead. She discusses her grieving process and how she turned this seemingly dead end into a detour full of travel, love, and entrepreneurship. Along the way, she gives tips and encouragement for you to do the same. To follow your detour. A great analogy for a great piece of advice. You'll read this in one sitting as the author breaks her story down in an easy and engaging way. I laughed. I cried. I cringed. I delighted. Must read!

Really great book

I very much enjoyed all the subjects that Lindsay shared. Everyone of us has disappointments in our lives, but it is what you choose to do with them that makes us the person we are. She shares how her and her husband choose to move in a different direction after huge disappointments. Good for them...they are making a good life even when it didn't turn out how they hoped. This was an easy read and hit me deeply as I am currently going thru some things that aren't in "my" plan!!

Follow your dreams

The author shares in great detail about she and her husbands infertility struggles and how that affected them. I can relate to that, and only those who have gone through it can. They had to shift their dreams, but God gave them exciting new dreams. I do feel the authored rambled on a big too much in some chapters, and wish she would have included more scripture to back up her points. I would also like to point out to the author that she did not jinx herself. But overall a good story of heartache, perseverance and new hope.

Real, raw and uplifting

This is the book I didn't know I needed til I started reading it. Lindsay captured my heart with her and Dan's story of perseverance and strength. I found myself having a hard time putting this book down because right now my family is in a place where we are being guided to a detour. This is a captivating book that will help you define your values when faced with trials. Reading Lindsay's story I couldn't help but think this is the real deal, and this is powerful. This is what I needed to hear. I know for other's in any kind of transition in life will be encouraged by this book.

Amazing book, inspirational from start to finish, motivating!

This book is an inspiration no matter where you are in life. If you have ever faced a disappoint, heartbreak, or uncertainty this book will show you can overcome it. Follow Your Detour will take you not only on Lindsay's personal journey, but your own. I read it cover to cover in one sitting. I cried, laughed and was moved repeatedly as Lindsay details how her journey was taking turns she never could have imagine. God has a plan for all of us and through Lindsay's story, he is showing us that we too can overcome heartache and disappointments and still come out on the other side stronger and better for the pain we have endured. I can't recommend this book enough.

Very Inspiring

I have been following this couple for several years on their RVing journey and have heard their story briefly. This book is not just about their story, but an inspirational lesson on how to get past bad situations and move on, no matter how disappointing life can get. I love the last chapter where Lindsey lays out a plan to help us all "follow our detours" in our own lives.

Inspiration at its finest

Lindsay has been given a gift, a calling if you will, to touch others with her words, experiences and kind heart. She not only showed her vulnerability and pain but more importantly she is willing to use that pain to help others work through their own through lessons, tools and experiences. Anyone who has experienced any type of loss/dead-end - a death, loss of relationship, loss of job or not realizing a dream - will certainly gain wisdom, understanding and strength to work through the pain. Lindsay will be your biggest cheerleader! I read this book in its entirety in ONE sitting. I don’t know the last time I’ve done that. The book will grip you from the beginning and not let you go.

A Must Read!

I read this whole book in one sitting because I could not put it down!! Reading this book was like walking hand-in-hand with Lindsay through her whole journey. I felt the pain, the hurt, and then the freedom of letting go. Lindsay's honesty is inspiring and refreshing. She shows that sometimes leaning into positivity and grace isn't easy, but it's worth it. Also, that a shift in perspective can make our biggest obstacles into exciting detours, filled with adventures we may never have dared to imagine existed. I highly recommend that you buy this book and read it immediately! The sooner you read it, the sooner you can begin to follow your own detours.

She is honest, real and truly inspirational.

Lindsay is a fantastic writer. She speaks so eloquently. I felt as though I have known her all my life. She speaks as though she is talking to a friend. Though few of us have blazed such a trail as she has for her life, I felt as though I was right there with her. My heart ached when her heart ached. And my heart soared when her heart soared. Even though her story is her story, I felt I was on the journey with her. Her positive outlook on life is truly an inspiration. And the truth she shares will help so many currently struggling through their own tough times.

A down to Earth easy read

Simple and honest sharing of a life journey full of disappointments that morph into divine appointments and growth. A real description of how life throws curve balls and how the couple learns to hit them. Lindsay shares not only her story but bullet points the key beliefs they used as stepping stones and how God's Words empowered them.

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