Fatal Jeopardy (The Fatal Series Book 7)

Kindle Edition
29 Jun
Washington, D.C. Police Lieutenant Sam Holland and her husband, U.S. Senator Nick Cappuano, have been looking forward to a quiet Thanksgiving with their son. But any thoughts of a restful holiday are dashed when Sam and Nick return home to a gruesome scene: her seventeen-year-old niece Brooke, barely conscious and covered in blood on their front stoop. With lines between personal and professional blurring in this emotionally charged, deeply personal case, Sam is relying on Nick more than ever for support. But when suspicious images from the night in question appear on social media, Sam begins to wonder if her niece is telling her everything she knows about what really happened. And when Nick questions her tactics—and her ethics—as she races against the clock, Sam will need to decide how far she’s willing to go to prove Brooke is a victim, not a murderer.

Reviews (193)

Some issues with believability but still an enjoyable Nick and Sam story

This is the 7th book in Marie Force's Fatal series. Overall, I enjoyed this book and the characters. It's well written, action packed and has a fast pace. However, I had a few problems that brought this down to a four star for me: A) Nick goes ballistic when Sam cancels their vacation to help her niece who has just been gang raped. Now I get that the couple needs some down time after all in the last 11 months a lot has happened (and I had to remind myself its only been 11 months). This however, just didn't ring true of Nick's character and seemed contrived to cause friction between Sam and Nick. That would have been fine if she would have played it out but they both argue for a bit and then get over it and have sex. B) Sam is allowed to work both cases, the multiple homicide case and her niece's gang-rape. This was SO unbelievable I had a hard time getting past the complete conflict of interest. The author tries to get past it saying the father of one of the victims who is a prominent criminal defense attorney wants her on the case. But even with this there is no way she would be allowed to work this case. Furthermore, later in the book the author states something about the father that completely goes against his desire to have Sam on the case. The author states that the father probably knew all along that his other son was involved so why would he want the "best detective" on the case Further more, this father has previously publically stated his adverse opinion of Sam. C) Sam comes across as a bit of a bully in this book. She is rude and overbearing to a lot of civilians that she has to deal with in this book like the receptionist, security officers, principals, etc. Although, Sam is dealing with the rape of her niece she seems to blame everyone except the boys who actually raped her (saying several times well they were drunk and taking drugs and probably acted in ways they wouldn't ordinarily). So she looses it with the school that let her niece leave the school when they shouldn't but makes excuses for the boys who raped her niece? It seemed like the author was trying to make her a bad a** (like Eve in In Death) but it just didn't work - it came across as more rude, off-putting and seemed to make her a less effective police detective. D) Nick's accession to Vice President is so ridiculous and unrealistic. Again it's been 11 months since he became a senator in the first place. So he hasn't even been in office a year and now he's going to be picked to be Vice President. But okay maybe I could past that but then to say and we want you so much your wife can continue to be a police detective and you don't have to move.... There's only so much unrealistic scenarios I can take. I just don't see the need for Nick to move to VP so quickly when there is plenty of conflict with him being a senator. As long as you are willing to suspend your belief in realty you'll enjoy this edition of Nick and Sam and all their friends and co-workers. I hope that the author is willing to take a few risks and create some real conflict that might not be solved in 12 hours or that not everything is wrapped up nice and tidy. (Gonzo gets custody, while people get hurt there is no fear they'll actual die, Sam can be Sam no matter what position her husband has). Still with all that said - it's still a 4 star book that I really enjoyed and I will continue to read the Fatal series.

Emotional roller coaster!

Fatal Jeopardy; Fatal Series Book Seven is by Marie Force. All of the series hits on some aspect of society that needs to be addressed in some way. This book hits on rape, murder, and cyber-videos. The direction this book takes makes it very emotional, more so than the others. It hits hard. Samantha Holland and her husband US Senator Nick Cappuano are looking forward to spending a week’s vacation together and spending Thanksgiving with their adopted son and their extended family. She and Scotty had watched as Nick was hurt in his ice hockey game. They dropped Scotty off at her father’s house and headed for the emergency room. Usually they are headed there for Sam but this time Nick is the victim. He has just bruised his ribs badly but is in pain. When they arrive home, they find Sam’s niece Brooke on the porch. She is naked, wrapped in a bloody sheet, and has been badly beaten, raped, and is unconscious. Back to the emergency room this time with Brooke. Who did this to Brooke? She was supposed to be in Virginia in a secure private school. How did she get to Sam’s? Before they get Brooke to a room, Sam is called out on a murder call. However, this time, she doesn’t go, she sends Gonzo to be the lead. When she finished with Brooke, she will go to the crime scene. The murder is a multiple murder- six teens have been killed while at a party where booze, drugs, and sex were served. Had Brooke been to this party? When a video hits social media, Sam finds herself watching as Brooke is raped by three men while a fourth films it. She recognizes the blanket on the bed as one from the murder scene. It now becomes obvious that Sam cannot investigate this murder as it is a conflict of interest. Can Sam stay away? Meanwhile, Nick who is trying to spend time with their son is called to the White House where the President asks him to be the new Vice-President when Gooding resigns. What will this do to their marriage? Will Sam have to give up her job? Will Nick insist she become the second lady? How will it affect Scotty?


How is it possible for a series to just keep getting better and better? Well this one does!! The well developed primary ( Sam and Nick) and secondary (Sams' home and work families) characters keeping growing and deepening and becoming more real. The story lines get better and better, move rapidly and smoothly, with some real bumps, twists and turns. Like all of the other books in this series, Fatal Jeopardy is full of suspense, humor (you'll find yourself laughing out loud) and hot romance. I am glad to find that Ms. Force has developed a comfortableness with enlarging and detailing the hot aspects of Sam and Nicks relationship. Its real and she does not shy away from it, with helps "the realness" of these two characters. I love Sam and Nick and I love how Sam's family (home and work) have taken Nick into "their fold" Each of Sam's personal family members and each of her "work" family members have come alive and it is easy to become invested/attached to them as individuals. This is a gift the author gives to her readers. Very few authors (especially those so famous and well established) are able to develop and nurture so many characters and story lines without repeating themselves, as Ms. Force does with the Fatal series. If you have not read the other books in this series, your missing out on a lot. If you enjoyed this book and have not read the other six (actually five plus the wedding novella), be good to yourself and do so! I highly recommend this series. In fact I have read most of Ms. Force's books in all of her series and recommend them all. Since this series is so well done, you will find yourself re-reading some of the earlier books while you wait for the next book (I know I sure do)! So looking forward to book 8, Fatal Scandal.

Serial killer or gang hit?

When nine young teenagers are found stabbed to death in the basement of a well known Criminal Attorney there will be a slew of issues to contend with before the suspect can be caught and brought to justice. To make matters worse, Lt. Holland's niece is dropped on your doorstep unconscious, drugged, drunk and gang rapped. Who would do such a thing. She is also covered in blood. Was she at the party where the nine teenagers died? Did she kill them? Is she just an innocent victim? All these will have to be considered and it will become increasingly hard on Lt. Holland to remain objective during the investigation. Not only that but one of her team will take a bullet to the neck and go critical in just a matter of moments. Will he survive? Also, in the background of the book we have Senator Cappuano who is not only just starting his first full term as an elected Senator from the Great State of Virginia, but he is being wooed by the President of the United States to accept the nomination for the Vice-President position when it is learned that Vice-President Gooding is only given six months to live. Will Nick become Vice-President? Will Sam have to give up being a police detective? Can Sam actually handle the role of 2nd Lady of the United States, oh and can she solve the murder while dealing with this pressure. Again, Marie Force writes a gripping novel that will bring you into the story and give you plenty of enjoyment. Some of you might be upset because this book does not have near as many steamy sex scenes as the other books. Personally I found that refreshing. It shows that the plot line can stand on it's own without all the sex. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Fatal Jeopardy

I have enjoyed her previous Fatal series book. I like the premise to this book. My problem with book is everyone seems to feel Lt. Sam’s career is the most important. She seem reluctant to admit that her husband’s career is just as important. Another problem is all the sex Sam and Nick has. It seems ha has to make all the concessions. Every time they are alone they are going at like rabbits. She writes that they have sex everyday unless one is out of time. Please, that is excessive. I don’t know of any couple that does that. Otherwise, this is a very good book. I will read others in the series that I bought.

a new benchmark for Marie's writing

I like Marie's writing, I've read everything you can get on Kindle books that she's written, since I enjoy the balance of passion, romance, and the real world aspects of the characters' careers, and how everything dovetails. My criticism usually is about the brevity of her works, and though I still feel they should be longer, this book makes up for that by bringing several past characters back into the drama mix, and for those who've read the previous fatal series stories, it's like going home to familiar faces and personalities. The artfully written story line is intense and the reader is propelled into a state of mind that really wants to turn the pages to see how things unravel. Another aspect I feel marks a new level of detail here is the frequent allusions to modern day technologies which most of us now are quite familiar with, like texting, smart phones, pitfalls of drug abuse, teenage angst and subsequent injuries and the like. So it feels very contemporary, and you can't help liking the family that is central to the story. Reminds of Garrison Keiler's Tales of Lake Wogebon broadcasts, where the women are smart and capable and sexy, and the men are strong, successful and sensitive, and the bodies of the good guys are always in great shape and prepared for outrageously incredible sexual passions. A nice diversion where the good guys always win in the end.

A wonderful Heart Attack

One thing about a Marie Force book. She ALWAYS ALWAYS delivers. This book is BY FAR the BEST of the entire series. Things are quiet for once in D.C. Nick has a week off due to the Senate being out. Sam has decided to actually take a Stay cation. No work for this new Mama. Time is going to be spent with her husband and new son Scotty. After a trip to the ER. For Nick NOT Sam for once they come home to find their niece in a bloody lump on their doorstep. While Sam is dealing with the horror at the hospital a call comes in. 9 teenagers sliced and diced have been found dead. While engaged in Sexual Relations. Not giving much away after that but the entire story than shoots off like a bullet of an out of control speed. The entire story takes place in less than 3 days. I was in tears crying my way through the climax with the killer. Gonzo is featured along with Baby Alex and his fiancee Christina. No sign of Stahl. (Thank you Marie!!!) But we seem to have a jerk of a SVU detective taking his place. At least he won't be able to bring Sam up on charges every book. There is a short story at the end that wraps alot of things up. It takes place a year to the date that Sam and Nick reunited. So if it keeps up this way we won't have to worry about Nick running for president until somewhere in the 20s. We have a good long wait to worry about that. Thanks SOO much Marie for the heart attack to end all heart attack. Luckily my husband didn't have to call EMS.

Wonderful addition to the series

This is a romantic-suspense series based in Washington, DC. The main characters are HOT, SEXY, and STEAMY. Fatal Jeopardy is my favorite in the series and I love all of them. I love how Marie keeps us updated with all the characters without taking away from the main characters or story. The “minor” characters and their stories are woven into the story so seamlessly. I love how Sam and Nick are adapting to the changes in their lives and that their love gets even stronger and more committed. I love how Sam is growing and letting others into her life and that Nick isn’t always so perfect. While we’ve seen Sam struggle in the past (and still is) with finding the balance of their careers and their private life, we see Nick starting to struggle too. This book kept me in suspense and had me laughing, crying, gasping, and smiling. You can read this book as a stand-alone, but I feel you most benefit from starting from book 1 – Fatal Affair. I’ve read the entire series at least 4 times-they're that good! Marie Force is a terrific writer who cares about the quality of her stories and her readers. I highly recommend this book/series.

Loved it!

Unlike some authors, Marie Force does one smooth job of recapping past events and transitioning the reader into story #7 without skipping a beat. This story was another nice blend of family, suspense and career destinations. Sam’s niece Brooke is at the heart of the murder/suspense part of the story and although sad at times it but kept me guessing. Sam, as usual, rides a thin line trying to keep it professional versus personal. Although I’m very surprised at where Nick’s career is taking him I’m looking forward to the ride. Scotty is blending in well into Nick/Sam’s lives and its fun watching them as parents of a teenager. Waiting to find out what’s going on with this series side characters is just as fun as the main ones. A bit of “oh please no” happens when one of Sam’s officers is shot and a few nail biter pages until the “whew” all is well. Despite Sam/Nick’s ups and downs they always settle things out making their relationship stronger for it. I hate having to wait until January for the next installment of this series, but I know Ms. Force will make it worth our while.

Love this series

I am a great fan of all Marie Force's books especially the series. She makes the characters come to life for me and I have come to care about them, as if they were real friends of mine. Quite often, to my embarrassment, I find myself laughing out loud or coming to tears, literally, The Fatal series deals with life in Washington D.C. for Sam (Samantha) and her guy, Nick. The strength of the main characters is based on conviction of character, morality, family, and love. I reread all the books, from Fatal Affair, the first in the series, to Fatal Mistake (book 6) before reading Fatal Jeopardy. Loved it! I have already pre-ordered Fatal Scandal which will come out in January of 2015. I look forward to reading through the Fatal series again in December to prepare myself for the new book. Incidentally, I am now reading through all the Gansett Island books before Gansett After Dark comes out this May. I am looking forward to the next Green Mountain series book to come out and hope there will be more of Treading Water books to come.

Some issues with believability but still an enjoyable Nick and Sam story

This is the 7th book in Marie Force's Fatal series. Overall, I enjoyed this book and the characters. It's well written, action packed and has a fast pace. However, I had a few problems that brought this down to a four star for me: A) Nick goes ballistic when Sam cancels their vacation to help her niece who has just been gang raped. Now I get that the couple needs some down time after all in the last 11 months a lot has happened (and I had to remind myself its only been 11 months). This however, just didn't ring true of Nick's character and seemed contrived to cause friction between Sam and Nick. That would have been fine if she would have played it out but they both argue for a bit and then get over it and have sex. B) Sam is allowed to work both cases, the multiple homicide case and her niece's gang-rape. This was SO unbelievable I had a hard time getting past the complete conflict of interest. The author tries to get past it saying the father of one of the victims who is a prominent criminal defense attorney wants her on the case. But even with this there is no way she would be allowed to work this case. Furthermore, later in the book the author states something about the father that completely goes against his desire to have Sam on the case. The author states that the father probably knew all along that his other son was involved so why would he want the "best detective" on the case Further more, this father has previously publically stated his adverse opinion of Sam. C) Sam comes across as a bit of a bully in this book. She is rude and overbearing to a lot of civilians that she has to deal with in this book like the receptionist, security officers, principals, etc. Although, Sam is dealing with the rape of her niece she seems to blame everyone except the boys who actually raped her (saying several times well they were drunk and taking drugs and probably acted in ways they wouldn't ordinarily). So she looses it with the school that let her niece leave the school when they shouldn't but makes excuses for the boys who raped her niece? It seemed like the author was trying to make her a bad a** (like Eve in In Death) but it just didn't work - it came across as more rude, off-putting and seemed to make her a less effective police detective. D) Nick's accession to Vice President is so ridiculous and unrealistic. Again it's been 11 months since he became a senator in the first place. So he hasn't even been in office a year and now he's going to be picked to be Vice President. But okay maybe I could past that but then to say and we want you so much your wife can continue to be a police detective and you don't have to move.... There's only so much unrealistic scenarios I can take. I just don't see the need for Nick to move to VP so quickly when there is plenty of conflict with him being a senator. As long as you are willing to suspend your belief in realty you'll enjoy this edition of Nick and Sam and all their friends and co-workers. I hope that the author is willing to take a few risks and create some real conflict that might not be solved in 12 hours or that not everything is wrapped up nice and tidy. (Gonzo gets custody, while people get hurt there is no fear they'll actual die, Sam can be Sam no matter what position her husband has). Still with all that said - it's still a 4 star book that I really enjoyed and I will continue to read the Fatal series.

Emotional roller coaster!

Fatal Jeopardy; Fatal Series Book Seven is by Marie Force. All of the series hits on some aspect of society that needs to be addressed in some way. This book hits on rape, murder, and cyber-videos. The direction this book takes makes it very emotional, more so than the others. It hits hard. Samantha Holland and her husband US Senator Nick Cappuano are looking forward to spending a week’s vacation together and spending Thanksgiving with their adopted son and their extended family. She and Scotty had watched as Nick was hurt in his ice hockey game. They dropped Scotty off at her father’s house and headed for the emergency room. Usually they are headed there for Sam but this time Nick is the victim. He has just bruised his ribs badly but is in pain. When they arrive home, they find Sam’s niece Brooke on the porch. She is naked, wrapped in a bloody sheet, and has been badly beaten, raped, and is unconscious. Back to the emergency room this time with Brooke. Who did this to Brooke? She was supposed to be in Virginia in a secure private school. How did she get to Sam’s? Before they get Brooke to a room, Sam is called out on a murder call. However, this time, she doesn’t go, she sends Gonzo to be the lead. When she finished with Brooke, she will go to the crime scene. The murder is a multiple murder- six teens have been killed while at a party where booze, drugs, and sex were served. Had Brooke been to this party? When a video hits social media, Sam finds herself watching as Brooke is raped by three men while a fourth films it. She recognizes the blanket on the bed as one from the murder scene. It now becomes obvious that Sam cannot investigate this murder as it is a conflict of interest. Can Sam stay away? Meanwhile, Nick who is trying to spend time with their son is called to the White House where the President asks him to be the new Vice-President when Gooding resigns. What will this do to their marriage? Will Sam have to give up her job? Will Nick insist she become the second lady? How will it affect Scotty?


How is it possible for a series to just keep getting better and better? Well this one does!! The well developed primary ( Sam and Nick) and secondary (Sams' home and work families) characters keeping growing and deepening and becoming more real. The story lines get better and better, move rapidly and smoothly, with some real bumps, twists and turns. Like all of the other books in this series, Fatal Jeopardy is full of suspense, humor (you'll find yourself laughing out loud) and hot romance. I am glad to find that Ms. Force has developed a comfortableness with enlarging and detailing the hot aspects of Sam and Nicks relationship. Its real and she does not shy away from it, with helps "the realness" of these two characters. I love Sam and Nick and I love how Sam's family (home and work) have taken Nick into "their fold" Each of Sam's personal family members and each of her "work" family members have come alive and it is easy to become invested/attached to them as individuals. This is a gift the author gives to her readers. Very few authors (especially those so famous and well established) are able to develop and nurture so many characters and story lines without repeating themselves, as Ms. Force does with the Fatal series. If you have not read the other books in this series, your missing out on a lot. If you enjoyed this book and have not read the other six (actually five plus the wedding novella), be good to yourself and do so! I highly recommend this series. In fact I have read most of Ms. Force's books in all of her series and recommend them all. Since this series is so well done, you will find yourself re-reading some of the earlier books while you wait for the next book (I know I sure do)! So looking forward to book 8, Fatal Scandal.

Serial killer or gang hit?

When nine young teenagers are found stabbed to death in the basement of a well known Criminal Attorney there will be a slew of issues to contend with before the suspect can be caught and brought to justice. To make matters worse, Lt. Holland's niece is dropped on your doorstep unconscious, drugged, drunk and gang rapped. Who would do such a thing. She is also covered in blood. Was she at the party where the nine teenagers died? Did she kill them? Is she just an innocent victim? All these will have to be considered and it will become increasingly hard on Lt. Holland to remain objective during the investigation. Not only that but one of her team will take a bullet to the neck and go critical in just a matter of moments. Will he survive? Also, in the background of the book we have Senator Cappuano who is not only just starting his first full term as an elected Senator from the Great State of Virginia, but he is being wooed by the President of the United States to accept the nomination for the Vice-President position when it is learned that Vice-President Gooding is only given six months to live. Will Nick become Vice-President? Will Sam have to give up being a police detective? Can Sam actually handle the role of 2nd Lady of the United States, oh and can she solve the murder while dealing with this pressure. Again, Marie Force writes a gripping novel that will bring you into the story and give you plenty of enjoyment. Some of you might be upset because this book does not have near as many steamy sex scenes as the other books. Personally I found that refreshing. It shows that the plot line can stand on it's own without all the sex. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Fatal Jeopardy

I have enjoyed her previous Fatal series book. I like the premise to this book. My problem with book is everyone seems to feel Lt. Sam’s career is the most important. She seem reluctant to admit that her husband’s career is just as important. Another problem is all the sex Sam and Nick has. It seems ha has to make all the concessions. Every time they are alone they are going at like rabbits. She writes that they have sex everyday unless one is out of time. Please, that is excessive. I don’t know of any couple that does that. Otherwise, this is a very good book. I will read others in the series that I bought.

a new benchmark for Marie's writing

I like Marie's writing, I've read everything you can get on Kindle books that she's written, since I enjoy the balance of passion, romance, and the real world aspects of the characters' careers, and how everything dovetails. My criticism usually is about the brevity of her works, and though I still feel they should be longer, this book makes up for that by bringing several past characters back into the drama mix, and for those who've read the previous fatal series stories, it's like going home to familiar faces and personalities. The artfully written story line is intense and the reader is propelled into a state of mind that really wants to turn the pages to see how things unravel. Another aspect I feel marks a new level of detail here is the frequent allusions to modern day technologies which most of us now are quite familiar with, like texting, smart phones, pitfalls of drug abuse, teenage angst and subsequent injuries and the like. So it feels very contemporary, and you can't help liking the family that is central to the story. Reminds of Garrison Keiler's Tales of Lake Wogebon broadcasts, where the women are smart and capable and sexy, and the men are strong, successful and sensitive, and the bodies of the good guys are always in great shape and prepared for outrageously incredible sexual passions. A nice diversion where the good guys always win in the end.

A wonderful Heart Attack

One thing about a Marie Force book. She ALWAYS ALWAYS delivers. This book is BY FAR the BEST of the entire series. Things are quiet for once in D.C. Nick has a week off due to the Senate being out. Sam has decided to actually take a Stay cation. No work for this new Mama. Time is going to be spent with her husband and new son Scotty. After a trip to the ER. For Nick NOT Sam for once they come home to find their niece in a bloody lump on their doorstep. While Sam is dealing with the horror at the hospital a call comes in. 9 teenagers sliced and diced have been found dead. While engaged in Sexual Relations. Not giving much away after that but the entire story than shoots off like a bullet of an out of control speed. The entire story takes place in less than 3 days. I was in tears crying my way through the climax with the killer. Gonzo is featured along with Baby Alex and his fiancee Christina. No sign of Stahl. (Thank you Marie!!!) But we seem to have a jerk of a SVU detective taking his place. At least he won't be able to bring Sam up on charges every book. There is a short story at the end that wraps alot of things up. It takes place a year to the date that Sam and Nick reunited. So if it keeps up this way we won't have to worry about Nick running for president until somewhere in the 20s. We have a good long wait to worry about that. Thanks SOO much Marie for the heart attack to end all heart attack. Luckily my husband didn't have to call EMS.

Wonderful addition to the series

This is a romantic-suspense series based in Washington, DC. The main characters are HOT, SEXY, and STEAMY. Fatal Jeopardy is my favorite in the series and I love all of them. I love how Marie keeps us updated with all the characters without taking away from the main characters or story. The “minor” characters and their stories are woven into the story so seamlessly. I love how Sam and Nick are adapting to the changes in their lives and that their love gets even stronger and more committed. I love how Sam is growing and letting others into her life and that Nick isn’t always so perfect. While we’ve seen Sam struggle in the past (and still is) with finding the balance of their careers and their private life, we see Nick starting to struggle too. This book kept me in suspense and had me laughing, crying, gasping, and smiling. You can read this book as a stand-alone, but I feel you most benefit from starting from book 1 – Fatal Affair. I’ve read the entire series at least 4 times-they're that good! Marie Force is a terrific writer who cares about the quality of her stories and her readers. I highly recommend this book/series.

Loved it!

Unlike some authors, Marie Force does one smooth job of recapping past events and transitioning the reader into story #7 without skipping a beat. This story was another nice blend of family, suspense and career destinations. Sam’s niece Brooke is at the heart of the murder/suspense part of the story and although sad at times it but kept me guessing. Sam, as usual, rides a thin line trying to keep it professional versus personal. Although I’m very surprised at where Nick’s career is taking him I’m looking forward to the ride. Scotty is blending in well into Nick/Sam’s lives and its fun watching them as parents of a teenager. Waiting to find out what’s going on with this series side characters is just as fun as the main ones. A bit of “oh please no” happens when one of Sam’s officers is shot and a few nail biter pages until the “whew” all is well. Despite Sam/Nick’s ups and downs they always settle things out making their relationship stronger for it. I hate having to wait until January for the next installment of this series, but I know Ms. Force will make it worth our while.

Love this series

I am a great fan of all Marie Force's books especially the series. She makes the characters come to life for me and I have come to care about them, as if they were real friends of mine. Quite often, to my embarrassment, I find myself laughing out loud or coming to tears, literally, The Fatal series deals with life in Washington D.C. for Sam (Samantha) and her guy, Nick. The strength of the main characters is based on conviction of character, morality, family, and love. I reread all the books, from Fatal Affair, the first in the series, to Fatal Mistake (book 6) before reading Fatal Jeopardy. Loved it! I have already pre-ordered Fatal Scandal which will come out in January of 2015. I look forward to reading through the Fatal series again in December to prepare myself for the new book. Incidentally, I am now reading through all the Gansett Island books before Gansett After Dark comes out this May. I am looking forward to the next Green Mountain series book to come out and hope there will be more of Treading Water books to come.

Another captivating and riveting installment to The Fatal Series!!

It is amazing to me that these books just get better and better!! The next in the series will probably need a 6, so Amazon needs to update the star rating!! From the very first book to this latest installment, Marie Force has built a world around two people in love. Though not perfect, they work through things, grow with one another, and make the reader believe, absolutely, in "soul mates". I gobbled this one up as quickly as the others in this series. Laughing out loud and crying continuously throughout the captivating story line. At one point, (no spoilers...) I was ready to fire the author and toss the book across the room, which would have destroyed my Kindle! All because Marie Force pulls us in so deeply to the characters, that we can't stand for anything to happen to them. This book had a very nice "treat" at the end as well, and I loved the author notes at the conclusion. My only complaint, is that Marie Force can't write these faster!! ;)

Another amazing one

This was a bit tough to read. Not in the writing department, but in the subject matter. However, Marie has an awesome way with lacing and words. Taking you on tense, deep situations m, then throwing in some laughter to help ease the tension. I love Sam and Nick. My hubby and I wish we could live in their world. WOW!

My cup runneth over

A sure sign that I couldn't wait for this book? I had it on 3 calendars so I was prepared for the release!! Why? Because I know in my heart of hearts Marie Force will not disappoint and she didn't. Marie has picked up exactly where we left off in book 6 and our favorite couple is trying to recover from a very emotional and extreme year. I love that Marie reminds us that it has been only a year since we first met these characters and that like them, we are shocked at how much has occurred in the year. Nick is still amazingly hot and in love with his beautiful wife. Sam is still struggling with the balance of her career and that of a Senator's wife. Scotty is still hilarious and a straight shooter. I loved brining more of Sam's family into the fold and that this book, while it gave us plenty of Nick was Sam's story. The story of her family and her complete love of all of them. Another 5+ stars to Marie Force!! I cannot wait for book 8!

Wow! Pow! WHAM!

All I can say is you will literally LOL and you will cry and you will SMILE. I discovered Ms. Marie Force about 2 weeks ago. I must have been living under a rock but somehow I bought the 1st book and before I got through 20 min of reading, I went right online and bought the rest of the series so I wouldn't have to stop reading. The fact that I waited 2 days for Fatal Jeopardy left me cranky. You really feel like you are right there in the middle of the squad room, or in the house, with Nick and Sam. It will definitely leave you wanting for more. I love that Marie has not closed this off and knowing there is another book in January gives me something to live for!! LOL!! You won't be disappointed, other than the fact they are not long enough. If she could write one book, like War and Peace, I would still read it in a week. Keep the books coming Marie!!! I want to keep reading until Nick and Sam are old and retired!!!

Best Series Ever

Marie Force has created characters that you like and root for in the Fatal Series! Book 8 is a continuation of Sam and Nick's police and political lives while solving a murder and learning how to make their life together work well!


I thoroughly love this series; Sam is so kick-ass but she is also vulnerable and tender-hearted; I LOVE her! I love how Nick knows when she needs him. She also knows when he needs her support and unconditional love; I love that she is willing to "roll with it" and doesn't stand in his way now that his light is finally going to shine. I would like to see Special Agent-in-Charge Avery Hill find someone (not sure if Tinker Bell is it). He sounds like he would totally give himself to a strong woman like Nick has to Sam. The story continues, will Skip maybe be able to walk again or at least have more mobility, how will Christine and Gonzo do if Alex's birth mother makes more trouble (she probably will)? Scotty is growing up. Lots of possibilities for storylines. I'm re-reading Fatal Affair because I love how Nick & Sam met. Keep up the good well researched stories that make me want to continue the series. diamondgirl

Absolutely Perfect!

Absolutely perfect. Another great addition to a awesome series. The banter between Sam and Nick is what makes the story and the whole series worth reading. And waiting impatiently for the next one. Sam and Nick are the perfect couple and they have all the friends and family to suppose any choices they make. Love Scotty and his life is changing for the better each day with Sam and Nick. There are a few twist and turns, but it would not be the Fatal series if Sam didn't have a case and a criminal to chase. The case in this story will rip out your heart and will have you crying for the victims. Still there is one question for me that I will ask after each addition: "Will Sam every have Nick's baby?" Only Marie Force can answer that, so I will keep reading this series until Marie has nothing left for Sam, Nick, Scotty and their friends and families. Congrats Marie!!!

Outstanding series!

I first started this series a few years ago, but unfortunately go sidetracked. I rediscovered it and am totally enthralled with Sam, Nick and the rest of the marvelous characters Ms. Force has created. I can't wait to read the next book of the series!

Awesome Read

From the first page until the conclusion, this fast-paced and non-stop action drama pulled me immediately into the lives of Sam and Nick and I didn’t want to get off this roller-coaster ride that had its ups, downs and twists that was hard to put down. The author did a great job in keeping this story fresh, light, romantic and suspenseful as we watch Sam and her team do what they do best and this is close their case. I just love watching the love affair between Sam and Nick grow as they welcome others into their intimate circle and the adventures that encompass their lives. This fabulously terrific series gets better and better with each book written and I can’t wait to see where we are going next with Sam, Nick and their friends.

Great mystery, action, characters

This is another great book in this series. I love all the characters! The depth of their emotions and their interactions add so much to the story. The suspense and action packed scenes keep the story flowing at a fast pace. Very entertaining!

What do you say to an amazing Author?

For me these books are just like a family reunion you pick up right after the last one and not missing a single beat. The story picks up with new cases, but yet right where it left off. Nick and Sam and Scotty are a fabulous family and that of all of Sam's family. You will cry, laugh, and get angry and pray that something doesn't happen in the end. It's one hell of an awesome book and couldn't put it down! I started with a full charged Kindle and had to plug it in half way through the day and let it recharge before I could finish this amazing book. Marie is an author that opens her heart out to these characters that make you feel like family in any of her books. She sure does have you hook, line, sink. Just a fabulous author!

Awesome series

Wow I started this series and wasn't sure what to expect but I was not disappointed in the least. What an amazing author and story. I couldn't wait to read the next book in the series. I am really glad that I didn't find out about the series until all nine books were published so I could read them all right in a row. I wasn't able to put them down at all. If you choose to read this series don't plan on doing anything else because you won't want to put the book down. I can't wait for the next book in the series to be published. I will plan on not doing anything that day. If you like mystery along with romance then this is a great series to read. I recommended it to my parents who felt the same in addition to some friends of mine.

Love and Murder the the Nation's Capital!

Oh my,I can't stop thinking about this series. With me working in the Nation's Capital and just reading where all the murders occurred, the places they looked for clues, the streets, that they where in hot pursuit of suspect, even the street where Sam, Nick and her Father lived, I have a co-worker who actually lives on that very same street was so amazing. I must say I am not a murder mystery reader but from the moment I saw the first book advertised on a subway train, I was intrigued and downloaded the book as soon as I could. Nick was a man from very humble background and who wears a spirit of humility throughout this entire series, his patience with Sam who was all about her career and protecting her city. Even when offered top ranking positions, his first thoughts are of her and how it would affect her and her career. Also the entanglement of their co-workers and their personal lives that seem to all connect with the lives of Sam and Nick. I am tempted to re-read the series!!! I must say I have downloaded other books by Marie Force and so far I have not been disappointed. Can't wait for the next book!

what a Fatal ride....

I love the ups and downs of this series. I found the first book in the series on sale for $.99, and I'm so glad I bought it. The remaining 7 (6 more books + a novella) cost a little more, but I couldn't wait to read the next book, so I couldn't wait for a sale! If you enjoy suspense, family conflict, love, steamy romance and/or politics, read this whole series. You won't be disappointed. Sam & Nick, their friends & family, and their adventures are a wild ride. This book was just as fast paced and exciting as the rest. I couldn't wait for its release, then couldn't put it down. The next book in the series isn't due for release until next January! How will I ever wait that long for my next "Fatal" fix?

Nine Lives

Sam is supposed to have a weeks vacation. Instead her niece is dumped naked and bleeding on her doorstep and nine teenagers are found dead at a party. Nick is still being pressured to accept the Vice Presidency and that is just part of the plot.

You must read the entire series!!!!!

I would give it ten stars if I could! I couldn't put the book down until I finished it, but also didn't want it to end. An awesome series and can't wait for the next one (although I know I have to). An exceptional author and series! If you have not read the entire series, you must - the stories are action packed, the characters are believable and you get invested in their lives. I enjoy a good book with a strong female lead character and this book has that along with well-rounded supporting characters that continue on into the next books. As far as I am concerned, Marie Force rates right up there with another favorite author and series of mine - J.D. Robb and the "In Death" series!


Another great Fatal mystery! Sam & Nick are back! And so is Sam's niece bringing with her a major crime. Did she kill all those teens or was she the victim? Sam sorts it out the best she can while being benched from the game. Something's not adding up when more pieces come into play. Sam is handling the press but gets blindsided by a reporters question. Did Nick forget to tell her something very important? Will this ruin their relationship? Find out when you read this book! Nail biting suspense as always a good read by Marie! Was a little disappointed to hear the next in the series won't be released until January next year (2015). But, KEEP THEM COMING!

Loved it

Politics, teenagers going in the wrong direction and learn difficult lessons in life. Mixture of laughter and crying throughout the story with strong characters. Moving on to next book.

Another good one

I am very impressed when an author makes an enjoyable and exciting story a true life experience also. The important life issues were written with thoughtfulness and brought information to us as readers.

Simply amazing!

I purposely saved this book for my spring break trip to Ft Myers, FL. I should've downloaded more books since this one was done in one day! I love Nick, Sam and Scotty. I really enjoy each of the story lines and understand that those story lines are based on their respective jobs. So to the person that wrote a review stating MF's series was predictable...they aren't changing jobs! Personally, Brooke needed something extreme to knock her down a peg. I am NOT saying that troubled kids should go through that in real life, it's a story! In reading the question/answer section at the end of the book I was VERY happy to see that there will not be any infidelity in this series. I would stop reading. Marie, I truly enjoy all of your books and every single one is amazing. I can't put them down!


This book in the series was wow!!! I did not anticipate what would happen to Sam’s niece. It was 😞 and at times hard to read. But I got through it and on to the next book in the series.

Vice President

This is another excellent book in this series of Senator Nick and LT. Sam of the Washington police department. A party of young people results in a number of dead teens and Sam's niece injured. Will she find the killer? This is the last of the books of this series. Wish I had read them in order but I didn't. Please write just one more, Sam could have many more adventures.

Right decisions!

This is a prime example of how one flawed decision impacts many! One teen steals drugs and booze from his brother and everything else in his short life changes. His decision impacted the lives of all of his close and some distant friends. Sam's expertise is needed to solve this tragic crime. Sam and Nick's love continues to be evident throughout this saga. Their is so memorable. The adoption of their son draws closer to occurring! Her niece Brooke is somehow caught right in middle of this one. Heartstrings are being pulled in this one.

Perfect series.

The Fatal series has some of my most favorite books I’ve read. I’m a voracious reader and savor these stories for when I need a great read and know the next one in the series will fill the bill. The characters are lovable and relatable. They feel like old friends. The mix of a murder mystery and well-written romance with a deep love between the characters, will make you wish the book will never end. I adore every one of these books.

The best of the series so far!!

This book in the series is the best one so far and that is saying a lot!! I was pulled in from the first chapter. I absolutely love SAM and Nick. Their love and commitment to each other is refreshing to see and feel. You can't help but get emotionally vested in their lives. All the characters in these books are unique and "real" that you can't help but fall in love with them.. The author does an excellent job of taking you on an emotional roller coaster as the case gets resolved. I highly recommend it. I couldn't put it down. It will be a long wait for the next one. I'll be retarding the others again! :-D


Where do I even start. Not just home run, but Grand Slam. If they let me give it more stars I would. I laughed, I cried, felt all the emotions this series brings out in me. I read it 12 hours and would have taken less time of I hadn't had to work. I love Sam and Nicks complicated life. I love they can keep their love growing stronger with every change grown at then. Love all the secondary characters as well. Only think that saddens me is I have to wait so looooooooong for more. AWESOME writing Marie as usual. Guess I'll be reading the whole series again real soon. Can't wait for more of Nick, Sam and All the gang.

You'll love it too!

Another wonderfully written book by Marie Force in the Fatal Series. This book has several twists and turns to the minor characters that are totally unexpected. I think that, in itself, speaks to the strength of Ms. Force's story telling ability. The minor characters have a larger role and their stories are woven into the ongoing story of Sam, Nick and now Scotty so seamlessly. I just finished re-reading the Fatal Series Short Story that accompanies the book. It, just like the rest of the story is moving and eloquent. You can read this book as a stand alone, but most likely, you'll want to read the other six books in the series if you haven't already and I'm sure you'll be hooked.

Super story

Number 7 in the series, Lt. Sam Holland's niece is in deep trouble and nearly killed when she is gang-raped in a house where nine other partyers are murdered. Who dumped her on Sam's porch and why? And to complicate matters further, Senator Nick Cappuano, Sam's husband, is now being pressured to become VP--of the USA! Will Sam have to quit her job? Can she solve the case that put Brooke in the ICU and her high school friends in the morgue? A nail biter from first page to last, with a bonus short story that leads directly to the next installment of this great series.

Another GREAT installment for the Fatal Series

Um, WOW did I just read that???? HOLY. SH#T ( If you've read the book you'll get my reference. ) Another great installment to the Fatal series. I adore Nick, Sam and Scotty. The Cappuano's are changing by leaps and bounds in this one. I am a huge fan of this series and look forward to seeing how they all adapt to there ever changing world in the stories that are still to come. I think the relationship dynamic between full cast of characters is so well written that I feel like a true part of their world when I'm reading each new book. I can't wait for #8! Happy Reading!

A real mystery with just the right amount of love.

I never expected the ending which definitely adds a new thrill which I can't wait to read about. I just love the strong characters in this series. When I start reading one in this series I always have hard time putting it down until it's done or until I have to go to sleep. Book seven was no exception to the above strong points. It always kept me on the edge of my seat with wanting to know "who done it".Also the romance was just perfect because it shows nobody is perfect all the time. I recommend this book with enthusiasm that it is a great read. Thanks for writing it and keep it coming.

MARIE FORCE . . .how you spell AWESOME

MARIE FORCE . . . this how you spell AWESOME . . .Fatal Jeopardy . . . the newest venture into the lives of Sam, Nick and Scotty . . a police Lieutenant, A United States Senator, the truly adorable adopted 12 year old . . .their interaction shows a family with varied skills, and dreams supporting each other to achieve their collective joy in each other . . .Sam has a "smart mouth (sometimes with no filter) . . .Nick has a capacity for love, understanding and acceptance that both Sam and Scotty need . . .all of this is mixed with the backgrounds of Sam and Nick's careers which lead to amazing insights into both the political and police actions of each of their worlds. . .and their very intimate moments with each other. . .AND OF COURSE you then become a "Force Addict" anxiously awaiting your next visit with the incredible characters found in ALL MARIE FORCE BOOKS


I love Sam, Nick and Scotty and was waiting for the return of them, but this book didn't do it for me. I am a huge Marie Force fan and have read everything she has written, but I had a hard time getting through this book. Just didn't do it for me. Usually read her books in a day or two, but this one took me over a week, just had a really hard time getting from one chapter to the next. Very predictable to me. Not sure if I want to get the next edition or not. Guess it's after a number of books on the same topic just get very practicable and not too exciting, in my opinion!!

Marie Force: Best author.....

I am sooo addicted to Marie Force's books. She is the best author. I started out with a free book Gansett Island series "Maid for Love" I purchased the rest of the books in the series caught up, then waited (inpatiently) for new ones. I downloaded book 1 in this series, and was immediatley hooked! I love Sam and Nick. I live the story lines... Marie writes and takes us with her in all ger books. PLEASE do yourself a favor and download her books. Check the free section of kindle books. If not free, they r very reasonably priced. Now I willve waiting for the next one!

Another winner!!!!!!!!!!

It's so hard to wait for the next installment of the Fatal Series. When you start each and every book you are transported into the story and they are so well written that you experience what the characters are. They are about people just like you and me and all of the stories are about something that someone in our towns are going through right now. They lead you to believe that all things are possible if we have enough faith in God, our family and friends to get us through the rough times. Thank you Marie for another great story and please keep the series going.

Love me some Marie Force !!

I have read pretty much everything by Marie because she is that awesome! I have to admit when I first started reading this series, it wasn't my favorite of her collections, but each and every one has gotten better and now I love it. I will continue to buy from Marie and will continue this series because now I'm hooked. If this is the first time you are reading one of her books, go get everything she has ever written (I especially love the McCarthy's series) because you won't be disappointed. I only wish there were more of her so that her books would come out more frequently.

Oh my!

After reading each of the books in this series, I didn't think one could top any of them, but this one just about does it!! Love Sam's spunk and confidence in the midst of a terrible family tragedy. She kept her emotions intact, even though on the inside she was so broken up about what her niece went through. She finally lets go on the way to the hospital after Gonzo is admitted with a gunshot wound. The heart stopper for me was the hospital waiting room scene. I can hardly wait to see what her life is going to be like as Second Lady! Wonderful book!!

I am loving this series!

This is a really good series. I stumbled upon it while looking for a different author, downloaded the first book, then read all of the rest in 1 week! The H and h have a definite Eve/Roarke vibe going on without the annoyingly perfect hero and I love that the lesser characters are just as fully developed as the leads. I am reading the 8th book now and it looks as though that one will be as good as the others. I recommend this series to anyone who likes police procedural books or romance books or detective books...or just well written books.

Another great Fatal book!!!!!

I loved it, as I suspected I would. I love the entire series. Sam and Nick are the greatest. Now with Scotty, they make a great family. I love that all the characters come back into all the books. I am glad that Gonzo didn't die, especially after getting custody of his son. I can't wait for another book. I hope Sam continues in her job, since Nick is now Vice President. What a shock there. WOW. Anyway Sam is great at her job. I hope nothing happens to Skippy. Sam doesn't need anymore stress in her life. Thanks Marie for another great book.

Marie Force does it again

When reading any one of the Fatal Series by Marie Force I find it very difficult to put the book down until I'm finished reading it and Fatal Jeopardy did not fail me. Sam and Nick are AWESOME! Unfortunately their plan for a week free from work to just have family time gets completely thrown out the window when they find Sam's niece on their doorstep wrapped in nothing but a sheet covered in blood. If you haven't read the first 6 stories of the Fatal Series, I highly recommend them. Can't wait to read Fatal Scandal (Book 8)!

I love Sam and NIck

Yet again we have another great book in this series. I love everything about this series. Nick and Sam and Scotty are about to go on vacation until Brooke, Sam's niece is found bloody and nude on their front steps, while this is happen across town 9 kids are found body. Could this be related? What happen to Brooke? Will Sam and Nick ever get a break? I could not put this book down like any book for this series and swoon for Nick a little more with each book. If you have not read this series that you need to. Never a dull moment with this couple

The Series Just Keeps Getting Better

Another amazing story from this talented author. Just the right mix sizzling romance and suspense. This series always leaves me wanting more and I can hardly wait for the next book. Marie's characters are well thought out and so realistic that the reader can relate to them as though they might even know someone just like them. Since the same core characters are in each book, they begin to seem like family. Even though the books can be read as stand alone novels I truly recommend starting from the beginning of the series and read every one.

Best read yet of the Fatal Series. But you must start at the beginning of the series !!!!

Having read all of the Fatal series this is by far my favorite ! Excellent story line and great continuation of characters. I am not a fan of "romance / sex novels. Some of the series have been a little heavy on the explicit sex. Having said that, I do not feel a good story needs all the details to make it good. I get it that they are very much in love, very sexy, very attracted to each other, but spare me some of the graphic stuff ! I will continue to follow the series, I am enjoying watching Marie Force develop as a writer.

Conflict of Interest

Compared to the other six entries in this series, “Fatal Jeopardy” is just mediocre. It comes off as disjointed in characterization and somewhat sappy even for the romantic suspense genre. Yet, the initial setup shows considerable promise. Sam Holland and Nick Cappuano have finally found mutual time for a vacation. It is the week before Thanksgiving, Congress is in recess and Sam has scheduled her leave to match her husband’s Senate schedule. Then three events occur within just hours of each other. On the evening prior to the start of their vacation, Nick is body checked during a men’s league hockey game, injuring the same ribs that took so long to heal months before. After several hours in the emergency room, Sam and Nick return home to find the unconscious and naked body of Sam’s niece, Brooke, dumped on their front porch and wrapped in a bloody sheet. When neither Sam nor the paramedics can find a source wound for the blood, Sam suspects that another victim is in the wind. But when she soon receives a call from her partner, Cruz, saying that he and Gonzo have been diverted to the scene of a multiple homicide involving teens, Sam suspects the worse. When she arrives on scene, she finds six teens stabbed multiple times in a basement family room. Then, three more bodies are found in an adjacent bedroom and the blood-soaked bed is missing a sheet. And now a most exciting storyline begins to fall apart, one scene at a time. First, Nick goes ballistic when Sam cancels the out-of-town portion of their vacation to help her niece physically, emotionally and legally. To expect Sam to leave a close family member lying unconscious in a hospital to go spend a few days lying in the sun consuming little drinks decorated with umbrellas is a reaction that is totally out of character for Nick. It appears that the author scripted this scene strictly to force a major crisis in the plot. Secondly, Sam is allowed to work both cases, the multiple homicides and her niece’s gang-rape, even though it constitutes a conflict of interest as far as chain of custody for criminal proceedings is concerned. The author tries to square this away by saying that the father of one of the dead teens, a prominent D.C. criminal defense attorney, wants the best homicide detective in the city on the case. That’s right – we are expected to believe that a defense attorney wants a detective with a conflict trying to find his son’s murderer, especially a detective that he has publically denounced for years. Even grief cannot make this one ring true. Then Marie Force rewrites Sam’s character by trying to add an emotional component into Sam that has not been in evidence previously. For the first time, Sam seems unable to cope effectively with fear, especially in circumstances that concern those she loves. Considering that she and Nick have been in much more dire circumstances than this and she has never lost her cop’s instincts, this “change” feels artificial and unrealistic. And in writing such a change, Force turns a perfectly staged murder mystery into a mushy beach read. Next, Force fails miserably in her attempt to get the reader to feel that Sam is frustrated at every turn because Gonzo is in charge of the homicide investigation, while her conflict relegates her to being just a team member. Quite frankly, Sam actually handles the situation with perfect professional bearing, befitting her position as the homicide division commander. She sets an important example for her team and she actually learns from the experience. This entry in the series may have come across to me as an over-emotional, contrived, fluffy cozy, but Force does leave a few hooks dangling for future novels. Hints are left about Stahl’s vendetta against Sam and about the upcoming trial of the psycho who brutally raped one of Sam’s team members. And there is definitely groundwork being laid for an upcoming and serious glitch in the adoption of Scotty. Add in the changes in Nick’s political future and there is considerable fodder for additional novels. I just hope Force can keep the foci of her various series separated in the future. Writing a “Fatal” entry in the same style as one of her “Gansett Island” novels is, in my opinion, not the best course to take with mystery readers. But, just in case, when the next “Fatal” entry is published, I think I’ll hedge my financial bets and either wait for it to come on sale or check it out of the library.

Still love Sam and Nick

This is still a great series. Ms. Force used to be one of my very favorite authors but her other series have become very predictable and repetative. I find that this series is still fresh and enjoyable. The murder mystery part of these stories make you want to finish these stories. Sam and Nick still have a very happy passionate relationship that isn't over done. We don't jump from sex scene to sex scene as it seems her other series has become. I highly recommemd this book and this series I believe you will enjoy it immensely!

Another Great One

I have come to expect nothing less from Marie Force. I have read so many of her books, and it always amazes me how she can write so many different style of books. Suspenseful romance is definitely in her wheelhouse. I am never able to feel any level of confidence in my guess at "who dunnit" until Marie reveals the mystery. Her writing absolutely leaves you guessing in the best possible way. And the family/friend story blends seamlessly with the mystery. I love this series and as long as Marie continues to write them then I will continue to read them.


OMG - Marie I didn't think you could out do yourself BUT you have!! This has to be the best Fatal book ever (of course I always think that). This is the 7th book and I can't wait for the next book, I don't think I will ever tire of Sam, Nick and Scotty and of course her family and her work family. You also left us with some open intriguing issues...can't we talk you into sooner than January. You are a GREAT author and I look forward to reading the Fata seriesl, The McCarthy's of Gansett Island and now the Green Mountain Series!

Absolutely loved it!

I love everything about this book and series. The characters in this book seem so real. The way Marie describes them is wonderful. I love the way she includes everyone in their lives. You not only hear about Sam and Nick's romance and drama. You learn abouts their colleagues, friends and family as well. I love the story line with Agent Hill. Please keep it. It allows us to see how real Sam and Nick are. You can't help but laugh out loud at some of the comments made when Nick shows his jealous side. I would recommend this book to the person that loves a good suspense romance. The drama in the story line keeps you hooked. The love the characters show one another will bring tears to your eyes!

Fatal series

I never thought I would like romance/erotica type books. Ever ever. Especially one that incorporated politics. But turns out there are some pretty good ones that arent just cheesy and embarrasing. Really liked this series. Fun to read and went thru all of them in about a month, reading when should have been working bc would get into it and not want to stop. Would think it would be pretty easy to keep it going, look forward to more. Love sam and nick.

can not wait for next book

Read these books in order if you can- they stand alone but the characters develop great relationships as the stories go in order. Development of relationships that are open and healthy is present in all her books with the right amount of sex and love. Sam and Nick become a family with their adopted son and all the couples struggle to overcome obstacles. Wonderful interaction between Sam and her Dad brings new elements to the forefront. In my eyes A Marie Force book is always a good relaxing read.

Fatal Jeopardy

Just when I think these books couldn't get any better, Marie Force delivers a zinger. Life for Sam Holland and her husband, U. S. Senator, Nick Capuano, take a very unexpected turn when Sam's niece is the victim of a sexual assault and was at the scene of a multiple murder. The characters are as amazing as ever and constantly give us new reasons to love and respect them. Not wanting to give anything away, I will just say you need to read this fabulous story for yourself. Highly, and I mean highly, recommended!

Never disappointed

I had been waiting for book seven in the series and just like books one through six - a great read. I love following the lives of Sam, Nick, their family and friends. By now I can picture the street where Sam and Nick live down from Skip and Celia. I know what they all look like and what their reactions will be because Ms. Force has made each one "real". In this book I had to keep reading to find out what really happened to Brooke and it is written so well that you feel the pain that each family member is going through. Read the series and I can't wait for book eight. Hope it isn't too long.

Another Winner!!

I don't know how it's possible but every one of Marie Force's books in this series is better than the last. She has this remarkable talent for pulling you in and make you feel like you know these characters and love these characters. This books is excitement, fear, love, hate and you just can't stop reading. Then you finish the book and continue to think about the characters. I would love to see this series, well all her series books, put into a movie. I guarantee it would be a huge success!!

Excellent Series

This is easily one of the best series I've ever read. There are similarities to the JD Robb 'In Death' books (female homicide lieutenant married to successful, public man), but (dare I say it) even better. These books are so rich because the focus is on the characters and their relationships with family and co-workers. I absolutely love Sam, Nick and Scotty, and how the lives of characters from her police world and his political world intersect. Each book is even better than the last. Step up the writing, Marie - we want more!!!

My Favorite

I have always liked the way Marie Force writes, but this book was the best in the series. She concentrated on what was important, Sam making sure that her family was the most important thing her life, and getting the bad guy. I enjoyed reading about Nick's displeasure about Sam charging in when her niece was the center of things, and I was surprised with the offer given to him. I'm not sure how it will play out in the end, but knowing Marie, it will be with grace. Another great book, Marie!

Amazing Read!

Love Marie Force! No spoilers her though! Just keep reading! All the characters become friends that I look forward to seeing!

Love the book

It's so nice reading about a couple who's in love even though they have their ups and downs. Sam's on another big case. When one of her detectives get s short I had to go for the Kleenex box. Nick is asked to become Vic president but how will Sam feel about that. Her dad is having feelings in his legs because the bullet is moving. Well he come through the surgery? The seventh book leaves me wanting more. I loved the book and couldn't stop reading.

Fatal Jeopardy ~ Book 7

Fatal Jeopardy Book 7 was definitely another awesome book by Marie Force. As usual, I didn't want to put the book down. She always keeps you interested and wanting to see what's going to happen next...and I LOVE IT!

Another great Book!!

I just love Sam and Nick. I think you can continue to write about them and no one will get bored. It is a story that is so hard to put down once you start it because you just can not wait to find out what happens. Thank you again Marie Force for continuing to entertain me and I will continue to look for your new releases. At this point I have read all of your books and not one of them have disappointed me.

Sam and Nick always mean a good story.

I love how Marie manages to juggle so many story arcs in one book, and bring them all to a satisfactory conclusion. I hope Brooke grows up and shows that she learned a very difficult lesson, but she's only 17. I'm betting Marie had more mischief planned for the girl before she's done with her. Nick will surely have some significant challenges in his new role, as will Sam. I hope Marie is already working on the next book in this series.

This is a must read!!!!

So much happened in this book. I always feel like I'm right in the story with the characters and being with them in their journey. As usual Sam and Nick do not disappoint, I love how no matter what, they love and support each other. Can't wait to see what is next. I recommend you get these books and start reading immediately, you won't be disappointed. On to the next book.

Thank heaven for DNA

Another winner. The family dynamics are terrific. From book one to book seven is only one year, but what an explosive year. This book brings all the characters together. Sam can't take the lead on these horrific murders...Spoiler alert... Her niece is raped, and could be implicated in the murders. I didn't follow the reasoning of why the murderer killed so many...I guess he was on drugs to do the things he did. I can't wait for the next book.

It's harder when the victims are kids.

Nine teens stabbed to death and Sam's niece raped makes for a tough case with emotion running high. Sam and Nick were supposed to have a week of vacation, but there's no way Sam can sit this one out. There are plenty of subplots to keep the action going, and one dramatic twist to challenge the balance that Nick and Sam have tried to find with their high-profile jobs. Another good story by Marie Force!

Great Series... Great Characters

Great episode in the series. Darker than the others, the pace is great and we see a seriously-off-the-reservation Sam working to resolve the gang rape of her niece and the slaughter of nine teens. FBI agent Avery Hill plays a critical role again, and raises the tension with Nick as always. Really good mystery, fair amount of action and great dialogue as usual. Sam and Nick's intimate moments continue to grow in intensity.

I've just finished Fatal Jeopardy

I think this is one of the best of the series. It stuck to the story and did not spend a lot of time on the sex lives of the characters. I felt for the parents of the slain teenagers. It pointed out that sometimes even teens from good homes get in trouble. Sometimes they realize their mistakes in time and grow into HAPPY and productive adults their parents can be proud of. Unfortunately, some don't learn and suffer the consequences.

Always an exciting adventure when Marie Force is the author

This story starts with a bang and doesn't let up. Sam is put to the test to solve a very unusual murder. However, it turns out there are a number of murders. But in her own style Sam doesn't leave any stone unturned until she does. Her husband, the handsome Senator, adds some excitement when he is called to a private meeting with the President. This book keeps you going and you don't want to put it down until you reach that last page.

Marie Force has done it once again

Fatal Jeopardy is marvelous. Marie Force has a special gift. I love all of her series, but the Fatal series is my favorite. Sam and Nick are just very special people and the readers really identify with them and their surreal lives. My only, and I mean only, complaint......is I wish Marie could write faster ! But it is not really a complaint because I know she juggling several series, and really is entitled to have a life!!

Absolutely fantastic!

One of the best, if not, the best in the series. Very emotional and thrilling. As always the story telling flows smoothly and the dialogues are crisp --- the Fatal series just won't be complete without the funny and zippy banters between Sam and Nick and her colleagues right??? And the ending?? WOW! Can't wait for January when book 8 comes out. Wonder what new adventures Marie has in store for Nick and Sam and the whole gang??

I love this series.

Nick and Sam are the most exciting couple I have read in awhile and I continue to be glued to the series. Now even my husband is intrigued and plans to read it as well. Fatal Jeopardy was gritty and tough to read at parts due to the nature of the crimes. I can't imagine how hard it was write about them. Keep it up Ms. Force!

Truly Giftted Writer

I originally "found" Marie Force with a special price for the first 3 books in the Gansett Island Series ..... I couldn't put the books down .... since then, I have purchased every series she wrote ..... I have truly loved every one of the series and continue to "watch" for updates from her .... only a truly gifted writer can hold your attention 30 books .... what more can I say .....

Once again! The best of the serie.. Marie Force & Sam Holland a wining team

The best of the series but I said the same at the previous so thank you Marie Force! I really enjoyed read this one about Sam an Nick and forward for the next one! Real like the plot and how the plot was wrote. The characters all fit very well and thank to the author for saving Gonzo life. I was having hard time putting this book down read it with pleasure. A huge thanks to the author for sharing her talent with us.

Can't wait....

Love this series...when a new book finally comes out all I want to do is hide out and read it. This book is no exception. Love how Marie Force throws you into the story and doesn't let go. Even at the end I am impatiently waiting for book 8. To see what happens next. The stories are gripping, twisting and love those humorous one liners that are thrown in. Love Nick, Sam and Scotty' s story. Please keep writing!!!!

Left me hungry for more...

I've read every book in the "Fatal" series, and Fatal Jeopardy further cemented my fandom. Marie Force has created a group of characters so multi-faceted, and so engaging, I never get tired of spending time with them. While satisfying the romantic in all of us, Ms. Force also manages to spin out a fast-paced, intriguing – and sometimes heartbreaking – mystery. Can hardly wait for the next installment-

Great read!

Love this series with Nick and Sam. Another great story revolving around baseball. Very great reading and you won't be sorry if you buy this book. If you haven't read the stories of the Fatal series, do yourself a favor and start back at book one. I so hope Marie will come out with a 8th book on the lives on Sam and Nick. Loving all the other characters in the book also. It just feels like home.

Fantastic, Favorite Fatal .

This was truly my favorite of the series, it had so many twist and turns it definitely kept me on the edge of my seat,now with Nick being the V.P, I don't know how it's going to effect the balance of their marriage, there's so much I can say about this book, but I don't want to spoil it for other readers that hasn't read it yet, All I'm going to say is prepare yourself for a fantastic ride. :-D :-D


What can I say, another AMAZING book by Marie! If you haven't read this series you definitely need to. Marie is a great author and her books are just astounding! She keeps you interested and wanting more!! I have recommended this series and the Gansett Island series to all my friends and family as well as all her other books and don't forget the Green Mountain series. You won't regret reading Marie's stories!!!

The next five stars.

Marie again succeeded. The next five stars. Series just gets better and better. I love Sam, Nick, Scotty and the whole family, from the blood and choice. I thank you, Marie, for short story, was touchingly. It is a pity that it is necessary to wait all the way to the January to another meeting with favourite heroes. Thank you, Marie, for now and I look forward to more.

Another Dose of Sam and Nick

I always enjoy catching another episode of Sam and Nick. This book doesn't disappoint. I would like to know a little more about Shelby and Hill's relationship. It's always fun to read about a new relationship with Sam and Nick's friends. With Nick's decision, it will make Sam's life even more busy if that's possible but it will be fun reading about how she juggles everything.

Another book to add to my list of favorites

It is hard for me to tell which of the Fatal Series is my favorite. LOVE LOVE LOVE every single one of them and I am glad that this book did not disappoint either. Cannot wait until the next one. Maybe Marie should clone herself just so she can publish a million Fatal Series books at once . I seriously cannot get enough of her books <3

Wow just gets better

Fatal Jeopardy is great. Love Sam, Nick, Scotty and the whole cast of characters. Never a disappointment. Can not wait for the next book in the series. This book had everything I love....mystery, romance, love and humor. Marie brings every character to life not just the main ones. I like the continuing side stories of Sam and Nick' s families and coworkers.

Great addition to fatal series

I just love being part of Sam and Nick's life. This installment to the series brings us another layer of intrigue that I can see will have many story lines. In each book Nick and Sam grow as a couple and we get to know the secondary characters better with each book. I love that about reading a series and Marie delivers each time. this is a romantic suspense series that all romance readers will enjoy. I highly recommend it.

5 Stars! Awesome Book!

Marie Force has knocked it out of the park once again. This latest installment of her Fatal series (#7) is the best one yet. Sam and Nick are growing, both professionally and personally. I won't give anything away, but if you are a fan of contemporary romance and mystery, this series will not disappoint. Sam and Nick are my absolute favorite book couple. I would give this book 6 stars if I could!

Another great installment in Nick & Sam's story!

If you have read the rest of the Fatal series, you will be captivated by this book. I couldn't put it down! While I sometimes found it distracting when the author went over past facts from previous books in the series, it helps jog your memory or will assist if you hadn't read the rest of the series. I love the series, and have gotten my family hooked on it, too. I'm looking forward to reading about Nick & Sam's upcoming adventures!

Another hit!!

Marie Force has done it again!! I hope she continues to allow this family to grow in so many different directions, I'm looking forward to each new adventure!! The first book I read of the Fatal Series, I bought at a garage sale! I was hooked and had to get the rest of the series at the library, couldn't put them down until I read them all!! Now I impatiently wait for the next book so I can read it on my Kindle!!

Marie Force is AWESOME!!! :-)

I will start out by saying that Marie Force is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE author and this book, #7 is my most favorite of this series thus far. ALL her books are soooo awesome. Marie is a very, very talented writer and you WILL be missing out if you don't read her books. They are books that will keep you up very late at night and not want to put them down! Do yourself a HUGE favor and start reading her books TODAY!! :-)

Can it be any better?

Marie Force, you are solid gold. You continue to be very knowledgeable, surprising us at every turn! Thanks for entertaining and increasing our knowledge of the intricacies of not only city law enforcement agencies but also those of our nation. I, for one, am ready for our next breathing lesson!

Another exciting addition

This is another exciting addition to the Fatal Series by Marie Force. I waited with "baited breath" for this book...and it did not disappoint. Filled with excitement and intrigue...the characters continue to grow and develop in all the right ways. Loved this book and can't wait for the next one in the series. Marie, please keep them coming. I feel like this is my family.

Sam and Nick

What else is there to say besides this is probably one of the best series I have ever read... I feel in love with Sam and Nick in the first book and am so happy to see that they are still going strong, and Scotty- come on - I can only hope that my kid is that cool one day. This book had everything I could ever want in it-- Marie makes me feel like I am part of this big happy family and I laugh and cry along with them. If you haven't read the series yet 1. what are you thinking?? and 2. GO BUY THEM NOW!!! I will impatiently wait for the next book and probably end up reading them all again before it comes out.

I loved the Fatal Series

I loved the Fatal Series. I read the entire series. I couldn't put down any of the books. They are addictive. I loved the characters and their families and friends. Since I completed the series, I feel like I lost some friends. Marie Force gets you right in the middle of the action. You will feel like you are there.

Wow Marie you did it again! LOVE SEXS POLITICS WOW!

Wow Marie you did it again! LOVE SEXS POLITICS WOW! I Love reading about Samantha (Sam) and Nick could not put it down!!!!! Marie I want to thank you before I found your books I had only read maybe a hand full of books cover to cover but with your books I find myself not being able to put them down. Thank you for turning me on to the joy of reading. Thank you for changing my life. Janice

So good, could not put it down

once again the plot continues, and once again Marie Force has you hanging on the edge of your seat. what a great story. I just love the ups and downs of Nick and Sam's life. truly one of my favorite books, can't wait for Book 8 to come out. Many unanswered questions, I hope Book 8 will give me the answer too. 5 stars from me. What a wonderful author.

Worth the wait

I so love this series and can never get enough of them. I think I have read them several times over already. The trouble when they are so good and you eagerly wait for the latest once you are at the end you are desperate for the next installment! but if you haven't begun to read this series I highly recommend it, I can ever imagine getting fed up of it. I also enjoy Marie's over books but for me this series is the best.

Great Read

I love the "Fatal" series. So many twists and turns and great, BIG love! The characters jump off the pages and are so real; I feel like I know them and the fact that it takes place close to home makes it ever more real. I can't wait for the next book to come out. Marie Force has left a big opening for the next book and I anxiously await it's arrival!

Gripping Tale

This story of Lt. Holland and her family and team could not have had more challenges or excruciating emotional scenes. I enjoyed the ride. That said, Early on I also guessed correctly the identity of the killer. Ms. Force has created a lovable cast of characters with this series who are real and who grow or are transformed by what seem to be insurmountable obstacles.

Each one gets better.

Wow wow wow. Nick and sams adventure keeps getting better and better. This is the last of Maries books for me to read and I can not believe I waited so long. Her writing is fantastic and the story lines are fabulous. Looking forward to the next one.

Better and Better

The Fatal series by Marie Force just keeps getting better and better. I bought this book this morning and did not rest until I finished it. I love the dynamics between Nick and Sam and thoroughly enjoy getting acquainted with all the supporting characters in this series. I look forward to the next installment and hope there are many more to come.

LOVED This one TOO!!!!

Superb # Seven!!!! Sam & Nick are dealing with some life changing issues in this one....but they'll get through....especially since they have the LOFT!!! :) Can't wait for #8 !!!! If you haven't read any of the first 6.....you really SHOULD read them in order......and believe me....they're ALL worth it!!! Thanks Marie for another GREAT episode of the Fatal Series!!!!

Fatal Jeopardy

Another page turner---this one too close to home! And Sam's hands are tied because of a conflict of interest. And the drama of Nick' s job is at an all time high. How these two manage to stay sane is beyond me. Love this series---but very disappointed to have such a long wait for the next book to be released. Can't wait for number eight!

Great Series

Totally enamoured with Sam and Nick the storylines develop with great strength and keep me reading to the end. Immediately on completion I hasten to get the next book and as I am going through them in less than a day have to remember to take a breather.......what happens when there are no more Ugh!

Sam and Nick's journey continues

I have read (and re-read) every book in the Fatal series. The characters are well developed. Fatal Jeopardy is no exception. There were parts in the story that made me gasp such as the depth of the storyline with Brooke. I have to say as a parent of teenagers the level of detail involving Brooke was difficult to read but I am not a "head in the sand parent" (a quote from the book) so I know the reality of what faces our young people today. The incident with Gonzo toward the end of the book took me by surprise and put Sam on the opposite side from where she always seems to be. Marie Force has the ability to make you want to keep reading until the very end. Although I recommend the series from beginning to end, Marie Force always provides a brief back drop to storylines from previous books so you will never feel lost.

Excellent Marie Force!!!

I am a huge fan of this series and everything Marie Force has written!!!! She knows this already but you rock Marie!!!! I don't know how you do it Marie.....I am in awe of your talent and depth of every story you come up with for one of our favorite couples!!! This was one the more emotional journeys for our beloved Sam! I absolutely love how much of a strong woman she is!! We definitely need more strong leading women in romance novels so keep it up Marie!!! Nick is AWESOME as always and with his huge decision I can only imagine how this will affect their marriage, Sam's career and her everyday life....oh the possibilities!!!! The only disappointing thing is we have to wait until next year to visit D.C. again!!! Meanwhile I will continue to ENJOY every book you release in the mean time. To the people out there who haven't discovered Marie's talented writing ability, you will not be disappointed if you purchase any of her books!!!!! I AM A FAN FOR LIFE!!!!

The best of the series!

This book was amazing, and my favorite. I adore all the characters and the story was awesome. Nick and Sam are such a great couple along with the regular cast of characters we have all fallen in love with. There was such real emotion in this book that I didn't want it to end. Marie out did herself with this book. If is a must read.

The saga continues

Another chapter of Sam and Nick's life. You'll fall for the cute, smart and fun son who has great come backs during the banter with his parents.

Great condition!

Love this series! And the book came in great condition!

Marie Force does it again!!!!

There is only one negative thing I can say about book 7, and I want to get it out of the way before I continue... I HATE WAITING FOR BOOK 8!!!!! This entire series up till now is phenomenal!! I love Marie's style of writing and love even more the characters. Awesome story line and suspense.. Not to mention the romance. Keep,em coming Marie!!!

Great read

Nick and Sam are at it again. With a much needed vacation in the works, murder happens and this time Brooke, Sam's niece was at the party where the murder happened. Lots of twists and turns in this book. I love how Sam and Nick's characters have evolved and developed. Look looking forward to more in the fatal series!

Loved this Book!

I loved this book, I have read all of Marie's books, but this series is my favorite. I already have the next in the series on pre-order and can't wait to read it I don't want this series to ever end. If you haven't read this series yet, do yourself a favor and do, but start at the beginning, you won't be sorry you did.

Best Fatal yet!!!

I simply didn't Marie could get any better but she most certainly did. Excellent story line, especially for a continuous couple, New things to explore, pain, love, and most of all real. I think this is my favorite Fatal book to date. Absolutely love how she makes them come alive on the page, how she makes them real. You will fall inlove with Sam and Nick all over again.

Loved it! Interesting crime puzzle even better love story

I love Sam and nicks story. it now has a sense of the familiar but they keep things very hot and fresh. I really enjoy the humor sprinkled throughout. I liked the crime storyline but felt the relationship between Billy and his father needed more like how the father knew he was going to be arrested soon and how Billy found out Cole was a cop. I love to more for Nick to VP and look forward to many books in the future just wish it wasn't nine months wait.

Can't get enough of Sam and Nick

Marie has done it again. I always love catching up with Sam and Nick. The Fatal series was the series that pulled me into the world of Marie Force. And it is still my favorite. As a mother of a teenage daughter, what happened to Brooke is every mother's fear. Marie wrote it with compassion and truth. I can't wait for the next book to be released. Please do not make us wait too long.

Fell in love again

I love Sam (Samantha as Nick would say) and Nick!!!! I love how she spins a story. I fell in love with Sam and Nick all over again. I want a Nick!!!!! I don't tend to write to many reviews because I don't feel I am to good at doing so however I needed to send a shout out to Marie....well done women keep em coming!!!!!

Love it !!!

Wow, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. With Marie's book you are always kept on your toes and suspense and definitely happy with the storyline and characters. Sam and Nick' s story is one that I love reading the series and definitely all the characters. I recommend this and enjoy reading it. Again, thanks Marie !


Loved being back in Sam and Nick's world. This story involved a much more personal case than the first books. They both had some really big decisions and struggles to deal with this time around. The end was awesome and I can't wait for their next installment to see what will happen with Sam and Nick after the big decisions they made in Jeopardy.

Love the Fatal Series

I only got into this series after the first 6 were written. Now it is so hard to wait for a year in between next books. The 7th was awesome, kept me on the edge of my seat. Can't wait till next January to find out what happens to Skip after the surgery. Marie Force is a fantastic author, absolutely love her

Wonderful series

This series of books by Marie Force is similar to J.D. Robb's "In Death" series. It revolves around a cast of characters that grow with each book; you get immersed in their lives, loves, successes, and heartbreaks; the wife is a cop and the hubby (in this case) is a rich politician. They are not as intense as the Robb books but are super enjoyable and quick reads. I highly recommend all of them.

Fatal Jeopardy

Marie Force did it again. This book kept me on the edge of my seat in who done it, but I got to read more about my two favorite people ( Nick and Sam) and how they coup with their challenging professions. I can't believe Nick the vice president.That can be interesting how it will effect Sam job. Can't wait to read the next book in the series.

Still Outstanding

I LOVE this couple and immensely enjoy reading about their joys and trials as a couple and family. This is the 7th book in the series and this was just as great as the first. I admit the book they got married in has been re-read many times *sigh*. Read all these books! You will not be disappointed in any of them.

Hot hot hot

As expected, Marie has given us another winner. The twists and turns are just right. Epic emotional trip. Sam and Nick grow stronger with each page. Supporting characters are clear and well developed. Few authors bring you thru the emotions as well as Marie does. The wait for the next book will be torture.


I seriously cannot figure out how Marie Force does it, but she's done it again. Bringing another great story to the fatal series. All I can think is wow, that was quite a ride. If you're a fan of the fatal series get to reading. If you're not already reading Marie, what are you waiting for. This was simply amazing.

Another fantastic installment!

Every single one of the books in the Fatal series is positively incredible, and this one is no exception. The intriguing plot, the witty and intelligent dialogue, the family dynamic....and I'm always so impressed with the fact that I never detect even one typo or error in any of Marie's books, ever. Well done!

Fatal Jeopardy: Book 7 of The Fatal Series by Marie Force

I loved this Series of Books by Marie Force. There are now 8 Books to the Series and I can't wait for the last Book #8 (or is it??) to come out. The Senator and his Detective Wife keeps the books interesting with humor as well as drama in their lives. I'd really recommend this entire Series to anyone.


Marie Force has again kept her readers wanting to learn more what happens to the characters of this series. She brings the reader to become a part of this family, and we want the story to go on. Looking forward to the next chapter in the lives of Nick and Sam. Will we find out who actually shot her father, what's enstore for Scotty?

One of the Best!!

I think this is one if Marie Force favorites. The suspense in this book kept me on the edge of my seat.the story line also invoked emotions that had me so mad and then would make me so sad. A wonderful book!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Another outstanding installment in this series. This one had the nitty gritty of daily life and the high drama at the MPD and the life of an up and coming Senator. Loved the latest line Nick is taking, and the not knowing until the end of the book which way he would go. A top favorite series with me.


I was very pleased with this book. I have read all of the books in this series. I couldn't put it down it's another great book. I enjoy reading about Sam , Nick and Scotty, and how they are all changing and growing with everyday life. Marie force never fails to amaze me in her books.

Doesn't disappoint

I love Marie Force and the Fatal series!! Fatal Jeopardy did not disappoint and the romance between Sam and Nick does not get old.I'm looking forward to the next book (soon I hope) and what lies in store for Mr. VP. So much is left to unfold - Who shot Skip?; Will Sam get pregnant? Keep it coming Marie!

awesom book

Marie, Once again you did not disappoint me. This book was awesome from start to finish. The many emotions I felt while reading this book. Going from upset,sad and then angry and then back to happy at the ending was awesome. I could not put the book down. Great job. Pre ordered Fatal Scandal.

Marie Force delivers Again

I am lucky enough to have read all 31 books Marie Force has written..and I love that I get to spend time with Sam and Nick once again in Fatal Jeopardy. I love her plots between the love of the couple and the DC politics and the fast pace Police story..Thanks Marie for another great story.

Another Great Book :)

Another great book with Sam & Nick and their never ending story. Which makes me really happy! With Nick in politics and Sam in law enforcement and the story of their relationship if makes for a awesome good read. I highly recommend Marie Force's books, you will not be disappointed. Can't wait for book 8, which I've already pre-ordered :)

Keeps Getting Better!

I love the Fatal Series! This book showed some tension between Nick and Sam, which is good to see a bot perfect marriage. I love Scotty. The dialogue Marie writes for his is witty and comical but she shows his sensitive side also. Each books gets better and I can't wait for BOOK 8 Fatal Scandal.

Great reading

This series is riveting.The plot is suspenseful and the characters will me sigh and feel sad . I can't it them down.

I can't get enough of this series.

As usual Marie Force hit a home run with this book. This series is a wonderful read with Nick and Sam's love for each other and the passion they show for life. It is an odd but perfect match. The only thing is I have to wait for January to pick up with this wonderful couple and the people they work with. It is a slow but exciting drip as the pieces of the lives fall into place. I can't wait for the next book and am still hoping that The McCarthy's of Gansett Island has yet another release. Between these two series Marie Force has become my favorite author. If you haven't read the entire 2 series of books you are really missing something.

Fatal Jeopardy

This story was very intense. I couldn't put it down. All those poor kids and poor Brooke. Sam and Nick are still going strong and passionate towards each other after everything they have been through. I loved the short story at the end. A perfect finish.

An enjoyable series

I have thoroughly enjoyed this series and am eagerly awaiting the next book. The characters are complex and realistic. The plot is filled with action and extremely riveting. The complications in the relationships of the characters are interesting and authentic. I highly recommend this series.

Awesome as usual!

This 7th book in the Fatal series is wonderful! The books just keep getting better. It is such a joy to know that you can jump right back into the fascinating world of Nick and Sam and take up right where you left off in the last book. It's like rejoining your family. The emotional twists and turns are in the story are phenomenal. And you get to revisit each character that you've come to know and love and somehow Marie just nails the essence and tone and voice of each character every time! What a great read! Can't wait for #8!

And Force does it again...

Even though the mystery plot wasn't at her finest, the rest was excellent. The character and family dynamics are so real and so fun that I'm always at a loss until the next book comes out. This series is one of my favorites and always pre-ordered so I have the next book as soon as they come out.

Another Great Story!

These books never fail to keep me reading till the end. Just enough intrigue, romance and action. She is able to keep all the characters involved but come up with an interesting and different storyline than all the previous books. I love series that continue major characters into all the following books.

Another great book by Marie Force

Book 7 of the Fatal Series by Marie Force does not disappoint. The main characters, Samantha and Nick, are once again two of my favorite book characters. There is suspense, as Sam solves another murder, and there is love as Sam and Nick's romance continues. Can't wait for the next book!

Marie Force never fails to deliver

I have read all seven books in the Fatal series as well as most of her other books. I love her stories and each story introduces new characters but also includes characters from the previous story and keeps it flowing in a good way. Never fails to write a good and interesting story

Series Going Strong

Even after so many books, the fatal series still keeps me up reading late at night. I'm hooked by these characters and want to keep watching their lives unfold under new circumstances and difficulties. Each crime is fresh and keeps you reading even if it is far-fetched that Sam's family and friends are so often connected to her cases. Looking forward to the next one to see how Sam and Nick will weather their new roles!

Another Great Story

This book is #7 in The Fatal series by Marie Force. I strongly encourage everyone to start with book #1 so you can enjoy the life of Sam and Nock as it unfolds. There is plenty of drama, humor, politics, parenthood and friendship in these books. They are a real pleasure to read.

Marie scores gold again!!!!

Well it's now up to seven,that's seven times five stars for the Fatal series..Sam and Nick are witty and loving together,Scotty has completed their lives,the cases are always a little off beat,and the political half of their life keeps getting better.What more can you ask for

This Series Gets Better and Better

Love this series! Both main characters are likable and believable but have their flaws. The action is non-stop and the plot twists are fun. Most importantly, the love story is great...and not just the one between the main characters. There are multiple love stories and they are all good!

Could've been longer

I enjoyed this book almost as much as the previous six. For five starts though, it should've been longer. There were several stories going on at the same time and that's fine, but they could've been played out in more detail. The ending was abrupt and not very satisfying.

Excellent read! Highly recommend.

I love the entire series. These are "can't put them down" books. Already looking forward to Book 8...I hope she just keeps writing them! I read them on my Kindle at the gym, and I'd end up doing lots of extra cardio because I didn't want to stop reading! :)

pretty awesome

I love this series!!!!! Sam and Nick are so awesome together. They are the example of what a good marriage should be. I also have to say that's this book had me acting like a fool with actually laughing out loud. My family thought I was crazy. I can't wait for the next one.

The honeymoon continues. Plus!

Sam, Nick, and Scotty's lives get more complicated but their foundation holds. Family, love, danger, compromises as nd surprises abounding, love is cemented for all the prime characters.

Love this series!

I adore this series. I am an avid reader and do not have a particular favorite genre. I have plowed through these books and am always a little sad when I get to the end of them. I'm thinking about rereading these books again over the summer...they are perfect for summer reading by the pool or on vacation or whatever!!

Marie, we have got to stop meeting this way.

How can Marie Force keep coming up with new situations and make it seem easy to put our favorite Politian and police lieutenant smack in the middle of it? It is getting repetitious to keep handing her 5 stars. And, yeah, it's good.

Mare Force is the BEST

This book, follows the seven before it, in a series that just keeps getting better with each one. Ms. force has a way of bring the people to life within the pages of her books. It is a page turner right from page one until the end and will leave you wishing for more.

Such a great series!

absolutely love Sam and Nick!! Could read about them every day. they inspire me to appreciate my family and strive to do my best every day. just a real feel good love between two people while battling everyday occurrences in the outside world and their jobs.

Fatal Attraction

And not the creepy movie kind but to this series!! Awesome as usual Marie. Your ability to build characters and to take us along through their evolution as your stories unfold is just captivating!! No matter the stories!! Cannot wait for where you head next!

Worth 10 stars!

This latest in the Fatal Series was pure perfection. Couldn't put it down. It had it all, romance, politics, cops, murder, family, never ending love. Can't get enough of Nick and Sam. Can't wait for book #8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't stop Marie. yOU'RE THE BEST!

Fatal Jeopardy

A 5-star reading experience. Marie Force never fails to tell a good story. It's not a lot of descriptive adjectives, it's a lot of conversations, interactions between the characters. I was having "vapors" before I finished. Looking forward to next book.

Another AWESOME installment in the Fatal Series

Wow Marie Force does it again. I love the characters in this series! She always keeps their stories so fresh. I don't want to give away any of the story because this is a real page turner. But trust me Sam is at her best in this book. This is a must read!

Gets better and better

I can't believe I have to wait another year for the next story! This is one series I wish I'd found later on, after they'd all been written because Marie Force makes you care so deeply about the characters it's torture waiting to read what happens next.

Love this author

She is my favorite author. I love this series very much like a modern day Eve Dallas & Roarke. I have read everything Marie Force has written and cannot believe I have to wait until 2015 to read the next chapter in this series. Characters are strong and likable, but certainly falible and human.

Great series .. I've read them all (some twice!)

Another great installment in Marie Force's "Fatal" series. Her books carry a good plot line, with enough human interest and wonderful characters to entertain and allow the reader to try to solve the mystery. I'm eager for the next one!

another home run!

I love all of Marie Force's series, but I think the Fatal Series is my favorite. All go the recurring characters have become friends I love catching up with. I can't believe its just been a year in storyline! It seems much longer. They really do have busy lives! Marie- Please continue to Sam and. Nick's story!

Vice President............seriously???!!!!

Nothing new or refreshing "plotwise" but I think I already said in a review referring to a previous installment that this series is mainly character driven. Anyway, this book was about Sam's niece Brooke who seemed to be a difficult teenager and although she gave her parents mostly a difficult time she had her family's full support when facing he consequences of her irresponsible behavior. How nice! As already mentioned in other reviews (hence I'm not spoiling!) Brooke was gang raped. This horrible crime and everything connected and around it was dealt with very "consumer friendly". How nice! Of course Sam had to solve the crime, which she did very successfully and although one of her team members was injured seriously, he survived. How nice! Sam and Nick's relationship and their lives with Scotty moved on nicely and they are happily ever after. How nice! Sam's job seemed to be more of an issue for Nick than in the previous installments of the series. Now this was a very nice touch to the book, especially since the author focuses so heavily on her lead characters. I would have expected Marie Force to deliver a more intense "fight" within the couple regarding equal chances: Sam fought very hard to get where she is right now - Nick is given a very serious chance at a unique career step, which would have some very serious implications on her and her career. However, the author chose to deal very trivially with this issue. How nice! In any case, I won't even go to the fact that Nick became the U.S. VP, because this surreal development really spoilt it for me. The problem with this series is definitely that the author's objective is to produce/ deliver adventures and suspense around the Cappuanos - as long as there is an audience out there to read her books. At least this is what she states in her epilogue. How nice! Let me just put this in other words: the author doesn't have a clear concept regarding the "evolution" of this series. Hence, she can't really deliver up to her potential and she would always have to keep something back in order to have a competitive advantage, which would allow her to start a new installment - if there were a demand for a further installment. And so the series could go on and on.......how nice?!? Relaxing escape reading, which offers some carefree hours of reading pleasure.


I enjoyed this book as much as the other ones in this series. I recommend it to all adults. I can't wait to get the next one. I read and loved the fact that Nick and Sam will never cheat. Bring on # 8. I hope Skip is well in the next one.

Love Sam and Nick's story

Love Sam and Nick's story.How very blessed she is to have such a devoted and loving husband!Good suspence and waiting to see what will happen next!

Great books

Having read every one of the fatal series, I would be happy if Ms. Force continues to keep the series until Scotty is a grown man. I love the repartee between all the characters and the plots hold together too. I am ready for the next one.

Excellent Read....GREAT BOOK

As Always Marie has done an excellent job. This book is exciting and I loved it as much as the first in this series. I have every one of Marie Force's books and recommend them all. Great job and Ilook forward to the next one of her books.

Marie Force must write faster!

This series is addictive and as fine as the dreamiest of chocolates.. the kind you attempt to savor but end up gobbling! I can't wait to see where Sam and Nick end up and will send Ms. Force coffe so she can stay up late and write faster.

This fatal series is the best

Marie force has done it again. this series of books is just great. I cannot wait to find out what happens next. I just love the humor that's mixed in with the murder and mayhem. she reminds me very much of the Nora Roberts j.d. Robb series.

Oh the Jeopardy!

Marie Force has once again taken us into Sam and Nick's world. I cried, I laughed, I think I broke a world record for holding my breath.... Another wonderful read from a woman who is among my very favorite authors! Thank you again

read it straight through

waited forever it seemed and then it was over far too soon.Once I begin reading I cannot put it down but now I am waiting again for book 8. Seems as though I personally know these people, and I am not sure I agree with their final decision.


Must read a real page turner. Book gets you on page one. You will fall in love with Sam Holland and Nick Cappuano. This series has hot romance, suspence and humor. You will not be disappointed. A must read.

awesome awesome awesome!!!!

Once again Marie has truly captured my heart with Sam and Nick!!! I can't wait for the next book because I feel like I live with them. The characters come to life for me when I read their story!! absolutely love Scottie what a great kid!!!

Love this series

Love this series and want more, more. I like to see how the characters evolve and grow. Also love the mystery associated with Sam'job.. Keep these coming, Marie Force.

this story keeps getting better!

I love Sam and Nick's relationship so much! He is a swoon worthy husband, so loving and wonderful! I love all the excitement in both their lives and how at the end of the day, they are always there for each other. Keep it going Marie!

Best book by Marie Force

This book was so good!! I loved every word from beginning to end. The subject matter was tough, especially being a mom of two teenagers. But I love seeing Sam and Nick progress in their relationship. I cannot wait for the next book!

She's done it again!

She's done it again! Keep me coming! I can't wait to see how this whole VP thing pans out and if they ever discover who shot Skip. This has been my favorite and most anticipated book series and I can't wait for #8... That I've already preordered ;-)

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