Falling Open in a World Falling Apart: The Essential Teaching of Amoda Maa

Kindle Edition
06 Oct

This book offers the “jewel” of Amoda Maa's teachings—how to be fully awake and fully human, open in a way that's the key to freedom and to what's most needed in our troubled times. Unlike having no boundaries, this openness transforms reactivity, ends separation, leads us to our true authority, and guides us with the intelligence of love.

Reviews (29)

The End of Spiritual Seeking

As a long time spiritual seeker, one of the messages of this book that spoke to me was the idea that “striving to be spiritual” was more likely to be an impediment to spiritual development. This came as a great relief and resonated with me as more authentic. The book offers guidance for the spiritual seeker seeking to move beyond the experience of seeking the transcendent and moving to integrating it with the full range of human experience and emotions while avoiding the “spiritual bypassing” that is prevalent in many seekers paths (including my own). I highly recommend Amoda’s teaching for her clarity, insight and guidance. The question and answer format is helpful and her answers ring true. She has the spiritual and psychological bona fides to integrate the two and provide a path to awakening that the world surely needs. I also recommend her previous book "Embodied Enlightenment" as guide to Living your awakening in every moment.

Loving Life

What Amoda Ma offers us in Falling Open In A World Falling Apart is an invitation to a journey of great majesty. The title itself is an introduction to the Truth that rests within; as is the texture of the book cover. She shares the value of Open Awareness. It can be understood in the words. It can be felt behind the words. Her Innermost energy flows throughout the book and can be experienced in the most tender ways. I Am grateful for the many 'self help' teachings that have been shared with me in this life. A while back I lost interest in that as I gained interest in Life; in that which Always IS. There is a Liquid Light that moves through Amoda Ma directly into one's heart and soul. Treat your Self to this jewel; to the experience of this Divine Love. It really is a game changer.

Falling into Truth

This is an important book for the times. Rather than giving more information that can distract the mind, it offers honest contemplations that can open the door to deep insights into one's true nature. It’s time to mature beyond our illusions and fantasies of enlightenment as we meet the tremendous challenges of our world and the human condition. Read it and savor the exquisite (and sometimes poignant) experience of opening and coming home to who you really are.

Should be on everyone's reading list post-election 2020!

This is a rare, clear and essential message, perfectly timed. In the USA, we just came through the most polarized election of our time. As we sit on the other side, wondering how half of the United States can see the world so differently, Amoda offers some perspective and solace. Although not directly political, she explains the fundamental forces which influence how we construct our world-view. Although not religious, she addresses the teachings of Jesus and the Bible in a refreshing non-dogmatic way. Falling Open is in fact the only true solution in a world falling apart. I pray that as many people as possible read this succinct book and consider how to navigate the way forward with humility, grace and an open heart.

Diving in to the deepest

This book containing these teachings point to what is described and pointed to in many ways by many teachers. The path to the deepest and innermost and unspeakable IS so very delicately with great care spoken of through this being who is a walking devotion to that which is beingness, is presence. One of Amoda Maa's unique gifts to my world in the words of this book is to unravel and expose the mind's subtle ways of coopting and imprisoning that which is already free and in that delicate exposure of the innocent way of the mind then reveals what the mind keeps trying to understand and thus imprison, the unspeakable vastness and ocean of being that seems to be what I am most in love with and also most afraid of. May it be read and received in the deepest!

A true gem for living from truth.

I love the way she integrates the mundane and spiritual. Each one of our human experiences is a gateway to the inner dimension of awareness that she calls openness. She teaches through example and questions how to use each experience as an opening to inner compassion and acceptance, nothing is excluded all is welcome. She is not advocating lack of boundaries in human interactions or being without preferences or taking action but including it all as part of the human experience.

Truly leads one to greater understanding

This book, Falling Open in a World Falling Apart, manages to communicate unutterable truths of our existence. It is so helpful in illuminating the heart and guiding one to meet our true Self. My heart rejoices in every sentence as it resonates with the deep meaning contained within. Profound gratitude for this teacher!

Brilliant and Heart Opening

Amoda Maa elegantly expresses the simplicity of a life being lived as the natural openness we are. In her book she points to the deeper truth and how falling open to life can truly transform how we experience ourselves and the world. Anyone who reads the beautifully written pages will deeply be touched and the heart and mind will resonate with the simple, yet profound message. It is an absolute must read for both the seeker and non-seeker alike.


Beautiful book that will open your heart to your true Self.

Very timely, and timeless

Love this book! A beautiful invitation.

The End of Spiritual Seeking

As a long time spiritual seeker, one of the messages of this book that spoke to me was the idea that “striving to be spiritual” was more likely to be an impediment to spiritual development. This came as a great relief and resonated with me as more authentic. The book offers guidance for the spiritual seeker seeking to move beyond the experience of seeking the transcendent and moving to integrating it with the full range of human experience and emotions while avoiding the “spiritual bypassing” that is prevalent in many seekers paths (including my own). I highly recommend Amoda’s teaching for her clarity, insight and guidance. The question and answer format is helpful and her answers ring true. She has the spiritual and psychological bona fides to integrate the two and provide a path to awakening that the world surely needs. I also recommend her previous book "Embodied Enlightenment" as guide to Living your awakening in every moment.

Loving Life

What Amoda Ma offers us in Falling Open In A World Falling Apart is an invitation to a journey of great majesty. The title itself is an introduction to the Truth that rests within; as is the texture of the book cover. She shares the value of Open Awareness. It can be understood in the words. It can be felt behind the words. Her Innermost energy flows throughout the book and can be experienced in the most tender ways. I Am grateful for the many 'self help' teachings that have been shared with me in this life. A while back I lost interest in that as I gained interest in Life; in that which Always IS. There is a Liquid Light that moves through Amoda Ma directly into one's heart and soul. Treat your Self to this jewel; to the experience of this Divine Love. It really is a game changer.

Falling into Truth

This is an important book for the times. Rather than giving more information that can distract the mind, it offers honest contemplations that can open the door to deep insights into one's true nature. It’s time to mature beyond our illusions and fantasies of enlightenment as we meet the tremendous challenges of our world and the human condition. Read it and savor the exquisite (and sometimes poignant) experience of opening and coming home to who you really are.

Should be on everyone's reading list post-election 2020!

This is a rare, clear and essential message, perfectly timed. In the USA, we just came through the most polarized election of our time. As we sit on the other side, wondering how half of the United States can see the world so differently, Amoda offers some perspective and solace. Although not directly political, she explains the fundamental forces which influence how we construct our world-view. Although not religious, she addresses the teachings of Jesus and the Bible in a refreshing non-dogmatic way. Falling Open is in fact the only true solution in a world falling apart. I pray that as many people as possible read this succinct book and consider how to navigate the way forward with humility, grace and an open heart.

Diving in to the deepest

This book containing these teachings point to what is described and pointed to in many ways by many teachers. The path to the deepest and innermost and unspeakable IS so very delicately with great care spoken of through this being who is a walking devotion to that which is beingness, is presence. One of Amoda Maa's unique gifts to my world in the words of this book is to unravel and expose the mind's subtle ways of coopting and imprisoning that which is already free and in that delicate exposure of the innocent way of the mind then reveals what the mind keeps trying to understand and thus imprison, the unspeakable vastness and ocean of being that seems to be what I am most in love with and also most afraid of. May it be read and received in the deepest!

A true gem for living from truth.

I love the way she integrates the mundane and spiritual. Each one of our human experiences is a gateway to the inner dimension of awareness that she calls openness. She teaches through example and questions how to use each experience as an opening to inner compassion and acceptance, nothing is excluded all is welcome. She is not advocating lack of boundaries in human interactions or being without preferences or taking action but including it all as part of the human experience.

Truly leads one to greater understanding

This book, Falling Open in a World Falling Apart, manages to communicate unutterable truths of our existence. It is so helpful in illuminating the heart and guiding one to meet our true Self. My heart rejoices in every sentence as it resonates with the deep meaning contained within. Profound gratitude for this teacher!

Brilliant and Heart Opening

Amoda Maa elegantly expresses the simplicity of a life being lived as the natural openness we are. In her book she points to the deeper truth and how falling open to life can truly transform how we experience ourselves and the world. Anyone who reads the beautifully written pages will deeply be touched and the heart and mind will resonate with the simple, yet profound message. It is an absolute must read for both the seeker and non-seeker alike.


Beautiful book that will open your heart to your true Self.

Very timely, and timeless

Love this book! A beautiful invitation.

Beautiful and powerful teachings!

I recommend Amoda Maa as a powerful, inspired, and thoughtful spiritual teacher of our modern times.

Highly recommended for anyone wanting to look a bit deeper than the surface

Amazing writing, very appropriate to life as such, especially in these Covid -related times of fear and uncertainties.

Review of Amoda Maa. Falling Open in a World Falling Apart

If you are at all interested in the Spiritual Awakening movement of the last 20 years then this book should be on your shelf. Oneness is the goal of this spiritual search but it can manifest in many different ways from a feeling of compassion for humanity, being and not just seeing the bird chirping in a tree, to a vision of how God created the world. Amoda Maa's key word is Openness, meaning dismantling the armor that life in the world has built up around our hearts. Openness is a kind of transcendental feeling of love pouring out into an appreciation of life and this moment as presented Now. The book is in a Q&A format of surprising depth and clarity. In my lifetime many people have gone to India in search of spiritual truth and wisdom and comeback transformed and changed by new insights. But a closer look at the original teachings of Jesus is preaching the same pursuit and goal, Oneness, Unity Consciousness, Awakeness. It is one thing to get the vision and another to incorporate its wisdom into your life. And I feel this is where Amoda Maa's work particularly shines. Worked out in inspiring detail she will answer your questions and illuminate your life.

Uniquely clear expression of the "great mystery" of our humanity...

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Amoda Maa in person at a 2 day retreat about a year ago. I was powerfully impressed with her presence and also with what she had to say about her spiritual journey and her awakening to the great mystery. Do read this book if you can...it is clear, articulate and non-sectarian. This book can quite possibly change your life. Andrew Holmes Teacher, thinker and spiritual pilgrim for 60+ years

Dives to the heart of the matter

This book distills the essence of Amoda Maa's profound teaching. Each moment of it is at the deepest level. I find it to be a strong, powerful potion best absorbed in small exquisite doses. The impact resonates over time. Offered with love, it tinctures the awareness for days. If you've attended any of her retreats, you'll find here a highlight reel, for want of a better word, because that's what this is.

Beautiful invitation into presence and openness ❤️

Amoda Maa speaks authentic and invites into presence and openness through the direct daily life experience. This book is like a guided self inquiry and meditation. Each line brings me to my heart and opens me to my experience, whatever it is. Thank you to Amoda for your loving authentic guidance. No spiritual bypassing here, only direct truth. No separation between spirituality and humanity 🕉

Priceless message!

I am treasuring reading each page of the book, so beautifully written and goes right to the core of human suffering. Thank you Amoda!

Beautiful to read and feel the resonance

The clarity and eloquence of Amoda’s words wash over me like a mountain spring which overflows into the cup of my opening heart. While reading I feel a beautiful kind of energetic resonance as if we were in the same room together, which I also remember feeling while reading Embodied Enlightenment, though it feels more pronounced this time. After reading the book cover to cover, I also found that the book’s format lends itself perfectly to dipping in to meditate on particular questions or passages, which I find supportive when I wish to be pointed back to my own centre. Amoda’s message is pure and clear; the book is beautiful to read; I highly recommend Falling Open in a World Falling Apart to all those on a path of non dual self enquiry.

Like a transmission from truth

I have read all of Amoda Maa's books and found them all good but this one blew me away. It is so appropriate for the current crisis with Covid, making all the circumstances I am experiencing here in Bournemouth UK seem like gifts. Some books are written to teach- this book does something else, it is like a transmission of truth, full to the brim with every concievable angle on how to wake out of the illusion. I can't recommend this highly enough, it is the book i have been waiting for!

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