Fallen Fourth Down (Fallen Crest Series, Book 4)

Kindle Edition
28 Sep
My mother tried to destroy me. She doesn’t exist to me anymore and my father, the one who raised me and the biological one, are both works in progress. The only two people that I can trust are Mason and Logan, and they’re the two people who I could lose. It won’t happen. I won’t let it. No matter the truth, no matter who loves me, I won’t let anything or anyone come between us.
They’re my world. They’re my life.
They’re my family.

Reviews (195)

Guess the drama works. But, these books still aren't worth the time or $$.

• Hate the bullies. •Hate the lying, scheming whores who have such unfortunate power. •Despise the fact Sam is so easily manipulated and clueless. It's as though without Mason, she has half a brain and zero logic. •Love how much Mason loves her - that's her only saving grace, as well as the fact Logan, David and Garrett are also on her side and have love for/care about her. •One point five stars. The writer needs better adjectives, verbs and nouns to replace hot, throbbing, grin/grinning, groan/groaning, grunted, barked. Show, not tell though it's part of Tijan's writing style. Still, changing it up would sound and read better.

Sassy Sam is back!

I have to say, I really love this cover. It's exactly how I would view Sam when she's being a bada$$. She may have lost some of her spunk in books 2 and 3, but it's back! Man, am I glad it's back. I was getting sick of her just taking all the abuse from the psycho girls. My girl crush dimmed a bit when she didn't put them in their place. While I hated that this book had the Threesome Fearsome apart for most of the book, a lot was accomplished. I love that the author could have had several things come between Mason and Samantha and that she didn't take that route. Instead, she reinforced how much these two belong together and had them reacting in ways you want a couple to react in times of adversity. It also showed the growth in their relationship. I seriously love Logan. I can't wait until he finds his Sam. He deserves to have that same loyalty and love that Sam provides Mason. Logan is such a fun character that you just want to see him happy. This ended on a huge power play at the college and I'm looking forward to the next book to see what happens.

A little different from the previous Fallen Crest books

I have really enjoyed reading this series so far. Mason and Sam are great book characters. This book was a little different because for most of the book they are not together. If you're like me and enjoy the scenes with Mason and Sam the best, then this book might be a little harder to enjoy. As always, there is at least one totally crazy nutcase and the slightly less crazy characters in each of her books and this book was no different. This time we have 2 serious crazies, one already known to us, Marissa and a new one, Sebastian Park (or SebASStian). I have to admit though, I did not see Cra Cra Marissa coming. Even when she waited for him the 1st time after the football game I didn't see it. I knew she liked him and I thought she was just unsure of how to talk to him since it had been awhile since they had seen each other or spoken. The only problem I have with her books is that everyone is so serious & dark all the time. For example, Nate's frat president, the new crazy, Sebastian, had some unknown grudge against Mason, so trying to run him over and making it look like an accident is what most people would do, right?? lol. Even Logan who's tends to be more of the comedian, has been showing more of a dark side. The characters always have an ulterior motive, sometimes it's hard to keep up. I would like to say it would be nice to see people leave Sam alone for once, but then that just wouldn't be a Tijan book. And honestly, to see what's going to happen next is why I keep reading her books.

Sam was stupid and Marissa was delusional... Possible SPOILERS

Maybe I'm just getting tired of this series, but this book was just ok, not great. I really loved the first 3 books. But in this book, Sam took what Tate had told her and actually believed it. I thought we all knew that Tate is nothing but trouble. How could anyone have ever believed anything she says? And when it turns out that Marissa actually thought she had a chance with Mason when they hadn't even communicated in over a year, that was funny! So Sam agonized over this all year until Logan's girlfriend Kris got talked to by yet another "friend" of Tate's who also knew about the lie, and then Kris actually asks Logan if he does love Sam. I thought Sam was smarter than this. Sam and Logan have never had a romantic relationship, ever. Sam was so stupid... Anyway, I'm in the process of reading this entire series so I'll get the next book, but I'm hoping there will be an end to the series when we reach book 6 (whenever that happens). I've enjoyed until now, but this needs a final ending.


I love this book and this series. It's a Young Adult series that can appeal to all ages. Samantha is a strong young woman with a lot against her but she has Mason and Logan to love and protect her. They have already been through so much so them staying together seems like what they should do, In this book Tate lets Sam know that Logan Loves Her and not platonically. This really messes with Sam's head. She doesn't know what to do about this problem. Sam's mother finally tells her who her real dad is. Sam is having trust issues with David so when Garrett shows up for a few days and then leaves again it really does a number on her. When Sam and Mason have trouble the whole dynamic of the books changes.

Fallen Fourth Down

I enjoyed this book but I still don't feel like Sam grew enough character wise. Logan has grown leaps and bounds, he's still the same guy underneath but you see multifaceted of emotions within him. You see him coping with losing his wingman to college and living without Sam. Mason has grown from hard unavailable man he once was to the overprotective boyfriend that let a broken girl in. Sam to me hasn't grown. Yes, she's letting people into her life again. She's learning to cope with living without Mason and Logan not being around everyday but in the end she's still broken. She doesn't know how to help herself. She keeps pushing always any parent that tries to get close to her. I get it. Being hurt on multiple occasions isn't the nicest feeling but at some point she needs to learn to fight back and help herself. She needs to stop leaning on Mason to hold her up so that she won't break. She realized it at the end of this book. Hopefully she can continue to develop in the next book.

Clears up a few things and raises others

After Tate dropped her bomb on Sam in the last book, I was nervous. I am not a fan of triangles, and one where two close brothers are involved is definitely not something I want to read about. The good news is that this gets somewhat resolved, but takes the whole book given Sam's neuroses. Although to be fair, she eventually starts to grow in that she realizes she needs to be able to hold her own and not put everything on Mason's shoulder. With him off to college, she does actually face some of the challenges and realizes that she is stronger than she was. I'd be happier if Logan did finally meet a girl that he can call his own, and actually mean it. It would definitely alleviate one of the things that Mason has to deal with, and in this one, an old issue comes back and again, gets resolved later, but a new one arises. I definitely want to see the 3 of them united to deal with that. Mason is still my favorite of the bunch. A bit too blunt, but at least he is consistent. All in all, I think this was a good book and addresses a few open issues. First, how will Sam's and Mason's relationship stand the test of separation for a school year, does Logan really love Sam, and how will Mason and Sam deal with Marissa being back in Mason's life. I didn't expect the issue with Nate nor a guy from Sam's past, but why not. There is usually more than quite a bit of drama going on in these books. I'm looking forward to the next one just to see how it all plays out at the university.


Holy!!!!! Jesus. First I hate Tate!! The new Jackson character seems like a good buy plus hot. There for a minute I thought Mason and Sam was done!! They better not have happened! Which it didn’t. Logan cracks me up so much. He was so much more serious in this book. Sam and her running is something else. She uses it as a release. Everything going on with her dad is awful. I get where Sam is coming from he abandoned her when she needed people the most over her crazy mom. I’m actually happy that things are working out for Sam. Hate some of the new characters like Park. Love Matteo he is so funny and full of life. Also apparently a Fantastic twerker! Lol. The end drama was shocking! So glad the whole Logan loving her is out in the open. I really don’t see they every being more than family. She is absolutely in love with Mason you can see it in every book so far. Cannot wait to read more in the next book. Everything that is happening is a shock.

Such a good character. Good looking

Tijan is a master at creating obstacles and Sam and Mason face plenty in this book; some old threats, Marisa, Tate, old lovers; some new threats, Sebastian. And then there's Logan and what he may or may not feel for Sam. The friendship with Nate may not be as strong as they once thought. However inside threats may do the most damage to 'the family' With Mason and Sam both keeping secrets trust may be permanently damaged. This one was difficult because of the separation. I didn't believe that temptation would play a role in a possible break-up, but you never know what misunderstandings can arise when distance is placed between a couple and misunderstandings can result in endings. The family needs to be together to be strong. This book also made me see why Logan Kade had to have his own book. Such a good character. Good looking, loyal, amusing man-whore that he is there's a layer of anger, pain, and vulnerability that makes him irresistible. Kris is definitely not worthy. Sam could have been, but it had to be Mason for her. This book made it clear that Logan deserves his own happily ever after! The story keeps you anxious for all three from beginning to end. It's filled with more pain than good times, but not once do you lose faith in the bond that they all share. Somehow you have to believe it will work out. Ending actions set up a very interesting next school year. Great read.

That's what you call keeping a series amazing!

Damn!!! Tijan, you were born to be a writer. This is by far the best of the series. I loved every bit of this book, even the parts that annoyed me. I would give this book 100 stars if I can, but the limit is 5! Sam, she is strong and more determined in this book, especially with her running. Sam did annoy me when she kept secrets from Mason and Logan, especially Mason. I feel the only problem with Mason and Sam relationship is their communication. I think Mason realized that too about them. I know from reading and the actions from Sam how much she loves Mason and it was sooo amazing to read that, because it wasn't forced it was natural. I love Sam and Mason as a couple. They're my number 1 book couple of all time. Mason, he really is one of a kind. His love for Sam is just breathtaking. His loyalty and determination is just amazing. He had girls throwing themselves at him and he told them straight up that he has a girlfriend. There was no BS or wandering of the eye. I truly believed that Mason thought his battles was left at high school and in college it will just be football, school, and Sam, but he was wrong and had to deal with Nate, Parker and Marrisa. Did I mention how much I love Sam and Mason? Logan, he was just that Logan. He was the comedic relief in the story like always, but a much darker side of Logan came about. Whether it was because Mason was gone or because of something else I don't know. He really does love his brother and his "sister-wife" Sam to death and would do anything for them. I really hope that Logan finds his better half like Mason did with Sam. I hope he kicks Kris to the curb because she isn't for him. Nate, I've always been on the fence with Nate, but at the same time I always liked him. He definitely was going through an identity crisis. He was a prick for bringing Marrisa to lunch with him knowing the damage he would cause. He did redeem himself at the end, but he has a lot more ass kissing to do in the next book. I am actually shocked about Marissa being so cray cray, because man was she cray cray. The ending had me on pins and needles, it definitely changes everything and I am nervous and excited to find out how this will all end. Logan, he was just that Logan. He was the comedic relief in the story like always, but a much darker side of Logan came about. Whether it was because Mason was gone or because of something else I don't know. He really does love his brother and his "sister-wife" Sam to death and would do anything for them. I really hope that Logan finds his better half like Mason did with Sam. I hope he kicks Kris to the curb because she isn't for him. Nate, I've always been on the fence with Nate, but at the same time I always liked him. He definitely was going through an identity crisis. He was a prick for bringing Marrisa to lunch with him knowing the damage he would cause. He did redeem himself at the end, but he has a lot more ass kissing to do in the next book. I am actually shocked about Marissa being so cray cray, because man was she cray cray. The ending had me on pins and needles, it definitely changes everything and I am nervous and excited to find out how this will all end.

Guess the drama works. But, these books still aren't worth the time or $$.

• Hate the bullies. •Hate the lying, scheming whores who have such unfortunate power. •Despise the fact Sam is so easily manipulated and clueless. It's as though without Mason, she has half a brain and zero logic. •Love how much Mason loves her - that's her only saving grace, as well as the fact Logan, David and Garrett are also on her side and have love for/care about her. •One point five stars. The writer needs better adjectives, verbs and nouns to replace hot, throbbing, grin/grinning, groan/groaning, grunted, barked. Show, not tell though it's part of Tijan's writing style. Still, changing it up would sound and read better.

Sassy Sam is back!

I have to say, I really love this cover. It's exactly how I would view Sam when she's being a bada$$. She may have lost some of her spunk in books 2 and 3, but it's back! Man, am I glad it's back. I was getting sick of her just taking all the abuse from the psycho girls. My girl crush dimmed a bit when she didn't put them in their place. While I hated that this book had the Threesome Fearsome apart for most of the book, a lot was accomplished. I love that the author could have had several things come between Mason and Samantha and that she didn't take that route. Instead, she reinforced how much these two belong together and had them reacting in ways you want a couple to react in times of adversity. It also showed the growth in their relationship. I seriously love Logan. I can't wait until he finds his Sam. He deserves to have that same loyalty and love that Sam provides Mason. Logan is such a fun character that you just want to see him happy. This ended on a huge power play at the college and I'm looking forward to the next book to see what happens.

A little different from the previous Fallen Crest books

I have really enjoyed reading this series so far. Mason and Sam are great book characters. This book was a little different because for most of the book they are not together. If you're like me and enjoy the scenes with Mason and Sam the best, then this book might be a little harder to enjoy. As always, there is at least one totally crazy nutcase and the slightly less crazy characters in each of her books and this book was no different. This time we have 2 serious crazies, one already known to us, Marissa and a new one, Sebastian Park (or SebASStian). I have to admit though, I did not see Cra Cra Marissa coming. Even when she waited for him the 1st time after the football game I didn't see it. I knew she liked him and I thought she was just unsure of how to talk to him since it had been awhile since they had seen each other or spoken. The only problem I have with her books is that everyone is so serious & dark all the time. For example, Nate's frat president, the new crazy, Sebastian, had some unknown grudge against Mason, so trying to run him over and making it look like an accident is what most people would do, right?? lol. Even Logan who's tends to be more of the comedian, has been showing more of a dark side. The characters always have an ulterior motive, sometimes it's hard to keep up. I would like to say it would be nice to see people leave Sam alone for once, but then that just wouldn't be a Tijan book. And honestly, to see what's going to happen next is why I keep reading her books.

Sam was stupid and Marissa was delusional... Possible SPOILERS

Maybe I'm just getting tired of this series, but this book was just ok, not great. I really loved the first 3 books. But in this book, Sam took what Tate had told her and actually believed it. I thought we all knew that Tate is nothing but trouble. How could anyone have ever believed anything she says? And when it turns out that Marissa actually thought she had a chance with Mason when they hadn't even communicated in over a year, that was funny! So Sam agonized over this all year until Logan's girlfriend Kris got talked to by yet another "friend" of Tate's who also knew about the lie, and then Kris actually asks Logan if he does love Sam. I thought Sam was smarter than this. Sam and Logan have never had a romantic relationship, ever. Sam was so stupid... Anyway, I'm in the process of reading this entire series so I'll get the next book, but I'm hoping there will be an end to the series when we reach book 6 (whenever that happens). I've enjoyed until now, but this needs a final ending.


I love this book and this series. It's a Young Adult series that can appeal to all ages. Samantha is a strong young woman with a lot against her but she has Mason and Logan to love and protect her. They have already been through so much so them staying together seems like what they should do, In this book Tate lets Sam know that Logan Loves Her and not platonically. This really messes with Sam's head. She doesn't know what to do about this problem. Sam's mother finally tells her who her real dad is. Sam is having trust issues with David so when Garrett shows up for a few days and then leaves again it really does a number on her. When Sam and Mason have trouble the whole dynamic of the books changes.

Fallen Fourth Down

I enjoyed this book but I still don't feel like Sam grew enough character wise. Logan has grown leaps and bounds, he's still the same guy underneath but you see multifaceted of emotions within him. You see him coping with losing his wingman to college and living without Sam. Mason has grown from hard unavailable man he once was to the overprotective boyfriend that let a broken girl in. Sam to me hasn't grown. Yes, she's letting people into her life again. She's learning to cope with living without Mason and Logan not being around everyday but in the end she's still broken. She doesn't know how to help herself. She keeps pushing always any parent that tries to get close to her. I get it. Being hurt on multiple occasions isn't the nicest feeling but at some point she needs to learn to fight back and help herself. She needs to stop leaning on Mason to hold her up so that she won't break. She realized it at the end of this book. Hopefully she can continue to develop in the next book.

Clears up a few things and raises others

After Tate dropped her bomb on Sam in the last book, I was nervous. I am not a fan of triangles, and one where two close brothers are involved is definitely not something I want to read about. The good news is that this gets somewhat resolved, but takes the whole book given Sam's neuroses. Although to be fair, she eventually starts to grow in that she realizes she needs to be able to hold her own and not put everything on Mason's shoulder. With him off to college, she does actually face some of the challenges and realizes that she is stronger than she was. I'd be happier if Logan did finally meet a girl that he can call his own, and actually mean it. It would definitely alleviate one of the things that Mason has to deal with, and in this one, an old issue comes back and again, gets resolved later, but a new one arises. I definitely want to see the 3 of them united to deal with that. Mason is still my favorite of the bunch. A bit too blunt, but at least he is consistent. All in all, I think this was a good book and addresses a few open issues. First, how will Sam's and Mason's relationship stand the test of separation for a school year, does Logan really love Sam, and how will Mason and Sam deal with Marissa being back in Mason's life. I didn't expect the issue with Nate nor a guy from Sam's past, but why not. There is usually more than quite a bit of drama going on in these books. I'm looking forward to the next one just to see how it all plays out at the university.


Holy!!!!! Jesus. First I hate Tate!! The new Jackson character seems like a good buy plus hot. There for a minute I thought Mason and Sam was done!! They better not have happened! Which it didn’t. Logan cracks me up so much. He was so much more serious in this book. Sam and her running is something else. She uses it as a release. Everything going on with her dad is awful. I get where Sam is coming from he abandoned her when she needed people the most over her crazy mom. I’m actually happy that things are working out for Sam. Hate some of the new characters like Park. Love Matteo he is so funny and full of life. Also apparently a Fantastic twerker! Lol. The end drama was shocking! So glad the whole Logan loving her is out in the open. I really don’t see they every being more than family. She is absolutely in love with Mason you can see it in every book so far. Cannot wait to read more in the next book. Everything that is happening is a shock.

Such a good character. Good looking

Tijan is a master at creating obstacles and Sam and Mason face plenty in this book; some old threats, Marisa, Tate, old lovers; some new threats, Sebastian. And then there's Logan and what he may or may not feel for Sam. The friendship with Nate may not be as strong as they once thought. However inside threats may do the most damage to 'the family' With Mason and Sam both keeping secrets trust may be permanently damaged. This one was difficult because of the separation. I didn't believe that temptation would play a role in a possible break-up, but you never know what misunderstandings can arise when distance is placed between a couple and misunderstandings can result in endings. The family needs to be together to be strong. This book also made me see why Logan Kade had to have his own book. Such a good character. Good looking, loyal, amusing man-whore that he is there's a layer of anger, pain, and vulnerability that makes him irresistible. Kris is definitely not worthy. Sam could have been, but it had to be Mason for her. This book made it clear that Logan deserves his own happily ever after! The story keeps you anxious for all three from beginning to end. It's filled with more pain than good times, but not once do you lose faith in the bond that they all share. Somehow you have to believe it will work out. Ending actions set up a very interesting next school year. Great read.

That's what you call keeping a series amazing!

Damn!!! Tijan, you were born to be a writer. This is by far the best of the series. I loved every bit of this book, even the parts that annoyed me. I would give this book 100 stars if I can, but the limit is 5! Sam, she is strong and more determined in this book, especially with her running. Sam did annoy me when she kept secrets from Mason and Logan, especially Mason. I feel the only problem with Mason and Sam relationship is their communication. I think Mason realized that too about them. I know from reading and the actions from Sam how much she loves Mason and it was sooo amazing to read that, because it wasn't forced it was natural. I love Sam and Mason as a couple. They're my number 1 book couple of all time. Mason, he really is one of a kind. His love for Sam is just breathtaking. His loyalty and determination is just amazing. He had girls throwing themselves at him and he told them straight up that he has a girlfriend. There was no BS or wandering of the eye. I truly believed that Mason thought his battles was left at high school and in college it will just be football, school, and Sam, but he was wrong and had to deal with Nate, Parker and Marrisa. Did I mention how much I love Sam and Mason? Logan, he was just that Logan. He was the comedic relief in the story like always, but a much darker side of Logan came about. Whether it was because Mason was gone or because of something else I don't know. He really does love his brother and his "sister-wife" Sam to death and would do anything for them. I really hope that Logan finds his better half like Mason did with Sam. I hope he kicks Kris to the curb because she isn't for him. Nate, I've always been on the fence with Nate, but at the same time I always liked him. He definitely was going through an identity crisis. He was a prick for bringing Marrisa to lunch with him knowing the damage he would cause. He did redeem himself at the end, but he has a lot more ass kissing to do in the next book. I am actually shocked about Marissa being so cray cray, because man was she cray cray. The ending had me on pins and needles, it definitely changes everything and I am nervous and excited to find out how this will all end. Logan, he was just that Logan. He was the comedic relief in the story like always, but a much darker side of Logan came about. Whether it was because Mason was gone or because of something else I don't know. He really does love his brother and his "sister-wife" Sam to death and would do anything for them. I really hope that Logan finds his better half like Mason did with Sam. I hope he kicks Kris to the curb because she isn't for him. Nate, I've always been on the fence with Nate, but at the same time I always liked him. He definitely was going through an identity crisis. He was a prick for bringing Marrisa to lunch with him knowing the damage he would cause. He did redeem himself at the end, but he has a lot more ass kissing to do in the next book. I am actually shocked about Marissa being so cray cray, because man was she cray cray. The ending had me on pins and needles, it definitely changes everything and I am nervous and excited to find out how this will all end.

Can't wait for more!!

Fallen Fourth Down (Fallen Crest #4) By: Tijan 5/5 stars Mason Kade has left for college, which is 3 hours away from Fallen Crest, to play football on scholarship. He is busy with practice and putting in extra practice time since his coaches changed his position and he feels like he is behind. He is also studying and spending time bonding with his teammates. He rarely has time to make it home, but Sam and Logan are able to visit him some on the weekends since they are only seniors in high school. They have to do it all while juggling their schooling, sports practices and games/meets. Sam is extremely concerned by what Tate told her at the end of Fallen Crest Public, that Logan is in love with her. She’s afraid because Mason has said that he would never let anyone come between him and his brother. And she is worried that if Logan realizes his love and Mason finds out, that she will lose them both. So she also spends a lot of time pushing Logan away. We get to see Logan on his own, without his brother who has been his other half since he was only a child. The separation is hard on him, but it is made even worse when Sam pulls away from him and no longer confides in him. Logan does have a girlfriend that he cares for but he isn’t in love with her, even though she is in love with him. There isn’t the school drama that wears on Sam, since half of the mean girls group graduated or dropped out of school. There are still some things that aren’t smooth, but for the most part, no one messes with Sam. She’s still good friends with Jax and works for her as well. But there is someone who is a blast from Sam’s past but was an important part of it for one reason. As for the parents, Analise is still in treatment for an as of yet, unknown disorder with James by her side. Helen has moved back to Fallen Crest and Logan lives with her. David and Malinda live together with Sam and Mark. Sam’s biological dad had moved back to Boston to work through his marriage after both of them had infidelities and he wants a relationship with Sam and wants to introduce her to the rest of his family. Nate does have some issues because he doesn’t get to live in the football house with Mason since it is for the players only. So he joins the frat where he is a legacy, and gets totally sucked in. Miranda also has some unresolved issues, seems a little crazy and even though she doesn’t deserve what happens to her, you don’t really cheer for her in this book. My biggest gripe about this book was how Sam pulled back from Logan and spent so much time in her head over this big secret and how much it took over her life and affected both her relationship with Logan and Mason. Let’s face it, secrets never stay buried and the longer you keep them, the more damage it does and the more it hurts.

I Can't not wait for the next one!!!!

I bought the bundle the weekend before the new book came out not knowing anything about the new book I stayed up every night until 2-3:00am in the morning even knowing I had to get up at 6am, I had to keep reading it, every time I put my phone down to stop reading and go to sleep, I just couldn't. The characters were in my head and I just had to know what the next page would bring. To say I was caught up in the series is a understatement!!! I found myself thinking of Sam, Mason, Logan, and cant't forget Nate's story at all times!! (The Fearsome Foursome) As soon as I was finished with the bundle I immediately started to see if the next book was out!! It wasn't :( I went to Tijan's FB page and seen a release date for October 4th I believe, that was on Sunday. Monday morning I had a important doctors appt to get a spinal tap, I popped onto FB and seen a post by Lisa Markson that Fourth Down just went live with the link, I screamed like a teenage girl and bought it!!! This series is one of the best I've ever read, it draws you in and once your caught you don't want to be set free, even as I was getting my spinal tap,(nervous as heck)all I could think about was dang it, I hope this goes quickly so I could read Tijan's new book!! It did not disappoint, finished it that night. I loved that it switched from Sam and Masons thoughts!! Who doesn't want to be in the mind of as many of a books main characters as you can get!! Finishing this new book in the series was both awesome and sad. Awesome because I got to read more of The Fallen Crest Series that I was now addicted to, more then sleep!! And sad because I knew I was going to want the next one as soon as I finished!! And for all those who knows me and my book addictions know I am not remotely patient in waiting for the books I love to come out, by Authors who have a way of writing that leaves you, dare I say enchanted!! I recommend this book to anyone who loves a story that will wipe all thoughts from your mind, leave you wishing for more as soon as your done. A story that will capture your heart and have you emotionally invested in the characters and their story!! Thank you Tijan for these amazing reading experience.. {Five Stars} (Mature Readers) I bought all but the new one is a bundle for .99 cent

I think I would've like to see the fearsome threesome a bit mature if not stronger at this point.

Given how the last book was left off, I was eager to jump right into Fallen Fourth Down. So let's see what sort of dramas await us in this book. First of all I just knew Marissa was going to be a problem, although I haven't anticipate she become such a creep. It baffled me that Mason did nip the butt on this one early on. I understand they used to be friend, but give Mason's characteristic, he should've cut her off long time ago. And it should never come to a point that would allow her to manipulated Mason. I never liked Marissa character (or Becki just FYI), when Marissa was briefly mentioned in previous books, I thought not only she was weak, but it was obvious she was using Mason and enjoyed the special attention she received from him. And I wasn't wrong. We see a lot of the vulnerability side of Sam in this book, I get that she is lonely without Mason being around, but she also seem pretty lost as well. I am not sure how many times Sam and Mason reassured their love to each other, it was to a point that they seem desperate. So, we all know Logan has feeling for Sam. We all knew he could've love Sam, like Mason love Sam. But, Mason is with Sam, so even though Logan love Sam but he does not love Sam to the same extended as Mason loves Sam. Yes I know, what I wrote probably confused the heck out of you. That's exactly what happened in this book. As much I enjoyed reading all the chaos, Fallen Fourth Down's dramas seem redundant. Marissa turned out to be quite a stalker, a manipulator, not to mention a problem for Sam and Mason. Sam created quite a bit problem for herself, when she listened to the one person she should've never listened to, Tate. Then she processed to push Logan away even though they were family. Sam missed Mason so much that's all she talked about. I never like this sort of depended relationship. For one she and Logan will be join Mason soon, they are only a school year behind Mason. Don't let me start with Logan's relationship with what's her face. I never liked the girl, she was so weird. Meanwhile new dramas are stirring up at Mason's college, Nate and Mason are slowly drifting apart, and a new enemy is intent to either use Mason or destroy him. I think I would've like to see the fearsome threesome a bit mature if not stronger at this point. And seriously given Sam and Mason's situation, I've thought their relationship should've be solid. I am perfectly ok with Logan being in love with Sam, as long as he protect her in his own ways, and doesn't come between Sam and Mason's relationship (in my perfect little book world of course). The ending reminded me Tijan's another series "Jade", one of the reason I enjoy reading Fallen Crest High was because the school elements. I am not sure I like the new direction of the series is going. Overall even though I did enjoyed reading this book, I also have the same problem with this book in every other Tijan's book of late. The repetitive situations, and the characters seem to stop developed all together. So the next book is the last book of Fallen Crest High, and we will be getting a standalone book of Logan soon! I can't wait! Happy Reading!! XO

LOVING this series

Tijan is one of my DEAR (drop everything and read) authors and Fallen Crest is one of my all time favourite series. I’ve been dying for more since that bombshell we were left with after Fallen Crest Public! I LOVE Mason Kade, Logan and Sam these characters are addicting, Tijan always leaves me wanting more as well as leaving me in a book funk. I couldn't pick up another book in over a week, I still had Mason on the brain as well as Logan's banter. Between Mason and Logan I think I have most of the book highlighted! Sam has grown a lot in each book but it's in Fallen Fourth Down she grows the most, learns to be independent and becomes a tower of strength on her own. Having the love of her life, her soul away at college and not in arms reach is trying for Sam. She and Logan have been left in Fallen crest to deal with the high school drama and those still around trying to cause trouble. Sam still can't get Tate's words out of her head, those as well as Masons 'no women will ever come in the way of him and his brother'. Her mind is in overdrive, leaving her to put some distance in between herself and Logan in the hopes she stops thinking about it and the consequences of what will happen once the boys find out. Mason and Logan are her family, the only family she has left; In Logan Words "the Fearsome Threesome." While Mason might be away at college, drama still finds this delicious addictive man. His way with words will have you god damn swooning... “You, Sam. I love you. Only you. When I’m not with you, I survive. When I’m with you, I live.” **sigh** I want more Mason Logan! Logan, Logan (I fell for him even more in this book, we get to see the real Logan) he may not have his brother around but he is still as close as ever with him. If anything Mason not being around has given Logan room to grow, he is still as loyal to Sam and will do anything for her. Being with Kris brings some drama and feelings to the surface he had acknowledged but would never act on. The Fearsome Threesome have a lot of drama and hurdles to overcome, someone is always trying to bring one of these three down in one way or another. Together they deal with situations head on and also by being open and honest. BUT words from the past continue to haunt Sam. Will keeping this information lead her to self destruct? When Mason and Logan find out what Sam has been hiding could she lose the only family she has left? Will she lose the only person who has ever loved her? There is so much more I would love to say about this book and the story but I would give way to much away. The only down side is Tijan has left us on a cliffy, I need the final installment NOW!!!!!!!!!!! But I would settle for a ' Kade's Crew" Shirt! "Have you not gotten my memo recently? It's suppose to go out every Friday morning with Twitter Alerts. #Logansawesomenooneforgetit." **Review by Kristy


THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo freakin happy I was turned on to these books!!! WOW......just, wow! I am NOT a big fan of the 'high school" drama scene style books...I am just a little bit to old, and just to mature to get into those style books anymore, but Man-O-Man did Tijan put a twisted on what I thought was going to be a "high school" read TO a "very mature" for all their ages, but considering the back ground stories, and what each character in this book go through, it makes them seem a lot older in the writing! GREAT JOB TIJAN!!!!!!!! I can not put these books down! I just keep reading and buying them ALL!!! I have to know what happens!!! I. HAVE. TO. KNOW.!!!!!!! hee hee I am still reading the 4 installment to this series, but I can already tell by the writing that I am going to LOVE each and ever single one of these books....So far I am on the 4th book and I still saying they are the BEST!!! (that is saying something for me to say that)! If you are looking for a Wonderful Story line, and Heroes, and Angst, and Laughing, and and and....Steamy, Hot, Sexy moments of pleasure and fun and suspense; Well, then, you have a found THEM!!!! Read on my fellow readers....YOU. HAVE. TO . READ. THESE. BOOKS.!!!!!!!!! A really EPIC story line with a love story so deep you forget YOU are not involved with these characters!!!!! THUMPTHMUMPTHUMP......

Fallen Crest Book 4

As a stand alone this was another great look into the lives the of Mason, Sam, and Logan. But, when compared to the other books in the series I felt like it was a little out of left field. I don’t remember it being mentioned or implied that Sam had been with anyone else before Mason. I knew she didn’t have sex with Jeff but then Jackson comes out of no where? After she preached about Jeff cheating on her so many times. It was just odd throwing that in the story. Then, Marissa and Park coming out of no where with their psycho antics. I can see Marissa being that way but Park went just as fast as he came. Where did Kris come from? Logan suddenly has a girlfriend and is acting like he’s always been the faithful time. There was no lead in to their meeting. Hopefully a story of Logan will be released and we can get inside his mind to see what he’s all about! To me, it just seemed all very strange that these new develops popped out of no where. As a whole, I love this series, enjoy reading about Mason, Sam, Logan, and their friends/family but my main complaint was Sam. She could be such a badass, tough, strong chick but each time she seemed to let that side of her show in comes Mason and in one touch or word from him she crumbles. I appreciate the dynamic between the two of them but I think she should’ve grown during the series and become his “equal”. There are so many times she should’ve handed him his ass but she backed down and swept it under the rug. I was really hoping to see some edge to their relationship. We get they love each other uncondionally and they are devoted to each other but after all she has been through with her mom, Kate, the tommy P’s, and Tate, I was really hoping that would’ve given her more of a back bone to put her man in his place when he needed it. I’d love to see this development in her character in the next story.

Oh my heart...

Man oh man. I swear Tijan will have a permanent hold on my heart for the rest of my life. I am so in love with these characters I feel like they are a part of me. I want to hold them and comfort them. I want to be the big sister and the family they never had. Gah! I just love them oh so much. Okay, review time. Enough gushing. Sam...oh Samantha. I swear this heroine, although so young, has a firm grip on my soul. Okay, back to gushing. Sam is strong and Mason? Logan? Geesh. These three together can rule the freaking world! At the end of book three, there is a BIG secret that gets revealed. Well obviously we the reader know the secret cause we just know Logan and how he is. Sam keeps said secret to herself all through book 4 and man, my heart. At the end of this book, I tried reading faster so I could find out what happened. So many issues for such young people. I love these characters. I can't get enough of them. If Tijan decided to write them for the rest of her career, I would be a very happy reader.

Secrets will be shared

I'm a sucker for these books. The whole Threesome Fearsome are amazing (oh plus Heather). I was nervous when reading this book that they were going to make this story into a love triangle, but luckily it wasn't. Sam and Logan are seniors in high school while they lose their best friend Mason to college. Mason and Sam are still going strong but he can tell that she is holding something back. The dark secret that Tate reveled to Sam is still taunting her "Logan is in love with you." Mason doesn't want to push Sam to open up but he can tell something is off. Sam also starts to drift away from Logan because she doesn't want him to be in love with her. To add more twists, a blast from Sam's past shows up and goes to her old school nonetheless. Jackson, the guy who stole her virginity and is Jeff's cousin, is the hot new football player and new friends with Mark (soon to be step brother). Mason is also having some drama in college. Nate's frat brother is turning out to be more trouble than Mason wants to deal with. Knowing from his roommate Matteo, Park Sebastian is not a good guy, but Nate wants them to be friends. As Nate and Mason grow apart, Nate starts bringing Marissa around more, although it is obvious she is using him to be near Mason. On a good note, Sam's coach tells her to start running with the guys group to help focus them, and she really gets to show off her skills. Sam is pushing her self even harder because she wants the scholarship to go to Cain U with Mason and Logan next year. The year is going pretty well until Marissa gets hit by a car intended for Mason and the secret of Logan being in love with Sam comes out to play. Tension high but everyone starts to see the truth behind everything that regardless of what could have been, Mason is all there is ever going to be for Sam. Reunited all 4 including Nate, they plan to take down Park and by doing so, everything will change. UNTIL THE FINAL BOOK (WHICH MAKES ME SO SAD).


Wow! High school and college was never this drama filled for me as it is for Sam, Logan, and Mason. This story and this series keeps getting better! Mason is off to college and Sam is trying to distance herself from Logan after the bomb that Tate dropped on her at the end of Fallen Crest Public. There were times I wanted to strangle Sam for not telling Mason and Logan what Tate had said, I understand her reasons, but at the same time, a lot of heartache and drama could have been reduced if she would have just told them what was going on with her. Mason is still sort of the big man on campus, even though he's a freshman on the football team, I LOVE his roommate and Drew! They are hilarious and I think their friendship is great for Mason. Unfortunately him and Nate are on the outs, and I am still not sure how I feel about this guy... Nate seems like a good friend, but he seems lost right now. Logan is still the king of FCP and has befriended Mark (Sams other soon to be step brother). These two guys make me laugh so freaking hard! Some of their talk and banter is hilarious. Then there is Kris, Logan's new girlfriend, I'm not sure how I feel about her, she seems ok, but not someone who belongs in their group, and I still don't trust her, never have.. and still don't especially after this read. There is a lot of things to deal with in this book and you are always guessing what is going to happen with these three. I loved Sam and her every path leads to Mason speech she gave, and I was so proud of her for overcoming all of the crap she dealt with in the past 3 books. The Sam from books 1-3 is not the same Sam that is in Fallen Fourth Down. She is much stronger, but at times you still want to slap her! I am in love with this series, and I can't wait to see what the next book brings for us, especially with how this one ended. If you're looking for a great series that has drama, love, crazy families, etc. this is the book series to pick up today!

The Queen has done it again!!! 5 Stars Baby!!!

OH.MY.GAWD!!! I am at a loss for words. I have been anxiously awaiting the release of this book and let me just say that Tijan has done it again!! She has knocked my socks off with this one. I can't imagine how there can only be one more book left...NOOOO! One more book will not do it for me. There is so much more to tell...OMG...so much more. I'm sitting here the day after I finished reading Fallen Fourth Down, and am like what the hell? What did I just read? I can't imagine this series ending. There is so much more story there. I love the new characters that have been introduced...well not all of them :/ Please Tijan, we need more books. I need to see where the future takes these characters. I have to know. MORE! MORE!...PLEASE!!! Fallen Fourth Down starts off with the big secret that Sam is carrying around. Does he or doesn't he???... Is the big question!!! OH SHIT!!! I am a basket case right now!!! "It's a cancer, building in me, wondering if I might lose you one day." ~Mason "No matter what path I'm on, all roads lead to him. They always will." ~Sam Mason is away at Cain University making new friends and missing Sam like crazy while Sam and Logan are still at Fallen Crest finishing up their Senior year of high school and missing Mason like crazy. Mason and Sam's separation was killer for me. I wanted them together. I was like get high school over with for Sam and Logan already and get them to Cain University to be with Mason. Like pronto!!! "No matter what's going on inside you, I'm here. I always will be. I love you." ~ Mason Mason, as well as us, are introduced to new characters. Some you'll love and some you'll not so love. And ughh, did I mention that Marissa is attending Cain University...hmmm coincidence!!! Yeah right!!! I don't even want to get started on her...psycho bitty!! I can not stand her!! That's all she is getting from me.!! YEP, PSYCHO BITTY!!! Oh and Nate...let's just say he was on my bad side for the biggest majority of the book. It's gonna take some sucking up on his part to get back into my good graces. And, oh how I loved him in the last three books...but, NOT so much now! I'm sure I may love him again, but he's got some major sucking up to do...just sayin'!!! Matteo has won my heart. I love his character. He and Mason had immediate chemistry. I liked him from his very first introduction. I definitely can't wait to get to know him better. Love him!!! I love that Mason has him as a friend. He will be loyal no doubt there!!! Fallen Fourth Down is full of drama, angst and suspense...I was on pins and needles the entire time. I did not want to put it down. The angst...off the charts, the suspense...off the charts...the chemistry between Mason, Sam and Logan...off the freaking charts!! The only way Tijan does it...she reels you in...then you are hooked, line and sinker!!! He was my life. He was my heart. I couldn't lose my heart. ~Sam I fell in love with Mason and Logan from the very first book and with each book, I fall more and more for them. Mason and Logan are EPIC characters. No other characters will EVER come close to these two brothers. They have so much chemistry and the love they have for one another is off the freaking charts!! How can this series not be a movie? How can this series not be a television series? Without a doubt, the best series out there!! "You, Sam. I love you. Only you. When I'm not with you, I survive. When I'm with you, I live." ~Mason Kudos to my friend, Tijan. You have yourself another 5 Star book..The only way you know how to do it!!!


I adore this series. Fortunately for me, I found it after it was already completed so I get to go from one book to the next. I highly recommend the audible version. It really brings the series to life. This one has a lot of internal angst. I sort of thought some of it was ridiculous but I see where it has developed Sam into a more mature woman and the three-four into a more cohesive bond. Good read/listen. (For the fourth time).

Mason... need I say more?!?

This series just keep blowing my mind every time I read one of the books and think it can't get better...Bam Tijan tops it! Moving away from the only family he has, Mason has to make the best of his first year of college. Football and grades are what he is about. His heart is still in Fallen Crest with Sam and his brother Logan. He worries if his heart will be able to take the distance from Sam. He knows that she needs him as much he needs her even more. Things left unsaid can tear them apart. Mason and Sam are the hear of this story, for me at least. I love their relationship. I love how deep the love at such a young age. I love how sure they are that nothing will tear them apart, than nothing CAN tear them apart. His steadfastness his pushing everything aside to make sure she knows how much he loves her. That is what I get out of this story. The love and devotion they have for each other and for Loan to be the family they each need. It bring tears to my eyes. Now don;t think I forgot that Logan is a big part of the Fearsome Threesome. His need to protect his family at any cost is what I love about him. He is the comic relief the one that wears his heart on his sleeve. He is not silent like Mason, no when he sets his sights on you, you will know that he is coming. Willing to do anything that it takes to make sure that those he loves are always protected. I loved seeing how their dynamics change in this story. How old character that were thought forgotten come back and try to shake up the romantic and steadfast Mason and Sam. How character you thought were true fail in moments that make you think twice about them. Yes, we get more twists and turns that will have you screaming at the screen WTF!!! In the end we have the Fearsome Threesome together leading us to the next adventure that I am eagerly waiting for, so Tijan don't make us wait to long okay!

Samantha and Mason

Oh Jesus, this book was good. It could just be that I just finished and am still riding the high of a great ending. Book 4 in series Dual POVs Mason is at Caid U with his football scholarship and missing Sam. His goal is to go to school, play football, and hang out with his teammates. That leaves things a little awkward with Nate. Sam is in her senior year with an intention of getting a scholarship for college. She keeps her distance from Logan because she is worried his love for her will destroy her relationship with him and Mason.

Fourth Down.. Ends in a Frown!!

After having to prove herself to the girls of FCP, Sam now has a routine to her life with the job at Manny’s, track practice after school, and enjoying life with her now “other step family” all while trying to forget the fact that Mason is at college. She tries to keep herself busy and they see each other as much as they can, put it does not seem to be enough for her. This one is written from both points of view from Mason and Samantha which kept the book flow better it seemed and finally gave the reader a look at Sam through Mason’s eyes. More of Mason’s past shows up, again, Marissa, and causes more problems between Sam and Mason as well as dealing with Tate’s coincidental appearance. This one by far is the best in the series in my opinion because it felt like all the true colors of everyone came out in the open. Logan’s issues are starting to touch the surface and then the real fun begins at Mason’s school which of course ends the book AT A CLIFFHANGER!! Ugh.. I was disappointed at that.. but I cannot wait for Fallen Finale!!

Amazing!!!! Amazingly written...

I couldn’t get enough of this story... There was so much drama , trust issues, and misunderstandings but in the end things started to fall in place. If you want to know more or your curious enough read the book. I gave this book 5 stars but I know it deserves more because the main characters of this story’s plot were going through different issues in their lives, in some way in so situations in the story it hit home to me and I understood some of things that they were going through so, yes, I totally recommend this book to anyone looking for a good book to read.

A good read.

Let me say I am probably rating this book a little unfairly and I say that because when I finished the book I totally loved it and I was so ticked that it "ended" that way. Ugh. But anyway what dropped my review was that after I finished this book I decided to reread the series since it had been so long between me reading the first book and this one...and here's what I realized...the whole "love" thing that is the basis of almost this "entire" book is remanufactured. It was dealt with in the first book maybe not in a huge way; it was sort of an after thought which I think is why I forgot but it was dealt with so after reading the first book again it made me disappointed with this one. And the reason I am disappointed is that it serves as a reason to put distance between these 3 main characters and I don't like that. What has been great about this series is the group dynamic of the 3 and sometimes the 4 if you include Nate but in this book there was so much indecision. And where Sam was I think growing into being a strong person in this book she second guesses herself this entire book and her relationship with Mason. Mason and Sam together are unreal and I would read a million books but only if it builds on their relationship. So in closing, I would've read this book even if I could only give it 1 star because its my gateway to the 5th book and I will of course be waiting with bated breath. Hear me Tijan I'm invested in these characters, I love them...TOGETHER. There is PLENTY these 3 (sometimes 4) can accomplish. Love the new football additions and THANK YOU for clearing up the Marissa thing. I was SOOOO ready for that. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give these two a HEA! The chemistry between Mason and Sam melts the pages.

5 'Best Series Ever' Stars!!!

Hold onto your shorts kids because $#!+ just got real! This next installment in the Fallen Crest series is EXPLOSIVE! The angst, the drama, the fighting, the parties and the relationships new and old. It's all so exciting!! Things around Fallen Crest have changed drastically since Mason left for college. Sam is having a hard time trying to deal with life now that she knows how Logan feels about her. Not to mention the pressure of standing on her own at school and trying to figure out how to move forward while missing Mason. Mason is also finding it difficult being away from Sam. Dealing with college, a new roommate and team to get used to, and also the fact that Marissa has worked her way into his inner circle which he knows is going to complicate his life where Sam is concerned. Yes I said Marissa. Ugh! Take my word when I tell you to allow yourself plenty of uninterrupted time to read because each chapter ends with you HAVING to turn the page! There are so many surprises that I never saw coming but I can't reveal or spoil them. It's so good you'll need to experience them for yourself, especially if you are a big FC lover like myself! ;) I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is by far my favorite series! P.S.....The ending is in no way a cliffhanger but definitely leaves you wanting more! Enjoy!!!

Fallen Fourth Down

What can I say? I freaking LOVE Mase! Omg, I could just totally get lost in his awesomesauce all day long... everyday! Logan can have me too. I'm not biased at all, heck Sam can join in and we can be the Fearsome Foursome together! What's that fraise, it ain't trickin' if you got it? Well I got enough of it to share it! Bam!!! All kidding aside. The beginning of the book started off a bit wobble-y. I'll be honest and thought that it was going to tank after the first 20% and not seeming to go anywhere. But I persevered and it paid off big time at about 45% in... thank you book gods. So if your scratching your head at first keep it moving it'll get back on track and then you'll be having a hard time keeping pace. I'm not sure why this one rubbed me wrong like this. The previous books seemed to swallow me whole and spit me out and I loved every single messed up minute of it... But this, this was not what I was expecting at all. But its still worth reading especially if you've made it this far in the series. I can't wait to see what else these knuckleheads get into. I'd deff recommend to anyone looking for a good read,either them be accustomed to YA or not. These are that amazing that you'd be a fool not too. (Read em' that is.) And damn you Tijan for leaving us hanging again! GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! I'm going to internet stalk you even harder now. Oh yeah, its on like DONKEY KONG! You made me love Mase even more and darn it if Sam isn't just perfect for him and Logan! Arggg, the struggle is real. I repeat. THE. STRUGGLE. IS. REAL!

Love this series

Such a great book... I am in love with Mason, Sam and Logan. If you have not read this series yet, what are you waiting for? A little spoilerish... I loved Sam telling Marissa off. I kinda new something was gonna go down with her and I was so glad that what happened to Marissa towards the end didn't give her a free pass. I sorta wish that Sam would've given Mason a bit more of a hard time about all that. Especially with him not telling Sam that Marissa was at Cain or that she was in a class with him. Also, Logan mentions that Marissa was still emailing Mason. It doesn't say if Sam was aware of this but since Mason didn't tell Sam about all the other stuff with Marissa, I would assume she didn't know. But after Logan mentions it, it's not mentioned again. I think Sam should've added this to her 'I'm pissed' speech and given Mason a little more hell about it. Logan, as always, is hilarious in this book. Even though I'm a HUGE Mason fan (and I love love love having his pov), Logan just adds that bit of comic relief that I love in these books. It makes me want in his Arena of Awesomeness, lol So, obviously, I loved the book and I'm impatiently waiting for the next one!

And yet, I continue...

I honestly don't know why I continue with this series. The first book had me so hooked, that, for some reason, I keep going, holding out hope that the rest of the series will come back to the greatness of the first. That has yet to happen. At this point, I can barely tolerate Sam (who I loved in the first book). At 13%, I was already feeling like the plot was ridiculous and redundant. I really don't see the pull Sam has over Mason and Logan, and Heather for that matter. Then another character comes along, and while it answers a question from the first book, I really didn't see why he was drawn to her either. Sam came across as self absorbed (which I guess she's been the entire series), but she didn't even have to face any consequences after the big "reveal". And I still don't know if the "reveal" answered anything? I continue to love Logan and Mason, and that made the book bearable (for me). I'm also still hoping for a Logan and Heather pairing. Heather seems like she'd make a WAY better heroine than Sam. There's not a lot I can say without spoiling anything (in addition to not a lot happening in the story). In short, I would not recommend this book, BUT I will get the next in the series - just call me an optimist!

Fallen Fourth Crazy Goodness!

OH MY GOD Tijan, please tell me you didn’t really just do that to me!!!??? “No one will ever be you. All roads lead to you, Mason. No one else matters because I’m always going towards you.” I’ve been waiting as patiently as possible for this book and for it to end like that, without knowing when the next book is coming is all sorts of wrong, toying with my emotions. Not really, it was really quite genius. It got me good, real good. I just hope I can muster up the patience to wait for the 5th book. I knew I was in trouble when I was at 95% and a huge situation was just getting started. Uggg I couldn’t start typing my review for this book fast enough. My hand fell to his waist, lingered there, and he trembled under my touch. That was me. That power over him, was all me. These books have some kind of power of me, I swear, such a big time favorite series of mine. With each book it just gets better and better and more exciting. Mason and Sam are probably my most favorite book couple. Four books later and I still get goosebumps every time they touch or talk. I get so giddy, it’s sort of ridiculous. “You, Sam. I love you. Only you. When I’m not with you, I survive. When I’m with you, I live.” I absolutely loved how Tijan told this story with both POV’s with Mason at college and Sam in her senior year and how strong their relationship continued to be. I read the majority of this in one sitting, couldn’t put it down because I didn’t know what was going to happen or where the story was going to go and I just needed to know. And then it ended...and my mouth dropped...and I said “oh hell no”. I’m not going to lie it will be torture for me waiting for the next book but I have no doubt it will be epic just like Mason and Sam’s love for each other. Home. That’s what Sam was to me. Moving to her ear, I whispered, “It feels good to hold you again.” Oh wait I can’t end this review without giving a shout-out to Logan F*^#ing Kade. That man is the s*** and he cracks me up with his craziness and corniness. And in case you didn't get my feel for this book, I freakin loved it!

absolutely love it

Tijan has wowed me yet again. don't get me wrong, I found myself a little irritated at times, but at the end of the book I am absolutely in love with this book and series. I am really pulling for Sam in the next/last book. I am really wishing that she learns to stop harboring so many secrets. I am wishing that her and Mason learn to relly really communicate. And I am also wishing that the whole crew is back together and has each other's backs..I kinda really want all the tramps taken down too..*cough Tate cough* Tijan writes some of the most catty annoying villians I think I have ever read. But then again, they are in HS, I guess I should keep that in mind. Each time I read a Fallen Crest book, I am just to enveloped in the series. I just block everything out and nothing but FC is on my mind. It's all I can think about, and each time I am left wanting more. I think this series is just so utterly fantastic, and the writing style that Tijan delivers it in is perfect.


I love every book in this series, but Fallen Fourth Down goes so far beyond that. I didn't think I could love Mason any more than I already did, but I fell even more in love with him in this book. We all know that he loves Sam, but now we get to see how much he truly loves her now that they are no longer in school together. Sam and Logan both miss Mason, and feel lost without him there, but because of what Tate told Sam in Fallen Crest Public, Sam has pulled away from Logan. She's scared that if the secret is revealed, she could lose both Mason and Logan, so she decides to keep it to herself. The secret does come out, but not in the way Sam wants it to. When Mason finds out, will it tear him and Sam apart, or do they love each other enough to work through it? Or will Mason stick to his word and not let a girl get between him and his brother? This book is full of so many great moments, it's hard to review without giving away spoilers. Be prepared, there is a major cliffhanger, and it is EPIC! Cannot wait for the next book! A must-read (but this series does have to be read in order).

Why Must All Great Things Have An Ending...

Do you know that feeling when you are reading an amazing book that gets better and better with each turn of a page (euphoria is the feeling that comes to mind) and something major happens, you go to turn the page and there is no more book left... Reality crashes in and it leaves you with a sense of loss (I found myself yelling Noooo... at 3am in the morning) and all you want to do is rock back and forth holding yourself wishing that this was an enchanted book and more pages would magically appear.... Yes well this is what Tijan does to me every time she releases a new Fallen Crest book. I feel like my life is on hold, desperately waiting for not Mason, Sam and Logan! But man this book... This book had me on an emotional rollercoaster with all the twist and turns.. Some new characters brought into the mix and bam the plot thickened. Had me biting my nails wondering Oh My Gawd is Tijan going to break them up... No please Tijan don't!! I loved how up in the air the relationship between Nate and Mason played out throughout the story, leaving the fans wondering is this the end of Fearsome Foursome till the very end. The one thing that I hated about Fallen Fourth Down was the end page where it says Fallen Crest Finale coming soon... Nearly died because I don't want this story to end. If this series was 10-15 books deep I would continue buying each and every release... Loving each book just as much as the first. Please reconsider ending the series Tijan!!

I LOVE THIS SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I loved it. Tijan has not let me down yet in this series. I just love Sam & Mason as a couple....and I love Logan too. He just makes me laugh so hard. I don't care if he has feelings or "could have had feelings" for Sam, it doesn't matter. I just love him. But, what makes this series for me is Mason & Sam. Now, for the plot. Yes, there are multiple people out to get Sam, Mason & Logan, but that is normal for this series. This series has a dark view on others, but I love it. I love the "it's us against the world" attitude that the Kade family takes. While I agree that my favorite parts are when Sam & Mason are together. I get that they could not be together all the time as he is away at college. I want them to be happy, together all the time & "going at it like rabbits" as Logan would say. I am anxiously looking forward to the next book (although I definitely don't want the series to end), but I know I will read all 4 books multiple times to get me through my Sam/Mason/Logan withdrawal.

A lot of avoidance and lying continues with Sam and Logan.

Sam really frustrated me in this book. The constant lying, avoiding and overall running from her problems really comes to a head in this book. Both Logan and Mason know something is wrong and, instead of admitting it and getting out in the open the ramblings that Tate spilled, Sam buries them down. Mason knows that Sam needs to open up to him and he can't keep pushing her to deal with her problems and let him help her. Sam spends almost the whole book avoiding Logan, feeling loneliness with Mason gone and over-analyzing everything in her life. When things come to a head finally and the truth comes out, Sam is left with two very upset Kade brothers. Mason really has a hard time wrapping his head around Sam's inability to deal with problems head on. She winds up hurting herself and them in the process and, as usual, they have another problem coming after all of them. It sets up book 5 very well.

Oh mason mason!!!!

Love this series holy carp!! Let me say I'm not in my twenties and I still loved every minute of these books. I did have to laugh at some of the unfavorable reviews where people were saying that no high school kids would act this way or have the freedom to do so. I went to private school and I will tell you this is not very far from the truth.. there are upper and middle class parents who are to busy to be around. I had a boy friend when I was sixteen who didn't get along with his twenty year old step mom and was rewarded with a new Porsche and his own apartment just to stay out of the way.The parties and sex well that's just the way it is and was. Lol. Ok back to the book, I don't know how many times I laughed out loud, but Tijan has a way with dialogue that is brilliant. She can make you laugh, get steamy hot, cry, sit on the edge of your seat, and of course stay up all night just to finish a book. I admit I'm a little embarrassed that my latest book boyfriend is only 18!! What can I say? Tijan makes her lead men hot, rich, sexy and oh so broken...if you want to lose yourself in a fantastic book series this one is brilliantly fun.

Sam not at her best....but...

Another one full of drama and hair pulling (I'm talking about me), surprises, tears and so many laughs. Typical Tijan. Over the top drama. Intense and moody. You devore it in one day! Sam, really bothered me in this one. I felt like she was getting worse. More weak. More insecure. For someone who "doesn't care", she cares too much. In a couple of scenes I was asking myself what Mason and Logan saw in her. She complains about others but she is not too nice either. The *can't say* issue was a sad surprised. In a book full of disapproval towards cheaters. I never expected that one to happen. BUT Things finished in a way that give me hope. For her to became strong, for her to became better. For her to have a pair not only when she goes all crazy Sam. I am hopeful. Logan was amazing. He stole the show. Mason was great, yeah. But Logan was amazing! Incredible. Swoon worthy. Now, I will waiting. Impatiently for the next and final (?) book. Can't wait!

Good but it pissed me off - small spoiler alert.

I think Tijan is a great writer. I really enjoyed the Fallen Crest series, including Fourth Down (although not as much as the first 3 books in the series.) However - and this is the small spoiler, so stop reading if you don't want to know anything contained in Fourth Down - one key element almost had me ditching the book. In Fourth Down, Tijan introduces a character that was Sam's first time (she lost her virginity to him.) But, this encounter happened while Sam was still dating Jeff, so she repeatedly says that she cheated on him. This totally ticked me off! Sam spent the first three books slamming everyone for being unfaithful, for cheating. Sam was livid, even confronting others and condemning them for cheating. So we are supposed to believe that Sam cheated on Jeff??? It ruined the book for me. Author's take note: don't adjust your character's for the sake of the plot. Readers are smart enough to see that. It certainly wasn't necessary here.

Another Tijan Great One!!

I really like this series but I thought this was going to be the final book and it is not!! Yes the book was great, I love all Tijan's books, but I was so hoping to get Sam and Mason's HEA along with Logan's. Sam is freaking out about what Tate told her, that Logan is in love with her. She is distancing herself from Logan and he senses it and is not happy. Mason is three hours away at College and they miss each other terribly. Sam is continually getting stronger throughout the books. Mason is amazing he is no nonsense, but should have told Sam about Marissa being at the same college. Nate is a complete jerk throughout most of this book. And I was starting to like Kris and was hoping she could be Logan's happy ending. If I was in Sam's place, I don't know if I could have told Logan or Mason, I would be afraid that it would destroy what they had. There are so many obstacles trying to keep Sam and Mason apart, I want them to get their happily ever after!!


Keep coming back for more....This book is just WOW.....I started off reading this series as a way to occupy my time until the other books releases I have been waiting for to come out....When I say this took me by surprise...now all I do is try to keep from rereading it over and over so that I can continue to read other books in my library... after reading the first book I immediately pick up the others...was excited about the release of "Fallen Fourth Down" now all I say is "I want more"....I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for an exciting and intriguing read...it's a good read for many readers and I have recommended it to my daughter, friends, and family...you will not be disappointed in this series....I love Mason and Sam chemistry, loyalty, and dedication to each other....Logan and Nate is a bonus.....I hope I don't have to wait long for the final book in this series because it has become an addiction to me to see what more is in store.....HIGHLY RECOMMENDED......


This book is my least favorite in this series. I already don't like the does he love me, I love him after being together a week in these books, but this is young adult so it's something you have to get through when you read them. I'm this book Sam really got on my nerves. She got mad at mason for the things she was doing. Her character was just aggregating through this one. And I'm really confused on her while virginity thing. In one of the earlier books she had talked about , she was gonna finally sleep with Jeff. Well that didn't happen , but what would have if it did? She was with him 3 years and was a virgin, but got mad at him one night and slept with his cousin. Was he not going to realize oh hey your not a virgin when did that happen. None of that made sense to me. I just couldn't get into this book as well as the others.

Ugh to Sam

Why is everyone so in love with, or want to date Sam. I hang on because I enjoy being in Mason’s mind. I’m so glad the author gave him his chapters. It ending wonderful as always, but I’m hoping Sam sticks with her decision to be stronger and more open to Mason. After all he has done and sacrificed for her, he deserves it.

A great read, and I can't wait for the next book!

I'm so in love with Tijan's books! This series is so good I read it twice through right away. I even bought the audio versions and I'm very happy. I can't wait for the next book!!!! This wasn't my favorite of them all because it was very angst-y and I felt like relationships weren't as strong as in the other books. I'm really, really hoping the next book solidifies things again because the heartbreak in this one was hard for me, since I love the boys and Sam so much. With that being said, I loved the book despite the angst. Sam is coming into her own a bit more and she's becoming stronger and more independent. However, I love, love Logan and wished for more of his funny antics. This book was more serious to me in overall tone. A great read, and I'm excited for the next one!

Gotta love the Kade boys, and Sam! ;) ♡

This series keeps on getting better and better so far I kinda love this book out of the whole series.. I course I love the 1st book in this series when Mason and Sam 1st hook-up.. Thanks for Tijan for giving us another awesome book for this series! ;) ♡ I gotta say this book gets you wanting the finale to be sooner then later.... but not really cause never want the twosome, threesome, and or even foursome fearsome to end! ;) lol ♡ I really can't wait to see what going happen in the last book. I'm happy to see Sam is getting healed and becoming a stronger person and wanting to be there for Mason no matter what... that all I'm saying no spoilers here...sorry; not really; this book can sell it self; it's that good of a book!

OMG. Tijan you rock!

I don't do the teenie bopper scene ever. I rcvd the first book of Fallen Crest as a freebie.....mind you I had read Carter Reed prior and knew Tijan was a fav of mine. I thought I would try out Fallen Crest...what a joke... I was hooked from the get go! I love love love this series. I don't ever want it to end not until they have all gotten their degrees.....Fallen Crest needs To be an on going saga. Tijan has the most addicting writing style I have ever come across. The emotions of her characters flow so wonderfully. I know Sam, Mason, and Logan. I become so involved with them that no sooner do I buy their books they become devoured within 2 hours. I highly recommend this series to everyone as a must read. I heard rumors that the next book is the finale.... I hope not. I want them all at Cain U and see them in caps and gowns. Please Tijan give your fans the complete ride! I am begging PLEASE!!


Devastating! I have completed this book and prolonged it as long as I could(9 hours). I absorb anything from Tijan! This was an epic read. I had so many questions. concerns and hopes for this book. I was awarded answers and a crap ton of awesomeness! Buy. Buy. Buy… it doesn't matter the cost. It's Sam and the Kades! Read from beginning to the end. I say this because I was so worried for the outcome of situations that I almost just skipped to the end...thank Tijan I didn't! The story progressed smoothly...just right. At the end of the book I felt satisfied and happy. There will be one more book to this series and honestly I will purchase it as soon as it's up for preorder. I feel a growth within the characters and I know from reading this book that the end will top all!

Another Great One by Tijan!!!

I love this book and i've said it before, Tijan's writings are great. I feel like each book she comes out with her writing gets more mature and the grammar mistakes become less, adding to it. In this book, the trio is still present. You still have lots of material from Logan even though he seems to be struggling with the lost of Mason. I love that Sam grows into herself in this book and is able to finally become a rock for Mason, and i love that Mason was willing to give Sam space to deal with her issues, where in the past, he's forced it out of her. Nate gets what's coming to him and he finally proves his loyalty. I never really got Nate or cared but he has his moments and i truely think the book would be missing something without his added character. I picks up where the last one left off and leaves you panting for more. The book ended with me sitting on needles, thinking about possible outcomes for another week. I can't wait for the next book.

No words

There are no words I can think of that describe the feelings this book gave me but I am going to try. This book stole my heart. I could feel everything through Sam. Having the duel POV was such an added bonus for this book and I think the perfect time in the series to start. Another win!

Loved This Series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This series is amazing, l loved this book, the Threesome Fearsome, (Sam, Mason, Logan), no body messes with any of them, and if they do their will be hell to pay. Mason and Sam have such a great connection, even with Mason away at college, his love for Sam always stays strong. His brother Logan always looks out for Sam, he knows how strong her love for Mason is, so he would never let any thing happen to her, or let anyone hurt her, he wishes he has someone like Sam for himself, so instead he and Sam are really good friends.I really didn' t like the way Marissa acted I wanted to slap her, and Nate who treats their best friend that way, glad he finally pulled his head out of his a$$. Titan never disappoints her books are the best. Can't wait for Fallen Crest Finale.

Crazy, over-the-top drama, but I am addicted

First, let me rant about a few things: * I'm no football expert, but I'm pretty sure you don't go from a defensive lineman (one who was scouted by college recruiters) to wide receiver. That makes no sense. * The whole "Logan's in love with Sam" thing. I don't get why Sam was so reluctant to talk to Mason about it, HE is the one who brought it up in the first book. * Nate and Marissa. Their characters did such a complete 180, I was really confused. Those things aside, I enjoyed this book, just like I've enjoyed all the books in this series. They're crazy, filled with over-the-top drama, and sometimes leave me with a WTF face, but I will be buying the next book! This one ended on a dramatic cliffhanger, so the next book will be even more crazy. I hope Sam and Mason get more time together, I hated that they were separated so much here.

Tijan Does It Again

Another exceptional read by Tijan. This is another great read in this series. Mason, Logan, and Sam have been through alot in the time that they have been together. But now Mason is off to college at Cain University while Logan and Sam both have another year of high school left in Fallen Crest. Tate left a time bomb at the last book when she told Sam that Logan loved her. It has festered and rotted alittle inside Sam and she fears of losing both Mason and Logan. They were the ones that were there for her and her family when everyone else turned their back on her. Now we have to wait for the final book in the series. I love Sam, Mason, and Logan. Sam and Mason together are a wonderful couple. This book is something you should read and you won't regret it.

The Fearsome Foursome split apart

Mason is at college playing football and living in the football house, Nate is living in a Frat house, Logan with his Mom Helen and dating a new girl “Kris”, while Sam lives with her Dad and separates herself from Logan after Tate reveals Logan is in Love with her. She’s so afraid of losing Mason and Logan that she’s basically pushing them away.

I freaking loved it!!

F4D had my heart pumping at the end and I can not wait but then I can wait bc I don't want to leave the lives and the threesome fearsome. I really hope we see the stronger version of Sam. I'm looking forward to her kicking ass and taking names. Is it me or is Logan even funnier?!? Love him but gosh mason is hotttt. Tate and her minions need to be taken down and the rest of the haters as well!!! Tijan... Gosh you are a...their needs to be a special made word for you bc I read your books and the world falls away. It's fantastic!! I drop everything for your newest books and sit on pins and needles for the next!! Thank you for your writing gift and keep'em coming!!! And fast!!Your a great escape!!!

Best one yet!

This is probably the best book in the series. I think Tijan took it to a whole new level with this one. It felt much more mature than the previous ones, because it lacked some of the soap opera drama that went on before. I love the drama that is Fallen Crest High, but to tone it down a notch and focus on more 'serious' stuff shows that the characters actually grow with the books. Fallen Fourth Down was packed with drama, of course, the difference was it didn't become too much. It had to be there. I could really believe the love between Mason and Sam (not that I didn't before), it felt so real. Stronger and more beautiful than ever. Their passion is out of this world! And then there's Logan. I loved him even more in this one, even though there was a feeling of uneasiness between him and Sam. I just think he's the sweetest and funniest thing ever. And this supposed 'love triangle' was handled well, though the confrontation couldn't have come sooner. I was nervous about this from page one! "You, Sam. I love you. Only you. When I'm not with you, I survive. When I'm with you, I live."

Threesome Fearsome kinda back in action

I was so looking forward to my Fallen Crest/Sam/Mason/Logan fix with this book. I even zipped through probably my fourth reread of the series to have everything fresh in my mind. But then something happened in this book, and I started to feel a little confused and lost. Like the action and story line went at too fast of a pace and there was no pause to explain things. I really loved getting more of Mason 's story and side of things, but where did all these deep emotions come from? He didn't really show them in the last book, and then out of nowhere he's Mr. Sensitive and Emotional and Sam's the air he breathes... I don't know. It was a good book, and obviously I'll be buying the 5 th book when it comes out, but this one felt a little lacking in some areas.

Another great addition to the series.

I'll admit, I was nervous about how the trio was going to be affected by the ending of the last book. I don't want to give any spoilers away, which makes this a little difficult. I loved how the story moved. I did think the addition of her "first" wasn't really needed. Didn't seem to add or move the story in any way. She already knew she was in love with Mason, so that wasn't something for her to realize. It created a little bit of drama, but the story would have been fine without it as well. I liked seeing how well Sam is doing on her own at school. Her confusion and way she handled the logan situation is pretty true to her character and the fear she would have of losing both him and Mason. Really excited for the 5th book!

Tijan Does It Again!

Tijan pulls the emotions out of you like no one else! I felt everything the characters were feeling; from Sam's anxiety to Logan's hurt, which he hides behind his humor. She is the best at this! After the last book, we were all anxious to see what Marissa would be up to. Was she a good girl or was she going to go after Mason. Would Sam and Logan's feelings come into play? Would Mason be tempted by other things at school and forget how strong his love was for Sam? All of these things are answered and so much more. This book was great and leaves you wanting the next to come out as soon as possible. However, at the same time never wanting it to end. Loved it and hope everyone loves it as much as me!

Senior Year Fall season

If you have been reading the FC books prior to Fourth Down, you will know Sam and Mason, who are a year apart, will be spending the school year at different campuses, three hours way from each other. While Mason is off at college, Sam learns to navigate the school days as a senior cross country running star hoping for a college scholarship, and as the girlfriend of a Div 1 football wide receiver. They text and talk. They see each other a couple of times. They work to keep their relationship strong. Each of them is adjusting to their new situations. This book is carefully plotted and the characters make interesting decisions about what to withhold, what to share and confess, and whom to trust. I liked it a lot. The ending is kind of a shocker. I'm hoping it turns out to be a dream sequence.

There are no words that can express how I feel about this book other than AWESOME!!!!!!

Okay so we all know we've been biting our nails, pulling our hair, and screaming while waiting on this one annnnnnnnd sure enough our AWESOMENESS, BRILLIANT author Tijan delivered, more than delivered she fricking ACED it!!!.... I was going crazy while frantically reading this one, I would come to a part that would scare the bejesus out of me, so I'd lay the book down get a drink take a deep breath, pick the book up and dive back in!!! What a plot and twist to the series for sure....I love this series so much and really don't know what I'll do when it's THE END.... Tijan definitely has the mind of a genius and I'm so happy she shares it with us the readers. The characters and secondary characters are so REAL and truly while reading you forget they aren't!!! CAN. NOT. WAIT. for the next book!!!

Mason and Sam

So, who knew screen shots of text messages could be so tender? And add such dimension to a story. This series has been an addiction for me, even while I wondered about the sex. It's not that people in high school don't have sex, please, that's naïve, it's that it was so rough, so much, so easily obtained that I was a little taken aback. In truth, though, I think it's honest and this story was made better by the fact that for a while, Mason didn't have to be kind of the hill. I liked his roommate, I liked his school and his dedication to Sam. The only place I was curious was the whole fraternity president gone crazy. Can't decide if it made the story better or if it was just unnecessary. Otherwise, well played Tijan.

I love this series

I have reread this book for ... I don't know how many times and I swear the books get better every time I read them. Mason, Logan and Sam are like my own dysfunctional family at this point. I love everything about these book! ( Nate's book comes out sometime soon, I am ready for that! )

Loved It!

I love that Sam’s a runner. I love running too so find that part inspiring. I love this series! Can’t get enough! Sam and Mason are intense-in a good way! I love how funny Logan is. Excited for the next book.

3.75 rounded up.

Get a bag of popcorn and read more drama. Now includes high school and college. More characters to love and hate. Some redundancy and character development issues but still a good contemporary romance for YA and NA fans

Amazingly fantastic!

Another amazing book in a fantastic series! Samason (sam and Mason) will have their relationship tested with mason being away at school. Logan in true typical Logan form will have you cracking up. We see a few of our not so beloved cast come back and throw some evil plot to destroy Samason and even some new people join the series. I can not wait to see how that gets played out but for now I will sit her patiently waiting until the next book is out. I have read every book on this series and this one definitely did not disappoint. In true Tijan fashion this book will suck you in and keep you reading. A definite must read if you have read the rest of the series! If you have not read them then what are you waiting for! This is a must read series!!!

EPICALLY AMAZING...Not enough stars!

OMFMason! Mason Kade is my favorite Book BF of all time...and throw in #logansawesomness and this series couldn't get any better...or so you think, Tijan has outdone herself this time. Fallen Crest is one of my absolute favorite book series and just when you feel it couldn't get any more epic...it does! These characters have been so great from the very first book and they keep getting better as it progresses. I hate having to wait in between but these are well worth the agony until you finish and have to bide your time until the next installment:( I never want this series to end! I have read and re-read this series so many times because it's one of the most awesome pieces of literary genius I have ever read besides some RVD! I FLOVE FC and MASON KADE!

Great...but not my Fav...

I love this series and find myself reading and rereading every book. I loved that this book came out a little earlier than what we thought, it made my day. I have to say though that this book was my least fav out of all of them. Don't get me wrong I still loved it but in some parts I felt a little let down. I have to say that I hated finding out that Sam had cheated on Jeff. I may have got it wrong but I'm sure Sam and Mason had once discussed that they had never cheated and got the impression cheating was a pretty low thing to do since they themselves had been cheated on and had their families broken up over it. So that part didn't sit right with me. I also keep waiting for Sam to crack. I know she is one strong chick, but sooner, rather than later I would expect all of the drama to become to much. There have been little indications in some of the other books that she can have trouble dealing, like her running, her mother mentioning an eating disorder, digging her nails into the palm of her hands etc. I feel like she could break at any stage, especially as the drama intensifies. I did enjoy some of the new characters that were introduced and am looking forward to reading more about them in the next book.

3 stars - 1 for each of the fearsome threesome.

Well I didn't get my threesome lol. Confirmation it's not going to happen is dampening my desire to buy further books in the series. Book four in the Fallen Crest Series is in keeping with the first three books of the series. Drama, drama, drama. Mason and Nate are now in college leaving Logan and Sam back in high school. Each character tries to find their way in this new environment with some struggling more than others. Still OTT emotionally and in storyline. Plenty of words but not much timeframe passed.

Still going strong!

Another home run for Tijan! I love this series. It truly is the best series I've read this year. The characters are consistent, true to themselves and almost unapologetic for who they are. They are real to me, not just good characters. I really enjoy the writing style of this author and I think her voice is what captivates readers so much with this series. I would definitely recommend this book - this series - to anyone who loves romance and contemporary reads. You will definitely want to keep reading until the very last page and then you will wait (impatiently!) for more until the next release!

Oh Crap I need the next book!

I liked this one. It was different from the others and it showed something different. Especially with Logan. I love Logan, honestly I wish I had a brother like him. This book provided more insight into him and I really enjoyed reading more about him. I was worried-real worried, but y'all are just going to have to read the book to find out what happened. 4.5 stars! I'm off to the next book!

and I loved the few instances she "kicked butt" whether it was ...

I was so ready for Mason and Sam to get their HEA...aghhhh! I read the book in one sitting and probably should go back and read them all over again. I had to stop and think about the characters that created so much angst in previous books...I continually confused Cass and Natalie. Sam was a little stronger in this book, and I loved the few instances she "kicked butt" whether it was standing up for herself at a party or on the track. I was a little let down by Jackson. I'm not sure what I wanted, but I thought his character could have added a little bit more to the story. I didn't want Sam to suffer anymore turmoil and it did seem that there was a lot of it going on. A couple can only go through so much before they just give in to the pressure, not matter how much they love each other! I also didn't get her surprise over the "sudden" revelation handed down by Tate...to be so smart Sam really over thought that scenario. Nate was another disappointment but I did LOVE Matteo!!! I expected to read "brother from another mother" at one point and I loved the dialogue and shenanigans between Mark and Logan! I really hope it works out for Mason and Sam and I am also hoping Logan will have a story to tell too...

Love, could it be enough?

Love, could it be enough? Too much love? Too many adults in her life. Not even the love of her mother but to still try to take anyway her first and soulmate? But I still very sorry for Logan. And want a mindfuck at the end. OMG. I think it would have been proper for her to punch her in the face. That would have been a five star for me if she did. I love JAX. You writing her is was great!

An interesting turn

The drama just leaks out of the pages. This is a different year for Sam and Logan without Mason. As relationships are tested we see if this family can truly survive. I believe through this series so far that Sam has always been a coward. I felt that Mason was letting her down by sheltering her so much by dealing with her problems. It is because of that behavior they have the problems that they do. Logan has a new girlfriend Kris who is immature and definitely not a good match for him. I was hoping that Sam would squash that but because of her insecurities she just sticks her head in the sand. Denial is a powerful thing. I can't wait for the finale...

Didn't know what to expect

This book has been one that is long awaited and like always Tijan has delivered a nail biting book. I had no idea what to expect, and I was on the edge of my seat. Mason and Sam have a love that takes some people a life time to find and they would walk away from one another if they had to even if they are each other last breath. There is still drama, friendship are tested, lies are a bitch when someone is trying to hurt a person. The whole gang is here Mason, Logan,Sam, Nate, to name a few and a few new players hope your ready for a another ride. You won't want to put it down, I know I couldn't I finished it in one night.

I love Tijan's work

I only gave three stars. I love Tijan's work, but this book was written differently from the other Fallen books. I just didn't like it. Sam has just turned into a whiny it's all about me person. "Don't tell me your problems cause all I'm doing is thinking of myself." The plot was whether or not Logan loved her more than a friend. Just didn't seem like there was a lot going on in this book. I'm hoping the next book has a bit more going on, I will buy it, because I think Tijan is a good writer, maybe she felt rushed to put out another Fallen book?

Amazing story!

I can not get enough of this series! Read the books before in this series and then read this one. The connection between Sam and Mason is so strong and so loving. Mason and Logan are brothers that will do anything to protect their family and friends. Mason is away at college. Sam is in her last year of high school and trying to figure out her life. She has two Dads but can she feel like a daughter to either of them? Logan misses his brother but he also has his own issues in high school and the friends in his life. Enjoy this book in a great series!

I'm hooked

I forgot I had bought me the first three books in a bundle so now I'm hooked and eating up every word in the series i was stopped by the flu once I recovered I started up again three days I'm on to number five and totally loving it


Wow this series just exploded!! So good! I love the suspense and the way they are coming together. These characters have amazing chemistry! So excited to keep reading!

I love Tijan! and the Kades!!

Tijan is an amazing writer. Fallen fourth down is a sequel to the Fallen Crest series. This sequel Sam, Logan and Mason growing up and in different directions. Mason is in college dealing with football and loving Sam from afar. Sam is dealing with family issues and trying to deal with a long distant relationship. And Logan is dealing with coming to terms with his inner demons and just laying it all on the table.This book was like a drop of what I needed. Tijan really did a great job of not giving you to much but enough not to piss you off. I will have to wait again for the release of the next series. Geez the pain and agony of this long WAIT!

Another heart wrenching and dynamic storyline by Tijan

First of all, I want to share with others who are contemplating whether or not to purchase this book, BUY IT NOW! You won't be disappointed by any means. Tijan has got to be one of the best writers out there. She is so gifted with how she immediately places you at the doorstep of each of her characters and welcomes you wholeheartedly to the good, bad and most importantly, the internal emotional struggles we all can expect to deal with once that door closes. This forth book examined how life changes and with that comes physical and emotional growth, heartache, challenges, self-discovery and hopefully enrichment in confidence within oneself. I couldn't put this book down and neither will you be able to do as well! Can't wait for number five.

Fallen Fourth Down is another beginning!

This book was like a start of something new. Still as intense and as heart pounding like the previous books in the series, this one did not disappoint. I loved how Tijan knows how to play with her characters. She didn't let me down. I thought this might change the characters in a bad way, but she proved me wrong. She proved me that she can always make a way regardless of how messed up the situation looked like. I can't tell you how much I love this series.

Tijan makes me feel like a junkie!

It's true! As the day got closer, the more antsy I got! And then finally that blessed "publish" button was pushed...ahhhh that wonderful slow burn that makes everything better. Fallen Fourth Down!! Loved it, not sure why we had to meet Jackson, he provided some issues but he wasn't needed and for the hit he provided to Sam's street cred., I could have done without him. Cannot wait for the next installment, but wait, I will. And I will be reading everything that has Tijan's name attached to it in the meantime!

Just fn love it

This series is my guilty pleasure , and you inow why .... Because its just so much fun ! There drama, romace , action , hot characters , steamy lo ve scenes , frienship , revenge crazy parents and all that plus teen angst and college .... Its just a treat to read anything from Tijan cause she nails it every time and Mason .... Oh dear gooooooooood Mason ....(swoooon)

I don't know what to say

I am shocked...I read and read and I could not would not put it down each passing book keeps getting better and better...the only thing that bothered was Sam...she was till with daddy issues...like grown ups never made mistakes...Garrett made a mistake but he is human...he came back and tried to get to know her but no miss Sam....was always posses at him...other then that it was awesome...mason and Logan I adore but Marissa week...can we say Katy Katy...and what the he'll wad wrong with Nate...I need the next book like yesterday...

Love them Kade boys!!!

As always Tijan never ceases to kick it up a notch with every book she publishes!! This one was no exception!!! Mason, Logan, and Sams story continues with Mason gone to college and Logan and Sam finishing their senior year in High School ... With all the things Tate told Sam before she left Sam is dying inside and the secrets they are keeping will tear them apart if they let them!!!! #logansawesomenooneforgetit #buttmuncher Can't wait for the next book!!

Tijan is as awesome as ever!!

Tijan knows how to keep me coming back for more and this book did not disappoint. Reality that's what it is. Not every story is a fairy-tale, but this girl gets lucky, she gets a soul mate and his brother is an extension of that. Logan is also her brother and best friend. Both of the brothers are exceptional and will do anything to protect her. Sam has learned she has power of her own, that she can be the person they both need to lean on as well. Growing up hasn't been easy but with her new found strength it's going to be better. Can't wait for #5. Will try to be patient, NOT!

Holy moly!

So many secrets. Tate can’t seem to stay away, she’s like a rash. Sam and Mason have to learn the long distance relationship. Then a fire... the suspense is Killing me.

Loving this series

I am so loving this series, Tijan really knows how to write books that completley suck you into the story and the characters you just can not help but love. In this book we get to see a little bit more of Mason, Logan and Sam's characters and we get to see how well there fearsome threesome holds together when they are apart. I love this book and can not wait to read more!

!!!!! Is There Even Any/Enough Words!!??

GAHHHH! Tijan you literary genius! I love these characters so much I don't even know what I'm going to do without them! Fallen Fourth Down was filled with twists and turns I never would have expected and some closure that I desperately needed. The dynamic of the Threesome Fearsome is one of the best relationships I've read. Logan's jokes, Mason's seriousness, and Sam's love for the two really do blow my mind. Things were never as drastic when I was in school but I love the memories these characters and stories bring back to me. I can't wait for more from Tijan!

All I want is the next book IN MY HANDS NOW!

In FFD, the dynamics begin to change in relationships. Nate and Mason - Sam and Logan - Mason and Sam. As Sam struggles with Mason's absence she holds tight to a secret that could tear her family apart. Readers are taken on a ride that can only end one way...in a head on collision. Note: If you are a Fallen Crest fan then you are very much aware that Sam considers her only family to be Mason and Logan Kade. Two really insanely hot as hell brothers ;) I loved it and as usual all I want is the next book IN MY HANDS NOW! LOL!


Over the years I have fallen in love with Tijan's writing. Her strong, yet realistic female charaters is what first caught my attention. Sam and Mason are by far one of my favorite young adult character couples simply because of their personalities. Sam, strong yet she struggles internally to connect with those around her due to being repeatidly left by those she cared about; until Mason. In Fallen Fourth Down I was a little upset towards the end simply because I felt it was rushed. Overall, it was well worth the wait and hopefully the next book will be long enough to fill my Fallen Crest fix.

...how long until the last book???!!!!

I read this book in a day and it made me late for work because I couldn't put it down. I went through all types of emotions through this book. I hated Sam through the majority of this book. She is usually a stronger character but the majority of this book felt like she was hiding. If I had to rate this book mid way through I would have given it two stars because it made me mad, but that is what great books do. By the end of this book I was not ready for it to be over. I am now impatiently awaiting the final book. I love this series and the characters. I will be very sad when it ends.

It always leads back to Mason

This series just gets better and better with every book! I'm not good at writing reviews , but if you want a series you can't put down and keeps you awake into early morning hours! This is it

Most excellent

I'm in love with this author! His characters pull you in and make you part of their lives. I haven't purchased a book for more than .99 in months but I had to buy this series!

you did not disappoint!!

OMG just finished reading fourth down and saw you haver the finale up next. Please don't stop writing! I would very much love to read all up to senior year in college! I can't deal letting go of them yet haha! This book was definitely a different picture if I compared it to their previous lives which is expected as mason still and should be adjusting to the freshmen life but the drama towards the ending was so promising I can't wait to read what will happen next! Love love love it!


If I could give this amazing book a trillion stars I would. Absolutely and incredible read. I have no clue how Tijan will be able to top this but I am sure Book 5 will be EPIC!!! The amount of love and devotion that Mason and Sam share is what every couple dreams of having. Nothing can separate them ever and then you throw Logan into the mix and all three are a family. Far from being perfect but together they make the perfect family. I was really hating Nate in this book but by the end I loved him again. If you haven't read all of these books you need to get on it ASAP....


Damn cliffhangers! This story was a little different from the previous, adjusting to the new life with out much mason through me off a little, but I think that was the Intention. I wasn't sure when the threats and drama would come in but I knew it would have been inevitable. I love these book more than some of my family, and I got so scared that Mason and Sam's relationship was going to change . But this ending, even though it was a cliffhanger, makes me think their relationship is stronger and it unbreakable. Can't wait for the next book I'm more excited than ever, as long is Sam Mason and Logan and even Nate will be okay! I just need Sam Mason together.

This fourth book brings a while new set of problems ...

This fourth book brings a while new set of problems for our trio. But it still totally has the same fierceness, drama, sexiness and jam packed with twists and turns that the rest of the books in this series have been full of. Kinda ends on a cliff hanger so I'm off to read the next....


These books just keep getting better and better!! Some of those twists were insane, I can’t wait to find out what happens next!

Mason,sam, and logan are back

Sam, mason, logan are back. With mason at college its just sam and logan. What can go wrong?. The drama is astronomical. The friendship strong. The personal relationships are epic. Plus the downfall of evil.. u know u wanna read it!!!!!!! Tijan out did herself again.

I was scared...

To finish reading this book. I have been checking for its release weekly, for a long time. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SERIES!!!! However, I was scared to find out where this book would end between Mason, Logan and Samantha. THAT'S how invested into the emotions of the plot and characters you can get! LOVED this book, DEFINITELY worth the wait and keeps the series going STRONG. I'm not looking forward to the last book, as I don't want it to end!!! Keep up the good work, Tijan!!! Be sure to keep the story HOT!!!!

Kittee Approved

This book has been read, laughed at, gasped at, cried over, nd is now cherished nd treasured by Kittee. Read It!

Loved the texts between chapters… more of that please

Loved the texts between chapters… more of that please. Love Mason's pov - this humanizes him. First few books he was so stand offish. I noticed that Sam and Mason say "I love you" a lot in this book. Probably because its not really said in the others. I liked it. I love the interaction between Sam/Logan/Mason etc… Not sure about the fraternity storyline. I thought more of a deal was being made of things than was necessary.

Fallen Fourth Down is a very good sequel

The Fallen Crest series continues to be one of the better series I have read. In this fourth book Mason has started college while Sam and Logan are seniors at Fallen Crest High. This split in the "threesome fearsome" requires an adjustment for each of them. It is realistic in portraying the angst and loneliness when friends and family grow up and move on. I can't wait for the fifth book which is scheduled to be released later in 2015. Read this series in order to understand all the characters and their background stories.

Never lets me down.

I don't know how Tijan does it but she never disappoints me. The minute I finished the book I wanted the next one. The love that is between Mason, Logan, Sam and even Nate is tangible in this book. You get to see just how much their love for each other gives them not only strength but also leaves them vulnerable. The dynamic of the family get changed and evolves with Mason and Nate away at school and only Logan and Sam left at home. The supposedly friends that make problems and the enemies that become harmless this book will leave you wanting more.


Fantastic Amazing Love It Laugh out Loud Entertaining Notorious Creative Reflective Everything Sexy Terrific THESE BOOKS ARE EVERYTHING.... I LOVED the rest of the books in this series and this one DID NOT disappoint ...questions are answered and new ones emerge ...I adore these characters so much...Characters you know return and we meet some new ones...can't wait till the next book ...NEED IT NOW!!!! Please

Oh Tijan... how I love thee and my fallen crest crew

A MUST READ SERIES. A spectacular addiction. I really don't know how Tijan does it, but any time a new FC book comes out, I'm definitely running on lack of sleep. I couldn't put the kindle down. This is truly the only author and series that I let get away with so many books in a series. The characters are badass as always and I enjoy how the timeline progresses cohesively. Keep it up Tijan; can't wait to see what happens to these crazy kids next.


What was the point of this book?? Oh the whining codependent whining mess. I had to skim through to the end to see if the story gets any better. Nope. Another cliffhanger that left me feeling like "do I even care anymore?". Argh. I want my kickass heroine back worthy of the brother's love. Not this sack of weak mush.


Since I stumbled upon Carter Reed by Tijan I actively searched out her other books. When I found this series I had no idea what I was in store for. It is one of my favorite series. I'm 50 years old and you would think reading about teenagers in high school/college would not appeal to me but you could not be more wrong. The characters are so much stronger than their ages and I completely love Mason Sam and Logan. If you have not read this series all I can say is....................."WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?"

Still love me some Mason

Another great book in the series. I didn't want to stop reading and now I just want even more. Sam has to deal with Mason being off at college and also the secret that was told to her by Kate. Logan and Sam are the ones left and both miss Mason like crazy. Things happen and emotions come to play. I really felt all different kinds of emotions and some make you want to be part of the book. Great job to the author and can't wait for the next book to come out.


Ok,I've been seriously waiting forever for this book to come out.I liked it but not my favourite of the series,I could tell while reading that Tijan is trying to gather the story to and ending, with the next book being the last.I am extremely glad Sam decided to get her s*** together and stop being a wimp....even if this happens at nearly 95%.Definitely looking forward to the final book.

They just keep getting better!

I love this series!! It doesn't drag on and on like long series sometimes do. Each book gets better and better. I loved reading this! I was sucked in quickly, like I am with all of Tijan's books. It was a great twist to have Mason away at college... Sam holding on to a huge secret.. and Logan -- well, Logan being Logan :) I will 100 % recommend this series!!

Not the best in this series

I'm only giving it three stars because it's still one of my favorite series. However, this particular book in the series was not as great as the rest. I just didn't care for all characters split up like the were. They were hardly together and I missed that interaction. The end left me feeling like I still want to read the next book, however I'm hoping they are together for longer. There were still some exciting parts in this book, but overall it was weird compared to the rest.

Never enough

This series will have you invested in the lives of the Kade brothers and Sam. This book will make you laugh, cry and get mad. There is just so much turmoil going on in the characters lives that you know something is eventually going to give. Fantastic way to build up the story for what is going to be an epic finale. Tijan has a way if writing that will have you addicted to her stories. Please read this book if you like strong chaotic characters. You will not be disappointed.


I'm shocked, I had late nights reading this book. I took my time cause I didn't want it to end and I'm so shocked how oh ended, I was NOT expecting that ending at all. And I loved it! Tijan has a way of keep her readers on the edge of their seats with her books. This book deserves 5+ stars! It was amazing, I can't get over it at all. And I'm reminded why I'm so in love with Mason and Logan. Ahh :) I hope Mase and Sam will be find. I ship them so much!! Good book, lots of drama but it's not overbearing. It's just perfect. Read it!! :)


This book is just as awesome as the other 3 book. Can't put it down til I read the whole book.

Touchdown...Tijan does it again!

Another stellar edition to the Fallen Crest series. Crushing secrets, raw truths, painful revelations. A softer, tamer Logan. Sparks of determination from Sam. And the support system that is Mason, stronger, yet more vulnerable, he's the backbone of the threesome fearsome. Everything about this book had me excited to keep turning the pages. I can't wait for book 5, even though I'll be gutted when it's over.

Loved it

I absolutely love this series. Couldnt get enough and got very little sleep while reading them.


I really wanted to read this book slow...to be able to savor it but that did not happen,obviously. Tijan is amazing. I've read all her books and she never disappoints. I was so glad when Sam, Mason, and Logan returned. I was just waiting to see what would happen with Logan "being in love" with Sam. And how Sam and Mason would deal with the long distance between them. I won't spoil this for anyone because that would just be mean but I highly suggest this book to anyone. You will definitely not be disappointed.


OMMMMMMMGGGGGGGG I'm speechless I literally can't speak this book was so AMAZING. I can't wait for the next book. This series gave me life before reading this book I thought it was the end of the series so I put off reading it for a while but I finally decided to read and realized it is not the end it is far from the end of the series. The only thing I have to comment on is Marissa. She is freaking nuts. Like in the other books you barely met her but in this one you finally realize their is something is seriously off with her. Like she was seriously delusional. I kind felt bad for her cause of what happen to her when she went to Fallen Crest Public in the other books maybe that contributed to her being off now but I only know that she is NUTS!!!

you just love to pull on my heart strings

*Sigh* Oh, Tijan, you just love to pull on my heart strings, don't you? As much as I tried to draw this read out to last a few days, it just wasn't possible. I just had to know what was next. This wasn't my favorite of the series, but not because it wasn't fantastic. I just hate having Sam and Mason separated and hurting. I'm so invested in their lives, all due to the beautifully crafted web that Tijan's writing weaves around me and everyone else. Please, please, please get the next book out soon! QR

Fallen Fourth Down.

I love Mason,Sam,and Logan. Titan hit this one out in the field. I would recommend this book. Once you get to reading the series . You just can't stop .

Holy hell it just keeps getting better

Omg I absolutely loved this book tijan did it again I was hooked from the 1st page I couldn't put it down you get so drawn in to Sam mason and Logan's story this is the best so far in the fallen series you will feel so many emotions while reading this. it's definitely a must read. so looking forward to the next book in this series and know it's going to be one wild and bumpy ride and I seriously can't wait for it.

I'm so hooked

Like seriously, I want to be all bad ass like the fearsome threesome. I want to be their friend. I LOVE this story. All 4 books have me dying to finish them, just to see what's happening next. I can't wait for number 5. I'm now a certified member of the one click Tijan fan club. Start with Book 1 of the Fallen Crest Series and I guarantee you will be too.

So amazing!!

Love this 4th book! Tijan has done it again! This story was absolutely awesome! I cannot wait for the next book, even though it will be the last!! :( This whole series had me so wrapped up in the storylines! You will not regret reading this series if you haven't read it yet! Mason and Sam are so awesome and I love their characters! Logan is such the comedic relief, but he can be so serious and loyal! Thanks Tijan for such a wonderful book and series!!

Great series all together

Great series all together! You have to read from the beginning though to understand the storylines. Love Mason and Logan! Logan is hiliarious...Mason is just Mason...Sam comes around finally and it's a good thing. Kept me reading where I couldn't put the book down..and I was at work...cannot wait until the Finale!! I will be sad to see their story end but it is such a good series that I have re-read the other books a couple times already.

Time out!!

There's a reason why I switch from the college scene to the alpha male to the rock star. It's because eventually the plot gets old and the whole story gets lost in I coulda, shoulda, woulda! Communication is key, and lack of it mixed with assumption...leads to tons of BS that could have been avoided. I love these characters, but man do they piss me off sometimes. Good series though I hope that they mature soon and open up the lines of communication.

She does it again!

This series is amazing! I love it! Tijan has quickly become one of my go-to authors, like Kristen Ashley! I have been impatiently waiting for this book to release and it did not disappoint! I was nervous to see the dynamic of Mason & Sam since he's away at school and Sam & Logan being left behind. This book focused on the characters' emotional struggles with the changes going on in their lives instead of them fighting against others. It was a great book! The countdown is on for the next!


I was really looking forward to reading and getting lost on this book. Unfortunately, that didn't happened. I read 30% then I got bored. I didn't care for Sam's weak personality anymore. The big secret regarding Logan's feelings were pretty weak. I took a break reading then just skipped until the end. I love the first three books but this one lacked something. I do recommend this book though. Would I read the final book? I don't know since the story line became repetitive for me.

Ughhh...Let's hope the next book is better....

I'm really torn about this book... Like super torn... I liked it & hated it... There was ALOT of unnecessary drama!!! Things that could have been cleared up if they had just sat down and talked... Most of the focus could have been on Marissa or Parker or even Jackson... Not... The whole "Love" thing. I love this series... But this book fell little to short for me. I HATE reading a book when a small problem turns big! And that problem gets blown up and out-of-control for no reason. It just kills the book for me. I hate how this whole book was about Tate's last words to Sam in the last book! "Logan loves you". This whole book was about avoidance!! I s*** you not!!! Sam... Was blowing this up way out of proportion. This book felt so damn different then the other books in the series... I mean.. How hard could have it been to just ask Logan and deal with it??!! Or talk to Mason about it!! 80% into the book & still... Sam doesn't want to ask or bring it up to Logan... 80%!! That's way to long for something so small to go on.. Then this whole "could have loved" thing they were saying... Wth was that... Anybody COULD love a person... But it's a big what if kind of thing!! Why get all worked up about a what if?? It's just so damn crazy!! Idk... I loved reading about Sam, Mason & Logan... But, I hated the direction the book was going. I just wasn't feeling it. I feel bad that I had to say all this... Because this is one of my favorite series... I will still continue on to the next book.. I can't wait to find out how it all goes down! I just hope...& pray that the "what if" doesn't play a bigger role in the next book... That it just dies in this book!!


I love this book. I love this series. It just keeps getting better. This was an excellent next installment in the story of Mason, Logan, and Sam. How the heck am I going to wait for the final book? I love how some of the loose strings from the series were tied up in this book. Sometimes, it was a bit too easy to tie the loose strings, but it still worked. The sexy scenes in the series have become much less steamy as the series moves on. I hope we can get one final steamy scene from Mason and Sam before the series wraps.

Best of the series!

Each book leaves me wanting so much more. I felt like I waited forever for this book and finished in one day. I couldn't put it down. I'm left with so many unanswered questions. I hope that the last book will cover it all or may there be more? Could Logan possibly get his own book of his side? I would to read any and all of these characters. They came to life for me. I really appreciate your hard work and putting together a story I can't refuse. Thank you Tijan!!=) -Cortney

I can't wait to see what happens next and what the bad boys (Mason

Omg omg! Mason and Sam have been through so much already! I can't wait to see what happens next and what the bad boys (Mason, Logan, and Nathan) will do next! What just happened will definitely have some bad repercussions! I'm left sitting on the edge of seat! Seriously can't wait for the next and final and installment of the book! Please Tijan! Don't make us wait too long!! #favoriteauthor


I have to admit I love everything written by this author. I have read her books that normally I would never choose just because she is the author and have never been disappointed. So far the fallen crest series is my favorite and can't wait for finale but her new releases all look awesome. Believe this, you will never be sorry whenever you purchase a Tijan book and this one is no exception.

She never fails.

The whole fallen crest series is awesome. I've read/listened this series countless times and it never gets old. Sam makes me want to lace up my running shoes and I can just fell the love from mason oozing off the pages. And Logan, well he's Logan f'ing kade.

Fallen Fourth Down

Now that I have read this book in one day I cannot wait for the last book. I really loved this book as well as I have loved the others. I like the fact they Sam & Mason were apart from each other but maintained their relationship even though it was hard. Neither strayed and believed they can make it until they are together all the time. I have to say to the author please write quickly as I want to know how it all ends.

Seriously can't get enough of Fallen Crest!!

loved loved loved this book!! I've read all the books in the series and love all of them but this one is my favorite!! Sam and Mason have grown so much since the first book. it seems like Sam is finally growing into her own and I love that! seriously can't wait until the next book! If you keep writing them I will definitely keep reading them! would I recommend: absolutely without a doubt Tijan is an amazing author and I love everything she has written!

great book, series!

I totally was engulfed in the book. I kept thinking I would read just one more page but I couldn't put it down. The continuing development of the characters was intense. Jealousy is a bitter emotion and at 17 or any age would be a Tuff experience to be in the path of. I really enjoyed Tijan's expanding Sam's story with the cross country running instead of making Her a princess. I am so looking forward to the next book in the series.

The Gang is back

I have loved this series from book one. Mason and Logan and Sam. This book takes Mason to college and Logan and Sam in their last year of high school. There is a few surprises. I did like the Sam was final getting some back bone. I never get tired of Logan. It was a little slow in the beginning but I still liked it and could not believe the ending. I cant wait for the final book I think it is going to have the boom in the last book.

Another KICKASS read!!!

Another perfect story written by the amazing Tijan! It's filled with the same intensity that seems to run through her books and i coildn't put it down. The struggles our groip went through; the heartache, the BS, the pain- it all unraveled but left me still wanting and NEEDING more. Especially after that ending!!!! Tijan has a way of capturing your heart and even when this series is over, i doubt I'll be getting mine back... LOVED!!




This book was so good! They just keep getting better and better!! From the first book Fallen Crest High, I have been utterly taken in by these awesome characters! They are so bad a**. I mean who couldn't love Mason and Logan?? Sam is perfect for Mason and Logan will find his one when the time is right. Thank You Tijan for creating such complex and emotional bad a** characters!!!

I can't get enough of Tijan.s world of Fallen Crest

I'm obsessed with this series...I've done a marathon reading of all 4 books and still can't get enough of Mason, Logan, Sam and the bitchy, catty, jealous, extras that make this book so special...this is mu favourite of the series and even though Sam and Mason are apart most of it....their seems are the most intense for me...?Imagine a love like that....it's beautiful

Nate needs love too

Omg i have and almost done with this whole series this was so good i live Mason,Logan,Nate,and Sam they are such a great team together and the love they have is awsome for eachother if u have not read this then i suggest u do i am loving this series but Nate need love now too

Must read 5star

Just keeps getting better and better. Never want this story to end!!!! Suspenseful you think you know what's coming and boom your shocked devouring this series don't want it to end. Tijan us a way of making the reader invested into each word she writes.

This is a scorcher.

This is probably one of my favorite series. Tijan has a way of bringing emotions to the surface. Samantha is truly an amazing girl. That head of hers gets her in more trouble than it should. Mason, the perfect boyfriend, brother and friend. My heart broke near the end of the book. I can't wait for the next. I love the threesome fearsome. I hope Logan finds his love and can be happy like Mason and Sam.


This book had it all. Really enjoying the series.

Kade family's the best

Doesn't get any better than family- Mason, Sam and Logan. That's family. Wish that other people were not evil but this world is full of evil and devious people. Why not write about it too? But love and family are always there in the end!


There are not enough ways to say how much I love the Fallen Crest series. This book is like when you're watching a series and in the penultimate episode everything gets thrown at you and you need to see or in this case read the next one ASAP! Literally edge of your seat action/words that have you waiting for the fireworks and your favourite characters to own the whole world. I don't know what it is with characters names Logan but it's as if a bad one cannot be written. Out of all of the hundreds of books I have read Mason F***ing Kade is my absolute favourite book boyfriend. Tijan is an amazing author in fact I think she is supernatural as her writing is out of this world. If you haven't read this series then you are missing out. Seclude yourself away and enjoy the awesomeness (very Logan-like) that is Fallen Fourth Down.

Fallen Fourth Down

Wowzer Tijan, what a book!! I just love these characters you created. Sam, Mason (rawr) Logan and ugh I like Nate too (sigh) so much is going on, I feel Sam finally matured a little bit more in this book which nice. I still have the hots for Mason (oooh yeah) and Logan is funny/intense as always. Anyway, this book was fan-friggin-tastic!! The next book will be epic, I just know it!! Well done Tijan!!


This story has an amazing storyline that completely draws you into. You cannot help falling in love with the characters and feeling all of their emotions as if they were you. This story sucks you in and I couldn't put it down until the end. I cannot wait for the next book!

interesting NA read

I picked this up not realizing this was the 4th book in the series. So I was a little confused in the beginning. You must start this series from book 1. That being said there is a lot going on and the dynamics of this group of high schoolers and college kids kept me intrigued. I can't decide if I should go back to book1 or get the next.

How long until the next book?

Because holy crap things just got insane! How they are going to get away with the revenge/paybacks they like to instill in a place they don't run, I don't know. And Mason, how in the he'll could he think Sam could do anything to hurt him?! Seems his scrappy parents did a little more damage to him than he lets on if he is insecure in their relationship. That last text said it all, things are going to change.

Love the series ! You should buy it

Well read the series already it's the best

Five Stars

I love this book. Mason, Sam, LOGAN, Heather. I cannot wait to see what happens. I am secretly pulling for Heather and Logan and I like Jackson. Would love to see more of Channing. This is one of my favorite Series once you start you can't put it down. Only complaint more pages or books faster . You miss it once you turned that last page. READY FOR LOGAN AND SAM TO ATTEND COLLEGE. SHOCKED AT THE ENDING. PAYBACKS

Holy Smokes

Wow does not even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now after reading this book. Tijan creates such an amazing world for the readers. The Kade brothers, Sam and Nate are off the wall amazing. I've read every single novel for this series and this one is hot hot hot. Tijan needs to write faster as I cannot wait for the next one. This one was epic. I can't even imagine what the next one will be like. Still fanning myself here.

You can't put the book down.

I'm rereading the series for the third time in a year. This is my go to series when I'm in a reading slump.


Tijan did not disappoint! This book was everything I wanted it to be and more. It had me going from biting my nails, laughing to wanting to cry. I'm so in love with Mason and Sam, they are perfect. I have no idea what is going to happen in the next book, but I can't wait. When I read the last sentence in Fall Fourth Down, I couldn't believe that was all I was going to get for now. But I know the next one will be nothing but "explosive"!

awesome as usual

What can I say that the other reviewers aren't already saying? I agree with all the wonderful reviews and I am sad to note there's only one more book left in this series. Tijan is such a good writer that she made me fall in love with all her fallen crest characters. It's been a wonderful reading experience every time I read and re-read one of her books.

Tijan Rocks!

The writing is flawless and the story just unfolds in front of you like a movie. This is an amazing series and Sam, Mason and Logan have grown so much since the first book. I love that Sam is getting stronger and coming into her own as a person. Honestly one of the best series out there today and a MUST read. Can't wait for next book. Please please please.

Best one yet!

Holy h*** this was an intense book!! I thought for sure an ending was coming to Mason and Sam. There was a lot of trouble played into this book and it was totally awesome!!! The best one yet but I think THE BEST is yet to come. If I could rate any higher I would def give as many stars as I could. Really looking forward to the next one now and the storm that's brewing!

Your A Buttmuncher If You Don't Read This Book!!

I loved it...SO MUCH! I wish it didn't have to end. I felt like I couldn't read the pages fast enough...and I couldn't be happier with what Tijan did. The cliffhanger makes me crazy with anticipation for the last book! I definitely recommend this book along with the whole series to others. You won't find anything like what Tijan has done with the Fallen Crest Series! IT'S A MUST READ PEOPLE!!


Surpassed all my expectations again! I love this series And I love Sam, Mason and Logan. In Fourth down we watched as Sam faces some big challenges and her own demons. Logan is growing up and learned to be someone outside of his brothers shadow and Mason is chasing his dreams. Secrets come to light and relationship face challenges but how it all works out.......is left you choices made......now we wait for the final book!

Damaged book

I love this author and cannot wait to read it. Just wish my book wasn’t damaged when I received it!

Burn, honey

I love these characters!! I am not a football fan. I could be, I just don't know how to follow it. But this book had me screaming CAIN U!!

Loved loved loved it!!!

I have loved every book by Tijan!!! The Fallen Crest series has always been my go to books and I spent months awaiting this release. Tijan did not disappoint with the fourth book.. I laughed cried screamed and tried hard to not throw my kindle across the room a few times!! DAMN YOU TATE, MARISSA AND NATE!! Now I'm left waiting for the fifth and sadly the final book!

I love Fallen Crest!

I've read all of the books in the Fallen Crest series so far. I'm an avid fan of the books, and this book didn't disappoint. I won't put any spoilers in it, but it was an all around good read. It was at a steady pace and it held my attention. I'd definitely recommend it if you've read the other books in the series and want to know what happens with Sam, Logan, and Mason as they move on through life.

You go Sam!

I enjoyed this because I feel like Sam became more of her person, she became a strong female without mason being there, and the ending of this book 😱 freaking crazy!

Awesome book in an AMAZING series!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE this series!!! I reread all four books prior to reading this one when it came out, Mason, FCH, FCF, FCP and then I read FFD. I love the way she did this book, adding **Slight spolier** the text messages at the end of each chapter was an awesome addition. On top of rereading all the books again I reread FFD later in the week because it was THAT good I had to read it again. I recommend this series to a lot of people and I am SO Looking forward to the last book but will be very sad to see this series end. This book and the whole series are awesome!!!

good series slow book

Kinda slow til the very end. I liked this book and I'm determined to finish the series. but I really hope the next one is more fast pace. I love Logan and mason but in a way I'm rooting m9re for Logan. I don't like nate never really have but in this one he is a big time push over and a pain in the .... anyways hope the next one is better!


Of course this book was epic. It took me a bit longer to reads this one but it was so good. Friendship goals #fearsomethreesome

Happiness is...

I loved Fallen Fourth Down even better then Fallen Crest Public. Tijan always manages to write in a way that makes me experience the angst right along side the characters. I love when they love, worry when they worry, laugh when they laugh. Even when I'm not reading it, I continue to think about it. Taking sneak quick reads under my desk at work. Absolutely addicting.

Loved It - another great from Tijan

Another great instalment from Tijan, it just never lasts long enough 😄 Already dying for the next one, there's a reason why I continuously re-read all of the Fallen Crest Series I just love this series so much. Tijan never disappoints, would highly recommend. Tijan is the only author I continuously follow and she just keeps on giving with the sneak peeks and bonus scenes. Love love love it.


OMG I'm just lost for words that's how good this series is. So good!!! If you haven't read it yet then what in the heck are you waiting for? Go get all of the books now. You'll love them. Yes it's drama. Starts off in high school scene then to college. But so worth it!


This book had me all over the place. I feared for everyone's relationship. I have to say Mason and Logan are the best at being bad. It even looks like Sam is going to come out and play. Good, it is time to step up and take control. If Nate has it together again then we are in business. I can't wait to see how they deal with their "problems".

Sam, mason and Logan oh my...

I love this series and always have, so I'm probably biased with my review.. there is a cliffy, but when the final book.comes, it will be epic... let's just say when Sam, Logan and mason are together, there is always drama unfolding.. but Marissa, yeah Marissa shocked me for sure.. soul mates Sam and mason, are still hot and heavy for each other.. gotta love them.


I love these books and the story in the book and very good book and write of the book love love these books

Love the Kade Brothers....

I just love this series, even though sometimes Sam gets on my nerves she always redeems herself. Awesome story and I can't wait for the next book. Everyone is closer and stronger and more confident. It's nice to see all there insecurities even Mason, it shows he's only human. Marrisa was a little shocking how messed up she truly is. Can't wait for the next book.


The best and worst thing about Tijans works is that it's addicting. This book is no different. You cant move forward with your day until you've finished. When you do, you're already jonesing for your next hit and know the wait for your dealer (Tijan) to manufacture the product will be torture as you curl into the fetal position and wait for the withdrawal to take over. The characters and their world become more enthralling and exciting with every additional book. I want to live in Tijans brain... Like my personal wonder land. If you haven't read any of her other series you're insane if you don't intend to. Thank you Tijan for sharing you genius.


I absolutely loved everything about this book..Mason, Sam, Logan and even Heather!!! Tijan,you evil evil Author you, for ending the way you did!!! You've left me panting for more!!! Logan's quick witt had me rolling, and the love that Mason and Sam have for each other...I think I actually teared up a little...Can't wait to get more of the Kade boys....

Still love how Tate was put in her place

i wondered how this book was going to play out, with Sam being at home with Logan and the Logan loves you was spoken. This book was greatly written, I just wish Sam being the main girl had grown some since the first books with her all ways wanting to run and hide her secrets, she is with two strong men. Still love how Tate was put in her place, and even with Marisa, being friends with Tate still glad she played a roll


I couldn't put this series down dang it's hard when your so into a book that you hate being pulled away from it. I can hardly wait till the next book in this series. Man for high schoolers they have really gone through and gotten into a lot WOW. please don't make me wait to long for the next one. if you haven't read this series your missing out!!!!!

Jumped the Shark

I think Tijan jumped the shark here. I was pretty into all the previous books and then these kids basically turned into delinquents for some idiotic sense of pride or power that 18 year olds don't/shouldn't need. It just went too far with the *spoiler* house burning down over some perceived slight. Again, though, I was into all the previous ones. She just took it too far/extreme for me.

Favorite of the series

Less weird family drama, more Mason & a seemingly maturing Sam. How can you go wrong with that? I did miss Heather, who was barely involved at all. This story seemed to be more in Sam's & Mason 's heads than with the usual parties & family angst, but there's enough going on to not want to put it down from start to finish.


I live all of Tijans books. She is my favorite author. I can't believe the conspiracy that went down in this book. We meet two new characters in this book. One from Sam and the other from Nate. The ending left me in shock and can't wait for the finale. I am hoping in the last book we get a really good epilogue that showed Sam and mason married. They are my perfect book couple.

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