Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're a Girl: and other truths about winning

Paperback – October 20, 2014
19 Oct
Dan Blank
This is what your coaches would have said to you if you were a boy, told through the story of a small-college team that won more games than it ever had a right to win. It’s an inspiring and straightforward look at the qualities that define the most competitive females, and what separates the ones who get it from the ones who don't. Everything Your Coach Never Told You is the instruction manual for female athletes who want to do more than just play. It's for those girls who want to win, win big, and never apologize for it. It's the call-to-arms for competitive female athletes who dare to color outside of the lines. Not recommended for readers under the age of 13.

Reviews (344)

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

No question about it, buy it now!

I love this book! Bought it as a Christmas gift for my high school daughter. Ended up reading it the day after. Not just tips for girls, but for guys as well. And not just for sports, but life in general. Must read for those that are growing up in a "everybody is a winner" world and need a reality check.

Great insight into making girls warriors not sensitive people that aren’t allowed to be true competitors!

I have been coaching girls for years and he had a valid point about coaches being too sensitive about girls psychological well being while coaching. All this pampering makes girls feel they should be coached in a “soft manner”. Even US Soccer teaches this. This book is blunt and to the point. Girls can be made warriors too!!!

Excellent Life Advice

Exceptional book discussing the rare and required mentality to be a winner. The concepts are incredibly true and useful for life in general, as well as soccer. Criticisms of this book related to "crazy diatribe" or worries of injured athletes prove Coach Blank's point; even those who are given the answer on how to be a winner (this book), will find an excuse to not be one. It is simply a whole lot easier to be average.

A great one! As someone who grew up before the ...

Despite the ball on the cover, this is not a soccer book. It's a life book. A great one! As someone who grew up before the rise of the helicopter parent, I LOVE this book! It's a completely in your face, no excuses, motivational powerhouse. The anecdotes are short but powerful and by the end of the book you're in love with the characters. This is a fantastic read for girls who play sports and the parents who love them. I wish this book was available when I was a high school athlete.


This book is very well written and overall a great read. It shows girls that we can do anything we put our minds too. This was very beneficial for my team to read, and very entertaining.

MUST READ for every coach of competitive girls soccer teams

I bought this because I couldn't find a digital version of Dorrance's Training Soccer Champions. And I was NOT disappointed! I coach high school girls and have been frequently frustrated by girls who had all the talent to be exceptional, but couldn't seem to 'get there'. This book inspired several things that I'd like to add in to our program to help them embrace the competitive nature of the game.

Straight-forward, honest truths

Great book for young HS/College female athletes and their coaches. Tells some hard truths about being a competitor that is often glossed over by girls coaches. Has inspired how I will approach training female athletes in the future.

Deconditioning falsities and taking names

I grew up in a family of girls and mostly girl cousins. We were all fed the same stereotypical roles which boys are never fed. It was our parents' generation. This is a must read for all who have children - both daughters and sons.

I like, in theory

I like, in theory, how the author makes the point that if you play, you need to be more aggressive. But then I see kids getting hurt during the games, and it doesn't seem so great anymore when somebody plays nasty and is out to hurt other players.

A must read for any female athlete

I loved this book, it is a very honest look into how females tend to view competition and winning. It makes you really evaluate your own work ethic and how you look at winning. Our high school team did a book study over this book and answered discussion questions, and it has definitely had a great impact on our play and competitiveness on the field.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

How this book can really change the way you play soccer

I liked how it really opened my eyes on things i wouldn't even know i could relate to. I loved the examples it gave to show how real people learned.


He makes a lot of really good points in the book and it is encouraging to hear stories about competitive female athletes.

Great book

Great book. It's meant for girls but easily could be applied to boys as well. Makes you understand that great athletes and teams are just not given that title but earn it off the field and with hard work. Many kids today want the easy gratification and see the highlights on ESPN but don't realize the hard work that goes into being great athlete or for that matter a great person.

Another great read

This is my fourth book that I have read by Dan Blank. Always insightful.

Why you should read this book!

This book introduces some of the struggles girl soccer players face. What is so amazing about this book is that Blank tells events which help combat those struggles that you may face. This book truly inspires me to give it my all every single time I get the opportunity to play on the field. 10/10 would recommend.

Good emphasis on the need to compete and win

Although it might seem as though the message is harsh, I think the message that is presented is a valuable one that needs to be heard by all athletes. Coaches, parents and players should read this book.

Unlock the competitive (and winning) drive of your girls

I have been reading snippets of your book during sessions while I read through it. In just this last week since I started sharing, sessions have become more competitive, and the girls are getting after each other while praising each other more as well. I finished the book last night around midnight and think there is no better book any girl could read that wants to compete (and win).

Teach your girls to "Get it"

This book has many excellent tips for coaches of female soccer players. Dan weaves his own stories of coaching with practical information for how to teach your female players to compete at the highest level. If you buy this book, buy a highlighter as there are many parts that you will want to use with your own team. I coach 10 year old girls but have used Dan's wisdom the past two weeks in training with my girls.....and it has worked! Kim Many, New York City


I bought this book for my oldest daughter who plays soccer. On a recent trip to a soccer tournament my wife began reading it to my daughter. I was incredibly impressed with the honest truth of this book. I appreciate hearing first hand how a coach thinks and how effort and playing at your best can take you very far. I recommend this book for any soccer player, coach and parent but especially for girls. This is my third Dan Blank book and they all are very good books.

Quality read....a must for every coach of high school and/or college age female teams

Dan does a great job of being honest and true. This book along with some of his others paints a truthful picture of women's soccer teams. He is honest and real and it is a great read for any upper level coach of females. I highly recommend!!! Great stuff!

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

As much about life as it is about soccer

This book is not just for women. It's a must read for everyone. Want to know what 100% really means? Read this book.

Great coaching book

I thought this was a great book for coaches and players. I highlighted many many sections to share with other coaches and players.

Great read for female athletes

This is a great book for female athletes. The coach has gotten amazing results out of teams without the biggest talents. There are a lot of good take aways here and I would highly recommend for athletes and parents.

Good Work by A Guy Who Usually Does Good Work

Interesting... I was worried things might be getting a bit forced with another soccer book by Coach Dan, but there was no need to worry.Once again he has found somehing to share that I learned from and in face enjoyed reading. Just like with IQ I find myself highlighting sections to share with my kids at practice.

Very good book. Easy to read

Very good book. Easy to read. There are some concepts (as with anything) that I would temper down some, but it is a great book for competitive mindset. I read it a chapter a day with my daughter and we talk about how it relates to her game.

A valuable read for all competitors at all levels; male or female.

Although the book focuses on women’s soccer. The principals taught in this book can be applied to every athlete at every level of competition. Great insight from an astute coach. The lessons learned here are not limited to athletic competition.

Advice for competition, sports and life

Loved all of the stories about inspirational athletes. Truth for sports, competition, and for life whether you're a boy or a girl. Advice for all of your soft athletes who have so much more potential.

Four Stars

Good reading for a father looking to understand and learn a better approach into the Soccer world.

Good book for my young daughter

Great book! It is something my daughter is missing in her game and I did not know it until now. I will definitely have her read and hopefully live the principles in this book.

Dan does a great job not holding anything back and "tells it like ...

Dan does a great job not holding anything back and "tells it like it is" behind the scenes for his teams. I like how he described why players were successful and included some "back-stories" into his various personalities he has coached over the years. As a former college level coach on the Men's side now working with high school age girls, his words are insightful and helpful. Mike R

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.


Couldn’t put it down and once I’d read it I couldn’t stop thinking about how I was going to change our team culture! If you’re a coach of either gender and any age this is a great blueprint for success!


This book is so truly amazing. It really helped change my mindset and really get into the game. I loved the little anecdotes that he used in this book. This book is truly inspiring.

Book Power

Niece needed for soccer as coach required book for team members to read.

Loved it

As a head coach for a women's lacrosse team, and the father of two daughters, this book said everything I'd like to say in an easy to understand manner.

Five Stars

Inspiring book-real world experiences that are very relevant to what I see as a girls' soccer coach.


Awesome book!! Super relatable and advice was easily applicable to the game. Great way to learn more about the game and yourself!!!

This book is awesome and is on point for anyone who is struggling ...

This book is awesome and is on point for anyone who is struggling with competition and getting players to be competitive. Love it!

Much like his other works

Over this past summer, I purchased this book along with several other Dan Blank books. Much like his other works, "Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl" offers a straight forward approach to looking at the sport of soccer and more specifically what it takes to compete at a high level in athletics. As a former college women's soccer player, I found myself possessing many of the traits outlined in this book, which I believe was due to having coaches who did not look at me as a female, but rather as an athlete. Now as a college women's soccer coach, I am witnessing that our players are struggling with grasping the idea that it is okay to compete every day or feel that they are in the minority for having such a mentality. Thus, I recently purchased this book for all of the players in our program so that they can see tangible examples of gaining a mental edge by being a competitor and a winner. That is truly what separates the top level players from average players and in turn top level programs from average programs. Ultimately, this book is a great read for high school and college coaches along with older female athletes who have the dream of playing at a high level.

Great book

My 12 yr old daughter loved it!

Must buy!

My daughter loved this! Dan Blank really gets the girl’s perspectives in soccer.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Tell the girl soccer players what this book says. Better yet, make them read it.

This book is a must read for all girl soccer teams and boys teams will benefit from this book also. Author tells you what it takes to be a winner in soccer that will translate to life in general. I have already used principles in this book during our indoor practice sessions. The result is a transformation in the players thinking followed by their practice. I could not put this book down. One of the author's examples is that the more you pay for something, the better the product is that you receive. What price is the player willing to pay to be the best soccer player she can be? The price the player pays in training both at team practices and on her own, the better soccer product the player becomes. Get this book for te coach and the whole team. it is worth the time and money that will translate for the player again, becoming a better product for the team.

One of the best books I have ever read

One of the best books I have ever read! Spot on for coaching girl's. I have been a girl's club coach for over 20 years and I have been even applying this with my 11 year olds and they love it . They all have their evil twins on the field on game day.

Loved it!

It was a great read and my team learned a lot from this book on how to be better competitors, create a winners mentality, and more.

MUST READ for every Dad of 13 year old girl that want to get SERIOUS about soccer and life!

If you have a daughter that plays soccer and she has some skills, then this book is an ABSOLUTE MUST READ for both you and her! There will come a time when soccer must shift from being a social event to a serious competitive. At this point, (usually around the age of 14) she will either quit to pursue other "social activities" (aka boys) or will need to get serious about her game. If your little girl chooses the latter, then she will have to catch up on all the things the "boys" have been taught since they first touched that funny ball with the black patches. That soccer is a tough physical game and you need to come prepared because once you cross that sideline you have entered a battlefield where no quarter is given or asked for. If she does not learn this from you, the lesson from the competition will be harsh and painful. Coach Dan explains everything I have tried to teach my budding star (unfortunately before she was ready to hear it) in clear and easily understood terms. He covers all the bases and tells it straight. If your daughter (and you) are ready to take this sport and life itself to the next level, I have yet to find a better guide for doing so. If you make this commentment to help her improve, go all the way and purchase the audio book as well. This is the kind of information that needs to be heard ( from someone other than Dad) to be fully appreciated. I am not sure if my budding star has what it will take to achieve her goal (hers right now is starting midfielder for UCLA) however; after being exposed to the concepts in this book, she now knows and even more importantly, understands what she needs to do to be successful. As a dad, that is the least and best we can hope for. It makes writing all those checks for the Club dues, tournament fees and private coaching a little easier to take. She is starting to get it and it shows. That is all I can ask. The rest is up to her. Thank you Coach Dan for making me look so "right" all these years. As much a I hate to see it, she is growing up and it was your words in part that helped make that possible. Sign me up - I am an absolute believer. You will be too after finishing this book.

Simply Fascinating!

An amazing read. Thank you coach for sharing your insight and wealth of experience. I'm constantly in search of reference material to separate my teams from their competitors and this book does exactly that. Couldn't put it down. Now I can't wait to get back on the pitch and plant the seeds of an incredible culture.

Love the book and what we have learned from it

Love the book and what we have learned from it. In fact I bought it twice. Once via my Kindle and another in paperback for my daughter to read. But...when purchased in paperback it came to use with the printing backwards. We have to read it from back to front. Very strange.

Amazing and inspiring!

Author’s message was motivating to our soccer program. Currently going through a book study with our varsity girls.

Good but Too Much Padding

If it were reduced to pamphlet size, it should be required reading for every female athlete.

Everything I'm going to tell my players!!

Simply put...EVERY player, male or female, should read this book. In the pages are everything we as coaches HOPE our players take away from their soccer experience about training, the game, being a teammate, and most importantly LIFE.

a must- read for serious young female athletes

This book truly is one of a kind. After reading it, and before giving it to my daughter, I bought two more for her friends. Every girl who plays soccer (or any other sport) seriously should read this.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Great book! Girls Can compete just as well as boys!

Great book! Love all the stories. This book inspires me to be a better girls soccer coach and helps me understand a little better how to do that. I want my 9 year old soccer playing daughter to read this (in a couple more years when she can handle it a little better.)

Five Stars

thanks dan


Excellent book for the player who sees soccer as a competitor and not as a participant. Dan has a brilliant way of stating his points clearly and pointing out that stepping inside the white lines demands a different mindset in order to achieve success.

Great for parents of athletes too!

Not only is this a great read for the player, but parents as well. Especially for those parents that have a great athlete but don't know from personal experiences what it takes to be a true high level athlete. Bought this for my 10 year old who plays both soccer and basketball. Right now she has the skills, drive, desire, and ambition. At a young age she has difficulty with the mental pressures of competion and developing bad habits of making excuses and placing blame. I think this book will help her look deeper into what it takes to be a true upper level athlete. I have passed it on to her and in the first chapter she has validated what another coach has told her. Girls don't have to be nice ikn competition. I look forward to in depth discussions with my daughter after her read of the book.

Get this book!

I enjoyed reading this book. It helped me understand what it means to play competitively.

Could as easily be titled

NOT JUST FOR GIRLS!!! Could as easily be titled, “How to turn your super sweet kid, that you so carefully raised, into a competitor.” It has helped me with my son. My first take away from the book was to ask my son if he knew it was 'ok' to win practice. What a revelation that was for him.

Five Stars

So far so good.

highly recommend

I read the book first and then had my daughter read it! Really fast read and lots of useful information!

Honest and straight forward.

I enjoyed the read and it motivated me to inspire the girls I am coaching. I look forward to reading more.

Required reading for my daughter (and son)!

Dan Blank has the gift to teach truth in plain and entertaining language. This book is not just for girls or even soccer players—it’s for winners.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

What an amazing book! I wish it had been around when ...

What an amazing book! I wish it had been around when I was growing up playing soccer! Every girl should read this book because it not only has invaluable information about being a competitor, but also includes important life lessons! I can't wait to read Dan Blank's next book!!!

such a great book!

Our team read this book and it brought us so much closer!!

Great book!

Loved the book!

Good Info

I recommend this to young athletes. It is important for girls to know how to act on and off the field.

Amazing culture

I really love the culture that is enforced in this book.


OK, I'm not a girl, just a soccer Dad trying to gain some perspective. It is instructional in what to expect at higher levels than AY and club soccer U10's. Recommended.

Dan Blank's is right on

Must read for any female play sports, and looking to play at the next level...

Great book!

Great book! Lots of useful and inspiring messages.

Five Stars

Good source

Playing soccer as a girl

Amazingly written, informational, & inspiring.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Four Stars

Very valuable as a coach. Need to be real with all players,

Five Stars

Helps girls understand it is ok to be aggressive and compete on the soccer field.

A Must Read!

Outstanding! Well written. Great perspective. I wish every girl on the team had a copy. My daughter could not put it down. She asked me to order the book for defenders next!

Five Stars

Great product!

amazing book

great leaning experience!

Great book for athletes of any age playing (any) competitive sport - buy it!

This book is great and will fire up any girl (or boy) who reads it to play any sport like they really mean it. Highly recommended!!!

As a soccer coach this book is fantastic. Not just for girls but guys too

As a soccer coach this book is fantastic. Not just for girls but guys too. The ideas in this are brilliant. Must get for any soccer team.

Good Book

Good Book

A must for all coaches!

Amazing book and great insight.

Excellent Resource for Improving Players' Mental Edge

I've read several of Coach Blank's books and this one is my favorite; I even liked it more than Soccer IQ. In this book, Coach Blank explains how female athletes can take on the same winning mindset that male athletes often display. But it's not just about winning. It's about playing your hardest and trying your best every time you step onto the field for practice or a game, regardless of the circumstances. Athletes at the junior high level and beyond, both female and male, can benefit from this book by improving the mental aspect of their game. Coaches can learn how to promote a competitive culture in their program and get the best effort from their players. This book is well worth the kindle price and was so inspiring that I had to purchase the print version to review and share with fellow coaches!

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Good read for a coach too

A lot of this stuff is good enough to be echoed by coaches in p!ayer talks both individually and to entire teams.

Great read

I am sure some of the stuff can be controversial but I appreciate the honesty and the willingness to share his thoughts

Winners win! Who are you?

Very informative. Great stories and ananalogies. Very motivating. Don't let everyone read this book or the pitch could be equal. Are you a winner or ?

Five Stars

Loved the approach and am having my daughters read it now.

Great Insight!

This book should be read by any girl/young woman(and her parents)who has aspirations of competing in any sport at a high level

She LOVED this book

My daughter is 12 1/2 and quite a serious athlete. She trains on her own outside of her travel and school teams. She LOVED this book, and asked if there were others like it.

Five Stars

This is a must read for every girl athlete. I bought a copy for each of my players.

She love it!

My daughter hasn't put it down since receiving it! She love it!


FABULOUS … writing is great, like talking with Dan Blank, the caring and love for the team members comes through beautifully! Everyone should read this not just girls playing soccer. No matter the sport or the life career or whatever a person wants to do … this book tells you what you need to success. Talk about commitment to whatever you do. Should be everyone's 'must read' list!!

Five Stars

Great read for players or coaches.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

I don't care what sport or what gender you coach ...

I don't care what sport or what gender you coach. This should be a part of every Coach's library. Every father who has a daughter needs a copy.

Dan Blank is a great writer. His soccer knowledge is strong too

Dan Blank is a great writer. His soccer knowledge is strong too. However, it is ability to communicate that knowledge in a very, very readable book that makes him stand out. I have give this book as a gift to my 9 year old daughter's coaches. I read it, and then we read it together. A few topics are bit advanced for her. The overall concept of wanting to win on the field, but then being friends again off of it is not lost on her.

Great stuff here coach

Great stuff here coach ! I was so glad you were able to see what some of the Embry-Riddle players looked like after reading so much about them !

Great read.

TOP SHELF READING!!!!!! I get it....my players get it....now my entire team is gonna read it. Great read...

A must read!

This book is compelling: raw, funny, and unabashedly honest. Dan Blank's ability to impart years of coaching wisdom through storytelling, anecdotes and humor puts him at the very top of authors in this genre. His ability to delve into the psyche of a true competitor is fabulous. The intensity that his system imparts may be frightening to parents who believe that everyone gets a medal. For everyone else this book is for you: you need to read it, your daughters need to read it, even your sons need to read it. Many of the issues he addresses relate not only to the soccer field but life in general. Every soccer coach and every player beyond the rec level needs to have this on their bookshelf with tabs and passages highlighted.

Always a great read.

I love Dan's books. His ability to hit a point quickly with wit and specific points keeps me coming back for more. I have read 3 now and each have been worth every penny.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. Lots of direct, practical, useful information for coaches, parents and athletes who want to compete at their highest potential. Loads of inspiration and motivation, even for people like me who already love every minute we have watching athletes perform on soccer fields. I'm a mom (two sons and a daughter), a coach (boys and girls) and a teacher (middle school humanities). I find myself thinking of something I read in this book a home, on the soccer field, and in the classroom. One of the adolescent boys I teach wrote a review of this book, then did an oral report. He said, "Everybody should read this book, boys and girls. Even people who don't love soccer as much as I do will learn a lot about being a great athlete." He's great . . . and the fact that an adolescent boy was psyched to read and speak in front of his peers about a book speaks volumes,

Another great book from Coach Blank

Another great book from Coach Blank. I do wonder if I can get the ideas over to the girls. Don't know if I can get high school girls to turn it "on" for practice and games and then turn it off when the whislte blows. Therefore I am looking forward to the promised "In My Tribe--Developing a Culture of Kickass in Female Athletes" due out in 2015. In this book chapter 33 especially page 138 sums up the idea I would like to get over to the girls very well. Have already recommended this book several times to other coaches in Louisiana, that I don't play on routine basis. Hope the possession book comes out soon, with soon being 2015 also.

Five Stars

Very inspirational

Great book for all sports

Great book! Has soccer examples but having my field hockey girls read it!

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Some good points.

I am enjoying the book. Some good points...others not.

Great Book by a no-nonsense coach

Simply put, A MUST READ for any youth female player, not only for Soccer but any sport and life too! As a coach I requested all my U16 players order this book and read and re-read to ensure the message was taken! Great Book by a no-nonsense coach.

As a coach I really love it however some parents will not want their daughters ...

This is not a book for everyone. As a coach I really love it however some parents will not want their daughters to act in the way some of the players in stories act. That being said I gave it a 5 star because it isn't for every player. It is for the players that really want to compete and be a great player.

Limited Value

Like other readers, I was concerned about the win-at-all-costs approach. In fairness, there are some nuggets of inspiration. Dropping the drama and excuses would go a long way to improve any team and Mr. Blank has some good ideas about how to do that on an individual and team level. BUT, to take a girl out, even with a legal tackle, and then show no concern for her as she lays injured on the field is not the kind of sportsmanship we should be teaching. Maybe Mr. Blank is more worried about his job than the girls he coaches or competes against. After all, for a Division 1 coach it's all about the "W."

Not Just For Soccer Coaches/Players

I coach an all-girls high school equestrian team and so much of what is written in this book is what I've been working with my riders on over the past 2 years. We are reading this book as a team and discussing a lot of what is covered to influence our strategies and approaches to competition. Every high school and college coach in a single sex program should have to read this! Samantha Pleasant Fleming Assistant Director of Riding at Chatham Hall

Good soccer book for the young girl.

Granddaughter loved it

Great book. My daughter is 14 and really found ...

Great book. My daughter is 14 and really found it to be insightful. She is a softball player, her pitching coach recommended it.

Decent book, but it glorifies dirty play

This book tells girls to play like boys. If you have ever scrimmaged boys travel teams against girls you already know the style of play is very different. This books attempts to detail those differences and basically says if you play like boys you can win. I always encourage my players to go all out and play their best, but I was conflicted reading this as it seemed it was encouraging players to hurt other players. We have all seen how this has worked out in the NFL and I would not want to see this mentality work its way down to girls youth soccer as it is already bloody enough for my taste.

Incredibly disappointing.

A crazy diatribe about doing whatever you can to win - including dirty play and yelling at your teammates. I was really looking forward to reading it because I got a lot out of his soccer iq books, but this book is just plain insulting and goes against the spirit of sports. An embarrassment.

If you are interested in a book with main points ...

If you are interested in a book with main points such as "controlling your destiny" (which of course is an oxymoron), "Be the Bully" (really?), and "winning the parking lot" (just stupid), then this book is for you.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Understanding and appreciating the truths about winning will set your athlete(s) apart from others!

As a multi-sport female athlete during college and high school (soccer, field hockey, softball, basketball, etc.), I appreciated this book for its candidness - the matter of fact perspective about being a serious competitor. Being accountable to yourself and your team, thinking like a winner...other higher levels of thinking are a few of the points which hit home for me. There will always be players who "play" on a team just as there will always be players who "compete" on a team. This book is for players who want to compete. Some chapters of the book focus on an athlete's mental toughness, motivation, while others touch on inspiration through humility (drawing strength from disappointment), and how a winning attitude can be contagious among your teammates. Truly a great read for a parent, coach, and athlete (probably more suitable for athletes 13yrs. and older). I wish my former coaches would have purchased copies for entire team to read...it would have bridged the gaps for some athletes and helped "set" an entire team's winning mindset!

Amazing book! Great story from this program!

Amazing book! Buy it! Read it! Implement it! Don’t wait, put it in your cart now and get it as quick as you can. Complete validation of so many thoughts and discussions our coaching staffs have had the last few years. This book will help us put those discussions into actions. I wish I had read it four years ago and I can’t wait for our season to start!

One of Kind

Highly recommend! Among so many coaching and motivational books available to readers, -- this one jumps past the others. It’s entertaining, intense and inspirational, and sometimes laugh out loud funny. Blank takes the double standard that society puts upon female athletes and dismantles it. The lessons are drawn from the author’s experience as a small-college soccer coach and are wonderfully illustrated through the stories of his players who made a habit of over-achieving. I really enjoyed ‘meeting’ the players and learning from their experiences and sharing in their tales of courage and their never-say-die attitude. The chapters are pretty brief -- but each one teaches a valuable lesson and does so in a way that’s easy and fun to read. I love this book and my daughter loves this book.

Excellent book for girls of high school age or late ...

Excellent book for girls of high school age or late middle school. Would love to see a slightly less intense version for younger girls as they really need something similar starting age 9 or 10. My older girl has always played on a boys team while the younger has always played on a girls team. Almost unbelievable the difference in style of coaching the two have received.

I have been waiting for this book!!!!!!!

I have been waiting for this book to come out ever since i read both soccer IQ books. I am 14 and this is my first season playing competitive soccer. This book really helped me and i am have already read this book multiple times. I cant wait for his other books!!!!!

Soccer Coaching made responsible. Love it!

I have always been a coach that approaches teams a bit different than other coaches around me. I train girls and boys together. I have high expectations. I place girls teams in boy's leagues to put them under pressure to perform more physically and use their speed better. It has always worked. I loved reading this book because it fit into the guidelines I set for my players. It showed me that my expectations of responsibility were on target with this college coach. I love reading his books and will continue to read them, and encourage my players and parents to read them.

Give Yourself Permission to Be a Winner!

I coach both high school boys and girls, and this book just cuts to the chase in simple terms in defining the attitude and mindset of winners...and losers. Great life lessons, and certainly helpful as it applies to competition, especially the game of soccer. I have found that many people deep down do not know what they want, or they are simply afraid to go there. This book challenges you to give yourself permission to go after what you want in the competitive realm and also to coach that mindset. Very easy to read, full of stories, enjoyed reading it and recommend it for female athletes and those that coach them.

Inspiring and Informative!

I am a 31 year old 'girl' who only started playing soccer again , after possibly 16+ years. This book is amazing! Its given me the drive to play the best I can for the short time I have left to do so; and if possible go on to coach when my playing time is up. My only regret is that this book wasnt written when I was much younger and that I didnt get to read it until now. Any coach or manager of womens soccer anywhere in the world should get this book for their team and make it compulsory reading!

Fantastic Read!

If you coach teenage girls, this is a book you need to read and probably more than once. It’s a real eye-opening look at building a competitive culture among female athletes. I’ve never seen another book that goes after this topic in such a direct manner. It’s a book that’s both fun and motivational and written in a style that’s very easy to read and remember. It’s an excellent reminder that we shouldn’t expect less from our players just because they’re girls.

Girls Rule in Soccer! A WINNER!

As a CY U16 girls coach I would recommend this short and succinct read for any young lady who loves soccer and wants to be her best! Dan has described and characterized throughout this book great anecdotal stories that it takes determination and a will to win all the time and every time while on the pitch as girls and as women! Great read for ALL soccer players and coaches with motivating lessons!

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Great book to have your college team read!

Dan does a great job of getting to the heart of competition in this book through the stories he tells of a truly competitive team.

Definitely #1 on my coaching books list!

I play, and I also coach a girls' team. After reading just 4 chapters, I'm putting in this review and buying another 3 copies for my teams. Not just a book for soccer players but a book every girl should read.

A great, inspiring book!!

We read this book as a book study with my high school soccer team, and it helped us learn a ton of lessons to become better soccer players, and better girls in general.


super inspiring! glad i took the time to read it

Great advice from someone that's wiser than me in soccer

This is a collection of short chapters on topics guys are familiar with and notice girls don't practice. I read on chapter a day to may daughter as advice to help her game.

which is the gold standard of great advice. The ones who take heed will be ...

Fantastically well written. Unfortunately these are exactly the type of things girls will learn, ignore, and subsequently remember the moment it is too late; which is the gold standard of great advice. The ones who take heed will be so dramatically far ahead of their peers. Not a frivolous chapter inside.

A 37yo father raising a female soccer player

I played soccer growing up and was excited when my daughter (7yo currently playing U9) started identifying as a soccer player. Even better she is a competitor. I bought this book to help me teach her the lessons she'll need as she develops... that I didn't have to deal with. She saw me reading it and wants to as well, so now I'm reading it to her. I think this is a great book for the serious female athlete AND fathers of serious female athletes.


Great book, with a lot of great teaching points and motivational points. Recommend to all.

Good read

Takes a whole new perspective at playing sports

It’s really that good. If you have a daughter who has high ...

Required Reading This book should be required reading for any female athlete who takes herself seriously. It’s really that good. If you have a daughter who has high ambitions in athletics (soccer or other), buy her this book immediately.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Amazing book

I read this book with my team and it taught us so much.

Enjoyed the stories

I am a male that coaches females. I bought this book to look for ways to make my girls want to compete. I enjoyed the stories and have shared several examples with my players and parents. A funny note, I shared one of the stories and a mother asked me who wrote the book. When I said Dan Blank, she laughed and claimed to have played for him his first year as a coach. She simply stated he was the best coach she ever had.


I wish more people would read this. Powerful message.

Five Stars

Amazing book!

Soccer book for teens

I read before giving to my 13 y/o. Well written - definitely good info.

Awesome book!

Great read!


So inspiring!!!

Good for 16+ girl and women footballers

This is a sports psychology book with a truly American feel. It's a book of anecdotes about a winning college football team and how they became a winning team.

Loved it

Inspiring.. Motivational.. Brilliant!

What price are you willing to pay to be a winner?

The book provides advice and motivation for sports women to go beyond the expectations of society to become the best they can be. The author takes a pretty extreme stance in relation to competitiveness and winning at all costs. In providing such a contrast to the norm, the book attempts to shock the athlete into making changes to their mental and physical approach to preparation and games.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

Moins bon.

Ce livre raconte l'histoire d'une équipe entraînée par l'auteur. L'histoire tourne en rond. Ces autres livres concentrés sur le soccer et non le leadership sont plus intéressants.

Good book, not just for girls

Read this with my kids (8 & 11) who both play soccer. It's written for grade 6 and up I think, but the concepts are universal with good examples

Good book but if you have read an other book ...

Good book but if you have read an other book on coatching girls dont buy it, it's the same type of information.

Five Stars

Nice read.

Thank you Dan Blank!! 💖⚽️💖

There isn’t anything that I didn’t LOVE about this book! Dan knows how to reach girl soccer players with such a raw and real passion. I wish I could have had him as a coach during my playing years ☺️ As soon as I read each chapter, the truth of what he was saying was so real and believable that I was left with no doubt in my own ability to take what I’ve learned and put it into action with my own team. If you are a female soccer player or a coach of female soccer players, add this book to your cart right this second! You can’t see just how beneficial this book will be to your playing or coaching right now, but trust me...you will NOT be disappointed! Are you still reading this review?? Hurry up would ya?! Add it to your cart so it can be in your hands ASAP! ☺️⚽️

My Words Won't Do It Justice

It's over...i just finished reading the best coach, athlete, competitor book ever! I'm not a reader at all. This book captured me immediately. I coach/teach softball and am a much better leader as a result of the words on these pages. I have been reading a few pages every morning before my workouts. I'm gonna miss the inspiration it has provided to my mornings. May just have to read it again.

If you coach Girls' soccer they need to read this book

If you can get your players to buy in to this book, it will completely transform your team. This is an amazing read that will really open the eyes of coaches, administrators, parents, and players. My girls' team struggled for a bit with mental toughness, likely because of how I was coaching them. After we started reading this book as a team, the difference has been night and day. No one will want to admit it, but my girls are having a tremendous time being the bullies on the field. They are still wonderful citizens off it, but all of the sudden their alter egos come out on the pitch.

This Book Has a Winning Formula

Dan Blank’s “Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You’re A Girl” is a must have for any coach that coaches female athletes—no matter the sport. His insights and lessons on fostering a competitive spirit in young females is tried and true. My staff and I are working to implement many of Dan’s principles, and we can already see the dividends in our group of varsity athletes. If you are eager to challenge yourself and your coaching then I highly recommend this book for you. You will not regret this purchase, and I’m willing to wager that you will go on and purchase Dan’s additional books on Soccer IQ, Possession, or High Pressing.

Excellent Book, Unlike Any Other

Excellent book with a perspective like no other. As a high school girls' soccer coach, I've read tons of books and articles on the topic of coaching women/girls. This book offers a unique perspective that I have not seen in any of those other books. I started using the ideas/concepts right away with my team and I intend to encourage my players to read the book. This book is invaluable for any female athlete and coach of female athletes.

Amazing Tool for Males Coaching Female Athletes

This book is amazing. I have coached boys for years and was recently hired to coach high school girls soccer for the first time. In order to prepare for the upcoming season (we play in the spring), I desperately sought material that would help me get into the mindset of the female athlete and to raise my awareness of issues that I haven't had to deal with so far. This book delivered well beyond that to the point where it is the single greatest coaching text that I have EVER read. The material is definitely applicable to female athletes, but so much of it can be applied to males as well. Even though it was written about soccer players, the concepts discussed are universal to all sports - and even to life in general. I could not put it down. I have already started recommending it to my fellow coaches and even my athletes. It really sets the stage for a winning mentality.

Great read for coaches and female athletes of all sports, not just soccer!

I have read and really enjoyed all of Dan's books. I read both Soccer IQ books a few years ago, and followed with Shutout Pizza and Possession. I really have loved all of your books and have tried to implement the lessons into my own sessions. During the last few months, I picked up and read Everything Your Coach Never Told You and In My Tribe, and thought they were terrific. I have encouraged my high school girls players to pick up Everything Your Coach Never Told You (which I know a few of them have because they have been talking about it at our socially distanced summer fitness sessions). I also gave it to my daughter that is going into high school, and she has been reading it while she has been recovering from knee surgery. She was really upset that she is going to miss her freshman year, but I think some of the lessons in the book have encouraged her and helped her realize she can still be an important part of the team.

For kids and parents alike

Parents of female athletes be warned: this book will rustle you up at least once or twice, but it's a good read and an enlightening perspective. Out of context, teaching girls to physically and psychologically screw with your opponents is going to feel weird when you read it, but this book is a great locker room talk that girls may need to hear. I caught myself several times thinking that the winning mentality described seemed too harsh, only to realize a page later that 90% of it is the same talk that we give boys throughout their playing careers. I'm hoping that the personal nature will encourage my daughter to read it. I'll update with her thoughts if I'm successful.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Everything Your Coach Never Told You Because You're A Girl by Dan Blank might just as well be titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: If Clint Eastwood was Your Coach". It's a classic, it's a 5 star show, and it will never be old. I'll be hanging onto this book and reading it again and again whenever I think I've lost my competitive edge and need a few good reminders about what it takes to be a winner. I use to play but now I coach. I've read every book Dan Blank has written so far except for Happy Feet and this is one of his best (BTW all of his books are excellent). While the title of this book implies it's just for girls, in fact I found it's loaded with stuff my coach never told me and I'm a boy. Perhaps coaches never told me "truths about winning" because they assumed somehow I instinctively knew how to be an outlaw. I believe this book is just as relevant for boys as it is for girls however nobody has ever written something like this for girls, at least that I know of and that makes this book bodacious. There's no "beating around the bush" writing here, from the get go Blank goes straight into the psyche of serious competitors and it's not dressed up in the slightest. I read Dan Blank's other books rather quickly (they're hard to put down) but this book was a tough read for me because I wasn't prepared for its intensity. Temporarily I found I had turned into a full-time competitor, something normal society does not considered as acceptable behavior. Dan Blank mentions this in the book i.e. the arena of competition versus normal everyday society. The problem was, I was on Chapter 20 titled "Be the Bully" and I became the bully. I wanted to win everything and it didn't matter who I was competing against, whether it was fair, or if the other person even knew it was a competition. I checked my attitude soon enough and continued reading this book in smaller doses, there's a lot of power written in these pages that could mess you up mentally (that or I'm just weak and worship this guy). Dan Blank deserves a lot credit in my opinion for having the courage to write this book. I think he has possibly opened himself up to receive criticism from the coaching community, especially from the youth coaching community. It's important to keep in perspective this book is for college soccer players. If you've read any of his books it's obvious he's a very passionate college soccer coach who has a unique and valuable perspective about competition that anyone would enjoy and learn from reading. If you are a competitive player this book will only make you better and I highly recommend it. If you're like me and have transitioned into coaching (youth coaching) I also highly recommend this book but you may also want to read "Changing the Game" by John O'Sullivan as a companion just to keep balance within the force. Dan Blank is the Sith Lord of winning and John O'Sullivan is Yoda, you'll meet your destiny when you are ready and there's no reason to face your father when you are only 9, never getting the chance to face him when you are in your prime. This is an amazing book that will make you think and ponder "The Meaning of Life" (Chapter 33). I wonder if there are any secrets he didn't give away in this book? Lastly, please don't buy this book as I'd prefer to have the advantage if we ever meet in the arena of competition when I destroy you without regret or remorse, laugh when you cry, and rub it in during my interview. Thanks for writing another fantastic book.

Not just for girls

Although it's aimed at female soccer players, the principles in this book apply to anyone who wants to know what it really takes to win. I initially picked it up because the title was interesting but I ended up highlighting a bunch of parts that I feel are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in competition. If you're interested on getting a unique perspective on just what it takes to be a consistent winner, buy this book.

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