Everything Is Its Own Reward: An All Over Coffee Collection

Hardcover – April 19, 2011
18 Apr
"[M]esmerizing ... When his international images are paired with his sparse, poetic words—sometimes thought-provoking one-liners such as 'You don't get anywhere without searching' and sometimes long, meandering sections of dialogue and story—the effect is haunting."—Oprah.com Beginning with his hometown of San Francisco and traveling to cities such as Paris, Rome, Buenos Aires, and Tokyo, Paul Madonna delivers his second body of drawings and writings. This stunning new collection, a testament to an artist and storyteller's careful observation of both the external and internal worlds, outdoes the masterful performance of his first book All Over Coffee, offering an even richer catalog of pen and ink cityscapes, short stories, conversations, and thoughts. Entertaining and moving, gorgeous to look at, Madonna's work remains unique and unclassifiable. This full color, hardbound edition comes complete with a removable poster.

Reviews (35)

Truly wonderful

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Wry Wit and Architectural Art

The drawings within this book are not the first time I encountered them; being a San Francisco Chronicle subcriber, I saw them when first published Sunday after Sunday. Seeing them as a collection, however, once again establishes Paul Madonna as both artist and writer, a humanist and a wry wit. I own his first book of similar art and find this new grouping even better, and that first volume was already grand. Indeed, I purchased a signed special reproduction of his #496, which hangs in my studio. The old Victorians that pervade many San Francisco neighborhoods make interesting subjects of study. Madonna originally focused on the roof and upper stories, providing new perspectives on what were taken for granted, but in this second collection street level is also often presented. Thus, I offer my unbridled recommendation of this book to anyone who loves city life, who has been to San Francisco, who admires the art of drawing, and who is open to insights about themselves and about social interactions. Madonna is becoming a Bay Area treasure.

Brings back memories!

I own three of his books and love his writing style. I’m a San Francisco native and can relate. Totally engrossing.

A Treasure.

This book far exceeded my expectations. I was looking for a book of urban sketches and found a world of the intricate and unique drawings and narrative from a very clever artist. I love it!

Best thing to spend my money on!

Oh how I absolutely love this book. I purchased this book and all over coffee for an art project I was working on. He inspired me, seeing his art work, reading he little passages, it moved something in me (as cheesy as that sounds). I'm so beyond happy that I bought this book. It's wonderful!!

Excellent condition

As a long time resident of San Francisco, now moved on, this book was a delight. I am looking forward to giving it to a friend who is a graphic artist as a Xmas present, & I am delighted it got here (France)very quickly indeed. My friend absolutely loved it!

Beautiful illustrations. Got this for my mom as inspiration ...

Beautiful illustrations. Got this for my mom as inspiration for her watercolor painting, and she absolutely loved it. Will be considering getting the other book in his series.

A Hit with San Franciscan

I grew up in San Francisco and this book brought warm memories. Not only are the drawings perfect, almost photographic in quality, but the narrative that accompanies them is engrossing and poetic. A treat for those who enjoy autobiography.


This is an amazing look at San Francisco - even has a picture of the home in which I was raised. I bought one for my brother and 4 sisters (and for myself, of course!) and they loved them as well. Thank you, Mr. Madonna!,,,,VERY WELL DONE!

Artistry in Depth

A large book full of beautiful drawings and wry text. The Artist is able to complete a short story in one or two sentences. It may have nothing to do with the drawing on the same page, but is it's own reward.

Truly wonderful

The first compilation of

Wry Wit and Architectural Art

The drawings within this book are not the first time I encountered them; being a San Francisco Chronicle subcriber, I saw them when first published Sunday after Sunday. Seeing them as a collection, however, once again establishes Paul Madonna as both artist and writer, a humanist and a wry wit. I own his first book of similar art and find this new grouping even better, and that first volume was already grand. Indeed, I purchased a signed special reproduction of his #496, which hangs in my studio. The old Victorians that pervade many San Francisco neighborhoods make interesting subjects of study. Madonna originally focused on the roof and upper stories, providing new perspectives on what were taken for granted, but in this second collection street level is also often presented. Thus, I offer my unbridled recommendation of this book to anyone who loves city life, who has been to San Francisco, who admires the art of drawing, and who is open to insights about themselves and about social interactions. Madonna is becoming a Bay Area treasure.

Brings back memories!

I own three of his books and love his writing style. I’m a San Francisco native and can relate. Totally engrossing.

A Treasure.

This book far exceeded my expectations. I was looking for a book of urban sketches and found a world of the intricate and unique drawings and narrative from a very clever artist. I love it!

Best thing to spend my money on!

Oh how I absolutely love this book. I purchased this book and all over coffee for an art project I was working on. He inspired me, seeing his art work, reading he little passages, it moved something in me (as cheesy as that sounds). I'm so beyond happy that I bought this book. It's wonderful!!

Excellent condition

As a long time resident of San Francisco, now moved on, this book was a delight. I am looking forward to giving it to a friend who is a graphic artist as a Xmas present, & I am delighted it got here (France)very quickly indeed. My friend absolutely loved it!

Beautiful illustrations. Got this for my mom as inspiration ...

Beautiful illustrations. Got this for my mom as inspiration for her watercolor painting, and she absolutely loved it. Will be considering getting the other book in his series.

A Hit with San Franciscan

I grew up in San Francisco and this book brought warm memories. Not only are the drawings perfect, almost photographic in quality, but the narrative that accompanies them is engrossing and poetic. A treat for those who enjoy autobiography.


This is an amazing look at San Francisco - even has a picture of the home in which I was raised. I bought one for my brother and 4 sisters (and for myself, of course!) and they loved them as well. Thank you, Mr. Madonna!,,,,VERY WELL DONE!

Artistry in Depth

A large book full of beautiful drawings and wry text. The Artist is able to complete a short story in one or two sentences. It may have nothing to do with the drawing on the same page, but is it's own reward.

Great artist and writer

I fell in love with Paul Madonna's work when I stumbled upon All Over Coffee. I have shared his work with many others and actually purchased this book as a gift. Everyone agrees that he produces outstanding work.


Very well done. The craft of every drawing is simply amazing. I eventually bought myself a copy. Well worth having on hand for one who likes to do a little sketching here and there.

Love his work

This is the only one I have from Paul Madonna but I have leafed through his other ones. All are great.

Five Stars

At least the recipients of it did. They live in SF, CA and had heard of the author/artist.

Amazing artwork

I found myself absorbed by the art and then completely done in by writing. A beautiful book and a wonderful read.

Five Stars

beautiful illustrations. anyone who likes drawing will gush over this book.

Five Stars

As good as his first one, I miss San Francisco.

Five Stars


Stories told with evocative urban imagery

I'm an artist always seeking inspiration from other artists. This book was right up my alley --- I love the juxtaposition of artwork with text, some way of telling a story with a combination of words and images. My preference tends to be for art that is very gestural, loose, and tending towards completely abstract, so that the photo-realist drawings which are Madonna's style are generally not my "cup of tea" -- but what I liked so much about much of his work, is that the images are often moody and use unusual perspectives or framing. So, the result is very similar to artistic black and white photography -- but more subjective and personal than photography can be, as it has the hand's touch. Many of the images are powerful and will have me coming back to them again and again because of their unique perspective, or the evocative framing of the subject. What is so ironic and unusual about this book, is that there are no people in ANY of the drawings, except, I believe, the 3rd from the last on pg 218 which has what looks like a person, but her head is turned away so no face is visible. (And San Francisco is full of people -- every time I visit I invariably think of the city as quite crowded!) However, nearly the entire text is about other people -- narratives of meetings with people, conversations with people, wonderings about people -- so this is an unusual juxtaposition. The result is that you get the feeling that this artist feels cut off from people, somewhat isolated, even while in the midst of others, and so you think maybe he is like these urban images, people-less on the inside, while surrounded by relationships and people in the densely packed city of San Francisco.

I am so glad this book exists

I am so glad this book exists. I pick it up and immerse myself in it all the time. What a generous act of imagination. Also, if you are like me and happen to love walking around San Francisco, just for the joy of it, then this book will nourish you.

One of the most beautiful books I've ever seen

One of the most beautiful books I've ever seen. This is the third copy I've bought, since I keep giving them away to people I love :)

beautifully drawn and written

The drawings in this book are beautiful and poetic; the writing that accompany each drawing are thought-provoking, haunting at times. I actually bought two more to give to friends.

Text and images printed vertically.

Beautiful art. Intelligent, informative text. Very difficult to enjoy and appreciate in its fullest because of the vertical layout of the images and text.

Absolutely marvelous

Paul Madonna is a genius. His drawings are just beautiful, so sensitive. The writing is captivating - little slices of life, scraps of conversation, all manner of things. I'm so glad to have found his books.

Amazong book!

Saw this book on Oprah's list of books to own and I couldn't be happier with it. The pictures are beautiful and the sayings are even more beautiful. Took pics of the art work and made some my desktop background at work and get endless compliments!

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