Encyclopedia Prehistorica Mega-Beasts Pop-Up

Hardcover – May 8, 2007
07 May
Lions and tigers and bears. . . . Stand back for a beast of a pop-up!

Within these dynamic pages lurk fearsome saber-toothed cats, bears taller than basketball hoops, and everyone’s favorite Ice Age giant — the woolly mammoth. Prehistoric Yeti-like mammals, now-extinct birds, and giant flying lizards all come alive in a showcase featuring more than thirty-five astonishing pop-ups. In this third and final volume of the best-selling Encyclopedia Prehistorica series, 3-D masters Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart tackle the titans of the ancient world, awing us with a humbling close-up look at some startling mega-beasts that preceded us on planet Earth.

Reviews (13)


サブダさんのPop-upシリーズはすごいです。 素敵です。 予想以上に飛び出します。 個人的には、図鑑シリーズの中では、恐竜が一番ですが。。。マンモスが載っているっと言われたら、こちらもほしくなってしまいました。


今回もすごい飛び出します!期待を裏切らない作品です。 巨大生物3部作の中では、私はこの作品が一番好きです。 3作目ということもあって、飛び出す仕掛けがグレードアップしてると思います。 前から見ても横から見ても迫力十分だし、おすすめです。 あと、今までは仕掛けが外れていたり、紙が破れていたことが何度かあったのですが、この作品は紙が今までよりも少し丈夫になったという印象を受けました。



Prehistoric Popup Encyclopedia

My grandson loved this book I mailed him he was so excited he called immediately.

buy all of the sabuda books you can find and afford

Yes his books are expensive for children's books but they are worth every penny. His pop ups are fascinating. If you haven't seen one unfold in person you need to buy one. I think I am more impressed even than the kids

Pure Magic

I've been reading these books to my 3 year old son at night and we're both enchanted. They're fragile so never let a young child read alone. They are best for older children but I'm hoping this book will be something my boys read for years.


Excellent condition, and careful packaging. Very pleased!

My grandchildren have been using this for yearsThey are made very well

My grandchildren have been using this for years

Great looking book

Fantastic book! This may be a pop up book, but the information contained is at the adult reading level. Very informative.

Things of Wonder

Buy it. Just buy it NOW. All these books with these authors are AMAZING pieces of ART. I dont even have kids but I want them all!

Prehistorica Mega-Beasts

Each page will scare you as the creatures from prehistoric times pop out and almost seem ready to bite or grab you. It's terrific! Children love it, especially boys. This is a great companion piece with Sabuda's Dinosaur book. Paper engineers is a great description of what this book needed to make these creatures live again between the pages of this super book.

Excellent Product!

My 6 yr old son received this as a Christmas gift. We all fell in love with it - even my 2 yr old! Being an Encyclopedia it is filled with information and the pop out pictures are fantastic, plus they grab the children's interest easily. I was amazed at the detail and quality of the pop outs. There are tiny books within the pages that also have tiny detailed pop outs. These books are going to be kept for a long time!

My cousins wish it was a toy!

This is a great book to teach kids about prehistoric animals, biology, evolution and nature in general. Some (if not all) of the fold out creatures are amazing feats of ingenuity ;the mammoth with its gigantically long trunk never ceases to capture my nephews attentions (aged 3 and 6). The only slight problem I experience is that everything looks so gorgeous and lifelike that kids think the book is a toy. They want to touch the animals and play with them, no matter how often I tell them it's a book for looking, not for playing. I highly recommend these series for all that like to tell stories and teach young kids about the world we live in....and anybody else that like colourful graphics and amazingly skilful craftsmanship.

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