EMF Practical Guide: The Simple Science of Protecting Yourself, Healing Chronic Inflammation, and Living a Naturally Healthy Life in our Toxic Electromagnetic World.

Kindle Edition
18 Dec

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are the new ‘digital toxin’. And you’re bathed in them 24/7.

Experts are saying they’re causing all the symptoms of premature aging, including memory loss, inflammation and even cancer. The good news is, there are so many ways to protect yourself and “detox”. The EMF Practical Guide provides not only the science behind this invisible hazard, but also hundreds of practical solutions and strategies, that will benefit every man, woman, and child on the planet.

Hear Lloyd’s story about how he fully regained his health after suffering years of massive fatigue, unexplained aches and pains, and more...

You will discover:

  • The truth about 5G and how to protect yourself, your family, and your community
  • 4 free and easy ways to reduce your EMF exposures while using your desktop, laptop or tablet
  • The science behind dirty electricity—2 ways of significantly reducing the dirty electricity exposures in your home (which studies link to cancer, ADHD and chronic fatigue)
  • The truth about EMF harmonizers, resonators, neutralizers and similar—5 tips to succeeding with alternative EMF protection
  • 13 totally FREE and easy ways to protect yourself from potentially deadly cell phone radiation—the cell phone safety standards do virtually nothing to protect us
  • 6 kinds of wiring errors that can have devastating consequences on your health—and how to resolve them (Note: all your lights and appliances can work normally and you can still have wiring errors)
  • Why Wi-Fi can be particularly dangerous AND 2 ways you can reduce your exposure almost immediately without spending a penny

Every day that passes, is another day your body is put under unnecessary EMF stress which, even though you can’t feel it, is slowly eroding your health. You owe it to yourself, and your loved ones to get protection from these invisible EMF dangers.

Reviews (95)

sources are well-documented

I own and have read all the way through at least six other books written by experts on this subject. I have only read the first three chapters. BUT I have to say that I am impressed with the fact that sources are well-documented in this book. When something is stated, you can just look at the bottom of the page to see what the source is, and exactly where to find it on the internet or in a publication or film. I like the font because it is not too small and the useful illustrations. Today, at this moment I feel that if you are only going to read one book on EMF, this is the one to choose.

Took my knowledge and power to mitigate EMFs to a new level

I like Nick Pineault's "Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs" as an introductory book for newbies to the subject, but "EMF Practical Guide" really took my knowledge to a new level. It's helped get my family down the path to resolving many issues that I wasn't even aware of before. EMF science is explained so clearly, and I love the examples from people who have actually experienced negative impacts on their health--they make these impacts "real" for us. It's nice that the plants and animals are remembered too. There are some distracting typos in the book, but hopefully those will be weeded out before the next printing. Thank you Lloyd Burrell for sharing your vast knowledge with us!

I would urge everyone to read this book. Protect yourself!

I had no idea how harmful EMFs are and I am grateful to know there are ways to reduce their effects. I am trying to get our kids to order Lloyd Burrell's book so they can be protected from harmful radiation too. It tells the reader everything they should know about RFs, EMFs, Microwaves and Gama Rays, how to measure them in your home and how they affect us. It's' important to have the right meters for your particular concerns and he has suggestions and descriptions as to how they work I appreciate that he has a website that keeps you up to date on the latest findings. I learned of Lloyd Burrell through Dr. Joseph Mercola's website and an interview conducted there. I went to Amazon and ordered his book right away. It does not disappoint. His writings are clear and easy to understand.

What you don't know about EMF issue may affect your health adversely

This book explains the dangers of EMF in a format that the layperson can easily follow. It was written by a man, Lloyd Burrell, whose life was turned upside down due to EMF sensitivity. You will find easy to read chapters, most of which have methods to eliminate or greatly reduce the effects of EMF pollution. Mr. Burrell has carefully documented his work. And if you suspect the EMF problem is bad now, it will surely get worse as we incorporate 5G technology and more IoT gadgets. It is the best money that I have spent on a book in a long, long time.

Important Information that Everyone Needs to Know

This book has helpful information that explain EMFs clearly and what to do about them. It is practical and easy to read. Lloyd has experience, and is a great teacher. This book is worth buying.

EMF for “dummies”

The book arrived in our mailbox yesterday, and I am already half way through the book. The text is easy to understand and references are included for all the various statements. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book.

Best introduction to the topic of EMF management

This book will help you manage your EMF safety project. Mr. Burrell leads you through how to talk to professionals with how to test for the need for repairs, how to talk to electricians, and how to test their work. Discovering cause and effect in EMF pollution is not easy. He has many years of experience and shows you how to avoid pitfalls in finding solutions. This book is well written. You don’t have to have a technical background. His website has a bookbonus directory where you find the latest info that is pertinent to taking his advice on how to measure and manage EMF pollution.

Important information

Lloyd has done a great job of compiling the latest data on EMF risks and remediation and presented it here in an easy to understand format. There are plenty of references if you want to dig deeper into the science or you can just jump right in with some easy remediation steps.

Everyone Needs to Read This Book.

I have a cell tower behind me. Wouldn't have bought here, but really had no options at the time. We are all bombarded with EMFs. The health implications are numerous! This is an easy book, and has explanations on the science, if one wants it, or goes right into helpful solutions. This is one of the best well-rounded books on the subject I've read, and has a forward by Dr. Mercola. Well worth it, especially in this 5G world! 5G health implications are horrendous.

Well Writttn Handbook on EMf's

This well written , thtoroughally searched handbook on EMFs is a must read. It will give you the information you need to protect you and your loved ones from the harmful effects of not only Emfs (Radio Frequency) but also, magnetic, electric and dirty electricity. It details the history of tireless technology, thee diseases caused by it, how to locate and remediate for it. He provides different levels of remediation strategies.

sources are well-documented

I own and have read all the way through at least six other books written by experts on this subject. I have only read the first three chapters. BUT I have to say that I am impressed with the fact that sources are well-documented in this book. When something is stated, you can just look at the bottom of the page to see what the source is, and exactly where to find it on the internet or in a publication or film. I like the font because it is not too small and the useful illustrations. Today, at this moment I feel that if you are only going to read one book on EMF, this is the one to choose.

Took my knowledge and power to mitigate EMFs to a new level

I like Nick Pineault's "Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs" as an introductory book for newbies to the subject, but "EMF Practical Guide" really took my knowledge to a new level. It's helped get my family down the path to resolving many issues that I wasn't even aware of before. EMF science is explained so clearly, and I love the examples from people who have actually experienced negative impacts on their health--they make these impacts "real" for us. It's nice that the plants and animals are remembered too. There are some distracting typos in the book, but hopefully those will be weeded out before the next printing. Thank you Lloyd Burrell for sharing your vast knowledge with us!

I would urge everyone to read this book. Protect yourself!

I had no idea how harmful EMFs are and I am grateful to know there are ways to reduce their effects. I am trying to get our kids to order Lloyd Burrell's book so they can be protected from harmful radiation too. It tells the reader everything they should know about RFs, EMFs, Microwaves and Gama Rays, how to measure them in your home and how they affect us. It's' important to have the right meters for your particular concerns and he has suggestions and descriptions as to how they work I appreciate that he has a website that keeps you up to date on the latest findings. I learned of Lloyd Burrell through Dr. Joseph Mercola's website and an interview conducted there. I went to Amazon and ordered his book right away. It does not disappoint. His writings are clear and easy to understand.

What you don't know about EMF issue may affect your health adversely

This book explains the dangers of EMF in a format that the layperson can easily follow. It was written by a man, Lloyd Burrell, whose life was turned upside down due to EMF sensitivity. You will find easy to read chapters, most of which have methods to eliminate or greatly reduce the effects of EMF pollution. Mr. Burrell has carefully documented his work. And if you suspect the EMF problem is bad now, it will surely get worse as we incorporate 5G technology and more IoT gadgets. It is the best money that I have spent on a book in a long, long time.

Important Information that Everyone Needs to Know

This book has helpful information that explain EMFs clearly and what to do about them. It is practical and easy to read. Lloyd has experience, and is a great teacher. This book is worth buying.

EMF for “dummies”

The book arrived in our mailbox yesterday, and I am already half way through the book. The text is easy to understand and references are included for all the various statements. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book.

Best introduction to the topic of EMF management

This book will help you manage your EMF safety project. Mr. Burrell leads you through how to talk to professionals with how to test for the need for repairs, how to talk to electricians, and how to test their work. Discovering cause and effect in EMF pollution is not easy. He has many years of experience and shows you how to avoid pitfalls in finding solutions. This book is well written. You don’t have to have a technical background. His website has a bookbonus directory where you find the latest info that is pertinent to taking his advice on how to measure and manage EMF pollution.

Important information

Lloyd has done a great job of compiling the latest data on EMF risks and remediation and presented it here in an easy to understand format. There are plenty of references if you want to dig deeper into the science or you can just jump right in with some easy remediation steps.

Everyone Needs to Read This Book.

I have a cell tower behind me. Wouldn't have bought here, but really had no options at the time. We are all bombarded with EMFs. The health implications are numerous! This is an easy book, and has explanations on the science, if one wants it, or goes right into helpful solutions. This is one of the best well-rounded books on the subject I've read, and has a forward by Dr. Mercola. Well worth it, especially in this 5G world! 5G health implications are horrendous.

Well Writttn Handbook on EMf's

This well written , thtoroughally searched handbook on EMFs is a must read. It will give you the information you need to protect you and your loved ones from the harmful effects of not only Emfs (Radio Frequency) but also, magnetic, electric and dirty electricity. It details the history of tireless technology, thee diseases caused by it, how to locate and remediate for it. He provides different levels of remediation strategies.

This is a great book packed with helpful information!

Lloyd has done a great job of summarizing the research and information available on EMFs. I love this book and recommend it to anyone interested in the health effects of EMFs and how to protect oneself. The only complaint I have is the editing is not the best as I have found several errors throughout the book...but I tell myself to get over it, because I would not have wanted Lloyd to delay the release of this very important information!

Excellent Practical Guide

The level of integrity and care I feel from this man is amazing! He is truly here to help all EMF sensitive people (and arguably that is all of us whether we are aware of it or not) to help them get educated and learn practical strategies for EMF mitigation. Chapter 19 is full of practical advise re your home, but he has practical helpful advice in many chapters. LOVE YOUR BOOK AND WORK LLOYD!!!

Complicated made SIMPLE!

I have been investigating this for years. There is a LOT to sift through on the net... it is a LOT of time and effort. Suggestion, just get this book and save yourself a lot of time and work to get the same information. I am a reader and writer for 60+ years - this book is very well written. easy to read and understand. Highly recommended!

new ideas helping arthritis

My arthritis is affected by emfs, so everything I can devour that Lloyd puts out is helpful. I can't wait to build a low emf home in Hawaii soon. This book is telling me lots of new ideas, and I'm already implementing them. Some things are great reminders too. Thanks Lloyd!

Very good information

I had seen some information about how Smart Meters are bad. I didn't really think about it until I received a letter from my utility company telling me they would be installing one on my house. I quickly began to research and opted out of the meter. This book offers a lot of information that I did not know about EMFs. The author also tells you how you can protect yourself and family.

Best EMF book on the market

I used Lloyd Burrell's book to make a detailed action plan of what I needed to do to protect myself and my family from EMF's. Psychologically it was very soothing, because ever since I had discovered 6 months ago that I was EMF sensitive, I was frantically researching the internet, listening to podcasts, buying all kinds of protective devices, reading articles, etc, etc. Last year the subject seemed very complicated, like a new language, a new realm that I had trouble relating to (even though I was healthcare professional in my working years). However, with Lloyd's logical, well documented, scientific and yet simple approach I can now say with confidence "Yes, I can handle this and begin the rewarding journey of healing."

Info suppressed by telecom industry

This book tells you all you need to know about the dangers of EMF's and gives helpful solutions for those who are EMF hypersensitive. Although it cites tons of research explaining how the various forms of ElectroMagnetic Fields are making us sick and damaging our immune system, it is very readable for everyone.

A conscientious and competent effort to inform

I was looking for a no-nonsense approach to the dangers of EMF and what to do about it. This book does an excellent job of providing that. The author has really done his homework and gets right to the point at every turn - sans hype. I feel this is a really important work that signals yet again that the powers that be are putting our health and well being behind their profits and power. It is a sad, yet highly empowering story; devastating that we are at such great risk, yet uplifting to know that there are solutions and people working hard to expose the realities of EMF and the invisible harm they cause. It seems to me that there is simply no way we are not being dramatically affected by electrosmog. Period. This book should take its place on your shelf beside Sugar Blues, Erin Brokovich and Silent Spring.

Well worth reading

I have read many other books and articles on the same subject over the past 5 years, and this is one of the most comprehensive, easy to understand and implement of all of the books I've read. I have already put many of Lloyd's safety tips into practice from the previous research I have done, but I have learned new information from his research. So thank you, Lloyd for the work you have done and continue to do to make our world a safer and healthier place!

The Canary in the coal mine.

Thank you Lloyd Burrell for your thoroughly researched and foot noted book. After hearing your recent interview about autoimmune diseases and EMF I bought your book. It has turned out to be a life saver for my husband and myself as we both have suffered from fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivities and allergies for years. Through your book we learned that we most likely have hypersensitivity to EMF also. If not for your book I would never have made the link. Using your thorough description of EMF, dirty electricity and how to measure it I discovered we have "open grounds" at all of our AC receptacles. Milli-Voltages read 4 to 20 times higher than safe level of 50 mV. Our electrician could hear a local AM station playing music on the circuit reading 1050 mV. He discovered a ground wire for house wiring had not been properly reconnected after work on plumbing and HVAC systems had been done. We're looking forward to less irritability, pain and insomnia. Thank you for all the hard work you put into writing your book! From "the Canary in the coal mine"

Most informative resource I've found to date to cover the wide spectrum of EMF issues

It covers more than just the radiation of cell phones and wifi. It covers electric fields, magnetic fields and dirty electricity as well as covering the many products and suggestions often given to protect oneself. He has guidance on what to do and the pros and cons of some controversial solutions. The author has experienced electro-sensitivity, and speaks from experience and in depth research into the subject. It is organized and laid out well with big enough print to be easy to read. I highly recommend this book for understanding the full spectrum of the issue and as a baseline for delving further into the subject if needed. There is also a link to the authors website that has added and updated information.

EMF's and RF's are real

After one month of being "attacked" physically by an invisible "something" and going through a process of "eliminations", I finally figured out it was my alarm system that was upgraded one month earlier to a 4G cell tower communicator and the main panel was in my bedroom about five feet from my head. I then seriously got into reading up on EMF's. I was comparing sources and came upon the EMF Practical Guide. This book is as simple as it can be considering the subject matter. The table of contents are clear enough to allow me to bounce around the book for immediate answers to my questions. I have learned that electricians are not up on this subject. I will get this book for my son who is an IT, he turned me on to Lloyd's website as one my sources to read up on the subject. This is soooo serious a subject, everyone needs to catch up on the true dangers of technology ... our animals, plants, mother earth, I agree, 'killing me softly" ....

This is a MUST READ for everyone ...

This is a must read for everyone. This book is comprehensive in scope and yet understandable and practical. This book is a home run for anyone who is ready to take control of their exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Lloyd provides many "free and nearly free as well as easy" solutions which are measurable and verifiable. Lloyd is the expert on this disorder, having lived through it himself. He has interviewed hundreds of health professionals and researchers to come up with a comprehensive plan to combat the overload of technology - but to live life to its fullest. Thank you, Lloyd!

Every Electrical Engineer should have a copy.

I'm a retired Electrical Engineer. I bought two copies of Lloyd's "EMF Practical Guide" bodk, one for myself and one for my son. My son is a Nuclear Engineer. I bought the books so that we could better understand the dangers of electric and magnetic fields and dirty electricity and how to protect ourselves from the same. I was not disappointed with my purchase. I found the book extremely well written and very easy to understand. Lloyd's approach to identifying the dangers and how to go about protecting oneself and family from those dangers is, in my opinion, brillant. To my mind the book is worth its weight in gold. Every engineer, not just Electrical Engineers, should have one in his or her personal library.

Stuff thats already on internet...

Long winded blah blah blah info that you can find on youtube for free. Disappointing no real info on exactly how to fix issue.

If You're New to the EMF Dangers....or Not....

My debilitation due to EMF zapping in my new house was a swift kick in the butt and I have been seeking as much knowledge and assistance as possible. My symptoms have been physically and mentally debilitating. This book and continued online support by Burrell have provided more knowledge, understanding, and solutions than all the other sources put together. For anyone going through what I am, or anyone who doesn't want to, I pray this book will bring you relief and healing.

Great book for all levels of knowledge regarding EMFs and others

Super book. Technical enough to help but not to overwhelm you. It inspires you to take charge and find out if technology is affecting the quality of your life. Also like all the book bonus references to his website commonsense.com. That way you are kept up to date on the latest changes in research and meters you can use. Also if you want a more in-depth analysis its there for you. My first book in the field other than dirty electricity book I read. Glad I bought it.

EMF Neutralizers

Easy to read. Knowledgeable. Now to implement some effective EMF meters and appropriate neutralizers

I now understand how electrical systems in my house works and possibly the errors that need repair!

This is a practical book on a technical issue. LLOYD BURRELL has done an excellent job explaining what, where, when, why and how electricity is and has been breaking down the human body and possibly causing a multitude of serious health issues (in my household)! He also presents how to correct issues that might be present, giving options that are available to lessen if not totally solve the issues. Great reference!

Comprehensive A-Z of issues and solutions

My go to for reference on sources of facts and solutions dealing with this extensive subject. Lloyd has done a service to all humankind with his work. I love the range of solutions and the emphasis on doing readings so you know what is working! I am going to try the mesh solution for the bedroom. Thank you

Accurate and easy to understand information to protect you and your families!

I am heavily involved in EMF health and safety and this is one of the first reference books I purchased that got me off to a fast start in understanding and implementing safeguards against all EMFs in my home and surrounding areas. I highly recommend this book to people of all knowledge levels on this subject. Thanks to the author for helping others with EHS (Electro-Hypersensitivity)!

Great information

Very well researched and informative. There are so many helpful ideas to protect yourself. More people need to understand the danger around us

Very well versed author

Burrell has interviewed all the top experts and has used his own personal experience. Easy read and great overview of the subject.

Good Practical Overview

Sound science and good background on EMFS. More importantly, good recommendations to lessening exposure. I like how he has them broken out at different levels, so you can start right away inexpensively and then build up to other better more involved solutions.

Doable Tips on Lessening EMF Dangers

I have breast cancer and have worked on lifestyle changes through diet, exercise, clean water, clean air and organic products. EMF Practical Guide is helping me to lessen my exposure to dangerous EMF's. Mr Lloyd's explanations of the four areas of EMF pollution are understandable, and his tips from easy to advanced are doable. I wish I had discovered this book earlier!

Protection from knowledge! You can’t see it but EMF IS DANGEROUS!

Excellent, thorough coverage and lots of good ideas for protecting yourself!

Extremely important materials

An eye opener about multiple dangers of 'the brave new world'. At the same time a very practical guide of protecting myself from it.

Wish I'd read this years ago

Lots of very practical tips to improve your life right away. If you've been trying to push this to the back of your mind because we can't escape from wifi or electricity, this book will bring those dangers to the forefront. Remember, even if you can't feel it, it's harming you, and your children. Knowledge is power.

Good , so far

Am interested in the topic and only 20 pages into the book. Looks to be well worth the time to read and understand the health implications related to EMF.

It Really Is Practical and Easy to Understand!

This is a great book for educating yourself on the biological effects of EMFs, AND it gives very helpful remediation tips to protect your health and your family's. There's so much misinformation and bad products out there on this subject that can steer you wrong - Lloyd's book is the real deal!

You need to read this book, particularly if you don't believe EMF are harmful to you.

I have found the book practical and understandable, which is not easy when dealing with the world of EMF's. I have no criticisms of the book. I just hope people read it because learning how EMF's are harming you is not an easy process.

Helpful Overview

This book is an excellent introductory source that created a solid overall understanding of this topic, it has many practical suggestions of products to purchase and practices to implement to begin down the path of health in a world full of EMF.

excellent, practical information

This book has excellent, practical information on the science validating the problems with emfs, and free and easy solutions to more advanced solutions that cost something. I highly recommend it.

Great place to start learning about Elektrosmog.

Excellent introduction! Had to find out why by fingers tingle/ hurt when holding my IPhone! Bought a SAFE and Sound Pro II RF Meter also. What revelations and I’m just getting started.

Engaging, practical in-depth book.

An engaging, practical book that gives you the knowledge you need to understand much of the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMF's) and what you can do to protect yourself.

Easy to Understand

I am finally starting to understand the science behind the EMF issues. Thank you!

Great Book Must Read!

This is a great book with a wealth of information on all types of EMFs. Gives you the information from studies, how to mitigate it and protect yourself. Must read for everyone!

best book on EMF!

Best book ive read in the field.. thank you for that .. has helped getting our home more secure ! very useful book , i recommend to everyone!

Every home should have this book

I follow all Lloyd's advice, it's so important for everyone. Buy this book for yourself and your friends! Stay safe and well.

Good basic reference.

Easy to read, informative, good reference appreciate links provided.

Excellent guide!

Very informational, educational and technical.

Accessible, essential information for everyone.

Great book, full of useful information and practical tips!

All you need to know about EMF's

Very well written, has a lot of references to back up what he is saying. I would recommend this book if you truly want to lower your emf's in your home and car.

Great Book

Made a very important topic very easy to understand.

Best EMF book to date

I bought the Kindle version and appreciate the organization of the book. If you want, you can go right to what to do to make your environment and yourself safer. Others may need to understand why something so dangerous is not yet well known, and Burrell covers this well. In the chapter on Earthing (or Grounding), he does not mention something I discovered. I was getting more volts into my body with an earthing strap (measured by my body voltage meter) until I measured and found dirty electricity with my Stetzer meter. One Stetzer filter was all it took, and my body voltage is now less than 10 millivolts in bed or in my chair using my iPad with wifi.

Get this, read it, implement it

Well researched, no hype, no sales pitch. Packed with helpful DIY information. I'm implementing this information for myself, my kids, my grandkids... I'll also write our congressman FWIW.

Incredibly Helpful!!!!!

It took me a few months, but I got the recommended meter from this book (TriField TF2). I never ever ever thought I had issues with EMFs, but since I already knew I'm sensitive to WiFi, I thought some data would be useful. (My degree was in organic chemistry, so I'm a data nerd.) I was SHOCKED at what I found! The meter and the book together gave me a lot of information - it turns out I wouldn't have been able to figure out what was going on without the book. The meter was a game-changer. Our WiFi levels aren't horrible, but the big surprise was: ***we were sleeping in a strong electrical field which covered most of the bedroom***. We discovered a wiring problem in the wall. Using the meter we got the electrical field(s) in the room down to 0 V/m in a matter of minutes (and we're not using that outlet until we get an electrician in). That night I slept better than I had in years. Beginning the next morning: * An allergic rash on my face started clearing up (I'd had the rash for a month, and Benadryl and zinc were my best friends). Up to that morning, no medical person figured out what was causing the allergic rash. (Couldn't the rash be on my knees or elbow? Why my face?) * Memory recall was no longer an issue (for the last month I had memory recall problems, developed overnight - I'm 52, but I don't get onld that fast!) * Food sensitivities were dramatically less. (I developed food sensitivities a few months ago to foods like milk, eggs, beef, corn, rice, carrots, mushrooms, cabbage, lettuce... you get the idea.) *After two days, I could have milk and eggs with NO reaction! * My energy was improved * Sinus congestion which began a few weeks ago went away. So yes, my body doesn't like WiFi, but it REALLY doesn't like electrical fields. My health is improving daily now. I must have reached a tipping point where my body was severely unhappy, hence all the medical issues. Of course, this is only my experience, your mileage may vary. Everyone is different, and everyone lives in a different and unique environments, so use this book to find out what will help you for your situation. Buyng this book and the meter have radically changed my life for the better. I'll post an update in a few months to let readers know the progress.

Easy to read, good suggestions, very helpful.

I bought the Kindle version and was so interested that I also ordered the paper version. (which I do when I really want to study a subject). I thought I was doing well because our TV & computers are hard-wired and we only turn on WiFi occasionally. However, in just a few days, I've learned so many more things I can do to low the EMFs around me! I bought a Trifield EMF Meter which as really been an eye-opener. I had no idea how high the EMF fields were around my cell phone but also my cordless house phone (especially the base unit). Having Chemical Sensitivities can increase vulnerability to EMF damage, so I'm feeling empowered to get concrete suggestions that will lower my EMF exposure and give my body a better environment in which to heal and thrive. The book is clear and well presented, easy to follow. Having videos online helps me understand some concepts better. I'm grateful to Lloyd Burrell for the book and all of the information and suggestions that are helping me.

The invisible and lethal contamination

Excellent book. Pioneer in its class. Electromagnetic radiation is and will be the main pollution in the near future. Because it is invisible, almost nobody takes it into account, but it is lethal. 5G networks are demonstrating how due to the unstoppable advance of technology we could be paying an unacceptable price: our health and life. It only remains to defend against it with all kinds of shields and barriers, or flee to remote places and hide from it, which in a few years would be impossible due to its proliferation and perverse colonization of the entire geography.

Easy-to-read & Should Be MANDADORY for All!

This is one of the best books currently explaining EHS (Electro-magnetic Hyper Sensitivity), the dangers of the specific kinds of EMF's (Electro-magnetic fields), how to take steps back to creating health, and why this should be a read for ALL parents of children, leaders in our societies, and inhabitants of our planet. As someone with two doctorates - one dealing with the use of computers and the other one as a natural health practitioner - I threw away my microwave oven almost 30 years ago when I "felt it" when it was turned OFF. Since then I've used every kind of electronic device made... and it has taken its toll over the years - and I'm noticing it more now since the hundreds of satellites have been put up to beam back pulsing microwave radiation signals for wifi and cell phones world-wide. This information is REAL and not an "unscientific" "conspiracy theory"! I recommend this book as well as Mercola's EMF'd (2020), Firstenberg's The Invisible Rainbow (2020), and Pineault's The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF's (2017)... among others. It is time to wake up to the decades of research on hazards of EMF's to life on our planet!... and to do something about it before it is too late! A.Merkel, PhD, ND

great way to learn about and address harmful EMFs

I just finished reading the book and am now reading it again, more slowly. I am taking notes and plan to work through it and address issues, chapter by chapter. Lloyd, the author, also offers free supplemental information on-line you can access when you purchase the book. I plan to look at all that too and buy a few meters. I have had a sense for years that various frequencies didn't feel good to me and recently, I have felt drawn to addressing this. I don't sleep as well as I did as a kid (unless I am in my uncle's guest bedroom, which has hardly any cell phone or wifi reception...again, validating that emfs are affecting me). I am excited to use meters to learn how to measure and address things in my environment more proactively. I already got some Stetzer filters and while reading this book, I remeasured my outlets. Two had changed and were extremely high. One was under my desk and the other next to it. So I turned off the breaker to that area until I can address it. At least I knew what to do at the moment. I am also experimenting with turning off the electricity to my bedroom at night. He has done a really good job with this book. He has made things as simple and clear as possible to understand and there are diagrams as well. It is clear he really wants to help people.

coming back to life

I was sick — I mean REALLY sick — for over a decade. I finally figured out why I wasn't getting better after seeing over 30 doctors, trying every diet known to man, taking thousands of supplements (little plug for Ancestral Supplements here...they are WONDERFUL), studying my DNA, researching every aspect of the physical human body, learning all about herbs and natural healing and spending almost every last dime I had on saving my own life it turns out…it's the stupid WiFi. Yup, EMFs mainly from the WiFi and the computer, cell phone and iPad. And I didn’t know that my light dimmers and other electrical devices were a problem, but the minute I unplugged and turned everything off I felt such relief! Back in January I purchased some bluetooth headphones and in February I developed a tumor on my left ear lobe, one under that on my neck and a small tumor in the back of my throat that had been there for 6 months got WAY bigger. This made talking, eating and swallowing very difficult. I had already been dealing with these tumors for several years now and coupled with a plethora of other maladies, I became house-bound and super sad. I’ve been stuck in the house now going on three years so this stay-at-home-cuz-of-the-pandemic is my normal life. Sucks doesn’t it? Well, it was those headphones that provided the answer to why I was not getting better all these years. I was looking at my ear and neck and thinking about when these new tumors started and it wasn’t long after I purchased the headphones. I finally put two and two together and those new tumors on my ear were exactly where the headphones sat and other tumors on my face which had been there for a couple years, yes YEARS, were at the same height where I would talk when using my cell phone and worse on the side of my face where I held my phone. It’s been a over a month since we shut off the WiFi and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this was the smoking gun as the tumors are actually healing and I am feeling so much better all around. I used to go to bed at night and I could feel my body buzzing like someone put electric toothbrushes in my bed. This review would go on forever if I were to describe the hell of the last 10 years but just to give you an idea, aside from the buzzing and tumors I had bleeding kidneys, became anemic, hair was falling out, food allergies, severe insomnia, joint pain, hypoglycemic…the list goes on and on. You name it, I had it at one time or another. My body was rebelling! Of course there are certainly varying degrees of sensitivity to EMFs depending on the state of your health, but this book will open your eyes even if you think you are not being affected — you definitely are. I think I was extra sensitive because of heavy metal poisoning when my amalgam fillings were taken out improperly 15 years ago at the age of 35. Heavy metal poisoning makes your body like an antenna causing sort of system malfunctions. Our environment is not getting any cleaner and soon 5G will be in a major part of our world. Please learn everything you can about protecting your body from this invisible, pernicious horror… if not for your own health, for the safety of your children! They are even at greater risk because their skulls are not nearly as thick as an adult and they spend a lot of time in front of devices while their little bodies are trying to grow and mature. You will be really angry when you realize how much companies are putting all our lives at risk. Llyod Burrell makes understanding EMFs easy and give you so many tips and tricks to clean up your living space. I am so very thankful to Lloyd and all the others doing what they can to educate people. You have helped save my life and I am forever grateful!

Perfect gift for imperils who think that if they can not see the danger, it must not exist :)

If you know anyone who constantly denies that all electronics are safe, this is an ideal fun gift. I have gifted three to a cute family members who were in total denial and watching their eyeballs grow popping out as they were reading it was pure entertainment. We might not be able to do much to protect ourselves from all the electromagnetic pollution but at the minimum an educated otherwise person looks goofy when they know nothing and deny its existence. So, for the sake of education. Get it, read it. Totally worth the money.

Solid Advice to Address EMFs

This book is so important, it will provide you with much of the practical information that you will need to protect yourself and your family from the progressively increasing EMF exposures that all of us will have once 5G and satellite internet is fully implemented. Lloyd does an excellent job of reviewing this important topic in simple easy to understand language and I am grateful for his contribution to helping us all understand the extent of this issue.

Covers all 4 kinds of EMF's

Lloyd's book is a mini-encyclopedia. He gives the background and history, so we understand where we are now with EMF's and the lack of standards. He shows the connections to health issues, and finally, he gives tips on how to mitigate against the EMF's in your home. There are 3 levels of mitigation, and tons of practical advice on how to proceed. I am taking great notes and learning plenty of approaches to improve my environment and my health. I had been acquainted with some of this material already, but this book puts everything in perspective, and it gives solutions. It is understandable and doable. It is a must read book for anyone who owns any kind of electronic equipment as well.

Well written, organized, and referenced - excellent really

I'm new to this topic. While technical, the key principles are very well-explained. The author either teaches you how to make changes to your EMF environment or leads you to more in-depth material that does. I am now sitting in front of my computer with all wi-fi and blue tooth turned off and have no brain fog -- first time in years. Thank you!

The hidden world made visible.

I have tried to read and understand all information with regard to EMF's. Even with a scientific and medical degree it has been a slow go. Enter Lloyd! This one book written by Lloyd B. is a game changer.!! It will have anyone understanding EMF's and how to protect oneself from the dangers. Try to imagine having fun learning this stuff! Imagine no more ..get this book GT

Excellent and Critical Information

I've been following Lloyd for many years now and when I saw his book I had to get it right away. He backs all of his work up with evidence based research from global experts, and is on the cutting edge of what we can do to protect ourselves. Our family has been already doing all of this work for years now, but there are always new insights we need and Lloyd has them. Very grateful for his work.

excellent, helpful book

Lloyd Burrell provides a wealth of information on how to stay safe from EMFs, from a variety of sources in every day life. Following such protocol can have profound positive impacts on health. Highly recommended. A must for every household.

It is very practical and clear explanations of problems and solutionss

Lloyd provides a lot of good information that is highly digestible. It's organized so you can "skip the detail" if you want, go to the end of a chapter and get the key points. You can dig in when you get interested. I am recommending it to all my clients who have sleep issues and anxiety issues. He explains why - and what to do about it.

It helps to become aware and have knowledge to protect our planet and its inhabitants.

I do like the simplicity that the concepts are taught so we understand and digest this incredible information that gives us some hope for the future and that will help us to protect our children and every single being on Earth. The main idea is to work together towards the same objective without being controlled and directed.

All you need to know about EMF

So much information here in this book! It's a really comprehensive, easy to read guide to EMFs and has the most updated relevant information you need to protect yourself and your family. Thank you for putting this information out there. So Grateful!

Comprehensive guide full of quick, practical advice

Takes a complex subject and breaks it down into easy to digest pieces. Very comprehensive. I went, "huh, I had no idea" many, many times. The book is full of so many clear, quick and easy steps to identify and reduce exposure. After almost every chapter, I was immediately able to make changes to my environment...and I thought I already knew a fair amount about EMF. Sources are also well notated. A must read. Highly recommend!

Covers all concerns that I have

He treats all the concerns I have and many more than I have thought of. I like the thoroughness with which he treats each aspect of possible EMF harm to humans.

A Must Read! Straight to the point and easy to understand :)

Must Read book to further educate and protect yourself with EMFs and upcoming 5G! Very simple and to the point :) lots of methods and ways of how keep safe and self heal/diagnose!

So simple!

Lloyd makes understanding EMF mitigation so easy, practical and accessible to everyone, ! I am a health coach and his writings are the simplest and most understandable to educate the lay public.

Very informative

This is a great book with a ton of practical information. Lloyd explains EMFs in a very easy to understand way. I would highly recommend everyone read this book.

Extremely important for your health!

As a Family Nurse Practitioner, I have been sharing this book with my patients to empower them to both heal and protect themselves from EMF's. More people need to have this information, which is wonderfully laid out and easy to read and act upon.

Details to protect you from emf

This book is very good. Detailed explanations! Very educational to help you protect your health or recover from the effects of emf!

Excellent information

Save yourself from hundreds of hours of research. All the info you need in one place. Love it.

Helpful Book

This book is packed with good information to understand EMF's and also to be safer in their presence. I got lots of mind easing tips!

Information that is very helpful for people with EHS

Excellent information that very few people will talk about, all put together nicely all in one book.

Well written

This book was thoughtfully written and easy to follow. Quite helpful and inspiring. A must read for emf investigators.

Precious for your health and the health of your children

Well documented, easy to read, quite understandable, and, in one word, precious. Do not miss it!

Detailed and educational-

I’m enjoying the book for its educational value!

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