Elixir Project

Kindle Edition
05 Dec

Will this fact set Sienna free or plunge her into an even bigger lie?

Sienna Lewis lives in a world constantly threatened by a hacktivist group known as SWARM. After SWARM executes its deadliest attack yet, Sienna and her three college friends learn they have been chosen for the ELIXIR Project—a master plan designed to overthrow SWARM—and participation is mandatory.

As she faces the deadly challenges of the Project, Sienna confronts layers of conspiracies that force her to question everyone she trusts and everything she believes about her friends, her parents’ untimely deaths, and herself—all while staying one step ahead of SWARM. In this fast-paced, near-future thriller, will love and loyalty have time to catch up with Sienna? Or will she crack under the pressure of a future already chosen for her?


“Strip search ’em,” barks the senior TSA officer to his junior. Then he lowers his voice. “After last week’s events, I’m not taking any chances.”

The younger officer snaps up from his stool. “You heard him. You two, follow me!” he says, scowling at an attractive couple in their mid-twenties. Both look innocent enough. What set the agents off? I’m not sure if the junior officer’s abrupt tone is meant to impress his superior or intimidate those of us waiting in line. Judging by our expressions, I don’t think either strategy is working well for Mr. Mall Cop.

“You can’t be serious,” the woman says. “I’m not going with you. And I’m definitely not getting naked.”

Her travel companion jumps in. “We’re just tech professionals on our way to meet with a private client in London. Why the search?”

They argue back and forth. Their growing resistance and escalating voices cause other officers to stop their check-in process. Pens freeze midway through verifying a long line of travelers anxious to get through security and one step closer to their anticipated destinations.

The other officers place their paperwork down and shuffle closer to the couple. Easygoing chitchat among the passengers dissipates. Like a thin metal wire stretched
taut, the patience in the room is dangerously close to snapping.

“I think there’s going to be a problem here,” Nick whispers to me, Darren, and Chloe.
“Yeah,” Chloe says. “This is starting to feel a little weird.”

The senior officer towers directly over the couple in front of us. He looks crusty and weathered, like old leather left out in the afternoon sun too long. His eyes bug out slightly, but oddly they don’t blink. He’s close enough to smell—a musty odor, a mixture of cheap aftershave and wet dog. I read the lettering on his narrow tan name tag:

Officer McNultey

“Don’t give us that ‘tech professional’ spiel,” the irritable officer hisses. “We know exactly who you are. We can either discuss details here or privately back in
our control room.”

At the words control room, I catch a glimmer in his eye. Maybe even a wink?

The woman’s eyebrows narrow. “I said, I’m not going anywhere with you.” Her speech drips of a strength that I envy. Her associate maintains his poise, too, but I’m near
enough to see his fingers twitch nervously. I’m sure he’s capable, but the officers outnumber him half a dozen to one.

I want to look at my three friends instead. Maybe they know something I don’t? But that would require turning from McNultey, and I’m not sure that’s a good

“We have passports and papers,” the young businessman says, reaching in his pocket.

“Stop! And keep your hands where we can see them. We know you’re linked with a SWARM sleeper cell here in the States.”

Time stumbles and spins as I process his accusation. SWARM? Here? Now? A bead of perspiration trickles slowly down McNultey’s face.

“Did you say SWARM?” a deep voice growls directly behind me.

Something hard smacks my back...

Reviews (345)

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

Highly recommend! This is movie material

In Elixir Project, I could relate to the character of Sienna Lewis. I have questioned those I was suppose to trust the most in my life and questioned what I'd been taught after everything fell apart. I could relate to and appreciate Sienna's strong will. She persevered in this fast paced, near future thriller. Did she give up or move forward in the future already chosen for her? Read the book to find out! Highly recommend! This is movie material!!!

This is a wonderful story.

When I started reading this book I didn't want to put it down until I had finished it. It is scary to think that this could really happen. I loved the characters. Kary has done a great job keeping you guessing all the way to the end. kary I hope you will write a book two. I want to know what happens to the characters.

I was held captive throughout and enjoyed the flow and storyline very much

I've read many of Kary Oberbrunner's non-fiction books so wanted to pick up this fiction and see what I thought. I was held captive throughout and enjoyed the flow and storyline very much. Great references to stress the importance of focus and clarity without realizing the author was even doing it. Inspirational and motivational book!!!

Great Read

This book kept my attention from beginning to end. I have read several of this author's books which were more geared to self discovery and growth. I believe this is the author's first fiction book and wow did he nail it.

Want a page-turner?

This book was read by me in one sitting--so it would definitely qualify as a page-turner! If you like science fiction, this is definitely your "cup of tea."

Interesting plot of science fiction.

The story has good character development and the editing has been well done. If the reader is looking for a book that concludes nicely, this isn't that book. In order to find out what happens, the reader will need to buy the next book in the series.

A teaser without resolution

I don’t usually read science fiction. I was interested in the story and followed it to it’s unsatisfactory conclusion. When I read a book I expect it to stand on its own and not be a setup for a sequel. This book left me annoyed and frustrated


After reading the first half of the book, I told myself to finish it - it might be worth it. I am so glad that I did. The last few pages made it more than worthwhile. The ending was unbelievable!


I would have given the book 5 stars as I really enjoyed it until the ending. I HATE books that have no real conclusion or ending. Tie up all the loose ends.

Couldn't put it down

A mix of science and science fiction, mystery and excitement, a futuristic taste of a not-so-distant dystopia with a storyline that will put you into the perfect flow- well worth the lost hours of sleep when you can't put it down.

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

Science fiction if the now

Evil masterminds hacking people. The ELIXIR project looks to a group of young clerics to save humanity. But who is SWARM.

Great story

Great story line. Nice cast of characters. Story flows pretty fast all the way through. Only issue i had was it was a but rough on the editing.

Well worth the time to read

Good book. Good story. Very good writer.

Great book

This was a great book. It kept you on the edge of your seat with all the twist & turns. Can't wait till the next one.

Not horrible but not great

Plot is a jumpy mess but the main character is likeable enough. This tends towards pseudoscience... so thats not ideal.

A great story, I don't usually read sci-fi books

A great story, I don't usually read sci-fi books, but I couldn't put this one down. I hope there is a sequel to this book.

Page turner I couldn't put down

Great read. Couldn't put it down. Stayed up half the night to finish it in one day. Real, believable characters I could relate to and connect with. Suspenseful. Kept me guessing until the end.

Great Christmas Present for Teens!

This book promises to be a smooth and intriguing read for young adults. I have plans to order a paperback for my 18 year old son for Christmas. I think he will love it. I'm also hoping there will be a Whispersync Audible version so that I can alternate between reading my kindle copy at home and listening to it on the way to work. The suspense in this book is immediate, the ideas engaging. I received advance reader copy of the first 13 chapters, and I can't wait to see what happens at the end!

Five Stars

Another of my favorite authors for motivational books.

I really enjoyed the book

I really enjoyed the book. I was there with the characters and I could see how we could get hacked even in current times.

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

The author has a brilliant way of telling a story that draws you in ...

Kary Oberbrunner has written his first fiction book and it is phenomenal. It is a very adventurous, cutting edge book that leaves you wanting more. The author has a brilliant way of telling a story that draws you in but at the same time he subtly but yet profoundly teaches his readers how to live a more deliberate and optimal life so that they will learn how not become hacked. In todays world we are getting hacked on a daily basis and slowly overtime we don't even realize it. Whether it's with our thoughts, time or relationships we don't even know what the truth is anymore. If you want to become unhackable and live a life with purpose, truth and freedom then I highly recommend reading this book.

This Book Will Grip You

The Elixir Project will draw you into a new world in the first chapters, and then awaken you to our changing world. The story combines the new with what we know so well, blurring the lines between the possible and not yet possible. But wait, is it already possible? Probably. You will find yourself uncomfortable at times, second-guessing what you believe to be true. You will re-evaluate your beliefs about our world in light of emerging technologies and age-old human characteristics. As you read, you will recognize familiar-enough places and characters caught in a disconcerting swirl of events and forces that raise the possibilities and specter of our new world. So close, yet so unsettling you must keep reading chapter after chapter to satisfy your uncertainty and curiosity. Filled with intrigue, The Elixir Project will leave you feeling closure, but silently needing more as you close the book after the last page. - Rick Coplin

You're being hacked!

This book is amazing! Not only is the main storyline captivating, sucking you in from the very beginning, it has a subplot that is even more fascinating: hackability. First, the main storyline. The characters are real and believable. You quickly sympathize with some and detest others. One character, in particular, Officer McNultey, I wanted to punch in the face. Sienna, the main character, I could only admire. She didn't always make the best choices, but she handled them with grace and then become an even better heroine as a result. It was fascinating to watch her growth. The story is a classic case of good versus evil. In this story, the evil is SWARM, the ultimate hacktivist group. No one knows who they are, only the havoc they wreak and the lives they tear apart. The subplot of this story is not fiction, but reality. We all face the possibility of becoming hacked. Days after I read this book, I was personally hacked when someone hacked one of my bank accounts and stole $2,000. Even worse, though, is a deeper and more insidious form of hacking. This hacking is intensely personal, and you can only excape by . . . well, I guess you'll just have to read the whole book to find out how to make yourself unhackable.

Unique, fast-paced dystopian novel

This quick read was fast paced and attention grabbing. The future world scenario was unique to the dystopian books I've read, making it a refreshing twist to a favorite genre. At times the plot felt like it was on a bullet train. I might have liked to see a little more development of the world, the characters, and the tension. But overall it worked. I also appreciated the real world wisdom tucked into the story line as takeaway nuggets for those who want them. Trigger warning: This book deals with suicide, kidnapping, and physical torture. I give this book a PG-13 parental rating for graphic descriptions.

You gotta get this book!

Meet Sienna and her friends as they get pulled into a crazy experiment by her uncle in a dystonia world, where hacking is everywhere. Has someone figured out how to hack the human mind? Read Elixir Project to find out. This is a book you want to get. With the way the world is going with RFID chips and social media sharing of our lives, this book could very much be considered Science Fact! This book is going to suck you in and keep you reading all the way to the end. Then, you'll be totally freaked out about the whole thing and not be able to sleep...in a good way. You can't miss this book. It's the wave of the real future heading our way. Know what you're up against before it comes around. Even tho this is a fictional account of Kary's imagination, the way he received it makes me think it's much more than that. Visit Karyoverbrunner.com and ask him what I mean by that. Kary Oberbrunner's first fictional book is a hit. His writing is easy to read, but at a level that keeps the reader involved and intrigued. I have read the book and heard parts of the audiobook; his narrator is top notch. Kary is very relational and wants to add value to everyone. This book adds value to your life. You'll be so glad you read it, you'll want to meet the man, but there's only one way to do that. Visit Kary's page

Intrigue at it's best!

The Elixir Project will grab you from the first couple of pages. Kary Oberbrunner is a brilliant author who manages to not just invite you into this world of intrigue, but brings you in as a participant. I was sitting on the edge of my seat, so to speak, feeling the anxiety of the characters. At times, this book will leave you with sweaty palms, slightly elevated breathing and saying to yourself, "I thought this was fiction, but is it really?" You definitely can't put it down. It's a page turner because you have to know what happens next. The plausibility of this is enough to make you start questioning many things. Just how much of this IS fiction?

ELIXIR Project will stand on its own as an intense thriller for teens and adults!

Wow. Kary Oberbrunner nailed it. This is a fantastic story! Well thought out, extremely well written, great, believable characters! I loved the resolution leaving room for a sequel or two! This book is a solid example of great fiction-- all the important techniques are there, the story arc is solid, the highs and lows are spaced out well enough to keep the heart pumping, the end chapter hooks keep the pages turning. The characters are voiced uniquely and they each had a story to tell. Oberbrunner masterfully tied key elements throughout the story giving it a sense of wholeness. I loved how there was a hint of romance, but not overbearing--that will make this an exciting read for guys too, Even with a female main character--like Hunger Games. ELIXIR Project will stand on its own.

Elixir Project audio book its finally hete

Elixir project is truly unlike any book I have ever experienced before. It is a near future thriller that has tackles possibilities of what we could face in the bottom to distant future It is both a thriller and though aimed at YA is a gripping read. It is my friend and mentor Kary Oberbrunner 's launch into the realm of fiction. I for one hope this will be just the start of a series. See if you don't agree with me what an incredible movie it would make. Christmas is coming get this on your wish list . Don't be surprised once you start this adventure you will have to see it through to the end in one session.

Be careful. Be very, very careful.

...I am disappointed. PLEASANTLY DISAPPOINTED. I have no idea how long I'm going to have to wait to read more! Historically, I've made a point to wait until a whole series is out (due to a need for closure!), but I heard some chatter from a few friends of mine and couldn't wait. I went ahead and purchased Elixir Project at a conference and author signing (see pic below). I made the mistake of starting it before bedtime... and, could not put it down until the last page was turned! I continue to wonder what will happen as well as process the real life parallels laced throughout this fast-paced story. I am finding myself questioning everything, especially my own thoughts -- in the very best way. I've entered a whole new level of awareness. Having started out in education as an English teacher and teacher librarian, I grew to love some of the more popular young adult genres and favorites such as The Hunger Games and Divergent. Elixir Project stands just as tall as these suspenseful thrillers! If I were still in the classroom, this book would be my next classroom book study with all the life lessons it has to offer. In our fast paced society where it's easy to get hacked, Elixir Project will actually hold students' attention -- they will WANT to read. WHAT? Yes. By the reviews, it apparently captures adults' as well! I am anxious to see what author, Kary Oberbrunner has in store... In the meantime, I'm being very careful... very... careful.

My Unhackable Life!

Kary Oberbrunner is an amazing non-fiction writer offering change, growth, and insight to his readers. You can count on him for life-changing IMPACT with each read. But wait, he is now writing FICTION??? Yep, and the ELIXIR PROJECT proves to be as equally life changing -loads with impact, suspense, and intrigue. From the first chapter, I was drawn in, looking forward to the next chapter.... by chapter 3 I could saw cinema! Kary will take you on a journey that will spark your interest in this very hackable life WE ARE ALL LIVING in and within the hackability that threatens your productivity, creativity, and fulfillment! Readers young and old will not be able to put this book down. It challenged me to consider what is real and not. Its suspenseful edge keeps you guessing and he mixes in the 'right' amount of romance and relationships the readers will come to love. There must be sequels because you will want more. I got 4 copies of the book for family Christmas Gifts! Thanks, Kary Oberbrunner for writing an excellent fiction book that leaves the reader more informed and ready to make a difference in their own life and those around them!!! Niccie Kliegl

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

I think young adults would enjoy this book.

A super-imaginative, sci fi/multiple murder mystery-thriller with a budding romance. Kudos to a middle-aged man for daring to create a young heroine as the main character instead of a hero. I like that, despite being hard on herself, the heroine learns that she must move forward in life, and to do that, she has to learn to forgive (especially herself), accept her imperfections, and discern which of the many voices-- around and inside her -- she needs to trust because life is not meant to be overwhelmingly confusing or lived alone. Spoiler alert - the ending hints at a sequel!

You'll love the book but more importantly you will discover an ...

Wow! I have never been a big fiction reader. I usually never finish a fiction book—until now! ELIXIR Project is captivating, interesting and powerful. The story is riveting, the characters powerful and the message is important and unforgettable. You'll love the book but more importantly you will discover an important truth about living your life to the fullest. A winner!


Elixer Project Chapter One in a few words: Thrilling, Crazy, Nuts, Bizarre, Intriguing, must know what comes next, and so many more questions than answers and only 6 pages in. Am hooked for sure. In a mere six pages, there is a group of 4 friends, the TSA is involved so I assume an airport. There is a senior officer "McNaulty" a Jr Officer, a Female Officer. Wasn't expecting the reaction that happened when the word SWARM Sleeper Cell erupted. Can you say Pandomoniam - Mob mentality. The Mob turns vigitanty a bald guy pummels the face of one of the two people the officer wish to detain - send to the control room for interrogation. Gets worse Jr Officer tells Lady Officer to dispose of them! OMG! What is going on. Must see this one through, who doesn't like a great thriller and when you can be hooked in the first 6 pages we better hang on to our seats folks. Great Job Kary Oberbrunner!

I Really Didn't See it Coming!

Although Elixir Project is targeted for teens and young adults, I am 61 and loved it. I bought a pre-sale copy of the book and once I started reading, I couldn’t put it down. The writing is excellent, and really made me feel like I was seeing and feeling through Sienna, the heroine’s eyes. While science fiction (definitely not fantasy – I am so glad it is sci fi from cover to cover) the plot line is incredibly, dare I say scarily, believable. I am very good at predicting who the bad guy is, and I really did not see this one coming, until just before the “reveal.” That was cool… I hate knowing where the writer is going. It was a great read and I’m looking forward to the sequel. (There had better be a sequel!)

Things Are Not Always As They Appear

Not generally a fiction reader, I found this book compelling me to turn the next page! Deep themes touching the reality (or at least what seems like reality) in our world are cleverly woven through the plot and subplots. The characters struggle with the inner questions that define the trajectory of life in this post-truth society..."What is real?"... "Who will I trust?"... "Can you even know Truth?"..."Is resisting that which seeks to overcome me, even worth it?" This is an amazing book, representing much more than one more young-adult fiction story offering a few hours of escape. It will leave you hungry for answers to apply to your own life!

11 year old tween and 30-something mom both LOVE!

Though I am not typically one to read fiction due to lack of time, I decided to take a risk with this book after hearing great reviews and knowing that I've loved the author's other non-fiction best-sellers. I'm glad that I did! Elixir Project has no 'fluff' or dull moments in this fun, near-future read! The characters are relatable and drew me in from the start. I loved the action, the realistic feel, and the way that I can vividly picture the scenes like a movie playing in my mind. 5-stars for sure! I recommended the book to my 11 year old son. While he was initially a bit reluctant to delve into a book that his mom was excited about, this is what he had to say about Elixir Project after he finished it: "This was a fast-paced thriller and I couldn't put the book down. I love the cliff-hanger ending. It has me wanting the next book!"

This May Be Near-Future, But It Seems Disturbingly Close

For the past several weeks, I've had the pleasure of experiencing Elixir Project in installments. Had the whole book been available to me, I would have read it start-to-finish without stopping! Sienna is a heroine I care for deeply, and her story is one I will not soon forget. Yes, there is action and angst, suspense and drama throughout; but it is Sienna who keeps me coming back to the story, hoping for her sake that all the wrong in this world is set right again. Elixir Project will keep you questioning: "Is this my reality? This is just a book, right? RIGHT?!?!"

I was sucked in to the Elixir Project world from the end ...

A Near-Future Thriller - A Future that is closer than you can imagine. While the world is riveted in current events, the future that Kary writes about is here and happening while most are distracted. I was sucked in to the Elixir Project world from the end of the first chapter. You will be too - hang on, it is a dizzying ride. Peter Diamandis has shown us that the world is moving, innovating and growing exponentially. The Elixir Project addresses that Exponential Growth in a way that will pull you out of Linear Thinking complacency and the stress from not realizing the speed that all we knew in the past is disrupting our way of life. (Search "Difference Between Linear and Exponential Thinking" )

I Drank the ELXIR and now I hooked

The 1st person use makes me feel like I am there as each incident s happening, reading me to guessing along with the characters in the book as when will happen in the next five minutes. I find myself engaged in the action while wondering what the complete back story is as I have no pre-knowledge of these people I quickly became associated with. There is so much action, so much unknown as we learn the personalities and we begin to take the main characters side in a story that s obviously woven quite well to keep the readers interest and engagement. Twelve chapter is and yo aren't sure what has happened and where it goes from there. The intrigue, suspense will become twists and turns to scare every fabric of your soul.

Read This Book

Following in the footsteps of other must-read young-adult fiction books, Elixir Project will entertain and enlighten readers of all ages. It captures the attention from the start and doesn't let go--my 14-year-old son read the entire thing in one day! The writing and the pacing keep you intrigued from one page to the next. And unlike other, somewhat similar books, there are lessons to be learned here, a "moral to the story." We are all hacked on a daily basis. The Elixir Project, besides being a fun fiction book, can also help you become "unhackable."

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

I read it in one sitting.

I got a copy of this book at a conference I recently attended. When I got home I devoured the content. The characters are well formed and the plot is futuristic yet realistic. I really enjoyed how there was teaching in a fiction book. I found myself drawn to some of the dialogue and had to evaluate my own mindset. Particularly when the characters were talking about seeing more of what you are focusing on. If your mindset is on the negative, you will see more of the negative in yourself. And vice versa. Reading Elixir Project has made a difference in how I'm approaching my day and my business.

Engaging from beginning to end

Wow! Elixer Project had me engaged from beginning to end. I listened to the audio version and was on the edge of my seat for two days. The idea that everything can be hacked - even the truth - is an intriguing and frightening thought. Kary Oberbrunner crafts the story so well, that you begin to wonder if the technology he writes about isn't already available in today's world, and the implications of that on a global scale. Looking forward to the next book - there has to be one! Elixer Project is incredibly well written. Hannah Masters is amazing as the reader.

A must read for people of all ages

The world is changing and we need to be aware of how it is changing our truths. In The Elixir Project Kary Oberbrunner does a fantastic job of weaving a compelling and intriguing story that will shake your beliefs and knowing who to trust. His characters are complex and well written and the story line is well researched and scary believable in this day and age. Although this was written for the YA audience it will keep people of all ages glued to each page. Looking forward to the next book.

You Can't Hack Awesomeness

The Elixir Project will have you in its grasp from the first few pages, as it draws you into a world where "everything can be hacked, even the truth." In this edge-of-your seat dystopian thriller, along the lines of Divergent and Hunger Games, the main character Sienna is drawn into a story that is much bigger and more dangerous than she ever could have imagined. With each chapter, I was struck by how the story was at the same time futuristic and yet present day. It made me take notice of the technology and advances of our day and look at them in a new and more wary eye. Written in a first-person, real-time style, you'll feel as if you're right there with Sienna and her friends as each scene unfolds; with no one sure what will happen next. There's something here for everyone. But make sure you have time blocked out before you start reading. You won't want to put this story down. Kudos to Kary for such a gripping and challenging book that will draw you in and make you question your own reality and hackability.


The idea behind this book has great potential. However, it fails in a lackluster beginning, does not explain the technology reasonably, and has an unexpectedly dull ending. Despite the shortcomings, it was somewhat entertaining.

Brilliant book

It isn't every day that a book comes along and has you glued to the pages, but today was a day like that for me! Wow! The Elixir Project is a well thought out and crafted story that keeps you turning the pages and wanting more, right up to the end! Bravo to Kary Oberbrunner for creating such a fiction story that plunges you into the characters lives, but also has you thinking about your own life and "hackavists" of our potential and future. This is a brilliant book that readers young and not-so-young will love!!

I've been hacked!

I normally don't read fiction. I was invited to read this book through an online group. I thought reading it might expand my creativeness as a writer. I was correct! This book was mind blowing to me. The way it sucked me in right from the get go with the high energy and suspense. Kary's writing style is so comfortable, you just don't want to put it down. The characters are easy to relate to even for me, someone that doesn't read fantasy fiction. My reading preferences have been hacked! Well done!

A thriller worth reading! You will be AMAZED!!!!

Kary Oberbrunner is a phenomenal writer. Elixer Project is a gripping fictional and adventurous novel. You will not want to put it down. The crazy thing is how he teaches you life lessons. You are hackable! Or are you? And what does that even mean? You can live your optimal life with purpose, freedom, and truth. But it will take YOU becoming unhackable to experience this. The Elixir Project is great for teens through adults. Jump in now! You'll be AMAZED!!! A thriller definitely worth the read.

Suspenseful Read!

This book should definitely be a movie. It is very suspenseful, and as I finished the book, I literally could not put it down! In fact, I woke up early at 5 am to finish the book. Very riveting! Sienna and her friends have ventured into an unknown future with Elixir. The author Kary Oberbrunner does a wonderful job portraying Sienna and the other characters very realistically with great dialogue. If you want to read a fast paced action packed adventure, then this is the book for you! I can't wait for the 2nd book of the trilogy series.

Captivating, Intriguing, and Disturbingly Real...

Elixir Project is captivating, intriguing, and yet disturbing as it brilliantly describes a fear inducing reality... being hacked. Kary Oberbrunner is a seasoned author and wordsmith, and I have been impacted by his other books. For a first time novelist, Kary hits it out of the park with vivid imagery, relatable characters, and a thought provoking plot. Elixir Project is more than an entertaining and engaging read, it makes you wonder if the Matrix is real, and propels you to examine time held assumptions about truth, reality, and the choices we make every day. Grab a copy and read it with some friends for an intense and illuminating discussion.

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

It has excellent descriptive sentences that make you feel like you’re a ...

This book is extremely well written. It has excellent descriptive sentences that make you feel like you’re a part of the story. Here is one that is especially fitting for this last week. “ Our once organized line pushes forward, mimicking a Black Friday crowd overly amped about doorbusters waiting on the other side.” It is full of suspense and keeps you wondering what will happen next. It is a book that is hard to put down, a must read.

Fantastic read - couldn't put it down!

No other way to put it than this book is fantastic! Could not put it down once i got into it. Don't let the idea that this is a young adult fiction book throw you. The character development is well done, situations and locations are so well described, and the concept is, well quite frankly a little scary. Kary hits the nail on the head by bringing you into a world that seems futuristic and unreal, but then you start to relate it to things going on all around us, and you realize this is not all that unreal at all. If you liked the Divergent series, Hunger Games, or even Twilight, you will love Elixer Project. Now all we need is the sequel and the movie!

Anything can be Hacked, Excellent Read

This book will reshape the way you think about hacking. The book tells an engaging story from start to finish, featuring futuristic technology, hacktivist groups, and exciting twists and turns. But this book does more than simply tell a story. This book will challenge you to find ways that you are being hacked in your life. From time management to reaching our full potential, anything can be hacked, and this book does an excellent job of using a story to demonstrate this point. Highly recommend checking out Elixer Project


I loved ELIXIR Project! I received an advance copy and could not put it down. It is a fast-paced thriller unlike anything I have ever read. The characters are well-developed and believable. Each chapter ends with a suspense which keeps you turning the page to discover what happens next! It is authentic and real. It is real life wrapped in a fictional package with principles and strategies you can apply in your life starting today! We are all being hacked and if you want to find out how to become unhackable, this the book to read! Brilliant!!

Fiction comes to life!

Using the allegory of being 'hacked' in a vulnerable world is something all age groups can identify with. Therefore, this book has an ageless appeal. Kary's descriptive 'conversational' tone makes the characters come alive and relatable. Not being a prior big fan of Fiction Novels, this book has me thinking in a totally different way, not only about fiction but possibly writing my own. I see a sequel looming in the future and possibly a movie deal! Mary Ann Wray

This is a book for nonfiction fans too!

I'll be honest I'm not a huge fiction fan. I pretty well stick to nonfiction books, but I was convinced after reading the Elixir Project that fiction books can create as much, if not more, impact than the nonfiction books I love. I'm a fan of Kary's previous book Day Job to Dream Job and I wanted to see what this was all about. It did not disappoint. We are definitely living in an age where we are getting hacked. It's time to figure out how we can protect our most valuable asset, which is us. Such a great read!

Who is this bald guy? Does having no hair allow one to see more clearly?

This is one of those awful books. You know, the good reads. That really bother you. You read along, enjoying the characters, the brisk pace, the suspense....then things start bugging you. You start looking at your iPhone out of the corner of your eye. You find yourself wondering, just wondering, if there was some kind of spyware that could hijack the webcam on your iMac...Security cameras in malls, on telephone posts, the Google Maps cars...My belt! There's a camera in the buckle, I just know it! Read this book, enjoy turning these pages, and feel your eyes start to open. Part motivational speaker, part business innovator, part...sooth sayer? Who is this bald guy, Kary Oberbrunner? Does having no hair allow one to see more clearly? Where's my razor?

An Adventurous and Satisfying Rabbit Hole Dive

Elixir Project is a provocative fiction novel that nicely parallels the constantly changing and angst-ridden world we currently find ourselves in. Within a time and place not far from our present moment, we meet characters that we can relate with and feel connected to. Fortunately, we get the pleasure of experiencing a stimulating and thought-provoking narrative through the window of their thoughts and experiences. I found this to be very important and a wonderfully engaging aspect of the wild ride that Elixir Project is. I absolutely love how we were given a first hand view into the mind of the main character, Sienna. I found her in-depth contemplations intriguing and very familiar and soon woke up as a backseat driver inside her do or die, world-saving mission. If you're looking for an experience that is part Inception, part Hunger Games with a dash of The Matrix and some real life seasoning, this book will be the red pill to satisfy any truth-seeking and adrenaline-fueled appetite.

Creatively different

I am always a little hesitant when reading books outside of my usual genre. I put more pressure on the book to 'please me' instead of going in with an open mind. Elixir Project, a book outside of my normal genre of choice, has an amazing way of helping the reader relate to the characters and drawing you into the plot line. Even if you don't agree with the subject, everything from the characters to their dialogue, can be translated to your every day experiences. Before I realized it, I was halfway through the book with no intention of putting it down. I recommend this book to anyone that just loves to read. No matter the type of books you normally follow, this one should be one you keep.

Unhackability should be a daily life choice

This book causes you to think about your own life and question things in your life. You begin to wonder about your dreams that have not been realized and why. The book opens your eyes to possibilities. You are faced with a choice to stay the same while Sienna grows and changes or seek to grow and change in your own life- find out how you are being hacked and become unhackable.

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

Fast, Engaging, and Intriguing Read

Had an opportunity to snag an early release copy of Elixir Project and man, I'm glad I did. This quick paced, thrill "ride" takes you into an adventure and journey that is both intriguing and disturbing. While the story is fiction it raises a lot of questions about our own vulnerability to be hacked in any sector of life. From beginning to end the key characters and the emerging plot line keep you engaged. The end had me asking, "What's going to happen in Book Two?!"

New fiction on overcoming being hacked!

I love this new fiction style by Kary Oberbrunner. The description of the characters is so vivid. I can feel the commotion when the travelers are in line. I can smell the air from the description. That's what I love about authors who get me so in the story I truly forget all else and become emerged in this world of hactivists and swarm. I love too that somehow i know this applies to my life too. This book is providing answers for me! That's the best about Kary Oberbrunners style to apply this story of hactivists to real life. Love the host of characters too. The officers and main couple are truly true to their characters. Thank you for providing this newest book to the world! Blessings!

Which Truth Is True?

Which truth is true? Events, news, history...How is it presented? How is it perceived? How do you know when the Truth has been hacked? This edge-of-your-seat thriller keeps you searching for answers as Sienna is taken into a world where nothing is as it seems. I found myself thinking of daily life now and how present-day technology could easily move this direction. I appreciate intelligent writing and this fiction is all too plausible. Great read. Highly recommend.


Intriguing. I didn't want to put it down. It also reminded me of the books I read when I was a teenager: full of action. Unforgettable.

Hang on for an adventurous ride.

This can’t be Kary Oberbrunner’s first fiction book. From the storyline to the characters to the subplot, Elixir Project keeps the pages turning and the mind wondering, “This could happen in reality.” This near future, sci-fi adventure sucks you in for an adventurous ride that makes you think about how we are being hacked—our mind, our time, our sense of reality—every day. Can’t wait for the sequel…or the movie version of Elixir Project.

I can see the demand for a sequel or even a movie!

I've been reading Kary Oberbrunner's books over the last few years, and was very interested in jumping into his first fictional book! I was captivated from the very beginning, and based on the suspenseful nature, unique plot, and well-developed characters, I can see demand for a sequel, or even a movie in the future!!! I would not be surprised at all if this hits the best-seller list. Highly recommended especially for those who enjoyed, Divergent, The Hunger Games, and The Maze Runner!

A fast-paced young adult science fiction novel for lovers of X-Men and Divergent [UPDATED WITH VIDEO REVIEW]

This book could easily be made into a movie! Elixir Project is packed with action and maintains a fast pace, yet the imagery is vivid and movie-like. The story has the elements that will please those who enjoy movies such as the X-Men series and Divergent series. The characters are believable and remind me of those in a young adult movie. The book describes a world perhaps five years from now, where a well-funded group of cyberterrorists reveals their capability to hack the human brain. I am up to Chapter 15 and can't wait to read about see our heroes unleashed on the evil organisation known only as SWARM! [UPDATE 8 December 2016 (Australia time): I have finished the book and added a video review.]

Futurists and imaginative readers will devour this

This is an exciting read, moving from scene to scene quickly and believably. The inner thought life of the main character is very evocative, the descriptions visual and the suspense is palpable. Introducing us to a culture that could well be in the near future brings to life a potentially very real threat to society's digital security, personal identity and freedom. This could be the 21st century's '1984'.

Phenomenal! Intriguing! Suspenseful!

Phenomenal! Intriguing! Suspenseful! From just reading the first few pages, Elixir Project grabbed my attention and I could not stop reading. Kary Oberbrunner has a way of drawing you in, causing your curiosity to run high as to what will happen next. This is a fiction book but one that makes you think of reality. Your reality of being susceptible in being hacked. What is hacking you? Or better yet, what is about to hack you?

If you're looking for a great novel that keeps your heart pumping with each page

Kary Oberbrunner continues his success as an author with his newest release "Elixir Project." I couldn't put the book down! Such believable characters and plot development kept me coming back for more. While it is well written, EP is a scary look into the possible future (seems more than possible). The whole idea of hacking made me think about my own life and where I'm getting "hacked," which propelled me toward some important changes. If you're looking for a great novel that keeps your heart pumping with each page, then "Elixir Project" is for you! Five stars are not enough for this fantastic read!!

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

Kary Oberbrunner's first work of fiction is fantastic...

A page-turner! Kary has spun a tale of intrigue which will have readers guessing not only what happens next, but how this will affect the real world. This is such a terrifying glimpse into the future. Full of rich, relatable characters and plot twists aplenty, the reader will be drawn into a tale of technology and espionage told through the eyes of a young college co-ed. Brilliant! Strap yourselves in...

Incredible, fast-paced book that entertains and teaches!

This book is a home run by Kary Oberbrunner! I do not read fiction often, but this book captivated me from start to finish. I had to make myself put it down at times. It is a great combination of fast-paced thriller/mystery and interesting neuroscience research to learn from. I HIGHLY recommend this book for teenagers and adults alike. Can't wait to pass it on to others!

What is Going to Happen? I Cannot Wait!

My name is Janet Sharritts. I am using our Amazon prime account under my husband's name to review this book. I have received an advanced copy from the author. For me, the first chapter of a book needs to grab my attention. Authors have to use the first couple chapters for character development and then introduce the plot. I hate books that drag. This one does not so far! Chapter 1 had my committed attention by the end of Page 3! It starts out with a situation that many travelers would consider as fairly normal. However, as it progresses you understand that things are not anywhere close to what your mind had already told you was going to happen. I have not finished the book, but I cannot wait to see what happens next!

I'm a reader and a believer!

Elixir Project is one of a kind. It's captivating, intriguing and mind bending. Kary Oberbrunner has created a masterpiece that will keep you on the edge of your seats. Three years ago, I hadn't read 20 books in my entire life. He's changed my thought process with his writing and has turned me into a reader. Now the number of books that I've read have multiplied exponentially. I love it and look forward to reading his next book.

Who is Getting Hacked?

Kary's latest book will have you on the edge of you seat from the first page until the end. There are so many hidden plots. The book keeps the reader guessing who the good guys are. It is a good read as fiction, but there are also lessons to learned in our every day lives on how not to get hacked.

A rollercoaster ride all the way through!

Could not put this book down! A rollercoaster ride all the way through. Hacking is a real threat to the everyone, and the extreme abilities of these hacktavists are exposed in Sienna's life, and that of her friends. (Made me look at where I was exposed in my own life.) The characters are well crafted. They come alive on the page, as you experience the shifting landscape around them. What begins as cool, new technology, quickly changes, becoming a portal into your mind. Everything can be hacked! Even the truth! Enjoy the ride of a lifetime!

Thanks, Kary, for a fiction book that can ...

Thanks, Kary, for a fiction book that can add value to the lives of the readers. Well worth the investment. It is exciting to have an adventure that is so benefitial for youth up through senior adults. Young adults in the target demographic are just going to have to share this one! I am certain that families will be drawn togehter as they learn from this book and incorporate the facts of the fiction story into their lives. How creative and motivating! Debbie Rarick, Author of Outside Words and You See Me Free

Exciting, intriguing and thought provoking

Elixir Project is intriguing and thought-provoking. I quickly grew attached to the characters and found it difficult to put the book down. Although this book is targeted to young adult readers I found myself engrossed in it and recommend it for all ages. I can't wait to read the 2nd book in this trilogy.

Just Want to Keep Listening

Captivating, fast paced, just want to keep listening; and I'm not a fiction enthusiast. Why is this? As a member of Kary's Author Academy Elite I have come to know Kary is not just an imaginative writer, although he is that. Kary is one who has been there and done that. He knows first hand what it means to get "hacked" in life and work. He's taken what he has experienced and applied it in a different genre. Kary brings great clarity to a subject that eludes many people. The Elixir Project is going to be a great help to many people.

Exciting new book from the very start

This is an exciting book from the very start. The characters are well developed and Kary has great descriptions in the book. But the lessons in the book are even more important for both YA readers and well, all readers. It's time to become unhackable!

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

I have 2 young teenage boys that do NOT like to read and I am so excited to give ...

This is the coolest book!! I have 2 young teenage boys that do NOT like to read and I am so excited to give this to them! It only takes one great book to turn non readers around!! This book is such a story of what is truly happening today but in a riveting story line! Hope to see it as a movie someday!!

I knew it was going to be great - listening to it was a GREAT way to ...

Fast-paced, engaging, and well written

I am thoroughly enjoying this book. It's got a lot of deep themes, and though similar to books like "The Hunger Games" and "Divergent" it has its own distinct flavor. Highly recommend for anyone looking for clean, thoughtful young adult adventure/thriller novel.


This book is one of the best I've read in ages. Keeps you on the edge of your seat until the end. I can't decide who my favorite character is in this book but Kary is not only going to a non-fiction author you hear about all the but also a fiction writer you hear about all the time. Great job, Kary. Keep up the good work and keep those books coming.

Be Unhackable!

I'm not a big fiction reader, so this book took me by surprise! I received an advanced copy and was drawn in immediately with heart pumping! Elixir Project is a page turner that strikes at the core of what could happen if we don't protect ourselves intentionally from being "hacked" every day. It is a thrilling read as a stand alone fiction, but it's more than that. It's a call to being unhackable!

Finally...a book parents can feel good about their teenagers reading...THANK YOU!

Every school in America should put this book in their library. Teens will love the characters and the intense plot. Parents will love the lack of inappropriate content that seems to be in every book my sons were assigned to read when in high school. I'm not usually a fiction reader because I struggle to follow the complex story lines, but, for the most part, I was able to follow Elixer without having to backtrack. If you liked the Matrix or Hunger Games, you should like Elixer.

You've got to read this!

This book was cutting edge, full of action, awesome intensity, knowledge, and thrilling! I couldn't put the book down! It is one of my top favorite books. Even if you're not "all about fiction" or action, this book includes other things that will hook you! It's really great for anyone!

Only Read This Book If.....

Only read this book if you are ready to get hooked! The storyline is addictive from Chapter 1 all the way through until the very last word. I could not stop reading this story. I could visualize every scene. Is it really fiction?

Gripping, current, insightful

Gripping, current, insightful. Elixir project is a fast-paced novel with great characters that asks the question of our time--can we be hacked? Style reminiscent of Hunger Games or Divergent.

Fans of The Hunger Games, The Divergent Series... are you ready for The Elixir Project?

I wasn't sure what to expect, but wow! this book has me on the edge of my seat. It is well written and captivating. Really makes you think about the way so much of our day to day life is intertwined with technology and what could be done with all that information. Have you been hacked?

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

The Elixir Project is Awsome

I am very excited to read more of this story. I am intrigued to see where the twists and turns of the ultimate good vs evil plot are resolved. Much like the Wiki leaks scandals in todays news the evil and the good may not always be what they appear to be but I can't wait to find out. Characters are interesting and the main character is well defined in the first chapters. I want to know more about her. This should become a welcome series in everyones library

Change your life, be entertained and grow from this fun to read book

Elixir is a book that will entertain and teach you. This is very hard to pull off as most attempts at this fail. I was totally engrossed in the characters and empathized with their predicament. I also learned so much about a process that I'm able to use in my life imediately. Wow. If you want to make changes in your life then read Elixir and get a framework to make serious changes!

Well written work of art!

The Elixir Project got to it from the first chapter! Kary Oberbrunner leaves your senses peaked with well written action you can see in your mind while reading. I'm not normally a written word enthusiast but find I can't wait to finish this book. Definite hit work of art!

Bound for Hollywood!

Elixir Project is simply a top quality read! I couldn’t put it down. I love sci-fi anyway but this book is like no other. It’s definitely bound for a Hollywood movie script…yes, it’s really that good for the big screen. The Characters have grit and the plot is thrilling. The best part, the content can be applied to reality and you may even learn something! I can’t wait for #2 in the series.

truth or fiction? you be the judge

The Elixir Project is one of the most exciting books on the market today.it leaves you wanting more. It is riveting and I find I start asking myself questions about my own life and beliefs.it is one of the best in your face books that I've read in a long ,long time. Writing from a magnificent mind crossing over the bridge of what is fiction that could be reality.Mary Oberbrunner is definitely an artist and a seeker of truth. What has ignited your soul after reading lately ?

Great Read!

Drawn in from the first paragraph. Kept me thinking about the world we live in, current events, and the way these events are portrayed through the media. Everything from technology to thought processes is presented with such a realistic "feel," that it opens the mind to what may be really happening in the world around us. Great read!

but I know it is going to be a great read. I can't wait to introduce it to ...

A frisson of "this could really happen" slides up your spine as you begin to read the Elixir Project. I was very quickly caught up in the question of who could be trusted in this book. I am only a few chapters in, but I know it is going to be a great read. I can't wait to introduce it to my 3 young adult readers. They devour near fantasy books like this one! But, it is not only for young adult readers - anyone who enjoys a captivating read will love this! Hmmm... maybe a stocking stuffer for my mom.

Can a non-fiction write fiction? Kary Oberbrunner delivers an ...

Can a non-fiction write fiction? Kary Oberbrunner delivers an epic, fast-paced story that captures readers attention. I am a non-fiction reader, yet found Elixir Project to capture my attention. A must read!

You will not be able to put this book down.

Kary Oberbrunner has written a masterpiece of suspense. The first chapter draws you in so quickly that it's impossible not to turn the page. Characters are well developed and an incredible story make this a book that you will recommend to all your friends. Make sure you have your favorite beverage and tell your family and friends you will talk to them once you finish reading the Elixir Project. Because I guarantee you will not put it down.


This is by far my favorite book by Kary. He's not only a great storyteller, but he is also so relatable and asks all the right questions. I was on fire throughout this entire project! I loved it!

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

I have read a lot of great young adult fiction from the Hunger Games series to ...

I am loving this book as it unfolds chapter by intriguing chapter! As a teacher, I have read a lot of great young adult fiction from the Hunger Games series to the Chaos Walking Trilogy. I know what captures the interest of my students, and technology is definitely at the top of the list! I can't wait to share this book with students. I'm sure it will generate some deeper conversations around the topics of internet safety, hackability, and personal identity. A great read!

This novel captivates you from the onset! As a ...

This novel captivates you from the onset! As a high school English teacher, I can attest that this story has engaged and enabled my international students to think critically and creatively about literature, story lines and life. It's been an exciting journey to take with them as we unveil each piece of the story together. The suspense from chapter to chapter, combined with the age relevant issues are just two pieces that have drawn my students in immediately! A must read!

You'll like it. You'll Love it. You'll savor the lessons...

This," hard to put down", story grips you from the beginning and just doesn't let go. Each chapter begs the next. You'll like it for the story You'll love it for the lessons. You'll savor the increase in your personal productivity each time you apply the metaphoric lessons in your own life!

A future reality

The characters chose to curtail the imminent violence even if they found themselves in disbelief about the realities of SWARM embedded in their society. With a less than four foot man, characters with the names of myth and a backdrop not so implausible, Kary intrigues and keep you chair-gripping through the Elixir Project. Exciting and defiantly written.

Can't. Put. It. Down.

You won't be able to stop! Believable characters. Quickly moving sorry line. Superbly spun story. Don't miss this breakthrough fiction work by Kary Oberbrunner. Young adult readers aren't the only ones who love it.

Christmas is coming! Give a gift that will forever ...

Christmas is coming! Give a gift that will forever impact the life of the person you blessed with the book the Elixir Project. Truth is simple to find, but we are on the cusp of losing it. In this suspense filled novel your teenager or grandmother will be held spellbound from cover to cover as Sienna is our last hope for maintaining truth. This book you must buy and read!

Riveting and thought provoking!

Suspense, intrigue, and amusement are infused with the strategic development of young adult characters with whom an adult of any age can resonate. Woven into this intense read are deep parallels to realities existing in our world. Riveting scenes and thought provoking themes take readers on an adventure that thrills! While the book reads as a thriller, it also enticies the reader to consider and question so much more. An amazing book that is difficult to put down!

A riveting fictional story with a powerful message about life

I was fortunate to purchase a copy of this book at a recent event. Though I usually don't read a lot of fiction, the concept of ELIXIR Project intrigued me from the beginning! While it is suspenseful and keeps readers wanting more, it is has a very powerful message that readers can use in their daily life! Kudos to Kary Oberbrunner on his first piece of fiction!

Let me start by saying, I am not the ...

Let me start by saying, I am not the target audience. I'm a nearly 40 year old nonfiction reader. However, I have been pulled into this near future, young adult novel. I feel as though I am with the characters as they embark on this thrilling adventure. The story is intriguing and fast paced. I can't wait for the next chapter to see what happens next. The message is timely for the world we live in. It's definitely time to become unhackable.

even those who claim they don't enjoy reading. I purchased the book for all five ...

The Elixer Project grabs your attention right away. It will ignite anyone's imagination and desire to read, even those who claim they don't enjoy reading. I purchased the book for all five of my children ages, 15 years through 25. I would love teachers to place it on a reading list for students. I've been waiting for a book like this for my children for a long time. Francesca Boroden - Benton, Louisiana

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

I've been hacked!

It feels like I have been hacked, as my mind is racing to peel through the layers of confusion, betrayal, deception and loyalty. So many possibilities and I love that I have no clue how it will all turn out. Who are the allies? Who are the bad guys? It's a real web of uncertainty, but in a very good and well written way. So much symbolism and clues, but are they leading down the right path or a trap? Exhilarating and thought provoking.

A MUST read!

This story is captivating, and so very relevant to what is happening in lives today - effecting us all and especially youth! Enjoy the read!


Kept me in suspense the whole time. Couldn't wait to hear what was coming next. The Elixer project book also made me question some circumstances in my own life. The ones that were probably hacked and how I can prevent it from happening again!

Draws you in immediately!

How many books do you really begin to read that draw you in immediately in the first chapters? This books does, I've read the first 4 chapters and cannot wait to read the rest---it is adventurous, suspense, and thought provoking! I have already ordered my copy and cannot wait to read the rest once it launches!

Great characters in a suspenseful story

This story hits the nail on the head. Powerful imagination Kary Oberbrunner. Great characters in a suspenseful story. Must read for adults and young adults alike.

Captivating, Thrilling, Relevant

I haven't been this captivated by a book since I read the Harry Potter series. The book is a near-future young adult technological thriller that has me hanging off the edge of my seat waiting to discover what will happen next. This book reaches far beyond the young adult audience because we've all been hacked in way or another. A must read!

Couldn't put it down!

I felt like I was right in the middle of the story. My heart went out to Sienna, the main character, as I learned of her parents' mysterious death while she was a toddler. I wanted to jump in and join her as she uncovers the truth about SWARM. I couldn't put the book down.

Attention grabber from the very beginning, rooting for our heroine!

I was able to read an advanced copy of this wonderful story set in a not so distant time where we ultimately do not have control over the life we think we do. Layers of deception and manipulation and never knowing who is behind it. Suspenseful, Young adult read. In this case, I definitely hope it's never true!


Elixir project is a brilliant near future thriller that drew me in immediately! I'm not normally a fiction reader, but loved the action mixed with the applicable layers throughout the book. It kept me guessing what's real and who can be trusted. I'm off to read it a second time and hoping the movie is soon to follow!

A resonating message wrapped in a near-present day sci fi ...

A resonating message wrapped in a near-present day sci fi. The storyline had my guts in my throat when I finally realized that I had much to learn from Sienna about going from stuck to unstoppable.

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

Great story and characters.

I received an advanced copy of the first eleven chapters of Elixir Project to provide a review. Kary Oberbrunner has provided characters that I really care about and want to discover their fates. In addition, the story draws you in, then messes with what you think you know. Lots of excitement and layers.

This is one of the most cutting edge pieces of ...

This is one of the most cutting edge pieces of fiction I have ever read. The depth of research Kary has done bleeds through powerfully to create a maybe not so unbelievable story about hacktivism moving beyond the realm of computer systems into the most complicated system of all - the human mind.

Great gift for yourself, your friends and family members

I'm not a big fan of fiction books but, I must admit "The Elixir Project " kept my attention from the beginning to the end of each chapter as I anticipated every twist and turn while experiencing the emotions that each character in the book portrayed....

I could easily see this as a trilogy

Gripping and suspenseful another strong female lead. I could easily see this as a trilogy. I can't wait for the next book. Excellent read

Amazing read

Amazing first chapter- really captivates the audience to want to read more! And it just continues to get better from there. Great plot development and characters.


I read chapter one and already I am enthralled. Word for word this book draws you in. It leaves you on edge, craving the next chapter. I can't wait to to finish it!

One to Read!!!

Just diving into this book now--while very different from his other works, Kary Oberbrunner hit this one out of the park too! This is a very interesting read and can't wait to share it with my niece!

Thoroughly enjoyable

Kary Oberbrunner book ELIXIR Project is full of suspense, always looking forward to the next chapter, intriguing, and even scary as to its close revelation of our modern day world.

Definitely worth the read

Compelling and engaging, Oberbrunner hits a home run with his first work of fiction.

Most awesome book ever

Absolutely awesome book. Love the way Kary draws you in with this book and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Recommend to any avid reader.

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

The Elixir Project is a fantastic read and so many things in the book can ...

Kary Oberbrunner has done it again. The Elixir Project is a fantastic read and so many things in the book can be applied to real life.

Loved the

Captures you right from the start. Loved the suspence

Five Stars

Amazing Author. Well written and truly is inspiring in his analogy of being hacked. Reviting.

Page Turner

Kary this is an amazing book from the first sentence. I didnt want to put it down!

On the edge of my seat!

This book draws you in and keeps you wanting more!

Five Stars


ELIXIR Project is much more than meets the eye

I couldn't put the book down as the closing words of one chapter pulled me into the action of the next. Kary Oberbrunner does an artful job of developing the characters of Sienna, Darren, Chloe and Nick. The storyline keeps the readers on the edge of their seats as they struggle, along with the main characters, to distinguish between what's good and what's evil. The plot has a science fiction feel, but it's apparent, and somewhat eerie, how relevant the issues are for today. Teenagers and adults alike will gain insights into the truth about the world we live in today and how to become unhackable. I highly recommend ELIXIR Project!

Kary Oberbrunner has done an amazing work in what I would call a fiction thriller

Kary Oberbrunner has done an amazing work in what I would call a fiction thriller. I was able to obtain an early copy and normally I don't read much fiction. Elixir Project was hard for me to set down. My time got hacked (in a good way) reading this book as it kept me on the roller coaster of suspense. Will they dismantle SWARM? There is so much truth interwoven into Elixir Project I am giving it to my 13 year old granddaughter to read next.

Captivating read!

I was captured from the first chapter! The characters and the story line were captivating. As one who does not read much adult fiction I was surprised by the books intrigue. It held me to the very last word! I sure hope there is a sequel,

Great read

I loved this book! Highly recommended!

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

Exciting and Enticing

I've been privileged to enjoy the first 12 chapters and I've found it such a great read! It's an exciting story and I'm so intrigued about where it's all leading!

Amazing Read!

I loved this science fiction thriller. I literally couldn't put the book down, and it reminded me of the Divergent series. The characters were interesting and engaging, particularly in an educational way. The story draws on well-being and positive psychology, with some far-fetched scenes. I am hoping there will be a sequel as I got attached to the main characters.

Will capture your mind, and make you rethink how you use modern technology

This book will have you questioning all of the modern day conveniences we use. How many times do you touch your smart phone in a day? You'll be shocked. Well worth your time to read this gem!

Made me realize I hadn't thought of being unhackable!

This was an impressive read. I can relate to the character very well. I LOVE this style of writing since I am reading a "novel" but it is life changing - unhackable is a concept that I hadn't really thought of before.

Three Stars

hard to get into

I can't believe I read this so fast!

I can't believe I read this so fast! I'm not generally a techie thriller reader. I usually go for the assassination/conspiracy theory/lone wolf type of books. And although the sci fi aspects of this were far fetched I just could NOT put this book down. And when it ended and I figured out this was just published and there's no sequel yet?!?!? Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Intensely Intriguing and Captivating...Be Very Afraid

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water [cue Jaws theme]...Things are not what they seem to be. Trust nobody. Trust nothing. Will SWARM find you? Does ELIXIR have the solution? If you are drawn to the Hunger Games arena, you will not be able to resist ELIXIR Project. I simply can't put the book down. As each chapter unfolds, I am more and more certain that this is a life-changing novel. You are being hacked--whether you like it or not. What should you do? Read ELIXIR Project...and find out. Oh, Kary Oberbrunner, when is the sequel coming out?! I'm on the edge of my seat, just waiting...

Cliffhanger ending!

It's mostly well written except for a couple of errors that make me cringe! The 1-star rating is because the book was too long, too convoluted, and just didn't make sense much of the time. And worst of all...the cliffhanger ending. Arrrrgh! Please, authors, give readers a warning so we can avoid your books with cliffhanger endings and thus vow never to read another of your books again!

Lacks a Believable Premise

Normally, I'm a total fan of SciFi, but I don't see what all the raving is about. While well written, it lacks a believable premise, takes major leaps of faith, and reaches conclusions never explained. For example, (spoiler alert) the fact the majority of the "un-hackables" were hacked into self-destruction is never explained. How, why did that happen? Finally, the ending was especially frustrating in that the author seemed to pull out the old "the butler did it" kind of surprise. Sorry, but I don't want to waste more time writing this review. I did want to warn you that while the beginning seems like it might go somewhere, it never does.

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner

This is the second book I read from Kary Oberbrunner. It's hard not to ask what it means that "everything can be hacked even the truth." And the book trailer makes my curiosity grows stronger. I have to post the free book trailer here. I believe some of you would like it as much as I do. [...] The book is interesting. The main characters are four college students. I enjoy reading the shy Sienna's secret admiration toward Darren. It brings me back my memory when I was a college student. These four students are a bit different from the regular college students' profile. They involve in Elixir Project to fight a crime group called, SWARM. I had fun reading it!

Note that this is YA fiction and noticeably so...

I almost felt bad giving a 3 star review when all the reviews were 5 stars, but I got a few chapters in before going back to the Amazon listing trying to see if I had missed something that said this book was written for teenagers. Eventually I found it, one line in the "further details" mentioning that it was for children 12-18. That explains a lot. It feels like I'm reading a screenplay for the next YA sci-fi flick, complete with cheesy code names and ominous bad guys. The very first page had me scratching my head and thinking "really?". It's just all too contrived. It could be very entertaining to a grade 10 kid but I think the author should modify the description and mention somewhere that it's Young Adult fiction.

Dead end

Really great writer and plot - kept me wanting more - but then it just ended with no hope of a righteous outcome over Swarm. I am sorry but it just didn't make me want to pick up another one of the author's books.

I loved this story

I listened to the audio version of Kary Oberbrunner's book, and while I am not usually a sci-fi fan at all, I loved this story! I found myself waiting for my next driving commute or gap in my day so that I could listen to the next installment. The plot and characters kept me well engaged from start to finish; I was sorry when it ended, and will certainly be on the lookout for its sequel. It's a very interesting and imaginative take on a scary reality that threatens most of us on many levels and aspects of our lives, and as such is thought-provoking as well as entertaining. In addition, it is very well narrated by a talented young lady who maintained a great consistency of voices and accents throughout. Thoroughly recommended! (Will definitely be buying a hard copy of the book for keeps, sharing and second reading...)


This book quickly grabbed me and before I knew it I was immersed into this new world of possibilities. This story challenge my mind at every turn and I loved it. It is so good that it stays with you long after you stop reading. I know I will want to read it again while waiting for book #2.

Glad I Got For Free

Story was okay but writing, dialogue, character development, story logic, etc. were disappointing. Decided to read based solely on the outstanding ratings and reviews. After reading, however, I don't understand or agree with either the high ratings or the reviews. Feel like I wasted my time and that other reviewers must have been reading a different book. Do not recommend.

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