Eleventh Grave in Moonlight: A Novel (Charley Davidson Series Book 11)

Kindle Edition
23 Jan

Grim Reaper Charley Davidson is back in Eleventh Grave in Moonlight, the latest installment of Darynda Jones’ New York Times bestselling paranormal series.

My entire life can be summed up in one sentence:

“Well, that didn’t go as planned.”

A typical day in the life of Charley Davidson involves cheating husbands, errant wives, missing people, philandering business owners, and, oh yeah...demons, hell hounds, evil gods, and dead people. Lots and lots of dead people. As a part time Private Investigator and full-time Grim Reaper, Charley has to balance the good, the bad, the undead, and those who want her dead.

Now, Charley is learning to make peace with the fact that she is a goddess with all kinds of power and that her own daughter has been born to save the world from total destruction. But the forces of hell are determined to see Charley banished forever to the darkest corners of another dimension. With the son of Satan himself as her husband and world-rocking lover, will Charley be able to defeat the ultimate evil and find a way to have her happily ever after after all?

Reviews (184)

Eleventh Grave in Moonlight

Originally posted at Vampire Book Club The Curse of Tenth Grave left Charley with a lot on her plate, as per usual. Yes, she banished one rogue god to the god-glass necklace, but she still has one at large and needs to figure out how to take care of him, as Beep’s survival is on the line. Then, there’s the fact that she’s still trying to come to terms with her own godhood, her beef with Jehovah over which has caused his ever-vigilant angels to follow Charley around wherever she goes, plus the fact that Uncle Bob’s life may still be in danger despite having saved him from his foreseen death previously. To top it all off, though, Charley is officially hired by Reyes’ sorta-kinda-in-a-way-brother Shaun to look into his adoptive parents the Fosters, and to find his real parents. Just a reminder: the Fosters are the people who stole Reyes from his birth parents and eventually sold him to the evil Earl Walker. Of course Reyes wants Charley to drop the investigation, but, come on; this is Charley Davidson we’re talking about. The moment she backs away from anything is the moment hell freezes over….oh wait. I always love being back in Charley’s world and Eleventh Grave is certainly on par with all the wit and humor we’ve come to know and love from our grim reaper/god. I’ve felt that ever since she had Beep, subsequently lost then regained her memories, and learned she is a god, there’s been an increased level of maturity to Charley, which is a nice element of growth to her character. Probably one of my favorite things about Eleventh Grave is that we get to see Charley really learn about and start to hone her powers, with Reyes acting as Charley’s Yoda/Obi-Wan—albeit with a bit more sexytimes however. Constantly, people are telling her what she’s able (or should be able) to do with her powers and she’s always been clueless. So it was really nice to see Charley gain some perspective on who she is because she still equates herself as human and it just isn’t true. But I do like the fact that Charley hangs on to her humanity, especially in the face of what we learn about her history. Having said that, what really kept Eleventh Grave from being a five-star rating was the fact that I felt as though it was too jam-packed full of varying leftover storylines. I felt like all the open story threads from Tenth Grave were kind of just check-marked off the list to clear the way for what is happening in the next book, which is all set-up within the last maybe five to ten percent of the book. Unfortunately, I felt like a few scenes could have been throwaways because the resolution was just so quick. That’s not to say Eleventh Grave wasn’t an enjoyable read. It certainly was. It just felt more transitory for me than revelatory. There’s a certain point towards the end where you get a definite feel of where the story will be heading in the next book, and I just wanted to tell Charley: “No! Bad Idea!” But alas, this is not a Choose Your Own Adventure book. So we’ll have to wait until fall to find out The Trouble with Twelfth Grave.

Still learning so much!

It amazes me how we are 11 books in and still learning new things about Charley, Reyes and Beep (nickname for their daughter). There is just so much information. Charley's powers are amazing and I can't wait until she ultimately unleashes all that power....if she does. I'm not sure if we will get to see it or not. It seems the end goal is Beep being the one going into the major battle. That's part of what is so great about this series. I have no idea what's going to happen. Each book is opening all the worlds up more and more and in the meantime, I am enjoying the cases Charley and gang are solving. Some connect to the upcoming war and some don't. The cases in book 11 are: -Amber has a stalker -the mysterious behavior of Uncle Bob that leads back to what he did in his past -the conclusion to the investigation into Reyes abductors from when he was a kid. -the conclusion to solving how to get the innocent souls out of the God Glass -the final Duzan God needs to be dealt with This ended on a pretty big cliffhanger and has me wondering how Charley is going to fix what she feared would happen with Reyes. On to book 12...

Missing the early theme of the series...

I want to give this series 5 stars- bc I can’t put the books down once I begin, but there are some... aggravations... in the writing. First of all, and this has gotten exponentially less frequent, the annoying repetitive obsession with coffee- but at least in the last few books Charley is no longer sexualizing the coffee maker, but still, the repeated mentions of coffee love are obnoxious. And street e the first maybe 6 books, the “joke” : “I’m sitting in Misery, the Jeep not the emotion,” is finally abandoned. The novelty of cleverness wears off when it’s repeated over and over. And over and over and over. Unfortunately, I’ve also grown to like Andy care about the main character less and less in the last 3 books, mostly because she’s repeating the same arrogance and ignorance in every book- thinking she knows best, even though literally every single plan she has backfires, she is too hard headed to be as intelligent and intrusive as she should be, considering she’s a God. Another issue I had with this book is that during a certain standoff with a cult, instead of using her incorporeal gifts or her incorporeal spies to find what she’s looking for Andy figure out what’s going on, she goes in in human form herself. I get that without that it would have been harder to include this event in the story, but suspension of disbelief has to exist even in stories that are completely impossible. Also, I definitely enjoyed the earlier books much more, when all the god extremes were non existent... but now I’m so interested in getting to the end of the story I can’t stop. I also think there is way too much summarizing of past events and characters- at this point, there’s no way you can know what the hell is going on if you haven’t read the previous books. The sex scenes have certainly gotten much, MUCH better as the series goes on, even if there’s again a lot of repetition (ESP in descriptions of Reyes). I think I liked the books better, though, when Charley was a PI and not trying to understand her godliness. I would have preferred less holy war and more earthly crime, though. All that being said, I certainly don’t regret getting addicted to this series, I just don’t love the turn it took!

All time favorite series!

I can honestly say that the Charley Davidson series is my all time favorite. Darynda Jones has cracked the code of keeping a series fresh even after 10 books. I love every character in this series and they all play such an important role in what makes this series so amazing. In Eleventh Grave in Moonlight Charley is up to her usual Private Investigating activities while also dealing with the paranormal danger that is hanging over the gangs heads. The combination of the two is just perfect and makes the read so enjoyable. In each book we discover new things that may rock Charley and Reyes world. But they are not without support from their friends and family. These group of people are amazing, I especially love Angel. His scenes are my favorites and I just love his interaction with Charley. In this book Uncle Bob is acting really strange, but nobody knows what is going on. We get to see more of Reyes' past and it is heartbreaking. Also Charley takes a case where she has to investigate Reyes' foster parents which Reyes is against. He does his best to get her to drop the case, but Charley is very headstrong and goes against his wishes. Reyes is still my number one book boyfriend, he is such an alpha male and very protective. The love between Charley and Reyes is perfect. This book is a phenomenal addition to the series. It just gets better and better and the ending has me anticipating the next book like an addict. My love for the characters has grown stronger each book and I just hope this series never ends. I see the characters as part of my family and I cry when they cry and laugh when they laugh. This series is the only one that can make me laugh out loud one moment and cry the other. Charley is the best and I love her quirky and crazy ways, she is one of a kind and I can't wait for Reyes and her to reach their full potential. All the characters continue to grow each book and their bond becomes stronger.

A chaotic roller coaster of a read with some of the most dynamic characters in fiction

Things do not slow down at all with the latest installment of the Charley Davidson series and if you've never read it before, this is definitely not the place to start. To open the beginning pages is to welcome pure chaos that falls under the ADD stricken and manic mind of Charley. Surprisingly, we don't exactly start where we left off, which I found to be a little disappointing, since the reveal at the end of the last installment set me up that we would be protecting Ubie for the duration of the book, and although this happens, it's not the front story you would expect. To try to describe what the plot of this particular installment is about is a challenge in itself. The majority focus is on the investigation of the Foster couple that kidnapped Reyes as a child, however there is side drama that includes more secrets with Ubie, secrets with Amber, and how to destroy Eidolon. There is also lots and lots of quality Charley and Reyes time that reinforces the very definition of epic duo. Things happen at a very clipped pace and culminate to a fantastic climax that sneaks right up on you. This series is pure gold to me, but if there's a frustrating thing in general, and especially with this installment, it's all the secrets this tightly knit family keep from one another. When you have the power of two Gods at your back, I can't think of many threats that would be so overwhelming that you couldn't share, but alas, this story also emphasizes human nature and the natural response to threats in general. What makes the series work so well is that at the end, they're all human, no matter the circumstances. Having said that, this installment, more than others, was more predictable to me and it does not end on a happy note. Actually, it does end with a cliffhanger for those who hate that. I was maudlin after wrapping up but remain optimistic and excited for future installments and hope this series never ends.

I Love This Series!

Okay, this one is possibly my favorite book of the entire series right now. We actually see some growth in Charley's AND Reyes character. Previous books it's like they were exactly the same as before they met, but now they're just screwing. Reyes still doesn't trust her at all or tell her anything and Charley still didn't think of the consequences before acting. To be fair to Charley, though, people don't TELL HER ANYTHING so she can have that information before making a choice. Just saying. In this book though, she seems a bit more mature and coming into herself as a less impulsive and reckless heroine. Reyes seems to genuinely be trying to open up to her more. That said, Uncle Bob's behavior AND Reyes DID tick me off how much they wanted to her 'safe' despite the fact she's a freaking powerful god. Just saying. It's kind of dumb Reyes didn't allow Angel to tell Charley he was 'captured.' Geez. That said, the ending of this book has me skipping all my blogging to open up book 12!

Great addition!!!

Holy chile rellenos! Like with all of the other Charley Davidson books, this one did NOT disappoint! I was giddy going in and within the first page or so, I began laughing at some of Charley's usual antics. This is what I love about Darynda's writing. She's consistent. This is book eleven in a series and not once has any of the stories lagged in its humor, romance, sexiness, and suspense. It holds the reader captive from beginning to end. My jaw aches from clenching my teeth together throughout the story. I had to apologize to my fellow medical staff for continually laughing out laugh or gasping at what happened in the book. There was so much that was answered in this book, yet so much that still needs answering. I sort of wished I hadn't read this early so that I wouldn't have to wait as long to discuss this with others, yet I'm so happy I did because wowee! And that ending?! You are horrible Darynda, but I still love you! HEHE! I can't wait for book 12 to be released now! ARC received from NetGalley for honest review. Thank you!

The Awesomeness Never Stops!!

Holy freaking cow!!! I honestly didn’t expect an ending to totally shatter my being once I finished Eleventh Grave in Moonlight! I mean…it’s not like I’m reading book twelve and waiting an agonizingly long time for the next book! But holy freaking cow!! Darynda Jones has once again taken me completely by surprise and left me a whole ball of messiness! The stakes just keep getting higher and higher in the Charley Davidson series! Truly anxious to see how things will all play out in the end! Life continues to move on for Charley. She still misses little Beep fiercely, but knows keeping her safe is the ultimate goal. Her friends all still watch out for her, especially Osh who we already know will play a very critical role in her life. To keep herself busy, Charley throws herself into her work. Well, sorta. Charley’s next client is a very familiar one, it’s Shawn Foster, the man who would’ve been Reyes’ adoptive brother, if the Fosters had decided to keep him after stealing him, instead he was sold to Earl Walker. Man, just when you think your family’s got issues, it’s nothing compared to poor Reyes! Shawn has suspicions about the Fosters. He wants Charley to prove their guilt and naturally, Reyes wants her as far away from this case as possible, so naturally, Charley is all over this case! But that’s not the only issue at hand, Charley’s top priority as of late has been trying to keep her Uncle Bob alive. He was marked for hell and apparently his possible death is just around the corner. So Reyes, Osh, and Garrett take shifts in order to make sure Bob stays out of trouble. That’s not all the fun and games though, apparently, Amber has some pretty scary things happening in her life as well! Things are never calm in Charley’s life it would seem. There’s always a mystery or two or three and a handful of bad guys to be dealt with, and generally a few of them are the type that are not quite alive…or human. I think the parts that trip me up the most involve when Charley is trying to remember her life from before, when she was still a god. When she and Reyes were more than human and whatnot. Their past lives come into play every now and then, and I can’t help but feel confused every now and then, but since Charley herself has no recollection of these memories, I guess it’s fitting that we aren’t too sure of things either. But man, does it get complicated when dealing with the angels, like Michael, who know all about who Charley was and what she did beforehand! It’s definitely nerve-wracking for sure! I swear these books are pure gold! There is never a dull moment to them! Darynda Jones knows how to keep the pace flowing at near warp speed! Don’t think that I mean that things get confusing or whatnot due to the fast pace! Oh heavens no! Things just really keep moving and moving from one plot point to another. There are some downtime moments, and let’s face it, those are some pretty good ones since they usually involve Charley and Reyes being all romantic like! Lol! Again I must mention the intensity of Charley and Reyes’ relationship! It is seriously one of the most swoony and heart-racing sorts! Like I swear I feel a blush coming on when they’re together and I’m reading this book in public on lunch breaks and whatnot! I always feel like people KNOW when I am those scenes! Lol! Though seriously, I am never around people at these times! Needless to say the romantic scenes are still toe curling worthy! The ending was far more explosive than I anticipated! The past few books have had endings that are fairly moderate. Except for book 8, man that one was a doozy! But books 9 and 10? Totally doable! Nothing to make you pull your hair out too much. So what happens when I finish book 11 and don’t have book 12 at the ready because I anticipated a busy day that was far from busy? A seriously mind-blowing ending! One that has me reeling back with shock, with fear, with holy-crap-what-will-Charley-do-now?! It doesn’t fit the pattern of having killer cliffhangers one book than calmness (of a kind) for two and then back to a killer cliffhanger! I mean seriously! This is the kind of ending I expect from the next book as then I am all caught up and left devastingly waiting for the 13th book! But don’t let my fears keep you from this series! It’s truly all the waiting that I despise. And that can be said of every series ever! Lol! Now is definitely a good time to binge read the series as I want to say book 13 is the final one, but I am not positive, so don’t quote me on that! I’d be ecstatic if there were more!! Eleventh Grave in Moonlight is like its many predecessors and filled with exceedingly good mysteries, some ghosts, some demons, more than a few laughs, spine-tingly good romance, and characters that you just grow to love so thoroughly that goodbyes are painful! This series just continues to amaze me and bring delight every time I crack one of them open! Overall Rating 5/5 stars

Fast paced, solid installment

This review contains spoilers. Eleventh grave is a solid 4 ½ star installment in the Charley Davidson series. I went back and forth between rounding down when something annoyed me and rounding up when I was finding myself particularly enjoying the story. I ended on a round up for an especially startling cliffhanger ending. Charley seems to have mellowed into herself and for the most part I found myself liking her. She’s continuing to try (with good deal of help from Reyes) to absorb her god status, to learn her powers, the scope of what it means to be a Reaper and to differentiate the teeny tiny part of her that is human Charley from the infinitesimal part of her that is Elle-Ryn-Ahleethia, the 13th god. The only thing about her that continues to annoy me is her quirky tendency to name inanimate objects. I must confess I really don’t find it quirky – it hits more on the idiotic scale for me. It is quite safe to say that never will I be tempted to name and henceforth refer to a couch as Alexander Skarsgard just because it happens to have buttery curves and a wide back. Also I dearly wish she would stop falling for the bad guy’s “if you want to save-so-and-so come to this remote spot alone and don’t tell anyone”. It’s nice that she manages to pull an 11th hour save out of her butt when her emotions go haywire; but it would be preferable if she were just a tad more competent. The focus of 11th Grave seems to be on advancing the main story arc. There is a “case du jour” but it concerns the Foster’s, the psycho incestuous couple who kidnapped baby Reyes and handed him off to the even bigger psycho Earl Walker. The Uncle Ubie conundrum is resolved seemingly once and for all as Charley has figured out how to unmark and one of the gods of Uzan Eidolon is running around creating havoc. Rumor has it that the series is wrapping up and that there are only 2 books left. 11th Grave foreshadows the hopefully inevitable spin off, aka the Beep and Osh story. Amber’s prophetess status is re-visited and Charley lets it slip that she has a big role to play and that both Amber and Quentin are “on Beep’s team” in the future. And did I mention the honkin’ big cliffhanger in which Reyes goes into the god glass for a little reconnaissance and to free a few innocent souls and comes back all hell-god-y?

Charley's life is getting stronger and stronger

When you read a Charley Davidson novel, you need to be prepared for a fast-paced book. Everything happens quickly, which I would attribute to the amount of coffee our darling Charley consumes. Truly? I don’t think she sleeps. True to previous books, Charley takes on cases to work while she also wrestles with all she is learning about herself and the world. Charley has been watching the Fosters, despite Reyes’ disapproval. He is downright adamant that she not take on this case. Charley isn’t going to let somebody tell her what to do. And with Ubie acting all strange and trying to tell her what to do too, she’s really sick of it. So what do you do when people demand you do one thing? You do the opposite. So many things happen throughout Eleventh Grave and you have to be careful not to miss anything. The cases and investigations Charley takes on are very close to her. People she loves are in situations that can’t be ignored and in the midst of those situations she is being flooded with information on what she is truly capable of and bits of her memory are explained. She not only finds out new things she is capable of, but that that there are rules to what she can and cannot do with her powers. The problem is that she needs to learn how to use these powers effectively to help her and those she loves in times of trouble. Despite all that circles around Charley, she somehow keeps her sense of humor, her strategic plans and her love of coffee from being affected. That is what makes Charley Davidson one of my favorite characters. She can really keep it together in most cases. Granted she somehow always finds herself in situations where you have to wonder just how she (or someone she loves) is going to survive. Those times alone keep me freaked and reading at a frantic pace. Then there is my biggest complaint, if you want to call it a complaint. It’s the endings. They are kind of cliffhangers, or at least the last few have been. I will admit, the end of this book came around and there was some violent cursing at the book and Darynda. How can I wait after this happens. I had no idea that was coming and it is going to really throw you for a curve ball. I am so freaked out, there are no words. Charley’s life has become really complicated and it is kind of hard to keep up. You definitely do not want to try and jump in here. So much happens in the previous books building up to what we know is going to be a big ending. This could be why we are being left in a state of panic at the end of each installment. I am beyond ready for the Trouble With Twelfth Grave. I have become so immersed in this series that sometimes my feelings overwhelm me and to me that is the sign of a great book. To help you totally immerse in the story is the narration of Lorelei King. She takes on each character with such feeling that you flow into each character. Lorelei has just made them part of the series and I can’t imagine not listening to this series. I don’t think my head could create the voices with the skill that Lorelei King does.

Eleventh Grave in Moonlight

Originally posted at Vampire Book Club The Curse of Tenth Grave left Charley with a lot on her plate, as per usual. Yes, she banished one rogue god to the god-glass necklace, but she still has one at large and needs to figure out how to take care of him, as Beep’s survival is on the line. Then, there’s the fact that she’s still trying to come to terms with her own godhood, her beef with Jehovah over which has caused his ever-vigilant angels to follow Charley around wherever she goes, plus the fact that Uncle Bob’s life may still be in danger despite having saved him from his foreseen death previously. To top it all off, though, Charley is officially hired by Reyes’ sorta-kinda-in-a-way-brother Shaun to look into his adoptive parents the Fosters, and to find his real parents. Just a reminder: the Fosters are the people who stole Reyes from his birth parents and eventually sold him to the evil Earl Walker. Of course Reyes wants Charley to drop the investigation, but, come on; this is Charley Davidson we’re talking about. The moment she backs away from anything is the moment hell freezes over….oh wait. I always love being back in Charley’s world and Eleventh Grave is certainly on par with all the wit and humor we’ve come to know and love from our grim reaper/god. I’ve felt that ever since she had Beep, subsequently lost then regained her memories, and learned she is a god, there’s been an increased level of maturity to Charley, which is a nice element of growth to her character. Probably one of my favorite things about Eleventh Grave is that we get to see Charley really learn about and start to hone her powers, with Reyes acting as Charley’s Yoda/Obi-Wan—albeit with a bit more sexytimes however. Constantly, people are telling her what she’s able (or should be able) to do with her powers and she’s always been clueless. So it was really nice to see Charley gain some perspective on who she is because she still equates herself as human and it just isn’t true. But I do like the fact that Charley hangs on to her humanity, especially in the face of what we learn about her history. Having said that, what really kept Eleventh Grave from being a five-star rating was the fact that I felt as though it was too jam-packed full of varying leftover storylines. I felt like all the open story threads from Tenth Grave were kind of just check-marked off the list to clear the way for what is happening in the next book, which is all set-up within the last maybe five to ten percent of the book. Unfortunately, I felt like a few scenes could have been throwaways because the resolution was just so quick. That’s not to say Eleventh Grave wasn’t an enjoyable read. It certainly was. It just felt more transitory for me than revelatory. There’s a certain point towards the end where you get a definite feel of where the story will be heading in the next book, and I just wanted to tell Charley: “No! Bad Idea!” But alas, this is not a Choose Your Own Adventure book. So we’ll have to wait until fall to find out The Trouble with Twelfth Grave.

Still learning so much!

It amazes me how we are 11 books in and still learning new things about Charley, Reyes and Beep (nickname for their daughter). There is just so much information. Charley's powers are amazing and I can't wait until she ultimately unleashes all that power....if she does. I'm not sure if we will get to see it or not. It seems the end goal is Beep being the one going into the major battle. That's part of what is so great about this series. I have no idea what's going to happen. Each book is opening all the worlds up more and more and in the meantime, I am enjoying the cases Charley and gang are solving. Some connect to the upcoming war and some don't. The cases in book 11 are: -Amber has a stalker -the mysterious behavior of Uncle Bob that leads back to what he did in his past -the conclusion to the investigation into Reyes abductors from when he was a kid. -the conclusion to solving how to get the innocent souls out of the God Glass -the final Duzan God needs to be dealt with This ended on a pretty big cliffhanger and has me wondering how Charley is going to fix what she feared would happen with Reyes. On to book 12...

Missing the early theme of the series...

I want to give this series 5 stars- bc I can’t put the books down once I begin, but there are some... aggravations... in the writing. First of all, and this has gotten exponentially less frequent, the annoying repetitive obsession with coffee- but at least in the last few books Charley is no longer sexualizing the coffee maker, but still, the repeated mentions of coffee love are obnoxious. And street e the first maybe 6 books, the “joke” : “I’m sitting in Misery, the Jeep not the emotion,” is finally abandoned. The novelty of cleverness wears off when it’s repeated over and over. And over and over and over. Unfortunately, I’ve also grown to like Andy care about the main character less and less in the last 3 books, mostly because she’s repeating the same arrogance and ignorance in every book- thinking she knows best, even though literally every single plan she has backfires, she is too hard headed to be as intelligent and intrusive as she should be, considering she’s a God. Another issue I had with this book is that during a certain standoff with a cult, instead of using her incorporeal gifts or her incorporeal spies to find what she’s looking for Andy figure out what’s going on, she goes in in human form herself. I get that without that it would have been harder to include this event in the story, but suspension of disbelief has to exist even in stories that are completely impossible. Also, I definitely enjoyed the earlier books much more, when all the god extremes were non existent... but now I’m so interested in getting to the end of the story I can’t stop. I also think there is way too much summarizing of past events and characters- at this point, there’s no way you can know what the hell is going on if you haven’t read the previous books. The sex scenes have certainly gotten much, MUCH better as the series goes on, even if there’s again a lot of repetition (ESP in descriptions of Reyes). I think I liked the books better, though, when Charley was a PI and not trying to understand her godliness. I would have preferred less holy war and more earthly crime, though. All that being said, I certainly don’t regret getting addicted to this series, I just don’t love the turn it took!

All time favorite series!

I can honestly say that the Charley Davidson series is my all time favorite. Darynda Jones has cracked the code of keeping a series fresh even after 10 books. I love every character in this series and they all play such an important role in what makes this series so amazing. In Eleventh Grave in Moonlight Charley is up to her usual Private Investigating activities while also dealing with the paranormal danger that is hanging over the gangs heads. The combination of the two is just perfect and makes the read so enjoyable. In each book we discover new things that may rock Charley and Reyes world. But they are not without support from their friends and family. These group of people are amazing, I especially love Angel. His scenes are my favorites and I just love his interaction with Charley. In this book Uncle Bob is acting really strange, but nobody knows what is going on. We get to see more of Reyes' past and it is heartbreaking. Also Charley takes a case where she has to investigate Reyes' foster parents which Reyes is against. He does his best to get her to drop the case, but Charley is very headstrong and goes against his wishes. Reyes is still my number one book boyfriend, he is such an alpha male and very protective. The love between Charley and Reyes is perfect. This book is a phenomenal addition to the series. It just gets better and better and the ending has me anticipating the next book like an addict. My love for the characters has grown stronger each book and I just hope this series never ends. I see the characters as part of my family and I cry when they cry and laugh when they laugh. This series is the only one that can make me laugh out loud one moment and cry the other. Charley is the best and I love her quirky and crazy ways, she is one of a kind and I can't wait for Reyes and her to reach their full potential. All the characters continue to grow each book and their bond becomes stronger.

A chaotic roller coaster of a read with some of the most dynamic characters in fiction

Things do not slow down at all with the latest installment of the Charley Davidson series and if you've never read it before, this is definitely not the place to start. To open the beginning pages is to welcome pure chaos that falls under the ADD stricken and manic mind of Charley. Surprisingly, we don't exactly start where we left off, which I found to be a little disappointing, since the reveal at the end of the last installment set me up that we would be protecting Ubie for the duration of the book, and although this happens, it's not the front story you would expect. To try to describe what the plot of this particular installment is about is a challenge in itself. The majority focus is on the investigation of the Foster couple that kidnapped Reyes as a child, however there is side drama that includes more secrets with Ubie, secrets with Amber, and how to destroy Eidolon. There is also lots and lots of quality Charley and Reyes time that reinforces the very definition of epic duo. Things happen at a very clipped pace and culminate to a fantastic climax that sneaks right up on you. This series is pure gold to me, but if there's a frustrating thing in general, and especially with this installment, it's all the secrets this tightly knit family keep from one another. When you have the power of two Gods at your back, I can't think of many threats that would be so overwhelming that you couldn't share, but alas, this story also emphasizes human nature and the natural response to threats in general. What makes the series work so well is that at the end, they're all human, no matter the circumstances. Having said that, this installment, more than others, was more predictable to me and it does not end on a happy note. Actually, it does end with a cliffhanger for those who hate that. I was maudlin after wrapping up but remain optimistic and excited for future installments and hope this series never ends.

I Love This Series!

Okay, this one is possibly my favorite book of the entire series right now. We actually see some growth in Charley's AND Reyes character. Previous books it's like they were exactly the same as before they met, but now they're just screwing. Reyes still doesn't trust her at all or tell her anything and Charley still didn't think of the consequences before acting. To be fair to Charley, though, people don't TELL HER ANYTHING so she can have that information before making a choice. Just saying. In this book though, she seems a bit more mature and coming into herself as a less impulsive and reckless heroine. Reyes seems to genuinely be trying to open up to her more. That said, Uncle Bob's behavior AND Reyes DID tick me off how much they wanted to her 'safe' despite the fact she's a freaking powerful god. Just saying. It's kind of dumb Reyes didn't allow Angel to tell Charley he was 'captured.' Geez. That said, the ending of this book has me skipping all my blogging to open up book 12!

Great addition!!!

Holy chile rellenos! Like with all of the other Charley Davidson books, this one did NOT disappoint! I was giddy going in and within the first page or so, I began laughing at some of Charley's usual antics. This is what I love about Darynda's writing. She's consistent. This is book eleven in a series and not once has any of the stories lagged in its humor, romance, sexiness, and suspense. It holds the reader captive from beginning to end. My jaw aches from clenching my teeth together throughout the story. I had to apologize to my fellow medical staff for continually laughing out laugh or gasping at what happened in the book. There was so much that was answered in this book, yet so much that still needs answering. I sort of wished I hadn't read this early so that I wouldn't have to wait as long to discuss this with others, yet I'm so happy I did because wowee! And that ending?! You are horrible Darynda, but I still love you! HEHE! I can't wait for book 12 to be released now! ARC received from NetGalley for honest review. Thank you!

The Awesomeness Never Stops!!

Holy freaking cow!!! I honestly didn’t expect an ending to totally shatter my being once I finished Eleventh Grave in Moonlight! I mean…it’s not like I’m reading book twelve and waiting an agonizingly long time for the next book! But holy freaking cow!! Darynda Jones has once again taken me completely by surprise and left me a whole ball of messiness! The stakes just keep getting higher and higher in the Charley Davidson series! Truly anxious to see how things will all play out in the end! Life continues to move on for Charley. She still misses little Beep fiercely, but knows keeping her safe is the ultimate goal. Her friends all still watch out for her, especially Osh who we already know will play a very critical role in her life. To keep herself busy, Charley throws herself into her work. Well, sorta. Charley’s next client is a very familiar one, it’s Shawn Foster, the man who would’ve been Reyes’ adoptive brother, if the Fosters had decided to keep him after stealing him, instead he was sold to Earl Walker. Man, just when you think your family’s got issues, it’s nothing compared to poor Reyes! Shawn has suspicions about the Fosters. He wants Charley to prove their guilt and naturally, Reyes wants her as far away from this case as possible, so naturally, Charley is all over this case! But that’s not the only issue at hand, Charley’s top priority as of late has been trying to keep her Uncle Bob alive. He was marked for hell and apparently his possible death is just around the corner. So Reyes, Osh, and Garrett take shifts in order to make sure Bob stays out of trouble. That’s not all the fun and games though, apparently, Amber has some pretty scary things happening in her life as well! Things are never calm in Charley’s life it would seem. There’s always a mystery or two or three and a handful of bad guys to be dealt with, and generally a few of them are the type that are not quite alive…or human. I think the parts that trip me up the most involve when Charley is trying to remember her life from before, when she was still a god. When she and Reyes were more than human and whatnot. Their past lives come into play every now and then, and I can’t help but feel confused every now and then, but since Charley herself has no recollection of these memories, I guess it’s fitting that we aren’t too sure of things either. But man, does it get complicated when dealing with the angels, like Michael, who know all about who Charley was and what she did beforehand! It’s definitely nerve-wracking for sure! I swear these books are pure gold! There is never a dull moment to them! Darynda Jones knows how to keep the pace flowing at near warp speed! Don’t think that I mean that things get confusing or whatnot due to the fast pace! Oh heavens no! Things just really keep moving and moving from one plot point to another. There are some downtime moments, and let’s face it, those are some pretty good ones since they usually involve Charley and Reyes being all romantic like! Lol! Again I must mention the intensity of Charley and Reyes’ relationship! It is seriously one of the most swoony and heart-racing sorts! Like I swear I feel a blush coming on when they’re together and I’m reading this book in public on lunch breaks and whatnot! I always feel like people KNOW when I am those scenes! Lol! Though seriously, I am never around people at these times! Needless to say the romantic scenes are still toe curling worthy! The ending was far more explosive than I anticipated! The past few books have had endings that are fairly moderate. Except for book 8, man that one was a doozy! But books 9 and 10? Totally doable! Nothing to make you pull your hair out too much. So what happens when I finish book 11 and don’t have book 12 at the ready because I anticipated a busy day that was far from busy? A seriously mind-blowing ending! One that has me reeling back with shock, with fear, with holy-crap-what-will-Charley-do-now?! It doesn’t fit the pattern of having killer cliffhangers one book than calmness (of a kind) for two and then back to a killer cliffhanger! I mean seriously! This is the kind of ending I expect from the next book as then I am all caught up and left devastingly waiting for the 13th book! But don’t let my fears keep you from this series! It’s truly all the waiting that I despise. And that can be said of every series ever! Lol! Now is definitely a good time to binge read the series as I want to say book 13 is the final one, but I am not positive, so don’t quote me on that! I’d be ecstatic if there were more!! Eleventh Grave in Moonlight is like its many predecessors and filled with exceedingly good mysteries, some ghosts, some demons, more than a few laughs, spine-tingly good romance, and characters that you just grow to love so thoroughly that goodbyes are painful! This series just continues to amaze me and bring delight every time I crack one of them open! Overall Rating 5/5 stars

Fast paced, solid installment

This review contains spoilers. Eleventh grave is a solid 4 ½ star installment in the Charley Davidson series. I went back and forth between rounding down when something annoyed me and rounding up when I was finding myself particularly enjoying the story. I ended on a round up for an especially startling cliffhanger ending. Charley seems to have mellowed into herself and for the most part I found myself liking her. She’s continuing to try (with good deal of help from Reyes) to absorb her god status, to learn her powers, the scope of what it means to be a Reaper and to differentiate the teeny tiny part of her that is human Charley from the infinitesimal part of her that is Elle-Ryn-Ahleethia, the 13th god. The only thing about her that continues to annoy me is her quirky tendency to name inanimate objects. I must confess I really don’t find it quirky – it hits more on the idiotic scale for me. It is quite safe to say that never will I be tempted to name and henceforth refer to a couch as Alexander Skarsgard just because it happens to have buttery curves and a wide back. Also I dearly wish she would stop falling for the bad guy’s “if you want to save-so-and-so come to this remote spot alone and don’t tell anyone”. It’s nice that she manages to pull an 11th hour save out of her butt when her emotions go haywire; but it would be preferable if she were just a tad more competent. The focus of 11th Grave seems to be on advancing the main story arc. There is a “case du jour” but it concerns the Foster’s, the psycho incestuous couple who kidnapped baby Reyes and handed him off to the even bigger psycho Earl Walker. The Uncle Ubie conundrum is resolved seemingly once and for all as Charley has figured out how to unmark and one of the gods of Uzan Eidolon is running around creating havoc. Rumor has it that the series is wrapping up and that there are only 2 books left. 11th Grave foreshadows the hopefully inevitable spin off, aka the Beep and Osh story. Amber’s prophetess status is re-visited and Charley lets it slip that she has a big role to play and that both Amber and Quentin are “on Beep’s team” in the future. And did I mention the honkin’ big cliffhanger in which Reyes goes into the god glass for a little reconnaissance and to free a few innocent souls and comes back all hell-god-y?

Charley's life is getting stronger and stronger

When you read a Charley Davidson novel, you need to be prepared for a fast-paced book. Everything happens quickly, which I would attribute to the amount of coffee our darling Charley consumes. Truly? I don’t think she sleeps. True to previous books, Charley takes on cases to work while she also wrestles with all she is learning about herself and the world. Charley has been watching the Fosters, despite Reyes’ disapproval. He is downright adamant that she not take on this case. Charley isn’t going to let somebody tell her what to do. And with Ubie acting all strange and trying to tell her what to do too, she’s really sick of it. So what do you do when people demand you do one thing? You do the opposite. So many things happen throughout Eleventh Grave and you have to be careful not to miss anything. The cases and investigations Charley takes on are very close to her. People she loves are in situations that can’t be ignored and in the midst of those situations she is being flooded with information on what she is truly capable of and bits of her memory are explained. She not only finds out new things she is capable of, but that that there are rules to what she can and cannot do with her powers. The problem is that she needs to learn how to use these powers effectively to help her and those she loves in times of trouble. Despite all that circles around Charley, she somehow keeps her sense of humor, her strategic plans and her love of coffee from being affected. That is what makes Charley Davidson one of my favorite characters. She can really keep it together in most cases. Granted she somehow always finds herself in situations where you have to wonder just how she (or someone she loves) is going to survive. Those times alone keep me freaked and reading at a frantic pace. Then there is my biggest complaint, if you want to call it a complaint. It’s the endings. They are kind of cliffhangers, or at least the last few have been. I will admit, the end of this book came around and there was some violent cursing at the book and Darynda. How can I wait after this happens. I had no idea that was coming and it is going to really throw you for a curve ball. I am so freaked out, there are no words. Charley’s life has become really complicated and it is kind of hard to keep up. You definitely do not want to try and jump in here. So much happens in the previous books building up to what we know is going to be a big ending. This could be why we are being left in a state of panic at the end of each installment. I am beyond ready for the Trouble With Twelfth Grave. I have become so immersed in this series that sometimes my feelings overwhelm me and to me that is the sign of a great book. To help you totally immerse in the story is the narration of Lorelei King. She takes on each character with such feeling that you flow into each character. Lorelei has just made them part of the series and I can’t imagine not listening to this series. I don’t think my head could create the voices with the skill that Lorelei King does.

Eleventh Grave in Moonlight by Darynda Jones

Eleventh Grave in Moonlight by Darynda Jones Continuing police investigations, sarcasm, irreverent behavior and coffee addictions. In this eleventh book, Charlie learns more about her God powers while investigating her husband's foster parents, watching over her Uncle, and dodging angels. She did threaten the top guy after all. I love Charlie's attitude and her humanity even though that so called humanity, (as taught by Reyes, ) is a tiny grain of sand in a desert that is her god powers. Most all the prior characters make appearances. We even get an ahhhh moment when Osh tells Charlie that her daughter has her crooked smile. A worthy continuation but definitely read the previous books to get the full color. I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. "I ran out of coffee this morning. Tequila seemed a reasonable replacement. Everyone is so pretty today!"

Eleventh Grave in Moonlight by Darynda Jones

I absolutely LOVE this series and if Mrs. Jones stopped writing I would totally sulk for THE. LONGEST. TIME! Charley and Reyes are back and just as delicious together as ever! Don't worry, I don't do spoilers. Mrs. Jones absolutely knows how to weave the most intriguing, spine tingling, and very HOT stories. Reyes, as always, is hotter than hell and Charley is one lucky grim reaper/goddess. If you haven't read this series, please, do yourself a favor and read it. I recommend this series to everyone that asks for book recommendations and some that dont ask... I wish it didn't take so long between books. I understand the wait and I will wait (what choice do I have). But I absolutely wish it wasn't so long because that was one HELL of a cliffhanger!!! Loved this book and love this series!

Neverending Graves...

I stopped reading this series for ~4yrs b/c it became kind of predictable & loosing it's fizz for me. It's still a nice series to read, BUT i have to say the background of Charley & Reye's are a bit FAAaaar out there, to the point, where it's a confusing & hard to imagine. I think the author would of ended this series at 10, but it appears like w/ her first 6 books, she's extended it w/ all these extra drama. I didn't read book 7,8,9 for those reasons. I didn't feel like i needed to & this 11th bk for me, proves it. The way the books are going, this could go off in other direction from the 1st 6 books. I think Jones should find a closure already & think about another new series, w/ new characters. This one is running out of it's original creativity & spark! I'm not to eager to read the 12th,13th, 14, 15, & ?!? Gosh, i think i can wait for the LAST grave. I want to see how she ends this story.

Will they ever get their happily ever after,

Our girl Charley Davidson who is Part-time PI and Full-time Grim Reaper....who is married to Reyes Alexander Farrow aka son of Satan, also a God from another dimension, and their daughter Beep (nickname) the future savior of our planet is living with Reyes' real parents. This is a hardship but necessary as there is constant danger surrounding Charley and Reyes. Will they ever get their happily ever after?? Or will they be constantly battling evil demons??? Why is Ube Charley's uncle so much on edge, distant, distracted??? Then there is Shawn (Reyes' brother, well not really) it seems the people who kidnapped Reyes when he was an infant could have also did the same to Shawn....what is it an occult?? Strange things are happening but you can always count on Charley's quick wit, remarks to make us laugh and her constant need for COFFEE........Oh no, did Charley just sent Reyes into the God Glass? What will happen, will he be the same or will he be different....

A great additon to the series!!

Eleventh Grave in Moonlight was a well-balanced ensemble where all key members played a major role on stage. Cookie is suspecting Uncle Bob of cheating. Uncle Bob is slated to take residence down under - not Australia, but hell. Reyes isn’t all too happy that Charley is investigating the Fosters, that kidnapped him as a child. Amber has a stalker. Osh attends high school undercover pretending to be Amber’s cousin while melting the hearts of young girls. And Reyes teaches Charley how to use her newfound power. Boy what a hot lesson that was. This book was filled with laugh out loud moments, that’s is typically what to expect from a Charley Davidson’s book. And Daynda Jone’s has become the master of all Cliffhangers. I can’t wait for Twelfth Grave.

I need the next book, like NOW

I need the next book. I know people say this all the time about cliffhangers and all, but I really, really, really need the next book. Mrs. Jones hasn't given us a cliffy since the 9th book so o guess it was time? And alike the last one I hate it in the best way possible. This was classic five story lines in one book that Mrs. Jones is known for and how she does that and remember all if those plots is beyond me. I am loving seeing how all the players in Charley's life are coming together and I love watching her powers and mindset change from book to book. We are watching her grow and become this badass God! this book had more of the Reyes/Charley dynamic duo that I love to read about, and the only thing stopping this from a five star is the ending. I mean COMEON!!! So, like really, I need the next book NOW!

Feels like Home

Charley is having another tough month. She can't see her daughter because evil is stalking her. Her husband is mad at her for taking a detective job, looking into the people who stole him and other children. Then there's the dozen or so angels following her. I love the Charley series. She's sarcastic and witty. She named her car, her sofa and her boobs. Charley has a sexy husband who will do anything to keep her safe and great friends like Cookie. This book focuses more on Charley's husband and what happened to him as a child. We learn some things we don't really like (after all, the people were evil). In addition, this book sets us up for a bigger confrontation between the next big evil coming for her. While this book has plenty of action, it feels like a comfy ride as opposed to the roller-coaster which is coming. I can't wait to read the next book!

LOVE LOVE LOVE this series

LOVE LOVE LOVE this series! Although it is a bit on the dark side, it is filled with so much humor to lighten the mood. Love Charlie (and all the characters actually.) There are several mysteries that take place throughout the book, most are concluded within the book, but there are a couple big ones that carry over from book to book, so I highly recommend reading them all in order to fully appreciate the story line. It is a paranormal but not a vampire and werewolves kind. This is all about celestial beings. Heaven and hell. Good and Evil. God and Satan... you get my point. At times it can be a bit overwhelming with so much going on, but the characters keep you entertained enough so you can glance over those parts. With the continuing story line between the books, there is a sort of cliff hanger ending. There are a couple sex scenes and some mild language, but with the topic being of the dark variety, I wouldn't recommend this to younger readers.

Love Darynda

She is the author who makes me laugh the most, while still furthering a good story and characters. I'd love to meet this woman in person to see if her wit is as killer as Charlie's... And BFF Cookies's. I think the humor makes these books seem less layered then they actually are, easing the angst and suspense which seems counterintuitive, yet it works well. She makes Charlie and company fun, entertaining...different, but totally accessible. And we always feel enough, especially the romance stuff and warm fuzzies of families and best friends. It's hard to explain her unique style...it's not that depth is lacking, it's that a pervasive, witty dialogue and attitude is along for the ride and it's just an enjoyable ride at that.

Love the Series

I am a huge fan of Darynda Jones and I could not wait to get started on the latest installment of the Charley Davidson Series, it did not disappoint and I read it in record time. I would recommend that you read the books in order, even though the Author does a great job in giving you enough backstory as the book moves along, but there are a lot of little subtleties that you would miss. This book did end with a cliffhanger but it did not bother me since I got the next book all lined up. There was plenty of action, suspense, some steamy romance, and of course the humorous dialog from our heroine. I wonder how many more books the Author has planned and also if Beep will get her own series? Very entertaining and I can't wait to re-read the whole series again.

Another great story

Jones does it again. I'm mad not cause I have to wait for the next one. Story starts slow but picks up steam. Charley is still full of humor and Reyes is still hot. Parts of the story line had me wondering where she was headed but most of my questions have been answered and I haven't been let down yet. The twist of plot comes at the end and will have you feeling several emotions all at the same time. Im anxiously awaiting book 12 to see what comes of this twist and also to see where the next adventure will take us. I didn't rate the book a with 5 stars because I felt some of the situations were there just to prolong the storyline. Some situations didn't enhance or take away they were just... there. I still await book 12 because Jones always delivers on great plot, humor, and she keeps you guessing

Love this Series

I am an avid reader and this series is in my top 5. I fell in love with the characters. Especially Charley and her amazing humor and craziness. I kept reading faster and faster (even knowing that that meant the end would be here too soon). I suggested this series to my friend and she also is just as big a fan as I am. I so want to be friends with the fictional characters and the author.

Starting to Become a Soap Opera

I have to be honest. I flipped through a lot of pages just skimming what was happening in Eleventh Grave. This series used to be fresh and fun, which had me telling everyone about it. It looks like now Reyes doesn't know who he is. In addition, there are so many dimensions, it's hard to keep up with which one is which. I'm ready for Charley to be reunited with Beep. I think that's one thing bothering me most about the direction of this series. I'm invested, so I'll be reading on, but I'll be waiting for a sale to buy Twelth Grave.

So Good...But the End is Near

Another great installment in this series and another step closer to the conclusion. There was a lot of stuff going on in this book...maybe too much, which is why I had to pull a star. And that ending!!! Ugg...it’s a good thing the next book is on my TBR list for next month...I don’t think I could hold out too long before jumping in. I listened to the audio version and continue to love Ms. King’s performance. She brings such life to Charley and her world!

Another great one

As a devoted reader and Grimlet I really enjoyed this installment. I believe that if you picked this book up never having read one of the previous books you would enjoy it and not be lost at all. Darynda does a great job of setting up the back story without overdoing it. This book is well written. The characters are some of my favorite. I do have to say that I will there were a bit fewer sub-plots going on, it gets a bit hard to keep track. All in all, I enjoyed and can't wait for the next (hurry up October 31st). I will warn you, though, there is one heck of a cliff hanger...

Please Write Faster!

I always eagerly await the latest installment of Darynda Jones' Charley Davidson series. Eleventh Grave in the Moonlight did not disappoint! I won't go into any plot details because there are too many great things that happened in this book. Fans of the series will be in for the usual treat these books offer. First-timers should really go back and start with the first book to fully get the Charley effect. Filled with the usual wit, charm, and out-of-this-world events, not to mention steam, it took everything I had to slow down my reading pace so I wouldn't finish it too quickly. Just like that, I'm done, and now I have to patiently await the next book in the series. Please write faster!

Twelve can't come soon enough

*POSSIBLE SPOILERS* I feel like Darynda Jones could benefit from a glossary of sorts, like Karen Marie Moning does with her Fever series. I love this series and thought I knew it inside and out, but it's complicated. I don't know who came back from hell, but I know Ms. Jones is going to make us hold our collective breath until one Reyes Alexander Farrow is whole again. Lots of secondary stories to consume. Characters introduced and yanked away. Some we barely connected with and long to rediscover. The humor we rely upon was solid and life-affirming. Reyes and Charley have evolved so much, they're having"tantric" sex now? As powerful as it was, I could do with real-time action again. Yes, I want to know more already. Reyes in any form is welcome.

Another amazing book!

Darynda Jones is a masterful storyteller. This is the Eleventh book in this series and it is simply fantastic! Funny, an emotional roller coaster, engaging and oh so hot. I don't not know how she does it but I freaking LOVE it! Movie makers are 50/50 on pulling off a sequel let alone 11 of them! Jones' tallent is mind blowing! Right from the start you will be sucked into the mind and world of the infamous Charlie Davidson. You will be choking on your laughter, sitting on the edge of your seat in suspense and then definitely experience heat fashes. If you are anything like me you won't be able to put it down. Untill the next book- I will be sulking.

and that makes the story so fun. Rayes

Every installment is a 5 star rating from me. This author has me at the edge of my seat through eleven books so far. Charlie is so corky and loyal. Cookie is the ying to Charlie's yang, and that makes the story so fun. Rayes... have mercy! *swoon* He is a character that I simply, can not figure out. He melts my heart, makes me worried, then suddenly furious with. He is the appitomy of the phrase "shock and awe" excited for the next installment. Looks like trouble is brewing. It will be great to see THE relationship build again. Charlie needs to get creative ;) My only complaints about 'this' installment is... not enough Garrett, what happened to officer Taft, annnnd coffee. Charlie's coffee addiction didn't really come through this book. It's part of her charm.

Always Love Charley Davidson!

In book 11 - full time Grim Reaper and Part Time PI, Charley Davidson takes on a case husband Reyes is pushing her to drop, and Uncle Bob is acting so strangely that Cookie is too preoccupied with him to notices that something is amiss with her daughter. Throw in some super-natural stalkers, and God training, and Charley is one busy girl. The storyline is woven so intricately that the reader doesn't see how all of the pieces fit together until they're staring you in the face. Darynda Jones continues to build on the world she's created, and we discover new things about Charley and Reyes at every turn. The one thing that always remains is a deep love and friendship between the characters, and the humor that made this series one of my absolute favorites from the very start of Book 1. This one will leave you begging for 12. Right. Now.

Great Story And Things Are Happening Faster Plus Another "WTF Just Happened" Ending

Well here we are 11 books deep into this series and we have some major movement on some things that go all the way back to the beginning of the series. Several mysteries are cleared up here and Charlie comes into her power a bit more. This series has always had a bit of a formula about it but that has never lessen my enjoyment of these novels almost without exception. Charley is learning to make peace with the fact that she is a goddess with a lot of untapped powers which we get to see a few more this time around and we get glimpses of almost everyone we have gotten used to seeing and missing maybe 1 or 2 we expected to see in minor roles. As always the real reason I love this series is not the actual plot (GASP!) but the humor which I love and wish I had t-shirts with a lot of these sayings not to mention the humor in the stories. I have read many readers that get totally OCD over her naming of almost everything and while I think most of it is a bit silly it does nothing to interfere with what I consider some of the most entertaining stories around. The romance is always so passionate it has almost gotten to the point of commonplace but this book is going to throw us several bones that end plot-lines that have been teasing readers for several books and as always she throws in a new storyline for the next book on the last page. It used to be frustrating but I have gotten used to it and don't really consider it a cliffhanger since it almost always starts a whole new story (as this one does). Bottom Line: I loved it, loved the humor, loved the story, love the characters pretty much everything, I love the way she interjects a dose of reality into these stories, I was a bit concerned after last book with some serious anti-Judaeo/Christian elements but these are slowly smoothed over I thought as the book progresses and Charley sees that things are not as she thought them to be. So 5 Stars again and I can't wait for the next one since this ending was in the "WTF just happened" category .

Eleventh hits another home run!

I received an e-ARC of this novel through NetGalley and St. Martin's Press. Thank you. Since I already love this series I think Darynda Jones has hit another home run. Without exception, each and every character in this series is interesting and/or notable. That's not something I would normally say about a series and certainly not one that's been going on for this length of time. My only slight cause for concern is that Charley Davidson has moved quite a bit away from her original Grim Reaper role, a part of the series which appeals to me very much. Charley knew she was the grim reaper (with a bright shiny light like hers, it would be hard to not know and then there's all that business of dead people crossing through her to the other side) but lately she's begun finding out even more things about her super goddessness. A lot of the grim reaper has been left behind because this new path is so important to the story arc. I can't help but miss some of the more simple Charley/Reyes times. Oh, in case you aren't familiar with this series, Reyes is the son of Satan. This specific book deals with finding out the full truth regarding the agency which sent Reyes on to his incredibly abusive foster father. The subject has always been on the back burner in the series, but now another possible victim has emerged and Charley is determined to get to the bottom of how it all came about, especially when a toddler disappears without a trace and the trail begins to lead back to this same agency. As this series has progressed Charley has continued to find out more and more things about her past and her powers. Reyes knows the answers but he won't tell her, she has to discover the answers for herself. So far she knows she's the grim reaper and she's a god but before the girl can even get used to that whole god thing she discovers that's not even close to everything she needs to know about herself. One of the things which keeps me coming back to this series is the laugh out loud funny things Charley says. That woman has a sassy streak equaled only by her sarcastic tendencies. Each chapter in the book begins with a slogan or saying and they are often hilarious. My favorite this time is from Chapter 10: "Thank God I don't have to hunt for my food. I don't even know where tacos live. - MEME" Every time I think about that I have to chuckle. On a more serious note, remember this is book eleven in the series. Lots of things have happened in those previous ten books and even though Ms. Jones tries to keep readers reminded of some of the more recent important developments this would be a 1,000 (or more) page book if she put in everything you need to know about the characters and concept. At least read the first book in the series to get a really good grounding of what the characters are like (First Grave on the Right) and then make the decision about whether or not you want to read them in order. Buy this one, though, so you will have it on hand when you get ready for it. There isn't anything harder than waiting that 5 seconds for a Kindle book to download when you are ready to read!

OMG! This book is amazing!

What a cliff hanger!!! Hurry up Darynda Jones and get that next book out. I'm dying!! Lol. Ok so Charley is at it again. And man does she really do it this time. While staying away from their daughter, Reyes and Charley deal with the God who is out to kill her. Then the people who kidnapped Reyes when he was a baby become her new case. Also Charley has to worry about Ubie and Amber has a stalker. With so much going on Charley has Angels stalking her. Can she overcome all the new obstacles? I don't know but I hope it doesn't kill her in the process.

Dang it once again i dangle

She has once again drawn me in brought me to the brink and left me there going NoNoNo..... We have to wait to see what has been unleashed and the choice that Charley will have to make. I was hoping for a glimpse of beeps life away from mom. But we know that beep is loved by the family that is entrusted with her care. The anticipation of the next book is once again a dreaded wait. This one a was a year and the next well I don't know yet. I do know I'm pre-ordering so I have it in my hot little hands straight of the press. Very worth reading the series. I can reread every new release and never gets old.

Favorite Series❤️❤️❤️

I love this series...especially the dark, hot, son of Satan, Reyes Alexander Farrow.....and then there's Charley Davidson....aka grim reaper, god extradonaire! You can't help but love this "power" couple. I held off reading this book as long as I could and finally succumbed to my Reyes addiction... Ms. Jones once again did not disappoint...11 times she has done this...this reader is not looking forward to the end of this series....can not wait to read what's next.....since we were left with our mouth gaping open...

Starting to get over this series

Yes I know everyone cannot get a HEA. But every time I read a Charley Davidson book I get frustrated. Not because the story is not good. It is good it's just that the things leading up to what we need to know frustrates me. Miss Jones gives us characters that we like and love and want to see them go for that and then she takes them away from us. It is starting to get redundant where the last five or six pages of the story is where major things happened and it ends where you have to now wait for the next book. My review of this book- it was entertaining, laughs were given. Major shock factor thrown in also. Cliff hangers are over done and redundant. That is now her thing for this series. Throw in some random cases solve it and the book has pages filled. And the ending is where the major things happen and then ENDS. Will I re-read again? NO. Will I now countdown the days / Year it will take for the new book? NO. Having the storyline in a sense repeated for 12th *Insert Grave Title* not interested.

Darynda does it again

To say I am hooked on Darynda Jone's Charley Davidson series is an understatement. Thank you Judy for turning me on to her!! With every book we see Charley evolve emotionally and spiritually as she struggles to understand who and what she really is. We see Charely and Reyes evolve as a couple as well and it is a wonder to see. In Eleventh Grave, Darynda expertly weaves complex spiritual concepts, suspense, and humor ending in one epic cliffhanger.


Oh Darynda…this series just keeps me begging for more. Is 12 out yet? No…why?!! I need it now! Between the ever-growing storyline, the characters, the humor, the sexiness that is Reyes Farrow and those endings (seriously, those endings!!), I can’t get enough! The events in this book had me sucked into the storyline from start to finish. I also have to give a shout-out to the narrator Lorelei King who does all the audiobooks in this series. She is wonderful!

Engaging book in a delightful series

I have heard about this series from others and finally decided to check it out. I binge read all eleven books over the last two weeks and found the characters and plot fascinating. The religious elements were unusual and unexpected. This book takes the reader deeper into this world without sacrificing any of the humor that is a trademark of the series. Does this end on a cliffhanger? Yes and that is the only negative thing I can say about it . Now the wait for book twelve begins. Thankfully October is only six months away.

The change has come.

Charley started to learn about her powers as a god, she got in trouble again thanks to her meddling, and someone close to them died. The real kicker however was the cliffhanger finaly which I love and hate. Love beacuse Darynda Jones is a badass, her character's and their "journeys" are badass and mind blowing. Hate it because, well, it's a cliffhanger, it's leaving me hanging for a full year. Not cool. I wish I could have a choice to pay double for the book just to get it early, I wouldn't even mind much a six months wait for that. Hmmmm, petition anyone?

Good as always

The story here is reliably interesting, if a little predictable. Jones is working this story for every book that she can get out of it. The dialogue is funny, I'll give her that. I may have just run out of interest in the god aspect of her story line.

Holey moley, Batman

OMG, this is just so amazing. Abso-blooming-lutely amazing. Yes, I'm in love with this series, I'm trading in my stock in tissues to save up to buy a Reyes, or a Swopes, or an Osh. I'm totally gonna be Charley when I grow up


I mean, WHAT?! Book 12 can't get here fast enough. Great book! The ending knocked me for a loop. Charley and Reyes are one of my favorite fictional couples. I love her sarcastic comments, they kept me laughing even during the tense parts of the book. It was good to see her becoming a little more comfortable with her powers. All in all, a great addition to the series.

11th grave

11th grave is the best so far, every book takes us deeper into this world, so much comic relief but s gripping tale. Charley is learning more and more yet key pieces on just who she is and what she can do remain a mystery even to her. Her husband knows some but he too is missing key pieces, what will the uncover next and will they ever be able to be reunited with beep and bring her home

To say I loved this book would be putting it mildly...

Every book in the series becomes my new favorite, and just when I think she can't possibly top the depth of her last book... she does it again. This book gave me all the feels as Charley learns more about herself, her husband and the world around her. I love this series!!!


As always, it was such an amazing story to read and I find myself getting caught up in the Charley Davidson world! The only thing I found kind of disappointing was how Swopes didn't have any prominence in this book. It was like he was an actor who quit mid season of a show and they had to fill his absence with a body double and feed lines that were stitched together from different episodes. Other than that, I loved it as always! Can't wait for the next book to be released!!

Best Yet?

I think I say "best yet" every time I read one of these and I, of course, mean it every single time. This book is funny, exciting, romantic, memorizing, enchanting, joyful, and a myriad of words that would take a thesaurus that I don't have. I do not give away anything when I give reviews so don't expect anything other than you'll hate that out does end but it makes the appearance of the next installment all that much sweeter. Darynda Jones remains my all time favorite author.

What's not to like ... again!?!

This is one of my favorite series! I love the way Darynda Jones writes. I love her sarcasm. She says Charlie has a t-shirt that says," sarc is my second favorite asm." So there's that! Right? When ever a new book comes out I start over with the 1st book of the series and reread them all, until I get to the new release! Yes, I have a lot of extra time on my hands, but I'm not complaining! Would recommend it to any one who likes a little mystery, a little fantasy, a little romance, and likes to laugh on occasion!

Love love loved it

There aren't many books that I eagerly anticipate, but this is one that I was dying read. If I had to complain about one thing it's that it wasn't long enough. Now I have to wait for the next one. A friend told me to read this series when book 2 or 3 was new, I thought they sounded ridiculous but I gave them a try, and I wasn't disappointed. Charley's sense of humor makes me smile and occasionally laugh out loud, her adventures keep me guessing. I love this series.

Great Series

Even though I love this series and can't seem to get enough of it I'm a little bit frustrated. Not because the story wasn't great. I mean it's fantastic but I'm so tired of Charley getting her butt kick isn't she supposed to be this powerful bad a$$. I'm going to need her to get it together and be the bad a$$ she was meant to be. Overall entertaining read with complex spiritual concepts, suspense and humor ending in one epic cliffhanger. Can't wait to see what else is in store for this series.

I want the next book, like, yesterday...

I. Can't. Even. This series is so special. I am hooked. The book was great, as expected. Charley learns more about her true nature. Reyes exposes his vulnerabilities. The war for Elwyn's survival so she can fulfill her destiny is still going strong. The best lesson about this book was that, no matter the amount of power one might possess, we are still prone to insecurities and vulnerabilities like anyone else. It is what we do about them or in spite of them that makes us who we are, be it good or evil.

One of my favorite rereads.

If you like paranormals of any stripe you will like this series. It is best to read them in order because one just picks up from the last almost but not quite like a cliffhanger. Yes bad things happen to good people but there is the hope of an afterlife. And who knew angels could be so tricky and so full of themselves! Do indulge yourself in these books.

Quite Possibly the Best Book in the Series

I have read the whole series up to this point. Every book is great but this may just be my favorite one of the series so far. I devoured it and it left me wanting so much more. The characters are so well done and complicated in their own way. There was no time that I felt the story lagged or got boring. I highly recommend reading this series as it is one of my favorites. I do a lot of reading 5-6 books a week. This one is a must buy, must read.


ASK YOURSELF: How is it that Jones' New Mexico only has two Latino characters? And the only black person is nothing but the glorified help? A modern day New Mexico where no black women exist? I find myself asking this more and more each time. It's hard to enjoy or be entertained with this series when an author goes out of their way to leave People of Color out of the picture.

So when is the next one coming?

Again, and always, Darynda captured me and wouldn't let go. The lives of Charley and Reyes are as exciting as ever and the humor Darynda brings to her books is flawless. I've gone so far as had t-shirts made with some of her quips! And once again she left me staring at the last page trying to conjure the next book. I'm going to be sitting on pins and needles, a particularly unpleasant place to be, until the next one comes out. Please hurry Darynda!

Twists and turns

This series always includes new twists and turns. It is never cut and dry where Charley and Reyes are concerned. While doing everything to keep "Beep" safe, they are again pulled into intrigue with a god on earth that they need to contain. Amber, Cookie and a Uncle Ubie, as usual, add another dimension to the story line. The ending of this book leads me to believe the next book will be similar to Charley's time in New York when she had amnesia. Can't wait.

Love this Series!

I am a big fan of Ms. Jones and have read all her books and series! I have been hooked on the Charley Davidson series from day one. Her writing is by turns funny, poignant, and riveting. I love Charley and company. Every character is awesome, and I find the stories very imaginative. I can't wait for each installment to come out. Here's wishing she'd write faster!

Must Read Series

This series gets better with each book. I haven't been able to put these books down. Charley is an amazing character, and her wit gets me every time. She's so sassy! Awesome characters and writing. I normally go for the free reading in Kindle Unlimited, but these books were worth every penny. Don't miss these books if you love suspense with just the right amount of humor and awesome paranormal characters.

11th Grave is to die for!

Charlie Davidson is back and she is as snarky and sarcastic as ever. I love Charlie Davidson and wish I had a friend like her. Charlie is smart, funny and so interesting to read about she seems like a real person. 11th Grave in Moonlight doesn't disappoint! This chapter in Charlies's life busts the door wide open for the 12th book. Reye's dark side has come out to play and Charlie will soon have a reckoning!

Simply delicious

This series is simply one of the very best out there. I love the author's sense of humor that has been infused into the main character, with all her quirks, t-shirts and coffee addiction not withstanding, and total empathy for others lusting after her husband. It is entertaining throughout, with all the PI and otherworldly related adventures thrown in the mix of great characters. The only downside is the wait between books, but it is well worth it and leaves time for re-reads.

Awesome read

Darynda Jones never fails to deliver. I have loved the character of Charley Davidson since the first book. This series is by far one of my favourites. The relationship between Charley and Reyes is the stuff of dreams. This story just gets better and better


Charley learns more of what she can do. Learn that she had her memories erased when she took the reaper gig. Then has done something she may regret. Can’t wait to see what happens next.

Always worth the money!

I love this series, it is so well written. I only leave reviews when the book is excellent. The sarcastic sense of humor that she gives Charlie is probably my favorite thing. The other thing is that the books have a wonderful mix of mystery, romance, and comedy.

Just fun and games!

I am always happy when I get the opportunity to observe Charley's adventures. This time around, the book became tighter and more focused on Charley's ability, and the prophecies for the future. I love this focus, since this is what drew me initially to the series. The last couple of books strayed from that, and it was a bit disappointing. Now, they are back to the main element! Wonderful.

Absolutely Fantastic!!

Absolutely amazing!!! Darynda Jones has blown me away again! I have to say that this series has got to be my favorite and the chemistry between Charlie and Reyes is on fire. This book is full of so many twist and turns that I can't wait to see what happens next for our favorite grim reaper.

I laughed out loud many times!

This book is very funny but has its serious moments too. I enjoyed this addition to the series. Great progress overall and a lot less of the relationship secret-keeping that have been an important part of the last few books. Recommended and looking forward to the next book in this series.

Love, Love Love these books.

The worst thing about finishing this book is waiting for the next one and the one after that. I feel like I know these characters, they are family. I have to keep up with what is happening in their lives. I so enjoy the ADHD dialogs in Charley's head. Thank you, Darynda, for introducing me to all these friends and keep up the good work.

A favorite series

Charley and her family and friends are still favorite characters of mine. Their banter, problems, antics and sex always add up to great entertainment. I enjoy how Charley is still learning how powerful she is as she takes on the bad guys and demons. I'm eagerly looking forward to the next book in the series.

So close to the epic conclusion

These books always end on a massive cliff hanger that gave you diving to get the next book opened. This one was no exception.

Just read it...

If you haven't purchased this book cause you just don't know if you want to spend the money or haven't read the whole series, here's some advice: get this book and read the series from the beginning. I literally cursed Darynda Jones for making me have to wait for 12th grave because this book is so amazingly awesome with an even more amazing cliff hanger.... Really can't wait for the next book. A must read!

And The Hits Just Keep Coming

The humor and story in this series has kept me enthralled for years. I almost *never* write reviews here (I'm not proud of that), but Ms Jones has captivated me again. I will admit that 2 or so books in the series did not congeal for me, but this one is one of the many kick butt ones. Thank you very much for a fabulous tale.

Great series

I have read all the books in the series. She is an imaginative writer. Adding this author to my top Fav list.


As always, Darynda left me wanting more. Charley keeps changing and evolving while maintaining everything we love about her. There were so many twists laid into this story, that I'm positive will need quite a few more books from Ms. Jones in order to provide a full resolution. Making myself and all of her readers happy and enthralled in Charley's and Reyes' world, or should I say worlds.

Ahhhhh nooo

So it happened, like it does every stinking time, it ended. A book that sucks me in, make me laugh, makes me think, is just everything and its over. I hate how I can't make it last longer, these are just so good. So read them, love them, you won't be disappointed.

To be in grossed

I like this entire series it keeps you turning the the pages, but in my case I listened to the audiobooks. I recommend you give it a try, but suggest you start with book one.

Give me more..not to proud to beg

I adore this series. Charlie is the right amount of funny and bad ass. Reyes is well....Reyes. (pardon me while I clean the drool of my chin)...then there's the rest of the cast. Seriously Darynda Jones could do a spin off on her secondary characters and have book deals to the end of time. The story line is fantastic, the characters intriguing and the writing phenomenal. Very well done!

Awesome! Awesome read!

Well she's at it again! Charlie's humor and wit can be a bit too much for some people but not for me! Let just say the ending was really unexpected!

Darynda Jones never disappoints

Well that was unexpected... What, you ask? Well you'll have to read this except of Charley's story, to find out! Darynda Jones is a masterful story teller. From the minute you open the book until the last page you are riveted, and believe me the end comes far to quickly, darn ebooks, you just cant tell when the end is near. Charley is always up to something and this time it's protecting Ubie while he and Reyes are trying to protect her.

Couldn't put it down

I'm constantly amazed by Darynda's wit. I have no idea how she can keep the humor strong and the plot unique and compelling in every single book. This one was maybe one of the best yet. I'm glad I waited to start the book until I knew I'd have the time to rip through it. It was as good as expected and easily took me away from my other free time passion, coloring.

Another good book in the series

Thoroughly enjoy this series. Will be sad to find it will be over. Only two more books to go.

This is the best Charley D.

I have read. It is Very good. The storyline has you on the edge of your seat. The characters (new and old) are perfect. Gotta go now and read it again. P. S. What does a terrorist training camp, a male prison and a feminine hygiene commercial have in common? Ya gotta read to find out. Love you Darynda Jones. Keep on writing!!!!!!

Great book in the series

4.5 stars for sure. Great book in the series. Can't wait for the next one. The author needs to write a lot faster, that's for sure. Just gets better and better. The characters always stay true to themselves and sometimes I just skip pages because I can't wait to find out what happens. Excellent series...highly recommended.

Eleventh Grave in Moonlight was good; it does suffer a bit of middle book ...

Eleventh Grave in Moonlight was good; it does suffer a bit of middle book syndrome and is overall a set up books for things to come. As many people have noted it is a cliff hanger ending that you’ll have to wait a year to get resolved. If you’re into the series you’ll want to read it because you’ll want to see where things are going but don’t expect it to wow like many of the others in the series.

This author never disappoints!!

This author never disappoints. Charley attracts trouble like a magnet! Each book, I think she's into a big problem that she can't top, but she does! Great series. Best read in order. Can't wait for book 12 ! @-->-->--- If this review was helpful to you, please click YES below. Thank you.

Mixed emotions with this one

To leave us hanging like that at the end is kind of mean, and kind of great. This was the first book of the series that I had a more difficult time keeping track of all the characters and their storylines. Still a good book. Although the language gets rough in spots, as in vulgar, especially for Charley being what she is.


This has been a favorite series since the first page of the first book and continues to be a favorite! I’m so happy the next book is already available because I will be starting it tonight!

This is one of the best series I have read

This is one of the best series I have read. This book was great in that it felt less stressful...you worried less than previous books about a crisis. I loved this book. The relationship between Charley and Reyes is as wonderful as ever #relationshipgoals. The other characters, Osh, Cookie, Uncle Bob, Garrett all make an appearance in this one. I laughed more in this book as well. It's a great read!

Another great read!

Wow! I tried to take my time in reading this one. Knowing that I have to wait half a year to get the next one. But I had to finish it off. Brilliant is a word I would use for this one. Loved the journey through the series and will wait out for the next.

A page-turning, great addition to the series

Just what I needed...the next installment of the Charley Grim Reaper series. Super fast and easy read. Quite the page turner. I like that these books have a little of everything, mystery, intrigue, angels and demons, and sex...although the sex scenes seemed very abruptly placed and kind of like part of the recipe for a book..."sex scene" check. I also enjoy that there's an actual long story line as opposed to the Stephanie Plum novels that don't seem to really move forward anywhere. Give it a try, but I would highly recommend starting at the beginning of the series.

Best series ever

I can't say enough on how much I love this series. So good Reyes and Charlie are the perfect couple

i love each and every book

i love each and every book. Love Charleys sense of humor and her total confidence in herself and in her MAN. Would recommend all who love a series to start this one, you will not be disappointed.

Always a Great Read! Darynda Jones is a very entertaining author.

The Charley Davidson series is a great series. Each book brings in new elements, events and characters. They never disappoint!

Great Read

I have really enjoyed the Charley Davidson series. This was no different. the book was well written and the humor well placed although Charley can be a bit annoying at times. I won't give any spoilers but the book does end with a cliffhanger ending. Will be waiting for the next one!


I wish there were more stars to give. Her book starts out as most do, heavy on the ADD, so much that she makes u wonder how she gets anything done. Slowly her thoughts come together, with just a little ADD sprinkled here and there, just enough so that it can be adequately categorized as comic relief. She is a fantastic author.

but it's a fun read and she's a great writer

Still reading the trilogy, but it's a fun read and she's a great writer.

Great series

It amazes me how this series continues to keep me interested. I always enjoy reading the story, and look forward to more.

Series just gets better!

Wow!! Amazing story! This series just gets better and better!! Best if read in order. And the end? Whoa!! Love how the characters have developed through this series! And, you will cry. If you love Darynda Jones, you'll love this book!! A must buy

A must read for fans of this series

I enjoyed reading the continuing story of Charlie and Reyes. To really get involved with the lives of these characters and all of their friends and enemies please start with the first book. You'll be so glad that you did.

As usual, she keeps you coming back for more...

Love this series! Charley's wit, sarcasm, and ever-present comedic tone has me anticipating each installment in this series more than the last. She makes you laugh, she brings you to tears, and even inserts a few steamy parts to complete the perfection. Read this! Read all of them!

Looking forward to the next installment.

Not too many books keep me up reading past my bed time. I am always sleep deprived when a new Charley Davidson book is available.

Another Hit!

One of the best series out there! But, you need to start with the first because you won't want to stop reading and will go through withdrawal when you finish. Darynda can't write fast enough for me! Love this Author and Charley!

I really enjoy Darynda Jones' series

I really enjoy Darynda Jones' series. I have been hooked since the very first one. I have laughed out loud and stayed up way too late reading them. She has never disappointed me.

I could read Charley's books in one day and it's not good for the dark shadows under my eyes

Its a MUST! I have so many highlights on this book of paragraphs I keep going back to reread. I could read Charley's books in one day and it's not good for the dark shadows under my eyes. Nah, so worth it.


Wow they keep getting better an better. Killed me to pay the price but was worth it. And the ending wow sitting here wanting the next book to come out. Love this series had to cancel my pre-order to pay bills but finally had few dollars to buy this book an loved Charleys story as usual


good book

Still terrific

New twists, more evil characters, more fantasy and an unlikely twist. Good read....but now we have to wait for the next book...aargh!


Though the story is still one of the best I have read, it is getting tired. She is a God but in every story she gets kidnapped almost killed and to be so sassy she is weak. This book was exactly like the last book up until the last three pages where the cliff hanger is enough to make me want to punch people. Will I read the next one? Probably. But I'm not excited for it or marking it on my calendar

One of the best.

Darynda Jones is one of my top four favorite authors. She's probably sharp enough to take out a couple of the others and move up the list. She is funny, and knows how to write dialogue correctly. When you finish one of her books you scream because you have to wait for the next one. (Well, maybe grumble a lot.)

She's back!

As much as I didn't really enjoy Tenth Grave, Eleventh Grave made a fantastic comeback! I love how this story has continued to transform and grow and become so much grander than you would first expect from the first. As long as Darynda wants to keep writing Charley, I'll keep on reading. Bravo!

wonderful....as always

I love this series a lot. If you like a fast paced paranormal, urban mystery with a healthy shot of '' laugh out loud' funny give this series a go. You won't be disapointed.

Must Read!!

I love Charley! She's so much similar to the way I am. It's almost creepy sometimes. (Just Kidding) I have the whole series to date, and will keep buying until she's done. Thank You Darynda Jones.

She does it again!

Love these books! I hope they never end... The characters are so like able and funny. You just never know what's going to come out of Charley's mouth!

Love this series!!!

Love this series!! Very well written. Keep em coming I'll be reading :)! Need some more info on what happened in previous starting new one.

Outstanding. Darynda Jones is one of the best.

When I see Darynda Jones' name, I smile or chuckle. Must be because I laugh out loud, chuckle, smile and even sometimes hoot as I read her books. Having just finished her 11th novel in the Charley Davidson series, I remain as entertained as when I read her first novel. How does she keep this series going? Well, how about crazy fresh ideas, events, behavior and zany dialogue. Although the premise(s?) remain the same -- help souls pass into heaven or hell, protect the innocent, be a thorough private investigator, get rid of bad demons and drink coffee -- each book adds more to Charley's plate keeping her and the reader hopping. This time a really bad demon god, a host of angels, a drug lord out to eat Charley, a stalker for Charley's god daughter and an evil church cult all interfere in Charley's wannabe peaceful life. Multi-dimensional characters, spot on Albuquerque, NM setting, fabulous husband/friends/family and a little sizzle with said husband make it all work -- and I never got lost in all the goings on. Amazing.

Charley, Charley, Charley....

Absolutely exciting and well written! I love how much Charley is evolving, I mean "God Eater" who would have thunk it. Lol. What can I say I love this series....!

it would take a lot to disappoint. Always fun to catch up with Charlie

What can you say...if you have been reading this series, it would take a lot to disappoint. Always fun to catch up with Charlie, Reyes and the gang. My only slight negative is that this will need to come to an end at some point.


This was a fantastic read, but the ending will make you wish you had waited to read this book until the next one is released. I really despite cliffhangers, so, I can tell you I controlled myself and didn't throw objects across the room, but only because I didn't want to clean up the mess. Great read despite the ending. It was intense and hilarious. You'll also be reminded of how much control the character of Charley has. Wow. The list of people, supernatural beings, and deities she needs to punch in the throat is so long. The storyline has so much going on, as usual, but it's exciting and this one had a lot of heartbreaking moments. I hated the "leave you hanging" ending. The romance between Charley and Reyes was hot! My favorite previous characters were back. The series continues to surprise with shocking revelations and twists. You can never assume you know what comes next or guess the mysteries. The angels and the gods were all jerks. Again and more than ever. I can't wait for the next book, which I hope isn't a long wait. Did I mention I didn't care for the cliff you'll be hanging off in the ending?

Five Stars

This whole series is amazing! I love amazon prime so I can always move quickly to the next book!

loved this series

I read all twelve books after one after the next, loved them all and hanging out for the next one.


I love this series. Keeps getting better and better. Love the action, the comedy, the love scenes.... Everything!!!! Keep them coming, please!

I love these characters!

I cannot get enough of her writing and smart way her characters stay in character. I could hardly wait on this to be available and now I will wait more. I will miss these people until there is more.

Still going strong

Yet another great book in the series. Charley has so much going on in her life that the series is in no risk of stalling any time soon. And the ending definitely makes me eager to read the next one.

As always this series of books is fantastic. Charlie and Rae are awesome

As always this series of books is fantastic. Charlie and Rae are awesome. I love Charlie's quick wit and grit. The chemistry is awesome between this couple. I wish the new books come out quicker. Can't wait for the next one.

Charley is still my hero!

She is such a bad ass even though half the time she seems clueless lol. I have been addicted to the series since another author recommended it and I haven't been able to stop inhaling them. I am already ready for the next one!

Amazingly energetic as always

Charley is again in the thick of things. Her thought processes are hilarious. The way the story lines are all connected is fun as it unfolds. Be forewarned, there is a cliffhanger at the end of this one.

Laugh out loud funny

This series has made me laugh out loud. Charley is a riot! I cannot wait for the next one and will be sad when the series ends.

Best book series ever.

Best book series ever.

Don’t miss this!

Love these books, and number 11 didn’t disappoint!! Love this author and series.

I love the series

I love the series, but heard that it stops at 13???? That's horrible, but I understand that it must be hard to keep the storyline fresh and funny. I always look forward to the next book and this one did not disappoint. A little bummed how it ended but can't wait for the next. I am forever your biggest fan Daryanda!!!

Another amazing book from darynda

Another amazing book from darynda!!! Had me laughing out loud several times as always! The relationship with Charlie and Reyes just gets better as the books go on. Can't wait until for the next book!

Four Stars

Darynda Jones is one of my favorite writers, and I have enjoyed all of the Charley Davidson books.

Reading it now love how she tells a story so far laughed and ...

Reading it now love how she tells a story so far laughed and wanted to cry alittle already that's what you love about her series it's fantastic

Great series

Great series

Hope 12 is out soon!

Wow! Just when I think I have learned all charley has to offer, Darynda weird another installment, and BAM! I'm shocked all over again! The cliffhanger this time is just not nice, tho, unless book 12 is due out soon!



Whst an ending.

I am hoping thst in one of these books, the ending will done. That the entire series eill make sense.


I want Reyes back........write fast my girlie friend! Great book. Fast paste, full of love and family. Funny too! But still....I want Reyes back!

Love the book

Love this series aND I received it earlier then ut said.

Charley Davidson a fun and funny character.

Another well written story by Darynda Jones. A very enjoyable read. Loved the cliff hanger ending. Can't wait for the next book.

Can’t get enough of charley and Reyes!!

I’ve read all the books. I love the sense of humor and how it is portrayed! It’s like I’m reading my own thoughts.

Another winner!!

The ongoing saga of Charley Davidson and Reyes Farrow gets better with each book. What a cliff hanger with this one!

Must read

You have to read it to believe it. Charley and her posse take on the evil of this dimension and a few others.

Fun series

This has been sick a fun series. In going to truly hate it when I'm done.

Five Stars

Great read!

Eleventh Grave a MUST for Paranormal Fans❤

I'm addicted to this series, a laugh out loud, quirky Paranormal series, that you will LOVE! Darynda has a true gift of wit, laughter, and characters that grab your heart!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🥂

A must read!!!

Excellent!!! I could not put this book down, so many exciting things happening!

Fun and entertaining read!

This series is fun to read and if you have not read them all along, I recommend going back to the first book, as you will better understand what is going on and who the characters are. She always leaves me wondering where the story will go next!

Always a pleasure...

Darynda Jones is a wonderful author who has created an entire world in her story of Charley and Reyes. I only hope this eventually becomes a television series or a movie!! It would be epic!!


Enjoyed this book. Wonderful writer who bought the characters to life.

Love this whole series

Ms Jones never disappoints, I adore Charlie and Reyes and the who cast of characters that cime with them!!

Love this series!

Another great addition to a very entertaining series! Loved this book. I would recommend starting with the first one. Can't wait for the next one.

Love it! My guilty pleasure

This is a pleasure read. Great writing keeps you engaged and dressing. Read all of the series, looking forward to the next one!

Love Darynda

Wonderful book!

Recommend this series.

I've read all of the books in this Darynda Jones series. I have enjoyed them all. They are a mix humor, suspense, and romance. Looking forward to number 12.


Truly the best one yet. Everyone is a cliff hanger, but this one takes the cake. I always say I can't wait until the next,but I really can't this time!

Give me more!

This series is one of the best. I could not put the book down until I had completely finished the entire thing. Signed, Impatiently Waiting on the Next Book

Love this entire series!

OMG! This book was so amazing! And that ending. Damn. I can't wait to read the next book! I'm seriously going to miss this series, when it's done.

Charlie strikes again

As much as I love this series, and I do, this one was a bit less focused than the rest. Still, I'm glad I read it and urge you to not overlook it.

CANNOT get enough!

All I can say is when is the next book??!?!?!


Darynda is AMAZING her storytelling is intoxicating and once you start reading you won't be able to put it down. It's the 11th book in the series but the story isn't old or tried each book is better than the one before.


This series of books is the most entertaining and heart stopping I've read in a long time. The lines of fiction and reality are so magnificently blurred I forget which is which. Waiting with baited breath for the next book!!

Gets better and better

This series is one of my all time faves! If you've not started reading it, you must! It keeps getting better and better.

A fun read

I love this series. It’s so witty, with an interesting premise. Can’t wait for number 13.

Excellent next episode

It's likely good that I can't binge read these like a Netflix series.....but oh how I wish the next book(s) were ready!!

Another wonderful read!

Darynda keeps getting better at suspense and romance at the same time. Once you start you can't stop reading, Awesome

good read



As with the previous 10 books, Eleventh Grave in Moonlight was well up to par! Darynda Jones is quirky, animated, and suspenseful with Miss Davidson and the gang. Love love love this series.

Five Stars

love her charley Davidson charactor

Five Stars


Must read this series


Book 11

Was as good or better than the other 10 books. There has to be a book 12. Left me hanging. I would recommend to everyone.

Five Stars

Great Author

Another Evil guy down. Charlie is the best

As Alwayd Darynda Jones did not disappoint. I love Charlie and her sexy hubby. I hope this continues I can't wait for beep to come home.

Fun read,,,

Love this series!

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