Edge of Eighteen

Kindle Edition
17 Jul
At first, Devin was just an innocent summer crush. But then my feelings for him began to deepen. And I realized he was showing interest in me, too. Except Devin isn’t allowed to like me.

My best friend Lauren and I were away at Camp Pines by the Lake before starting college in the fall.

It was exciting when I met Luke on day one, and he was definitely into me. Camp last year wasn’t enjoyable. So, spending the summer with Luke seemed like it could be fun.

Then just like that, who I wanted changed.

You know that instant when you see a guy’s face for the first time and he’s just so beautiful that it takes your breath away? Or what about that moment when your fingers brush against each other’s and you feel tingles? That was all happening to me every time I saw Devin, the guy with the longish surfer hair and crystal blue eyes.

I managed to get some intriguing information about Devin from my cabin counselor. After that, all I’d hoped for were some chances to be around him—so he might get to know me.

It was completely unexpected, yet thrilling, when we got to talk during a terrible rainstorm that’d left us completely alone together. I ended up sharing my feelings about being an adoptee and wanting to find my birth mom. And eventually, I learned of his own troubled past.

The problem is now I like Devin more than I should. And an even bigger issue is that my birthday isn’t until the end of July, which means I’m still seventeen.

*** Edge of Eighteen is a slow burn, beta hero, standalone New Adult/YA contemporary romance novel. It contains mild language and mild steam. It is recommended for ages 17+ ***

Reviews (14)

Felt unfinished....

2 stars ⭐️⭐️ Ok now I know why this doesn’t have a lot of reviews. Overall Edge of Eighteen was a cute story… I use the word cute as in its definitely PG cute. If I hadn’t seen a picture of the author I would’ve said it was written by a teenager. This is my first time reading a book by this author and probably be my last. For one it’s way to PG for me and two I can already tell by her writing style that her FMC’s would be doormats. Let me start to why I think this was only a 2 star book and to be honest I was going back and forth with it being a 1.5 stars or 2 stars. I went with 2 stars, because the plot of the story was my deal breaker. It held my interest. So it a nut shell this story is about a girl (Dahlia) that is adopted that’s looking to find her birth mother when she turns 18 and in the meantime she goes to a summer camp and meets a boy (Devin) that has abandonment issues too, while getting to know each other they fall in love. Edge Of Eighteen had a lot of potential of being a good book if it was written more for adults rather then teens. It started off so well, but it fell apart real fast and quick. Why you ask? Because Dahlia became a Stage 5 clinger. Like I’m talking “Wedding Crashers” stage 5 clinger.. Dahlia followed Devin around like a lost puppy… I actually was embarrassed for her. Always getting jealous, showing up everywhere he was, and running off when he didn’t pay attention to her. I can personally say this was by far the worst pining over the ML I’ve ever read and that is saying a lot since I’ve read 100’s books.. I just wanted to slap some sense into her. If I had to describe Dahlia, saying she was a doormat would be an understatement. She was all types of pathetic. Examples... “The past two days had been hard. Devin hadn’t spent any time with me since our night in the cabin. And to make matters worse, I had to watch Marissa talk to him, sit by him, give him a back massage during the campfire, and hug him good night. I was going crazy. At least he didn’t act interested in her. Camp no longer mattered to me unless the activity somehow involved Devin.” “Our team worked on drills, one after the other. The competition was at another net doing the same thing. If we didn’t beat Blake, then I worried Devin might not be in a good mood and might pass up meeting me tonight. If that was the case, it was crucial for us to win.” Those are just a few paragraphs of how Dahlia degraded herself. She was so insecure that she questioned everything. Yes, I know she was 17, but please for the love of god have some self respect! Maybe I just forgot how it was to be 17 again, because I do not remember ever acting like this. 🤷🏻♀️ Next we have our Hero Devin which was described as sweet and nice many times throughout the book, but my definition of Devin would be spineless.... He seriously needed to grow a pair.. Supposedly Devin was 21, but acted more like he was 17 too. Most of the book I felt he was in his own little world. He was a bit of a mystery. Never really expressing his feelings. The author made it hard for you to connect with both of her Characters. I felt their chemistry between each other, but something was missing. I can’t pin point it though. Then there was Dahlia and Lauren friendship, which was laughable. Seriously they were to busy being envious over each other rather then being supportive for each other like a friendship should be. I felt like they were always competing against each other. “In most circumstances I would have loved the attention—especially since I always took a back seat to Lauren in the love department.” Yep! Not much more to say on that… Anyhow, Lauren to me was selfish. Lauren looked out for Lauren. There was a chapter where Dahlia was put in a situation and Lauren didn’t believe Dahlia. To me that says a lot about a person. Of course Dahlia being the doormat that she was did nothing about how her friend treated her. Actually the author never resolve that issue that I think most of her readers would have liked. So in my opinion the author just didn’t follow through on a lot of situation within the story so it felt unfinished.

Couldn't put down this summer camp romance

I received an ARC version of Edge of Eighteen and was surprised at all the feelings that came back to me from my days at summer camp! The characters were engaging and realistic, especially Dahlia's crush - who is mature beyond his years. I really enjoyed the twists in this story and would recommend it - a major page turner for me!

A steamy, teen romance novel with a twist.

Loved this novel! I am not normally a romance connoisseur. However, the main characters were endearing, and the storyline had enough tension to keep me engaged throughout. At the same time, the author realistically presents the pain and personal conflict felt by both adoptees and young people forced to give up their children for adoption. That the adoption piece was so cleverly woven into the romance made this book a unique read.

Darling Yet Important Story

While this is not an adoptee story primarily, I learned of it because of my interest in adoption reunion issues. That said, I thoroughly fell in love with the story and its characters. I didn't want it to end! HIghly recommended!!

Fun and Fast with Engaging Characters

What a fun and fast read! Edge of Eighteen’s love story developed slowly over the course of the book, successfully building anticipation in the reader. Because the characters Dahlia and Devin were so relatable and realistic, the reader has a vested interest in the outcome of the story. The topic of adoption was a theme throughout the book; each character has a unique perspective to share, which adds complexity to the characters and story. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves romance novels!

Fun Summer Read!

I received an advanced reader copy of this book just before summer, and the fun camp theme had me ready for the season! It took me back to my teenaged camp years and the sensations of an early crush. Dahlia was easy to identify with, and was a great narrator. This was a quick, enjoyable read with great character development and a slow-burn style romance. I had a hard time putting the book down! Highly recommend!

Great Summer Camp Romance with relatable characters

I received an ARC copy of this book and then I purchased the Kindle version and read it again in 2 nights! I couldn't put it down! The characters are real, relatable and drew me in. I have never been to Summer Camp but the author almost made me feel like I had. I loved the romance between Dahlia and Devon. I highly recommend this book!

Felt unfinished....

2 stars ⭐️⭐️ Ok now I know why this doesn’t have a lot of reviews. Overall Edge of Eighteen was a cute story… I use the word cute as in its definitely PG cute. If I hadn’t seen a picture of the author I would’ve said it was written by a teenager. This is my first time reading a book by this author and probably be my last. For one it’s way to PG for me and two I can already tell by her writing style that her FMC’s would be doormats. Let me start to why I think this was only a 2 star book and to be honest I was going back and forth with it being a 1.5 stars or 2 stars. I went with 2 stars, because the plot of the story was my deal breaker. It held my interest. So it a nut shell this story is about a girl (Dahlia) that is adopted that’s looking to find her birth mother when she turns 18 and in the meantime she goes to a summer camp and meets a boy (Devin) that has abandonment issues too, while getting to know each other they fall in love. Edge Of Eighteen had a lot of potential of being a good book if it was written more for adults rather then teens. It started off so well, but it fell apart real fast and quick. Why you ask? Because Dahlia became a Stage 5 clinger. Like I’m talking “Wedding Crashers” stage 5 clinger.. Dahlia followed Devin around like a lost puppy… I actually was embarrassed for her. Always getting jealous, showing up everywhere he was, and running off when he didn’t pay attention to her. I can personally say this was by far the worst pining over the ML I’ve ever read and that is saying a lot since I’ve read 100’s books.. I just wanted to slap some sense into her. If I had to describe Dahlia, saying she was a doormat would be an understatement. She was all types of pathetic. Examples... “The past two days had been hard. Devin hadn’t spent any time with me since our night in the cabin. And to make matters worse, I had to watch Marissa talk to him, sit by him, give him a back massage during the campfire, and hug him good night. I was going crazy. At least he didn’t act interested in her. Camp no longer mattered to me unless the activity somehow involved Devin.” “Our team worked on drills, one after the other. The competition was at another net doing the same thing. If we didn’t beat Blake, then I worried Devin might not be in a good mood and might pass up meeting me tonight. If that was the case, it was crucial for us to win.” Those are just a few paragraphs of how Dahlia degraded herself. She was so insecure that she questioned everything. Yes, I know she was 17, but please for the love of god have some self respect! Maybe I just forgot how it was to be 17 again, because I do not remember ever acting like this. 🤷🏻♀️ Next we have our Hero Devin which was described as sweet and nice many times throughout the book, but my definition of Devin would be spineless.... He seriously needed to grow a pair.. Supposedly Devin was 21, but acted more like he was 17 too. Most of the book I felt he was in his own little world. He was a bit of a mystery. Never really expressing his feelings. The author made it hard for you to connect with both of her Characters. I felt their chemistry between each other, but something was missing. I can’t pin point it though. Then there was Dahlia and Lauren friendship, which was laughable. Seriously they were to busy being envious over each other rather then being supportive for each other like a friendship should be. I felt like they were always competing against each other. “In most circumstances I would have loved the attention—especially since I always took a back seat to Lauren in the love department.” Yep! Not much more to say on that… Anyhow, Lauren to me was selfish. Lauren looked out for Lauren. There was a chapter where Dahlia was put in a situation and Lauren didn’t believe Dahlia. To me that says a lot about a person. Of course Dahlia being the doormat that she was did nothing about how her friend treated her. Actually the author never resolve that issue that I think most of her readers would have liked. So in my opinion the author just didn’t follow through on a lot of situation within the story so it felt unfinished.

Couldn't put down this summer camp romance

I received an ARC version of Edge of Eighteen and was surprised at all the feelings that came back to me from my days at summer camp! The characters were engaging and realistic, especially Dahlia's crush - who is mature beyond his years. I really enjoyed the twists in this story and would recommend it - a major page turner for me!

A steamy, teen romance novel with a twist.

Loved this novel! I am not normally a romance connoisseur. However, the main characters were endearing, and the storyline had enough tension to keep me engaged throughout. At the same time, the author realistically presents the pain and personal conflict felt by both adoptees and young people forced to give up their children for adoption. That the adoption piece was so cleverly woven into the romance made this book a unique read.

Darling Yet Important Story

While this is not an adoptee story primarily, I learned of it because of my interest in adoption reunion issues. That said, I thoroughly fell in love with the story and its characters. I didn't want it to end! HIghly recommended!!

Fun and Fast with Engaging Characters

What a fun and fast read! Edge of Eighteen’s love story developed slowly over the course of the book, successfully building anticipation in the reader. Because the characters Dahlia and Devin were so relatable and realistic, the reader has a vested interest in the outcome of the story. The topic of adoption was a theme throughout the book; each character has a unique perspective to share, which adds complexity to the characters and story. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves romance novels!

Fun Summer Read!

I received an advanced reader copy of this book just before summer, and the fun camp theme had me ready for the season! It took me back to my teenaged camp years and the sensations of an early crush. Dahlia was easy to identify with, and was a great narrator. This was a quick, enjoyable read with great character development and a slow-burn style romance. I had a hard time putting the book down! Highly recommend!

Great Summer Camp Romance with relatable characters

I received an ARC copy of this book and then I purchased the Kindle version and read it again in 2 nights! I couldn't put it down! The characters are real, relatable and drew me in. I have never been to Summer Camp but the author almost made me feel like I had. I loved the romance between Dahlia and Devon. I highly recommend this book!

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