Dragon Wytch: An Otherworld Novel (Otherworld Series Book 4)

Kindle Edition
30 Jun
The D'Artigo sisters are half-human, half-Fae operatives for the Otherworld Intelligence Agency. Camille is doing her best to juggle magic, men, and the demonic war into which they've been thrust-until she discovers a secret that could change all their lives.

Reviews (77)

To the author, UP YOURS, LADY!

This and the previous books in the series are not exactly deep, but good for a casual read. What is completely unacceptable, however, is the salty author's actions. If you want to buy the copyrights to books you were already paid for, fine. Pursue that with the publisher that ALREADY PAID YOU! Do not take your regrets out on your readers. While this series is definitely not the best, I'm finding paperbacks of every book the author took off the market, and buying the Kindle version of the rest. I will NEVER read anything she's done after going indie, and I sincerely hope the publishers either make her pay millions for each and every one, or better yet, NEVER sell her back the rights! Whatever royalties she gets, fine, but she'll never get another dime from me, and I definitely plan to resell the paperbacks once I've read them. Don't crap on your readers, just because you're salty about the publishing houses that gave you an audience. You're no C.J. Cherryh, you're not even a Laurel K. Hamilton, and by alienating your readers through a temper tantrum, I'm hoping the publishers who fed you, cost you dearly. I'm even more disgusted by your behavior as a witch and a veteran, because you have obviously no sense of honor, to renege on your previous agreements, and abuse your fans, instead of simply bargaining with your old publishers. I really hope the books I buy, help the publishers and prevent your dirty methods from succeeding. So mote it BE

A solid sequel to a better series

Dragon Wytch / 978-0-425-22239-3 The fourth in the

Strange events

The continuing story of sisters and their friends. Camilla is about to receive. A wonderful but powerful object. A unicorn horn from the king unicorn. Its horn. A king unicorn shed its horn. And grows a new one. Its a great source power. To any one want or receive it. But many want it. And some who believe that Camilla doesn't deserve it. Because of her halving blood. Enter Smoky the dragon they met in the Oregon woods. He transformed himself. Into a perfect human being. But he knows about being a halving too. He is part white and silver dragon. That knowledge is knowing to his dragon kind. But not well know to other species.

These books are amazing!

Yasmin Galenorn has weaved a fantastic tale of magic, love, and betrayal. I find myself falling more in love with the characters as each book comes out. The series revolves around three sisters, and the books rotate between their point of views. It feels as if by doing this I am allowed a closer look into the three main protagonists inner lives. Galenorn has made me laugh with her characters during their joyous times, and cry with them during the sad times. She writes in such a way that you just cannot help getting lost in the story.

great book

Another hot magic filled story by jasmine galenorn, she can do no wrong all of her books are great. Camilles at it again getting caught up with demons from the otherworld and dealing with her many boy toys once again. Her and her sisters are taking on demons, dealing with magic and dealing with men. It's a great story hot action, you will love it.

Dragon Wytch...

Again not necessarily my cup of tea but once introduced to this series I just couldn't stop. I do love how in this series it has all the twists and turns then adds the right amount of modern world....This definitely one to recommend to those who like the far with a modern twist.


I love the sisters. Root for the to prevail against the odds. One seal lost but allies gained. I will keep reading this series. The search for Trillian will be next and I know Camille and her men will succeed.

Five Stars

I love all of the books in the series

Pretty good fantasy sequel

I was a little leery of what the author planned to do since each of the three previous books was from the viewpoint of one of the sisters, which was disorientating, and now we have a fourth book but no fourth sister. Well, to keep it simple, we circled back to the same viewpoint as the first book. All in all though this is a very light and entertaining book that needs to be taken at face value and not delved for deeper meaning.

if you like those books you will like this one

Interesting read, goes in line with the Otherworld series, if you like those books you will like this one.

To the author, UP YOURS, LADY!

This and the previous books in the series are not exactly deep, but good for a casual read. What is completely unacceptable, however, is the salty author's actions. If you want to buy the copyrights to books you were already paid for, fine. Pursue that with the publisher that ALREADY PAID YOU! Do not take your regrets out on your readers. While this series is definitely not the best, I'm finding paperbacks of every book the author took off the market, and buying the Kindle version of the rest. I will NEVER read anything she's done after going indie, and I sincerely hope the publishers either make her pay millions for each and every one, or better yet, NEVER sell her back the rights! Whatever royalties she gets, fine, but she'll never get another dime from me, and I definitely plan to resell the paperbacks once I've read them. Don't crap on your readers, just because you're salty about the publishing houses that gave you an audience. You're no C.J. Cherryh, you're not even a Laurel K. Hamilton, and by alienating your readers through a temper tantrum, I'm hoping the publishers who fed you, cost you dearly. I'm even more disgusted by your behavior as a witch and a veteran, because you have obviously no sense of honor, to renege on your previous agreements, and abuse your fans, instead of simply bargaining with your old publishers. I really hope the books I buy, help the publishers and prevent your dirty methods from succeeding. So mote it BE

A solid sequel to a better series

Dragon Wytch / 978-0-425-22239-3 The fourth in the

Strange events

The continuing story of sisters and their friends. Camilla is about to receive. A wonderful but powerful object. A unicorn horn from the king unicorn. Its horn. A king unicorn shed its horn. And grows a new one. Its a great source power. To any one want or receive it. But many want it. And some who believe that Camilla doesn't deserve it. Because of her halving blood. Enter Smoky the dragon they met in the Oregon woods. He transformed himself. Into a perfect human being. But he knows about being a halving too. He is part white and silver dragon. That knowledge is knowing to his dragon kind. But not well know to other species.

These books are amazing!

Yasmin Galenorn has weaved a fantastic tale of magic, love, and betrayal. I find myself falling more in love with the characters as each book comes out. The series revolves around three sisters, and the books rotate between their point of views. It feels as if by doing this I am allowed a closer look into the three main protagonists inner lives. Galenorn has made me laugh with her characters during their joyous times, and cry with them during the sad times. She writes in such a way that you just cannot help getting lost in the story.

great book

Another hot magic filled story by jasmine galenorn, she can do no wrong all of her books are great. Camilles at it again getting caught up with demons from the otherworld and dealing with her many boy toys once again. Her and her sisters are taking on demons, dealing with magic and dealing with men. It's a great story hot action, you will love it.

Dragon Wytch...

Again not necessarily my cup of tea but once introduced to this series I just couldn't stop. I do love how in this series it has all the twists and turns then adds the right amount of modern world....This definitely one to recommend to those who like the far with a modern twist.


I love the sisters. Root for the to prevail against the odds. One seal lost but allies gained. I will keep reading this series. The search for Trillian will be next and I know Camille and her men will succeed.

Five Stars

I love all of the books in the series

Pretty good fantasy sequel

I was a little leery of what the author planned to do since each of the three previous books was from the viewpoint of one of the sisters, which was disorientating, and now we have a fourth book but no fourth sister. Well, to keep it simple, we circled back to the same viewpoint as the first book. All in all though this is a very light and entertaining book that needs to be taken at face value and not delved for deeper meaning.

if you like those books you will like this one

Interesting read, goes in line with the Otherworld series, if you like those books you will like this one.

Great series!

I read book 1 and had to get all the books in this series. Really like that all the sisters are in each book and still manages to be centered on one sister per book. I highly recommend this author and this series!

Loved it!!

I am absolutely in love with this series. I love everything about it. It is magical but it has its suspense and danger. I also love the strong family bond the sisters portray. I have always been fascinated by the myths and legends about the fae and this book does a great job in grabbing my interest. I also like the romance involved.

Five Stars

Loved the interactions between the characters

Dragon Witch

The story line is excellent. She switches off the sister telling the story on each separate book. This sister tells the story from her point of view. She is the narrator in the 1st and 4th book in the series. The only thing that I don't care for is that even though the sisters have very different personalities, they come out sounding the same when it's their turn to tell the story.

Five Stars

Excellent series with great story lines. A good read for the genre.

Geat story line

Now this is a witch I would love to be like!! Not to mention look like!! Let's just meet a unicorn as well here. I love it! I love the story's.

Good magic and storyline.

I love the premise of the story. I love the magic. I do not like the multiple partner and same gender love scenes.

good book

awesome product good book it was for my wife she has read most of yasmine galenorn's books and has likedthem all so far. product arived promt have not had any complaints of anything i have bought on amozon so far

Four Stars

liked the book very much

Great sries!

Great book. I read the entire series and it was good reading...can't wait to see additional books with these characters.

Four Stars

I enjoyed this whole series.

A great read

It was a good book. I'm still worried about trillion. I hope he is alright. I wonder what is coming next.

Good Book

Good book, great story, very well written. Can't wait till I get book five and continue on with the story.


The first book I bought was Shadow Rising in the San Francisco's airport on my way to Hawai'i on vacation. I thought how interesting. When I finished the book, I went on line and looked up the author. To my surprise there were 12 or13 books written before the one I read. I'm reading all of them.

Excelent author

I bought this for my husband to read. He loves the book, and series. Her work is all very good and well worth the time to read.

excellent series

coz u suck into it and it great coz its from differnt view point of the sisters and it just awsome that camille has to juggle three men in her liife love it

another good one

The 4rth book in this series continues to be totally enjoyable and loads of fun. Great writing,and definately another good one for Galenorn. Camille's second book is everything it should be...exciting, sensual, and addictive.

4 1/2 swtars just short of being ruly outstannding

with the three previous books being: Witchling, Changeling & Darkling; I was afraid that this book would be Dingaling. Nicely balanced interpersonal, plot and erotic elements. The characters have improved steadily and are now compelling. The plot is a little linear but still excellent. The observation that victories are not unalterable is very good. Just short of truly outstanding saved by some editorial errors, and some factual errors (an AK47 spews bullets not ammunition and there seems to be some confusion between brands and tattoos (they feel very different) as well as the plot could have been a little stronger (although it was very good)). The author, publisher and cover artist are to be congratulated as the cover does a good job of depicting the man character.

Love this series

Wasn't sure about the series at first, but halfway through the first book, I was hooked. I can't wait to read the next one

Dragon Wytch

This is the 4th book in a the Sisters of the Moon series by Yasmine Galenorn. I have been very pleased with the series that does start out a bit slow, but picks up speed as it goes. I cannot wait to get to the next book.

Five Stars

Love all these books!

Decent enough, but could've been a little shorter

I think I've kind of decided that while I'm not the hugest fan of the series, I do like the Otherworld series enough to want to continue on for the most part. This novel sort of combined what I do and don't like about the series as a whole, hence the three star rating. What I liked about Dragon Wytch was its openness about Camille's sexuality. It's one of the things that I liked about the previous entries and it continues to be one of my favorite elements of the series. This is a romance and as such, the interpersonal relationships between the characters will always be important. However, Camille is never really defined by her relationships with the men in her life, nor does she spend a lot of time whining over the guys after her or the overabundance of affection she seems to receive. In the past I've compared this to Laurell K Hamilton's series, partially because she's one of Galenorn's inspirations. I can't help but draw another parallel between the two authors, as Galenorn is better at depicting poly relationships than Hamilton is. There are a few characters in Camille's life that I'm not really that fond of, namely Smokey, but by large everyone treats each other as an equal. Part of what's bugged me about Hamilton's depictions of poly is that nobody's really equal and there's a lot of manipulation that could be seen as detrimental to the health (physical and mental) of all involved. You don't really see that with Galenorn's characters. There are a few concerns here and there, but by large everyone actively tries to get along. It's not perfect, but it's one of the better mainstream depictions of poly and one I'd recommend over Hamilton's romances. What sort of bugs me is that at times the plot felt a little thin in places. There's a nice story here, but it kind of felt like it could have been about 20-30 pages shorter. It's good and if you've loved the pacing of the past few novels then you'll adore this one, but I occasionally found my interest waning because I wanted things to move along a little faster or for some of the various shoes to drop. Overall this is a decent enough book. It's good enough to where I will listen to the next book, especially since the narrator has such a pleasant voice. I won't sugarcoat it though, my overall love for this book differs depending on which part of it I bring up in my mind. There are some strong parts in this entry, but just as many that I'm not as fond of. It's pretty much a middle of the road entry for the series so far. I recommend it, but unless you've fallen all over the last few books in the series I'd probably suggest getting this from the library.

OtherWorld Book 4.....My "Fav" So Far!!

~Sisters of the Moon~ ~Dragon Wytch~ ~Book 4~ ~ The D'Artigo sisters are half-human, half-Fae operatives for the(O.I.A) Otherworld Intelligence Agency. Camille is doing her best to juggle magic, men, and the demonic war into which they've been thrust--until she discovers a secret that could change all their lives.~ *~Well in this installment of "Sisters of the Moon" a few new characters are introduced, (Unicorn Prince,Trolls, Mistletoe the Pixie) the other characters are getting More interesting, a stronger Storyline as well. Smokey is showing More interest in Camille, Delilah, Menolly are teasing her about it making Camille Blush.....LOL Trillian is feeling a little jealous of the dragon. The further i get into the series the more interesting it gets! in this Episode the Sisters are looking for the horn of the Black unicorn.and the 3rd Seal. *Camille made a pact with a sexy dragon named Smokey, and he has come to collect his prize. Camille must stay with Smokey for a week during which he will do whatever he likes with her. In the meantime, Camille's lover, Trillian, is on a dangerous mission in the Otherworld and her second lover, Morio, is worried about Camille being around Smokey. *~I Like the characters Iris & the Calico Gargoyle "Maggie" Camille's pet i'd like to hear more about them too. this series "kinda" re mines me of "Charmed" Which Was a "Awesome" TV Show I have ALL 8 Seasons On DVD!! I "LOVED" that Tv Series!! Except they weren't "Fae" or "Vamp" or "Shape shifters" they were "Wiccan Witches". no pet Gargoyle! just "Kit" their Familiar (Cat). *~I see a reviewers said there was to much Kinky sex in book 3 Darkling Your Kidding Right? LMAO! Apparently they haven't Read the "Black Dagger Brotherhood" Series.....then IMHO, Becuz The Sex Scenes in this Series "ARE OH.....So MILD!! Compared to the BDB Series" the Sex scenes in "SOTM" Series are not even Close to being "Kinky" and few and far between Compared to BDB! Now in the BDB Series there is a lot More Sex Scenes "More Intense,Much More Intense And Kinky (BDSM)

I keep expecting these girls to be smarter...sigh

Fourth in the Otherworld / Sisters of the Moon urban fantasy series revolving around the D'Artigo sisters in Seattle. My Take Certainly no lack of action. We get background on Camille's trial to become a priestess of the Moon Mother as well as the truth about the Black Unicorn. We also learn why Camille and her sisters are so highly valued. Smoky gives up a lot of info and some of his pride. it certainly creates a massive quandary for the adventurous Camille. And Smoky is a very pushy, expectant bastard. How can the girls be so ignorant as to not be aware of Räksasa abilities? They are so clueless in this battle. Well-meaning, but... Friends are kidnapped from the house and they don't think to check the ward? The barriers intended to protect anyone on their land??? Explain this, 'cause I sure don't understand, 'cause, Oh sure, with everything going on, my first thought would be wild dogs. Uh-huh...NOT. If they're this stupid, I'm not sure they deserve to win. Oooh, Chase has a glow of things to come..., oh brother. They don't keep their focus during battle. No concept of being careful with their power. Always hesitating. I swear...Keystone Kops. The Story It's disaster all around with Cryptos slinking over to Earthside through newly discovered portals, the crown prince's courier being waylaid, Morgaine has her own plans for the Fae in our world, and Trillian has been captured and is being tortured as we speak. 
Camille, Delilah, and Mennolly must find Mistletoe before the bad guys, even as they battle trolls, demons, fae, wanna-be queens, goblins, and the increasingly horny Smoky. Chase, meanwhile, has his own problems with the loss of his boss, Devin, and the influx of Cryptos. Freedom's Angels raped an elf and Shamas has been sent along with Mercurial, a half-elf/half-Fae, to aid the Portland police. It's getting crowded with the demons, Morgaine and Titania, and the D'Artigo crew are hunting Benjamin and the Spirit Seal. And it'll take a lot more than the sisters' current strength to find and rescue Trillian, especially when the Spirit Seal is threatened. It's Smoky's plan on the best way to save Trillian and it's Grandmother Coyote's words that push Camille into her new unwanted alliance. The Characters Camille D'Artigo is a witch and the oldest D'Artigo sister. She is also bound to the Moon Mother's service even as she is learning death magic from Morio. She runs Indigo Books when she's not saving Earthside. Smoky is a very powerful dragon shifter and he has a claim on Camille for aid he provided and he's not averse to cracking the whip, so to speak. Trillian is Camille's Svartan lover and they are bound together. Delilah is second and a were-cat with two shapes as well as a Death Maiden to the Autumn Lord. Mennolly is the third sister and was an acrobat in Otherworld and it's this ability that led to her capture and turning by Dredge (see Darkling). Tavah is a full-Fae vampire who works for Mennolly and not at all picky about the blood she drinks. Their father is a member of the Guard Des `Estar and probably fighting for Tanaquar. Shamas is their cousin and working for Chase now while living with Morio, a youkai-kitsune, and one of Camille's lovers. So far, the girls are coping. Iris is a Finnish house sprite, a Talon-haltijia, and a priestess of Undutar. She's still seeing Bruce O'Shea, a leprechaun. Rozurial is an incubus mercenary who has helped the girls. Feddrah-Dahns is the crown prince of the Dahns unicorns from the Windwillow Valley. Mistletoe is a pixy aide to Feddrah-Dahns and was tasked with bringing a powerful gift from his master to Camille. Eriskel is a jindasel of the horn, its guardian. Chase Johnson is an FBH, a full-blooded human, who created the Faerie-Human Crime Scene Investigations (FH-CSI) team--the fae version of CSI--which works with the Otherworld Intelligence Agency (OIA) along with the sisters. Delilah has Chase on a nicotine patch and he's much better about eyeing up Camille. Devin is Chase's boss and looking to hamstring him. His attitude has infected some of the cops and it will only lead to death. Sharah and Mallen are elves who are part of Chase's CIS. Benjamin Welter is a young man having such visions that his family has incarcerated him at Mountain Aspen Retreat. Grandmother Coyote, a Hag of Fate, is anxious for him and it is believed that he has seen the location of one of the Spirit Seals. Queen Asteria of the elves is the Fae with whom the sisters are currently allied; she is also entering an alliance with the Cryptozoid Alliance. She has warned the girls that a number of new portals are being discovered, but they don't have the manpower to guard them. Henry Jeffries is retired and still living with his mother, poor sod. He gladly accepts an offer of employment from Camille. Lindsey Cartridge is rather obnoxious about Feddrah-Dahns' horn in her bid for fertility. She's the director of the Green Goddess Women's Shelter and she's been helping Erin Mathews adjust while producing sales help for Erin's store, the Scarlet Harlot. They've been looking into adoption, but her husband Ron is in a wheelchair. Morgaine is a half-human, half-Fae ancestress of the D'Artigo sisters. She's back and she's stirring up mischief as she seeks a greater power for herself. Titania is a write-off of the former Seelie Queen, subsumed by drink. She hates the girls for taking away Tam-Lin. Aeval is, was, the Unseelie Queen who disappeared before the Great Divide. Shadow Wing is a demon lord of the Sub Realms plotting to take over the Earthside by taking over the Spirit Seals. Grandmother Coyote and Pentangle, the Mother of Magic, are Hags of Fate who act to keep the balance. They don't swing towards Good or Evil. Karvanak is a Persian Räksasa demon, aided by a djinn, Jassamin, and Vanzir is a dreamchaser demon who switches sides at the end. The Great Divide was a battle among the Fae. The divide itself was a measure to prevent demons from taking over, but it has upset the balance and destroyed the Unseelie and Seelie courts. I think Cryptos are inhabitants of Otherworld who are not Fae or elves who can sort of pass for Human. Freedom's Angels are a hate group of ultra-right wingers who take the Guardian Watchdogs` rhetoric several steps further. The Cover The background for the cover looks like a giant gong with a dragon on it and suspended from a carved stone arch. It's Camille standing in front of it that is the real eye catcher. Legs spread wide in an aggressive stance, hands on hips, and wearing a deep purple velvet skirt slit to her hip with a coordinating silver, black, and purple, very fitted corset-like tank top. The title is also Camille for she is Smokey's Dragon Wytch. Kinky girl.

It was okay

Dragon Wytch is the 4th book in the sisters of the moon series and features Camille, the sensual witch with half fae blood. Camille and her sisters find themselves in a jam when a series of portals open, spilling otherworldly creatures into Seattle. The sisters must find the cause, while she also honors her promise to sleep with Smokey. While I enjoy the character of Camille, oddly enough I don't like the guys in her life. I don't find the idea of a dragon shifting into a man that hot or a fox-demon, so reading about Smokey/Mario aren't to my taste. Trillian is okay, but a bit generic. So in short while I enjoy the idea of Camille- I'm just not into her boyfriends. In this one, Smokey, (a dragon shifter), dominates, and dominates Camille which kind of bored me. I prefer my heroines more empowered, so reading how much she fears Smokey, and watching her be pushed around is less than entertaining. There is some plot progression on the war, and the appearance of Morgaine, and Camille gets a power bump in the form of the unicorn horn- but overall not a lot goes on. I enjoy the series as entertaining for it's action and romance and fantasy elements, but Camille's relationship's seem shallow and unromantic. Overall, this was an ok book, but I think the author should not give Camille everything she wants. It seems like the character is indulged with every fantasy, and her men are all `her type,' and things are far too `easy' for her in her personal relationships. I think she needs to be the pursuer rather than the pursued. I think this is a bit lazy to make things this easy for a protagonist. It would be more interesting if Camille actually had to get off her tuckus and chase after a guy, rather than to have every guy she wants fall instantly into her lap. That's a bit boring. Plus vary things a bit. I know she likes bad boy characters, but there are other types that are just as interesting, and varying the personalities of her boyfriends might make them more interesting to read about.

Dragon Wytch

Dragon Wytch is the fourth novel in the otherworld series and is told though the eyes of Camille, the moon witch. The sisters are looking for the third spirit seal to stop the demon Shadow Wing frmo destroying both otherworld and earthside. The book was as up to par as the previous ones and i do enjoy Camilles voice. Her voice however just does not come with much action - outside the bedroom that is. Camille is sexy, Camille has three lovers, yada yada we get it. The book was more centred around her love life than it was about saving the world and yes, while it is also important to establish relationships, it was just too much to handle in one go. The other characters are still there, Morio, Trillian (who is there not so much) Smoky, Dellilah, Chase, Menolly, etc.. and each has retained thier personalities very well and make the book what i expect from this series: very well done. There are some nice twists and turns and at one point i almost started crying. I am eager for the next book and the next point of view, lets just hope that it is more action outside of the covers.

Fun story

Liked the storyline but so convoluted and changing from book to book.limits are changed,suddenly ,different traits just appear, .Dragon changes his scales,so to speak. Liked it better sans all the sexual scenes. Not necessary for a robust story and relationships

Dragon Wytch

Camille is doing all she can to cope with the stress in her life, what with being, along with her sisters, Guardians of the Earth against an invasion of the Demon hordes; dealing with a pushy, dangerous dragon that wants her in his bed; and the sudden surge of goblins, trolls and all manner of nasty magical beings appearing on Earth - Camille barely has time to sleep. But when the Unicorn Prince shows up on her doorstep with a request and a gift, Camille feels herself sinking deeper into unknown territory in her battle against evil. Also Camille can not ever forget that her Moon Magic is as likely to go haywire as to do what she intended, all the while more tasks and duties are placed upon her shoulders. Now, Camille and her sisters must continue to search for the Spirit Seals needed to keep the demons locked away in their own world. But in the meantime, they also must deal with Demon Lords suddenly appearing in town, the awakening of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts on Earth, and the disappearance of one of the members of Camille's triad. Will Camille and her sisters triumph in their Herculean task of defeating the Demons? Or will they be crushed to dust like the rest of humanity? I must start off by saying that my experience with Dragon Wytch was definitely tainted by not having read the previous books in the series. Many "givens" within the plot and the characters were not understood nor did they offer the intended depth and emotion. That said, Dragon Wytch is an urban fantasy that is chock full of all the elements of a great fantasy book - plenty of action, varied and powerful magical beings, unexplored or recently discovered talents and an epic battle of good versus evil. However, in spite of these strong underpinnings to the story I found Camille to be a pale imitation of Ms. Hamilton's Meredith Gentry series, with the collection of lovers and dangerous politics. It never clearly came across how or why Camille was so deeply attached to her main lovers - Trillian and Morio - to create any interest in them outside of their roles as magical and emotional support to Camille. But the real mystery to me is the eventual role of Smoky as a main love interest to Camille, since she spends almost the entire time she is around him in fear that he will do physical harm to her due to his draconic temper and her assertive character. Camille herself has such wild swings in her behavior as to make her incomprehensible at best and unintelligent at worst, which left me baffled most of the time and tired of her antics by the end of the book. Dragon Wytch is an action packed fantasy tale that fails to deliver on most fronts, ending in the middle of the magical action, leaving almost all of the important issues to be obviously resolved in further installments of the series, but only after having taken seemingly every detour possible within the plot. In the end I found Dragon Wytch a lack-luster read with characters that lacked depth, were unbelievable and boring despite the great promise shown at first glance. Sabella reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed

fascinating urban fantasy

In Seattle half-fae half human Camille D'Artigo smells the pixie dust that suddenly floods the air inside her Indigo Crescent bookstore when a unicorn says hello to her; followed by a hostile goblin, Sawberry fae and bugbear who demand that Feddrah Dahns turn over the pixie or else. Camille fires bolts at the goblin and bugbear while Feddrah knocks out the fae. A car runs over the bugbear while the fae escapes and the goblin is tied up. Camille calls the boyfriend of her were-cat sister Delilah police detective Chase to clean up the mess; the goblin escapes. When Camille's other sister Menolly the vampire joins them as well as Iris the priestess, Feddrah explains that his aide Mistletoe the pixie carried an item to deliver to her, but the three thugs interceded. Mistletoe regained the item, the powerful horn of the rare black unicorn. Meanwhile a Raksasas Persian Demon is apparently in town causing further havoc while Smoky the dragon arrives to remind Camille she owes him a week of sex, but has need for her to talk with Morgaine who has camped in his barrow before he makes the fae his lunch. Camille fears Morgaine might be trying to raise the former Seelie Queen Titania or the former Unseelie Queen Aeval for some purpose. Rounding out the visits is one of Camille's two lovers Trillian, but her other Morio remains missing. However, her ultimate fear is that the demon Shadow Wing will find the seals that keep the portals closed and be able to enter earthside and otherworld destroying both. The various types of paranormal species seem genuine in the Seattle setting. The action never slows down for a moment and although the story line builds on threads from the previous "sisters of the moon" books, DRAGON WYTCH can stand alone. The climax is quite a shocker making the fascinating tale even more spellbinding even if readers need a scorecard to keep track of the myriad of key players supporting the prime star. Harriet Klausner

Which Witch is Wytch?

Dragon Wytch is the fourth book in the Sisters of the Moon series, the follow-up of Darkling(3). In Witchling(1) we meet the D'Artigo sisters- Camille, the eldest who is a witch, Delilah, the middle child who is a werecat, and Menolly, the baby of the family who is a vampire. The plots of Witchling(1), Changeling(2) & Darkling(3) established the confusing existance of the three realms- Otherworld, Earth and the Subteranean Realms and introduces us to a host of otherwordly species from both those found on Earth and those from without. The three D'Artigo sisters and their friends have been fighting to protect their home, Otherworld, and their new home in Seattle (in the Earth realm) from the demon forces of Shadow Wing. There's civil war going on back home in Otherworld and there are twelve Spirit Seals hidden on earth that could open the portals between all three realms letting loose the demons of the Sub-realms into the others, destroying all life as we know it. Returning to Camille as narrorator (she narrorated Witchling) we're picking up with the protection of the realms but there's a whole new cast of characters and troubles. A royal prince of the unicorns has come to give Camille a special gift, one that only she can wield, but first they have to find the pixie who was carrying it who was captured. Morgaine, yes *that* Morgaine, is also on the hunt for this mystical hierloom and she's camped out near Smoky's on Mt. Rainier annoying the crud out of the dragon. She's intent on raising the Earthside fae's courts back to life and needs Camille to help her do it. Then there's Benjamin, a human who has seen visions of a stone and demons, his family thinks he's crazy, but Morio thinks there's more to his visions than the ramblings of a nutcase. Lots of fighting, plenty of sisterly antics and a sprinkle of Camille and her triad of men makes for a very involved but strangely smooth plot. If you've been following the series and are a fan of Morio and Smoky you will probably really enjoy the face time these two get. I'll be honest... the first two books in the series didn't quite fully sell me on Galenorn as a fiction writer. Conceptually they were good but I needed to see a stronger voice coming through. Darkling it started to show and Dragon Wytch showed how very much she's grown as a fiction writer. I'm really happy with how far along she's come and how well she's crafted not only a really good urban fantasy realm and characters, but at how very well she's kept them. Smoky fans might argue a bit after reading this book, he did seem slightly less dragonly in this one, but I think that was done intentionally because of where Galenorn went with him and Camille. If you've been reading the series this is a must read! Sexy, action packed and impossible to put down. Enjoy!

It was okay... 😌

Pixies, trolls, and elves oh my! Oh, and don't forget the unicorn! Since there are only 3 sisters I was unsure what route this book would take. I liked it but as par for the course with me I will complain about the wasted pages used for sex details. I do understand that it is slightly appropriate pertaining to this character but will always state that I don't need the details to enjoy the point being made. Thus 3 stars.

Dragon Wytch (Sisters of the Moon) 4

Each book is narrated from the point of view of each sister. Camille narrates this book. This book answers some questions but creates more. Let's not forget that this series does have some "romance", which could be REMOVED as it's not necessarily needed! All the sex scenes are relatively short but I have to fast forward on every one of them as I don't care for them! This series is a mix of sci-fi/adventure and romance but leans mores towards a ROMANCE NOVEL! Males will get to like the non-sex portions as this series appears to be geared toward female readers (hence, Romance Novel)! If I had known that in the beginning, I would never have bothered to read the books. Now, I would like to finish the series, just to see how it ends. The story pace is uneven as it is slow at times and picks up when there's action involved. Camille's story makes her sound and appear like a slut, which it does. But the author incorporates it as part of her character who likes the thrill. Camille doesn't like boring men but ones that are the bad boy types which she's states throughout the series. It's boring and annoying listening to her talk about sex between her and her lovers (Romance Novel)! The author Needs to focus less on sex and more on character development and story line! So what if the author portrays Camille as independent and free spirited! Too much sex, too much arrogance! Really don't care for or about her! Is the author living her sex fantasies through Camille? Of the three sisters, Camille is my least favorite. Menolly's my favorite with her kick-butt attitude! Delilah needs to grow up quickly as she's becoming a bother! There's another six books since each book has to deal with finding and obtaining the remaining crystals. Please let it emphasize less on sex and more on character development and the storyline! Update: Received email from Tantor Media that they have no plans to continue with future books in audiobook format. Rather listen to it than read it!

This book is just...bad...

I picked this up hoping for a nice supernatural read. I am a fan of Patricia McKillip's Mercy novels and her new spinoff werewolf series. However, this book just seems to lack any kind of coherent structure and is bogged down in unresolved issues, too many characters, and a "heroine" who is inconsistant. The most annoying aspect of the novel is the amount of name dropping of creatures and "people". Even if you have read the previous novels, this gets ridiculous as one character would say "I wish...*insert name here*...was here" and then to follow the name would be a paragraph or two of how the character knows this person (or critter). This goes on and on... There are so many problems amounting while the characters do little more than talk about how exhausted they are and sip various blends of tea. About a hundred pages in and they are still dawdling around you realize that these world shifting problems are not going to find resolution of any sort before the book concludes, which is frustrating at best. I don't see this series wrapping up for another half dozen books at this pacing, and the characters are not compelling enough to want to carry on. Alot of it is ridiculous too. I understand the not-of-this-world aspect, and that unicorns are not going to be having lunch in your real world backyard, but supposed the Fae and "fantasy creatures" are new to this modern setting and the humans are just taking it in stride, even though two headed trolls are tearing their parks apart and whatnot. Do you see the human race putting up with this in such a short period of time? I think not. The backlash would be greater than some clueless police force blundering around trying to keep order. This is never explored and just kind of glossed over. There are much better books on the market in this style. I did like that the author pulled characters from a variety of mythologies instead of just leaning on the typical ones, and I hope in future books she can flesh these out more and make them more interesting aside from having silly catfights and serving tea. The world built here is interesting and has alot of potential. It's just potential that is thus far, unrealized. Sadly.

You'll welcome the spell this author will cast over you

Dragon Wytch is the fourth book in Yasmine Galenorn's Otherworld Series featuring the D'Artigo Sisters. It is a paranormal romance, but the author considers it urban fantasy. The three sisters work as operatives for the Otherworld Intelligence Agency but live Earthside. Menolly is a vampire, Delilah shape-shifts into a tabby cat when she's upset, and the third sister and narrator of this story, Camille, is a witch whose spells sometimes don't work out quite right. The three sisters are half human and half-Faerie which makes them rather unique. Centuries ago, there was a battle that resulted in Earthside and the Other World being separated into two different worlds. But something dangerous is going on since goblins, trolls and a unicorn are loose Earthside in Seattle. Camille receives a visit from a unicorn who happens to be a prince in the Otherworld. The unicorn has a special gift for Camille that must be treasured and kept safe from the people who are after it. Will Camille be able to properly use this newfound magical gift? Camille made a pact with a sexy dragon named Smokey, and he has come to collect his prize. Camille must stay with Smokey for a week during which he will do whatever he likes with her. In the meantime, Camille's lover, Trillian, is on a dangerous mission in the Otherworld and her second lover, Morio, is worried about Camille being around Smokey. Smokey becomes useful to the sisters while fighting demons and trolls Earthside. The human cops are getting killed trying to fight trolls and everything is running amok in the world. Will the D'Artigo Sisters be able to keep Earthside safe from demons and whatever else decides to cross the portal and reek destruction on their world? Dragon Wytch is a thrilling, exciting and suspenseful new installment in this urban fantasy series. There are demons, trolls, vampires, faeries, elves, gargoyles, dragons, shape shifters and every kind of supernatural creature that you could think of in this book. Every page of Dragon Wytch sizzles with action, adventure, and magic. Yasmine Galenorn has cast a spell on me with her books! Armchair Interviews Says: Dragon Wytch is an excellent new book that will delight readers!

Yay for Camille :)

This is the fourth installment of the Otherworld series and we're back to seeing things through Camille's eyes, out of all the sisters she's my favorite. This time around Camille is visited by the crown prince of unicorns, Feddrah-Dahns, at her shop and he brings a tremendous gift for her, the horn of the legendary Black Unicorn. It's said to be very powerful and can help them in the war ahead. She must however, user it sparingly and recharge it during the dark of the moon. Camille is able to talk to the keeper of the horn and the four elements within it; they respond to her as a wielder of the horn and amplify her magic. Meanwhile other portals are opening up in Seattle and the surrounding area, the barrier that separate Earth, Otherworld and the Sub Realms is breaking apart and the three realms want to converge together. Nasty things are slipping through the unprotected portals and it's up to the girls to stop it.

Losing its luster

Dragon Wytch is the fourth installment in the Sisters of the Moon series, this time told from Camille's point of view as the Earthside group continues to search for another seal and fight off the regular hordes of demons and darkness. In this book Smokey finally calls in her debt to him and she becomes his love toy for a few less-than-exciting love scenes, one of which Morio joins in. And Trillian disappears, presumably kidnapped somewhere in OW. A unicorn, a sprite, and ancient goddesses descend to play their part and Menolly and Delilah are less active in this story. Honestly, I've had a hard time reading this series from the beginning, and this book very much reminded me why. Galenorn has a rather slow, overly detailed writing style and her stories often crawl at a snail's pace. I mean, do we really need to know the pattern on the china and what kind of sandwiches they had for lunch? But each book, about a third or half the way through, seems to finally pick up the pace and keep just enough interest going that I keep reading the series. Camille is not my favorite character and by now, four books in, it's a lot of the "same old same old". Same outfits, same issues with her multiple lovers, same habit of talking way too much. If, like me, you have been reading this series from the start, you probably want to read this one just to keep up with the story line. But I'm definitely hoping the sixth book, told from Delilah's point of view, is a better and more interesting read. And that Galenorn's copyeditor takes more red ink to the manuscript and tightens things up a bit.


Started reading this book a few years after the first 3... loved the first 3... this nook is good, BUT lacking a lot... I want to read it just to get it done yet don't feel like reading it because its slow... I'm more than halfway through the book and there had been little to no action to keep me hooked. I'm going to continue to read a few more books in the series just in case itss fluke... I'm hoping it isn't!! If so I'll just stick with the Indigo Court series.

Lovely and enticing

I loved the three previous books that I grabbed this one off the shelf immediately. I found that this book like the others picks up pretty close where the others left off. I also love how Galenorn writes each book in the prospective of the sister so that you can get a more in depth feel for each of the characters and how they react with one another and their own personal secrets. I am excited to uncover the rest of the seals, rearing of the gargoyle, finding love for the last sister and find a lost love for one, while trying to save the Earth from the underworld. You can read this book independently because Galenorn does give a brief excerpt about the previous three, but I would not recommend it. They give too much background and foundation for this fourth one. Just the way I like them.


I love this series and am always hankering for the next to come out. It is great urban fantasy and always entertaining. What's good about the book. Great plot development and sparkling action scenes. Romantic too in its own way. As you can guess from the title, Smoky and Camille get it together. Definite flashes of this series brilliance and there are parts of the book I enjoyed more than any of the previous 3. What's not so good. Clunky fillers between major parts of the plot (fighting various OW renegades) that dont seem to add much and are a bit arduous to read through on the way to getting on with the story. The book is overly busy. I love loads of action and I laugh when others review books and say they are too complicated. I almost never notice this in books but it was present in this book. Overly descriptive in parts - I got bored in parts and had to will myself to keep reading. If you like the series, well worth getting, still an enjoyable read but IMO - not the best of the bunch.

Back to Camille

This brings us back to Camille and her journey as a follower of the Moon Mother. Also plenty of development of her relationship with her men. We also get the rise of the Fae Queens and more of the search for the spirit seals.

What a ride

With Camille again watching her powers, and strength grown even as her circle of lovers does was awesome. Of course there is more to this book than that. The magic, and fight pulls you from page to page. I really can't say enough good about this book. Yasmine Galenorn knocked it out of the park and left me dying for Night Huntress at the end which I dove right into!


All great stories must have great heroes & heroines. With Yasmine Galenorn's Otherworld Series, this is no exception. In her books, you enter a world of wonder, danger, whimsy, suspense, sensuality & action. Her stories depend on the strength & individuality of her central characters. Dragon Wytch, the fourth book in the series, continues this tradition of character strength & development through challenge, adversity & sharing. We go back to Camille D'Artigo for the fourth tale. Camille is an empowered, sexy vixen of a witch. She wears her sensuality & her power like one of her velvet corsets; wrapped tightly, but unavoidable & unmistakable when you meet her. She faces down several truly nasty individuals in this fourth installment in the series. She also must hold to her end of a deal she struck with Smoky in a prior book. And when a Dragon calls in his debt, you don't dare try to renegotiate or walk away. As the saying goes, "do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy & good with ketchup." Or in this case, do not try to turn away an affair with a dragon....Sparks fly literally & figuratively for Camille in Dragon Wytch. We are also given a glimpse into Camille's early days, when she first dedicated herself to the Moon Mother. I must say that the scenes presenting this bit of history are some of the strongest in the book. I felt Camille's joy & desire to face the challenges ahead as I was reading the passages. This is the mark of great character creation. While this book is driven by Camille, do not fear that we leave behind the other sisters. We still learn bits & pieces about Delilah & Menolly. Iris' presence in the stories continues to grow, too. One of the best parts of this book, though, has to be the opportunity to get to know the other two men in Camille's triad, Morio & Smoky. We learn a lot about Smoky...and that's a chocolate coated, cayenne pepper laced treat. I will refrain from saying anything else, though...I do not want to spoil the fun & games. Just know that Camille's relationships with all of her men progress in new & interesting ways, & it's well worth the ride. Dragon Wytch starts off with a bang & a bit of pixie dust. Things do not slow down for the women (I say women because Ms. Galenorn's ladies are not mere girls; they are strong, independent women in every sense.) The pace keeps picking up, & complications abound. The first complication walks into Camille's store on four hooves in the form of a Unicorn Prince. The group is put in the position where they must accept not one but multiple herculean tasks, to save not only Otherworld, but the human world, as well. They encounter demon lords, trolls, and some truly unique powers that are making a play for power & a resurgence of the old ways. And just to make things interesting, the third Spirit Seal surfaces. While you do not have to read the first three books in the series to enjoy Dragon Wytch, I think the experience is deeper for you, as a reader, if you have read the initial trilogy. The history of these characters, & the unmistakable bond between the sisters gives color & depth to this latest story. We are very lucky, too, as readers; Ms. Galenorn has several stories on deck for us in the Otherworld. At times, I felt a little impatient reading this book. Not for any fault of Ms. Galenorn. In fact, she should probably be applauded or lauded for this situation. I was so eager to see what was going to happen to these characters & their world that I kept feeling that, "are we there yet?" feeling small kids get when they know they're on a trip to someplace fun, but they haven't reached their destination, yet. This book is a great ride, & the destination is well worth the wait. That said, I can't wait for Delilah's next adventure in Night Huntress....


am having a great time reading this series. very interesting viewpoint is used in the books. couldn't put the book down. wonderful read. if i read one book in a series by an author i buy the other books, sometimes it doesn't pay off-1st book is the best, but with these books they just keep getting better. dragon wytch is a great continuation of the sisters. getting darker and deeper with more twists. would definitely recommend this book and the others in the series to anyone. shows women empowered-and women that look fantastic that eat!


I have been reading this series from the start and thoroughly enjoyed them up until this point. I managed to make it to page 106 in Dragon Wytch and had to put it down before I fell asleep from boredom, again. I've come to realize that I don't like Camille. Her every man wants me because I'm so beautiful and sexy attitude is annoying. She's bossy and demanding and yet accomplishes nothing except sit around drinking tea at various establishments. Yet, Galenorn contradicts these very aspects she has establish by throwing in dialogue from other characters who tell Camille that she is alot stronger, better, and beautiful than she believes she is. Even more than she "thinks" she is? How extraordinary! That would be huge! Regardless, I normally can continue reading a book even when I don't like the character, but I could not get past the fact that nothing, and I mean nothing happened action wise in over 100 pages. I say again, BORING!

If you love "Charmed"...

This is not the first book in this series, and you will enjoy it more if you read the others first. The book just felt like I was watching half a season of "Charmed" in one sitting. Kind of fun, but not enough substance to overcome the stereotypes and predictable plot. If you liked the author's previous books, you will likely enjoy this as well.

Dragon Wytch

This particular book got off to a slightly slow start but once it got moving, it never slowed down. I love the direction the book is taking. I commend the author for thinking outside the box and having such an intersting love triangle, extremely nontradional and very interesting. I love how the book ended and can't wait for the next installment. I highly recommend this book and the rest of the series.

Five Stars


Love it

This entire series is awesome. Love yasmine galenorn's imagination she knows how to leave you wanting more. The series is dark and edgy with a little humor thrown in.

Not what I was expecting at all....

I personally love supernatural romances... Kresley Cole and Jacqluine Frank- but this book was next to impossible to read. The heroine was constantly talking about how strong she was, or others were talking about how strong she was- but in truth she was terriably wimpy. I couldn't understand why all the guys were all over her- maybe I just came into the series too late. But I honestly believe that in a series- each book should be able to stand alone- and this one just couldn't.

Slow to start

Really slow to start:( about half way it got interesting😜

Yasmine Galenorn "Sisters of the moon series"

Love this series, the female characters are witty and smart and sexy. Doesnt take itself too seriously, has a bit of fun with the storyline too.

Lovers of witches, vamps & dragons

Fast paced and just as good as all the others. You'll love this series!

Fantasy plus!

Usually books in series fail to hold up to expectations as you go through each book. However this one delievers! Looking forward to reading forth-coming intallments.

Another great book from Galenorn

Highly recommended. This series is great. I am a big fan of Anne Rice and Laurell Hamilton and Galenorn joined my list with this serie. Highly recommended

Five Stars

Great Series. As soon as I complete one, I want the next one to begin. Hard to put down

Good series

Just a good series, with some light-hearted moments in amongst the action. Tse characters are interesting as there are 3 sisters and the books alternate between them, so the is a variety of perspectived

good read

Very enjoyable read yet again , I lv that I can put this book down and pick it up again and get right back into the story !!

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