Divorcing Oedipus: A Modern Day Tragedy in the Depths of Addiction and Family Dark Secrets

Kindle Edition
18 Oct
M. Ophelia

Faith Nathaniel, a mom in her early thirties, is living the picture-perfect life. Trey, her husband, is tall, dark, handsome, and in-line to take over his family’s multimillion-dollar business, a privately-owned drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, St. Mary’s. Faith matches all the expected images-she volunteers at her children’s private school works with charities, and co-hosts Gala’s across Fairbanks. Initially, she is unfailingly supportive of her husband and of her family’s success. She is happy to write Trey’s papers for his master’s degree. She loves taking care of his very ill stepfather during the day. She delights in telling his mother how beautiful she is every waking minute.

One night in October, Faith’s perfect picture is shattered forever. She intercepts a suspicious text message on Trey’s phone. She confronts him. He refuses to reveal his mistress’s identity. Faith is anguished and kicks him out. Trey moves in with his mother. The following day, Trey and his mother began to viciously attack a heartbroken, unsuspecting, naïve Faith. Faith is left bewildered and with a lot of unanswered questions. As time passes, Faith keeps hoping things will get better, but as family secrets are uncovered, her situation progressively worsens.

Eventually, Trey turns to opioids, loses his job, and as a last attempt to save his marriage, he confesses his mother’s plot to remove Faith from the family, using Helga, a middle-aged, married employee and mother of five as the temptress.

Faith, in despair, tries to find herself; she turns to prayer, God, and a lover named Brad.

Divorcing Oedipus is a whirlwind page-turner about the lives of an American family, struggling with mental illness, power, and greed. M. Ophelia’s hilarious narrative, about the pitfalls of a wife trying to live her life to please others and getting gobsmacked for her efforts, is a riveting, realistic story of a powerless wife and mother navigating an elitist Alaskan family, who employ their excessive resources to destroy her. Will she recoil in retreat? Or will she make lemonade out of lemons?

If you or anyone you know struggles with self-harm or substance abuse,
please seek help by calling the SAMHSA 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

Reviews (18)

Divorcing Oedipus is a Hilarious and Wonderful Book!

This book, Divorcing Oedipus, is a must read about a serious set of circumstances and the very intriguing cast of characters that navigates one tragedy after another. M. Ophelia explores the very dark and often dreary subject of drug abuse and the unrelenting affect it has on family. Her characters are colorful, and her use of side-splitting humor makes Divorcing Oedipus a fast read because its hard to put down; it's a page-turner. Be sure to read the Table of Contents before you begin you journey into the world of Faith Nathaniel and the unusual but realistic characters that populate this story. The Chapter Titles are delightfully inventive. And don't forget to look for Rocky Valentine; you're going to love him! If you are looking for an uplifting book to help you see the world and its troubles in a new light, Divorcing Oedipus is a perfect choice. Enjoy!

Fun and hard to put down.

Fun, moving, flowing story. After the 3rd chapter it was hard to put down wondering what Faith would do next. I feel it ended openly for the next book in Washington. I loved the characters and disliked a few who were villainous but those types really do exsist.... this book was easy to read and I can't wait for a sequel.


This is the worst book I have ever read! The tragedy is that it was written and then published. Don’t bother reading it. I skimmed it and should’ve closed it after reading Chapter One!

Read it! You won't be able to put it down.

Divorcing Oedipus is a heartfelt, inspiring and witty novel. I cried and cheered with Faith during every twist and turn. Faith’s own faith keeps her strong even during outlandish episodes from drug addled Trey and his “charming” family. I couldn’t help but cheer every victory and laugh along with Faith as her world is turned upside down and righted once again. Brilliant!

Foul language

Lots of foul language, and I am sorry to say poor writing. Seemed rather juvenile. Made it 17% through then gave up.

Sense of humor to the rescue!

A great story to show how humor and trust in God are essential in moving through grave circumstances. I can't wait to read the next one!

Funny Rollercoaster filled with highs and lows

What a funny fast read about hard topics. Helpful.

Wonderful Put Together Book

The flow of this book is one that makes it a great book to read. The interaction with the characters and the story plot all blended together in a rhythm that was very pleasing. Bravo to the author. Found this book on one of the book blogs I love, this was a great suggestion.

Humor and faith,

M. Ophelia’s incredibly descriptive writing quickly drew me into Faith’s journey; she had me riveted from the start! I couldn’t put it down wanting to know what happens next. Faith’s humor is refreshing as she deals with such difficult life circumstances. Her ability to always keep her conversations with God at the center as she navigates through the highs and lows of life is inspiring!

Divorcing Oedipus is a Hilarious and Wonderful Book!

This book, Divorcing Oedipus, is a must read about a serious set of circumstances and the very intriguing cast of characters that navigates one tragedy after another. M. Ophelia explores the very dark and often dreary subject of drug abuse and the unrelenting affect it has on family. Her characters are colorful, and her use of side-splitting humor makes Divorcing Oedipus a fast read because its hard to put down; it's a page-turner. Be sure to read the Table of Contents before you begin you journey into the world of Faith Nathaniel and the unusual but realistic characters that populate this story. The Chapter Titles are delightfully inventive. And don't forget to look for Rocky Valentine; you're going to love him! If you are looking for an uplifting book to help you see the world and its troubles in a new light, Divorcing Oedipus is a perfect choice. Enjoy!

Fun and hard to put down.

Fun, moving, flowing story. After the 3rd chapter it was hard to put down wondering what Faith would do next. I feel it ended openly for the next book in Washington. I loved the characters and disliked a few who were villainous but those types really do exsist.... this book was easy to read and I can't wait for a sequel.


This is the worst book I have ever read! The tragedy is that it was written and then published. Don’t bother reading it. I skimmed it and should’ve closed it after reading Chapter One!

Read it! You won't be able to put it down.

Divorcing Oedipus is a heartfelt, inspiring and witty novel. I cried and cheered with Faith during every twist and turn. Faith’s own faith keeps her strong even during outlandish episodes from drug addled Trey and his “charming” family. I couldn’t help but cheer every victory and laugh along with Faith as her world is turned upside down and righted once again. Brilliant!

Foul language

Lots of foul language, and I am sorry to say poor writing. Seemed rather juvenile. Made it 17% through then gave up.

Sense of humor to the rescue!

A great story to show how humor and trust in God are essential in moving through grave circumstances. I can't wait to read the next one!

Funny Rollercoaster filled with highs and lows

What a funny fast read about hard topics. Helpful.

Wonderful Put Together Book

The flow of this book is one that makes it a great book to read. The interaction with the characters and the story plot all blended together in a rhythm that was very pleasing. Bravo to the author. Found this book on one of the book blogs I love, this was a great suggestion.

Humor and faith,

M. Ophelia’s incredibly descriptive writing quickly drew me into Faith’s journey; she had me riveted from the start! I couldn’t put it down wanting to know what happens next. Faith’s humor is refreshing as she deals with such difficult life circumstances. Her ability to always keep her conversations with God at the center as she navigates through the highs and lows of life is inspiring!

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