Divine Mercy In My Soul-Diary of Sister M. Faustina Kowalska

Paperback – April 25, 2003
24 Apr
Large Print This is the book that sparked The Divine Mercy devotion -- one of the fastest growing movements in the Catholic Church today. Diary is a dramatic telling of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska's amazing encounter with The Divine Mercy -- our Lord Jesus Christ. On Mercy Sunday 2006, Pope Benedict XVI said, "The mystery of the merciful love of God was the center of the pontificate of my venerable predecessor [Pope John Paul II] ... evidencing that the devotion to Divine Mercy is not a secondary but an integral dimension of a Christian's faith and prayer." Diary chronicles God's message given through St. Faustina to the world to turn to His mercy. In it, we are reminded to trust in the Divine Mercy of Jesus and seek His forgiveness. And as Christ is merciful, so, too, are we instructed to be merciful to others. The message of Divine Mercy has become an integral part of Catholic faith, including the celebration of the Feast of Divine Mercy on the Sunday after Easter as Jesus had requested of St. Faustina. Diary is truly a book that inspires people to turn with trust to Jesus and guides the reader through an intimate journey of prayer and devotion that ultimately leads to God's mercy. Includes 24-page photo section. (Sizes: Hardcover/Trade Paper: 5.5" x 8" & Mass Market: 4.5" x 7").

Reviews (43)

Very large diary...

Very personal and intriguing accounts of this woman's encounter with Jesus. It opens up the possibilities of extraordinary encounters.

Life-changing book!

Good delivery, great condition of the book. This book-St Faustina’s diary, is straight up life-changing and it’s the real deal. It’s so incredible I can’t even put it down. The message of Divine Mercy is so important for us.

5 stars

Excellent book. The company sent it promptly and very quickly resolved all of the issues I had. A+.

Buy this book

Every time I read this book I feel closer to GOD

Beautiful book

Reading this book is bringing me back to the church and to a relationship with Jesus. What more need I say.

Divine Mercy in My Soul - Diary of St. Maria Faustina

A very spiritual book, easy to read and understand, takes place around 1930 to 1940. It's a diary of the daily events that happened through the life of Sister Maria Faustina. She was a uneducated young girl from Poland and was so devoted to Jesus and the Blessed Mother they appeared to her and gave her directions to start a new ministry of the Catholic Church to save the souls of all the people in the world. Jesus said if you say these prayers for a dying person Jesus will stand before the Father and forgive the soul of it's sins. A must read for everyone. I read a little every day and let the entries sink into my soul. It is hard to put down when you start reading it. Enjoy; I did and may God Bless You.

Everyone Should Read This Diary!

The many excellent reviews that have been written about St. Faustina's Diary are correct! I have been reading this for Lent and it is a fascinating book that can be read over and over much like the Bible. Someone once told me this book is really deep; please don't think this book is too deep for you, it's not. Page after page reaffirms God's great mercy. Reading the words that Jesus actually spoke to St. Faustina is so moving. You will want to meditate upon them. I find it is a great book to take with me to Eucharistic Adoration. So, if you only have a couple of Catholic books in your home, this should be one of them.

Merciful indeed!

This is excellent -- if you are interested in your spiritual life. It is uplifting and encouraging and will greatly assist you in your devotion to Our Lord. Skip the "Authorized Biography" -- just in case you think, as I did, that by reading that you will learn more about Sister Faustina. I don't know about other biographies, but the above one is nothing but continual quotes from the DIARY. Just get the "Diary" -- it's well worth your time.

A wonderful book

Inspiring. Saint Faustina was a wonder in our time. A Saint in our time. Pope John Paul, a Pope in OUR time, canonized her. He will be canonized, I think by this year. How special is this. He also thought she was special. Very happy with my her diary.

diary of Sr. Faustina

a personal account of ST Faustina's real life interaction with the Christ. her questioning of her understanding why she was chosen. her total surrender to bringing the mercy of our Savior to others

Very large diary...

Very personal and intriguing accounts of this woman's encounter with Jesus. It opens up the possibilities of extraordinary encounters.

Life-changing book!

Good delivery, great condition of the book. This book-St Faustina’s diary, is straight up life-changing and it’s the real deal. It’s so incredible I can’t even put it down. The message of Divine Mercy is so important for us.

5 stars

Excellent book. The company sent it promptly and very quickly resolved all of the issues I had. A+.

Buy this book

Every time I read this book I feel closer to GOD

Beautiful book

Reading this book is bringing me back to the church and to a relationship with Jesus. What more need I say.

Divine Mercy in My Soul - Diary of St. Maria Faustina

A very spiritual book, easy to read and understand, takes place around 1930 to 1940. It's a diary of the daily events that happened through the life of Sister Maria Faustina. She was a uneducated young girl from Poland and was so devoted to Jesus and the Blessed Mother they appeared to her and gave her directions to start a new ministry of the Catholic Church to save the souls of all the people in the world. Jesus said if you say these prayers for a dying person Jesus will stand before the Father and forgive the soul of it's sins. A must read for everyone. I read a little every day and let the entries sink into my soul. It is hard to put down when you start reading it. Enjoy; I did and may God Bless You.

Everyone Should Read This Diary!

The many excellent reviews that have been written about St. Faustina's Diary are correct! I have been reading this for Lent and it is a fascinating book that can be read over and over much like the Bible. Someone once told me this book is really deep; please don't think this book is too deep for you, it's not. Page after page reaffirms God's great mercy. Reading the words that Jesus actually spoke to St. Faustina is so moving. You will want to meditate upon them. I find it is a great book to take with me to Eucharistic Adoration. So, if you only have a couple of Catholic books in your home, this should be one of them.

Merciful indeed!

This is excellent -- if you are interested in your spiritual life. It is uplifting and encouraging and will greatly assist you in your devotion to Our Lord. Skip the "Authorized Biography" -- just in case you think, as I did, that by reading that you will learn more about Sister Faustina. I don't know about other biographies, but the above one is nothing but continual quotes from the DIARY. Just get the "Diary" -- it's well worth your time.

A wonderful book

Inspiring. Saint Faustina was a wonder in our time. A Saint in our time. Pope John Paul, a Pope in OUR time, canonized her. He will be canonized, I think by this year. How special is this. He also thought she was special. Very happy with my her diary.

diary of Sr. Faustina

a personal account of ST Faustina's real life interaction with the Christ. her questioning of her understanding why she was chosen. her total surrender to bringing the mercy of our Savior to others

Great story. Arrived on time

Great story. Arrived on time.

Persoanl growth

Better understanding of God's Divine Mercy. Many insightful thoughts to help me on my journey to Heaven. A book I keep on my night stand and re-read the parts I highlighted.

Awesome lecture!!

Gr8 lecture! Very inspiring!!

Five Stars

the lord speaks to her

Five Stars

Item as stated and shipped promptly

Five Stars

Love the cover, and size of letters in such small book.

Five Stars

Excellent condition!

Divine Mercy in my soul Is a Beautiful Read and Meditation.

Divine Mercy in my soul is a Beautiful work for one to immerse themselves in and Not just read but meditate as there are some matters that will always remain a mystery and that is the Beauty of it and the beauty of Our Lord and His Mercy and His Message to Sister Faustina.

Five Stars



This is a wonderful book. I have boughten many books to give out as gifts. Great evangelization tool.

Difficult to understand

Was a little to understand for me.

The Obedient Diary of a Misunderstood Visionary

(65) "One time during novitiate, when Mother Directress sent me to work in the wards' kitchen, I was very upset because I could not manage the pots, which were very large. The most difficult task for me was draining the potatoes, and sometimes I spilt half of them with the water. When I told this to Mother Directress, she said that with time I would get used to it and gain the necessary skill. Yet the task was not getting any easier, as I was growing weaker every day [tuberculosis]. So I would move away when it was time to drain the potatoes. The sisters noticed that I avoided this task and were very much surprised. They did not know that I could not help in spite of all my willingness to do this and not spare myself. At noon, during the examination of conscience, I complained to God about my weakness. Then I heard the following words in my soul, FROM TODAY ON YOU WILL DO THIS EASILY; I SHALL STRENGTHEN YOU. That evening, when the time came to drain off the water from the potatoes, I hurried to be the first to do it, trusting in the Lord's words. I took up the pot with ease and poured off the water perfectly. But when I took off the cover to let the potatoes steam off, I saw there in the pot, in the place of the potatoes, whole bunches of red roses, beautiful beyond description. I had never seen such roses before. Greatly astonished and unable to understand the meaning of this, I heard a voice within me saying, I CHANGE SUCH HARD WORK OF YOURS INTO BOUQUETS OF MOST BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS, AND THEIR PERFUME RISES UP TO MY THRONE. From then on I have tried to drain the potatoes myself, not only during my week when it was my turn to cook, but also in replacement of other sisters when it was their turn. And not only do I do this, but I try to be the first to help in any other burdensome task, because I have experienced how much this pleases God." You may not know it yet, but one of our greatest saints -- God's intimate "Secretary of Mercy" -- was canonized in 2000, and one of the greatest mystical diaries of eternity is waiting to grace you with the divine privilege of reading it. (Nevermind that the current canonization crazy Pope had a distinctly vested interest in this case.) Really -- don't waste any more time, buy this often backordered impeccable third edition hardcover ISBN 094420337X now, for it was not only Rilke who said "You must change your life." Do, however, enter at your own seriously intense risk, and keep in mind that the apparitional Jesus was often speaking specifically to Sister Faustina's unique spiritual needs as His born "simple" Secretary of Mercy, a gardener with three years of elementary school education. "The writings contain a wonderful teaching, but reading them one must remember that God speaks to philosophers in the language of philosophers and to simple souls in the language of the simple ones, and only to these last does He reveal truths hidden from the wise and prudent of this world." Read all 700 plus pages closely; keep a copy of The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Igantius close by (Sister Faustina's Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy follows intensely "obedient" Ignatian spiritual formation). Needless to say, five stars are far from enough.

Buy the book and study it.

I found this book to be a wonderful aid to my spiritual life. At one point in the book Jesus tells Sister Faustina to write in her diary because it will be helpful to souls who would read it later. I am one of those souls. At times I felt as if Christ was speaking to me through her. This book helped me so much to understand more fully how vast is the love of God. So vast that none of us will ever be able to understand it. Much larger than the worst sins that any of us can ever commit. This book made me more aware of my own sin on another level than what I was previously aware of. This book has taught me new forms of prayer that have helped draw me closer to Christ. This book has taught me more about how to love God. It has greatly enriched my interior life. My relationship with God has now moved up to a higher level. It has also helped me to understand more about the living presence of God in the Eucharist. I am not Catholic, I am an Episcopalian, (but I am rather Catholic at heart). And although I have always believed in the living presence of Christ in the bread and wine, it has now moved to a higher level of understanding and reverence. I anxiously look forward to every oportunity I have to join with the living Christ in the Eucharistic feast. The book is a bit long and does repeat a bit, but it is beautiful and well worth the time to read. My copy is underlined, and marked with sticky notes and folded over pages of places that I have returned to again and again to meditate on. I have nothing but praise for this book and recommend it to everyone of any religion.


I bought this for my wife and over the past three days she has not been able to read a word of it because I can't put it down. It is amazing to me how sold out St. Faustina was ( and still is ) to Jesus. Every time I read a passage I shake my head and realize that I have so much further to go in my life with God. I can't be a monk, but I can be much more devout than I am. I am understanding one thing from reading this very clearly, Divine Mercy is a consuming fire. Peace, WKM

Blotted pages, printing quality

I am not disappointed about the author or the content of the book itself. But the printing quality of it - a little bit appalling. Quite a number of pages with black ink spots and faded ink also. Please check quality control for future products. Thanks.

Every play in the shop by and read this!

Every person should read this book! Catholic and non-Catholic!

One of the best Saints that ever lived

One of my family’s favorite books. We keep going back to it over and over.


Replaced a lost book. Great condition

I’m so thankful for this diary

This book could not have been presented to me at a better time. Let’s talk about miracles!


Well packaged and full of wisdom.

Ease and reliability.

Exceeded my expectations. Arrived before schedule.

Five Stars

very pleased with purchase

After Holy Scripture, this is a must read!

This needs to be read by every faithful catholic. By God's graces, we too shall be saints. What a treasure God has given us in Saint Faustina.

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