Dirt: Growing Strong Roots in What Makes the Broken Beautiful

Kindle Edition
14 Sep
Dirt is a story about the places where we start. From a single-wide trailer in the mountains of rural West Virginia to the halls of Yale Law School, Mary Marantz's story is one of remembering our roots while turning our faces to the sky. From growing up in that trailer, where it rained just as hard inside as out and the smell of mildew hung thick in the air, Mary has known what it is to feel broken and disqualified because of the muddy scars leaving smudged fingerprints across our lives. Generations of her family lived and logged in those hauntingly treacherous woods, risking life and limb just to barely scrape by. And yet that very struggle became the redemption song God used to write a life she never dreamed of.

Mixed with warmth, wit, and the bittersweet, sometimes achingly heartbreaking places we go when we dig in instead of give up, Dirt is a story of healing. With gut-wrenching honesty and hard-won wisdom, Mary shares her story for anyone who has ever walked into the world and felt like their scars were still on display, showing that you are braver, better, and more empathetic for what you have survived. Because God does his best work in the muddy, messy, and broken--if we'll only learn to dig in.

Reviews (193)

A Must Read

I absolutely loved the heart-wrenchingly beautiful debut memoir Dirt by Mary Marantz. Her lyrical prose, visual descriptions, and profoundly inspirational messages captured my senses and held on tight until the very last page. I was enthralled by it. I couldn’t put it down and I didn’t want it to end! The author writes with emotional depth and clarity as she pours her heart and soul onto the pages of Dirt in genuine, authentic, and life-giving ways. And she sprinkles the pages of Dirt with humor which I found delightful. Dirt is about forgiveness, redemption, honesty, sacrifice, healing, acceptance, and the roots of deep-abiding love. It’s about letting go and hanging on, hardening and softening, and the power of love. Mary Marantz shares her relationships and struggles growing up, especially about her dad, and the untraditional life lessons he taught her in the simplest, but most profound ways. I love that she loved well even when it may have hurt to do so. I related to her feelings of unworthiness and not being enough. I’m glad she came to the realization of her true worth and value and the grit and grace that flows through her veins. I recently lost my dad and I’m still grappling with the tremendous loss of his absence. Mary Marantz’s love and pride for her father touched me deeply and the last few chapters and epilogue of the book were my undoing, in the most beautiful of ways. They grabbed my heartstrings and wouldn’t let go until long after I finished reading it. Mary Marantz weaves her stories of family and faith into the beautiful tapestry of Dirt as she unravels rich life lessons, realizations, and truths as she derives the goodness that surely comes. Her stories are delicately strung together with the analogy of dirt, stories of brokenness, and hard times which blossom into love, beauty, and grit. I think this quote by Mary Marantz sums up her amazing book well; “This wild, wonderful, hard, gritty, broken-made-beautiful life. You may call it grace, you may call it sacrifice. But for me, the greatest of these is love. It is a song of redemption, a reconciliation with the roots that grew me, a melody born out of the muddiest parts of my life. And it always started with dirt.” I am a voracious reader and Dirt is the best memoir I’ve ever read. It combines the elements of a raw, fresh style written with heartbreaking beauty, powerful and profound truths and honesty laced with faith-filled messages woven into the author’s heartfelt stories of inspiration. I absolutely loved Dirt and I look forward to future books from the new author Mary Marantz.

This book is INCREDIBLE!

I met Mary a number of years ago through a photography education workshop. I had been following her on social media for a bit before signing up to learn from her and her other half, and I was constantly in awe of just how beautifully she could put into words some of the things I’ve always felt but couldn’t express. As the years went on, I got to know Mary better. She mentored me, and to this day, I continue to be inspired by her and her wisdom. Any time I would go to a business conference or workshop and she was a speaker, I knew I would leave changed. She has such a way with words that it kind of hard to explain, but she commands any room she steps into. She has a way of painting a picture with her words, just as beautifully as she has always been able to capture a moment with a camera and perfect lighting. And I knew that one day, she was going to write a book, and it was going to be magical. And I was right. From the prologue of the book, I knew that this book was going to move me. I cried big alligator tears just within the first few pages. And if you know Mary, this is just the effect she has on people. She says the things out loud that people feel deep, deep within. And she does it so beautifully and eloquently. Her words in this book are like poetry, and I could not put it down! This is a book that I’m purchasing for friends and family for Christmas because people need to read it! It’s absolutely amazing. Mary is absolutely amazing and incomparable. And I have no doubt she will use this book to continue to inspire women across the country and across the world!

A stunning memoir!!

Dirt is a memoir taking us through Mary's life as a young girl growing up in a trailer in rural West Virginia and the brokenness she felt because of her family's struggles. It's a story about allowing God to use the “dirt” in your past to write a beautiful story for your life. It's about owning your story and seeing the beauty through the dirt. A story of the relationship between an earthly father and daughter and a redemption story between our heavenly father and his daughter. A story of strength and grit. “...when we lean into this dirt that grew us, this struggle-turned-fertile-soil where our roots run deep, we stand a little taller. Open our arms a little wider. Turn our tired faces to the sky. Trade out shame-stories for a strength inside us we never knew we had. And decide once and for all to own all of it. The hard, the gritty, the bittersweet. This world may try to tell you it isn't beautiful. But what if they're wrong?” I couldn't put this book down! I found myself laughing, crying, and literally in awe at times because of how beautiful Mary's writing is. I knew Dirt would be good, but I didn't expect it to read like a beautiful novel, a stunning poem, and a captivating memoir – all while pointing me to Jesus at the same time. Mary has a way with words unlike any other author I've ever read before. If you've ever felt like your story is too broken, that your past is too messy to be used, I believe that Dirt will change your life... “Because God does His best work in the muddy, messy, and broken – if we only learn to dig in.”

This book is so compelling! Couldn’t put it down.

When initially picking up this book, you may feel that the descriptions get too lengthy, may be concerned that this story will turn out to be flowery or fluffy. However, that feeling quickly subsides as the author pulls you into every scene with her palpable descriptions, leaving you feeling certain that you must have been a part of each story, growing up alongside her and experiencing it all. She describes her childhood of growing up as the daughter of a West Virginia logger, living in a trailer on a mountainside. Her experiences seem all at once familiar to childhood, and yet contain harsh realities to make you ache for that child and the other players in the story. As she describes her life after age 18 and you silently cheer for her successes, you feel that her past is still hanging over her. The author truly delivers on her promise to show that you don't have to let that past haunt you. You don't have to run from it and keep looking over your shoulder-- but you don't have to forget it either. You just need to stop running. “You have spent a lifetime starting over, breaking loose to run free only to be taken captive again and again. This one truth always dragging, always clawing at your heels like the heavy chains you never asked to bear: no matter how hard you run, you can't outrun you.” Through embracing the dirt, you can finally sit in the stillness and the quiet and enjoy the grit, knowing God has been using it all along. There's no need to wash it off. “At last, freedom takes root and comes home. You know Who it is that holds you. Who has always held you. You were born a wild thing. And you are finally free.” In a world where perfectly styled bookshelves and spotless white kitchens are everywhere, this book is a breath of fresh air-- we all have dirt and we all need dirt and we need to stop hiding it away from ourselves and each other.

Powerful, Transformative Memoir

I’m going to try not to make this review sound too hyperbolic or overdramatic. But, I’ll warn you, it’s going to be difficult. Because this book was transformative and I already can’t wait to read it again when my hard copy arrives. I’ll start with a couple of my favorite quotes (and it’s VERY difficult to narrow down my many highlights). “Here’s what I know: Those parts of us that we want to hide. Those parts of us that we wish we could bury below the surface far away from the light, praying for transformation. Those things we think will make people turn their faces away from us in some sort of sympathy shame on our behalf. For better or worse, those things help make us who we are.” “The point is that we can’t browbeat people into giving their hearts to God. We can’t thump our chest and scream in their faces and twist their arms until they change their minds. Even if we could, that’s never how God wanted it. It was always meant to be a choice. A root change that happens in the heart. All we can do is sit cross-legged and open-hearted across from one another- close enough where we can really see each other- and tell our stories....’Stories change stories.’” “Which means it can feel a whole lot like whiplash when God suddenly takes that hard, heavy story you’ve been trying so hard to hide all along and uses it to start opening doors you never dreamed of. Good. We need that kind of shake-up. Because the truth is, when we lean into this dirt that grew us, this struggle-turned-fertile-soil where our roots run deep, we stand a little taller. Open our arms a little wider. Turn our faces to the sky. Trade our shame-stories for a strength inside us we never knew we had. And decide once and for all to own all of it. The hard, the gritty, the bittersweet. This world may try to tell you it isn’t beautiful. But what if they’re wrong?” “I thought that when He looked at my scars, he saw flaws. But the truth is, He just saw my story. And every little thing that was broken was a chance for him to make that story beautiful. Every wound was an opening for His light to get in. He sees it all, and He just reaches out again with His wide-open palms that have held me. I have been loved, I have been loved, I have been loved. And that, it turns out, changes everything.” “We don’t skip the pain because that would be easier. We lean into it because that’s what love does.” Well, those are only a few of my favorite passages. This is a memoir, but it is so much more than that. Mary’s story of feeling ashamed, the difficulty of accepting grace, the path to forgiveness, the transformation in the way that she viewed God, and the process through which she allowed herself to build a life apart from her home state while remaining true to the hard work and grit that helped make her who she is was inspiring, emotional, and challenging. So much of this book resonated with me and, like I said, I know I’ll be reading it again to absorb the depth and the beauty of her words again.

I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to connect with it, but I was wrong!

As a longtime lover of Mary Marantz's writing I have been excited about the idea of a book written by her for years. I pre-ordered "Dirt" as soon as I could, and could not wait to get my hands on it. As an agnostic, I have to say I was really hesitant about how much I would be able to connect with it. I know Mary is a Christian and that her faith highly influences her and her writing. I started the book with some trepidation, but quickly found myself immersed in it and unable to put it down. This is a story about growing from the messy parts that make up our story. It's about not hiding who you are and where you came from. It's about reconciling with those parts of you that aren't so perfect and seeing how those seemingly imperfect parts led you to the story you're living today. It's beautifully written, absolutely captivating, and will bring you to tears as you recognize parts of your own story in Mary's words. Yes there are some references to faith and god, but I strongly believe anyone from any walk of faith (or lack of faith) would find beauty in this book. If you are someone that struggles with finding beauty in your past, this book is for you.

Must Read!

Through laughs and tears and soul searching moments while flipping page after page, Mary takes readers on a journey through her past and almost intentionally, their own as well, challenging ideals of beautiful and digging deep into what makes us who we truly are. I could not put it down! Dirt is a must read.

A captivating, transformative read!

Mary is a painter with words. While DIRT is Mary's story, it really is all of our stories... there are so many times throughout the book where I felt Mary's emotion, I saw what she saw, I was where she was. If you grew up in a trailer in the mountains of West Virginia or if you grew up in a large city... you can relate to pieces of Mary's story. DIRT truly is not just a memoir, but a work of art that gives everyone the space to know and understand that no matter what their story is, that it matters and it is beautiful and it has shaped who they are. READ THIS BOOK, EVERYONE!

Go ahead and buy extra copies-you and your friends need this book in your lives

Sitting down with Dirt is like getting together with a dear friend and sharing your stories over a cup of coffee. Mary tells her story with such authenticity and grace. I’ve never met her, but somehow I feel like I know her deeply after reading this book. All throughout, she weaves in these comments that speak right down to the soul. God has been using Mary’s words to minister to my heart - So much of her story and her wisdom spoke deeply to me in ways I didn’t even know I needed-but God did. This book is like water for my parched soul-a stream in the desert-just when I needed it. The candor with which Mary tells her story gives permission to lean into my own in ways I’ve never considered. It’s so easy for me to want to push past my current circumstances, to work towards getting to the next step or the next goal-but reading this book was such a good reminder to cherish the process too. Dirt is a must read for anyone who has struggled with their own story. It is such a sweet encouragement that where we come from and the hands that helped make us matter. In sharing her story, she will inspire you to lean into your own dirt - to find the scars and muddy places and realize how much they’ve helped shape who you are today-to own them and wear them proudly rather than run from them or keep them hidden.

Wow!!! 😍

Just finished this. 😭😭😭 I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around this book for days because it’s stirring up things in me that feel familiar, uncomfortable, and hopeful at the same time. Redemption isn’t easy or pretty. Scars leave jagged, lumpy spots where gaping holes and festering sores once existed. Healing is painful and exhausting and messy and all consuming and totally worth it. Mary Marantz writes in a soothing but challenging way. She’s like a friend walking right beside you through difficult moments calling you higher, encouraging you to stay the course. Hand around your shoulder to steady the rocky steps, and heartfelt laughter to lighten the load. If you are someone who has struggled with the ugly parts of your story, feeling broken or disqualified, I highly recommend Mary’s book.

A Must Read

I absolutely loved the heart-wrenchingly beautiful debut memoir Dirt by Mary Marantz. Her lyrical prose, visual descriptions, and profoundly inspirational messages captured my senses and held on tight until the very last page. I was enthralled by it. I couldn’t put it down and I didn’t want it to end! The author writes with emotional depth and clarity as she pours her heart and soul onto the pages of Dirt in genuine, authentic, and life-giving ways. And she sprinkles the pages of Dirt with humor which I found delightful. Dirt is about forgiveness, redemption, honesty, sacrifice, healing, acceptance, and the roots of deep-abiding love. It’s about letting go and hanging on, hardening and softening, and the power of love. Mary Marantz shares her relationships and struggles growing up, especially about her dad, and the untraditional life lessons he taught her in the simplest, but most profound ways. I love that she loved well even when it may have hurt to do so. I related to her feelings of unworthiness and not being enough. I’m glad she came to the realization of her true worth and value and the grit and grace that flows through her veins. I recently lost my dad and I’m still grappling with the tremendous loss of his absence. Mary Marantz’s love and pride for her father touched me deeply and the last few chapters and epilogue of the book were my undoing, in the most beautiful of ways. They grabbed my heartstrings and wouldn’t let go until long after I finished reading it. Mary Marantz weaves her stories of family and faith into the beautiful tapestry of Dirt as she unravels rich life lessons, realizations, and truths as she derives the goodness that surely comes. Her stories are delicately strung together with the analogy of dirt, stories of brokenness, and hard times which blossom into love, beauty, and grit. I think this quote by Mary Marantz sums up her amazing book well; “This wild, wonderful, hard, gritty, broken-made-beautiful life. You may call it grace, you may call it sacrifice. But for me, the greatest of these is love. It is a song of redemption, a reconciliation with the roots that grew me, a melody born out of the muddiest parts of my life. And it always started with dirt.” I am a voracious reader and Dirt is the best memoir I’ve ever read. It combines the elements of a raw, fresh style written with heartbreaking beauty, powerful and profound truths and honesty laced with faith-filled messages woven into the author’s heartfelt stories of inspiration. I absolutely loved Dirt and I look forward to future books from the new author Mary Marantz.

This book is INCREDIBLE!

I met Mary a number of years ago through a photography education workshop. I had been following her on social media for a bit before signing up to learn from her and her other half, and I was constantly in awe of just how beautifully she could put into words some of the things I’ve always felt but couldn’t express. As the years went on, I got to know Mary better. She mentored me, and to this day, I continue to be inspired by her and her wisdom. Any time I would go to a business conference or workshop and she was a speaker, I knew I would leave changed. She has such a way with words that it kind of hard to explain, but she commands any room she steps into. She has a way of painting a picture with her words, just as beautifully as she has always been able to capture a moment with a camera and perfect lighting. And I knew that one day, she was going to write a book, and it was going to be magical. And I was right. From the prologue of the book, I knew that this book was going to move me. I cried big alligator tears just within the first few pages. And if you know Mary, this is just the effect she has on people. She says the things out loud that people feel deep, deep within. And she does it so beautifully and eloquently. Her words in this book are like poetry, and I could not put it down! This is a book that I’m purchasing for friends and family for Christmas because people need to read it! It’s absolutely amazing. Mary is absolutely amazing and incomparable. And I have no doubt she will use this book to continue to inspire women across the country and across the world!

A stunning memoir!!

Dirt is a memoir taking us through Mary's life as a young girl growing up in a trailer in rural West Virginia and the brokenness she felt because of her family's struggles. It's a story about allowing God to use the “dirt” in your past to write a beautiful story for your life. It's about owning your story and seeing the beauty through the dirt. A story of the relationship between an earthly father and daughter and a redemption story between our heavenly father and his daughter. A story of strength and grit. “...when we lean into this dirt that grew us, this struggle-turned-fertile-soil where our roots run deep, we stand a little taller. Open our arms a little wider. Turn our tired faces to the sky. Trade out shame-stories for a strength inside us we never knew we had. And decide once and for all to own all of it. The hard, the gritty, the bittersweet. This world may try to tell you it isn't beautiful. But what if they're wrong?” I couldn't put this book down! I found myself laughing, crying, and literally in awe at times because of how beautiful Mary's writing is. I knew Dirt would be good, but I didn't expect it to read like a beautiful novel, a stunning poem, and a captivating memoir – all while pointing me to Jesus at the same time. Mary has a way with words unlike any other author I've ever read before. If you've ever felt like your story is too broken, that your past is too messy to be used, I believe that Dirt will change your life... “Because God does His best work in the muddy, messy, and broken – if we only learn to dig in.”

This book is so compelling! Couldn’t put it down.

When initially picking up this book, you may feel that the descriptions get too lengthy, may be concerned that this story will turn out to be flowery or fluffy. However, that feeling quickly subsides as the author pulls you into every scene with her palpable descriptions, leaving you feeling certain that you must have been a part of each story, growing up alongside her and experiencing it all. She describes her childhood of growing up as the daughter of a West Virginia logger, living in a trailer on a mountainside. Her experiences seem all at once familiar to childhood, and yet contain harsh realities to make you ache for that child and the other players in the story. As she describes her life after age 18 and you silently cheer for her successes, you feel that her past is still hanging over her. The author truly delivers on her promise to show that you don't have to let that past haunt you. You don't have to run from it and keep looking over your shoulder-- but you don't have to forget it either. You just need to stop running. “You have spent a lifetime starting over, breaking loose to run free only to be taken captive again and again. This one truth always dragging, always clawing at your heels like the heavy chains you never asked to bear: no matter how hard you run, you can't outrun you.” Through embracing the dirt, you can finally sit in the stillness and the quiet and enjoy the grit, knowing God has been using it all along. There's no need to wash it off. “At last, freedom takes root and comes home. You know Who it is that holds you. Who has always held you. You were born a wild thing. And you are finally free.” In a world where perfectly styled bookshelves and spotless white kitchens are everywhere, this book is a breath of fresh air-- we all have dirt and we all need dirt and we need to stop hiding it away from ourselves and each other.

Powerful, Transformative Memoir

I’m going to try not to make this review sound too hyperbolic or overdramatic. But, I’ll warn you, it’s going to be difficult. Because this book was transformative and I already can’t wait to read it again when my hard copy arrives. I’ll start with a couple of my favorite quotes (and it’s VERY difficult to narrow down my many highlights). “Here’s what I know: Those parts of us that we want to hide. Those parts of us that we wish we could bury below the surface far away from the light, praying for transformation. Those things we think will make people turn their faces away from us in some sort of sympathy shame on our behalf. For better or worse, those things help make us who we are.” “The point is that we can’t browbeat people into giving their hearts to God. We can’t thump our chest and scream in their faces and twist their arms until they change their minds. Even if we could, that’s never how God wanted it. It was always meant to be a choice. A root change that happens in the heart. All we can do is sit cross-legged and open-hearted across from one another- close enough where we can really see each other- and tell our stories....’Stories change stories.’” “Which means it can feel a whole lot like whiplash when God suddenly takes that hard, heavy story you’ve been trying so hard to hide all along and uses it to start opening doors you never dreamed of. Good. We need that kind of shake-up. Because the truth is, when we lean into this dirt that grew us, this struggle-turned-fertile-soil where our roots run deep, we stand a little taller. Open our arms a little wider. Turn our faces to the sky. Trade our shame-stories for a strength inside us we never knew we had. And decide once and for all to own all of it. The hard, the gritty, the bittersweet. This world may try to tell you it isn’t beautiful. But what if they’re wrong?” “I thought that when He looked at my scars, he saw flaws. But the truth is, He just saw my story. And every little thing that was broken was a chance for him to make that story beautiful. Every wound was an opening for His light to get in. He sees it all, and He just reaches out again with His wide-open palms that have held me. I have been loved, I have been loved, I have been loved. And that, it turns out, changes everything.” “We don’t skip the pain because that would be easier. We lean into it because that’s what love does.” Well, those are only a few of my favorite passages. This is a memoir, but it is so much more than that. Mary’s story of feeling ashamed, the difficulty of accepting grace, the path to forgiveness, the transformation in the way that she viewed God, and the process through which she allowed herself to build a life apart from her home state while remaining true to the hard work and grit that helped make her who she is was inspiring, emotional, and challenging. So much of this book resonated with me and, like I said, I know I’ll be reading it again to absorb the depth and the beauty of her words again.

I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to connect with it, but I was wrong!

As a longtime lover of Mary Marantz's writing I have been excited about the idea of a book written by her for years. I pre-ordered "Dirt" as soon as I could, and could not wait to get my hands on it. As an agnostic, I have to say I was really hesitant about how much I would be able to connect with it. I know Mary is a Christian and that her faith highly influences her and her writing. I started the book with some trepidation, but quickly found myself immersed in it and unable to put it down. This is a story about growing from the messy parts that make up our story. It's about not hiding who you are and where you came from. It's about reconciling with those parts of you that aren't so perfect and seeing how those seemingly imperfect parts led you to the story you're living today. It's beautifully written, absolutely captivating, and will bring you to tears as you recognize parts of your own story in Mary's words. Yes there are some references to faith and god, but I strongly believe anyone from any walk of faith (or lack of faith) would find beauty in this book. If you are someone that struggles with finding beauty in your past, this book is for you.

Must Read!

Through laughs and tears and soul searching moments while flipping page after page, Mary takes readers on a journey through her past and almost intentionally, their own as well, challenging ideals of beautiful and digging deep into what makes us who we truly are. I could not put it down! Dirt is a must read.

A captivating, transformative read!

Mary is a painter with words. While DIRT is Mary's story, it really is all of our stories... there are so many times throughout the book where I felt Mary's emotion, I saw what she saw, I was where she was. If you grew up in a trailer in the mountains of West Virginia or if you grew up in a large city... you can relate to pieces of Mary's story. DIRT truly is not just a memoir, but a work of art that gives everyone the space to know and understand that no matter what their story is, that it matters and it is beautiful and it has shaped who they are. READ THIS BOOK, EVERYONE!

Go ahead and buy extra copies-you and your friends need this book in your lives

Sitting down with Dirt is like getting together with a dear friend and sharing your stories over a cup of coffee. Mary tells her story with such authenticity and grace. I’ve never met her, but somehow I feel like I know her deeply after reading this book. All throughout, she weaves in these comments that speak right down to the soul. God has been using Mary’s words to minister to my heart - So much of her story and her wisdom spoke deeply to me in ways I didn’t even know I needed-but God did. This book is like water for my parched soul-a stream in the desert-just when I needed it. The candor with which Mary tells her story gives permission to lean into my own in ways I’ve never considered. It’s so easy for me to want to push past my current circumstances, to work towards getting to the next step or the next goal-but reading this book was such a good reminder to cherish the process too. Dirt is a must read for anyone who has struggled with their own story. It is such a sweet encouragement that where we come from and the hands that helped make us matter. In sharing her story, she will inspire you to lean into your own dirt - to find the scars and muddy places and realize how much they’ve helped shape who you are today-to own them and wear them proudly rather than run from them or keep them hidden.

Wow!!! 😍

Just finished this. 😭😭😭 I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around this book for days because it’s stirring up things in me that feel familiar, uncomfortable, and hopeful at the same time. Redemption isn’t easy or pretty. Scars leave jagged, lumpy spots where gaping holes and festering sores once existed. Healing is painful and exhausting and messy and all consuming and totally worth it. Mary Marantz writes in a soothing but challenging way. She’s like a friend walking right beside you through difficult moments calling you higher, encouraging you to stay the course. Hand around your shoulder to steady the rocky steps, and heartfelt laughter to lighten the load. If you are someone who has struggled with the ugly parts of your story, feeling broken or disqualified, I highly recommend Mary’s book.

The only book you want in your hands!

Dirt is refining. It’s raw and it’s real. All senses are triggered, you can literally feel what Mary describes. I’m SO thankful Mary decided to write her story, that so many will be able to resonate with in one form or another. I’ve been taking her courses over the years, listen to her podcast and now I’m extremely thankful to have read more of her story. It’s one of the most memorable and wonderful books I’ve read in a VERY long time. You just can’t put it down, and yet you don’t want to read it too fast because there’s so much to digest. It’s relatable. It’s heartwarming. I will be buying this book for friends, as her words speak to my soul, and It’s selfish not to share it with the world.

An excellent book, a brave story to tell

This book kept me looking forward to bedtime every night, where I would snuggle under the covers, with my little book light and read the unfolding of Mary's life. I have seen Mary speak 3 separate times at conferences. This book filled in many of the gaps I didn't know about, even after seeing her speak. Her childhood in West Virginia was fascinating, brutal, beautiful, broken, funny, sad...so many feelings-- it reminded me much of my own childhood (except mine was in the 70's) Mary describes in detail her early years in "the trailer"-- and I laughed and cried. Her relationships with her Dad, Mom and grandmother are described in intriguing detail. It's hard to review this, because I don't want to give away too many details, but I will just say I felt like she took me along with her, and the storytelling was compelling. The girl "after the trailer" grew up, and left home, finding a life of her own, outside of West Virginia. College, law school, finding the love of her life...all intertwined with her earlier years and relationships. Mary creates the intertwining of two stories, and ultimately it all comes back to the same place. The dirt under the fingernails of a father who loves her fiercely. And Mary, the ever independent, brave, and vulnerable daughter who writes beautifully of the tension and love between her and her father. Her mother, grandmother, husband and many others are all a part of this deeply woven story. I loved this book so much. I have re-read a few of the early chapters, because they made me laugh so much, and I shed some tears as well. Anyone who grew up virtually unsupervised, with a carefree, wild, sometimes dangerous childhood will appreciate the stories Mary shares. And woven all throughout this book Mary adds her perspective and thoughts about God--how did He wind himself into her story. A really wonderful read. Bravo!!

You'll Fall in Love with this Book!

"I thought that when He looked at my scars, He saw flaws. But the truth is, He just saw my story. And every little thing that was broken was a chance for Him to make that story beautiful. Every wound was an opening for His light to get in. He sees it all, and He just reaches out again with His wide-open palms that have held me.” Mary Marantz takes the story of her upbringing, a girl from a single-wide trailer in West Virginia who makes her way to Yale Law School, and weaves a written tapestry that exudes love, sacrifice, honesty, warmth, grit, and grace. She openly shares her journey in two parts, “the girl in the trailer” and “the girl after the trailer.” Mary has a beautiful way with words. Each sentence floats off the page and you are transported to that exact moment in time she is describing. It is her story, but after reading this book, I feel like I have lived a part of it too. Through sharing about the trials of her life, she poetically ties it back to ways that God showed up and offers readers ways God can show up for us too. We have to learn to embrace our story, no matter how muddy it is. God will use our story, even the broken, messy parts to help change the world. “Grace has the power to transform,” she shares and reminds us that we will only “see the proof, if you are willing to let it take root.” I will read anything Mary writes! You will love this book and fall in love with Mary, her “one part firecracker, one part sassafras” grandmother, and her endearing father. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is feeling like their story doesn’t matter. You will quickly learn that is does!

You won’t be able to put it down!

“Dirt” is an incredibly insightful memoir written by Photographer, teacher, and entrepreneur, Mary Marantz. It takes you back through her life living in a trailer in West Virginia, and walks you in her shoes through all of the heart ache, triumphs, falls, and decisions that led her to where she is now. Every page of this book hit me right in the heart – reading it now in my life, from the perspective of not only a woman but as a mother of a young girl, it made me weep ugly tears more than once. It draws you in instantly, until you swear you can smell the grease of her daddy’s truck. Mary’s openness and willingness to be so brutally honest about looking back and dissecting her past is something to be absolutely admired. It gets deep into the nitty gritty of how we’re raised and how it stays with us long after, in ways we don’t even understand sometimes. It will truly change your heart – help you look at your own life with so much more compassion and understanding. It will create a force of empathy in you for those around you in your life (especially your family members) that you didn’t think possible. It will give you permission to stop hiding from the demons in your own past, because you’ll understand how powerful it is to finally embrace them.


Grace has the power to transform. It has the power to heal wounds so deep you thought they would never close over again. But it only works, you’ll see the proof, if you are willing to let it take root.” Dirt: growing strong roots in what makes the beautiful broken and that is what Mary Marantz did. Mary grew up in the mountains of rural West Virginia, her ancestors were loggers and coal miners, she eventually is accepted into Yale’s Law school. I am trying to put into words what I just read. Although I do not know the author, it felt like I had known her for years, the kind of friend that you would sit on the porch and start a conversation like it was just yesterday. We all get comfortable hiding the messy spots of our lives, we think that other’s will not like us because of our upbringing. Redemption, grace, strength, feeling broken is what I felt while reading Dirt. The story also encouraged me to dig deeper into my relationships, to accept my story that God laid out for me, to be molded into something beautiful. Dirt takes us through Mary’s life growing up in the mountains of rural West Virginia in a trailer. “I used to think freedom looked a lot like being around people who aren’t muddy. Now I realize we’re all pretty muddy and maybe just a little bit broken too, no matter what kind of place we call home. And when it comes right down to it, getting each other’s mud on our hands—this serving one another in love-that’s what true freedom has always been about anyway. Because love, like integrity, is also about what we do when no one else is looking. And how we do anything is how we do everything.” I highly recommend the book. This story deserves 10 stars. I received an advance copy of the book from the author in exchange for an honest opinion. All opinions are my own.

"It's like a best friend that just gets you."

Do you know that feeling you get when a good friend just understands you? That's what this book feels like when reading it. It's like a best friend that just gets you. It's very evident that Mary poured her heart into this book. With each new chapter, I was left in tears. (Side note....I grew up in the church - extremely active but within the past 4 years have distanced myself from the church so while God is a large part of Mary's story, this book is so much more than its' discussion of religion and faith and no matter your views, I promise there are parts that you will find applicable to your life.) I really struggle with my background and how I was raised and Mary pushes the reader to "lean into this dirt that grew us, this struggle-turned-fertile-soil where our roots run deep, we stand a little taller. Open our arms a little wider. Turn our tired faces to the sky. Trade our shame-stories for a strength inside us we never knew we had. And decide once and for all to own all of it. The hard, the gritty, the bittersweet." This book is an eye opener that pushes the reader to embrace who he/she is and I would recommend it to anyone and everyone!

Mary Is a Powerful Storyteller .....

I am an avid reader, writer and fellow photographer. Mary's ability to transport the reader in DIRT is truly remarkable. I relived beautifully broken pieces of my own childhood through this novel. There are unbreakable bonds that connect those of us who grew up in the American South in noted poverty. Mary crafted scenes so real, so intense, that I could FEEL myself there in those fields - those coal minds - amidst that fertile DIRT. I highly recommend this to the reader who loves Southern Lit and/ or powerful memoirs (think Glass Castles). Mary's writing left me with just enough tears, just enough laughter and an overwhelming appreciation for my own DIRT and dappled roots.

If you’ve ever felt the tension between who you used to be and who you’ve become...

The words are as beautiful as the cover! Her writing made me feel like I was there growing up with her, but it also made me feel like she had somehow snuck into my life and lived it with me. She understood things that go on in my heart that I’ve never spoken out loud. It was very healing to feel like someone understands and can put words to what I have experienced and am still walking through. I didn’t grow up in a trailer, but there were 7 of us in a worn out 3 bedroom house. Now I live with just my husband in a nicer home of the same size. For years, I thought I’d never marry because of my parents’ divorce. This book was so encouraging in helping me work through guilt and confusion from feeling like I’ve lived 2 very different lives. Thank you for this lovely, memorable book!

A beautifully written book that everyone should read

Dirt is not only an inspiring story of healing and redemption but also a beautiful read. From the first paragraph, Mary Marantz’s words draw you in and paint a picture of the mountains of West Virginia that will have you believing you are really there. The entire book engages all the senses as you walk alongside Mary, but somehow, the story becomes your own. Mary has a way of connecting with those hidden places we each carry, gently opening them up, and aiding in the examination and redemption of what was once lost. You will find humor and healing in its pages, but mostly you will find strength and beauty and you won’t want to put it down. This book is a must read for anyone who has experienced hard times - and that means it’s for everyone.

A beautiful story of grace and embracing even the imperfect parts of your story

I absolutely loved this memoir. It was so much more than one woman's story of upward mobility. In fact, it really wasn't about that at all, despite the fact the author was raised very modestly in a rural West Virginia town, and received a law degree from Yale as one of her many impressive accomplishments. The book paints a beautiful and thoughtful picture of how God wove the histories of those who came before her, and has guided her into her beautiful future. It encourages the reader to look into their own lives to perhaps see how others have helped lay the foundation for our own stories as well. It highlights the beauty in our scars, and the freedom in forgiveness. This book is very thought provoking, and one you will want to continue discussing long after you have read the last pages, it is also an easy read, and flows beautifully. The author's writing style is elegant, her prose flows like a song, playing a rhythm that urged me to keep turning each page. It was a very enjoyable read, and would be great for everything from a breezy beach read, to a book club, or church small group study!

Dirt: A book that will touch your soul

The book Dirt connects with you on every chapter. You read, then digest, then press forward to learn what happenes next. I think everyone can connect with a piece of Mary’s story. I think we all can connect to a feeling of who we were before and who we were after a certain event in our lives. Mary shows you that it is ok to feel like you are 2 people. She shows you that your story is important. I want all the women in my life to read this story of overcoming the odds. Mary shows us what hard work looks like and that your roots just show you where you’ve been. I encourage everyone who wants a book that will touch them right down to their soul to pick up a copy of Dirt.

A solid five stars!

Loved this book! Mary Marantz’ lyrical writing style is absolutely captivating. This isn’t a book merely to be read, it is something to experience. Marantz transports you to the mountains of rural West Virginia and you can practically taste Grandma Goldie’s wild onions fried in bacon grease. Her sojourn from a leaky, mud encrusted single wide trailer to Yale Law School is fascinating. Thanks to her father’s relentless determination that education would be her way out of poverty Mary’s intellect and drive begins to open doors. With humor, wit and wisdom she deftly weaves her story honoring both the roots that afforded her a solid, loving foundation and the education that gave her wings.

Good Read For Those Familiar with Mary

I was familiar with Mary Marantz before reading Dirt. I think this fact encouraged me to finish the book. Mary is a beautiful writer but I think the beauty of words overshadowed the story she was wanting to tell. A lot of her “hard life” story was high level and it made it difficult to connect the “after the trailer” life as inspiring. I also think some people are unaware of the large role Christianity plays in her life and the last few chapters can be difficult to get through if you’re not Christian. Overall, I think Mary’s debut is a beautiful start to what I’m sure will be a great writing career in her niche.

Please read!

Please go pick up this book! Mary Marantz' book is like eating a deep dark chocolate brownie studded with pecans. It's layers and layers of flavor, and then you get an unexpected treat/truth. She takes you on journey through her life that somehow always comes back you you and your personal story. I'm on my second reading of this book and still shed tears. I too am a girl with a red cape. Beautifully written!

Mary writes as if she's painting a picture with her descriptive words!

You won't be able to put Dirt down! Beautifully written, Mary writes as if she's painting a picture with her descriptive words. She captivates us with her story telling. She doesn't just set a scene from her childhood with a few words to place us there, she transports us there with each detail. Her book was like reading in a calm sea, each current/wave taking us smoothly and seemingly effortless to the next chapter, the next part of her story. This book is for anyone who needs the reminder that you can stop running. You can be both someone who loves and appreciates their roots and someone who has learned from them to grow. Congratulations Mary on a beautifully written story!

Inspiring. Impactful. Authentic.

Sometimes you come across a book that stops you in your tracks. The story is real, authentic, and powerful. You feel like you are with this person every step of the way. To top that off, the writing is amazing. The words flow and draw you in like you can't imagine. Dirt is all of these things and more.I have been inspired by Mary Marantz as a businesswoman, photographer, podcast personality, and now as an author. She is the real deal and she has let us have a glimpse into her life. From the hills of West Virginia to the halls of Yale, I was with her! I cannot recommend this book enough. You will be moved and inspired. This isn't one of those "self-help" books, but it certainly helps you. It reminds you that you are always enough. It reminds you that no matter your circumstances-- there is always more. You have millions of choices on what books to purchase-- be sure this one is at the top of your list.

A sweet story of growing up wild and finding peace as an adult.

There were times when I thought the story dragged a little, but not enough to give it four stars. The author grew up in poverty but she managed to get a college education and went on to earn a law degree from Yale. Throughout the book she shows how her attitude changed toward her family and how she went from feeling shame to feeling gratefulness. She shows a closeness to her father throughout, although during her teens they fought. Typical of any socioeconomic level. She finally sees the comparison of the love of her father and the love of a heavenly Father, and then herself. I love how she grows in faith, and finally, a change in her father she had not expected. I would boil this story down to a truth about hardship, an honest tale from deep inside a child torn by circumstances, but also a beautiful story of faith and love.

Transformative Story

I have never read a book before that touched my heart so deeply. Dirt, by Mary Marantz, is one of those books that just wakes up your heart with a vivid description of her childhood with the happy moments and the tough, raw, difficult moments of living in the mountains of West Virginia, where careers for most people are limited. Mary describes her life with so much authenticity, and guides you through her story into the realization that your “hard story” does not define who you are, revealing the beauty of redemption in family relationships, her relationship with God, and her self worth. As I read her story, I felt like she was describing a great deal of my life, a life of struggle because of poverty and dysfunction. I had to work so hard to fit in as a teenager, constantly fearing that I would be rejected. When Mary described achievement and how it became so necessary for survival, my eyes were filled with tears. I had to achieve to feel like I even had a right to “be in the room” too, and often felt like I didn’t really deserve it. Mary describes “a prison of perfection that keeps us walled in.” This is such a true statement for those of us who grew up in difficult /dysfunctional situations. Reading those words reminded me that I don’t really have to be perfect for anyone around me anymore. Mary suggests in Dirt that we end up building a façade “that we think is everything the world wants to see”. I am “the most put together person in the room”- the one with a hard story. If you are someone who has felt the pain of struggle and need hope in your life, you will truly benefit from reading this beautiful story.

Mary’s words will help heal even the deepest wounds

Dirt is by far the very best book I’ve read in a long time. As soon as I read the last word, I wanted to start reading all over again. Mary Marantz is a rare talent, as evidenced by the amount of pages I’ve bookmarked with words worthy of quoting. When I read about her deepest scars all I could think were how hauntingly beautiful the words were. They made me feel a sense of peace about my own experience. Of all the moments this book made me cry, there were too many to count, it was the part about the butterfly that really hit me in a way I won’t soon forget. So many lives will be forever changed by this book. We are all broken in varying degrees throughout life. I believe Mary’s words will help heal even the deepest wounds.

Favorite Book of the Year

Serious contender for my favorite book of the year. Lump in my throat, tears behind my eyes started in the Preface...the PREFACE. I immediately stopped reading and went to steep tea and make toast with jam because I understood: this is an experience to savor. . The author shares gritty, grimy brokenness with so much grace, love, hope, and redemption. . It’s like being offered a generous serving of grace on an old, cracked plate. Exquisite. Incandescent. Breath-taking. Encouraging. Lovely.

heart-changing, world-shifting story!

Oh Mary! Thank you for sharing your story with us! What a beautiful and honest picture of growing up in a trailer house and all the many diamond-in-the-rough moments along with the layers of complexity there is not just in a childhood growing up with less, but in the complexity that there is in relationships with hard-working, strong-faced fathers and mamas that are trying to do their best & still know themselves & grandmas who fill so many gaps with their homegrown apples & life-lessons. It was a easy read meaning I didn't put it down, but not in the complexity of feelings it made my heart face. I cried through "dirt" in the best way. My daddy grew up with a chainsaw in his hands by age 5 and his legacy is that of dirt-shaper as a landscaper. It's easier for him to talk about rocks than it is about his love for his family. So your story hits so close to home in so many ways even though we grew up on the other side of the country. I've fallen heart-over-heels in love with your whole family. Thank you for sharing your story!

A powerful journey that speaks to your soul

Dirt is captivating! It leads you on a journey of discovery and redemption in such a way that I was torn as I neared the end of wanting to know what happens next and not wanting the book to end. Mary writes about people with such grace that I wished I could know these people, too! The photos documenting the journey are endearing and I found myself beaming with joy to see the ones at the end. The words are filled with such grace and wisdom that even a few weeks after finishing the book, I find myself thinking about how those words stirred my heart to reconsider elements and relationships in my own journey. You can clearly see God’s hand as he draws one closer with tenderness and truth. This book demonstrates the power of a father’s love (both earthly and heavenly)– even when we cannot comprehend the sacrifices made. Oh, the joy that is found through redemption of relationships! I am already looking forward to reading it again!

Leaves you feeling understood and celebrated!

After finishing the book Dirt by Mary Marantz I was left with tears in my eyes. The kind of tears that empty the dam you built up, stick by stick without even realizing it was there. A release that brings clarity and peace to your heart, because she made you feel heard, understood and celebrated even with your rough edges and dirt. Mary crafted such a clear picture with her words as she unfolded her story. Slowly, carefully and authentically drawing you in with each word until she taps on your soul. Making you feel, smell and become a part of her experiences. Intrigued by wonder, longing for change, enduring pain and becoming enlightened by unexpected lessons as she found her way. Starting with “the girl in the trailer” and building into “the girl who came after.” Mary breaks down the people and places that indefinitely impacted her life throughout the book Dirt creating a purposeful framework. Explaining that each piece of her messy story has a place in this world and that you should hold hope for your own. Because it’s always been about the journey that brings us to the good part. I can’t recommend the Book Dirt by Mary Marantz enough, because she guided me to find myself with each passing page. Welcomed me into a story I didn’t know I needed to hear. It’s just that powerful.

I didn't know what I was getting myself into...

To be entirely honest, I found this book based on my Goodreads recommendations and the Amazon algorithm. I had no idea who Mary Marantz was or knew anything about her story. I read the description, but I didn't realize it was a Christian book. I simply thought I was buying a memoir. Oh, I am I so glad I found this book though! Minus a few key points in Mary's story, I almost feel as though someone had written a book about me. The girl in the trailer and the girl after. It's honest and so, so beautifully written. "It's as if the people who have experienced the saddest things in their stories want to do everything they can to make others laugh...Something happens to hard-story people that softens them. Like progressively finer grit from sandpaper, pain rounds of hard edges. Where selfishness and thoughtless once lived, empathy moves in and takes up residence." Mary's ability with words will move you and it's worth it.

Get Ready To Be Inspired!

I bought this book because I am from WV, but found out quickly that it's a story that will touch the heart of everyone; no matter where you are from. I never wanted to put it down, from start to finish! It was so refreshing to read a book that inspires so much and reflects the heart of so many women in this country...young, old, rich or poor it doesn't matter. You will take away something wonderful from each page. A much needed book for my library and right now in my top 5 books of all time. I love it and will be reading it again soon I imagine. It's one of those books that you will want to share with all your friends so go ahead and order a few!

“Dirt” is for The Underdog! The Bullied! The “Misfits”!

I’ve NEVER identified with a book, someone else’s story, more than this new gem from Mary!!! ❤️ I met Mary years ago at a Creative Women’s Conference, and still remember her talking about her “red cape” from the conference stage. Something about the woman intimidating me initially from seeing her around campus, in her JCrew meets Ralph Lauren stunningly sophisticated outfit perfection versus my more...casual🤣...attire, drew me in. This stylish, well-dressed, successful, usually would’ve sent me heading the opposite direction as surely we had NOTHING in common, woman called to me. So, I waited patiently when it was over to hug her and shake her hand. Bits of what she shared from that speech caused me to say something that made her laugh out loud...and disarm all “intimidation” feelings I’d had about this powerhouse just moments before. Reading the whole full-circle story in The Book Dirt the last few weeks was, not even exaggerating, LIFE-CHANGING! I didn’t know just how deeply I would wind up identifying with the woman I almost let initial perception, a fear of rejection because I “was nothing like her”, keep me from even saying “Hey!” and hugging to FEEL that she WAS NOT at all intimidating...she’s ME, and millions of us who’ve walked/may still be walking the hard dirt of our lives trying to rise. She is warm, welcoming, and her gift for speaking, (more like ministering) is a magnet to my soul...so much that I believe you can FEEL her pure, real, down to Earth (or Dirt❤️) genuine love for everyone, as you unwrap her story word by wonderful word. Dirt is for the underdog! The kid who was bullied for where they lived, what they wore, how they looked, anything that was different, or made you feel like you didn’t fit in or, maybe even still, don’t “belong” (and if you’re like me, and you still don’t that’s NOT A BAD THING, it’s BRILLIANT!❤️) If you’re on the fence about ANOTHER inspirational book, just trust me (a self-proclaimed “not a reader”) you NEED this one! You have no idea the healing, encouragement, self-love, and anxiety it’s about to help you wake up and dust off.

I was so homesick...

I loved everything about this book. Mary and I could have been best friends. My family being from West Virginia, My parents are both buried there as well as my only child on the top of a mountain. Reading Dirt, made me so homesick. This heartfelt read needs to be read by every high school student before they become an adult. This is a 5 star read and I am so happy that I read it.

A Powerful Read

This book will have you inspired by the hard parts of your own story, as you read defining moments in Mary’s. She conveys the relationships in her life, especially between her and her father, and her and God, in such an in depth and poetic way that will have you looking forward to the significance they will hold throughout the rest of her story. The different scenes she allows you into from her life, she conveys in such a powerful way that you will never be thinking about your own the same. You will now be searching for those moments from your own past that you can look back on and see the meaning they hold. I absolutely recommend this book. You will see everything in a different light.

BEAUTIFUL! Filled with hope!

There are words that help you release your own. That’s what DIRT did for me. After months of being unable to write and hopelessly believing that 2020 was going to end with no creative outlet, Mary’s book came along and changed that in a few of chapters. Reading the book helped me find the words that were stuck in muddy places of my heart and gave them an outlet. Dirt is a beautiful story in which, in one way or another, you’re going to relate to her story; you’re going to find yourself in the words and you’re even going to find your voice again. Mary’s words rekindled a fire that had been almost extinguished by fear and gave me a loving kick in the pants to refocus on my destination. There’s something magical about the way she writes; she is encouraging yet challenging, helps you dig deeper within yourself, guiding to you see the beauty of the dirt beneath your finger nails in your life’s journey. “We get so afraid of failing, that we would rather not show up to our own lives at all than risk showing up and getting it wrong”. THIS BROKE ME. I’ve been doing that for too long already, it’s time to embrace the dirt and keep going. This book rocked me in the same way she and her husband rocked my world when they asked a group of photographers “are you doing this because you think you should or because you want to?” I cried, I laughed and I didn’t want it to end. Yet at the same time the last page was my beginning. Dirt helped me strengthen my roots, be proud of where I come from while strengthening my wings to fly high to my dreams.

Healing. Compelling. Resonating.

From the very first chapter all the way through the last word, I just couldn’t put “dirt” down. The sentences that line the pages of this story are heartfelt to the core and purely genuine through and through. As I read dirt, I felt like I was there with Mary, experiencing the days as she described them. Feeling like I was sitting on that couch, in that trailer with her right by her side. Like I was listening to my best friend tell me her story. With every flip of the page, I felt more and more that I could relate to the stories of “the girl before and after the trailer”. Resonating most with the feeling of growth and change outside of what was always known, going outside the norm of tradition to find our place in the world. Mary’s words, her story, is definitely one to be shared with all. For those finding their way, and those searching for their purpose, this book is for you.

Beautifully written, incredible journey!

Stunning memoir that pulls you in immediately! Mary’s story is one of hardship, finding truth within yourself, and redemption. Her words are soothing and beautifully descriptive, which left me laughing and crying, sometimes at the same time! Dirt is heavy and lighthearted and has you rooting for Mary to find peace with her childhood. It was a joy to read and I can’t wait to share it with others!

So relatable and inspiring!

I want to say the book, Dirt, by Mary Marantz, was compelling, intriguing, well-written, heartfelt. Her narrative is all that and more. Maybe I embraced her story immediately because I loved the motif, I am near her age and also grew up in the 80s, or maybe because my father grew up in a coal-mining town in the nearby hills of Eastern Kentucky, or maybe because I could see myself climbing apple trees and loving my childhood full of somewhat isolation from the world with wonderful memories of holidays and leaks in the roof. But... I don't think you need any of that to relate to Mary and her backstory. She pulls you into her upbringing and growing in God and his plan for her life as it is revealed, one bit at a time, as often the life of faith. Her relationships, particularly her father and grandmother, Goldie, guide her but don't force her into her path. Her doubts and questions are relatable whether we grew up in a trailer in West Virginia or the suburbs or the city. I highly recommend her story, as this is just the beginning for her. It is a wonderful reminder of our own personal roots, always connecting us to home, no matter where we travel and settle and extend those roots.

Inspiring and down to earth

Enjoyed hearing this young woman’s story and hear about the fears and struggles of her life and how she overcame and found riches beyond the monetary from her searching. We can all move beyond where we start if we want it enough and take that which is given to us. She has a nice podcast as well that might interest some.

This book surprised me, in all the good ways

Dirt: Growing Strong Roots in what Makes the Broken Beautiful, a debut memoir by Mary Marantz, takes the reader on an exquisite meandering of life growing up in the mountains of West Virginia, and how her backwoods upbringing impacted her life and faith. Her beautiful command of language hooked me. Her vulnerability in sharing the difficulties she experienced without glorifying those challenges connected with me. And the skill in which she drew out life lessons applicable to many converged to make this not only a joy to read, but challenged me. I highly encourage anyone to take the time and read this book, you won't be disappointed.

Amazing Book

"Dirt" was exceptionally well written. I loved how she documented how she overcame tough times and all the lessons she learned. To go from living in West Virginia to graduating from Yale Law School and having a successful business is proof that with His help and hard work that anyone can do anything. It definitely inspired me to keep going should tough times arise. I also love how genuine Mary is in the book. One can feel the sincerity from the pages of the book, and it only complements what I know about her. I want my review to complement others that have been given while standing out so I thought I would share my personal experiences of interacting with Mary as proof of what is said in her memoir, I will never forget three years ago as I was wrapping up the first day of a wedding workshop she and her husband were hosting that I got some news that my dad was going faster than anyone expected. I will never forget Mary hugging me and consoling me as I was preparing to cut my attendance at the workshop short by a day; she has no idea how much that meant to me and I thought about it during my dad's funeral 2 weeks later. I feel honored that I was among the first to be able to read the book; and even if on the fence, I hope you get a copy to read if for no other reason than to support one of the sweetest, kindest people. I promise it won't disappoint."

Such an amazing book!

I finished reading this, and then started reading it again from the beginning. It was excellently written and a beautiful memoir. Intensely personal but also relatable and challenges you. I laughed and cried and would classify it as one of the top 3 books I read last year. Definitely read it asap!

You. Are. Enough.

This book details a journey of a little girl, born into a way of life that most of society would deem unseemly and broken. What the reader will find in this book is something quite different, however. The author takes you on a journey through her life where she finds that the road she travelled to get there was one worth taking. No matter where we started, or HOW we started, we are here to learn lessons in life that will prepare us for the road ahead. We are all worthy of love, of success, of purpose. Where we start in life actually gives us the grit we need to forge ahead-to trudge through the dirt where it all started-and to go forward in life. We are all-enough. Love this book! Love the wonderful way it was written. I would definitely recommend to anyone wanting to fill their heart with goodness and joy. You will not regret it.


From the moment I first heard Mary Marantz speak on stage at the Creative at Heart Conference back in 2015, I knew in an instant she was going to be an author someday. "My story always began with dirt..." she said. 45 minutes later, the entire room with hundreds of attendees was in tears. Five years later, Mary's incredible gift for storytelling is finally finding its way into the binding of this beautiful book, and it is powerful! "Dirt" touches your heart and leaves you longing for more. This book paints an honest, but beautiful depiction of a simple life in West Virginia and the hardships of growing up. My life growing up looked very different to Mary's, but I walked away from this book feeling like I've never understood her struggles more. When she was younger, Mary dreamed of a very different life. Looking back, she's come to cherish these stories that shaped her into the person she is today, which is something I think we can all relate to. No matter your upbringing, this inspiring story speaks to women from all walks of life, and I cannot wait to get my hands on more from this incredible author in the future!


i didnt care for this authors style of writing. chapters seems somewhat boring

A Story of Redemption

This is a story of redemption and of reconciliation. I've followed Mary and Justin's career for the past decade and I was excited to hear more of Mary's story. But this isn't Mary's story. It's God's story. God's hand is so evident throughout Mary's life, from the sacrifices her family made, to the forgiveness she learned to give, to the Lord's faithfulness in her father's life. The end had me weeping for God's goodness! Mary is a beautiful writer - every page came to life. I will read everything she writes, and I'm relieved to hear she has 4 more books contracted, because I want to know more!! This is a must read for anyone who has dirt in their roots.

A beautiful memoir!

I first discovered Mary Marantz several years ago through Justin and Mary's education for wedding photographers. Ever since I first learned from them at a workshop, I have been a huge fan of Mary's. She has such a way with words... the entire time I was reading Dirt, I felt like I was reading a poem that was both effortless and very thoughtfully pieced together. Dirt is a beautiful, heartfelt, and honest memoir. I loved getting a deeper look into Mary's life, and loved that the book is divided into two parts... The Girl In The Trailer, and The Girl After The Trailer. This book moved me to tears many many times! Not only was I able to truly feel Mary's emotions throughout the book, but I could also see many parts of myself through her writing. I think this is Mary's true gift as an author. I am so excited to share this book with my friends and family, and I know it will impact so many people by teaching them to own their story and be stronger because of it!


This book related to me in many ways. I thoroughly enjoyed. It proves you can come from not having anything and able to make a better life for yourself. Goes to prove, you can be anything you want if you try hard enough.

Captivating lesson in overcoming!!

I read this book straight through in 4 hours. I had heard this author interviewed on a John O’Leary podcast and couldn’t wait for the book to arrive. When the Amazon pkg arrived, I ran to it. It was well worth the wait. Mary walks us through an inspirational true account of how messy life can be, but how it’s reflection can be so beautiful. God equips us with every ability to pull ourselves up by the boot straps and rejoice in our creation and creator. This is an amazing story with a captivating and genuine author!! Way to go Mary Marantz!!

Whatever you think this book will be...it will be better.

The only reason I gave this 5 stars is because I can’t give it 10!! Mary has the most eloquent way of story telling that you pull you in, make you laugh, make you cry, And make you want more. Her story telling is so captivating that you feel like you’re a part of the story yourself. As a daddy’s girl, her story is all too familiar to me, and it made me appreciate my relationship with my dad. Whatever you think this book will be, it won’t be that...it will be better.


Mary has written an incredible book! I couldn't put this book down from start to finish. She is an amazing author and I'm so glad I purchased this book. I will be sharing with all friends and family!

One of the best books I have ever read!

I’m reading this amazing book. It keeps laying words before me that are resonating within me and helping me as I navigate through my messy imperfectness. I am now rereading and marking it up! Mary’s words are fluid and smooth and stir my heart and make me feel raw, vulnerable, soft and strong all at the same time. She needs to make a coffee table book filled with her poetic, down to earth, real words.. quotes.. Thank you, Thank you for sharing your story with us. Read “Dirt” you will learn, grow, laugh and cry. ❤️❤️

Love it!

I’m so thankful for this book. Mary’s writing draws you into the story - like you are literally in that space and time. She drops nuggets of pure gold throughout as she shares stories of her past. It’s a very good read! One of my favorite quotes: “Will I believe that all along I was alone in it, that it was really up to me to do for myself? Or will I believe that Someone else was always there holding my hand? A face that drew close to mine and never once turned away. No matter how far I drifted.”

Mary is an extremely gifted communicator!

I pre-ordered this book before it came out, but didn't have a chance to read it until over the holidays... and everything everyone has said about not being able to put it down once you start it is so true! Mary captivates you and draws you in immediately, sharing her story in an honest, entertaining, and relatable way. Through hearing her story I felt challenged to dig deep and own my story. This book was not only captivating, but it also challenged me and made me think, and I loved every second of it!

The one book that everyone needs to read!

Dirt is a story of roots and beginnings and how they shape our lives and I was so excited to start reading it - Mary is an INCREDIBLE storyteller so I knew her book would be amazing! I didn’t realize just how much it would actually resonate with me since I had a pretty different childhood than Mary, but from the first chapter to the last chapter I was highlighting sentences and sometimes entire paragraphs, and reading through tear-filled eyes. The way that Mary describes things paints such a vivid picture for the reader, it really draws you in and suddenly you’ve read 100 pages and you didn’t even realize it! This is the book that you never knew that you needed to read and I believe there is something in it for everyone; I HIGHLY recommend it!


As a woman who grew up in these same WV hills and attended the same high school with Mary, her story is a lot like my story. I think anyone can relate even if they’re not from West Virginia, but it maybe a even more heartfelt read if you’re from West Virginia. If you have ever lived or visited WV and left then you know how this state is special and leaves a handprint on your heart. Definitely a book that you will not put down until the last page. I read it in 2 days between my 40hr a week career and my family life.

Best book I’ve read in YEARS!!!!!!

This book has it all!!!! You will laugh, cry and every emotion in between. Mary’s mastery of story telling will bring you in and keep you engaged for every single page! You’ll find reflections of yourself you never knew where there and you’ll be transformed by the last page. Her open and honest telling of her life story has lessons for every person out there. Before you know it you are turning the last page wishing for more of her beautiful story!

Uplifting Read

This book was a great read. Anyone who has had hardship, or from a small town, or blue collar family will resonate with this book. Those that haven't will still be engaged in the uplifting message of change, understanding of self, and learning about life. This books shows an insight of growing up "hard" but doesn't dwell on it. The book really demonstrates the growth of a person, faith, and love.

⭐️ 50 Stars ⭐️

If I could give this book 50 stars, I would! Few books are as engaging as Dirt and few authors have the ability to transport you away from your current space and time like Mary can. Read the book, yes, it’s amazing. But listen to it, too. Mary’s words on the page and the way she reads her own writing are captivating, engaging, and will sit with you long after the book is finished. This is a story that everyone needs to hear, it’s powerful, uplifting, and absolutely incredible!

Don’t think, just buy!

What do you say about a book that delivered as much as this one has? You say thank you to Mary for being so authentic, detailed and descriptive of her story! I have to pen this review as someone who has also walked the hard times of youth and I would have NEVER been able to imagine that someone I didn’t know personally knew my soul! This is BEYOND worth the read! It truly “always started with dirt”.

Fantastic read!

I picked up this book unexpectedly as my first read for the new year and couldn’t put it down! It is a story of grace and discovery of both self and God - a transformation from the inside out and the outside in. Mostly, the way Mary wrestles with identity and insecurity is something to which we all can relate. Even though I’m not physically the girl from the trailer, I saw parallels to the blueprint transformations and rooted foundations in my own life, as all Christians can relate.

A must read!

Knowing Mary personally and then getting to read the story she has lived and is living is so neat. This book is so inspirational! Mary's writing style is so vivid that you feel like you are seeing every written word!

Beauty from ashes- a story of healing that we can all find hope in

This is the author’s first book, and it did not disappoint. Mary told her story with such honesty and thoughtfulness- showing us the good, the peace, the strength, the love that can come from the pain - the heartache - the ugly. Anyone can relate on some level to her story, and find encouragement, strength and wisdom. Beautifully written.

A Beautifully Written Memior

This book is absolutely beautiful! I've followed Mary as a photographer for years and am so excited that she is now an author. Her writing makes the deepest parts of you feel seen. "Dirt" is a great coming of age memoir the starts in the mountains of West Virgina. The author takes you on her journey of navigating wanting more for her life, and owning where she comes from. This is a book you will want to curl up with and read in one sitting! The writing is simply stunning. It reminded me of The Glass Castle and Educated (both I LOVE) but lighter in tone and was a more redemptive story. Basically the book takes you through the sad and hard parts while weaving in beautiful and happy parts. This story makes you want to own the hard and muddy parts of your own story.

Love, Love Love, this life changing book!

Mary does a fabulous job of weaving together her experiences of growing up on a mountaintop in West Virginia with her life after she thought she was freed from that mountaintop. She found out you can never be free of your early childhood experiences until they are reconciled. Her writing is bold, honest, and wonderfully descriptive. You will not want to put it down once you start reading it. The book if filled with personal stories and inspiration that only someone who lived and worked on her inner spiritual beliefs can tell. I was captivated from the beginning, and I'm looking forward to receiving my hardcover so that I can read it again. You will not regret the experience.

such a sweet Memoir

Mary writes from her story from her own perspective which is hard and she admits it. She presents her recollection of the story with all the emotion and understanding of what she must have had at that age, and yet still gives glimpses into the insights that she has been able to gain in her adult years. She is such a wonderful storyteller. The book is written in semi-vignettes, yet they are all woven together seamlessly and wonderfully. This book is hard to put down once you've started!


Dirt is a must read for all. Though it is written from Mary's life experience, her words feel like they are telling your story - no matter your background. As soon as I started reading Dirt, I could not put it down. This incredibly moving story will have you smiling, laughing, crying, and feeling all of the raw emotion as you breathe in the words off the pages. This book has meant so much to me, it is hard to explain - all I can say is: GET THE BOOK. READ THE BOOK. It will change your life. Thank you, Mary, for sharing your story and being vulnerable. Always in your corner.

You can see her heart and soul on the pages of this book.

Dirt is about so many things—redemption, sacrifice, forgiveness. And so much love. Mary’s story is so raw and powerful. You can see her heart and soul on the pages of this book. Mary has the most amazing way with words, a way that gives you courage to do hard things. To be brave. "Because stories change stories." And let me tell you, this story is going to change stories! I had a hard time putting this book down. After every section ended, I found myself wanting more. Mary has the most amazing way with words—she describes scenes from her life in a way that makes you think you were actually there with her. I am not usually a person who reads books more than once, but I will read this book over and over again.

Compelling, Exquisitely Written and a Must Read!

I didn't know that I needed to read this book until I did. Knowing Mary's story is compelling and beautifully written. We all have messy stories and knowing more about Mary's journey has helped me and I know it will help so many more. This book is a true gift. There were moments of realizing that I wasn't the only one feeling some of the same things that she did. I'm looking forward to Mary's next book!

You NEED this book on your bookshelf

This book took my breath away. It’s been YEARS since I was so engrossed in a story that I stayed up until 2 AM to finish it (mostly because I honestly needed time to recover after crying my way through part 2). I started it this morning for a second time, and I am excited to give myself more space to savor the redemptive and restorative stories of grace, love, hope, and brokenness. I have a feeling that you will want to read it more than once too.

A Beautiful Memoire

It all started with Dirt. The most beautiful of flowers need dirt to grow. Mary Marantz has done a wonderful job at sharing her story in this beautiful memoire. Reading Dirt felt like she was sitting right next to me telling me her story. This book is filled with hope and expectation for the future. Healing lies within its pages and even if your story doesn't relate exactly to Mary's, I'm sure you'll be able to glean something beautiful from it. Let her words sink in and let the story of redemption and grace from God wash over you. Let your roots go down deep, sink in, and grown strong because it's what make the broken beautiful!

Beautifully written memoir

Dirt is a beautifully written memoir. Mary has such a way with words - it’s like writing a song. Words woven together so lyrically. It’s beautiful to see the transformation of the Girl in the Trailer to the Girl After the Trailer and learning that we are not bound to be defined by our past. We can have our past, but also pursue a different future from our family’s.

Message of Hope

A beautiful, endearing message of hope. An intimate, personal journey from a place of mediocrity Mary Marantz carries us to her source of strength & perseverance with eloquence of words & thoughts. Throughout my time reading "Dirt" her timely message kept reminding me of this scripture: "To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory." Isaiah 61:3

Read this book!

I'm one of those readers who, when he picks up a book to read, will read a few chapters and put it down for one reason or another then come back to it a month later. Not with Dirt, as soon as I started reading I couldn't put it down. It is like you're hanging out with mary, having a glass of wine and just chatting about life. There are a ton of laughs and a ton of times where it's super dusty in the room and your eyes water.

It All Started with Dirt

Such a simple phrase to signify a profoundly unsimple journey. I share a very similar background with Mary. As such, I felt the sharing of her honest, painful, triumphant personal story in the core of my being. There were so many passages that I could have written myself. Having been acquainted with Mary in college at West Virginia University, I knew some of her life story before reading this book. However, the soul-baring introspective memories and thoughts gave me a much more in-depth knowledge of this woman from my past. I read it all in one sitting. I saw myself in those pages...I saw so many of my peers in those pages...I saw Mary in those pages - I love us and the stories we share!

The next book you need to read!

I've known Mary for several years, have heard her speak many times and not once have my eyes stayed dry the entire time. So when she announced she was writing a book, I knew it was going to be good!! What I didn't know was how much it would resonate with my soul. We may have grown up in very different circumstances, but there are pieces of her story and what God taught her along the way that make me re-read her words several times because it's as if she's written down the words that I've been trying to articulate for decades. God has given this beautiful woman a gift and I can't wait for each of you out there to read what I've been devouring in her book Dirt.

The Cleansing power of DIRT

Out of the cacophony of voices that bring us to tearful pity in so many memoirs rises Mary Marantz. 'Victim' doesn't seem to be in her vocabulary! Her resilience seems natural, and oh, how I love her enduring love for less than perfect family members. How can a story of such destitution leave me thinking we might all be fortunate to have such a life? I'm a Mary Morantz podcast fan now.

Beautifully written - and an intriguing read!

This book is so beautifully written and portrayed. Mary has really captured her own story in a way that is both relatable and captivating. The story invites the reader into the different scenes, as if you were really there in West Virginia, experiencing the weather, smelling the smells, hearing the sounds, and feeling the feels. Highly recommend this book!

Heartwarming, Poignant Memoir

“I used to think that freedom looked a lot like being around people who aren’t muddy.” Have you ever felt ashamed, afraid for the world to know your whole story? Follow Mary’s journey from a trailer in the hills of West Virginia to the campus of Yale Law School, and you will be transformed. I read through tears so many times. Her father’s hard work as a logger resonated with me, growing up in a blue collar town. This is a memoir you will savor!

Mundanely Boring

An overwrought 'woe is me' memoir with repetitions and variants of the word, dirt, which could have been much shorter, and with religious overtones.

Dirt is filled with so much gold.

Mary Marantz is an author to watch. Her first book, Dirt, is the story of a family and the power of love. It’s the story of broken-ness and grace. It’s about shame and loss and regret being transformed by God and the courage of a woman to dig deep and be at peace with all of herself. What a deeply moving story for each of us to ponder. It’s also the story of a father whose vision for his daughter’s future drove him forward every single day, through the dirt in his own life. Do not hesitate to buy this book. You will never forget the people in it or the lessons their lives teach.

Beautiful, compelling, redemptive.

Beautiful, compelling, redemptive. These are just a few of the words that come to mind when I think of Dirt. It does what all good books should do: it pulls us in reminding us that grace is always worth the fight and moves us to dig deep in our own beautifully broken stories. Mary doesn’t shy away from the hard stuff, vulnerably sharing her own story of redemption. Her words are both lyrical and razor-sharp, witty and full of depth; they are words I will read again and again! Mary has created a work of art with Dirt and I couldn't put it down! Just read the first few pages and you'll see what I mean.

Incredible Memoir!

This book is very well written and draws the reader in from the very first page. Mary Marantz is a very talented writer with a special way of making her own unique story relatable to readers. I really enjoyed the audible version as she is also very well spoken. I would definitely recommend this book to others- it is a quick read full of beautiful wisdom, entertaining stories and deep reflection.

You need this book NOW!!!

This is a book that has to be read and reread. While on the surface it is an autobiography, it is so much more than that! This is a story of courage, forgiveness, and finding peace with the past as it knits together to form who you were and are becoming. As an entrepreneur and girl that spent life bouncing around, living with uncertainty this book resonated down to my bones. This book is a salve to the wounded, those of us who are the most put together in the room, praying that our shell doesn't crack to reveal the pain festering underneath. If you feel that way . . . this book is for you!

Inspiring, hopeful, and encouraging

I finished this book in one day! Although my life is much different than Mary’s, I was able to relate to many parts of her story. Her book has made me look deeper into my own messy roots and think more about the person I am today and the reasons why. It’s opened up a conversation with myself that I want to dig deeper into. I’m not a particularly religious person, and I feel that although this book is labeled Christian/Spiritual Growth, it’s not written in an overwhelming or aggressive way. Her story and attitude is inspiring, and I highly recommend this book!

Grab your coffee! Grab you favorite blanket and CUDDLE UP! You'll want to read this in one sitting!

Mary has such a beautiful, tender, yet powerful way with words. I've been following Mary as a photographer for years and I've always been mesmerized by her words and her heart. As a fellow introvert, she's been an inspiration to me that introverts have an important place in this world. In this memoir, Mary describes how beauty comes from the dirt in a way that is inspiring, encouraging and uplifting. What a beautiful story! You will not want to put this one down.

Not so different

The book was not what I had anticipated. The content is not too different from many people (including me) growing to maturity. I have visited W Virginia and found it lovely—a fact omitted in the book.. yes, she is remarkable but so are many others who succeeded in spite of a difficult childhood.

Quite a story, well told. My favorite part was her recognition that in a way her dad had sacrificed his life for her by sticking with a grueling occupation to provide for his family rather than pursuing personal dreams.

Quite a story, well told. My favorite part was her recognition that in a way her dad had sacrificed his life for her by sticking with a grueling occupation to provide for his family rather than pursuing personal dreams.

You will want to read Dirt again and again.

Dirt by Mary Marantz is an amazing memoir. Her story will make you cry, give you hope, and teach you life lessons. You will want to read it again and again and share with friends. Mary words flow like a relaxing mountain creek. You will want to savor every word while at the same time wanting to rush to hear her story. I highly recommend Dirt for your next book!

Heart changing

As I’ve told people about this book I kept saying it was “life changing”. However the more I think about it the more I find myself saying that this book was a heart change for me. I see and do things differently because of Dirt. While reading Mary’s words my heart softened and healing began to take place in parts where shame was residing. Mary writes so poetically and with great detail. I felt like I was standing next to her experiencing everything she went through. If you need a heart change, hope or a book to get lost in I HIGHLY recommend Dirt! You won’t regret it!

Beautiful- finding peace in her story

Mary invited us into her own journey of making peace that her life was actually the story God planned. So much was also an invitation to look at our own journeys. Well written and entertaining- great writing style.

Exceptional story-telling. A must read!

“Dirt” is a wonderful story of embracing where you come from, who you are, and the entire journey in between. Mary’s natural way of story-telling leaves the reader wanting more! Growing up in rural WV, from humble beginnings, faith plays an important role in her life, from going to church with her grandmother as a young girl all the way to adulthood....where attending a seminar as a guest speaker leads her on a self discovery voyage. It’s a beautiful reminder that we are good enough for God’s Grace...as well as our own.

Masterful storytelling and inspiration!

Mary does a masterful job of telling her own story and drawing the reader in as she goes. She doesn’t hold back from sharing the dark, hard parts of her (and her family’s) past, but it’s all laced with hope and in the end, with faith and grit, she lands on her feet. Mary’s turn of phrase is hauntingly beautiful and her voice is so unique. I read through this book so quickly and was sad when it was done.

Boring waste of time

This is a book about nothing. So you grew up poor, lived in a trailer. Nothing, just a bunch of words thrown together. I just wasted time reading this crap. Don’t make the same mistake.

Honesty, raw, courageous story

A story of life growing up poor, but loved. Then, making something of herself and restitching the before life with the after life. Forgiveness, redemption, marrying all the pieces into beauty with God's thread.

Hands down one of the BEST books I've ever read!!!

Dirt is a MUST READ book for everyone! This book moved me in so many ways! I cried, laughed and celebrated Mary's incredible story in every single chapter. Mary's way of depicting how we all carry emotional baggage and how we need to celebrate what it did for us opposed to running from it. I LOVE this book!!

Compelling read!

Mary tells her story beautifully, connecting bridges from story to story in way that doesn't feel jumpy or rushed. From the very first pages, I felt like I was getting to know her intimately. I definitely walked away with some underlined passages and look forward to sharing this book with friends.

Reaching those lost corners

Mary has the most incredibly way with words. They fill in all those little lost corners of your heart and bring light through brilliant storytelling. I'm so grateful this book is in my life, especially in 2020! Absolutely recommend!

Encouraging, Inspiring, Entertaining

I really, really loved this book. I found so much of myself in Mary's story. I need to read it all over again to really take in some of the profound insights she has into life. I've often referred to myself as just as little bit broken, so I love that the subtitle for the book is "Growing Roots in what Makes The Broken Beautiful." It reminded me of the book "Educated," but felt inspiring, relatable, and up-lifting. I highly recommend this book!

A Simple Story with Deep Roots

Mary Marantz life story is one of grit, perseverance, and fortitude. Mary's life story inspires all to dig deep, know your worth, and never quit. I connected with every aspect of her story and highly recommend this book to everyone.

The roots grow strong in good Dirt

This memoir is written from the heart of a true mountaineer! Life in the mountains and valleys can be hard but oh so powerful and life-changing. Marantz takes the reader home to her childhood among the hills and introduces them to a life of love, loss, grit, soul, and dirt.

Depth, interest and resilience

I love this book about a coming full circle. Our shadows we hide from turn out to be our brightest light. This story brims with the insecurities we all have inside that are planted at a young, tender age. We learn that we were never being buried, rather we’ve been planted to grow strong.

Inspiring & moving book about real life obstacles & Gods redemptive plan through all of it.

So many parts of this book came up in my mind hours after reading it & really reminded me of how God had worked and moved in my own life. Thank you for bringing to life the struggles many of us go through and the reminder of glorious gift of freedom God freely gives to us all.

Blown away!

Dirt truly blew me away. I was tearing up from the introduction and uncovered parts of my own story the deeper I dug into Mary's... chapter by chapter, her words captivated me and left me wanting more. Truly a powerful book. I highly recommend that everyone get a copy.

Read this book!!!

I read a LOT of books, but it's been a while since one has made such an impact. Mary Marantz's writing draws you in, and it doesn't take long to commit to reading this in as few sittings as possible- it's that good. I actually have plans of reading it a second time because there are things I want to highlight and underline. Enjoy laughing, crying, being inspired, and learning about lives that will teach you, challenge you, and show you what beauty comes from good old fashioned dirt.

Incredibly beautiful.

I read this book in two evenings. I absolutely loved the details that made you feel the whole story. It’s written so beautifully that I felt the pain and joy right through the words. I’d highly recommend it.


Everyone has a story to tell and I am so glad Mary Marantz put hers down on paper. “Dirt” is incredibly raw but written in such a beautiful way it was difficult to read through tears streaming down my face. The imagery Marat Marantz is able to create through her powerful storytelling felt as if you were watching a movie play out before your eyes on paper. Very well done. A must read. I would highly recommend reading with a box of tissues because this book is wonderful.

Beautifully Written

Mary writes from the heart. And with beautiful lyrical prose that draws you in and paints a beautiful picture, even though the not-so-beautiful parts of her story. Dirt is a treat to read and keeps you coming back for more.

Beautiful book

Heard about this book from an Anne Voskamp interview. Bought it immediately. A must read!!! It is a wonderful story, compelling but needs to be savored. I plan on buying this book for family and friends.

Mary is a gifted storyteller!

Mary’s beautifully crafted story invited me to live inside my own story, even the raw and undone parts. You’ll see God’s grace woven through the fabric of her story and it will remind you that God’s grace is woven through yours as well. Mary’s vulnerable sharing reveals God’s glory in shaping us through the hard times, even if we don’t realize it until years later. A treasure!

Beautiful descriptions

A brave story with heart. I loved the way the author described her childhood memories. Such vivid and colorful descriptions. The people and places come alive. Once you start this one, it is hard to put it down!

Will completely grab at your heartstrings

From start to finish, I was completely captivated this story. I couldn’t put it down! Mary’s ability to visually describe a scene with such incredible detail that I could feel every emotion, smell every smell and envision what her life was like growing up in West Virginia. I’ve never had a book grab my heart and emotions like this one has. Dirt is beautifully and skillfully written and will stay with you long after you turn the last page.

Reading this helps us put things in God’s order.

This book is all about getting down in the dirt and really letting God help you work out the patterns of our lives (just like the roots that sustain our roses, etc.)

An honest soul searching story! A must read!

Wonderful story of a girl's life journey from the woods of West Virginia, to graduating Yale Law school, meeting her husband and their successful venture in photography. All told with honest reflection. Beautiful read!

You will not regret this read

I purchased Mary Marantz’s book dirt on the recommendation of Jennifer Dukes Lee. So glad I did! I was drawn in from the very beginning. Though our stories are different, I connected with Mary and her life several times throughout this book. Well done ❤️

Not compelling!

I just didn’t find this book compelling. Pages of complaining when it seems she was loved and cared for. Didn’t really find it credible. Read “The Great Alone” or “Educated.”

Captivating storytelling

Mary’s words carries you along an incredible story of redemption. What a beautiful picture of a father’s sacrifice and finding The Father’s love.

What is all the fuss about?

I bought this book after reading all of the reviews. I don't find the story-telling compelling at all. I kept waiting to be pulled in to want to continue, but it never happened. I felt the writing was disjointed. I guess Mary and I just don't tell stories the same way. I am not even going to share it with a friend..... disappointed. This is why it's so hard to trust book reviews.


Mary’s writing is eloquent and beautiful while being raw and open. Must read!

A fellow WV gal!

I chose a 5 star rating because this book was the "icing on the cake", so to speak, on my journey of acceptance of my upbringing in a small coal mining town in southern WV. Thank you.


Mary is a fabulous writer!! The way she writes her story it you literally feel like you are connecting to her heart...Would recommend to everyone!

Touching, heartfelt, honest.

This book will touch every fiber in your heart and soul. So heartfelt, so honest. Mary Marantz gives you everything she’s got in this book. You will find yourself with tears in your eyes, offering grace to yourself and those who have loved you undeservedly.

Growing strong in what makes the broken beautiful.

The book dirt was a wonderful read! Once you start very hard to stop! I could identify with many things Mary Marantz wrote about in her new book. I live in a semi rural part of WV. Dirt would make a great gift for any reader.


This book was very emotional. This is an easy read. Full of life’s trials and tribulations. Very believable. It flows well.

Must read for all ⭐️

I’ve been a long time fan of Mary and her work. But I fell in love with her story even more while reading her book Dirt. I preordered the novel as soon as it was released because I knew it would be an amazing read. Mary has such a compelling way of sharing her stories. Once I received it in the mail, I couldn’t put it down. It’s a must read!

This book is incredible!

This book is incredible! It is so well written. In fact, the writing reminded me of multiple America classics I read in college. Mary's story is beautiful, raw, and inspiring. I laughed, cried, and I think I was healed in some ways through her story. I already know what I'm giving my friends for Christmas! I cannot wait for Mary's next book!

You will laugh, you will cry...

As you follow Mary's journey through her struggles of trying to be enough. This is a heart warming story of God's grace and mercy and discovering what it means to rest in being a child of God. I couldn't stop reading. If you have ever struggled with being good enough, smart enough... just enough, then you don't want to miss this book!

Great Read

Very touching and honest look at a life from dirt to triumph, to respect for ones own story. Love her descriptions and details…she paints pictures with her words and allows you to empathize with her and her family.

A book you can FEEL

When reading Mary’s book ‘Dirt’ I felt like I could SEE the story right in front of my eyes- like a vivid painting. Captivating, encouraging, heart wrenching.... a true masterpiece! So many parts of Mary’s book resonates with my life and my heart. A beautiful soul- not afraid to dig deep, get dirty, and show her real true self


Amazing! Dirt takes you inside Mary’s life, on the mountain, in the trailer and you can almost smell the mildew she describes. You can feel the tension and the joy. I cried, I laughed and I learned a lot.

Wonderful, A Must Read

Best book I've read in a long time. The words will reach out and touch every emotion you have. You will laugh, you will cry, it will bring memories boiling up to your surface, and you will find comfort in this author's approach to dealing with the things life throws at you. Do yourself a favor and read this book.

A troy of hope, faith and love

This beautifully written story had me jumping for joy and wiping the tears from my eyes. Being a part of Mary's life over the last 15 years, it gave new insights into what made her who she is... and inspiration, and powerhouse and most importantly someone who cares. This is a read for everyone!

Honest, Thought-Provoking

Brought me to tears, deeply moving, honest...I grew up in Rural PA, not so very different from WV...so glad I read this book!

Wow! I’m speechless!

I finished this book in 2 days! Mary spoke to my soul! I saw myself in every chapter!

Great book!

I read this book in one day, it was so good! Its inspirational and hopeful. Such a great book!

Beautiful Storytelling

Beautiful writing and inspiring overall themes, but it was the love the author had for her father and his love for her that stole my heart.

I Love Dirt!

I’m not an avid reader and I typically do not read ‘stories’ - Mary has a special way of writing and her descriptions make you feel as if you’re there! Her testimony of redemption is amazing and her analogies make her story quite relatable.

Love this book

I loved this book! It made me laugh, cry and sigh. Precious story from an excellent author. You can see and feel all the details as she shares her life story thus far. Get this book.

More than a rags to riches story

This is not just another rags to riches story. Marantz is a true storyteller with humor, hope, faith, and a little luck woven into a tapestry of an amazing first work. Bravo! A great book club book too!

Great read

Awesome read! It definetly helps you understand where you come from


I underlined a lot in this book! I felt it was some lessons learned!

A must read!

Mary is a born storyteller! Her words leave you gripped from page to page and if anyone is looking for a story about God's grace. This is it!

Mary's story is real and gives hope to others.

This story is so inspirational and relatable. I literally could not put the book down. Finished it in two days.


Book written by a friends daughter.

I can’t open The book Dirt on my kindle!

I can’t open the book in my kindle!

Are we all reading the same book?

I guess if you're into reading poorly written books by a girl who wants so badly to believe she was underprivileged, but actually didn't seem to have it that bad, then this book is for you. To me, there is nothing "heart wrenching" or "inspiring" about this book. It appears Mary didn't appreciate what she had and still doesn't appreciate everything her family did for her. She comes off as arrogant, self-entitled, and unappreciative. To top it off, she uses religion to justify the fact that she now believes she is better than her family and the place she came from. The book itself is poorly written. It is a disjointed collection of antecdotes that is only connected by Mary's unappreciative take on those events. She relies too heavily on hyperbole and movie references to make her life seem interesting. At the end of the day, this is not a "love letter" to Appalachia; it is a slap in the face of those who had real struggles growing up. At the end of the book, I found myself wanting to say "get over yourself!"

An amazing memoir

"Dirt: Growing Strong Roots in What Makes the Broken Beautiful" is a memoir by Mary Marantz of growing up in the mountains of West Virginia. Knowing nothing about Ms. Marantz beforehand and after receiving an advanced reader's copy from Netgalley, I then read the wonderful prologue and before reading further on, then researched a bit more about the author. Learning more about the author heavily complimented the rest of the memoir because upon discovering more of Ms. Marantz's background, that knowledge created a keen interest to find out how she went from birth to the present. "Dirt" is an exceptional memoir filled with obvious heartfelt memories, trying times and so many kernels of poignant life-long observations. Reading the memoir, the reader quickly realizes the author is wise beyond her years and writes lacking in wordiness and makes every word and description count. Another interesting aspect of the memoir is how "dirt" is expressed as a foundation for Ms. Marantz's life. And this is both in a physical and metaphorical sense. One example is how she points out one must dig deep into the dirt to discover the good. Her broad usage of the concept of "dirt" really ties the memoir together as a fibrous, branching system of life in the past, present and future, and how those things found in "dirt" heavily influence one's life. Reading memoirs like "Dirt" I have found there is an almost delicate balance between whether the memoir may tend to lean toward pretentiousness or a somewhat superficiality feeling while losing sincerity and humility - Mary Marantz avoids that completely. Knowing where her life is in the present only makes the reader really appreciate her growth and all of her time before the present. If descriptions of her home life as a child do not move readers when contrasted to where she is today, then it is questionable as to what will. I can't recommend "Dirt" enough. Mary Marantz has written an honest, touching memoir many will probably describe as a "rags to riches" story, when it is much more than that and as she writes of her father's fingernails and how he could never get the dirt from beneath his fingernails no matter how hard he tried, "Dirt" will remain under your fingernails after reading and that's not such a bad thing. Netgalley provided an ARC of "Dirt" for the return of an honest review.

Inspiring Memoir

I was mesmerized by how Mary Marantz shared about her up bringing and how she embraced life and all it had for her. The author says, “Like most stories worth telling, it has hard parts, and I have done my best to make sure I’m not just relying on my own memory in telling them….The final draft is the truest version of my story that I have ever known, in large part because the people in these pages were willing to talk about both the beautiful…and the broken. For that, I am forever grateful.” This author has had time to reflect on who God has made her to be, she says, “Here’s what I know: Those parts of us that we want to hide. Those parts of us that we wish we could bury below the surface far away from the light, praying for transformation. Those things we think will make people turn their faces away from us in some sort of sympathy shame on our behalf.” “For better or worse, those things help make us who we are. We need to roll up our sleeves and get busy about the work of digging into that….Feel the hard ground break up and shake loose at our unflinching willingness to hold on. To look closer. To see what we didn’t see before.” The author states that her story is one of redemption, and reconciliation with the roots that grew her, “a melody born out of the muddiest parts of my life.”…“Because as for me and my story…it always started with dirt.” I could not stop reading about Mary’s journey from child to grown up It was heart-wrenching in parts, inspiring in others, thought-provoking, transparent, beautiful and happy. I experienced a wide range of emotions in her story. This is a must read. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising” Nora St. Laurent TBCN Where Book Fun Begins! The Book Club Network blog


Dirt is a story about the places where we start. From a single-wide trailer in the mountains of rural West Virginia to the halls of Yale Law School, Mary Marantz’s story is one of remembering our roots while turning our faces to the sky. From growing up in that trailer, where it rained just as hard inside as out and the smell of mildew hung thick in the air, Mary has known what it is to feel broken and disqualified because of the muddy scars leaving smudged fingerprints across our lives. Generations of her family lived and logged in those hauntingly treacherous woods, risking life and limb just to barely scrape by. And yet that very struggle became the redemption song God used to write a life she never dreamed of. Mixed with warmth, wit, and the bittersweet, sometimes achingly heartbreaking places we go when we dig in instead of give up, Dirt is a story of healing. With gut-wrenching honesty and hard-won wisdom, Mary shares her story for anyone who has ever walked into the world and felt like their scars were still on display, showing that you are braver, better, and more empathetic for what you have survived. Because God does his best work in the muddy, messy, and broken—if we’ll only learn to dig in. My Thoughts: What happens when the hero of our story at last has to come face-to-face with what no amount of success will ever fix? That feeling of being on the outside looking in. From the mountains of West Virginia and a dirt-filled single wide trailer, our narrator shows us how getting what we want doesn’t always fix things. But at the same time, we get to see how her childhood and growing up with love and dirt can reveal how one can stand taller after facing the struggle. Dirt is a story of growing up and finding one’s place in the world, despite the disadvantages of one’s roots. It is about a reconciliation with the roots that grow us, springing from the muddiest parts of our story. A story that started with dirt. Beautifully written, I could not put it down until the end. 4.5 stars. #2020ReadNonficChallenge

A Page-turner that will pull on your heartstrings

I have been a fan of Mary's ability to tell captivating stories for years. I first discovered her via the photography world, but quickly came to think of her first and foremost as a storyteller. When I heard she was writing her first book, I knew I wanted to read it. From the first sentence, I was hooked and invested in this beautifully written story, finding myself torn between devouring every word in one sitting and wanting to savor each chapter over time. As I'm reading it, I can picture every single scene as if it were before my tear-filled eyes. You cannot read this book and not identify with Mary's struggle to find peace in her own story, in her search for understanding the path that God laid out before her. A mark of a great book is one that you're sad to reach the end of because you just want to keep reading. Dirt is certainly in that category! I have a feeling this will be the first of many books from this talented storyteller!

Beautiful in so many ways!

Mary, I love your writing! This story hits me on all cylinders. Our lives are added to by every little thing in our environment, but only able to rise to our ultimate with a firm belief and reliance on the One who made us and loves us through it all. Our errors and missteps, our outright rebellions do not separate us from our Creator’s love. We need only to recognize and accept His guidance and never-ending presence. Thank you!

A Story That Speaks To Your Soul

This is the story I didn’t know I needed to read but it ended up speaking to my soul. Mary tells her story not just of growing up in rural West Virginia & then moving on to do big things. She brings you on her journey of reconciliation within herself, with God, & with her past. She tells her story as it intertwines with the most important people in her life & how they helped shape who she is. All the while she speaks to the readers soul. Giving perspective on reconciliation within their own lives. Mary speaks on grace & love in ways that will open your mind & heart. She tells her own unique story, & somehow tells all of our stories. The writing is beautiful. It is eloquent without being pretentious. Mary uses her words to paint you a detailed picture, to bring her into her world & expand your view on your own. This book is about one woman’s story & yet it speaks to the deep internal struggles that most people face. Mary provides hope, truth, honesty, love, and of course, grace. I recommend Dirt to everyone.

Wish I could give six stars

I read this book two months ago, and I am still raving about it. Fabulous story, writing, pacing, imagery. This book is a wonder.

Cannot wait to read again and again

The book Dirt, although a memoir, is so very much more. It is not a book that can be lumped in a category, as it fills so many categories. It is heart wrenching, while being heart warming. It is sitting down with a life long friend while she completely and totally exposed all of her parts, the deep dark most vulnerable pieces of herself. It is redemption, reconciliation and, at the same time, hope. Dirt captivates you from the very beginning and leaves you wanting more, more of Mary, more of her story, more of her strength and determination. It is a book that is not easily put down, and one you will want to read again and again. This is the book you’ll want to buy for younger generations, and for older alike. I have never finished reading a book, only to be excited to read it again. Dirt provides a prospective I didn’t realize I needed, and I cannot to read again and again.

Journey of healing and strength - a must read

Mary is an amazing woman who shares her story... a story that most of us can relate to. When I am reading her words I feel like they are mine. A friend gave this to me for Christmas and I am so thankful she did. It has helped me to see that I am not alone in this life I was given. We do grow though and I thank God for His healing touch. I have attached a few pages and I highly recommend this book to everyone. Order yours today.

Incredibly powerful and transformative.

Mary does a marvelous job of immediately capturing all your senses in her debut memoir- DIRT. It is a story of hardship, healing, and the redemptive power of God's grace. With language that is raw and rich with visual details, Mary pulls you into her life growing up in rural West Virginia, to the halls of Yale, and more. Through her poetic, warm, poignant words, she encourages us to own and embrace our "dirt" , our stories because those are the roots that make us who we are.

Grabs your attention within the first few pages!

I’m an avid reader and can honestly say Mary’s book, Dirt, is easily in my top 5 favorite books of all time. This book will captivate you within the first few pages and you’ll find it difficult to put down. Mary’s words are like candy - a kick of sour with hard truths quickly followed by the addicting sweetness of lessons learned. I’ve often been perceived as “put together” but have rarely felt that way. As I dove deeper and deeper into Mary’s story I’d find myself glancing up from the book, looking around to see if anyone was staring at me because surely they saw the words that I was reading could have very well been my own. Surely, even while reading in my empty house, someone was looking right through me. This book brought about so many thought-provoking emotions of acceptance and initial healing. I’ll continue rereading this book and sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the second book to be released.

powerful and exquisitely written memoir

powerful and exquisitely written memoir

A must-read!

This book is hands down one of the best memoirs I’ve ever read. Like only the very best memoirs do, I could see myself in a story so different from my own. Mary’s writing is breathtaking. This will definitely be going in my “books to re-read” pile!

Powerful, beautiful, poignant Story- a must read!

I loved this book so so very much. I have followed the author Mary's OTHER work for years (her business and photography journey) and before I heard, I felt like I had heard her share parts of this story. But reading all she shared in Dirt was absolutely captivating. I listened to it on Audible, where Mary herself read her story, which made it all the more powerful for me. It was a beautiful story of transformation, hope, love and I HIGHLY recommend it!

A beautiful memoir that you will want to read over and over again!

This is such a beautiful written book that you won't want to put down. Mary is an amazing storyteller and has a way of drawing you into the story as if you were actually there. She really uses her writing to paint a picture and bring you back to that moment in time. At first I wasn't sure if I would be able to resonate with her story, but I was completely wrong. Let's face it, we all have some "dirt". We can either let it define us or use it as a stepping stone to grow from it, which is exactly what Mary did. Her story is absolutely amazing and I feel like we can all learn from her. Go get this book, I promise you won't regret it!

Beautiful story of grace-filled triumph

Dirt was a book I didn't know I needed. Mary's open and honest narrative about life growing up in West Virginia and what it means to find inner grace and strength is a story that has forever changed who I am. This is the perfect read for anyone on a journey of self discovery, weeding through the things that make your story messy.

Stop and buy this book right now!

I’m an avid reader and this book was hands down one of the best I have ever read. Mary captures you with her writing within the first few sentences and it’s just one of those books that you can’t put down. I totally experienced all the emotions while reading. I laughed, cried, felt happy, felt sad. Although my childhood was unlike Mary’s, I still connected deeply with her story. At times, I even felt she was writing to me and was overwhelmed with emotions. I feel like I devoured the book and now I’m excited to read it again. This book reads like a novel while empowering us to be brave and share our story no matter how imperfect and “dirty” it might be.

Beauty in the breaking, beauty in the waiting

I can relate to Mary in so many ways. I had a home I was embarrassed of, a mother who made the wrong decision, and a father who held me together. There were parts of this book that I had to make myself stop, reread, and just savor the words. Her story is beautiful and so similar to mine that my heart broke when hers broke and soared when hers soared. Although most won't share that same connection, there is something here for anyone that knows what it is to want more. And how you realize what you really had while you were waiting to get it. Love it!

Fantastic- a MUST READ

I tend to not read autobiographies since a lot of times, it can be very boastful. I always love when I can relate to the author and learn something from them. This was a RIVETING read, and it was so inspiring. Mary really takes you through her life, and you can envision everything as she shares her story. I am hard of hearing, and I have my own version of struggle and how I came out of it stronger. And she has inspired me to want to share my own story one day in some format. Once again, I implore you to read this fantastic book as everyone will take away something special from it.


Mary Marantz has a way with words that leaves you either on the edge of your seat, or bawling, or staying up past your bedtime just so you know what happens next. Mary’s is a true “rags to riches” story, but that’s not what she chose to write about in Dirt. Instead, Mary digs deep into her past. She journals her father’s, her grandmother’s, and her mother’s stories in technicolor words. She rises above the giants of her past and learns to thrive in a life not defined by the mountain she grew up on, but inspired by the legacy her family left her.

Inspirational story

I met Mary about 10 years ago at a photography event and she was the sweetest. I immediately became and fan and have followed her every since enjoying her blog and more recently her podcast. She has such a unique and inspiring story. I was so excited that she had written a book about herself. Such a wonderful and inspiring story. I was not disappointed, Mary is a gifted writer. It reminded me a lot of "Educated" but without the survivalist religion and the child abuse. Do yourself a favor and pick this up.

Life can be raw and scary and painful, but amazingly beautiful at the same time

Love this book. The first half is very much a memoir. The second half covers some of the things life is meant to teach us. I think the author is very sweet and obviously very smart, however this well written book has me believing something even greater perhaps worked through her to send us this message about life, love and just the rawness of it all!

You will want to soak this book in ... and then read it AGAIN!

I not only read this book, but now my husband is reading it and LOVING it too!.... and, 2 of my friends have also bought and are loving "Dirt"... WHY? Because Mary writes creatively, compelling, humbly, gently, clearly, and personally. Her story is told, but as you read, you will hear God's heart for your work in progress story! Be inspired, encouraged and enjoy this impactful book!

You need this book in your life!

Absolutely 1000% recommend read. Love love love! I would give it more stars if possible!

Excellent writing.

This book is a beautiful story of Mary’s life. Through her word pictures and detailed writing, you feel like you are there with her. Dirt is an inspiration for all of us to tell the beautiful stories God is writing in our lives.

“God, set me free of me.”

“God, set me free of me.”Gripping story that shows how God weaves our story together even when it looks like He's isn't there.

Refreshing, gritty and full of beautiful story telling

The raw reality of this story and the redemption of living a life authentically in what God has for us! So beautifully written. Wonderful

Brilliantly written memoir

This book! Wow! Terrific writing that pulls you in and stays with you long after you finish. Stories about people that overcome all the odds are inspiring, but this one is tough to beat. You will not regret buying this!

Loved it!

This is an inspiring book and beautiful story - an encouragement and reminder of growing through hardship and owning our stories. Highly recommend.


I love this book u can’t believe the love the little girl the hard work here dad does for his family you start reading and won’t stop until it’s finished

Honest and inspiring

This is a don’t put it down til your done, feel all the feels, grow with the author story. If you want to treat yourself to some real life honesty and the encouragement to dig into your own dirt to find yourself, The book Dirt is it!

A personal story of heartfelt love

I loved every detail of this book! This book reminds us of our own insecurities and own triumphs. A beautiful story of love and redemption. A SIMPLY MUST READ!

Loved it!

Wonderfully-written. I very much enjoyed her history and insights and raw honesty.

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