Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE

Paperback – October 19, 2020
18 Oct

Mike Shoreman "the board man" is a fun and personable paddleboarder. On a trip to India, he stands before the Ganges River, and awakens to his passion of inspiring others on the water. He returns home, becomes a professional paddleboard coach, and soon, builds a successful paddleboarding business from the ground up. His dream of sharing his gift with students becomes a reality.

One morning, everything changes. A sudden neurological condition called Ramsay Hunt Syndrome wakes him in excruciating pain. With a collapsed face, extreme vertigo, and an inability to walk properly, Mike is devasted that his budding paddleboarding career has come to an abrupt end. Hopelessness and loss enfold him as he is left to grieve his old life.

In this heartfelt, raw, and humorous memoir, Mike channels his pain into purpose. Crash and RISE is a story about falling down, getting back up, and stepping bravely into a life that looks nothing like the one we have planned for ourselves. Mike demonstrates what it truly means to crash and rise again by transcending mental and physical limitations in order to share his light with the world. His story reminds us that it is always darkest just before the dawn.

Reviews (203)

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

How Mike hand.led his Ramsey Hunt Syndrome

Mike was on the road to success. He was beginning a new business in Paddle Boarding when Ramsey Hunt Syndrome shut him down. What is RHS? Mike informs about this horrible disease that caused his Fall, but he was able to Rise Up and start a new chapter in his life. He gives such picturesque descriptions of his travels that you will think you are there. I am really interested in trying Paddle Boarding myself. This book will make you cry as well as laugh. Loved this book. Totally worth a read. Patty Pearman

Wow,Just Wow

Wow ! Just Wow ! This book is a perfect read for anyone struggling to make sense out a unexpected life event .I was blown away by Mikes ability to share very intimate details of his mental struggles after RHS took away everything he worked for and left him looking at a monster in the mirror . No matter your struggles this book shows you there is always the faintest glimmer of hope in hopeless situations and that it just takes one yes to start to make a difference in our own lives . Lift your paddle high and read this book .

Full of hope

This book is so wonderfully written. It took me on an emotional ride. I had a health scare a year an a half ago and almost died. Some chapters and feelings were pretty close to home for me. But reading how he moves forward and takes control was very powerful and motivating. I think this is a must read for anyone who is struggling with where they are in life.

Lesson on how we all can Rise Up!

Thank you Mike Shoreman for taking us along with you on your tsunami ride. You go from his adventure trip to India which gives us all a lesson about lighting up the world to crawling out of the darkest of darks. To be honest, I was excited to read this adventure but also a little afraid about bring back some raw feelings. I also have RHS but reading this story allowed me to do some healing and to let go of my own pain. Thank you Mike for sharing your story, how we all can RISE up from pain. I can’t wait to see where life takes you next. Wish you the best.

Just read it

I knew some of the story before reading the book..I watched the speech that lit up the internet (maybe more times then I should admit)(but it was so freaking good).. Reading this book will give you all the feels. You’ll giggle at points, dream of an incredible trip, be heartbroken only to be left feeling inspired. Stop thinking and just read the book you will not regret it.

5 stars

Great inspirational book. I loved it. I would recommend it.

Mike is an inspiration for me to shine again.

I have had RHS since June 2018.Mike has inspired me to say yes again to so many things in life instead of no I better not. My home has been my safe place since 2018 but after reading this book I am closer to going out in public more to enjoy life again. I recommend this book to anyone that needs a kick in the butt to have the courage and will to chase your dreams after a traumatic life changing event.

Inspirational and fun to read!

As someone who has had Ramsay Hunt for nearly 10 years, I bought it as soon as I could! The details of his experience with the self-doubt & anxiety from the way his face---& life---had changed were so validating to me! We have the ability to find new ways to make our situations heal us, and by writing Crash and Rise, Mike has helped us all to say Yes to our own healing. I'll be keeping my eyes open for his next book!

Great Read!

Wonderful autobiographical account of how we can rise above any challenge and overcome through perseverance and the will to want to live and help others with their own unexpected down moments in this life. Such an inspiration, Mike! - Lyds

An Inspirational Read

Mike has written a heartbreaking account of the impacts of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome in his life. As a fellow RHS patient, I shed tears of understanding and smiled/laughed at the interesting situations RHS bring to one's everyday life. Despite the challenges and intense pain, Mike's CRASH and Rise inspires me to do the "work" (vestibular therapy, counseling, exercises) and above all stay engaged with family and friends. Thanks Mike!

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

Say Yes to this book, say Yes to hope & perseverance

This book is a wonderfully written account of Mike's journey to his dream career, the devastating disease that took it away and his rise from the ashes to become an inspiration to all! I laughed, I cried, I cheered... and I read it again! Mike is a truly awesome person to be so open about his experience into darkness and his rise to living an amazing life! Paddles Up

My favorite book of the year!

My brother who is a paddleboarder in Toronto recommended this book to me and I'm glad he did. It reads like a movie script and is engaging and enjoyable. An inspiring read that I'd recommend, in turn, to others.


This book is a must read for anyone that has dealt with any adversity in their lives. Mikes story is amazing and uplifting and will really inspire you to be your best and keep your head high no matter what life throws at you. It was a very enjoyable read and I highly recommend it. Great job Mike, I look forward to seeing how you keep on inspiring those around you.

How to overcome adversity... inspiring story

Mike’s story is inspirational, to say the least! His journey details how he overcame a rare neurological disorder known as Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. I found Mike’s memoir to be humorous, witty, honest, and moving. #paddlesup


Wonderful, inspiring book full of honesty and passion. Whether you are a SUP paddler or not you will enjoy this read by Mike.


As an RHS warrior myself, I just finished this book last night. I'm sorry it took me so long to get to it. It was Great. At the end, reading Mike's speech, I was bawling. Didn't mean to. I've heard it, straight from Mike, and watched the speech, but was completely moved to a deep tear well I thought I'd moved on from. Thank you Thank You ❤

Should be mandatory reading

Great read. It takes inner strength to come back from a devastating set back and even more so to openly share the journey in a well written read, even more so if you Sup.


I knew much of Mike’s story before reading his book,"Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE", but there were depths that we could only know because he has been brave enough to reveal the torturous world he inhabited for a while and how that world almost broke him. It takes a gifted writer to take us on exciting adventures, tell us of the satisfaction of starting a new business and connecting with customers, and then exposing us to the dark, life-crushing corners without being maudlin. Mike’s prose style is the way he talks – articulate, effusive, sometimes sassy, with honesty, clarity and respect for his audience’s time and intelligence. Mike Shoreman is so real and you can feel that coming off every page. I have known Mike for a couple of decades now. We first met when I was part of the faculty team in Media Studies at Loyalist College when Mike was a student. The energy, wit, creativity, and determination that you see throughout this book, were evident then. I saw all of it in the classroom and I saw it when he would drop into my office for wide ranging conversations. We stayed in touch through social media and I was thrilled to hear of his latest adventures, devastated by his health challenge and cheering madly as he fought his way back. We reconnected again recently when Mike came to speak to the post-graduate Public Relations program at Loyalist and awed them as he awes so many, through public speaking and coaching. I am so glad that the world is getting to know Mike Shoreman, the special man that he is, and is starting to feel the inspiration and spirit that this luminous and triumphant soul has to share. I know he will touch and change many lives. Buy this book,"Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE", read this book, your life will be fuller for it. To quote Mike, "Paddles Up" (read the book to fully understand that phrase!)

Out of the depths of tragedy, an inspirational emergence. Hope in its most raw form.

I was given the opportunity to read Mike’s story before its release. I knew that Mike was a professional paddleboarder, that he was an amazingly talented, well spoken man, but I didn’t realize the strength and perseverance that he carries with him in the face of adversity. This memoir taught me so much about the human spirit, the vulnerability and the fight, the struggle and the win. Crash and Rise are two words that hold the story but so much surrounds those words. From Mike's bold steps into a new direction, to his moments of dread in medical tragedy, to his ability to reframe darkness as a light that reaches so many souls, he shows us that there is no boundary to hope. An absolute must read, it will charge through you and lift you with him as he reaches new goals and shows us life is as good as the strength we all have to overcome.

What a wonderful book!

Besides Mike's story of his devastating Ramsay Hunt syndrome misdiagnosis, and subsequent diagnosis, then finding his mission in helping others through speaking his story, I REALLY enjoyed his travel story. This is a great book to inspire you to keep going even during the worst of circumstances. You'll laugh, you'll cry. Mike's travels through India are a story unto themselves and worthy of any good travel writer, of which I read a lot. Looking forward to hearing more from this author in the future!

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

Read in 2 hours with only one eye! RHS fighter!

Let me tell you that I’m NOT a person who likes books so much...thanks to my accounting books hahaha, but this time things have changed. I literally read this book in 2 hours, at 2 am, with only one eye, the other eye was taped shut thanks to Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. Mike, also, a RHS fighter, is an inspiration for many of us that are suffering with this debilitating rare disease and makes us feel like we are not alone. He shares his struggles during his ongoing battle with RHS and gives you some great laughs while doing it. Please read it, you will be inspired! Mike, please continue to be push awareness on RHS! Thank you!

Heart felt amazingly touching story!

What an amazing book! Mike has you hooked from the very beginning! Great easy read! You will laugh, you will cry! Then you’ll laugh some more! Being another person that has been faced by medical adversity I found his book to be so touching. He tells his story in a way that is miraculous. He doesn’t make you feel sorry for him. You’re in his court! Things are very difficult but he figures out a way to pull through and keep going even when he thought he couldn’t. Many challenges starting with a relationship that had gone separate ways. The Lotus flower candles lighting up the water was great and how he incorporates this throughout. The relationships. It’s just an overall amazing read.

Vulnerability & resilience can exist together

Mike Shoreman is living proof that vulnerability & resilience can exist in the same package, and that when these qualities are harmoniously aligned in an individual it is nothing short of inspiring. There's nothing more difficult than being dealt a devastating blow and having nowhere to direct your anger or grief. Mike's story showed me it is possible to not only handle tragedy with grace, but also to emerge from it living more powerfully than before. Written with honesty and a self-depreciating humour that will make you laugh out loud, this book is a timely lesson for these uncertain times. Highly recommend.


Love how Mike draws the line in the sand by going to India alone which showed tremendous courage, the trip was full of triumph and trial which certainly tested his unwavering resilience, that is displayed throughout the book. Luv how he decided to get back on the paddleboard, which helped restore confidence in which the disease tried to unsuccessfully rob from him. Also the raw vulnerability of his feelings prior to being diagnosed and after made the reader just want embrace him. This book is about resilience, the highs, the lows and coming through on the other side, and taking what is thrown at you and building a new stronger and powerful destiny.

Honest, courageous and inspiring

When I started reading Mike's book, I couldn't put it down. I am so impressed by Mike's courage and his honesty - this book is absolutely inspiring and moving. As a fellow paddler who runs her own paddle business, loves to travel and loves the water, I could relate to many parts of the narrative - and everything feels absolutely authentic and real. I have the utmost respect for how Mike stood up to the challenges and found his path. The books is very well written and super engaging. All in all a great book! Highy recommended!

So inspiring!

This memoir was full of raw emotion, wit, and humor! I’m still smiling days after reading Michael’s incredible story. Reading this, I felt like Mike was telling me his story in person. His story has a voice! I found myself cheering out loud while reading. I found myself closing my eyes and imagining myself on Mike’s adventures. This was such a wonderful read and I can’t recommend enough! So inspiring!


This is one of the most inspirational books I've read in a LONG time. I am someone with a disability, and seeing a Phoenix story like Mike's is so amazing. I absolutely love this and Mike for his openness.

Always say yes to yourself!

What a great lesson! We all have our personal journey to reach our full potential. Saying yes to that, choosing to focus on what we want and go after it, regardless of the perceived barriers or real challenges - that is what being a hero is all about. Paddles up!


I started following Mike Shoreman on social media and while I never had the pleasure to personally meet him, I have followed his journey online. I purchased the book and finished it today and can honestly say it blew me away. There was laughter and tears and I came away in awe!

A story filled with courage and heart

Mike Shoreman's beautiful story from the heart will stir your soul and tickle your funny bone. He exudes a joy and vitality, even in the face of overwhelming odds, that will leave you wanting more and more. You've just got to read this book to believe it!

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

Just what I needed

Inspiration in the face of adversity. Mike shares his story and in the process lifts is ALL up. Just what I needed right now.

Inspiring story from an inspiring man

Mike is an inspiration to people everywhere. His story will make you believe in yourself and give you a new zest for life!

Wow! What an inspirational story! Highly recommended!

Wow! Talks about a great read that can make you laugh and cry at the same time! Highly recommended!!!!

Well worth the read

Amazing story by an incredible person. Recommending to everyone from all walks of life!

NOT just for Paddleboarders !! A glowing recommendation of saying YES !!

As a paddleboarder Mikes name and the #paddlesup hashtag were known to me and I have since had the honour of speaking to him online a few times and connecting with him. This relatively short part of his life is a celebration of human spirit, determination, resilience and the power of saying yes. Its funny, emotional, inspiring, dark, sad and uplifting all at the same time. His approach to life is something all of us can learn from, not just paddleboarders. I can't wait to follow his next adventures, this is story is by no means over. SAY YES PEOPLE #PADDLESUP


I know Mike Shoreman, as a fellow stand up paddleboarder, through social media, so I thought that I knew his story well. But there is so much more to Mike Shoreman than I knew. Now that I know how low Ramsey Hunt Syndrome took Mike, I realise how brave and remarkable his subsequent recovery has been. This is a story, told with passion and humour, of the authors descent to a very dark place and then his rise again. An inspiring story from a winner!

A must read..it could happen to you

Mike's account of how he was struck by Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, a rare and generally unknown condition, is gripping, harrowing and uplifting in equal parts. As a fellow sufferer, I can empathise, reliving with him the pain and confusion he felt and so movingly describes. Mike's crash can happen to anyone, his rise is an inspiration. Anyone can give up, but to rise when expected to fall apart, is true strength.. #paddlesup

Best read of 2020 ..... much needed!!

Wow Mike well done on your first book. Absolutely loved reading this and so inspirational. This is a must read book for any one who needs that extra push in life or even if you are out there loving life. I’m also very honoured to be in the book too! means a lot and was a great surprise thank you x The book is top quality and so much thought has gone into this x congratulations Mike you are a start and PADDLES UP XX

Thank you Mike

Mike shares his journey to a dark place that that none of us should ever see, followed by his determined journey back to find a happy place once more. His account is inspirational and a beacon to us all. A reminder to find focus and don’t look back.

Amazing read!! Couldn’t put it down!!

What a great read, Mike is truly an exceptional person and that shines through in this book. I would 100% recommend this book to everyone.

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

A definite must read from start to finish

Such an inspirational read, once started I couldn’t put it down what an amazing inspirational talented guy with so much grit and determination.

Heart-Wrenching & Beautifully Written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Fantastic read!!

Arrived this morning and have already torn through it!! Mike is an inspiration to all whose lives he touches. You may Crash but what's important is that you can and do Rise once more. This book teaches us through Mike's very personal experience that we can and must carry on even when we feel at our lowest. Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing this incredible part of your journey so that we all may grow from it! Well done, highly recommend this book to everyone! It'll make you laugh, it will make you cry but most importantly it will leave you feeling hopeful.

Courage, inspiration, motivation - a fantastic read!

Mike Shoreman is a gifted and natural storyteller - his warmth, humour, raw honesty and vulnerability make this book an engaging and inspiring read. We are right there with him in every moment - running towards the geese, SUP-ing the waters of Lake Ontario and planning a bright new future jetsetting between LA and Toronto. Then out of the blue, an onset of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome shatters that dream. I was moved to tears as he recounted his physical, mental, emotional and identity struggles in the wake of this unexpected blow. It is hard to fully understand the profound impact of such an experience but Mike brings it home in a deeply personal way. Sharing the most painful parts of his journey, recovery and ongoing successes are a moving tribute to Mike's incredible resilience and his commitment to supporting and inspiring others. Highly Recommend!

Genuine, at times downright hysterical, but most of all, inspiring.

I absolutely loved this book. In the first part of Crash and RISE, I felt as though the author, Mike Shoreman, was my best travelling companion as we journeyed, not just through India, but on a path of spiritual and personal growth. As Shoreman transitions from a life altering journey through India, a new wonderful adventure begins: Shoreman's inspiring foray into starting a standup paddleboard business based out of Cherry Beach, Toronto. What truly resonated with me was Shoreman's ability to create memorable and meaningful experiences for others. Little did the author's customers know that this was not going to be merely an introductory lesson to stand up paddleboarding, but a life-altering and captivating experience. As you grow to adore the author's personality and enthusiasm for life, you begin to discover that there is no such thing as an "ordinary" experience with Mike Shoreman. The love Shoreman has for sharing his passion with those taking a leap of faith and trying paddleboarding for the first-time is a wonderful adventure in itself. And who knew we had a shark in Lake Ontario?! Leave it up to Shoreman to make something like that happen. Shoreman was truly dedicated to building a business based on his passion and everything was going great. And then....the tsunami hits: Ramsay Hunt Syndrome followed by a wrong diagnosis and missed 72 hour window leading to an excruciating and debilitating illness. Suddenly all hope is lost for "Mike Shoreman the Boardman." It's a hard crash. Finding himself in the abyss, mentally, physically and spiritually, Shoreman proceeds to take us on a journey of the dark days which preceded a new mindset. As Shoreman begins to embrace life again he rises to unimagined heights. In the process, Mike Shoreman inspires millions around the world to do the same - and that's what this book is about. I highly recommend Crash and RISE to anyone looking for a solid dose of inspiration. Even though there are dark times that will tug at your heart, there is an enormous amount of fun and lightheartedness in the way in which Mike Shoreman tells his story - and that in itself makes this Crash and RISE a treasure.

An Incredible Uplifting Story!

Crash and Rise: From Victim to Thriving Survivor is a bravely honest and touching account of Mike Shoreman’s triumph over a brutally life-changing challenge that inspires others to rise above their struggles right alongside him. As a fellow Paddle Canada SUP instructor in Toronto, my heart broke and then soared along with Mike as he shared the arc of his incredible story set against the familiar backdrop of our city and paddling community. In his heartfelt, humorous and often poetic voice, Mike gives his readers a glimpse into his passionate and determined approach to life and his kind-hearted view of the world. His perseverance in the face of adversity and loss is truly uplifting and energizing to all those who hear his message. It left me as a reader wishing to share a message back: We all have our paddles up with you Mike. Thank you for sharing your heart with all of us.

An inspiring story - of resilience and transcending life’s biggest struggles

Mike Shoreman delivers heartfelt, honest storytelling about his real-life personal tsunami - losing his life’s dream, his darkest struggles with his debilitating health crisis, and subsequent inspiring reinvention. His message is universal and uplifting. He relates his story to all of us undergoing our own personal struggles. Indeed, those are precisely the moments where life can be at its fullest. Mike inspires us to finish our race...and it’s a great read. I couldn’t put it down from the first page to the last. Thank you Mike - and congratulations!

A story of courage that will inspire you to not give up!

I'm the owner of Paddle Pirates Toronto (kayak and SUP rental company) and I have worked with Mike on several occasions. Amazing man. I didn't know the full story so it was interesting to find out. The business aspect of the book was also of great interest to me. But my favourite part was the egg protest to the universe! Hilarious! Easy to read and inspiring.

A must read book! Read it and buy it for everyone you know!

Wow! This book blew me away. This book addresses how life can deal a very unfair deck of cards and shows how you can make the most of the hand you're dealt and still grow, learn, thrive and rise! What is needed now, more than ever, in the midst of this global pandemic are positive stories being told and inspirational people like Mike sharing their sage advice on how to get through whatever life throws at you and come out on top through sheer strength, willpower, determination and drive. This is a must read book of 2020 that makes you think "I can, and I WILL". Congratulations Mike on writing down such an incredibly difficult life experience in a way that is so inspiring and uplifting to the reader and Congratulations on all that you have achieved, I wish I could have seen you deliver your speaker slam speech and I cant wait to watch it again on YouTube. You are an absolute gentleman and an inspiration and I cannot wait to SUP with you again in the future. Both times I have went with you have been absolutely incredible experiences! I cannot wait to see what you do next!! #PADDLESUP!


A few weeks ago, and within 48hours I may add.... I finished CRASH and RISE, The Diaries Of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder and immediately knew I wanted to share it with the world. BUT.........There was one thing....I couldn’t find the words to best describe how positively impactful this book is. I hope I can describe How Mike Shoreman’s intensely raw and amazing brilliance shines in his new book. The truth he uses to illustrate his sudden downfall coupled with the strength and power to overcome it all, perfectly depicts what it means to CRASH & RISE. His writing style makes you feel like your right beside him having a conversation firsthand all the while creating vivid images of struggle and empowerment in his daily life. Inspirational True Love Empowering Strength Growth Understanding Determined Real .. .. These are just a few words I would use to describe CRASH and RISE and feel honoured to have been able to read such a heartwarming story of survival. Brilliant, Mike Shoreman Just Brilliant!!! 💕

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

Handling Tragedy with Grace: A Timely Lesson For Uncertain Times

Mike Shoreman is living proof that vulnerability & resilience can exist in the same package, and that when these qualities are harmoniously aligned in an individual it is nothing short of inspiring. There's nothing more difficult than being dealt a devastating blow and having nowhere to direct your anger or grief. Mike's story showed me it is possible to not only handle tragedy with grace, but also to emerge from it living more powerfully than before. Written with honesty and a self-depreciating humour that will make you laugh out loud, this book is a timely lesson for these uncertain times. Highly recommend.


It's not often that we are drawn into a story and become so invested in the outcome. I had heard of the Unbalanced Paddleboarder, Mike Shoreman, but had not understood the depths of where his journey took him. I read this book cover to cover in one sitting ... I could not put it down! The author, Mike Shoreman, lets us in to his innermost thoughts and with cutting wit and raw emotion draws us in to where we feel we are not just a bystander looking in but a friend who is cheering him on every step of the way. Go out and buy this book, trust me, once you start reading you won't put it down and it will have you cheering Mike on too! The only problem is that I need the sequel now! Fantastic book, amazing human! Thank you Mike Shoreman, you are a gift. #paddlesup

Honest, inspirational and real!

I’ve known Mike since high school, and kept in touch through social media. - Learning of the health issues he had to endure was heartbreaking, but his will, strength and courage to fight his way back has been more then inspiring. I thought I knew Mike story prior to picking up this book, but I was unaware of how raw and deep it really is. Thank you for educating us on Ramsey Hunt disease, your obstacles and fighting your way back. It takes a huge amount of strength and courage to open yourself up the way Mike has done in this book. The way Mike has written makes you feel as though you are part of the story. You’ll laugh and you’ll cry, you’ll turn page after page wanting more. What an inspiration! Great job Mike!


l couldn't wait for his book to arrive, as l had heard fantastic feedback from those who had read it. NOW I GET IT! As his story begins, you get to know Mike intimately, his career of Paddle Boarding, and those who are close to him on his journey, we call life! He takes you on a magic carpet ride travelling with him, and his witty sense of humor kept me captivated, and smiling endlessly. Then, he hits that title wave, and immerses you in the undertow with him, to feel and experience the greatest challenge of his life. Through this journey, his thirst for survival and pure determination will leave you knowing that you can accomplish anything! l highly recommend his inspiring and captivating book! Keep riding that wave Mike! Well done!

The Ups and Downs and Up Again

It was a well told series of events through the eyes and experience of Mike that basically brought me on a roller coaster ride. Just when you think things couldn't get any worse in the author's life, another wave would be there waiting to crash. I still remember the chapter number where the floodgates opened. But all these incidents would prove to be necessary on what was waiting for Mike down the road, and the lessons to be taught to anyone who reads this book.

This is a story that inspires.

A must read, ESPECIALLY considering what we as a global society are coping with. What is needed now, more than ever, are positive stories happening in our world. This is a book that makes you think "I can, and I WILL". It is nothing short of amazing to see how far Mike has come after having such adversity piled on top of him, not to mention having the courage to put such a personal story out there for anyone to read. Crash and Rise should be at the top of your list!


Mike has written a very honest, open book of his perils after a sudden diagnosis of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. He writes of the toll this diagnosis and it's debilitating symptoms has had on his relationships and his physical and mental health. It sadly led to a subsequent suicide attempt. This is an inspirational read of triumph after despair. Mike's advocacy for mental health is apparent throughout. I highly recommend this book to anyone who may be struggling themselves to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

An excellent example of how we can weave new stories into our life.

I read through this book in 3 sittings. Love Mike's use of descriptive words. I felt I was next to him travelling through India, then learning to paddleboard. I had to put the book down a moment when he described his darkest hours. The maternal part of me wanted to shake him and hug him. His heartfelt sharing of his journey is inspirational. I sense and hope there are more books to follow. This one was packed with so many messages. We may stumble, we may fall, and we can rise from it all.


The waves of emotion, heartbreak and triumph in this book moved me to tears over and over again. It read like a movie in my mind and I could not put it down! Mike Shoreman, thank you for sharing your journey, your pain and your strength with the world. I am better for having read your words and I hope they reach the hearts and hands of millions!

This book has all the feels!!

Engaging, emotionally charged I couldn't put this book down. Mike is vulnerable, brave, funny and inspiring. What a roller coaster of emotions to go through while reading a book. I felt like I was right there beside him as he Crashed and then again as he began to RISE! Such an inspirational message here for us all.

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

A perfect example of how we can move from pain to possibilities.

Sharing his story to inspire others. Mike's story gives hope and declares that it IS possible to triumph over the worst that life can throw at us. He is a perfect example of how we can move from pain to possibilities. Thank you Mike for opening up and standing up for what you believe in. Honoured to be a friend and colleague. A must read!!

Buy. Read. Repeat

I’m not much of a reader, but when a book is this good, it doesn’t matter. Front to back, I couldn’t put it down. You think you know someone and then they right a book and you get to know them all over again on a much deeper level. I love a good diary, and this a must read.

Raw and Real Story of Triumph

Could not wait to turn each page. Yet, I took my time to read and digest each word with care. Written so well, I could feel the emotions of the author and the ones it evoked in me, as I read this story of struggle and resilience. Powerful message to share with the world. Read it, Share it, Gift it. Well done Mike!

Inspiring, entertaining, and most importantly, empowering.

A powerful story of courage and conviction. I’m so grateful that Mike has bared this story for the world to know, so others may be inspired by his journey and build their own paths towards triumph. Highly recommended!

Inspirational read!

Hilarious and heartbreaking. A story of redemption that everyone needs to read. This is a great book for those who struggle a huge life changes and needs a motivational read. Highly recommended. One of the best books of the year!

Inspiring and uplifting when we need it most!

I could not put this book down! You fall in love with Mike before his real journey even begins. He bravely takes you into his darkest moment and somehow makes this rare, life altering disorder, relatable to your own life. The timing of this book is impeccable as Mike gives us the happy ending we so desperatly need in 2020!

Inspiring motivating story of deep personal challenges and triumphs!

Mike’s book takes you on an intimate journey through travel, friendship, relationships, mental health and chronic illness. You are along for the ride and get to experience the fall and rise of this inspiring journey to triumphs. I sat down to read it and was glued to my Kindle for two days❤️way to ho Mike you are Instagram world!


A fantastic and truly inspirational book to read. Mike pulls you into his life and doesn't hold back on the true struggles he endured. A great story for anyone to read. Thank you for sharing your story!

Get yourself a copy!

Mike's story was uplifting and inspiring. Hilarious at times and jaw dropping at others. It was an emotional roller coaster that will definitely leave you motivated and ready to take on life's challenges!

Get a RISE with this book!

Loved this book! I felt like I was beside the author taking this journey with him. So much strength and encouragement! Excited to read more from Mike. #Paddlesup!

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!


This book takes you on an emotional roller coaster, you will laugh, you will cry and you will let out a huge sigh! You will need a coffee as you won’t be able to put it down, Mike’s story will leave you inspired and ready to tackle anything that comes your way.

Vey inspiring!

A touching and insiring story that everybody needs to read. Thank you for sharing your story Mike!

Emotional journey

Following Mikes journey was an emotional roller coaster and felt as if I was right there with him. Great read!

What an inspiration!

Being a member of the Facebook Ramsay Hunt Syndrome group and a fellow sufferer of this nasty and debilitating condition, when Mike told the group his book was available, I jumped on it! Having been on the receiving end of his inspiring story in the group, I knew it would be a good one. Finding someone who can understand what we're going through is tough but finding someone who can put it into words is even tougher. We all have our own issues ...RHS is generous like that...but it's nice to know that there are people out there who have kicked this devil in the butt! As I write this review I am "celebrating" 10 years of having RHS . I can't think of a better way to spend part of this anniversary than being inspired by Mike! Paddles Up!

How do you get back up when life knocks you down over and over and over?

If you have ever plotted a path for your life, started to follow it, had events outside your control upend it and wondered what to do next, this is the book for you. I really rooted for Mike as he builds up his dream business, only to see it come to a crashing halt due to a devastating illness. Sometimes you can't go back to where you were before and the only path through is forward. This book perfectly captures the emotional and mental struggle of leaving the old behind and not only finding, but embracing the new path. I found this book deeply inspiring not only in my own battle with a life changing illness but also in having my life upended by losing a parent and later a child. I really appreciated how raw and honest Mike is about the pain of the crash and how hard it is to battle through that pain and find a way to rise again. And helping us see that there IS a way to rise again.

Truly Inspirational

Mike Shoreman “victim to survivor,”beautifully shares his first hand experience with emotional chaos.....fear, sadness, resentment, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression, rage, and uncertainty that accompanied his diagnosis with the rare disorder Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. He validated his own personal stages of grief that many feel when first diagnosed with a disease that challenges life as we have known it. Mike’s story highlights his journey of determination, resilience and hope and ultimately the understanding that in order to move forward and not allow the disease to define him, he had to “dig deep and do the heavy lifting.” He is a true inspiration to all who suffer with RHS but his story is a must read for others struggling with life-altering challenges and uncertainties.

A wonderful and inspiring book!

I found "Crash and RISE" to be a moving and inspiring book. A story of personal tragedy, crisis, and rediscovery that speaks to the crises and choices we all face, and that shape our lives. At turns funny, exhilarating, and heartbreaking, Mike Shoreman's story offers an intimate and vulnerable window into some of the brightest and darkest times in this funny, kind, dedicated young man's life. He takes us along on a roller-coaster ride of exciting discovery, and terrifying loss, into the light of a new day and the power of saying "Yes" to ourselves. I admire Mike's work to help raise awareness of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and of the critical importance that this rare condition be recognized and diagnosed quickly to help ensure that patients can make their best recovery. I applaud his work to help raise awareness, and money, to help those suffering from mental illness. I am impressed by the courage and energy he has shown in reinventing himself and building a bright future for himself that is so much different than the one he thought he would inhabit. Mike's is a story that reminds us that we all have the power to say yes to the best things in our lives, and in ourselves. As he writes in chapter nine of this excellent book, "It was time to say yes to myself again. To stop putting these limiting beliefs on myself and to say yes to life whatever that might look like. I think we all have a moment where we have to make a decision in our lives. Do we stay where we are, or do we choose to step bravely into something new?" I encourage you to read "Crash and RISE" for yourself, and to explore what you are ready to say "Yes!" to next.

Honest, heart-wrenching & beautifully written

I cannot say enough about this book! Mike Shoreman's "Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE" is a vibrant, heart-wrenching and authentically brave story of personal triumph, struggle and transformation. It gives the reader a raw and honest glimpse into one person's successes and heartbreak, and how a debilitating diagnosis ultimately led him on a path of healing, reawakening and self-discovery. I laughed and cried throughout reading this book; the rollercoaster of emotions was intense and real. This is a story I believe every person needs to read - at a time when the world is itself going through much hardship and transformation, stories like this can feed our minds, souls and hearts. Anyone struggling with any form of mental or physical illness will likely find comfort and solace in relating to Mike's story - it is truly a lifeline for the world. It teaches us that through suffering, we can find redemption and healing - that it is OK to not be OK, and that the struggle is truly a gift, and can lead us to a greater sense of purpose and self-realization. I am left with feelings of hope, and the overwhelming feeling that we are all responsible to create our own happiness in life. I am so grateful - thank you Mike, for you willingness to share your story in such a candid and courageous way. I absolutely loved this book, and highly recommend it to all! #PaddlesUp

Life changing read!

I was planning on saving this for the weekend but as soon as I received it, I read the first page and couldn’t put it down. I love opening a book and immediately getting hooked!! If you are living with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome like myself ( or any of life’s curveballs ) this book will help you realize that life is all about obstacles. Mike Shoreman was full of life and hits his ultimate low. It tells the story about how he ultimately decides to take his life back. Very inspiring! Paddles Up! ❤️

An Inspirational Triumph

Inevitably, we all encounter obstacles in life. But what happens when you have it all and then confront devastation? Written in an easy, conversational form, Mike Shoreman describes what it is like to go from the highest mountaintop to the deepest valley - literally to reach the last moment - and then rise back stronger than ever. If you have ever been in crisis, if you have ever thought you could not possibly go on another day, Mr. Shoreman's experience proves that yes, you can go on - and that new adventures and successes are possible. It may not be easy - Mr. Shoreman describes in some detail his challenges - but with hard work, determination, and the support of others, there can be a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to cheer at the end, but you might feel like doing so.

Wonderful inspirational story

I absolutely loved this book and will keep it to read over and over. Mike Shoreman is an inspiration. His story is a reminder to never take anything for granted, to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. No matter what challenges you are facing Crash and Rise helps you remember “life is a series of peaks and valleys”. This is a quick read that will make you laugh out loud and maybe even cry. Mike you are a hero 🦸♂️ Paddles Up!


The Unbalanced Paddleboarder shares his inspiring story of break down to break through after a misdiagnosis disrupted his world. The power of his vulnerability in each chapter keeps the reader captivated, grabbing for tissues, and committed to turn the next page for more. Despite having watched his viral inspirational speech at Speaker Slam - Canada, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of emotions as I got a small glimpse in the life of Mike Shoreman through his own eyes.


I read this entire book first thing this cold Saturday Iowa morning. Front to back. The journey Mike took me on played in my mind as if I was living it. Beautiful adventures, easy humour and intense details about some of the darkest hours of his journey. At times I stopped and just sat in what I had read. Other times, reflection in tears. There is no doubt we can all relate to this story one way or another. I promise he will leave you with a soul filled with inspiration, gratitude and zest for new life for those like myself who have as well endured some pretty dark days. I was planning on lending this book out to my daughter but I will read it again instead and order her one of her own. Keep writing Mike Shoreman!!

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