Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder (Victorious Warrior Bible study devotional workbook, spiritual warfare handbook, war room prayer manual, victory over ... battle tactics for living in Christ’s power.

Paperback – November 1, 2017
31 Oct

Fight evil and win.

For real!

Because a Super Power really does live inside you, and a weapon more powerful than your enemy is even now within your grasp. (It may not be what you think it is!)

The father of lies fights day and night to draw you away from the purposes God created you for. If you’re not on alert, you will fall prey to his schemes.

Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder, by inspirational author Mikaela Vincent of More Than A Conqueror Books, offers 100 powerful strategies for victory over darkness and breaking free from negative thought patterns and strongholds.

You’re not a victim of this battle between darkness and light. You are a mighty warrior, daughter of the King. Know your purpose and live it!

Do you feel like you try so hard, but still can’t seem to get ahead? Have certain relationships gone up in flames? Do people you love often betray you? Have you experienced unexpected or unexplained illnesses or accidents? Do you pray for things to go your way, but nothing ever really does? Has anxiety eaten up your joy and your sleep? Do fear or nightmares often overtake you? Do you do the things you know you shouldn’t over and over again? Do you wrestle with anger, conflict in relationships, lust, depression, problems in your marriage, misunderstandings, impatience, frustration, or anything else that controls your thoughts and actions other than the Holy Spirit?

Those are just a few of the enemy schemes author Mikaela Vincent addresses in this innovative spiritual warfare handbook written in her quiet times with her Commander and King to equip wives, mothers, single women, teens, homeschool mothers, teachers, Christian leaders, missionaries, and others to put on the armor of God and join with Him in defeating enemy schemes as more than a conqueror.

Learn to listen to God’s voice, walk in His power, wield your sword, and thrive as a Kingdom Culture victorious warrior. Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder offers steps to freedom from strongholds, how to set yourself up for a Truth encounter to topple lies, ways to safeguard your children and free them up to run after Christ, how to break curses, shut the door on Satan, and open it to God’s voice. Each devotion is short and practical, so you can read it in just a few minutes, but practice it the rest of your life.

For wives who want to practice these strategies together with your husband, Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior war room Bible study devotional spiritual warfare handbook by Mikaela Vincent mirrors this manual, but is written especially for husbands, fathers, and single men.

An accompanying Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder Power Planner is also available for those who want to walk daily in God’s power, following His lead every moment and avoiding burnout that comes from doing more than what God has asked you to do, or from doing it in your own power. Let God be your Time Manager this year. This day planner, agenda, calendar is available with lines or without, dated or undated.

Also accompanying the Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder spiritual warfare manual is a Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder Prayer Journal, with powerful prayer prompts, messages from your King, and lots of space to practice what you’re learning. Available with or without lines.

All of these books can be used separately or together.

For more books that make a difference in the lives of those you care about, visit

All proceeds the author receives go to sharing the light of Christ in dark corners of the world where few have ever heard His name.

Reviews (41)

Impactful; transformational; a true blessing

Having gone through Delight to be a Woman of God, I wanted to continue learning and growing from the knowledge shared by Mikaela Vincent. When I began Delight to be a Woman of Wonder I was a little taken aback b/c the format is so different from Delight to be a Woman of God. However, as I dug into this book - which I refer to as the Warrior study - I was so profoundly impacted. Mikaela walks you through the 'how to' of digging deeper. Of allowing God to transform your thoughts to be in alignment with His word; His truth. Each day's study is filled with useful Scripture to guide you and illuminate God's truth. The journal questions cause you to evaluate what the word is actually saying. Her techniques help you go deep and uncover where lies and strongholds have kept you stuck. A refreshing, transforming study that truly opened my eyes and changed my time with God immensely. I have recommended this book to many and have shared the insights garnered from it openly. Highly recommend Mikaela's books to any and all.

Highly Recommend for Every Christian Woman

Delight to Be a Victorious Warrior Woman of Wonder is not your typical “feel good” Bible Study. Mikaela Vincent packs this little book full of scripture references and thought provoking questions to lead you into a deep and insightful study of God’s Word. Our Bible studies should never be about us except that it lead us to repentance and spiritual growth so we can glorify God. That’s exactly what this study will do! Sometimes we need direction and discipleship to help us “work out our own salvation”, to evaluate our walk, and to put on the whole armor of God so that we can stand firm in our faith. I highly recommend this study.

powerful and so encouraging

"Delight to be a Woman of Wonder" gave me the tools to grow even stronger in my Christian walk. So much is included in this book of 100 devotions with Scripture, practical ideas, spiritual truths, and heart examination questions. Although adult women would benefit from reading this, as I have, I can also envision this being used in a homeschooling group or with your teenaged daughter. Regardless, each of the 100 devotions that inspires your heart is like a Bible study pulling your heart closer to God.

Best Bible study EVER!!! Seriously

I am elbow deep in your Victorious Warrior Bible study and I can’t keep my mouth shut about it!!! It is by far the BEST Bible study I have EVER seen and done! Bar NONE! God has gifted you greatly! Thank you Mikaela for gifting US with your obedience to His call. If you want a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Lord then do NOT hesitate in purchasing this study. Work through it, step by step, one lesson at a time. Each lesson builds on the next as you experience breakthroughs and spiritual growth. This study is TRANSFORMATIONAL!! By the way, after purchasing the book, head over time Facebook and join those of us who are working through it on Mikaela’s page.

Excellent resource for living VICTORIOUSLY!!

I love this book!! The author not only explains that we can be set free from our strongholds, but from her own study and time with the Lord, sets out strategies for conquering those strongholds in our lives!!

This book TAUGHT me How to be a Christian!

This book taught me how to walk WITH God, to see myself as He does and to listen for His voice. What MORE could ANYONE ever want? I turn to this book OFTEN & I’ve done two Bible studies with it. So thankful for this Author, her heart and her ability to TEACH through her writings!

Wonderful devotional

Wonderful devotional that helps you focus on what God wants for you. It helps you grow spiritually and focuses you on His plan.

Learn to fight the real battle victoriously!

I love this devotional/Bible study book. It is perfect for the times we are living in. What’s our purpose? What is going on? It’s a battle not with flesh and blood . I’ve entered into a deeper more personal walk with our Lord through Delight To Be A Woman of Wonder.

Clear and helpful

Practical, concise, specific, interesting- it's useful; you should buy this!

Not a lot of fluff here

Gently probing book that walks you through the "stuff" that sticks to us in this world.

Impactful; transformational; a true blessing

Having gone through Delight to be a Woman of God, I wanted to continue learning and growing from the knowledge shared by Mikaela Vincent. When I began Delight to be a Woman of Wonder I was a little taken aback b/c the format is so different from Delight to be a Woman of God. However, as I dug into this book - which I refer to as the Warrior study - I was so profoundly impacted. Mikaela walks you through the 'how to' of digging deeper. Of allowing God to transform your thoughts to be in alignment with His word; His truth. Each day's study is filled with useful Scripture to guide you and illuminate God's truth. The journal questions cause you to evaluate what the word is actually saying. Her techniques help you go deep and uncover where lies and strongholds have kept you stuck. A refreshing, transforming study that truly opened my eyes and changed my time with God immensely. I have recommended this book to many and have shared the insights garnered from it openly. Highly recommend Mikaela's books to any and all.

Highly Recommend for Every Christian Woman

Delight to Be a Victorious Warrior Woman of Wonder is not your typical “feel good” Bible Study. Mikaela Vincent packs this little book full of scripture references and thought provoking questions to lead you into a deep and insightful study of God’s Word. Our Bible studies should never be about us except that it lead us to repentance and spiritual growth so we can glorify God. That’s exactly what this study will do! Sometimes we need direction and discipleship to help us “work out our own salvation”, to evaluate our walk, and to put on the whole armor of God so that we can stand firm in our faith. I highly recommend this study.

powerful and so encouraging

"Delight to be a Woman of Wonder" gave me the tools to grow even stronger in my Christian walk. So much is included in this book of 100 devotions with Scripture, practical ideas, spiritual truths, and heart examination questions. Although adult women would benefit from reading this, as I have, I can also envision this being used in a homeschooling group or with your teenaged daughter. Regardless, each of the 100 devotions that inspires your heart is like a Bible study pulling your heart closer to God.

Best Bible study EVER!!! Seriously

I am elbow deep in your Victorious Warrior Bible study and I can’t keep my mouth shut about it!!! It is by far the BEST Bible study I have EVER seen and done! Bar NONE! God has gifted you greatly! Thank you Mikaela for gifting US with your obedience to His call. If you want a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Lord then do NOT hesitate in purchasing this study. Work through it, step by step, one lesson at a time. Each lesson builds on the next as you experience breakthroughs and spiritual growth. This study is TRANSFORMATIONAL!! By the way, after purchasing the book, head over time Facebook and join those of us who are working through it on Mikaela’s page.

Excellent resource for living VICTORIOUSLY!!

I love this book!! The author not only explains that we can be set free from our strongholds, but from her own study and time with the Lord, sets out strategies for conquering those strongholds in our lives!!

This book TAUGHT me How to be a Christian!

This book taught me how to walk WITH God, to see myself as He does and to listen for His voice. What MORE could ANYONE ever want? I turn to this book OFTEN & I’ve done two Bible studies with it. So thankful for this Author, her heart and her ability to TEACH through her writings!

Wonderful devotional

Wonderful devotional that helps you focus on what God wants for you. It helps you grow spiritually and focuses you on His plan.

Learn to fight the real battle victoriously!

I love this devotional/Bible study book. It is perfect for the times we are living in. What’s our purpose? What is going on? It’s a battle not with flesh and blood . I’ve entered into a deeper more personal walk with our Lord through Delight To Be A Woman of Wonder.

Clear and helpful

Practical, concise, specific, interesting- it's useful; you should buy this!

Not a lot of fluff here

Gently probing book that walks you through the "stuff" that sticks to us in this world.

Powerful Book!

Powerful book for an amazing price! Great to help strengthen your faith!

Know what you are fighting for

Straight forward no nonsense “how to” strengthen your faith, battle strongholds, and live victoriously. Ms. Vincent writes fearlessly and inspires your inner warrior for Christ to shine!

Great resource

This is a very helpful devotional guide for anyone desiring to know God more intimately, and to know strategies for fighting His enemy against strongholds you may not even know exist in your heart.

I love this book

I love this book! So practical and encouraging. The format is straightforward making it easy to use as a reference and the principles are backed by lots of scripture!

Very powerful book!

This book is a powerful tool to begin walking in the truth of Jesus Christ!!!

A blessing in time of need

This book has been a huge spiritual blessing. It came right on time, before a huge attack by the enemy and seems to be just what i need each time I open it. The scriptures given for each day have been just what I needed in that moment. The author has an amazing Godly gift for words. Thank you Mikaela for following the Spirit and sharing your faith and strength with other women in need of His love, guidance, and strength. I love that this study gives scripture reference without giving you the full scripture encouraging you to look them up on your own. I think this is very important to me in a study so that you can get to know the Bible and each book well, see the scriptures in whole, and it leads you to get into the Word yourself so you are not depending on or trusting in others interpretations or opinions.

Spiritual Warfare = Victory

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” Ephesians 6:12 (NIV) Many of us know or have heard about Spiritual warfare… but what exactly is spiritual warfare, how do we put on our spiritual armour, how do we go about fighting these battles? In this book, Mikaela Vincent skillfully guides and teaches, in a simple and easy to understand step-by-step manner, how to listen to God’s voice, walk in His power and become the “Victorious Warrior” we were created to be. I particularly like the fact that each section (which is short and quick to read) is backed by scripture and also includes an application and/or questions which allow for introspection. In some sections she also includes a prayer that can be used. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to overcome any strongholds in their life or who simply wish to live more victoriously.

Living victory found in faith, learning to live Kingdom Culture, doing as He would do

I love devotional workbooks and prayer journals. And though I am just getting started on this handbook, I appreciate how author Mikaela Vincent centers on the Truth of our drawing closer to Him. In Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder, Vincent reminds the reader that we were created to be victorious but must be on alert to the schemes of the enemy. Through the various strategies for victory, from being armed through faith to clearing away what blocks us from hearing His voice, we know our ultimate victory is found in faith grounded in Christ and what He’s done for us, knowing the Truth found in His Word, and in His love being poured out in and through us. Tearing down my own personal strongholds, I am learning to live Kingdom Culture, doing as He would do.

Encouraging Read!

This book is AWESOME! Not only is it a great read for a woman of God who wants to grow her relationship with the Lord, the author uses scriptures to back her advice in it and I truly appreciated that! Such a wonderful read - if you are a woman looking to grow closer in your walk with Jesus Christ - I definitely recommend this book!

Read and heed—listen to Him through the author.

I have only recently begun this book, but I am so glad I was introduced to it. It has already spoken mightily to me after the first few pages. I recommend it highly for your daily devotional.

I love reading this book!

I love this book! The author imparts amazing wisdom that the Lord has given her to share. It has helped my daily walk with God so much. Which in turn affects every aspect of my life. I highly recommend!

A book every Christian Woman needs

If you want to deepen your walk with our Lord and Savior this is for you. It exposed areas of my heart which in turn gave me freedom from strongholds and sin. I love the layout of this book. It isn't filled with fluff. It is packed full of scripturally based tools to set you free. Seriously, don't delay...get this book!

Yes, you can be victorious!!

I have read and followed this author for years. Her books are straightforward and right on target. She manages to cut through tools the enemy of God’s people use against them. So many times we are so comfortable with our “pet sins” that we fail to see they are still sins. I heartily give her books a 5 star rating!!

Great Devotional!

This book is a wonderful resource that consists of short but helpful devotionals to know how to walk through specific areas in our lives that hold us back from our relationship with God. Mikaela Vincent walks you through practical lessons supported by Scripture passages. She prompts you to immediately apply what you read by journaling about it. I'd highly recommend this book!

Fabulous resource.

We have enjoyed many books by Mikaela and really look forward to reading this book as well. She truly is a woman of courage and heart.

This is a wonderful tool in the Christian Woman's arsenal!

I loved this and actually intend to begin using this in teaching my ESL classes. I think my students will gain a lot from this content! Highly highly recommend!

Highly Recommended

Powerful book! I have the men's version (Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior). And several ladies I know were impacted by the ladies version. I am a Team Coach and recommend this book as a powerful tool to believe the truth God says about you, and counteract lies the enemy wants you to believe.

Great devotional book & teaching on spiritual warfare

The author is so close to God that I can feel her heartbeat in rhythm with the heart of God as I read. I highly recommend this book and all her books.

Only Just Begun but Excited for the Adventure!

I have only just started with two of the 100 (100!) sections on fighting the enemy and learning to lean into truth. I cannot rate the complete book, but I can rate my expectations. 5 stars. I expect to learn much as I work through this book.

wonderful Bible study

Do you want to grow deeper with GOD like I did? Delight to be a Woman of Wonder is an awesome workbook to help you grow. I Love all of Mikaela's books especially this one.

God-Ordained Study!

This study is God-ordained! You will learn God’s tools for navigating these perilous times in this world. Mikaela Vincent is a blessed Christian author!

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