Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions

Kindle Edition
06 Mar
The award-winning, bestselling author of We Should All Be Feminists and Americanah gives us this powerful statement about feminism today—written as a letter to a friend.

A few years ago, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie received a letter from a childhood friend, a new mother who wanted to know how to raise her baby girl to be a feminist. Dear Ijeawele is Adichie’s letter of response: fifteen invaluable suggestions—direct, wryly funny, and perceptive—for how to empower a daughter to become a strong, independent woman. Filled with compassionate guidance and advice, it gets right to the heart of sexual politics in the twenty-first century, and starts a new and urgently needed conversation about what it really means to be a woman today.

A Skimm Reads Pick ● An NPR Best Book of the Year

Reviews (204)

More than a feminist manifesto ... a "how to" of feminism

Reading this "feminist manifesto" made me realised that my father, now 74, was and is still a feminist. My father was always the first one the wake up in the morning, by 5 am the latest. He will take his torch, a broom and sweep the compound. Then he will fetch water and store it in the two big jars. He will warm up some water for the bath of all family members. By the time we wake around 6 am, he had his bath and would start listening to news with his old radio. During weekends, he will get firewood. Our neighbours would always treat my father as too weak because "he was doing household chores reserved to my mother". But my father didn't care at all. He kept sweeping, fetching water, and getting firewood because for him it was his duty as husband and as father. As I grew up, I started "copying" my father's exemple. I would sweep the compound, fetch water, get firewood etc.. My friends were always mocking at me but, but as my father, I didn't really care. My single childhood regret was the fact that my mother banned me access to the kitchen. For her, the kitchen belongs to women and bring bad luck to boys. As you can see, my mother wasn't a feminist; not her fault, but the fault of the culturally constructed gender roles in our societies. Looking back, my father was a great help for me. He, consciously or unconsciously, rejected the idea of gender roles (the third suggestion of Chimamanda to her friend Ijeawele. Reading this "manifesto" comfort me: my father was right; our neighbours were wrong. I wish this book was published earlier and that I had read it before getting married and having children. I would have raised my two boys differently. Nevertheless, I've raised them to respect girls (and boys) not because of their sex or gender identity but because they are human beings with rights and dignity that must be respected, promoted and protected by all means and by all costs. This book reinforced my conviction.

I love every book of Chimamanda's and this is no exception

Fabulous book! I love every book of Chimamanda's and this is no exception. Awesome tips for raising feminist kids! Shame about the hypocrites down rating this not because of the content because they disagree with her personal opinion. I guess every book they ever read in life was by someone who agrees with all their views.

Passionate and Engaging Suggestions

This easy to read Manifesto goes straight to the heart of what it means to welcome a feminist into the world. As parents it can be difficult to abandon our misconceptions even when we are aware of the error of our ways. Nonetheless, some of us want to avoid passing along our convoluted thinking and doing, and that's the intention of this set of fifteen suggestions to basically help us get out of our own way. The outline presented almost seems elementary yet in practice (as the author notes) the work of socializing our children, and most specifically our girls, can be a daunting task. Yet, Adichie's thorough explanation and accompanying examples easily brings the task of thoughtful parenting into a space of functional familiarity. I read the book in an hour or so, and I appreciated breaking away from the text to excitedly explore the lives of a few impactful women mentioned as exemplars. I also paused to feed my stimulated curiosity about the feminist qualities I have possibly instilled in my own daughter thus far. To appease my wonder I asked my daughter what can men do, other than the single most obvious thing, that women cannot. She paused so long while searching for an answer that I had to admit that it was a trick question. I was thrilled to get so much insight about my teenage daughter's subjectivity from a single question exchange. I am confident that other readers will gain personal insight from what I consider, a conversation with a friend. Now I plan to pass my copy of the book to my daughter while sharing the practicality of the text with other parents who are committed to raising conscientious children.

Perfect Baby Shower Gift

My coworker and friend gave me this book when my twin daughters turned 5 - more of a birthday present for me, I suppose. I read this book in an hour, and refer back to it often, reading even a few age appropriate lines to my girls, now alomost 8. This book is derived from a letter the author of the book Ms. Adichie wrote her friend, Ijeawele, when Ijeawele had her first baby. Ijeawele reached out to her friend for advice on raising her daughter. Among the 15 beautifully packaged pieces of advice Ms. Adichie gives her friend, the following themes resonated with me. I've taken the liberty of paraphrasing in my own inartful way. -Be a full person yourself, but ask for help when you need it. My interpretation: Don't be ashamed to work outside the home. Your kid will be fine. -Raise your child together with your partner - women shouldn't be relegated just to the female roles. My interpretation: You are both equal parents. Dad doesn't need a standing ovation when he changes a diaper - he should be doing this. -"Because you are a girl" is never a reason for anything. Ever. No interpretation needed. -Teach her to reject likeability. Teach her to be brave, kind and to stand up for herself. My interpretation: "You do you!" Being kind, brave and assertive are not mutually exclusive things. Overall, lots of very good advice in an easily readable format.

I think everyone should read this book

I honestly think everyone should read this book, not only parents, but everyone, because the book touches on many issues that we grapple with even as adults. Although presented in simple form, the book lends expression to real issues that affect women from childhood. I read excerpts of the book to my partner because I wanted him to understand my thinking on certain issues such as women changing to their husbands' surnames after marriage, among the many pertinent issues that the book addresses. Beyond its entertainment value, I learnt a lot from this book because it helped me to examine some of my own thoughts and actions and how these are being unconsciously passed onto the next generation and perpetuating the very patriarchy that we would like to unravel. On the whole, I found the book very empowering because of the advice it gives and the opportunity for introspection that it created. This book is a must read and I strongly recommend it.

Read this!

Read this book! It doesn't matter your gender or if you are a parent of a girl or a boy. Read this book! Even if you aren't a parent. Every page made me nod, "YES, this!" I almost highlighted the entire book until I realized I was highlighting the entire book and went back and cleared some out. So much good advice in this book and it is advice that is simple and should be common knowledge for all of us but it isn't, yet. I wanted to include a favorite passage (remember I almost highlighted this entire book) but I have to say this is just one of MANY passages in the book that stood out. The whole damn book was good. 66 pages of HELL YES! "Teach her never to universalize her own standards or experiences. Teach her that her standards are for her alone, and not for other people. This is the only necessary form of humility: the realization that difference is normal." HELL YES!


I always considered myself a feminist, I thought that since I am a woman I also had to be a feminist, right? It wasn't until last year that I started questioning myself about this matter that it became clear that I was not well informed, I didn't know enough, I was not even sure of what being a feminist meant. I was not reading broadly enough, I was not listening to other opinions on the subject and if someone were to confront me on my ideas I wouldn't be able to give solid arguments, just vague ideas of why feminism matters or shy I believed in woman liberation. So I decided to educate myself, I truly believe that Adichie's texts are a great way to explain feminism to others and to oneself.

Great and quick read.

I was able to read this whole book over my lunch break, and there were so many simple and concise lessons that are always important for girls and women to see.


I quite liked this short read. While there were some parts where I couldn't help but to think "isn't this just common sense?", there were others that I hadn't thought about at all. I liked the tone the most overall. I never felt like I was being yelled at or told "you have to do this or your stupid"; it was very gentle and informative.

Great ideas

This "how to"book is great! The ideas on how to raise a feminist are great. I saw an interview with Ms. Adichie and she specified the reason for having wrote this book. Her friend had her first daughter and asked her if she could write down ideas on how to raise a strong, independent, and smart woman. Ms. Adichie was up for the challenge, challenge being the key word here, she hadn't any children herself at the time and thought it'd be out of her league to suggest how to raise any child without having one. But she wrote, and this book came out.

More than a feminist manifesto ... a "how to" of feminism

Reading this "feminist manifesto" made me realised that my father, now 74, was and is still a feminist. My father was always the first one the wake up in the morning, by 5 am the latest. He will take his torch, a broom and sweep the compound. Then he will fetch water and store it in the two big jars. He will warm up some water for the bath of all family members. By the time we wake around 6 am, he had his bath and would start listening to news with his old radio. During weekends, he will get firewood. Our neighbours would always treat my father as too weak because "he was doing household chores reserved to my mother". But my father didn't care at all. He kept sweeping, fetching water, and getting firewood because for him it was his duty as husband and as father. As I grew up, I started "copying" my father's exemple. I would sweep the compound, fetch water, get firewood etc.. My friends were always mocking at me but, but as my father, I didn't really care. My single childhood regret was the fact that my mother banned me access to the kitchen. For her, the kitchen belongs to women and bring bad luck to boys. As you can see, my mother wasn't a feminist; not her fault, but the fault of the culturally constructed gender roles in our societies. Looking back, my father was a great help for me. He, consciously or unconsciously, rejected the idea of gender roles (the third suggestion of Chimamanda to her friend Ijeawele. Reading this "manifesto" comfort me: my father was right; our neighbours were wrong. I wish this book was published earlier and that I had read it before getting married and having children. I would have raised my two boys differently. Nevertheless, I've raised them to respect girls (and boys) not because of their sex or gender identity but because they are human beings with rights and dignity that must be respected, promoted and protected by all means and by all costs. This book reinforced my conviction.

I love every book of Chimamanda's and this is no exception

Fabulous book! I love every book of Chimamanda's and this is no exception. Awesome tips for raising feminist kids! Shame about the hypocrites down rating this not because of the content because they disagree with her personal opinion. I guess every book they ever read in life was by someone who agrees with all their views.

Passionate and Engaging Suggestions

This easy to read Manifesto goes straight to the heart of what it means to welcome a feminist into the world. As parents it can be difficult to abandon our misconceptions even when we are aware of the error of our ways. Nonetheless, some of us want to avoid passing along our convoluted thinking and doing, and that's the intention of this set of fifteen suggestions to basically help us get out of our own way. The outline presented almost seems elementary yet in practice (as the author notes) the work of socializing our children, and most specifically our girls, can be a daunting task. Yet, Adichie's thorough explanation and accompanying examples easily brings the task of thoughtful parenting into a space of functional familiarity. I read the book in an hour or so, and I appreciated breaking away from the text to excitedly explore the lives of a few impactful women mentioned as exemplars. I also paused to feed my stimulated curiosity about the feminist qualities I have possibly instilled in my own daughter thus far. To appease my wonder I asked my daughter what can men do, other than the single most obvious thing, that women cannot. She paused so long while searching for an answer that I had to admit that it was a trick question. I was thrilled to get so much insight about my teenage daughter's subjectivity from a single question exchange. I am confident that other readers will gain personal insight from what I consider, a conversation with a friend. Now I plan to pass my copy of the book to my daughter while sharing the practicality of the text with other parents who are committed to raising conscientious children.

Perfect Baby Shower Gift

My coworker and friend gave me this book when my twin daughters turned 5 - more of a birthday present for me, I suppose. I read this book in an hour, and refer back to it often, reading even a few age appropriate lines to my girls, now alomost 8. This book is derived from a letter the author of the book Ms. Adichie wrote her friend, Ijeawele, when Ijeawele had her first baby. Ijeawele reached out to her friend for advice on raising her daughter. Among the 15 beautifully packaged pieces of advice Ms. Adichie gives her friend, the following themes resonated with me. I've taken the liberty of paraphrasing in my own inartful way. -Be a full person yourself, but ask for help when you need it. My interpretation: Don't be ashamed to work outside the home. Your kid will be fine. -Raise your child together with your partner - women shouldn't be relegated just to the female roles. My interpretation: You are both equal parents. Dad doesn't need a standing ovation when he changes a diaper - he should be doing this. -"Because you are a girl" is never a reason for anything. Ever. No interpretation needed. -Teach her to reject likeability. Teach her to be brave, kind and to stand up for herself. My interpretation: "You do you!" Being kind, brave and assertive are not mutually exclusive things. Overall, lots of very good advice in an easily readable format.

I think everyone should read this book

I honestly think everyone should read this book, not only parents, but everyone, because the book touches on many issues that we grapple with even as adults. Although presented in simple form, the book lends expression to real issues that affect women from childhood. I read excerpts of the book to my partner because I wanted him to understand my thinking on certain issues such as women changing to their husbands' surnames after marriage, among the many pertinent issues that the book addresses. Beyond its entertainment value, I learnt a lot from this book because it helped me to examine some of my own thoughts and actions and how these are being unconsciously passed onto the next generation and perpetuating the very patriarchy that we would like to unravel. On the whole, I found the book very empowering because of the advice it gives and the opportunity for introspection that it created. This book is a must read and I strongly recommend it.

Read this!

Read this book! It doesn't matter your gender or if you are a parent of a girl or a boy. Read this book! Even if you aren't a parent. Every page made me nod, "YES, this!" I almost highlighted the entire book until I realized I was highlighting the entire book and went back and cleared some out. So much good advice in this book and it is advice that is simple and should be common knowledge for all of us but it isn't, yet. I wanted to include a favorite passage (remember I almost highlighted this entire book) but I have to say this is just one of MANY passages in the book that stood out. The whole damn book was good. 66 pages of HELL YES! "Teach her never to universalize her own standards or experiences. Teach her that her standards are for her alone, and not for other people. This is the only necessary form of humility: the realization that difference is normal." HELL YES!


I always considered myself a feminist, I thought that since I am a woman I also had to be a feminist, right? It wasn't until last year that I started questioning myself about this matter that it became clear that I was not well informed, I didn't know enough, I was not even sure of what being a feminist meant. I was not reading broadly enough, I was not listening to other opinions on the subject and if someone were to confront me on my ideas I wouldn't be able to give solid arguments, just vague ideas of why feminism matters or shy I believed in woman liberation. So I decided to educate myself, I truly believe that Adichie's texts are a great way to explain feminism to others and to oneself.

Great and quick read.

I was able to read this whole book over my lunch break, and there were so many simple and concise lessons that are always important for girls and women to see.


I quite liked this short read. While there were some parts where I couldn't help but to think "isn't this just common sense?", there were others that I hadn't thought about at all. I liked the tone the most overall. I never felt like I was being yelled at or told "you have to do this or your stupid"; it was very gentle and informative.

Great ideas

This "how to"book is great! The ideas on how to raise a feminist are great. I saw an interview with Ms. Adichie and she specified the reason for having wrote this book. Her friend had her first daughter and asked her if she could write down ideas on how to raise a strong, independent, and smart woman. Ms. Adichie was up for the challenge, challenge being the key word here, she hadn't any children herself at the time and thought it'd be out of her league to suggest how to raise any child without having one. But she wrote, and this book came out.


worth every single penny. I am not a mother yet but I have been a wife for 5 years and boy! I feel so much more prepared to birth and raise a strong, equality-seeking daughter and gentle sons who respect and admire women. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is such a beautiful writer and it is so thrilling to read from the heart and mind of someone that grew up on the opposite side of the globe as me. Yet, what she teaches are universal and timeless truths! BRAVO!

Great Book! Great Advice!

Fantastic book. My only criticism is that it only took me 30 minutes to read...I wanted more. I wanted to know what the author would have said if her friend also had a son. But in the end, I can imagine how to apply most of the book to raising boys as well. Well written, beautiful book.

Great book.

I love Adichie and appreciate this book so much. Some of it will seem like common sense, but I really enjoyed the whole book.

Insightful and Witty

Chimamanda uses clever analogies to discuss the meaning of feminism and how it can be taught. She emphasizes that love should the basis of educating a child. Then, she encourages asking questions that challenge social norms in order to promote a just world for both men and women. She stresses the idea of leading by example, learning through books, nurturing a sense of self reliance that can help young women become a better version of themselves.

delightful look at how to be a good human being

This is a gentle, kind, delightful look at how to be a good human being, from the lens of a loving Auntie who wants the best world for her friend's daughter. It's rare to read a book on this topic and walk away feeling refreshed, but Adichie's writing is just that: refreshing. I think this book should be taught in our schools.

Love it! Took little time to read, but truly inspired me in that short time!

I found out about this book through and interview Adichie had with Trevor Noah and just had to buy it! Within the first few pages, I already felt the fire or inspiration, and feminism, flow through my mind with the words. Although I am only a teenager and far from needing this knowledge for a child of my own, I will take these suggestions and implement them in all aspects of my life. I will make sure my friends, classmates, and teachers know where I stand. I will use these suggestions when I am caring for my cousins and in the summer when I am a camp counselor. I will take these suggestions with me on all future endeavors and help change the world, little by little, person by person. Thank you, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, for crafting this wonderfully written letter!

Enjoyable, eye-opening.

Amazing book, full of wisdom for everyone. Boys and girls. Women and men. If we want our girls to be strong, we have to concurrently teach our boys that women are strong and deserving of equality. It can not be a one sided teaching.

Well written, easy to read, hits all the points

Great read! Quick, straightforward, fun, and gets right to the heart of the issues. Raise kids who will ask questions and not accept the status quo. I love her writing. Also her friendship with Ijeawele is so sweet.

Highly recommended read

Short and sweet. This book changed the way I've thought of feminists. I no longer think of them as angry, but rather as people wanting equality who aren't ashamed of being female.

I suggest a different title: How to raise a healthy daughter.

I am sad that this is still a necessary book in 2017. As in 'how is this still a thing'?! But it is, so read on. It's a very quick read. The advice in this book is universal. It is good and true. Also practical and useful, occasionally funny. I highly recommend to any new mother and/or as the perfect baby shower gift.

Great Read

I annotate/underline portions that I feel are important and impactful—I underlined almost the entire book. Very quick read, but extremely engaging and well-written. Definitely a feminist manifesto for the young and old!

Worthwhile life advice for pretty much anyone

This was such an easy quick read. It's sound life advice and I'd love to see it added to a required reading list for elementary school children and a highly suggested reading list for expectant parents. I even found great value in it at 39 years of age. I'll be passing this one around my circle of friends and family.

It encourages seeing people as people.

I thought this book should be read by every parent. It discusses how relationships should look, the kind of thinking a child should be encouraged to share, and how a parent can encourage open-minded thinking in their child. I've recommended it to many soon-to-be parents.

Great for Parents & Teachers!

Love this book! I recommend it for any soon to be parents or even current parents! I myself am going to be a teacher and I picked up some really interesting ideas for working with the next generation!

Great quick read

Great quick read, I read it in one night before bed. Has some great ideas to consider that I have felt in my own life but couldn't properly articulate. I'm making my husband read it too. I'd recommend this to anyone with a son or a daughter for perspective on how our society pushes gender and more specifically a female gender agenda.

Fifteen moral suggestions for humanity

I think every parent should read it not just with their daughters in mind, also their sons. Fifteen marvellous suggestions for a better world. I think the last suggestion is the one that went straight to my heart. Teach her about difference. Make difference ordinary. Make difference normal. Because difference is the reality of our world, and by teaching her about difference you are equipping her to survive in a diverse world

Short and sweet

Loved this book. Read this on International Women’s Day. It is difficult to recognize all the subtle ways we have been conditioned into certain gender roles. We have invisible limitations as to what we can or cannot do as women. This book brings those limitations to light and asks you to observe and ask why. Highly recommend.

It’s for you, even if you aren’t raising a daughter

It’s just what I needed to hear. Struggling with making choices at the intersection of love, life and career one needs to be reminded that one matters. It’s OK to want what you want. The world does not end when you disappoint someone. It keeps moving and so should you with this book in tow to remind you that you’ve got everything to offer.

Reflection and self- discovery

I absolutely adore this author. Her writing is clear and impactful. She really makes you think about yourself and the world in which you live. I gave this book to several young women as high school graduation gifts. The advice that is in the book is practical and thought-provoking- and it is perfect for every young woman. It is a book that can be read multiple times over the course of one's life.

Moving, informative, worth the read

These are the important conversations about feminism we need to be having. Not just women and their daughters, all of us.

Good reinforcement

I’m not sure exactly what I expected. I enjoyed her words and appreciated that they reinforce and help me articulate my own thoughts. I was hoping to pass this along to my daughter and some friends, but I’m not quite sure it’s exactly what I was looking for. However, still a good read worth reading.

Feminism from an African Perspective

I loved this book, it is almost all the amunition one needs as a feminist in the world least as an African woman. It is a good start to get you thinking about important themes in African feminism. Of courses deeper dive is important and necessary, but I believe this book to be a good start.

A great introduction to feminism and seeing the world in a different light

Though the author is providing advice for raising a daughter to be a feminist, her overall message - to me - is how to illustrate the fundamental tenets of feminism in everyday life to the reader. After all, we cannot teach our children specific paradigms without understanding them ourselves first.

An hour well spent

I am a fan of Chimamanda and have always appreciated reading/hearing her insights on so many things. This book was yet another one of her well thought out and beautifully written point of view on a very relevant subject matter. It is enlightening, to the point, enjoyable to read. I will surely be reading this book over and over.

A gem!

A gift to a child struggling with reading at school. She carries it around, like the golden fleece. So good, I bought myself a digital copy.

Chimamanda’s did it again 😍😍😍

The book is very informative and short. It gets to the point. Taught me so much that I didn’t know and will pass on to my daughters and siblings.

It is perfect. It is so spot on that I had ...

This book. It is perfect. It is so spot on that I had to stop and breathe, but not too long because I have to see what she says next. This slim novel packs a punch. I thought of at least three people I'm going to gift it while I was reading. Everyone is getting a copy. Bithdays. Mother's Day. Whatever.

Thought provoking

A beautifully written letter to a dear friend. So many great passages whether you’re raising a girl or a boy! Looking forward to more by this author.

To read it again! And again! Loved it.

Great book. Easy to read. So very well written and organized. I was looking for something like this for the longest time. I will definitely read it again and I’m certain I won’t be the last time. This book is for studying. I loved it.

Straight to the point!

I've read all Adiche's books and I love her style of writing. That being said, I don't wish to apear bias, however I enjoyed every suggestion that she wrote to her friend. There is much truth in what she said, and everyone could identify with all situations. I would recommend this book to all young parents/to be. There are many lessons to be learnt

Small but packs a powerful punch...

I loved, loved, loved reading this. Before reading this book I felt that I had a fairly decent grasp on feminism and that I was a true supporter. This turned out to be false, as I walk away with several takeaways. I am now more equipped, as a father of a 3 year old daughter, to raise a feminist and to view even more gender roles without bias. Great read!

This is a must read book !

One of our best book club discussions. Don't let the title fool you. This is a practical, realistic look at how we can change societal norms for the next generation of women.

Be a person FIRST !

This is a must read for women and men it's a 75 minute read of PERSONAL development and self reliance. It's speaks of true equality by shattering gender myths, mores, traditions, folkways etc. Miss Adichie dusts off the mirror of common sense and dares you to look

Truly Inspirational

I am a mother of 4 daughters and felt this letter was for my daughters too. My oldest is 18 and i could so relate. Thank you Chimamanda for empowering our daughters with such thoughtful words and advice. Read this one day. Just couldn't put it down until i finished it and i will keep on my bedside as a tool as i raise my own feminist daughters.

Awesome book

Beautiful letter to the authors friends daughter. Great life lessons. Feminist but not over the top

Please read this if you are planning on having kids!

This was a really great overview on how to be/raise a feminist. I plan on reading this again when I have kids.

Best practices for all interactions!

This is presented as a feminist manifesto but it should be best practice for ALL people. Expect to be treated with respect and with full appreciation of potential and actual contributions.

Nice and easy read for some inspiration

Nice and easy read for some inspiration. Good book for people just leaning into feminism and easy reminders for those who have been reading into heavy feminist theory. Would be better suited for people newer into feminism or a parent.

Must read

I love that this book is a quick, engaging and thoughtful guide to raising our children as feminists. The ideas Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie introduces provoke thought and offer a perspective shift. What more can I ask for in a short, yet powerfully sized book? This is a must read for all.

Every feminist needs to read this.

This is a work of true beauty. It was an honour reading a female, feminist, Nigerian perspective. Ms. Adichie has such a compassionate spirit and if only the world could learn to adapt similarly. If only the world could see black, brown, disabled, non gender conforming, and curvaceous beauty is just as wonderful as what mainstream media is selling lately. Keep fighting, friends.

Lovely Read

This is a nice quick read. It is poignant and mentally enlightening. I plan to use this guide whenever I have a daughter.

Beautifully written

Brilliantly written, quick read, tiny book - I want to buy this for all of my mom friends!!

Great Read

This book was a good read. It is short so it went take long to complete this book.

This book was purchased for a women and writing class and I have been skeptical of all of the pieces that have been assigned but

I am not a feminist.This book was purchased for a women and writing class and I have been skeptical of all of the pieces that have been assigned but I really enjoyed this book. Adichie is realistic and believes in equal rights of men and women but doesn't scream WOMAN POWER through her writings. Even from my conservative point of view, it was an enjoyable read. I'm sure a die hard feminist would love it even more.

Must read

I read it in one sitting. And I keep it by my night stand to read a suggestion every night. Get it for all the women in your life.


Simple poignant advice for every parent, parental figure. Quick read, excellent details and examples for each suggestion. Beautifully written. Definitely recommend!

Amazing read!

Beautifully and thoughtfully written. Appropriate for parents of both girls AND boys! I’ve recommended this to all of my nieces and nephews who have children.

Great read

I underlined like half the book! I highly recommend even if you're not a parent. She's so good at explaining complicated ideas simply.

Great book

This little book should be required reading. It's suggestions on how to raise a daughter. Every mother and father on the planet should read it.

This should be required reading for everyone!!!

I loved Chimamanda’s suggestions so much that I can barely verbalize it. I want to take her words and make posters of them: “Your feminist premise should be: I matter. I matter equally. Not “if only.” Not “as long as.” I matter equally. Full stop.”


love anything ahe writes

almost like a pamphlet

Very short read, almost like a pamphlet... but very to the point and beautiful. I agree with so much in here, there is learning material here for me as well, and some points I will make sure to stress to my own daughter when the time comes. She is a wonderful writer.

A beautiful quick read

I will start giving this to every new mother I know. Both mothers of girls and boys. We need boys that are feminists too.

a must read

excellent observations! wonderful read - have bought several copies for friends.

Five Stars

Very thoughtful and non-dogmatic.

Christmas gift

My sister loved the book and then let me borrow it. Good read

Positive feedback

This book says what I would like to say to people about being a feminist. I got it as agift, and then I bought 4 and gave them as christmas gifts. I've only had posstive feedback.

A required read.

It’s a short book and amazing. I feel like I should read it every year. Every person on this earth should read this. Not just if you’re a woman. If you’re a man as well

Excellent Book

Great gift for fellow feminists. Book arrived in perfect condition.

Love it.

The author makes it look so simple to be a feminist, and I agree with her when she says men need to get on board with this.

Beautifully written

If you have children, especially daughters, this is a good read. As a woman, I found this book intriguing and inspiring.

A good read

A very sensible and practical view and approach to what it means to be s feminist and how to bring up our children with a more open mind. The chapter on how early we need to do this was eye opening and thought provoking.

Worthwhile and digestible for anyone.

Simple, reasonable, and yet still challenging. Easy to read on a long commute, but worth taking the time to savour and reflect on what Adichie has to say. I may not be raising kids, but between niblings and students, I can keep my impact in mind.

Great read

My favorite author so I'm a bit bias but always a good read with Mrs. Ngozi.

Amazing book

I love this book. I want to give it to all the parents I know.

Great little pocket book for every feminist

I love having this on my book shelf for my guests to pick up and read. Short and very sweet

Great book

This was very interesting & I wish I had some of this advice when my daughter was young!

Surprising satisfying voice

I would like to send this my niece who is dating someone inappropriate for her and all they do is fight on the phone. That's not all they do. Strong and decisive advice for young women.

Fun and informative rwad!

This manifesto is for mothers, aunts, uncles, or even yourself. I enjoyed the genuine suggestions which were interspersed with wit and humor. I felt like I was reading a letter from an old friend.

Easy read

This was recommended to me by a friend anf I havr hardly ever read a book that I was nodding so eagerly to. Must read for all parents, whether you havr a son or daughter.

Short but impactful

A great short group of lessons that are poignant, simple, common sense, and hilarious. I wish Adichie was my friend.

Simple and Beautifully Written

Simple and Beautifully Written concepts for the modern day feminist. It felt like a conversation with an old friend. Will absolutely be rereading when I have a child of my own some day. First time reading this author. Looking forward to reading more of her work!

Highly recommended read

Great for raising my baby girl without building walls to her success

For all mothers and daughters

Purchased this book for a Global Women's Study Group and I think it should make for a very lively discussion. It will be a number 1 gift for anyone I know who is having a girl

Loved it

Easily one of my fav books that I will keep going back to

Five Stars

Love all her books and this is no different. It's pretty small, read it in a couple of hours.

Great Read

Excellent book it was insightful

A Must-Read!

Everyone, EVERYONE, should read this little book! In so few words, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie makes us realize the subtle (and overt) ways that women are treated unequally to men by almost everyone in our society. If only we would all follow her advice for raising our children, our world would be a better place. Oh, that every child should have such a wise and thoughtful aunt!

Great read

Gifted to a friend who loves to read

Pay Attention to How We Lead

Very good advice. Short and to the point. I love her thought processes. Brava!

You'll not put this book down till you are done!

An easy and insightful read. I couldn't put the book down! I loved the layout and storytelling angle. I'd recommend this to all moms to girls, caregivers, teachers and anyone that is not sure what or who a feminist is.

Love it!

Great book. Amazing author. I highly recommend this book to everyone.

Beautiful and thoughtfully written.

Beautiful and thoughtfully written. Really approachable and digestible considering the subject matter.

Thought provoking, useful, empowering

More of these suggestions were in my mind since I was a little girl. I admire Chimamanda for having the strength to BE her feminist self from the very beginning of her life - it took me several years to finally start being my feminist self and speaking about it out loud. A wonderful tool for any parent who raises a little girl out there ( and a little boy as well!!! )

Great little book

Great little book. Gave one to my niece for her new baby girl and my 15 year old granddaughter

I changed it to Dear (me) as I read...

Because these are the best suggestions I've ever heard about parenting. About parenting anyone, but yes, thing that are so important when parenting a girl. I loved this.

Essential reading if you’re a human, and even if you’re not.

It hasn’t been translated into 30 languages by accident, but I really don’t think the publishers should stop there. Rhythmically written and dripping with so much intellect, I can only hope I absorbed even the tiniest amount by osmosis.

Common sense feminism

Read it in one day and passed it on to hubby and some of my friends. Great read

So simple yet so full of wisdom

If I have a child, I hope I can adhere to these 15 steps. Well written and thought provoking. It was a quick read that every parent or hopeful parent should read.

Beautifully written, important book

Beautifully written, simple and clear, important and helpful. Adichie lays out the tenets of feminism in a perfect format for new parents. I loved this book, add highly recommend it.

A letter, for everyone's pregnant best friend

Very personal and sensible. Easily breakdown what it means to be a feminist in a language that is so simply and lovely.

Simple and filled with good reflections

It's a great introductory essay about what means to be a feminist in our ordinary life: how to think ourselves and our relationa with others.

Five Stars

Wonderful book! Quick read packed with wisdom; read it in an hour!

Thought provoking ideas for raising children with a heart of equality

Excellent perspective on challenging social norms rooted in sexism. Adichie is pragmatic, logical, and quite humorous! Very eye opening and thought provoking read. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone who has children, is a feminist, is not a feminist, is a student, a child themselves, etc.

Exceptional writer!

Anyone with a daughter should read this! Excellent writer. I can’t wait to read more of her work.


I loved this book, I want to share with everyone not just women but men too. In fact I'll ask my husband to read it. She offers an incredible perspective that was so refreshing.

Must read for all humans :)

Warm and full of life lessons for all; no matter who you are, and whether or not you have or will have a child.

So good

A must read!

Great read!

A book on how to raise a strong daughter!

Advice for everyone!

Chimimanda’s straight forward suggestions are a gift to us all! I look forward to sharing them with every woman and man in my life. Thank you!

Loved this!

Loved this!

A must read! not just for parents, but for anyone.

This book raises a lot of questions about society and gender roles all over the world. Great Read ! .

Feminism is not necessarily radicalism!

Just a fantastic book for those who prefer equal status for men and women. Since that was not an option when I was growing up, I hope that this book is read by women today and shared with daughters.

She is a genius

I could not have enjoyed, been more delighted, or felt that the ideas, explanations and concepts were more eloquently expressed. Equality would make great bounds if we all listened to this woman. I appreciate that she published this.

Simple, easy to read and full of wisdom.

I chose this book after seeing chimamanda on TV. I though she was quite eloquent and decided to give it a try. Didn't disappoint me. I would recommend it to any new mom .


This book was so refreshing and well written. Everything was explained simply and plainly. I'll definitely refer back to this book as I go through life. It contains great advice that deserves repeating.

Great book

I love this author and have read all her books. This is very brief and short for a book but the information is powerful.

Four Stars

Good advice for parents and grandparents. And well written. It is specifically for her niece but applicable otherwise.

Great life lessons for boys and girls

Loved the progressive, humanistic thinking. Warm, compelling words. An easy read. Appropriate for raising both both girls and boys

Great fun read

The author makes great observations and gives great advice. Plus, the book is funny and a pleasure to read. Great gift for baby showers.

upbringing of a child...

I liked the way the writer suggested different ways to raise our girls.... It would be better if she comes up with suggestions on how to raise both genders.

Beautiful clarity

Adichie gave a well composed summary of 15 major points of feminism. I appreciated her clarity of thought, but did not feel it was presenting new ideas to me.

Beautiful message!

I enjoyed reading this immensely. I wish my mom had the broad-mindedness to question the patriarchy in such a manner and raise me with the feminist message in mind.

I will buy this for the next expectant mother i know.

Wonderful book. Quick read but very thought provoking. If you have or plan to have children, please do read. This wisdom applies to everyone.


Great short book for aspiring feminists or well-to-do feminists. Great read, and amazing story behind it. Overall enjoyed it a lot!

Great Read

This would be a good read for everybody. Gives great insight and could be a great discussion piece! 2 words

So sweet

This book is so sweet and so endearing, even if your not a feminist, you should read it, especially if you are a new parent

Must read for all human

Short read and amazing read! I finished it over two pre-bed time reading sessions. Lots of food for thought.

Excellent Book

The shipping was FAST! Is a small book with AMAZING content. I finished in one day.

Great book

Amazing book. Shorter than I realized it would be but still very thoughtful. Although it’s not long it’s not a quick read.

Every mom-to-be should read this book



Thought provoking. I do not agree with everything says but it allows you to critically think. Helps you reshape the way you see the world and one day pass that to whomever you choose.

Thought provoking

Everyone should read this book. It should be essential reading for every woman, man, and child.

Love it

I looooove this book great read


Adichie is an amazing author whose voice helps us to see how feminism is not only relevant but necessary.


Love all of it. I will read this to my daughter and my son. Thank you for sharing this letter.

Five Stars

Daughter loved it!

Must read

This is one of the few books I believe that should be present in each and every house and read by all. A book I will keep going back to.

Loved it

I love this book


Thought provoking. As with others works of Adichie which I've read, her direct writing feels striking. Like the reader is in conversation with the author. I'm recommending this one to all of my friends.


I read it in just a couple of hours and it was a wonderful read. Highly recommend giving to mothers of daughters who can then pass it on to their daughters.

Five Stars

Reading this book is like a breath of fresh air.

Mother's take notice

This is a good read for mother's, especially of girls but would also be helpful for raising sons. Thoughtful and insightful.

Great read

This book highlights so many issues I've been observing and trying to assess. There's a lot more to do in our society. Thank you for such a well written letter Chimamanda.

Adichie never fails to move me whether it's a novel ...

Adichie never fails to move me whether it's a novel or this letter turned into a book. I give this present out to all the parents I know.

Beautifully said and written

I give this away at baby showers. It's *that* good.

My daughter loves it.

Bought it for my daughter; arrived quickly and she loves it.

Best short book I've read all year.

This is one of the best works of feminist writing to come out in a long time. In a world of cliches and piggish slogans, this is a genuine beautiful read. Recommend to everyone.

Five Stars

Love anything by this author!

Five Stars



Great advice, written in a very easy to follow format. I think the words are deceptively simple; what Chimamanda offers here is a profoundly strong and deeply thought through feminism. I wish every parent would read this.

Five Stars


Great, quick read

Great, quick read! Recommend to any parents (or future parents) of girls! Will be gifting to other girl moms/dads.

You won’t regret!

Insightful and easy read!!!

It was Good

I only read for a class, but I'm pleasantly surprised to say I enjoyed it. I've been enlightened a bit on the basis of feminism and I don't regret my experience at all. Reading this will probably clear up any misconceptions or doubts you had pertaining to feminism especially as how you do/don't associate with it.


Love this book! Such a cute gift idea for a new mom after finding out the gender!

An essential read for any parent

Makes you think long and hard about the words we use so casually and how they are shaping girls as women. Truly an essential read for any parent of girls or boys. I will be including this book with all future baby shower gifts.

Great read!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. This was easy to read and made sense. For the things I am not yet doing with my daughter, I definitely will in the near future.

This book should be on every top books to read

This is a must read. I highly recommend this book and author for everyone. She is witty, comedic, and very relatable.

Wise advice

I particularly like Chimamanda's rule that an action or rule that applies to a woman must equally apply to a man to be a fair and just rule.

Good stuff

Pithy and precise. The book cuts right to the chase, making plain the important points of a feminist perspective. Great work!


Great practical advice to parents and all of us. It is both clear and compelling. I highly recommend this wonderful little book.

My friend loves this gift

Great easy read

Educational and enjoyable.

This is a great and super efficient read. As much about human decency, dignity and general equality as it is about feminism specifically. I would recommend for all ages, ethnic groups and backgrounds.

I will be rereading this a lot.

This a beautifully written book that I have enjoyed thoroughly. Even though it's short, it gets the point across amazingly well. 10/10 would recommend.

Let’s raise feminists

Brilliant writing!

this is one of the best purchases I have made

I am an avid reader, I am must say, this is one of the best purchases I have made. Growing up as an African-American female, it is easy to lose a sense of your identity, or have it be defined by external entities such as the media. All of the suggestions made are words I wish were spoken to me as a child. Every woman should read this book (it's a quick read), as it is a beautiful breath of fresh air.

Excellent book!

This is an amazingly helpful book as I look to raise my children to be feminists, but also to reevaluate my own beliefs and actions.

Thought provoking and bold

I loved these suggestions! They made you really think about how deeply our world is entrenched in gender roles and behaviors that sprout from them. Makes me happy to envision a gender equal world and work to see that happen.

Just simple and great

Very simple, concise, straight to the point and hopeful piece of writing. Recommended to anyone who wants to end up a little bit smarter that before.

Loved it

Fantastic read with practical examples of what is currently broken and what can be done to improve. I enjoy reading Chimamanda's work.

Light and sweet

Short and sweet. I liked the content, but expected more from the languge - it is written as if to be delivered in a speech, not read.

Feminist Manifesto

Concise, readable and down to the point. This is a gifted writer.

Quick read and great advice if you have or are having a daughter.

Good suggestions!

Recommended read for both men and women

Quick easy read and incredibly eye-opening. Definitely recommend.

Honest book

Coming from an African decent, this book opens mind up on how to answer my beautiful 3 year old daughter. Well written honest book.

Great for all mothers to read

A wonderful quick read that has given me so much to contemplate. As a mother to both sexes I have always known my role as teacher. Now I have something to refer back to when what I'm doing becomes un focused. This applies to my daughter but also my son.

Top read

Quick, simple and easy read on a very important topic. I am recommending this book to everyone. It needs to be read, over and over

Dont Judge a Book by It's Cover

Worth the price

Very short and easy to understand. Really clear, I loved it.

I loved reading this. It wasn’t too long or descriptive and was very easy to understand. Really opened my eyes to a few things I never noticed

Five Stars

Quick and thoughtful read

Amazing read!

Great book! Shared it with my fifteen year old daughter and her friends and had a 'book club' party to discuss. Amazing insights.

Must read

A short book that everyone should take out the time to read, both men and women. Very impressed by the clarity of thought.


I bought it for my daughter to help her empower herself and her 4 year old daughter.

A good start

A decent starting point in journey to a world of equal humanity. A great input to the conversation of what it means to be a woman in society.

Everyone is enriched by this quick read

Wish I had read this book years ago!!! Great for moms, aunts, sisters, and even dads of girls.

Must read

I love this book!!

Excellent and concise

This book is written with mothers of daughters in mind, but it is an excellent read for all parents of all children.

Great Follow Up

Great follow up to, “We Should All Be Feminists”.

Five Stars

clear, concise writing. I see direct ways to apply her suggestions within my life.

Read it! My favourite author

Great book and I really liked it. Got it fast.

What an excellent read!

This is an excellent book, especially for parents. I could not put it down.

Excellent advice for raising a daughter to be a feminist...

But also useful for defining / re- defining feminism for yourself. Inspired, passionate, practical, easy read. There is much to learn from this author.

Great book

Great book, very accessible, good tips and guidelines to raise independent girls.

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