Deadly Reigns V

Kindle Edition
25 Jun
Dante is completely out of control. The loss of his daughter has him going crazy, and his insanity is manifesting itself in the most brutal of ways. He is determined to pursue a scorched Earth policy and kill every cartel member from Amarillo, Texas in the north, to Mexico City in the south, until his Little Lucky is back in his arms once again.
Meanwhile, Princess is forced to turn her attention away from the family's hunt for Dante's daughter and focus her attention on her own state. The family's finances remain dire, as the law suits against Damian's Bio One pharmaceutical company are beginning to have an effect, drugs to fuel the family's narcotics empire are only beginning to trickle in once again, and Dante's massive search for his daughter is bleeding the family's coffers dry.
With Dante losing his mind, Princess on the verge of losing Florida, and the family's enemies coming out of the wood work, Damian must desperately fend off the circling wolves, repair the family's finances, and keep his brother from crossing over the slippery slope to insanity. Can he find the strength to preserve what they have built and guide the family through its darkest hours? Or will his own afflictions and personal demons get in the way? Will this mean the end for America's most powerful crime family?

Reviews (71)

What an ending!

No way could this book end like it did. Not my Dante! He has been searching and searching for Lucky without finding her. Did Nunez hurt Lucky or was he just playing a mind game with Dante? What happened to Peaches when she returned to Cleveland? you Emil certainly put Julian in his place. Princess is back and at the top of her game trying to hold on to Florida. Does Princess really love Emil? What's up with Damien? Will he marry the new kid on the block or will he stay with Staceia, the mother of his 4 children. What's up with ill Damien. Grace has really surprised me by helping out Dante. This book was very exciting. On the downside, it doesn't appear as though it was edited. There were obvious errors, the wrong names were used in some places. This is a very good series, just take the time to proof it before it goes to the press. Can't wait for book 6.


Dante is desperate and bordering insanity in his quest to find his daughter before her captors cross the border. This journey to find Lucky seems to be a cue for every under boss under the Reigns family and every alliance to attempt to cut ties before they all go down. BY ANY MEANS necessary The Reigns family will risk it all to get back one of their own. This chapter of the reigns family will have you on edge to the very end . WOULD give five stars for the story line but a four for punctuation and mixing up the character lines. THIS IS A MUST READ

I can't get enough of the Reigns Family!!

I have read every single Deadly Reigns, including the Takeover series, and I have to give it to Caleb... He has managed to catch and keep my attention with this series! I LIVE for the Reigns fam! This installment is just as good as the rest and I would expect no less from Caleb. In DRV, the Reigns family is on a mission to find Lucky. Dante is determined to go through hell or high water to get is daughter back and is determined to not let anyone get in his way! This book is definitely a page turner and I would recommend, not only this book, but the whole Deadly Reigns series to anyone! Caleb... I'm so invested in the Reigns... I NEED the next one ASAP!!! :)

deadly reigns v

DANTE...DANTE...DANTE...He is on a quest for blood and nothing or no one can satistfy is thirst until his precious baby girl is returned...He is a father teetering on the brink of insanity he lost the love of his life now someone has taken his daughter nothing with stop the destruction not heaven or Hell...He is a Reigns so either you with them or die feeling the fury wrath of this wicked tale Caleb takes you to the brink with all the characters where all there humanties are tested and some will fall and some will stand in full beast is truly good vs evil where no prisoners are taken young old women children...but the real question us who is the real beast Dante ir Damian or all they one in they one in the same?

My Favorite Family

From the very first chapter of the first book in this series, I was hooked. This family is like no other. Talk about love and loyalty, this is it. I share with others all the time but I won't loan this series to anyone for fear of it not being returned. Very exciting page turner. Pick it up, schedule time for reading because you will not want to be distracted.

Are you kidding me??

I purchased parts V and VI together (was a bit behind) and was thrilled to be able to read them back to back. Yes, the books are THAT good!! Dante showed a side to him that was a more ruthless than ever. They also introduced a lot more family members. As I devoured the book, I began to realize that there was no way the series was ending with Part V. Sure enough, when I got to the end, there was a "stay tuned for..." at the bottom. Conflicted about it -- yes, there'll be more Reigns, but darn it, now I've got to wait how much longer for it?!?! Cannot wait for Part VI to come out!!


Each story gets better and greater, lm lost when the story end because I want it to go on forever.when I first brought a book by Caleb Alexander I research him and could relate to my opinion there's no better author out there that comes close .I will be sitting on pins and needles until Deadly Regeins 6 is release keep up the wonderful work you are bless


Omg no it can't end like this please I need more this is my favorite crime family the things that Dante and princess did in the book Lord have mercy I was scared to turn the page, This proves you don't play with another man's family you just dont please bring on part 6 ASAP

My Favorite

I really love this series I like the Reigns family all of them. I think Princess is crazy, Damon is cool and Dante is mentally sick but I Love him. The others are good as well. They better get the little girl back. Hurry up with the next book.


I love the books please get them on audible as soon as possible. I have heard 1, 2 & 3 I am waiting for 4.

What an ending!

No way could this book end like it did. Not my Dante! He has been searching and searching for Lucky without finding her. Did Nunez hurt Lucky or was he just playing a mind game with Dante? What happened to Peaches when she returned to Cleveland? you Emil certainly put Julian in his place. Princess is back and at the top of her game trying to hold on to Florida. Does Princess really love Emil? What's up with Damien? Will he marry the new kid on the block or will he stay with Staceia, the mother of his 4 children. What's up with ill Damien. Grace has really surprised me by helping out Dante. This book was very exciting. On the downside, it doesn't appear as though it was edited. There were obvious errors, the wrong names were used in some places. This is a very good series, just take the time to proof it before it goes to the press. Can't wait for book 6.


Dante is desperate and bordering insanity in his quest to find his daughter before her captors cross the border. This journey to find Lucky seems to be a cue for every under boss under the Reigns family and every alliance to attempt to cut ties before they all go down. BY ANY MEANS necessary The Reigns family will risk it all to get back one of their own. This chapter of the reigns family will have you on edge to the very end . WOULD give five stars for the story line but a four for punctuation and mixing up the character lines. THIS IS A MUST READ

I can't get enough of the Reigns Family!!

I have read every single Deadly Reigns, including the Takeover series, and I have to give it to Caleb... He has managed to catch and keep my attention with this series! I LIVE for the Reigns fam! This installment is just as good as the rest and I would expect no less from Caleb. In DRV, the Reigns family is on a mission to find Lucky. Dante is determined to go through hell or high water to get is daughter back and is determined to not let anyone get in his way! This book is definitely a page turner and I would recommend, not only this book, but the whole Deadly Reigns series to anyone! Caleb... I'm so invested in the Reigns... I NEED the next one ASAP!!! :)

deadly reigns v

DANTE...DANTE...DANTE...He is on a quest for blood and nothing or no one can satistfy is thirst until his precious baby girl is returned...He is a father teetering on the brink of insanity he lost the love of his life now someone has taken his daughter nothing with stop the destruction not heaven or Hell...He is a Reigns so either you with them or die feeling the fury wrath of this wicked tale Caleb takes you to the brink with all the characters where all there humanties are tested and some will fall and some will stand in full beast is truly good vs evil where no prisoners are taken young old women children...but the real question us who is the real beast Dante ir Damian or all they one in they one in the same?

My Favorite Family

From the very first chapter of the first book in this series, I was hooked. This family is like no other. Talk about love and loyalty, this is it. I share with others all the time but I won't loan this series to anyone for fear of it not being returned. Very exciting page turner. Pick it up, schedule time for reading because you will not want to be distracted.

Are you kidding me??

I purchased parts V and VI together (was a bit behind) and was thrilled to be able to read them back to back. Yes, the books are THAT good!! Dante showed a side to him that was a more ruthless than ever. They also introduced a lot more family members. As I devoured the book, I began to realize that there was no way the series was ending with Part V. Sure enough, when I got to the end, there was a "stay tuned for..." at the bottom. Conflicted about it -- yes, there'll be more Reigns, but darn it, now I've got to wait how much longer for it?!?! Cannot wait for Part VI to come out!!


Each story gets better and greater, lm lost when the story end because I want it to go on forever.when I first brought a book by Caleb Alexander I research him and could relate to my opinion there's no better author out there that comes close .I will be sitting on pins and needles until Deadly Regeins 6 is release keep up the wonderful work you are bless


Omg no it can't end like this please I need more this is my favorite crime family the things that Dante and princess did in the book Lord have mercy I was scared to turn the page, This proves you don't play with another man's family you just dont please bring on part 6 ASAP

My Favorite

I really love this series I like the Reigns family all of them. I think Princess is crazy, Damon is cool and Dante is mentally sick but I Love him. The others are good as well. They better get the little girl back. Hurry up with the next book.


I love the books please get them on audible as soon as possible. I have heard 1, 2 & 3 I am waiting for 4.

A Good end or is it ???

I like the way the saga has continued and it makes you want to re read all books just to make sure you know what is going on. This however is not the end for the Reigns Family !!! Can not wait to see more from this modern day Godfather family.

A truly page turner

I just finish reading deadly reigns v it is truly a page turner, Dante is a psyco, it is one thing to move mountains looking for your child. But what he did to humans is barbaric, his family should reign him in.



The Reigns are back

This book is everything you could expect from the Reigns family.Princess and Dante are doing the dam thing hope to here more of Peaches she is a young Princess in training.Can wait for pt 6 loved this book

Luv the reigns read4&5back to back draged out with all ...

Luv the reigns read4&5back to back draged out with all the description of all hotels,house's ect.should been about them not designs hotels,parks,ect now where's 6Caleb

Summary or Deadly Reigns V

Deadly Reigns V reads Nothing like the original writer. Poor reading...A lot of mistakes. It is obvious 1,2,3 were not written by this author.

Next book

Love the whole series. When is the next book coming out?

Four Stars

Good read


Caleb has done it again the Reigns Family continue to reign and i ant wait for number 6 cause for sure there will be a 6 great read

No title needed

The book is awesome no dislike


Caleb does it again. It is always refreshing to see what the Reigns family is doing. Please return Lucky safely. Keep the installments coming.

Deadly reigns v

Caleb Alexander is the man. The latest installment for this series is exquisite. I hope this series can go on forever.

Great Read!

I gave this book 4 stars because it is a great story. The only thing that could make it better would be to not have do many parts to it.

Five Stars

This was a gift some one and they loved the book

Five Stars

The Reigns Family is off the chain. I can't wait for Deadly Reigns VI!

Is it time

This series started off great but now I feel as if it's being dragged along. It's time for it to come to an end.

Plot gets better and better

Like how it keeps up with everyone and circles back


When does part six come out?? The first five were awesome.....I am full and ready to find out what is going on.

Love the chain

The Reigns are not to be messed with! This book was great from beginning to end, I'm so looking forward to part 6. This book does not disappoint at all, I highly recommend it. I cant wait to see what Dante will do next, he is going hard for his daughter. The end had me screaming along with him. Great job caleb,looking forward to part 6.


I knew in book 4 that Dante was going to set it on fire and he did just that. I love the different love interest in the book with Darius and Peaches and then V and Demarion. Will Dante every get Lucky back? Now that he has something to barter with, how will it turn out? I can't wait for 6, Man, Man, Man. I love me some Dante and Caleb Alexander did wit this one. He has got me wanting more,and more!!!

On and on

End the series already. Were still on the lawsuit in the beginning of series an issue lasted for the book only. This lawsuit has lasted for three like seriously. Its becoming a drag then entire series its not even good anymore. Im done


Exceptionnel book


I Need The 6th Book Now These are my favorite books I hope dante gets lucky back The Deadly Reigns books are the best right now

Love them all

this is the most exciting series I have read since Dutch. Glad they didnt just stop the series and leave you hanging like some

Five Stars

I cant wait for the next one!!

Five Stars

nice book

Really disappointed, left you hanging with no book VI in ...

Really disappointed, left you hanging with no book VI in sight.....the first 3 were much better written

Gettin real

Series keeps getting better and better. Kudos on expanding the different characters I'm anxious to see how peaches story unravels. Keep up the great body of work.

Five Stars

Great price

Just heating up!

Wish it was longer just as the book was getting good it was over. Can't wait for 6! I really love the Reigns family no matter what they stick together. Even when the are at warring with each other. DANTE has lost his mind he going hard for Lucky. I'm feeling V and Demario hope we get more from them in the next one.

I love me some Damien and Dante and Princess

I am so caught up the entire Reigns books!!! I love me some Damien and Dante and Princess!! keep em coming!!!


This is a great book... I love the REIGNS FAMILY!! Can't wait for the next book. I can't wait to read Peaches story..


Why is this storyline being dragged on? This needs to end. There cannot be anyway this writer cannot tie up all loose ends with this book. Introducing the new characters was lame and so is their story. No need to write any more series based on them. Just a side note, irregardless is not a word. Regardless means in spite of. It doesn't need the ir in front of it. That word is a serious turnoff so is the disclaimer in the beginning. If I choose to lend out this bad book, its my choice. If the author doesn't like it, too bad.

Edge of the seat good

Hope it doesn't take to long for VI. I have read them all. Very exciting books. Can hardly wait for the next one

need VI ASAP

Another great book served but kind of a drag. But def can't wait for the next. Oh and peaches is getting on my last nerves

Five Stars

A must read from 1-5

Dante sear for Lucky

This book is just as excited as the others, I was sitting on the seat of my seat. The Reigns family is at it again and this time it's a war.


This was a really good book.. I'm a Dante fan and I can't wait to see what has happen to his baby girl lucky.

Excited about VI

I love the series please hurry with next one, All the different plots going on just keeps you on your seat. I normally read them in 2 days.

Five Stars

Arrived as expected an on time


Theses brothers are a beast!


Excelllent read can't wait for Part 6 to come out!!! Could not put the book down I highly recommend this book.

Five Stars

Very good read and continuation of the books...

Love this series

It was a great read. I loved the series from book one and this fell right in line with the rest

Looking out for Deadly Reigns VI

Outstanding book cant wait Deadly Reigns VI I love all the books i order them i have my own collcetion of Terri Woods books

Another power house

I loved this book kept me turning pages, omg I mist my stop on my way to work reading wow...


To short looking forward for part 3

Don't be such a tease

I didn't give this 5 stars because I found myself skipping the long descriptions of places they were, the clothes they were wearing and the cars they were driving. 5 books in you should know everyone is filthy rich. I wanted more details of Dante and the family dealing with the multiple fires they had to put out. More blood and guts. Since I am invested in this storyline I'm onto the next book. I pray this let's out Dante's rage better than this book did. I thought we were getting down and dirty? Let's go get Lucky!


All I can say is Caleb you did it. This is the best Deadly Reigns yet. Dante is a beast. This is a man who would do anything to get his daughter back. Love the new family members being introduced in the book. Hurry up with pt6.


Captivating, must read and edge of my seat read. Can't wait for the next installment of DEADLY Regiens. Awesome beyond words.


I brought all of these books! Great thanks

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