Reviews (203)
Bring it on!
OMG I'm in love with Dead, I did not expect the softness in him at all! All he needed was love which he never had. Sure Dead has always hated humans, but can you blame him, I sure can't. His hatred is all with good reason as we learn.. I was so heartbroken and sad for him, but then Raven came along and changed all that nastiness in him. Sure he still had that nasty mouth on him, but now we can relate to it in a different way.... That's Dead! Raven never believed in herself, but Dead made her realize that she was so much more, she and her animal are beautiful. She gets to show them all that her Heifer Longhorn is bad a** and Dead loves her and her cow. Her cow who hates everyone and everything loves Dead. Get ready to fall in love with Dead, get ready to laugh, cry and hoot!
Loved it!
I read a lot, but I don't have the time or patience to write. I tend to do the star rating and move onto the next read. It's been a hot minute since my last one. I feel this one deserves it on two points:: 1- loved the personality of Dead. Just different as heck and the writing style executed it beautifully. And 2- the story was unique and original. It had all the feels and I like a book that let's you experience many emotions. This book won on that!! If you enjoy romances that are not a terribly long read, I HIGHLY suggest you give this a whirl. I like many styles, but this one just really filled the happy. 😊🥰
Dead, Dead, he's good in bed. LOL
My new favorite of the series. Dead is hilarious. I absolutely loved him. And Raven. I totally have a girl crush on her. She is so bada$$. I loved her too. And together they were the best couple. Adorable with sizzling chemistry. I just wanted to keep reading more about Dead and Raven. But they do make appearances in the next books and I've come to love Dead even more there. Yes, I am writing this review after having read the next book in the series which is just as great btw. I really am loving this bull shifter series. So unique and quite entertaining.
I enjoyed this story very much
After reading and enjoying the first book in the ‘Battle of the bulls’, that was about bull shifter Two Shots down, I was so happy to discover that the second book of that series was published! And just like the first book, I enjoyed this story very much. It was everything I hoped for and much more. I would recommend that you start with the first book ‘Two shots down’ before reading this book. Because the connection between these three bucking bull shifters and their (human) manager Cheyenne starts in that story and it continues in this story. ‘Dead of winter’ is a quick and funny story. It’s so great to so the previous characters again and to see how this new herd is doing. The main male character Dead of winter (or Dead like his friends call him) is such a fun and crazy-talking-character but he’s also very perceptive and deep down he is really a good guy. Just like the other two bull shifters (Two shots and Quickdraw), he can be aggressive and he isn’t afraid to fight and get dirty but they all are also very protective of each other and loyal. It’s wonderful to see them care, in their own gruff way, for each other. Just like their manager Cheyenne, who’s also part of their herd now and is also very protective of her bull shifters. Raven may be more shy and quieter but she is immediately accepted by them all and she really fits in with them. It’s very interesting to learn more about a cow shifter (that is what ‘Hagan’ means for readers who like me were wondering about that. Raven is a cow shifter and more specifically she’s a Hagan breed). And those animals are very dangerous, hateful and aggressive. Which is the complete opposite of Raven’s human character!!! Because Raven is a shy, quiet (but funny in her own way), considerate, kind, loving, respectful and sweet person. She’s also a bit of a contradiction with her Gothic looks, her tattoos, her sweet human character and her aggressive shifter side. It’s no wonder that Dead is intrigued by her from the first moment he sees her, I felt that way too! The chemistry and connection between them is sweet, fun, emotional and sexy. Everything happens very fast but I didn’t mind that. I even loved it. The story is again told in both POV’s. And although the story is like I said a few times before funny, it’s also so much more. It has a beautiful message in it. It shows us to accept and love every part of us. Even the part that we don’t accept or love or even fear. And that is a beautiful message. After this, I’m totally ready for Quickdraw’s story!
Knowing Yourself!!!
Dead of Winter, a hybrid Bull shifter whose inner beast hated humans. Being half human himself there was always some king of struggle for dominance between them. Being one of the top three Bulls in the PBSR had it perks. He had a manager who was looking out for him and his teammates, Two Shots Down and Quickdraw Slow Burn. There were known as the Moo Crew. He never imagined that he could rely on other bulls until Cheyenne came into their lives. After a shoulder injury, he was looking to get back in the swing of things. So he needed something/someone to motivate him and he got his wishes when he locked eyes with a beautiful stranger in the crowd. Raven was a shifter as well, her inner animal was very territorial and they both had a temper that would make grown men cry. Raven O'Connor, a Cow shifter who was looking for answers regarding her origins and there was only one man who could hell her...Dead of Winter. The latter knew of her kind, as they started spending time together. Their relationship started changing, she brought out the best in him and he made her see the strength she held. I enjoyed how well Raven fit in with the Moo Crew, she was an essential part of the herd. The way Dead introduced himself to her loved ones was done perfectly. It was great to catch up with Cheyenne and Two Shots. I'm looking forward to Quickdraw's journey. I loved all the twists and turns when it came to Raven's real family. She finally found out where she belonged. Dead was her home and vice versa. DEAD OF WINTER is the second book in T. S. Joyce's BATTLE OF THE BULLS series. What a phenomenal, riveting and heartwarming journey. T. S. Joyce did a remarkable job, she had me hooked from the first line. If only we were able to give more stars. This book deserves a 15. Since it's impossible, I'm giving it 5🌟🌟🌟🌟
What A Book!
This book was bucking awesome! I was so burned out on shifter romances that I almost didn’t read this series, and that would have been a freaking crime against romance and HEAs! The only reason I did was because I had finished another series by Joyce (Go read the Oath of Bane series when you get done inhaling this one. You’re welcome in advance for good advice.) and I wanted to see what else she had. I love the idea of bull shifters being pro rodeo star athletes. This book is my favorite in the series so far. (Sorry Two Shots!) Dead of Winter, is rough and sexy and utterly, ridiculously hilarious. Watching him sweep Raven completely off her feet and out of her comfort zone into a better understanding of herself was thrilling and heartwarming. The scenes with them mudding together and then later when she gets to buck were some of my favorite parts of this book. Even then, I laughed and cried and absolutely enjoyed every minute of this story. 45/45!
Dead, Dead....
OMG I love Dead sooo much! Raven was perfect! I was sad when the book ended! I wanted to keep reading haha. I actually love this series and I know she's only doing 3 but dang I love it so much I want more! Dead struggles with his bull and with good reason hates humans. The one who should have protected him tried to kill him. Until his Dad found him and kicked that door down and lemme say I love him so much for that. Raven has a MONSTER in her. She's a Cow shifter and her beast hates EVERYTHING! She's mean and massive. Raven knows nothing about how to really be her since she's not been around any others like her. Her adoptive parents are super supportive and has a great BFF. She thinks something is wrong with her because her animal is a monster. Everyone fears it but the boys and Cheyanne. I mean they are definitely afraid of it at first because hello that was a shock but damn like 2 seconds later they adore her. Dead...his reaction was perfect. He was perfect. I want to read it all again! Can Raven be brave enough to realize how awesome she is and do what her heart wants?
Dead of Winter
Dead of Winter a bill shifter, one of top three bucking shifter in the world. He hated all things. Then a little woman say it,a okay! Raven is a Haven shifter, why and a little in love with a Bull that was also bull, and the not such a mother who is human! These two make a great fated pair. Dead of Winter and Hagen,a Lace!
Dead is a Superstar!!
Another wonderfully told tale these bulls. There are so so many moments that make me swoon, laugh and just really sit in awe. Not only does this cover Dead (with all his silliness), Raven(becoming her own person) but the herd and all the outlandish thoughts, behavior and togetherness. Then there is that Ending that bring tears to my eyes. I can’t wait for the next in the series! Dead who has been a pistol and a thorn in everyone’s backs in the past books has another side to him. He is funny, thoughtful and kind. I loved what he did and does for Raven. That whole first day they spent together had me sighing in delight. Seeing into his past opened my eyes to why he is the way he is. Raven has been searching and hiding herself. She wants answers from Dead. She gets so much more than she bargained for I always say each book I have just read by this author is my fav and her best work. But I love this one! The insight into these characters is well done. The story is decidedly different and just lovely. Who knew these bulls had feelings too? Thanks to this author for bringing them forward.
I can't stop laughing. Even I play the he said, she said game. A good getting to love oneself story. Would have loved a picture of Raven in her cow form. Guess I'll have to Google it. Didn't learn who poisoned the food. Next book maybe?
Bring it on!
OMG I'm in love with Dead, I did not expect the softness in him at all! All he needed was love which he never had. Sure Dead has always hated humans, but can you blame him, I sure can't. His hatred is all with good reason as we learn.. I was so heartbroken and sad for him, but then Raven came along and changed all that nastiness in him. Sure he still had that nasty mouth on him, but now we can relate to it in a different way.... That's Dead! Raven never believed in herself, but Dead made her realize that she was so much more, she and her animal are beautiful. She gets to show them all that her Heifer Longhorn is bad a** and Dead loves her and her cow. Her cow who hates everyone and everything loves Dead. Get ready to fall in love with Dead, get ready to laugh, cry and hoot!
Loved it!
I read a lot, but I don't have the time or patience to write. I tend to do the star rating and move onto the next read. It's been a hot minute since my last one. I feel this one deserves it on two points:: 1- loved the personality of Dead. Just different as heck and the writing style executed it beautifully. And 2- the story was unique and original. It had all the feels and I like a book that let's you experience many emotions. This book won on that!! If you enjoy romances that are not a terribly long read, I HIGHLY suggest you give this a whirl. I like many styles, but this one just really filled the happy. 😊🥰
Dead, Dead, he's good in bed. LOL
My new favorite of the series. Dead is hilarious. I absolutely loved him. And Raven. I totally have a girl crush on her. She is so bada$$. I loved her too. And together they were the best couple. Adorable with sizzling chemistry. I just wanted to keep reading more about Dead and Raven. But they do make appearances in the next books and I've come to love Dead even more there. Yes, I am writing this review after having read the next book in the series which is just as great btw. I really am loving this bull shifter series. So unique and quite entertaining.
I enjoyed this story very much
After reading and enjoying the first book in the ‘Battle of the bulls’, that was about bull shifter Two Shots down, I was so happy to discover that the second book of that series was published! And just like the first book, I enjoyed this story very much. It was everything I hoped for and much more. I would recommend that you start with the first book ‘Two shots down’ before reading this book. Because the connection between these three bucking bull shifters and their (human) manager Cheyenne starts in that story and it continues in this story. ‘Dead of winter’ is a quick and funny story. It’s so great to so the previous characters again and to see how this new herd is doing. The main male character Dead of winter (or Dead like his friends call him) is such a fun and crazy-talking-character but he’s also very perceptive and deep down he is really a good guy. Just like the other two bull shifters (Two shots and Quickdraw), he can be aggressive and he isn’t afraid to fight and get dirty but they all are also very protective of each other and loyal. It’s wonderful to see them care, in their own gruff way, for each other. Just like their manager Cheyenne, who’s also part of their herd now and is also very protective of her bull shifters. Raven may be more shy and quieter but she is immediately accepted by them all and she really fits in with them. It’s very interesting to learn more about a cow shifter (that is what ‘Hagan’ means for readers who like me were wondering about that. Raven is a cow shifter and more specifically she’s a Hagan breed). And those animals are very dangerous, hateful and aggressive. Which is the complete opposite of Raven’s human character!!! Because Raven is a shy, quiet (but funny in her own way), considerate, kind, loving, respectful and sweet person. She’s also a bit of a contradiction with her Gothic looks, her tattoos, her sweet human character and her aggressive shifter side. It’s no wonder that Dead is intrigued by her from the first moment he sees her, I felt that way too! The chemistry and connection between them is sweet, fun, emotional and sexy. Everything happens very fast but I didn’t mind that. I even loved it. The story is again told in both POV’s. And although the story is like I said a few times before funny, it’s also so much more. It has a beautiful message in it. It shows us to accept and love every part of us. Even the part that we don’t accept or love or even fear. And that is a beautiful message. After this, I’m totally ready for Quickdraw’s story!
Knowing Yourself!!!
Dead of Winter, a hybrid Bull shifter whose inner beast hated humans. Being half human himself there was always some king of struggle for dominance between them. Being one of the top three Bulls in the PBSR had it perks. He had a manager who was looking out for him and his teammates, Two Shots Down and Quickdraw Slow Burn. There were known as the Moo Crew. He never imagined that he could rely on other bulls until Cheyenne came into their lives. After a shoulder injury, he was looking to get back in the swing of things. So he needed something/someone to motivate him and he got his wishes when he locked eyes with a beautiful stranger in the crowd. Raven was a shifter as well, her inner animal was very territorial and they both had a temper that would make grown men cry. Raven O'Connor, a Cow shifter who was looking for answers regarding her origins and there was only one man who could hell her...Dead of Winter. The latter knew of her kind, as they started spending time together. Their relationship started changing, she brought out the best in him and he made her see the strength she held. I enjoyed how well Raven fit in with the Moo Crew, she was an essential part of the herd. The way Dead introduced himself to her loved ones was done perfectly. It was great to catch up with Cheyenne and Two Shots. I'm looking forward to Quickdraw's journey. I loved all the twists and turns when it came to Raven's real family. She finally found out where she belonged. Dead was her home and vice versa. DEAD OF WINTER is the second book in T. S. Joyce's BATTLE OF THE BULLS series. What a phenomenal, riveting and heartwarming journey. T. S. Joyce did a remarkable job, she had me hooked from the first line. If only we were able to give more stars. This book deserves a 15. Since it's impossible, I'm giving it 5🌟🌟🌟🌟
What A Book!
This book was bucking awesome! I was so burned out on shifter romances that I almost didn’t read this series, and that would have been a freaking crime against romance and HEAs! The only reason I did was because I had finished another series by Joyce (Go read the Oath of Bane series when you get done inhaling this one. You’re welcome in advance for good advice.) and I wanted to see what else she had. I love the idea of bull shifters being pro rodeo star athletes. This book is my favorite in the series so far. (Sorry Two Shots!) Dead of Winter, is rough and sexy and utterly, ridiculously hilarious. Watching him sweep Raven completely off her feet and out of her comfort zone into a better understanding of herself was thrilling and heartwarming. The scenes with them mudding together and then later when she gets to buck were some of my favorite parts of this book. Even then, I laughed and cried and absolutely enjoyed every minute of this story. 45/45!
Dead, Dead....
OMG I love Dead sooo much! Raven was perfect! I was sad when the book ended! I wanted to keep reading haha. I actually love this series and I know she's only doing 3 but dang I love it so much I want more! Dead struggles with his bull and with good reason hates humans. The one who should have protected him tried to kill him. Until his Dad found him and kicked that door down and lemme say I love him so much for that. Raven has a MONSTER in her. She's a Cow shifter and her beast hates EVERYTHING! She's mean and massive. Raven knows nothing about how to really be her since she's not been around any others like her. Her adoptive parents are super supportive and has a great BFF. She thinks something is wrong with her because her animal is a monster. Everyone fears it but the boys and Cheyanne. I mean they are definitely afraid of it at first because hello that was a shock but damn like 2 seconds later they adore her. Dead...his reaction was perfect. He was perfect. I want to read it all again! Can Raven be brave enough to realize how awesome she is and do what her heart wants?
Dead of Winter
Dead of Winter a bill shifter, one of top three bucking shifter in the world. He hated all things. Then a little woman say it,a okay! Raven is a Haven shifter, why and a little in love with a Bull that was also bull, and the not such a mother who is human! These two make a great fated pair. Dead of Winter and Hagen,a Lace!
Dead is a Superstar!!
Another wonderfully told tale these bulls. There are so so many moments that make me swoon, laugh and just really sit in awe. Not only does this cover Dead (with all his silliness), Raven(becoming her own person) but the herd and all the outlandish thoughts, behavior and togetherness. Then there is that Ending that bring tears to my eyes. I can’t wait for the next in the series! Dead who has been a pistol and a thorn in everyone’s backs in the past books has another side to him. He is funny, thoughtful and kind. I loved what he did and does for Raven. That whole first day they spent together had me sighing in delight. Seeing into his past opened my eyes to why he is the way he is. Raven has been searching and hiding herself. She wants answers from Dead. She gets so much more than she bargained for I always say each book I have just read by this author is my fav and her best work. But I love this one! The insight into these characters is well done. The story is decidedly different and just lovely. Who knew these bulls had feelings too? Thanks to this author for bringing them forward.
I can't stop laughing. Even I play the he said, she said game. A good getting to love oneself story. Would have loved a picture of Raven in her cow form. Guess I'll have to Google it. Didn't learn who poisoned the food. Next book maybe?
She outdid herself this time.........
Omg, if ever a book deserved 10 stars, it's Dead of Winter!!! I'm about to cuss, or cry, because I just finished it, and now I have to wait till November to get to visit with the herd again!!!!! This truly is one of the top 3 books I've ever read. Two Shots was great, I loved it, but Dead's story is insane good!!! I couldn't stop!! I tried, but I kept picking it back up till I finished it. It's now 8:20 in the AM, and I didn't sleep at all. I couldn't till I knew how it was gonna end. I adored Raven. I LOVED Dead. I was dubious at first. Bull shifters? Really? I should have learned not to question her, after I doubted Alligators!!! This writer brings her characters to LIFE!!! I NEVER should have doubted her. I never will again. This book has the perfect balance of love, humor, hate, heartbreak. It's got it all!!! Please, do yourself a favor and read this series. Start with Two Shots Down. I promise you'll be glad you did. T. S. Joyce is my Shero!!!!!!! C'mon NOVEMBER!!!!
(Happy sigh.) I love this series! It's such a novel idea, (see what I did there? Heh)! What an awesome premise for a story to be written upon. It's definitely a direction I never, ever expected, but once it's in your brain, it's a fascinating idea. The characters, as always with this author, are so well thought out and beautifully written, it feels like a crime for them to be fiction. I definitely want a bull shifter of my own! You will absolutely fall in love with Raven and Dead of Winter while they fall for each other. Such a fun couple! Raven is a true B.A! Again, what an awesome idea for a series, AND a story in that series. I so want to be Raven when I grow up. Think it's possible to be reincarnated into a real life version of a fictional character? Where's my magic wand? Once you pick this book up, you won't want to put it back down. I'm so excited for Quick Draw's story! Ms. Joyce, more please! I want to spend more time in this world!
Dead, Dead, Your Book I Read!
Well I loved the first book with Two Shots and Cheyenne, but Dead & Raven have it beat. Raven's Longhorn captures Dead's Bull, happy, excited, scary but wonderful! Stop whatever you're reading and read this book!! You'll love it!!
Dead and Raven are fantastic
This is the second book in this series. They can be read as stand-alone books but I think they are better read in order. Dead has let people in and become part of a herd. Now he is trying to hang to his spot in the top three to stay with his family. Things are changing. People are finding out about him and its hard for him. Then he hears her in the crowd saying its okay. Raven has come to the rodeo to meet Dead and ask him some questions. She gets more than she ever imagined. They have some kind of instant connection. Could Dead and the gang help her discover herself and help her accept her animal? This book was a fantastic read. It was funny, heartfelt, and romantic. Raven is an amazing character. I hope to get to read more about her. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series. I am loving these characters so much.
Dead od winter
One of my favorit author love all her books. A must read. Shifter books a must.Going to the 3rd book. Yeaaa
Amazing!! Loved every word of it!
I love this series! As with all the other series from T.S. Joyce, I’m always laughing my way thru the book till the end! I only stop reading till my stomach muscle hurt, I run out of pages to read or it’s the end of the last book in the series (whichever is longest and further away). Every time a new book arrives I can wait to see which character from the past series pops up! I think that is the best part of these books, along with how well they read or the storyline is so smooth and you just can’t read a little bit! These books are a cover to cover read and I always go back to the first book in the series and reread them before the newest addition! I can’t wait till the next book comes out! Enjoy, it’s worth it.
Excepting Who I Am
Following T's release date Aweeeee! This was a sweet ending. Love these characters and their personalities. A herd can be family hahaha AWESOMENESS. Seems there is a plot amd a mystery to solve, but here in the next story....maybe? Anywho this was a sweet and lovely story with headaches , but ohhh the outcomes Thank you T
Really liking this series
Bull shifters really? I thought it weird but actually what the characters shift into is really secondary to who they are as "humans". What they are inside. This is again a story of finding out who you really are and what you really want out of life. This book doesn't focus a lot on what made Dead of Winter who is and how he acts, but actually focus' more on how Dead of Winter gives Raven the ability to find out who she is. Together they are awesome! Really enjoyed the story. Look forward to Quickdraws book next. These books are short, really nice way to spend the afternoon. The writing is above par, the characters are fun to read about. Well worth your time and $$
Second book, but still 5 stars
You know how a series can wane as it goes along? Not so, with Battle of the Bulls! Keep reading. You’re already dra
Cool female character
I like Raven and her personality. Dead teaches Raven that she's a shifter to be feared but she can control her animal. My favorite part of this entire book are Raven's parents. They adopted a baby girl and found themselves with a shifter. They are so loving, accepting and loyal.
Fun Book
This book isn't as good as the first one was, but it's still head and shoulders above the subsequent books. There is less humor than in the first book, but Dead of Winter is still funny. The MCs are still interesting even though they are given the usual shifter horrific backstories. Luckily, Ms. Joyce doesn't fall into the trap of using backstory as a substitute for character development. I liked these characters and I enjoyed the story.
So damn good
I love everything about this series. Dead of Winter is one of the three top bull shifters in the rodeo circuit. Raven is a cow shifter who hasn't been around many other shifters and hasn't come to terms with the massive beast inside her. She seeks out Dead who is immediately drawn to her. With his help and that of Cheyenne and the other bull shifters she gains a better understanding and acceptance of her animal. She's no ordinary cow but is in fact a Hagan Longhorn. She's vicious and powerful and completely badass. Their relationship is amusing, irreverent, captivating and beautiful. Couldn't stop reading until I finished it.
Sweet heaven the bulls rock!
Brilliant! I love T’s work so much! This story has so much heart and humor! Heartache and happiness! Tears and laughter! It’s descriptive to the point that you want to see these characters in real life! I love how real T makes her people! She is not afraid to take you into the darkness and make you think of how her characters feel there! 5 stars is never enough!
loved it
Loved it, loved it, loved it And this is from someone who is not much into rodeo's but dang it, those boy's and one gal would make me want to watch it. Dead and Raven are one heck of a pair, a tad slow start, but then again it explodes and its a story worth reading,k what am I saying all of T.S. Joyce books are wonderful and great stories. To find out what happens you will have to read it, but know the characters are great, so is the story and even an old Friends makes a small appearance in the book, woo hoo
Dead, Dead, I can't get you out of my Head!
Dead of Winter, what a story! What can I say? Bad boys, tough as nails women, and chemistry off the charts makes for a killer story. This HEA tale starts with a BANG and doesn't disappoint. There is something magical about a strong man lifting up his woman, and Dead is one of those special ones. T.S. Joyce takes us to the next level is this story with Hagan's Lace, lets hear it for the BADDEST of BAD! Hell hath no fury like a heifers scorn. A great love story about two different people finding their path together that I couldn't put down.
Accepting whats inside and out!
** spoiler alert ** She never embraced her shifter side, he hates humans. Can they balance each other out? Just when I think this author can't top the last book, she proves me wrong! I loved how he was determined to prove to her she was perfect, both sides of her, the way she was. I loved how she saw who he really was and loved him despite his quirks. I absolutely loved Dead and Raven and cannot wait for the next book!
Dead & Raven
This was different from other shifter books I have read. It did not have that typical shifter feel to it. Instead, it was a whole different feel that drew you into the story. There was no quick fated mate and that was the end. You followed along with Dead and Raven as they figure things out and learn about one another. Dead helps Raven accept her animal and Raven helps Dead find what he has been missing.
Just wow!
There’s just something about this book that kept me close to tears the whole way through. I couldn’t put it down . I think for some reason Dead and Raven just hit a soft spot with me. The way they treated each other and talked to each other just really was incredible. The compliments and the in depth observations of each other was off the charts. This book reminded me so much of the crews of Damon’s mountains. Starting book 3 tomorrow. Or I should say later this morning.
Identity and forgiveness
I thought there might be a connection between this series and the Blackwing crew series with the drug that makes your animal sleep but that's not what Dark Kane went through. The H is hilarious but genuine and the h was trying to find out more about her other side. In addition they found each other and some forgiveness too. But not for the mother, wished to see her get her comeuppance but oh, well. Their families were the icing on the cake.
You never disappoint
I have followed you for years now and every book I’ve read I’ve loved. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series.
A must read
I love absolutely everything about this book. Raven is a cow shifter abandoned by her people. Dead was a bull who hates humans. Lucky for him Raven isn't human... I don't even know where to begin in my praise for this story. TS pulls you in and doesn't let you go. She has built this amazing new world but brought us a piece of our old world with Willa's worms. They bring out the best in each other and the herd. I cannot wait to see what she has in store for Quickdraw!
I am Really Enjoying These Books
I'm really enjoying the Battle of the Bulls books. The idea of bull shifters as the bulls in PBR styled events is enjoyable. I am eager to read the 3rd book. 😄❤
Not So Different
Raven was adopted when she was a baby. And struggling to find where she belongs. She is a cow shifter, but not just any. She is a pureblood Texas Longhorn and very rare. Looking for answers brings her to the rodeo. Dead of winter is a half-breed bull. His mother was human and not a very good one. His dad is a bull and the good in his life.
Dead of Winter
Raven has never been to a rodeo, but she has her eyes set on Dead of Winter. Dead wants his rider dead but when he hear its ok he stops to find that voice from a black haired beauty. Only thing is she's not human, she a cow shifter. Can these two be each others saving grace? Great read.
Dead of Winter Battle of the Bulls Book 2
OMG!!! Dead is a crack up! I love his new girl! They fit well. Love how this story came together and the Battles getting touch and it's gonna be okay.. Dead is a fun lovin guy once you get to know him! The Herd is growing so much closer, and of course I can't wait for Quickdraw or as Dead calls him Quickdick!!! OMG!!!! I laughed so hard over that one but it all in fun with Dead! Keep up the great story T!
Dead. Dead. You're good in Bed.
OMG! This was the funniest read and I love Dead. Just reading his past brought tears to My eyes, I but I'm glad that he found his Herd and a cow for his bull. I dedicate the following to Dead. "Dead. Dead. You go to my Head. You smell like Bread. I like your Uncle Ned. You have a big… Spread. When are we going to get Wed?" --Your Biggest Buckle Bunny Fan
I loooove this series.
I wasn’t sure how I would like the idea of bull shifters before I read the first book in the series. Afterward, I couldn’t wait for the next in the series. I have literally “Jones-ed “ for this book and Dead didn’t disappoint. I loved it. I don’t have time to do it justice in this review. I just finished the book and want to read it again. I love the characters. It’s funny, sexy, and I can’t wait for the next book in the series!
Raven and Dead Rule
Omg. This book is so stinking good. I adored Raven and Dead. Raven is going to be a awesome in future books. Dead showed her it was okay to be herself and she balanced out Dead. So great. This one has a hint of mystery to it that I hope we get the resolution in the next book. I love how T gives us little nuggets. Oh! Willa Worms made a little appearance. I caught the pen! Loved it.
Dead Dead you're good in bed
Dead of Winter is a big bull but he has a sweet funny side that Raven brings out in him. I really loved reading about their journey to their HEA. Raven has a few surprises for Dead and he just shows how great of a guy he is by the way he handles them. This is a great addition to the Battle of the Bulls series and I’m looking forward to reading more of them!
love love love
This whole series is incredible. They are my favorite rereads. T. S. Joyce please do some more with sexy shifter. ❤️❤️❤️
Dead sets eyes on Raven and it's a wrap. She's what he needs. Raven is looking for answers only he can provide. I LOVE Ms. Joyce's work, but this one, I found to really have knocked it out of the park. This story is full of romance, funny moments, friendship and more romance.
Liked and loved
I liked the story and loved Dead and Raven. Again this story was light and upbeat. But innuendo cute! Well done.
Wonderful story full of emotion
This series keeps getting better. I can't get enough of these characters. Nobody writes like T.S. Joyce. All of her books are full of emotion with characters that are full of personality. This was another example where I get lost in the story and my day runs away from me. I can't wait to read Quickdraw's story next. #moocrewforever
Dead in the Winter and Raven
Dead us funny! I love both Dead snd Raven’s backstory and how much they instantly loved each other. More please!
Packed full of goodness! Start to finish!
There are so many favorite bits in this one. The entire time I couldn't stop smiling and thank God I chose to read this after the kids went to bed so I wasn't interrupted. Plus there are so many quotes I want to remember, I have to start a notebook. No way around it. Guys, you have got to add this one to your collection!
Fantastic book
Another fantastic book in this series. Dead and Raven are quite the pair. I loved reading this one, all the feels, humor and action. Definitely recommend.
T. S. Has done it again, this is another great book
I really enjoyed this one allot. The lesson in this story is how to know yourself and learn to except who you are and learn how to be happy with it. Great romance with lots of humor, and great characters with charm and a splash of adventure. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves romance and humor and of course bull riders..!!!!
This was a fantastic story. It left a few holes that I hope the next book will fill in. I enjoyed it very much.
The bucking is better!
Confused cow shifter meets up with one famous bull to help her figure out just how to deal with the enormous bovine inside. I love that this has details from the thoughts and feelings of a woman who is learning what it really is to be a shifter. I especially loved her comments while heading down the chutes!
Read of Winter
I really like this book out of the series so far. It really kept your attention. I will definitely get the last book in the series.
The characters are HILARIOUS. I love that there is a cow in this book and that she is VERY STRONG.
Bull's and cows!
Cows are supposed to be docile animals, kinda mushy and sweet, bills are usually big ole had boys gone mean. All of a sudden you find a sweet shy girl with a scary ole cow and a mean scary guy with an even scarier bull inside him. They meet and things turn wild!
This is epic!!!!
This is it! am not reading any more of T.S, Joyce's books. OMG How dare you make me cry but oh for a good reason. This book will sneak up on you with all the emotions and next thing you know its 4am am your bawling. Lol great book as usually can't wait for november.
Great read
Another favorite on the list of many by TS Joyce. Great story line and great characters. Downloading the next one now.
Badass Bovine
This tells the story of Raven and Dead of Winter, She's a longhorn shifter who hasn't been around many shifters and wants to learn how to control her animal. She brings out the sweetness in Dead and he teaches her to love her animal side. Wonderful love story 😍
This book was the best. He is such a dick. But he meets his lovely yet beastly woman and shows a whole nother side.
Tragedy turned beautiful
I did not know how Dead would fair in the life with a mate, but DAMN he found the perfect woman!
Loved it
Excellent and on par with other TS favorites. I loved the letter from her birth mom. Wonder if we'll see the hagans get made into good people in a later story. Would be cool to see Raven be reunited with her mom and brothers
Very funny , cute,romantic and sexy. Nuff said. I enjoyed this story very much because of all the reasons listed.
Another home run
Another fantastic book in the series! TS Joyce depicts the rodeo life perfectly with characters that are real life and so very likable! I can’t wait for the next installment in the series because it was a home run!
Dead of Winter
Absolutely Amazing. Full of fantastic twists, with lots of laughs. It is great fun book . loved it so much and I can not wait for the next book.
The best so far!
T's books always make me smile, chuckle and take me away from everyday life. But Dead of Winter did so much more. It was full of compassion, acceptance, love and a ton of laughter. It made me FEEL.
I was so excited when this book became available. I could not put it down, it's funny and heartfelt. I could not stop reading, ended up reading late into the night. Dead amd Raven are the best. Loved loved loved this book.
Love love love
Seriously my favorite of the series. Dead is my absolute favorite with his comments. Raven is a perfect heroine to have and I love every bit of this story!
Comedy, drama and lovin'
You'll love getting to know more about the moocrew! Never under estimate the power of a woman, especially if she's a longhorn cow shifter!
Soooo good
Must read!. I laughed a giggled throughout the book. Dead was the perfect mate for Raven...cheerleader, thoughtful, insightful and accepting. I loved that Willa was mentioned from another book. Another great series from t s joyce
Dead, Dead, he's in my head :)
Dead is my absolute favorite! I love his vulnerable side he shows to Raven, and just his ability to have fun despite what has happened in his childhood!
5 stars
I loved every word of this story. From Dead's humor to the heroine's journey in finding herself, I couldn't put it down. T.S. Joyce knocked this one out of the park.
Dead of Winter (Battle of the Bulls Book 2 )
I loved this book. It jump off from the start to the finish. Good chemistry between the characters, Ready for book 3
Always a good read
Definitely a fun series. I have been really enjoying the bulls and cows. I am looking forward to the rest of the series. I recommend it!
Very good
I love how this author writes. She hooks you in from page one to the very end.
2nd book ... Ah-mazing!
OMG, so much fun! I loved getting to know Raven the moo cow shifter! Cows are my favorite, so this was amazing! Can't wait to see what's next!
Very good
I really be enjoyed this book, mainly because of the characters. They are perfectly imperfect, which makes them more realistic.
OK! I love Dead to death!
He is so strong, seductive, sweet, and funny. And I love Raven too! She's sweet, shy, and totally bad ass!
Dead of Winter (Battle of the Bulls book 2) by T.S. Joyce
Wow oh Wow I LOVED this book T.S. Joyce, I can not wait for the next book, it was a very erotic romance love story.
And as always, what a beautiful story, Dead and Raven, she is perfect. And Dead is ... oh my. I love Dead’s dad. Wanderful series !!
This was sooooo much fun to read
Haven't had this much fun reading a book in ages, I love Dead and Raven, and all of the crazy heard. I just want mooooore. 😀
Ain't Love Grand
Awwwwww this book got me. The underlying innocence and insecurities plus Super Big Cow (Longhorns RULE) plus so in love dead. Love the back story.
Best at What She Does!
Another book making my re-reader list. Only TS Joyce can bring fictional, I think, characters to life and make us their biggest fans. Buck on! 🤓❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️+ 📚
Great Read!
I love TS Joyce books and this one was especially good! Cannot wait for the next book in the series,
I have to say that I did ot see the plot twist coming. It was a pleasant surprise and well relieved by me.
Love love love
I’ve read just about everyone of your series and I absolutely love this series. Great read can’t wait for the last one!
Dead dead he hates red
Awesome! I want a bull shifter! Would read this book 20 times over! Loved it raven is a perfect match for Dead!
Love her books
This series it different than her usual but still a great story as always. Love the Bull/Cow shifter concept.
Dead of Winter
Gosh dang it alpha...you're the best little story teller in the world...thank you sooooooo much for making us love bullshifters/cowshifters😁 love you
Dead of winter
It was a very enjoyable book. I really liked how sweet it was and how Raven was a badass cow..... Moocrew!
Loved it another good Series
Another good series from T.S Joyce, can not wait till the 3rd book comes out
An absolute HIT! Loved every page of this book
It was a fun read. Hard to put it down.
Great story!!
I liked the storyline and the characters.
Great Book
Love this writer
another bull shifter story this one of a trouble talker that meets his opposite. Opposites definitely do attract in this rodeo romance
Loved it ❣️💕💕💕
I loved these two soo damn hard❣️ I’m not sure if Dead is who sure I’d pick as my fantasy man or fave book bf but he’s got weirdly sweet ab$ sincere down pat. And that works for me. These two were made for each other. There wasn’t a lot of,hardly any, drama or conflict but that was ok,it worked for them. Raven and Dead worked so well together they were a joy to watch. They flowed more naturally together than a river and Dead had me laughing soo much when his “seduction “ of Raven first began I was almost laughing til I hurt. One I’d the neat things about them was I’m not sure I’d he was even trying seduce her at first all he knew was he’d found someone special and didn’t want to let them go. I know some ppl LOVE 💕 “fated mate” stories and some Loathe them thing is I think most of that is how the stories are handled . The whole “fated mate” thing can often be used as an excuse or as a crutch for a story with little to no back up for the plot or the characters. Every thing is or gets pinned on a mating that doesn’t always make sense and there might be little else,especially chemistry to justify the pairing. Kinda a “just is” sorta thing,while characters seem to twist in the wind ,going at each other seemingly only because they’re “supposed to.” Written to be together ,yet never feeling quite right. Raven and Dead most certainly feel right but went in my little fated mate tangent because I almost wish that had been an angle here. While these two did need to flow at there own pace, I get that,but even us “dumb” humans lacking shifters and other paranormals graces and instincts can know when we’ve met “the one “. And as good as this story was, part me can’t help but wish their relationship status could have been nailed down just a little bit faster and given us some drama, just a little bit to have sunk our teeth into. I just kept thinking at some point ppl from Raven’s past might pop up or something . Something . Now there was some drama but it wasn’t something really related to either MC and felt like it was more apart of a coming arc. Thanks Ms. Joyce ❣️ I had a great time . Thank you for the smiles and laughs they were greatly appreciated and needed. They world 🌍 is a better place for your wolds being in it.
An amazing new take on a genre that had gotten kinda stale!
I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE this series and this writer!!!!!! I've binged on the first two so far and have been laughing m'self STUPID!! The story and descriptive writing of this author is just AMAZING!! I can SEE the rodeo and I can SEE the herd muddin!! The characters just draw you in and take you on this hysterical/wonderful ride. I can't recommend this series enough!!!!
loved loved this book, full of good laughs and fun! Really enjoyed this one... now one to Quickdraw Slow Burn
Cute read! I love the little nod to Willa's Worms! One of my favorite books. Dead meets his match in this book. A real heifer! Haha! Cute love story.
Woohoo Dead!!
This one was better than Book 1. Dead and Raven's story had a lot of moments of sadness for their history. But the laugh out loud moments were in every chapter. She is a girl who just needed some answers to make a little sense of her life, so she took a chance. He is now in a newly formed here and he will interpret his contract whichever way he sees fit...the bare minimum, except when he is in the arena. Now this little wisp of a tattooed biker chick has caught his attention. Loved the reference to Willa's worms. I wanted a greater the in to Wills that would give us loyal readers a glimpse into Willa's current life with the gang. I also wanted more intimate scenes. They were lacking, "vanilla". In past series there was always a hot balance where the pages also sizzled...not so in this series. Also, I felt, as a reader I was left hanging with the who-dun-it. Therefore, for these reasons in this paragraph, I could not give it 5 Stars. I hope the next one checks off the higher expectations that we were used to in this author's other series.
The Bull and The Raven
”Dead of Winter” is so much fun to read. There is no down to this book. It’s full of scrumptious lines that you truly will want to keep reading this book the very end in one sitting. The banter between all of these characters is mesmerizing. Especially between Dead and Raven. I wanted to crawl into the pages to be in the middle of all the fun. I want to be a part of the herd. ❤️🐂
Fun and romantic
TS Joyce writes some really rough but so romantic heroes and Dead is no different. He's rough (and hilarious) and the interactions between him and his herd are fantastically fun. But he's missing something- and that something is Raven. Raven is a cow shifter- longhorn (I had to look those up- beyond cool)- and her cow is really violent so she searched out Dead to get some help. That's the one thing I didn't like as much about this book/series. It's the lack of connection between the animal and human sides. Even though they don't want to be violent towards their herd, for instance, it doesn't seem like they can help themselves. And then towards the end, it's almost like there was a bit of about face. So it was a little confusing. However, the human interactions were so sweet and loving and I really enjoyed seeing the relationship build. As always, TS Joyce introduces so much heart into her books which is why she has some of my favorite shifter books.
Life can be very difficult to read and a simple act make the difference
This was the 2nd book in this series and it was totally awesome. The storyline was very similar that it had bronco bucking but it was full of one liners. They were funny some more so that I laughed out loud. Bull Shifters are definitely not typical in comparison to the other Shifters. They feel deep and their backgrounds may be different but their soles align. This book shows that even they can help those who need support. I enjoyed reading this book and can't wait to read the next book of the series.
Looved it!!!!
Oh wow Dead of Winter has a soft spot..but only for Raven who would have known he would find his match in her. I just loved it they are good together , and she heard from her mom, which is good in a sense, but she can't contact her..at least she knows she's out there somewhere watching. This group crack me up especially Dead, and I love how you sneak in some of ur first characters in each book...loved it. Now on to Quick draw I wander what trouble he will get in when finds his better half..looking forward to that..big fan as always Winzie19🤗💞.
Unique as it is the first time I've run into bull , as in "cattle" shifters series. Character name(s) are important as can hint to an underlying sadness. Story is totally enthralling, action is fast paced and as twisty as a bucking bull. Well worth your time to read.
Laugh out loud with a lot of heart
I’m in love with Dead and Raven. They seemed like they were from different worlds when they first met and to a degree they were but then they so easily fell into a comfort that words can’t describe but could be felt on the pages as you read. Their wit and sarcasm as they bantered back and forth made me laugh out loud several times. Dead had a way of knowing what Raven needed to hear that she didn’t even know she needed until he said it. Dead got Raven to take a step out of her comfort zone and it ended up being moments like that they fell even more in love. As always with T’s female characters Raven had an inner strength that she never knew she had and I loved seeing her find answers to things she had always wondered and watching her take pride in every part of who she was because we can all use a reminder like that from time to time. It always feels like these characters and worlds she creates give me more than a story of love because in their journey I always find that something a character learns and brings growth to them is something that I needed to hear. There is definitely some magic woven in the pages with the #MooCrew. I can’t wait until Quickdraw Slow Burn is released!
TS Joyce rocks.
I loves it. Every read is a win. With every book, I'm never disappointed. TS Joyce is my super hero.
Loved it
So far Raven and Dead are my favorite couple!! They are fun and exactly what each needs!! Wonderful story!! Great series!!
This one made me laugh out loud and also tear up a little
TS Joyce writes stories that make you laugh out loud and tear up. I have read every one over her over 100 books....more than once .
Surprisingly good book
I didn’t think I’d like this series at first, but it turned out that I love it! It’s different and funny and also very sweet. Dead turns out to be very smart and while still a little crazy, is such a good “boyfriend.” The friendship between the bull shifters really develops in this book, but don’t tell them that! ;)
Better than the first in the series
#2 in the series surpasses "2 Shots" with much more character development. Dead wasn't all that likeable in the first book but he really is lovable as he matures and his own story unfolds.
Like the herd idea
We all. Need to belong, and be a part of something bigger. Thank for your time and research you have done
Good read
Liked it. It was funny and entertaining. The only complaints I have are that the story line about the poison wasn't really resolved. Also she kind of ignores the whole lots of unprotected sex but we're going wait for kids...umm that doesn't actually work that way. But...its still a funny, cute story with characters that you get can get into.
Lawd, This Book is Perfect!
TS Joyce is the author I go to when I need the feels...but not just romance. She finds the words to literally make me smile, laugh hysterically, blush, and be so dang happy that she is in my world. Dead and Raven’s story is all about happiness, and finding your way through the pain and isolation of thinking you don’t belong. TS Joyce doesn’t just show us her stories, she melds these characters into our hearts, into our souls. These books are magical. They transport us to wherever she knows we need to go and we meet up and become friends and family with her unique people. People that I wish were my tribe, my herd, my people. I love the heart out this story! It has got to be one of my favorites- and I have read all of her published works. How she can top Dead’s story will be something I can’t wait to see! Bring on THE GIANT!!!!
Fun book
First time reading a book by this author. A very enjoyable storyline line. I’ve read many other shifter books but nothing like written here, where the human and animal seem more like human with a monster bull inside. There are a few places that are sad, where you learn their background stories, when they were young and how it impacted and continued to impact their lives in certain ways. Lots of light hearted fun moments. Book grapped my attention from begin to end. Looking forward to reading more in this series.
Oh, wow, here we go again.
Why did I choose a 5* rating? Because...yep, because I couldn’t stop laughing, because the feelings went so deep, because the hurt was there, the like was there, the fun was there, and the love was there, and there were skittles everywhere. See, I can rhyme, too.
Really? Wow!
How could this series jus there better. Few writers. Dot this and cross the t. Meaning they think of everything. This book did just that! Thank you.
Another Fun Story
I love a paranormal romance written by this author. Her characters are amazing and she knows how to draw her readers into the story. There is a ton of emotion, plenty of steam and great dialog that is laugh out loud.
Thank you
Oh my heart was racing I couldn't put this book down. I cried happy tears and sad ones too through this whole read. I'm so so happy that two quarky people meet and are perfect for each other. Perfect partnerships have a way of getting you through the ruff patches and making the good days better.
Loved it
I read the first book but Bull riding didn't interest me. a couple of days ago, I read some comments about this book and decided to read it and I'm glad I did..... Couldn't put it down! Dead of Winter and Raven were so much fun, and they have a great love story. I'm hooked, going back to read the first book again!
Loved it!
This was my favorite book of the series. Dead and Raven were perfect together. Buying this one instead of just KU. A definite reread for me.
Unexpectedly awesome!
I was not expecting this at all. I read the first book and I thought yes this book is pretty good I like the story the characters are good, story line is different. This second book was even better. I really loved it. I laughed out loud many times. It was funny and and sexy as hell. I really liked that all though I knew it would have a happy ending, I still didn't know what was going to happen next, it wasn't predictable, it was never boring it was so much fun. So hot! I didn't think bull shifter would be exciting but I feel like I've read everything. So I figured what the heck. So glad I did. If you haven't read these two books you should, you won't regret it.
Dead of Winter (Battle of the Bulls Book 2)
The love story of Dead of Winter and Raven. Raven is looking for a shifter who was rise by a human. She want to meet Dead of Winter. She finds out that she is a Hagan. Hagan are longhorns shifters, who don't like girl and kill them at born. With the help of Dead can she learn to like her cow?Great story.
Enjoyed this book.
Too short. Loved it. Wanted to know more about the poisoning and read about Dead's fight after his confession of love.
Where does T. S. Joyce come up with all these stories? Loved it! Raven and Dead, a pair made in hell. Perfect for each other! Liked the way she connects some old favorites to new ones!
TS Joyce's shifter reads-coming home to old friends
Another fantastic read. I love her books, some more than others. The Kaid shifters didnt really do it for me, but THIS series is amazing! She has a signature style infused in every story. The orpans, the baytered, thevrejected, the abused, the misfits. They find love, family, friends and meaning. Happy endings tbat don't end. This is why I love TS Joyce. We get to peek in on them now and again. The Willa's worms pen was a woderful peel at a previous read. I was a bit skeptical at first, but am so happy I read it. It was one of her best.
When I Grow Up, I want to write like T.S!
I love, love, loved this book! These characters! Their story! Dead was my least favorite in Two's book, but he's won a spot as favorite book boyfriend with this story. Wish the book and series were longer. BTW, I'm 54 and I'll never grow up as long as there's stories like this to keep me young. My husband and I used to go mudding before we married. This brought back some great memories. I wish now I were more like Raven and had embraced it. Read this book!!!!
Damn Good Book!
T.S.Joyce makes these characters truly come alive. Another one to reach out, grab you, make you smile, make you cry, make you wish the book never ends. Yep. Buy it. You'll want to read it again, and again.
Awesome story
Awww, I loved this story. Acceptance is a great thing to have. Everyone at some point in time feels like maybe they don't belong. This book shows us that there are people who will accept us for who we are inside and out. Dead and Raven may be opposites in some ways but are the same in the ways that count. I even cried through parts of this book so that makes it a great story, one that brings the characters right into your heart.
Two for one
Bucking bull shifters? How fun! Plus a badass cow shifter? Brilliant! I liked this story even more than the first one. Looking for book three in this series, and I am enthusiastically telling you that these are a great read!
Must read!
I loved this book and the series! I just finished reading Dead of Winter and can't say enough about it. The characters are so special and complete each other! This story is wrote so well you become part of the story as you read it! There is laughter, lots of love, struggles of high and lows Dead and Raven go through to become totally happy, plus there is a little mystery. You can read the book by itself, but I think you will enjoy it so much more if you read it order.
love it
As always Ms Joyce makes you lol and want to join the people in the book just so you have excitment and romance. I have read and re read all her books and will continue to do so. Dead and Raven are 2 Shifters who find each other and help their animals to be happy. honestly i wish they could run into Willa and Air Ryder and the other shifters. Maybe have Masons daughter hook up with one of the bulls while they are in Beastons area of the woods. lol the bulls are not your regular run of the mill buckers.
Dead, Dead You Are The BEST!!❤️
T.S. Joyce knows the way to my heart!!❤️ Another great book!! Another book where I bust out laughing in front of my family, while they look at me like I've lost my mind. 😂 T has a way to bring you into her books that make you feel at the end of it like you know these people personally. She pulls on your heartstrings while also making you laugh. I absolutely LOVED Dead & Raven!! They are both fun & quirky in their own ways! YOU CAN'T LOSE WHEN YOU READ ONE OF T'S BOOKS!! Give it a try bc this is definitely A MUST read!!❤️
Buck em
Love this, I'm not a rodeo person but after reading this,I want to go to one. Hagan Lace is a Beast😍
100 stars
So, I am from Texas and rodeo speaks to my heart. I have read every shifter series TS Joyce has on Amazon and I have never been able to pick a favorite but now I have to say these Bulls may have just made my decision for me. The stories in this series may not be as involved as some of her previous shifters but somehow she has me rooting for them after one chapter. I can say with certainty that you will not be disappointed by this book. And I was so happy with the shout out to Willa 🥰🤓🥰🤓🥰
Loved it
I'm loving this series. The way the herd claims to hate one another but actually love another. Dead was just hilarious from the moment he actually meets raven and says she's his girlfriend. I've read their other shifter series by T. S. Joyce and I really like how there series were brought into this like Kaid ranch shifters and Willas worms on the pens. Absolutely great job, terrific read and highly recommended.
The best one yet?!
I love this author, can I say this is her best yet?! I don't know because maybe now I have to go back and compare! Lol If you want a wonderful light happy but yet deep in some ways, this is your read. I will be smiling all day after reading this one! Loved the Damon's world "Easter egg". Was always hoping for some additional stories that were in the world, yet had nothing to do with the previous characters! Home run baby!
Love this series.
Great series! Fantastic Author!
Dead Dead best book I've read
This was absolutely perfect!!! Im loving these new shifters and I smiled so hard with the lucky pen. I can't wait for Quickdraw, he's is going to be a monster and I'm excited to see who gets to love that beast. Bullshifters are my new favorite!!!
That love can find anyone, even when we are not looking.
I love TS Joyce books. They are always funny while also moving. Dead of Winter was no different. Dispite the leading character's gruff exterior, he is a marshmallow for the ones he cares about. No one knows what another's life has been like. What trials and tribulations they have been through. This book is a prime example of that fact. I look forward to readingthe next in the series.
The best!
I don’t know how T.S. does it over and over again. She makes you fall for every single character in her books. I can never put them down. Between the humor, the chemistry she creates between her characters, and the deep friendships that evolve, she makes you feel it all. This book is no exception. I highly recommend this book and all her other books.
Another great fun read!
I love TS Joyce's shifter romances! These Bulls are fun intense and exciting to read. Dead was hilarious. I liked the Whole worms pen reference. Made me smile and think of it has the 1010 lucky number that is embedded thru all Joyce's stories. Looking forward to next book.
A new favorite!
I laughed. I cried a little. I loved it. My long running favorite TS Joyce book is Grayback Badbear. This one may have just taken that spot! I loved Dead. I loved Raven. Their relationship was easy banter and fun and it reminded me a lot of my own. Raven is a bad a** cow and I loved LOVED how Dead was supportive of her and was her biggest fan. That’s how it should be!
Great fun
I thought the last book was my favorite, now this one is. Written with great red neck humor and a sense of fun in simplicity. Always a great read.
This is fluff but so good
Okay so these books won’t be winning some big international literacy awards but they are seriously some awesome fluff. I love these books. I read my first book by her a few years ago and I love them. I’m addicted. They are so funny and silly but I really enjoy them. There’s a sense of family and friendship togetherness that makes them entertaining.
Joyce never disappoints the writing is great the characters are full and colorful they are the people you root for. Looking forward to the next one.
Joyce never disappoints
There is no other author out there like T. S. Joyce. I have zero hesitations when I see that name. I know the book will be amazing. Exercise some self scare and treat yourself to anything with T. S. Joyce's name on it, you will not regret it. Just make sure you have some time on your hands because you won't want to stop reading!
I have read most of T. S. Joyce's books ... it seems like she is unable to write a bad one! Each new story becomes my new favorite ... but Dead and Raven's story is truly phenomenal!
ready for next one
i am so ready for the next book
Luv, luv, luv these bulls! T.S. Joyce is an amazing writer! I so enjoy when she throws in little hints of characters in her other books. Willa's Worms pen made want to read all her books again! Go C-Team! I can't wait for the next Bulls book! I recommend T.S. Joyce to everyone! You can't not luv her books! They have drama, sadness, happiness and triumph! And the best part?? Sexy beasties!!!
What a fantastic read!!!!
Well written, excellent editing!! The story had me laughing , sad crying then happy crying. Totally loved it !!! Can not wait for the next one !!! Only thing I wished she’d do is follow up on different scenes. So you know what happened to those people too. Maybe it will be in the next book.
I think that T.S is magic because she can make the world go away. Her books are always lighthearted and full of laugh out loud moments. I love that her characters are regular people that have lots of dimensions. Dead was so sweet and gentle, even though he was abused. Love this series.
So fun to read!
I chose a 5 star rating because this book was funny, sassy and romantic. I can always count on this author to write a charming and fun book! I can't put this book down. I want to reread it already! Its about a shifter who can't control her animal and a rodeo bull who gives her the answers and love she needs.
You're killing me smalls!
I didn't want this book to end. I thought Two Shots was good but damn, Dead is outstanding!! The wait for Quickdraw seems to be dragging by.
Loving it!
As a fan of T.S. Joyce’s shifter romances and the rodeo, I am blown away by this series. Rodeo and life on the circuit is central to the storyline not just something that is hinted at. Absolutely love this series. I hope this one continues and inspires spin-offs for many books to come!
What can I say
What can I say about T. S. Joyce and her books. She hits the nail on the head everytime. I just love how she references her other books in each story (Willa's worms on a pen). I'm surprised I didn't see any 1010. I couldn't put this one down and I can't wait for quick draw!
Bull shifters rule
I never thought of bull shifters before but T S Joyce sure did it up right! I love all her series and this is no exception on the humorous side I loved the shout out to Willa's Worms
Sexy cute
Dead and Raven are some adorable characters. This story was fun to read and a little mushy which tugged at my heart strings.
Shifter rodeos
With a twist! Great love stories with fantastic characters that the readers cannot help but love them. My dad has been watching a lot of rodeos in past two years, so I have caught a few bull riding segments...always impressed with the pure power of those bulls. So glad T.S. decided to write these books!
Dead Dead best one instead
For the record I am truly enjoying this change of shifter. Its not the normal wolf bear lion or whatever. BULLS! I mean I do not know who else could make a bull shifter HOTT sweet terrible at jokes. Dead is truly my favorite Raven is so kick a** I Loved it! Too excited for Quick draw story.
loved it
This was such a feel good book. Dead and Raven couldn't be more different yet so much alike. Two monsters that bonded before their human sides could even blink. This was a totally different side of Dead that you thought you got glimpses of in Two Shots story. I laughed out loud at the Willa Worms pen. Once again a new favorite.
Dead, dead, I like you instead
*WARNING* contains adult situations These Bull shifter are violent as bulls, but funny as people. I think one of the things I like about this series is that the person and animal are separate beings that share the same housing "kinda". These are great characters. I think Hagan's Lace is a great addition to the herd and so is Raven.
I read A LOT of...
I read a lot of shifter books and TS TS Joyce books always make me fall in love with the characters... they are deep and conflicted and hurting yet somehow redeeming for the right reasons... Dead and Raven take me back to the beginning and 1010 forever!!!
From the bulls shifters view!
I just love this book!!! Also loved two shots down!! Love the view from the bulls side!!! Can't wait for the third one to come out!!!!
Magic of TS
Every time I start a new book from TS I literally read it til the very end in one sitting...she pulls you in like magic and this book was just the same. I love raven and dead and their story was all 1010 magic!! Can't wait to read the next book and the 100s after!
This is my favorite T. S. Joyce series
It is so imaginative and sweet. Raven and Dead are now officially my favorite Joyce couple and story. And that says a lot because she is such a prolific writer and I've read them all twice! I love how this crew/herd is growing as individuals and as a group.
Dead of Winter was amazing!
Fur Hire series and Damon's mountains have forever been my favorites from this author but this series is quickly turning into a favorite too. First book was great but this one had all the feels! Sweet and funny, I binged read it in 2 days! Can't wait for the next one
Can’t help but love these!
I enjoy every book by this author. I like how every different type of shifter has its own issues and personalities and yet the characters always feel a bit the same and like coming home. Who knew books about cow shifters could be good! Can’t wait for the next! Thank you again!
TS Joyce, could you get any better at this? You're the queen of shifter romance in my opinion. And the fact you use not your typical animals.....fanning myself from the heat you conjure.
Best series yet
This series just keeps getting better. Although I was scared about the other pack coming after her. Are we going to find out who poisoned the bulls? As always I never put your books down until I finish them. I love these characters. Can hardly wait for the next book.
Love the bulls!
This is about Dead of Winter meets Raven, a cow shifter who fears her animal will hurt people. She was adopted and raised by humans so never meet cow/ bull shifter so that's how they met. I love the camaraderie of the bull shifters and Cheyenne. They're like a herd and Raven has never experienced that
Totally unexpected love the story Dead of Winter & Raven were madefor each other.
T.S.Joyce has done away with box Dead of Winter & Reven's story is cut, sweet & pure...with a spoon fill of Badass Longhorn Cow Shifter...I will read it again. I can not wait to see what Ms. Joyce has lined up for him.
You win
This series keeps getting better! What a ton of fun. I love Raven. The #moocrew is just a terrific family of friends that everyone wants and should have. Hopefully quickdraws stoRy tells us a little more on who poisoned the riders! Ride em cow...girl
Wow, such a fun read!
Loved the characters, odd ball situations and pretty realistic story line.... Well if there were real shifters that is. Can't wait to read the whole series.
Seriously just read it!
When your favorite author releases a new book you change all your plans and spend the afternoon reading it. I've been waiting on this one and was not disappointed!! Its everything we all love about TS Joyce! Seriously just read it, you will not regret it :)
As great as the first in the series
Love the characters. The warm, fuzzy feelings & the stupid boy stunts. The girls are spicy & harass. The guys are built, bossy & protective. Truly romantic story. I can't wait for the next book.
wonderful characters
I liked that the hero (Dead) was so very thoughtful in helping Raven overcome her doubts and fears.
Must read!
If you love growling, hunky, sexy shifters than you should never miss a book by T.S Joyce. No one writes better shifter romances and this book was no exception. The chemistry between Dead of Winter and Raven was amazing and their love story should not be missed.
This storyline shows that there is always hope and love. The characters are intriguing and adventurous. Stepping out of their comfort zone to start a new life. It can be just what brings you happiness! Really enjoyed this story! Great read for adults!!!
I absolutely loved it. I love the puns. I love the dialogue. I love how Dead and Raven help each other grow. How they fall in love. How Raven learns to kick hiney and how to love her inner beast. I can't wait for the next book.
Another great one from TS Joyce
Strong characters with good story
I've never been disappointed in her books.
Love all the characters in her books. Always exciting. Always waiting for the next book.
Great Story and Characters
I love this author! The story lines never disappoint. The characters are well written and make you want to cheer for them.
Dead of Winter
What a mushfest! I adored the story of Dead and Raven. It made me laugh and be quiet and put a smile on my face with all the antics the moocrew got into. I am so looking forward to the next book!
Holy cow this was good
Such a good love story. The humor is amazing and fun. I just love these guys!! Can't wait for the next one.
T.S. Joyce is an amazing author and just sucks you into her little world. I couldn't put this book down! I absolutely love thre love and laughter in this herd. I can't wait to read the next book in this series!
Five + stars!!! This series is just getting BETTER! I thought Cheyenne & Two Shots were a great couple but I absolutely LOVE Dead & Raven’s story! I’ve read every series T.S. Joyce has written but this one has risen to the top! Keep them coming!
The laughter and emotion in this book had me glued to the pages! I couldn’t put it down, Dead and Raven are my favorite ♥️ can’t wait to read Quicksraw’s book!!
One of my faves ever of Joyce's
The chemistry of the two main characters, the slow world building of the bull-riding world, the 'herd' and the pacing were all superb. I've read... just about all of Joyce's books and this is one of the top for me
She did it again!
This book made me cry, laugh(out loud), and snort. T. S. Joyce has a way of speaking to my heart with her characters. They are always like me in some way. No other author does that. ❤️
Loved it!
I loved getting to know Dead of winter and Raven! What a great and hilarious couple! These books are such fun - just what I need right now!
Love the moo crew
T always does such a fantastic job at making you fall in love. The book is no exception! Love Dead and Ravens power together. Love is definitely where you build your partner up!
I love these books.
Another warm and fuzzy fest from an awesome author. The dialogue is on point, the story sweet and the model on the front, just 'wow'. What more could a reader want?
Great follow up book
Fast paced and exciting
Winner winner chicken dinner! 🏆 🏆🐔🍴🍗
If you are into shifter romance + PBR, this series is for 'you! If no, still for you- you'll thank me later for the lovely charm and sassy one liners 😘
Awww, I loved this Book
I loved, loved, loved Raven! She was absolutely cool! I loved that her animal kicked butt! I can’t wait for the next one:)