Daughter of the Blood (Black Jewels, Book 1)

Kindle Edition
28 Feb
In the first novel in New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop’s beloved Black Jewels Trilogy, a race of witches and warlocks whose power is channeled through magical jewels will meet their once and future queen…
Seven hundred years ago, a Black Widow witch saw an ancient prophecy come to life in her web of dreams and visions. Now the Dark Kingdom readies itself for the arrival of its Queen, a Witch who will wield more power than even the High Lord of Hell himself. But she is still young, still open to influence—and corruption.
Whoever controls the Queen controls the darkness. Three men—sworn enemies—know this. And they know the power that hides behind the blue eyes of an innocent young girl. And so begins a ruthless game of politics and intrigue, magic and betrayal, where the weapons are hate and love—and the prize could be terrible beyond imagining...

Reviews (175)


READ WITH CAUTION. THERE IS QUITE A BIT OF RAPE, CHILD RAPE (AND OTHER BLATANT PEDOPHILIA), INCEST, AND GRAPHIC VIOLENCE IN THIS BOOK. I think the premise is interesting, and I definitely enjoy dark subject matter, but the author seems to hit you over and over with rape because apparently it is extremely prevalent in this world. This is not a book to read if you are sensitive or a trauma survivor. Also, several people have said that if you're a fan of Jacqueline Carey you'll be a fan of this series, but I personally think that the two authors aren't all that similar. I have read Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy and Naamah Trilogy more times than I can count and though the subject matter between that series and this one are loosely matched, I believe that Jacqueline's books have MUCH more world and character building, along with politics, intrigue, and adventure. If that's what draws you to Jacqueline's books (like me) then this series may not do it for you. If you're familiar with the Kushiel's Legacy series, then the level of intensity of this book is around the level of Daršanga, but for the whole book. I haven't decided if I'm going to continue on with this series or stop after this first book because all the pedophilia is really squicking me out, but I am curious about how the plot will turn out. So, in conclusion, just read with caution.

There is violence

The Others is one of my favorite fantasy series. I've been meaning to read the Black Jewels but for lack of time, I couldn't do it until now. The one thing I love about the Daughter of the Blood is the 4 main characters. We have a young girl, Jaenelle who has magical powers who can become the most powerful Witch. She is innocent and has been able to make many friends in different realms. She is not aware of how much power she has, so she does things her own way. Jumping from region to another one using magic without her family being aware. She's so powerful that little things magically speaking don't come easy for her, to the point that her family in Terreille thinks she's without much of a gift. Second, we have Daemon Sadi SaDiablo, one of the two princes, sons of Saetan. He is terrifying in his "coldness". For centuries, he has been forced to live as a pleasure slave. A pleasure slave that hates being used this way but who sometimes uses it to his advantage when it's necessary. He has a Ring of Obedience which is used to hurt him by Queen Dorothea. Third, we have Lucivar, the other son. Also a slave in another region. He's less dangerous than Daemon but has a bad temper. Sometimes, he wants to stop the pain but he hopes that someday, he could serve a Queen who deserves it. Last, we have Saetan Daemon SaDiablo, the High Lord of Hell. He was forced to leave his two sons in the hands of an evil woman who wanted nothing else than to cause him pain and destroy his kids' will in the process. Jaenelle, a young girl will be the catalyst for these 3 powerful men to dedicate their lives to love her and protect her. I enjoyed the storyline but I do have to mention, there were plenty of scenes that were hard to read. Most of them involved rape, sexual abuse, and torture. If you can't stomach it, please skip this book. I'm intrigued enough by the story, to continue reading the next book in this series. Cliffhanger: Yes 3/5 Fangs

Amazing stories and writing with some seriously dark subjects

I put in Explicit Sexual Content not because there are sex scenes but because there are some really touchy sex-related subjects in these books. Be aware--these are NOT erotica or even romantica. Incredibly well-written, but touching on child abuse, rape, slavery, and a WHOLE slew of other landmines. This is true of most, if not all, of her writing. If you aren't mature enough (or you don't think your child is), don't read this series until you are. And because I am me, the editing is pretty awesome. If you look hard enough, you can always find mistakes as everyone involved in a book is human, but these were minor and rarely if ever knocked me out of the story enough to notice them.

Not what I was expecting...

I was introduced to Anne Bishop through her Others series and loved it, so I started looking for other books by her. I found the black jewels series and saw all the high reviews and jumped right in. I'm not overly squeamish and usually don't mind dark or violent books. But I couldn't finish this book... I didn't even manage to get very far into it and I have an almost obsessive need to know what happens next, even with books I don't really care for. I kept thinking I'll just get past this part so I can enjoy the rest of the book, but I gave up when I realized sex and violence (usually at the same time) was going to be a pretty prevalent theme throughout the book. Since I didn't finish the book, I didn't feel it was completely fair to give it a low review so I gave it 3 stars. I'm sure it has some redeeming qualities and may very well be the great book the majority of the readers say it is, but I couldn't force myself to continue reading past the non-stop, explicit sexual abuse to find out.

Love all of the Black Jewel Series

Love all of the Black Jewel Series, I actually purchased them at this time for my sister as a Christmas gift. My sister had read the first 3 but hadn't had the opportunity to read any of the others so I purchased the entire series for her. She loved the first 3, I'm sure this one will be no different. These books are definitely not for the kindhearted and I would describe them as dark and disturbing for most of the series, they can be graphic, horrifying, fantastic, whimsical, saddening and much much more. I have found myself actually laughing out loud, and crying so hard I had to put them away for a while. I've read and reread them probably close to 10 times and can say that I feel they blow most other writers and writing styles out of the water. Everyone is all about 50 Shades of Gray for its sexual content and heat but, in my opinion, nothing beats these books in that aspect as well as many others, I find myself wishing I could step through the pages and live in their world. These books are definitely something you read with an open mind and they are by no means written for children. Daughter of the Blood will have you balling your eyes out at some parts, I always think it is one of the best written and there is so much going on that you wonder how the author could get all that information into one book.

They are three of my favorite books, but are not for those with a ...

This is the first book of a trilogy. They are three of my favorite books, but are not for those with a weak stomach. There is sexual violence and violence against children. Janelle is a powerfully gifted child destined to rid the world of its evil ruler and all who follow her. She is surrounded by people she cannot trust. She makes good friends but they are not really in a position to help her until she is older. This book follows Janelle from the age of six to the age of twelve. For such a dark world, there is a great deal of heart and humor. That's what I like so much about it. The end of the book marks the end of Janelle's childhood.The second book follows Janelle as a teenager and the third follows Janelle as an adult.

Almost didn't finish it! Glad I did!

By the 27% mark, I was ready to throw in the towel. Not being used to this style of writing, I felt lost and confused throughout that whole beginning. Decidedly, I trudged on and I'm glad that I did. The constant ping ponging between the characters giving small revelations in the short sections I felt was annoying in the beginning. As I got used to it, I see now that the story couldn't be written any other way. My heart broke for Jeanelle, repeatedly... all the main characters have been twisted and damaged by events outside of their control. The only one who seems like they have it all together is Jeanelle, and she's just a child! It hurts the heart reading this, I wanted to wrap them all in cuddly clouds of assurance that everything is going to be alright. It's not all death, doom and gloom, there were parts that had me smiling wistfully at the innocent interactions between Jeanelle and those who help her survive her life.

Powerful, Fascinating, and Dark

DAUGHTER OF THE BLOOD is a fascinating dark fantasy about an ancient prophecy that is finally coming to fruition. Daemon Sadi, Lucivar Yaslana, and Saeton have all been waiting for hundreds of years. Jaenelle is the potential Witch who can make things better and end the abuses practiced by the Queens who have gotten darker and darker. But when she makes her first appearance in the story, she is only a seven-year-old child who is in a terrible situation and who uses powers that are almost beyond comprehension to travel to many worlds. Jaenelle is an intriguing character. She is young but already knows so much about evil and betrayal. She has a sweetness and a deep curiosity and a tremendous ability to love. She also has a deep anger at what is happening around her. When she is twelve, Daemon meets her and recognizes that she will be his Queen. He's determined to protect her and shelter her which isn't easy for a man who is under control of one of the most evil and powerful Queens. But Daemon has powers of his own too which might be enough to keep this beautiful child safe. The world building is intriguing as we see a society that is becoming more and more corrupt and more and more disconnected from the land. We see Queens who are quick to kill any potential rival which has the effect of diluting the power and magic. We see intrigue and treachery and a child who inspires those who love her to be better than they thought they could be. I can't wait to read more in this series.

Luckily, Anne Bishop eventually became a much better writer

I've really enjoyed her books about The Others, so I was excited to start the Black Jewels series. I've gotten halfway through the book and am abandoning it...something I do very, very rarely. There are three main reasons: 1. She does too much complex world-building too quickly. In the first 5% of the book, we hear about Tersa, Daemon Sadi, Lucivar (and his nickname, Yasi, eventually), Pruul, Zuultah, Dorithea Sa Diablo, Jaenelle. Then comes references to places: Terreille, Pruul, Chaillot, and place or group-related names such as Eyrien or Prythian. It becomes painful to try and keep it straight. In comparison, Written in Red starts with a much narrower focus on one place and a small handful of characters. 2. There is too much graphic violence, much of it unnecessary. 3. The story does not move along quickly. We're all stuck in the mire with unlikeable characters too much o the time. I wanted to like this book -- I loved the idea that there were so many books in the series. Alas, it wasn't for me. I'll look forward to what she writes in The Others realm, but I'm leaving the Black Jewels behind.

Dark, Disturbing and Dastardly with a Fantastic Storyline and World.

Daughter of the Blood is a brutal and twisted tale and isn’t going to be for everyone. Heck I think that with a lot of the things touched on in this book nine times out of ten it wouldn’t be for me, but Anne Bishop’s writing and ability to weave a tale kept me captivated. There is so much brutality in this against Men, Women and children that it goes really dark at times. The story also touches on child molestation and a bit of human trafficking neatly disguised as something else. There are times that the story made me uncomfortable, as it should with the subject matter, but there was no time that I wanted to put the book down as I was so engrossed in the story. Anne Bishop has built a unique fantasy world full of complicated and broken characters. This dark world has been twisted from what it should have been. Some people, known as the Blood, are gifted and wear jewels. The color of the jewel indicates the power level of The Blood and they are given from the mist or a different realm at birth and then at other major moments in someone’s life. The Blood used to be the protectors of the land, but their power has been twisted by a bad ruler who has either enslaved the strong Blood or killed them, but there is a prophecy that Witch will come and set right what has been broken. ***“They twist things to suit themselves. They dress up and pretend. They wear Blood Jewels but don’t understand what it means to be Blood. They talk of honoring the Darkness, but it’s a lie. They honor nothing but their own ambitions. The Blood were created to be the caretakers of the Realms. That’s why we were given our power. That’s why we come from, yet are apart from, the people in every Territory. The perversion of what we are can’t go on. The day is coming when the debt will be called in, and the Blood will have to answer for what they’ve become.” *** There are a lot of characters in this story, but the majority of it is seen though three character’s arcs. Daemon, an enslaved Prince forced to be a whore for the aristocracy, Saetan the guardian of the dead and not really a bad guy, and Jaenelle a child with extraordinary power and the prophesized Witch that will one day put right all that was wrong in all of the realms. Any book that can make Saetan into a mentor and father figure is a win in my mind. I really liked the twist that the characters that are normally going to be the bad guys in any other book are really the good guys in this one. Saetan is a friend and teacher to Jaenelle, she is a little girl with so much power that most fear her and what she will become, or they want to control her. But Saetan has a different plan, one that just might work. ***“So she can’t move furniture around a room, but she can destroy an entire continent.” “She’ll never do that. It’s not in her temperament.” “How can you be sure? How will you control her?” They were back to that. He took his cape back and settled it over his shoulders. “I’m not going to control her, Cassandra. She’s Witch. No male has the right to control Witch.” Cassandra studied him. “Then what are you going to do?” Saetan picked up his cane. “Love her. That will have to be enough.” *** It is slowly teased out the danger that Jaenelle is in and how this little girl sees and does things so different from the rest of the world. She isn’t understood by her family but innocently she is collecting friends from all the realms and will one day be a force to be reckoned with if Saetan can protect her until she reaches adulthood. Daemon’s story is so sad. He has been enslaved for most of his life and didn’t know that Saetan was his father for a long time. Daemon has been waiting for Witch to come for seven hundred years, since the night the prophecy was spoken. He knows that one day he will be her consort and it is the only thing that has been keeping him sane. When he finally encounters Witch he is so surprised that she is only twelve at the time. He wants desperately to protect her from all the evil surrounding her but his position as a slave is precarious and so he plays the game and bides his time, watching over her and trying to protect her. I did love their interactions in this. It was fun to see how well Jaenelle could twist not only Daemon but also Saetan up. ***“Daemon had written: "What do you do when she asks a question no man would give a child an answer to?" Saetan had replied: "Hope you're obliging enough to answer it for me. However, if you're backed into a corner, refer her to me. I've become accustomed to being shocked.” *** Like I’ve said before there is a ton of dark moments in this. If you have a sexual hot button it is probably going to press it. There is incest, pedophilia, molestation, rape, human trafficking, torture and much much more. I wanted most of the aristocracy in this book dead and while every part of the dark deeds done in this added to the story and it is written really well the moments are uncomfortable and sometimes devastating. I really loved the world created her with the different realms, creatures, magics and lands. It is unique and interesting and I can’t wait to read more of the story. I was drawn in and completely captivated by this tale.


READ WITH CAUTION. THERE IS QUITE A BIT OF RAPE, CHILD RAPE (AND OTHER BLATANT PEDOPHILIA), INCEST, AND GRAPHIC VIOLENCE IN THIS BOOK. I think the premise is interesting, and I definitely enjoy dark subject matter, but the author seems to hit you over and over with rape because apparently it is extremely prevalent in this world. This is not a book to read if you are sensitive or a trauma survivor. Also, several people have said that if you're a fan of Jacqueline Carey you'll be a fan of this series, but I personally think that the two authors aren't all that similar. I have read Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy and Naamah Trilogy more times than I can count and though the subject matter between that series and this one are loosely matched, I believe that Jacqueline's books have MUCH more world and character building, along with politics, intrigue, and adventure. If that's what draws you to Jacqueline's books (like me) then this series may not do it for you. If you're familiar with the Kushiel's Legacy series, then the level of intensity of this book is around the level of Daršanga, but for the whole book. I haven't decided if I'm going to continue on with this series or stop after this first book because all the pedophilia is really squicking me out, but I am curious about how the plot will turn out. So, in conclusion, just read with caution.

There is violence

The Others is one of my favorite fantasy series. I've been meaning to read the Black Jewels but for lack of time, I couldn't do it until now. The one thing I love about the Daughter of the Blood is the 4 main characters. We have a young girl, Jaenelle who has magical powers who can become the most powerful Witch. She is innocent and has been able to make many friends in different realms. She is not aware of how much power she has, so she does things her own way. Jumping from region to another one using magic without her family being aware. She's so powerful that little things magically speaking don't come easy for her, to the point that her family in Terreille thinks she's without much of a gift. Second, we have Daemon Sadi SaDiablo, one of the two princes, sons of Saetan. He is terrifying in his "coldness". For centuries, he has been forced to live as a pleasure slave. A pleasure slave that hates being used this way but who sometimes uses it to his advantage when it's necessary. He has a Ring of Obedience which is used to hurt him by Queen Dorothea. Third, we have Lucivar, the other son. Also a slave in another region. He's less dangerous than Daemon but has a bad temper. Sometimes, he wants to stop the pain but he hopes that someday, he could serve a Queen who deserves it. Last, we have Saetan Daemon SaDiablo, the High Lord of Hell. He was forced to leave his two sons in the hands of an evil woman who wanted nothing else than to cause him pain and destroy his kids' will in the process. Jaenelle, a young girl will be the catalyst for these 3 powerful men to dedicate their lives to love her and protect her. I enjoyed the storyline but I do have to mention, there were plenty of scenes that were hard to read. Most of them involved rape, sexual abuse, and torture. If you can't stomach it, please skip this book. I'm intrigued enough by the story, to continue reading the next book in this series. Cliffhanger: Yes 3/5 Fangs

Amazing stories and writing with some seriously dark subjects

I put in Explicit Sexual Content not because there are sex scenes but because there are some really touchy sex-related subjects in these books. Be aware--these are NOT erotica or even romantica. Incredibly well-written, but touching on child abuse, rape, slavery, and a WHOLE slew of other landmines. This is true of most, if not all, of her writing. If you aren't mature enough (or you don't think your child is), don't read this series until you are. And because I am me, the editing is pretty awesome. If you look hard enough, you can always find mistakes as everyone involved in a book is human, but these were minor and rarely if ever knocked me out of the story enough to notice them.

Not what I was expecting...

I was introduced to Anne Bishop through her Others series and loved it, so I started looking for other books by her. I found the black jewels series and saw all the high reviews and jumped right in. I'm not overly squeamish and usually don't mind dark or violent books. But I couldn't finish this book... I didn't even manage to get very far into it and I have an almost obsessive need to know what happens next, even with books I don't really care for. I kept thinking I'll just get past this part so I can enjoy the rest of the book, but I gave up when I realized sex and violence (usually at the same time) was going to be a pretty prevalent theme throughout the book. Since I didn't finish the book, I didn't feel it was completely fair to give it a low review so I gave it 3 stars. I'm sure it has some redeeming qualities and may very well be the great book the majority of the readers say it is, but I couldn't force myself to continue reading past the non-stop, explicit sexual abuse to find out.

Love all of the Black Jewel Series

Love all of the Black Jewel Series, I actually purchased them at this time for my sister as a Christmas gift. My sister had read the first 3 but hadn't had the opportunity to read any of the others so I purchased the entire series for her. She loved the first 3, I'm sure this one will be no different. These books are definitely not for the kindhearted and I would describe them as dark and disturbing for most of the series, they can be graphic, horrifying, fantastic, whimsical, saddening and much much more. I have found myself actually laughing out loud, and crying so hard I had to put them away for a while. I've read and reread them probably close to 10 times and can say that I feel they blow most other writers and writing styles out of the water. Everyone is all about 50 Shades of Gray for its sexual content and heat but, in my opinion, nothing beats these books in that aspect as well as many others, I find myself wishing I could step through the pages and live in their world. These books are definitely something you read with an open mind and they are by no means written for children. Daughter of the Blood will have you balling your eyes out at some parts, I always think it is one of the best written and there is so much going on that you wonder how the author could get all that information into one book.

They are three of my favorite books, but are not for those with a ...

This is the first book of a trilogy. They are three of my favorite books, but are not for those with a weak stomach. There is sexual violence and violence against children. Janelle is a powerfully gifted child destined to rid the world of its evil ruler and all who follow her. She is surrounded by people she cannot trust. She makes good friends but they are not really in a position to help her until she is older. This book follows Janelle from the age of six to the age of twelve. For such a dark world, there is a great deal of heart and humor. That's what I like so much about it. The end of the book marks the end of Janelle's childhood.The second book follows Janelle as a teenager and the third follows Janelle as an adult.

Almost didn't finish it! Glad I did!

By the 27% mark, I was ready to throw in the towel. Not being used to this style of writing, I felt lost and confused throughout that whole beginning. Decidedly, I trudged on and I'm glad that I did. The constant ping ponging between the characters giving small revelations in the short sections I felt was annoying in the beginning. As I got used to it, I see now that the story couldn't be written any other way. My heart broke for Jeanelle, repeatedly... all the main characters have been twisted and damaged by events outside of their control. The only one who seems like they have it all together is Jeanelle, and she's just a child! It hurts the heart reading this, I wanted to wrap them all in cuddly clouds of assurance that everything is going to be alright. It's not all death, doom and gloom, there were parts that had me smiling wistfully at the innocent interactions between Jeanelle and those who help her survive her life.

Powerful, Fascinating, and Dark

DAUGHTER OF THE BLOOD is a fascinating dark fantasy about an ancient prophecy that is finally coming to fruition. Daemon Sadi, Lucivar Yaslana, and Saeton have all been waiting for hundreds of years. Jaenelle is the potential Witch who can make things better and end the abuses practiced by the Queens who have gotten darker and darker. But when she makes her first appearance in the story, she is only a seven-year-old child who is in a terrible situation and who uses powers that are almost beyond comprehension to travel to many worlds. Jaenelle is an intriguing character. She is young but already knows so much about evil and betrayal. She has a sweetness and a deep curiosity and a tremendous ability to love. She also has a deep anger at what is happening around her. When she is twelve, Daemon meets her and recognizes that she will be his Queen. He's determined to protect her and shelter her which isn't easy for a man who is under control of one of the most evil and powerful Queens. But Daemon has powers of his own too which might be enough to keep this beautiful child safe. The world building is intriguing as we see a society that is becoming more and more corrupt and more and more disconnected from the land. We see Queens who are quick to kill any potential rival which has the effect of diluting the power and magic. We see intrigue and treachery and a child who inspires those who love her to be better than they thought they could be. I can't wait to read more in this series.

Luckily, Anne Bishop eventually became a much better writer

I've really enjoyed her books about The Others, so I was excited to start the Black Jewels series. I've gotten halfway through the book and am abandoning it...something I do very, very rarely. There are three main reasons: 1. She does too much complex world-building too quickly. In the first 5% of the book, we hear about Tersa, Daemon Sadi, Lucivar (and his nickname, Yasi, eventually), Pruul, Zuultah, Dorithea Sa Diablo, Jaenelle. Then comes references to places: Terreille, Pruul, Chaillot, and place or group-related names such as Eyrien or Prythian. It becomes painful to try and keep it straight. In comparison, Written in Red starts with a much narrower focus on one place and a small handful of characters. 2. There is too much graphic violence, much of it unnecessary. 3. The story does not move along quickly. We're all stuck in the mire with unlikeable characters too much o the time. I wanted to like this book -- I loved the idea that there were so many books in the series. Alas, it wasn't for me. I'll look forward to what she writes in The Others realm, but I'm leaving the Black Jewels behind.

Dark, Disturbing and Dastardly with a Fantastic Storyline and World.

Daughter of the Blood is a brutal and twisted tale and isn’t going to be for everyone. Heck I think that with a lot of the things touched on in this book nine times out of ten it wouldn’t be for me, but Anne Bishop’s writing and ability to weave a tale kept me captivated. There is so much brutality in this against Men, Women and children that it goes really dark at times. The story also touches on child molestation and a bit of human trafficking neatly disguised as something else. There are times that the story made me uncomfortable, as it should with the subject matter, but there was no time that I wanted to put the book down as I was so engrossed in the story. Anne Bishop has built a unique fantasy world full of complicated and broken characters. This dark world has been twisted from what it should have been. Some people, known as the Blood, are gifted and wear jewels. The color of the jewel indicates the power level of The Blood and they are given from the mist or a different realm at birth and then at other major moments in someone’s life. The Blood used to be the protectors of the land, but their power has been twisted by a bad ruler who has either enslaved the strong Blood or killed them, but there is a prophecy that Witch will come and set right what has been broken. ***“They twist things to suit themselves. They dress up and pretend. They wear Blood Jewels but don’t understand what it means to be Blood. They talk of honoring the Darkness, but it’s a lie. They honor nothing but their own ambitions. The Blood were created to be the caretakers of the Realms. That’s why we were given our power. That’s why we come from, yet are apart from, the people in every Territory. The perversion of what we are can’t go on. The day is coming when the debt will be called in, and the Blood will have to answer for what they’ve become.” *** There are a lot of characters in this story, but the majority of it is seen though three character’s arcs. Daemon, an enslaved Prince forced to be a whore for the aristocracy, Saetan the guardian of the dead and not really a bad guy, and Jaenelle a child with extraordinary power and the prophesized Witch that will one day put right all that was wrong in all of the realms. Any book that can make Saetan into a mentor and father figure is a win in my mind. I really liked the twist that the characters that are normally going to be the bad guys in any other book are really the good guys in this one. Saetan is a friend and teacher to Jaenelle, she is a little girl with so much power that most fear her and what she will become, or they want to control her. But Saetan has a different plan, one that just might work. ***“So she can’t move furniture around a room, but she can destroy an entire continent.” “She’ll never do that. It’s not in her temperament.” “How can you be sure? How will you control her?” They were back to that. He took his cape back and settled it over his shoulders. “I’m not going to control her, Cassandra. She’s Witch. No male has the right to control Witch.” Cassandra studied him. “Then what are you going to do?” Saetan picked up his cane. “Love her. That will have to be enough.” *** It is slowly teased out the danger that Jaenelle is in and how this little girl sees and does things so different from the rest of the world. She isn’t understood by her family but innocently she is collecting friends from all the realms and will one day be a force to be reckoned with if Saetan can protect her until she reaches adulthood. Daemon’s story is so sad. He has been enslaved for most of his life and didn’t know that Saetan was his father for a long time. Daemon has been waiting for Witch to come for seven hundred years, since the night the prophecy was spoken. He knows that one day he will be her consort and it is the only thing that has been keeping him sane. When he finally encounters Witch he is so surprised that she is only twelve at the time. He wants desperately to protect her from all the evil surrounding her but his position as a slave is precarious and so he plays the game and bides his time, watching over her and trying to protect her. I did love their interactions in this. It was fun to see how well Jaenelle could twist not only Daemon but also Saetan up. ***“Daemon had written: "What do you do when she asks a question no man would give a child an answer to?" Saetan had replied: "Hope you're obliging enough to answer it for me. However, if you're backed into a corner, refer her to me. I've become accustomed to being shocked.” *** Like I’ve said before there is a ton of dark moments in this. If you have a sexual hot button it is probably going to press it. There is incest, pedophilia, molestation, rape, human trafficking, torture and much much more. I wanted most of the aristocracy in this book dead and while every part of the dark deeds done in this added to the story and it is written really well the moments are uncomfortable and sometimes devastating. I really loved the world created her with the different realms, creatures, magics and lands. It is unique and interesting and I can’t wait to read more of the story. I was drawn in and completely captivated by this tale.

Beautiful story with explicit language

I had a very good friend tell me that Anne Bishop writes amazing stories. He gave me no indication on what to expect, just that it was one of his favorite books. So I bought the ebook and then I got it with an audible credit. I enjoy utilizing both formats especially with novels. Written by Anne Bishop Bishop started out publishing short stories, but she is best known for this Black Jewels Trilogy that has expanded to several more books in The Black Jewels Series. She writes dark speculative fiction. Our main character grows up working her way through males in a female dominant society. She uses witchcraft along the way. The fact that this came highly recommended was enough for me to check it out. Once I started, I was hooked. The use of witchcraft made it all the better. There are a lot of characters, main and supporting, I am going to introduce you to the three that are prominent in mind. This means that I am connected to these characters somehow, and that doesn't usually happen with other people characters. We meet Jaenelle at a young age, as she grows, her beauty and power grow as well. I was immediately drawn to her. I became engrossed on what she was doing. The way she behaved as a strong young girl and older. I loved this line from Jaenelle. “I’ll send you to the bowels of Hell,” Jaenelle said, her voice rising with her rage. “I’ll feed you to the Harpies you helped create. I’ll shave you if you ever touch my sister. I’ll shave you all!” With Daemon, I picture a handsome man, muscular, with dark hair, and tanned skin. He is filled with pride and honor. One of my favorite lines is “No,” he said gently when her words finally stopped, “they don’t want you. They don’t love you, they can’t love you. But I do love you. The Priest loves you...We need you to walk among us.” Saetan is the other character who plays a strong role in this story. Both he and Daemon have a special bond with Jaenelle and it’s beautiful to watch it grow. Here is a favorite line from Saetan This was how it must feel to be a dried-out husk. “There are two ways,” Satean said stiffly. “The easiest way requires skill with a knife. It also requires physical contact. The other way is subtler but requires knowledge of the male anatomy to be effective. Which would you like to learn?” Those were the most memorable characters for me. The other characters: Lucivar, Surreal, Kartane, Hekatah, and a few others distributed throughout Terreille, Kaeleer, and Hell all were weaved together in a creative fashion. These realms that Bishop has created are magical and inviting. She is able to draw the reader in and keep them interested. The story flowed along at just the right pace, introducing characters gradually. Black Jewels really do come into it somewhere, but you will have to read it to find out how. While I think this book is geared toward young and old adults I would warn there is explicit language. I enjoyed this book immensely and am excited because I have already purchased book 2 and I am ready to jump into “Heir to the Shadows.” Ms Bishop definitely earned her 5 out of 5 stars with this, if I could give a 6 out of 5 rating would

Dark, but mesmerizing

I was introduced to this author by my niece, who gave me the Tir Alainn trilogy. This Black Jewels series is very dark, violent, and touches on many taboo and socially unacceptable behaviors in our world. Murder, rape and violence against children, and other beings of their realms. If you are squeamish in any fashion, these books are not for you. If you can understand that this is the product of someone's imagination, you might be fine with it. That said, once I start reading these books, and I have the first nine, it is an obsession and I have to read all of them. The story moves quickly, telling the story of corruption among the queens, priestesses and witches, and the struggle of others who remember when the power was used for the good of all, and how they are waiting for the coming of Witch, a dark queen who will cleanse the Blood. I may wait for a while for the 10th and final book to come down in price, but I will get that one for my own library eventually. I may even take a trip to the library.

too dark to truly enjoy for me

Incredibly dark, lots of horrifying things in this corrupted fantasy world, and yet somehow the story utterly captivated me anyhow. Normally I don't read such dark themes so I'm genuinely surprised by how easily I got sucked into the plot and barreled towards the end. I did feel so invested in the characters and the magic system, etc. had me absolutely intrigued, but there was too much unnecessary violence, violations, and the like to stomach continuing the series. To be honest, I don't think this book needed all of those creepy, uncomfortable, twisted, downright foul elements and without them the story could have been stronger and soared to stronger heights. I'm not against dark themes, but really?? It's like she took all of them and dumped a concentrated mix into the book. Also, I did see a lot of similarities between this and Sarah J Maas' works, but at least Maas' books didn't make me want to hurl.

This is a world that will change your perspective on fantasy,,,you will love it!

I've had this book since 2016 and could never "get into" the story. I finally decided that I was going to just keep reading until I couldn't stand it. Well, lesson learned - I loved it! The Blood is a gifted race, their Jewels give them power, they are a matriarchal race, their "Queens" rule with the support of Princes who can also be Warlords. There are different levels of witches, healers, hearth witches and the Black Widow witches who are able to foretell the future. The strongest Bloods wear darker jewels; the strongest jewel is Black for any Blood. But tradition has been corrupted by greedy Queens who abuse and torture their subjects, especially males. But there is a legend that a new Queen is coming, she will be the strongest Queen ever and will live by the old traditions and make their world a better place. She will be Queen and Witch. Some have waited more than 700 years for her birth and now she is here. Jaenelle is the new Queen but she is so different that her family thinks she has no talent and she did not display any ability to receive a jewel to signify her power level. Book 1 give us her story and the people she meets who will become an important part of her life.

Nope -

Poor story line and just could not get through the entire book. The story just never seemed to go anywhere and was confusing at best. SPOILERS Author seems fascinated with domination. Women are witches who make men (vampires) slaves and control then with penis rings. Main male characters lust after a girl as young as 7 - which seems to be the entire basis of the story. Now I am fine with some good erotica but, yuck, when adult men lust after a child I can't go there.

Fantastic series

This first book in the Black Jewels series captures your mind and heart and doesn't let go. The world building is remarkable, both hauntingly beautiful and soul chuningly repellent. The first time I read the initial trilogy I finished the last page, sat in stunned stillness for a few moments then began at the beginning and read straight through again. I had never done that before and I have been a voracious reader for many decades. Since then I have read and reread every word this remarkable author has written. I crave a new book in this universe and hope she will grace us with one in the not too distant future. In the meantime, I just purchased the series for my kindle and am revisiting my old friends. I have purchased these books a couple of times in print but wanted to read them on my kindle this time. I hope you gift yourself with the remarkable experience of this unique universe.

Daughter of the Blood, 1 in series

Daughter of the Blood is the first book of the Black Jewels series. For those who have triggers, be aware this has a very dark, twisted story line with violence and (child) rape. I'm an avid fan of the Others series, so I decided to give this series a try. There are few authors who can balance the intricacy and complexity needed to build an engrossing and dynamic fantasy world--This author is among the best. She also excels with character and relationship dynamics. The characters are layered and well-drawn, and I'm not disappointed by the unique and compelling world she has created for the Black Jewels series. I'm hooked on the plot and will be reading more.


This is deep fantasy writing at its absolute finest. A book this well written is a one in five thousand. It's what we pray for every time we open a book but almost never receive. I've been lucky enough to have found about a dozen books in my long life of dedicated reading that fit that category of true excellence. This book is one of them. Dark. Raw. Gritty. And frankly faintly traumatizing to the reader as we experience the telling of our beloved characters traumas. Not a book for the fainthearted at all. Respect your limits. This book will expose you to much darkness but there is also strong love and loyalty.

Couldn't get through this book

Like a few other reviewers, I loved the Others series, so much so that I read it twice in a short period of time, something I never do. So I figured, there's at least 10 of the black jewels books out, it must also be great. I forced myself to read the first few chapters till I just couldn't anymore. The characters are incredibly confusing, the story is difficult to follow, and none of the characters are actually engaging. On top of that the sexual content around a child and just in general was not moving the story forward, not necessary, and disturbing. I gave it 2 stars only because I felt it was unfair to 1 star a story I didn't finish. Maybe that in itself should make it a 1 star.

Great fantasy but prepare to be disturbed and intrigued

Great character development, wonderful magic system. Great plot. Quick read, but the learning curve is very steep. May be too uncomfortable of a learning curve for many unfamiliar with epic fantasy. Also, be warned, very sexually disturbing at many points as it deals with the concept of sex slavery/torture/rape for both adults and children with many incestuous, pedophiliac, and homoerotic elements. Dark fantasy as the magic system is predominantly based on sexual interaction.

Solid world building but....

....a LOT of sexual violence. It’s all done I think as a commentary and it’s quite clear it’s not just a rape ex machina situation but still...pretty rough. Still...the world building is extensive, though hard to follow (similar to say, Neuromancer). Intriguing and a great set up with marvelous characters.

Black Jewels #1

I always love reading this series! The characters are ones you or love to hate. This is the first book in the original trilogy thar became a long running series. Janelle is a ypung child who can't do basic craft, but has very strong magic. She is strong enough to travel to Hell & met the father of her soul. He is Saiten, the Priest, the High Lord of Hell. He is one of only 2 black jeweled males, the other is his son, Deamen, the Sadist, his father's mirror. Those with magic are the Blood & wear certain jewels at birth. At adulthood they can make the Offering tp the Darkness & go up 3 jewels. The lightest is White & the darkest is Black, until Janelle. Janelle is Witch and her birthright jewel is Black.

Holy crap!!

First book to hold my interest in a long while. It has everything, carefully crafted world building. Rich characters that grab your heart. Just read the book! I'm done trying to convince you .I'm off to read book 2, ignore my family and stay up all night till it's finished. Then repeat the cycle for the rest of the series.

Daughter of the Blood - Awesome Book

First off, Anne Bishop is a great writer. I loved her series on the Others which was the first of her stories I tried. I was a bit hesitant to start the Black Jewels series after reading comments from other reviewers about preditory child sex and other dark subjects. Don't let that hold you back. The story line is very compelling and I could barely but it down. Very highly recommend!


Outstanding story and universe. Just be warned, there are currently 9 books published in this universe with a 10th coming out in early 2020. If you start, you will read all 10. they will be difficult to put down. You will not get things done (like exercise, sleep, etc.). You will, however, have a wonderful reading experience that will last for many days. Just be prepared.

Confusing, convoluted and worth it., a lovely series.

This is a book which needed notes in the front to clarify terms. It also would have helped to have had a map. Since none were provided the reader (me) was plunged into a confusing landscape filled with characters with ranks, abilities, political connections, family connections and associations and I had no idea what anyone was doing, or why. The world in this novel is multidimensional,tied together by Winds and Webs where people have birthright jewels, get other jewels of various colors later, and where women are really nasty and men are led around literally by their cocks.There was a lot of brutality and despair and I am not keen on torture. For a good third of the book I was very tempted to put it aside. I am very glad I did not. Characters began to emerge who were fascinating and very likable. Story lines started sorting themselves, and I decided to enjoy what I understood and ignore what I didn't. (I still do not know what making an offering to the darkness was all about but it seemed like a very big deal.) The two following books in this trilogy were much easier to read,the same characters are in all three and the storyline continues. By the conclusion of book one I was hooked. Now I am an Anne Bishop addict, just bought three more. I suggest hanging in there. It is worth it. I subsequently reread the entire series and now also have it via Audible on my iPod. It gets better everytime I dip into it.

One of my favorites to read over and over

In a world ruled by the Blood and their Jewels, a new queen is coming. Not just queen, Jaenelle is also Witch, the woman who's coming has been foretold. She will take her place in an ancient struggle of complex beings. I've read this series (and all of Anne Bishop's books) several times, and I'm rereading it again now. The world of the Jewels is so involved with dozens of always fascinating characters and lands. Violence is matched by touches of humor throughout the story, though overall this is a dark world and book. It is also complex and rich; I always find something new when I read one of the Black Jewel stories again. Ms. Bishop's writing is so good. She's one of my favorite fantasy authors.

Unique, dark, erotic and unforgiving

This world snares you. It pulls you in and doesn't let go. Daemon in all his rage and power is an unstoppable force that you can't help but grow attached to. I can't explain my fierce desire to continue on into this world and it's strange offerings. All I can say is that I want to and hope that the next books match my expectations.

Horrible book

Not at all one of the recommendations books that I liked. It was grim, bizarre and totally hard to follow. Nothing at all holding my attention. I actually stopped reading it half way through. Very disjointed.

Amazing world

The magic and world building are simply amazing in this book. While I still like the Others series better, this series already has me captivated. This book does leave the reader desperate to know what happens next. I strongly recommend this book for fantasy lovers.

A favorite series

This is one of my favorite series of all time. I’ve read it three or four times all the way through, though you can read the first three books as a discrete trilogy. The writing is hauntingly beautiful and the characters some of the most memorable in the genre.

Not *that* dark...

I'd like to start out by saying that I enjoyed the entire Black Jewels trilogy. The setting is certainly interesting, and certainly pretty dark. The characters are engaging, well-rounded, and, for the most part, quite likable. It's that last part, though, that annoys me a bit. Here you have three powerful male characters that rarely or never see each other, with ample opportunities for tragic misunderstandings causing them to harm each other until some great redemption comes together, but instead, every time the author sets up some kind of tension that could escalate, she resolves it at the earliest opportunity. Even the tragic-looking situation at the end of this first novel gets resolved in the first third of the second novel. The ease with which the evil plots of Dorothea and Hekatah were dispatched left me feeling like I was reading a book based on a Saturday morning cartoon, where everything has to be resolved within a half-hour window, and none of the characters you care about are allowed to die. Don't get me wrong. I like the "love conquers all" theme running through the books, and I do like the world and the characters, but I really wish I'd been given more opportunity to worry about them before things turned out well.

his best friend and general

I was attracted to this book by the cover/title, on the sale table at BOM, read the outline and that started the purchase of all the books in this series and many of Bishop's other series. Need i say, the rest were not on the sale table and i now have the kindle editions.I am a dialogue/content driven reader, if it doesn't flow i never make it past the first 3 chapters. I'm waiting for a prequel to Black Jewels. i want to know about the war, the back stories for the Dark Lord, his best friend and general, his "other" sons, their loves and losses.

Dark and wonderful. A unique and fascinating world.

Stunning. Shocking. Beautiful. Multi-faceted characters that you can simultaneously love and hate. I read about 300 books annually for the past 9 years and I was riveted, that doesn't happen often for this avid reader. I applaud Boshop's ability to hint and suggest- carnal scenes that are vividly brutal but not bland with redundancy nor bogged down in minutia. My two minute review timer is up. Read this book if you want more than a superficial bland read.

Trigger Warnings: Rape, Child Abuse, Wild Dark Fantasy

There's no doubt that Bishop is a masterful writer and storyteller; that her characters, writing, and world building are extraordinary. Beware this book then: Bishop works her magic and spins the reader into a dark, dark world of evil and shattered innocence. Rape of men, women, and children, as well as incest and torture, are brutally a part of this world. Reader, beware of this dark magic.

Wonderful, character and place/world development

This series is one of my all-time favorites. I've lost count of how many times I have re-read this trilogy. Wonderful,character and place/world development, great, complex character relations ships, the love that develops within a family (takes a while for them to be reunited, however), counter to the pure evil and depravity they fight. That part is not for the faint of heart.

A wonderful, delicious surprise

I passed this book several times when broswing. I truly regret that decision. The cover implies this is just another elves & knights fantasy, with sword brandishing heros and brainless heroines. Instead, this is one of the deepest, most orignal, textured novels I've had the joy of reading. Jaenelle is an amazing character. We never actually hear from her as a narator or a focus. Only the reactions of others illustrate her. She seemed to actually live and breathe on the page. The texture of the book pulls you deeply into her life. Dark themes are handles with a tactful hand. Other authors, like Poppy Z. Brite have tried to address similar themes of dominance/submission and child abuse, but never with such dexterity. I finished this book, much to my boss's dismay in a matter of hours and gobbled up the next two in the series with a few days. The easily offended should perhaps read something else, but dark dreamers would be well advised to not judge this book by the stereotypical cover. Dive into a wonderfully sweet and frightening world.


I've already read this entire series once a few years ago and loved it. I bought the kindle books so I can re-read and to add to my library of go-to books I love. I have recommended this to many people who like the urban fantasy type genre. If you like Jacqueline Carey and Ilona Andrews you will most likely like these books...and the author's "Others" series too.

Intriguing characters and story

This is an intriguing book, but it was hard to get into at first. I had a hard time following the social structure at first. I still found the story and the characters interesting enough to push through. It gets more details and more depth to the story as you continue, so it was worth it.

Different but still good

This was not the first book I've read by Anne Bishop, it was quite a bit different than the others I've read. It was a little hard to follow at first but once I got it down, I found it so enjoyable. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

Warning rape

This is beautifully written. However it is so much darker than anticipated. I can’t read about rape or sexual violence or slavery. These are the foundations for this world.

3.5 stars

Extremely dark with trigger warnings. I've got to say, it creeped me out several times. I did get immersed in it, even though I would generally not read about the subject matter.

I own two paper copies of this book already

This is an amazing series! I get bored really easily and this kept me coming back for more. Only bought this so that I could read it while I was away. You won't regret reading this series or just the book.

First and last Anne Bishop Novel

I have a pile of paperbacks sitting in my office and for some reason Daughter of the Blood was in that pile. I don't even remember purchasing this book. Anyway, the front cover looks like something from the eighties and the back cover has a quote from the library journal saying that this book is "lavishly sensual... a richly detailed world based on reversal of standard genre cliches." So I thought, why not. But what the back cover should have said was lavishly disturbing. In the first half of the book there is a lot of rape, child abuse and mutilation of male genitalia. There was nothing sensual going on at all unless the reader needed some sort of therapy. I continued to read because I felt sorry for one of the main characters, Daemon, who was a sex slave controlled by a golden ring on his "organ." However, as the book went on, Daemon had to fight his desire for a child witch. Double yuck. So I am giving the book two stars instead of one because it is not poorly written and the world building is elaborate. But in order to get rid of my heebie jeebies, for I feel mentally molested, I am throwing this book in the trash can.

Amazing, Shocking, Brutal...Great Series

This is an amazing series, but let me warn you; initially it was difficult to remember the numerous characters and the different worlds/realms. Have you ever read a book that there are so many characters that you start jotting down notes because you don't know who or what is relevant to the story? Well this is one of those books. Luckily, if you persevere you will grasp the significance of the jewels, the characters and the story line. This is the first book in the series and the most difficult because many of the characters throughout the series are introduced here. The "Blood" are humans that have magical gifts. They wear "jewels" that signify their level of power - white is the weakest, black the strongest and there are 11 colors in between. The "Blood" were the destined caretakers of the land and it's people but over centuries, many have become corrupt and power-hungry. Jaenelle is the main character in the series and she is destined to be the most powerful "Blood" born. She also has other abilities and powers. Unfortunately, she is born into a family that does not recognize her gifts and is not protected as a young child. There is a lot of violence in this book, but unlike another reader, I do not get the feeling that the author does not like men. The men in this book are maltreated in a certain realm but are valued in a different realm. The men are depicted as strong, honorable, protective and loving when they are in an environment that does not subjugate or devalues them. I think the author was trying to convey the difference in attitude, beliefs and the corruption of character in this world/realm of Terreille. The character development is strong and Ms. Bishop does a great job at pulling whichever strings of mine she wanted. Even though there is violence, there is also caring, love and nurturing of Janelle as a child when others sought to manipulate and "break" her. There are horrific scenes in the book and it delves into areas that I've never seen in a Science Fiction Fantasy book. I read this book in one day as I did with each of the subsequent books in the series (Heir to the Shadows and Queen of the Darkness). I could not put them down and wanted to know what happened to each of the characters. Hoping that some of them got what they deserved...and they did...and it was good. I'm sorry, she pulled my blood-thirsty string! I hate gratuitous violence, whether in movies or books...but I felt it was relevant to the story and explained the development and responses of the characters. I highly recommend this book for the ADULT reader, knowing there is violence and other difficult-to-read or imagine topics. I give this book a 4.85 and not a 5.0 because I think a map of the Realms and a glossary of characters would have made this easier to read.

Enjoyable dark fantasy

I like my fantasy a little dark, and this 1st of a trilogy is that, despite the sprinkling of humor. Frankly, I've always thought Hell a bit more fascinating than Heaven and this book definitely turns the tables. Saetan, High Lord of Hell, is a rather tragic figure despite his power. Jaenelle, the young girl who he believes will right the wrongs of the world's domains and rule over all, is quite a mysterious character, showing up only now and then, who hints at things that aren't explained right away. All the characters are interesting, but if you are smart, you'll take notes on who is who and what the "levels" are. I did a lot of backtracking to find who had done what previously. I very much liked the way the author shaded the characters, especially Daemon (the "bastard" son of Saetan)who is desparately trying to survive, to find something to believe in... and finds it in Jaenelle. Yet he fears himself and what he is and what he is capable of. This internal struggle is fascinating. Fantasy allows us to look at ourselves in a new, more honest way. If, at times, it shows our brutality, it also shows the redeeming quality of love... even in Hell.

Beautiful and wonderful

I have loved this book since I found the first three in a used bookstore and told everyone how incredible they are. Anne Bishop weaves a story you can't help falling into, with characters you can't help falling in love with.

Worth re-reading more than thrice.

An all time fav. Love this series, escapist dark fantasy spun by a Boss-Genius of the genre. I love Anne Bishop, she is tied #1 with O.S.Card and Neil Gaiman.

Major disappointment

I was quite taken by this book when it came out, and gobbled up the next hhree. But I loathed the narration here, and so the book dragged on I I loathed the narration, a Chris after loving the printed version.

Rich and Imaginative

I loved this book! The fantasy world it creates is so unique and compelling. I won't lie, parts of it frequently made me uncomfortable, yet I was compelled to read on. Can't wait for the rest of the series!

Enter a world....

Of Darkness. In the Darkness stands a young girl, a Queen, with so much potential. 3 men all willing to protect,guard and love. Daughter of Darkness is Book 1 of the Black Jewels. Anne Bishop's Black Jewels has created a world of wonder. Any person who loves complex characters, amazing plots, and fantasy will find themselves drawn to this series like a moth to a flame. This series is worth reading and rereading.

I love this book!

I have always loved this book and I return many times over and over to read it again. You grow to love Janeille, the beautiful, caring, loving child and you get a taste of the seductive, dangerous, and furious Queen beneath the skin. You learn about Saetan, his defeated past, and his struggle to protect those he loves. You read about the brothers, their fueled love hate relationship, and their ambition and knowing to serve the greatest Queen to ever exist. Read it and read it again. You'll love the series.

Spectacular Beginning Of Black Jewels Trilogy-A Superb Novel

"DAUGHTER OF THE BLOOD" is the first book in Anne Bishop's extraordinary "Black Jewels Trilogy" and one of the most original, truly spectacular reads I have had in a long time. I am not a big fan of science fiction or fantasy novels, but I picked this book up on the advice of a friend who assured me I would "really like it." I became totally absorbed once I accustomed myself to some new vocabulary, the various realms and territories of Ms. Bishops' unique world and the beings who populate it. In the hierarchy of the Realms, Women of the Blood who wear Jewels are naturally dominant because of their innate magical powers. Blood Males who wear Jewels can also be extremely powerful, but they are born to serve their Queens. And magical strength is measured by a person's Jewels - the darker the Jewel's color, the more powerful the possessor. Bishop paints a vivid portrait of two women in a terrible and vicious power struggle. Dorothea, the High Priestess of Hayll, and Hekatah, the self-proclaimed Dark Priestess of Hell, were created to be noble caretakers of the Realms. They have each perverted their Craft and their purpose, infected those who serve them, and threaten to destroy the Realms to fulfill their insatiable greed for power. The story really begins with a prophecy of hope. A new Queen is coming. "The living myth. Dreams made flesh." Centuries after the prophecy is first made, the Realms are on the brink of destruction. Jaenelle Angelline is born Witch. She is the "dream made flesh." By the age of five she is extremely powerful, fiercely loyal, tremendously tender and capable of terribly destructive anger. This young girl-child is also an outcast amongst her own people and has no idea who or what she is or will be. Truth is held secret. Most of her birth family believe she is mad and she is periodically placed in an asylum where horrors are performed on the children who are inmates there. When she is not institutionalized, Jaenelle travels between Realms into different lands, befriending the creatures who live there - from Saetan the High Lord of Hell, to the demon-dead, unicorns, harpies and Black Widow Queens. These beings will become part of Jaenelle's "inner circle." They will all impart wisdom to her and teach her aspects of the Craft. They all have important roles to play in the trilogy. This first book is an introduction to the characters, their stories and histories and tells of the evil forces determined to destroy Jaenelle and those members of her adopted family dedicated to nuturing and protecting her. Anne Bishop's prose is deliciously rich and evocative. Her storytelling is nothing short of top-notch. This mystical, darkly sensual novel is totally unique and a terrific read.(...)

Trigger warnings

A great story but delves into child abuse and sexual assault. Trigger warnings. I liked the story enough to continue to book 2.

weird. intriguing. off putting.

I'm not sure I liked this though it was well written. The world building was weird - many details left out & never explained. The protagonist was beguiling but absent for the first half of the book. The child rape aspects of the story are beyond disturbing. All in all I'm confused about having such a mixed reaction & plan to revisit the Amazon listing to see other comments from reviewers.


I honestly didn’t think I would like this book. I can tell you right now the characters, the story, the writing, all of it is so immersive and wonderful. It is a dark read so if you don’t want to read about potentially triggering things, stay away. But this, this is a gem.

Great start to this series

Complex characters, lots of storylines that fit together brutally but logically. I’m off to download book 2 in this series!

Not the original novels I remembered

I originally read these paperbacks about 20 years ago. There were more than 3 books in the series, although I don't remember if there were 5 or 6 thick paperback novels. I loved the series when I first read it, and I was happy to add it to my digital library, since my paperback copies had been passed around and later donated when my book collection reached critical mass. (All you book lovers/readers out there know what I'm talking about.) For some unknown reason, the series has been rewritten and drastically condensed. It has all the same characters, and a few elements of the original plot(s) - but...... while this rendition will be fine for a first time reader, anybody out there looking for a digital copy of the original will be severely disappointed. I really, really, really wish that authors wouldn't do this with their digital re-releases. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. If I'm willing to pay money twice to read your work, I want to reread the original. IF you want to fiddle with things, then PLEASE NOTE THAT some place in the write-up so people like me will know that they will not be getting an exact copy of the original.


I really liked the Others books, have reread them a few times, but this book left me cold. I so wanted to like it, but I just didn't.

Enthralling dark fantasy!

First a warning--this book has graphic violence, a complex plot, and a confusing tendency to use names like Saetan, Daemon, Hell, and Lucivar which have absolutely no connection to what the names mean in the normal context. This was really offputting for me and I kept debating on buying this book for quite a while, but I am glad I finally did! And now on to the plot! The Blood of Terrielle were once the guardians of the land. The Warlord Princes and the lesser blood protected their Witch, and in turn the witch cherished them and the land. But after hundreds of years of treachery and deception by one powerful and ambitious witch, Dorotea, hatred and distrust now rule the land where she is the ultimate and unchallenged ruler. Under this warped, evil woman, males, through rape and cruelty, now break witches before they come into their power, and those witches who escape this fate enslave and torment the males out of vengeance in an endless circle of distrust and fear. Into this land of horror is born Jaenelle Angelline, a loving and innocent girl, destined to be the most powerful Witch ever and savior of the land. She can pass at will from land to land, even into the land of the undead. She is befriended and taught by the High Lord of Hell, sworn enemy of Dorotea, and she sees wonders like unicorns and telepathic beasts. And she learns not to tell a soul about her strange experiences, for her own family comes to believe her to be mad and they repeatedly lock her away in Briarwood for treatments. Briarwood, where young, helpless, highstrung witches are sent for treatments, and come out mindless and passive, if they come out at all... But Jaenelle is not without defenders for in her travels she has met winged Lucivar, an enslaved Eyrian Warlord Prince, and Daemon, a handsome warlord prince sent to Jaenelle's home to act as a household bedslave by Dorotea. Both recognize in her the potential to be Witch and will do anything, even endanger their own lives and sanity to save her from the unspeakable evil she has faced alone for so long.

Good but not my type of story

Has a strong focus on sexy and virginity as themes. There are no graphic sex scenes which is no problem, but sex as a cultural theme is present throughout the book.

Dangerously beautiful!

Anne Bishop has Crafted a strange and wonderful world filled with unlikely heroes, darkness and lightness, hatred and love...all come together in this novel to thrill you and pull you into Witch.

Really amazing

This is the beginning of a wonderful new series. With an array of wonderful characters, both light and dark I cannot wait to see where it leads.

Oh my goodness

Geez, does Anne know how to write a gripping story. Agree with other reviews, this book is great but there is a lot of sexual abuse so beware of that. I thought it was really good story and am anxious to see how it plays out.

quite impressive

While I've enjoyed Anne Rice, Laurell K Hamilton, and Gothic horror, I have never been a fantasy reader. After seeing this book recommended on Amazon for quite some time I finally purchased the first book in this trilogy and sat down to read. I was a bit discouraged as I began. The names of characters were confusing and dificult to keep straight and I did not immediately understand the signifigance nor importance of the jewels. At times I longed for a glossary to help me keep the terminolgy in order. I found myself wishing for a map to understand the world in which they lived and traveled. A friend, seeing I was reading Daughter of the Blood, encouraged me to continue. I am glad I persisted. It did not take long into the story before I was captivated. The characters are intriguing and the plot is incredibly mesmorizing. I adored Jaenelle and was couldn't wait to read more about her. We never hear the story from her point of view but from those surrounding her and touched by her presence. I fell into the world and all of the terminology, genealogy, and geography I found to be confusing quickly fell into place. At the end of the story I was incredibly disapointed that I had not purchased the trilogy because I was eagre to find out what would occur to Jaenelle, Daemeon, and Surreal. I definately recommend this book. Anne Bishop is very talented at weaving a fasinating world of characters and a plot that leaves your wanting more.


It took a little bit of time to get used to the voice of this book, the style of writing. I had trouble wrapping my head around what I was reading, and then I had trouble unwrapping my head from the story so that I could get some sleep. I’m starting the next book now.


I read the Black Jewels series years ago and recently started to read them again. Phenomenal series by a great writer!

Wonderful series

Wonderful series. It has been 10 years or so since I first read the series. I’m reading it again because I missed the characters.

Good book

The book starts off slow at first but then you can't put it back down. I sped through this one in a day.

Dark and Disturbing

I was confused for most of this book and repulsed by the remainder. This series is nothing like the author's Written in Red (The Others) books.

Start of a seemingly great series

I bought it to see what else is out there (I'm a huge Laurell K. Hamilton fan and recently got re-introduced to the genre through her Anita Blake series). The story started off a little slow and left me wondering if I wasted my money, but I kept reading...and I'm glad I did! It picked up and what seemed like a series of miscellaneous side-stories came together and started making sense. Each aspect of the book is akin to the threads of a web...it's own thing, yet a part of the whole. I liked it alot and can't wait to receive the second and third I ordered! Authors like Ms. Bishop and Hamilton have taken a genre that had become too much of the same and revived it through their unique imaginations and talent.

The story is a classic..it is one you will always come back to whenever your between books.

What I loved about it is the character development, world creating and depth of detail, you had no doubts who the villains were and who the heroes are. What I didnt like was the cliffhanger at the end of the story, but...the second book more than makes up for it.

Sexual violence against children

Really could not get into this book

Very Dark Subject Matter--Reader Beware!

An interesting read, very original voice by the author and some of the characters are extremely interesting. Why It's Not Five Stars: *The book starts off as if it's an already established world leaving the reader feeling as though they must have missed a previous installment which can make it confusing. *There wasn't enough description of the actual world around them. At one point you think it might be set in a type of seventeenth-century style, then others things make you think it might be in a later era or even 'fairytale'. It really needed more physical descriptions of the surroundings. ***Very Dark Subject Matter--Reader Beware! Bishop deals with some very dark subjects like extreme BDSM, sexual slavery, child exploitation, pedophilia, and serial killers. While one part of me thinks we should be talking more about these subjects and facing the reality they exist, another part knows it's still taboo in our society and it is an uncomfortable subject to deal with. *I don't care for authors who use plot points to drive the story forward at the expense of the established character backstory/personality--and Bishop does this frequently. One moment a character is so powerful no one can touch them, everyone fears them, and the next they're useless to make fake drama or suspense you never truly feel because it's so ridiculous the character can't deal with this minor problem. *Very Mary Sue female protagonist. She's perfect in every way and everyone adores her and no matter where she goes, everyone wants to help or protect her or shield her. I get the feeling Bishop doesn't really like women and she makes her feelings clear in this book. All women are horrible....Except the Mary Sue, and she's Perfect. Always. If this series were a Kindle Unlimited I didn't have to pay for, I'd buy the remainder of the trilogy but its not worth the expense, IMO.

Anne Bishop is an artisan of storytelling.

This book is so good, I read it in a few days, then bought the next one. And for the first time in my life, I re read a book right after finishing it. I have referred to books written with such skill as good enough to eat with a spoon. This book and series is in its own category.


Best book series ever. I cannot stop reading this over and over again.

Really enjoyed it

I was hesitant to start this series but really glad I did. I laughed at parts and was on the edge of my seat for others.

An Awesome Series

Once I started reading I could not put down. As with the other reviews, the first book is dark and detailed but necessary to understand the characters. I love a series so you get to know the characters and know what happens to them. Nothing is worse than a author leaving you with " they lived happily ever after" I am now on my 6th book in this series and than will have to go back and reread the first 3 for those items I missed on the first read. Awesome series..

I tried to like it

I don’t know where to start. The names of some of the characters made me a bit uncomfortable. Once I got over that, i found 95% of the book boring. Yes, some of the content was disturbing, I could deal with it. I’m not sure what the issue was; this book just did not grab my attention.

Spell Binding

Bishop's noir fantasy world is compelling. Darkly sensual yet compellingly moral world of often damaged individuals, survivors of abuse or trauma.if these topics are uncomfortable for you, best to avoid this series. Bishop doesn't dwell on material gratuitously but nor does she shrink from the reality of abuse in a world where bad things happen to good people. Highly recommended.

Imaginative, fascinating, and brutal

I love this book. The imagination it took to create these worlds is remarkable. The characters have a depth and richness to them that makes me wish I could know them. I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

Try and Try Again - it's worth it.

I would have given this book close to 5 stars, but so many names of people, places and things were so similar that I had to keep going back and forth between Kindle and Audible and start over 2-3 times. However, after finally getting to the end, I will go on with this series. I'm still confused about the "ring." I need clarification on that and its purpose.

So good!

This book was extremely well written with characters that you love and ones that you hope will get theirs. It doesn't disappoint!

Not for the faint-hearted

So brutal, yet so captivating and good.

A Fun Series

I don't think the series was intended for the Young Adult market, and it's possible that some of the romantic content would be a little "edgy" for that genre, but that's how I think of this series. Bishop's inability to allow her characters to suffer for long (with, perhaps, one notable exception.. and even that happens off-screen) weakens the books, but for all that they are well worth the read, and on my list of books that I enjoy rereading from time to time.


Such a unique powerful story. I couldn't stop reading. Anne Bishop has a wonderful gift and I am so thrilled to be able to enter into the worlds she creates with her words! I can't wait to start reading the next in series.

Great twist on the world!

Loved the unique twist to the world in this book. There are some very raw details that I could have done without, but on the whole I found it a good read.

Awesome read

Just finished and can not wait to read the next one ASAP. I absolutely loved this book and the twist and turns also a very interesting way of magic

Start from the begging

You have to start with book one to fully follow the series, it will be worth every second you read!

Fresh vibrant writing with a complex and layered plot

Really amazing author brings fresh energy, characters and plot development to a genre over saturated. My second series by the writer and one that solidified by desire to buy anything she writes. Just superb characters within a unique and compelling world.

Amazing twisted fantasy.

I love this series. The first book is consuming, I had to finish it one bite. Thank god the rest of the series is completed already. Witches, demons and power, forget everything those words bring to mind. Let Ms. Bishop recreate a dark society where women are in charge and the Hero's of the story are named Saten, Lucifer, and Daemon.

Very dark fantasy .

Well written and good world building. Very much a set-up for the second book. Probably could have been shorter. Not particularly fantasy romance.

Love this author

Great story, well-written


My title says it all. Its been awhile since I've read these books, but I remember when I read this one in particular, I was hooked from the first page and couldn't stop reading until it was done. When it was done, I was so disappointed, I immediately bought the entire series and then some. It prompted me to look online for Jaenelle and Daemon Sadi and was happy to see fan pages. I remember reading the series over and over again until I got tired of it. But now that I'm writing this review I'm thinking of picking up the series again. I even bought other books from Anne Bishop. This writer is a talented and amazing story teller.

Great series!

So good, I read it twice years apart and can’t wait until I read it a third time in a few years. Magic, romance, loyalty beyond measure and a great story.

stay away from (unless you're dark)

This is TOO DARK for me ~ I don't need to curl up with some extra graphic violence/meaningless sex & exploitation. I liked the premise, but it just seems to have disintegrated into some (REPETITIVE) drama, using opaque violence + degradation to try & make up for the lack of ingenuity/compassion (eh hem--morality). Weak stomach? don't read. Like violence/maiming, etc? .............. I guess I just don't appreciate the author; I also considered that since it isn't modern, it rather set some early precedents for the genre, with an imaginative premise, cutting-edge action + profanity, fantasy . . . but nowadays, consumers like me are demanding more from the genre-- not just DRAMA-SHOCK & AWE !

Fabulous beginning

This book made me go out and buy three others... Bishop creates a really interesting world where magical strength is determined by the darkness of one's jewels. In a surprising twist, darkness is valued more than light. The novel, beginning a wonderful series, takes the reader on a journey with really deep characters. The villain is truly evil, but the heroes are not purely good, which makes them seem even more human. A great read and well worth it!


This was very different than anything I have read before. I would recommend it. It started out slow only because there were so many characters and different sub-plots going on that it takes a while for you to be hooked. As it neared the end I couldn't put it down because I had to know what happen next.

Review for Daughter of the Blood

Wonderful book kept me spellbound I would and have recommended this story to all my friends and family. Well written and imaginative. Congratulations and kudos to Anne Bishop.

Awesome read!

My favorite author. You must read the whole series.

Wonderful dark fantasy

It's a brilliant colorful world, full of magic, but also dark and not for the faint of heart. I can read the series over and over again


I really, really wanted to like this, but the child abuse and multiple sexual assaults on children were too much for me. I've never liked the trend of raping a heroine to give her the requisite tragic backstory, and it's a hundred times worse when it's a child. Without going into detail, it happens far too much in this book. I wish she'd used something else to develop a tragic backstory instead--I know the culture itself revolves around sex, but this was just too much. I typically enjoy dark fiction, but this was just sickening. I wouldn't recommend it if you're also bothered by that. I will say it's decently written and it's a great concept. I just couldn't get through it.


I have read many, many Fantasy novels, and after finishing this one, I would have to place it near the top of my list of favorites. The book starts out a bit slow, I had to really push to get through the first couple of chapters, but then......WOW, what a story! I did have some problems with remembering who all the charactures were, but the story was so captivating that it did not bother me. After reading some of the other reviews, I am a bit amazed that some people are saying that the books are too sexual, while there are some "sex" sceens in the book, they are not overy graphic, and were not a huge part of the story line. One of the main charactures is basicaly a sex slave, but I found that Anne Bishop hinted at what was going on in the sex sceens and let the reader fill in the rest. Not sure why the other readers had problems with this, but I would tell them that this was mild stuff, if they really want a shock, they should read the Kuishels Dart series (GREAT books). anyway, I just finished with the second book of the series and I am hooked, Great story, great characatures, suspence, love, murder and intrigue, what more could you want? Get the book, push through the first few chapters, you wont be disapointed.

A good start

The Blood were created from all the human races which inhabit the Realms of Terreille (Light) and Kaeleer (Shadow). They were created to be caretakers of the landen (non-Blood) and the land. The Kindred are animals which were created as Blood. The third Realm is Hell, where the demon dead are, those who have died but whose Self is too strong to fade into the Darkness. The dead remain in Hell until they are ready to fade. The Blood are born into castes. Both sexes have landen, the non-Blood of any race. Blood male or female is a general term which also refers to any Blood who doesn't wear Jewels. Warlord and witch are equal in status and witch can also refer to any Jeweled female. A Prince is a male who is equal in rank to two female castes - a Healer who heals physical wounds and illnesses and a Priestess who cares for altars, sanctuaries and Dark Alters, witnesses handfastings and marriages, and performs offerings. A Black Widow is a witch who heals the mind and weaves tangled webs of dreams and visions and is trained in illusions and poisons. Only two men have attained that rank, the High Lord of Hell, Saetan SaDiablo, through study and his son Daemon is a natural Black Widow. A Warlord Prince is a dangerous and extremely aggressive Jeweled male, this caste is slightly lower in power to a Queen who is a witch who rules the Blood of a political/geographical region. She is considered to be the land's heart and the Blood's moral center, the focal point of their society. There are thirteen Jewels which indicate the rank of the Blood. And within each rank there are slight variations. One is born to a Jeweled strength (Birthright Jewel), and upon maturation (Offering to the Darkness) may descend (increase power) a maximum of three ranks. The darker the jewel is, the higher the rank. And each jewel can contain all the castes. Plus there is also social standing: a powerful family versus one who comes from the slums. And social standing would have nothing to do with caste or Jeweled rank Therefore Blood is ruled by a fluid dance between caste, rank and social standing. The Blood not being perfect, this system broke down over time, with corrupt and ambitious Blood wanting power instead of the responsibility. An ambitious Priestess in Terreille, territory of Hayll, named Dorothea, wanted the power of a Queen. Allying herself with Hekatah, the High Priestess of Hell (who gained the title by marrying Saetan SaDiablo), she killed off her rivals and created a power vacuum. She hadn't been aware that males are imprinted to follow a Queen, so she wound up starting a vicious circle of witches killing or subjugating by ringing (literally, a Ring of Obedience around his organ) strong Blood males and males breaking the power of the witches on their Virgin Night (a ceremony which was supposed to support and confirm the witch in her strength). Fifty thousand years ago, Dorothea and Hekatah started a war between Terreille and Kaeleer. They wanted to rule the two Living Realms. In this war almost all the Kindred and a lot of the stronger Blood of Terreille were killed. The Priestesses were defeated, but they haven't stopped trying. Dorothea has almost completely conquered Terreille and what she hasn't subjugated, she has her claws into and is busily corrupting. Hekatah is busy influencing all the demon dead she can in Hell. And both are using a territory in Kaeleer called Little Terreille, populated by refugees from Terreille who perversely continue to use the corrupted practices they were fleeing. And even though Little Terreille is in Kaeleer, most of the people in the Realm of Terreille persist in thinking Kaeleer is a myth. Two half-brothers, Daemon and Lucivar, were taken from their father Saetan SaDiablo at the age of five, when their mothers (under the influence of Dorothea) refused his paternal rights. For the next 995 years they grew into their strengths as Warlord Princes and were ringed, kept as slaves in various courts, used as consorts to try to bring strength back into the Blood. But they didn't cooperate. When they were 1000 years old, a broken Black Widow told them that Witch, She who was dreamed of by all the Blood races, both human and Kindred, would be made flesh. But the Black Widow didn't know when She would come. Seven hundred years later, Lucivar made a blood offering, asking to be able to serve a Queen he could respect, could believe in; a Queen who wouldn't fear his strength and whom he could call a friend. A young, seven-year-old named Jaenelle appeared, telling him that she had heard him calling. Lucivar realized he had met Witch. Jaenelle is a young girl, confused by her strength and misunderstood by her family. She talks of unicorns she has met and of the High Lord of Hell who is her friend. She is sent to an institution for "high-strung girls". Under Dorothea's influence, this institution is used by the Blood males to break the strong witches while they are still too young to protect themselves. Jaenelle hasn't been broken yet, but it is only a matter of time. This novel is the first of three telling of the struggle of the Blood who remember the old, honorable ways trying to take back their Realms from the corruption promulgated by Dorothea and Hekatah. I highly enjoyed this novel. It contains a new and intriguing world with dark yet compelling undercurrents. The violence between the sexes is disturbing at first; yet if you allow yourself to become engaged, it is understandable. My rating: PG-17 due to mature content, not quite explicit. My score: 5 out of 5 stars.

Love Anne bishop

I’ve read her Other stories now I’m hooked on this one. Reminds me of glass of throne series but Janelle has a sweetness and strength to her

Interesting but not as good as "The Invisible Ring"

This is the first of Anne Bishop's trilogy, a trilogy I recommend for anyone interested in darker fantasy with a matriarchical edge. One word of caution about this entire world Bishop has created: sex is viewed as dangerous, especially for women, and that a negative ring which I dislike. That aside, I felt sincerely interested in the main characters' lives and the world seems well planned and executed by Bishop.

The perfect dark fantasy

Second time buying this (I wanted it on Kindle as well) and second time reading it. Still couldn't put it down. The perfect dark fantasy.

Terrific Storytelling

I picked this up after reading reviews here and am very glad I did. After reading Daughter of the Blood, I couldn't wait to get my hands on the second one and am about to start the third. The storytelling is great - not one boring chapter. It's a story of emerging hope and goodness in a land too long ruled by evil and fear. If you like your stories on the dark side, this is the one for you. Happy Reading!

Favorite series ever!!!!

This trilogy is my favorite series ever! I love the world Anne Bishop has created. Her characters are real people with flaws sndc that makes them endearing. You can't help butg toot for the heroes as they fight for what's right.

Most Excellent dtory. This black jewel series is beyond outstanding as are all of Anne Bishop's bookd. I finish them and go right back to the beginning g and read them again and again!

Such an excellent storyu. I am on my third reading of the seried. And I imperative will not be my last! I just love tjr Black Jewel dtories!

the content of the story is overall good, but the execution of the timeline and the ...

the content of the story is overall good, but the execution of the timeline and the beginning of the book is pretty confusing. i was left scrambling to figure out what was happening, and the characters short tempers was irritating. once the book focused on one characters story line for more than a few paragraphs, the book was easier to follow and a better read. the end of the book had me interested enough to keep reading the series.

Enjoyable read, a little bit predictable, but I ...

Enjoyable read, a little bit predictable, but I bought the rest of the series. I want to see how it actually plays out(I still get surprised sometimes)


I was looking for a DARK fantasy. I found it. Daughter of the Blood is just that. The book spans the darker side of reality. It's unique. Refreshing. It was also fairly addictive. I read it in one day. Hopeful predictions for the series: It ends in a threesome - Lucivar, Jaenelle, and Daemon (M/F/M - since the two men are half-brothers) Realistic predictions for the series: Lucivar and Surreal end up together Daemon and Jaenelle end up together What would wow me for the series: If Bishop changes it completely, and Jaenelle ends up with a new player we have yet to meet - maybe Lorn??? Favorite of the book: When Daemon realizes that Janelle is just a child. Dislike of the book: Lucivar is my favorite. He didn't get enough page time. All-in-all, a totally enjoyable read, but not for the faint of heart. If you're looking for DARK fantasy, then this is perfect.

but characters are well-developed and you really become invested and want the best for them

Very interesting world-building, actually quite confusing at first. Very dark, but characters are well-developed and you really become invested and want the best for them.


This is my first Anne Bishop book. I can't wIt to read the others! I highly recommend these books, to young adults!

Anne Bishop is amazing

I love getting lost in the world's Anne Bishop creates. She is absolutely amazing, and I fall back into the world of the Black Jewel Trilogy as often as I can.

Five Stars

One of my favorite authors. I have read and reread this book and series so many times.

Interesting Concept; Poorly Written

I really wanted to love this book, and many others seem to, but I couldn't get past the poor writing. It's fine being plunged into a whole new world if you do a little explaining on the way. I was confused through the first half of the book. I also found the character building slow/barely existant. By the time I finally figured out who these people were and why, the story was almost over. I won't continue the series.

Recommended with Reservations

I like this author, the book is interesting and well written, but I don't think I'll finish the series.This is what I think readers should know before deciding to pick up this book: Complex World -Pro: really interesting take on scifi/fantasy, complex motivations for characters which makes interesting characters, great basis for a long running series.Con: can be hard to follow, i think it would take two read troughs of the series to really understand what is going on all the time Non-consensual sex is a major theme. Rape of young girls and male sex slaves are major, reoccurring themes. Sex as punishment, physical mutilation as punishment. If this will bother you, try a different series by this author. The preponderance of the hurtful sex theme is really what is stopping me from buying book two. I want to know what happens next to the characters, but I am tired of reading about rape.




This is one of my most favorite books ever. The story is unpredictable and intriguing. The characters are amazing and wonderfully complex. I love the Black Jewels trilogy, the whole series actually.

This is one of the BEST fantasy series

This is one of the BEST fantasy series. Incredible world building and I fell in love with the characters. This author is amazing and I would say is my 2nd favorite of all time after reading her other series (The Others).

Its a good series, and the subsequent novels and short stories ...

Its a good series, and the subsequent novels and short stories help to fill in some of the plot holes. My sole issue is the amount of depravity covered in detail, but that's a matter of personal taste more than anything.

Great start to a great series

Have always enjoyed this series and this book, which is a fun read, starts it off nicely. Give it a try, you'll enjoy this strange, dark world!

Wife made me!

This was a fun little page turner. Can’t wait to read the next. I need a few more words, so yeah!

Five Stars

Great book!


This world blows me away. Seriously, I was captivated from the start, and that is a rare thing. The characters are rich, the world is complex and beautifully laid out. The cliffhanger at the end is incredibly annoying, thank God I could buy the next book at once.

Wonderful book

This is my third copy and probably the one of my favorite series to go back to. I highly recommend it.

A great beginning to a dark series...

This novel is the beginning of a dark fantasy series. The novel itself brings hope for the world through the existence of a every powerful little girl. The caste and systems in the Black Jewels world make for an interesting society; horrible when twisted by evil, and fantastic when utilized for good.

Recommend highly!

So worth reading. Anything by Anne Bishop is worth reading. Her characters and world building are fantastic.

Only words on a page - Never drew me into the story.

While I understand that others are completely wild about this series and author - I just couldn't take the writing style. I had to keep forcing myself to keep reading with the hope that something, anything would draw me into the story - but it never happened. The reader is introduced to many characters but in a disjointed style where little snippets of information is given about one character and then skips to another character and then skips to another character and then back to the first character and so on. I understand that this was the way the author chose to introduce all the players but there was not enough development of any of the characters for me to care about them. It was done with simple words in short paragraphs that never pulled me into the story. Just words on a page - no mental pictures invoked of the world or characters within it. Many of the other reviewers indicated that the first of the book was slow and difficult to get through but that it did get better and I did try - but I believe that if you get almost half way through a book and still just reading words and not involved in the story - it's time to give up. I also went back and lookd at all reviews for this series and found that after the 1st 3 books - the reviews starting becoming much more negative. At this time, I've made the decision that it's not worth my time and especially money to pick up this series. I rather spend my money on a series that is more consistently well written than one that goes downhill fast or never draws you into the story itself.

Powerful style

I absolutely love the Dark Jewels universe and these stories. The authors style pulls your whole-heartedly into the story and envelops you in the character's world. Whenever I get the chance I read the series through from start to finish including the supplemental stories. I can never get tired of them.

A compelling dark world

A beautifully dark book about dreaming of better things. A voilent world that births many wonders. The characters are all shades of grey, bound by thier blood nature. A truly captivating story. it is a pitty the kindle formatting is so poor as to begin new paragraphs randomly mid sentence or name. Or that seperate scene paragraphs are merged into one.

As advertised

On time and smooth transition

Fantastic reading

This story is dark, but i order to develop the characters, Ms Bishop had to show them they way they are first. in the 2nd and 3rd books you will find the the kind of characters they all become. The books are funny, caring and entertaining, they lead you down a road that you most probably forgot existed anymore, the road of Dreams that become a reality. These are stories that you will enjoy reading over and over again just for the pure fun of being somewhere else.

Love it

I lost my first copy and had to rebuy. I absolutely love this series and recommend it to lots of people. Everyone who I've managed to convince to read it has loved it as well.

Five Stars

Loved this series.


So Framingham and awesome! So glad this is a series. The humor was totally unexpected, but so welcome. Darkness, mythology, humor, romance. What more could a girl want?

Nearly perfect

The beginning was a little slow going and hard to follow. However I pushed through and I was so glad I did. The last 2/3rds of the book were nail biting and leave you wanting more.

Not bad...

This was a pretty good read. The first in a series of three it deals with magick and mythology...generally my thing...but occassionaly gets a tad complex in it's "levels". (You'll see.) Be sure to read it when you have time to pay attention to it, it won't be handed to you! Enjoy!

Five Times

This is my fifth time reading the series. Yes, I love the Black Jewels Trilogy that much. I recommend it to everyone!

Awesome book. Really amazing

I’ve read his book for the 3rd or 4th time now and it gets better every time. I own the paper and digital copy so no matter what I have it.


An ancient prophesy fortells the coming of "Witch". A young girl suddenly displays strange powers. She is "Witch" and everybody wants to kill her. Miraculously she survives. (This plot is repeated through books 2 and 3). The plot is the usual generic fantasy kind (which is not bad in itself... but I'm increasingly attracted to books that try and challenge the norms of the genre). The "rules" of the fantasy world that the plot occurs in are novel but not well explained and one gets hints of backstory without quite enough to explain things. At best, the plot is rather linear with few twists and turns: it often felt like just one thing happening after another with relatively little cohesion between them. E.g. would it have made much difference if Jaenelle had NOT appeared to Lucivar? No, I suspect nobody would have noticed the omission. In the end, I felt that the first book wasn't really a "book". Perhaps all three in the series constitute an interesting story, but in themselves, there isn't a sense of happening that bound book 1 together. To test this for yourself, why not ask: what actually happens in book 1? It's surprisingly difficult to summarize it in a sentence. I also thought that the sense of "place" was relatively undeveloped. This is one of the few fantasy books that does NOT have a map in the beginning (which would be hard since the story takes place in at least two dimensions anyway) but I was left wondering how the worlds of Terreille, Little Terreille, Hayle (not to mention The Abyss) etc all related to each other. In a real sense, there was no relation between them since they were simply sets in which various scenes play out -- travel between places (usually an extremely strongly developed part of fantasy genre) was absent -- characters moved from place to place through portals, or, in the case of Witch... she just seemed to translocate. With respect to characterization, I thought that the characters show promise (especially Saetan who is a wonderful creation) but many of the key characters remain enigmatic and sometimes flat and undeveloped. E.g. Hekat and Dorothea are just baddies. No more. No less. Other characters like Saetan, Lucivar and Daemon eventually develop through the series but only really come into their own by book three. (I have mixed reactions to the names of characters, by the way: while I enjoyed the obvious parallelism with Hecate, Satan, Lucifer, Demon etc, it remained exactly that: obvious and once the initial titilation wore off it just seemed mildly irritating. In the end, I finished all three books. They were interesting enough, but not life changing.

Five Stars

Want more hope she writes more into this fantastic world of the charts good.

Awesome fantasy

A subtle blend of magic, fantasy creatures and the balance needed to fight evil. Barbershop as always is a creative storyteller

Cannot wait until I can order #2 in this series!

I do love magical fantasy and this story doesn't disappoint. The darkness adds greatly to the enjoyment. Extremely well written and exciting without being silly. Character development is also well done.

Love the Kindle Xray feature while reading this book

This is a slow burner book, it takes a while to grasp and navigate the many characters and places but once you have used the X-ray feature on the Kindle enough times it's a page turner!!!

Well Done

Really well crafted story with interesting and multi-dimensional characters. Can't wait to read the rest!


World building at its best loved the characters and the plot was incredibly strong writing plus Damien is swoon oO...

Amazing story

Amazing story, pulls you right in and I commonly recommend this trilogy to friends. I've also read the series multiple times it's that good!

The way the world should be

I love everything about this story!! I've read the series countless times and it still makes my heart race! If I could exist in any world, it would be in Kaeleer, with the Blood.

Great read!

Has been a favorite book of mine for years. If you like fantasy novels this is a must read.

Love these books!!!!

I reread them constantly :) they suck you in in the first few pages! Just wow :):) please make more!!!!

"The Black Jewels" is a great series.

Everything you need for a great read. Believable characters to fall in love with, an imaginative well written story.

Fantastic work!

Takes a little while to get all of the characters sorted out, but don't give up. This ride is totally worth it.

Awesome read!

The characters are rich. The story grabs you from the very first page. Anne Bishop is an incredibly gifted writer.

By far the most dynamic book I've read recently!

I won't stop at the first book! This first taste of the world has ensnared me. I could not put it down for even a half a day. I read late into the night, taking what snippets I could in between daily life. Less than three days later, here I am!

Five Stars

It was very good.

Sci fi Fanatsy Candy

Great characters. You find yourself wanting to know this little girl just as everyone around her does. And who ever thought Lucifer would have a soul? enjoyable read

excellent book

This book was so good I am hooked! It is magic, mystery, darkness And light all in one! A most read

A great story!

The story line is engrossing. The characters are captivating! Looking forward to book 2! Great job, Ms. Bishop! Keep it coming!

Dark, Edgy to the Point of Ickyness

Oddly enough, I read books two and three, but not one, in this series when I was younger and stuck in bed for three days. My mom picked them out based on the book backs. I did not read one because our Barnes and Nobles never carried it. (I later realized that Barnes and Noble did not ever carry it in my town. There are reasons for that.) I liked books Two and Three, and how they hinted at book one, but didn't give it away. I imagined an intrigue plot very deep and very rich -- basically, I assumed book one would be rather good and therefore I bought it when it became available on Kindle. No. Ick. Just no. It is very bad. It is a horror show, frankly. Janelle is creepy. Damien is creepy, Sataen is creepy. Everything that works in the later books because Janelle is a teenager is present here, and just squick-o-licious. Because I didn't have this framework for when I read Books Two and Three, I didn't get the full effect of what is implied in those books. With this foundation, the whole series is so dark, and so inappropriate, that I'll probably never return to the author's work.

Not for me...

A friend recommended this book to me since I enjoyed the Twilight series. It took me a while to get into it, about 100 pages or so,and for a while I enjoyed it. The names were sort of annoying and the world she created was irritating, the whole "ring of obedience" grossed me out, too. I still kept going with it, though, since my friend kept raving about it and asking me where I was in the book. Before I finished it, she gave me the next two so I go right into them. I'm not going to. The last 50 or so pages were soooooo distasteful and out of left field. I just found it totally disgusting. I agree with the other reviewers who found it repulsive and wonder what the author was THINKING. If you want to be grossed out and worry about children being ripped apart by perverted me, just open the paper. Why read a whole book that ends so appallingly? Gag.


Superb! Love Mrs. Bishop's - Black Jewels series and writing. Fantastic service!

Five Stars

One of my favorite authors. .

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