Creative Careers

Kindle Edition
15 Jun
Earn a Living Doing What You Love
Featuring insider advice from Daymond John, Karlie Kloss, Tim Ferriss, Randi Zuckerberg, Dave Asprey, Dennis Crowley, Brandon Maxwell, Mauro Porcini, Joy-Ann Reid, Roy Wood Jr., and dozens more!
In one of the most popular classes at Parsons School of Design, B. Jeffrey Madoff gave students a reality check: "Most of us have had the feeling of 'I could've done that,' whether at an art gallery, watching a performance, or finding a new product or even a new business idea. What's the difference between you and them? They actually did it. You didn't." With Creative Careers, you will learn how to do it, too: use your creativity; have a sustainable, profitable career; and do what you love.
Creative Careers pulls from interviews with more than forty experts--notable entrepreneurs, artists, and business leaders--as well as from Madoff's own decades of experience to supercharge your career. Creativity can often feel sporadic and unfocused, coming in bursts and peaks. That's why Madoff focuses your professional path by asking vital questions that will ultimately help you:
  • Determine your value
  • Be smart about your hustle
  • Ruthlessly edit down your creative projects
  • Overcome fear and doubt
  • Create a successful, long-lasting career on your own terms
You may aspire to join the fashion world, to work in visual arts, or to spearhead a start-up. You may be an executive who leads a creative team, or a professional looking to make a career change. Madoff takes you down an accessible path that will lead to success in any field or endeavor.

Reviews (82)

A must-read book for creative business types

If you are pursuing or are looking to advance in any kind of creative career, this book is a must read. Madoff’s decades of experience at the highest level of creative and commercial production provides us with a veritable treasure trove of useful, actionable information, not to mention some truly entertaining anecdotes and stories of “inside baseball” from the world of media and production. Not only does he bring his vast experience to bear on the topic of creative careers, he invites along a bevy of A-list luminaries in the world of film, theater, fashion and business. These are people we can and should learn from. Thanks to Madoff’s book, we can and do.

An imaginative approach to a successful business plan

This innovative book is a compilation of imaginative concepts, ideas and strategies that are especially important in developing highly successful businesses. There is no question that nearly all such business careers have certain concepts and strategies in common, and Madoff draws attention to those he believes to be most relevant. As a professor at the Parsons School of Design in New York City, Madoff created a class where he invites notable speakers--talented artists and entrepreneurs to present their unique business ideas that focus on important qualities that have led to their development of successful businesses. Madoff then interviews the speaker with provocative questions meant to uncover further thoughts and concepts of the subject at hand. In addition, Madoff intertwines many of his own thoughts and ideas into the discussion, all of which makes for a valuable collection of imaginative business ideas and strategies. It's about "thinking outside the box," and this is a key. The book illustrates how this kind of creative thinking can lead to the ultimate goal--developing a rewarding and financially successful career. It is excellent reading for any potential entrepreneur looking to develop a new career or resurrect an established one. Altogether, there are fifteen chapters that fully cover the key elements of developing successful business models, something that Madoff has already accomplished twice over the course of his business lifetime. Following each chapter, Madoff lays out a final section he entitles "Workbook Questions." The thought provoking inquiries here call upon the reader to further amplify the substance from the chapter just read, and add to it with new thoughts and ideas of his/her own. It's how he further draws the reader's attention and imagination into the process. This concept is sure to leave the reader with a myriad of new thoughts and ideas relating to the kind of approach that it might take to build a successful CREATIVE CAREER. This is one of those books so full nuggets that reading it a second time might prove as valuable as the first.

In business or want to be? Creativity is paramount and this book can help.

What is a creative career? Because author Jeff Madoff has spent decades in clothing, beauty and fashion it'd be easy to dismiss this book as useful only for those industries. I almost blew it off for that very reason. I'm glad I didn't. Anyone in business or who wants to be is involved in a creative career. Those who can - do. Those who cannot - teach. In this case Jeff does both. Although he's still working in the field he also teaches students how to embrace their creativity and get the most out of a creative career, which might also just be called - a career. When you read the book it becomes quite obvious Jeff follows his own advice about continuously learning and growing from others. In addition to his own life and business guidance, in Creative Careers he shares dozens of valuable anecdotes and principles he's learned from incredibly successful people across a diverse network. What's your definition of success? One of many important questions explored, I found it very interesting and somewhat surprising to hear what many successful people had to say. I got the feeling by the time I finished the book that Jeff knew he had a lot of life and business value to offer, that he didn't want to limit his teaching only to students of his class, that he wanted to share his seven decades of life and business experience with us all. Some of this book's value is cautionary, to help anyone considering an entrepreneur-based career with a proper mindset and realism of what it entails. Some is what I'd describe as Jeff wanting to set the record straight. Most people believe X but the reality is Y. I think it was important he try and make it clear the reality of being creative, of being successful, so people don't limit or trap themselves into believing they just don't have what it takes. Finally, some of this book's value is more psychological and emotional as he shares what drives us to want to stand out and take the road less traveled. As other reviews have said this is a book I wish I had when I was 20, but regardless, forever a student, I'm glad I read it now.

A lot of new stuff here

I read a lot of self-help and business strategy books and perhaps you have also felt like me that there are only so many things to say and only so many ways to say them. I had started to think there were no more original ideas and then I had the pleasure of reading the inspiring lessons and wisdom Mr. Madoff has synthesized from so many successful and impressive individuals. What I really like about this book is it not only gives you a ton of practical advice for happiness and success but also provides a path to achieve these goals that is believable and clear. There is new stuff folks and old stuff presented with a new twist and considerable flair. Practical but also evocative. An easy read with a high ROI. Highly recommended.

A Must-Read for Anyone Launching or Building a Career

Creative Careers offers a guide for anyone who is selling a product or offering a service, even those who may not define themselves as having a "creative career." The author encourages readers to view creativity in many forms and shares his wisdom about the importance of creating a brand. I loved the inspirational discussions with successful entrepreneurs and artists. The questions after each section were great for doing the personal exploration that will result in building a successful career.

Earn a living doing what you love.

This book is a great resource for anyone considering an entrepreneurial career. While Mr. Madoff's book covers the evolution of many creative careers, the lessons and though provoking discussions are relevant to every industry. The layout of interviewing successful industry leaders and intertwining the lessons within his own story of success is brilliant. Many creative individuals have great ideas and this book guides them on how to build those ideas into a business and career doing what they love.

Creative Careers: Making a Living With Your Ideas is a great guide for all ages!

Creative Careers: Making a Living With Your Ideas is a great guide for all ages. The book not only offers education surrounding skills necessary for aligning oneself with industry professionals and careers. It challenges readers to reflect on their journeys and goals to better understand what they can implement to reach their goals. The book emphasizes what a brand is and the importance of branding whether self-branding or company branding. What makes this book so great is its relatability. The book is not directed towards one career therefore, does not confine readers, it instead provides readers with tools to grow and flourish on their creative journeys. I would most definitely recommend this book to college students and professionals alike. It provides direction and clarity for creatives who often struggle with managing the business side of their career.

A book that will change the way you think about your career. And your life.

Reading Jeff Madoff's book is like finding yourself in Alice in Wonderland - and being able to stay for a while, and ask questions as you go along. Jeff's incredible gift as a storyteller makes this book such an adventurous, rich experience; but it's his uncommon ability to drill into the psyche of the creative process that makes this book stick with you, and grow with you. Jeff manages to both shed light on some of the most complicated aspects of a creative path and to completely re-think how we define and approach a creative career. His insatiable curiosity, his deep empathy and his wit and humour make him the ideal companion along this journey of discovery. This is a book that I wish I had read when I was 20, but it's also a book that I will read and re-read now, after 20 years of work in creative fields. The questions that Jeff asks, more than the answers in my opinion, will stay with you for a long time. And will change the way you think. An absolute must read.

An Entrepreneur's Guide to Success

Creative Careers is a book about business and a book about art. It is a book about the art of business and the business of art. Mr. Madoff interviews several entrepreneurs who take us on a tour through the jungle of becoming an entrepreneur. They take us through their ups and downs of starting in their chosen business and how to maintain their position through perseverance, being creative and always evolving. I appreciate Mr. Madoff’s writing style. He writes as if he is sitting in the next chair and just talking and that, to me, makes for a very comfortable read! I appreciate that the section, THE PEOPLE YOU’LL BE HEARING FROM, is right up front instead of buried in some end-of-book appendix. I cannot believe the amount of time and effort he must have put in to interview all those people. He deserves any favorable reviews that come his way. Creative Careers is indeed an entrepreneur’s guidebook. Congratulations on an exceptional effort and a great book!

A must read!

Jeff Madoff has put together a comprehensive handbook for all entrepreneurs and those who are considering entrepreneurship. We spent 20 years building the world famous Barefoot Wine brand. Jeff covers the universal truths that we discovered the hard way and so many of our successful entrepreneurial colleagues advocate. This is a must have reference book to help you overcome the hurdles, solve the problems, and develop the relationships you will need to be a success. I only wish I had had Creative Careers in my hand before I started on my journey. It would have saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars and many years in achieving my goals. Bravo!

A must-read book for creative business types

If you are pursuing or are looking to advance in any kind of creative career, this book is a must read. Madoff’s decades of experience at the highest level of creative and commercial production provides us with a veritable treasure trove of useful, actionable information, not to mention some truly entertaining anecdotes and stories of “inside baseball” from the world of media and production. Not only does he bring his vast experience to bear on the topic of creative careers, he invites along a bevy of A-list luminaries in the world of film, theater, fashion and business. These are people we can and should learn from. Thanks to Madoff’s book, we can and do.

An imaginative approach to a successful business plan

This innovative book is a compilation of imaginative concepts, ideas and strategies that are especially important in developing highly successful businesses. There is no question that nearly all such business careers have certain concepts and strategies in common, and Madoff draws attention to those he believes to be most relevant. As a professor at the Parsons School of Design in New York City, Madoff created a class where he invites notable speakers--talented artists and entrepreneurs to present their unique business ideas that focus on important qualities that have led to their development of successful businesses. Madoff then interviews the speaker with provocative questions meant to uncover further thoughts and concepts of the subject at hand. In addition, Madoff intertwines many of his own thoughts and ideas into the discussion, all of which makes for a valuable collection of imaginative business ideas and strategies. It's about "thinking outside the box," and this is a key. The book illustrates how this kind of creative thinking can lead to the ultimate goal--developing a rewarding and financially successful career. It is excellent reading for any potential entrepreneur looking to develop a new career or resurrect an established one. Altogether, there are fifteen chapters that fully cover the key elements of developing successful business models, something that Madoff has already accomplished twice over the course of his business lifetime. Following each chapter, Madoff lays out a final section he entitles "Workbook Questions." The thought provoking inquiries here call upon the reader to further amplify the substance from the chapter just read, and add to it with new thoughts and ideas of his/her own. It's how he further draws the reader's attention and imagination into the process. This concept is sure to leave the reader with a myriad of new thoughts and ideas relating to the kind of approach that it might take to build a successful CREATIVE CAREER. This is one of those books so full nuggets that reading it a second time might prove as valuable as the first.

In business or want to be? Creativity is paramount and this book can help.

What is a creative career? Because author Jeff Madoff has spent decades in clothing, beauty and fashion it'd be easy to dismiss this book as useful only for those industries. I almost blew it off for that very reason. I'm glad I didn't. Anyone in business or who wants to be is involved in a creative career. Those who can - do. Those who cannot - teach. In this case Jeff does both. Although he's still working in the field he also teaches students how to embrace their creativity and get the most out of a creative career, which might also just be called - a career. When you read the book it becomes quite obvious Jeff follows his own advice about continuously learning and growing from others. In addition to his own life and business guidance, in Creative Careers he shares dozens of valuable anecdotes and principles he's learned from incredibly successful people across a diverse network. What's your definition of success? One of many important questions explored, I found it very interesting and somewhat surprising to hear what many successful people had to say. I got the feeling by the time I finished the book that Jeff knew he had a lot of life and business value to offer, that he didn't want to limit his teaching only to students of his class, that he wanted to share his seven decades of life and business experience with us all. Some of this book's value is cautionary, to help anyone considering an entrepreneur-based career with a proper mindset and realism of what it entails. Some is what I'd describe as Jeff wanting to set the record straight. Most people believe X but the reality is Y. I think it was important he try and make it clear the reality of being creative, of being successful, so people don't limit or trap themselves into believing they just don't have what it takes. Finally, some of this book's value is more psychological and emotional as he shares what drives us to want to stand out and take the road less traveled. As other reviews have said this is a book I wish I had when I was 20, but regardless, forever a student, I'm glad I read it now.

A lot of new stuff here

I read a lot of self-help and business strategy books and perhaps you have also felt like me that there are only so many things to say and only so many ways to say them. I had started to think there were no more original ideas and then I had the pleasure of reading the inspiring lessons and wisdom Mr. Madoff has synthesized from so many successful and impressive individuals. What I really like about this book is it not only gives you a ton of practical advice for happiness and success but also provides a path to achieve these goals that is believable and clear. There is new stuff folks and old stuff presented with a new twist and considerable flair. Practical but also evocative. An easy read with a high ROI. Highly recommended.

A Must-Read for Anyone Launching or Building a Career

Creative Careers offers a guide for anyone who is selling a product or offering a service, even those who may not define themselves as having a "creative career." The author encourages readers to view creativity in many forms and shares his wisdom about the importance of creating a brand. I loved the inspirational discussions with successful entrepreneurs and artists. The questions after each section were great for doing the personal exploration that will result in building a successful career.

Earn a living doing what you love.

This book is a great resource for anyone considering an entrepreneurial career. While Mr. Madoff's book covers the evolution of many creative careers, the lessons and though provoking discussions are relevant to every industry. The layout of interviewing successful industry leaders and intertwining the lessons within his own story of success is brilliant. Many creative individuals have great ideas and this book guides them on how to build those ideas into a business and career doing what they love.

Creative Careers: Making a Living With Your Ideas is a great guide for all ages!

Creative Careers: Making a Living With Your Ideas is a great guide for all ages. The book not only offers education surrounding skills necessary for aligning oneself with industry professionals and careers. It challenges readers to reflect on their journeys and goals to better understand what they can implement to reach their goals. The book emphasizes what a brand is and the importance of branding whether self-branding or company branding. What makes this book so great is its relatability. The book is not directed towards one career therefore, does not confine readers, it instead provides readers with tools to grow and flourish on their creative journeys. I would most definitely recommend this book to college students and professionals alike. It provides direction and clarity for creatives who often struggle with managing the business side of their career.

A book that will change the way you think about your career. And your life.

Reading Jeff Madoff's book is like finding yourself in Alice in Wonderland - and being able to stay for a while, and ask questions as you go along. Jeff's incredible gift as a storyteller makes this book such an adventurous, rich experience; but it's his uncommon ability to drill into the psyche of the creative process that makes this book stick with you, and grow with you. Jeff manages to both shed light on some of the most complicated aspects of a creative path and to completely re-think how we define and approach a creative career. His insatiable curiosity, his deep empathy and his wit and humour make him the ideal companion along this journey of discovery. This is a book that I wish I had read when I was 20, but it's also a book that I will read and re-read now, after 20 years of work in creative fields. The questions that Jeff asks, more than the answers in my opinion, will stay with you for a long time. And will change the way you think. An absolute must read.

An Entrepreneur's Guide to Success

Creative Careers is a book about business and a book about art. It is a book about the art of business and the business of art. Mr. Madoff interviews several entrepreneurs who take us on a tour through the jungle of becoming an entrepreneur. They take us through their ups and downs of starting in their chosen business and how to maintain their position through perseverance, being creative and always evolving. I appreciate Mr. Madoff’s writing style. He writes as if he is sitting in the next chair and just talking and that, to me, makes for a very comfortable read! I appreciate that the section, THE PEOPLE YOU’LL BE HEARING FROM, is right up front instead of buried in some end-of-book appendix. I cannot believe the amount of time and effort he must have put in to interview all those people. He deserves any favorable reviews that come his way. Creative Careers is indeed an entrepreneur’s guidebook. Congratulations on an exceptional effort and a great book!

A must read!

Jeff Madoff has put together a comprehensive handbook for all entrepreneurs and those who are considering entrepreneurship. We spent 20 years building the world famous Barefoot Wine brand. Jeff covers the universal truths that we discovered the hard way and so many of our successful entrepreneurial colleagues advocate. This is a must have reference book to help you overcome the hurdles, solve the problems, and develop the relationships you will need to be a success. I only wish I had had Creative Careers in my hand before I started on my journey. It would have saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars and many years in achieving my goals. Bravo!

A guide to finding success in any field

This book is for anyone from a recent graduate, someone wanting a mid career change to a retiree looking to fulfill and lifelong dream in virtually any field. He lays out clear principles and suggestions for finding your passion and turning it into a career, illustrated by real life success stories from the famous and regular people. It is very timely for our rapidly changing economic times, when a career path is a lifelong learning process and success often means having several different careers during a person's work life.

A beautiful distillation of hard-earned knowledge from the best in the world...

I'm a huge fan of "pattern spotting". Any time I hear something shared multiple times from high-caliber people, I lean in. This book is a combination of patterns that Jeffrey has assembled from the best in the world. Each chapter is full of insights on a focused topic... but with varying perspectives from people at the top of their industry. Would HIGHLY recommend!

A practical guide to encourage your creative thinking and ideas!

Creative Careers is timely as we face a pandemic and desperate economic times. Our lives have been upended. We need to find our “new normal” and this requires creative thought and conversation. Madoff’s book provides a foundation and tools for all of us to think “out of the box”, a framework to think differently and to learn from some of our masters of creativity - artists, fashion designers, entrepreneurs and business leaders who share their ideas, thought processes and techniques that lead the way to changes in our culture. Creative Careers teaches us to reflect on who we really are and learn that success is not only about financial reward but even more important about personal satisfaction. Creative Careers is a practical guide to encourage your creative thinking and ideas!

One of the most insightful reads, being a student looking to go into the creative industry!

The book, Creative Careers by B. Jeffrey Madoff was a fascinating read that holds both valuable information, as well as real-life insight into the creative industry. Madoff speaks to a well-rounded collection of guests, with real experience in today’s modern workplace. Many students these days are going into careers with no prior knowledge of what it takes to succeed and how to move past hurdles. This book normalizes “failures”, makes you seek your own unique purpose, and sheds light on the very realities of pursuing a career in the creative industry. Above all, it acts as a guide to help you the reader clarify what it is that you want to pursue, what your purpose is, while forcing you to reckon with the idea of “success” and from there, finding the tools you need to execute that unique idea of success.

Everyone should own and read this book!

As a former student of Jeff's, I decided to purchase his book and see if I could learn something new. To my surprise this book has thoroughly explained the do's and don't's of creating relationships, starting a business, collaborating and so much more. For anyone who wants to take the next step in their career- this book is a MUST HAVE. I was delighted to read all of the stories from guests in the past. One conversation that left an impact on me was with Brandon Maxwell. Brandon emphasized the true importance of staying grounded and saying no to project that do not fit your image. I would recommend this book to anybody, of ALL ages. We can all take away so much knowledge from this book.

The Power of Creative Thinking

Madoff is a master storyteller. He's written a book high on entertainment - funny, inspiring, deftly crafted, and packed with keen advice. With Madoff, you will visit dozens of people engaged in successful creative careers, from fashion icon Ralph Lauren to supermodel philanthropist Karlie Kloss. These are people who went out looking for their passions, and used creativity as their tool to get there. Creative Careers offers some of the most useful advice I've ever seen on the subject of ingenuity and success. If you have ever asked yourself "How do I become more creative?", pick up this book for the clear and succinct answer.

The Definitive Book on Careers

CREATIVE CAREERS is a one-stop course in how to accomplish personal and professional accomplishment. Madoff fuses his pedagogical expertise with his own real world experiences and delivers an invaluable and informative critique on success through a cascade of interviews with high achievers. The result is a series of very human stories that offer truth, reflection, and proven advice on personal satisfaction and occupational triumph.

Useful Information on Every Page

Jeff created a guide to help anyone evaluate if becoming an entrepreneur is right for them or assist those who need to strengthen their businesses in some areas. He takes you through the good and the bad of “making a living with your ideas” with interviews from outstanding business people who experienced both success and failure and developed the grit to persevere. People in any industry or business, at any level, can benefit from reading Creative Careers. One read does not do justice. Read it the first time to see if it can help you. Read it a second time to create a strategy for your business. Then keep it on your desk as a reference book whenever you need advice or support.


I've had the privilege of attending Mr. Madoff's namesake class at Parsons, and have long loved his smart, funny and thoughtful approach to interviewing such a wide array of guests. From designers and photographers, to performers and playwrights; from entrepreneurs to comedians, and even a former FBI negotiator, the interviewees in "Creative Careers" dolesout an extraordinary amount of wisdom in chapter after chapter, offering readers a glimpse of diverse experiences united by each guest's desire to, yes, make a living from their ideas. Since reading the book last fall, I have returned to it again and again, discovering new jewels each time. A must read, and a must-must read for artists and entrepreneurs the world over!

Inspirng and supportive of the creative process no matter one's career focus

Creative Careers inspires expansive and novel thinking no matter where one has advanced on their career path. Over his lifetime, Madoff's ability to look ahead into the "beyond" has made him see further than his peers into the creative process. He encourages students and readers to believe in their own creative process by learning from other experienced and successful people. Questions of his guest speakers and, of his students, stimulate opening to a vision of greater possibilities. It's refreshing to receive positive support for working from within and trusting the creative process.

Being true to yourself......not somone else's ideas for you!

many, many folks are bound up by other's ideas for "what they should do with their lives" when the true idea, the real idea for a career is inside them waiting to get out. Madoff's book offers inspiration for breaking the ties that bind and setting sail for a creative idea location that will bring happiness and a feeling of productivity. He also offers practical ways to let the real you percolate to the top as well as ways to take steps towards diving into the pool and learning how to swim. Every educational guidance counselor should read this book and every parent that tries to give guidance.

great read!

lots of gems in this book: eg "Relationships are the true currency in life." "Another form of procrastination is perfectionism." and so much more-- get your highlighter ready! -@schulmanArt Host of the Inspiration Place podcast

Loved it!

I found this book to be very detailed and thoughtful. It takes into account the mind of the creative with a focus on practical lessons (the business side) one needs to know in order to create your own definition of success. Loved reading the stories from very successful people who've made a living with their creative careers as well as the author's own journey. There is a great story at the very end of the book that leaves the reader with a sense of grounding and inspiration!

Great for those serious in taking the leap

Didn't know what to expect when reading this, but it surpassed a lot of my expectations. Mr. Madoff does a great job talking about what is needed in order to survive in a creative career. He uses his past interviews with all sorts of successful creatives to help us relate to the common struggle that creatives face. I highly recommend this book to creatives that are thinking about taking a leap, or doubting themselves. Mr. Madoff is a man that continues to push himself out of his comfort zone. I look forward to seeing what else he writes about in the future.

Great book for any aspiring entrepreneur!

As someone who has been practicing and teaching entrepreneurship for 30 years, I am often skeptical about the latest book on entrepreneurship. But this book and author are both the real deal! The author shares stories that inspire and provides lessons based not only on his many interviews of entrepreneurs but also from his own personal experience. Among other important topics, the book addresses the importance and value of a network and how to determine not only what you have to offer but also how to monetize who you are, what you know and who you know.

Is it time for you to pivot your career or simply think more creatively

Thank you to Jeff Madoff for a thoughtful, funny glimpse into the world of the world's most creative people. One of the great things about Jeff is that he doesn't just teach these ideas (at Parsons) he lives them. I particularly appreciate that he tackles the tough topic of pricing (yourself as a creative), as well as the need to foster a collaborative spirit that embraces diverse opinions. Give it a read if you want some inspiration to make a change in your professional or personal life.

Excellent Read!

I love Jeff's sass, candor, and reality blasts. This book is insightful - - juicy, relevant, thought provoking and digestible. Jeff Madoff captures the true essence of what it takes to believe in your creativity, trust your gut and go after your dreams - personally and professionally. And I love that you can open to any page or chapter for a quick snap of inspiration.

A terrific primer for anyone embarking on their career

Jeffrey Madoff has drawn upon his own eclectic and impressive career and the experiences and accumulated wisdom of entrepreneurs, artists and executives to create an engaging and valuable guide to building a successful and gratifying career. The book is full of inspiring personal stories and practical advice presented in a highly accessible way. "Creative Careers" fills a special niche, or "white space," in Madoff's terms, on the shelves of career advice books.

Interested in a career in the Arts?

Just finished reading Creative Careers by B Madoff. Where was this book when I started out in the Arts? Being a professional artist, I WISHED someone would have been able to tell me the things that were discussed in Madoffs book. Artists, designers, actors, musicians - anyone - looking to lead a life in a creative field, will feel less like a square peg looking for a round hole. And hopefully be able to see a life for themselves in a "Creative Career". Just fantastic.

A Wonderful Read!

This book is an effortless and enjoyable read. It is a great guide on how to start, develop, continue and change (when necessary) a business. It calls on the experiences of many artists and business owners, who have contributed their thoughts in the pages of the book. It also calls upon the vast experiences of Jeff Madoff in his own businesses, as well as his wonderful sense of humor. This is a very entertaining and instructive read. I recommend it highly!

Make your passion your vocation..a practical guide

Madoff has a deft hand in encouraging creative entrepreneurship across disciplines. His broad exposure to different individuals in diverse fields broadens the definition of what “creative” means and how you can harness that engine and turn into a real career and vocation that people will pay for. A valuable guide for forging your own path with wisdom garnered from inspirational people. Highly recommended!

Insightful Advice From A Lifetime of Experience

I really enjoyed reading this book. Its full in insightful advice from an interesting and varied life. I found myself highlighting passages over and over again. Jeff Madoff has traveled the road to accomplishment and success. He's written a great book showing others how to travel that road as well.

This is a must read!

Jeff Madoff is a master storyteller who brings concepts and ideas to life on every page. You will learn the stories of other entrepreneurs and Jeff's own experiences. It's a page-turner that tells you how to turn your ideas into a business, and how to have fun too!

This is a hidden gem! Expert interviews from diverse entrepreneurs and thinkers.

WOW! This is quite a treasure trove of knowledge from the world's best in their fields. Similar to Tim Ferriss Tools of Titans or David Rubenstein How To Lead. Must read!

Never give up on your dream

Fascinating reading Mr Madoff did a wonderful job. A must read for any one thinking of starting a new business

A perfect book!

A perfect book for those with ideas. A perfect book for the new economy. A perfect book for the times we live in. Jeff Madoff has written an irresistible spark to ignite people with good ideas to bring them to life in a practical way. Josh Sapan President & CEO AMC Networks

Jeffrey gets relationships, knows how to get the best information from people..

Jeffrey has compiled an amazing group of people to learn from and is such an outstanding interviewer......

Great read - no matter where you are in your career journey

This book is a fun to read exploration of creative careers, it's a great read whether you are just beginning to dream about your future, or well established in a career you love.

Great book!

I read this book in my graduate program and it was very insightful and encouraging to me! I definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in using their creativity in their future careers!

Smart and useful insights

Jeff Madoff assembles the ideas and experiences many successful people in disparate fields and weaves them together in a useful and coherent way. Well done!

Great book

Fantastic read, valuable information for anyone seeking a new or changing career!

Needs more variety

I found Creative Careers to be an interesting and fresh perspective on a book about business. This book is focused on careers that fall under the title of creating (art, writing, music, etc). Madoff makes some profound suggestions for those still in school with the intention of a career in the arts, like taking accounting classes. I do think that his background in fashion has kept Madoff enclosed in a bubble, and feel like he needed to expand more outside of that industry with his examples and interviews conducted throughout the book. While he has created a fantastic book for those intending to work in fashion, the other artistic and creative careers out there have been poorly represented or neglected completely. As a writer, it is difficult for me to feel that the suggestions and advice are valuable when it is primarily focused on a field that has nothing to do with my work, or is not neutral in its delivery.

knowledge is power and this is powerful

Thank you B. Jeffrey Madoff, NetGalley and the Publishers Hachette Book Group for allowing me to read and review Creative Careers. B. Jeffrey Madoff created a class called "Making a Living with Your Ideas" for Parsons School of Design in NY City and this is a lot of that class put into book form. How great is that! We are very lucky to be able to access this information and all of the valuable tips and guidance this book brings. I really enjoyed the comprehensive advice, real life success and failure stories from people who have struggled to get their businesses going or where great successes quickly. People like Ralph Lauren, Daymond John, Dan Sullivan and so many others give testimony of their climb to success (and sometimes failure before the successes). It covers in depth What is your Vision? Getting off the Ground, The Myth of the Lone Genius, The Power of Story, and Run your ideas like a Business. Each topic has real life experiences from successful business entrepreneurs. At the end of each topic there is a question section to give you introspect into what you need to ask yourself on that topic. Its a guide for you to look at what and where you are on that subject. Everyone in business can learn from this book, I found valuable information I could have used in my career in marketing when I worked for a corporation. The book isn't just for those who want to go out there and build a multimillion dollar business it's also for the person who just wants to start a business for themselves and make a decent living. Creative Careers covers most everything you need to think about and know when you find the niche for you to become an entrepreneur. Knowledge is power and Creative Careers is a must read. B. Jeffrey writes an easy to read and follow book that you will read over and over as it has so much good information to absorb. It isn't a class book it's written casual and conversationally. This book doesn't tell you specific ideas to get into but will guide you in your search and if you already have your product or service it'll help you going forth. I gave the book a five as it is an excellent beginning resource. I hope he does write a sequel as there is always more to learn.

The stories behind world-class success

Jeff brings us some of the world's most creative and successful people. His research, support, and disarming style lead them to open up and share what many of us want to learn the most -- how to create success in our lives like theirs in theirs. I've watched his videos and seen him interview people in person, including several in the book, where he leads world-renowned guests to open up like their talking to close friends. My biggest takeaway is the perseverance and doggedness each person showed that created what looked like their big break. No one can describe it, but reading all the quotes reveals it. The book's open secret is that Jeff would qualify as arguably his best guest. His story runs through the book and every interview, revealing how to create a creative career, collaborating with and befriending the world's most exciting people.

A textbook in follow through for creatives

There is often a progression laid out for those who want to climb up the chain of command, and the guesswork of finding your way from A to B is marginalized. For those who seek to create their own path, there is so much more unknown in finding your way to success. In Jeff's new book, he has created a guidepost for the person that wants to create a career through their passion, which many long for but very few know how to accomplish. His advice on how to steadily progress on goals while overcoming the mental trials of fear and doubt are critical in demystifying the road to a sustainable creative career.

Million Dollar Ideas vs. Million Dollar Actions

I've been an employee and a boss. I've worked some terrible jobs and have had some incredible experiences. I've learned a great deal, and value my failures as I've celebrated my successes. This book is a must read, because it dives into layers: Not any one thing will push your success over the edge. It's a combination of hard work, luck, intuition, understanding the client/market, listening and observing, taking risks, finding mentors and a whole lot more. Madoff breaks it down and gives great insight (his own and those at the top of their own mountains). I've been working for myself for years and still found much of this book helpful and found some new perspectives, to boot. Honestly, I wish this book had been part of my high school DECA (business class) curriculum. The anecdotes and stories are great motivation and Madoff has a way of breaking things down to allow the reader a-ha moments. It's a great reminder to not only work toward making a living, but to work toward making a life.

This book is a treasure trove!

When it comes to harnessing the business brain to the creative, no one does it better than B. Jeffrey Madoff. His personal trajectory from fashion designer to hugely successful and award-winning video and film producer/director and professor at The Parsons School of Design is testament enough. Now he shares his personal wisdom and experience along with that of other notables in his Creative Careers- Making A Living With Your Ideas in a book that is so well written, writing may have to be the focus of his next class! Nuggets from his own life and experience as well as advice from highly successful creative luminaries such as Daymond John, Kathleen Ireland and Randi Zuckerberg, along with many others he has interviewed are smart, engaging and valuable – not only for how to navigate the creative life but how to navigate life itself. “People will say no to you,” Madoff cautions. “But never say no to yourself. When you learn to overcome fear and doubt, to explore what you’re most curious and passionate about, you never know what’s going to hit and maybe even change your life.” This goes well beyond work. It’s about overcoming limited mindsets in all aspects of your life. I recommend Madoff’s book wholeheartedly. It’s a treasure trove!

A useful guide to help develop your business skills.

Creative Careers was a wonderful and simple read with many insightful pieces of career advice. Many of the strategies outlined in the book are very easy to grasp and I find that they are essential for building any business into a success. Reading the perspectives of those who are well established in their fields offers a great deal of motivation to continue finding my passion. Gaining insight through their own thought processes is a useful guide that others can follow for their own creative pursuits. It is also reassuring knowing that it can take time to find your creative passions and it’s never too late to start something new. One feature that stands out the most is how everybody’s experience with reading this book is personalized through the interactive workbook questions. I thought that the workbook questions were such an effective way to organize my own thoughts, and also reflect on any new concepts I learned in each chapter. With filling out the workbook questions, I was able to assess my own goals and values and dig deeper into what I am striving to achieve in the future. After finishing each chapter, I found that my perspective of certain topics had also evolved quite a bit. I was able to write more well-rounded answers in the workbook questions, considering the advice given. In this way, Creative Careers acts as a personalized journal that I am able to refer back to, and even develop further in the future. I would encourage every person to fill out these workbook questions for the sake of organizing your own goals. Given the universal concepts mentioned in this book, I would highly recommend others to buy a copy if they want to build their skills in business. I believe that this book would be so beneficial to young adults, like myself, who aspire to develop their own successful business. It would have a great impact on any individual who may be struggling in their creative pursuits as well. I know for a fact that this book has benefitted me greatly and I cannot wait to apply all of the new concepts that I have learned into my own business one day.

This book has something for everyone who yearns to find their own brand of success

This book was given to me as a gift and what a gift it was! I have devoured it! It is a rich volume highlighting the journeys and career choices that a variety of people Jeffrey Madoff interviewed have made. I love the examples of famous people whom I recognize and learning about their pathways to success and all the other people in the book whom I was introduced to who's lives are fascinating and serve as great inspirations. It gave me a lot to chew and provoked a lot of ideas to build from in my own creative and intellectual process as I pivot my own career and business. How fortunate those students are at Parsons School of Design who get to study in Mr. Madoff's class.

If You're A Creative- This is a Must Read

This book is jam-packed with interesting stories and practical concepts that will help launch any creative mind into new territory. Through Madoff's insightful interviews and coalescing of the patterns found in the journey of successful creatives the reader has a roadmap for how to not only move ahead in one's career but to thrive as well. Having this book is like having a room full of mentors at your fingertips who are happy to answer your questions and push you to be that much better in all that you do. If you've ever struggled as a creator, there is so much in this book to help you move forward. An Absolute Must Read.

A much needed perspective and graduate business school read

Jeff Madoff showcases his storytelling prowess by weaving together the narratives and insights of leading creatives. He shines a light and provides specific context onto how to succeed in business by nurturing one's passions. I added this book to the required reading of my graduate business students as I think it is important for graduate students to learn to think creatively and act on one's ideas and how that can be essential to their success. It introduces readers to a variety of businesses and known executives while allowing readers to extrapolate what is relevant to their own lives and careers. Don't let the title of the book fool you - this isn't just about roles in "creative" industries. This is a book that is relevant to all fields with core principles that are fundamental to business success and career fulfillment. Creativity is an essential component of all businesses and this book illustrates that fact. Even those who consider themselves as non-creative or in non-creative industries will contemplate their ideas and passions in order to fuel innovation. It is an especially timely book as the pandemic has created uncertainty and unprecedented challenges - which are the exact moments in history that require creativity to spur innovation and advancement.

An amazing book for any aspiring entrepreneur!

"Creative Careers: Making A Living With Your Ideas" did not disappoint. As someone who wants to own my own company, this book was incredibly enlightening. Mr. Madoff writes in a way that is easy to comprehend. The book is not all fluff, like many entrepreneurial and self-help books; neither is it a book of endless, boring statistics. It is the perfect balance of tips and facts and personal stories. Not only was I educated on many topics crucial to owning a business, but I was also entertained and did not want to put down the book. Madoff and all the entrepreneurs interviewed for the book have such compelling stories and advice. I loved how every chapter featured multiple perspectives of topics from entrepreneurs in wildly different industries. Mr. Madoff is clearly the perfect author for a book like this, having experienced all of the situations and skills he writes about in his own professional career. Not only does Madoff’s successful career in video production qualify him, but he has also worked with countless creative entrepreneurs in his lifetime and knows what distinguishes the good from the bad and the successful from the unsuccessful. After reading the book, I feel confidently prepared to create a career from my creativity.

Stop reading this and go read this book.

Jeffrey Madoff's story is fascinating. His ability to create beauty and success out of thin air is an inspiration. He could write an incredible book just about his life experience. But he doesn't. Instead, he uses his unique position as a professor at Parsons School of Design to host a variety of ultra-successful creative people that walk the line of creativity and entrepreneurship. He dives deep into revealing the business side of their creativity by speaking with them directly and then sharing the conversation. It is spectacular. The book covers his perspective as well as theirs. But wait, here’s the kicker…the book also has concrete advice and actual writing prompts to help people map out how to make a living with their ideas. So good. It isn't just about reading the stories of successful, creative people written by a successful, creative person. It is about finding your way to becoming the creative, successful person you were meant to be. Starting now.

Help! I'm not creative...or am I?....

Jeffrey Madoff's book, Creative Careers: Making a Living With Your Ideas, dispels the myth that if your title doesn't label you as an "artist," that you don't have a creative career. If you work, you problem solve, and effectively solving problems demands creativity in any industry. Jeffrey includes stories, testimonies, advice, and wisdom from a wide range of individuals. Jeffrey's vast and varied work experience, coupled with the interviews, demonstrates how creative and business principles transcend industries for broad application. Whether you're starting on your first career path, pivoting to new adventures, or looking for some inspiration in your current journey, Creative Careers has something for you!

Great how-to book for those looking to turn creative energies into careers

Jeff Madoff has had an incredibly rich and super creative professional life. He's zigged and zagged in and out of various industries but the through line has always been creativity. One of the many things he's done with his talents is to teach a course at the Parson's School in which he interviews creative people in all kinds of industries to help his students appreciate how to take their talents and turn them into careers. Jeff's book is the next extension of his popular course. He's taken the lessons learned from him own life and complemented them with insights he's gleaned from his rock star guests. The book itself is broken into 5 chapters to take readers from vision to launch. It's an easy read and will inspire you to stop just dreaming about building a business around your creativity ....and start doing it!

The road map to finding your dreams

Sharp directed advice on how to turn wish into reality. Madoff's book breaks down all you need to know to learn how to make a career with your passions. He breaks the knowledge into easy to understand lessons and highlights key points with quotes from experts in their field. This book will become your bible and lode star as you navigate a dream of making a living with your ideas to living that reality. If You cant take his course then you must get and digest this book

A much needed book that will spark creative thinking

In a world where many people want to be entrepreneurs, the creative entrepreneur is often overlooked. This is unfortunate because creative entrepreneurs have their own set of opportunities and challenges. Thankfully, Jeffrey Madoff has written a book that really lays out how to take a unique path to pursuing creative entrepreneurship both successfully and sustainably. Packed with interesting and actionable stories and advice, give this to someone you know or buy it for yourself.

An Analytical System for Creative Breakthroughs

Pursuing a fresh career direction has never been easier than with the step-by-step process outlined within Creative Careers. It can be scary doing something new. Leaving a “safe” career you’ve invested in a lot of time pursuing can be generate anxiety. Jeffrey Madoff’s book helps you solve all the problems you think of; and, many of the pitfalls you didn’t foresee.

Jeff Madoff brings his classroom to a book

I've always liked Jeff's content, especially those videos I see on his LinkedIn profile, where he conducts creative interviews with world's best talents. Because I don't live in NYC and not a college student, I always wanted access to his content and knowledge. This book is great example, where he transports you to his origin stories, his humble beginnings until today as a renowned producer and professor. This book helps open anyone's eyes to the possibilities of pursuing their creative careers. We are our own limitations. Anything truly is possible. Thank you Jeff!

Great insight into the challenges creatives face when building a business!

Having been on the business side of being creative it was really eye-opening to think about building a business from the creative side only. I, like most people who are business minded or entrepreneurial, often take for granted that people should know how to build a business. I really associated with many of the great contributors and B. Jeffrey Madoff's experience and thoroughly enjoyed listening to the audio book. Thanks for a great listen and lots of great insight.

Amazing story of someone who "just does it"

By combining his creativity, business acumen, and a lot of "chutzpah" , Jeff fearlessly follows his passions. Lucky for us, he nows has time to reflect on and share how he got to exactly where he wanted to be. His story shines with luminaries of the movie, business, and fashion worlds, and is studded with the best advice in the world - Go for it!

Great insights and takeaways that can be used by everybody

Jeffrey Madoff has taken his years of creative experience and insights from teaching creativity and put it in an easy-to-understand and grasp book that is as much fun to read as it is informative. Bringing in outside experts to tell stories on what it takes to be creative adds to the book and makes it stand out from so many. Great read!

Everyone MUST read this! Even if you think you’re not creative...

You don’t have to be an artist or entrepreneur to be creative - even very successful employees are creative in how they make their own opportunities to build their career. Creative Careers is like a master class in thinking creatively, one where you can learn from dozens of experts and Jeffrey himself. Decades of experience at your fingertips! You’ll return to this book over & over again so take notes. If you want to truly take charge of your own career - whether as entrepreneur or intrapreneur - you MUST read this book, and then ACT on it! It’s a gift.

A must read, creative or not

Most business books should be half the length they actually are, but I wish Creative Careers was twice as long. In it, you will find first-hand advice on a wide range of foundational topics, from how to hone your skills to how to make (real) money from your creative output. I don’t consider myself creative, butI found the tapestry of perspectives and life lessons enjoyable to read, and the content non-duplicative. My notebook is now filled with quotes from the book. A highly recommended read all round.

A must read for all creative entrepreneurs

This book is packed FULL of amazing insight from success creatives from all sorts of industries. This book contains a blue print for any creative that wants to turn their creative ideas into a business. It also gives you examples of all sorts of people that have done it. The tactical steps it gives you for turning your ideas into money is like someone holding your hand and walking you through the process. Thank you Jeffrey for this amazing guide!

A great guide to the the intricacies of launching a creative career

Madoff does a great job at talking about the *how* behind building a creative career. He busts numerous myths that have weighed down aspiring creatives. Drawing on interviews from his popular Parsons class, the book ties in practical concepts with quotes and narratives from well-known creatives

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Probably the most frequent question a person gets growing up is, what do you want to be? I only wish Madoff's book was around when I was starting out. I definitely knew what I didn't want to be, but not until reading Creative Careers have I ever seen my natural creativity - let alone see it as my starting point for a career. Thank you B. Jefferey. I can't say this is a book you must read because it is written as a deeply personal conversation. Creative Careers is an intimate conversation that I need to have with myself or with my best friend.

Great questions and stories

After hearing Jeffrey on an I Love Marketing Podcast, I picked up the book. As an artist myself with many different ideas, I enjoyed the details and richness of examples that were shared inside the book. It was great to hear the realness behind the successes that we see in the world. There is one story that really stood out about an artist that was scared to price her art at $5,000 and she did it anyway; it took off from there. I listened to it on Audible and found it very entertaining. Great job!

Redefining creativity to reach my goals.

I absolutely LOVED! This book. As a person who has always said "I'm not crearive.", this book was an eye opener for me on how wrong I actually am. Redefining what creativity means in my mind allowed me to understand the role it plays in running my businesses and taking them to the next level. I would highly recommend this book to any leader, entrepreneur, business owner, or anyone looking to shift their idea of how creativity shows up in the business space.

Practical, Proven, Educating, and ENCOURAGING!

Not every Entrepreneur thinks of themselves as a "creative" but it takes artistry to succeed. B. Jeffrey Madoff is a director, photographer, writer, professor and succeeds in all these careers because he's an artist and a student in all of it... He's the expert to show us how this is done. The best part is how much he actually cares for the reader. It's like he's rooting for us, and encouraging us as he educates us!

Make a living doing what you love - who doesn't want that?

Jeff does an outstanding job sharing his own story so that others can learn from his experience in building a life you love and getting paid doing so. Creative careers are often associated with sacrificing financial security. Jeff helps explain why you don't have to choose the love of a creative life over the desire for safety and job security.

Author walks his talk

The author, Jeffrey Madoff, walks his talk. No "armchair quarterback" here! In an era with so many fake, poser "thought leaders" on the internet, it's refreshing to hear from a clear voice with decades of experience on the front lines of working in the creative industry, in arguably the toughest-yet-richest market on the planet - New York City.

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