COVID-19: The Great Reset

Kindle Edition
12 Jul
"COVID-19: The Great Reset" is a guide for anyone who wants to understand how COVID-19 disrupted our social and economic systems, and what changes will be needed to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going forward. Klaus Schwab, founder and executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Thierry Malleret, founder of the Monthly Barometer, explore what the root causes of this crisis were, and why they lead to a need for a Great Reset. Theirs is a worrying, yet hopeful analysis. COVID-19 has created a great disruptive reset of our global social, economic, and political systems. But the power of human beings lies in being foresighted and having the ingenuity, at least to a certain extent, to take their destiny into their hands and to plan for a better future. This is the purpose of this book: to shake up and to show the deficiencies which were manifest in our global system, even before COVID broke out.

Reviews (180)

The future is now

Klaus Schwab's mad scientist plan to turn the world into a socialist technocracy is all here for your reading displeasure. Find out how COVID-19 is being and will be used to usher in a new age of neo serfdom. When people call you a conspiracy theorist, just whip out your copy of this book and read some passages aloud. Exciting things like "Negative Growth," "The Return of Big Government," "Equality" (hint, you will be equally poor), and more! The plan laid out in the book isn't new, it just has a new wrapper, and it will be hell.


Still on the introduction of this book due to needing a dictionary to define hidden information about the things to come of this "New World Order" that's to come. Very profound and awakening, hope more of the sheeple read this book and decides to read the Holy Bible afterwards. You're gonna need it!


This is a must read - not because I agree with what Klaus says (I definitely DON'T), BUT because after reading, it all should just click. George Floyd, Trump, China, Vaccines, Contact Tracing, Reduced Privacy, Climate Change, WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION. Pick up your copy. Show others. Highlight as you go. We must re-elect President Trump in November.

It has started and you cannot ignore this book.

I recently read the following book; “ Covid-19, The Great Reset”. One of the Authors is Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum. The WEF was involved in “war gaming” a pandemic in 2019 called Event 201. “ Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.” This book was published in June of 2020. Essentially, this book discusses the outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic and how the world will form into a new order a.k.a The Fourth Industrial Revolution or The Great Reset. The book is largely written in a hypothetical manner with suggestions as to possible outcomes, desirable or not desirable. However, it is easy to see it as a road map for the new global world order, because it is. Covid 19 has turned out to be a catalyst, underscoring deficiencies in our current system of governance, business, trade and social order. And the WEF (and their many powerful associates) has a solution for all of this. Interestingly, portions of this solution are already in place. Virtually everything you have experienced or read about for the last six months is part of their plan. This not theory, the ship has sailed and you are on it. I do not suggest that their plan is all doom and gloom. Their recommendations and theories are in fact quite sensible and I found myself agreeing with their descriptions of our glaring societal deficiencies and how Covid 19 highlighted them. Things such as universal health care, global warming, wealth distribution, supply chains, trade inequities etc. etc. are all discussed. Theoretically we could arrive in a post Covid 19 world in a better place, but that may take years. This book is fascinating and prescient (strangely so) and is a must read if you want to hypothecate regarding your own future. Do I trust them?…hell no. The devil is always in the details which are short in supply right now. But we are all going on this ride and that is a fact. Remember, Bill Gates said the next pandemic is coming and it will likely be worse than this one (yes he did and with a smile). So get ready and hang on.

The call for 'global governance' is chilling

The book not only calls 'global governance', but also for a heightened cooperation between the 'private sector' and the 'public sector'. Private sector: banks and corporations (private interests) Public sector: the government (public welfare) The fact that you're trying to involve private interests in the conversation about public welfare is hilarious. Americans want a government that represents the People, not a handful of oligarchs who rig the system to benefit themselves. America will be the greatest threat to the 'Great Reset' for this reason. In fact, saying that 'capitalism is broken' is pretty disingenuous when you consider that banks and corporations are the ones who broke it in the first place. Aren't we only 12 years removed from the 2008 financial crisis? And you think the people of America trust you to install 'global governance'? After our institutions have proved to be unworthy of our trust . . ? Private sector influence in the public sector is what caused our economic woes to begin with. I seriously doubt giving banks and corporations MORE of a role in government is going to benefit us in any way. I have a radical idea: let's get money OUT of politics, not invite more of it IN. I realize that most people don't have any economic sensibility whatsoever, but I think the WEF is underestimating the number of people who are raising eyebrows at this whole 'Great Reset' thing. Perhaps that's why radical revolutions so frequently entail locking up the educated. If you're somewhat intelligent, you see right through the lie. And so into the gulag you go! (Hopefully they have pizza in 21st century concentration camps. I need pizza.) All in all, I was not impressed with the book. I've been paying attention to the UN's Agenda 21/2030 for awhile, but I always thought they'd pull it off a lot more smoothly than they are. As it stands right now, a lot of people are viewing this as a plot to subvert American democracy. The question is: Why isn't this big news?

Know your enemy - this is their manual.

Know your enemy - this is their manual. I think they have greatly underestimated the fact that populations will return to their own normal, or close to it, naturally. Opportunistic malfeasance by the Davos ‘elites’ will be their own downfall.

They deleted my first 2 star review....

Wrote a prior review for Klaus's work -- IT WAS DELETED. Folks the WEF cronies in high places are censoring bad reviews, so KEEP EM COMIN. Klaus speculates, pontificates, then imo defecates on humanity with his utopian vision to first save the planet. You'll be given everything, own nothing, and have no religion to boot. And you'll be happy ... and we shall have ... PEACE. Lmao.

Technocratic Totalitarianism on a Global scale

Yes, you read that right. Technocratic Totalitarianism on a Global scale. This was horrifying, and they're using this pandemic to do it .


This is a pro communist propaganda piece of trash. It’s anti free market capitalism. It’s not worth one penny. It’ll be kindling soon. It’s COVID19 fictionalization is nauseating. It should have a red cover. It tries to sway the reader into NWO thinking.

Telegraphing the global intent to control us...

The elite will always show their hand before they do what they want to you. Preprogramming in television and movies. Propaganda comes in many forms, whether disinfo from Internet personalities or bots, celebrities, the nightly news, manipulation of opinion through your favorite games, cooking shows, or even through bribery. If anything is are the product. Remember that. So, read this. Read “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” from the Rockefeller Foundation from 2010. Especially the section titled “Lockstep”. Read “The Unseen Hand”. Read everything written by Edward Bernays. “Brave New World” from Aldous Huxley. Then read books on agriculture, home repair, welding, hand to hand, firearm proficiency, water collection and purification, and food storage. Turn movable cash into hard, tradable goods like smokes, liquor, ammo, or food (heirloom seeds). Become self sufficient. Become ungovernable.

The future is now

Klaus Schwab's mad scientist plan to turn the world into a socialist technocracy is all here for your reading displeasure. Find out how COVID-19 is being and will be used to usher in a new age of neo serfdom. When people call you a conspiracy theorist, just whip out your copy of this book and read some passages aloud. Exciting things like "Negative Growth," "The Return of Big Government," "Equality" (hint, you will be equally poor), and more! The plan laid out in the book isn't new, it just has a new wrapper, and it will be hell.


Still on the introduction of this book due to needing a dictionary to define hidden information about the things to come of this "New World Order" that's to come. Very profound and awakening, hope more of the sheeple read this book and decides to read the Holy Bible afterwards. You're gonna need it!


This is a must read - not because I agree with what Klaus says (I definitely DON'T), BUT because after reading, it all should just click. George Floyd, Trump, China, Vaccines, Contact Tracing, Reduced Privacy, Climate Change, WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION. Pick up your copy. Show others. Highlight as you go. We must re-elect President Trump in November.

It has started and you cannot ignore this book.

I recently read the following book; “ Covid-19, The Great Reset”. One of the Authors is Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum. The WEF was involved in “war gaming” a pandemic in 2019 called Event 201. “ Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.” This book was published in June of 2020. Essentially, this book discusses the outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic and how the world will form into a new order a.k.a The Fourth Industrial Revolution or The Great Reset. The book is largely written in a hypothetical manner with suggestions as to possible outcomes, desirable or not desirable. However, it is easy to see it as a road map for the new global world order, because it is. Covid 19 has turned out to be a catalyst, underscoring deficiencies in our current system of governance, business, trade and social order. And the WEF (and their many powerful associates) has a solution for all of this. Interestingly, portions of this solution are already in place. Virtually everything you have experienced or read about for the last six months is part of their plan. This not theory, the ship has sailed and you are on it. I do not suggest that their plan is all doom and gloom. Their recommendations and theories are in fact quite sensible and I found myself agreeing with their descriptions of our glaring societal deficiencies and how Covid 19 highlighted them. Things such as universal health care, global warming, wealth distribution, supply chains, trade inequities etc. etc. are all discussed. Theoretically we could arrive in a post Covid 19 world in a better place, but that may take years. This book is fascinating and prescient (strangely so) and is a must read if you want to hypothecate regarding your own future. Do I trust them?…hell no. The devil is always in the details which are short in supply right now. But we are all going on this ride and that is a fact. Remember, Bill Gates said the next pandemic is coming and it will likely be worse than this one (yes he did and with a smile). So get ready and hang on.

The call for 'global governance' is chilling

The book not only calls 'global governance', but also for a heightened cooperation between the 'private sector' and the 'public sector'. Private sector: banks and corporations (private interests) Public sector: the government (public welfare) The fact that you're trying to involve private interests in the conversation about public welfare is hilarious. Americans want a government that represents the People, not a handful of oligarchs who rig the system to benefit themselves. America will be the greatest threat to the 'Great Reset' for this reason. In fact, saying that 'capitalism is broken' is pretty disingenuous when you consider that banks and corporations are the ones who broke it in the first place. Aren't we only 12 years removed from the 2008 financial crisis? And you think the people of America trust you to install 'global governance'? After our institutions have proved to be unworthy of our trust . . ? Private sector influence in the public sector is what caused our economic woes to begin with. I seriously doubt giving banks and corporations MORE of a role in government is going to benefit us in any way. I have a radical idea: let's get money OUT of politics, not invite more of it IN. I realize that most people don't have any economic sensibility whatsoever, but I think the WEF is underestimating the number of people who are raising eyebrows at this whole 'Great Reset' thing. Perhaps that's why radical revolutions so frequently entail locking up the educated. If you're somewhat intelligent, you see right through the lie. And so into the gulag you go! (Hopefully they have pizza in 21st century concentration camps. I need pizza.) All in all, I was not impressed with the book. I've been paying attention to the UN's Agenda 21/2030 for awhile, but I always thought they'd pull it off a lot more smoothly than they are. As it stands right now, a lot of people are viewing this as a plot to subvert American democracy. The question is: Why isn't this big news?

Know your enemy - this is their manual.

Know your enemy - this is their manual. I think they have greatly underestimated the fact that populations will return to their own normal, or close to it, naturally. Opportunistic malfeasance by the Davos ‘elites’ will be their own downfall.

They deleted my first 2 star review....

Wrote a prior review for Klaus's work -- IT WAS DELETED. Folks the WEF cronies in high places are censoring bad reviews, so KEEP EM COMIN. Klaus speculates, pontificates, then imo defecates on humanity with his utopian vision to first save the planet. You'll be given everything, own nothing, and have no religion to boot. And you'll be happy ... and we shall have ... PEACE. Lmao.

Technocratic Totalitarianism on a Global scale

Yes, you read that right. Technocratic Totalitarianism on a Global scale. This was horrifying, and they're using this pandemic to do it .


This is a pro communist propaganda piece of trash. It’s anti free market capitalism. It’s not worth one penny. It’ll be kindling soon. It’s COVID19 fictionalization is nauseating. It should have a red cover. It tries to sway the reader into NWO thinking.

Telegraphing the global intent to control us...

The elite will always show their hand before they do what they want to you. Preprogramming in television and movies. Propaganda comes in many forms, whether disinfo from Internet personalities or bots, celebrities, the nightly news, manipulation of opinion through your favorite games, cooking shows, or even through bribery. If anything is are the product. Remember that. So, read this. Read “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” from the Rockefeller Foundation from 2010. Especially the section titled “Lockstep”. Read “The Unseen Hand”. Read everything written by Edward Bernays. “Brave New World” from Aldous Huxley. Then read books on agriculture, home repair, welding, hand to hand, firearm proficiency, water collection and purification, and food storage. Turn movable cash into hard, tradable goods like smokes, liquor, ammo, or food (heirloom seeds). Become self sufficient. Become ungovernable.

Schwab outlines plan to use COVID-19 as an excuse for global governance

This really makes you think about the reasoning behind some of the responses to this overblown virus.

Good Information

In solidarity with other readers who have given this sinister book five stars, I'll do the same. Underlying the whole premise of this weird book is that the virus did it to us: all the suffering and economic destruction were caused by the virus. This isn't true at all. All the suffering was caused by our response to the virus. Sweden proves this point. South Dakota, Florida, and Texas do as well. Instead of practicing a policy of least harm wherein the most vulnerable were looked after, what we did instead was harm everyone, including and especially our children, by pretending that this disease was going to kill everyone. The authors insist that an alternative policy of "focused protection" was one of sacrificing a few so that we could save the economy, but they know full well that no one who advocated such a view was in favor of sacrificing anyone: the point, which the authors are too enchanted with their grandiose "reset" vision to see, was/is to do the least harm by focusing on the most vulnerable: those are the ones who had to "stay home, stay safe," and since many of these people were retired anyhow, for many this wasn't a problem. For those without the means to stay safe or who felt too afraid to participate in society (even if they were young and healthy) then the proper role of government would have been to seek out these people and lend them aid. This would have been at far less cost than the regulations, bailouts, etc., that took place instead. The authors give precious little time to quaint ideas like liberty and freedom, although I supposed they might in the chapters on "Individual Reset." I was mistaken. They talk about individual mental health, creativity, consumption, well-being, but not about how installing a medical police state-- which is exactly what happened throughout the world-- damages the very ideals and aspirations of people all around the world who believe that our greatest good isn't that the state tells us what to do, but that we are always, to the greatest extent possible, masters and deciders of our own fates. The Great Reset folks don't want that. At bottom, their vision is one of a collectivist "we're all in this together" mindset wherein we all pull for a greater good (which greater good the authors conveniently sketch out for us) and it doesn't include individual self-determination except within the restricted bounds that Schwab and Mallerret outline for us. Authentic self-determination would be "selfish," you see. I can only hope that in the land of the free and the home of the brave, we'll say a polite "no, thank you" to Schwab and friends and tell them to go elsewhere with their utopian scheme. And no, many of us don't believe that CO2 warming is sound science, so I guess we're not "all in this together" on that one, either. Tsk, tsk ... we're the ones who'll have to be monitored and policed for the greater good of all, in a great reset dystopia. Slippery slope that one, or no? Who gets to decide what the "proper" outlook should be, for the greater good of all, and who would have to be monitored and controlled for the good of the collectivist whole? Klaus and Thierry, my reply to you is, Stay safe re-set: stay free.

Required reading!

Understand this book was written June 2020, promulgated by the same people who were behind Event 201: The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In order for people to understand the Pandemic of 2020 and all else associated with it, this book is a must read--but ask yourself "why" as you read between the lines. Then take a course in psychology 101 and read the book again.

WEF admits reason for covid-19 Hoax Fear Mongering Panic Hysteria verifies not conspiracy theory.

This book admits that covid-19 hysteria scam is not a conspiracy theory. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The powerful get more powerful and others are put under house arrest. There are winners and losers. The large technocratic corporations are the winners. Small and medium size businesses are the losers. This leads to a total breakdown of society. Even if we are allowed out of our homes due to social distancing and masks there is no personal interaction. How can I flirt with checkout girl at grocery store if we are both wearing masks and I can't see expressions on her face or what she looks like. It is a complete totalitarian joyless future planned. Surveillance more complete than ever. No one ever going to school again. All learning will be done by computer eventually with millions of students for each teacher. No in face business meetings. Work at home. Most of the so called bailout money went to increasing the net worth of billionaires by billions or trillions of dollars. He states that we must learn to not be so materialistic, not have a consumer flaunting of wealth. This is his way of saying that we must accept lower standard of living. Meanwhile crumbs are given to those put out of work so they don't revolt. The idea is that the great masses of people should be dependent on government for very minimum standard of living while the robots take over their jobs. It is a completely joyless future planned and the WEF admits that it is not a conspiracy theory, but the plan all along for mass fear grossly exaggerated false positive covid-19 test results and deaths falsely blamed on covid-19. Yes it is a total reset to totalitarian joyless future. Big Pharmacy is the winner and who knows what harm will be done by so called vaccines and who knows what will be put in them. I give 5 star review for honest assessment of what is coming next, it does not mean I agree with or approve of it. It is a total breakdown of social life.

Beware of Wolves in Technocratic Clothing

“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.” H.L. Mencken What if Dr. Evil and Dr. Strangelove shacked up one crazy night in Vegas and had an extra evil love child? The result just might be Herr Schwab, a most worthy doppelganger. Herr Klaus has a horrifying vision for a dystopian trans-humanist future that is the product of megalomaniacal elitism run amok. It's called "The Great Reset", but we can call it what it is, One World Government Technocratic Tyranny. If you want a visual, just think of an AI robot's boot stamping on a human face forever. But don't worry, we'll all be on Huxley's Soma, so we'll hardly even notice. The arrogance of the predator class is truly astonishing, and their hubris knows no bounds. These lunatics actually believe they have the right to decide our future and to intentionally alter the course of human civilization in the direction that an infinitesimally small group of literal psychopaths want to go, without consulting us first!!! And they don't consult us first because they know people en mass would reject their agenda outright, and imprison its proponents, if they understood the truly diabolical nature of this soft global coup, wrapped in the sheep's clothing of a Utopian future provided by the all powerful god of Science. Klaus and his co-conspirators think they are soooooooooooo much smarter than us peasants, who can't be trusted to make decisions for ourselves. This is what Neo-Feudalism looks like, and no matter how much lip stick Col. Klink and his gang of new world order criminals want to put on the authoritarian pig that is Technocracy, tyranny by any other name still smells like slavery. This man and all his ilk should be in orange jump suits awaiting trial for global terrorism and crimes against humanity. “The welfare of the people...has always been the alibi of tyrants, and provides...the servants of tyranny a good conscience.” -Albert Camus

The Great Genocide

If it is not evident to you by now that The Great Reset, coming ever so coincidentally along with the Covid-19 pandemic, is the globalists last ditch attempt to get rid of Trump and impose their Marxist green new world order and depopulation agenda on the world, then go ahead and buy this book, you'll love it!


World order enforced by oppressive tech. Read 1984 instead of this book.


You want a sustainable and equal world, then demand the release of FREE ENERGY technologies our governments are hoarding, mandate organic farming, and the list goes on! If you think the WEF and the other Wizards Behind the Curtain truly care about the betterment of us peasants, then you are sadly mistaken. P.S. This amazing digital world they speak so highly about; Smart Grids, 5G, etc., will cause a whole different type of pollution!

Please Buy This Book

"The tree of liberty needs refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants" "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" Just food for thought.

Know Your Enemy - Read The Plan

As a human being, possessing free will, and valuing basic freedoms, this book is absolutely frightening. It's frightening to read what some unelected d-bag and the rest of the cabal have planned for all of us. Dr. Strangelove has decided how our economies should operate after this "opportunity" which is being exploited, how our countries should be run, which rights we should trustingly hand over to our governments, that our nation-state governments should be subservient to global governance, what values we should hold, and that command economies and socialism are the right choice for our governments to impose on us and that they will work this time, and that authoritarianism is what we need. This useless, bald weirdo points out just how dire the threat that nationalism and the people who live and work in the world pose in their rejection of globalism when they vote I would recommend that anyone who believes that they have the right to make their own life choices, read this book. It makes all of Alex Jones' rants about "the globalists" not seem crazy at all. In fact, the essence of the outline for "The Great Reset" makes Alex Jones sound like the most reasonable person in the world. It's amazing how quickly this detailed plan for a post-coronavirus future was written, edited, and published... almost as though this plan was ready to go.

A very timely book

Bravo, Klaus! There is no doubt in my mind that your "must read" book will find its rightful place next to Mein kampf and the Communist Manifesto.

Fascism Under The Guise Of Biosecurity

When looking back at the rise of Nazi Germany, we often wonder "how did that happen, and how did so many go along with it ?" .. The Great Reset is much the same .. While communism envisages the take-over of business and industry by the government, which, theoretically, acts in the interests of the people, fascism is all about using the state to protect and advance the interests of the wealthy elite, and that is what Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset is all about ..

Information you can use

They have a plan for us

covid- 19: the GREAT FICTION

This is another attempt by the satanic powers that should not be to convince us that this "virus" is real. No stars


This book is a playbook for the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak and the consolidation of power. Shocking they would release this to the public, but how many will really read this. This book brings chills down my back to believe the things he wants to do are actually coming true everyday.

Chilling - Mein Kampf for the New World Reich

I only bought this to find out what the enemy has planned for the rest of us, and it's chilling. This is Mein Kampf for the New World Reich.

Read between the lines

The authors make it sound like this will be a great idea but for who ? For the elites that's who ....They should really call it what it is Because what it's about is taking away people's freedoms,culling the heard (us) and surveillance on everyone .making the world digital.and ruining all of the small businesses so the big corporations can take over . The authors contradict themselves by saying people need to spend time in nature yet the world needs to become digital..... this is communism in the making .All the lockdown s that aren't necessary and closing down hard working small businesses and keeping Wal-Mart's and other big box stores open is extremely cruel and one of the worst things on humanity I have ever seen in my life all in the name of implementing their climate change agenda.. It's all in the name of power and co trolling the masses .Shame on you .You should be ashamed of yourselves.We don't want your global reset you elite fascist communists .

The Truth Is Available If You Seek

Learn the truth. You will never get the truth from MSM. There are many people out there trying to get facts out to everybody, but it is suppressed. You just have to dig and get out of the MSM & Gvmt. In this book, Schwab exposes how evil he is and how he is moving towards a one-world government system, just as the Bible foretold.

The best book so far about the post-pandemic landscape

A lot of the articles we see that pass for Covid wisdom take the form of “Covid, therefore my pre-existing worldview”. But Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret bring us the most unbiased, neutral and macro perspectives about the post-pandemic world, combining their knowledge of economics, technology, industry history, science and anthropology. Without a desire to take sides or pander to either the east or the west, to either the left or the right, to either an optimistic or pessimistic narrative, they have brought us this comprehensive guide to bring clarity to this most chaotic of times.

The Great Lie

This is very simple. Schwab lays out his plans to use government power to steal more your money and expand an already gigantic gravy train for the benefit of WEF member corporations and billionaires. His book is an attempt to manufacture your consent by convincing you to be afraid of germs and weather. I recommend reading it if you're interested in learning how the power elite uses propaganda as a main tool in it's grand grift.


This is socialism in the making God have mercy for the USA

Do yourself a favor and read this.

Very quick read. Simply put, I believe this to be in EVERYBODY’S best interest to read this. A “speculative” map of of potential forks in the road ahead. You’re only doing yourself a disservice in depriving yourself of vital information that will in turn affect us as a collective. Good luck out there

All roads lead to Switzerland

I’m getting into this book so hard. Where do the authors live? I’d love to send them a gift box of freshly baked cookies.

Crimes Against Humanity

This is just one of many books on the subject of The Great Reset and Covid 19. The World Economic Forum is the den where Satan resides. A solid read to archive. Evil is winning.

Typical view from a Davos elite from 50 thousand feet.

Typical view of how we can reshape the world from one of the Davos elite. Untouched by and changes society has truly felt or any they propose in this book. A prime example is their proposal we should all vacation closer to home so as to limit carbon emissions from air travel.. this coming from the men who fly private jets from Davos to NYC to Beijing planning a societal utopia they will view from the comfort and safety of their gated estates.

An Oligarch's Wet Dream

This is a road map on how to indoctrinate the masses to be good little servants for the ruling class. "You will have nothing but you will be happier"

The Great in Little......

Here in this very book; Covid-19: The Great Reset (by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret) we can clearly see the ‘blueprint of plans’ that the movers and shakers (on behalf of ‘the great in little’ that truly run/control the world), have arbitrarily mapped out and have in store for every citizen of the world! This is not a joke or a game to be taken lightly. These people/organizations (i.e., The World Economic Forum and others) that meet once a year in Davos, Switzerland (and in key places, throughout the world), have been quite busy deciding/inventing what’s supposedly ‘good’ and ‘best’ for the rest of us mortals. And they plan on following through—with your government and everyone’s government full approval/complicity, of course (so, in fact, your so-called ‘Democratic electoral process’ is worth zilch!). If that’s not scary enough, what these people really have planned for us (in the coming years if not decades), is nothing short of a ‘one-world-corporate-state.’ In other words, the very epitome of totalitarianism. They plan on dismantling whatever few civil liberties we have left. Not just here in the US and the EU, but throughout the entire world (with very few exceptions). BTW: This ultimate ‘police-state’ has already been ushered in under the cover and perfect disguise of a global pandemic (Covid-19) to scare the witless masses into submission. Even Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, and all the other great ‘genocidal butchers’ of history could never have dreamed up or gotten away—with the scenario/events that these dastardly ‘monsters’ have devised for the people of the world. The ‘wholesome goodness’ that these ‘insiders’ have planned for us, will make life in the former Soviet Union or East Germany—seem like a ‘summer camp’ by comparison. Now, one has to wonder why? Why is Big Government in on it? For the discriminating few, the answer was already obvious: it’s because the state/government and the corporations are one and the same, and have been for a very long time, that’s why! Why was the US and the EU (including, Australia and New Zealand) so quick and willing to ‘lockdown’ and destroy their own economies? This has never happened in world history. And especially not on the scale or damage that this has caused the global economy. So much so, that in retrospect I now see the 2008/09 orchestrated ‘Fed/Wall Street swindle’ (which was several trillions of dollars in size) for what it really was. In other words, it was a ‘dress rehearsal’ and a percussor of much bigger things that were still to come! The ‘great reset’ is most definitely upon us, and all the states of the world seem to be completely on board. And why not? The politicians/government officials have no problem with it because they are all getting handsomely paid/rewarded to sell us ‘down the river.’ The sham is on us and has always been so. And believe me, they will get their way, one way or another. We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we? But please, don’t take my word for it—you can read the book and make up your own mind whether most of this will ever come into fruition (some things already have). It’s truly mind-boggling to think that a global conspiracy of such unprecedented proportions has been implemented/orchestrated on behalf of the very few (the corporate oligarchs), but the evidence clearly speaks for itself. It saddens me to know that just in the past two years alone, the seemingly ordinary world that I once knew has vanished right before my very eyes. And not for the better part of humanity. God help us all! An eye-opening read for all the aforementioned points already discussed. And the reason I gave the book four stars: it was concise, well-written, and you have to give them some credit for being so forthcoming about their ‘Ahrimanic’ plans. Lol! (BTW: What they mean by a ‘great reset’ is the complete restructuring of society and the global economy to coincide with their vision of the future, which is akin to something like the classic 1974 John Boorman film; Zardoz). Covid-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret. 2020 World Economic Forum. (This review is for the paperback edition.) Love and Peace, Carlos E Romero

Neo-feudal fascism? Just say no.

Wherein our malificent overlords envision and announce a global fear induced control grid to effect neo-feudal fascism and advocate a future of bug eating and propertyless serfdom for the plebians.

An eye opening look into one group of people's vision of the future.

My book came on time and was in very good order. I'm about 1 chapter in and I will say he content is pretty heavy but exists only because of each modern individual's abject apathy, in regard to the world around them, could this possible future could manifest itself as our shared reality. IMO We all need to assess and start tending to one another with a sense of community and care before we are forced to act in the polar opposite manner. I'm talking about from the smallest thing to picking litter if you're on a walk bc it's the right thing to do or in regard to outsourcing your divine gift of free will to corporations and governments bc the problems of the world are "Too big" for any one unique individual to tackle and solve let alone observe and notate. Immense suffering is going on all around us from the smallest of creatures to the apex, and shows no sign of slowing down. Mother Nature's indifference and ambivalence are stunning and beautiful IMO I'll end my review with something that provides me comfort when I'm troubled, All living things on earth are carbon based, they each feed on other living things to continue living themselves until they succumb to either decay or predation thus feeding and continuing the cycle. You and I are intelligent plant food, stewards and care takers to the only garden we know of in the universe. Meet force with ferocity and live in a way that you don't need to cling to your vehicle, bc you're going to get separated from it one day as I will also. Blame is modern man's biggest problem and responsibility is it's solution, free will.

Know your enemies

Straight up evil. Good to read to see inside the mind of a psychopath.

Vague and Banal Agenda Looking for a Crisis

Comes off as very opportunistic (i.e. a prepackaged agenda waiting for a crisis to happen). Author seems to have a hard time containing his excitement at the opportunity this tragedy has brought; little empathy shown with those have suffered from this virus till near the end of the book. All that being said, the ideas for "reset" the author makes are vague and banal. Wanted to see another side of the issue. Nothing here worth my time though.

The Plan--right from the horse's mouth

I bought this book based on the recommendation of a public figure I trust. After reading some of it (up to Page 70), I was confused because I was thinking, "Wait, this author sounds like a socialist. Why did that person recommend this book?" Then it hit me--it was recommended in order to warn us of the big plan, the Global Reset, and this book is written by proponents of the plan. So no one can call it "right wing propaganda," can they. I will not finish the rest of this book. It's both upsetting and boring. The reviewers here confirmed what I suspected would follow after Page 70. It is definitely important that we all know the plan, but why should these guys profit when they are, let's face it, the enemy of freedom. Give your money instead to one of the good guys who can tell you what the Great Reset is all about. Or if you must read it, borrow the book from a friend or the library. What I got so far is nothing but speculation--one-sided facts and figures making the case for their utopia. The authors see massive government intervention at the center of this utopia. The U.S. is a big problem in achieving their goal, so naturally, they tear down the U.S. a lot. They're trying to get our heads right. Ha ha. We are just too darned capitalistic and freedom loving. Oh and Donald Trump was president at the time they wrote the book--their worst nightmare--an "America First," anti-globalist president. No-ooo! Oh but it's all for the greater good, don't cha know. Here's a quote from Page 57: "With the economic emergency responses to the pandemic now in place, the opportunity can be seized to make the kind of institutional changes and policy choices that will put economics on a new path towards a FAIRER, GREENER future (emphasis mine)." How about GDP as a measure of economic prosperity? Nah. That is so-ooo yesterday. Instead, they say, let's focus on "the minimum we need to live a good life" and know "the boundaries not to be crossed by human activity to avoid environmentally negative impact on climate, soil, oceans ... freshwater and biodiversity (Page 60)." Can you imagine the tyranny these "boundaries" could invite? Ironically, the authors followed the above statements with, "We do not know yet whether the 'tyranny of GDP growth' will come to an end ..." What? Beware! This book will appeal to naive people, especially during hard times. The authors paint a rosy picture ahead. Just put them in charge, and life will be grand. You will never go without. Didn't all communist leaders tell their peasants the very same thing?

Delivered right on time as promised in excellent condition

The title of this book is a bit misleading - THIS IS NOT A CONSIPIRACY THEORY - it is informational and academic, but not boring or dry at all. It gives factual information, and gives reasonable projected outcomes about what life may be like after COVID-19; neither alarmist nor falsely reassuring. Surprisingly easy to understand and a fairly quick read; and I like that you don't have to read it in a typical linear fashion; you can jump to different sections that are of most concern to you, then go back to other portions without getting lost in overly complex academic language.

Find out why the world will burn

Are you a common sense type person?? Then after reading this you will know that the free world is up against the most sickest twisted genetically produced scum of the world. And they will stop at nothing to push their twisted global agenda. Read and learn...take the information in and decide how to become self sufficient away from the machine... enjoy

The World Is Not Enough Mr. Bond

In The Great Reset, Mr. Klaus Schwab, Public Enemy #1 (sorry Bill Gates, you slipped to #2) tells us where it's at and how it's going to be...according to him that is. Where do these megalomaniacs come from anyhow? -Hey Klaus, get a life and ditch the Bond villain schtick...I read your demented pamphlet and, come on, you're joking, right-? I suggest you go Reset your brain...Ok, that's a good Klaus, now be Mr. Nice Guy and don't scare the kids...and please shut-up! Nobody in their right mind is listening to your clap-trap any-who....

After Reading...

After reading part of this book I just have a very simple request from the Government. I need the government And thé Elite to ; 1) Leave me alone. 2) Leave me and my family Alone 3. Leave my health alone (My body my choice) 4. Leave me TF ALONE.

Communism/Marxism/fascism/The Great Reset

Just read the free preview.. This book is the terrifying road map for OUR future that the World Economic Forum and Elite have mapped out: this book is the map!! Everyone needs to read this and hear about this book. It’s a communist/Marxist/fascists dream utopia come true. We must educate ourselves and not allow the contents of this book to happen. Sadly, it’s happening.

Love the other great reviews

Tell your LIES to the world about "green" technology and how it is sustainable and so kind to the Earth. Cui bono, on that farce? Tell the world, when Sharps Pixley (now owned by KB), and the other 4 "big bankers" will finally "own nothing" and will "rent" what they need and will feel "happy". Tell the world when the AMZN & the big eBey auction house stops all their platform marketing and selling. I don't think the loony authors' would figure out how to find their way out of a taped shut paper bag without help. I love the great reviews from those not buying into the authors' premise of owning as well as governing the entire planet. What do they think we are, sheep or cattle? While the majority of their pro-slavery rhetoric is in this book or at WEF, the reality is, the absolute majority of us continue to live outside the "net" of their pathological bubble inhabited by the truly insane old men who're constantly working upon their next move while writhing about their beds forever stuck within their dreams of engineering a new h3ll on Earth! The real h3ll is their own mind.

A book that repackages the Communist Manifesto.

If you choose to read this book, be prepared for a very boring experience. This book is like reading a never-ending PowerPoint presentation with an obscene amount of bullet points throughout, not to mention run-on chapters. Forget about this book being about Covd-19, but instead being about people thinking about the community as a whole and disregarding individuality. Moreover, it's about nations becoming part of the global community and Climate Change as the most important topic. This book is basically another blueprint for Global Communism but described in an emotionally sensitive way so it can be hidden from the gullible people.

James Bond villains are real!

I’m not quite done reading this book yet, and I’m not sure if I should waste any more time with it. But I went on YouTube to see who this Klaus Schwab guy is and what else he has to say. And I must say he was everything that I imagined him to be and even more – he checked all the boxes for the perfect stereotypical James Bond villain. He is old, bald, wants to take over the world and has a terrible German accent. The only thing that’s missing is a cat in his lap.

Interesting sell on their push

Read this to learn more about why and how the World Economic Forum is so involved in what is currently taking place in our environment. Interesting sell but the resulting dystopian future is quite grim.


This book will probably go down in history with notoriety. I read it just to see what was coming. Sorry, not a fan of the plan. The more noble goals can be achieved without a totalitarian world government.

Trash! Call for government control of your life

Utter trash! A call for ultimate government control and socialism. This guy is the villain in the bond movies

A polemic for systemic oppression

Those who have everything tell you to be happy with nothing, for the “good of the planet”. The Great Reset has those in power telling you to own nothing, relying on the state to pay you to get necessities, and they'll control how much you get and make you rent everything (including even clothes). You’re supposed to be happy with the “freedom”. But the day you bother them, they will cut you off, and you have nothing.

Excellent ideas for a more equitable world.

I have read this book though and I am giving a copy to one of my colleagues. It lays out an excellent foundation for bettering our global communities. To avoid the worse mistakes of the present we must rethink our assumptions about how the world should be ordered. There is a better way forward and I am certain we will overcome the barriers in front of us and foster a more cooperative, fair, and just world.

Give this book to everyone who says "When things go back to normal".

Depressing as hell. I keep asking myself who elected these people to do this to the world? Buy this book by the case and hand it out like candy. The idea of one must go backwards to go forwards applies to the ideas in this book. Live poor, eat poor, commute poor, work poor and remember that you'll "like it". Whenever you hear someone talk about "When things go back to normal" please hand them this book. They ain't.

Psychopath aurthor

Read this to understand that psychopath claus Schwabs and what the WEF has planned for us!

The authors don't back up their claims with facts

Like many of the other reviews, these guys are Dr. No incarnate. In almost every paragraph, they make assertions without backing any of that up with factual evidence. They are simply claiming again and again that they understand the reason for every societal problem--from social unrest to inadequate health care. And, of course, their answer is to put them in charge and all these problems are solvable. This is the Text-book definition of elitism! No wonder so many people voted for Trump--if these guys are the alternative!

Dare to Rethink

The Coronavirus Pandemic causes us to realize how interconnected our world is. The pandemic had wide-ranging social, educational, political, economic, financial and environmental impact. The extreme distress heightens ability to see where change is needed and possible paths to effect positive change in the future. Different sources are quoted, advising global solutions to bring about greater happiness, inclusiveness, health care, and environmental sustainability, to name a few.

We are told the Great Reset is a conspiracy theory

The great reset is a conspiracy theory. At least that’s what we are told but one of the underwriters of the New World order was audacious enough to boast about the plan in a book. People thought 2020 was bad. I suspect 2021 is going to be much, much worse.


The 21st century communist manifesto. Not the works of ordinary men. It takes a conscious alignment with unfathomable cosmic forces, to pull off something like this. Those who don’t like it, also have a choice of tapping into the powers of creation. But those who chose not to, should not waste their human breaths on condemning those who do. Going up against the forces that created this, instead of going with them, renders all human opinions irrelevant. Who wants to be a cotton ball in the eye of a hurricane?

The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6 months

I began banging the drum on the great reset early last year. My friends filed that into one of my many "conspiracy theories " . Clever trick, if you label something a conspiracy theory you never have to discuss it or think about it....until it comes to fruition.

Scary stuff that they envision. glad they showed their gameplan tho

these Davos elites are not going to give you a fair and equitable world. Its simply not in their nature

Good read.

I like to read the outlook and motives of those in power positions. Be informed.

Good to know.

Need to read from mouth of those re-imagining our world and lives.

Best Prepper toilet paper I have ever tried

Saw it his in a friends bathroom for which I thought it was there for some light reading. Opened it up and found myself on Page 56. Odd, I thought to myself. I’ve burned pages of books when hiking but in the solitude of a comfy bathroom and porcelain throne, this seemed a bit out of place. I dropped this and picked up a Guns and Ammo and proceeded to read a riveting article about Piston Driven ARs and how they are making a comeback. Finishing what I can only describe as a 9 out of 10 Deuce I started to look around for the Charmin Extra Soft. Not seeing any readily available I waddled over to the sink to check under it. Nothing. Checked the closet, towels. So technology to the rescue. Texted my buddy to bring me a roll. He responded with theirs plenty in there. I asked quizzically where. He said the book by the Toilet. Then it dawned on me. I retrieved said book and tore pages 56 through 60 out and proceeded to wipe and fold. Refreshingly easy to fold. Good material pick up. Three wipe system felt plenty sufficient. I washed up and went back down stairs to finish the movie and thanked them for the great tip. Just ordered 5 copies. Should hold me for a while.

WEF Thinking, Warts and All...

"You will own nothing, and you will love it." A chilling manifesto from one of the world's leading economic think tanks. A book that is NOT to be ignored.

Centrist writes review after actually reading book.

This was a very boring book for me. I read, and skimmed, page after page after page of what I already knew, being one who pays attention to what is going on in the world, and from a number of different sources. I'll admit I was intrigued by this book after reading and seeing the hype surrounding "You'll own nothing and be happy" but that isn't here, much less some master plan as to how we get from the world we have now (own stuff and happy I suppose) to owning nothing and be happy. What is here is a long winded review (for me) of most everything this Covid-19 crises has brought about and a lot of speculative thought about what it MIGHT bring about in the near future. It it the author's hope that the collective trauma suffered by the people of the world might make them far more amenable to a "great reset" which will take us down a path "to a better world: more inclusive, more equitable, and more respectful of Mother Nature" lest we follow the non-reset path to a "world that resembles the one we just left behind -- but worse and constantly dogged by nasty surprises." (I assume that the post reset world will have no nasty surprises.) Well, a lot of reading to get to that. The only analogy that comes to mind is when the Griswolds arrive at Wally World after driving across the country in National Lampoon's Vacation only to find that Wally World is closed.

This is the manual of the hammer and the sickle

After saying that, it’s incredibly the arrogance of a few towards others....screw you, the natural path always finds its ways.

Nothing good, regular bureaucratic bla bla

globalists think that they know way to happiness ...Hitler, Stalin, Marx, Lenin also were thinking that way

Dont't let yourself be fooled.

This is a well written book. Its purpose is no doubt to introduce us to the heaven of The Great New World Order, through the process of The Great Reset. The benefit I got out of it was that now both the goals and the time table of the way to the New World Order is laid bare. Notice how they introduce the NWO concepts, as if they are inevitable and will work for the benefit of todays least favoured people. Read it carefully, but allways keep in mind that the goal of the authers is to achieve world dominance at our expense.

A Tome of Tyranny

This book is a soul-less, diabolical diatribe announcing the oppression of the free individual and the stripping of fundamental, inalienable, God-endowed human rights that will ultimately fail to achieve its aims and find itself in the ideological refuse bin of the writings and rantings of dictators and tyrants throughout history. A MUST READ for all who wish to preserve human liberty.

Dangerous For The USA

Let me give you some hard, terrifying truth and if you don’t believe me, I can’t do or say anything else to wake you up. This book is not an opinion, it’s an instruction manual for those who HATE America, democracy, and personal freedoms. This is pure communist evil and it IS being implemented. If you believe in Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals danger to our society, then believe this book. I will not being eating Soylent Green.

Manual of the gods

So much information in each chapter. I truly belive this is how it's unfolding before us. A must buy if you are curious how it affects us globally and individually.

Must read wanta know out future published in NOV 2019(covid jan 2020 remember)

People read all 3 or listen to them On your phone wrote and Published-in 2019 yet predicted all the outcomes till now im halfnwqy done 1st book wanta know what yoll need or how to survive on your own. One souce protien cowtails now to make up for loss of calories youll needtobeast

One of the smartest purchases I've made on Amazon!

Not sure what I can say here that won't get banned so I'll sum it up by saying of all the things we buy on Amazon, few will give you more information or awareness than this potential future predictor.

Valuable information to know

Easy to digest. A great read if you have intellectual curiosity about COVID.

Amazing Read

Shows us exactly what they're planning.

I cannot believe this book has received 4 stars...!!

I cannot believe this book has received 4 stars...!! I read the book. It is simply a tyranny wrapped in fancy words like equity, and sustainability for the promise of future generations, (who would be used as a slave to the system..!!) I think 3000 of those five stars that this book has received are all from Davos members who cheer for each other. If you watch any of their videos, they all pose as future Chiefs...!! Not one Indian amongst them to do the work. That is for the general masses. According to Mr. Schwab...the plan is for 400 of the largest cities of the world to be run by smart future leaders between the ages of 20-30! (because they can take orders from them!) . Notice how cleverly they interchange and use the words equity and equality. There is a difference between the meaning of the two. Their plan and agenda are for a Marxist society that you will own nothing and will be miserable, but they will be Happy! That David Ike does not seem so crazy now! It simply shows how corrupt the government and secret societies are and how they are running the world from top to the bottom. From the President all the way to the lowly and stupid news anchormen in CNN and Fox who deliver the news to you! They all have to kiss the ring to keep their jobs and positions. Time to move to a less organized third-world country where they don't have that much control!

A crucial review of the globalist agenda that's about to overtake our country (and the world)

This book, while not specific in its descriptions as it would then have to be between 5 and 50 thousand pages for all the various choicepoints of each aspect of the changes according to Covid, does a really thorough job at relentlessly exploring in brief, every possibility at each major choice point, that it can! It is useful although it does not (nor would I expect it to) impart any hidden knowledge or any step-by-step plans. As it outlines both the choice points and the possible resultant scenarios or outcomes, the foreknowledge of their inevitability (thereby providing at least some circumstantial evidence on foreknowledge of this catastrophe and planned "global reset" as it was penned by the World Economic Forum. It also doubles as an essay on the topic since it is quite a clinical approach in the context of organizing by precepts such as economic feasibility, technological revolution, etc the possible outcomes. However, notably due to the woke ideology of the tainted globalist agenda it also goosesteps around any possible responsibility for say, deaths due to the artificial lockdowns by Democrat governors in the United States or that there was ever any reason not to just "trust the plan" (even though ample evidence already exists albeit heavily suppressed in mainstream and social media that "the plan" is total hogwash). Thirdly, it also acts or tries to act I think in their case they are making as an advertisement, since it tries heavily to twist the narrative from just "this is partly what must be done to avoid Covid becoming a nightmare" to "these Covid concerns are the only possible way and literally will only ever be the one possible way to enact any semblance of fairness or equality in society" and it also conflates for example the rioting/looting/pillaging of redshirts like BLM and Antifa to "just activism for the greater good". All in all, a worthwhile though not compelling read, if only to understand the insane mindset of the globalist.

Great read to get some insight into the mindset of the narcissistic/sociopathic Klaus Schwab.

The book is a hellish rabbit hole that leads you through the ramblings of a geriatric super villian. Mr Schwab discusses his perversions of total global control and dominion over the human psyche. "Big government knows best" in his tales of technology, environmental concerns, and stakeholder capitalism replacing any semblance of individualism or practical approaches to pandemics, climate, day to day human interactions, etc...

Don’t hesitate - buy this book!

This is an exceptionally acute recount of everything that happened.

More Marxist-Inspired Solutions

Couched in glowing, soft-sounding and comforting psycho-babble. Offers pseudo-intellectual prescriptions for centralizing society under the “benevolent hand “ of central Bankers and Globalist governance. The COVID bio-war epidemic, is seen as the excuse for rationalizing The Great Reset - shaping the World into a Utopian Globalist vision

This is their new world order folks. This was their goal ALL ALONG #event201

Literally this book outlines the "elites" game-plan for a post-covid world. They want us all chipped. Crypto is humans money. Gold and silver will always be truest form of money, straight from the source.


Some ok points but not good. Too long and full of personal opinions. I do not recommend. Spend yourmoney so,e where else

As Described.

As Described.

Marvelous: The Great Work!

I ‘ve gotten extremely impressed with this book leiture, it was as all anshers about post Covid questions were anticipated for someone and their group. To not mention that pandemic was yet incipient.


A book outlining the Central Bankers agenda and plain to consolidate their grip of the globe and of the people. Just straight propaganda. Maybe in 100 years, “they” will claim that this book was also just a forgery.

Informative subject

First 40 pages, and the book is fantastically written.



A Frightening Road to Communism

In 2030, If I don’t own this book, I will be happy.

Thank You Mr. Schwab

I showed this to my mom and she agrees

Not a fan

Not the most telling book. Its not like Julian huxley's philosophy of UNESCO where you read it and it and it damns the agenda being pushed. The man is not a philosopher. He often eviscerates straw men. On page 29 he says we need to lock down because this is spreading exponentially but he buries under the rug if this thing was released in like august wouldn't it have already spread exponentially. It wouldn't wait until march when we started observing it then decide to spread exponentially. If we are testing a saturated populous, instead the number of cases directly proportional to the number tested. The exponential part already happened, we were testing the exponential shift in public opinion. On page 43 into 44 he talks about how even when things open up people are too afraid to go out, but, if you read Bernays, you know there are people working around the clock to manufacture fear, so this like appeal to the herd advocating lockdown falls on Helen Keller level deaf ears. On page 45 he sites the imperial college model saying they save lives. He forgot to sit my model that I made up right now where they killed a bunch of people. This is to say models mean nothing, Pope Fauci has said this himself. After we locked down of course. On page 58 there is an ominous " the omission [from the GDP] of value created through work carried out in the household has been a long standing issue". I'm not going to go through the whole thing, but this isn't the most revelatory book. If you are trying to build a framework as to what is going on this is 250 pages that says nothing largely. If you have a decent view of what is going on and are pretty well read this may be something you want to get before it goes down the memory hole.

Read it and weep!

This a human tragedy waiting to happen. Sadly its happening.


Happy customer! 😀

Insightful and Useful.

I will give this book four stars as I found it extremely easy insightful and feel that it must be read, especially by those who disagree, in order to formulate a more informed opinion. I found myself in agreement with quite a bit of it, albeit with a healthy dose of skepticism. Much of it could stand revision, the Author works from assumptions based on a specific ideological bias, taking assumption and bias as fact to shape the future is a very dangerous thing, but many of the ideas are sound and, with a bit of revision and expansion, could work out for the better. To be sure, the world DOES need to change, however, the people presently in charge are not the proper people with the proper mindset to enact sincere and selfless change espoused within these pages. Radical change can only come from outside the box, not within current Political Parties, Ideologies, or Political and Economic Concepts and Models... It all needs to come down and be rebuilt, by a younger generation with fresh ideas... Ideas that are not shaped to a great extent by the old.

Call for a Big Brother Government/Private Sector Alliance

Schwab says we have only 2 choices: either continue as we have and eventually destroy our environment or follow his plan for the future of the whole world. He has been working with world leaders at the yearly WEF to engineer the future to be a place where a few elites at the top govern and completely control the masses for their own good through technology (QR codes you must use to do anything in society which will contain your bank account information, social beliefs, and medical and vaccine information). We’ve seen how equitably and fairly that works for the people in China! Our founders were imperfect but they were geniuses at knowing human nature and how governments work. Power corrupts and that is why they (thankfully) designed a system with separation of powers, checks and balances, and a Bill of Rights! Schwab has already made a lot of progress with his plan (eg, getting countries to enforce vaccine mandates, institute passports, etc). He said his protégées have infiltrated all governments—examples are Justin Trudeau and John Kerry. Not only is this book chilling and disturbing, it is not even well-written. Save your money: you will need it all as our dollars continue to lose value!


If you are seeking to understand the roadmap for the New World Order and what the Globalist cabal wants the world to be – read this book. This book begins with the conceptual framework of the Macro Reset which is a lot words on paper behind which the authors hide behind for about the first third of the book. It isn’t until about page 90 that the true nature and intent of this book begins to reveal itself. More importantly, the authors begin to reveal themselves and what they are REALLY envisioning and already planning for the future of America and the world. Around page 90 the book becomes quite vivacious as the authors can’t help themselves but spew the true nature of the Globalist agenda and Big (global) Government. The “TONE” of the book abruptly and literally changes becoming more aggressive defining the issues we are already seeing today only in a very anticipatory way. One is forced to ask oneself – “How is it that the authors could be so certain of everything they are saying when in fact the book was printed in June of 2020 (when the pandemic was still very new to everyone) and be discussing/predicting various outcomes without actually having planned it?” It seems to me that they are not just another author making statements based on research and empirical data. The statements are surely presented as INTENT. Throughout the last two-thirds of the book there is clearly shifting language from a more “innocent” language to one that is far more direct. For example, “Imagine that society…” or “Perhaps it will be that…” to “It will be that….” and “There will be no choice but to….”. One very good example is the affirmation of supply chain issues that WILL exist. They point out breakdown in trade and supply chain provoking immediate devastation such as increased hunger, prolonged and severe loss of employment and income. While some of that has happened it is the very certainty with which the authors point it out that is frightening. How could they be so sure one year in advance of the current supply chain issues (which the cause of is totally questionable, as well) that it would even be an issue? There was so much hope to ‘flatten the curve, get everyone protected with medications from Covid-19…and yet they are clearly and precisely defining the supply chain issues being experienced at this time. It begs the question – was this all planned? There seems never to be any discussion of revitalization from the circumstances – only a grim, dark, dystopian society in which everyone becomes dependent on a global, technology based, Big Government. Many more anticipatory statements exist surrounding topics such as environment, economics, “societal cash”, technology, mental-health, well-being and much more. The authors can’t help themselves and so spew psycho-social insanity of a world they fully intend to control. The true nature of this book reveals itself when the authors point out that COVID-19 will be a crisis gone to waste if things don’t change! As a final thought, this book is for the discerning reader who is willing not only to entertain the sad and gut-wrenching content of this publication but who is also willing to examine the language of it in a more granular way drawing comparisons between sections of the book and the lunacy of the anticipatory language used. The language clearly indicates what the globalist New World Order agenda is: a cabal of tyrannical rich who think they know better than everyone and want to control the world. (By the way – interesting how Amazon indicates Thierry Malleret as the ‘author’ and there is no mention of Klaus Schwab a key player in all this. Just saying.)

Producto OK

Producto OK

Huge Mistake & Waste to Buy This Book

Lies, lies, and intentional misdirection. This book is to sell you into slavery. Not expecting this review to be published.

Humanity is controlled by Davos

The scariest book you'll ever live through.

An elite propaganda rag, worthless except as a way to see how these creeps think.

I like the fact that this propaganda rag is so poorly written.


The authors are recommending a path of societal and economic destruction. Their oath will meld with the Chinese way, resulting in massive state surveillance and control. It may make the nomenklatura happy, but will require drugging the masses.


I wanted a book about Covid-19 and the "great reset" (New World Order). I didn't pay attention to who this book was written by until I received it. No thanks.


Perhaps the most hideous drivel written since Mein Kompf. A truly immoral, disgusting, dangerous, and destructive work. The very essence of evil!

Totally bored

I bought this book after reading some conspiracy theories, like those among these reviews. Needless to say, I was disappointed... There are no conspiracies here, just a recount of some events and some outdated statistics.

Essentially it's Mein Kampf of 2020

Gives a pretty clear insight into the plan of the world economic forum and the push for population control, monetary control, and control of the people. This book feels like it must've felt had one been reading Mein Kampf as Hitler rose to power

Good book to find out what the sick elite have in store for u

Book lays out exactly what these sick so called elite have in store for u. Be prepared to get pissed when u read the words of Claud telling u what going to happen before it happened. Make u realize this SCAMdemic was pre planned.

Pathway to ommunism. Nothing in this book is safe for human consumption. Evil and anti-humanity.

The message is evil. This book just confirms the strategies we thought were behind it all the time.

Obvious flaws to his theory

The flaws in his reasoning are the following:1) economic collapse was not the result of the pandemic but the government response to it. 2) he compares it to past natural pandemics a lot like the plague, this was man made...we manipulated a virus that would’ve never transferred to man...we infected ourselves, probably intentionally which leads to his final flaw. 3) the interconnectedness has also educated the masses to know better than to allow their sovereignty to be subverted by globalists( Marxists). The elite underestimate the resistance to demoralization, destabilization, crisis and normalization which are the stages they’re counting on succeeding

Needlessly complicated

This book could have been a lot shorter if they had explained everything in a clear way. The author made it needlessly wordy and complicated in a failed attempt to sound smart. Instead it’s so dry and boring I can’t stand to read more than 10 pages at a time before I have to put it down, which is saying something considering how much I enjoy reading. I’ve read plenty of informational books but none of them have made me consider using them as kindling. Save your money and find the cliff notes version online.

This guy is one of the biggest threats to freedom.

Elitist rag.

For the current times we are in I would recommend everyone to read this(as a pdf or whatever is a free version) to see where the global corporate elite who look down on us plebs from their palatial dwellings and private jets that spew out the exact terror of co2 they complain about. Yeah, you know, the molecule of life. The first page of Perceptions Of A Renegade Mind by David Icke is more elegant, thought provoking, and substantive than the entirety of The (not so) Great Reset. Then again FREEEEEEEDOM is always more substantive than a wanna be quasi dictator headquartered from the WEF in Geneva Switzerland could ever envision.

a real review

i read this because i wanted to kno the truth - is there some grand conspiracy to take over the world with a new world order that entails killing off the weak n sick (more than already) n take away everyones freedom? no theres no mention of any of that - whats really in this book is what it may b like after the virus is done n what things may change n really promoting making things fairer for all - the lies being spouted tell me who the real enemy is - n its no suprise - its your typical gop white christian american - they r the nazis - they r the poison of america - nothin new - n im a real cripple - so if there was something in here about killing us all off id say it - n there isnt - by no means am i touting the writers or their organization - they have their problems also but its not nearly as sinister as its been made out to be - in short all of u americans r warped n hopeless - the end

Welcome to the new world order!

We are heading straight into the new world order!! Wake up people.

The Book Is the New Communist Manifesto

In one way this is must read book. The two authors layout and champion the general plan currently being executed by billionaire power elites to build a new totalitarian world government. A world where surveillance and social credit systems are used to terrify each individual into absolute submission to a new "planet-Earth" corporate state. COVID-19 The Great Reset is a more sophisticated and more "corporate vision of the Communist Manifesto. It is Marxism and Leninism wrapped in new 21st century state-corporate wrapping paper. As such it may be worth reading, if for no other reason than to get some understanding of of the growing megalomanical geo-political psychosis.

How can you rate a manifest of personal goals?

A disconcerting read to say the least. As a literary work it is bad, but that was never the goal. This is clearly a manifest from a disturbed individual, showing the intentions afoot and which have been weakly disguised as changes to be implemented for the benefit of humanity. If you are in doubt of what lies ahead if people continue to meekly succumb, then definitely you must read this 'book'.

Shockingly banal

I was hoping to gain some insight into the Davos Crowd's plans for world domination, but all I got was this lousy, poorly-written book.

Scary this is unfolding in our time..

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum...are all pushing and ushering in the NWO along with the assistance of the UN, WHO, CDC, Bill Gates and the Deepstate. It's time to wake up. We've been lied to our entire lives.

Answered alot of questions.....

The author is seriously deficient in human empathy and rapport. Here is the $64,000 question, Is he even human? It amazes me how many people worldwide are at his beck and call and follow him without question. Reminds me of some portions of Revelation. This book explains what sadly is going on worldwide in regard to the global totalitarianism. It truly will take you aback if you love the USA. I recommend reading it. Not sure how to grade it hence the 3 star.

This book is IN FAVOR of the 'great reset'...

This book is IN FAVOR of the 'great reset'...the movement and ideology to depopulate the earth by doing away with the people (you and me) who inhabit it. (The lies surrounding the covid vaccine are geared toward this also).

Great stuff, but seems to have been written before Covid even existed

no time to read all the chapters but the ones on Inflation & Deflation and the dollar are at least seemingly sensibly written. Not sure what the 1 star reviews were expecting, I really don't have a problem with these authors even if they are trying to set up a global govt. Just please don't set up a bad one, where competition is banned. I also am not interested in finishing the book because I don't like the looks of the table of contents. Also, please turn the sensitivity filter OFF for this one. This is a good review!

This is a very complete study (174 references) of the social situation due to Covid

However, this is a single and unshared view to look at a reset. It looks like a bibliographic study ordered and made by several consultants, under the command request of Davos. The difficulties of some corporations are not deeply looked at, to find solutions for them. They are presented as fatalities, which is not the reality as protocols have been established to save them, but as presented it even encourage to do not use them. Moreover, the wealth and impenitent increase of the GAFAM, is not even questioned as it could be proposed to be redistributed in the context of a real reset. As said it is a one way view as the demand is coming from the "corporate side" which means to maintain the corporate leading of the current financial and private lead, but not a "citizen driven view", what about "a citizen oriented reset" involving small enterprises and all the "small hands", I believe their views are so much respectables as any others, and surely be involved. Davos should invite the civil society platform to propose its views and not only Greta's views Finally, with the last events, I suggest the civil societies platform as there is also a reset there, to be involved to be extended to the non traditional ones politically oriented but with the raising new forms of feeling to be "a true, ethical and awakened citizen", I regret that the consultants, did not investigated on it, and added these new forms in their references and bibliography. I deeply regret the absence of a sufficient involvement of the civil society in that work which is really a gap and an insufficient instruction file, if the intention has been to based decisions on such background document.

Plague with Euro-Ethnic Elitism

Schwab and Malleret lack a relativist enough approach to postulate any global order that would not be a completely oppressive regime. Their writing shows a complete prejudice for European way of life and take a bigoted anti-American approach to support the establishment of European ideals into global governance. The basis of this book is to argue that covid-19 is an opportunity to make that ideal a reality, which is a key strategy of fear-mongering demagogue’s.

I do not like this book because it advocates for mass surveillance

I could not believe this book is real and exists. Please read the chapter about mass surveillance. It says it "unless we increase digital surveillance, we won't be able to reopen and function without risking new infections. We cite health and safety as justification for increased surveillance" I cannot believe there are people who think any reason justifies the government controlling mass surveillance. And I cannot believe this a real book. These authoritarians are interested in pure power, power for its own sake. Does anyone really believe that this is just for our safety?


I read this book at my holiday house while quarantining in Vermont. I didn't leave until there was a vaccine available. I'm now on my 5th booster shot. I love the way Schwab thinks: People can't be trusted to make sound economic and political decisions for themselves so lets leave if to the billionaire class to determine what the new normal should be. This is the greatest thing since vax mandates for children.

Pseudo intellectual tyrants

I recommend everyone reads this book, researches the individuals and organizations attached to it, and check to see how much of society is affected by this. They are the enemy of humanity. They're causing the problems. They are the problem.

Not what I thought it would be

I had a hard time reading this and actually gave up after the 8th page

The playbook for Davos Evil

Game plan to enslave your family. Another Adolph, Mao, and Stalin.

An interesting read. Helps to pull the blinders off

I find it intriguing that such a comprehensive analysis could be compiled and published 3 months into the pandemic. The information is sobering. Might even hail the author as a 'prophet' to the UN.

Most of the power evil leaders are assuming

This has to be one of the most vile, evil men in the history of the world. Most of the young global leaders of the world attended the WEF and are replacing God with humanism. This book is their bible

Here lies the reasons the world is in disarray

First, if this was published in June 2020, how did they work in citations from May 29, 2020? I don't think a book cam be written and published in a months time. Its a bit suspicious that all that information was collected, analyzed, written and published at the earlier stages of this pandemic. Second, how anyone can be behind the ideas laid out in this book needs to take a hard look at the realities that are coming to fruition in July 22. They talk about Sustainability, Ecologically friendly, communities and companies working together for the greater good. That sounds awesome. But it says that problems to obtain these things are : nationalism, religion, patriotism, individualism, and I think FAMILY. The book talked about Build Back Better being important, that a global collectivism and a global governance needs to be implemented. And lastly, it said that they would need to convince certain countries to move forward in things like healthcare "(with the eventual creation of a welfare state")!!!!! exact words. As you look around you in July of 22, the high inflation, the refusal to make more oil in the US to keep with environmental goals (liberal world order it was said), the food shortages, animal and plant farms, food facilities, and other energy factories exploding or on fire, and countries shutting farms down to bring nitrogen levels down by 95%, this explains it all. And what does it all have to do with COVID-19??


The book is hard to follow although it was highly recommended. Im still trying to figure out what the h×$$ the author is talking about. Lost interest in the first chapter. 🙄


Great insight into the liberal mind

Carbon reset

Emphasizes a carbon reset more then a pandemic

Knowing is half the battle

Eye opener to see what the big guys have in mind.

Arrogance on display.

We - the Elites, know better. Use the lockdown to change to our way of thinking. Wow globalist who think they know better and will run the world if only you reset. Sounds like modern socialism with a modern ruling class.

Interesting and Educational

Ya, interesting and educational. The author made some good points and provided examples that supported their evidence. Although, moving forward the author didn’t really provide solutions to the situation and gave many general observations. No one knows what the future will hold (except the elite controlling the world) and this author makes that aware but acknowledge that there must be a great reset among human kind.

How to enslave the world

Read all about the preposterous assumptions and conclusions of how Klaus Schwab and the WEF intend to manipulate and enslave the world. How any critically thinking human being could not see through this is beyond comprehension. Here's an example: COVID was ultimately the result of the lack of biodiversity (Wuhan wet market).

The Cabal have a plan to eliminate the middle class.

All the events are planned to bankrupt all the countries and make thier citizens be ruled by government. The governments will come under the UN. "You will own nothing and be happy."

Sickness of the NEW WORLD ORDER on full display.

Klaus Schaub wants to help bring in the NEW WORLD ORDER. He talks a lot about manipulating crisis to benefit the elites. He also is big into trans humanism aka becoming machine like gods. No thanks we have a God and the elites will never replace him.

Klaus Schwab is a dangerous individual.

was misled by the reviews. Didn't know this was a roadmap to serfdom for the elites. Not recommended for anyone who loves America.

Boring and confusing

Book is boring only talks about what has happened..and what possibly could happen in the future...too many 5.00 words that you probably won't understand..contradictory statements..

somewhere else.

Its not what you think. Do your research somewhere else.

Deception at its best

A book of sophisticated lies.

Modern Mein Kampf

This book is the modernized Leftist version of Mein Kampf! It is the game plan on how to control and ultimately eradicate you!!! Know your enemies!!!

Came damaged.

Came damaged. Will write a better review once I've completed the reading.

Their plan in plain sight

If you want to have a chance, study the enemy. Their plan is all laid out for us to know. It’s our responsibility to set ourselves free.



Only sounds good on paper

I want to do this review because we need everyone to study what they read. This is NOT a good outcome for us. The ultimate goal is to have the rich class and the poor class with nothing in between. This construct is the destruction of our rights and freedoms. That's not an exaggeration. Please be careful.


Alot of manipulation, in this read, for the specific purpose to propagandize Covid, for climate 'CONTROL'ers. Dont fall for it.

Authored by the ANTICHRIST and his friend Theirry

If you think you'll enjoy living in a totalitarian society in which Klaus, Bill Gates, and all their elite friends control your every move and you want to read how they came up with the Covid plandemic to use it as the trigger point to 'reset' the world into their vision then this book is for you. As Klaus loves to say 'You will own nothing and be happy' - but what he and Bill don't say is THEY will own everything and be happier than you because of all the #RulesForTheeButNotForMe laws they plan to make to lock you up forever. Enjoy!

Bad Binding

Just received my copy. It’s falling apart at the binding.

Reveals the liberal Democrats plans step by step ..

Written by a liberal to outline the plan for their plandemic

Here's one for the Propaganda & Political Psychology category

I did not elect these buffoons. No, we do not have to live in accordance to them. Says who? Who gives them the authority. We have something called "elected" officials and democracy here in the US. You wish to deal with us, I suggest the nwo sit down and take a load off its mind.

The Devil in Plain Sight

I have this evil man's book because I keep tabs on what he and his elitist cohorts are up to. So here's a book based upon the timing of its release that seems to give credence to the idea that the pandemic was a deliberate introduction of new chaos to bring about a desired outcome. I don't "read" this with a positive state of mind, but rather, I read every word between the lines to understand what these frightening people are up to. I also read Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. I have the same GRIM prognosis of that book. If you think we are stakeholders, we are not. These people think we are cockroaches to be exterminated. I gave it one star because I don't necessarily "want" to help Dr. Evil sell anymore books, but it's paramount to understand what the devil is up to.

When that Great Elite escape fails…

Lol, someone should write that one…’When them Elite’s think they can escape what’s coming. Again…hate that I subsidized this mess but being “wise as serpents…”

80% Liberal Rhetoric, 20% Good Information

Most of what is written is rhetoric, and it's hard to understand what he is trying to do. Is he trying to warn everyday people about the things that might happen post-pandemic? Or is he trying to push his world view's narrative onto his readers? Judging by the polarized reviews and the book itself, it's probably the latter. Trying to sift out the rhetoric and find the good stuff is just too time consuming. And personally, I'm just sick of being bombarded with rhetoric that doesn't apply to me. Also, reading this while in the post-pandemic era (a little more than 2 years after COVID), a lot of what he says is either long term (10-20 years), or not true. When he says that lower income people are going to have an uprising because of COVID, but fails to predict that currently (2 years post-pandemic) there is an employee shortage for lower income jobs. Because of this wages for these lower income jobs has really jumped. During COVID, $9/hr was a decent low income job. Now, if your not getting paid $15/hr than your getting ripped off. It's just hard to trust what he says. It's possible that the extremely liberal world view that he has, will become reality, but it will still be normal and natural. Reading this book has been an interesting experience, because it has painted a beautiful picture of the rhetoric of the past, contrasted with the realities of the present. 2 years after COVID life is still life, and it's honestly still the same as pre-pandemic. Sure, things have changed. Sure, our lives are different. But they aren't this "radically different reality" that this book claims it will be.

I bought it to see the playbook

I’m really not happy about any of this. Who put this guy in charge?! Why is nobody doing anything against it?? They want EVERYTHING. Your house, kids, pets, CLOTHES even!!! And they say you’ll be happy. Ha!!! You’ll be a slave.

Not an easy read

I read a book a week, this one took two. Very dry.


This appears to be a manifesto to change the world to reflect the vision of a few. One can only hope that a more enlighted group will come to the forefront.

This book is antithetical to US policy and culture

I would read it if you CAN

Interesting read

Interesting perspective

Binding falls apart.

Good book but binding falls apart easily.pages falling out.

Poor binding, pages falling out

Pages keep falling out. Binding was done poorly.


To quote the great Norm MacDonald “No offense, but it sounds like some Commie gobbledegook”

Klaus is a Demi-God so start eating your bug allotment and be happy...Or Else!

Hitler wrote Mein Kampf and killed millions, Stalin used Marx's Das Kapital to kill millions, AND NOW... Here's 84 yr old Klaus Schwab's Covid 19 Plandemic and he is going for wiping out BILLIONS. So read and return his book like I did. Sinister Guy, but looks good in beach lingerie...:O

We shell see

We shell see


I think everyone should read so they know what’s coming…

Hard to read

A little over my head. Some of the statements could have more than one meaning and some of these statements (in context) meant something different the the common use of these words.

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