Countdown to Socialism

Kindle Edition
14 Sep

The Democratic Party has changed beyond recognition. Once the party of anti-communism and tax-cutting under President Kennedy, it is now dominated by a surging socialist movement and led by a presidential candidate who vows to “transform” America.

On a near-daily basis, the Democrats are issuing radical proposals to socialize medicine, industry, and higher education. So how can the Democrats win elections when their agenda is so far to the left of the American people?

That’s easy—it’s because the means of public debate are being manipulated.

In Countdown to Socialism, Congressman Devin Nunes exposes the nexus between the Democratic Party, the mainstream media, and the social media corporations. These three entities cooperate to blast out the Democrats’ message and downplay their extremism while suppressing and censoring conservative points of view.

Tens of millions of Americans are only seeing one side of the debate. The information they get from newspapers and social media is not “news”—it’s contrived content designed to help one political party and punish its opponents.

In the run-up to the most consequential election of our lifetime, read this book to learn how your information is being skewed and regulated to force America onto the path to socialism.

Reviews (144)

The Leftists are coming! The Leftists are coming!

Well, actually they're already here, and barely operating in the shadows anymore. Like the proverbial camel getting its nose under the tent - if the camel were a sort of hydra with an infinite number of heads oozing thru every opening it could find - they're looking for every opportunity to grasp power & permanently consolidate their hold on it. Too hyperbolic? Sadly, though I wish that were the case, it's not really. This 90-page pamphlet or booklet has just 5 chapters fairly concisely warning of the Left's Trojan horse triumvirate: the DNC, the mainstream media & social media (personally, I would lump the last 2 into the broad category of media & add higher education as the 3rd, but Nunes does include education in his explication of the socialist disinformation campaign). And elaborating on how they control the information, or more accurately disinformation (propaganda) flow. This is not a pro-Trump booklet, but a pro-American one. As Chapter 1 "Outside the Swamp" explains, there are powerful forces out there looking to fundamentally transform our nation into one that our Founding Fathers not only wouldn't recognize, but would have soundly rejected - because they knew history well enough, especially with their having lived at the time of the French Revolution, to know the consequences of such thinking, regardless of how good the intentions of the usefully duped populace might have been. Congressman Devin Nunes is sounding the alarm because there is precious little time remaining for our Republic. The Neo-Marxists who have overtaken the DNC are promising to transform our country & have already tipped their hands on the stark difference between what that will actually look like vs their empty promises. Nunes knows what it's like to be in the crosshairs of the Neo-Marxists, and their willingness to sacrifice anyone for their cause (except their own selves, of course). Because of that, it's not overly surprising that several of the illustrations of his point in this booklet come from his own experiences with the machinations of that triumvirate. To quickly summarize the rest: Chapter 2 "Collusion Delusion" outlines how the investigation into Russian attempts to influence the election (which has long been the case not just for Russia, but also China, Iran & others) was "transmogrified" into the alleged collusion - now proven to be a complete fabrication, yet many people still have no idea - to elucidate the extent to which the Left is willing to go to accomplish its goals Chapter 3 "The Fake News Complex" connects the dots between the various frivolous ethics charges brought against Nunes, & made so much of by certain media groups, back to the individuals who were behind the manufactured Steele Dossier who had vowed to get back at him. He goes on to compile a list of some of the more egregious, recent examples of likewise inexcusable media manipulation. Chapter 4 "The Disinformation Funnel" describes how social media, specifically Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, & Instagram, function as the Left's message distribution centers. They're working to insure that the correct info is propagated & doing their best to choke off the undesirable sources. Chapter 5 "Information Desert" holds California up as the example of what the Left did to Nunes's home state. We can readily extrapolate their fate to our country as a whole. Many of us already have a pretty good idea of these efforts, but purportedly some 55% of the public never sees/hears any info that contradicts the Left's narratives. It's up to us to try to share it, PERSUASIVELY not aggressively, with any who profess to love this country. [The publisher, Encounter Books, was offering a bulk purchase discount last I saw]

Let's get this circulated asap!

This is a everyday people eye opener. A must for all Americans to expand their understanding of what is behind these disconcerting times. Very interesting and readable. I wish it elaborated more but understand the desperate purpose to get this information out (my opinion). This book delivers messaging "trust but verify". Thank you Congressman Nunez! P.S. Read in under an hour!

A Quick to the Point Broadside Explaining the Current Situation Faced by U.S. Patriots

First, why did I chose to read this book? I have been following Devin Nunes for the last year when I became aware of his efforts in the House Intelligence Committee to uncover the Russia Spygate fiasco. His team has connected a lot of dots in unmasking those who perpetrated the hoax. I am impressed with both his efforts and logic. The problem for so many Americans is that it takes quite a bit of effort to understand not only the Spygate but also all the other initiatives being driven by the liberal left. The most common complaint that I hear from fellow Americans is, "I don't understand their logic! How can they be pursuing the destruction of our country?" Again, they don't understand for two reasons: 1) A lot of Americans ( Nunez estimates 55 million Americans) only watch the disinformation being provided by the mainstream media (MSM) even when the polls show that only 14% of Americans believe the MSM. 2) It takes a fair amount of time an effort to find the real news and then research and digest it. Many Americans don't have the time or inclination to do it. If I wasn't semi-retired I would be in the same boat! So when I saw Devin Nunes interviewed on the Dan Bongino Show, promoting this book I paid attention. I'm glad I did! Congressman Nunes purposely kept his book short and to the point ( it's only about 90 pages long). He calls it a broadside, which back in the eighteenth century was a large single sheet used to distribute major news events throughout the colonies. In fact, he points out a broadsheet was used to announce The Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Congressman Nunes picked the optimal format to explain what is going wrong with our nation and how it got there. I highly recommend this book to all patriotic Americans who have been saying, "I don't understand their logic! How can they be pursuing the destruction of our country?" This book will connect a lot of dots for you and it will only take you a couple hours to read it. If you don't read anything else, read this book! Please read it before you vote. BTW, you are going to vote aren't you?

Wake up to truth

This book is a very quick and precise read to understanding the truth and How the left operates to funnel fake news to unsuspecting Americans

Great short informative writing

I liked the content of this book and the way it was layed out. I'd hope anyone looking for answers for what is really going on would be interested in this read. Would recommend to everyone seeking clarity on what is happening around us,

Rec'd yesterday/read, & already passed it to friends

Should be required reading. Devin is excellent at facts & at explaining things in such a concise way. It is easily read in one sitting; I passed it on to a friend with a large family. It needs to be shared.

Nunes Rings the Alarm! “Is America Going to Be Alright?”

In this pamphlet as with Thomas Paine’s creations of the 18th Century he rings the alarm! I have been closely following this story and am not a casual news consumer. This is the man, as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who found the coup and was demonized by the media as creating a false narrative when he unmasked the truth of Russiagate. A true American hero. Nunes makes the case easy to read and digest regarding this sham, if one is not familiar with what went on over the last four years in Washington DC. His purpose statement and overview on page seven is easy to anticipate what transpires over the next 83 pages. The material has no references for all the sources are recalled from The House Intelligence Committee documents. The book can be readily read with immediate comprehension in an hour, even if one is not familiar with the story. If you are wondering why your thirty-year old child has “off the wall political views” with your sibling, desiring to identifying with the hip “Twitter Group,” then this short and concise work will assist your understanding of what is happening now. The model presented here brought to mind the Edward Enigma’s 3 D Box in the 1995 “Batman Forever movie” where Jim Carrey’s character placed these devices in all Gotham homes to brainwash the masses into zombies. This book needs to be given to all the ignorant 55% of Americans who still feel President Donald Trump is a Russian agent for they need to comprehend this account! This was an organized coup which continues to destabilize and topple a government. To the same 55% that rely on social media for your news; this work will set you to thinking about the propaganda you are ingesting. As in food consumption, it is imperative you understand what information you are consuming!

Excellently written and for a change honest asking Americans to stop and think!

I would recommend this book to all Americans. So that they can have information that will help take the blinders off and see what is happening to our country

Just More Fox Talking Points

I was drawn to this title because I was hoping it would give me a conservative perspective of why socialism is so feared by Republicans. Instead what I got was a book of Fox talking points. All I learned from this publication is Mr. Nunes's opinions about the Russia collusion allegations and his anger that conservatives are not represented in the media. I did not learn one thing about why he hates socialism, except for the back cover that implies it is a "resentful ideology." To my knowledge, socialist ideas include expanding opportunities to disenfranchised populations. The idea of free community college and healthcare for all does not seem "resentful" to me. I think if you want to hear more of Trump's rally speeches and Fox Pundit talking points, this book is for you, otherwise, it's title is totally misleading and probably meant to instill fear for other conservatives. I wish I could get my money back and coverage for medical expenses because my brain hurts now.

Opens your eyes to what is happening

"Socialist regimes tend to excel at propaganda. That's by necessity - socialism is a resentful ideology that exploits and widens class conflict, racial strife, and other social cleavages, pitting countrymen against one another." We are in the midst of a "revolution" but it's not to make America better. I believe that and so does Devin Nunes. This book is intended to open your eyes to the actual end goal of the socialist movement.

The Leftists are coming! The Leftists are coming!

Well, actually they're already here, and barely operating in the shadows anymore. Like the proverbial camel getting its nose under the tent - if the camel were a sort of hydra with an infinite number of heads oozing thru every opening it could find - they're looking for every opportunity to grasp power & permanently consolidate their hold on it. Too hyperbolic? Sadly, though I wish that were the case, it's not really. This 90-page pamphlet or booklet has just 5 chapters fairly concisely warning of the Left's Trojan horse triumvirate: the DNC, the mainstream media & social media (personally, I would lump the last 2 into the broad category of media & add higher education as the 3rd, but Nunes does include education in his explication of the socialist disinformation campaign). And elaborating on how they control the information, or more accurately disinformation (propaganda) flow. This is not a pro-Trump booklet, but a pro-American one. As Chapter 1 "Outside the Swamp" explains, there are powerful forces out there looking to fundamentally transform our nation into one that our Founding Fathers not only wouldn't recognize, but would have soundly rejected - because they knew history well enough, especially with their having lived at the time of the French Revolution, to know the consequences of such thinking, regardless of how good the intentions of the usefully duped populace might have been. Congressman Devin Nunes is sounding the alarm because there is precious little time remaining for our Republic. The Neo-Marxists who have overtaken the DNC are promising to transform our country & have already tipped their hands on the stark difference between what that will actually look like vs their empty promises. Nunes knows what it's like to be in the crosshairs of the Neo-Marxists, and their willingness to sacrifice anyone for their cause (except their own selves, of course). Because of that, it's not overly surprising that several of the illustrations of his point in this booklet come from his own experiences with the machinations of that triumvirate. To quickly summarize the rest: Chapter 2 "Collusion Delusion" outlines how the investigation into Russian attempts to influence the election (which has long been the case not just for Russia, but also China, Iran & others) was "transmogrified" into the alleged collusion - now proven to be a complete fabrication, yet many people still have no idea - to elucidate the extent to which the Left is willing to go to accomplish its goals Chapter 3 "The Fake News Complex" connects the dots between the various frivolous ethics charges brought against Nunes, & made so much of by certain media groups, back to the individuals who were behind the manufactured Steele Dossier who had vowed to get back at him. He goes on to compile a list of some of the more egregious, recent examples of likewise inexcusable media manipulation. Chapter 4 "The Disinformation Funnel" describes how social media, specifically Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, & Instagram, function as the Left's message distribution centers. They're working to insure that the correct info is propagated & doing their best to choke off the undesirable sources. Chapter 5 "Information Desert" holds California up as the example of what the Left did to Nunes's home state. We can readily extrapolate their fate to our country as a whole. Many of us already have a pretty good idea of these efforts, but purportedly some 55% of the public never sees/hears any info that contradicts the Left's narratives. It's up to us to try to share it, PERSUASIVELY not aggressively, with any who profess to love this country. [The publisher, Encounter Books, was offering a bulk purchase discount last I saw]

Let's get this circulated asap!

This is a everyday people eye opener. A must for all Americans to expand their understanding of what is behind these disconcerting times. Very interesting and readable. I wish it elaborated more but understand the desperate purpose to get this information out (my opinion). This book delivers messaging "trust but verify". Thank you Congressman Nunez! P.S. Read in under an hour!

A Quick to the Point Broadside Explaining the Current Situation Faced by U.S. Patriots

First, why did I chose to read this book? I have been following Devin Nunes for the last year when I became aware of his efforts in the House Intelligence Committee to uncover the Russia Spygate fiasco. His team has connected a lot of dots in unmasking those who perpetrated the hoax. I am impressed with both his efforts and logic. The problem for so many Americans is that it takes quite a bit of effort to understand not only the Spygate but also all the other initiatives being driven by the liberal left. The most common complaint that I hear from fellow Americans is, "I don't understand their logic! How can they be pursuing the destruction of our country?" Again, they don't understand for two reasons: 1) A lot of Americans ( Nunez estimates 55 million Americans) only watch the disinformation being provided by the mainstream media (MSM) even when the polls show that only 14% of Americans believe the MSM. 2) It takes a fair amount of time an effort to find the real news and then research and digest it. Many Americans don't have the time or inclination to do it. If I wasn't semi-retired I would be in the same boat! So when I saw Devin Nunes interviewed on the Dan Bongino Show, promoting this book I paid attention. I'm glad I did! Congressman Nunes purposely kept his book short and to the point ( it's only about 90 pages long). He calls it a broadside, which back in the eighteenth century was a large single sheet used to distribute major news events throughout the colonies. In fact, he points out a broadsheet was used to announce The Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Congressman Nunes picked the optimal format to explain what is going wrong with our nation and how it got there. I highly recommend this book to all patriotic Americans who have been saying, "I don't understand their logic! How can they be pursuing the destruction of our country?" This book will connect a lot of dots for you and it will only take you a couple hours to read it. If you don't read anything else, read this book! Please read it before you vote. BTW, you are going to vote aren't you?

Wake up to truth

This book is a very quick and precise read to understanding the truth and How the left operates to funnel fake news to unsuspecting Americans

Great short informative writing

I liked the content of this book and the way it was layed out. I'd hope anyone looking for answers for what is really going on would be interested in this read. Would recommend to everyone seeking clarity on what is happening around us,

Rec'd yesterday/read, & already passed it to friends

Should be required reading. Devin is excellent at facts & at explaining things in such a concise way. It is easily read in one sitting; I passed it on to a friend with a large family. It needs to be shared.

Nunes Rings the Alarm! “Is America Going to Be Alright?”

In this pamphlet as with Thomas Paine’s creations of the 18th Century he rings the alarm! I have been closely following this story and am not a casual news consumer. This is the man, as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who found the coup and was demonized by the media as creating a false narrative when he unmasked the truth of Russiagate. A true American hero. Nunes makes the case easy to read and digest regarding this sham, if one is not familiar with what went on over the last four years in Washington DC. His purpose statement and overview on page seven is easy to anticipate what transpires over the next 83 pages. The material has no references for all the sources are recalled from The House Intelligence Committee documents. The book can be readily read with immediate comprehension in an hour, even if one is not familiar with the story. If you are wondering why your thirty-year old child has “off the wall political views” with your sibling, desiring to identifying with the hip “Twitter Group,” then this short and concise work will assist your understanding of what is happening now. The model presented here brought to mind the Edward Enigma’s 3 D Box in the 1995 “Batman Forever movie” where Jim Carrey’s character placed these devices in all Gotham homes to brainwash the masses into zombies. This book needs to be given to all the ignorant 55% of Americans who still feel President Donald Trump is a Russian agent for they need to comprehend this account! This was an organized coup which continues to destabilize and topple a government. To the same 55% that rely on social media for your news; this work will set you to thinking about the propaganda you are ingesting. As in food consumption, it is imperative you understand what information you are consuming!

Excellently written and for a change honest asking Americans to stop and think!

I would recommend this book to all Americans. So that they can have information that will help take the blinders off and see what is happening to our country

Just More Fox Talking Points

I was drawn to this title because I was hoping it would give me a conservative perspective of why socialism is so feared by Republicans. Instead what I got was a book of Fox talking points. All I learned from this publication is Mr. Nunes's opinions about the Russia collusion allegations and his anger that conservatives are not represented in the media. I did not learn one thing about why he hates socialism, except for the back cover that implies it is a "resentful ideology." To my knowledge, socialist ideas include expanding opportunities to disenfranchised populations. The idea of free community college and healthcare for all does not seem "resentful" to me. I think if you want to hear more of Trump's rally speeches and Fox Pundit talking points, this book is for you, otherwise, it's title is totally misleading and probably meant to instill fear for other conservatives. I wish I could get my money back and coverage for medical expenses because my brain hurts now.

Opens your eyes to what is happening

"Socialist regimes tend to excel at propaganda. That's by necessity - socialism is a resentful ideology that exploits and widens class conflict, racial strife, and other social cleavages, pitting countrymen against one another." We are in the midst of a "revolution" but it's not to make America better. I believe that and so does Devin Nunes. This book is intended to open your eyes to the actual end goal of the socialist movement.

Stupid and not work $10

Definitely not worth the purchase. Lies. Real fact checking is needed.

Focused, Short, Clear ... just as in the 1700’s

In the period before and during the Revolutionary War, news, especially current events, “went viral” through broadsides and pamphlets: s few pages, focused on one topic, often written by one of the People, not a journalist or an aristocrat..these booklets were read and posted in the public square, taverns, shops, etc, and widely discussed by the public. No one is better qualified than Devin Nunes to write a modern broadside about the current political intrigues and the Democrat’s pivot to the far Left. Rep Nunes had seen the process unfold since Obama’s first term. His writing, like his vision, is crystal clear and beautifully, simply expressed. It’s a quick, insightful, read ... and very worthwhile. Just do it; you will be glad you did.

Well done. Must reading.

This book should be required reading in every high school civic class in America. In the nineties, the Berlin Wall had fallen and immigrants from countries from Eastern Europe began to arrive in our cities, I asked some of my new patients what they thought of their new home in the States. The standard answer was “I kissed the ground when I arrived but I don’t understand you Americans. I am running as quickly as I can from socialism/communism while you Americans are running as fast as you can toward socialism. You American are extremely naive.” I appreciate this book.

Learn how they control the narrative, then your thought, then your vote.

This book is perfect for Constitutional Conservative Republican activists to hand out to their fence sitting non committed friends, undecideds, independents, JFK democrats, MLK democrats, Reagan democrats and anyone who noticed social media becoming very bias in their phoney fact checking and in extreme strict limits on how many people you can forward to. If you noticed your postings on Covid 19 were taken down then this book will show you how controlling the narrative is the enemies' main game plan. When they can control the narrative they can destroy careers, elect and impeach presidents, fix elections, get you to wear a mask (or not wear a mask), take experimental vaccines, embrace 5G radiation and even convince you cigarette smoking is good for you. Controlling the narrative used to be easy with three main networks feeding you information. Since the internet, the game has changed and controlling social media is the main thrust since they control big media. They do this by blocking out or putting so far down the search results you never find what you really need to know. On Facebook and Youtube they can outright ban you, make you unsearchable or take away your advertising revenue just to name a few. So the narrative is being directed by the democrats with the assistance of the main (lame) stream media and social media, control your thoughts, opinions and ultimately your votes. You could also add our educational institutions starting pre pre kindergarten through doctorate programs adds fuel to the fire. According to the book, 55% of Americans are affected by these narratives (propaganda) because they are too busy doing life and making a living to research everything they are exposed to. Since logic, reason and debate are no longer taught in public schools the consequence is we have a large part of Americans marching toward and in some cases demanding everything that is anti-american (freedom of speech, freedom of congregating, and FREEDOM OF THOUGHT). This “fundamental transformation” is happening before our very eyes, in cities burning all summer long, in statues being torn down, history being erased and an attempt to steal an election. It blows my mind that you can watch the Georgia election fraud hearings and see people sneek ballots out from under a table and run them through voting tabulation machines with no witnesses, press or supervision and the press (controlling the narrative) says there is no evidence of fraud. Bottom line, this is the book you want to ring the alarm, show how they are controlling the narrative and how we have been duped in the past. With this knowledge we can: 1. Use non standard search engines by avoiding Google. 2. Move from YouTube to MeWe. 3. Move from Twitter to Parler. 4. Join a Constitutional Conservative Republican group like the MRA (Missouri Republican Assembly) or CWA (Concerned Women for America). 5. Get elected to our Republican County Central Committee. 6. Subscribe and support newspapers like Epic Times. 7. Get our news from Breitbart or NewsMaxTV. 8. Buy 10 copies of this book and circulate them. 9. Call talk radio shows and ask questions this book answers. 10. Make book reviews like this. PLEASE, help take back America GET INVOLVED.

Excellent discussion of how we ended up in a statist sewer.

We are in a cultural/political civil war with the radical left. After the rigged November election the Demmunists have made it clear what they have in mind to "fundamentally transform the United States of America", according to a certain Chicago Alinsky community organizer. Rep. Nunes does an excellent job of describing how we got here, and the next step must be for him and conservative leaders to develop and spearhead a plan to counterpunch the Demmunist cabal. A battle plan of action is sorely needed, more "poor us" hand wringing will be useless.

Clearly written and accurate

Sadly, I have read this book after the 2020 election. In spite of all the signs of overwhelming support for President Trump, the inept and feeble candidate Joe Biden won the presidency. I have a little reason to disbelieve that this happened in large part due to the ideas presented in this book. It is difficult to believe the person with such few ideas and even if you were accomplishments could have garnered 80 million votes against a president who accomplished an incredible amount in his four years of office. I pray for this country, and I pray for our children.

Eye opening

If you rely on social media for your news this book well set you to thinking about the news you received.

This Truth Will Stand

If you're in doubt whatsoever about democracy vs. socialism, this is the booklet to read. It is an easy 90-page read and paints a horrific picture of the USA, if by some quirk or election faux paux leans dramatically toward socialism. Government controlled Medicare for all, tax increases that are the largest ever, and huge job losses while the few are made rich(er) and the middle class is held further down. Don't forget the Green New Deal. Over ten years how will it be paid for? Nunes writes this short and sweet account. Read it before the election of our life times in 2020.

Distribute this to college campuses!

This book is well-written and I would like to see copies of it distributed on college campuses throughout California. I love Devin Nunes for the role he has played in exposing the sleazy tactics of the Obama administration, the Democrat Party, the FBI, the CIA, and the Justice Department. He and his family members have experienced severe retaliation but he does not complain. He has show enormous courage, but he does not brag. I deeply admire his intellect, and clarity of thought. Please read this book if you love America.

Important reflection on today’s political issues

Devin Nunez’s writing style is just like his speaking manner - simple and concise yet reasonable and informative. It’s nice to read an insider’s view of the current scene and to get some great information about the goings-on, minus the noise. I regard him as one of my political heroes, one of few California politicians that isn’t extreme. We aren’t helped by the “coastal elite” politicians and need more like Devin Nunez!

Cliff Notes for those who don’t want all the details

This is a great book that gives the highlights of all the things that we are struggling with in our country right now. It’s so important to read books like this so that the disinformation campaign can be stopped. It’s a quick read and it’s so worth sharing with those you know so that they can be informed against the most basic lies of the democratic party.

Devin Nunes PAMPHLET 2020

GREAT BOOK in the form of a Pamphlet.. which Devin Nunes explains how the progressive left has undermined the Constitution by CANCEL CULTURE and demanding conformity like all Fascist/Communist gov't who rule by Fiat. He says he used this format like the men of the days of the American Revolution like Benjamin Franklin who published pamphlets to reach his audience without CENSORSHIP by the likes of GOOGLE. AMAZON and FACEBOOK and TWITTER, an especially obnoxious censorship tool by the Democratic left wing.

Don't Waste Your Money

Being a fan of Devin Nunes and recognizing the growing inculcation of socialism in America, I decided to purchase this book for his perspective. It's sophomoric, thin on details, a rehash of Russiagate, Trump administration, and boring. For a perspective on Socialism, its constructs, centralized planning dogma, and how such societies consolidate power, there is way better information on this subject other than this book. Keep Looking....

This book is truth

This book is so on point. Everyone should read this book to find the truth and can fact check it to be the truth. It is so scary!! The Left radicals are Devil's advocates! These are such scary times.

Essential reading

The great Mark Levin has been warning us for years about “soft tyranny”. Indeed we have continued down that road. Devin Nunes’ book presents a clear picture of where we’re heading and why - and why, if we love our country, we have to stand up for the truth and for the ideals of the founding fathers. Everyone should read this!

A must read!

This a book everyone must read and share with their fellow friends. The book explains the main problem with what has happened to our republic, the main stream media, and the social media system. Shocking maybe to some bit obvious to many of our conservatives who deal with Facebook and Twitter on a regular basis. The 2020 election has turned out to be a disaster and a disgrace and this book predicted much of what is the cause. Definitely a must read!

A must read for pro Trumpers and never Trumpers alike.

If you want to be informed about how big tech, socialists and the Democratic party really works, this is for you. I realized to some extent how things work, but there's so much more. If you're a pro Trumper, you'll begin to understand how DJT lost. If you're a never Trumper and think you know it all, this is for you. If you're a never Trumper who switched to become a pro Trumper, it's a real eye opener.

We grew up & saw the world as it was when we adjusted our sights.

Socialism is a mistake. We believe that the socialists will make our world better & fairer, but that is what the idealists believe & never get. Children grow up & learn the world isn't what we would like it to be, but we do eventually grow up and accept the world as it is. That is all part of growing up -- we grow up & realize the world isn't what we thought it would be. That's part of growing up.

Nunes does a very good job laying out his position

A friend recommended this reading, I have to say I wasn't too sure what to make of it at first but thought I'd give it a read. I have to credit my Nunes, he does a very good job in what is a fairly short read exposing ties between democratic party, media socialist groups.

Revealing truths

We are fed with disinformation via the MSM, Twitter, FB, Google, and Instagram... and more. They lie and propaganda to us daily. It is up to distinguish between false and true facts. Devin Nunez did pretty good job calling them out what they are. Educational!

Great Little Read

Even if I don't agree with everything, this book still holds alot of truth & power of what is going on today! Children should be read this, all ages should read this, Political Fans/Communication's this is a must for your bookshelf. It is very tiny & not long at all, about a day read if that, but well worth the price. He makes much sense

Incredibly Informative

This book should be read by everyone from high school students to the elderly. It lays out in simple to understand language where our country is at and why is it so imperative to be cynical of what we as Americans are fed by social media and big tech. If we are to continue to live as a free country we should take Mr. Nunes words very seriously.

A must read

Devin Nunes has written a very concise and informative book about what is going to happen to us if we as a country do not wake up. It is short and easy to read. Read it and pass it on.

Well written, well articulated.. Ironically Amazon is one of those very Radical Leftist institutions Manipulating the masses with Fake Anti American Propaganda

Well written, well articulated.. Ironically Amazon is one of those very Radical Leftist institutions Manipulating the masses with Fake Anti American Propaganda

Do More than Just Voting Every Two Years!

This is a great book that gives a high level overview of what is really going on, and gives things to do since voting every two years (every 2 for the House, 4 for the President and 6 for the Senate) just isn't enough anymore! Read it and take action! Give the paperback to friends and family!

A true insight to America today

This is one book that every American who trully cares about America should read. Devin Nunes is a model congressman, that all others should emulate. He takes his position very seriously and does not back down when threaten by others. Every American should be extremely concerned with what is going on in their country.

A good look at social media

As someone who works with technology I can tell you to question everything you read on social media, anybody can write anything, just because it is on the internet, didn't make it true.

Simple and informative

Simple and quick. Even post-election I would recommend giving this to those friends and family members who are open minded enough to read something outside their norm or echo chamber. Nunes created a quick and high level overview of the disinformation in the MSM cog we deal with now.

Ignorance is not an excuse for giving our freedom away. A must read.

Too bad after the election that this is the road for our country. So sad. Wish all those who voted for the presidency could have been given this insight prior to the choice made. The changes that will ultimately come are inevitable and will allow the new communists to remove the freedom we once enjoyed.

A must read for all Americans

Fantastic short book that everyone should read! The future of our country depends on everyone staying informed, doing their own research.

Nunes book Countdown to Socialism "Truth about LAW and ESCAPE from RESPONSIBILITY"

Good read, informative of the WHO WHAT WHEN AND WHERE. A tell tell of what is happening today. What has happened and HOW he and his family were targeted. Truth about LAW and ESCAPE from RESPONSIBILITY....WOW that would make a great book title!

Good short read.

Good short read. Worth it for more insight. Well assembled and not too hard to believe. Too bad not enough people read this before election.


Devin Nunez is one of the greatest American politicians of our age. Awesome book, Awesome American Patriot 👏 Keep it up!!

Outstanding read for Americans seeking the honest truth

Congressman Nunes presents a very honest synopsis of how the liberal Left is in cahoots with democrat socialists, politicians, educators, social media, and mainstream media in a full-blown assault on our freedom.

Democrats are the problem

Representative Devin Nunes has been a head of his time focusing on the information wars that have taken place with big tech and the legacy media working against the American people all starting with academia.

The Uncensored Truth

An UNcensored exposee on the left with quotes, times. Get this book before it is unavailable rendered CENORSED by the totalitarian. Then you will be sent to a re-education or deprogramming center in "unity".

Nice overview of the current situation with social media.

The reference material at the end of the book is powerful information for anyone that seeks the truth. Devin has proven himself to be a truth seeker and with sacrifice to his personal position, he has provided a path for others to inform themselves with truth.

Excellent depiction of socialism and how and why it is growing in popularity across the US

This book highlights how the mainstream media and social media filter and funnel socialist propaganda to the people. I like the call to action to spread the truth and educate the people as to misinformation from media sources and academia.

Very short

Certainly Mr. Nunes has more of an opinion on this subject than just what he wrote.

Understanding the threat

Perfect pamphlet on the order of Famous patriot Thomas Paine! Succinct and laser precise in content. A necessary read for all so that our Republic stands strong.


This book is almost too scary to finish if you are a freedom loving, American Dream citizen--very eye-opening. Keep eyes open, read it and reinforce whatever values this book describes for you.

A must read by every American

The best read on what the liberals are doing to our country. A must read, Devin Nunes hits the nail on the head of the danger America is facing as liberals are trying to force Socialism down our throats while corrupting the brains of our young with their crazy ideals.

Numes -- Progressive enemy # 1 .

Congressman Numes needs to know that his efforts to fight against false accusations are valuable and admired by about half of the population of USA. The book "Countdown to Socialism" provides disturbing trajectories for how our great country will devolve. Persons like Congressman Nunes are the only hope to guide the country policy as the Constitution envisioned. I encourage him and others with similar values to persist with the knowledge that the hard working people support his untiring effort in their behalf.

Excellent Read

Excellent read! Another great book from Dinesh D’Souza!

Very interesting topic.

Well written. Held my interest. Fact based. Great autour. Highly recommend.

A directly to the point read

Read for yourself and see if it fits reality. I believe it does , chase the questions that arise.

Won't open!

Won't open, help! 2 other won't either: 1) Quick start guide to network marketing & 2) Video Story Selling

Captures the essence in a quick read

Quick read and captures some highlights that help paint the big picture. His take on how info is funneled and dispersed is spot on.

Great read

This book was a great read. If only there was someway to get rid of disinformation. There are to many Big Techs to conquer the breaking up of Big Tech. There is also the blocking of the real truth by the news media. How can the American people suppose to hold Big Tech and Media New accountable for disinformation? I would like to know which other search engines other than Goggle you can go to for more privacy?

Freedom is never more than a generation ahead of being lost.

Devin Nunes is a true American Patriot and trumpeter of truth. This book is a must read for all Americans who love America and fear that the Democratic Socialists will win the Presidency and trample upon their freedom and the Constitution.

Great book

Loved the book. Great source of information. I would recommend it to anyone. Hopefully he will write more in the future.

How Socialism is spreading .

I am concerned about Socialism spreading in the United States. How can this happen in our country. This book explaineds what is happening and how most people are being kept from the truth.


Great book , really shines a light on the lefts agenda and their lies. Its a shame that they got their way Nov 3rd.

Long on viewpoint, short on content

I'll admit it. I'm not a regular Fox News watcher. But neither am I a regular consumer of the Main Stream Media or Social Media. I find them both hopelessly biased. I am a news junkie, however, and I had hoped that maybe Devin Nunes might provide a perspective I hadn't yet considered. Sadly, while there were a few snippets of his point of view that enlightened me, the bulk of this short broadside is a highly edited version of the thinking of the political Right. Nunes' premise is that the Democrats are longing for a Socialist society is far off the mark. Yes, there are elements pushing a Socialist Democrat agenda, but that is not what conservatives are willing to consider. Social Democracies are the most free, most equal on Earth and routinely have the happiest, most satisfied citizens and the highest standard of living. The countries of Scandinavia are all Social Democracies. Democrat activist such as AOC profess no interest in moving the United States in the direction of socialist-communist countries like Russia or China, as Nunes would have you believe. Likewise, Nunes completely ignores the dominant news outlet on the air, the one seemingly always on the monitors of hotels and airport boarding areas - Fox News. Fox is far from being a non-partisan, spin-free opinion and news source, and more people get their news from Fox than from any other source - or so they say. Another issue is Nunes' complete absence of discussion of the largest distributor of propaganda, our dear leader, President Donald Trump. It's truly newsworthy - although rarely discussed - when Trump doesn't present a distorted narrative of any situation at hand. There are so many other topics which Nunes leaves out of his screed, leaving us without tangible new information or even opinion. The funny thing is though, if you had the time and desire, you could copy the text, then search and replace Democrat with Republican - and vice versa - and have a similarly biased document, now from the Liberal perspective. It's hard to tell whether Nunes provided any original thought in his writing or just copied and pasted from his preferred sources.

Short and Good Read

Well written. Short and to the point.


I’m about halfway through and love it! Very easy read and informative

A must read

Great book with truths we should listen to before it’s too late.

Good ideas, but not of much value.

Good and important ideas, but obvious and not of much value

Great Book

It was an eye opener. I think it’s a great book. I read the book fast. A 1 day read.

Thought provoking insight on the very real challenges facing American freedom today.

A very insightful overview of the dangers and risks of socialism confronting America today. Recommended for all conservatives who cherish traditional American values, and the Constitution in particular.

Very Informative

Well written and very insightful.

Wake up call

The book is right on for facts and logic.

trump books

Added to my to be read books

Great book

A must read. Great book...

Quick read

Quick read...

Good read

Good read



Read Learn history repeats itself!

Excellent overview of what the title covers. The Author is seeing this play out in his position and the ramifications the embracment of that ideology brings

Great Book For Our Time

Great Book For Our Time


Every American needs to understand what is written in these pages. Thank you Devin for being a clear voice amid the cacophony of disinformation....a trumpeter on the wall, so to speak.


This short book should be required reading for Americans. The dangers of socialism can’t be overstated. I fear for what lies ahead if we don’t change our ways.

Great Book

Recommend book to all Americans

Explains everything

Easy to read, and explains corruption in different governmental areas.

Excellent read!

Great book

Every American should read this !

Easy to read , lots of information! I would love to send one to all of my democrat friends and family to read 👍🏼

Excellent book on guarding against disinformation

Excellent book on guarding against disinformation. Please share this with and get the word out. It is important we understand different viewpoints to make informed decisions and learn to recognize socialist propaganda.

Extremely Relevant

Nunes nails it.

Delivered before promised

As usual I am happy with the service Amazon provides as they always meet or exceed their promise! Top that with always getting a good price. thank you Amazon

Eye opening

Very informative, worth reading. Information that would otherwise almost be unavailable. I cannot stress enough how important it is to learn perspective outside the man bubble

Well written

Eye opener. Nunes lays it all out, easy to read and informative

Must read

Sharp and on point!

this is a boolet,not a book

I thought this was a book ,not a booklet.

The Truth

Straight talk and critical information every American needs to know and understand. The future of our county, clearly, is at stake.


A true wake up call for all interested. Congressman Nunez delivers a great deep dive on socialism and the powerful propaganda that drives it.

Quick read

Frustrating to know about the deceptions

socialism, BAD

I liked the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth


Short and sweet....Great book!

Glued together pages

Pages were stuck together with glue at bottom edge of book!

Political Propaganda

This is a partisan and political book. Ionically it complains about propaganda, when it is itself propaganda.

The truth be told.

I chose this rating because I believe that the author is telling the truth. I did not believe it at first, but my eyes have been opened.

Very informative

A good short read packed with great information. I would highly recommend this book. Send a copy to your closest friends.

Good read

Great information that everyone needs to hear! Once you start, it's difficult to put down. I highly recommend this book!


I expected more of a book not a pamplet.

Excellent book

This man is a genius. Thank you for writing this book and for debunking that whole Russian collusion BS


Great Read. Quick & Current. Cuts to the Chase. Thank You!!!

Excellent Book!

Opened my eyes to what is happening in todays politics.

Must read

Great book. Well written

Republican Propganda

Devin Nunes ironically writes a book that is pure propaganda dedicated to trashing his political opponents. This is useless word-salad. It doesn't say anything credible about economics or political economy, mainly just how the content of social media is unfair to Republicans.

A Curious, but Self Serving Work...

Hmmm... not sure where to begin, but I shall try. The two-party system in the United States has always produced some very intriguing mischief between the factions, but given the Author's lack of training as a Congressional Historian, a Political Scientist, an Expert in Constitutional Law, or even that of one possessing an acumen in Economics, you could hope that as a reader, one could make some sense of this narrative. There is a semblance of trying to echo, Thomas Paine's "Common Sense," with a litany of anecdotes & frightening scenarios being brought on by an ideological "Baba yaga," however, he strategically distances his own role from trying to craft solutions, even when History has shown where his party had control of the Legislative and the Executive. When he moves on to discuss his "analysis," of the media, the scholarship is sloppy, haphazard & presented with a litany of fallacies that require greater scrutiny of the topics he's discussing due to the imbalance of presentation. While he does make references to socialism, the author does not quote directly from any volume of "Kapital," to such an extent as to explain how the writings of a 19th Prussian Economic and Political theorist have any application in his work, or in a 21st Global Interdependent Macro-Economy. The utility value of this book is quite limited, for it seems to have appeal that is limited in scope when it comes to issues of Economic development or historical scholarship.

A book telling the truth about socialism is not immediately available?!?

I can't review the book as I just heard of the book today and Amazon doesn't have it in stock. Boy, that's convenient a book telling the truth about Amazon's political thinking not in stock until mid-October??? Found the book in stock elsewhere and ordered it. I'll update my review after I've had a chance to review it.

Lacks credibility

Sad attempt at credibility. Nunes has been found to be an enemy combatant and Trump pawn. Not worth anyone's precious time.

Nunes' priority is not his constituents

It's important to remember that Nunes job is supposed to be representing his constituents in CA's 22nd congressional district. This political tract seems far removed from that job that he's solemnly sworn to do. Since he doesn't even live in the district he represents, it's clear he is so far out of touch with what we need--health care, cleaner air and water, better schools, safer working conditions. Instead of working on these issues for the hard-working people of his district, he accuses his democratic colleagues of being socialists for daring to raise them.

Far right propaganda

All you need to read is the “about the author” to find out what to expect in this book. Given that the Russian involvement in the 2016 election has been proven to be connected to the Trump campaign, calling it a “conspiracy theory” is a downright lie. I don’t expect much factual content in this book. Don’t waste your money, and don’t support the lies.

The US Military is Socialist

If Socialism is so bad why does the US use it to manage the US military? Social Security? Home Owners Associations? These folks have no idea what they are writing about.

Not well written

Not what I expected. Mixing verifiably false and misleading info makes it difficult to trust the portions that may have truth.

one star for effort

This is just recycled, conspiracy theoretical, partisan rhetoric put into print so Nunes can get more of your money. Feel sorry for you guys.

Pure fiction

Total far right propaganda. Don't fry your brain with this spin. No option for a 0 or I'd give it.

Thank you Devin Nunes

Please, please read this small book. You can read it in one evening, 90 pages and know exactly what's going on in our government. No fluff, just straight forward easy to understand information from one of our outstanding Congressmen. I just bought four more books to give friends. Liberals or conservatives, a must read. You need to understand if you really care about America. Buy this book NOW!

Great book, quick, easy to read.

Devin's book hits the nail on the head! He explains in simple language how so many Americans are so misinformed by the social media and mainstream media giants run completely by Liberals who filter their narrative bias before feeding it to masses of Americans and citizens of other countries in an organized scheme to literally brainwash people to believe the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist points of view while squashing Conservative views.

High School

There are people who learn how to think, then go on to become adults (i.e. Jeff Flake). Then there are those who will forever remain part of the freshman class in high school. Josh Hawley, Lauren Boebert, Matt Goetz, Michelle Taylor Greene, and Devin Hunes. I was going to add Ted Cruz but he's twenty years older than they are, but you get what I mean about high school. They should all chip in and buy an island and go live together and stop trying to destroy the rest of the world.

The Republic is On the Brink

I read this book in about an hour or so. Easy, well written, and concise. It paints a dismal picture of what is happening to the Republic of the United States. Whether you are liberal or conservative, this book contains frightening examples of corruption and misinformation that are destroying our way of life. I hold no hope for the future of the U. S. It's hard to sift through all the misinformation without becoming upset and disenchanted with the whole system and both sides of the debate. However, this book is well, worth the reading.

FOREFATHERS rolling in their graves

A thought provoking book on where America has been heading and is still heading today. Trump tried to hang on to this democracy and President-elect Biden is wanting to "transform" this country. Well written book and shows how the democrats have been slowly turning toward socialism. As a Christian, this book continues to challenge me to pray for this country. The Democratic party stands for everything against what this country started with and stands for.


Pure fiction loaded with bs

What a read! Opened my eyes to the truth!

I received this work of art as a gift for my birthday, and it's changed my life! Mr Nunes has opened my eyes to so many injustices going on in America! For instance, I finally realized that they were right... Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election! I didn't believe it, but Nunes changed my mind! Not only that, but Devin convinced me of the one thing I never thought would ever happen- Socialism is the way to go! We need to look to the great Karl Marx and his teachings in order to fix our nation! I can't believe I was so blind before! But now I see the truth! After reading this, I went out and mailed in 300 votes for Biden. And what do you know, HE WON!!! THANKS DEVIN!

Great expose'. I totLLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK,

Easy read, filled with eye opening facts. I've verified nearly all the facts I can. The Congressman has told the truth. It is compelling and scary!

Timely and truthful

As is pointed out in this book look to California to see how the democrats intend to rule. Congressman Nunes has written a book that contains information that needs to be shared. I highly recommend reading and sharing.

This is an outstanding book for every American!

Finally a small book that provides the full truth about the social media and how socialist politicians are working together to create their agenda for socialism to control America!

Socialism? Give me a break.

It would have useful had Nunes looked up the definition of Socialism before trying to write a book about it. He appears to know no more about Socialism than he does about farming.

Inevitable Reality Revealed

Excellent articulation of our dismal future in the hands of the enemy of the people party!


Don't buy this book, its trash. The top one percent rules America and wall street. In the mean time middle class has been demolished. The way this country is going and continue to go. A change needs to happen

No original content.

Not very compelling, just a regurgitation of views and arguments made by others.

That DNC can not go back and will always be Communist.

Very great booklet and right to the point about communism and socialism and liberalism taking over the Dem Party and why. Please write a longer book with more research.

Amazon filed this under propaganda. Sad.

A stern warning to all Americans that communism is just around the corner.

Very well written. Great writer

Wow great book. Easy to read and he really breaks it down. Very well written. America we need to wake up !

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