Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)

1st Edition, Kindle Edition
27 Mar

Winner of the 2011 International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Pierre Janet Writing Award.

A patient-oriented manual for complex trauma survivors.

This training manual for patients who have a trauma-related dissociative disorder includes short educational pieces, homework sheets, and exercises that address ways in which dissociation interferes with essential emotional and life skills, and support inner communication and collaboration with dissociative parts of the personality. Topics include understanding dissociation and PTSD, using inner reflection, emotion regulation, coping with dissociative problems related to triggers and traumatic memories, resolving sleep problems related to dissociation, coping with relational difficulties, and help with many other difficulties with daily life. The manual can be used in individual therapy or structured groups.

Reviews (172)

Amazing work

I can't say enough about this book. I had gotten very discouraged working with traumatized women and addicts. The first client I used this book with had been stuck for some time and was sinking deeper and deeper into despair, hopelessness, panic, anxiety and depression. She was also morbidly obese. After one session with this manual, she began to have hope, she engaged very actively in the treatment. One of the amazing things I see about working with these methods is that memories begin to surface spontaneously, as the client is ready, and within the context of the therapy, they feel safe to process and share the memories. In the case of this particular client, there was a facet of her abuse that haunted her immensely but she couldn't say why. By the third session, a memory had surfaced which explained it, and she was able to cope with it and process it in session. I found it very interesting that the memory surfaced as a movie on a screen with no sounds or smells, which is something the book indicates will happen. This client, as well as others, are enormously reassured and encouraged by the fact that suddenly everything makes sense, they are not the only ones who feel this way, and that there are therapists who have tons of experience working with these symptoms, to the point that they were able to write a book that both explains and offers hope. I also work with a lot of addicts and have become convinced that almost all addicts suffer from DDNOS, and I believe that this treatment should be a part of any successful substance abuse treatment. When I introduce some of these ideas in a group of addicts, I have the full attention of every person, male and female. They start to ask questions an things begin to fall into place for them. This work is so miraculous that I have purchased a pile of books all dealing with Polyvagal Theory, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Viseral Sensory Neuroscience, etc, to further my understanding of how the viscera reacts to trauma, and the role of neuroleptic not and interception in triggering people to have panic, anxiety, and to carry out behaviors such as self harming, eating disorders and substance abuse. Clients are awed to find out that there is an answer to the formerly mysterious monster that controls them and devours them. I am continuing to read and study, and in the meantime I am reaching my clients in a way that I have never been able to before.

Amazing resource for people with complex trauma

I had actual tears of recognition in my eyes after starting this book; six months later, upon completing it, I feel like I have reached a milestone in my recovery from abuse. I felt understood by this book in a way that I never have before with a psychology or therapy text, except for Judith Herman's Trauma and Recovery. This book is absolutely invaluable for someone with complex trauma in childhood, who used dissociation as their main defense mechanism. I am somewhere on the dissociative continuum (I had symptoms resembling DID in adolescence), though it wasn't identified as the source of my mental health problems until mid-adulthood, when I finally sought treatment for sexual abuse and trauma rather than depression alone, and then everything changed for the better. I started reading this as a follow-up to The Stranger in the Mirror (an excellent overview of dissociation), not expecting to get much out of this one, as therapy workbooks tend to be challenging for me. But I found myself highlighting every page. It's a gentler alternative to works that focus on sexual violence (many of which have helped, but those are hard to read when triggered). It's also made grounding and mindfulness exercises more accessible for me, since these are written expressly with a dissociative/traumatized reader in mind. The language, too, is so clear and validating. Some chapters might be more triggering, depending on your experience-- I was surprised that the relational stuff was harder for me-- so personally I recommend skipping a chapter or section if you feel like you're "fighting" with it, then returning to it later on. I had good luck with this approach. And don't be afraid to spend more time on a challenging chapter. You'll get out of the book what you put into it. I wish I had encountered this book years ago, but I'm just so glad to have it now. Best $17 I've ever spent. I want to tell the writers thank you.

Incredibly powerful

If you and your therapist have found your diagnosis to include dissociation, this is an incredibly useful book. I often pined for a practical guide to doing the stuff of daily life in light of my propensity to zone out. I thought I was just a procrastinator- but none of those self-help books came even close to helping. I even thought I had ADD/ADHD and bought some "how to stay organized" books for folks with those issues. When I finally understood that I was dissociating, it felt just like a fancy label and I didn't know what to do to get through the tough times of the day short of "curing" myself. Until one day it occurred to me that there must be ways to work around dissociations even before you can eliminate them from your life. So I googled "self care routine for dissociation" and I found this incredibly helpful manual. And it really is a manual. There are broader ideas as well but I find the minutiae of the instructions very helpful and comforting. It sometimes feels like re-learning how to be an adult, this time without the trauma. Huge thanks to the authors for writing this book.

Incredibly life changing read... but triggering... (at least for me)

Really life changing read so far... (not finished yet)... BUT be warned... while reading this is completely changing how I understand myself and some things - it is majorly triggering me. I've definitely sunk into a triggered depression... that is NOT to say anything negative about the book... in fact - shows how powerful the content is... only mention it as a warning for readers because I was completely unprepared for that element and have found myself struggling now without having prepared myself properly to cope.

Wow! Gems on every page -- for anyone who has experienced trauma, not just dissociation.

I love the simple language. I have her other book as well for psychotherapists. This book is for lay people. I l appreciate both books but I love this one. I love that it dives right in and doesn't "dumb it down" for lay people. I love that it provides exercises. I don't think I know anyone with full-blown dissociation, unless they hide it. However I find many things useful for myself and those I assist, because we all have "voices," like that voice that says we "should" do this or that, also an inner mom, an inner dad, an inner jesus or religious authority, an inner bad boy or "party girl," etc. For those of us who are not fully dissociative, I consider these not "parts" of self but perspectives. We harbor a dominant perspective and multiple other perspectives, including the spiritual or compassionate perspective which doesn't always get a voice. So everything we learn about dissociation, also helps the rest of us to find a harmonious balance!

Open ended is written to expand more than treat both client and therapist

This is one very big textbook for therapists treating trauma related psychological disorders: from occasional flashbacks to true dissociative disorders. The difference being that both patient and therapist are addressed and given examples and teachings to help strong boundaries (re)develop. It’s taken me months to read this book. Each chapter challenges even the most intelligent person to learn and incorporate skills for both life skills and emotional tools to stay present and healthy. I like that it seems to accept that humans are flawed. It is how we recognize and respond to past a/o present stressors, dissociative thoughts and behaviors and healthier sleep that keep dissociative patients stuck, because these old patterns are safe. To be a fully functioning person in the best sense, a book like this can give you life skills and roadmaps and to not be scared to accept the help out there. As the authors say, this book, and this field are works-in-process. Overall, as slow as the read was, in this reviewers opinion it will help someone without “trapping” them into a set treatment. It would be a great book for Masters level counselors open to learning new things. 5/5

Not as helpful as I'd hoped

I am in recovery from DID and I had great hopes for this book but it didn't really help me much beyond a basic understanding of why I was suffering as I was. It's incredibly psychologically based, and seems to imply that we can change the reactions in the limbic system in our brain through a psychological approach. While this may work to a certain degree over a very long period of time, I feel that it's missing the main point: trauma is essentially in the limbic system in the brain, and also held in the body. Most of our mind reactions are too slow to compensate for the immediate triggering that takes place before we even realise it in our brain. I personally recommend two other books as being far more useful. Pat Ogden's

Really helpful book

This book is amazing. I would read chapter after chapter and say, "My life is in this book!" I didn't know that other people had the same problems that I did, and that people actually researched these types of problems! It made me feel good to know that I was not the only one experiencing these things. I picked up this book because it was mentioned in Pete Walker's "Complex PTSD" book as a work helpful for those who have "freeze" as one of their main responses to trauma. The book is written in a very nonjudgmental way, which is helpful for those of us who are easily triggered by criticism. The chapters are very short, which is good for people who are easily overwhelmed. I learned a lot about myself through this book and was able to develop some skills to help myself as I heal from complex PTSD.

It's really the Bible of work with dissociation and DID

As a therapist specializing in the field of complex PTSD, dissociation, and Dissociative Identity Disorder, I highly recommend this book. It's great as a stand alone book but works best when used with a therapist who understands and is trained in treating dissociation. It's important to understand what this book is. This book will not cure your trauma, no book can! It's a book designed to help you understand why you are the way you are, give you skills to help yourself, your ability to cope, improve your daily life and your relationships with others. This book is a huge gift, and is really the gold standard. Actually resolving the trauma itself and healing it--which is causing your symptoms in the first place--takes a therapist trained in something to do that such as EMDR, Somatic Experience, Sensorimotor Therapy, or Internal Family Systems.

Not helpful, a workbook for the therapist’s shelf

I have DID and thought the book was both useful and unhelpful. It is useful in that about 1/3 consists of a detailed, plain-language description of dissociation that is eye-opening and insightful. Another 1/3 is pedantic, comprised of basic, common sense advice that can be applied to dissociation (like “try to make your bedroom peaceful” or “use a calendar to keep a schedule”) as well as painstaking instructions for the use of relaxation techniques and guided imagery. The other 1/3 is overwhelming, consisting of about 100-200 questions and exercises, all of which use the trigger word “you,” and all of which are Only applicable if “parts” are aware of one other, share the same sense of time and space and actively are seeking integration. The book is essentially a workbook best kept as a reference on the therapist’s shelf.

Amazing work

I can't say enough about this book. I had gotten very discouraged working with traumatized women and addicts. The first client I used this book with had been stuck for some time and was sinking deeper and deeper into despair, hopelessness, panic, anxiety and depression. She was also morbidly obese. After one session with this manual, she began to have hope, she engaged very actively in the treatment. One of the amazing things I see about working with these methods is that memories begin to surface spontaneously, as the client is ready, and within the context of the therapy, they feel safe to process and share the memories. In the case of this particular client, there was a facet of her abuse that haunted her immensely but she couldn't say why. By the third session, a memory had surfaced which explained it, and she was able to cope with it and process it in session. I found it very interesting that the memory surfaced as a movie on a screen with no sounds or smells, which is something the book indicates will happen. This client, as well as others, are enormously reassured and encouraged by the fact that suddenly everything makes sense, they are not the only ones who feel this way, and that there are therapists who have tons of experience working with these symptoms, to the point that they were able to write a book that both explains and offers hope. I also work with a lot of addicts and have become convinced that almost all addicts suffer from DDNOS, and I believe that this treatment should be a part of any successful substance abuse treatment. When I introduce some of these ideas in a group of addicts, I have the full attention of every person, male and female. They start to ask questions an things begin to fall into place for them. This work is so miraculous that I have purchased a pile of books all dealing with Polyvagal Theory, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Viseral Sensory Neuroscience, etc, to further my understanding of how the viscera reacts to trauma, and the role of neuroleptic not and interception in triggering people to have panic, anxiety, and to carry out behaviors such as self harming, eating disorders and substance abuse. Clients are awed to find out that there is an answer to the formerly mysterious monster that controls them and devours them. I am continuing to read and study, and in the meantime I am reaching my clients in a way that I have never been able to before.

Amazing resource for people with complex trauma

I had actual tears of recognition in my eyes after starting this book; six months later, upon completing it, I feel like I have reached a milestone in my recovery from abuse. I felt understood by this book in a way that I never have before with a psychology or therapy text, except for Judith Herman's Trauma and Recovery. This book is absolutely invaluable for someone with complex trauma in childhood, who used dissociation as their main defense mechanism. I am somewhere on the dissociative continuum (I had symptoms resembling DID in adolescence), though it wasn't identified as the source of my mental health problems until mid-adulthood, when I finally sought treatment for sexual abuse and trauma rather than depression alone, and then everything changed for the better. I started reading this as a follow-up to The Stranger in the Mirror (an excellent overview of dissociation), not expecting to get much out of this one, as therapy workbooks tend to be challenging for me. But I found myself highlighting every page. It's a gentler alternative to works that focus on sexual violence (many of which have helped, but those are hard to read when triggered). It's also made grounding and mindfulness exercises more accessible for me, since these are written expressly with a dissociative/traumatized reader in mind. The language, too, is so clear and validating. Some chapters might be more triggering, depending on your experience-- I was surprised that the relational stuff was harder for me-- so personally I recommend skipping a chapter or section if you feel like you're "fighting" with it, then returning to it later on. I had good luck with this approach. And don't be afraid to spend more time on a challenging chapter. You'll get out of the book what you put into it. I wish I had encountered this book years ago, but I'm just so glad to have it now. Best $17 I've ever spent. I want to tell the writers thank you.

Incredibly powerful

If you and your therapist have found your diagnosis to include dissociation, this is an incredibly useful book. I often pined for a practical guide to doing the stuff of daily life in light of my propensity to zone out. I thought I was just a procrastinator- but none of those self-help books came even close to helping. I even thought I had ADD/ADHD and bought some "how to stay organized" books for folks with those issues. When I finally understood that I was dissociating, it felt just like a fancy label and I didn't know what to do to get through the tough times of the day short of "curing" myself. Until one day it occurred to me that there must be ways to work around dissociations even before you can eliminate them from your life. So I googled "self care routine for dissociation" and I found this incredibly helpful manual. And it really is a manual. There are broader ideas as well but I find the minutiae of the instructions very helpful and comforting. It sometimes feels like re-learning how to be an adult, this time without the trauma. Huge thanks to the authors for writing this book.

Incredibly life changing read... but triggering... (at least for me)

Really life changing read so far... (not finished yet)... BUT be warned... while reading this is completely changing how I understand myself and some things - it is majorly triggering me. I've definitely sunk into a triggered depression... that is NOT to say anything negative about the book... in fact - shows how powerful the content is... only mention it as a warning for readers because I was completely unprepared for that element and have found myself struggling now without having prepared myself properly to cope.

Wow! Gems on every page -- for anyone who has experienced trauma, not just dissociation.

I love the simple language. I have her other book as well for psychotherapists. This book is for lay people. I l appreciate both books but I love this one. I love that it dives right in and doesn't "dumb it down" for lay people. I love that it provides exercises. I don't think I know anyone with full-blown dissociation, unless they hide it. However I find many things useful for myself and those I assist, because we all have "voices," like that voice that says we "should" do this or that, also an inner mom, an inner dad, an inner jesus or religious authority, an inner bad boy or "party girl," etc. For those of us who are not fully dissociative, I consider these not "parts" of self but perspectives. We harbor a dominant perspective and multiple other perspectives, including the spiritual or compassionate perspective which doesn't always get a voice. So everything we learn about dissociation, also helps the rest of us to find a harmonious balance!

Open ended is written to expand more than treat both client and therapist

This is one very big textbook for therapists treating trauma related psychological disorders: from occasional flashbacks to true dissociative disorders. The difference being that both patient and therapist are addressed and given examples and teachings to help strong boundaries (re)develop. It’s taken me months to read this book. Each chapter challenges even the most intelligent person to learn and incorporate skills for both life skills and emotional tools to stay present and healthy. I like that it seems to accept that humans are flawed. It is how we recognize and respond to past a/o present stressors, dissociative thoughts and behaviors and healthier sleep that keep dissociative patients stuck, because these old patterns are safe. To be a fully functioning person in the best sense, a book like this can give you life skills and roadmaps and to not be scared to accept the help out there. As the authors say, this book, and this field are works-in-process. Overall, as slow as the read was, in this reviewers opinion it will help someone without “trapping” them into a set treatment. It would be a great book for Masters level counselors open to learning new things. 5/5

Not as helpful as I'd hoped

I am in recovery from DID and I had great hopes for this book but it didn't really help me much beyond a basic understanding of why I was suffering as I was. It's incredibly psychologically based, and seems to imply that we can change the reactions in the limbic system in our brain through a psychological approach. While this may work to a certain degree over a very long period of time, I feel that it's missing the main point: trauma is essentially in the limbic system in the brain, and also held in the body. Most of our mind reactions are too slow to compensate for the immediate triggering that takes place before we even realise it in our brain. I personally recommend two other books as being far more useful. Pat Ogden's

Really helpful book

This book is amazing. I would read chapter after chapter and say, "My life is in this book!" I didn't know that other people had the same problems that I did, and that people actually researched these types of problems! It made me feel good to know that I was not the only one experiencing these things. I picked up this book because it was mentioned in Pete Walker's "Complex PTSD" book as a work helpful for those who have "freeze" as one of their main responses to trauma. The book is written in a very nonjudgmental way, which is helpful for those of us who are easily triggered by criticism. The chapters are very short, which is good for people who are easily overwhelmed. I learned a lot about myself through this book and was able to develop some skills to help myself as I heal from complex PTSD.

It's really the Bible of work with dissociation and DID

As a therapist specializing in the field of complex PTSD, dissociation, and Dissociative Identity Disorder, I highly recommend this book. It's great as a stand alone book but works best when used with a therapist who understands and is trained in treating dissociation. It's important to understand what this book is. This book will not cure your trauma, no book can! It's a book designed to help you understand why you are the way you are, give you skills to help yourself, your ability to cope, improve your daily life and your relationships with others. This book is a huge gift, and is really the gold standard. Actually resolving the trauma itself and healing it--which is causing your symptoms in the first place--takes a therapist trained in something to do that such as EMDR, Somatic Experience, Sensorimotor Therapy, or Internal Family Systems.

Not helpful, a workbook for the therapist’s shelf

I have DID and thought the book was both useful and unhelpful. It is useful in that about 1/3 consists of a detailed, plain-language description of dissociation that is eye-opening and insightful. Another 1/3 is pedantic, comprised of basic, common sense advice that can be applied to dissociation (like “try to make your bedroom peaceful” or “use a calendar to keep a schedule”) as well as painstaking instructions for the use of relaxation techniques and guided imagery. The other 1/3 is overwhelming, consisting of about 100-200 questions and exercises, all of which use the trigger word “you,” and all of which are Only applicable if “parts” are aware of one other, share the same sense of time and space and actively are seeking integration. The book is essentially a workbook best kept as a reference on the therapist’s shelf.

Totally worth it

This book is amazing. It is the perfect mix of explaination/education and exercises. I have found it to be very helpful both in having what is going on for me so well described and having strategies to heal that actually work. A must read for folks struggling with complex trauma - it is not just for folks with DID.

This Book Gives Me Hope...

I'm loving this book. It is written for therapists however I using it to help me deal with my C-PTSD flashbacks. The 1st thing I like about this book is it validates many of my symptoms of C-PTSD. 2nd it has helped me understand many of my uncontrolled thoughts. 3rd it gives you exercises to help with my emotional healing. I'm 15% though this book and I'm loving it.

Great for all kinds of systems!

I was diagnosed with D.I.D. almost a year ago although some clinicians would say I fit better into DDNOS because of the degree of co-consciousness. I have read "Amongst Ourselves" and found it very helpful. Most D.I.D. books I have read spend a great deal of time on symptoms related to full switching and lost time. This book addresses the issues behind that (and a whole lot more) in a way that does not alienate more co-conscious systems. The book is very readable. Very insightful. Very useful for professionals, supporters and those with D.I.D.

This is an excellent book. I think it is a "must" for ...

This is an excellent book. I think it is a "must" for anyone diagnosed with DID especially those newly diagnosed. As a multiple it's really frustrating to look and look and find so few books actually geared for DID. I think this one is essential. Before delving into the deeper healing work it is imperative that one develop good healthy coping skills and learn to make good self-care a habit. Def. recommend this for multiples and as a guide for therapists who treat us.

but is the best I have found on the subject

Very helpful in understanding this specific diagnosis. It is written very clearly and with enough detail to thoroughly explain the diagnosis. Would be helpful for therapist, a person with the diagnosis and family and friends of those with the diagnosis. They book is a bit expensive, but is the best I have found on the subject.

my clients love it. They have noted how helpful the educational ...

This is a very informative and helpful psychoeducational manual that I have my clients work on between sessions for us to process during sessions. So far, my clients love it. They have noted how helpful the educational aspect of it is and the skills are exactly what they need to be working on in the order of progression of their treatment. Could not be happier with this book.

This is the only "workbook" that I know of and it's great

This book can be really useful for someone suffering from this disorder and how to take real steps to manage it to have a better life.

But this!

I have PTSD and DID and this book explains things so well and helped make things more understandable. It was also used on the inpatient unit I was in at Sheppard Pratt Hospital in Baltimore, Md. it is definitely worth buying!

Very well written book!

This book is a fabulous companion to therapy, but it is also written and laid -out so well that a person can follow it on their own. The chapters are perfectly appropriate to the subject matter, the text is written in a way that everyone can understand, and the exercises are done in non-threatening steps (depending on where the person is in their process). The authors know what they're talking about - I highly recommend this book.

Great book to help clients begin to understand and work with DID diagnosis.

This is a great book to help therapists that are new to the DID field or clients with this diagnosis. It is fairly simply and straight forward. It is important to know, however, if you are looking for a guide on how to treat clients with DID you'll need the other book they wrote called "Treating Trauma Related Dissociation."

The best book on this subject I have ever read

The best book on this subject I have ever read! If you can't afford to see a therapist, this awesome workbook will take you step-by-step through the process of self-analysis with profound results. If you are seeing a therapist, this workbook is an excellent supplemental tool. Either way, its well worth the price and highly recommended.

Amazing book!

Amazing book helps you to understand dissociative disorders and trauma related dissociation and gives you techniques to use everyday to help with coping and healing a+ book!

Superb reference

Excellent. As a trauma therapist, I appreciate the wealth of knowledge from these well-respected authors, and the accessibility of the presentation. Solid recommendation for other therapists who work in the field of trauma.

Wonderful Resource!

One of the best resources I've encountered for working with patients with strong treatment resistant DID. This book provides clear and easily relatable insight to the client and provides a wonderful roadmap for evidence-based practice for both therapist and patient. Highly recommended!

Has more to do with DID

No where in the title did it say that this book seems to pertain to persons with DID. It is somewhat helpful to persons with just dissociation not related to DID. It is a well organized book. It has good skills exercises. I had to figure out a way to read it without the "other parts" statements so I could get out of it what I wanted. I am glad I bought this book.

Great learning tool

Very informative for anyone needing to know about D.I.D. disosiative identity disorder.

great resource

This is one of the best books on trauma I've ever read. This book is an excellent resource for therapists, trauma survivors, and anyone who cares about a survivor. It is written with compassion and great clarity and insight into the survivor's experience. The book is full of wonderful suggestions for coping with the various challenges of living with PTSD and dissociative disorder. Each chapter is written thoughtfully and clearly and ends with helpful exercises or open ended questions which reinforce the ideas that have been presented. My therapist recommended this book and I am so grateful he did. I can't say enough good things about it!

Five Stars

This book is a must if you treat dissociative clients.


Excellent book. the client I had in mind when I bought it has purchased a copy as well and is using it regularly. The authors define terms and issues in easily understandable ways. My client feels very validated and I have an extra tool, and am learning new things as well. Many coping and grounding exercises.

Good resource for therapist and client

Excellent resource. I am currently using this with 3 clients. It has questions at the end of each chapter to help clients process the information. One of my clients read it cover to cover as soon as she got it. It is very helpful to both clients and to myself. I am still learning to treat DID and am happy for help.

Exactly what I needed!

Recommended to me by my therapist! Excellent work book. Useful information that breaks down exactly what dissociation related to PTSD is. Not very many books that tackle this issue the way this one does! Highly recommend.

Good read

Educational and informative

Four Stars

This isn't for the faint of heart. A deliberate but gentle, steady approach.

Anyone diagnosed withDID should buy this book

By far the best book I have read on DID.

Good but doesn't lead you all the way through integration

Good but doesn't lead you all the way through integration

Great Book

Very helpful for our counselors.

Must read !

I am not a therapist of any kind but find this book very insightful and actually has helped me discover things about myself and how to talk to others.

In my case better for therapist.

It is hard for me to read. As a patient there's a lot of 'Psycobabble' in it. I have it to my therapist. The structure of the book is great and gives exercises for you and the therapist to work on.

Excellent Reference and Practical Approach to Understanding and Treating Dissociation

I am reviewing this text from the standpoint of a medical professional who also struggles with dissociation on a daily basis. The approach is stepped and allows both the therapist and the client to understand the theory, etiology and goals meant to progress treament forward at a controlled pace. By sharing the same pool of information as the therapist, the client can more readily identify with the goals of treatment. The client and his/her alternate personalities can have time to process directed and accurate information outside of the session. The client can then participate more fully - or perhaps gain further insight to their states of being. The chapters can be worked sequentially or in the order that best fits the needs of the client. The paradigm for a therapeutic unit might be expected to decrease the tine spent in various stages of symptom management.

A great resource

Excellent book for consumers and professionals. Offers resources and tools that can be used everyday!

Must read for clinicians & trauma survivors

Perhaps the best & most useful, and user-friendly book I've read on the topic of trauma and dissociation. The book is split into bite-size chapters, which is essential for learning about and learning to cope with having a dissociative disorder. Each chapter has a few pages of psycho-educational material to read. Each chapter also has worksheets to help you implement the skills that are being taught in that chapter. I HIGHLY recommend this book for any clinician or any survivor of trauma who suffers from dissociation. You need not have a diagnosed dissociative disorder to benefit from the skills and information in this book!!!!

Good for guided work with clients

This is a very clear and concise guide for understanding and healing from dissociation. Helpful homework and excercises

Very well written

Makes it easier to understand DID.

Five Stars

Very helpful in working with clients who experience severe prolonged trauma.


Was recommended this book when I was in patient fantastic read really make sense

A very helpful book I highly recommend it

This book was extremely helpful to me. As I have dealt with several different forms of trauma in my life, and I sincerely appreciate the discreet way that I was able to acquire this through Amazon. This book will help you learn how to work through some of your deep-seated issues and I would highly recommend it for anyone looking to do so. There is no shame in working through things and this book will help those who struggle to do so follow through and be able to begin the healing process with the help of a professional in tandem with this book.

Life Changing

I have been diagnosed with PTSD. This is not a new diagnosis for me but this book presents a new opportunity. I have done a lot of reading and a lot of therapy in my 50+ years. I am currently in therapy and still reading. Never before have I found what I experience in print. My first excited/fearful shout was " I FOUND ME!" I have the Kindle version and I ordered the hard copy as I do when I find a gem. While the great unknown is still ahead, I have finally found a starting point.


Perfect for outside work

Excellent resource for trauma

I have studied trauma and this book was helpful for clients and therapists. The use of parts language is reminiscent of the Internal Family Systems modality. Hypo aroused trauma is often hard to detect, this book explains how hypo aroused trauma clients can go unnoticed.

Five Stars

Great book for my private practice, to help clients who dissociate.

Really excellent work. I'd recommend it to both therapists and ...

Really excellent work. I'd recommend it to both therapists and clients as well. It's simple to read and offers a great deal of practical information.

Five Stars

very informative nad helpful. step by step information on understanding and overcomming dissociation. worth the price and more

This book is very helpful, especially if you are ...

This book is very helpful, especially if you are new to this subject. I did, however, think that it would go into a bit more depth. This is more lightly covering all the bases with quite a few guided question and viewpoint summaries at the end of each chapter. I can see how this would be helpful for a group or ideas for a therapist. This is more of a jumping off point to get you started than a carry you through the entire process. I can understand why they did this, as it states many times, therapy should be done with a therapist and not by yourself.

Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation

This manual is easy to read and understand. I like the format of the chapters. Excellent for learning new skills and understanding the diagnosis.

Helped me significantly with a client dealing with severe PTSD-related ...

Helped me significantly with a client dealing with severe PTSD-related dissociation. Gave him several pages. I never read the whole thing, though.

Incredible resource

Outstanding resource. Set up for use in individual or group therapy. Has information shared in a manner that nonorofessionals can easily grasp, homework assignments and helpful exercises. Sound material - highly recommend.

This is an amazing book, I am so glad I decided to ...

This is an amazing book, I am so glad I decided to buy it. It is helpful for people with dissociation and their family as well as lots of information for therapists to use when working with DID clients. DiD is such a rare disorder that most therapists don't have experience working with people who have it, so they have no idea what it looks like in the real world. Like most mental health diagnosis DID or MPD has been poorly over dramatized in the media. So maybe your just interested in the subject, but whatever reason you have to want a book on this, this is one of the best I have read, and I have read quite a few.

Excellent resource for people like me with DID/PTSD and the ...

Excellent resource for people like me with DID/PTSD and the like. My therapist uses it and we work through the book together.

Well written

Good self help book for cliens or therapists just learning about DID.

Five Stars

This is one of the best workbooks for DID I could imagine. Very informative too I love it

Get it!

Great book for running groups with individuals with complex trauma.


Very helpful book. Perfect



Four Stars

helpful in understanding what has to be worked through to help resolve DID

Great workbook for people with DID

If you are struggling with DID, and want to learn practical and workable way to deal with your life, you need this book. The authors truly understand what we go through in our minds, and offer practical ways to deal with our problems in a non-threatening way in baby steps. I wish this book was available 10 years ago. We have just started to read this book a few months ago, but it has made so much positive changes in us already. Most notably, scripts for creating of an inner meeting space and triggers for positive experiences have been tremendous help to us, and we could start using these right away.

Worth it!

Great book! Doing this workbook gradually with my therapist. I’m learning a lot.

this is an excellent resource for a therapist and a client

I have a client experiencing DID, this is an excellent resource for a therapist and a client. Highly recommend!

Great book

Great book for anyone with DID

Thorough & Accessible

Deep & thorough. Highly accessible information to help anyone understand dissociation.

it's a very good book.

In context of why it was written, it's a very good book.

Five Stars

Very helpful for client with dissociation. Worksheets and clear explanations.

very nice. Excellent A+++++++++++

very nice. Excellent A+++++++++++

Five Stars

so helpful

Five Stars

Very helpful in my therapy sessions.

Well written and easy to read resource/workbook

If you are a therapist or patient this workbook is worth the time. As a patient, this workbook continues to give me a better understanding and provides coping skills for this frequently misunderstood disorder. As an additional resource I would highly recommend, "Understanding Trauma and Dissociation, A Guide for Therapists, Patients and Loved Ones" by Lynn Mary Karjala, Ph.D. It's a book filled with terrific information.

Five Stars

great book

Five Stars

Gives really good advice and explains things in easy to understand language! :)

Five Stars

the best for clients and therapists

Five Stars

Great book

very good book

very good book

A must for anyone who suffers from dissociation.

More helpful than words can say.

great buy. Nice work book to use as a ...

great buy. Nice work book to use as a self-help guide.

Five Stars

Very helpful resource for my clients

Among the best

As a clinician, there is simply no better or more thorough textbook on the subject.

literally saved my life

Until I read this book I had no idea I had dissociative issues due to the traumas I had experienced. After reading this it really helped change my life. You don't have to do all the tasks just reading, understanding , and thinking about your behavior differently is so very helpful that change becomes more possible. Highly, highly recommend.

An easy read for a complex topic.

An amazing guide through the labyrinth of dissociation.

A great resource

This was recommended by my psychiatrist as I have a dissociative disorder, and this book is full of both information about dissociative disorders and tips to stay present and keep from dissociating. With practice, I have greatly reduced the amount and severity of my dissociating.

Just the Facts

Very formulaic. Useful but not gripping enough to with it.

Five Stars


Incredibly resourceful book!

Excellent book on the subject written in easy-to-read plain language but still information and technique packed enough for a clinician with great homework assignments for the client!

Five Stars

Very practical

Great Book

This book is filled with great insights and help.

Best workbook ever on subject

After reading "The Haunted Self" by Van der Hart, Nijenhuis & Steele, I wanted to learn how to apply the principles to my life. Thankfully, I did a search online & found this incredible workbook! It has a great deal of information as well as thoughtful homework that goes along with each chapter. One of the instructions at the beginning of each homework assignment is to "re-read the chapter." This made me "laugh out loud" and showed me that the authors truly understood people who dissociate! So far this workbook has brought an increase in self-awareness that I am certain will lead to less dissociation over time. I could not recommend a book higher.

very informative

I ordered this book based on a recommendation from a client who heard about one of the authors. It is excellent both from a clinical standpoint and from the client standpoint. I am eager to being using the information as well as the exercises with my client.

This is a nice book. If you are a high functioning individual ...

I am a therapist. This is a nice book. If you are a high functioning individual with some dissociation seeking your own intelligent self-help resources or a therapist who works with clients who have trauma history, I think you will get a lot out of this book.

Great Approach to Trauma & DID Therapy

This book takes a different approach to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) than many others I have read. It outlines treatment of dissociation within the context of the trauma that caused it. By treating the underlying trauma and suggesting coping skills for that trauma, the book is the first of it's kind that I have read. Most other books tell what DID is and are a great source of information about DID, but suggest little in the form of treatment.

Thank you

Great book.Arrived in excellent condition. Thank you

Five Stars

Great book. Informative.

Great resource. Recommended it to a client and he ...

Great resource. Recommended it to a client and he has found it very helpful.

Excellent resource!

I haven't finished reading it but it is an excellent resource for therapists and for their clients with dissociative disorders. I recommended it recently when giving a training presentation to therapists. I think this should be required reading for therapists in training. It's an excellent resource! Wendy R., M.A. Behavioral Science

Well written, easy to follow.

This is a good resource for educators who may be dealing with patients or students who suffer from trauma. I've found the strategies helpful.

Excellent book

Excellent book for those who are able to hear or feel their other parts communicating with them. Might be difficult to use this book if you are not in touch with your other parts or need a therapist to communicate to the other parts for you. I'm not sure. For me it's been the first book I've found for people who are in touch with their other parts and need a way to heal them. Thank you to the authors who wrote it, finally a book for people like me.

A very helpful book

I am a therapist and find this to be very helpful in offering my clients some useful guidance with a very difficult diagnosis.

Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociationfl

I bought this book because my therapist was using it with me in therapy. I decided to get my own. This book has been extremely helpful. The homework assignments are invaluable. I don't know where this journey through therapy will take me, but I'll have this book with me wherever we go!

Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training

A valuable tools for clinicians and clients alike. This book does an excellent job of presenting the dynamics of dissociation and tools for healing.

Great book!

It helps me understand myself and come to awareness of my own reaction to situations. Highly recommended for people who suffered from childhood trauma.

Good Book

For me, this is not a book to go over it on my own. This is more of exercise and assignments with a professional. That's just me, right now. Great book. Very educating for those whom can appreciate some clinical perspective(s).

Five Stars

Great price for the money!😂

Highly Recommend

I have found this book to be quite informative and helpful and would recommend it to anyone who has a dissociative disorder.

Excellent Book

Suzette Boon really hit the nail on the head, with this skills based book that addresses the problems relating to a life with trauma-related dissociation. It is a good model perhaps for a therapy group, or a small group of friends who support one another.

worth buying

This book is worth it's weight. It's interactive set up contains reading as well as some "homework" you can do on your own. It is a must-have book for anyone who has survived a severe trauma.

Five Stars

Great book new look

It seems like it is 90% geared more towards those suffering from ...

I really thought this would help me understand clients going through trauma-related dissociation, and it barely teaches me anything in any way to help me help others. It seems like it is 90% geared more towards those suffering from these trauma-related issues and 10% for practititioners. Very disappointed.

Skills Tthat Heal Complex PTSD

Skills for complex ptsd survivors: The structure is eye opening and contains very solid emotional techniques to heal negative thinking. Highly recommended to be used concurrently with a trained trauma therapist. Journeyman LLP

my therapist and I

She suggested we try going thru this book to see if it would help me with the concepts she is trying to explain to me, we will see I've only managed to get to page 8 so far and

Practical Advice for Coping with Dissociative Disorders

I initially thought "Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation" would be overly complex and written for psychologists or psychiatrists. In fact it is really written for both patient and doctor or therapist. I was impressed with how caring the authors came across. They truly understand dissociative disorders on all levels. This book covers Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (DDNOS). While I am no expert on these disorders I know a good book when I read one. I thought the advice in this book and the skills for coping with the disorders were excellent. The advice for people who have many parts or personalities was especially helpful. I liked how the authors suggested creating an inner world or safe place in the mind for scared, angry or fearful parts to go when needed. Some of the issues dealt with in this book include a sense of involuntariness, becoming emotionally numb, amnesia, depersonalization, derealization, isolation, eating habits, abuse, insomnia, losing track of time, loneliness, self-harm, anger, shame, phobias of inner experience, relaxation exercises, numerous personalities at war with each other and guilt. There are also sections that teach you how to deal with stressful family situations or work situations. The sections on homework assignments take the process of dealing with the disorders to new levels. One assignment deals with healthy core beliefs and analyzes negative and positive beliefs. What this book really explained well is how parts of the self are stuck in what the authors call "trauma-time." They discuss triggers that can lead you to feeling bad. Like if you feel anxious over going to a doctor's appointment there is advice on how to get in and out of the doctor's office more easily by going at a time when there are less patients waiting, say like immediately after lunch. I'd recommend this to anyone with a dissociative disorder or to doctors, therapists, psychologists, nurses and psychiatrists who deal with these disorders. ~The Rebecca Review

Extremely helpful!

I have found this manual to be extremely useful. The simple language and plenty of examples in this book, written for patients, helped me, as a therapist, to better understand some of the constructs of the theory of structural dissociation from THE HAUNTED SELF. Also, whenever, I read sections from the book, along with clients during sessions, it never fails to amaze me to see their look of relief that authors from a different culture have so completely and accurately captured their tumultuous experience in words! This book has helped cultivate hope in many of my clients dealing with dissociative disorders. Rani Raote, PhD, Psychotherapist, India

Seating for two, table for plenty.

This book has been amazing in helping my wife and I get a handle on the experience that she is having. It is a remarkable resource to have. Thank you /r/DID for pointing us here.

Life Changing Information

The information in this book is absolutlely life changing. It is presented in a way that is easy to understand and apply, no matter what stage of healing and growth a person is at. The questions at the end of each chapter are helpful, as they provide an individual the opportunity to dig more deeply utilizing the new tools the information provides. I would recommend this book to anyone dealing with dissociation or in relationship with a person dealing with trauma and/or dissociation. Excellent resource!


I haven't bought it and there's no questions section. I just wanna know a paperback is $40?

Define yourself

This is a good book for finding where you fit in the spectrum of disocciative disorders. Found it difficult to read in more than little doses because it can be triggering. But each time I pick it up, I learn more and realize what makes me feel the way I do. Good specifically for those who need to be reassured they are not alone in how they feel.


The only people this book helps is the authors..the whole book is a love letter from each author to the other. There is absolutely NO REGARD TO HELPING ANYONE. The writing is sloppy, unclear and in places, incorrect (one of authors is foreign, maybe two.) I can't tell you how many times I wanted to throw this exasperating book against the wall out of sheer frustration. If your therapist tells you that you have to buy this book IMMEDIATELY (which my therapist did)..DO NOT DO IT!! Just because this is the only book on the subject does not make it a good book!!! I wasted money and time on this garbage..don't make the same mistake I did!

Just what the Doctor Ordered

Great read for clinician or client. Full of helpful information in easy to grasp language. Highly recommend.

Timely important publication

Perfect companion to CBT manual


The book recommends usage with a therapist...I would highly recommend listening to that advice. I started alone and found it incredibly overwhelming. I wouldn't advise using it alone. I think I really needed to feel others have been through this after battling so much ignorance in the mh system and that there were people out there somewhere that took the disorder seriously, the book helped with that a lot. Lots of it is aimed at group work, in the Uk it's hard enough to find professionals that believe in the disorder let alone finding groups to join so I was surprised how heavily focused on group work it is but all adaptable and it's easy to skip over the group bits. I think for therapists an essential tool to know what stages to move through with patients. I wish just one proffessional in every mental health team read this. This is a great workbook, for me it was just important to have support to do it, I know for most with this disorder finding that support is almost impossible, if you go it alone, go slow and make sure to do all the self-care/suicide prevention/self harm prevention before embarking on any of the excercises.

Excellent self help book

Very informative and well organised and written in an understandable language with little jargon. Useful for both therapists and service users to use collaboratively. Explains what can be often viewed as an untreatable and complex issue in terms and descriptions that make learning about DID easier and accessible to novice and experienced therapists. This will be invaluble to service users in many ways and the structure of the book is useful and educational. I would only say that it describes a mental health problem that can be exposing service users to very difficult issues that are often distressing abd overwhelming and doesn't fully acknowledge the often very difficult experiences that such work can evoke when in therapy.

Brilliant book

What a brilliant and comprehensive book. Its surprising how many mental health practitioners know very little about dissociation and its tragic effects on the person experiencing it. Also people suffering from dissociation can fear judgement if they talk about the strange happenings and symptoms experienced, therefore, sadly, its often missed or overlooked. This is a very helpful, warm, sensitive and supportive book - nobody needs to feel ashamed - thank goodness there are authors like Suzette Boon out there to raise awareness, educate and help people.

Working my way through slowly but surely - I was ...

Working my way through slowly but surely - I was diagnosed with PTSD in 2000 and a lot of my symptoms are of dissociation. Look forward to working through this book to find out more about my symptoms and ways to cope

This is a great book with some good tips and exercises for coping ...

This is a great book with some good tips and exercises for coping - with or without the help of a therapist. It helps you identify dissociative behaviours and deal with them effectively

Great theory book with activities for self and clients

It is great to find a book with activities that can be adjusted to suit all ages. I have used some for myself, as a Psychotherapist and have found some very useful especially the daily plan.

This was wonderful, I've never done parts work before

I don't dissociate, but I do hear voices outside my head and feel foggy all the time. This was wonderful, I've never done parts work before, and I found it really valuable.

Highly Recommended

I have found this book invaluable since I bought it. It is written in a very accessible way, without"talking down", and as a therapist who was, at the time, inexperienced in working with dissociation, I found it educational and supportive. It's an excellent book for sharing with clients, and together choosing the chapters which seem most relevant at the time.

Great seller

Had to return book as nothing was relevant to my post traumatic stress disorder


Super quick delivery, Substantial book Looking forward to working my way through it.

NHS recommended

I suffer from DDNOS or Dissociation, I am being taught how to combat this disorder by the NHS and they use this book, so I thought it would be wise to buy it. The book it excellent and you can tall the people who have written it really want you to get better.

First time in my 63 years on this earth my ...

First time in my 63 years on this earth my life made sense ,this book put the whole jigsaw of my life together

Good book

Good book.

Excellent book

Having bought a few books on this subject this is by far my very favourite. Some very thoughtful explanations and I return to it again and again.

Get it on your bookshelf!

Very good book and to be honest- I am surprised it is still as cheap as it is!! I have read a lot on this topic and would recommend it to survivors.

Great value for the price if you work with trauma.

Great book, describes clearly what is required to put in place when working with dissociation & trauma. A bible for therapists working with trauma. Worth every penny.

A therapists View

Working within this field I have been on the hunt for a while for an appropriate book. This was recommended. The layout is well defined and I find myself regularly nodding my head in agreement. It has demystified some of the more challenging elements that arise in this arena by putting certain behaviours into context.

Life saving book. Finally. Well done to Suzette ...

Life saving book. Finally. Well done to Suzette Boon for writing it. I am so grateful this book is in my hands.

Definitely to recommend

On-time, no issues with delivery; good quality of products

arrived in excellent condition

i am finding this book very helpful, could of been written about me, arrived in excellent condition

Five Stars

Good resource for counsellors

Five Stars

Excellent this is a gift for someone helping patients

Good models, but "treatment as usual"

I bought this book as I have suffered from lifelong mental health problems, and had many types and years of therapy. Lately my dissociative symptoms have been coming to the fore in treatment, and especially the way in which my reactions and feelings seem very much to be experienced in 'parts'. I should say that I am not diagnosed with DID, but do experience depersonalisation, derealisation, intrusions and changes in body perception. What attracted me to this book is paradoxically the thing that has lead me to rate it down. I was pulled in by google previews of the explanations of dissociation, and in particular the 'shame scripts' and having angry parts in conflict with scared parts. However, having read many hundreds of books on psychotherapy, I found "Coping With Trauma Related Dissociation" had the classic Self Help book problem: Excellent, highly self-validating explanations and models of "what's happening and why", paired with 'treatment as usual' coping methods. This for me is key: The book itself mentions that those with dissociative symptoms have typically spent many years in the Mental Health system, with many (wrong) diagnoses, and frequently given incorrect and unhelpful treatments. By this stage in their 'treatment career', most of the treatment options presented are likely to have been encountered. In my opinion it needed to bring something new to really deliver. Frequently I was disappointed to see that, after an excellent build up and sense of "at last, this makes sense", the book essentially falls back on CBT, DBT and Schema-based treatment protocols. If you have had therapies involving the following: challenging of "inaccurate" thoughts, imaginal work, safe space creation, mindfulness / acceptance, distress tolerance and "parts" work such as that found with gestalt or schema, and found these ultimately unhelpful, then this book brings little else to the table beyond perhaps some validation of the unique experience of dissociation and parts or alters. That might be enough for some, but for me I repeatedly felt as though the chapters built me up to a sense of anticipation that was let down by "oh, that again" when I reached the treatment plan elements. Caveats to the above: For those new to the above treatment methods, this book may well be worth getting as it does break down the exercises into neat, easy to follow steps, with guided revision sections to help it sink in. It may also make a huge difference doing this in a group setting, especially as the CBT-type sections can feel cold and invalidating when presented as words on a page.

Highly recommended for those suffering from this

Highly recommended for those suffering from this. Therapists should take this book and use it in their practice. Chapter by chapter assists therapist and client in understanding the issues. There is homework for clients and mindfulness exercises at the end of each chapter, Well worth the money. I am so glad I found this book!

Schwergewichtiger Lehrer & Ratgeber in Buchform

Kostbares Buch für Betroffene. Das Buch ist sehr gut Strukturiert. Die Englische Ausgabe ist in schlichter Sprache geschrieben, was das Verständnis erleichtert. Das Buch setzt wichtige Schwerpunkte im Umgang mit Dissoziation. Für Betroffene ein guter Lehrer und LebensHelfer in schwergewichtiger Buch-Form. Leider fehlt bei der Englischen Ausgabe die CD welche bei der deutschen Ausgabe beigefügt ist. Da hätte ich gerne Zusatzinformation erhalten.

Informative, enlightening and helpful.

Bought this for my girlfriend, shes say it was about the best resource she has come across dealing with dissociation. She said doctors use this as a reference and if you wish can with your therapist follow the exercises within. Book can be used as a reference after reading as person moves forward in life.

This book is the best I've read on the subject for many years

This book is the best I've read on the subject for many years. The text is well researched and written, easy to understand and the assignments at the end of each chapter are excellent. I highly recommend this book, it's an excellent publication.

Validating with specific skills to learn

Well worth the money. Would definitely recommend to patients and therapists. And to any health professional who is not up to speed on the proven reality of DID and DNOS, including multiple personalities.

Uno strumento molto utile

Un manuale ben strutturato, molto utile sicuramente per chi opera nel settore, ma anche interessante per chiunque voglia comprendere meglio le conseguenze psicologiche del trauma e le possibilità di risoluzione.

Excellent support book

Recommended to me by Trauma Therapist as 'self help' Adjunct to weekly sessions. Clearly explains common symptoms, problems, gives grounding tips for stabilisation and an overall explanation of the goals of long term therapy and integration. Makes everything seem less bewildering.


This book had been missing on the market. For patients with DID or similar diagnoses it's easy to read and gives you a lot of ideas and tools to deal with many aspects of dissociation, inner communication, etc. I think it's good for therapists as well. Every chapter deals with one specific aspect and then there's some "homework" to be done. I'm so glad I found this book...

Informative and helpful

My therapist at the time recommended I buy this. Really helped at the time

Un livre qui dépasse mes espérances! Très bien fait ...

Un livre qui dépasse mes espérances! Très bien fait. Merci aux pour ce livre qui accompagne très bien une démarche personnelle.

A useful manual with a kind touch

A very insightful read to better understand DID. The manual is very big and detailed. I liked the soft, kind approach to the subjects. The book contains many exercises and techniques to relieve negative symptoms and manage stress.


For professionals and clients

Amazing Theraputic Tool

Amazing tool for my therapist and I. This book has been a fantastic aid in my progress with recovery.

Coping with Trauma related Dissociation Skills Training for Patients and Therapists

Sehr leicht zu folgen, einfach zu lesen und sehr hilfreich. Kann ich nur empfehlen! Eine der hilfreichste Bücher, den ich jemals gelesen habe.

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