Complex PTSD Trauma and Recovery: Learn to Overcome Traumas Using Step-By-Step CBT Therapy. Discover How Trauma Affects You, How to Increase Self-Esteem, and Techniques to Manage Negative Emotions

Kindle Edition
28 Jul

Would you like to know how to easily recover from a traumatic experience using cognitive behaviour therapy, while improving and boosting your self-esteem?

If the answer is “YES”, then keep reading…

Traumatic events can be very difficult to come to terms with if we don’t know how to do it, but confronting our feelings and using cognitive behavioural therapy are the most effective ways to treat PTSD.

This guide will show you how to finally overcome traumas, and it will follow you through the process by changing how you think and act, to make your problem not a problem anymore, and, in fact, by reading this book you’ll discover:

-     Everything About PTSD, so you can understand this condition at 360 degrees in order for you to start your recovery process with everything clear in your mind

-     What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, to have an in-depth look at this psychological treatment and to understand why it can be so helpful to make you feel better again

-     How To Use Dialectical Behavioral Therapy To Treat PTSD, so you will learn how to identify and change those negative thinking patterns that won’t allow you to recover from your condition

-     A Super Useful PTSD Treatment Using Hypnotherapy, so you will be able to use this super helpful tool to cope with PTSD symptoms and reconnect with your internal sense of safety

-     How To Cure PTSD With EFT, Meditation, And Energy, so you will have many proven natural ways that will help you overcome traumas, relieve your stress and anxiety, and improve your self-esteem in no time

-     How to Use EMDR Therapy To Heal Your Brain From Traumas, which is a focused approach to treating traumatic symptoms by reconnecting you in a safe way to all the images, emotions, and body sensation associated with the trauma, allowing your brain to heal itself and move toward a resolution in no-time

-     … & Much More!

While it’s true that PTSD recovery is a gradual ongoing process and healing doesn’t happen overnight, it’s also true that you will start to feel the beneficial effects of the therapies found in this book   from the first day.

Thanks to this guide you can have a path to follow, to go from where you are right now, up to living your life stress and anxiety-free after copingc with your traumatic experience, so…

…What are you waiting for? Scroll to the top of the page and click the “BUY NOW” button to start your PTSD recovery now!

Reviews (14)

Easily understood and very helpful

I suffered from PTSD from childhood memories .I have gotten therapy for it but this book has really helped me . I love the techniques that this author teaches you .Many veterans suffer from PTSD and the Doctors have figured out it's not just them . Anyone whom has had an emotional wound, experienced a natural disaster , car accident and the list goes on .Love this book.

Step by steps on how to deal with ptsd and how to better understand it

PTSD known as (Post-traumatic stress disorder) is a medical condition. That occurs because of stress after a traumatic event. Sometimes it could be threats to a person that could cause symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The syndrome has a cluster of symptoms people may experience including hallucinations, flashes of trauma, improved irritability, and sensitivity to minor noise, sleep disorders. most people who have experience these symptoms. have experienced road accidents, natural disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes, fires, torture, physical and sexual violence, and war. Therapy for mental health has become the leading approach to PTSD.

A step by step guide on surviving PTSD

If you suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome, then you grabbed this book for a reason. It can and will transform your life from living with PTSD to living in an overall peaceful way. This book guides you on symptoms, strategies to recovery, trying to cure PTSD, and when to know to seek out professional help. While its up to you to do the hard work on recovering from PTSD, you need the strength of support you have from the people around you. Don't be afraid to reach out to others who suffer from PTSD it won't be easy, but you all may find the comfort that you can give one another.

Great workbook

This is a great resource to help deal with PTSD. It opens by examining what PTSD is, its symptoms, how it manifests, and how it can be misunderstood. I liked that there was an i teractive component. There are exercises that ask the reader to participate with the content and interact. This helps connect the material to the reader and makes it personal. I thought that was a unique approach. Not everyone has great mental health care access, so this book will allow those people to get some relief in a way they can afford. The author comes across as highly knowledgeable and relates to the reader well. I enjoyed this book.

PTSD resources

For those who are suffering from PTSD, this is an excellent resource for learning more about the condition and what you can do to stop the cycle. The book includes some of the triggers that could be causing episodes, as well as the best ways to find help for your condition. It's never okay to feel alone and this book certainly makes readers feel a sense of peace with knowing that they are not alone. Definitely recommend this one for anyone who has suffered from PTSD and is ready to get some help and start moving their life in a positive direction.

There can be recovery from PTSD

PTSD can be a hard thing to understand, but this book lays out many practical ways to overcome it. It starts by explaining what it is and how it affects people. Next it goes on to tell many different ways that people have used to overcome it. Talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are ways to treat it. You are also given ways to cope with your everyday life.

cool Book

Great sensible examine bountiful more or less self enlargement techniques clearly as large updates about looking for a specialized advisor a few elevated clarifications of not the same parts of injury

A little Extra help on the side.

If you are someone whom has gone through a trauma in your life and may think you have pr have been diagnose with PTSD, first and formost go to or continue seeing a specialist in the field who specializes in PTSD. If you want a little extra help on top of seeing a specialist, this book may help you heal and cope with the trauma.

PTSD 001

I was very disappointed when I received this book. Based on the title and summary I thought there would be more directive, with tools for surviors of trauma, but no such luck. This book is basic.

Different forms of trauma and anxiety

Anxiety can combine itself with trauma to complicate a diagnosis. Either way, these emotional conditions make daily living difficult at best. This book has exercises to help deal with the trauma. One of the exercises is to practice mindfulness. No equipment necessary.

Easily understood and very helpful

I suffered from PTSD from childhood memories .I have gotten therapy for it but this book has really helped me . I love the techniques that this author teaches you .Many veterans suffer from PTSD and the Doctors have figured out it's not just them . Anyone whom has had an emotional wound, experienced a natural disaster , car accident and the list goes on .Love this book.

Step by steps on how to deal with ptsd and how to better understand it

PTSD known as (Post-traumatic stress disorder) is a medical condition. That occurs because of stress after a traumatic event. Sometimes it could be threats to a person that could cause symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The syndrome has a cluster of symptoms people may experience including hallucinations, flashes of trauma, improved irritability, and sensitivity to minor noise, sleep disorders. most people who have experience these symptoms. have experienced road accidents, natural disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes, fires, torture, physical and sexual violence, and war. Therapy for mental health has become the leading approach to PTSD.

A step by step guide on surviving PTSD

If you suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome, then you grabbed this book for a reason. It can and will transform your life from living with PTSD to living in an overall peaceful way. This book guides you on symptoms, strategies to recovery, trying to cure PTSD, and when to know to seek out professional help. While its up to you to do the hard work on recovering from PTSD, you need the strength of support you have from the people around you. Don't be afraid to reach out to others who suffer from PTSD it won't be easy, but you all may find the comfort that you can give one another.

Great workbook

This is a great resource to help deal with PTSD. It opens by examining what PTSD is, its symptoms, how it manifests, and how it can be misunderstood. I liked that there was an i teractive component. There are exercises that ask the reader to participate with the content and interact. This helps connect the material to the reader and makes it personal. I thought that was a unique approach. Not everyone has great mental health care access, so this book will allow those people to get some relief in a way they can afford. The author comes across as highly knowledgeable and relates to the reader well. I enjoyed this book.

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