Come Homicide or High Water (Welcome Back to Scumble River)

Kindle Edition
30 Dec

From New York Times bestselling author Denise Swanson comes Come Homicide or High Water, a cozy mystery full of twist and turns and small town charm! Because despite appearances, there's something fishy just below the surface of Scumble River...

You'll love getting to know this brand-new series from the author of the beloved Scumble River Mysteries. This book is:
  • A delightful small town cozy mystery
  • Full of quirky, lovable characters
  • Perfect for fans of Kate Carlisle and Miranda James
  • Welcome back to Scumble River! Skye Denison-Boyd is getting ready to return to work from her maternity leave and hoping for a peaceful year in her job as a school psychologist. But when an elderly woman disappears on her first day back and a disgruntled parent threatens to sue the school, Skye realizes that her return will be anything but quiet.

    When the parent suing Skye's school is found dead and with the missing woman's case is still unsolved, Skye suspects the crimes are somehow linked. With her chief of police husband, Wally, at her side, Skye dives into the investigations. Now she and Wally barely have enough time for date night once the babies are asleep! But as tensions rise and Skye and Wally's suspect list lengthens, they start to wonder whether they'll be able to catch the guilty ones before tragedy strikes again.

    Reviews (85)

    This series should have ended with last book.

    This will be unpopular but this book made me want to poke my eyes out. I have read all of this series and always enjoyed the little town drama. But COME HOMICIDE OR HIGH WATER is beyond ridiculous. I understand fiction, but please.......three month old babies do not sit, play with toys and entertain themselves AND no mother carrying two babies (in carrier or arms) can easily go up narrow metal steps, stand in a doorway to admire her handsome husband (that she doesn’t deserve—get over it) and watch him while he works out still holding her babies. For the love of Pete. As with most series the stories decline and it has happened in Scumble River. This is last one I will read.

    Sorry when it ended

    School psychologist and police consultant Skye Denison-Boyd may still be on maternity leave, but she knows her intern needs help and clearly isn’t getting it from the horrible principal or the others who said they would help in Skye’s absence. Skye wants the young woman to succeed, so helps her out where she can. A disgruntled parent threatens to sue the school because her little girl wasn’t assigned to the school’s gifted program, and winds up dead. At the same time, an elderly woman who may have Alzheimer’s disappears from Scumble River. Skye thinks the two cases may be related, and she and her husband, Chief of Police Wally Boyd, set out to solve the mysteries. I have enjoyed every single book in this series, from book 1 in the Scumble River Mysteries to this book 3 in the reboot. The reboot retains the same loveable, quirky (an in some cases, extremely annoying) characters, but moves them to present day, where the first part of the series was set in the 90s. I find Skye to be highly relatable. She seems very real to me. And I love the relationship between her and Wally, who was her school-girl crush. She has insecurities about her appearance (she’s “plus” size, and sometimes wonders how someone so stunningly attractive would pick her), but she struggles to overcome them and feel worthy of the relationship. Wally respects her abilities as a psychologist and frequently seeks her opinions on cases. Plus, she can get people to talk, where he can’t. The secondary characters are multi-dimensional and add humor to the stories. The author perfectly captures the eccentricities of a small town and how everyone knows everyone else’s business. Some long-running series grow stale for me, but not this one. The author manages to keep the situations and characters fresh and believable. I prefer mysteries that are character-driven, and like to find out whodunnit when the protagonist does. While I was hoping the killer would be a character I particularly dislike, the book took a left at the ending and I was surprised by the outcome. I also enjoyed that the author put a couple of secondary characters in the police sights; I thought this a nice change from the standard “bushy-haired stranger” or newcomer always being the guilty party. I have the entire series (both the old one and the reboot) in paperback. I am always happy to see a new book arrive. I know I’m going to get a nicely balanced mystery/romance/day-to-day-life of favorite characters. The Scumble River books hold my interest and keep me thinking about the story when I’m not reading. When they’re done I’m always a little sad, as I feel like these character have become friends over the years. I eagerly await the next entry in this enjoyable series.

    Like Visiting Your Favorite Family Members

    I have read all of the Stumble River mysteries, and this is the best one so far. It was like visiting your favorite family member and catching up on their news. Skye and Wally are new parents and finally getting to build a new house since theirs was destroyed in the tornado. Even though Skye is still on maternity leave, she is still involve with helping her husband solve the mystery of a missing women and a murder. I highly recommend this mystery. If you never have read the Stumble River series, get them and sit down for an enjoyable read.

    Come Homicide or High Water

    This book was very interesting. I was thinking I knew who murdered the Mother but boy was I wrong. I like a book that is holding my attention and not revealing the ending to quickly. I was sure it was the principle. Not really on anyone's radar was the caretaker for the elderly woman who disappeared at the start of the book. It did make it fun to try to figure out the disappearance of the older lady and then the murder of the Mother of the little girl from the school. Of course Skye is not back at the school full time yet. She still has several weeks of maternity leave left. She is there to help out the intern who is filling in for her. Skye is also working with the Police department to figure out the murder. She sits in on the questioning to help her husband figure out if they are lying. When they go to the house to check out things is when they find the killer and see what she is up to. Great read. Thank to Denise for this fun book.

    A Grand Return to Scumble River

    One of my favorite mysteries to date in this series! I think having Wally’s perspective really breathes new life into these books and I have very much enjoyed my return to Scumble River. The In-laws behaved well and the supporting characters who don’t usually get the time to shine really stood out in this installment (looking at you, Zelda and Judy). I also listened to the audiobook version for the first time in 20-something books and I LOVED it. The narrator does an amazing job and really helped me connect more with the characters. Wonderful cozy!

    Breaks big rule of mystery writers

    SPOILER ALERT!!! The first rule of mystery writers is to leave clues so the reader has a chance of figuring out the killer. In this book, it’s like the writer had to meet a deadline, and Revealed the killer to be someone who, until the end, had NO apparent connection nor involvement with the victim! Wrong, wrong, WRONG!!!

    Skye gets back at Homer, finally

    I have followed Skye Denison through all her books because I was hooked from the first one. A series can get repetitive but in Come Homicide or High Water, I felt a fresh wind. There are the same elements and people, some new ones and some modern twists come in which make it feel real. And the little "fairy dust" from the last book could be still there. I loved the book and am waiting for the next one from Ms Swanson. I would love to hear something from her other series, the Dime store, too.

    Surprise Twist!

    This is another great addition to the Scumble River series with a couple of great surprises! Usually I can guess "whodunit", but not this time! Uncle Dante is his usually smarmy self, Homer is STILL obnoxious, May will always and forever be nosing into Skye and Wally's business, and you've GOT to lover the Dooziers--especially Earl! What happened to the missing woman, and who killed Loretta's new law clerk?! If you haven't read this yet, you really should!

    A surprise ending was perfectly written

    Another great book from Denise Swanson! She carefully includes Scumble River favorites within the storyline. These characters are included throughout the book without making readers confused. I was happy that they were all included because they are what has helped create this series. She skillfully includes many characters that adds to the charm of this series. I was so entertained by the different events in the book that I couldn't figure out who the murderer was until it was revealed. I love that I kept guessing who the murderer was and why. I look forward to the next book and learning more about these fantastic characters in this series.

    Delightful series

    Another winner from Denise Swanson. I have loved every installment in this series. Skye Dennison-Boyd is on maternity leave with her twins when an elderly woman disappears from her home AND her contractor's wife turns up dead. The entire cast of characters that make Scumble River so colorful are prominently featured...Earl Doozier, Pru, Homer, and even May's goose 😂 I hope this charming and endearing series continues indefinitely.

    This series should have ended with last book.

    This will be unpopular but this book made me want to poke my eyes out. I have read all of this series and always enjoyed the little town drama. But COME HOMICIDE OR HIGH WATER is beyond ridiculous. I understand fiction, but please.......three month old babies do not sit, play with toys and entertain themselves AND no mother carrying two babies (in carrier or arms) can easily go up narrow metal steps, stand in a doorway to admire her handsome husband (that she doesn’t deserve—get over it) and watch him while he works out still holding her babies. For the love of Pete. As with most series the stories decline and it has happened in Scumble River. This is last one I will read.

    Sorry when it ended

    School psychologist and police consultant Skye Denison-Boyd may still be on maternity leave, but she knows her intern needs help and clearly isn’t getting it from the horrible principal or the others who said they would help in Skye’s absence. Skye wants the young woman to succeed, so helps her out where she can. A disgruntled parent threatens to sue the school because her little girl wasn’t assigned to the school’s gifted program, and winds up dead. At the same time, an elderly woman who may have Alzheimer’s disappears from Scumble River. Skye thinks the two cases may be related, and she and her husband, Chief of Police Wally Boyd, set out to solve the mysteries. I have enjoyed every single book in this series, from book 1 in the Scumble River Mysteries to this book 3 in the reboot. The reboot retains the same loveable, quirky (an in some cases, extremely annoying) characters, but moves them to present day, where the first part of the series was set in the 90s. I find Skye to be highly relatable. She seems very real to me. And I love the relationship between her and Wally, who was her school-girl crush. She has insecurities about her appearance (she’s “plus” size, and sometimes wonders how someone so stunningly attractive would pick her), but she struggles to overcome them and feel worthy of the relationship. Wally respects her abilities as a psychologist and frequently seeks her opinions on cases. Plus, she can get people to talk, where he can’t. The secondary characters are multi-dimensional and add humor to the stories. The author perfectly captures the eccentricities of a small town and how everyone knows everyone else’s business. Some long-running series grow stale for me, but not this one. The author manages to keep the situations and characters fresh and believable. I prefer mysteries that are character-driven, and like to find out whodunnit when the protagonist does. While I was hoping the killer would be a character I particularly dislike, the book took a left at the ending and I was surprised by the outcome. I also enjoyed that the author put a couple of secondary characters in the police sights; I thought this a nice change from the standard “bushy-haired stranger” or newcomer always being the guilty party. I have the entire series (both the old one and the reboot) in paperback. I am always happy to see a new book arrive. I know I’m going to get a nicely balanced mystery/romance/day-to-day-life of favorite characters. The Scumble River books hold my interest and keep me thinking about the story when I’m not reading. When they’re done I’m always a little sad, as I feel like these character have become friends over the years. I eagerly await the next entry in this enjoyable series.

    Like Visiting Your Favorite Family Members

    I have read all of the Stumble River mysteries, and this is the best one so far. It was like visiting your favorite family member and catching up on their news. Skye and Wally are new parents and finally getting to build a new house since theirs was destroyed in the tornado. Even though Skye is still on maternity leave, she is still involve with helping her husband solve the mystery of a missing women and a murder. I highly recommend this mystery. If you never have read the Stumble River series, get them and sit down for an enjoyable read.

    Come Homicide or High Water

    This book was very interesting. I was thinking I knew who murdered the Mother but boy was I wrong. I like a book that is holding my attention and not revealing the ending to quickly. I was sure it was the principle. Not really on anyone's radar was the caretaker for the elderly woman who disappeared at the start of the book. It did make it fun to try to figure out the disappearance of the older lady and then the murder of the Mother of the little girl from the school. Of course Skye is not back at the school full time yet. She still has several weeks of maternity leave left. She is there to help out the intern who is filling in for her. Skye is also working with the Police department to figure out the murder. She sits in on the questioning to help her husband figure out if they are lying. When they go to the house to check out things is when they find the killer and see what she is up to. Great read. Thank to Denise for this fun book.

    A Grand Return to Scumble River

    One of my favorite mysteries to date in this series! I think having Wally’s perspective really breathes new life into these books and I have very much enjoyed my return to Scumble River. The In-laws behaved well and the supporting characters who don’t usually get the time to shine really stood out in this installment (looking at you, Zelda and Judy). I also listened to the audiobook version for the first time in 20-something books and I LOVED it. The narrator does an amazing job and really helped me connect more with the characters. Wonderful cozy!

    Breaks big rule of mystery writers

    SPOILER ALERT!!! The first rule of mystery writers is to leave clues so the reader has a chance of figuring out the killer. In this book, it’s like the writer had to meet a deadline, and Revealed the killer to be someone who, until the end, had NO apparent connection nor involvement with the victim! Wrong, wrong, WRONG!!!

    Skye gets back at Homer, finally

    I have followed Skye Denison through all her books because I was hooked from the first one. A series can get repetitive but in Come Homicide or High Water, I felt a fresh wind. There are the same elements and people, some new ones and some modern twists come in which make it feel real. And the little "fairy dust" from the last book could be still there. I loved the book and am waiting for the next one from Ms Swanson. I would love to hear something from her other series, the Dime store, too.

    Surprise Twist!

    This is another great addition to the Scumble River series with a couple of great surprises! Usually I can guess "whodunit", but not this time! Uncle Dante is his usually smarmy self, Homer is STILL obnoxious, May will always and forever be nosing into Skye and Wally's business, and you've GOT to lover the Dooziers--especially Earl! What happened to the missing woman, and who killed Loretta's new law clerk?! If you haven't read this yet, you really should!

    A surprise ending was perfectly written

    Another great book from Denise Swanson! She carefully includes Scumble River favorites within the storyline. These characters are included throughout the book without making readers confused. I was happy that they were all included because they are what has helped create this series. She skillfully includes many characters that adds to the charm of this series. I was so entertained by the different events in the book that I couldn't figure out who the murderer was until it was revealed. I love that I kept guessing who the murderer was and why. I look forward to the next book and learning more about these fantastic characters in this series.

    Delightful series

    Another winner from Denise Swanson. I have loved every installment in this series. Skye Dennison-Boyd is on maternity leave with her twins when an elderly woman disappears from her home AND her contractor's wife turns up dead. The entire cast of characters that make Scumble River so colorful are prominently featured...Earl Doozier, Pru, Homer, and even May's goose 😂 I hope this charming and endearing series continues indefinitely.

    Another great story

    I love this series about Skye, the school psychologist, and Wally, her police chief husband. The Scumble River characters continue to charm and entertain. I like the humor and eccentric nature of these mystery stories. I highly recommend this series. The books should be read in their correct order for maximum pleasure. I am eagerly looking forward to the next book in this series.

    Too Much Baby

    I always loved the Stumble River series, but now Skye and Wally have a set of twins. That is fine, but every other page Skye is looking for someone to take care of the twins, buckling the twins in and out of their car seats, or wondering which twin has a smelly diaper. It's tiresome, and not mysterious. It's a waste of text when something interesting could be happening.

    Don’t Miss this one

    Can’t miss this one. An excellent book with Swanson at the top of her game. Well written with a story that keeps you engaged and makes you not want to stop reading. If I had one complaint it was the Chapter titles, and that is a personal preference as I feel the way they were placed disrupted the flow. Don’t miss this great read. Can’t wait until the next one.

    Another awesome visit with the Scumble River gang!

    Another fantastic visit to Scumble River. I always read the book and then listen to the audible version. I will never tire of Skye and the townspeople. Even greedy Uncle Dante makes the story entertaining. This was well written as always and I hope Denise Swanson is inspired for many more years to allow us a visit to Scumble River each year.

    Highly recommend book.

    Fabulous book. Another great book in this series. I love all Her series. They just keep getting better & better. I highly recommend this book & series. It’s a great cozy mysterybwith some humor in it. I chuckled a few times reading this book. You won’t be disappointed.

    Come Homicide or High Water

    Another great addition to the Scumble River series I like having Wally’s perspective added to the story. It changes things up. Well written with a story that keeps you engaged and keeps you guessing who the perpetrator could be. Well done and looking forward to the next one. If you’re new to this series, it’s like eating chips…you can’t stop at just one.

    Another great read

    The Scumble River series is one of my favorites. Wonderful characters that seem like familiar friends. This book was one of the best. So looking forward to the next one.

    Always an enjoyable time

    Reading about the adventures of Wally and Skye. I enjoy unwinding with these amusing whodunits filled with interesting and likable characters and developing storylines.

    never guessed the end!

    another great book in the series! fun with Dooziers and suspense with others. I had NO idea who did it. fast read, almost too fast. I hope the next one comes soon.

    Another great read

    Denise Swanson brings more mystery back to Scumble River, and it’s a good one. A senior citizen goes missing and a supposedly unconnected murder happens and suddenly there are suspects everywhere. Swanson brings us a good read filled with enough twists and turns to keep us guessing until the end.


    I love these characters and this series! Could not put it down ❣️can’t wait for more ❣️living in Illinois, I really relate to Skye’s feeling about ice & snow!

    More twists and turns than the Scumble River.

    This third book in the series just gets better and makes you want more. Fun and suspenseful. A perfect read for a cold winter night.

    Long live Scumble River!

    Another great book in a wonderful series! You feel like you know the characters. Suspenseful plots. I hope the series continues.

    Come homicide or high water

    Great read. Will the lady show up and keep watch on kids? Will May be next one to find a murder

    Fun cozy continuation

    Great addition to this series! I’m so glad this author is adding to the Scumble River story.

    One of the best series written today!

    So good to be home with Skye and Wally and company.I wish this was a tv show ❤️

    One of her best ones yet!

    Loved it! What a twist at the end......way to go Denise. Can't wait for more!


    Luv Scumble River books. Mysterious and entertaining following the family.

    Doesn’t disappoint

    A great easy read. As always this series has nice twists that are plausible and a dash of humor. Can’t wait for the next one

    Great Read

    Love these books from this author. Easy clean reading. Entertaining.

    Scumble River

    Love this series! Characters are full of life. A lot if familiar places because Swanson is from my area.


    the author did not disappoint bo0k was enjoyable and had a good twist

    I love visiting Scumble River

    Another Denise Swanson winner! Keep more Skye & Wally et al coming!

    scumble river perfection!

    following scumble river is like a guilty pleasure at this point. the stories seem to glow do well and the characters continue to grow.


    All I can say is this was the best book by far. Read it in one day, didn’t want it to end.

    Great Series

    Fun read great series loved it

    Another Excellent trip to Scumble River

    Thirds wad a great book, a mix of family, life and mystery! I know I'll always have an great read from Denise Swanson.

    A great read

    Great book! Have read all of her Scumble River mysteries.

    Great book

    Love this series and have become attached to the people

    Great read

    Great story

    Fun to read

    Good read

    Great series!!

    I enjoy this series! Denise Swanson keeps you entertained from start to finish.


    Her books are all great. All her Murder of books & Deverauxs Dimestore. Great author & wonderful person.

    It’s a don’t miss cozy mystery !!

    As always Swanson never disappoints ! I look forward to everyone of her books and finished all of them! Found this author by accident but have LOVED her books!!

    Great read. Great characters.

    So happy to read the 3rd book! I must confess I’m not done yet but I love it so far! Great characters, great story line. Can’t wait for the 4th! Read them in order, then read the Chef to Go mysteries.

    Love the Series

    Can’t wait for Skye to return to school! This was a great book. Want the series to continue.

    Great book in fantastic series

    Another great book in the Scumble River mystery series. I would suggest this book to any cozy mystery fan.

    another winner

    Another great Skye and Wally adventure. Gotta love Earl...

    Awesome book to read

    Another great read in th Scumble River series!!! Can't wait until the next book comes out!!!

    This is a great book to read!!

    I'm totally enjoying this book, and I try to read everything Denise Swanson writes.

    Really love this family!


    An intelligent, authentic main character

    This is the first book I've read in this series, and I really enjoyed it! Having a school psychologist who's married to a police chief as a main character in a cozy series is such a smart idea. Skye is often called in to consult with the police, and it gives her access and involvement in a case without the author having to constantly justify her involvement. Obviously, it still stretches the bounds of reality quite a bit, but it's easy enough to put that aside while reading. I like Skye and Wally, and their relationship and job challenges make the story feel grounded and real-ish. The plot was clear and easy to follow, and the two separate cases intertwined just enough to enhance both stories. Great subplot about the missing woman, and the resolution worked well. I'll definitely be going back to read the first books in this series. This one avoids many of the overused tropes of cozies lately, and I had fun spending time with an intelligent, real-life character! Review copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


    Come Homicide or High Water is the third book in the spinoff cozy mystery series by Denise Swanson. Released 31st Dec. 2019 from Poisoned Pen Press, it's 352 pages and available in paperback, audio, and ebook formats. This is an odd cozy with an extremely quirky set of characters. There are some humorous moments and overall the whole is fluffy, humorous, and passably well written. There is a murder mystery wrapped in the disappearance of an elderly woman. Multiple disparate plot threads intertwine in the central murder and disappearance including house-building contractor woes, antagonistic counterproductive school administrators, and main character Skye trying to raise twins and keep her marriage on an even keel living in an RV on site where her house is being rebuilt. I didn't find Skye a particularly sympathetic character, she's meant to be a school psychologist and has demonstrably bad impulse control and planning issues of her own. I found myself being yanked out of the story by eye-watering dialogue when any of the Dooziers show up. The buildup and denouement were just strange and 'off' to me. I read this one as a standalone which undoubtedly contributed to my disorientation when reading. The reviews I've read are almost universally glowing. I think this would be a better fit for fans of 'wacky & whimsical' small town cozies. Bonus points for fans of the author's other work. The language was surprisingly strong (lots of cursing and adult themes) for a warm & fuzzy type cozy. The author (who was a school psychologist herself) also writes some characters who have mental health issues in a manner which seemed unnecessarily stereotyping. Three and a half stars, rounded up because the prose really is quite good for the genre. Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

    Love Scumble River

    Come Homicide or High Water Welcome Back To Scumble River, Book #3 Denise Swanson 5 Stars Synopsis: THE FIRST IN A NEW COZY MYSTERY SERIES From New York Times bestselling author Denise Swanson comes Come Homicide or High Water, a cozy mystery full of twist and turns and small town charm! Because despite appearances, there's something fishy just below the surface of Scumble River... You'll love getting to know this brand-new series from the author of the beloved Scumble River Mysteries. This book is: A delightful small town cozy mysteryFull of quirky, lovable charactersPerfect for fans of Kate Carlisle and Miranda JamesWelcome back to Scumble River! Skye Denison-Boyd is getting ready to return to work from her maternity leave and hoping for a peaceful year in her job as a school psychologist. But when an elderly woman disappears on her first day back and a disgruntled parent threatens to sue the school, Skye realizes that her return will be anything but quiet. When the parent suing Skye's school is found dead and with the missing woman's case still unsolved, Skye suspects the crimes are somehow linked. With her chief of police husband, Wally, at her side, Skye dives into the investigations. Now she and Wally barely have enough time for date night once the babies are asleep! But as tensions rise and Skye and Wally's suspect list lengthens, they start to wonder whether they'll be able to catch the guilty ones before tragedy strikes again. (Goodreads) Review: The characters are well rounded and well developed. It would not matter to me if there was a mystery to solve or not, I just enjoy spending time with Skye and Wally. It is so refreshing to read about them working together, whether they are trying to figure out their family situation or trying to solve a mystery. It is great that Wally cares about her input and insights and really listens to Skye. The writing style flows smoothly and the book is an easy read. The descriptions held my interest and the action just kept coming. The mystery was well plotted and there were enough clues to sift through and suspects to consider. The mystery was challenging and not easily solved, which is a plus in my book. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a well crafted cozy mystery. I am waiting patiently for the next book to be written. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher, Poisoned Pen Press, and NetGalley, which I greatly appreciate.

    Don't you just love Scumble River?

    Come Homicide or High Water by Denise Swanson in another of the Welcome Back to Scumble River series and brings us home to Skye and Wally and their adorable twins, who at three months of age are still living in the RV Wally's dad provided after a tornado leveled their house. Work is progressing on the new house and if their general contractor would arrive a little more consistently, life would be better. Wally continues as police chief and Skye, although she is still on maternity leave, usually goes in to work a time or two a week for a few hours, just to supervise the intern that had been left in charge. Life was good, only the disappearance of an older woman on the horizon until one day when the silence in the RV is broken by a call from Earl Dozier, pleading for assistance. Skye calls her father-in-law for last minute babysitting and takes off for the address Earl had given her. At first she sees nothing so she gets out of her car to investigate and comes upon a turkey costume. He tells her there is a dead body but he did no killing and she discovers he's right! She immediately calls Wally at which point Earl takes off, only to be immediately escorted back by the security guys who had followed her at her father-in-law's behest. So the investigation begins. It is typical Scumble River. Denise Swanson is the grand dame of the cozy mystery. This series has been running since 2000 and just gets better as our characters lives grow and change. Skye is still insecure although she is coming around, mainly thanks to Wally and his love for her. She has her family, something she though would never happen and she has Wally and will soon have a new house. Life has never been better. The fabulous thing about Scumble River is the peripheral characters that we have come to know and love, foremost the Doziers but Skye's mother, May, high school principal, Home Knapik, even mayor, Dante. All are unique and lovable in their own ways. The plot is interesting but not incredibly different than usual. Fun to read. Fun to return to Scumble River. I recommend it to readers who have followed the series for years and to new readers. This is a great place to begin. I received a free ARC of Come Homicide or High Water from Netgalley. All opinions and interpretations contained herein in are solely my own. #netgalley #homicideorhighwater

    A Fun Romp!

    From Poisoned Pen Press comes the newest cozy book in the “Welcome Back to Scumble River” series by Denise Swanson comes the highly anticipated third book, Come Homicide or High Water. In this new cozy book, Skye is happy with her life as a new mom of twins, a husband she adores, a job she is looking forward to getting back too but with a hint of regret about leaving the babies for most of the day. The occasional murder or missing person is troublesome, but she loves living in the town, and most of the residents are lovely, with a few exceptions. Her life is a far cry from when she first returned to Scumble River unhappy, broke, and out of options. When a woman goes missing, and shortly after another woman is murdered. Skye helps her husband track down anyone who may have seen the missing woman, along with questioning the suspects to find the killer. It doesn’t take long for Skye and Wally to realize that people are lying and hiding information. This cozy book comes to an unexpected conclusion and will leave readers delighted with the outcome. As with any cozy book, the killer is found, but may not be who readers have at the top of their suspect list. Clues are peppered throughout the story, and the characters lead readers on an adventure in family, friends, and co-worker's lives while piecing together the crime, the motive, and the outcome. I found this cozy book to be entertaining, detailed enough to keep my interest and a fast-paced read. The writing is flawless; the plot easy to understand, and the characters delightful. I am happy to recommend Come Homicide or High Water.

    Another great addition to the series

    >Book Review – Come Homicide or High Water The Dooziers are back in the story, causing the reader to laugh out loud at their newest “get Rich Quick” scheme. The murder mystery and a missing person’s case have Skye and Wally working together. This story has a lot of twists that will keep the reader guessing. The only negative I had about the story was the interactions between Wally and Skye. They tended to get together and rehash what they learned about the cases. I would have liked some more private conversation, maybe about the twins or about how tired they are and how they are happy they get to experience this new chapter in their lives together. There are no explicit sex scenes in this series, but a few implied scenes wouldn’t hurt the series. >This book is appropriate for an adult audience. I am giving this book 5 stars. I love this town and these characters. Add a little more humor by having a few scenes with Wally’s dad and Bunny.

    Maternity Leave is Not a Vacation

    Skye Denison-Boyd is trying to enjoy the last 6 weeks of her maternity leave, but something always seems to get in the way. The intern that is filling in as school psychologist needs to be supervised and the threat of a lawsuit has administration looking to Skye for help. Then, her part-time job as a consultant for the police department needs her when an elderly woman with dementia goes missing. When work isn’t keeping her busy Skye is worried about the completion of their new home and finding a nanny for her twins. The contractor they’ve hired seems to be missing much of the time despite promising them the house would be ready before Christmas. The nanny issue is the only thing that seems to be solved easily. And then, there is a murder. This is the 3rd book in the Welcome Back to Scrumble River series, a continuation of the Scrumble River series. This is one of the series that I struggle with to wait patiently for the next book. The characters are well written and the protagonist has a job with which I can relate to. The setting is a small town in Illinois, and I picture it much like a town near me. This is a book that once you start reading you don’t want to set it down. The plot moves quickly and is engaging. I recommend this book and all of the books in both series. I am looking forward to the next book.

    Love this series and author!

    Skye Denison-Boyd is almost ready to return from maternity leave to her job as a school psychologist. Until she goes back, she’s lending a helping hand to the intern replacing her. She’s called in when an angry mother threatens to sue the school. Her husband, the chief of police, requests her help in locating a missing elderly woman. When the angry parent is found murdered, Skye can’t help wonder if the cases are somehow connected. Skye and her husband set out to solve both of these mysteries. They suspect the guilty party could be someone they know. This series originally began with the Scumble River Mystery series and blossomed to the Welcome Back to Scumble River Mystery series. I’m so glad they did. The Scumble River series was one of the first cozy mystery series I ever read, before I knew they were a genre unto themselves. This is the third book in the new series and I love seeing the way Skye has grown from a woman fighting for a career to a woman with a successful career and married with twins. This is why I always think it’s best to start a series from the beginning so you can appreciate the character growth. However, the mystery itself is contained within this book. So, it can be read on its own. There are no cliffhangers. Still I recommend reading the whole series from the beginning. This was a quick read for me. I could not put it down and loved every minute of it. The plot was fast-paced and the characters are well-developed. I didn’t see the ending coming at all. I was totally taken by surprise. This is a wonderful addition to the series and I hope there will be many more to follow. FTC Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

    Delightful Mystery

    Dollycas’s Thoughts We return to Scumble River as work is almost complete on Wally and Skye’s new home. They are both looking forward to moving out of the RV and having plenty of room to spread out. Skye is also nearing the end of her maternity leave which means they have to hire a new nanny soon. During her leave, she has been going into the school when her intern replacement needs help dealing with school staff or parents. Right now she is trying to explain to a mother than her child is not as gifted as she thinks. The meeting takes a huge left turn that results in the mother threatening to sue the school. Oh boy, does Skye really want to return to all this drama? Later the woman threatening to sue is found dead and Skye learns she was her contractor’s wife. Skye gets nervous that someone from the school could be responsible. She also worries that the death will halt construction on her home. Wally has also asked Skye to assist him in the case of a missing woman. Could the two cases be connected? Could the killer be someone they know? Skye and Wally are determined to find out. ______ Denise Swanson is a remarkable storyteller. Her characters have become old friends and I couldn’t wait to get into the pages to see what they were up to this time. I love the way Skye and Wally really compliment each other. They are excelling at parenting and working together too. Wally asks for Skye’s help and trusts her theories and opinions. They make a great team and I love that we get to see things from both Skye and Wally’s point of review. It is very refreshing to have a cozy mystery written in this way. The main characters are surrounded by a great supporting cast as well. There is family to pitch in to help with the babies and to give their opinions on just about everything. Oh, May, you are such a treasure but there are times I want to reach in the book and tape your mouth shut 🙂 We have some quirky characters too. The Dooziers are doozies but always make me smile and sometimes laugh out loud. Friends, school staff and town residents round out the wonderful cast. The dialogues are crisp with a lot of humor. Very realistic for the midwest setting. The main and subplots are very well-written and have a comfortable flow. The author packed the pages full of daily life and drama along with a nice bit of humor too. Twists, turns, red herrings, this story has them all. Ms. Swanson has given us quite an intriguing story. One of the mysteries wraps up in a delightful way. The other kept me guessing to the very end. Come Homicide or High Water is a marvelous addition to this series. Entertaining characters wrapped in a delightful story that includes mysteries that are interesting and fun to try to solve. I can’t wait for my next trip to Scumble River. This is the third book in the continuation of Denise Swanson’s Scumble Murder Mysteries. The change happened when the series was picked up by the new publisher. I had gotten behind on the series but was thrilled to jump back in with this new start. I love these characters and do plan to go back with the books I missed. Ms. Swanson has done an excellent job providing background so readers like me with a few books in arrears can pick up books in the continuation without feeling lost. I recommend new readers start with the first book in the continuation, Dead in the Water for maximum enjoyment. You will probably want to go back and read them all.

    Visiting old friends

    NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press have helped make my day with Denise Swanson"s newest Scumble River mystery featuring Skye Denison-Boyd and the wonderful cast of characters she lives with. Skye is still on maternity leave from her job as school psychologist for Scumble River schools. Between a missing elderly woman and the wife of her general contractor being found dead, Skye is again helping her husband Police Chief Wally Boyd try to find answers to both mysteries. Juggling the twins, helping Wally, getting ready to move, soon she hopes, into the new house and getting ready for the holidays, Skye is realizing life is going to be very different when she returns to work full time and has to find a Nanny with everything else happening. Lots of familiar faces and some new ones make this another must read for fans and newcomers to this series alike! I was guessing throughout the whole book and the answers surprised me when they were finally revealed! Happy reading!

    Great Cozy Mystery Read

    In this third book of the series Skye is looking forward to having her new home finished, living in an RV has its challenges especially with two babies to care for. She is also getting prepared to return to work and isn't sure how she feels about leaving her babies, finding the right person to care for them hasn't been ideal. During her first trip back to the school she is met with an angry parent who is ready to sue and Wally ends up needing her help with a missing persons case. The next day Skye gets a panicked phone call and rushed to help but ends up finding a dead body instead. It looks like someone wasn't happy with the disgruntled parent and killed her. Skye can't help but get involved in looking for the killer, she wants to make sure the right person is caught. Follow along and see if she can gather up the proper clues that will help her come to the right conclusion. Will she be able to find a killer and will Wally ever figure out what happened to the missing woman?

    Hey Earl!

    This is book three in the rebranded Return to Scumble Rivers or book 22 in the original Scumble River series. Y’all it’s Earl! Can you believe it, Earl has a cover!! Yeah you can probably tell I love Earl and the Doosier clan almost as much as I love Skye & Wally. This book starts off with a kick and doesn’t let up until the end. You have a wealthy missing woman, Earl calling an emergency, a missing contractor, a dead wife and so much more going on in this story. The author even gives us a scary foreshadowing of a future book. Ms. Swanson really goes all out in this book and it’s easily become one of my favorites within the series. I love that Earl plays such a big role in this book, whereas in past books he or his family has just had pivotal information. We also see a slightly different side of his wife. Skye really shines in this book. She deals with the continuing adjustment to new motherhood and what it means to her relationships and jobs. She also takes more of a stand at the high school with the administration than she has in the past. Man that was awesome to see! You really can’t go wrong with this book! Grab a copy for you and a friend. 5 stars 🌟

    Slightly confusing story for a first time reader

    This is the third in a new reboot of an older cozy mystery series. It is the first one that I have read. It was definitely confusing to walk into the middle of this story, because that is how this book reads. You really must need to have read earlier books to understand the dynamics of the characters and their relationships. I say that because there were good guys and bad guys. The good guys, school psychologist, Skye Denison-Boyd, and her husband Wally, who is the chief of police, do a lot of bad-talking about various other characters. I am sure that they deserve it but if starting the series with this book, it doesn’t make as much sense as it should. It was unnerving to have these two professionals acting so unprofessionally and making so may snarky comments about others, at work, and on an on-going basis. Skye is the mother of twin babies but seems to be out and about quite a bit of the time. She is relying on other to take care of her children while she goes and investigates murders. The murder whodunnit was interesting but the story was difficult to follow without having read the earlier books. I’m sure that for fans of this series, this book is a welcome addition. I was provided a digital advance reader copy of this book by the publisher via Netgalley.

    Great touch of humor

    It is nice to be back in Scumble River. I am a long time Denise Swanson reader and what hit me the most about this story is even after two decades with Skye Denison (now Denison-Boyd) is that the stories continue to be entertaining, intriguing and each with its own distinct story. The characters continue to develop and change enough to make it interesting and Earl Doozier is always good for a chuckle. This is the third in the Welcome Back to Scumble River series and there are over twenty books featuring Skye Denison in Scumble River. Even if you have never read a Skye Denison-Boyd book Come Homicide or High Water could easily be read and enjoyed as a stand alone. Thanks to Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for an ARC. The opinions expressed are my own.

    More Fun in Scumble River

    A fun addition to the Welcome Back to Scumble River series. Skye Denison-Boyd is the school psychologist for the district and when needed assists the Scumble River police department. Her husband, Wally Boyd, is the police chief in this small town and relies on Skye’s insight in to various cases. On maternity leave following the birth of their twins, Skye becomes involved in two investigations for the department. A woman, who may have dementia is missing and another woman is murdered at her home. I recommend this fast-paced story with a host of quirky characters and the original Scumble River series as well. I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (by paytonpuppy)

    good characters and a nice cozy town

    Skye and Wally are STILL living in the RV, now with their twin infants, because their contractor hasn't finished their house. Geez. Well, it's gonna take a little longer because his wife, who was suing the school where Skye works, is found dead in their yard. Yikes! Skye didn't do it and neither did Wally, who is the police chief in Scumble River. OF course, she's going to investigate, as well as help him in his search for a missing woman. Oh, and it's the holidays. AND, Skye needs to find a nanny for the twins because her maternity leave is up but the nanny has to be able to deal with her mom, who is, to put is nicely, a pain about some things. This is classic cozy material, with good characters, a small town, and a mystery that's just complicated enough. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Here's hoping Skye and Wally are in their new house for the next installment!

    another good one

    This is another good one in the Scumble River series. Skye is managing her maternity leave and now a murder as well. She gets dragged into it by Earl Doozier of all people. It also involves her contractor that is building her new house. There is multiple mention of the tornado that came through town and destroyed their house as well as others. I realized that I had missed the previous book, so I will have to backtrack and read that one! The mystery rides along at a good pace and everything unfolds and makes sense. All of the favorite characters are back. I really appreciate that the author is still interested enough in Skye and the rest of Scumble River to put in a great effort to make the story interesting and not just phone it home as some have with long running series. This has been around awhile, and I hope that it will continue to delight us with tales of Scumble River.

    Welcome Back to Scumble River, book 3

    This is book 3 in the Welcome Back to Scumble River series and I would recommend you read the previous books to catch up on the characters and the events that lead up to this story. Sky is still on maternity leave with the twins when a woman goes missing in town. Then a parent at Sky's school is found murdered just as she has filed a lawsuit against the school. Good mystery to solve but you need background. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

    Another great visit to Scumble River

    Wally & Sky are eagerly awaiting to move into their new home. The general contractor is giving them fits, though. Sky is finishing up her maternity leave after giving birth to twins, but she has been going into the school to help out the intern taking her place. When a mom makes waves and ends up dead, found by Earl Doozier - Sky gets involved. There is also a missing woman in town which is keeping Wally busy as well. Things keep happening and suspects grow. In the end Sky & Wally solve all the mysteries and get to move into their new home!

    It was an entertaining and engrossing read, highly recommended

    A great addition to this fantastic series. It's a page turner that I read in one afternoon and couldn't put down. It was great to meet again the great cast of characters and read about their life and what was going on. The mystery is solid and well crafted, full of twists and turns, and it kept me guessing till the end that came as a surprise. It was an entertaining and engrossing read, highly recommended. Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

    Surprise Ending!

    Skye Dennison-Boyd is preparing herself and twins along with her police chief husband Wally to move into their new home and her to go back to work. In town a husband reports his wife missing. Then the wife of their construction contractor is murdered. No matter where then turn to find the missing woman or murderer they hits walls. The ending is so surprising. I never saw it coming. Well written and at times amusing. So looking forward to more books by Denise Swanson.

    What's not to love about a small town, murder, and mystery?

    I love all of the books in this series. After the first few books the characters become like your own family. each unique and special in their own way. This newest is great! I was interested in how it would play out since the main characters just had twins. But to my surprise it was better than ever. You think you know who done it early but then you would be wrong...I love the surprise ending. Can't wait till the next installment. I have read it and have her audible book as well. I love the narrator and for me the characters come alive and the drama more present in the audiobook.

    Missing or dead?

    Skye and Wally are still living in the RV as Thanksgiving approaches. They are waiting for their new house to be finished and their contractor Beilin Quinn is missing in action some days. An older woman, Edie Baker, goes missing. Then Jerita Quinn is found murdered. Are the two events related? Skye works with Wally to solve both cases. The person behind the murder had a different reason than I’d read before in a cozy mystery. I enjoyed this third mystery in the Welcome Back to Scrumble River series. There is likely enough background that a reader could pick this up without reading the first two in the series.

    Love this Series!

    Skye is still living in the trailer along with her husband and the 2 growing twins. Her maternity leave is coming to an end and she still is looking for a nanny. Now Wally has called her to help on a missing elderly woman plus she's trying to help the intern at school with an unhappy parent. When the parent turns up dead things really heat up. Join Skye in solving the multiple mysteries while juggling the twins. Great book!!

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