Christmas at the Island Hotel: A Novel

Kindle Edition
19 Oct

Another heartfelt and delightful Christmas tale from the beloved New York Times bestselling author of The Bookshop on the Corner and Christmas on the Island.

New York Times bestselling author Jenny Colgan returns to the setting of Christmas on the Island and Endless Beach for a heartwarming new novel celebrating the season, and Scotland.

On the tiny, beautiful, and remote island of Mure, halfway between Scotland and Norway, a new hotel opening is a big event. New mother Flora MacKenzie and her brother Fintan are working themselves half to death to get it ready in time for Christmas. 

The new hotel’s impressive kitchens throw together two unlikely new friends: Isla Gregor is the hardworking young girl who has been a waitress in the island's cafe, dreaming of a bigger, better life now that she’s at a proper fancy hotel. Konstantin Pederson is working his way up in the hotel's kitchens too…but he is also, secretly, the only son of the Duke of Utsire. Konstantin has been sent to learn what it is to work hard for a living, before receiving his inheritance. Although he’s initially resentful, the place grows on him; he has never met anyone quite like Isla and her fellow Murians before. 

As the island’s residents and special VIP guests gather for the hotel’s grand opening gala, Christmas is in the air. But so are more than a few small-town secrets…

Reviews (173)

Sloppy writer/Editor ruins the overall story

I have just been reading the entire series, and while I love the setting and overall stories I can't seem to get past the sloppiness of the writer/editor in keeping things straight from book to book. Never in my reading history have a found a series so sloppy with the inconsistencies. There is the whole bit of Mark and Marsha who had kids in book 1 and 2 and then suddenly didn't have kids. The character Jan in books 1 through 3 suddenly becomes Pam in book 4. The name of the cafe changes in almost every book and goes from pink to grey in book 4. I get the author has written many books and maybe can't remember details from book to book but seriously this should never get past a good editor, and it really takes me out of the enjoyment of reading the story. Sadly this may be my last chance for the author and I will not give any of her other series a chance if this is what I should expect as far as quality of writing/editing goes.

Sadly, Underwhelmed

I have read virtually all of Ms. Colgan's books and particularly enjoyed the Mure Island series. She does a fine job of putting the reader in the place, a small isolated island with unforgiving weather and a colorful, enjoyable cast of characters. This time, however, in Christmas at the Island Hotel, I didn't feel the same affinity for characters, especially Fintan. If Colton was the "love of his life" and since he was left this magnificent property that Colton so wanted to grace the island, why wasn't he appreciative? Why sulking like a teenager? Why did he feel Flora was butting in when it was she who was responsible for it's opening? And don't get me started on Innes' child Agot. Eloise of famed books was a pussycat next to this one. Parts of this book were reduced to farce - the ridiculous dog episode at the soft opening of the restaurant being one. I so wanted to be transported to the island and learn what happened to favorite characters, but I was left wanting. I will certainly read future books, but I hope they are more cohesive like ones that preceded Christmas at the Island Hotel. Maybe we'll see more of the newly added characters and come to enjoy them along with the "regulars" who were largely missing this time.

Returning to Mure

I pre-ordered this book and was eagerly anticipating my return to Mure; to finally know what happened to the characters I've come to love. One of Colgan's best qualities as a writer is her unfailing ability to put the reader in the place - we know the character's inner thoughts, we understand their actions, and the scenes are set with just enough detail that one can imagine walking The Endless, or buying a scone from the cafe, while old women knit and chatter at a corner table. I was disappointed in this book. While the story focuses on (finally) the opening of The Rock hotel - which of course required many new characters - it lacked the charm of the previous books. The focus on new characters, some of whom we've met in passing, meant that the main characters weren't the focus. We learn that Fintan moved home, and that his brothers ex-wife is back, but there is little exploration of them. The father is mentioned in passing. While Argot is thoroughly unlikable, none of the adults around her do anything about it. Flora is struggling with motherhood, but we learn only the surface facts. This book seemed rushed, as if it was produced merely to satisfy the many questions devotees had at the end of the last book. Still, I love the author and look forward to the next series. Polly, Nina and Flora feel like friends!

Enjoyable but simple

This is an ensemble story with several main characters. We pick up again with Flora and Joel who now have a baby. Joel's happy as can be as the primary childcarer, but Flora is losing the battle of work/life balance as she struggles to launch the new, fancy hotel that her reluctant brother, Fintan, inherited. An indolent young prince, Konstantine, is exiled to Mure without money or cellphone by his frustrated father, who hopes he'll learn what real life is all about. This he does by joining the kitchen crew of the hotel, which is helmed by a caricature of a maniacally gifted French chef. Also on the crew is a young, shy island girl who finds love with Konstantine and the resolve to stand up to her chronically negative mother. There's even more conflict and redemption, but you get the idea. There's a whole cast of characters here, and happy endings for everyone. Some might call it simplistic, but I enjoyed it. I will say that Colgan is as excessive as ever with adjectives and adverbs, adding a layer of cuteness that can become tiresome.

Angel on The Rock

Welcome back to the Scottish island of Mure, set halfway between Norway and Scotland. Some think of it as the end of the world; others love it for its remote location and natural beauty. Author Jenny Colgan brings us back to the world of the MacKenzies and their friends. Christmas is fast approaching and with it the grand opening of The Rock, an impressive hotel built at a high point on the northern side of the island. The hotel was the dream of Colton Rogers (now deceased) but he didn’t live to see it come to fruition. The hotel was inherited by Fintan MacKenzie (Colton’s lover) who lives in a constant state of depression and mourning; he has no interest in the hotel. His sister Flora, a new mom, steps in to help her brother with the hotel. She has great organizational skills, she owns and operates the Seaside Kitchen, after all. Against his better judgement, Fintan goes to Edinburgh to hire a chef for the hotel kitchen and comes back with Gaspard, a temperamental, tattooed Frenchman who is a prima donna of the first water. For kitchen help we have Isla, promoted from her place at the Seaside Kitchen; Kerry, a taciturn young woman who has a crush on Fintan; and Konstantin, son of a Norwegian duke who has been exiled from his home country until he can mend his playboy ways. Somehow, this group becomes the center of the story and the reader is treated to several side plots dealing with the secret lives of many of the islanders. Can this group get The Rock ready in time for Christmas? Will Isla and Konstantin become an item? Will Fintan find his way out of mourning? Will six year old Agot rule the island? And who is Bjark? You’ll smile, you’ll cry, you’ll laugh, but mostly your heart will swell with the heartwarming tales of Christmas at the Island Hotel.

Excellent book in an excellent series

This is a series that I can't get enough of. I love being taken back to Mure and being reunited with all the characters near and dear to the island, those that have been there since book one and those new characters added on in each new book. To see the growth of the characters and of the island itself is always so heartwarming. The nostalgia gets me with every new book and this one was definitely no exception! This review sort of assumes you have read a few, or all, of the other books in this series before getting to this one. If you haven't and you don't want to run into anything that might be a spoiler in any way you might want to stop here and go on back and catch up before going forth. Otherwise, carry on. Flora and Fintan find themselves in completely different situations than they were in in the last book. Fintan has been left with the hotel and his heart just isn't in it. However, it was Coltan's dream so he's making a go of it. Flora, new mum that she is, is busting her butt to get ready for Christmas and just feeling a little overwhelmed. The hotel does bring a few new characters in and gives more of a spotlight to a character from another book. Isla Gregor has been working at the Cafe as a waitress. Now, she's moving up to the hotel and getting a bigger roll in the book. Konstantin Pederson, a new character, who gets a job working at the hotel in close proximity to Isla. He's coming in with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever. What he does have is a big ol' dog and a great big secret. He's the only son of the Duke of Utsire who sent him away to learn how to work hard for a living without the luxuries he's used to. Although he feels Mure is like a prison at first, it may just grow on him over time. As time goes by and the Christmas holiday comes closer more stories unravel with other characters as well. Don't forget about a certain schoolteacher and the doctor she's been in love with for so long. You'll get a glimpse into that story as well. Then, in the end, you get Christmas at the island hotel! This book is just perfect. I really enjoyed every single second of it. I can't really get enough of Mure and throw myself into these books and escape, just for a little while, into this little island between Scotland and Norway. It's a nice place to go when it's 90 degrees in July! I definitely recommend this entire series.

A lovely heartfelt book

This is another lovely book from Jenny Colgan. I love her wacky characters and the beautiful Scottish isle of Mure where they live. This book brought me back to more faith in our humanness and in our abilities as humans to love one another. Happy reading!

So many ruined the book for me

I loved this series and read all four books back-to-back, so the inconsistencies in the books (particularly in this one) were GLARING! The first three books were thoroughly enjoyable to read. I grew to love the characters and was eager to discover where their stories led...but what happened in the fourth book?? - Joel Binder is now named Joel Booker. - Jan (as in Charlie's wife) is now named Pam. - The Seaside Kitchen (which, I might add, used to be called the Cafe by the Sea, and then Annie's Cafe by the Sea...but that's another issue) is now painted grey, when it had been pink in all previous books. - Mark and Marsha had small children of their own, and therefore weren't in a place to adopt Joel as a small boy. But, in Book 3, they suddenly are childless due to their inability to conceive. - Saif was never able to correctly pronounce Lorna's name, so he called her Lorenah which she loved (and I thought was so endearing). In this book, however, he's suddenly able to call her Lorna. - Joel gifted Flora with a diamond bracelet for Christmas, which later becomes a diamond necklace, which then turns back into a diamond bracelet. I am an avid reader and have ready many book series...but none have had this many inconsistencies (if any at all). It completely took me out of the story, which is such a shame.

Perfect Book for Getting in the Holiday Mood

What a great way to get into the holiday spirit. This is a very sweet and charming story. I LOVE that it takes place on an island and wish I was there now lol. The characters are great and the writing well done. I had no idea this was part of a series and it certainly didn't take anything away from it. I didn't feel lost or confused at all so for those who just want a Christmas read this would work just fine. Definitely recommend! I appreciate William Morrow publication for providing this ARC as a Goodreads giveaway. I am very happy to have won a copy as it definitely fueled my need for some cozy holiday fun.

A Delightful Christmas Novel!

As always it was a delight to escape to the island of Mure. Wonderful to be with old favorites, Flora, Joel, Fintan, Lorna, Saif, Agot, etc. And to be introduced to some new favorites, Isla, Konstantin, Gespard, Douglas (aka Buglas). I do feel like there were some loose ends that I really wanted tied up that weren't, but other than that I thoroughly enjoyed every second of the book. There are some totally crazy parts that just go well with the island of Mure and some really heartwarming and wonderful moment. Jenny Colgan has such a beautiful way of writing and I will always devour everything she writes.

Sloppy writer/Editor ruins the overall story

I have just been reading the entire series, and while I love the setting and overall stories I can't seem to get past the sloppiness of the writer/editor in keeping things straight from book to book. Never in my reading history have a found a series so sloppy with the inconsistencies. There is the whole bit of Mark and Marsha who had kids in book 1 and 2 and then suddenly didn't have kids. The character Jan in books 1 through 3 suddenly becomes Pam in book 4. The name of the cafe changes in almost every book and goes from pink to grey in book 4. I get the author has written many books and maybe can't remember details from book to book but seriously this should never get past a good editor, and it really takes me out of the enjoyment of reading the story. Sadly this may be my last chance for the author and I will not give any of her other series a chance if this is what I should expect as far as quality of writing/editing goes.

Sadly, Underwhelmed

I have read virtually all of Ms. Colgan's books and particularly enjoyed the Mure Island series. She does a fine job of putting the reader in the place, a small isolated island with unforgiving weather and a colorful, enjoyable cast of characters. This time, however, in Christmas at the Island Hotel, I didn't feel the same affinity for characters, especially Fintan. If Colton was the "love of his life" and since he was left this magnificent property that Colton so wanted to grace the island, why wasn't he appreciative? Why sulking like a teenager? Why did he feel Flora was butting in when it was she who was responsible for it's opening? And don't get me started on Innes' child Agot. Eloise of famed books was a pussycat next to this one. Parts of this book were reduced to farce - the ridiculous dog episode at the soft opening of the restaurant being one. I so wanted to be transported to the island and learn what happened to favorite characters, but I was left wanting. I will certainly read future books, but I hope they are more cohesive like ones that preceded Christmas at the Island Hotel. Maybe we'll see more of the newly added characters and come to enjoy them along with the "regulars" who were largely missing this time.

Returning to Mure

I pre-ordered this book and was eagerly anticipating my return to Mure; to finally know what happened to the characters I've come to love. One of Colgan's best qualities as a writer is her unfailing ability to put the reader in the place - we know the character's inner thoughts, we understand their actions, and the scenes are set with just enough detail that one can imagine walking The Endless, or buying a scone from the cafe, while old women knit and chatter at a corner table. I was disappointed in this book. While the story focuses on (finally) the opening of The Rock hotel - which of course required many new characters - it lacked the charm of the previous books. The focus on new characters, some of whom we've met in passing, meant that the main characters weren't the focus. We learn that Fintan moved home, and that his brothers ex-wife is back, but there is little exploration of them. The father is mentioned in passing. While Argot is thoroughly unlikable, none of the adults around her do anything about it. Flora is struggling with motherhood, but we learn only the surface facts. This book seemed rushed, as if it was produced merely to satisfy the many questions devotees had at the end of the last book. Still, I love the author and look forward to the next series. Polly, Nina and Flora feel like friends!

Enjoyable but simple

This is an ensemble story with several main characters. We pick up again with Flora and Joel who now have a baby. Joel's happy as can be as the primary childcarer, but Flora is losing the battle of work/life balance as she struggles to launch the new, fancy hotel that her reluctant brother, Fintan, inherited. An indolent young prince, Konstantine, is exiled to Mure without money or cellphone by his frustrated father, who hopes he'll learn what real life is all about. This he does by joining the kitchen crew of the hotel, which is helmed by a caricature of a maniacally gifted French chef. Also on the crew is a young, shy island girl who finds love with Konstantine and the resolve to stand up to her chronically negative mother. There's even more conflict and redemption, but you get the idea. There's a whole cast of characters here, and happy endings for everyone. Some might call it simplistic, but I enjoyed it. I will say that Colgan is as excessive as ever with adjectives and adverbs, adding a layer of cuteness that can become tiresome.

Angel on The Rock

Welcome back to the Scottish island of Mure, set halfway between Norway and Scotland. Some think of it as the end of the world; others love it for its remote location and natural beauty. Author Jenny Colgan brings us back to the world of the MacKenzies and their friends. Christmas is fast approaching and with it the grand opening of The Rock, an impressive hotel built at a high point on the northern side of the island. The hotel was the dream of Colton Rogers (now deceased) but he didn’t live to see it come to fruition. The hotel was inherited by Fintan MacKenzie (Colton’s lover) who lives in a constant state of depression and mourning; he has no interest in the hotel. His sister Flora, a new mom, steps in to help her brother with the hotel. She has great organizational skills, she owns and operates the Seaside Kitchen, after all. Against his better judgement, Fintan goes to Edinburgh to hire a chef for the hotel kitchen and comes back with Gaspard, a temperamental, tattooed Frenchman who is a prima donna of the first water. For kitchen help we have Isla, promoted from her place at the Seaside Kitchen; Kerry, a taciturn young woman who has a crush on Fintan; and Konstantin, son of a Norwegian duke who has been exiled from his home country until he can mend his playboy ways. Somehow, this group becomes the center of the story and the reader is treated to several side plots dealing with the secret lives of many of the islanders. Can this group get The Rock ready in time for Christmas? Will Isla and Konstantin become an item? Will Fintan find his way out of mourning? Will six year old Agot rule the island? And who is Bjark? You’ll smile, you’ll cry, you’ll laugh, but mostly your heart will swell with the heartwarming tales of Christmas at the Island Hotel.

Excellent book in an excellent series

This is a series that I can't get enough of. I love being taken back to Mure and being reunited with all the characters near and dear to the island, those that have been there since book one and those new characters added on in each new book. To see the growth of the characters and of the island itself is always so heartwarming. The nostalgia gets me with every new book and this one was definitely no exception! This review sort of assumes you have read a few, or all, of the other books in this series before getting to this one. If you haven't and you don't want to run into anything that might be a spoiler in any way you might want to stop here and go on back and catch up before going forth. Otherwise, carry on. Flora and Fintan find themselves in completely different situations than they were in in the last book. Fintan has been left with the hotel and his heart just isn't in it. However, it was Coltan's dream so he's making a go of it. Flora, new mum that she is, is busting her butt to get ready for Christmas and just feeling a little overwhelmed. The hotel does bring a few new characters in and gives more of a spotlight to a character from another book. Isla Gregor has been working at the Cafe as a waitress. Now, she's moving up to the hotel and getting a bigger roll in the book. Konstantin Pederson, a new character, who gets a job working at the hotel in close proximity to Isla. He's coming in with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever. What he does have is a big ol' dog and a great big secret. He's the only son of the Duke of Utsire who sent him away to learn how to work hard for a living without the luxuries he's used to. Although he feels Mure is like a prison at first, it may just grow on him over time. As time goes by and the Christmas holiday comes closer more stories unravel with other characters as well. Don't forget about a certain schoolteacher and the doctor she's been in love with for so long. You'll get a glimpse into that story as well. Then, in the end, you get Christmas at the island hotel! This book is just perfect. I really enjoyed every single second of it. I can't really get enough of Mure and throw myself into these books and escape, just for a little while, into this little island between Scotland and Norway. It's a nice place to go when it's 90 degrees in July! I definitely recommend this entire series.

A lovely heartfelt book

This is another lovely book from Jenny Colgan. I love her wacky characters and the beautiful Scottish isle of Mure where they live. This book brought me back to more faith in our humanness and in our abilities as humans to love one another. Happy reading!

So many ruined the book for me

I loved this series and read all four books back-to-back, so the inconsistencies in the books (particularly in this one) were GLARING! The first three books were thoroughly enjoyable to read. I grew to love the characters and was eager to discover where their stories led...but what happened in the fourth book?? - Joel Binder is now named Joel Booker. - Jan (as in Charlie's wife) is now named Pam. - The Seaside Kitchen (which, I might add, used to be called the Cafe by the Sea, and then Annie's Cafe by the Sea...but that's another issue) is now painted grey, when it had been pink in all previous books. - Mark and Marsha had small children of their own, and therefore weren't in a place to adopt Joel as a small boy. But, in Book 3, they suddenly are childless due to their inability to conceive. - Saif was never able to correctly pronounce Lorna's name, so he called her Lorenah which she loved (and I thought was so endearing). In this book, however, he's suddenly able to call her Lorna. - Joel gifted Flora with a diamond bracelet for Christmas, which later becomes a diamond necklace, which then turns back into a diamond bracelet. I am an avid reader and have ready many book series...but none have had this many inconsistencies (if any at all). It completely took me out of the story, which is such a shame.

Perfect Book for Getting in the Holiday Mood

What a great way to get into the holiday spirit. This is a very sweet and charming story. I LOVE that it takes place on an island and wish I was there now lol. The characters are great and the writing well done. I had no idea this was part of a series and it certainly didn't take anything away from it. I didn't feel lost or confused at all so for those who just want a Christmas read this would work just fine. Definitely recommend! I appreciate William Morrow publication for providing this ARC as a Goodreads giveaway. I am very happy to have won a copy as it definitely fueled my need for some cozy holiday fun.

A Delightful Christmas Novel!

As always it was a delight to escape to the island of Mure. Wonderful to be with old favorites, Flora, Joel, Fintan, Lorna, Saif, Agot, etc. And to be introduced to some new favorites, Isla, Konstantin, Gespard, Douglas (aka Buglas). I do feel like there were some loose ends that I really wanted tied up that weren't, but other than that I thoroughly enjoyed every second of the book. There are some totally crazy parts that just go well with the island of Mure and some really heartwarming and wonderful moment. Jenny Colgan has such a beautiful way of writing and I will always devour everything she writes.

Jenny Does It Again!

Jenny Colgan's books are my best guilty pleasure! I've been anxiously awaiting this one - not knowing how Flora and Fintan and Joel and the rest of the Mure crew that now feels like family to me were doing was driving me crazy. Now I know. As always, the characters are complex, mostly endearing, and very believable. I live in New Mexico, but am now dreaming of heading off to Scotland for a holiday week. I wish these folks were real - I'd drop in for a bit of haggis!

A true Christmas gift

Jenny Colgan’s characters are fully drawn real people with foibles and fears like all people. Here in this Christmas pistache we meet the inhabitants of Muir island, a Scottish island closer to Norway than London. We meet Fintain, a grieving widower trying to complete the dream of his husband Colton, and open a world class Inn and restaurant on the remote island with no actual experience or desire to do so. To do this he needs the help of his sister Flora who has an infant boy, a French chef Gaspard, who no one else will hire, an pastry cook and a pot boy who have never worked in a “real” kitchen and all of the other inhabitants of Muir. We meet the Dr., a Syrian refugee waiting to see if the mother of his two sons is still alive, the school teacher trying to put on a nativity in which the real star is Agot, a fiery determined red headed angel, and the various members of the community. Indeed, it takes an angel, a “prince”, and a miracle to remind everyone that Christmas is about love and family. This was my first read of 2021 and it did not disappoint.

The fourth book in the Island Series

I’m so sad to think this could be the last book about this marvelous island (hope not) but in my view it finishes with a firework. Thanks so much Jenny for this beautiful story. Hope you find some more to write about it. A review stated that it was mainly about the burgeoning love of two new young characters. It’s not at all. It’s still about all the characters we have known in this series. Little witch Agot is hilarious!


The story was good but there were so many inconsistencies with the past three Mure books. It drove me crazy. It wasn't just small things, some characters who have been in the entire series now have different first or last names.

A delightful Christmas cozy

Mure's newest hotel, The Rock, is scheduled to open on Christmas. But first Fintan McGregor and his sister Fiona must cope with hiring a chef, kitchen crew and waitstaff, locating and installing Christmas decorations, and coping with various romances (Fiona and David, Fintan and Chef Gaspard, pastry chef Isla and a duke's son, the doctor and the schoolteacher) and lots of children and dogs. A very merry tale.

Old Friends

So nice to re-visit the characters in this book. Like looking through a timeline photo album. As your viewing the pictures your friend is updating you with ALL the history/stories that go with everything captured within these photos. Even if you (ie. a new reader in this series) don’t recognize the people/events captured in these photos, you will most definitely thoroughly enjoy the stories.

Bad editing to the point that a character has a different name!

I generally love Jenny Colgan's books for a light, warm-hearted read, but the editing in this series is AWFUL! I mean names of characters change and back stories of characters change. What the heck?! Also a ton of just normal editing errors which I could overlook, but there are just so many! Not sure if it's just the kindle addition, but it's really annoying. The story is decent, but it focuses more on new characters instead of the ones that we've come to know and would still like to have a little closure with.

A Christmas present to me!!!

I love anything by Jenny Colgan. In Christmas on the Island, you get to visit old loved character and are introduced to new ones. Although this is part of a series, you can enjoy this novel on it's own. I love being transported to the cold, wild and beautiful Isle of Muir. Jenny Colgan always delivers!


I could only read two chapters before returning for a refund. The dialogue is so boring and depressing and is mainly about a homosexual.

Hotel Review

I used to read all the books by this author and enjoyed them. This one was the opposite, it was too hard to keep up with the characters. The plot or story was not up to par. Maybe because of the setting and character names were too similar. I finished the book but didn't enjoy it.

Loved this

Another great Jenny Colgan, never disappoints! Enjoyed visiting the characters of Mure once again!

Excellent addition to this series

I loved this novel and it complimented the ongoing series perfectly. I have read it once already and will read it again closer to Christmas. I'm a Jenny Colgan fan and with this novel she did not disappointment me. Highly recommend.

Christmas at the Island Hotel

I always enjoy how Jenny Colgan develops her characters. She is great at cliff hangars and always resolves the conflicts beautifully. Some of her work is "laugh out loud" funny! I have loved all 14 of her books that I have read and currently have 3 waiting for me. I look forward to more extremely enjoyable reads from her.

Book ruined by wrong fact about Norway

I love Jenny Colgan books and especially this series. Unfortunately for me as a Norwegian, the story was ruined when it was told Norwegians celebrate Christmas om December 23rd. That is not the case. Norwegians celebrate Christmas om Christmas Eve December 24th. A big fact fault for us Norwegians. The rest of the story was nice, but it was not the best book in the series.

Truly Loved It!

Of course I loved this book! I've read every Jenny Colgan book I can get my hands on, and they're all marvelous! Great characters, great storyline, great writing, tons of fun details and turns you don't see coming. I don't know how she keeps doing it, but it's truly a gift. So glad she's sharing it!

Unforgettable characters in an isolated, beautiful island in Scotland

I was looking so forward to this next installment of some of my favorite characters, and I was not disappointed. Jenny Colgan brings her characters to life in another delightful book.

Nice Jenny Colgan Story

This continues the story of Flora and Fintan and "The Rock" hotel. It is very light reading, a nice Christmas story. It only takes a couple days to read. I enjoy Jenny Colgan.

A new look at Christmas from another land.

A challenging book to read because of its remote location and different nationalities. Cold weather and a manufactured Angel that changes a community perspective.

A lovely escape to the Scottish islands at Christmas

Most of Coglans books are enjoyable and this is no exception. It makes me dream of moving to the far north on Scotland to maje cheese !!

Interesting Good Read

I enjoyed this final book in the Island of Mure series. This book and the whole series was fun and interesting to read.

Excellent read!

Really different type of story due to the characters. Kept my interest to the end. A small island, a new hotel, a banished prince with a lesson to be learned......and much more. I’ll read this author again

Fun light read

I always enjoy Jenny Colgan novels. The people, the setting...all make for such a pleasant read.


Fun book to read at bedtime. Warm characters and happy endings despite the twists and turns. Looking forward to the next read.

Good light hearted Christmas book

Just what I needed. After a rough year, this was the perfect light hearted Christmas book. Cute story

Colgan does not disappoint!

Fun continuation of the lives of interesting characters from previous books!

Beautiful book!!

Another great book by Jenny Colgan! Think I own every book she has written. Beautiful book cover!


It was a cute book but predictable. Nice holiday read though.


Very boring read. Did not even finish it.

much info

too much info and very mixed up

I love Jenny Colgan Books!

What is not to love? This book is funny, descriptive and poignant- all at the same time. It makes me want to meet all the characters.

fun Christmas read

I loved this book but recommend reading the 1st one first. easier to figure out all the players

Great Characters!

Lovely. I read a holiday themed book each year. This was a fun choice! Fell in love with this place, these people.

A mixture of cultures with just enough holiday...

I am still reading this book. But it gets better the deeper I get into it. I like the variety of characters. And of course anything to do with Food and Travel to far off places.

Wish it didn't end

Couldn't put it down, good for escape to a lovely island.

Lacked interest

Couldn’t get past page 100. I tried picking this us several times to read but it didn’t hold my attention. The characters lacked interest and there wasn’t enough spark there to pull me in.

Good read definitely!

I do like Jenny Colgan books. This particular sequel was dear to my heart. Compassion and humility at it's best.

The book flowed and you wanted to find out what was going to happen to

So good. Loved the characters and how they all intertwined.


A little slow, but a sweet story. There were a lot of characters, not all of whom I was interested in reading about.

Predictable and easy.

Sweet and soft story!

A very heartwarming Christmas story

The story line was very interesting for several of the main characters.

Great book

Loved the descriptions and the story! Great book!

Another Lovely Read


Mediocre novel

Too many characters. Just so-so

Enjoyable read

It was a fun holiday season read.

Christmas Cheer

Fun book! Very Christmasyyy

More please!

Is it too early to read Christmas fiction? Absolutely not! And especially when it's the latest novel from Jenny Colgan! Christmas at the Island Hotel releases today. Colgan takes us back to the remote, wee, Scottish island of Mure - and it's residents. I'd be quite happy living there myself. I always feel like I'm catching up with old friends when I turn the first page of the latest Mure tale. And making some new ones as well - new characters are introduced with each new book. Some who may have been in a supporting role in previous tales now take a bigger part. But, each and every one of them has a part to play in the tapestry that is the life of Mure. Christmas at the Island Hotel picks up where the previous book left off. Flora and her large, noisy, eccentric family are still working to get the Island Hotel up and running by Christmas. They'll need staff - and here's where the new characters and storylines are introduced. But Colgan also continues on with the lives of many other recurring players. I've become quite invested in their lives. Colgan does a bang up job with the interactions, complications, emotions and feelings of her characters. They ring true. Everyday life, love lost, love found, friendship, family rifts, family uniting and community are the driving forces behind Colgan's works. This is the time of the year when I enjoy seasonal reading, cosying up with a feel-good read, along with a cup of tea and a warm blanket. Christmas at the Island Hotel is the perfect choice - heartwarming, engaging, joyful, romantic, humourous and a great escape. I was sad to turn the last page, but I just know there's more in store for the folks in Mure And this reader can't wait!

Clearing up the mysteries

I asked Jenny Colgan why Charlie's wife changed her name from Jan to Pam... I got this answer Hello! Jen here! NOW I have a BIG FAVOUR to ask you. I’m working on the sixth Mure book (sixth, can you believe it?). Now, when I started out, way back with The Summer Seaside Kitchen and a Very Distant Shore, none of us had any idea that the series would go on for so long. Normally with a series there’s a document called a bible, which has lists of characters, full names, ages, backgrounds etc. Unfortunately with Mure we never had that, and then my editors changed, and things inevitably got mixed up along the way . For an Island Wedding, which is coming out next year (and which is a lot about Lorna and Saif- here is my file picture for Saif, I always keep inspirational pics of people alongside my manuscripts. I hope it chimes with your mental picture. It’s the wonderful actor Arsher Ali, who has been in tons of stuff. We did sell the tv rights, but alas it grinds on very slowly)- we want to make sure that people coming to the series for the first time have the right continuity. ANYWAY here is the list we have so far and I would really like you to add your own- any errors you’ve spotted, please stick in below and they will get corrected and of course we will make sure you are properly acknowledged in the printing! Love, Jenny xxx ps also here’s the reading order in English (other languages have their own titling systems): 1) A Very Distant Shore 2) The Summer Seaside Kitchen 3) The Endless Beach 4) An Island Christmas 5) An Island Hotel (aka Christmas at the Island Hotel) 6) An Island Wedding (Spring 2022) -In A Very Distant Shore Lorna is 30 when she ought to be 28, and in SSK she should be 30. -Flora turns up in AVDS, even though Saif is already the doctor in SSK. -Ewan Anderson the policeman should be Ewan Clarke -Mrs Collins at the school should be Mrs Cook -Reference is made to Martha and Mark having children in SSK as the reason why they didn’t adopt Joel. which needs changed in retrospect (I had no idea they’d become such important characters) -Joel is sometimes Binder as a surname sometimes Booker (should always be Binder) -Jan in An Island Christmas is sometimes Pam. Charlie’s wife is Jan and always should be. (I think this is the one that drives everyone nuts) -Ash is 6 in Christmas at the Island Hotel when he should be 8 rising 9 (Agot is the right age).

It's Your Favorite Rom-Com...In a Book!

You can't get more pitch perfect than "Christmas at the Island Hotel" by Jenny Colgan. Let me first start off by saying this book combines elements from two of my favorite rom-coms ("Last Holiday" with Queen Latifah and "Maid to Order" - an '80's hidden gem starring Ally Sheedy) that popped into my head while reading it. Absolutely a Hallmark/Lifetime Christmas-movie-blooming-romantic comedy. You've got romances brewing between the small-island native Isla who becomes close with Konstantin, a spoiled rich bad boy/son of a Duke, in disguise as part of her and her fellows kitchen staff to earn back his father's good graces after being cut off. There's Lorna who is in love with Saif who, with two kids and a missing wife after leaving their homeland, doesn't want to get hurt again or give up by moving on, and Fintan (who, as a widower, is re-opening the hotel he inherited - with his sister Flora basically running the show) and the foul-mood, foul-mouthed chef Gaspard who has a heart of gold. There's a dog running around causing chaos, a town that never had decorations before now being lit up, an angel figure appearing in the town, snowball fights, a nosy reporter who came to see "the worst hotel ever" and possibly revealing Konstantin's secret identity. What more do you need?! Maybe it was the metaphors of darkness to light, from something broken to possibility, the joy of finding, well, joy again. From being lost to being found. Those always make the best books for me. They make me think about the things I know to be true and that's: when there is just a spark of hope, anything is possible. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll swoon. You'll believe in romance again. You'll believe in people again. And maybe won't yell at a caroler to get off your lawn. Just the one time, anyway. All the stars.

this one will make you smile

You know that feeling of snuggling down into something cozy? Or listening to an Adele song? That's what reading this lovely novel is like. Don't worry if you haven't read the earlier books in the series- you'll be fine hopping in. Fans, however, will be pleased to see how the characters have moved along (or not) and with the addition of new ones. Konstantin, a Norwegian dubbed the Party Prince, finds himself exiled by his father to Mure and working in the kitchen for Gaspard, a volatile and talented French chef. He has no clue how to do anything (not even how to make his bed) but starts to learn, thanks to Isla, a pastry chef who, as you know is going to happen, falls in love with him. In the meantime, Flora is struggling with being a new mom, and Fintan continues to struggle with the loss of his husband Colton so Flora is running the hotel that was Colton's dream. And then there's Saif and Lorna; they love one another but there's the unanswered question of whether his wife is still alive in Syria. And it's Christmas. This has laughs, it has smiles, it might bring a small tear to your eye near the end. The characters are terrific (you can hear their voices), the setting so wonderfully described (the wind, the rain, the snow), and storytelling magnificent. I admit to being a Jenny Colgan fan. Thanks to Edelweiss for the ARC. This made me happier than any Christmas themed novel I've read recently and cheered me up in the midst of the news cycle that is, well, not so cheery. Highly recommend.

Christmas at the island hotel

Not realizing that this was book 4 in a series, I read it without having read the previous books so It took me a bit of time to sort out who the various characters were. The book wasn't confusing, but I'm sure my enjoyment of it suffered by not knowing the various characters' back stories. The main story was centered on shy, budding baker Isla, and a spoiled Norwegian duke's son, Konstantin, who is banished to the island to work in the kitchen of a brand new boutique hotel by his father after one too many drunken, bratty episodes. It was fun to watch Konstantin slowly start to recognize how spoiled and entitled he's been and make tentative steps toward growing up. As for the other characters, I didn't really connect to any of them, but I"m sure they would have been more impactful if I'd read the previous books. I loved the setting, an isolated island off the Scottish coast and could easily imagine how it would feel to live there, especially in the winter. Even though the weather and the setting were bleak, the book was warm and cozy and the village had a true sense of community and the Christmas spirit. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Sloppy writing/editing distracts from the story

I’ve read several Jenny Colgan books...the quality ebbs and flows but the locations keep drawing me back. For this particular series, it has been a while since I read the last one: I wanted a quick, easy Christmas story and this title was on sale as the Kindle edition. I remember reading the previous books so I figured “why not.” I am currently 35% into this book and I sooooo want to stop but hate not finishing books. I forgot how inconsistent this author is with her facts from story to story. I also HATE her writing style that describes how perfect something is before it is even experienced (ie, Colgan wrote/described how a steak dinner was the best steak dinner that Flora ever consumed - every future steak will pale in comparison - all that BEFORE Flora even took a bite!). The author also ebbs and flows between different character points of view from short paragraph to short paragraph. Maybe it’s just me but I prefer one section to belong to one point of view. It’s confusing to flit back and forth between characters’ points of view on one page. I gave points for location and characters...I just do not care for the delivery. As I’ve noted with her past books, it seems as though this was a first draft, wasn’t edited, and was sent straight to print. A let down which bothers me because I REALLY like the author’s locations.

Merry Christmas!

Mure, Scotland - Present Day The tiny island of Mure lies in the far north of Scotland's waters as close to Norway as it is to Scotland. Despite its small year-round population, Mure is self-sustaining with fresh seafood, and land to graze cattle and sheep. It's also the home of a brand new hotel, the Rock, that, maybe because of its name, is off to a rocky start. Fintan MacKenzie technically owns the Rock, but he despises it, and would sell it in a heartbeat. However, it was left to him by his husband, Colton, who passed away not long ago. It was Colton's dream idea, and every bit of love and money that he had went into making the hotel a success. Fintan has been dragging his feet in preparing it to open, so his older sister, Flora, a new mother, is hammering away at him to fulfill Colton's dream. But it isn't Fintan's dream. Flora has about had it with her brother. She's exhausted from being on maternity leave from managing the Summer Seaside Kitchen in the village, Living in the family farmhouse with Flora and Fintan, besides baby Douglas, is Flora's partner, Joel, Flora and Fintan's brother Innes, along with his family, including their five-year-old daughter, Agot, who until Douglas was born was the only child, and she's none too happy to have competition. So Flora's exasperation with Fintan is just one more thing she has to shoulder. The hotel is booked for Christmas, they have little staff, no chef, and an owner who seems in no rush to fix those issues. As much as she'd rather get used to being a mother, Flora takes on organizing the hotel's Christmas plans, but sends the grieving Fintan off to Glasgow to interview chefs. In the meantime, she hires one of her cafe employees, Isla, to work at the Rock in the kitchen since she has baking experience. Joel has found someone from Norway to also work in the kitchen, hopefully under the tutelage of their new chef. Meanwhile, in Norway, young, rich playboy Konstantin has just been kicked out of his castle home by his irate father. No more credit cards, no more parties, no phone, nothing but a suitcase and his dog as Konstantin finds himself on the next ferry to some place called Mure. And he's not to return for six months! Sullen, unaware of even the idea of doing anything for himself, Konstantin steps off the ship into a life he couldn't even imagine in his wildest dreams. Glasgow proves to be a bust at first for Fintan, until the swaggering, multi-tattooed Frenchman, Gaspard, shows up at the employment agency. After whipping up an amazing meal in the kitchen, Fintan hires him on the spot. However, when Gaspard arrives in Mure, his Gaulish ego pretty much sets everyone on edge. Can this wild man organize a gourmet kitchen in a few short weeks with the rag-tag employees that have been hired? If you haven't read any of Jenny Colgan's wonderful stories, do start with this one. CHRISTMAS AT THE ISLAND HOTEL is full of incredible characters, plenty of humor, some very topical issues, a bit of romance, along with the backdrop of the delightfully Scottish island - bad weather and all. Steady, caring Flora mothers everyone, but she's not a pushover. Grief-stricken Fintan is struggling just to get through each day without Colton, Isla isn't sure about the young man from Norway, and Konstantin is learning about a whole new way of life. And then there is Agot, a force to be reckoned with. CHRISTMAS AT THE ISLAND HOTEL will start readers' holiday season off in a delightful way. We've all had a strange year and Jenny Colgan's terrific fare will cheer everyone up.

Just getting started on this one . . .

[Spoiler alert: There are going to be quite a few in this review.] I've read a number of Jenny Colgan's books and overall have enjoyed her characters and the settings they find themselves in. I'm not far into this one yet, but I'm finally moved to ask a question which I see in some other reviews has surfaced before: Why does the author keep changing the names and back stories of characters that reappear throughout a series? In the Mure Island books, there are multiple instances of this. Joel's surname is Binder in earlier books, but it appears it may suddenly have changed to Booker in this, the 4th book in the series. Mark and Marsha didn't adopt Joel in the first book because their own small children were too demanding, but in ensuing books, much is made of their disappointment over being unable to have children. Flora's restaurant is at first The Cafe by the Sea, at the end of Book 1 becomes Annie's, but in ensuing books is The Seaside Kitchen, and seems to have hopped from the pink building to the gray one. At some point in book one, Colton Rogers is said to have parleyed his earnings as a professional sportsman into a fortune, but by book three his brother Tripp makes a big deal out of the fact that Colton had been a nerdy kid who never joined in sports. And the ubiquitous Jan, Flora's nemesis, has suddenly become Pam in this book (still married to Charlie McCarthy so you know it's the same woman), and her father is no longer Fraser Mathieson, but Malcy Docherty. The changes are just as noticeable in the Rose Hopkins series. Stephen's surname is Mannering in Sweetshop of Dreams but becomes Lakeman in book 2. His sister starts out as Jessica but then becomes Pamela. Lilian's care home starts out as Honeysuckle House but then becomes the Rosbury Home. Well, you get the idea. I just don't understand why an author who cares enough about her stories to write them, or cares about the people who read them, would take such a slipshod approach. Is there a reason or explanation that I'm missing? I'll keep reading Jenny's books because overall I enjoy them, but I am completely flummoxed by this seeming lack of attention to detail. It does distract from my enjoyment of her stories.

Excellent new book by Jenny Colgan, just in time for Christmas.

This is the third or fourth review that I start with "I Love Jenny Colgan's books!!!" I am so grateful to have read an advanced copy of "Christmas at the Island Hotel." It put me in the mood for Christmas and winter weather in the best way. This book picks up a year after "Christmas on the Island." Flora and Joel have had baby Douglas and are adjusting to parenthood. Joel, a former foster child, takes to fatherhood like a natural. Flora on the other hand is having a hard time with maternity leave. She just can't not work. So she ends up helping her younger brother, Fintan, with the long-awaited grand opening of the Rock hotel. Fintan is having a difficult time recovering from the death of his partner, Colton, an American developer who converted the Rock from an old mansion. Colton left Fintan the Rock in his will and everything about the place reminds Fintan of his lover. Still he goes through the motions, even heading to the mainland to interview chefs and hire the irascible and very French, Gaspard. Joel, who was Colton's business manager, hires the kitchen boy as a favor for a business colleague. Konstantin is a Scandanavian Prince who was exiled to Mure for bad behavior, along with his giant beast of a dog, Bjark Bjarkensson. He knows nothing about how to function in regular society and has to learn kitchen work, and social skills, from the ground up from a very testy and impatient Gaspard. Fortunately the pastry chef, Isla, on loan from Flora's Seaside Kitchen bakery, takes pity on Konstatin and shows him the basics while trying not to fall for his charm. Mure is peopled by fascinating people living regular lives. The wintery island setting as well as the opulent Rock hotel form an inviting backdrop to a truly excellent read. Fans of Jenny Colgan and JoJo Moyes will love this as will any reader looking for a cozy, heartfelt seasonal story. You could read this without reading the first book, but why?! They are both great and I was thrilled to see life on Mure continue. I am honored to review this book and the opinions are entirely my own!

Christmas on the Island

I was really ambivalent about this novel. What’s not to like about a Jenny Colgan Christmas book? The plot involved major suspension of disbelief (a spoiled, lazy foreign prince is forced by his father to get a job in the kitchen of a hotel on a small Scottish island). There are the stereotypical characters—a temperamental, abrasive French chef, a rich spoiled twenty-something, a bratty child whose parents think she’s just adorable, an ambitious London journalist and, of course, the sweet local girl, Isla. Will the prince learn to change his entitled ways? Will the Syrian refugee doctor be reunited with his wife? Will Isla find the man of her dreams? Jenny Colgan will deliver her trademark HEA ending, but the road there wasn’t as enjoyable as I’d hoped.

A visit to Mure

While in the end you may enjoy the charming outcome of Christmas at the Island Hotel it'll definitely take a bit before this book picks up. It's a little slow in the beginning and has a large cast of characters and viewpoints from which the story is told. As a result this book was only a 3 to 3.5 star read for me. I didn't feel that there was enough time spent on any of the characters to fully get to know them. Since this is the fourth in a series I had both thought, and hoped, that like in many other series this book would be told from the perspective of one or two main characters. Isla and Konstantin were meant to be the focus of this book yet they're lost among a confusing relationship/interaction between Lorna and Saif, new parents Flora and Joel, Fintan and Gaspard, as well as narratives from the perspectives of a journalist and a few other family members of the aforementioned group. There was SO much going on with literally everyone that it was TOO much. Had the author stuck with Isla and Konstantin, their backstories and the development of their relationship this could've been a great book as the bones are definitely there. The ending was nice a wrap up, however, I wish there had been more substance to the development of Isla and Konstantin leading up to that. I will say that the writing was so descriptive and realistic when describing the scenery and climate of Mure that I feel as if I could feel the frigid sea air blowing about! I'll definitely give this author another go at a later date, but for me this book was just so-so. Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for the opportunity to read and review this book!

Absolutly Loved this book

I picked this book up at the library in order to have plenty to read during our Thanksgiving Lock Down and I wanted to start on some Christmas books. I have to tell you I have not read a lot by Jenny but this story totally captured my heart. I started reading it yesterday and although I had to get a few hours of sleep and put the book down, I did not do our Sunday big breakfast today as I needed to finish it. The family dynamics in this story are so true to life and we watch as Fintan is trying to open the dream that Colton his husband had for the old hotel. We watch as Fintan struggles with his feelings of loss and tries to handle the hotel business but he is a cheese maker not a manager. On the other hand his sister Flora who is on maternity leave is. She loves being a mother but feels that her son would much rather she go away and leave him alone with his father. Then we have Fintan going off to find a chef for the business and bringing back a kookier character than anyone can imagine. Through switches between Flora restaurant and the hotel some characters are stretched beyond there comfort zone and made to move up the ladder even if they don't want to. Add in a mysterious kitchen worker who has no idea how to was a pan, chop and onion or mop a floor. What has he been doing all his life. We then mix in the towns crazy antics and personalities and have a rounding up of why you may want to live on this island in your future. Everyone knows everyone and everyone's business is open to comments good or bad. You will love getting to know the townspeople and all the adventures and mishaps along the way. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone that wants to laugh, cry and enjoy learning about the island and the mysteries that come with it.

Sweet but Predictable

3.5 stars Is this book predictable? Oh definitely yes. Is it still enjoyable? Definitely yes as well, but you need to have read the first three books in the series for this one to be as meaningful as possible. There are a plethora of characters and relationships that have been developed over the past three books, and starting here would be like joining a family reunion where everyone knows each other except for you. The residents of Mure are getting ready for the Rock to open for Christmas, the first Christmas after the death of Colton and the birth of Douglas. Flora is out of sorts because she is supposed to be on maternity leave and can't seem to tear herself away from the hotel, and Fintan is still mourning and really doesn't know how to move forward. There is a developing romance between Konstantin, a newcomer from Norway, and Isla, who used to work at the Island Cafe and is now working in the kitchen at the Rock. There is still the issue of Saif and his missing (maybe?) wife and his relationship with Lorna, and some other funny and not-so-funny antics around the island. I know what to expect from Colgan's books--lots of heart, love, family, and food. This book delivers no surprises, but just a comforting sweet read for the season. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, all opinions are my own.

Funny, heartwarming, a guaranteed happy ending

Jenny Colgan is one of the three authors who write “Women’s Fiction” that I will read. That I love to read. Funny, heartwarming, a guaranteed happy ending but with plenty of lovable characters who manage not to descend into stereotype and / or caricature. Fintan has been left a behemoth of an almost-ready hotel on a tiny (and beautiful and stupendously cold) Northern Scottish isle by his late and beloved husband. All he really wants to do is make cheese. His sister Flora, struggling with the demands of a maternity leave steps in to help out. Add a fully-tattooed, garrulous (but magnificent) French chef, a spoiled Norwegian playboy stripped of all things monetary and / or digital and sent to the dungeons (I mean the hotel kitchen), plenty of charming and well-written locals who are not short in the personality department, and you have a situation ripe for comedy, heartbreak, and healing romance. I’m impressed that Colgan has managed to seamlessly introduce hetero- and homo-sexual relationships and the stressful experience of a Syrian refugee family into a typically shallow genre. And while sticking to the required fairy tale ending, she manages to include real, and often insoluble problems, that her characters have to simply learn to make the best of.

Sweet & heartwarming story of everyday people

Thanks to NetGalley & HarperCollins Publishers/William Morrow Paperbacks for a digital advance readers copy of this book. All comments and opinions are my own. I'm of the belief that it's always the right time of year to read a book set during Christmastime. Especially if it's written by Jenny Colgan. I was excited to read this one, not even realizing it was book #4 in the series. And happily I discovered it can be read as a standalone, though now I want to go back and read the first three. This is a sweet and heartwarming story of everyday people and an incognito Norwegian prince, a crazy French chef, a grieving widower, and a new mother, all living in a small Scottish village where everyone knows everything about everyone else. The story begins as the Island Hotel prepares to launch on Christmas Day. Be prepared for the mouthwatering food descriptions as the hotel's restaurant makes delicious meals throughout the story. Of course there are misunderstandings, mishaps, an ill-behaved dog, and quirky traditions, but I loved the way various plot threads came together to provide a satisfying conclusion - I definitely recommend this "happily ever after" book. #ChristmasattheIslandHotel #NetGalley

Hits All The Feels

Favorite Quotes: “Bugglas Booker is awake,” she said with a sniff. “I think he’s a bad baby, Auntie Flora. He is very cross.” “Douglas,” said Flora for the nine hundredth time. “His name is Douglas.” “Turkey is ’orrible! Is huge dry chicken! Huge dry unhappy chicken!! … Do not eat unhappy animals!! Is unhappy! That is why”— he paused for emphasis—“ so many fights at Christmas.” “Who is that new chap anyway?” said Mrs. Brodie suspiciously. “I’m just saying. He’s a bit of a ride and no mistake.” They hadn’t had quite such an entertaining evening since Wullie Stevenson had gotten his false teeth stuck bobbing for apples at Halloween and scared the living death out of all the children by taking them out, apple and all. “She is being the brattiest brat in the history of terrible brats… Would you like another kid? You’ve already got one, it shouldn’t be too much trouble.” “Most people wait till after eight A.M. on Christmas morning to try to give their children away,” said Flora… “Seriously, you don’t even have to keep her, you can sell her to pirates,” said Eilidh… “But you make me not want to be a jerk,” he said. “Well, I’m not sure it’s working.” My Review: It is still close enough to Christmas with a nip in the air, so I see no reason to stop reading Christmas stories, and this one was good fun and hit all the feels from the lows of grief and humiliation to the highs of a freshly acquired sense of purpose and pride as well as new and deepening love affairs. Plus, I adore Jenny Colgan and I will read her any chance I get, regardless of the season. The cleverly constructed storylines were engaging and relatable and packed with wry levity and amusing observations from a large cast of compellingly quirky and complex characters. I giggled-snorted and gleefully laughed aloud several times during perusal and cannot recall ever enjoying a nativity scene as entertaining as this one. And as a bonus I have a new addition to my Brit Words and Phrases list with blowsy; which Mr. Google tells me is course, untidy, and sluttish. Score! I have plans for that word, big plans…

Enjoyable Christmas Novel!

I love Jenny Colgan’s books. She writes vivid characters and I greatly enjoy their stories. Christmas at the Island Hotel is the fourth in this series set on Mure. Mure is a tiny island halfway between Scotland and Norway. Over the course of the four books, I’ve felt like I’ve gotten to know and love all of the characters on this small island. It was like a Christmas gift to be able to take a glimpse into their lives again. Fintan’s beloved husband left him a beautiful hotel on the island to run, but Fintan is having a hard time working through his grief to get the hotel up and running. Luckily his sister Flora is helping him out with it all but is also secretly worried as she has a brand-new baby but feels like she wants to keep working. Shouldn’t a new mother only want to spend time with her baby? The pressure is also on at the hotel after it is listed online as one of the world’s worst hotels. Dr. Saif is a Syrian refugee working on the island. He is still searching for his lost wife and feeling guilty that he is thinking about moving on with another woman. Isla has worked for Flora at her bakery in the past and is now working for the new French chef at the Island hotel. She finds herself attracted to the new kitchen helper, Konstantin. Little does she know that Konstantin is a Norwegian royal who has been kicked out by his father to learn how to actually work for a living. Konstantin has lived a pampered life and realizes that he doesn’t have any skills for how to live. Will Isla learn Konstantin’s true identity? Will the hotel get a successful start? Will the island finally have Christmas lights? I loved this book and finished it quickly. You could probably read this as a standalone book, but I would recommend reading the first three books in the series first. You would understand a lot more of the background of the cast of characters. I love that I know I will get a mostly happy ending with Colgan’s books, but that I will love the journey along the way. The characters are also my favorite thing about the books – I just love them. I really hope that Colgan writes a book a book five in this series. I enjoyed that my old favorite characters were in this book, but that Isla and Konstantin were added in for new characters and storyline. I enjoyed it! I also love how Colgan is able to write a book that has both hetereosexual and homosexual characters with convincing love stories, and also include a Syrian refugee storyline. The romance is fun, but clean. Favorite Quote: “On the empty road, as the angel faded behind him, he had never felt lonelier in his entire life, like the only man in a world that had turned very, very cold toward him.” Overall, Christmas the Island Hotel is an enjoyable trip to Mure to visit favorite characters just in time for Christmas. It was a great book! Book Source: Review Copy from William Morrow. Thank-you!

Mure Book #4 - Definitely worth the wait!

Well folks, it was definitely worth the wait! I totally loved this fourth book in the Mure series. It. Was. Wonderful! I actually read it twice before writing my review because I enjoyed it so much! Jenny Colgan has written a funny, romantic, heartwarming story with all my favorite returning characters as well as some wonderful new ones. Some unfinished business from the prior book is addressed with the possibilities for a Book #5 (hope, hope, hope) as well. An added bonus, there was no profanity (OK, two bad words but that's all), no graphic sex, and no disparaging comments about specific politicians.

Christmas on Mure!

Christmas at the Island Hotel is another wonderful book in the Mure series by Jenny Colgan! I have read and loved many of her books over the years however I think this may be the first Christmas one I have picked up. Mure, the remote island setting of this series and the unique hotel, The Rock are both so beuatiful and detailed, they are like characters in the book! I love the descriptions of the endless beach and the rustic MacKenzie farm. Christmas at the Island Hotel has all the same wit and banter, I look forward to from Jenny Colgan's writing. The characters are interesting and multilayered with multiple plots intertwining throughout the book. Seeing as this is the 4th book in the series, although it could be read as a stand alone novel- I do think it is best to have read at least some of the earlier Mure tales. (Otherwise, the characters and backstories could get confusing.) Jenny Colgan's novels are a welcome way to travel to a beautiful place to enjoy a laugh, maybe a slight cry or a pull on your heartstrings, and delicious descriptions of wonderful food! Thank you to Jenny Colgan, HarperCollins Publishers, William Morrow Paperbacks for an advance copy! That being said, these thoughts and review are my own.

A Boring Christmas Story

I really think (and hope) this book is a case of, 'It's not you, it's me'. In all honesty, part of my disappointment was due to my own stupidity: I picked this book up randomly and not knowing that it was the fourth book in a series. Although this novel can be read as a standalone, I don't recommend it. For me, there wasn't the character attachment or emotional investment in the outcome which could have potentially happened if I had read the previous books. With that aside, if I was a less stubborn person, I would have set this book down and not finished it. Instead, I stubbornly pushed through with my eyes glazed over in boredom. I was hoping the setting would make up for such a dry plot but it did not. The story didn't give me any of the cozy feelings of a small town nor did it give me the warm feelings of Christmas or the holidays in which I was hoping for. There was no redeeming qualities in this novel and from start to finish the story was boring and bland. I didn't take anything from it and this book will be easily forgotten.

Disappointing. Jenny needs a new editor!

Not my favorite Jenny Colgan for sure. This seemed like it was rushed and was tying up loose ends from the previous books. But what was really really annoying was that Jan from The seaside kitchen is now named Pam. And Joel Binder is now Joel Booker? That’s not some side character, he’s the moody hero of the book. Did the editor even read the previous books?

Quirky characters in a unique setting

The hotel built by the late lover of the current manager has become a menace of mental health to nearly everyone who works there or is forced into the kitchen, particularly to attend to the orders of the new French chef. As if things couldn't get much worse, one of the employees is a Norwegian prince banished from his home without money or his phone (!). He has no idea how to do anything, but lucky for him, one of the kitchen help takes pity on him even as he continues to slice his fingers when learning to cut vegetables and onions. With these and other quirky characters, we are introduced to how to celebrate Christmas on an island off the coast of Scotland. Happily, more than one of these people pair off when least expected, thereby forcing the unwanted reporter to pen a story with a much nicer ending than the one that brings the prince's past life into the light of day and awareness of the rest of the people on the island. A truly fun read!

Welcome back to Mure

This title is Jenny Colgan’s seasonal gift to her regular readers. They will be transported back to the small island of Mure, where they will find the characters that they have gotten to know and care for, the hotel, the bakery, the scenery and some romance. Fans will be updated on Saif, the immigrant physician and the schoolteacher who is quite fond of him. They will find out how Flora is faring as a mom. Readers will observe Fintan’s grief and his struggle to move through this. Isla becomes a more central character. Readers also meet a Norwegian young man. He has been sent by his (wealthy) father to learn about work at the hotel. His boisterous dog also makes his presence known. The holiday season is a part of the story. I enjoyed reading about the arrival of the boat carrying the Christmas trees and the seasonal celebrations. Those not familiar with the recurring characters may enjoy this book a bit less. Of course, though, they can start the series by picking up The Summer Seaside Kitchen and then the two other titles, The Endless Beach and Christmas on the Island. They can then return to Mure again with this one.

Super Cozy Read

This is such a sweet story. It has all the charm of a small town during any holiday. I thought the characters were written with surprisingly good chemistry for the limited amount of time they had been together. I was unaware this was part of a series when I read the book, but it didn't impact my reading experience at all. I had no trouble keeping up. The only thing holding me back from giving it five stars was the fact that I felt like it skipped from character to character a bit too quickly. I would have also liked to know more about Saif and Lorna, but it's possible that we have more background from the first three books. This is a great cozy read, and it has me in the mood for Christmas now!


If I described Christmas at the Island Hotel by Jenny Colgan in one word, it would be CHARMING. This novel reads like a wholesome, small town TV sitcom. There are multiple story lines occurring throughout the entire novel. It took me a bit of time to feel invest; however, before I knew it, I was simply in love and fully saturated in each of the character's lives....even that really funny, yet spoiled Agot. This is my first ever Jenny Colgan read. Although it was the middle of the series, I never once felt left out. Honestly, it peaked my curiosity into adding Jenny Colgan's entire backlist to my TBR. I would recommend Christmas at the Island Hotel to readers who: * Love small town drama * Are looking for a sweet holiday story * Want a happy smile on their face Special thanks to William Morrow books for a finished copy of this book.

Delightful Christmas at Seaside Kitchen

In the interest of full disclosure I absolutely love Jenny Colgan books and own about a dozen in my home library! So I went into this book thinking I would like it. And like it I did. I love being able to travel to different places in Great Britain through her stories and returning to the island of Mure was absolutely delightful. The story made me want to book a ticket to go at Christmas despite the fact that I'd hardly even see the sun. And even though this was the 4th book with Flora, Joel and the rest of the friends and family, there were fresh storylines and it was good to catch up with all of them. I rather think if I visited the Shetland Island area that I would be able to pop into the Seaside Kitchen to have a scone from Flora. And that is one of my favorite kinds of stories...where the characters just feel so absolutely real! With thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow Paperbacks for an early copy in return for an honest review.

Life on a remote island, Scottish style

This was a fun follow-up to the original book, though I didn't realize it when I picked it to read. If you loved the cast in the first story they are all here plus a handful of new oddball characters that the story essentially revolves around, starting about one-third in. As with the previous book, there are those of us who'd love to visit or live on a remote Scottish island where the world that revolves around "likes" and "shares" and trendy-ness has very little meaning or bearing on everyday life in a village in the middle of the ocean. Of course, there's still love and heartache, work and careers, family and community to bind people together in a sweet story. Definitely a nice read for a world that's gone a bit mad. Thank you to the publisher fit an advance reader's copy.


I admit it took me a long time to read this book .Jenny Colgan's beautiful prose transported me to the remote island of Mure and I never wanted to leave. Add the magic of Christmas and romance and the story is a winner! My favorite story line among the many was that of the spoiled Norwegian Prince who was banished to the Island by his Father. I received a copy from net galley not realizing it was book 4 so it took me awhile to figure out the back stories of this eccentric cast of characters. I will definitely be reading the first 3 books and check back into the Island Hotel. Thanks to Harper Collins for the advanced copy of this lovely book that I highly recommend getting lost in.

Growing up and Loving everything

This book tugged at my heartstrings, it isn't your typical love story by any means...a parent does what he thinks is in the best interest of his adult son, a family comes to terms with a loss another family comes to terms with a missing wife, a daughter comes to terms with her mother and finally, the adult son comes to love his new home and friends; while realizing that sometimes your parent is correct! Jenny Colgan, wove all the aspects of this book in such a manner that it is hard to put down, the reader is constantly wanting to know what is going to happen next. The best way I could describe this story is, Hallmark Christmas Movie on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. It would be the perfect story for the holidays!

Christmas in Scotland

Christmas at the Island Hotel is 4th in Jenny Colgan's Mure series. We return to the remote Island of Mure which is located between Scotland and Norway..I was very happy to be back there. The story centers around the Grand Opening of the Island Hotel and it is near Christmas when the book opens up. Many ormf my old friends are there and a few new characters, now also friends, have been added. It all works miraculously for the season and marvelously for the story. At the end I felt there is certainly room for a fifth book in the series...whichbI for one, will be on the lookout for. Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins Publishing for allowing me to review this book which has a publication date of: October 20, 2020


So this book sounds like the perfect cozy Christmas read....but in fact it took me forever to get through this book. I loved the setting of this book, a cozy little island in the middle of nowhere. I loved that Jenny Colgan Included different cultural backgrounds. But alas, it seemed to really drag on with an underwhelming plot. I kept waiting for that moment to bust forth and capture my full on attention. And can I just say this, Agot you need to go to time out! Thanks NetGalley for the advance copy of Christmas at the Island Hotel.

Another amazing and cozy read from Jenny Colgan

Opening a Jenny Colgan novel always feels like visiting a friend. Colgan has an incredible ability to transport readers into her novels, unlike any other author. All of her stories end with me ready to leave my current life behind and move to Scotland and Christmas at the Island Hotel is no different. I have read all of her The Summer Seaside Kitchen novels and the giddiness I felt to dive back into this world and these characters were unrivaled. A novel that looks at the toughest aspects of grief, of love new and old, of motherhood, and family dynamics this novel will have you running to the ones you love to hold them close and give you a new perspective on what it means to love them. No matter what type of heartbreak you have been through Christmas at the Island Hotel will make you feel understood in that heartbreak and how to continue living and loving through it. In Christmas at the Island Hotel, we reunite with our favorite characters and get introduced to new ones as well as learn more about some other Mure islanders all with a Christmas backdrop. It is an amazingly heartfelt Holiday read that will have you laughing, tearing up, and holding the novel close. Jenny Colgan touches hearts with each of her novels and she does it again in a profound way with Christmas at the Island Hotel. *I received a free copy of this book in return for an honest review.*

What a great, cozy and exciting story with many characters you won't forget.

What a great book. I loved returning to the charming and cozy Island of Mure to visit the Island Hotel at Christmas. This was a lovely sweet love story with charming side characters. Reading this book during the busy season of Christmas gave me comfort and let me relax as in my mind I entered the Island Hotel and visited the beautiful island and people. It was so calming. I have read this book a couple of times. As the island’s residents and special VIP guests gather for the hotel’s grand opening gala, Christmas is in the air. But so are more than a few small-town secrets. A must read during in Christmas or anytime of the year to fill you with a cozy and comfortable feeling.

A holiday hug is waiting for you!

Being welcomed to the Island of Mure is like being wrapped in your favorite sweater. In true Jenny Colgan style, readers are gifted with trademark humor and plenty of warm fuzzies. Konstantin is a spoiled prince that finds himself being dropped into the hard work of the real world where he meets island native Isla after his father swings a deal to have him hired as a pot scrubber. As Flora works to help Fintan get Colton's island hotel ready for opening, new characters find their way to the island, while familliar favorites' stories continue. Descriptions of the island as inhabitants prepare for Christmas make this the perfect holiday read.

Decent romance

I love the non-existent island of Mure, and its inhabitants, and I think this is a strong series for Colgan. This one is not my favorite; the reader is in for a shock at the beginning, and the tone of that shocking between books event colors the tone of the whole book. Colgan has some really interesting material to work with, including mothers who want to return to work but feel guilty, and the loyality a widowed person owes to their dead spouse, but she doesn't develop those themes in a meaningful way. It's a decent book, but it could have been a better one. Fans of the series will still find it fun. #NetGalley, #LJDOD

A Happily Ever After Tale of Many Lives

A heart warming story of the intertwined lives of a host of characters on the remote fictional island of Mure, kind of a cross between the Shetland islands and, well a remote Scottish island in that vicinity. The simplicity of life in this microcosm of hardiness and unpretentiousness provides the perfect backdrop for several renegade and otherwise possible holligans to discover what really matters in life. Nice story mainly of a spoiled prince who comes of age in this pristine atmosphere.

Unique setting, charming characters

This is my first visit to the imaginary Scottish island of Mure, but it won't be my last. It is a light romance, and totally predictable, but the setting is so unique, and the characters so charming, that I was completely caught up in their lives and activities. A new hotel is opening on the island, and the entire island's population seems to be involved in one way or another. Terrific read! Thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishers for providing an ARC.

Loved This Next Installment

I love Jenny Colgan and the Mure series is one of my favorites. I was so excited to get the advanced copy and couldn't wait to see what the characters were up. Coming back to these books feels like reading about friends or family and hearing the things that they have been going through in life (the good and the bad). This book takes place a year after the last one and it is also set at Christmas. The Rock is finally opening for business and several new characters are introduced, including a chef and some kitchen help. One of the new characters is Konstantin who is the son of a Duke in Norway. I really enjoyed his arc and the relationship he develops with other people living on the island. We get updates on Fintan, Flora, Joel, Lorna, Saif, and of course little Agot. I've become invested in these characters and even when nothing major is happening I just like knowing how their lives are progressing. This book just feels like a warm hug and I hope that Jenny keeps adding to the series. My only criticism is that suddenly one of the characters Jan, now seems to be named Pam. I don't know if there are different editions or what, but it was weird to see a name change in the middle of the series.

Beach read in winter

This book was refreshing, nice people, interesting setting and in spite of predictable romance, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The most disappointing thing was to realize that I had just read book four of a series. No wonder there were so many characters in the beginning. I need a cozy read every now and then and this one came at just the right time. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this in preview. I’m glad to have made the acquaintance of this author.

Escapist read for Xmas

This is perfect for fans of Macomber’s Christmas series. On the remote Scottish island of Mure the Island Hotel is preparing for a holiday opening. A brother and sister duo are in charge. The brother is grieving the loss of his partner whose dream was the Island Hotel. The sister is a new mother who is throwing herself into the work, more confident in her management skills than her mothering abilities. We also get a crazy chef, a shy but tough island girl, and a spoiled fellow doing his first real job. It all makes for a warm human story, just right for the holidays.

A fun holiday read

Finton is left with getting a brand new luxury hotel ,the first for the island, up and running right before the Christmas holidays, after his husband dies of cancer. Through Finton’s grief and utter chaos of finding the right staff for the hotel, will it sink or will it be successful? A complicated book full of chaos that will remind you how complicated the holidays can be, but even with the chaos there can be silver linings.

A cozy Christmas in Scotland

A cozy Christmas take on the characters in the Endless Beach series. There were some confusing continuity issues with this installment. The character previously known as Jan is now Pam? This seems to be the norm across this series. I will concede that there are a large number of characters to keep straight and that was one of the benefits of diving back into this series and picking up with all the people who you already knew and some new additions. Still the same magic of being in love in Scotland. I was given an advanced reader's copy via NetGalley, thank you to them. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Christmas story

I didn't realize Christmas at the Island Hotel was part of a series when I started it but it is readable as a stand alone book. It may be more enjoyable if you have read the previous three however. This is a sweet but predictable Christmas story set on the tiny, remote island of Mure, halfway between Scotland and Norway. There are many characters throughout including Fintan and Flora, who are siblings, as they open up a beautiful hotel on the island. This means putting together a kitchen along with everything else by Christmas. They bring in a chef with a big personality to run the kitchen. Then there is Isla, the shy, local girl and Konstantin, secretly the only son of a Duke who has been sent to learn a lesson about hard work and privilege. They find a friendship and more working side by side in the chaotic kitchen. There are several storylines and relationships explored throughout and overall its an enjoyable story. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc for an honest review.

Cozy Christmas

I loved returning to the charming, cozy Island of Mure in Christmas at the Island Hotel by Jenny Coligan. This was a lovely sweet love story with charming side characters. Reading this book while eating sad desk lunches felt a like Saturday lie-in with a milky tea. It was so calming and a perfect Christmas read! This book feels timeless, like you can enjoy it now and for many years to come. Coligan writes with whit Agot had me in tears.

A Scottish Delight!

I have read all of Jenny Colgan’s Scottish books . Each one has been such a pleasure. She creates unique characters you would never guess could appear in the same story. A Norwegian prince, a tattooed French chef, an opportunistic London journalist and all the lovely residents of Mure. You will find yourself cheering for them, hoping for them. Most of all, you will want to stay at the Island Hotel!

Not her best, but cute.

A mishmash of storylines and crazy personalities. Not my favorite of Colgan’s, but fun. I was provided with an ARC of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Wildly entertaining

A truly wonderful Christmas story, filled with many characters loving, grieving, repenting, trying to move on and just live their best life. Wildly entertaining. Joyful and a little sad. So we'll written that I felt I knew these people. Don't miss this gem.

Such a Cozy Read!

First book of 2021 was Jenny Colgan‘s Christmas at the Island Hotel. 🎄It was also my first Jenny Colgan read (definitely not my last). If you’re looking for a book that makes you feel like you’re drinking hot chocolate in front of a fireplace this is the book for you. ☕️🔥 Quirky gossipy townsfolk (think stars hallow) on a tiny island work together to prep the new hotel for opening night. Oh, and throw in a secret duke who‘s been sent to the island to learn responsibility. Do you think he’ll fall in love with one of the local islanders?!

Snuggle by the fire story

Not realizing this was book 4 in a series it took a bit to sort out who was who and their back story. This is just a warm, friendly series set in a make believe town Mure in Scotland. The characters have depth and the setting made it a entertaining read.


Jenny Colgan is a masterful storyteller and it was a delight to catch up with the residents of Mure and spend a joyous Christmas with them. Colgan’s characters are marvelous, her stories engaging, and plots comforting. I highly recommend this novel.

Christmas miracle

This is a wonderful story of finding one’s self, perseverance and romance. There are a wide range of delightful characters including the location itself and an Angel. The complete turnaround for Candace Blunt the reporter was a little much but it was Christmas after all! 4.5 stars

Disappointed and didn’t make it past the first chapter.

I have read several of her books and enjoyed them. This was not enjoyable. I wouldn’t have bought this book if I had known it had homosexuality in it.

Predictable, but a good return to Mure

The 4th book in Jenny Colgan's Mure series is a fun read. Predictable, but fun. It was nice to revisit the island and all the characters you have gotten to know in the previous 3 books plus a few new ones. This is not a stand alone book. Lots of characters, lots of backstory, so you will be lost if you haven't read the first 3.

It's good to return to the island

It feels like we had to wait a long time to find out all the latest happenings on the island. The characters have become familiar and we must know how they are doing. When will the next book be written? Please hurry!

Wonderful Christmas story

I love the Scottish island setting and all of the characters. It makes me want to visit! I love all of Jenny Colgan’s books! I just finished it and want to read it again! It is part of a series so you might want to read them in in order.

Had to make myself finish it.....

I saw this book advertised in my library, and as I'm looking for "lite" reading this winter, I picked it up. Jennie Colgan is a new author for me, but I won't be reading another. I finally finished it, as I hate not to finish a book, but all those run-on sentences drove me crazy. Some were almost half a page long! Is this her trademark?? If not, how did this get by the editors? The story wasn't compelling enough to keep me going, so it was a forced read. Not a joy at all.

I liked it!

This may not be may favorite Jenny Colgan book, but I was very glad to read it. The story moves, the new characters are interesting and I love the island and the nice people who live there. I also like Agot, who I think is really smart, passionate and fearless. It's true she has a lot of growing up to do, and has a lot to learn. But I admire her spirit. Thanks to Jenny Colgan for getting this book out in time to lighten my pandemic Christmas.


Didn't realize that this was book four in the series. It took my awhile to figure everyone out. That being said I really enjoyed it and look forward to reading the rest of the series.

Absolute delight!!

I loved the characters, setting, pace, and spirit of this book. I will absolutely buy more books by Jenny Colgan!


Easy and fun! Enjoyable story that lets one escape the daily grind. Thank you for a pleasant escape into an easy getaway.

I started this audio book and am not happy with it all.

I would like a refund of my 1 credit.

Not Colgan's Best work

I loved the first book or two of this series, but I didn't enjoy this one nearly as much. It was hard to get into at first, and there were too many plot lines/stories being told in one novel. While it got better towards the end, it was work to get there.


I so wanted to love this, but I was a little disappointed. I just didn't feel that the way this story ran fitted in with my expectations from the previous books, it all seemed a little thrown together for the sake of sort of tying up loose ends. Also, Mark and Marsha keep changing which drives me nuts...they didn't adopt Joel in the first place because their own children were too young, in book 3 they hadn't been able to have kids and in book 4 Marsha has a new name!

Return to lovely Mure

Jenny Colgan’s Mure series is my favourite cosy book series. Christmas at the Island Hotel is the fourth instalment, set on the remote Scottish Island. You don’t need to read the earlier three books to enjoy this book, but it would help you to enjoy the development of the relationships between the characters. I must admit to being a bit concerned initially, when the book seemed to focus very heavily on two rather quirky new characters, Gaspard and Konstantin. To call these new characters eccentric would be an understatement. Thankfully, the story quickly settled into the usual familiar rhythm of island life, centring around the three generations of MacKenzie family, and the luxury hotel, The Rock. I always enjoy catching up with Flora and Joel, and especially Lorna and Saif. Agot, as ever, provides so much light entertainment, I can almost see her furrowed, often furious brow. Her open disdain for the new addition “Buglish” is understandable and endearing. If you are looking for a cosy read, which will make you smile. The residents of this gentle, close knit rural Scottish community, will provide you with some lovely escapism. 4* from me.

Lovely. Highly recommend

If you're looking for sweet, chatty, uplifting and absorbing reads you can't go wrong with Jenny Colgan. (As I've said about pretty much every book she's written). Lovely to go back to Mure and dive into this tiny Scottish island that is closer to Norway than the British coast. The settings make you want to move there (she even makes the tap water sound amazing) and the descriptions of baking and food have ruined my attempts to stick to my diet, goddammit! If you've read the series, in this book the Rock Hotel is on the verge of opening. Great to see more of Flore, Innes, Lorna, Fintan, and (sigh) the lovely Syrian Doctor Saif. I completely fell in love with Gaspard, the new French chef and the Norwegian Konstantin, and I am very sad that the Rock Hotel doesn't actually exist. (Not that I could afford it if it did.) Thank you, Jenny Colgan. More, please!

A bit of cheerfulness creeps in

The Latest instalment of the Mure saga is on the whole rather more cheerful than the preceding books. Some much needed humour is injected with the arrival of two new staff members at the Rock, Gaspard the temperamental French her, and Konstantin, an incompetent Norwegian kitchen boy. Flora and Joel have a baby now and seem to be getting on quite well. Saif and Lorna are as tormented and agonised as usual, but even they manage a brief interlude of happiness. The book ends on a mainly cheerful note. So you can read this one without getting too depressed.

Charming holiday story from the Queen of island stories

Welcome to the tiny Scottish island of Mure. As Christmas approaches Flora Mackenzie is desperately trying to get The Rock, the hotel on the tip of the island, ready for its grand opening. Flora is supposed to be on maternity leave but her brother Fintan, the owner of The Rock, hasn't got over the death of his husband/partner Coltan and is as much use as a chocolate teapot. Meanwhile, Konstantin, the errant Norwegian son of the Duke of Hordaland, is given an ultimatum by his father: do a real job or he will be disinherited. Konstantin is stripped of his credit cards, his cars and his mobile phone and sent to work as a kitchen hand at The Rock. Can Konstantin grow up, work hard and find romance? This is Jenny Colgan, you bet he can!

Delightful festive read

Loved it! I've been reading Jenny Colgan's books for many years and was really excited to get my hands on this one! I have adored this series of books and really enjoyed this latest novel. Cosy, beautiful, Christmassy, delightful!

A warm festive read

I am a big fan of Jenny Colgan and couldn't wait to read this festive read. All though I have read it after Christmas it certainly doesn't disappoint. I couldn't wait to get back to the Island of Mure and see what the characters have got up to since I last visited. I think one of my favourite parts of this book was reconnecting with all the characters if you haven't read Jenny's previous novels about Mure then you really should. I felt as though things that were not answered, were answered in this book. The personal issues are dealt with sensitively and there is also a little humour in here too. All round a warming festive read.

Another Beautifully Written Book By Jenny Colgan

The island of Muir never gets stale and I love watching the characters grow and change. Witty and poignant by turn this will not disappoint Colgan fans.

A Lovely Christmas Caper

How lovely to re-visit Mure and catch up with it's characters in happier times or the promise of happier times. Have read all of this series and even the sad parts are written with understanding and sensitivity but this truly lives up to a Christmas story full of love and laughs and hope.

Lovely visit to mure

Jenny does it again!! A lovely visit to mure that doesn’t disappoint. I couldn’t put my kindle down till it was finished. I think my favourite thing about this trip to mure was, all the little things that didn’t get answered in the last book are finished in this one. Which disappointing looks like this is the last book!! I hope Jenny proves me wrong. Maybe we could get a Lorna & Saif spin off I adore their characters. Awaiting your next book Jenny xx

Great read and catch up!

I loved this book but hesitated in reading it because I had read other reviews that it was a bit dull. However, I wanted to see what the latest news with the people of Mure was, so couldn’t resist a read. I agree that it wasn’t the best book of the series but still really glad I read it, as it brought me up to speed with the goings on.

A lovely winter read with great characters

Jenny Colgan's books are just what you need to escape and think about somewhere else. Her descriptions mean you can imagine the island and feel part of the community. I've read the Muir books out of order but it doesn't matter too much as you know all you need to enjoy the story. Now I need to go back and re-read the ones I've missed!

Christmas read

Really enjoyed reading this book gets you in the Christmas spirit. A good read with a hot chocolate and tree lights twinkling. Nice that new characters were bought in. If you haven’t read a Jenny Colgan book before well worth getting the other books before reading this one so you know who is who. Definitely 5 stars.

She’s done it again !

This was a wonderful return to Mure … new characters who one quickly felt passionately about and more adventures with our old favourites . Please don’t let this be the last from Mure … I simply loved it ! AndI never review books usually but simply had to this time !

Absolutely lovely!

I absolutely loved this book. I adore all the Characters and love revisiting them in this series. I really enjoyed the new characters and can’t wait to see what happens next. In a year where I have found it really hard to concentrate on reading - this book really helped me to escape to another world with old friends. Thank you Jenny!

Another wonderful book from this author.

I loved this book, as I have every one set on the island. Thought provoking but amusing and heartwarming. The author does very well to deal with such difficult topics in a compassionate way. One of those books that I didn’t want to end. Can’t wait for the next one.

Another marvellous read

I love this series of books set in mure. I love all the characters and in particular agot😁- deliciously funny I can't wait to see what happens next for flora, fintan, Joel, agot, isla and gaspard and of course lorna and saif - I feel like they are part of my own family 👪

Book 4 in the mure series

I absolutely love the mure books so was very happy to see Jenny had written a fourth. It’s just as beautifully written as the previous and makes me wish it was a real place. I hope there will be a fifth with a ending for Lorna and the doctor

Another superb book in the series

Perfect Christmas reading. Love this series and would love to live on this island with these wonderful characters. Engrossing and immersive as always and perfect escapism. Long may this series continue!

Warmed my heart

I should start by saying I love all of Jenny Colgan's books. I read both of the Mure christmas books over the christmas break. They were perfect. Just the right amount of warmth without being cheesy. The characters are lovely, and you come to really care about them.

That’s it, I’m moving to Mure

So I’ve never met a Jenny Colgan book I didn’t like, and this one is no different. I was hooked from the outset! I saved this book to read at Christmas and it didn’t disappoint. Loved it.

The Book I wanted at a great price!

Buying Latest Books New is pretty expensive. It’s good to Buy Secondhand. You always know the quality will be of an excellent standard. Quick Service & No Delivery problems.

My secret hideaway wish

I have loved this series of books on mure so much I want to live there. But I know is imagination but to bring this do close yo reality is sheer brilliance. Definitely worth reading all the series.

Another insight into mure

I could not put this book down. I really love hearing all about the island. My absolute favourite in all the books is Agot. She is wonderful.

Comfortable escapism

Slightly predictable "aga saga" type read - perfect for lockdown blues. Great literature it isn't, but a very enjoyable few evenings' read.

Gorgeously Christmassy

As usual, Jenny Colgan includes everything from love to food to hard hitting issues and wraps it all up into a beautifully uplifting and wonderfully honest story.


Just loved this book, continuing the story of all the islanders of mure! Couldn't put it down. Another great story from Jenny Colgan.

another Mure adventure

Love, Love, Love this. Another story about the lives of the Mure islanders. Little twists and characters believable again. Thank you Jenny Colgan!

Another wonderful book in the Mure series

Another great read. In the Mure Island series. Lovely reading about changes. In the lives of the main characters. I'm hoping there's more to come.

Another great Mure episode

Great to catch up on the characters on the island of Mure, and all the better being Scottish! Funny and heart lifting at the same time.

A wonderful winterland love story

Another great Mure adventure by Jenny Colgan. All your favourite characters playing out their wonderful life stories. Well worth a read.

so sad I have finished reading it.

Love this series about the island of Mure.. Would love to go there but of course its fiction. Look forward to the next book.

Simple wonderful

Part 4 of the mure island books and it didn’t disappoint, a wonderful read and takes you away to the wonderful island that you just want to visit, can wait for the next book to come out, please keep writing them Jenny


Another delightful trip to the Island of Mure, fingers crossed for more stories to come in the future. . .

Lovely read

Excellent read as always from Jenny Colgan. Characters were interesting and the plot was delightful. Can't wait for her next book.

Hard to put down........brilliant read

Absolutely loved this book. Only started reading it on Monday during tea/lunch breaks. Gutted I’ve reached the end. Love Jenny Colgan’s books.

A fair read

Lots of names to get a grip with .took a little while to get into the story but I enjoyed it ,

Latest instalment to the Mure series and it didn't disappoint

If you want to know what happened to the inhabitants of Mure at the end of 'An Island Christmas' then this is a gret little read.

Great book

Really like Jenny colgan as a writer another good book. Loved the story we all need some escapism at the moment.


Christmas gift and really enjoyed it. It was a follow on from last Christmas. Loved them both.

A can't put down put down book.

Another fantastic book by Jenny Colgan, I loved catching up with the characters and even though I know the place isn't real I still want to visit it!! You get engrossed with them all and want to know what will happen to them, I always feel sad when I finish a book by Jenny Colgan as I miss the characters!

Warm Jenny!

Always enjoy her books, relaxing and feel good

A festive read

Love this series written by jenny colgan. Excellent read.

Fabulous as always

I love Jenny Colgan's books. Her characters are always likeable and believable. This book is no exception. A heart warming, "escape from it all" read, much needed in times like these.


Really enjoyed this, and just didn't want to put it down.


I enjoy this writer. This was OK but not one I would read again.

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