Centered: Trading Your Plans for a Life That Matters

Kindle Edition
08 Feb
This riveting story of a top-earning NFL center and his family who walked away from it all to follow God's call to alleviate hunger as farmers—a life they knew absolutely nothing about—illustrates the sacrifice and ultimate reward of obedience to our heavenly Father even when it doesn't make earthly sense.
“A remarkable story where family, deep self-reflection, and an unshakable belief in a path predestined by God triumph over fortune and comfort.”—John Harbaugh, head coach of the Baltimore Ravens
NFL lineman Jason Brown had everything in the world. He was the highest-paid center in the game. He lived in luxury. Millions of people saw and admired him every week. Then in 2012, Jason heard a call from God that changed everything. 

Leaving behind an incredibly successful football career that paid millions, Jason turned toward a life he knew nothing about: farming. It was only the beginning of his journey. Through third-party mismanagement and a run of bad luck, Jason lost most of the money he’d saved from his NFL days—the same money he’d planned to use to start his new career and donate fresh produce to hungry kids. Only a miracle could save Jason’s new dream.
And that’s exactly what happened. 
Centered is an inspiring riches-to-rags-to-true-riches story of one man willing to risk it all for the sake of his family. For the sake of loving others. For the sake of seeking God’s dreams first—and reminding each of us to do the same.

Reviews (32)

Heard Jason on a Bob Goff podcast and had to get his book. I too bought a much smaller farm 9 years ago and know how hard it is to succeed. What he and his family are doing there is incredible

What a great story about faith and working hard to serve others. I did get a little angry hearing about that "financial advisor" who basically lost that sum of hard-earned money. That's just not right. Whoever that was should be held accountable. Jason seems like a great guy so buy his book. You'll be challenged to step out and do something great for God also.


I have been a Christian for over 50 years and read many Christian books that effected my walk with God. I bought this book and did not read it for several weeks. One night I picked it up only intending to read a chapter or two and could not put it down and finished it in the early hours the next morning. This is a book that I will read over again at least once a year. I love my Charles Spurgeon, Adrian Rogers, Charles Stanley and Billy Graham books and now this one is in my top ten. It surely impacted my life and I have told many folks about and encouraged them to get this book and be blessed. Thank you God for this family and the impact they are making on this world.

A wonderfully raw personal faith journey.

Recently purchased this book after hearing about it on TV. I read it in one day, and I am not what you would consider a football fan. This is an amazingly raw and honest story about dreams, goals, marriage and faith. Jason allows you into his personal life, including his marriage. This is a wonderful book that had me both laughing and crying. Jason and Tay live their faith outloud, daily, and that is not easily done in today's world.


This book and 1000 gifts by Ann Voskamp are by far the best books I’ve ever read on modern Christianity and the insane race we all seem to pursue since childhood to have “it all”. THIS book will change the path of many. Well done Jason And Tay Brown! THANK YOU! I’m excited for my kids to read about your journey!

Inspirational Book-A Page Turner

Jason Brown’s story is a testament to his obedience to God. He and his families journey is chronicled in a beautiful story that is a page turner; I could not put this book down. Many of us have wrestled with life-changing moments that impact our family and career. The inspirational storytelling by Jason definitely fills your soul with stories laced with scriptures. I recently had the pleasure of meeting this beautiful couple; they live what they preach. God truly shines within and outwardly when you’re around this family. And the land is exactly the way Jason describes it in the book; it’s Heaven on Earth! Georgia Warren


Simple story about a committed Christian following what God has asked him and his family to do. It shows us that the stuff ain't what we are here to gather. As the author points out and I agree with, we are but stewards of God's stuff, and we are to use it as we are directed for his will and his purpose not ours. May he and his family continue to show others what a Christ centered life and family truly are all about.

Best book I’ve read in a long time!

I’m rating this book 5 stars because it was so interesting, so well written, so unbelievable BUT believable, made me laugh and almost cry, stirred my Spirit, and makes me want to give more. What a wonderful, true story of a person who was willing to listen to the voice of God. I was inspired and I hope you will be too!

Inspiring and real!

I read this as part of my bible study group and found it to be well written, matter of fact, with a humble purpose to glorify God and encourage the reader to seek and follow Jesus.

Such a great book

Jason and Tay have been our friends for a few years now. While I have heard his testimony, reading it really hit me. There truly is something special about First Fruits Farm, their family, and the work they do. This is such a great book that just gives the reader a sample of their faith and love for Jesus.

Uplifting and true

Jason Brown’s story is thoughtful and challenging as it points the reader to God’s plan and provision. His family story is engaging and refreshing.

Heard Jason on a Bob Goff podcast and had to get his book. I too bought a much smaller farm 9 years ago and know how hard it is to succeed. What he and his family are doing there is incredible

What a great story about faith and working hard to serve others. I did get a little angry hearing about that "financial advisor" who basically lost that sum of hard-earned money. That's just not right. Whoever that was should be held accountable. Jason seems like a great guy so buy his book. You'll be challenged to step out and do something great for God also.


I have been a Christian for over 50 years and read many Christian books that effected my walk with God. I bought this book and did not read it for several weeks. One night I picked it up only intending to read a chapter or two and could not put it down and finished it in the early hours the next morning. This is a book that I will read over again at least once a year. I love my Charles Spurgeon, Adrian Rogers, Charles Stanley and Billy Graham books and now this one is in my top ten. It surely impacted my life and I have told many folks about and encouraged them to get this book and be blessed. Thank you God for this family and the impact they are making on this world.

A wonderfully raw personal faith journey.

Recently purchased this book after hearing about it on TV. I read it in one day, and I am not what you would consider a football fan. This is an amazingly raw and honest story about dreams, goals, marriage and faith. Jason allows you into his personal life, including his marriage. This is a wonderful book that had me both laughing and crying. Jason and Tay live their faith outloud, daily, and that is not easily done in today's world.


This book and 1000 gifts by Ann Voskamp are by far the best books I’ve ever read on modern Christianity and the insane race we all seem to pursue since childhood to have “it all”. THIS book will change the path of many. Well done Jason And Tay Brown! THANK YOU! I’m excited for my kids to read about your journey!

Inspirational Book-A Page Turner

Jason Brown’s story is a testament to his obedience to God. He and his families journey is chronicled in a beautiful story that is a page turner; I could not put this book down. Many of us have wrestled with life-changing moments that impact our family and career. The inspirational storytelling by Jason definitely fills your soul with stories laced with scriptures. I recently had the pleasure of meeting this beautiful couple; they live what they preach. God truly shines within and outwardly when you’re around this family. And the land is exactly the way Jason describes it in the book; it’s Heaven on Earth! Georgia Warren


Simple story about a committed Christian following what God has asked him and his family to do. It shows us that the stuff ain't what we are here to gather. As the author points out and I agree with, we are but stewards of God's stuff, and we are to use it as we are directed for his will and his purpose not ours. May he and his family continue to show others what a Christ centered life and family truly are all about.

Best book I’ve read in a long time!

I’m rating this book 5 stars because it was so interesting, so well written, so unbelievable BUT believable, made me laugh and almost cry, stirred my Spirit, and makes me want to give more. What a wonderful, true story of a person who was willing to listen to the voice of God. I was inspired and I hope you will be too!

Inspiring and real!

I read this as part of my bible study group and found it to be well written, matter of fact, with a humble purpose to glorify God and encourage the reader to seek and follow Jesus.

Such a great book

Jason and Tay have been our friends for a few years now. While I have heard his testimony, reading it really hit me. There truly is something special about First Fruits Farm, their family, and the work they do. This is such a great book that just gives the reader a sample of their faith and love for Jesus.

Uplifting and true

Jason Brown’s story is thoughtful and challenging as it points the reader to God’s plan and provision. His family story is engaging and refreshing.

I loved this book !

The Brown Family are amazing!Jason thank you for sharing your story! Please read, you will be blessed! Thank you 😊!

Walk with God and see what He will do!

Great book! Jason gave up a life making millions as an NFL center to grow food (sweet potatoes) for the homeless. God called him to do this. God also gave him back his wife and his close walk with God. God asked Jason to rely on Him only. Jason and his wife (Tay) have done that through thick and thin. An encouraging book. I give it 10 stars.

A true testament of Faith!

I bought the book to support his farm and what the Brown’s stand for! God bless them and the lives they make a difference in providing food. A good read and testament of Faith!

Great read

Good book


Very good read.

Amazing story of faith and of the Lord’s provision for the Brown family

My 8 year old son and I really enjoyed reading it together.

Think there's nothing you can do to help others? Think again!

I was thrilled when chosen to be on the Launch Team for this book, Centered, by former NFL Center, Jason Brown. I'd heard a bit of the backstory and was intrigued—give up your salary as one of the highest paid centers in the NFL at the time to farm? Without experience? And then to give all the food you grow away? Who does that? The book is very inspiring. What they went through as they trusted their nudge from God was amazing. Then a cool thing happened the other day as I was near the end of reading it - Jason and his family were on the Today show! Like putting skin on the story - seeing them together on their farm. Think there's nothing you can do to help others? Think again. Get this book and let the Brown family show you a great play or two out of their play book. Disclaimer: I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, Waterbrook Multnomah, with no expectation in return. The words and opinions above are my own and I chose to share them.

Amazing Story about Following God's Will

Jason Brown is a brave man, not many men could do and make the choices that he did in his life. Thankfully, he shares his life journey with his readers in his book, "Centered: Trading Your Plans for a Life that Matters." I received a free digital copy of his book from the publisher, Waterbrook & Multnomah, as part of their launch team for an honest review. Brown grew up in Henderson, North Carolina, and attended the University of North Carolina where he played football. Brown followed his college football career by being drafted into the NFL by the Baltimore Ravens in 2005. Later he became a free agent and was signed to the Las Angeles Rams for 37.5 million dollars. Brown was the highest-paid center in the league in 2009. Three years after this amazing feat, he turned his back on his NFL career and purchased a huge thousand-acre farm in North Carolina. His farm became a success and he donates almost all that he grows to those in need. What would possess a man who has a dream career in the NFL to give it all up to return to his family's roots and farm the land? Two words...God and prayer. He named his farm "First Fruits", the term from the bible that refers to what the people in the bible were to give to God, the first fruits of their labors. He and his wife Tay intended to give away the "first fruits" of their labors to people in need. Throughout the novel, the reader walks the path with Brown as he tells his family's story. He begins with his grandparent's lives, living in the south, and progresses to his own upbringing and schooling. He explains his passage into the NFL and his exodus into the life of a farmer. All interwoven with his faith and assurance that in all his endeavors he was following God's will. I strongly recommend reading Brown's book, Centered. I sincerely enjoyed it and will definitely share it with others!

Excellent memoir of choosing to follow God's call

An NFL player giving up a lucrative career to become a farmer? That's exactly what Brown did. His path, he says, was from a big fat kid to an NFL starter to a clueless farmer. “God was plotting my path one strange step at a time.” (124/2759) Brown's is an amazing story. It is well written and inspiring. He heard God call him and he responded. The lessons he learned along the way were painful. He learned the difference between merely being a church going Christian and having a life giving relationship with God. He learned how to trust God, really trust Him when the millions he had in stocks and investments evaporated. He learned the lesson of humility, again and again. He learned what real contentment is. I love how Brown is so honest. He tells many stories of when he believed God for something, such as a tractor, and God came through miraculously. But he also shares those times when he believed God and got badly rained out. “I wasn't called to be successful,” he writes. “I was called to be faithful.” (2127/2759) This is a great memoir of one man who had it all, money and a successful NFL career, yet gave it up to obey God. Through his First Fruits Farm, he and his family have given over a million pounds of food to the poor. In reading this book you'll learn much about the pressures on faith and family an NFL player experiences. You'll be encouraged by the acts of one man obedient to God's call. And you'll be challenged to reevaluate what you think about money and stuff. I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the Publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

Enjoyable even for those who aren't sports fans

While I am not a sports fan, I am a big fan of Christian athletes who live out their faith. Jason Brown is just such a man. After being dazzled by all that the NFL had to offer, he realized he was losing his family and not living out his faith. God gave him a vision which he and his wife now live out - feeding the poor. Centered is his story. Jason Brown, with the help of Paul Asay, tells his story. There are times when readers may say “really? God actually told you that?” I found it inspiring, that someone with Jason’s background would follow God’s calling in his life. Reading how God works in the lives of His people leaves me in awe. I enjoyed Centered and recommend it to anyone who enjoys stories of God working in the lives of His people. Centered would make a great addition to a K-12 Christian school library. It is appropriate for older elementary and up. Boys of this age idolize athletes. Jason Brown gives them a godly example to follow. If teachers give a Christian biography assignment - Centered is a good choice. I received a complimentary copy of Centered. This is my honest review.

Inspiring read!!

LOVE LOVE LOVED this book! James Brown left the NFL when God called him to be a farmer. His life story is simply inspiring. He’s a true testimony to the miracles that happen when you put all your trust in God. He retells story after story of the divine intervention he’s seen with his own eyes as his faith alone sustains him and his family. He walked away from an comfortable life of fame and fortune to a tougher yet more fulfilling life following God’s will for his family. I received an advance digital copy of this book from the publisher. I was happy to leave an honest review.

Inspiring Faith

I am not a football fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I do remember a few years back seeing a feature about Jason Brown during Sunday afternoon football, and the story intrigued me. So when I heard about this book I jumped at the chance to read Mr. Brown's story. Jason Brown tells of his humble, hardworking roots, getting bullied in school, and having a strong focus on academics, with football only crossing his mind as an afterthought. An engaging read, it takes the reader through the highs and lows of his life, as Mr. Brown shares the lessons he learned not always the easy way. He shares of his faith in God, strong family values, and how it wasn't always that way. His love for God, love for his family, and powerful faith shine through every page of this book. I admired, and was inspired by how he turned his back on the riches that the world had to offer in order to follow God, even when the sun wasn't always shining, and to be the husband and father his family needed. Overall, this is a highly inspiring story of trusting and obeying God. I loved how he speaks so passionately about his faith, with such loving pride for his family. Even if you are like me and don't care much for football, or if you follow the spot closely this is a powerful, inspiring and uplifting book that you won't want to miss! I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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