Catholics Awake!

Kindle Edition
29 Jun
In this book, Marino Restrepo travels as deeply as he can into the heart of today's real Catholic Church. He explores the spiritual state of the Church in her relationship with God and with her God-given responsibilities.

The challenges to be faced are not simple and cannot just be left to resolve themselves over time. On the contrary, every single Catholic needs to become actively involved in healing the many wounds inflicted by the serious sins in the Church that have hurt millions of the faithful around the world.

Times are difficult and the very heart of the Catholic Church has been contaminated at many levels since the great cultural and sociological shifts of the 60's.

The author invites you to accompany him along his missionary path and to discover the true state of the spirit warfare confronting all Christians today.

Reviews (20)

A much needed book for the Times we are living in...

He pointed out the great problems we face, but doesn't' offer any new solutions. I know WHO the enemy is, but not how to make inroads against him. Like him, I experienced a life-changing conversion in my early 50's. I thought I was late getting into the game while everyone else had been there for a while. I was shocked to find division within those of the "faithful" and few truly faithful priests. I joined our RCIA only to be kicked out when I disagreed with the teachings of a new Pastor who changed our program. I got kicked out of a "formation" program that supported a woman Pastoral Associate who gave out UN-consecrated bread pieces on Sunday when her Church couldn't get a priest!!! I pointed out that the people did not fulfill their Sunday obligation--which was a mortal sin--the guilt of which would fall upon the Pastoral Associate! I got kicked out of that too. I always pray for the priests, Pope, Bishops and religious every day. I need especially to know how to get my six children back into the Church. My oldest son dropped out after being abused by a priest. Marino' s first book was VERY helpful for defining sin. This book is very good, but could have been better.


See my review for his other book (buy it as well!): "From Darkness into the Light" okay?? This book WAKES YOU UP out of your comfortable lifestyle to the REALITY of sin in your life and the VERY REAL possibility of going to HELL forever (& it is horrible!!!!!!! He went there as he had a NDE and was judged by Jesus to HELL...he gets a 2nd chance & mission to come back and not only change but WAKE THE REST OF US UP!!! This really is great!! Buy it & pass it in! Also--listen to all his talks in YouTube! STAY AWAKE!

What life is about

Marino tells it like it is. Too bad it's out of print. Would love to share it with others who don't have a tablet.

Loved it! Very Bold!

This book is a look to catholicism trough the strict eyes of someone who has seen the seriousness of the reality of the spiritual world. I am a catholic convert, and I love the church, but we have to be very aware that the church is in a difficult state in this difficult times, and we, the lay people, are part of this decadence, not just the clergy. This book analyzes very carefully what a real soldier of Christ should be like and what are the most common errors being made right now on our holy church. I highly recommend this book.

must read for Catholics

a must read specially in these times!! Restrepo says it like it is. Do a prayerful reading of this book and then get into action!

Great spiritual reading

Marino Restrepo has great insight into the spiritual life. I read his other book "From Darkness to Light" which I underlined heavily, and was not disappointed with this one either. GREAT INSIGHTS.

Highly recommended for all Catholics

Highly recommended for all Catholics. Among other divine revelations, Catholics should avoid all forms of New Age including Yoga and even so called "exercise" Yoga.

Four Stars

It is very good for Catholic and non Catholic as well.

True soul opener

Great book everyone needs to read it especially Catholics who are week in their faith. God bless you Brother Marino and God have mercy on us all

Great Book

It really explains the situation we (Catholics) face now in the world. Time to enter the battle field and start fighting before it is too late.

A much needed book for the Times we are living in...

He pointed out the great problems we face, but doesn't' offer any new solutions. I know WHO the enemy is, but not how to make inroads against him. Like him, I experienced a life-changing conversion in my early 50's. I thought I was late getting into the game while everyone else had been there for a while. I was shocked to find division within those of the "faithful" and few truly faithful priests. I joined our RCIA only to be kicked out when I disagreed with the teachings of a new Pastor who changed our program. I got kicked out of a "formation" program that supported a woman Pastoral Associate who gave out UN-consecrated bread pieces on Sunday when her Church couldn't get a priest!!! I pointed out that the people did not fulfill their Sunday obligation--which was a mortal sin--the guilt of which would fall upon the Pastoral Associate! I got kicked out of that too. I always pray for the priests, Pope, Bishops and religious every day. I need especially to know how to get my six children back into the Church. My oldest son dropped out after being abused by a priest. Marino' s first book was VERY helpful for defining sin. This book is very good, but could have been better.


See my review for his other book (buy it as well!): "From Darkness into the Light" okay?? This book WAKES YOU UP out of your comfortable lifestyle to the REALITY of sin in your life and the VERY REAL possibility of going to HELL forever (& it is horrible!!!!!!! He went there as he had a NDE and was judged by Jesus to HELL...he gets a 2nd chance & mission to come back and not only change but WAKE THE REST OF US UP!!! This really is great!! Buy it & pass it in! Also--listen to all his talks in YouTube! STAY AWAKE!

What life is about

Marino tells it like it is. Too bad it's out of print. Would love to share it with others who don't have a tablet.

Loved it! Very Bold!

This book is a look to catholicism trough the strict eyes of someone who has seen the seriousness of the reality of the spiritual world. I am a catholic convert, and I love the church, but we have to be very aware that the church is in a difficult state in this difficult times, and we, the lay people, are part of this decadence, not just the clergy. This book analyzes very carefully what a real soldier of Christ should be like and what are the most common errors being made right now on our holy church. I highly recommend this book.

must read for Catholics

a must read specially in these times!! Restrepo says it like it is. Do a prayerful reading of this book and then get into action!

Great spiritual reading

Marino Restrepo has great insight into the spiritual life. I read his other book "From Darkness to Light" which I underlined heavily, and was not disappointed with this one either. GREAT INSIGHTS.

Highly recommended for all Catholics

Highly recommended for all Catholics. Among other divine revelations, Catholics should avoid all forms of New Age including Yoga and even so called "exercise" Yoga.

Four Stars

It is very good for Catholic and non Catholic as well.

True soul opener

Great book everyone needs to read it especially Catholics who are week in their faith. God bless you Brother Marino and God have mercy on us all

Great Book

It really explains the situation we (Catholics) face now in the world. Time to enter the battle field and start fighting before it is too late.

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