Reviews (170)
This is an elegantly written apologia for Catholicism.
This is an elegantly written apologia for Catholicism. Barron's point, I believe, is to restore the sense of Catholicism as a culture in itself. As a culture, Catholicism has a depth and breadth that cannot be reduced to a handful of dogmas, but, rather, must be experienced as a total experience. Barron invites us to see Catholicism as he sees Catholicism, namely rich and beautiful and, ultimately, mysterious. However, Catholicism is a culture that is a religious faith. Accordingly, Barron approaches the culture through the faith, starting with the distinctive elements of Catholicism, but unfolding them through reflection on history, art, and literature. Thus, Barron begins with the revelation of Jesus and His mission; explores the theology of God's existence with Anselm and Aquinas; considers Marian doctrines and the missions of Peter and Paul; reflects on the mystery of the church; and discusses the communion of saints, the sacraments and the last things. Barron is an insightful observer; he can invariably take the normal and quotidian and point out something overlooked by most people. His insights are well worth the price of admission. Consider this example: "How strange that we believe in the church. In the Nicene Creed, Catholics profess their faith in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the three divine persons, and that seems reasonable enough. But then they proceed to declare their belief in “one holy catholic and apostolic church.” Does this not amount to the conflation of Creator and creature? Is it not effectively blasphemous to announce one’s faith in a human institution? To answer these questions is to come to the heart of the Catholic understanding of the church, for Catholics hold that the church is not merely a human organization, simply a coming together of like-minded people, a community of purely worldly provenance and purpose. Rather, the church is a sacrament of Jesus and, as such, shares in the very being, life, and energy of Christ. According to the inexhaustibly rich metaphor proposed by Saint Paul, the church is the body of Jesus, an organism composed of interdependent cells, molecules, and organs. Christ is the head of a mystical body made up of everyone across space and time who has ever been grafted onto him through baptism." All true, all said many times, and, yet, it is interesting. It is strange to think that we believe "in" the Catholic - or, for Protestants, catholic - church in the same way that we believe "in" Jesus. We simply don't tend to believe "in" things these days, perhaps, or, perhaps, we are so nominalist that we can no longer believe that "the church" has a dimension more than its finite members. Another example: "We hear that in the wake of this exchange there was a mass defection among Jesus’s followers: “Then many of his disciples who were listening said, ‘This saying is hard; who can accept it?’ ” (Jn 6:60) and “As a result of this, many [of] his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him” (Jn 6:66). It is fascinating to note how often in the history of Christianity the teaching concerning Jesus’s presence in the Eucharist has been a church-dividing issue, a standing or falling point. Plaintively, Jesus asks his remaining circle of followers, the twelve: “Do you also want to leave?” (Jn 6:67). What follows is John’s parallel to Peter’s confession of faith at Caesarea-Philippi: “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God” (Jn 6:68–69). Speaking for the others, Peter confesses that what Jesus has said about the Eucharist is true, and he ties that confession to a declaration of Jesus’s sacred identity. From a Catholic point of view, this coming together of faith in the Incarnation and faith in the real presence is of great significance, for the Eucharist is nothing other than a sacramental extension of the Incarnation across space and time, the manner in which Christ continues to abide, in an embodied way, with his church. At this crucial moment in Jesus’s public ministry, Peter got this, and he spoke his conviction on behalf of the core group of Apostles. It is the Catholic faith that Peter, down through the ages, has continued to get it." Compare this insight with Jerry Walls' banal "argument from political correctness" in
A Good Book that Opens Readers to Further Serious Reading and Thinking
As readers may know, the undersigned reviewed Father Barron's DVD series by the same title of CATHOLICISM. As an aside, this reviewer reviewed the video series which is recommended. Readers are also encouraged to read the book which is an excellent summary of Catholicism and much of the cultural achievements of Catholics for approximately 2000 years. Father Barron started this book with fact that Christ and His teaching are at the core of the Catholic Faith. He explained Catholicism has been enhanced by martyrs, stained glass, religious and philosphical treatises, great literature, icons, architechture, and great painting. The achievements have not been done to replace Christ but to "uplift" thoughtful men and women to something significantly more important than "the-here-and now." Father Barron was clear that nature and people are part of God's Creation, and Father Barron did not divorce God from His Creation. Father Barron's view was that Creation is part of the "grand scheme of things" which can help to experience God's essence and God's love-love of nature and men and women. The History of Western Civilization is one of achievement as well as tragedy. "Wars and rumors of war" have plagued mankind since the beginning civilization. However, Father Barron makes the case for non-violence in the actions of Christ, the early martyrs, Blessed Mother Teresa (1910-1997)and Blessed Pope John Paul II (1978-2005)whose actions helped the faith and undermined Big Communism without firing a shot. Father Barron and other devout Catholics did not claim that they perfectly understood God. Father Barron cited Exodus 6 whereby God said, "I AM WHO I AM" which is beyond any definate description. Father Barron also cited St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) who wrote that God is QUI EST (The One Who Is). St. Anselm (1033-1109)used the ontological arguement that God is that which men cannot think of beyond Anything Great. St. Anselm used the Latin phrase "Si comprehendis, non est Deus" (If you understand, that is not God). In other words, men cannot define God as a fashion designer, but He Who creates. Father Barron mentioned that while God is beyond any attempt to make a definate definition, people cannot hide from God's Presence. Father Barron added further discourse comparing The One Who Is with pagan deities who were at war with each other as well as with mortals. Father Barron stated that ultimately men and women were God's Creation whom God loves and IS NOT in competition with men. Father Barron unhinged the Manichaeans and Gnostics who argued that Creation was evil and only the spiritual was divine. This view absolved men from character and responsibility contrary to the view that men have free will. Father Barron then discussed the Blessed Virgin Mary (The BVM for the sake of convenience). He compared her to a temple of Christ which protected the Christ Child and was probably closer to Christ than any person which is in part why she is venerated but not an object of adoration. Father Barron reviwed the Marian Apparations re Lourdes, Fatima, etc. Father Baron gave good explations of devotions to Mary and how they embellished the Faith. Father Barron's work re well known Catholics and saints showed the universality of the Catholic Church. For example, St. Katherine Drexel (1858-1950)used her considerale inherited wealth to start schools for the maringalized poor in the US. St. Theresa of Liseaux (1873-1897)was a physically weak and unknown nun until her personal STORY of a SOUL was published. St. Edith Stein (1891-1942)was born into an Orthodox Jewish family, converted to the Catholic Faith, became a Carmelite Nun, and was a noted scholar. She was martyred in 1942 because of her Jewish birth. Blessed Mother Theres hardly knew anything of the religious life but became a nun and started a valiant mission of mercy in the worst areas of India. Christopher Dawson(1889-1970), who became an eminent Catholic historian, converted to Catholcism even though his mother was angry because now Dawson "...would be worshipping with the help." The Catholic Faith is known on every continent. However, Catholics have assimiliated what they could but rejected what had to be rejected. St. Thomas Aquinas cited Jewish, Greek Orthodox, and Moslem scholarship and made effective use of what embellished his work and politely explained what he rejected. Father Barron made an interesting re the inscription of Christ's Cross which read INRI which translated from the Latin means Jesus King of the Jews. This inscription was also written in Hebrew and Greek, and Pilate may have unknowingly helped to evangelize the Faith. Father Barron mentioned earlier saints such as St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) and St. John of the Cross (1542-1591)who were close friends and wrote some of the most sublime Catholic mystical literature. Father Barron erred in his comments about Bruno (1548-1600) and Galileo (1564-1642). Bruno was not executed because of his scientific views. He was tried and convicted as a dangerous revolutionary. This does not mean that Bruno should have been put to death, but a clearer understanding gives more precise history of his problems. Galileo was honored in 1610 by Pope Paul V (1605-1621). Pope Urban VIII (1623-1644)honored Galileo in 1624 with an elaborate celebration to honor Galileo's work in science. However, Galileo was not a very grateful guest and insulted any with whom he disagreed. St. Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621), who remained close friends with Galileo, said he would agree with Galileo's insistence to alter the Bible according to the latter's theories if Galileo could prove his heliocentric views. Galileo COULD NOT prove these views because he could account for parallux given the fact that telescopes were not that good during Galileo's life time. Galileo WAS NEVER held in a dungoeon. During his "arrest" and trial, Galileo lived in the Florentine ambassador's residence and then in luxery in the Papal reisidence where he had his own chef. He ate and drank well. His "sentence" of restricted travel was a moot point because of poor vision. The ten Cardinals refused to sign the condemnation. In fact, Pope Benedict IV(1740-1758)gave his Imprimatur to ALL OF Galileo's work. Father Barron later sections of the book dealt with modern philosphy and challenges to Catholicism. Father Barron unhinged Marx's (1818-1883)view that religion was "the opiate of the masses." What Father Barron emphasized was that the Faith gave meaning and hope to the masses. Father Barron also challenged Sartre's (1905-1980)view that life was absurd. Father Barron cited the inspiration and meaning that the Catholic Faith has taught for 2000 years. One of Father Barron's late sections dealt with Judgement, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Father Barron suggested that God does not condemn people to hell. People condemn themselves by choice because they worship greed, violence, lust, hate, etc. Such poor souls take themselves too seriously and do not reflect on Ultimate Questions and such traits as compassion, forgiveness, mercy. According to Dante (1265-1321), Satan was frozen in hell because of his claim to be God as many now think that wealth, unjust power and cruelty, etc. are gods. Satan is too self absorbed to move. Purgatory, which Father Barron cites 2 Maccabees for biblical support, is developed for those who need to reflect on their wrong doing but are not condemned. In spite of the criticism, this book is solid. Catholic religious directors could use this book for those who want to consider to be received into the Faith and the Catholic Church. The explanations of using art and architecture are very good and can be gleaned by reading Father Barron's book titled HEAVEN IN STONE AND GLASS. December 15 2011(The 220th Anniversay of the Ratification of The Bill of Rights) James E. Egolf
A book for anyone
Before I mention some of the particulars that I liked about the book, I should probably mention that it seems to me that this book was more hyped up than it was able to deliver. This isn't a criticism of the book so much as it is a criticism of all the attention it received. Based on early reviews and what people were saying, I thought this would be the greatest book written this century and land in my top 3 personal favorite books. This is a great book, don't get me wrong. It just isn't the most amazing thing ever that will undoubtedly change the mind of even the hardest skeptic and convert him to Catholicism. That being said, this really is a fantastic book that, even though isn't guaranteed to convert someone, is one of the first books I would think about recommending to someone who wants to know what the "Catholic thing" is all about or even a skeptic. Of course, this book is excellent for the believer as well. The remarkable thing about the book is that it isn't even for any one particular type of reader. What I mean by this is that Fr Barron is so easily able to flow from intuitive ideas into complicated philosophy (made easy) to apologetics, to philosophy, to biblical theology, catechists, lives of the saints, etc. Fr Barron seamlessly weaves together all these different "points of view" or modes of explaining Catholic thought so that no matter who your are, the book will speak to you. Catholicism the book has 10 chapters which mirror (or are mirrored by) the 10-part Catholicism series so that the two go hand in hand. One of Fr Barron's main themes throughout the book is that God is not in competition with man. So often we see Christianity compared to pagan religious, yet immediately Fr Barron cuts to the heart of the matter and shows a fundamental point of divergence between Catholicism and paganism; that is, the relationship between God and man. Zeus and the other gods of Olympus were often interacting with man, wanting something form him,using him for something, or sometimes even jealous of him. This is not at all the case in Catholicism, as we hold that God's act of creating us was totally gratuitous, an act of self giving love solely for the sake of us. God has nothing to gain by creating us. This concept sets the stage for the rest of the book as Fr Barron takes us from theism into Christianity and then into those "distinctly Catholic" things like Mary, the Eucharist, and the saints. It starts form the very beginning and builds up to Catholicism, touching on all points in between. In that sense, it is good for anyone who wants to know more about what the Catholic church teaches, why, and the reasons one might hold to the Catholic faith. Yet in typical Fr Barron style, it is written in a non-judgmental, non-triumphant way which even the most anti-Catholic reader will not be turned off by, all while refusing to compromise the truth of the Catholic faith. No polemics, no name calling, no sensationalism. Simply an attempt to show the beauty of truth of the Catholic faith to all. One last thought- I should mention that the only aspect of the book I cannot endorse is Father Barron's agreement with von Balthasar's theory that we may reasonably hope that though hell is very real and a real possibility, all men will be saved. Though this proposition is not outright condemned by the Church as far as I know, it is difficult for me to see how one may safely hold this, and I would caution the believer against holding this.
Bringing Thinking to Faith
Biases up front: I am currently in RCIA, so I am studying to become a Catholic, and am looking at this book through that lens. When you consider that 2011 is when the BBC documentary about clerical abuse came out, after year after year of terrible revelation after terrible revelation, you might be surprised that anyone would write a book defending the Catholic Church. But Bishop Robert Barron did so much more than respond to a crisis, in “Catholicism,” he reminds us of the power and light of God’s church, even while acknowledging that it is held in earthen and often unworthy vessels. This book was, literally, a godsend for me in my study of the faith. Bishop Barron explores the elements of Catholicism that make it unique: the concern with Mary, the veneration of saints, confession, purgatory, and even papal infallibility (which is not at all what it is presented to be in secular media). More than that, though, through this book, he lives the evangelizing style he speaks of so passionately in his videos for the Word on Fire Ministry - the beauty of the Christian life, then the truths that lead to to beauty, then the laws that lead to truth. So many of us get that precisely backwards and I know it’s been a stumbling block that I have encountered and have given in my own life. For those of a questioning bent, including me, Bishop Barron arrays arguments and evidence on his side and, unlike so many religious texts that seem to think faith just needs to pop up out of nowhere, makes a compelling case for God and for God’s church. He uses an array of rhetorical styles: reasoning, example, allegory. All of it comes back to the objective truth of God’s existence and his love for us, and the sum effect of the work is powerful, especially if you like to spend time thinking over arguments and considering reasoning. His intellectual bent means he doesn’t touch as much upon subjects like the Liturgy of the Body, so you’ll need to go elsewhere to look for thinking on those topics. But in making a forceful and reasoned case for the Trinitarian God of Scripture, Bishop Barron puts paid, in his argument and in the sheer example of his text, to the idea that we shut off our thinking when we turn to God.
Well thought out
There's so much to take in. The language is thought provoking and the art work throughout offers a visual impact to the lessons that Bishop Barron outlines.
Excellent, great companion to the DVDs
Great book, and Bishop Barron is easy to read and understand. While it overlaps some with the DVDs, it does contain more details about many topics. I recommend it even if you've already watched the DVDs. It's also a great book for a non-Catholic to read to better understand some of the basis of Catholic beliefs (even if the person doesn't agree with the beliefs).
Fantastic study of Catholicism. Extensive yet readable.
Bishop Robert Barron does a superb job shaping Catholicism, it’s meaning, symbols and history. Top flight materials, research and organization. I would recommend it for persons desiring to learn more about Catholicism and Catholics desiring a stronger understanding of the Church.
Catholicism - To Book or Not To Book
Confession #1: I came into this book review pretty biased. Why? Fr. Robert Barron's Catholicism DVD series - all ten episodes - are some of my absolute favorite (and most watched) videos that I own. Confession #2: Given how rich and encompassing the video series is, I was not sure of the necessity of the Catholicism book. Conclusion: I was wrong. I admit it, and I do not do this often, but... I was very wrong. The book is a perfect companion to the series, and stands alone as an exemplary reflection and teaching of the Catholic faith. Here are my Top 5 Reasons to Consider (seriously consider), adding Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith to your library: 1.Catholicism is a fantastic aide for anyone leading discussions of the Catholicism DVD series. 2.The first thing I noticed as I read Catholicism, how rich in Scripture references it is. In my opinion, two of the greatest misconceptions about Catholics - our faith is not bible based and Catholics do not read (or study) God's word. That is just not true, and was evident in Fr. Barron's book as I had counted over 10 Scripture references before I finished page 6! 3.My experience in leading groups viewing and discussing the Catholicism DVD series, has taught me sometimes people are overwhelmed by the amount of information offered to them each episode. Faced with so much new and compelling information you can find easily yourself either feverishly writing down notes - trying to recall snippets of Fr. Barron's glorious insights, or lost in the stunning images. Regardless of how you miss something, Catholicism catches you up to speed because - in Fr. Barron's words - "this book is chockablock with stories, biographies, and images." (pg. 7) 4.Although it pains me to publicly admit this, it is the truth. Fr. Barron's vocabulary is not quite as pedestrian as mine. There are many times throughout the video series, that I need to pause and Google a definition or more. This pause and explore method is fine when I am alone, but not conducive to group viewing. Catholicism (the book), not only allows me a self-controlled pace to decipher some of Fr. Barron's words but also provides me the often needed spelling of said words! 5. Simply put, it is just really good, and a very worthwhile read.
Beautiful Help for the Journey Home...
As you can see by the product link below, this book is best utilized with the companion DVD set also by Father Robert Barron and by the same name. As was pointed out to me, my original review did not explain my statement about this set being a "comprehensive" view of Catholicism. Obviously no such animal exists in 2000 years of documents and development of theology and I think most readers would realize this. Nevertheless in the interest of clarity I am re-writing this to state that point. What I was suggesting, however, and I stand by this, is that this set is indeed meant to be at least "fairly comprehensive," which was the term I in fact had used, and particularly I was speaking in reference to its use on secular media such as PBS. As such it has the golden opportunity to introduce a whole unchurched or "other-churched" audience to the basics which we as Catholics believe and why. And this is an unprecedented accomplishment by a fine representative of the Catholic Church. Father Barron does a valiant job of this in my opinon, and extensively quotes early Church Fathers and theologians throughout the lavishly illustrated and breathtaking series. One thing I believe he perhaps missed would have been to interview or otherwise have included some segments from current Church theologians and leadership. He travelled the world for 4 years to do this series, and I am quite sure he had contact with many of them during this process. It would have been great in my opinion to have included some of their faces and voices in the DVDs
A Book Everyone Should Read, A Book of God's Incredible Love
Anyone who seeks existential truths will benefit greatly from this book, especially those who seek them in the Bible. But this book is not an ordinary study of the Bible, or of theology. Nor does it focus on the history, the philosophy, or the psychology of religion. And it isn't a treatise on religion and science, on anthropology, archeology, ancient languages, art, literature, sociology, government, mysticism, justification, ethics, morality, or any one thing. Rather, it is a seamless integration of all these things and more, holistically rolled up in a masterful way, to discuss and explain the enormous consequences of the Incarnation, which has brought truth, hope and joy to everyone in all circumstances. It is a smooth, coherent piecing together of all facets of religion for laymen of any faith to see in totality, perhaps for the first time, the breathtaking "Big Picture" of our loving creator Jesus Christ. This Big Picture is ingeniously presented in the greater part of the book. Towards the end there are discussions, possibly of primary interest to Catholics, on the Mass and the Eucharist, followed by intriguing stories of four relatively modern day Saints. Returning to topics of universal interest, the last two chapters contain a marvelous description of the distractions that prevent us from approaching God more closely, followed by an inspiring discussion of heaven and hell. Finally, there is a brief, separate section (coda) that summarizes all that the author has presented: God's love in all things, most profoundly expressed in Jesus, and the enormous, loving help to us all afforded by Catholicism. So again I say, anyone striving to understand the why and wherefore of mankind's existence will be greatly enlightened and inspired by this extraordinary book. It is not simply a rehash of classical Catholic intellectual and spiritual traditions. It is a book for anyone longing for answers to the Big Questions. Personally, this book has helped me to know better who and why I am and to try to be in touch with God's love, through Jesus, all the time, not just on sporadic occasions of intellectual or emotional excursions from self preoccupation. It is changing my priorities. Martin Fricke, Ph.D. (physics)
This is an elegantly written apologia for Catholicism.
This is an elegantly written apologia for Catholicism. Barron's point, I believe, is to restore the sense of Catholicism as a culture in itself. As a culture, Catholicism has a depth and breadth that cannot be reduced to a handful of dogmas, but, rather, must be experienced as a total experience. Barron invites us to see Catholicism as he sees Catholicism, namely rich and beautiful and, ultimately, mysterious. However, Catholicism is a culture that is a religious faith. Accordingly, Barron approaches the culture through the faith, starting with the distinctive elements of Catholicism, but unfolding them through reflection on history, art, and literature. Thus, Barron begins with the revelation of Jesus and His mission; explores the theology of God's existence with Anselm and Aquinas; considers Marian doctrines and the missions of Peter and Paul; reflects on the mystery of the church; and discusses the communion of saints, the sacraments and the last things. Barron is an insightful observer; he can invariably take the normal and quotidian and point out something overlooked by most people. His insights are well worth the price of admission. Consider this example: "How strange that we believe in the church. In the Nicene Creed, Catholics profess their faith in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the three divine persons, and that seems reasonable enough. But then they proceed to declare their belief in “one holy catholic and apostolic church.” Does this not amount to the conflation of Creator and creature? Is it not effectively blasphemous to announce one’s faith in a human institution? To answer these questions is to come to the heart of the Catholic understanding of the church, for Catholics hold that the church is not merely a human organization, simply a coming together of like-minded people, a community of purely worldly provenance and purpose. Rather, the church is a sacrament of Jesus and, as such, shares in the very being, life, and energy of Christ. According to the inexhaustibly rich metaphor proposed by Saint Paul, the church is the body of Jesus, an organism composed of interdependent cells, molecules, and organs. Christ is the head of a mystical body made up of everyone across space and time who has ever been grafted onto him through baptism." All true, all said many times, and, yet, it is interesting. It is strange to think that we believe "in" the Catholic - or, for Protestants, catholic - church in the same way that we believe "in" Jesus. We simply don't tend to believe "in" things these days, perhaps, or, perhaps, we are so nominalist that we can no longer believe that "the church" has a dimension more than its finite members. Another example: "We hear that in the wake of this exchange there was a mass defection among Jesus’s followers: “Then many of his disciples who were listening said, ‘This saying is hard; who can accept it?’ ” (Jn 6:60) and “As a result of this, many [of] his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him” (Jn 6:66). It is fascinating to note how often in the history of Christianity the teaching concerning Jesus’s presence in the Eucharist has been a church-dividing issue, a standing or falling point. Plaintively, Jesus asks his remaining circle of followers, the twelve: “Do you also want to leave?” (Jn 6:67). What follows is John’s parallel to Peter’s confession of faith at Caesarea-Philippi: “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God” (Jn 6:68–69). Speaking for the others, Peter confesses that what Jesus has said about the Eucharist is true, and he ties that confession to a declaration of Jesus’s sacred identity. From a Catholic point of view, this coming together of faith in the Incarnation and faith in the real presence is of great significance, for the Eucharist is nothing other than a sacramental extension of the Incarnation across space and time, the manner in which Christ continues to abide, in an embodied way, with his church. At this crucial moment in Jesus’s public ministry, Peter got this, and he spoke his conviction on behalf of the core group of Apostles. It is the Catholic faith that Peter, down through the ages, has continued to get it." Compare this insight with Jerry Walls' banal "argument from political correctness" in
A Good Book that Opens Readers to Further Serious Reading and Thinking
As readers may know, the undersigned reviewed Father Barron's DVD series by the same title of CATHOLICISM. As an aside, this reviewer reviewed the video series which is recommended. Readers are also encouraged to read the book which is an excellent summary of Catholicism and much of the cultural achievements of Catholics for approximately 2000 years. Father Barron started this book with fact that Christ and His teaching are at the core of the Catholic Faith. He explained Catholicism has been enhanced by martyrs, stained glass, religious and philosphical treatises, great literature, icons, architechture, and great painting. The achievements have not been done to replace Christ but to "uplift" thoughtful men and women to something significantly more important than "the-here-and now." Father Barron was clear that nature and people are part of God's Creation, and Father Barron did not divorce God from His Creation. Father Barron's view was that Creation is part of the "grand scheme of things" which can help to experience God's essence and God's love-love of nature and men and women. The History of Western Civilization is one of achievement as well as tragedy. "Wars and rumors of war" have plagued mankind since the beginning civilization. However, Father Barron makes the case for non-violence in the actions of Christ, the early martyrs, Blessed Mother Teresa (1910-1997)and Blessed Pope John Paul II (1978-2005)whose actions helped the faith and undermined Big Communism without firing a shot. Father Barron and other devout Catholics did not claim that they perfectly understood God. Father Barron cited Exodus 6 whereby God said, "I AM WHO I AM" which is beyond any definate description. Father Barron also cited St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) who wrote that God is QUI EST (The One Who Is). St. Anselm (1033-1109)used the ontological arguement that God is that which men cannot think of beyond Anything Great. St. Anselm used the Latin phrase "Si comprehendis, non est Deus" (If you understand, that is not God). In other words, men cannot define God as a fashion designer, but He Who creates. Father Barron mentioned that while God is beyond any attempt to make a definate definition, people cannot hide from God's Presence. Father Barron added further discourse comparing The One Who Is with pagan deities who were at war with each other as well as with mortals. Father Barron stated that ultimately men and women were God's Creation whom God loves and IS NOT in competition with men. Father Barron unhinged the Manichaeans and Gnostics who argued that Creation was evil and only the spiritual was divine. This view absolved men from character and responsibility contrary to the view that men have free will. Father Barron then discussed the Blessed Virgin Mary (The BVM for the sake of convenience). He compared her to a temple of Christ which protected the Christ Child and was probably closer to Christ than any person which is in part why she is venerated but not an object of adoration. Father Barron reviwed the Marian Apparations re Lourdes, Fatima, etc. Father Baron gave good explations of devotions to Mary and how they embellished the Faith. Father Barron's work re well known Catholics and saints showed the universality of the Catholic Church. For example, St. Katherine Drexel (1858-1950)used her considerale inherited wealth to start schools for the maringalized poor in the US. St. Theresa of Liseaux (1873-1897)was a physically weak and unknown nun until her personal STORY of a SOUL was published. St. Edith Stein (1891-1942)was born into an Orthodox Jewish family, converted to the Catholic Faith, became a Carmelite Nun, and was a noted scholar. She was martyred in 1942 because of her Jewish birth. Blessed Mother Theres hardly knew anything of the religious life but became a nun and started a valiant mission of mercy in the worst areas of India. Christopher Dawson(1889-1970), who became an eminent Catholic historian, converted to Catholcism even though his mother was angry because now Dawson "...would be worshipping with the help." The Catholic Faith is known on every continent. However, Catholics have assimiliated what they could but rejected what had to be rejected. St. Thomas Aquinas cited Jewish, Greek Orthodox, and Moslem scholarship and made effective use of what embellished his work and politely explained what he rejected. Father Barron made an interesting re the inscription of Christ's Cross which read INRI which translated from the Latin means Jesus King of the Jews. This inscription was also written in Hebrew and Greek, and Pilate may have unknowingly helped to evangelize the Faith. Father Barron mentioned earlier saints such as St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) and St. John of the Cross (1542-1591)who were close friends and wrote some of the most sublime Catholic mystical literature. Father Barron erred in his comments about Bruno (1548-1600) and Galileo (1564-1642). Bruno was not executed because of his scientific views. He was tried and convicted as a dangerous revolutionary. This does not mean that Bruno should have been put to death, but a clearer understanding gives more precise history of his problems. Galileo was honored in 1610 by Pope Paul V (1605-1621). Pope Urban VIII (1623-1644)honored Galileo in 1624 with an elaborate celebration to honor Galileo's work in science. However, Galileo was not a very grateful guest and insulted any with whom he disagreed. St. Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621), who remained close friends with Galileo, said he would agree with Galileo's insistence to alter the Bible according to the latter's theories if Galileo could prove his heliocentric views. Galileo COULD NOT prove these views because he could account for parallux given the fact that telescopes were not that good during Galileo's life time. Galileo WAS NEVER held in a dungoeon. During his "arrest" and trial, Galileo lived in the Florentine ambassador's residence and then in luxery in the Papal reisidence where he had his own chef. He ate and drank well. His "sentence" of restricted travel was a moot point because of poor vision. The ten Cardinals refused to sign the condemnation. In fact, Pope Benedict IV(1740-1758)gave his Imprimatur to ALL OF Galileo's work. Father Barron later sections of the book dealt with modern philosphy and challenges to Catholicism. Father Barron unhinged Marx's (1818-1883)view that religion was "the opiate of the masses." What Father Barron emphasized was that the Faith gave meaning and hope to the masses. Father Barron also challenged Sartre's (1905-1980)view that life was absurd. Father Barron cited the inspiration and meaning that the Catholic Faith has taught for 2000 years. One of Father Barron's late sections dealt with Judgement, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Father Barron suggested that God does not condemn people to hell. People condemn themselves by choice because they worship greed, violence, lust, hate, etc. Such poor souls take themselves too seriously and do not reflect on Ultimate Questions and such traits as compassion, forgiveness, mercy. According to Dante (1265-1321), Satan was frozen in hell because of his claim to be God as many now think that wealth, unjust power and cruelty, etc. are gods. Satan is too self absorbed to move. Purgatory, which Father Barron cites 2 Maccabees for biblical support, is developed for those who need to reflect on their wrong doing but are not condemned. In spite of the criticism, this book is solid. Catholic religious directors could use this book for those who want to consider to be received into the Faith and the Catholic Church. The explanations of using art and architecture are very good and can be gleaned by reading Father Barron's book titled HEAVEN IN STONE AND GLASS. December 15 2011(The 220th Anniversay of the Ratification of The Bill of Rights) James E. Egolf
A book for anyone
Before I mention some of the particulars that I liked about the book, I should probably mention that it seems to me that this book was more hyped up than it was able to deliver. This isn't a criticism of the book so much as it is a criticism of all the attention it received. Based on early reviews and what people were saying, I thought this would be the greatest book written this century and land in my top 3 personal favorite books. This is a great book, don't get me wrong. It just isn't the most amazing thing ever that will undoubtedly change the mind of even the hardest skeptic and convert him to Catholicism. That being said, this really is a fantastic book that, even though isn't guaranteed to convert someone, is one of the first books I would think about recommending to someone who wants to know what the "Catholic thing" is all about or even a skeptic. Of course, this book is excellent for the believer as well. The remarkable thing about the book is that it isn't even for any one particular type of reader. What I mean by this is that Fr Barron is so easily able to flow from intuitive ideas into complicated philosophy (made easy) to apologetics, to philosophy, to biblical theology, catechists, lives of the saints, etc. Fr Barron seamlessly weaves together all these different "points of view" or modes of explaining Catholic thought so that no matter who your are, the book will speak to you. Catholicism the book has 10 chapters which mirror (or are mirrored by) the 10-part Catholicism series so that the two go hand in hand. One of Fr Barron's main themes throughout the book is that God is not in competition with man. So often we see Christianity compared to pagan religious, yet immediately Fr Barron cuts to the heart of the matter and shows a fundamental point of divergence between Catholicism and paganism; that is, the relationship between God and man. Zeus and the other gods of Olympus were often interacting with man, wanting something form him,using him for something, or sometimes even jealous of him. This is not at all the case in Catholicism, as we hold that God's act of creating us was totally gratuitous, an act of self giving love solely for the sake of us. God has nothing to gain by creating us. This concept sets the stage for the rest of the book as Fr Barron takes us from theism into Christianity and then into those "distinctly Catholic" things like Mary, the Eucharist, and the saints. It starts form the very beginning and builds up to Catholicism, touching on all points in between. In that sense, it is good for anyone who wants to know more about what the Catholic church teaches, why, and the reasons one might hold to the Catholic faith. Yet in typical Fr Barron style, it is written in a non-judgmental, non-triumphant way which even the most anti-Catholic reader will not be turned off by, all while refusing to compromise the truth of the Catholic faith. No polemics, no name calling, no sensationalism. Simply an attempt to show the beauty of truth of the Catholic faith to all. One last thought- I should mention that the only aspect of the book I cannot endorse is Father Barron's agreement with von Balthasar's theory that we may reasonably hope that though hell is very real and a real possibility, all men will be saved. Though this proposition is not outright condemned by the Church as far as I know, it is difficult for me to see how one may safely hold this, and I would caution the believer against holding this.
Bringing Thinking to Faith
Biases up front: I am currently in RCIA, so I am studying to become a Catholic, and am looking at this book through that lens. When you consider that 2011 is when the BBC documentary about clerical abuse came out, after year after year of terrible revelation after terrible revelation, you might be surprised that anyone would write a book defending the Catholic Church. But Bishop Robert Barron did so much more than respond to a crisis, in “Catholicism,” he reminds us of the power and light of God’s church, even while acknowledging that it is held in earthen and often unworthy vessels. This book was, literally, a godsend for me in my study of the faith. Bishop Barron explores the elements of Catholicism that make it unique: the concern with Mary, the veneration of saints, confession, purgatory, and even papal infallibility (which is not at all what it is presented to be in secular media). More than that, though, through this book, he lives the evangelizing style he speaks of so passionately in his videos for the Word on Fire Ministry - the beauty of the Christian life, then the truths that lead to to beauty, then the laws that lead to truth. So many of us get that precisely backwards and I know it’s been a stumbling block that I have encountered and have given in my own life. For those of a questioning bent, including me, Bishop Barron arrays arguments and evidence on his side and, unlike so many religious texts that seem to think faith just needs to pop up out of nowhere, makes a compelling case for God and for God’s church. He uses an array of rhetorical styles: reasoning, example, allegory. All of it comes back to the objective truth of God’s existence and his love for us, and the sum effect of the work is powerful, especially if you like to spend time thinking over arguments and considering reasoning. His intellectual bent means he doesn’t touch as much upon subjects like the Liturgy of the Body, so you’ll need to go elsewhere to look for thinking on those topics. But in making a forceful and reasoned case for the Trinitarian God of Scripture, Bishop Barron puts paid, in his argument and in the sheer example of his text, to the idea that we shut off our thinking when we turn to God.
Well thought out
There's so much to take in. The language is thought provoking and the art work throughout offers a visual impact to the lessons that Bishop Barron outlines.
Excellent, great companion to the DVDs
Great book, and Bishop Barron is easy to read and understand. While it overlaps some with the DVDs, it does contain more details about many topics. I recommend it even if you've already watched the DVDs. It's also a great book for a non-Catholic to read to better understand some of the basis of Catholic beliefs (even if the person doesn't agree with the beliefs).
Fantastic study of Catholicism. Extensive yet readable.
Bishop Robert Barron does a superb job shaping Catholicism, it’s meaning, symbols and history. Top flight materials, research and organization. I would recommend it for persons desiring to learn more about Catholicism and Catholics desiring a stronger understanding of the Church.
Catholicism - To Book or Not To Book
Confession #1: I came into this book review pretty biased. Why? Fr. Robert Barron's Catholicism DVD series - all ten episodes - are some of my absolute favorite (and most watched) videos that I own. Confession #2: Given how rich and encompassing the video series is, I was not sure of the necessity of the Catholicism book. Conclusion: I was wrong. I admit it, and I do not do this often, but... I was very wrong. The book is a perfect companion to the series, and stands alone as an exemplary reflection and teaching of the Catholic faith. Here are my Top 5 Reasons to Consider (seriously consider), adding Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith to your library: 1.Catholicism is a fantastic aide for anyone leading discussions of the Catholicism DVD series. 2.The first thing I noticed as I read Catholicism, how rich in Scripture references it is. In my opinion, two of the greatest misconceptions about Catholics - our faith is not bible based and Catholics do not read (or study) God's word. That is just not true, and was evident in Fr. Barron's book as I had counted over 10 Scripture references before I finished page 6! 3.My experience in leading groups viewing and discussing the Catholicism DVD series, has taught me sometimes people are overwhelmed by the amount of information offered to them each episode. Faced with so much new and compelling information you can find easily yourself either feverishly writing down notes - trying to recall snippets of Fr. Barron's glorious insights, or lost in the stunning images. Regardless of how you miss something, Catholicism catches you up to speed because - in Fr. Barron's words - "this book is chockablock with stories, biographies, and images." (pg. 7) 4.Although it pains me to publicly admit this, it is the truth. Fr. Barron's vocabulary is not quite as pedestrian as mine. There are many times throughout the video series, that I need to pause and Google a definition or more. This pause and explore method is fine when I am alone, but not conducive to group viewing. Catholicism (the book), not only allows me a self-controlled pace to decipher some of Fr. Barron's words but also provides me the often needed spelling of said words! 5. Simply put, it is just really good, and a very worthwhile read.
Beautiful Help for the Journey Home...
As you can see by the product link below, this book is best utilized with the companion DVD set also by Father Robert Barron and by the same name. As was pointed out to me, my original review did not explain my statement about this set being a "comprehensive" view of Catholicism. Obviously no such animal exists in 2000 years of documents and development of theology and I think most readers would realize this. Nevertheless in the interest of clarity I am re-writing this to state that point. What I was suggesting, however, and I stand by this, is that this set is indeed meant to be at least "fairly comprehensive," which was the term I in fact had used, and particularly I was speaking in reference to its use on secular media such as PBS. As such it has the golden opportunity to introduce a whole unchurched or "other-churched" audience to the basics which we as Catholics believe and why. And this is an unprecedented accomplishment by a fine representative of the Catholic Church. Father Barron does a valiant job of this in my opinon, and extensively quotes early Church Fathers and theologians throughout the lavishly illustrated and breathtaking series. One thing I believe he perhaps missed would have been to interview or otherwise have included some segments from current Church theologians and leadership. He travelled the world for 4 years to do this series, and I am quite sure he had contact with many of them during this process. It would have been great in my opinion to have included some of their faces and voices in the DVDs
A Book Everyone Should Read, A Book of God's Incredible Love
Anyone who seeks existential truths will benefit greatly from this book, especially those who seek them in the Bible. But this book is not an ordinary study of the Bible, or of theology. Nor does it focus on the history, the philosophy, or the psychology of religion. And it isn't a treatise on religion and science, on anthropology, archeology, ancient languages, art, literature, sociology, government, mysticism, justification, ethics, morality, or any one thing. Rather, it is a seamless integration of all these things and more, holistically rolled up in a masterful way, to discuss and explain the enormous consequences of the Incarnation, which has brought truth, hope and joy to everyone in all circumstances. It is a smooth, coherent piecing together of all facets of religion for laymen of any faith to see in totality, perhaps for the first time, the breathtaking "Big Picture" of our loving creator Jesus Christ. This Big Picture is ingeniously presented in the greater part of the book. Towards the end there are discussions, possibly of primary interest to Catholics, on the Mass and the Eucharist, followed by intriguing stories of four relatively modern day Saints. Returning to topics of universal interest, the last two chapters contain a marvelous description of the distractions that prevent us from approaching God more closely, followed by an inspiring discussion of heaven and hell. Finally, there is a brief, separate section (coda) that summarizes all that the author has presented: God's love in all things, most profoundly expressed in Jesus, and the enormous, loving help to us all afforded by Catholicism. So again I say, anyone striving to understand the why and wherefore of mankind's existence will be greatly enlightened and inspired by this extraordinary book. It is not simply a rehash of classical Catholic intellectual and spiritual traditions. It is a book for anyone longing for answers to the Big Questions. Personally, this book has helped me to know better who and why I am and to try to be in touch with God's love, through Jesus, all the time, not just on sporadic occasions of intellectual or emotional excursions from self preoccupation. It is changing my priorities. Martin Fricke, Ph.D. (physics)
Great content - not accurate description
The content, the writing, the theme of this book is worth buying. I'm just disappointed because I thought the photos would be in color. The video of Catholicism is so worth the time and money you pay. The book, even hardcover, has only black and white small photos. Disappointing
A real Journey
Catholicism is very informative to a non Catholic like myself helped me clear alot of preconceptions about the Catholic Faith and open my eyes to such expansive spiritual traditions that have always been there that I didn't know about. Reading this book has helped me to better understand what it is to say I believe .
Inspirational, challenging and informative reading.
Only been through one chapter but have already been favored with numerous new ways of looking at Scripture passages and concepts regarding the faith. Definitely recommended as a worthwhile read.
A Summary of What it Means to be a Believing Catholic
Bishop Robert Barron in his book, Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of Faith, offers a readable summary of Christian beliefs found in the Bible and Revelation: on what it means to know God who created us with love, understand God's revelations, worship God in the community called Church, experience God's presence in the sacraments instituted by His son,Jesus Christ, identify sin in themselves and accept the forgiveness of God, be inspired by imperfect people who would later be declared Saints, and arouse in the reader a desire to be holy and to live one's life in preparation of the Beatific Vision of God in Heaven for all eternity. Readers will have questions and these are signs they have read a good book and that their faith seeks understanding. The book should be a considered a reference book useful for parents who want to instruct their children on the foundations of Christian faith and to have answers when questioned on why they believe in God, his Son, Jesus Christ, and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Bishop Barron explains the truths of faith both as a reassurance for believers and as a proclamation of witness to the world. Father DMcL
A great book written by Bishop Barren concerning God and Christianity and Catholicism. In depth and insightful. I highly recommend.
Bishop Barron has written another very readable and outstanding book about the Catholic Church
Bishop Barron has written another very readable and outstanding book about the Catholic Church for the faithful in the pews and others. Bishop Barron assists the reader in bringing their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Church into the 21st century. The focus is always on our relationship with the Lord. He uses current time’s examples; faithful writers, historians; Church teachings, and consecrated men and women as he conducts this inventory style update. A must read for Catholics, non-practicing Catholics, and anyone interested.
Awesome Journey!
An awesome book to learn about the Catholic Church. It would be nice if the book provided colored photos. Thank you, Bishop Barron! I would recommend for anyone wanting to explore the Catholic Church, especially the mass.
Makes you proud to be Catholic
Bishop Barron has done nothing less than write a love letter about that Catholic faith that is inspiring and motivating at the same time. He goes through the ages and displays with great beauty how deep the Catholic faith is, how it has been manifested not only in the faith itself and the communion of saints, but in the art, architecture, and writings that have been a part of it for 2000 years. As some others have pointed out, the ending of this book is beautiful, as is his treatise of 1 Corinthians 13, both of which challenge you to keep your eyes dry as you read. This book is not by any means a complete history of the faith, nor is it a full description of our theology and beliefs. However, I do believe it is approachable for readers of any faith or background desiring to learn more about the Catholic Church. Indeed, I would recommend it as a persuasive work that can be used to hold onto any teetering Catholics, as well as to draw anyone into the faith who may have considered joining.
Mystery Majesty and History of Catholicism iPad video&print style
Catholicism the DVD series has been captured in this little book with both the actual breath taking scenery of Rome and the Vatican filled art. How for so little price so much video and print can share the mystery majesty and history of Catholicism is amazing. I saw the DVD series and appreciated the research and production that went into it and the same clips in the audio video book are there weaved into the chapters. I highly recommend this book for the reader of any or no faith tradition if only to enjoy the breath and depth of the Vatican over the years. National Geographic has a documentary on the Vatican and this adds even to that with it's explainations of the history of Catholicism. Catholicism (Enhanced Edition)is a bargain and worth sharing with friends. I'd recommend it as a gift for any friend in the Right of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) or a local prayer group looking for a study course and want to have it on the iPad or Kindle while they travel or commute. As a 26 year veteran I would have enjoyed having this to watch and read while deployed - during those brief times that allow one to recharge self, this would have been mind and soul food. I give Catholicism 5 stars and then some.
Renewed my love of the Catholic Faith
My hope is that many young people who have left the Catholic Faith, including several of my offspring, will read — if nothing else, Chapter 7 — in which the sanctity of the Catholic Mass is fully explained. I say this because I’ve learned that many young people begin attending other denominations because their worship forms are more entertaining, and “Mass is so boring”.
Masterful writing! Great work on the faith I love!
Father Barron is a wonderful speaker and writer. This book is futher evidence of the latter. He is so insightful, so knowledgeable, so inspirational, and evokes such a great understanding and emotional connection with Jesus and the Church He created. If you're a Catholic, you owe it to yourself to read this book. Regardless of where you are in your appreciation for this great gift God gave us, you will deepen your relationship with Christ, through His Church as you read through this. If you are Christian but not Catholic, you also ought to give Father Barron's book a read. Father Barron loves Christ, he has such a profound understanding of what He wants to communicate with us, he clearly has a tremendous relationship with Our Lord and he shares it with the world in this book. He offers up a piece of the joy, peace, love and understanding that Our Lord wants us to all share in fullness. Like it or not, if you are Christian, your beleif is rooted in Catholicism and Father Barron will certainly open some doors to better understanding your faith as he points out the way God has revealed himself through Christ, the Bible, the Church, and history.
Great overview.
Such a cool introduction to Catholicism. He slides passed all the negative conceptions of the faith, which may have been nice to have included, but over all he paints a gorgeous picture of the faith. Barron takes the reader through the building blocks of the Christian faith. I think he does a good job too. He starts at the beginning by arguing for Gods existence (not a full fledged argument, but one nonetheless) and goes through many often confusing aspects of Christianity. He does a great job of tying in Catholicism’s love for iconography and makes me wish I had a prettier building to worship in!!
A powerful tool to the evangelization of the Culture!
Julio Kühner -I was brought up in Saint Benedict School in Rio de Janeiro, which is close to the ancient (for Brazilian standards!) Saint Benedict Monastery. As a consequence, I had the chance to meet a few monks who had a tremendous influence in my formation as a human being and as a catholic. Bishop Barron reminds me of this extraordinary people, who could see what was not clear to me and to the vast majority of the people. That there is something beyond this World, that we unfortunately cannot grasp. Or understand.... "Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith" is a jewl! It should be translated and adopted by all the Catholic Schools around the World for it is a powerful tool to the evangelization of culture. Bishop Barron is a real Preacher of the Good News. I do hope that God grants him a long life and that he goes on teaching and responding to the many questions that afflict the modern man.
Fr. Barron - THANK you
Because of this well written, clear, relatable and easy to understand book, I'm Catholic. Well,not the ONLY reason, I give most of the credit to my parish priest and, of course, God. But a huge amount of my faith formation included "Catholicism". Fr. Barron has an amazing ability to take sometimes very difficult subject matter and communicate it in a way thay makes people feel engaged. I sometimes felt like God was speaking through Fr. Barron because I'd be struggling and then right there in front of me was the thoughtful, intelligent answer, all explained without dumbing it down. On 16 August 2014, I was received into full communion with the Catholic Church. The best day of my life! If you're looking for answers to what can be difficult concepts, this book is for you. I'm looking forward to (hopefully) meeting Fr. Barron when he comes to my city in a few weeks so I can thank him in person.
I struggled a bit through the intro & beginning chapter...but, got 'taken' from there. As a poor excuse for a Catholic, I bought this book to see if It could remind me of my youthful Faith (and Joy). At times, it brought me to halt - striking uncomfortaby close to home! It detailed the beauty of the history of the Catholic church from it's beginning with Jesus' authorization ' thou art Peter and upon this rock, I will build my church.......'. I would have liked more follow through on some of the subjects raised. (But, only God can be all things to all people!) …&, I guess that's why we call it Faith. It is a celebration of the Articles of Faith....you probably won't be struck by lightening or have all doubts removed but, you may find yourself in a better place for having read it!
Just as good on Audible! Catholicism's Culture of Beauty
I bought this book with the Audible Narration added. I was concerned that with a book so focused on beauty and art, something would be lost in the audio. However, I found myself glued to my headphones. Bishop Barron has a wonderful voice for the audio format, speaking clearly and with good cadence. In addition, the content of the book also provided a new way of looking at Catholicism and the culture of beauty which surrounds it. Although I knew in the back of my head somewhere that many great artists created religious works, in never quite sunk in that the religiosity is exactly what drove the beauty of those great works. I especially enjoyed how he integrated the lives of the various saints, interweaving beauty and morality with religion in an articulate and exciting way.
Not About Catholic Dogma About Philosophy
This book is not about the dogma of the Catholic church. It is a philosophical treatise. Very rarely in the book did the author specifically state that what he was about to present was specifically about Catholic dogma. Most of the book was a meditation on the meaning of parts of the Holy Gospel and how philosophy of Augustin and Thomas Aquinus shaped the teachings of the church. A couple of examples of what I mean are the author's interpretation of the wedding banquet where Christ turned water into wine. I did not understand his reasoning in interpreting this passage. He gave no idea as to how this relates to Catholic dogma. He also gave no idea of what first century Jews would think of his ideas. Another example of the sheer obtuseness of this book is his interpretation of what the Navum, Latin for ship, means. In a Cathedral the long axis of the church is called the Navum. He interprets this to be a symbolic representation of Noah's Ark. The congregation, while in the Navum, is symbolically protected from the problems of the outside world just as the animals on Noah's Ark were protected from the flood waters. What this has to do with Catholic dogma is not explained. The author, not surprisingly, presents the myth of Peter being martyred in Rome and dictating his teachings to John Mark before his demise. These teachings were then transmitted to each Bishop of Rome down through the centuries. This gives the church the supposed authority of Apostolic succession. First of all, there is no evidence in the gospels that Peter was ever in Rome, let alone that he was crucified upside there. Also, with regard to John Mark, the supposed author of the Gospel of Mark, he did not have a house on the Palatine Hill in Rome. He may have lived in a house in Jerusalem, and there were several John Marks mentioned in the Gospels. For a good treatment of the myth of Apostolic Succession read the book The Invention of Peter. To sum up. This book was written for a first year seminary student, not a general audience. If you want to learn about ancient philosophy, get this book. If you want to learn about Catholic dogma, don't get this book.
God's Gift to Catholics -- Robert Barron
I really love Fr. Barron. I have been listening to his homilies on Word on Fire, and I loved this book. Right after I finished it I started reading it again, because he makes you think and in different ways and I thought I would get even more out of it if I read it again. I loved reading about Peter and Paul, and the Saints, and of course Jesus. I took at 45 year break from religion and am still in the process of becoming a Catholic, so this book is great for me. But many non-Catholics would enjoy it too, as long as they have an open mind. His writing has life because he is very profound but he also captures the spiritual so well.
I love this book
This book has literally helped me understand the church so much better
Well written and informative
I sensed the intensity of the writer in his book. I learned a lot about how Catholics understand Jesus. I am a Protestant and simply not convinced about the stories and legends of Mary. She was the mother of Jesus of Nazareth but beyond that I cannot go. At any rate it was interesting to read about these things. Even with the opening the of the windows at Vatican 2, this author seems to remain very close to the traditional belief of Roman Catholicism that it is the real and only church.I cannot buy this premise because the God's grace is open to everyone Catholic or not. God's grace cannot be boxed in. I would suggest any Christian should read this book and see where you stand in this forthright presentation of Catholicism.
I was raised Methodist. By some chance I started reading about the Catholicism, I haven't been able to stop. I have learned so much! My love for Our Lord feels deeper, I am mesmerized by the Saints and because of their stories, I found a relationship with our Heavenly Mother. I can honestly say I have read 50+ wonderful books related to Catholicism; including Catholicism for dummies (which was very informative), but this book is amazing!! It's so much more than I expected! Thank you!!
Give this to your friends as Catholic Evangelism!
wonderfully written, and times both funny yet profound, Bishop Barrons Catholicism is a contemporary classic for evangelization. Give this to the discerning, the atheists, protestants, and see if they barrons treatment of what Catholicism actually is won't fire them up with the Holy Spirit.
This book makes an excellent Christmas gift.
This is an excellent book to give to a seminary/theology student upon graduation. It is also a great book to gift to your local priest or deacon if he doesn't already have his copy. He will appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, if you are an average parishioner sitting in the pews, I would suggest that you check out this book at your parish library, first, before buying. Sit and read 2-4 chapters to get a feel for his writing. And, have your dictionary close at hand. Just saying.
Great book!
I really enjoyed this book. I am a non- catholic and bought this book just to see why Catholicism is different from protestant. Huge eye opener for me. It is well written and concise. He makes his points clear and understandable for everyone. He explains why Catholicism has its traditions and sacraments and where they are tied to in the bible. I feel like Father Barron was speaking to me sometimes and I know this book has helped to fill some spiritual gaps in my life that I have felt while attending my local church. I have since bought his other book "Paradoxes" and "Waking up Catholic" by Chad Torgenson". This book started a spiritual reawakening for me and set me on a new path. I pray it will for you too.
A great positive presentation
I've watched a number of the video presentations in this series and really enjoy the way Father Barron explains Catholicism. I did not know that the book would be a written presentation of the same material, but I am glad to have found it, because it makes a great reference to carry with me (on the kindle) and reflect on, since I don't have the video as easily available to watch any time. He also packs so much into the video, and reading it gives me more time to enjoy the information that he has brought together. He is obviously a very well read and eloquent educator. I would love to know more about what kind of impact his work is having on the public impression of Catholicism. I hope the book is being read and the videos are being watched by many Catholics and Non Catholics.
Grateful for this book and video series
I've been a practicing Catholic since two weeks after I was born 71 years ago. I went to Catholic schools and a Catholic university. I've had many many lessons and read many many books on my faith, but other than one parish sermon 30 years ago, nothing has touched me like Bishop Barron's videos and this book. Many times reading and listening to him, I've found myself so choked up that it took all I had to not burst into tears. I couldn't stop from shedding a few anyway. This book is emotionally and intellectually fulfilling. Father Barron has a way with words, to explain things so clearly, so deeply, and so touchingly.
Challenging Survey Course of Catholicism
Fr Barron's work is a masterpiece. It is accessible for someone looking to understand the historic Catholic Church better. It is inspirational for someone looking at the Catholic Church seriously, whether they are already Catholic or considering a journey to the Catholic Church. More than those, it is an excellent outline for a lifetime of study of the fullness of the Christian faith and the Church founded by Jesus. The book documents the foundations, Traditions, traditions, works, trials and history of the Catholic Church in the whole world. Fr Barron presents an excellent introduction to classical education to a world that is technically educated, but culturally illiterate, educated by mediocre music and tv sitcoms. If you read this book, chapter by chapter and delve into the original sources for each of the subjects Fr Barron presents, you will come out a better educated, analytical person with a broad understanding of western and eastern civilization, history and philosophy, art and architecture as well as the basics of the Catholic faith. Excellent resource for RCIA, Church History, Western Civilization, Philosophy and art.
an excellent, habdy reference work
an excellent, handy reference work, to which one may frequently return to lear more deeply. i often return to his book to read the extraordinary insights Fr. baron offers in his television series, where often i need to see what he said, which requires having the book on hand to digest slowly an insight that i might have only barely caught on t.v.
Quick and easy read for learning a little about Catholicism
I liked that the read was easy to follow and broke down some of the ways in which Catholicism can be distinguished from certain religions and practices.
Great book. No matter your Catholic education level, you will get something from it.
The book is terrific. It is a great book on Catholicism. I am going through it for the second time. There is a lot to absorb. I have 14 years of Catholic school, but even so I am getting a lot out of it. Most I knew. Some I had forgotten. Some I never even thought of. It is a great study.
Good overview of Catholic theology
I really enjoyed this book. It contains a nice overview of Catholic theology which is not oversimplified in the slightest and is written in a very understandable, straightforward way. I also enjoyed learning more about richness of Catholic theology. This book is good for anyone who wants to learn more about Catholic tradition or theology.
Directional Clarity At Last!
Growing up Catholic, I somehow missed having the seeds implanted, or more likely, I failed to catch the seeds sown, that would have provided the explanation and background Bishop Barron has so eloquently and openly put forth. A great read for anyone. And certainly a book one will want to read more than once. Amen.
What a wonderful read!
Father Barron is one of the most gifted writers and evangelists of our era. He is able to speak to the scientist, the atheist, the wayward Christian, the Muslim, the Buddhist or any other belief system. His reach is such that he brings us first into the presence of the Creator, then shows that Christ is the human face of that pervasive Truth that is intrinsic to and makes itself know in every part of creation. He is logical and relentless in the pursuit of Truth, while remaining kind and loving in his approach. This is the read of a lifetime that is only exceeded for those fortunates that are equipped to seek and understand the giants such as Aquinas. So, if you want a read that will open comprehension of that greatest book, the Holy Bible, here is a worthy key!!
I learned so much. I look forward to reading more from Bishop Barron and now listen to his Word On Fire podcast.
I could listen to Robert Barron forever.
This book was so much more with Robert Barron's narrative. I got so much more out of it with the written word and audible together. This is one I will read over again and again.
A wonderfully concise journey through Catholicism
I've always enjoyed the commentary from Bishop Robert Barron, and this book did not disappoint. You can tell the extent of the knowledge that he has of the Church and the lived experience. I particularly though the conciseness was just enough to give you a taste of the beauty of the Church, which is commonly forgotten over time. There where many times I wish he could have gone on about a subject but that would have distracted from the Journey and made the book 10 times longer. It is not meant to be exhaustive, just to whet your appetite for more.
Read this book!
Ever wondered about the mystery of the Catholic Faith? Ever need a refresher course on just why you love being Catholic? Need some ammunition to defend your faith? I love Bishop Barron and have been following his works for years. This is the best "bird's eye" lesson on Catholicism - all of it, all the pieces - and is well worth the time to read and savor the richness. Not only is the e-book a great read, I also need the hard copy - to highlight, underline and apply many many post-its! God bless all of you who are interested in this wonderful book!
This is phenomenal!!!
This is phenomenal. Mystical. Beautiful. Absolutely, chillingly gorgeous. Historical, educational without proselytizing. Everyone and anyone of any age could learn much from this work of art. If nothing else, the music and photography are worth the price. I've watched and re-watched three times. I gain something new each time. I wish I could give it more than 5 stars. I wrote this review in error thinking it was for the DVD series. So I remain adamant about that. The book is equally good. But the beauty of the DVD is as I said above.....stunning.
The Catholic Church Today
Fr. Barron writes in an easy way that anyone can understand what he is telling us. Yet, everything he writes about Catholicism is true and he is an inspired writer that I could see truly believes what he writes about. I would recommend this book to Catholics as well as those who don't really know what the Catholic Church is about or what/WHO it teaches. There is so much that others don't understand because of what has been misunderstood and wrongly presented for such a long time. They need to see the Church today, as it is now, not back in the 15-1600's.
It Changed My Life
Simply put, this book, and even more so the companion video, changed my life by reconnecting me to my Catholic faith. While I had been a relatively active Catholic over the years, I had lost a sense of connection to the beauty and truth of the faith. The horrific scandals coupled with many years since experiencing any formalized Catholic teaching (in grade school) had drained me of zeal or enthusiasm. These wonderfully vibrant materials healed and energized me! I will be forever in Fr. Barron's debt. Converts, reverts, active Catholics or anyone else - there's nothing better or more accessible to open the door to our faith. The exquisite result of a deeper relationship with God awaits.
A Classic Series and Book!!!
Outstanding book and series!!! I knew it would be great because when Father Barron presides at Mass the church is always packed!!! He is a great theologian and speaker, Jesus could not have chosen a more talented priest to preach His message of love to all of humanity!!! I reread the book frequently and watch the series often, I particularly enjoy the chapters on the saints, A Vast Company of Witnesses where he profiles Edith Stein and Mother Teresa. Also, the spirituality of Thomas Merton and St. John of the Cross is explored in Chapter 9, The Fire of His Love!!!! This series is a Catholic Classic that can be enjoyed by Catholics and non Catholics ,all people of deep spiritual longing will take something positive with them after viewing this series and reading the book!!!
a true summation of what the teachings of the Catholic Church and what the church is trying to be
I am not a perfectionist and I don't expect perfection from the Catholic Church. Speaking as one trying to become a part of the Ronan Catholic Church, this small book presents a great summation of what the Catholic Church is trying to be. Does it succeed? On many levels, yes. Fr. Barron does an excellent job of presenting the core teachings. He doesn't spend time on issues but gets to the core of what Christianity as taught by the Catholic Church is truly saying. It is a great companion to the DVD series but can easily be read on its own as the text us right from the series. Highly recommended.
An intro to Catholicism by one of its most popular figures
Bishop Barron is second only to the Pope on Facebook when it comes to Catholic hierarchs. This book is based on the TV series. It explores some key themes of the Faith and the lives of select saints. Especially liked these saint bios.
Excellent Read
Fr. Barron offers a well researched but very accessible overview of "all things Catholic"... Well, how about "most things Catholic." Our current mainstream media continues to do as much as possible to paint the Catholic Church as an antiquated collection of unusual pedophile mystics. The facts are that there have been sexual abuse cases that have been mishandled to the detriment of way too many. Nevertheless, you cannot form an opinion of the Church today without at least this introduction to the rich history and deep theological traditions this book explores. The material from this book has also been made to present in 10 one hour format for local parishes to show and make us of in their educational efforts. I understand that some PBS stations may have also picked up some episodes.
Real-life Analogies are Brilliant!
His chapter on freedom and law is brilliant using Shakespeare and Michael Jordan as examples of men being freer in their art by following the rules. Fr. Barron is such a brilliant exegete that he can help the neophyte see layers of meanings in one short line of Scripture, for example, "Who do the people say that I am?" Father has a great voice and great inflection, never boring. I can listen to 15-20 minutes in the car, and be transported into great mediations. If anything, he is so succinct and the material so profound, one can only listen for 20-30 minutes at a time to absorb it all. Non-Catholics will find it educational, Catholics, inspirational.
This Series a Must for any Catholic.
Bishop Barron makes it simple and easy to understand the history, the decisions, the customs, the relics, and all facets of the Catholic Church. He is highly knowledgeable about the subject and easy to understand and to listen to. I have obtained many other items published by Bishop Barron since this series and all are relevant, current, and extremely interesting.
This book satisfied my intellectual need to better understand Catholicism.
Catholicism- the TRUTH about what it is.
Beautiful and perfectly done. If you think you know what Catholicism is, what they believe and/or what it is all about, you should see this and verify your understanding. This is the perfect opportunity to get the truth about the faith that so many believe in, fought and died for. Get the facts, then decide. This is presented in a very beautiful and easy to understand format of 10 separate sessions. Beautiful scenery and precise information. Very enlightening and enjoyable program. Suitable for individuals, or groups - small or large.
This book helped me in learning more about Catholicism and I'm glad I have it on my I-pad because I'm ready ...
I had a hard time getting started but once I got past about 20% I found it easier and more enjoyable. It helped that I was familiar With Bishop Barron having taking a class on his Word On Fire . This book helped me in learning more about Catholicism and I'm glad I have it on my I-pad because I'm ready to read it again next year for Lent.
Credible Creed Explanation
As with Bishop Barron’s presence in other media his humor, knowledge and grasp of more than fundamentals enfleshes the creed. To read is to begin to understand our salvation story, and to become open to pursuing truth where it will lead all of us. Right into heaven, our eternal home. Glimpse heaven on earth through Father (now Bishop) Barron’s guidance.
Good Book
This book by Bishop Barron does a good job in explaining our Catholic Faith. I really enjoyed learning about some of our greatest Saints, the beauty of the pictures, Cathedrals, and the Holy Eucharist.
Catholicism: A True Journey.
I was born into the Faith almost 64 years ago, grew up in it, and thought I understood it. NOPE!!!!! The last 30+ years have been the journey of my title; A Journey into my Faith. This book is a very welcome assist on that journey. I hope it is the same for anyone reading this. Read the book; Listen to and sense the wonder within. Read and enjoy!!!!!
A Masterpiece of Catholic Evangelism
I have always found Fr. Robert Barron to be an educated, intelligent, and thought provoking instructor on the Catholic faith, but this series more than exceeded my expectations. I now consider it must viewing for each and every Catholic, regardless of the intensity of one's faith. It will reestablish your love for the Church, its grandeur and history -- which is usually misunderstood by believers and non-believers alike. I am on my third time through watching the series and have organized a small group to watch it and discuss it together, using the separate study guide. Thank you Fr. Barron for caring enough to create this lasting and valuable work. I only wish it were longer.
EXCELLENT read. Take notes all over the book
EXCELLENT read. Take notes all over the book. Solid, basic, well written by Barron (read and watch all of his stuff if you can-he's amazing) in layman's terms without making you feel as if you're being talked down to. Good stuff for Catholics who need to learn more about their faith (most do) and non-Catholics who are interested in learning about the faith, whether they're interested in coming to the Church or not.
This book touches on so many beautiful aspects of the Catholic Church. If you stop for a second after reading a passage and muse over what you just took in, you can almost place yourself at some of these locations. The saints that it describes has opened yet another door to walk through, in order to experience another aspect of god at work.
Ok, but not up to par with the DVD series
The DVD series is so extraordinarily well done, that maybe I'm just spoiled? The DVD series does the best job imaginable to clearly and concisely explain the history of Christianity, the why and wheres that the beliefs are founded upon, Who Christ was, and what He stood for... The beauty of the cinematography and editing is exceptionally/incredibly well done... (My only complaint is that Fr. Barron really should not be speaking or using any of his very poor Hebrew, a hindrance and poor witness to the Jewish audience... Great lengths have been taken to breathtakingly videotape the pillars of the Christian faith... both buildings and people... From my viewing, I would restate the title. It should not be Catholicism, but rather perhaps, Christ, the beauty of all Christianity, and Catholicism... The book disappoints by comparison. It's OK, and better than nothing, but for the price, should have been of higher quality.
Beautifully done, great detail.
We haven't traveled to see these sites ourselves yet and the way Fr. (now Bishop) Barron fills in the details of the Church history make these places come alive and adds a good deal of significance to this convert's understanding. Wonderful production, looking forward to seeing the newer Pivotal Players!
Approachable, compelling study of the Catholic faith
Archbishop Barron approaches complicated aspects of the Catholic Church with sensitivity and insights that are unparalleled. It's an approachable read that brings a lot of themes to life with art, architecture and tradition. As a lifelong Catholic, he brought things like Saints, the Virgin Mother, Heaven and Hell, and church history to new light and made me appreciate my faith in a whole new way. Highly recommend!
Excellent walk through the faith
Excellent walk through the faith. I have this book on Kindle and as an audiobook from Audible; and I like the Audible version the most. Bishop Barron speaks wonderfully and clearly. In addition to being a great book to reflect on and pray with as a Catholic, I think listening to this book would be a great introduction to the Catholic faith for anybody interesting in learning more about what Catholicism is all about.
You'll need an iPad or Kindle to be able to watch the videos
After so many copy & pastes, the online version of the book will no longer allow to copy and paste. I did this a lot make up study guides for my Catholic Theology class to help me study key points. Other than that, it's a great version of the online text, but you do need an iPad or Kindle to be able to watch the videos. I couldn't watch the videos from my MacBook Pro, I had to borrow an iPad.
Typical Bishop Barron
Even though he wasn’t a Bishop yet this book is fantastic. Catholics and non-Catholics, alike, will see the Holy Spirit working through Father (Bishop) Barron.
Well Done!
I enjoyed these video presentations from start to finish. Bishop Barron provides just the right amount of information, argument, and history to present the case for Christianity. In particular, the production focuses on beauty as one way to reveal God in the Church and in the world. The topical organization makes the series easily digestible but it will take several nights to take it all in. Well done, Bishop Barron and team!
Novel look at Catholicism for me. Nothing like what I expected, pleasantly surprised to find many of my core values reflected
I have always found that Religion is often more confusing than anything else. Apparently, it was because I listened to the mainstream narrative far too much and for far too long. Fr. Barron is a refreshingly intellectual thinker, and I was glad to see many of my objections to catholicism from a completely different view.
I It is a good book to understand our faith. I would like to see this kind of material in spanish.
I like the book. At first I thought it was going to go to describing facts of different places. Latter as I read it became clear that it was the message of our Christian faith and our Love for our Lord. I Like it very much. It was good to understand why we do the thing we do in church and also in our community. I would like to see this in Spanish for our Spanish speaking friends Thank you.
I like the way it is written. It is not written like a textbook but more like a story. I adore Bishop Barron and can hear him in the words of this book. Is written just like he is talking to you.
Clear and concise!
Nothing but a joy to read through this book. Bishop Barron explains the faith in a ration, easy to follow way of understanding. This is by no means an extensive apologetic book for the dogmas of the faith, though it touches on the dogmas, but this book was not written with that intent. Come to this book with a heart for understanding the Catholic Church and you will not be disappointed!
Get Swept Up in Something Beautiful
Admittedly, I am only 65% of the way through this book, but I am loving it. The chapters have a way of lifting you into the "higher dimension" that is Catholicism--quite exciting! Barron is not limited by time and space in his explanations, drawing on all periods of Catholic tradition to reveal the splendor of the Church, the body of Christ. Highly recommended, even for Protestants and Evangelicals who are not threatened by Catholic theology. As someone who thinks of himself as a believer in Jesus Christ but who is not (yet?) Catholic, let me testify that this book has edified me and re-energized my faith. Glory to God: Amen.
This is a wonderful series.
I highly recommend this book. Not only does Father Barron speak of God,this book speaks of the church which was founded by His son, Jesus. Catholicsm is not just a "way" but a way of life that will only end when we return to Him.It gives us audio, and visual hints of the heights, depths, and lengths that can help us on our journey.Each chapter is built upon the last.The chapter on the beatitudes is so good that my RCIA class used it for a wonderful time of discussions and prayer. Like most good books, I will enjoy reading this book again and again and again.
A Journey of a Lifetime!
Fr. Robert Barron communicates the truth and beauty of Catholicism in a fascinating way which is clear, concise, honest and respectful of a large audience. I have the book on Kindle and also the DVD set. It is not necessary to have both, but is is a delight to have both venues. His love for the Catholic Faith is obvious and this is communicated well throughout. It is wonderful to see our Faith as it began at the Incarnation of God in Mary and through the years of the public life of Jesus and as it continues throughout history. I also purchased 2 hardback books to give as gifts!
Very enlightening and enriching
I leant a lot about my Catholic faith thanks to this book. Barron made a lot of things I will normally take for granted, for e.g. Mary, Angels, the Lord's Prayer come to life. This book is a must read for every Catholic and any new convert to Catholicism. Can't recommend it enough.
His explanations are aided with some of the great art and saints of the Church I thoroughly enjoyed ...
This book has deepened my appreciation for the genius of Catholicism! From Father Barron's own insights, to those of saints and church leaders, many of the doctrines of the Catholic Church are explained and grounded in the Scriptures. His explanations are aided with some of the great art and saints of the Church I thoroughly enjoyed it, and spent much time in contemplation of its truth.
Excellent overview
Very good overview for those who are new to and want to understand this interesting religion. Recommend
For the "Catholic" spirit in all believers
I recommend this book and the companion television series for its breadth of appreciation and the depth of its insight into the varieties of testimony, expression, and witness to faith and love. Feel the Spirit alive in the world, in spite of everything, in the communion of God and humanity. I describe this in general terms, but this book is wonderfully specific with its abundant examples that so often warm the heart or bring light of new understanding.
Important for the inquiring Protestant to read.
I am an Evangelical Protestant and I found this book to be very interesting. The writing is beautiful and thoughtful. I recommend this for anyone who wants to understand the thought of fellow Christians.
Gifted by God to hear His Word and relate that Word with beauty.
Robert Barron has taken the Holy Scriptures totally seriously and in pursuing the best way to share that inspired Word with God's people he has listened to the best students of the Word. Father Han Urs Von Balthasar must be very pleased with his student.
I am not very good at writing reviews
I am not very good at writing reviews, but apparently you can't just give a rating w/o also writing a review. This will be short and sweet. Catholicism is excellent and i highly recommend it for anyone who would like to know more about the Catholic Faith, whether already a Catholic or seeking to have a better understanding. Bishop Barron has done an excellent job.
A journey of faith for seeking adults
Scholarly yet entertaining summary of Catholic beliefs and practices; excellent for adult education gatherings in parishes or community settings.. I've used it as the foundation for a 12 week interdenominational learning experience in a retirement community; the participants were so enthusiastic that we have continued with all of Bishop Barron's DVD presentations and avidly await his sequel to this set which initiated our renewed journey of faith.
Catechism, was I asleep or what?
It is pretty deep, but as I wade through it one becomes enlightened to some really thought provoking ideas and opportunities for understanding. I've been taking a chunk at a time. I really enjoy his newsletters and Lenten devotions, similar but more in-depth. I must not have paid much attention during Catechism.
You will not be disappointed!
This is a wonderful series. The videos and art are beautiful, and Bishop Barron is so knowledgeable and relates so well to people of all age groups and backgrounds. Our group has watched it twice already and learns something new each time. If you don't need, or can't afford the entire package (study guides, leaders kit, etc.) just buy the DVDs - they stand alone beautifully.
Excellent overview of Catholic theology
This book is the best summary of Catholic theology that I've ever read. I've had it only about a week, and I've already read it, and re-read some of the most illuminating chapters. The book is, as the author states, about God. In every chapter, the author covers a new subject and through it returns to God. The book is not so much a list of what Catholics do as the philosophy behind Catholicism. While the author begins with the Gospels, he then draws material from theologians across church history, recent saints and popes, and modern Catholic philosophers.
Beautifully written
Fantastic book for anyone, Catholic or not, to understand more fully and truthfully what being Catholic means Easy to read as Bishop Barron always breaks down tough to understand philosophical/ theological arguments into understandable everyday examples. Catholicism is beautiful, but how could it fail to be? It is straight from God who is all good, always.
The Truth About Catholicism
This is not a book about history, or dogmas, or even ideas. This book takes you to the very heart of what Catholicism is and shows you why it is not an organization, but an ORGANISM, a living breathing Person. Only those who want a rational explanation should read this. I have studied Catholicism for 35 years and have not found a better, more comprehensive and easy to understand explanation of what Catholicism is all about.
Truly Beautiful
I, and approximately 20 other members of my Parish took Dr. Barron' s 10 week course. I Converted 21 years ago, and it is one of the best things I have ever done. I can't seem to get enough knowledge of my Faith. I truly enjoy Dr. Barron books and DVD' s. I thank you for these beautiful, informative and educational sources. God Bless You Always, Your Sister in our Savior Jesus Christ Catherine
Order it….you are missing something!!!!
This is a beautiful series. I wanted to be on Fr. Barron's camera crew. This is one really excellent, "with it" Catholicism study. I have lent the series to a number of friends, some non-Catholic. All have thought Fr. Barron relevant, and a good spiritual leader. He is so very smart, combined with humor, HUMILITY, genuine love for his fellow humans, and a beautiful love for his Creator and Son.
Catholicism Book
Great value of Catholicism book to go with the Catholicism DVD series, the book is additional informative reading to go with the DVD series and it also requires the Catholicism workbook to go with it, excellent learning sessions! Very informative DVD! I would recommend this for teaching your students or for self to learn more about your faith and how it began, Father Barron is excellent one to teach all about Catholicism!
Beautifully written and explained in a clear and understandable way
Beautifully written and explained in a clear and understandable way. Fr. Baron comes across as someone who knows his 'stuff' well and he shares his knowledge because he is passionate about the faith that drives him to do so. I loved every chapter and, although nothing was really completely new to me, I came away feeling renewed and strengthened. I highly recommend this book!
Bishop Barron has a way of describing the 'what' and ...
Bishop Barron has a way of describing the 'what' and the 'why' of the Catholic faith in a way that is engaging, inspiring, and inspirational. This is the book for the wayward child who is questioning his or her faith, or for the anti-Catholic who doesn't believe it is the Church given to mankind by almighty God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
He does not dumb down his subject in style or substance
Bishop Robert Barron is does a remarkable job of explains why Catholicism is what it is and how that Faith has sustained for over 2,000 years. His writing is clear and passionate. He does not dumb down his subject in style or substance.
Hope and Love
A beautiful journey of hope. A hope we all yearn for and a redemption we all seek, ultimately leading to the discovery of the love that never fails and is always available. The love we all seek and desire, the love of God. Thank you for setting my faith on fire every time I delve into the mysteries it contains.
This is the type of book one reads again every so often, like Gone with the Wind. Fr. Robert Barron is eloquent, articulate, and has a way of taking the mysteries of faith and explaining them in terms that remain in one's mind, and are forever inspirational. Well, written, well illustrated, well defined. Love this book and will pass it on to friends and relatives. The best part about it is that it is not exclusively for Catholics, any Christian can benefit from reading this book.
I enjoyed this book so much
I enjoyed this book so much. I am fairly new to the Catholic faith, or rather, I am trying to understand Catholicism more deeply after spending several rather superficial years in the church. Bishop Barron's book here along with his other Word on Fire materials and commentaries have been a true blessing! I recommend this book to catholics and non-catholics alike.
A must read!
I love all of Bishop Barron's teaching,faithfully hitting the mark of the heart of the Christian faith and the Mother Church.He combines thought and heart provoking dialogue to express the live of the Father.the grace of the Son and the unity of the Spirit throughout his work.A beautiful place to start for new believers and those returning to the faith.
Both Heart and Faith
After 60 plus years as a Catholic and thinking about God, I have come away with a new and I believe more truthful vision of the Creator of the Universe, His Son, and the Spirit who guides us. Catholic or not, Christian or not, it's a revelation to cherish. In addition, the book has opened up countless new avenues to explore in a quest for a better understanding of my relationship to the Love who is God.
Informative and Uplifting
Bishop Barron is brilliant and his way of explaining the Catholic faith is uplifting, inspiring and extremely interesting. I admit some of it is over my head, but I enjoyed this book and will probably read it many more times - I am sure I will continue to learn more with each reading
Book in excellent condition; very quick delivery
Book in excellent condition! VERY quick delivery. I had heard rave reviews about this book. However, I wasn't as impressed with this book as the other members of my Bible Study; just personal preference.
Approachable and in-depth. A Must Read.
Wonderful dive into the foundations of Christianity. A must read for Catholics interested in understanding why they believe what they believe, other Christians interested in learning about the founding 1500+ years of their faith and students of history who want to learn about the driving force of Western Civilization.
What a great source of truth.
Things that we were taught by Dominican nuns in school are finally more than just memory exercises. They were very dedicated but that was almost seventy years ago and we were not taught to think yet. I thank Fr Barron for his explanations and clarifications.
A must read!
I originally bought this as an audible book. It was so incredible, that I ordered 4 copies to give away as Easter presents. The book does such an outstanding job or presenting the foundation of the Catholic faith, in ways we can all understand and appreciate. It uses examples anyone can relate to, without talking way above our heads. Fr. Robert Barron does an excellent job! Timing this with our new leader, Pope Francis, is just too good to be true!
Relatable, down to earth Truth.
Fast read. Smart clear connections between the world we live in, scripture, lives of some saints, and God's message of real pure love to each one of us.
A wonderful book! I started to say "comprehensive" but considering ...
A wonderful book! I started to say "comprehensive" but considering the subject, that is no doubt strictly speaking too effusive. But this book is very wide ranging, encompassing a wide terrain of thought-provoking issues. I intend to re-read the book within a year. I am so happy to have "discovered" Robert Barron.
I purchased this book for my iPad after watching the series on EWTN. Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. The videos that were included really enhanced the book. Fr Barron makes the faith very interesting and I could listen to him talk for hours. I have recommended this book to several of my friends. For those who are not Catholic, Fr Barron explains the faith in ways anyone can understand. It was well worth the price and I will be looking for other books by Fr Barron.
The book is written in an easy to understand yet thought provoking way
A very inspiring book, written by a bishop who no doubt has been inspired the Holy Spirit. The book makes you delve deep into the spiritual. The book is written in an easy to understand yet thought provoking way. I highly recommend this book for anyone Catholic and for those who are interested in Catholicism.
Essential reading guide for Catholicism
An essential reading guide if you are watching Bishop Barron's Catholicism series. Many parts of the book read like the transcript of the video. The pictures in the book make a lot of sense when you pay attention to the video clip. I benefitted by watching an episode first and then read the relevant chapter.
I own th Catholicism DVD set, and like them very much. My new Regional Bishop Barron has done a fabulous job on both the DVD's and book. I feel blessed to have been at Bishop Barron's Ordination as Bishop, met him personally and heard his homily. A real beacon of faith and reason for today's world.
Bishop Barron offers great insight into the faith of Catholicism
Bishop Barron offers great insight into the faith of Catholicism. Must read for those who might want to dispel myths and rumors of the faith, and definitely for Catholics to understand their faith better.
Wonderful Resource for the Faith
I am a big fan of Bishop-elect Robert Barron. His programs have increased my knowledge of the faith with deep exploration of the Catholic faith. Bishop-elect Barron makes connections that stay with me forever. I highly recommend this book, video series, and any other materials with his name on the.
Bingo! All You Need to Know About the Catholic Church
Father Barron gives a wonderful picture of the Catholic Church without resorting to a chronological history. Each chapter covers an important chapter in full. He covers the Words of Jesus, Mary, some of the Saints, Contemplative Prayer, End Times and more. There is also a boxed set of DVDs covering all that is in the book. Some of these, but not all, have been shown of PBS an EWTN. Highly recommended for non-Catholics, fervant Catholics, and fallen away Catholics.
Awesome Book
Great book even have the audio version . This is a must-read if you would like to know more about the catechism of the Catholic Church .
This is a great set of videos that have strengthened my faith
Having recently visited Italy and Ireland made this set of videos especially relavent as Father Barron took us to places where my wife and I had stood such a short time before. I wish we had viewed the video before our journeys. I have also viewed the videos as a part of a men's group at our parish . . . . The discussions that were inspired by the videos were priceless.
Don't miss this one
A quick read into the heart of the Catholic Church because Bishop Robert Barron is such an excellent writer and story teller. His explanation of the Catholic Faith is inspiring to all who read this book!
I loved Catholicism by Robert Barron
I recommend this book. It is well written, thought provoking, and informative. It is for anyone who wants to dig deeper into their faith. I have truly enjoyed how Robert Barron is able to help show us the many truths behind our faith which are missed by the casual eye. So many things are passed off as dogma, while Robert Barron is able show the biblical principles behind.
Excellent read
In his usual style Bishop Barron takes us on a fast paced tour of the heart and history of the Catholic Church. From Peter to Pope St. John-Paul II, with light speed tours of Dante, Augustine, Aquinas, Merton, to name just a few. Non clerical, non professorial, and thoroughly enjoyable.
Certainly one of the best books I have read
Certainly one of the best books I have read. worthy of a Sheen, Chesterton, or a Lewis. Humorous & ironic in presentation of the "just the facts, ma'am nod". Friday would have learned that the biggest temple of Christ is one\s self. Its a good book Read it before Easter.
These are necessary journeys if our faith is important to us because we force ourselves to broaden our perspective on God's love
Although deep at times,Bishop Barron gives us deep and unique insights to our faith.These are necessary journeys if our faith is important to us because we force ourselves to broaden our perspective on God's love for us.Then we appreciate how much God truly loves us.
An Informing and Captivating Series
Our church used this DVD series for a once- a- week session during Lent. All who attended really enjoyed Bishop Barron's lectures and the beautiful scenery that tied into the subjects of which he spoke. The churches, architecture, and works of art were wonderful to see also.
This is a beautifully written book that utilizes many different sources to examine the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church. I would highly recommend this book for the individual making an initial inquiry into the Catholic Church as well as to those who have been faithful and longstanding participants. When read in conjunction with watching the video of the book, the narrative is even more compelling. Fr. Barron is an excellent writer, theologian and priest.
Great read
Father Barron has captured many of the subtle elegant and moving pieces of catholicism and arranged them beautifully and lovingly like a mosaic. You can feel his enthusiasm throughout the book. I came away with a greater appreciation of the Church.
there are fantastic scenes. I thoroughly enjoyed this
This is a must if you are Catholic; enjoyable and a learning experience if you are not. You will learn the rich traditions of the Church and our history. Plus, Fr. Barron visits holy and inspirational sites all over the world; there are fantastic scenes. I thoroughly enjoyed this.
Recommended to all who seek and wish to find purpose, direction, and love in their life. Bishop Barron brings the rich Tradition of Catholicism to life and what it means to the world.
A Treasure to be read over and over
This book provides deep insight to the nature of God and how he has revealed himself over the past 2000 years. Despite its name this book is a treasure of knowledge not just for Catholics but for Protestants alike. I would highly recommend this book to non Catholics as a view to the development of Catholic theology. With 2000 years of scholarly thought these ideas will inspire and in some cases challenge you. Enjoy!
From the first pages of this inspirering book I was hooked. It is a wonderful book that tells me why I love my faith. This is also a book for those in search for the truth and insight into the Catholic faith. There is so much richness to be found and Father Barron tells it in an interesting and informative manner. This book would be great for a discussion group or for a person studing the faith.
Bishop Barron is a master of lovely words that don't overwhelm the reader. After reading this brief exposition, I am inspired to proclaim the beautiful colors of the Church to those too much acquainted and too often comforted with less.
Love explained!
Read it in almost one sitting. Insightful. A must for every Catholic & those who are searching for the truth. Excellent presentation of the teachings and beliefs of Catholicism. Want to follow Christ? Father Barron with a true spirit of love tells it as no one else.
This production and made it into a book from Bishop Barron was really a very deep and have touched awesome information about our
The more I appreciate my Catholic Faith. This production and made it into a book from Bishop Barron was really a very deep and have touched awesome information about our faith. Congratulations to Bishop Robert Barron, God bless him always and in what he does for the church.
Great Overview of the Faith!
This is a splendid overview of the faith. Bishop Barron writes in an engaging style, at once accessible to all, with solid academic and historical references included. Even my Southern Baptist friends enjoyed both the book and the "mini-series" which is the basis for the book.
Bishop Robert Barron was able to pull from different sources the best philosophy and literature of our time and putting it all in this book. I love it very much. Will start to read it again.
I'm not exaggerating to say Father Barron changed my life ...
I'm not exaggerating to say Father Barron changed my life. This is the first book I had read of his and it brought me back to Christ.
It's impossible to overrate this book or the DVDs. Both show in word and picture the stunning beauties of the faith. Good for oth practicing and non practicing Catholics, and I think non-Catholics, and even people of no faith, would enjoy it too. Father Barron is engaged with the culture, so he's easy to understand, and the compellingly beautiful works of art are a joy to see, especially in the DVDs.
Should be more popular than it is (should be a Best Seller x 1000000)
My father and mother-in law loved this as their gift. I watched the entire series and am impressed. In my opinion it seems to mix in some Rick Warren "it's not about you" type expressions. It's worth the $ and your time (in my opinion).
Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith
I began with watching the DVD series, and found them so challenging, that I wanted more, so bought the book. And I was not disappointed. It has allowed me to take more time to take in the content and think about it. It has been very affirming of what I already believed with some added information and a delightful upbeat tone. Many thanks, Faith Hope
A Surprising Meh!
I would refer you to Stuart Dunn's excellent 3-star review for an insightful critique. Although we bought and enjoyed the DVD series, which is clearly more carefully edited and pruned to be more palatable, the book reveals faults. As early as page 18, there is clumsy digression from the words of Jesus about honoring the law (keeping in mind he was a Jew!), incorrectly stating that "his people" "Had fallen into spiritual death." Oy vey. Give me a break.
This book tells the whole story. My wife is a newly minted Catholic and the book and DVD set were primarily for her, but, I learned a lot myself. I strongly recommend this book.
This books has changed my perception of life. One could enlighten there thoughts about being. I could hear or read this book again.
Absolutely excellent read.
What a wonderful presentation of the Catholic faith. I love Father Barron's ability to explain difficult subjects so effectively. I plan on gifting this book to my 21 year old son. And maybe also my 69 year old husband. Both in equal need.
Catholic teaching
Father Barron's explanations were probably the best I've ever heard. The book broke down many church teachings making them easier to comprehend for example Purgatory. Reading calmed me and I felt compelled to keep reading thereby learning more and more about topics I thought I knew so well from my days in Catholic school.
Beautiful Faith
Bishop Barron does a great job of presenting what is beautiful about the Catholic Faith.
Great book and DVD series for Bible study groups!!
If you need a book for bible study, this book is for you. The DVD and study guide are also available and add a lot to your study of Catholicism. Father Barron is a great speaker and gives a great presentation.
I watched various episodes of Catholicism on EWTN and think ...
I watched various episodes of Catholicism on EWTN and think that Bishop Robert Barron and his team were very inspired by the beauty of our faith in every aspect, concerning spirituality,history and the many works of art that came to life because of it.
A Journey Well Made
This is a spectacular video series. The thoughts and the visuals presented in (now) Bishop Barron's easygoing but profound speaking style are really remarkable. Whether one is Catholic, thinking about becoming Catholic, or interested in the origins of Christianity, this series is for you.
Great book!
This was a great look at the Catholic faith and one that I think almost every Christian could enjoy - the way Father Barron brings out the importance of the Incarnation and the love of God for His creation is truly moving. I'm sure the pictures show up better in the print version than on the kindle, but they are still really nice and the book itself was just wonderful!
Excellent. Robert Barron is a deep and profound thinker ...
Excellent. Robert Barron is a deep and profound thinker with the ability to explain complex religious philosophy to even the simple minded. He is blessed with the talent to teach in a joyful way making the experience of learning a delight.
as a parish sharing it was fantastic. it got my wife and I to better ...
as a parish sharing it was fantastic. it got my wife and I to better understand our faith and come to know fellow parishioner better and to meet ones. it also got me started teaching the bible in our parish.
Tour de faith
Wow, fantastic read for a Protestant converted Catholic. This was so simple, clear but philosophical view of our faith. Although we should not be defensive of our faith it gives the knowledge to share our point of view with confidence about our Catholic faith.
Great Read.
This book taught me a lot about my faith, and clarified my understanding of what it means to be a Catholic. It is appropriate for a well versed student of the faith while being easily understood for the novice. Well Done!
Journey of the Heart to the Father
Father Barron brings the Catholic Church to life. I am a convert and wanted to broaden my understanding of the history of the Church. I listen on my I Phone when I am walking which is a double benefit.
One of the BEST and most powerful DVD's on Catholicism
One of the BEST and most powerful DVD's on Catholicism, taught with truth and beauty as Bishop Robert Barron is so gifted to do. It is a resource and treasure that every Catholic would be blessed to have in their home!
So many complex ideas explained so artfully and clearly!!! No matter how much one thinks he or she might know about the faith, this book will be a mental workout, and then you will know much, much more. Bless you Bishop Barron!!!!
Great Book to Understnd the real beauty of the church
Great book about the church. To understand why this church despite the scandels contiures to survive and thrive
In usual fashion, Bishop Barron’s clear descriptions and perfect examples make for an enjoyable and excellent book. A must read for Catholics.