Catching Leadership: The Art of Letting Go and Hooking into Leadership Through C.A.T.C.H. & Release®

Kindle Edition
27 Jan
The snags are real! Leaders today are expected to do more, adapt quicker, and lead through unprecedented change. With more distractions than ever and a plethora of information, it’s easy to get lost in the whirlwind of leadership development. In this age of disruption, leaders must be willing to disrupt their own thinking patterns and discover new ways to grow. By harnessing the power of psychology, mindfulness, and self-reflection, leaders can gain a better understanding of themselves, the people they lead, and the experiences that transform human behavior.

Leadership doesn’t need to be complicated or rigid. It doesn’t need to be learned in a classroom or at the office. It does, however, require a personal connection that inspires mindful action. Instead of feeling inadequate, exhausted, or confused on your leadership journey; I invite you to reconnect and rediscover leadership through the art of C.A.T.C.H. & Release®. A better balance exists and your legacy depends on catching it.

To jumpstart your Catching Leadership experience, I welcome you to visit where you can access the C.A.T.C.H. & Release® Leadership Index (CARLI) and other free resources to guide you on this new journey.

Reviews (28)

A phenomenal work on leadership, working with others, and the art of letting go!

Catching Leadership is a phenomenal resource for leaders at any point in their journey of growth, self discovery, and making a significant impact on others. I really appreciated that the author was able to combine a background in psychology, experience in the management/consulting sector, and fun analogies from the outdoors to define useful and actionable strategies for leaders. If you love the outdoors you’ll find the stories and analogies entertaining. For others, don’t be scared off if you’re not familiar with fishing or the outdoors as it’s not required to get a “boat load” of useable information. The flow and pace of the book are both digestible and yet thought and introspection provoking. Really great work and helped open my eyes. Looking forward to the release of the leadership index to keep the journey going!

Excellent resource - especially for those seeking roles in leadership

Catching Leadership, and the book's accompanying CARLI index, are excellent resources for new and veteran leaders, as well as those wishing to lead others in the future. The author’s unique angle combines self-awareness, intention, mindfulness, and leadership into a beautiful guide. We have all heard about the importance of authenticity in leadership; this book helps the reader explore her/his authentic self, so s/he may discover and practice leading in that manner. Brilliant! Where was this book when I began my journey in leadership? Five stars and two thumbs up!

It’s Brilliant! A must read. A fresh new way at looking at leadership, for today’s world.

One of the best written leadership books I have had the pleasure to read. This book will enlighten current leaders and future leaders in today’s world. A fresh look at how leaders should take note of the world around them and around the people they lead. “Embrace the changing world we now live in or slowly become obsolete.” Michael brings a fresh new catch on looking at the aspects of leadership through his C.A.T.C.H. & Release Model. It’s Brilliant! I found myself reflecting on current and past experiences in my own life. The 12 Casting Techniques embodies all constructs of leadership dynamics. Michael ties together what most leadership book authors have never accomplished which are elements of leadership, psychology, and mindfulness to foster meaningful growth. The way the author looks at leadership from the Lures of Leadership to the Knots of Leadership to a groovy new look at coaching, Coach the Cast to the Hooks of Honor. The C.A.T.C.H. & Release Leadership Index (CARLI) is a model that all leaders and future leaders of companies and individuals should incorporate into their employees or even ones self developmental goals for years to come.


This book exceeded my expectations! At first I was a little apprehensive thinking the content would either be too heavy and not so much for the small business owner, or for the person who relates to the fishing parallel. He did a great job at blending the two together seamlessly. Explaining it in terms for all to understand and apply to their business surroundings. As a hair stylist I get the opportunity to talk to a lot of people from very different backgrounds and this book gave me a new perspective on what it means to be a leader and how I can influence people in a more positive approach! Anyone can be a leader in their community as long as they C.A.T.C.H. & Release whatever it is they need to in order to be the best version of themselves. I highly recommend this book not only to business leaders big or small, but anyone seeking to make their world a better place!

Fundamental to Leadership

Self Reflection and Awareness is fundamental to leadership and the reader will find a great compass to do so in Catching Leadership. The metaphoric ties to nature make the journey interesting, different, and engaging. It should be part of a leader's core library of resources!

Unique and refreshing

What a great resource! As someone who has fished more than led others, I found the book quite helpful. The terminology is relatable and the parallels drawn between fishing and leadership are on point. I’ve struggled to stay engaged reading other books on leadership since they too often feel rigid and impersonal. Catching Leadership gives a refreshing and unique perspective on the topic, and I look forward to applying the principles personally. I think this is a great book for anyone looking to hone their leadership skills or for someone new to leadership.

Unique and exceptional Analogy of Fishing to Leadership!

You'll be "hooked" in the first chapter! Michael uses a great fishing analogy throughout the book to help the reader better understand leadership. You will learn tools of when to "catch" and "release" at any point in your career and life in general. This book is a really great reminder of things you may already know but need to refocus. "Catching Leadership" is not a ‘one size fits all’ book, rather you will learn that not every leader can tow the same line in their career. It will beg the question only you can answer: what path do need to take to create the most fulfilling life for yourself? I highly recommend this book for a quick read in both a personal and professional setting. “Catching Leadership” provides a lighter more tangible backdrop for anyone who is at a cross-roads or just needs help getting back on track with their goals.

A great read for any leader!

The leadership advice in this book is really easy to understand. I particularly enjoyed the "Release" chapter which was different than other leadership books I've read. As a leader early in my career I am going to be recommending this book to my peers. Well done!!

Phenomenal Read-Impactful Life Changing Book

Being a huge fisherman myself along with being into inspirational books this one was perfect, truly a win-win. A great read for anybody who is seeking positive changes in their life-not just within the business sector. The flow of Catching Leadership was perfect, I thought the author brought up some key advice/examples at the perfect time to relate to the reader. It gave me fresh perspective on leadership that relate to today's time-one that I needed in my life. Being a current graduate student in psychology this book was just what I needed-Michael did a fantastic job using his knowledge in the psychology field and relating it to the real world. I recommend this book for anybody who is seeking a fresh and unique perspective on leadership. This book could be the difference you need! Great Book!!

Effective and Impact-full

Michael doe s great job in laying out an effective and easy to grasp way for understanding leadership, its impacts and how you can maximize your role in the process.

A phenomenal work on leadership, working with others, and the art of letting go!

Catching Leadership is a phenomenal resource for leaders at any point in their journey of growth, self discovery, and making a significant impact on others. I really appreciated that the author was able to combine a background in psychology, experience in the management/consulting sector, and fun analogies from the outdoors to define useful and actionable strategies for leaders. If you love the outdoors you’ll find the stories and analogies entertaining. For others, don’t be scared off if you’re not familiar with fishing or the outdoors as it’s not required to get a “boat load” of useable information. The flow and pace of the book are both digestible and yet thought and introspection provoking. Really great work and helped open my eyes. Looking forward to the release of the leadership index to keep the journey going!

Excellent resource - especially for those seeking roles in leadership

Catching Leadership, and the book's accompanying CARLI index, are excellent resources for new and veteran leaders, as well as those wishing to lead others in the future. The author’s unique angle combines self-awareness, intention, mindfulness, and leadership into a beautiful guide. We have all heard about the importance of authenticity in leadership; this book helps the reader explore her/his authentic self, so s/he may discover and practice leading in that manner. Brilliant! Where was this book when I began my journey in leadership? Five stars and two thumbs up!

It’s Brilliant! A must read. A fresh new way at looking at leadership, for today’s world.

One of the best written leadership books I have had the pleasure to read. This book will enlighten current leaders and future leaders in today’s world. A fresh look at how leaders should take note of the world around them and around the people they lead. “Embrace the changing world we now live in or slowly become obsolete.” Michael brings a fresh new catch on looking at the aspects of leadership through his C.A.T.C.H. & Release Model. It’s Brilliant! I found myself reflecting on current and past experiences in my own life. The 12 Casting Techniques embodies all constructs of leadership dynamics. Michael ties together what most leadership book authors have never accomplished which are elements of leadership, psychology, and mindfulness to foster meaningful growth. The way the author looks at leadership from the Lures of Leadership to the Knots of Leadership to a groovy new look at coaching, Coach the Cast to the Hooks of Honor. The C.A.T.C.H. & Release Leadership Index (CARLI) is a model that all leaders and future leaders of companies and individuals should incorporate into their employees or even ones self developmental goals for years to come.


This book exceeded my expectations! At first I was a little apprehensive thinking the content would either be too heavy and not so much for the small business owner, or for the person who relates to the fishing parallel. He did a great job at blending the two together seamlessly. Explaining it in terms for all to understand and apply to their business surroundings. As a hair stylist I get the opportunity to talk to a lot of people from very different backgrounds and this book gave me a new perspective on what it means to be a leader and how I can influence people in a more positive approach! Anyone can be a leader in their community as long as they C.A.T.C.H. & Release whatever it is they need to in order to be the best version of themselves. I highly recommend this book not only to business leaders big or small, but anyone seeking to make their world a better place!

Fundamental to Leadership

Self Reflection and Awareness is fundamental to leadership and the reader will find a great compass to do so in Catching Leadership. The metaphoric ties to nature make the journey interesting, different, and engaging. It should be part of a leader's core library of resources!

Unique and refreshing

What a great resource! As someone who has fished more than led others, I found the book quite helpful. The terminology is relatable and the parallels drawn between fishing and leadership are on point. I’ve struggled to stay engaged reading other books on leadership since they too often feel rigid and impersonal. Catching Leadership gives a refreshing and unique perspective on the topic, and I look forward to applying the principles personally. I think this is a great book for anyone looking to hone their leadership skills or for someone new to leadership.

Unique and exceptional Analogy of Fishing to Leadership!

You'll be "hooked" in the first chapter! Michael uses a great fishing analogy throughout the book to help the reader better understand leadership. You will learn tools of when to "catch" and "release" at any point in your career and life in general. This book is a really great reminder of things you may already know but need to refocus. "Catching Leadership" is not a ‘one size fits all’ book, rather you will learn that not every leader can tow the same line in their career. It will beg the question only you can answer: what path do need to take to create the most fulfilling life for yourself? I highly recommend this book for a quick read in both a personal and professional setting. “Catching Leadership” provides a lighter more tangible backdrop for anyone who is at a cross-roads or just needs help getting back on track with their goals.

A great read for any leader!

The leadership advice in this book is really easy to understand. I particularly enjoyed the "Release" chapter which was different than other leadership books I've read. As a leader early in my career I am going to be recommending this book to my peers. Well done!!

Phenomenal Read-Impactful Life Changing Book

Being a huge fisherman myself along with being into inspirational books this one was perfect, truly a win-win. A great read for anybody who is seeking positive changes in their life-not just within the business sector. The flow of Catching Leadership was perfect, I thought the author brought up some key advice/examples at the perfect time to relate to the reader. It gave me fresh perspective on leadership that relate to today's time-one that I needed in my life. Being a current graduate student in psychology this book was just what I needed-Michael did a fantastic job using his knowledge in the psychology field and relating it to the real world. I recommend this book for anybody who is seeking a fresh and unique perspective on leadership. This book could be the difference you need! Great Book!!

Effective and Impact-full

Michael doe s great job in laying out an effective and easy to grasp way for understanding leadership, its impacts and how you can maximize your role in the process.

Absolutely stunning

This is such a remarkable book. Michael's insights play off popular psychology (the good, i.e., "Hidden Brain") and connect it with what resonates with modern leaders. The instructional metaphor is fishing, but I don't think you need to love fishing to fall I love with this book.

A leadership book for today’s leader!

Michael is a well spoken thoughtful leader. Catching Leadership is a book that can help ANY leader today both young and “experienced”! His C.A.T.C.H & Release model is simple to understand yet deep in its roots. This book is for today’s leader! Though I love fishing this book was not all about fishing (next time add more)! ;) Excited for the e-book!

Exactly What I needed

Finding myself in the middle of major changes at work this book was just what I needed! I am dealing with a role change brought on by new ownership in the company. Each chapter helped open my eyes and embrace the opportunities and challenges ahead. I appreciated the ability of the author to draw me into self-reflection and realize I can find new ways to grow and impact others. I have a completely different outlook on my future and feel rejuvenated.

Love this book

I loved this book. The CARLI has changed how I think about my own leadership style and development areas. The concepts laid out in the book and the practical way that the author talks through each topic are incredibly helpful in discovering where you are now as a leader, and what you should think about as you develop in your leadership journey. I know it's a book that I'll revisit often as I progress in my career. Highly recommend!

Recommend for past, present, and future leaders

Great read for those who like fishing and leadership and those who don’t! Written in a very relatable way that forces you to think about your current situation and how to improve upon it. Even if you are not currently in a leadership position or even the workforce, I would recommend this book to help you gain confidence in your skills and learn about your areas of possible improvement!

Fantastic and engaging read

Though I am not in a leadership role at the moment, I could still strongly relate to the concepts this book presents. This book taught me to be more mindful of my past and present experiences in both my personal and professional life. The fishing analogies were a cherry on top for me

great read!!

great read for all!!! includes advice, great metaphors, and full of inspiration.

Great read! Highly recommend!

Catching Leadership is refreshing way to expand your way of thinking and guiding others to achieve their best! This book is a great combination of self-reflection and unique. I highly recommend adding this book to your library!

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