Captive Mate (Mismatched Mates Book 2)

Kindle Edition
24 Aug
Captured, imprisoned, and…falling in love?

Arik is many things. Shaman, necromancer, a little on the snarky side…no one could ever accuse him of being boring. But one thing he never intended to be was imprisoned by angry werewolves. Maybe casting that love spell on the sexy alpha pack leader wasn’t such a great idea after all.

Matthew Armitage has a problem. Several of them, actually. And the biggest one is Arik. The shaman can’t be trusted. He’s dangerous enough to get the entire pack killed. Matthew knows that. But knowing doesn’t make it any easier to keep his mind (and hands) off Arik. Surely everything he’s feeling is a side effect of the spell…right?

It’s not long before enemies of the pack start circling—including one intent on claiming Arik as his unwilling mate. If they have any hope of surviving, Arik and Matthew will need to work together. And if they want a shot at happily ever after…well, they’ll just have to cross that bridge when they get to it.

If they get to it…

Captive Mate can (sort of) be read as a standalone, but works best when read in order as part of the Mismatched Mates series, beginning with The Alpha’s Warlock. This book contains a vivid memory of a sexual assault, but the assault occurs in the past and off-page and is not between the main characters. This series does not contain mpreg.

Reviews (115)

Snarky. Bit Edgy. Enemies to Lovers.

This book kicks off after the events at the end of The Alpha’s Warlock – book #1 – and follows the shaman, magic user, necromancer, although necromancy isn’t really explored, and shifter who caused some chaos when the Kimball and the Armitage packs fought. Nate’s father was originally trying to cause unrest and bring a new paranormal order into being, and while his demise was good, it still left a degree of turmoil/unrest in the aftermath. Including Arik being held captive by the Armitage pack and a love spell he’s put on Matthew, their alpha, to ensure Arik’s own safety. Arik is more powerful than Nate, the warlock of the first book’s title. Like Nate, Arik has quite a degree of emotional baggage, probably more. It makes for a rough start because Arik is somewhat of a prickly dick. Hang in there. He grows on you. Once you get to know more about him you can sympathise, there is a lot to sympathise with, and you can see that he fits the ragtag Armitage pack. I ended up caring a great deal for Arik, just don’t tell him. There’s a new pack war with the Kimballs, complete with a new agitator, Parker Taft. Parker is the alpha of the Taft pack and he wants Arik back and doesn’t care who he uses or hurts to do that. Arik doesn’t want to go back, with good reason. However, he’s in a quandary with nowhere in particular to go and uncertainty about this pack who are his captors, especially about Matthew Armitage. He seems like the typical alpha… yet he also doesn’t. He’s drawn to him but he “hates” him on principal. Arik can’t trust alphas, wolf packs, and feelings – outside of anger, hurt and confusion. Arik seems an unlikely love interest for Matthew Armitage – another alpha wolf. That aspect started slowly for me, but it grew exponentially throughout. It works in this world and within this group of stomping, snarky, growly, misfit beings. This is about mismatched mates after all, it’s the name of the overall series, and Arik and Matthew fit that description to a tee. Nate and Ian were the same in book #1 so Eliot Grayson stays true to the spirit of the series. There is some violence in this book, there is an overall edge to the writing. But there is also plenty of humour and snarky banter. ‘A little on the snarky side’ in the blurb is a study in understatement. “Where’s your worse half?” I asked Nate. “Off grunting at small animals?” “Ian prefers to grunt at large animals,” Matthew said blandly. “More of a challenge when they grunt back.” I enjoyed unpacking the character baggage. I enjoyed the personal and connected growth of Matthew, who I think is quite the picture of self control and respectfulness, and Arik, who is his own worst enemy at times, but – once you know why – understandably so. There’s romance and there’s use of the paranormal mine, which I do love. Magic is well utilised in Captive Mate in this very shamanic or even Gaia-like way because Arik is connected to the earth when he uses magic. I loved his shifter form, tufty ears and all. Not saying anymore than that 🙂 I like that the respective series book’s fated mates are not interested in being owned or being a possession. I don’t mind a possessive paranormal romance, in fact I’m all about stalkerish obsessive love, but it depends on the story, the characters and the writing. I respect the feelings of both Nate and now Arik wanting to be their own man whilst also allowing love into their life. This, I very much enjoy. This, fits the overarching nature of the storytelling. It was good to see Charlie Fenwick and Dor once more. It was also wonderful to not only see but spend quite a bit of time with Nate and Ian again. Speaking of… Oh. My. God. Nate and his passive-aggressive mugs! I laughed so hard. Terrific reading. 4.5 Stars.

A highly entertaining, character-driven fantasy that balances sex and humor with tense action sequences.

It's strange how enjoyable this series is, perhaps because the author has found her aesthetic sweet spot. Using fantasy character tropes (werewolves, vampires and warlocks), Grayson plays with gender and sexuality while also addressing brutal sexual violence. But since it occurs between creatures whose existence is imaginary, the violence is mostly set at a distance. It's like patrons during the Renaissance, who were able to engage with sexual themes in their art - but only when these were cloaked in the mythical stories of Greek gods and goddesses, under the guise of coded morality tales. Still, escaping sexual violence is the primary driver of the plot, as Arik, a shifter who uses a kind of magic derived from nature, flees two groups of werewolves who have abused him. Grayson makes Arik's terror of being recaptured palpable, but he's no innocent victim, either. He employs control and coercion, too, casting a love spell on Mathew, the alpha of a down and out werewolf pack introduced in the first book, that puts the leader's sanity and life at risk. All of which makes this book sound either dark and depressing, or just plain silly, depending on your viewpoint. Indeed, some of the plot points could be read as a juvenile rationale for writing about sex that borders on S & M. BUT this brings me back to Grayson's aesthetic. She balances all of these elements with a humor that, especially in this book, is sparkling and sharp. Arik, despite his situation and morals, is funny. He's both sardonic and sarcastic, and the humor is usually well timed not just for laughs and for character development, but also to illuminate or reframe important parts of the story. It's sexy, fun, and, what's more, Grayson can write action scenes that keep your attention and keep you guessing. There are three more books in this series, and I'm looking forward to them.

MC is awful...past trauma doesn’t justify hurting people

I wanted to like this book however the main character is awful. He has been through a lot of horrible things, (none caused by this pack). He’s traumatized and trying to survive, I get that. Knowing this, I tried very hard to empathize with him but he continually made choices to hurt others with his actions and words, even after they helped him. He used his trauma to justify his actions and never once apologized. In fact, the other characters apologized to him for the well deserved actions they took against him for his bad behavior. They tried repeatedly to get him to do the right thing but he continued to be selfish and manipulative. If at any point he would have apologized for what he did to the alpha and the pack, it would have saved this story arch. People were hurt and died because of his actions. Actions have consequences. By the time he does something remotely good, I know longer cared what happened to him. Saving someone who’s dying (mostly due to circumstances he created) doesn’t erase the his terrible choices. Mind/emotional rape, deceitful manipulation and manslaughter were basically glazed over by the alpha, for love? Despicable smh.

Very riveting. 🤗💜💙

The story is told through the perspective of Arik (captive shaman and bobcat shifter) and it was very riveting. Arik had put a love spell on Matthew (wolf alpha) and later, much later, Matthew realizes that he loves Arik even after the spell has been removed. This book had me pulled in from the first page to the last. I enjoyed the style of writing and the plot was very gripping, full of (some violence), shamen, enchantments, shifters, passion and heat with a bit of humor. This was a very creative and enthralling read.

Shaman meets his match

This book dragged in parts which is why it’s 3 stars instead of 4. Communication was the missing piece in this story. It would have made the connection between the characters SO much stronger had it been there. Again this is told in single pov. It’s from Airik’s perspective. He was the ultimate unlikeable character. The author did every thing to make you loathe this guy. And it worked. I was meh on him until almost the end. Matthew was pretty one dimensional too. I’m not sure I want to continue this series tbh. I’ll take a break and then reassess. There’s a short Christmas novella next. I do enjoy reading those in the summer 🤔🤔🎄🎄

Love the series

I love this series. The author is great at creating complex characters and plot. This story was great, but for over half the book I really hated Arik. He only looked out for himself and screwed over everyone else. He had a traumatized last, but I never found any sympathy for him. I loved Matthew and what a great pack leader he was, smart and caring. I was glad that Nate and Ian were part of the story and looked forward to any interactions that involved Nate as I fell in love with him in book 1. I look forward to any further books in this series, but hope any new characters are not so difficult to like.


I've read, or tried to read, a fair number of 'deeply troubled antisocial character' romances, but few achieve what this one did. Arik is defensive and distrustful for good reasons he doesn't dwell on, sharp-tongued and always wary, not realizing that those things that kept him free also blind him to some realities. Mistakes are made, serious ones, but there are layers of scar tissue and mistrust between him and reality. And it's serious, but the author still manages to insert humor and snark. I'm impressed. I enjoyed the first book, but this one's better. Richer. And the epilogue is perfect.

Adored it as much as the first book❤

I have really fallen in love with this series. I devoured the first book, and now the second book. I really loved the mismatched pairings. The author has epic-level snark and I'm here for every word. Adored Arik, how his distrust of everyone shaped him, and how Matthew let him take control and how he came into his own as a Sharman. Loved Matthew, loved uncovering all his layers. The writing is brilliant and i can't say enough about how much i loved these characters without sounding gushy and stalkery but whatever. Loved it❤

Great enemies to lovers story

Arik was so perfect for the straightlaced Matthew. I loved that they truly were enemies who were forced into near proximity, and became mates after a very lengthy period of learning about each other. I’m interested to see where things go for the Armitage Pack. They now have both a warlock and a shaman, so will their financial standing start looking more healthy? Will Parker’s pack seek some form of retaliation? Will Colin maintain a peace? Will Nate’s dad’s plans still continue to haunt everyone?

Captive Mate.

I really enjoyed reading this book. It was never boring to me. Arik is the shaman who is not to be trusted. He puts a spell on Matthew and ends up being a pack prisoner. As long as Matthew thinks he is in love with Arik, he is safe. Ultimately Arik removes the spell and he escapes. But he soon learns there is more danger facing Matthew and his pack. So Matthew and Arik will have to work together for the sake of the pack and each other. This book is good!

Snarky. Bit Edgy. Enemies to Lovers.

This book kicks off after the events at the end of The Alpha’s Warlock – book #1 – and follows the shaman, magic user, necromancer, although necromancy isn’t really explored, and shifter who caused some chaos when the Kimball and the Armitage packs fought. Nate’s father was originally trying to cause unrest and bring a new paranormal order into being, and while his demise was good, it still left a degree of turmoil/unrest in the aftermath. Including Arik being held captive by the Armitage pack and a love spell he’s put on Matthew, their alpha, to ensure Arik’s own safety. Arik is more powerful than Nate, the warlock of the first book’s title. Like Nate, Arik has quite a degree of emotional baggage, probably more. It makes for a rough start because Arik is somewhat of a prickly dick. Hang in there. He grows on you. Once you get to know more about him you can sympathise, there is a lot to sympathise with, and you can see that he fits the ragtag Armitage pack. I ended up caring a great deal for Arik, just don’t tell him. There’s a new pack war with the Kimballs, complete with a new agitator, Parker Taft. Parker is the alpha of the Taft pack and he wants Arik back and doesn’t care who he uses or hurts to do that. Arik doesn’t want to go back, with good reason. However, he’s in a quandary with nowhere in particular to go and uncertainty about this pack who are his captors, especially about Matthew Armitage. He seems like the typical alpha… yet he also doesn’t. He’s drawn to him but he “hates” him on principal. Arik can’t trust alphas, wolf packs, and feelings – outside of anger, hurt and confusion. Arik seems an unlikely love interest for Matthew Armitage – another alpha wolf. That aspect started slowly for me, but it grew exponentially throughout. It works in this world and within this group of stomping, snarky, growly, misfit beings. This is about mismatched mates after all, it’s the name of the overall series, and Arik and Matthew fit that description to a tee. Nate and Ian were the same in book #1 so Eliot Grayson stays true to the spirit of the series. There is some violence in this book, there is an overall edge to the writing. But there is also plenty of humour and snarky banter. ‘A little on the snarky side’ in the blurb is a study in understatement. “Where’s your worse half?” I asked Nate. “Off grunting at small animals?” “Ian prefers to grunt at large animals,” Matthew said blandly. “More of a challenge when they grunt back.” I enjoyed unpacking the character baggage. I enjoyed the personal and connected growth of Matthew, who I think is quite the picture of self control and respectfulness, and Arik, who is his own worst enemy at times, but – once you know why – understandably so. There’s romance and there’s use of the paranormal mine, which I do love. Magic is well utilised in Captive Mate in this very shamanic or even Gaia-like way because Arik is connected to the earth when he uses magic. I loved his shifter form, tufty ears and all. Not saying anymore than that 🙂 I like that the respective series book’s fated mates are not interested in being owned or being a possession. I don’t mind a possessive paranormal romance, in fact I’m all about stalkerish obsessive love, but it depends on the story, the characters and the writing. I respect the feelings of both Nate and now Arik wanting to be their own man whilst also allowing love into their life. This, I very much enjoy. This, fits the overarching nature of the storytelling. It was good to see Charlie Fenwick and Dor once more. It was also wonderful to not only see but spend quite a bit of time with Nate and Ian again. Speaking of… Oh. My. God. Nate and his passive-aggressive mugs! I laughed so hard. Terrific reading. 4.5 Stars.

A highly entertaining, character-driven fantasy that balances sex and humor with tense action sequences.

It's strange how enjoyable this series is, perhaps because the author has found her aesthetic sweet spot. Using fantasy character tropes (werewolves, vampires and warlocks), Grayson plays with gender and sexuality while also addressing brutal sexual violence. But since it occurs between creatures whose existence is imaginary, the violence is mostly set at a distance. It's like patrons during the Renaissance, who were able to engage with sexual themes in their art - but only when these were cloaked in the mythical stories of Greek gods and goddesses, under the guise of coded morality tales. Still, escaping sexual violence is the primary driver of the plot, as Arik, a shifter who uses a kind of magic derived from nature, flees two groups of werewolves who have abused him. Grayson makes Arik's terror of being recaptured palpable, but he's no innocent victim, either. He employs control and coercion, too, casting a love spell on Mathew, the alpha of a down and out werewolf pack introduced in the first book, that puts the leader's sanity and life at risk. All of which makes this book sound either dark and depressing, or just plain silly, depending on your viewpoint. Indeed, some of the plot points could be read as a juvenile rationale for writing about sex that borders on S & M. BUT this brings me back to Grayson's aesthetic. She balances all of these elements with a humor that, especially in this book, is sparkling and sharp. Arik, despite his situation and morals, is funny. He's both sardonic and sarcastic, and the humor is usually well timed not just for laughs and for character development, but also to illuminate or reframe important parts of the story. It's sexy, fun, and, what's more, Grayson can write action scenes that keep your attention and keep you guessing. There are three more books in this series, and I'm looking forward to them.

MC is awful...past trauma doesn’t justify hurting people

I wanted to like this book however the main character is awful. He has been through a lot of horrible things, (none caused by this pack). He’s traumatized and trying to survive, I get that. Knowing this, I tried very hard to empathize with him but he continually made choices to hurt others with his actions and words, even after they helped him. He used his trauma to justify his actions and never once apologized. In fact, the other characters apologized to him for the well deserved actions they took against him for his bad behavior. They tried repeatedly to get him to do the right thing but he continued to be selfish and manipulative. If at any point he would have apologized for what he did to the alpha and the pack, it would have saved this story arch. People were hurt and died because of his actions. Actions have consequences. By the time he does something remotely good, I know longer cared what happened to him. Saving someone who’s dying (mostly due to circumstances he created) doesn’t erase the his terrible choices. Mind/emotional rape, deceitful manipulation and manslaughter were basically glazed over by the alpha, for love? Despicable smh.

Very riveting. 🤗💜💙

The story is told through the perspective of Arik (captive shaman and bobcat shifter) and it was very riveting. Arik had put a love spell on Matthew (wolf alpha) and later, much later, Matthew realizes that he loves Arik even after the spell has been removed. This book had me pulled in from the first page to the last. I enjoyed the style of writing and the plot was very gripping, full of (some violence), shamen, enchantments, shifters, passion and heat with a bit of humor. This was a very creative and enthralling read.

Shaman meets his match

This book dragged in parts which is why it’s 3 stars instead of 4. Communication was the missing piece in this story. It would have made the connection between the characters SO much stronger had it been there. Again this is told in single pov. It’s from Airik’s perspective. He was the ultimate unlikeable character. The author did every thing to make you loathe this guy. And it worked. I was meh on him until almost the end. Matthew was pretty one dimensional too. I’m not sure I want to continue this series tbh. I’ll take a break and then reassess. There’s a short Christmas novella next. I do enjoy reading those in the summer 🤔🤔🎄🎄

Love the series

I love this series. The author is great at creating complex characters and plot. This story was great, but for over half the book I really hated Arik. He only looked out for himself and screwed over everyone else. He had a traumatized last, but I never found any sympathy for him. I loved Matthew and what a great pack leader he was, smart and caring. I was glad that Nate and Ian were part of the story and looked forward to any interactions that involved Nate as I fell in love with him in book 1. I look forward to any further books in this series, but hope any new characters are not so difficult to like.


I've read, or tried to read, a fair number of 'deeply troubled antisocial character' romances, but few achieve what this one did. Arik is defensive and distrustful for good reasons he doesn't dwell on, sharp-tongued and always wary, not realizing that those things that kept him free also blind him to some realities. Mistakes are made, serious ones, but there are layers of scar tissue and mistrust between him and reality. And it's serious, but the author still manages to insert humor and snark. I'm impressed. I enjoyed the first book, but this one's better. Richer. And the epilogue is perfect.

Adored it as much as the first book❤

I have really fallen in love with this series. I devoured the first book, and now the second book. I really loved the mismatched pairings. The author has epic-level snark and I'm here for every word. Adored Arik, how his distrust of everyone shaped him, and how Matthew let him take control and how he came into his own as a Sharman. Loved Matthew, loved uncovering all his layers. The writing is brilliant and i can't say enough about how much i loved these characters without sounding gushy and stalkery but whatever. Loved it❤

Great enemies to lovers story

Arik was so perfect for the straightlaced Matthew. I loved that they truly were enemies who were forced into near proximity, and became mates after a very lengthy period of learning about each other. I’m interested to see where things go for the Armitage Pack. They now have both a warlock and a shaman, so will their financial standing start looking more healthy? Will Parker’s pack seek some form of retaliation? Will Colin maintain a peace? Will Nate’s dad’s plans still continue to haunt everyone?

Captive Mate.

I really enjoyed reading this book. It was never boring to me. Arik is the shaman who is not to be trusted. He puts a spell on Matthew and ends up being a pack prisoner. As long as Matthew thinks he is in love with Arik, he is safe. Ultimately Arik removes the spell and he escapes. But he soon learns there is more danger facing Matthew and his pack. So Matthew and Arik will have to work together for the sake of the pack and each other. This book is good!

Strong Followup

With a strong "me against the world" protagonist this sequel pulls no punches and starts off running where the first book left off. I wasn't sure how such enemies would turn to anything else, but the author really pulled off the long hard journey of character growth that was paced just right. A bit less mayhem in this installment, but I think it fits the story well (and leaves room for bigger "booms" for larger overarching plot points later in the series).


This series continues to be amazing. What I love most about this particular book is that the plot is a little more unique…never read a ‘MC under a love spell’ before….I love that she makes the characters misunderstood and sticking with each other anyways…makes it feel like an epic kind of romance.

Cute and predictable

I enjoyed both characters in this story as they faced real challenges. It was predictable and there was a bit of, suspending belief to get to certain points in their relationship but in a cute way.

Good sequel

I enjoyed the story immensely. Don't want to say any spoilers , but worth the read . I'm awaiting the next story line , mb the giant guard at the door or a gnarly gnome .

Great bad guy becomes good guy story

Really enjoyed this one. He was a bit of that unreliable narrator type, bad guy because he had to be to survive type, but I think it worked out well.

Great Book

Atom is a delightful character that you change your mind about over the course of the book. Mathew is perfect with and for Arik.

Cute read

Solid writing, which is not a guarantee in this genre, good plot, and just an all-around cute read. Solid 3.5-4 stars.


I loved it. The characters in the story line carry over easily from book to book. I can't wait to read the third installment this series.

Hard sell on rooting for these MCs since one is so unlikeable for so long.

3.5 stars...This is the second book in a series and I really enjoyed the first book which grabbed me from the start. This one picks up right where the first one lets off and even though it is focused on a different couple you really need to read book one first in order to fully appreciate the story here. The MCs in this book are Matthew, the alpha of the Armitadge pack and Arik, the shaman that helped a rival pack try to kill them and was taken prisoner in book one. I had a really hard time with this book because Arik is complete likeable for the first third of the book and while that eases up a little he’s not much better for the rest of the book. Later in the book we are supposed to feel bad for him but we never get enough background information to really get there. He had a crappy life but he chose to make the bad decisions he made to hurt other people. And while Matthew is likeable we don’t get to know a whole lot about him either so it’s hard to root for MCs to get their HEA when you just don’t care that much about them. Additionally, and this was an issue I had in book one, there are some pretty well established, generally accepted shifter mythologies that are just ignored here and that makes it hard to accept some of the premises of the storyline (no spoilers) and therefore accept the flow of the story. The last part of the book is more exciting and compelling but it’s kind of too little, too late to really redeem the MCs. Book one was funny, emotional and suspenseful. There’s some humor here but I couldn’t generate much emotion and there wasn’t as much suspense. Based on the author’s note in book one I expected we would find out more about Arik’s step-brother in this book. While Arik thinks about him a few times we don’t get much info and that was a disappointment. I will probably try book three when it comes out but I’ll be hoping it grabs me right away like book one did. **I voluntarily read an ARC and this is my unbiased opinion.**

the BEST love spell conundrum

I can't say enough good things about this book. I adore Arik. Matthew was a hard sell at first but he won out in the end -- VERY strongly. CM deals with some hard topics in this story where Arik, a sexual abuse survivor, cast a love spell he won't take off Matthew because he is a prisoner and believes the pack will kill him if he doesn't have Matthew as collateral. Things get dicey when they have to increase proximity, but the spell is making Matthew crazy, putting Arik on edge. Watching these characters go from not trusting the other, violent thoughts/actions as they struggle through being enemies, to fighting for each other and sacrificing self-interests to keep the other safe... GUH. Arik gets exactly what he needs and deserves in the end and the payoff is so, so sweet. CONTENT WARNING: Arik is a survivor of extreme sexual abuse and is not shy about owning the horrible things that were done to him. If you are triggered by frank or crude discussion of assault by a coping survivor, proceed with caution. I will say, Arik's chance for healing is very rewarding. Eliot is one of my favorite authors. I wolfed down (lol) the Alpha's Warlock, the first book in this series, and then read through the rest of her books while eagerly waiting for this one. 10/10 (Also, if you're into rimming, there's... a lot of that. And it's great. Yep.)

Grayson can make you enjoy even the most unlikeable characters!

I liked this book a whole lot more than I thought I would when I began reading. See, I didn’t really like Arik. And that never changed. But while I didn’t like him as a person, I still really enjoyed him as a character. He’s prickly, defensive, pretty selfish, and these are not qualities I like, but I did understand why he was that way. I thought there was a lot of good further world building in this one, and am definitely excited to see how the series progresses in the future. I do wish we got Matthews POV, because I definitely don’t understand why he fell in love with Arik, but for some reason, I didn’t care. This would usually bother me immensely, but instead I was all aboard this relationship.

Can't force true love

Arik has found himself in another of life's crappy turns. He's just trying to figure out if being a prisoner of the Armitage pack and with his magic inaccessible is worse than when he was being coerced to fight for the Kimball pack. Neither is ideal and he's certainly been in worse situations. But can he make that love spell he cast on the Armitage alpha, Matthew, work to his advantage? Matthew knows his feelings are due to a spell's compulsion but that doesn't make him any less feral about his seeming need for the shaman, Arik. He just needs him to remove the spell then he can configure out how to deal with him and the fallout from the battle with the Kimballs. But what if it's not just the spell affecting him? Arik's whole life has been hard and full of violence and treachery. His goal has just been to survive as best he can. Now that he's connected to the Armitage pack maybe things can change for the better ... if Matthew wants him and not just his magic. This is the second book in the series and I definitely recommend starting from the beginning as this one picks up where the first left off. I love the snark, the emotions, and the characters. I'm interested to see where the building storyline goes in future books. I received an ARC of this book and am leaving an honest review.


I know the blurb says it can be read as a standalone, sort of, but if I were you I would discard that. While it does explain some things that happened in book 1, if you don’t read book 1 first, there are a few things that are going to throw you off and you’ll be a bit lost. So definitely read book 1 first. Next, although there is not an on page detailed description of it, there are possible triggers. One of the MCs has been beaten and raped repeatedly in his life and someone is still after him to do more of that to him, in order to use him for what he is. So be careful with that. This was a good book, but man was it hard. If you read book 1, then you know Matthew was not in his right mind, which is why Ian was put in the position he was. If you haven’t read book 1, stop now and go do so. Anyway, Matthew was not in his right frame of mind because of a spell put on him and now the one who put the spell on him, a shaman they think is named Jonah, but is really Arik, they have captured and aren’t releasing him until he fixes Matthew. But the problem is Arik doesn’t trust them. And with Ian’s temper alone, who could blame him. But it’s more than that. Arik’s past has been horrific. There are things he’s horrified to even think about that’s happened to them and he’s honestly terrified it will happen again, or much worse. He just knows he has to fight as long as he can until he can find a way out. The problem is, the spell has backfired, so to speak. And Arik can’t figure out why. And he won’t because what’s happening, he doesn’t believe could ever happen to him. But with all that’s going on around them, Arik realizes he has to help to a point. Because the past is coming back for him, and for Matthew’s small pack. But will the rest trust him enough to do what’s right and believe he’s trying to help, or will it backfire even more on him? Arik. Man, I feel for him so bad. Because he really has had a bad past that just keeps coming back to haunt him. In many different ways. But the hard part I had with Arik, is as much as I felt for him, I almost hated him too. Maybe not hate, but strongly disliked. Because even though he was in a bad spot with the other packs, he did have a choice on what to or not to do. He could have done something different. He did help in a way by making so Matthew was attached to him instead of how the other packs really wanted things. So that was a better decision, but he still could have made some different choices. But then again, we all can. Matthew’s pack could have made different choices as well. There were some bad decisions all around. And the evil that they were all trying to fight, had a way to dig its claws in because everyone was too busy trying to be alpha or top dog instead of working together and finding a solution. So when Arik was captured by Ian and them, I don’t blame him for not being trusting. He knew he messed up. He tried to do the best he could with a bad situation, but for Ian and Nate alone, it was enough they couldn’t trust what he would do if they let him go. Again, bad decisions can bite you in the butt when you least expect it. Granted, Arik more than made up for it. But everyone had to learn from their mistakes in this one. Everyone had to learn sometimes pride gets way too far in the way and that too many alphas makes a pack much worse instead of better. It’s a good story. It will pull you in many directions, because sometimes you just want to smack them all or shake them and others, you want to hug them and let them know it’s alright. But in the end, it makes for a dang good story.

Captive Mate - Arik and Matthew

In this world, if you're a shaman, you're a commodity, and for Arik, that is his life. He doesn't have a home, a pack, or the backing to feel protected and safe. He has no one. His life is on the run, had to fight with everything he has, turning him into this lying cheating manipulative poor example of humanity. I assume he didn't know a better way because what he's doing works. At the same time, I wondered who taught him his shaman skills because he is quite talented. So he's free to roam, beholden to no-one until he's captured. Starved. Magic contained. Chained. Who knows how long he's been held. He is sick where he's never been sick before. Weak. Helpless. Amazingly enough it's tied to the Armistice Pack Alpha. Some twisted spell, all of Arik's making. At first glace this looked like a m/f book with that blonde on the cover. Yeah. Arik would be appalled. This is an enemies to lovers, no necromancy moments, but a few close calls solved with magic. The twist on the spell/not spell was well done. It'll be interesting to see how the Armistice Pack members accept Arik. Just because Matthew and Ian accepted him doesn't mean they all will. Time will tell. - Read on Kindle Unlimited. - Dan's Wife

Snarky Love

Captive Mate is the second book in the Mismatched Mates series. It should be read right after the first book, The Alpha’s Warlock, because this book picks up right where the first one ends. Arik’s life has been hard. Almost everyone he’s ever met has want to use him in one way or another. So why bother trying to get close to anyone or falling in love? Arik instead does his best to survive and using every opportunity to protect himself. And then he meets Matthew Armitage. Spells, curses, pack wars, and dangerous threats from the past can’t stop these two shifters from falling in love. I absolutely love this series – the plot is engaging and enthralling and the characters are fascinating. There is snark, sass, romance, fluff, action, angst, and super sexy moments. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

Plenty of snarky fun and fab romance

I’m not necessarily a fan of villain being rehabilitated but this particular villain grew on me. Arik, the self-absorbed and conniving villain, grew on me (and definitely on other characters ) as we figure out his story. Matthew, our other MC, is a typical lovable alpha with plenty of teddy bearish characteristics. You just want to hug him. Arik is the prickly independent cat that cannot be tamed. Turns out it’s a great combination. The humor is the type I like — a bit tongue in cheek but not over the top. Definitely plenty of snark! It’s hilarious to look at our first book MCs from Arik’s point of view! Well-written, well-plotted, and really enjoyable overall. Excellent story, lovable characters, snarky but intelligent humor and fun action, this story is definitely a winner. Highly recommended!

Pleeeeze tell me there will be more!

I had no idea how this would play out after the first novel in which Arik (Jonah) *spoiler if you haven’t read the first novel* put a love spell on Matthew. Arik’s been on his own since he was a teenager and has been used and abused ever since. He doesn’t really have much of a conscience and is used to only thinking of himself and what would benefit (or, not kill, whichever) him. He’s quite surprised to find he seems to have developed some pesky feelings for this alpha and they just won’t go away... I had so much fun with this!! Arik is consistently grumpy and has a foul mouth. I adored him!!! Matthew seemed very mature and wise, he didn’t try to downplay what was happening once he figured it out. The last chapters were everything, I loved their HEA and wish there was even more. Perfect length, perfect pacing, lovely lovely novel!!!

Magic and Knotty Fun

I really liked how this story practically continued where it left off. Alrik was not really the bad guy but he wasn't actually a good guy he was mostly a guy who was on the run. He mostly cared about himself and preferred his own company. Matthew was nothing but a bargaining chip for himself to try to get away from his misdeeds. Alrik tried to use his magic to make Matthew help him out but thanks to his brother Ian and his mate Nate they figured out his plan. With a fake bond things get very complicated especially when someone from Alrik past shows up. Matthew want to hate Alrik but it's difficult with the fake magic bond and Alrik wants to stay safe but can he actually trust Matthew. This story has much if the same fun and action as the first one and once again they struggle for their happiness but get it in the end.

Arik rocks!

Ok, this was so good. The characters were vividly realized & best of all Arik was the epitome of snarkitude. I especially enjoyed Shaman Arik's inner monologing when faced with all the obstacles in his path. And Alpha Matthew, well let's just say Arik placed him in a very twisted pickle so his journey to his HEA with Arik was complicated to say the least. I do have a couple of questions about Arik that I am hoping will be addressed in the series. For example, Arik's lost older brother...what's that backstory & Arik's connection to the forest...what's going on with that? I love it when a book enfolds as if I am watching a movie & happily I can say that for me, "Captive Mate" did just that. Enjoy!

Tuft love

I’m not sure who I love more, Matthew and Arik or Nate and Ian. Good thing I don’t have to choose and can fall in love with all of them. “No barriers. No restrictions, and no fear.” I knew Arik was special but he blew me away. He, his snark and his prickly nature are truly spectacular. Matthew, I just want to cuddle with all day and night, well...maybe more. I love them together so hard and whew, they sizzle with chemistry. So much emotion and power in this book, it will pull on your heart, leave a mark and move you. I’m knot joking—this book, this series, all of the characters are amazing, funny, heartwarming and sensational. Don’t huff, don’t puff, just gobble it down.

Delightful paranormal story with werewolves and magic.

Delightful paranormal story with werewolves and magic. I enjoyed the great banter and a wonderful story-line. This is a great second book in this series and I loved the wonderful characters and complex pack dynamics. These characters are both complex and have a lot of personal stuff to work through and their growth brings them closer. The story-line was complex and I enjoyed the humor that was interlaced through the writing. The pacing was great and so enjoyed the story. This is book two of the Mismatched Mates series and it would be best to read the books in sequence.. I was gifted this book from Gay Romance Reviews and i freely give my honest opinion and review

Captive Mate

I really enjoyed this fast reading, well written shifter romance by Eliot Grayson, these books are so good. This is the second book in this series and picks up right where the first one ends, now that they have captured Arik maybe they can figure out how to break the love spell he cast on Matthew and life can get back to normal right, but what if being with Matthew is my new normal.

Good but not as Book 1

I had been anxiously waiting for Captive Mate as I loved Book 1 , The Alpha's Warlock . Unfortunately, it didn't grabbed my full attention until 60% or so . Needless to say, it was a struggle to keep at it . With that said, is more than likely I will read book 3 . Only this time, I will re-read book 1 and 2 before reading 3 as I find the world building around the series interesting. Sometimes, if too much time pass between interconnected book releases , one forget ; that's when the stories loses the enchantment once the held.

Challenging characters

I love a book where the author has to force me to like one of the characters and this book does a great job of that. Just as the characters are in an enemies to lovers story, I too was in rather the same place with one of our couple. But, just as the characters learn about each other and come to a place of love and trust as they spend time together so I came to love both of these guys and desperately wanted them to face down the very real dangers threatening both their personal safety and that of the the pack. The great world building continues in this volume of the series and the author is doing a great job of peopling that world with a wide variety of characters both good, evil and all shades of grey in between.

Love this series!

I love that these characters are all flawed & good/ villainous lines are blurry. The MC in this story go through a roller coaster of emotions & I could hardly put the book down. It's gonna be tough to wait until Spring of 2021 for the next installment but maybe by that time I'll be ready to read the first two books again to catch back up. I will come back to these stories again & again because they're so enthralling, surprisingly 'real' even though they're set in a fantasy universe, and they end with such heartwarming sweetness that i just can't get enough.

Great book 2

This story picked up the storyline room book 1. It was great to have the previous characters present as the story flowed seamlessly. I really shipped Matthew and Arik. Arik's hesitancy was relatable and Matthew is a great Alpha. This book (and series) goes in my re-read pile. Well done. Not to be greedy but I would not be mad at a book 3 ☺


Book two of series. Good, and I liked, but not nearly as much as I liked book one. Arik lacked the full on snarkiness of Nate in book one. Told entirely from Arik's POV, we see him as a shaman trying to get by and unfortunately having a hard time of it. Captured by Matthew, whom he set a love spell on, it'll take cunning and a wall around his heart to keep the feelings out. Darn those sneaky feels, getting in and making him care. KU, book in series, paranormal, wolf shifter, feline shifter, action, death of a side character, magic

Arik ❤️ Matthew

Arik is a piece of work for what he did to Matt & his pack! And Matt oh my goodness I was so mad at him until I realized he was under a spell and then I just felt bad for him! Arik is a lot like Nate, he was treated really bad for a long time which is why he feels like he can’t trust anyone and why he refused to get close to Matt but in the end even with the spell they fell in love with each other! This series starts off so hostile but the storyline keeps you hooked & we witness true love developing! Arik & Matt definitely deserve their happy ending and I can’t wait to see what happens next! 😀

Book 2 of "Mismatched Mates" -- Real Page Turner + Snarky !

Writing a review to say this series about the Weres pack, led by Matt Armitage , has been fun and good Were World building... this time with the non-aligned Shaman, Arik, who has no ties to any person or pack, until he has to "sort of" trust (or pretend to...) Matthew's pack. And they can't trust him either. Matthew knows that but still can't seem to keep his hands off Arik, due to a spell... yes, just a spell.......right? Loved Arik's style and snark !

Good but not like the 1st

I had to think hard to remember this is book 2 in the series. It has been a hot minute since the first book was written. The 1st book was better than this one in my opinion. Matthew & Arik are fated mates as they would loosely say. All of Arik’s powers weren’t really discussed or even used so it seems weird to mention he could do necromancy and not show it some how. I felt the story could of had a trim in chapters & dialogue in sections. There will be a 3rd book I believe in this series.


Arik is a necromancer who has put a love spell on an Alpha pack leader. He is held captive by the second of the pack and his mate. Matthew, the Alpha has been temporarily relieved of his duties while he is under Arik’s spell. They are held together. Feelings start to develop between them, but Matthew is unsure, he is convinced it the spell. This was a fantastic story, beautifully written. Loved it. I am voluntarily leaving a review form an ARC that I received. My reviews are solely based on my thoughts and opinions.

All the angst

Eliot Grayson does not do things by halves. Her characters have trauma with a capital T. Are Matthew and Arik perfect for each other? I can only say, "we'll see". I'm still a little confused about what happened. I'm not sure I like the characters. They're not exactly good guys. The sex is good, though. The action is fun. Overall, a fun read if a bit morally ambiguous.

Under your spell

A love spell gone wrong or very much right? The connection is there and it's powerful with or without the spell. Arik has been through some horrible experiences with alphas trying to control him and his magic. Mathew is a totally different breed of alpha who is honorable and caring. Arik doesn't understand how to cope or understand it but he can't help fall under Matthew's spell as well.

Even better

I wondered if a similar plot with a different couple would be repetitive. But that was not the case. Similar structure, but the characters were well written and enough was different. I am a sucker for the misunderstood anti-hero. I hate insta-love and abuse being overcome with the right manly alpha. The characters grew and the plot was interesting. A cool description of Arik's magic.

Struggled to Finish

The main character doesn’t start acting like a halfway decent person until 40 to 50% in. And by then, he had been so intensely unlikable that I didn’t really care if he got a happy ever after.


Arik is a survivor and he will fight to continue surviving and if that means holding Matthew hostage with a love spell, so be it. I really enjoyed watching their relationship evolve, their enemies to lovers story is a great addition to the Mismatched Mates series. *I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the GRR team*

Absolutely loved this enemies to lovers story

Amazing shifter book with no mpreg. I loved Arik - he's been through so much and all by himself. But he is also strong and ruthless and brave. And honorable and loyal Matthew just can't help but fall in love. Feelings, chemistry, humor, plot, main and secondary characters, the dynamics between Arik and Matthew - everything worked in this book. Looking forward to the next one!

Another interesting read.

I am really liking this enemies to lovers addition to this series. Mathew and Arik are great characters and this is an interesting read. It nice to see how their relationship develops. Especially after not a very good start with Arik holding Mathew hostage with a love spell. I can't wait for the next book.


This has got to be one of the most completely unexpected, unconventional, grab-you-by-the-feels, action packed, emotionally charged, powerful, intense, slow burning, snarky, make-me-want-to-rattle-some-teeth, keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat, and totally awesome tale that I've read in quite some time.

Captive Mate

Sexy, sassy and so much a fun! Picking up where the last book left off this story focuses on a new couple but stays in the same world and same characters we know from the first book. I loved the push and pull from the characters and can’t wait to see more from this world and which couple is next!

Amazing story

This was such a thrilling read for me, it had so many elements to it that I was just head over in heels for, I adored every second of this book. The characters were so well written and were given true personality that really gripped me and helped make this story all that amazing.

Matthew and Arik

Matthew and Arik's story starts at the end of The Alpha's Warlock, with Arik being hell prisoner by the Armitage pack and Matthew being under his love spell. This enemies to lovers romance had hot scenes, fight scenes, bloody scenes and lovely scenes. A very well balanced paranormal book!

ᘜᖇᗴᗩT ᔕTOᖇY

‘Captive Mate’ is a highly enjoyable, detail packed story. With enough nods to book 1 so the reader can catch up, and little “hopeful hints” towards book 3. While I do prefer my MCs to not have a tragic backstory, or be ambiguously “good”, I truly ᒪOᐯᗴᗪ Arik. I can foresee he and Nate becoming close friends, and I’d want a front row seat for that!!


Absolutely Awesome Read Again, Loved it and Reading from this Author will keep you turning pages can't wait for more, well written, great characters, Awesome story line, I voluntarily read this ARC for my honest review and loved it, thanks for allowing me to read your work...

Even better than book 1

I enjoyed this even more than book 1, which I really, really liked. Surprising since I didn’t like either Matthew or Jonah (Arik) in book 1. This was well done and I look forward to more in this series. I do not recommend reading as a stand alone so read book 1 first.

Nice Read

Fun relaxing way to spend some time. The central characters are complex and sympathetic, worth watching them work thru their issues. I ended up cheering when they finally acknowledged their bond to each other. Wouldn't mind more stories where they are featured.

Awesome Eliot keep going

I was hoping this would continue. Didn't get the follow notice for some reason. Found it going back through read. Good good good. Actual story with the hotness. Can't wait for the next. Not much insight into other pack members to guess who's next though

Much better

Book 2 was much better than 1... I loved Matt and Arick's was much more believable ...especially what Arick had Bern through you understood his logic of thinking.... The only thing is I wish we got both POV's...waiting on the next book...

Lots of fun!

I enjoyed the first book in this series, so when I saw there was a second book, I went back and re-read the first one just for fun. The character development is great, the dialogue snarky and funny, and the action just edge-of-your-seat enough to keep you reading without terrifying you. Highly recommended.

Intense read with a morally bankrupt MC

I think whether you enjoy this book or not depends very much on whether you empathize with Arik. Personally I enjoy a morally bankrupt / chaotic neutral character every now and then, but I can see it not being everyone’s cup of tea. I loved the twists and turns the story took and it was in the midst of the Big Battle that I realized that I was witnessing something epic. 10/10 would read something by this author again.

Loved it

A good & fun read...the characters are amazing & the storyline was action packed & flowed nicely...plenty of banter & stubborn ego's between the two main characters but a h.e.a. with hot sex between a gorgeous alpha & a fiesty shaman...great read


If you love to read about shifters and magic then you will enjoy this one. Arik has been trying to escape alpha that want to drain him of his power. What will happen when alpha thinks love spell is still working on him and not what truly in his heart.

Ends better than it starts

This book is so hard to like because the shaman is just someone so horrible I don't want him humanized. Eventually you may like home but it was hard to get through. The story line was pretty good.


Enemies to lovers...somehow fated mate happens to be someone who tries to harm you? That sounds wrong, but the story simply works. Cute and sassy...there are lots of actions and romance and heat also!

Holy crow where to begin.

I had barely finished a pirate novel when Warlock was recommended to me by Prime. I devoured it in a few hours, and immediately moved on to this. I'm a huge fan already. It's easy to connect to the characters, and quite a few of my kinks are in the series so far. Paranormal romance? Hell Yeah! I'm looking forward to more of this series and more from the author in general! I can hardly wait to see more of this world and it's history unfold... as well as more steamy hotness between the main characters! A+++!

Shaman Sexiness

Ah! This time it’s a love interest between a Shaman and a werewolf!!! It’s a compelling story with our main character having a horrible life experience that through loves and friends, he’s able to overcome.

So great

I thought I loved Alpha’s Warlock buy this was even better. Arik was not a super likable character to start with but man did he come around. Love every part of this story. ❤️


This was fun little action/plot packed book. It was a good follow-up to book 1. I really enjoyed the story. I liked the main characters, A in particular. I will read book 3.

So Good

Best enemies to lovers slow burn I’ve read in this genre. So much drama and intrigue and magic it’s one of those books that’s un-put-down-able. Read Book One first though, or you won’t enjoy the true fury between them. Also, Arik is my spirit animal.

so good

i love this series so much.. it is fast paced and interesting.. it keeps me wondering what will happen next.. the characters are amazing.. the writing is superb and i cannot wait for the next one!


Whew what a story. Arik is a prickly shaman who only cares for himself. Matthew is an Alpha trying to protect his pack. These two together are fire! Loved it

Loved it!

I stayed up super late and finished it in one night because I couldn’t wait to finish it. Very disappointed I have to wait until the next one but so happy there will be a next one!!

I never thought it would work

This was a really well done enemies to lovers romance. The distance they had to travel seemed insurmountable but they managed to achieve their HEA.


I loved the first book with Ian and Nate so who wouldn’t love to read about Arik and Matthew? I’m curious as to who the next book will be about


The relationship between Arik and Matthew began in a rough place but by the end of the story, I was seriously in their corner. A good read.

HFN prefer HEA ending

This book was too much like poor misunderstood/mistreated person with a snarly mouth and an almost angelic character who put up with it!!

Great book!

Enjoyed it very much! Loved the character development! Enjoyed the first book as well, would like to see more of this universe!

First one was better

I know it's not exactly Shakespeare, but the romance is a lot more forced, and the main characters are harder to care about.


Nate and Ian characters from book one were better. Book two has more drama but not enough laughter. Otherwise it was good reading.

Really hoping this series continues

I’m just so invested in these characters, and I love the growth that each relationship goes through in both books - I would love to know more about Charlie and Dor!!! The story is just so satisfying, and the romance never feels forced (even with a love spell in the mix).

Loved it!

I loved this book. It hit me right in the chest. I think Mathew and Arik were perfect together. I love how the pack is growing.

Best Ever

I enjoyed watching the growth of their relationship and the vivid descriptions of their world. It was fascinating and fun.

The first book was better

I love nate and Ian they were cute and all but, Matt and Arik? They’re kind of have a dirty story.. not much my style,


Enemies to lovers, with a real slow burn, because these guys really don't like each other, it's pretty much forced.

Overall good

The writing was a little clunky and unpolished, but overall good! Characters were likable and well fleshed-out. Liked Nate best.

So cute

Sweet and steamy enemies to lovers- this was a great story. Loved it. Hopefully the author will write more in this series.


A misguded enemy becomes a loyal, hero-savior when he listens to his heart instead of his hurt! Good story all the way to the very end.

It gets better

I loved the first book but the second one is amazing. I read it for free but Im buying it.



Couldn't put it down.

I thought the first book in the series was pretty good. This installment cemented my love for the series. It definitely gave me a case of the feels. Look forward to seeing more of Arik's past unfold.

So obsessed with the series

If a slow-burn romance with plenty of snarky comments and action is what you’re looking for, this is THE book for you.

Good book overall

It was just hard for me to accept Arik. I don't usually have any hangups from previous books, but this character was just hard for me to like for some reason. Weird. 😛😄

Best real life heart warming!

Best real life relationships between characters and extremely heart warming! With a story that has so many people and moments that are truly relatable!

This was really really good

I felt and understood Arik's emotions, it is so will written. I've been known to skip a little when I'm reading but not this time


Matthew is so patient with Arik, I love it. They are so great together. Some bumps in the road but at the end, meant for each other.

Captivating indeed!

I enjoyed reading this second book of Mismatched Mates series. A refreshing enemies-to-lovers story, with the plotlines so well executed & resolution of each conflict well done. It didn’t feel rushed. The characters are amazing and Arik, the villain who unconsciously makes you root for him and get attached to him. His snark is something too. And Matt, oh poor Matt. There’s a reason why he’s the alpha. But also at the same time, I still think Ian taking over wouldn’t have been a bad idea. I adored seeing Nate and Ian and them being so happy in love. I can’t wait for more of this series. It’s a fun read.


I’m not sure how Arik was written to actually be likeable (especially after book 1!) but wow the growth he showed! I wish we could have gotten a little of Mathew’s POV, as I would have loved to know what he was thinking during some of the scenes, but knowing what Aril was thinking made me quickly (like 3 pages in) start rooting for him and realizing there’s a lot more to him than you would think.

It was ok

The Book has wonderful character, it just long enough to be novel size which means there could be a paperback for my shelves. I enjoyed it alot.

Fantastic series so far

Read the first one in a day and same with this one. Great characters and world building. Love all the side characters as well, shout out to when Arik and Colin first meet which had me laughing quite a bit. Great series across the board, keep it up!

Love this series.💙

Arik and Matthew are wonderful together. Arik is a character I loved to hate, but then, eventually discovered I didn't hate him very much at all. Matthew is kind and patient, and so perfect for his Shaman. And of course, the snarky humor made me laugh hard!


This book was ok, not a lot of depth but it was an entertaining read and I enjoyed it except for the Arik character.


really enjoyed reading this book

Villainous choices

An excellent sequel! Not only does this book follow directly on the heels of the first, it also does a great job of actually explaining and exploring this world more, expanding on the characters, and really diving into the complicated dynamics of this pack. At the end of the first book Arik was working against the Armitage pack and had been stopped by Nate. The Armitage pack have imprisoned him because it turns out Arik cast a spell in Matthew, the pack alpha, to love him, so to get the pack back to normal they need Arik to break that spell. Confident that doing so would spell his death and determined to get away Arik refuses, holding them all at a stalemate. Arik is a really great character to have as one of the main characters in this book because he is, quite frankly, the bad guy. His every action in the first book was to screw over the Armitage pack and that is still his intention at the start of this book. As we learn his past this seems to be the pattern of his life, doing anything to get power and screw over others. Having him he any sort of romantic interest feels so unlikely as to be impossible, so watching it come about was a truly dynamic enemies-to-lovers story! Learning more about the world was integral not only to making this series more full, but also to Arik's individual story. It turns out that supes are common in the world and they pretty much run it. Governments are almost useless these days, power instead following to the supe leader of an area. That power is held through force, dominance, and if need be, violence. Some leaders revel in that violence and power and will do anything to grow their power. As such, claiming a shaman to pack is a great power move. This has put Arik at risk as a pawn his entire life, always just seen as power and prestige instead of as a person. It puts a new light to his choices and the dynamics of this world. It was an excellent exploration of the world and really directed the overall story. This story is just as much about sexual attraction and power as it is about trust. With the crazy world they live in as well as the lives they have lived, trust is not something easy to come by. However, trust is the only thing that can build something more between Matthew, Arik, and the rest of the pack. It is the only thing capable of giving them all something more in life. Watching it build painstakingly piece was piece was a great story, filled with just as much humour as anything else. It was an excellent read and I look forward to more in this world!


I loved this so much and I cannot wait for more. I'm all hyped on this world and I definitely need dor/Charlie mystery solved. The feeling of finding a new home, of healing old wounds and getting courage is so good. I am emotionally invested so heavily in this. Absolute love

“ there’d be an AP exam on it later” 😆

I LOVE this series!!! I’m new to this author, and they are SO GOOD!! All the characters are so loveable, and they reappear in all the books, like a giant epilogue- which I love!!! I REALLY hope that Charlie and Dor get a book.. maybe they do? I’ll have to keep reading…

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