Bread for the Resistance: Forty Devotions for Justice People

Kindle Edition
16 Sep

Sometimes you get tired, doing this thing we call justice. Making the case, fighting the fight, having to explain again and again why it matters. You feel burned out or disillusioned. Sometimes you just need a word from the Lord.
In these daily devotions, Donna Barber offers life-giving words of renewal and hope for those engaged in the resistance to injustice. When you face adversity, you can take courage. When you grapple with discouragement, you can find hope. When your legs are tired from marching and your knees are bruised from kneeling, you can experience rest and healing.
Find here bread for the resistance.

Reviews (13)

The Rest We Need

I couldn't even get through the Introduction without crying! God knew I needed this book for such a time as this. I am using this book to accompany my fast from social media, to reground myself in God's truth. Donna Barber, thank you for this gift, thank you for creating this. I don't know of many social justice devotionals that are specifically written by BIPOC - I am so grateful to have found this. This is a MUST have for those who are feeling burnt out or tired. I love that the passages are directly related to Jesus' work of justice, are easy to understand and teach me about the defiant Jesus, the side of Jesus I was never taught growing up in the church. I also love the touch of the QR codes to worship songs. For all justice minded people - Church, this is the book to guide us in the rest we need.

Everyone doing justice needs this devotional.

In my justice circles the questions “how is your soul?” or “how are you taking care of yourself?” are a part of how we care for one another through accountability because we know the righteous work of pursuing justice can be brutal. Donna Barber offers us another important tool and calls us to remain centered and rooted in scripture as we carry on this sacred work.

Get this devotional/book!!

So much wisdom and perspective. God has used this devotional to speak to myself and my friends who are now passing it to others. It contains a much needed and vital approach to important social issues that aren’t addressed much in most Christian communities and resources

It’s Anti-lgbtq+

Great idea and quality writing. And I was really disappointed by the anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric that I found even within an initial perusal of the book. Great for christians who care ab justice in every way EXCLUDING justice for queer folx. Compared cops defending police violence against black bodies to the “gay person in your office.” Really, really disappointing.

Relevant for the Revolution of our faith.

This is a easy read but it covers all the topic of we need to live in this new age of resistance.

Great perspective

Great book with music to listen to a plus! 👍🏾 Really appreciate the main point and the direction of the devo.

Good Read

Enjoyed each chapter! encouraging

A refreshing devotional for those in justice work

Donna Barber is cofounder of The Voices Project, an organization that influences culture through training and promoting leaders of color. Her work is dedicated to training up leader of color to step into key roles in the church and culture. This little devotional is meant to reflect on powerful passages regarding justice and prayers that are cries from the heart. It is also meant to be worship. A great tool in this devotional is that a QR code is available at intervals throughout the book that will take the reader to a worship song by Urban Doxology. It is a great gift to be able to go directly to a worship song that allows the reader to sit back and reflect in praise. Why a devotional on justice for those in justice work? Barber writes: “Sometimes you get tired. In the midst of the marching and the posting and the blogging and the meetings – yes, the many, many meetings – you get tired. Tired of having to explain it again to people who don’t get it. Tired of figuring out the wording and the right tone of voice. Tired of swallowing the frustration and the lies like bile in the back of your throat and tired of pushing don the anger or the sorrow or the fear.” I write this review on the heels of the verdict in the murder of Botham Jean by police office Amanda Guyger. Guyger, if you will remember, was getting off duty as a Dallas police officer and walked into Botham’s apartment late one night, somehow thinking it was her own. Botham was completely surprised (of course) and Guyger, somehow thinking an intruder had broken into her apartment, shot and killed Botham in his own apartment. This week Guyger was found guilty of murder, yet only sentenced to 10 years (when up to 99 was possible). There was a scene in the sentencing phase that gripped the nation. Botham’s brother was giving a victim impact statement and then expressed his forgiveness to Guyger. He then asked if he could give her a hug. They embraced in a long hug that was incredibly moving. That act of forgiveness shines, but it cannot diminish the incredibly light sentence Guyger (a white police officer) received in the shooting of an unarmed black man in his own apartment. THIS is the weariness that is felt in the work of justice. THIS is something we, as white people, don’t always “get”. THIS is what people of color find frustrating. “Sometimes you get tired.” So, this devotional is a work of respite. It is to reflect on passages of justice while realizing this work truly belongs to Christ. It is a necessary work that takes the strength of the Spirit to accomplish. This book is a call to come aside. Don’t get so beat down you don’t stop and rest by quiet streams. “When the salty waves of disappointment and disillusionment are crashing over us, we realize our dehydration and call out, though perhaps with reluctance or fear, to the only one who can save us.” (p. 132) Come aside. Find the river of the Word of God. Drink from the fountain of the Spirit. This is a powerful invitation to those who work so hard. IVP Books sent me a copy of this book for review. I am under no obligation to give a positive review.

A must read for all who follow Jesus

This is a must read devotional for anyone who desires to remain in the fight for justice for the long haul. Donna has covered so many of the topics that I have seen trip up those who are following Jesus down the road to justice. The QR codes to hear relevant worship music from Urban doxology is an added bonus. This is a must read. I highly encourage everyone to pick up a copy and share it with all who need encouragement on the justice journey or even to be introduced to why justice is central to the mission of Jesus.

A endurance manual for those in the pursuit of justice

Seriously, no devotional as ever really hit the spot with me until this one. There’s always an assumption by the author that we are just looking for peace and comfort. If you’re looking for strength to endure and wisdom to guide you in the seeking of justice - this is your manual!! 💛💛💛🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

The Rest We Need

I couldn't even get through the Introduction without crying! God knew I needed this book for such a time as this. I am using this book to accompany my fast from social media, to reground myself in God's truth. Donna Barber, thank you for this gift, thank you for creating this. I don't know of many social justice devotionals that are specifically written by BIPOC - I am so grateful to have found this. This is a MUST have for those who are feeling burnt out or tired. I love that the passages are directly related to Jesus' work of justice, are easy to understand and teach me about the defiant Jesus, the side of Jesus I was never taught growing up in the church. I also love the touch of the QR codes to worship songs. For all justice minded people - Church, this is the book to guide us in the rest we need.

Everyone doing justice needs this devotional.

In my justice circles the questions “how is your soul?” or “how are you taking care of yourself?” are a part of how we care for one another through accountability because we know the righteous work of pursuing justice can be brutal. Donna Barber offers us another important tool and calls us to remain centered and rooted in scripture as we carry on this sacred work.

Get this devotional/book!!

So much wisdom and perspective. God has used this devotional to speak to myself and my friends who are now passing it to others. It contains a much needed and vital approach to important social issues that aren’t addressed much in most Christian communities and resources

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