Boundless: A Drizzt Novel (Generations Book 2)

Kindle Edition
09 Sep

This second book in New York Times bestselling author R. A. Salvatore’s all-new Forgotten Realms trilogy—full of swordplay, danger, and imaginative thrills—features one of fantasy’s most beloved and enduring characters, Drizzt Do’Urden.

Split between time and two worlds, Zaknafein had always been conflicted. That inner turmoil was magnified by his inferior position as a male dark elf in the matriarchal drow society. Only his status as one of the greatest warriors—as well as his friendship with the mercenary Jarlaxle—kept him sane. When he finally perished, he was content knowing he left behind a legacy as substantial as his son Drizzt.

Except . . . someone isn’t ready for Zaknafein to be dead. And now he’s back, hundreds of years later, in a world he doesn’t recognize. His son’s companions are not the prideful—and bigoted—males the drow warrior was accustomed to in his previous life. Drizzt’s circle includes dwarves, elves, and, perhaps worst of all, a human wife.

Struggling to navigate this transformed new world, Zaknafein realizes that some things have not changed: the threat of demons and the machinations of a drow matron no longer content with her family’s position in the ranks of Houses.

Though he has been displaced in time, Zaknafein is still a warrior. And no matter what prejudices he must overcome, he knows he will do his duty and fight by Drizzt’s side to stem the tide of darkness that threatens the Realms.

Reviews (170)

Some good, some bad

I have had mixed feelings about the last several Drizzt novels. Drizzt was my introduction to the Realms, and I still love the character. But I feel like Bob just kind of…plays in the Faerun sandbox, so to speak, without really paying attention to the lore of the setting (though he did contribute greatly to the development of Menzo). Since the Drizzt novels are currently all we are getting, I personally think Bob has a responsibility to the setting and lore. With as much as he deals with drow, he has had ample opportunity to bring up Eilistraee and Vhaeraun, but he ignores them, even though he mentions there are other goodly drow. The gods and the afterlife of the Realms are a well established fact, yet he often treats them as if it is just “faith”. That’s fine in the real world, but in the fantasy setting, the deities are very real and active. Maybe it’s just me, as the gods of the Realms are among my favored aspects of the setting, so I feel strongly about them. I’m surprised Corellon Larethian was even mentioned. I liked the touch of Buddhism in the teachings of the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, but a connection to everything doesn’t mean an absence (even absolute nothingness is implied in Buddhism to be a *something*, at least what I have read). But it seems like Bob treats the characters who have faith as lesser, ignorant. That’s fine if you believe that in real life—I am not a religious person, either—but again, the gods are an established fact in the Realms. Please, Bob, if you read this, acknowledge their existence a little more? And show some followers of Eilistraee and/or Vhaeraun. With Bregon D'earthe and characters like Yvonnel, there is great opportunity to do so. And with Zak's hatred of Lolth, showing him the teachings of Eilistraee would be a huge boon to him. I am glad we got confirmation it was not Lolth who returned Zak (I knew this since Hero, since Lolth herself confirmed she didn’t have him). But I still want to know the “good place” his soul was in. I hope we get that answer in the next book. Though the implication that Lolth wanted Zak back doesn’t make sense, because if she didn’t have him in the first place, how could she want him “back”? Semantics? But oh, man, the ending! Talk about a cliffhanger! I am sure Drizzt has some trick up his sleeve (having to do with being one with the world. Besides, there is one more book to go. Unless Bob is truly sadistic, I doubt he would give us that kind of end). I fear for Entreri. I hope he gets out of that situation soon! Despite my feelings about Bob’s treatment of the Realms, I do await the next one, because…that ending… Nothing worse than being chased by a big, bad spider. I would probably die of fright. On a side note, I also wonder if Joen’s Heirloom is a reference to Joen from Stone of Tymora.

Too much and too little

I have loved this series for more than 20 years and for the first time I am truly disappointed in it. This entry is schizophrenic, jumping from past to present, bouncing from one point of view to the next with very little time spent in one place. The jumps to the past in particular feel really bad. Perhaps they are building to something in the future but for now it just feels like filler because Salvatore doesn't know what to do with the massive powerful cast of characters he has in the current timeline so he instead focuses on Jarlaxle and Zaknafein. Unfortunately that filler comprises half the pages. As with everything Salvatore the fights are fantastically written, and the only reason this isn't a 1 star, but unlike previous entries they all feel nearly pointless. The enemies here are either unbeatable, unchallenging, or some outside force intervenes to make the whole encounter pointless. I will read the next entry, especially with the way this one ends, but I truly hope Salvatore finds a way to recapture the magic he instilled in the series for so many years. If not it may finally be time to let Drizzt and the Companions rest.

Couldn't put it down!

So for a series that's going on for three decades, you'd think the story would go a little stale, but that's not the case with this latest book. I adore this book, it went by too fast, it started off with a bang and ended on one too. I can't wait for the next book!

He’s getting old.

The main plot didn’t move along very much and most of the pairings of characters and their relationships seemed contrived and unnatural without much depth or thought to developing them to have unique reactions to each other. The demons are also an incredibly shallow antagonist and don’t really seem scary or threatening at all throughout the story. This and Timeless are probably the worst books in the series since Dellie Curtie was around and I thought about giving it a 2/5 rating but the sword fights are good and the ending of the book set up the potential for the Next book to hopefully right some of the wrongs of the last two books. After two misses in a row you have to wonder if Salvatore still has IT. Here’s hoping.

Bummer boring impossible to believe - don't buy it! Don't waste your money! Not worth it.

I love RA Salvatore books. I've bought every single book about the forgotten realms and Drizzt. He peaked at the book that reincarnated the companions of the hall, especially writing about Regis and Toppolina and the lich wreck. Ok on to the bad news. This book sucks. The book has no plot. Has no character development. Flips between hundreds of years is confusing as heck, and the worst sin possible? DRIZZT THROWS AWAY ALL OF HIS ARMOR AND WEAPONS TO FIGHT A DEVIL NAKED?!!!! WTH IS RA SALVATORE THINKING? SURE, EMASCULATE DRIZZT, MAKE HIM DEFENSELESS THEN KILL HIM OFF, SURE OK WHATEVER. RA SALVATORE IS INTIMIDATED BY A Minority MAN BEING POWERFUL AND BEING ABLE TO KILL MONSTERS AND HAVE CHILDREN SO DRIZZT HAS NEVER EVER ACTUALLY KILLED ANYONE WITH DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS ITS ALWAYS "IMPLIED" THE MONSTER DIED. NOW HE RUNS AWAY FROM A DRIDER DEVIL DEMON CONSTRUCT NAKED??????SURE RA SALVATORE KEEP EMASCULATING DRIZZT. Really just kill Drizzt off or stop writing about him. We're tired of your drizzle and stupid plots. You really were at your peak when you wrote actual adventure modules like Artemis and Jaraxle killing dragons and going into the blood lands etc. I wish that RA Salvatore was back. Not this bored with Drizzt emasculated crap your writing now, bored with him, drained of ideas and stupid stupid plots. You've lost your most ardent supporters. I'm done. Don't buy this book for any reason. Trust me. Drizzt running around naked. Give me a break.

Excellent, as always

I have been reading this author from his beginning. I was a teen then, now I'm 45. His stories are just as compelling and dear to me now as ever before. Thank you Mr. Salvatore... Sincerely I thank you.

Great battles as always, plot is up in the air, but the infinite demon hordes are getting old

Like a lot of people I've read all of Salvatore's Drizzt novels and enjoyed most. However this is one of the few I've felt compelled to review. The overall introduction of Zaknafein to the series has been interesting. Salvatore has given the companions such tremendous powers that he has little choice but pulling other characters from their past that are able to run with them. And the Jarlaxle/Zaknafein bromance is both entertaining and enlightening helping move their characters forward to whatever inevitable conclusion Salvatore has come up with. I have personally enjoyed his back story, arguably the focus of Timeless, but continued here more than I enjoyed the main plot. So that's where this gets a star or two knocked off. The main story once again has a demon army rising up to crush the Dwarves and their allies. In addition to the demons, who have infinite resources/lesser demons to call on there are now two major demon constructs that are completely unstoppable coming after some characters. On top of that another major drow house has taken it upon them to march against the Dwarves, humans, and halflings even after multiple houses and countless nobels (and slaves) have gotten crushed repeatedly over the past couple hundred years. Ok. Sure. Let's go with that. Where is the balance against these demon hordes? The dwarven gods have basically given the Battlehammers a throne that gives them wisdom. That's swell. But Tyr and other goodly gods seem to not really be interested in the entire Abyss emptying out repeatedly on Faerun. A nobel family from Waterdeep is involved but apparently them raising a fleet of pirates along with demons and sending them against a city isn't enough to pique anyone's interest. There is a dwarven clan that has gone into an arrangement with these nobels and with demons to kill off other dwarves. I'm not even sure Duerger would knowingly ally with demons but here are a regular clan of Dwarves throwing their own beliefs out the window on a whim. Last complaint. And it's a small one but I think it's important. When a character is removed in a book from the series it's OK to let them stay removed. I won't say which character but Salvatore tends to bring back characters he really liked creating even after dramatically killing them off. Let them stay dead please. Take the opportunity to expand the characters you draw from. When I was halfway through this book I would have rated it 2 stars. It finishes off with a cliffhanger but left off giving me some hope that my issues with the main plot would be dealt with in the final book of the series. Really this is a 3 1/2 star rating but if the plot doesn't help clear up the mess of this book I'll probably come back and drop it back to 2 stars. One of the great things about Forgotten Realms is that there is a natural balance at work represented by the different gods and different races. Salvatore seems to have forgotten that in this latest series.

Middle of a tangled ball of dark yarn.

There was a time that I thought maybe these stories had lost some of what drew them to me but I wouldn’t put them down. This, like so many before prove that these characters and their journeys still have much to play out. We get to know even more about Jaraxle and Zaknafein’s relationship and history. We get to wonder how much that history and the relationships spawned so long ago may yet come in to play in the here and now. What more can they go through? Can any of them go through? What is racism and how does it taint how one views the world and how you might interact with those who have so much to offer you? How does growing up with such defined beliefs and narrow viewpoints hold one back? R.A. Salvatore writes fantasy, yes; however, he seems to have his pulse on what is happening outside on the streets of our reality.

It's a Drizzt novel but not really.

Huge huge huge fan have been reading these books over and over again since Crystal Shard was released and I was a freshman in high school. I am sure I will read this book again when the next one comes out, assuming one does, but... this book felt more like set up for another book. Most of the story centered on Drizzt's father, in the past, with story cutting back and forth between current events and past. Probably less than an 1/8 of the book followed Drizzt. Really enjoy Regis/Spider charecter but not much more with him either. And then a just a cliff hanger ending.

One Of The Best

The book is set in the past in Menzobarranzen and in the present in Menzobarranzen, Luskan, Gauntilgrym, Neverwinter and Waterdeep. It gives you quite bit of background in the years before Drizzt was born. Boundless goes deeper into the relationship between Jarlaxle and Zaknafien. I found the book fascinating and poignant. You see the Drizzt series in a whole new light. I would recommend Boundless to any fan of the Drizzt series.

Some good, some bad

I have had mixed feelings about the last several Drizzt novels. Drizzt was my introduction to the Realms, and I still love the character. But I feel like Bob just kind of…plays in the Faerun sandbox, so to speak, without really paying attention to the lore of the setting (though he did contribute greatly to the development of Menzo). Since the Drizzt novels are currently all we are getting, I personally think Bob has a responsibility to the setting and lore. With as much as he deals with drow, he has had ample opportunity to bring up Eilistraee and Vhaeraun, but he ignores them, even though he mentions there are other goodly drow. The gods and the afterlife of the Realms are a well established fact, yet he often treats them as if it is just “faith”. That’s fine in the real world, but in the fantasy setting, the deities are very real and active. Maybe it’s just me, as the gods of the Realms are among my favored aspects of the setting, so I feel strongly about them. I’m surprised Corellon Larethian was even mentioned. I liked the touch of Buddhism in the teachings of the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, but a connection to everything doesn’t mean an absence (even absolute nothingness is implied in Buddhism to be a *something*, at least what I have read). But it seems like Bob treats the characters who have faith as lesser, ignorant. That’s fine if you believe that in real life—I am not a religious person, either—but again, the gods are an established fact in the Realms. Please, Bob, if you read this, acknowledge their existence a little more? And show some followers of Eilistraee and/or Vhaeraun. With Bregon D'earthe and characters like Yvonnel, there is great opportunity to do so. And with Zak's hatred of Lolth, showing him the teachings of Eilistraee would be a huge boon to him. I am glad we got confirmation it was not Lolth who returned Zak (I knew this since Hero, since Lolth herself confirmed she didn’t have him). But I still want to know the “good place” his soul was in. I hope we get that answer in the next book. Though the implication that Lolth wanted Zak back doesn’t make sense, because if she didn’t have him in the first place, how could she want him “back”? Semantics? But oh, man, the ending! Talk about a cliffhanger! I am sure Drizzt has some trick up his sleeve (having to do with being one with the world. Besides, there is one more book to go. Unless Bob is truly sadistic, I doubt he would give us that kind of end). I fear for Entreri. I hope he gets out of that situation soon! Despite my feelings about Bob’s treatment of the Realms, I do await the next one, because…that ending… Nothing worse than being chased by a big, bad spider. I would probably die of fright. On a side note, I also wonder if Joen’s Heirloom is a reference to Joen from Stone of Tymora.

Too much and too little

I have loved this series for more than 20 years and for the first time I am truly disappointed in it. This entry is schizophrenic, jumping from past to present, bouncing from one point of view to the next with very little time spent in one place. The jumps to the past in particular feel really bad. Perhaps they are building to something in the future but for now it just feels like filler because Salvatore doesn't know what to do with the massive powerful cast of characters he has in the current timeline so he instead focuses on Jarlaxle and Zaknafein. Unfortunately that filler comprises half the pages. As with everything Salvatore the fights are fantastically written, and the only reason this isn't a 1 star, but unlike previous entries they all feel nearly pointless. The enemies here are either unbeatable, unchallenging, or some outside force intervenes to make the whole encounter pointless. I will read the next entry, especially with the way this one ends, but I truly hope Salvatore finds a way to recapture the magic he instilled in the series for so many years. If not it may finally be time to let Drizzt and the Companions rest.

Couldn't put it down!

So for a series that's going on for three decades, you'd think the story would go a little stale, but that's not the case with this latest book. I adore this book, it went by too fast, it started off with a bang and ended on one too. I can't wait for the next book!

He’s getting old.

The main plot didn’t move along very much and most of the pairings of characters and their relationships seemed contrived and unnatural without much depth or thought to developing them to have unique reactions to each other. The demons are also an incredibly shallow antagonist and don’t really seem scary or threatening at all throughout the story. This and Timeless are probably the worst books in the series since Dellie Curtie was around and I thought about giving it a 2/5 rating but the sword fights are good and the ending of the book set up the potential for the Next book to hopefully right some of the wrongs of the last two books. After two misses in a row you have to wonder if Salvatore still has IT. Here’s hoping.

Bummer boring impossible to believe - don't buy it! Don't waste your money! Not worth it.

I love RA Salvatore books. I've bought every single book about the forgotten realms and Drizzt. He peaked at the book that reincarnated the companions of the hall, especially writing about Regis and Toppolina and the lich wreck. Ok on to the bad news. This book sucks. The book has no plot. Has no character development. Flips between hundreds of years is confusing as heck, and the worst sin possible? DRIZZT THROWS AWAY ALL OF HIS ARMOR AND WEAPONS TO FIGHT A DEVIL NAKED?!!!! WTH IS RA SALVATORE THINKING? SURE, EMASCULATE DRIZZT, MAKE HIM DEFENSELESS THEN KILL HIM OFF, SURE OK WHATEVER. RA SALVATORE IS INTIMIDATED BY A Minority MAN BEING POWERFUL AND BEING ABLE TO KILL MONSTERS AND HAVE CHILDREN SO DRIZZT HAS NEVER EVER ACTUALLY KILLED ANYONE WITH DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS ITS ALWAYS "IMPLIED" THE MONSTER DIED. NOW HE RUNS AWAY FROM A DRIDER DEVIL DEMON CONSTRUCT NAKED??????SURE RA SALVATORE KEEP EMASCULATING DRIZZT. Really just kill Drizzt off or stop writing about him. We're tired of your drizzle and stupid plots. You really were at your peak when you wrote actual adventure modules like Artemis and Jaraxle killing dragons and going into the blood lands etc. I wish that RA Salvatore was back. Not this bored with Drizzt emasculated crap your writing now, bored with him, drained of ideas and stupid stupid plots. You've lost your most ardent supporters. I'm done. Don't buy this book for any reason. Trust me. Drizzt running around naked. Give me a break.

Excellent, as always

I have been reading this author from his beginning. I was a teen then, now I'm 45. His stories are just as compelling and dear to me now as ever before. Thank you Mr. Salvatore... Sincerely I thank you.

Great battles as always, plot is up in the air, but the infinite demon hordes are getting old

Like a lot of people I've read all of Salvatore's Drizzt novels and enjoyed most. However this is one of the few I've felt compelled to review. The overall introduction of Zaknafein to the series has been interesting. Salvatore has given the companions such tremendous powers that he has little choice but pulling other characters from their past that are able to run with them. And the Jarlaxle/Zaknafein bromance is both entertaining and enlightening helping move their characters forward to whatever inevitable conclusion Salvatore has come up with. I have personally enjoyed his back story, arguably the focus of Timeless, but continued here more than I enjoyed the main plot. So that's where this gets a star or two knocked off. The main story once again has a demon army rising up to crush the Dwarves and their allies. In addition to the demons, who have infinite resources/lesser demons to call on there are now two major demon constructs that are completely unstoppable coming after some characters. On top of that another major drow house has taken it upon them to march against the Dwarves, humans, and halflings even after multiple houses and countless nobels (and slaves) have gotten crushed repeatedly over the past couple hundred years. Ok. Sure. Let's go with that. Where is the balance against these demon hordes? The dwarven gods have basically given the Battlehammers a throne that gives them wisdom. That's swell. But Tyr and other goodly gods seem to not really be interested in the entire Abyss emptying out repeatedly on Faerun. A nobel family from Waterdeep is involved but apparently them raising a fleet of pirates along with demons and sending them against a city isn't enough to pique anyone's interest. There is a dwarven clan that has gone into an arrangement with these nobels and with demons to kill off other dwarves. I'm not even sure Duerger would knowingly ally with demons but here are a regular clan of Dwarves throwing their own beliefs out the window on a whim. Last complaint. And it's a small one but I think it's important. When a character is removed in a book from the series it's OK to let them stay removed. I won't say which character but Salvatore tends to bring back characters he really liked creating even after dramatically killing them off. Let them stay dead please. Take the opportunity to expand the characters you draw from. When I was halfway through this book I would have rated it 2 stars. It finishes off with a cliffhanger but left off giving me some hope that my issues with the main plot would be dealt with in the final book of the series. Really this is a 3 1/2 star rating but if the plot doesn't help clear up the mess of this book I'll probably come back and drop it back to 2 stars. One of the great things about Forgotten Realms is that there is a natural balance at work represented by the different gods and different races. Salvatore seems to have forgotten that in this latest series.

Middle of a tangled ball of dark yarn.

There was a time that I thought maybe these stories had lost some of what drew them to me but I wouldn’t put them down. This, like so many before prove that these characters and their journeys still have much to play out. We get to know even more about Jaraxle and Zaknafein’s relationship and history. We get to wonder how much that history and the relationships spawned so long ago may yet come in to play in the here and now. What more can they go through? Can any of them go through? What is racism and how does it taint how one views the world and how you might interact with those who have so much to offer you? How does growing up with such defined beliefs and narrow viewpoints hold one back? R.A. Salvatore writes fantasy, yes; however, he seems to have his pulse on what is happening outside on the streets of our reality.

It's a Drizzt novel but not really.

Huge huge huge fan have been reading these books over and over again since Crystal Shard was released and I was a freshman in high school. I am sure I will read this book again when the next one comes out, assuming one does, but... this book felt more like set up for another book. Most of the story centered on Drizzt's father, in the past, with story cutting back and forth between current events and past. Probably less than an 1/8 of the book followed Drizzt. Really enjoy Regis/Spider charecter but not much more with him either. And then a just a cliff hanger ending.

One Of The Best

The book is set in the past in Menzobarranzen and in the present in Menzobarranzen, Luskan, Gauntilgrym, Neverwinter and Waterdeep. It gives you quite bit of background in the years before Drizzt was born. Boundless goes deeper into the relationship between Jarlaxle and Zaknafien. I found the book fascinating and poignant. You see the Drizzt series in a whole new light. I would recommend Boundless to any fan of the Drizzt series.

Pwent is dead...

I feel like I enjoyed this one a bit more than Timeless, and found Zak less unlikable. However, I also feel it was more like standard Drizzt book material. The only thing I want to point out is that Pwent is back as a vampire. I was pretty sure they put him to rest, and checking the wiki, I saw that was indeed the case. When you have written so many books, I guess it is understandable to forget that a character was truly dead and gone--particularly when you bring so many back--but oops...

No flow

I love RA Salvatore and have been following his work for more than 25 years. But this is horrible. The plot is tenuous, the characters seem to have lost substance and it feels like it was rushed to publication. Also, Drow and Demons attacking the Dwarf stronghold again? Could we stop rehashing this old chestnut please?

Fantastic Read

I’ve been a fan of the Drizzt Series for a long while now. I originally read the prequel books back in my early teens, but had forgotten about them until I picked up the Thousand Orcs trilogy. It wasn’t until I had moved to the Carolinas that I got to read everything in between, and everything after. R.A Salvatore is a fantastic writer in my opinion. I personally feel like he has a fencing background based off of his fight scenes throughout each book. The foot work down to the swordplay. What I’m trying to say is he is very descriptive so I feel like I’m actually viewing everything. Movies can only portray so much emotion, and I’m not ragging on movies. I’m not afraid to say some movies have made me tear up. Sorry off topic... Boundless is the second book of R.A. Salvatores newest trilogy in the saga of Drizzt. Gauntlgrym is under siege by the Demon Armies. Drizzts’ father has been brought back from the dead into a world he is trying hard to understand. I love the reference to an old friend of the companions. “BOOM”. I highly recommend this trilogy as well as the rest of the saga. There are over 35 books not including some of the side stuff, but those are well written as well, exploring the life of the other characters. Which you should also read. It can be a bit expensive to acquire them all. I got lucky. I had a friend that had most of them, and lived near a used book store that carried them. Place was awesome too. I was also able to pick up the 3 books that George Lucas co-wrote with Chris Claremont that come after the Movie “Willow”. Looking forward to the release of the third book Relentless next year.

This book has the subtlety of a battering ram and the repetition of a one note instrument

It feels like half of the book is recapping things that have happened in the rest of the series. Every single time there is a reference to something that happened in a previous book, there's an entire paragraph explaining the reference, even for little things and it's ridiculous. I understand that the series is long, but you don't need to explain the same thing five separate times in one book. Similarly, many conversations last far longer than they need to, and even longer than they realistically could have lasted given the fact that in several, the characters speaking were literally being chased by demons who were supposedly hot on their heels, and yet there they are, having a full two and a half minute conversation arguing over who will go ride ahead and who will stay to distract the demons. They all should have died given the supposed timing. There is also no subtlety in the series anymore. There's nothing that's just left for the reader to infer, it's all explained, even if it really shouldn't be based on who is speaking and to whom, particularly in the chapters dealing with Menzoberranzan. Intrigue is supposed to be a way of life for the drow, and there is none, it is all spelled out in blatant terms and it feels rather ridiculous to be reading such obvious and clearly stated goals and then for the characters to essentially ignore how obvious everything is and pretend that it's all hush-hush. It makes them seem stupid and slow, when drow culture rewards cleverness, subtlety, and hidden agendas. More than that, the only characters with any meaningful flaws are Zaknafein with his racism (which he still is mostly overcoming in a disgustingly short amount of time given how deeply rooted these prejudices are supposed to be and his age), Dahlia with her bloodlust (which is honestly being stretched), and Kimmuriel with his detachment. It's also terribly transparent with who Salvatore wants you to dislike because of 'flaws' (Gromph and Beniago with their self-preservation, despite Jarlaxle being the same way and being portrayed as a far better person). Furthermore, the fact that Salvatore expects us to believe that he would kill off the series' namesake just before his child is born is laughable. The series has turned into Gary Stu and Co. and I find it a bit hard to swallow given that previously, Drizzt actually had flaws, and now it feels like he's supposed to be this perfect being alongside everyone else in the main group. I've read all of the novels in The Legend of Drizzt, and the only thing that has remained consistent in its quality from the beginning to now has been the sword fights, and I'm genuinely sorry to say that. I used to love this series, but if I'm honest the last good book was The Ghost King, which is sad to say. I'm not sure I'll continue to read after this one, and the fact that so many people praise this book so highly makes me question the sanity of the fanbase, which I also find sad. I wish the series was still good, and I understand that not all of this is on Salvatore, but on Wizards of the Coast, but there comes a point where you just have to give up on a series, and I think this might be it for me.

This series never disappoints!

To be honest, I was getting a bit bored with Drizzt a few books ago. Yes, he was the baddest ranger alive, etc etc etc. I love the books, but had wondered what could be done new. Honestly, the Sellswords Trilogy were some of my favorite books in this series, as Jarlaxle is probably my favorite character in any fantasy series ever. I very much love how this series is following Jarlaxle and Zaknafien into the past, giving some back story while continuing to move the plot of the current story forward. It is refreshing my love for the Legend of Drizzt series.

Very Interesting

This was another very good read concerning the Dark Elf Drizzt Do'Urden. And as usual, he and his friends are up to their eyeballs in trouble. It is how they get out of it that is the basis for this story. There is a war brewing and they are directly in the middle of it. There are unexpected surprises, very tragic deaths of some major characters, and some very complex and intriguing twists and turns.

Liked it, can't wait for the next book

Drizzt has become a friend and sort of a role model for many. Not because you can train for centuries warrior experience, or become a monk, but because you can simply continue improving your self. Salvatore makes an always enjoyable read and keeps the action flowing through the pages. Though the scene in the Primordial chamber could've been more dramatic and lengthy, it was good enough. Can't wait for the next book.

Another great read by R A

I've read the entire Dritzz series and more of R.A's books. I have loved them all. This trilogy covers a lot of back story and fills in some gaps and answers some of the long standing questions concerning Dritzz's father Zacknefein. It's not the best he's written but still a great read. My favorite continues to be the Icewind Dale trilogy. You keep writing Bob and I'll keep reading.

Zaknafein's story.....Drizzt's future.

Boundless is the tale of two times; what came before and what's coming next. What came before with Zaknafein and Jarlaxle is the best reading here. I'd trade every bit of Regis, Dahlia, and Artems in the here and now for Zaknafein's point of view of that long ago final battle with House Simfray. I'm surprised at how many have mentioned the "cliffhanger" ending. Means to an end. The teachings of Grandmaster Kane will transcend.

One of my favorite books in the saga so far... And with close to 2 dozen books it is a saga!

This was an awesome story. I haven't seen the Sword Coast in such a perilous situation with a demon army rampaging the above and a massive Drow Army on the march from below, not to mention a fleet wreaking havoc along the coast. I can't wait to read the next book. I'm already preordered for this summer's release!

Suspense is the name of the game

The only negative thing I'll say about this book is that IT ENDED! I mean twists and turns are one thing but Salvatore plays we, the fans, like instruments, or Drizzt's Scimitars, sincerely! From moment one to the last sight of our chosen Champion, you will be held in place and will wonder at every turn "WHAT NEXT!"


Over the years I’ve always been excited to get the next book in the series. Upon doing so I would read straight though and finish in a day maybe two tops. This book took me four months to get through. Almost nothing in the story wanted me to keep reading. The Retriever bit seems a bit desperate. The Wulfgar plot was meh. Entreri who used to be Drizzt equal is now a side gag. Drizzt has no mortal weaknesses. The whole thing just seemed forced. I’ll buy the next book to finish the series but maybe the story should end...

New adventures to fill the mind.

I love and always will love the Drizzt series. The Dark Elf trilogy was my first trip in to the fantasy world and I have followed him ever since. I have no desire to meet any celebrity or author save for R.A. Salvatore.

RA Salvatore Never Disappoints

There is not much to say that already hasn't been said in the reviews for this amazing novel. I really enjoyed this book, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of Drizzt or an avid follower of RA Salvatore's novels. I felt the pacing in the book was a little slow, but that did not take away from my enjoyment at reading this book. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Exciting but we know it’s not the end

A good read and certainly full of backstory and intrigue, the reader also knows it’s not the end (book 2 of 3 after all), but this is certainly building to a big climax. So far only 1 god has taken then field... surely the level of intervention is going to draw the other immortals out?


I am a faithful Drizzt fan, but this book was not a good read. I will always continue to await eagerly any and all books related to Salvatore's Drizzt creation therefore I can only hope book three in this series does a better job of tying the first two novels in the Generations series together. I am deeply saddened that Salvatore's writing seriously digressed in the Boundless novel.


It's the second book in a three book series, and while I enjoyed it just like all of Salvatores books, I know it will end on a huge cliffhanger of events and now wait another year to find out more. Great writing as always though.


I have always loved R. A. Salvatore’s work and once again he doesn’t disappoint. This story grabs you and keeps you hooked all the way through. My only disappointment is that the book ended and now I have to wait for his next one.

Love These Hereos

Was a great book start to finish. I don't care for books that do the flash back sometimes I need to remember what is going on and when. But a very solid book looking forward to book 3

It will leave you breathless

Love the author, book, and Drizzt. This book was fast-paced and so many things going on that I didn't know I was at the end of the book until I was. I can't wait for the next book.

Great book as usual by salvatore

Drizzt continues to grow and shine as a lead character. Jarlaxel is still one of my favorite elves. The only thing I did not like about this book, is that I read it too fast. And now have to wait for the next one

Rollercoaster of events!

Like many of the previous Drizzt books, this one is definitely a page turner and keeps you wanting to not stop reading. Cannot wait to finish this trilogy with Drizzt and Zaknafein!

Standard Drizzt

It's nice seeing what shaped Zaknafein but the rest is standard Drizzt. Demons and Drow with the stakes getting higher. The shock twists at the end are fairly telegraphed and easy to see where the story is going with them.


Progress. He's moving the plot forward finally. Pretty decent work, much less Dhalia which is a good thing. I'd love it if he went a little more in to his training with grandmaster Kane, but hey, overall much more good than bad. Keep it up!


Wait that's it? Holy crap what a cliff hanger... absolutely amazing book, but wth? When's the next book coming out? Just wow

A great Salvatore book. One of the best so far

I have never had a Salvatore book let me down. Some have been better than other but all have been GREAT. This one is among my favorite books so far in this series.

Crazy stuff going on!

I am not really sure how this is going to end . So many things, reveals, and plots it's crazy. I love all the chaos going on. Looking forward to next book to see what happens.


Boundless continues to add heart and soul to what is already an incredibly fleshed out story. The characters grow and evolve to a degree that invests the reader. Unpredictable, inspiring, and insightful storytelling that has you counting down the time until you can read the next installment.

The Beginning of a new Drizzit Saga

Great action as usual. Too short. Strange interlude in the Drow city appears to be filler material, good but out of context. Highly recommend but ask author to stay on the thread next time. The next one should be one of the best and very long read!

Drow politics bad, main story good.

Good book, but I find drow politics very boring, thus my mid-level rating. When Salvatore sticks with the main story in the current timeline, it's amazing, but the back story from the past isn't. Love these books, and still recommend reading.

Oh no, horrible things are happening.....

that is in book 2 of a 3 book series. Can our heroes survive. Well, given that this is about book one million of the Drizzt books, my money is on Drizzt.

It doesn’t disappoint

I love these series of books. Salvatore has such a knack with making the drow elves both sinister and hated yet you find yourself rooting for certain characters before you even realise you like them.


Great reveal into the history of two mighty drow warriors and the ‘relationships’ of the other diabolical members of the underdark.

Love Drizzt!

You just cannot go wrong with the fantasy series about the Companions of the Hall! Easily the best of all in the Fantasy realm

An amazing series just keeps getting better!

This is back to the best of Salvatore's Drizzt storyline. The characters are well developed before this novel so the action and intrigue flow quickly. It feels a little bit rushed at times but that is easily overlooked as the storyline progresses.

What can I say...Salvatore delivers another great Drizzt/Forgotten Realms story!!!

I dunno what to say without giving spoilers lol. I have read all of the Drizzt books and this one doesn't disappoint. A great followup to Timeless. Can't wait for the next in the series!!!

Good read

Everything I've come to expect from Mr. Salvatore. Great read as always! I can't wait for the next installment in the series.

Beware the false cover.

I love RA Salvatore novels. But when buying this book, the cover says "A Drizzt Novel" my favorite character of his. After reading the 1st part then starting the 2and part. I only found 1 line he was on. I get so tired of the politics of Menzoberranzan. Though this had less then his pervious I still labored in reading it. It is rare I give up on a book. But I was really looking forward to a classic adventure of Drizzt and his companions.

Another Instant Classic

One of the best in the series! Great plot development, can't wait for the next one! Just wish it was a little longer!!

Sci-fi at it's best

amazing writer, can't wait for the next book on Drizzt. I have purchased these novels since it's beginning.WOW.


Completely surprised how he keeps it going after all these years. I picked these books up years and years ago and how he brought everybody back and keeps the storytelling so fresh I love it.Drizzt will go down as my favorite character in any book I’ve ever read easily.

Gift for my husband

My husband loves this author and is never disappointed with his books. He literally owns every single one of them. This isn't exactly my genre but from what I hear from his D&D friends it is quite popular.

Well done.

I can't imagine giving Mr Salvatore anything other than a 5 star rating. He is my favorite fantasy author and always manages to deliver. It baffles me why he is such a lib, but we can't all be perfect.

Pretty good

Pretty good not great. Liked the 1st one in the series better. Will still read the next one. Hopefully it will improve

Great addition

Have read all of the companion of the hall series, great addition to the series

It was good

It was good as usual. Though a bit more introspective, a nice change from the usual sword slinging Salvatore does

Great Read

A very good read, a very surprising ending. Can’t wait for the next in this amazing series, more Drizzt please.


I really enjoyed this book! I can’t wait to start reading the final book Relentless ! R A Salvatore is one of the best SYFY authors around!


I bought this as a gift for my husband and he hasn't been able to put it down. He is absolutely a HUGE fan of R.A. Salvatore and his books!

Great read

Going on to the next book. I hope it is as good as this one. Enjoy the book, I did.

Salvatore- King of descriptive battles!

No holds barred action from the beginning to the end. I will never cease to be amazed by Salvatore's ability to weave battle descriptions and the "humanity" of his characters in such a way to draw you in and connect you to their story.

So much action

Reminiscent of all the hopelessness felt when reading the thousand orc trilogy, this one does not fail to disappoint! Stellar book.

Must Read

One of the best that Salvatore has put together.

Great book

Another great book. Exciting filled with action.

Another masterful book. Can’t wait for the 3rd!

Another book that just flew by. Character development that continues to set a standard & he always leaves you wanting more.

Drizzt is still alive and well.

I love Salvatore's writing, and Drizzt is a truly unforgettable character.

Salvatore Strikes Again

Salvatore has always been and remains absolutely amazing.


Drizzt is amazing, I'm waiting on the edge of my seat for the next one to be released!

Another great book.

Wow, the RA Salvatore forgotten realms books since "The Companions" have just been awesome. Great character development, world-shaping, interesting magic and lore and of course what he is perhaps most famous for - great fantasy action.

The end?

A great crazy adventure that left me needing more! Is this the last of Dizzit? Hoping to find out more on the next installment!

The main character develops supernatural powers.

Drizzit has become too powerful to be very interesting.

Great read!!

The only thing that I didn’t like about this book is that I have to wait another year to find out what happens to sooo many characters!! Salvatore rarely disappoints!

Great story

I like the continuation of Drizzt

Awesome Story!

The history and ties to Zacknafien’s past made the story really jump off the page for me! I cannot wait for the next book!!!

Great as always!

I cant wait for the next book, but I need 13 more words to leave a review on Amazon. Sigh.


Once again a masterpiece, I have never been let down by Salvatore. I started reading these books 14 years ago in high school. They never fail.

The end???????

Could this be the end?????????? If it's then it is an interesting end of this great series of books. I hope not.

Must have series. Buy them all.

Coolest ever no question.

Love my book

Love my book, exactly what I was hoping for in this next installment of this series.

Great book.

Great book.

Great book

Great book

Riveting as always

More fast paced action from our favorite author, it's shocking to see how quickly I was running out of book.


The writing is on took so long for this book to come closure at all? That's what I loved about these books...some sort of closure and lead into others. Not a good new recipe here. Feels like the book was half written.

Fantastic book

I’ve read off of his “Companion” series of books. He has a wonderful knack of keeping your interest through the novel. Would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys good writing.


No issues - its a book, you read it!

Outstanding With Clearly More to Come

Mr. Salvatore never disappoints. The Boundless (Generations) novels has compacted much in the first two novels that only more to come can satisfy me, and I am quite confident all of Mr. Salvatore 's other extensive list of fans. Thank you Sir.

Feels Rushed

I've read nearly all of the Drizzt novels. The beginning of this novel feels rushed and poorly written, as if the author was under time constraints. It does get better as it gets going.

Not your best Mr. Salvatore

I've been a die-hard dormant years now. I was eagerly awaiting this continuation of the trilogy, but am sadly disappointed. The story jumpy, descriptions weak (for you), and very little suspense build up. Not your best work.


My favorite series finally continued.... but the size difference between the two books kills me inside everytime I see it.

To the past and back.

Another book from RA that begs to be read. The demonic plague from Timeless grows and RA takes us back to see more of Zaknafein’s character development and history in Menzoberranzan. The story returns to modern Dale reckoning time and ends with plenty of loose ends to keep fans ardently awaiting the next chapter in the saga.

He’s done it once more.

Unmatched and unbeatable, the Legend of Drizzt carries the mantle of Champion. Along with his companions, they are above reproach. I’m on to the next adventure.

Great Read

It's Drizzt for crying out loud! Always love his journey and his insights on the world at large! If you're a fan, then you already know what lies between these covers. Click Buy..


I have been following the Drizzt series since I was a child and I have never gotten tired of the novels produced by RA salvatore. Each story allows for a new perspective into the character that also for an introspective examination.


I didn’t actually read it yet but I know it will be awesome

Easy read.

Once again Mr. Salvatore has a winner.

Hubby liked

Bought this for my husband and I could not believe how quickly it arrived. I ordered it like on a Sunday and it was here THE NEXT DAY! He loved the book too:)

Boyfriend approves

Got this as a gift to surprise my boyfriend for Christmas. He read 75% of the book within the first two days so I guess you could say it’s an enjoyable read!

Drizzt is amazing as always!

loved it! another chapter in life of Drizzt. i cant wait for the next book!

Did it again

Fool me once same on you... Another great adventure with Drizzt and the gang. Well done Mr. Salvatore. Fun read.

Please, please hurry!

I am excited beyond words for the next book. The overwhelming odds are nerve wracking and exhilarating !!! Please, don’t make us wait too long!!

A must read book!

I could not put this book down. Excellent writing and the story just pulls you in. A must read for any fantasy lover!

Back story

Back story was great, I would rather have read the whole book with just Zak and Jax. Hreat segway to the next book though.

Excellent fantasy series!

Love this entire series, started reading it when i was 19 and have read every book upon release since then. I think it will be sad when the story finally comes to a conclusion!


This is one of my favourite authors and you never get tired of his stories. Have read all the books he had written and can't wait for the next one.



R.A.Salvatore delivers as usual.

Can't wait for the next book in the series, I hope it's coming soon. Salvatore is great at cliff hangers

Excited to be back on a Drizzt adventure.

Great read! If you loved Drizzt before, you'll love adventuring with him and his companions once again. Salvatore's depth of story is on display with this exciting continuation of his epic Drizzt saga.

amazing as usual

Great read as always; by far my favorite character. I’ve followed Drizzt since the beginning and always want to read and reread his adventures

Wonderful Series

Love the series & author! I always look forward to the next release.

Another great tale

Amazing book, learned alot about a few of my favorite characters like Jarlaxle. Jumped back in forth on timeline abit must pay close attention to that.

Cant wait to read more

Good story cant wait till book 3 comes out

A step down from his other books.

The story is just one long battle. No real character/story development.

Salvatore to your door

Brand new and fast shipping. Can’t wait for the next book

great book!

A continuing saga!


Fantastic as ever. Particularly enjoyed delving into more drow history.

Salvatore is the man.

I love this book.


If you are not reading this series or haven't read any of the Drizzt books, you are sorely missing out.


This novels are one of my favorites if you are reading this please get the other books and lost yourself on an amazing adventure

Excellent, but short

Seems like these books are getting shorter and shorter... or am I just a faster reader now? Seems each book is just too short.

Great book

Love this book! Hate the author

Great book

This is my favorite writer of all times the book was awesome I love it.

Not bad, not great...

Could've been better. Feels like a filler book.


Well written. Compelling. Can’t wait for the next book. It’s hard to combine two story lines, different times. But Salvatore does it so well.

Always amazing!

Loved it..and these cliffhangers are still making me crazy😂 I can't say more without spoiling it. Keep it up Bob!!


Amazing as usual. I cant wait for the next especially the parts about Regis he's my favorite these days! Wow

Very intriguing

Very well done, I look forward to his next novel in this series. Leaves you wanting for more every time.

Love the author



Another good book. Always look forward to new ones. This one did not disappoint. Six more words to go now

Great shipping time!

Ordered this for my Fiancé. Great price and super fast shipping! Very pleased with the packaging it came in so there was no damage!!

Good read

It was a good read however he sort of backtracked one of his earlier books ok one subject which I will not spoil here

Great book!

I've been following drizzt since I was able to read. I can never get enough of the companions of the hall. Long live king bruenor!

Going on an adventure.

Looking forward to the next book. Salvatore does it again; takes us on a journey and who knows where it will end in the next book.

Great read

What I’ve come to expect from a Drizzt novel. Been reading them for 30 years and haven’t been disappointed yet.

Thank you Salvatore

Loved it as always!

Great book

They all are from this author. It just ended too soon, and with many open ends!

What’s not to like

Love Salvatore!

Cliffhanger much?

Umm. I need the next book. Like, yesterday. Seriously Robert, no sunlight for you until I have the next book in my hand.

Great book to read!

The flow of the book was the best part. I don’t think I didn’t like anything about the book or the way it was written.

Classic R.A. Salvatore and Drizzt

This is another classic Drizzt novel loved every minute of it

Need the ending.

Great but need more answers have to know how it all ends guess I'll just have to wait a little

Quite the page turner

Been on this ride for almost 30 years and I start looking forward to the next book the moment the covers closed.

Excellent reading!

We need more of this kind of hero everyday. He has taught me much about life and how I should be a part of it

Drizzt Never Disappoints!

More of what I've come to love. My son is reading the Drizzt novels as well, and they spark his imagination.

Great price fast shipping!!

Love this book series

Very short....hopefully next book coming soon

It felt unfinished....too much left to the imagination, and maybe that was on purpose.

Great book

Salvatore continues to keep me interested after 30+ years

Great story

As always, Salvatore didn't disappoint. Great story with twists and turns.


Always love reading these books

The Best!

He is the best!


best series ever written.

Timely delivery

Brand new.

Great author.

My husband was thrilled to see it.

3rd time read through. Love it.

3rd time reading. Love it.

Always worth it

This series only gets better with each book

Follows series really well, continues building the characters

Damn good book

Great game!

My son loves this game.

Love this


Read them all. Trust me.

Every book Salvatore writes is a beautiful and complex work of art.


Epic, epic!! Bravo Sir Bob.

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